Legend of Heroes 6 Second Chapter

Legend of Heroes 6 Second Chapter

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Sora no Kiseki: Second Chapter

Written by Xcomp
Version 1.10
March 2006

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Version History
3.0 Quarts, Septium and Arts
4.0 Bracer Guild and Quests
5.0 Cooking and Recipes
6.0 Fishing
7.0 Walkthrough
7.1 Prologue , A Maiden's Decision
7.2 Chapter 1, A Lurking Shadow
7.3 Chapter 2, The Ruined Lands
7.4 Chapter 3, A Mad Tea Party
7.5 Chapter 4, The Fog Demon's Intention
7.6 Chapter 5, Those You Must Protect
7.7 Chapter 6, Where Fate Lies
7.8 Chapter 7, The Four Ring Towers
7.9 Chapter 8, A Land of Confusion
7.10 Final Chapter, Sora no Kiseki
8.0 Credits & Contact Info

1.0 Introduction

Prologue from the prequel, First Chapter...

Bracers. That was the name given to those that gave priority to a
civilian's safety and who protected the peace, as well as exterminating
monsters and stopping crime.

They did not belong to any country and acted on a neutral stance. The
job was the aspirations of many young people.

Living near the city of Rolent in Liberl Kingdom, Estelle Bright was one of
those young people and who's father was a Bracer. Together with Joshua, who
was like a real brother to her, they trained hard, aiming to become

One day, a letter arrives for her father Cassius. After reading the letter,
Cassius told his children that he had some important business before
setting off on his journey. Being Apprentice Bracers, Joshua and Estelle
were left to handle the jobs that their father was supposed to do as a

In this era, people lived their lives supported by a technology known
as Orbments. Since the Orbmental Revolution 50 years ago, Orbments has been
put to much practical use including the development of flying airships. It
has rapidly improved the lives of many.

However, many countries were also beginning to use the Orbmental technology
in military weapon development. Fears that countries may try to invade each
other grew and the land began to show signs of chaos.

In such times, there was one small but proud independent country known as
the Liberl Kingdom. There Estelle's adventure as a Bracer will take place
as she meets many people and matures through her experiences...

This game is the long awaited sequel to Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki
in which we continue to follow the story of Estelle Bright and the dark
events taking place in the Liberl Kingdom.

Estelle begins her journey to look for her missing Joshua while
strange events occur around the kingdom. A mysterious organisation
known as the "Ouroboros" threatens the peace...

So what's new in this second game?

- New Orbment System and Arts
- New Chain Craft System and Crafts
- Fishing and Gambling Mini Games
- Voice Effects

Developer: Falcom
Release Date: 9th March 2006
Price: 8400 Yen (Single Limited Edition)

The limited edition of the game comes with a Photo Story Book and drama CD
which recaps what happened in the prequel. However, both items can also be
bought separately at the time of writing.

A special "secret" bonus item was also added to those who ordered the game
early. This was a theme song CD containing the opening song "Gin no Ishi,
Kin no Tsubasa" (Silver Will, Golden Wings) and the ending song "I
Swear..." in a slim DVD case.

Hoping to make the gameplay a smoother experience for those who aren't
literate in Japanese, I decided to translate part of a Japanese fan
site. This guide basically gives you pointers about where to go or what to
do to trigger the next main story event.

As I done this translation after finishing the game, you'll find that some
of the English name translations don't conform to the official ones used
ingame. I didn't take a note of them unfortunately so please bear that in
mind when using this guide and you find the English names are different.

Also, the story synopsises I added were also written after I finished the
game so it's all written from memory. There will probably be some
discreprancies between what happened in the game and what I've written but
there should be few.

This guide contains Japanese (Shift-JIS Encoding) so it's best to view with
a browser such as Firefox.

Hope this guide helps you!

2.0 Version History

28/3 - v1.00

- This guide.

31/3 - v1.01

- Added more info about the limited edition of the game in the
- Added note about which encoding to view this guide in.
- Added story synopsises to prologue and chapters 1 to 3 in
- Added info about bonuses obtained by using a saved file from the

3/4 - v1.02

- Added synopsises to chapter 4 to 7.
- Added an explanation of the various stats a character has to Quarts
- Changed chapter 4's title from "Mist Demon" to "Fog Demon".

5/4 - v1.10

- Added synopsises to the final two chapters.
- Added in Romaji lyrics to opening and end song as well as translations.
- Added more info about how to use the Orbment Device.

3.0 Quarts, Septium and Arts

In the game, you will have an Orbmental Battle Device which you can use to
boost your character's stats and give him/her magical spells known as Arts.

To do so, you must first collect Septium, elemental crystals that provide
power to the machinary in the world of Legend of Heroes VI. While in the
cities, miners go mine for these crystals, you fight monsters that drop
them instead.

Once you have a fair amount of Septium, you can go to the local Orbment
store to get these Septium made into Quarts. These Quarts can then be used
with your Battle Device.

There are seven types of Septium in the game that are used to create Quarts -
Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Illusional, Time and Sky.

You'll notice that each Quarts has a certain Septium value to it. By
putting Quarts of the same element on the same coloured line in the device,
you can gain more powerful Arts to use.

For example, HP 1 is worth 1 Water Septium. Putting this alone in any slot
will give you access to Arts that only require 1 Water Septium which are
Tia (a healing spell) and Aqua Blade (a water based attack spell).

If you then get a HP 2 (worth 3 Water Septiums) and set it in a slot that
is on the same coloured line as the HP 1, then you'll get access to spells
that require 4 Septiums or less such as Tiara, a more powerful healing
spell than Tia.

A full chart that lists all the possible Septium combinations can be
found under Memo in the Bracer Handbook. You can access this by clicking
the green circle at the bottom-right of the screen.

Note that some slots will only accept Quarts of a certain element. These
are indicated by the colour of the lines that surround the slot.

The following is an explanation of what each stat does to your character:

HP Hit Points Once this hits zero, your character will be
knocked out.

EP Energy Points You must have a certain amount of these to
be able to use an Art.

CP Craft Points You must have a certain amount of these to
use a Craft.

STR Strength Determines your physical damage output.
The higher it is, the more damage you do.

DEF Defence Determines your defence against physical
attacks. The higher it is, the less damage
you receive against physical attacks.

ATS Art ? Determines your Art's magical damage
output. The higher it is, the more damage
you do.

ADF Art Defence Determines your defence against magical Art
attacks. The higher it is, the less damage
you receive against Arts.

SPD Speed Determines how long until your character's
next move.

DEX Dexterity Determines the chance of hitting a target.
The higher it is, the higher the chance of
hitting your target.

AGL Agility Determines the chance of dodging an attack.
The higher it is, the higher the chance of

MOV Movement Determines how far you can move per turn.

RNG Range Determines how far ranged attacks can

4.0 Bracer Guild and Quests

There are optional side quests in the game which can be obtained by looking
at the noticeboard in the Bracers Guild now and then. Clicking on them will
add it to your Bracer Handbook and it will also tell you the time limit
that the quest must be completed within. Usually this is "Long" (complete
it within a few events) or "Short" (complete it before the next event).

By completing these side quests as well as the main quests, you'll gain
Mira (the game's currency) as well as a number of BP (Bracer Points). The
amount of BP you get after completing a quest and reporting in depends on
how well you done it. For example, one of quest requires you to look for a
number of ingredients. You may just find the minimum amount to complete the
quest or, you could find more to gain bonus BP.

During the main Bracer quests (part of the story), you're expected to pay
attention to the dialogue and then later use your deduction skills to
answer a question. By picking the best answer, you get extra BP too.

Not all quests can be found on the noticeboard. Sometimes you can get a
"hidden" quest by talking to NPCs.

The amount of BP you have determines your rank which ranges from A to G.
Each time you get a promotion, you gain a rare item that you can't purchase
from the local stores.

You can check your rank and Bracer stats in your handbook.

5.0 Cooking and Recipes

Recipes can be obtained by purchasing food from the local restaurant, bar,
pavillion etc. After consuming the food, the recipe will be added to your
Recipe Handbook.

Most ingredients can be bought from the grocery or items store. A few can
only be obtained by killing monsters.

Once you have the necessary ingredients, you can click on the dish name on
the left and then select the quantity you wish to cook.

6.0 Fishing

All you need is a rod and some bait. A rod can be obtained from quests or
bought from the stores while bait is only dropped from monsters.

To fish, you'll have to find a spot in Liberl where there is a ripple in
the water. Afterwards, all you have to do is select a rod and what bait you
want to use. When an exclamation mark appears, left-click and hope you
manage to catch the fish!

7.0 Walkthrough

At many points of the game, there will be a list of choices during
dialogues. It doesn't really matter if you get the answer wrong although if
you want a high Bracer rank then, try to follow the answers listed in this

I recommend taking a look at the Characters section of the official website
so that you know who's who.

You'll find the address at the end of this guide in the credits section.

For those of you who played the prequel and still have your saved
game files on your hard drive, a green message should appear when you start
a new game. This will ask if you want to resume from one of those files or
not. If you choose the first option yes then, you will get a few bonuses.

Your initial character levels will differ depending on what level your
characters finished at in the prequel:

Level 35 or Under - Level 35.
Level 36 to 39 - Start with characters at the corresponding level.
Level 40 or Above - Start at level 40.

If you obtained a maximum of 368 Bracer Points in the prequel, you will
also receive a "Quarts of Fortune".

Besides that, there should be other bonus items you can get depending on
what you done in the prequel but, currently not all of them are known.

Last but not least, NPC dialogue will also change depending on whether you
helped them or not in the prequel.

With all that in mind, lets start the game!



After a long comfortable sleep, Estelle awakens to find herself in Grancel
Castle. For a moment, she sits there wondering what she was doing in the
castle. Then she remembered how she came back to the castle after the
celebrations. Joshua had said farewell to her with a kiss before she passed
out. His harmonica now laid in her hand but Joshua himself was no where to
be seen. Frantically, she rushes out of her room to look for him only to
find Scherazard nearby. Schera didn't know where Joshua was either but
pointed out that she saw Estelle's father outside in the garden. As Estelle
decided to go ask her father, Schera pulls out a tarot card of

Outside in the garden, Cassius stood staring out into the open, deep in
thought. Approaching her father, a panicking Estelle began to tell him that
Joshua had gone missing but Cassius already knew. In a calm tone, he told
Estelle it would be impossible to find him if that boy really didn't want
to be found.

Estelle had never questioned her father about who Joshua really was
since he was adopted as a small boy five years ago into their family. But
now, she wanted to know who Joshua really was.

Joshua, was a member of the Ouroboros, Cassius revealed. The organisation
that had been behind the Coup D'etat incident and the ones manipulating
everything to cause chaos in the Liberl Kingdom.

All this time, Joshua had been unconciously acting as a spy while he was
living together with them, leaking out information to the enemy. For this
reason, he felt it was time he fulfilled his promise that he made to
Cassius on the day he lost his memories and was adopted. The promise that
when one day, he brings trouble to the family, he would leave.

Estelle stood in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Neither
did she like the fact that her father didn't tell her everything sooner.
Estelle runs off out of the castle in sorrow. She wouldn't believe
that the Joshua she grew up with and loved was gone. All that time they had
spent together... It couldn't have been all just an act.

Rain poured down from the sky as Estelle ran through the streets. A
patrolling soldier comes over to greet her. He wondered what Estelle
was doing out in the rain and suggested she should stay home in this kind
of weather. Estelle brightened up as a thought struck her. Joshua couldn't
have left her just like that. He must have just returned home.

Thanking the soldier, Estelle rang happily to the airport to take the next
airship home.

Aboard the airship, Estelle meets a cheerful, green haired young man who
introduced himself as Priest Kevin. Kevin was enjoying the ride and just
couldn't help notice the cute little girl standing by the side. Showing his
badge, he told her he worked for the Nanateru and was a travelling priest
who went from town to town helping those in need. For a moment, Estelle
happily chatted together with Kevin but suddenly, she burst out into tears.

A few moments later, Estelle had calmed down and was inside the viewing
room together with Kevin. While she was embarassed about what happened, she
told him that she was travelling back to Rolent to meet Joshua.
Coincidentally, Kevin was going there to work and so asks Estelle to show
him around. Estelle was more than happy to but she wanted to get back home
first. She invites Kevin over and also says she'll introduce Joshua to him

Before long, Estelle arrives outside her home. She runs in and shouts out
Joshua's name, letting him know she was back home. There was no answer.

Checking the rooms slowly one by one, Joshua was no where to be found and
Estelle grew sad with each room she checked. Finally, she arrived at the
last one where Joshua could be. Joshua's bedroom. Estelle knocks before she
enters. But of course, Joshua wasn't there either. She was just fooling

Estelle falls to the ground in the despair as she thought she could no
longer see Joshua again. Kevin comes into the room to comfort her and
encourages her not to giveup. He makes her think back to the last time she
saw Joshua and if she could remember anything strange about him.

Thinking back to the time when they were together in Grancel, she remembers
Joshua said something about stopping a dark organisation. A man also
appeared before them during the celebrations but she can't remember what he
looked for some reason. It was then that she knew what she had to do to
find Joshua again. She must continue working as a Bracer and help stop this
dark Ouroboros organisation that her father mentioned. Maybe then she can
find Joshua and bring him back.

Just then, her father entered the room along with Schera. Estelle
apologized to him about the way she reacted back at the castle and for a
moment, they give each other a hug. Cassius has no objection about Estelle
getting involved with the Ouroboros but, the way she was now, it would be
impossible for her to fight against any of their members. She had to
receive more training first and so, she is sent to Le Locle where a
training ground was made exclusively for Bracers.

Meanwhile, his father had to help the Liberl forces keep the Ouroboros's
attacks at bay.

Opening Theme Song

Gin no Ishi, Kin no Tsubasa
[Silver Will, Golden Wings]

Vocal: Yamawaki Hiroko
Chorus: Shibazaki Ayako
Violin: Kumazawa Youko
Lyrics: 123 Kyou
Arrangement: Kadoh Yuutoudai
Recording: Miyasaka Kazuhiro (Presstone)

aoi toki egaku kiseki tadori
kotae sagasu onaji sora miagenagara
mune ni himeta omoi afuredashi
sora wo kakete gin iro no ya ni kawaru

motomeau kokoro ga chigau itami wa
shinjitsu no michi kasumaseru keredo

kousa suru gin no ya mitsumeau hitomi ni
onaji yume tashika ni utsushita
tatoe tsumazuite mo tatoe kizutsuite mo
tobitatou kaze tsubasa ni shite

kore mo todokanai tooii basho de
bokura kitto onaji sora miagete iru
ano hi deau kiseki sae ima wa shinjirareru
tokei nado iranai no da to

hikareau kokoro ga chikaku naru toki
shinjitsu no michi terashidashite yuku

hanatareta gin no ya tsuranukareta mune ni
koboreochiru shizuku ni chikaou
tatoe kurushimete mo tatoe kizutsukete mo
hanasanai musunda kizuna wa

motomeau kokoro ga hitotsu ni tokete
shinjitsu no michi kirihiraite yuku

kousa suru gin no ya mitsumeau hitomi ni
onaji yume tashika ni utsushita
gin no ya ga tsuranuku mune afureru omoi
karitateru yakusoku no basho he

tatoe kurushimete mo mayoi kizutsukete mo
hanasanai musunda kizuna wa
dakara tsumazuite mo nando kizutsukete mo
tobitatou kaze tsubasa ni shite

hi wo ukete kagayaku kiniro no tsubasa wa
sora ni egaku inochi no kiseki wo


As I followed the tracks painted in the azure hour,
I went in search of an answer as I gazed up at the same sky.
The feelings hidden and overflowing in my heart,
Change into silver arrows souring into the sky

The different pains in our hearts that seek one another,
Clouds our path to the truth.

The crossfiring silver arrows reflected in our eyes
As they met in the same dream.
Even if I fall, even if I get hurt
I will make the wind my wings and fly

In a far away place where my voice can't reach you,
I'm sure you're looking up at the same sky as I.
Even I don't need a reason to believe in our
Miraculous encounter that day.

The moment when our attracted hearts grow near,
The path to the truth will begin to shine.

The heart pierced with silver arrows
Makes an oath as it cries
Even if it suffers, even if it gets hurt
The thread that links to it won't be broken.

Our hearts that seek one another, merge into one
Cleaving apart the road to the truth.

The crossfiring silver arrows reflected in our eyes
As they met in the same dream.
Those silver arrows that pierce my heart,
Overflows me with feelings making me go to the promised place.

Even if I suffer, even if I get lost and hurt
The thread that links us won't be broken.
That's why even if I fall or no matter how many times I get hurt
I will make the wind my wings and fly

Accepting the day and shining, my golden wings
Paints the tracks of life in the sky.

Soon, Estelle was training hard with a friend she met during the Coup
D'etat incident, Anelace. It was time they met with their tutor, Kurz and
received their new upgraded Orbmental Battle Device, ready for their first
test. It may just give them the edge they need to fight the Ouroboros

After a short test in which they had to make their way through the nearby
Balstar Channel and retrieve some documents, it was time for a good night's
sleep. Little did Estelle know that the real test was just about to begin.

Before long, the lodge was attacked in the middle of the night by Hunter
Soldiers. Kurz was heavily wounded after trying to fend off the invaders
while Estelle and Anelace were knocked out by a gas grenade.

Upon waking up, Estelle finds herself in a forest left without her gear and
weapon. She wakes Anelace up and together, they cautiously try to find
their way back to the lodge.

After some investigation at the now deserted lodge, Robert the Orbmentor
appears to tell them that Kurz and the others were taken away. Anelace
decides they most likely must have been taken to the Grimsel Fortress

It was tough making their way into the fortress but they made it. Defeating
the Hunter Soldiers, they found out that it was all part of an act.
Kurz, along with two other higher status Bracer members were the ones
posing as Hunter Soldiers. It was part of the real test before Estelle
could complete her training. And she passes, receiving her certificate...

Starting Point: Grancel Castle

- Once you gain control, go to your own room (the inner most room on
the second floor, to the left of Anelace's room).

Obtain: Joshua's Harmonica, a Break Rod, Reinforced Leather,
Reinforced Boots, 1000 Mira.

- Meet Kurz on the first floor.

Obtain: New Orbmental Battle Device, Septiums of various elements.

* If you continued from a saved game from the prequel, you maybe able
to obtain a bonus item.

- Speak to the manager Phyllis.

Obtain: Recipe Book, Blessing of Nature's Water and ingredients.

- Be sure to purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM 1, Liberl News Issue 1 i100 Mira
if you want a quick summary of the game's events later!

- Speak to the Orbmentor Robert. You can ask about the Orbmental Battle

- Once you're finished talking to Robert, buy some Quarts.

You can buy Defence 1AHP 1AAttack 1AAgility 1AMovement 1A
Dexterity 1 etc.

- Leave the lodging, follow the path to the south and talk to Kurz.


Obtainable Items:
Substitute Muppet, Speed 1, 2x Ceras Herb, 2x Tear Herb, 3x EP Charge
1, Mind 1, Silver Earring, Attack 1, 10 Septiums of each element, Surprise

- Using the levers here will extend the bridges. Moving them left or
right will extend the bridge on the corresponding side of the switch.

- There is also a switch for draining away the water. Once the water's
drained, you can proceed across the ground.

- Fight Kurz in the inner most room and obtain Tengan (Heaven's Eye).


- Upgrade your slots by talking to the Orbmentor Robert (doing this
will allow you to use the newly obtained Tengan.)

- Return to your room (second floor), use your bed to sleep and you'll
get woken up later to battle a Hunter Soldier (4058 HP).

* Be sure to have all your gear ready before you sleep!


Obtainable Items:
Break Rod, Fencer, 2x Reinforced Leather, 2x Reinforced Boots, EP
Charge 1, Blessing of Nature's Water.

- Check the tent nearby and obtain 5x Tiara Herb, 2x EP Charge 1.

- Once you've more or less retrieved Estelle and Anelace's gear (3
items each), make your way to the forest exit (head in a general NW

- At the forest exit, you'll meet a female Hunter Soldier (3455HP) and
have the option of fighting her or not.

* Be aware that she has a special attack that interrupts your Art
- Leave the forest and return to the lodge.


- On the second floor, check the room that was locked before for
“q”ŽŽtƒWƒƒƒbƒN1Šª, Gambling Master Jack Volume 1.

- Investigate the following on the first floor:
Torn map, broken window, the barrel where the manager was, the
communicator where Robert was, Kurz's weapon at the lodge entrance,
Kurz's blood stain.

- SelectuV‚½‚È‹’“_v(A new place) from the dialogue for extra BP.

- Leave the lodging and head to Grimsel Fortress.


Obtainable Items:
Tia Herb, EP 1, 2x EP Charge 1, Night Goggles, ID Unit.

- Once you arrive in the dark roomAcontinue to the northern end and
exit the area. In the room you'll find a pair of Night Goggles so you
can equip these to see in the dark.

- In the room with the strange apparatus, use the event item (marked
with a hand in your inventory) ”FŽ¯ ƒ†ƒjƒbƒg ID Unit to open the

- In the inner room, battle with a Hunter Soldier (8330HP).



Completing the training at Le Locle, Estelle and Anelace both go their
separate ways. Anelace must leave to help with the Bracer Guild's
investigatation into the Ouroboros organisation and so, can't join
Estelle in her trip to Ruan.

Upon arriving back in Ruan, Estelle is congratulated by the
receptionist at the local Bracer Guild. She then finds out about how
reports have been coming in about sightings of a white figure at night,
floating around in the sky. Thinking that it could be a ghost, Estelle
grows nervous but she decides to do the job. If she's going to become
stronger, she can't be afraid of little things like this.

Going around tracking where the sightings occurred, Estelle meets a
young girl at Air Letten accompanied by two adults who appeared to be
her parents. Innocently, she called out to Estelle asking about the
famous waterfall they were looking at. After a little chat, the little
girl introduces herself as Renne and that her father was a business man
who often travelled to Liberl to work. This time, he was taking the
whole family here on holiday. Saying goodbye and promising that they'll
have some fun together next time they meet, Estelle and the others
continue onto the next destination.

The next sighting occurred at the Mercia Orphanage. Estelle was
surprised and happy that it had been completely rebuilt after it was
destroyed in the Coup De'tat incident. After greeting the director
Teresa there, Estelle goes off to find the children at the nearby
village who were at Sunday School. There by the windmill, she is reminded
of the time when she and Joshua sat together by the sea having lunch

Outside the door of a nearby building, a sign was up saying "Sunday
School is in Session". Estelle and the others peered in. To her
surprise, she found that Kevin was the teacher. He didn't notice them
and the children seemed completely absorbed into the story he was

Soon, the story was over and Kevin was exhausted from reading the
complete story book from cover to cover. He noticed Estelle and the others
so he greeted them. Together, they travelled back to the orphanage and
sat down for tea. The children were disappointed that Estelle didn't
bring Joshua with her. Although sad to be reminded of the missing
Joshua again, Estelle kept smiling and promised them that she would
bring him along next time.

After finding out what one of the children knew about the "ghost", the
party left and returned to the guild to report their findings.

From what they gathered, they find out the "ghost" looked like a man with
long hair, dressed in white and had a mask on. They also notice that the
"ghost" generally disappeared into the same direction. Taking this into
consideration, they decide that it must be lurking somewhere at Jenis Royal
School. They were eager to find out what this "ghost" really was.

Arriving at the school, Estelle and Klose were very glad to see each other
again. It's been so long since they last seen each other since the
celebrations after the Coup D'etat incident. Explaining why they were here,
Klose decides to help them with their "ghost" investigation and they split
into teams. Estelle and Klose's team went around talking to students to see
if they've seen any strange or suspicious lately.

After talking with many students, nothing had come up yet. Klose explains
that they've all been studying very hard for their recent exam so maybe
that was the reason why no one has noticed anything. But they didn't give
up and continued going around talking to students.

Passing by the auditorium, Estelle and Klose are reminded of the time they
done a play together. Estelle and Klose played their role as princes while
the princess was played by Joshua. It was a happy memory and together, they
sat together talking about what they've been through. Klose, like Estelle,
was in love with Joshua but, she knew that it was only unrequitted love.
She knew that Joshua only had a special place in his heart for Estelle. As
a dear friend of Estelle, she wanted the best for both of them and was sure
that one day, Estelle will be able to see him again.

Before long, the sun was setting on the horizon and they continued their
investigation. Their hardwork was soon paying off as a few students were
saying they saw a white figure floating around on the campus during the
night. Although Estelle was still nervous about the whole "ghost" idea,
none of the students seemed particularly scared. They found it exciting
that a "ghost story" was happening in their campus.

The questions soon lead them to Fraisse in the Girls' Dormitory. It seemed
she was the only one who wasn't too excited about what she saw. She saw a
white figure appear outside her window, dancing before it flew off in the
direction of the old school building.

Together, Estelle's party went back to the Student Meeting Room to discuss
what their next step would be. They would have to get the key to the gate
from the headmaster before they can investigate the old building. Just
then, as Estelle peered out of the window, her face paled. It was there.
She uttered "ghost" in a shaky voice and fainted.

Few hours later, Estelle woke up and found herself in a bed in the Girls'
Dormitory. After describing what the "ghost" she saw looked like, they were
sure that it was what they were after. Estelle was now more reluctant than
ever to catch it after the scare it gave her.

Acquiring the key from the headmaster, they proceed to the gates where the
"ghost" suddenly appears once again. For a moment, it pranced around in the
air before it bowed and flew off. Without delay, Estelle's party proceeded
to the abandoned school building. Outside the main doors, they find a card
with a strange message. It appeared to be a riddle from their "ghost".

After finding several more cards and solving the riddles, they soon arrive
in a room with the statue of a dragon. Examining the statue, they find a
hidden switch. Pushing it revealed a hidden stairway and the statue slid
towards the side. Klose had been to the old school building several times
before but never remembered anything like this being here.

Making their way through the dangerous monster filled passageways, they
soon arrive at the room with their "ghost". He introduces himself as a
member of the Ouroboros, Blblanc, a Performer who carries out the
instructions of their leader. He was Performer X, otherwise known as
the Phantom Thief.

Estelle's party noticed the machine behind him and in it was a black globe.
It was a Gospel, a dark Orbment which had powers yet unknown to Estelle's

After defeating a mechanical being like the one they fought during the Coup
De'tat incident, Blblanc reveals that he was carrying out an experiment
here. Those "ghosts" they saw were just images projected by the machine he
was using. What the experiment was for, he did not tell. He also knew all
about Estelle's involvement in the Coup De'tat incident for he had many

With an Ouroboros member before them, they had a chance to find out more
about the organisation. Estelle and her party tries to capture Blblanc but
with one swift motion, he pins their shadows down, preventing them from

Olivier manages to stall for some time while they tried to figure out how
to escape by discussing what his idea of beauty is with Blblanc. Both of
them seemed to be obsessed with the subject. Just as Blblanc was about to
finish them off, Dorothy appears. Seeing who the "ghost" really was, she
just had to take a picture for her scoop in the new issue of Liberl News.

The flash frees Estelle's party and Blblanc retreats as there was no reason
for him to stay longer. His experiment was complete.

Starting Point: Grancel Airport


* You can't go into town.

- Go into the building with the waiting room and meet Muller.

- Purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM 2, Liberl News Issue 2 from the counter by
talking to the man on the left.

- Talk to the man to the right to obtain 2 Airship Tickets

- Leave the waiting roomAtalk to the man at the counter outside.


- Once you regain control, talk to the passengers.

- Talk to Loyd on the top deck and obtain a Fishing Handbook along with
a Progre Fishing Rod.

- After talking to Scherazard on the top deck, descend to the lower
deck and you'll arrive at Ruan.


* During this point, you'll have the option of choosing to work with
Schera or Agate when everyone is discussing something in the guild.
Who you choose won't really affect the story much, just your style of
play and the dialogue that takes place between the Ravens and your
chosen party members.

- In the southern area, buy some ’ª•—‚̃X[ƒvƒpƒXƒ^ Super Sea Pasta
to obtain the recipe.

- In the northern area, earn 200 medals at the casino and exchange them
for “q”ŽŽtƒWƒƒƒbƒN‚QŠª Gambling Master Jack Volume 2.

- In the southern area, you'll meet Loyde again if you go the the
warehouse area. He tells you how to fish and you'll be forced to go
to the port. You'll obtain 5x Inme bait.

- Visit the Ravens in one of the warehouses in the southern area.
You'll fight the Race, Rocko and Dean. Once you win, you'll find out
about another witness Belle, who also saw the "ghost".

- Go to the house to the right of the Mayor's home and meet Belle.


- Talk to Captain Hearn in the middle inner most room.

- Speak with the Soldier Nick at the top of the building.

- Go back down and meet the little girl Renne.


- In the area where one of the wanted monsters is, you can obtain a
Hard Loafer from the chest.


- If you go in front of the windmillAEstelle will recall an event
that took place in FC (not required to progress in the game.)


- Meet Director Teresa at the front of the orphanage then go find the
children at Magnolia Village to escort them home.


- At the white wooden pavillion, order some –£˜f‚Ì‹›‰î”¨ Captivating
Seafood Special to get the recipe.

- Go to the windmill and check the door. Meet with the priest Kevin and
the children and after the event, you'll be automatically taken back
to the orphanage.


- After leaving the orphanage, Kevin will join your party (only until
you get back to town).

10. RUAN

- After separating with Kevin, return to the guild. You'll meet Nial
and Drothy.

- Hearing some commotion, head to the bridge in Ruan and Olivier will
make an appearance during the event.

- After returning to the guild, select u‹Ž‚Á‚½•ûŠpv
"The direction the 'ghost' went." during the dialogue. Olivier and
Drothy will join your party.

- At this point, the following Bracer quests are posted on the board:
u“ú—jŠwZv"Sunday School"
uƒNƒ[ƒl“»‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv"Monster Hunt in Krone Mountains"
uƒAƒCƒlŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv"Monster Hunt in Aine Pass"


- Entering the campus, you reunite with Klose. After seeing Principal
Collins, go to the Students Meeting Room. Klose will become part of
your party.

- Order the dish ‚¨ì—lƒvƒŒ[ƒg A Lady's Dish on the first floor of the
Club House (800 Mira).

- Talk to ƒ~ƒbƒN Mick who's in the Cultures Lecture Room on the first
floor of the main building.

- Talk to ƒpƒgƒ€ Pathorn on level 2 of the main building.

- An event takes place if you go onto the stage in the auditorium.

- Talk to ƒtƒ‰ƒbƒZ Fraisse on the second level of the Girl's Dormitory.

- Exit the building and return to the Students Meeting Room once it's
evening. After that, you'll obtain the Back Gate Key once it's night

- Open the back gate in the campus and head to the old school building.


- Once inside, check the torch that's been put out. You'll find the
second hint.

- On the first floor, in the left wing of the building, find the
classroom with a desk facing the front. You'll find the third hint.

- On the second floor, in a garden on the right wing of the building,
check the fallen pedestal. You'll obtain a Rusty Key.

- On the first floor, open the locked door that's in the right wing of
the building and enter.

- Check the dragon statue and head into an ancient underground


Obtainable Items:
Stinger II, Tiara Herb, Genesis Collar (Male Only), EP Charge 1,
Insulation Tape, Attack 2, Ceras Herb, Feather Brooch,
Magic Defence 1, Zeram Powder, S Tablet, Speed 2, Hard Loafer.

- In the inner most room on the B2 level, you'll fight Blblanc,
Storm Bringers and other monsters. (Approx. Level 44).



Just as one case was resolved, a report comes in about how an earthquake
occurred in Zeiss. At first, they thought it could just have been a natural
disaster even though earthquakes in that area was extremely rare but, the
strange thing was that only the city of Zeiss was shaking. Any other area
just outside of the city wasn't affected. Estelle's party is sent over to
Zeiss to investigate.

Arriving in the city of Zeiss, where all the latest Orbmental technology is
developed, Estelle's party went to the local Bracer Guild first to
understand the situation. It turns out that before the earthquake happened
in Zeiss, a similar earthquake had occurred at the nearby Wolf Fort. It
seems none of the areas outside the fort was affected meaning the
earthquake seemed only to be concentrated on a certain area.

Before they set off to the fort, they decided to drop by Professor
Russell's home. Both Tita and Russell were busily clearing up the mess in
their workshop after the little earthquake they had. Soon, everyone was
sitting around the table discussing what the cause of the earthquakes could
be. Tita, like the children at the orphanage, wondered where Joshua was.
She too wanted to see him again after going through the Coup De'tat
incident together.

In the end, Russell thought of an idea. One of his inventions could
probably help them with their investigation. While he worked on the
necessary adjustments together with Tita, Estelle's part set off to Wolf
Fort to find out more about the earthquake.

It wasn't long before Estelle's party had finished questioning the people
at the fort. A few soldiers had noticed a man wearing a black suit and
sunglasses pass by the area when the earthquakes happened. Estelle thought
there was a high possibility that the suspicious character was connected to
the Ouroboros.

Just as Estelle's party leaves the fort, Captain Pace rushes out after
them. he tells them he just received a message that an earthquake occurred
at Sanktheim Gate.

Together, the party made haste to Sanktheim Gate. There they questioned the
people once again. They found out that the suspicious man had also appeared
in the area during the time of the earthquake and this time, the earthquake
was longer than the one that took place at Zeiss.

With no other leads at hand, Estelle's party decides to check back with
Professor Russell to see if he was now ready to tell them what idea he had
in mind.

At Professor Russell's house, he proudly presents his Nanateru Pulse
Measuring Devices. He explained to them that by placing them at key
locations in the Liberl Kingdom, they should be able to pinpoint where the
energy causing these earthquakes were originating from.

And so it was that Tita could once again join Estelle in her adventures.
She had to come along to help setup these complicated devices her grandpa

After letting the guild receptionist know what they were going to
do, they travelled to the designated areas near Zeiss to set them up. Then
they returned to the Central Workshop where the data being collected, was
going to get fed back into the main computer for analysis.

Just as the last device was hooked up to the computer, another earthquake
broke out. This one was again, longer than the last. But all the data
Professor Russell needed was gathered now. The source of the earthquakes
seem to be coming from Elmo Village, a hot spring resort.

Arriving at the resort, they greeted the elderly owner Mao before acquiring
the key to the back gate from her. After spending some time making their
way through the caves, fighting the monsters and carefully avoiding the
bursts of steam, Estelle's party finally reached the deepest part of the
caves. There, a man in a dark suit and sunglasses was standing with a staff
stuck into the ground. A glowing dark globe was set at the top.

Sure enough, he was the one responsible for the earthquakes. He introduced
himself as Walter, another Performer, Performer VIII of Ouborous. Otherwise
known as the Lanky Wolf. Just like Blblanc, he was conducting an experiment
with the Gospel.

Estelle's party was no match for him. One strike from him knocked them
all to the ground.

Just as he was about to finish them off, a large built man came flying in
along with Schera. It was Zin. An old friend who had travelled with them
during the Coup De'tat incident. Walter seemed to recognise Zin's face
instantly. The two of them were martial artists that trained under the same
master long ago but Walter had fallen into the dark path. Even so, Zin
didn't expect him to fall under the control of an organisation like the
Ouroboros. He questioned Walter why he was doing this but he only laughed
and said that he'll find out in time. Once Zin can defeat him. Walter then
withdraws with the Gospel and leaves them in the cave.

Starting Point: Ruan


- If you go greet Nial at the hotel, you'll activate the
u‘I‹“Ž––±Š‚̏ŠQŽ–Œv"Accident at the Election Office"

- Speak to the man at the counter at the Arrivals & Departure Area to
get a flight ticket then taking the regular airship, leave for Zeiss.


- Speak with Scherazard on the fourth floor in the guest room, Olivier
on the third floor in the viewing room and Klose outside. Then you'll
reach Zeiss.

* Speaking to Olivier twice will give you Gambling Master Jack Volume 3.


- Go to the Bell Station items store and purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚RŠª
Liberl News Issue 3.

- Go to Russell's Workshop and meet Russell along with Tita.


- Speak with Captain Pace inside the building.

- Speak with the 3 soldiers inside the fort and then the man behind the

- Speak with Captain Pace again.

- If you leave the fort now, the captain will call out to you. Head to
Sanktheim Gate.


- At the warehouse, go into the room next to the reception and speak
with Vice Captain Talbalt. Choose u—h‚ꂪ’·‚¢v "The earthquake was
longer." during the dialogue.

- Speak with the soldier Chesly on the roof.

- Speak with the girl Tammy in the level 1 dining hall.


- Return to the guild and Tita will join your party. You will be able
to reform.

- You now need to go setup the Nanateru Pulse Measuring Devices at
various locations. You do not have to do them in the order listed
- Kaldia Tunnel

On the first bridge after leaving Zeiss. Get to the
tunnel by going through the basement floor of the main
workshop building in Zeiss.

Once you're there, an event will take place and the
device will be setup automatically.

- Leiston Fortress

After speaking with the guard at the gate, walk away
from the fort and an event for setting up the device will
take place.

- Tratt Plains

If you head to the area with a stone circle, an event
will take place. You'll fight 5 monsters.
(Approx. level 50)

- Head to the Operation Room on level 5 of the Central Workshop
and selectuƒGƒ‹ƒ‚‰·òv Elmo Hot Springs during dialogue.

- Return to the guild and report your findings.


- Arriving at the village, you'll meet Old Lady Mao and obtain a
Wooden Gate Key.

- In the restaurant, order some Š¿“çsŽRt Kanka 'San' for the recipe.

- Open the wooden gate next to the pump house, and enter the source of
the hot springs.


Obtainable Items:
Blue Cashmere, Gemini Boots, 20 of each type of Septium, Machine
Plankar, Soul Herb.

- Deep in the cave you'll fight 5x Apis Worms and 3x Prima Parasites.
(Approx. Lvl 53)



Recently, Queen Alisia had proposed an Anti-War Treaty for the two
countries east and west of the Liberl Kingdom. The ceremony in which the
treaty was going to be signed was soon going to take place but, anonymous
threat letters appear out of no where. Queen Alisia herself asks the Bracer
Guild for help and Estelle's party fly to Grancel to meet her.

On the airship to Grancel, Zin tells Estelle more about what happened in
the past with Walter. Long ago, Walter and Zin trained under the same
master, learning the same martial art. But before long, their master
noticed there was a darkness about Walter that Zin didn't have. Walter soon
began picking up other different martial arts as he wanted to become
stronger. Eventually, Zin found out his master and Walter was to have a
fight to the death.

As it was his master's decision, Zin could have no word about it. He and
Kirika watched as the fierce battle took place. In the end, Walter won,
killing their master right before Zin's eyes. Zin has yet to find out why
that fight took place but more importantly, he wanted to know why he was
avoiding Kirika who he adored and why he was willing to follow the

Soon, Estelle's party arrived in Grancel. Their first stop was to go to the
Erbe Imperial Villa, where the signing of the Anti-War Treaty was going to
take place. There, they should be able to learn more about the people who
had a part in the treaty.

However, arriving at the villa, they find a panicking butler Ledmont. It
seemed he was looking for a little girl who had gone missing. Her parents
had left her here in their care and was going to come back to pick her up
later. Estelle decides to help him while they were at the villa.

They searched for a while and finally find the girl hiding in the Lounge.
To Estelle's surprise, the little girl was Renne who she had met back at
Air Letten. She was happy to see Estelle again. Renne told Estelle how her
parents had left her at the villa before they went away for some important
business. They promised her that they would be back to pick her up. Renne
soon got bored and that's why she decided to play hide and seek with the
butler and maids. But it has been a long time and Renne still hasn't heard
anything from her parents yet. Hearing that, Estelle decides to take Renne
along with her back to the guild so that maybe they can do something to
track her parents down.

After finding out that the ambassadors in Grancel will be taking part in
the ceremony, they return to the city and report what they found out to the
receptionist. Leaving Renne together with Tita, Estelle's party goes to
Grancel Castle to see Queen Alisia so that they can find out what she
thought about the letters. At the same time, they also ask if they knew
about the place Renne was from.

Before long, they also interviewed the ambassadors at their embassies in
East Area of Grancel. Both of them had their own suspects about who was
responsible for the letters so it didn't help Estelle much. They also
promised to keep an eye out for any news relating to Renne's parents.

Meanwhile, Anelace managed to track down the enemy at an abandoned mine.
The camp there seemed quiet. Quiet enough for her to do some snooping
around. As Anelace and her companion searched the camp, they suddenly get
attacked by soldiers. There was something odd about them. They were
expressionless and walked like they were being controlled.

After defeating them, a young man in a pinkish suit appears introducing
himself as Campanella. Otherwise known as The Fool, Performer No. 0 from
the Ouroboros. He already had his fun and suggested they join the tea party
that was going to take place soon. With a snap of his fingers, the soldiers
that attacked Anelace earlier were cut up into pieces. She was shocked at
his cruelty.

With a little bow, Campanella took his leave. Anelace rushed to the remains
of the soldiers but found that they were just dolls. Kevin comes out of his
hiding place...

Returning back to the guild, Estelle's party reported what they found out
to the receptionist. It was then that Kevin revealed he was with the Seipai
Knights, a division of the Church. Undercover as a travelling priest, he
was on an investigation and at the same time, he was to recover any
Artifacts he came across. He looked forward to exchanging information with
the Bracer guild. Kevin then left and while everyone worked out their next
move, Renne slips out of the guild, disappearing once again. The first one
to notice was Estelle and so, together they go out looking for her.

Asking around, they find that someone saw her going to the department
store. Renne did not stay in one place and was moving from place to place,
asking people some strange questions. Thinking that Renne was playing a
game of hide and seek with them again, Estelle's party thought about the
questions she asked. They appeared to be clues of her whereabouts.

Following the riddles that Renne left behind, they soon find her at the
airport where Olivier was saying goodbye to Muller. Together, they return
to the guild. Just when everyone went inside, Renne stops Estelle and tells
her that a dark haired boy gave her a letter to hand to Estelle. The
description of the boy sounded very much like Joshua... The letter asked
Estelle to meet her at the top of Grune Gate at dusk.

Estelle's heart was beating frantically. Could it really be Joshua?
Hoping that it was, she rushed towards Grune Gate and made her way to the
top of the walls. Someone was there waiting. But it wasn't Joshua. It was
Kevin the priest. Both of them told each other how they received a letter
and how they were here to meet someone. It was too much of a coincidence.
Even the handwriting in the letter and the envelopes were of the same type.

It must be a trap. As if in answer, flying robots appeared and attacked

After the fight, soldiers arrived at the scene to find out what all the
noise was about. Estelle showed them her Bracer ID and explained how
Ouroboros had setup a trap for them. Together with Kevin, she rushed back
to the guild to check on the others. Along the way back, they met Philip, a
loyal butler who tells Estelle that his master, a member of the royal
family had gone missing. Ouroboros must have had something to do with it
too. Now with Philip, they ran even more quicker back to the guild.

It was too late. Everyone was lying on the floor unconscious. Philip done a
quick check on them and found that were all just sound asleep. Everyone was
present apart from Renne. Estelle became extremely worried about her. A
letter on a nearby table caught her eye. It was of the same type that she
and Kevin received. Soon Anelace arrived too but she too was too late. She
couldn't warn her about the "tea party" plans she found back the camp. It
had all already started.

Leaving Phillip to take care of the others, Estelle and Kevin went outside
into the night in search of Renne. Jig, Klose's pet bird flies towards
them. It appeared she knew where Renne was. Signalling them to follow, she
flew off towards the west port.

At the port, many of the enemies' hounds and soldiers were already
patrolling the place. Hearing some rough voices in one of the
warehouses, Estelle's party fought their way through and found a group
of soldiers trying to keep some warehouse keepers from escaping. Estelle
makes quick work of them and manages to save the two keepers. She notices
that one of the two Orbment engines that engineers were going to ship to
another country as part of a deal, had gone missing. It turns out the
soldiers had stolen one of them.

Moving on, Estelle's party searched the other warehouses. They finally find
Liutenant Kanone holding Philip's master captive. Telling her loyal
soldiers to hold them off, she disappears into the warehouse. Before long,
a large tank bursts out of the building. Kanone laughed, satisfied with her
new weapon of destruction that was many times more powerful than the tanks
the Liberl Kingdom possessed. With it, she could have revenge. She could
drive into Grancel Castle to save her beloved Colonel Richard who was
imprisoned for the Coup De'tat incident. Nothing could stop her now.

Expecting no resistance, she drove her dominating machine out of the port.
But in the middle of the path, she was met by a barricade of tanks and
soldiers along with Liutenant Julia herself. The two of them were rivals
during their training in the military academy but now Kanone hates her even
more for having a part in the imprisonment of Richard.

With no choice, Julia orders the tanks to fire but none of the shots were
effective against Kanone's war machine. Suddenly, a dark globe rises out of
Kanone's tank and all the lights in the area go out. None of the Orbment
operated machines were working. The whole area fell into a blackout. Kanone
opened fire at the Julia's defenceless army now wiping nearly all of them
out. For some reason, only Kanone's tank wasn't affected by the Gospel.

Just then, Estelle's party catches up with the tank. Kevin winced as he saw
the damage the tank was doing. It looked like he had no choice but to use
the Artifact the Church gave him. Out of his coat, he took out a shining
white staff and suddenly, he sprinted towards the tank. Leaping into the
air, he struck the orb with the staff. With a blinding flash, the Globe was
no longer glowing. Everything was back to normal again.

Even though Kanone didn't believe what just happened, she was stubborn. She
began to attack Estelle's party with her tank.

After a fierce fight, Kanone and her soldiers were finally down. The royal
family member Dunan came out of the tank. Seeing no Renne appear out of the
tank, Estelle cried out at Kanone demanding to know where the little girl

For a moment, Kanone was confused for she didn't know what Estelle was
talking about. Then she realized that it was all part of the plan... She
had been used. All of them had been used.

The giggle of an innocent little girl sounded through the air. High up on
the roof, stood Renne. She thanked everyone for coming to her little tea
party. She was enjoying the fun very much.

Estelle was confused now. She was glad to see Renne safe. But what was she
doing up there? Estelle asked her softly to come down. It was too dangerous
for Renne to be up there. It was time for her to stop playing her little

Renne laughed. Estelle still didn't understand what was happening and
that's what Renne came to like about her. She was naive and fun. Renne
pulled out her large scythe and revealed herself as a Performer of the
Ouroboros. Also known as the Angel of Annihilation. The Gospel she gave to
Liutenant Kanone was all part of the experiment she was ordered to carry
out here. Tita, who was having fun with Renne earlier, couldn't believe she
was with the Ouroboros. If she really is then, who were the two adults that
were with her?

Out of thin air, the parents that were with Renne at Air Letten appeared
beside Renne. Neither of them looked alive. Being of no use to Renne any
longer, she slashed through both of them mercilessly with her giant scythe.
The figures fell to the ground. Looking closely, they turned out to be
dolls controlled by Renne herself. She even admitted to be the one who sent
out those letters of threat. They were the invitations to her tea party.

Estelle now grew angry. She was not angry at Renne for being a member of
Ouroboros but for the fun and games she was playing. She ordered Renne to
come down. Renne wanted to play with them a little longer but the
experiment was complete and she had to return. She raised her scythe into
the air. A strong rumble could be felt beneath everyone's feet.

Suddenly, out of the night air, a large robot, greater than the size of any
of the nearby warehouses, came flying to the ground nearby. Renne leaped
onto one of its hands and ordered it to retrieve the Gospel from the tank.
She waved goodbye to everyone and hoped that she will have a chance to play
with Estelle again.

Estelle called out helplessly after Renne...

Starting Point: Zeiss


- The following Bracer quests are added to the board:
uh”‘‹q‚Ì‘{õv"Search for a Guest"

- Speak with the man in the Arrivals/Departure Area to obtain
tickets. Take the regular airship and leave for Zeiss.


- Speak with Zin on the fourth floor, Schera & Olivier in the third
floor viewing room and Tita & Klose outside.

- If you speak to Zin twice you'll learn more about his past and
Kirika. Descend to the lower floor afterwards and you'll arrive
at Grancel.


- Order some ƒzƒbƒgŠC` Hot Sea Sauce (1200 Mira) at the bar in the
southern area then some Š®nƒ‰ƒCƒXƒJƒŒ[ Ripe Rice Curry (900 Mira)
at the coffee house in the west area for the recipes.

- Purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚SŠª Liberl News Volume 4 in the Edel
Department Store in the east area.


- Entering the mansion, you'll meet the butler Ledmont.

- To find the missing girl, check the table in the reception room, the
big vase in the exhibition room, the gap between the crest and
rostrum, then finally a bench in the central garden. Now talk to Duke

- You'll now be able to go into the Lounge so go in and speak to
the butler Ledmont again. Select u‚à‚¤­‚µ’T‚µ‚Ä‚Ý‚év
"I'll try looking for a little longer." then check behind the
top-right corner of counter to find Renne.

* If you can't find the spot where Renne is, save first then select
the other option when you talk to Ledmont and you'll find out where
she is. If you find her before she reveals herself, you get bonus

- Go to Grancel together with Renne.


- Return to the guild.


- Meet Shia in the Maids Room.

- On the second floor, in the right wing of the building, meet Madam
Hilda in the Reference Room.

- Go to the top of the castle and meet Queen Alisia in the Throne


- Meet with Ambassador Elsa on the second floor.


- Meet with Ambassador Da'Ville on the second floor.

- Once you've finished talking to her, go into the Library Room to the
left side of the building. Talk to Nathan to get Gambling Master Jack
Volume 4.


- Go see Nial on the third floor of the Liberl News Office in the west

- Return to the guild and selectu‚»‚ñ‚È‚Í‚¸‚Í‚È‚¢v
"That can't be." during dialogue.


- With Anelace (and whoever you didn't pick earlier in Chapter 1),
you'll fight 3x Special Task Force Soldier, Gun Type (1811HP).


- Leave the villa and return to Grancel.


- Return to the guild and Renne goes missing.

- Purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚T† Liberl News Issue 5 at the Edel
Department Store.

- Follow the hints and visit the following places in order:
1. East Area, Edel Department Store.
2. East Area, Museum (go up to the second floor then back down).
3. South Area, Fishing Division (check the fish on display
right next to the entrance).
4. West Area, Coffee House (speak with the manager).
* After speaking to the manager, speak with Kunika inside the
store for Gambling Master Jack Volume 5.
5. Eastern Area, Ice Cream Stall (speak with the girl selling
ice cream).
6. Eastern Area, an event with Olivier takes place at the
Grancel Port and Renne appears.

- Once you're in control again, go to Grune Gate.

*Be aware that there will be a battle at Grune Gate so be prepared.


- Go to the top of the gate and together with Kevin, you'll fight 2x
Port Seekers.

* Easy fight if you use Chain Craft.

- Return to Grancel.


- Return to the guild.


- Once you have Estelle, Agate and Kevin in your party, head to the
quay in the west area (you can go there from the entrance to the west
of the church).

- Upon entering the area, you'll fight 3x Attack Hounds.
(Approx.Lvl 55)

- In a warehouse, you'll fight 2x Special Task Force Soldiers, Claw
Type and 1x Gun Type.

- If you continue into the next areaAyou'll fight 2x Claw Type and 2x
Gun Type after meeting Liutenant Kanone. After that, Liutenant Julia
will join you in the fight against Kanone's Olguiul War Tank before
one last battle for the final showdown.

*Be aware that these are 3 consecutive battles. There will be no time
to rest up in between each.


- The following Bracer quests is posted on the board:
uƒLƒ‹ƒVƒF’Ê‚è‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv"Monster Hunt in Kirche Pass"
u’n‰º…˜H‚ÌŽè”z–‚bi‚Qjv "Monster Hunt in the Underground Channel"

- Talk to the man at the counter at the Arrivals/Departure area, get
your ticket and board the regular airship to travel to Bose.



The Capua Family had helped Joshua slow down the Ouroboros' plans. Now
it was Joshua's turn to fulfill his end of the deal. Together, they
went to the former air pirates hideout where their airship, the Mountain
Lion was being kept by the Liberl forces.

Arriving at the entrance, the Capua Family managed to distract the guards
outside while Joshua knocked them out swiftly. They proceeded into the fort

Eventually, they manage to find their ship again and also get the key to
start it. But just as they were about to fly off, Muller, a military
officer from the Erobonian Empire appears to stop them. Joshua decides to
bide for time, telling Josette and the others to leave quickly. Knowing
that his sister wouldn't leave without Joshua, Keer timed their escape so
that he could escape with them too.

After a light clash with Joshua, Muller recognised his fighting techniques.
He was sure Joshua was from the village of Halem that was burned down in
tragedy during the war. Joshua wasn't an opponent to be taken likely. As
Joshua felt the change in Muller's attitude, he too became serious. It
wasn't until the Capua Family shouted out to him did he leap onto the
Mountain Lion and escape together with them.

Meanwhile, with no news of the Ouroboros activities, Estelle's party
decided to return to Rolent. However, as their airship neared Rolent, they
heard an announcement that landing would be delayed due to heavy fog.
Estelle peered out of the airship's window and sure enough, Rolent's
airport was shrouded in a thick fog. After the powerful spotlights were
turned on, the airship landed and Estelle's party headed over to the Bracer
Guild to find out if any news had come in during their trip.

Nothing suspicious has happened so far but the fog that had engulfed
Rolent worried the Bracers. They had a feeling it may yet be another one of
the Ouborous' experiments but Olivier disagreed. In all the experiments so
far, the Ouroboros always sent out a hint. With the "ghost" case, there
was the white figure prancing around before flying off in a certain
direction. With the earthquakes case, there was the witnesses who saw a
suspicious man and the nature of the earthquakes. In this case, there was
nothing to hint it was the Ouroboros' doing. Nevertheless, Estelle's party
was sent out to find out more and how far the fog went.

After checking the three paths that led out from Rolent, they returned to
Rolent. The fog seemed to have become thicker all of a sudden. For a
moment, as they made their made back to the guild, Schera thought she heard
the small chime of a bell. An uneasiness came over her...

Back at the guild, they found out that a few people have suddenly fallen
asleep and couldn't be woken up. After Estelle's party went out to question
the people involved, they found out that all of them noticed the same thing
before the victims fell asleep. There was the chime of a bell. A few
witnesses had also saw the figure of a tall woman nearby at the time who
disappeared into the fog as quickly as they had seen her. Estelle and the
others were now sure the Ouroboros were involved.

It was late night now and Estelle's party were tired from the day's events.
But the possibility that this mysterious woman may strike at night was
there. Agate decided that they had to form a patrol team so that they can
hopefully prevent any further cases of people falling into slumber. He
volunteered himself and the other male party members while the girls could
get some rest. Zin agreed to the idea but Olivier tried to slip out.
Olivier was more reluctant to "guard" the girls but, Agate dragged him back
into the guild to discuss their patrol plans. The guild receptionist had
also called the nearby army for assistance so that Estelle's party could go
about their investigation more easily.

The girls decided to go back to Estelle's home to stay for night.

Estelle was just about to follow the others when Drothy and Nial called out
to her. Drothy looked very worried while she handed Estelle a photo...
She took it while she was at the former air pirates hideout. It was a photo
of the Mountain Lion, the air pirates' ship. At the front was Joshua,
together with Josette. Estelle's heart was uneasy. But at the same time,
she wondered what Joshua was doing with the air pirates. Especially with
the cheeky girl, Josette. This could make the situation that Joshua was
in even more dangerous than it already was. For a moment, Estelle had some
doubt in her mind but she had faith in Joshua. She wondered if she should
show the others the photo as she hurried up to catch up with them.

That night, everything was at peace and quiet. Estelle slept peacefully for
a while until she heard some noise outside her room. Tita was sound asleep
next to her. Carefully, Estelle got up and tucked Tita in before going out
to check on Klose in the other room. She too was sound asleep. The noise
seemed to be coming from downstairs.

Downstairs, sitting a the dining table next to the steady glow of a candle
light, Schera was making use of her tarot cards. A heavy expression hung on
her face. Estelle walked up softly to her and started talking to her to
find out what was wrong. Schera told her about the familiar chime she
heard while they were out investigating about the fog. It sounded very
similar to the bell that someone used in the troupe she used to work in,
before she joined the Bracer Guild. That someone was like a sister to
Schera and she adored her very much. It was also how she learned to become
an entertainer and how to use tarot cards. But one day, she left the
troupe without a word. For the time being however, Schera wasn't too
worried about the subject. She was sure she will be able to find out why
soon enough.

On the other hand, as Schera was like an older sister to her, Estelle
thought she could tell her about the photo she was given. After telling her
about the worries she had on her mind about Joshua and getting some
encouragement from Schera, Estelle felt like a great weight was lifted from
her shoulders. Schera also promised to keep the photo a secret and won't
tell the guild about it. With that, Estelle returned to bed leaving Schera
in her thoughts.

The next morning, the girls woke up to find the fog had become thicker
again. Tita was worried about Agate and the others. Together, they hurried
back to the guild. Both Zin and Agate greeted them. They reported nothing
unusual happened during the night and no more incidents occurred. But those
that had fallen into a deep slumber had yet to wake up. Meanwhile, Olivier
was still sound asleep after the overnight patrol. Schera laughed,
surprised that Olivier actually did his job this time round. Soldiers had
arrived and once again, Estelle's party could concentrate fully on the fog
investigation now.

Reports just came in that the fog had expanded near Perzel Farm. Some of
Estelle's friends lived there. Alarmed she and the others hurried there
hoping to catch the perpetrator. But they were too late. After defeating
monsters that they had never seen before, they found the whole family lying
fast asleep on the floor of the living room. There was no time for grief.
They had to move on to catch the one responsible. But Estelle couldn't just
leave the family there.

Just then, Kevin arrived. After hearing that he would look after the
family, Estelle's party headed out back to the guild in Rolent to report
what happened. They hadn't lost yet. Another lead took them into the
forests of Myst Wald. After much wandering around in the maze like forest,
they finally arrived at the centre where a large tree stood. Suddenly,
Estelle's party was engulfed by heavy fog. Schera tried to warn the others
not the inhale but it was too late. Estelle collapsed onto the grass

In the dream, Estelle found herself in front of her house outside the city
of Rolent. She was a little girl again. Outside, her father Cassius and
mother Rena were going about their business. It was a day off for Cassius
and he was going to spend the day with his family. He offered to play with
Estelle and go fishing with her but she tells him that she wanted to play
alone. Disappointed, her father goes back inside to his room to read.

Wandering around the house, little Estelle came by the room next to hers.
She tries to open it but it was locked. Curious what was in the room,
Estelle runs downstairs to ask Cassius about the room. He tells her that it
was an old storage room. Estelle will have to go ask her mother where the
key was because he didn't know where it was kept. Outside, Estelle asked
her mother where the storage room key was. After finding out it was next to
her parents' bed, she finally manages to get inside the room. Stacks of all
sorts were piled up at each side of the room but, under the window laid a
blue chest. Opening it, Estelle found a harmonica. She was fascinated and
couldn't wait to play it.

Walking outside onto the balcony, Estelle started playing the harmonica she
found. Slowly, she started to come back to her senses. The familiar scene
of her house disappeared and she was enveloped in darkness. Only a doorway
of light was shining nearby. Her mother Rena appeared once again before
her. Estelle knew it wasn't her real mother but she missed her all the
same. Especially that delicious omelette that she cooked for her.

The Rena, who was created from the memories and thoughts from within
Estelle's heart, smiled. She told Estelle that she had grown up into a fine
young lady and was sure she can cook omelettes that were just as delicious.
Rena hopes that one day, Estelle can cook them for her loved one. Estelle
blushed. Then smiling, she said goodbye to her mother.

Estelle woke up and found the others around her with worried looks on their
faces. She was back next to the big old tree of Myst Wald. Schera was
surprised that Estelle managed to wake up but was glad she did. Estelle's
party got up and Schera shouted out the name of an old friend. A voice that
Schera hadn't heard in years sounded in the air and finally, Lucciola
revealed herself. She introduced herself as Performer VI of the Ouroboros,
the Charming Bell.

Again, just like the other Performers, Lucciola was here for an experiment.
An experiment in which the Gospel she possessed could put people into deep
slumber, dreaming of times filled with happiness. All was complete and it
was time she left. But before that, Schera wanted to know why she left the
troupe so suddenly. For a moment, Lucciola hesitated. Then she told Schera
what she had done. When their troupe leader died, they had all thought it
was an accident. But it was her, Lucciola who had killed him. She pushed
him off a cliff and made it to look that way. That was why she left.

Before Schera could ask any more, Lucciola told Schera that she must
defeat her one day before she will tell more. Picking up the Gospel, she

Starting Point: Nebel Valley

- Joshua and the Capua Family infiltrates the base.

- Once inside the stronghold, go into the room to the left at the
first T junction. There, you'll fight one vice captain and
2x soldiers to obtain the Mountain Lion Ship Key.

- Head to the top floor and get on the Mountain Lion. You'll fight 4x
soldiers and then Muller.

* Be aware these are 2 consecutive battles. There's no time for
recovery in between.


- Speak with Agate, Shera, Zin on the fourth floor in the seating
area. Then Klose on the third floor in the viewing room, Tita on
the second floor and Olivier on the first.

- Return to the fourth floor and you'll reach Rolent.


- Purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚U† Liberl News Issue 6 at the Central
Business Store.

- At the bar, order a ŽO‚–ڋʎq‚Ì‚¨‚¶‚â Mitsu Medama no Ojiya
(1600 Mira) for the recipe.

- Go to the house on the west side of the bar, go into the study on the
second floor and speak to Sela for Gambling Master Jack Volume 5.



- Visit the 3 different paths above to check where the fog ends.

- In Milch Way, you'll find chests with a Roaring Thunder Sword, and a
Scented Quarts.


- Returning, you find people have passed out into a deep sleep and
aren't waking up.


- Following Bracer quests are posted on board:
u–À‚¢”L‚Ì‘{õv"Search for the Lost Cat"

- Go speak to the following people to find out what happened:

1. Madam Mylene on the second floor of the Mayor's Mansion.

2. The Old Lady Maggie in the house west of the bar, Elissa on
the second floor of the bar.

3. Frio and Eury in the house behind the Orbment store.

You don't have to do this in order but you must visit them all.

- Return to the guild and selectu–ÚŒ‚ŽÒ‚Ì—L–³v
"There were witnesses" and uƒ‹ƒbƒNv "Luke" during dialogue.

- If you form a party of females only, a chocolate shopping event will
take place when you go to the Central Business Store.


- Hearing some noise downstairs, go down to find Schera.


- Go to the guild.


- You'll fight 3x Alraune when you enter.

* Earth Arts are effective here.

- Once you're inside the house, you'll find everyone have passed out
on the living room floor.

- Once Kevin arrives, you can head back to Rolent.


- Return to the guild.

- Following Bracer quests are posted on board:
uƒ~ƒ‹ƒqŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b (2)v"Monster Hunt in Milch Way"
uãŐ‰‚Ì“ƒ‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv "Monster Hunt at Jade Tower"


Obtainable Items:
Wolf Fang Whip, Survival Vest, Harken Rek, Lily Necklace, Black Bangle,
EP Charge 2, Athelas Herb

- Head to the north of the forest towards the big tree.

- Once you're in the area where the fog has become thicker, you must
pay attention to the chime or you'll get lost. If you go in the right
direction, the chime will be louder. The directions to get out of
this area are East > North > East then follow the path North.

After the little dialogue, go North > East > North > East and you're
out of the maze.

- Once you're back in the forest, continue up to the big tree and
you'll fight 2x Zakkum, 4x Alraune (Approx. Lvl 58)

* One Zakkum is only vulnerable to physical attacks while the
other is only vulnerable to magical attacks.


- Go towards the house. Estelle's mother and father appears.

- Once you regain control, go to Joshua's room on the second floor. Try
to open the door and you'll find it's locked. You need a key.

- Talk to Cassius in his room on the first floor.

- Speak to Rena behind the house.

- Take the Storage Room Key from the drawer next to the bed in Cassius'

- Go into Joshua's room now and take the Harmonica out of the blue

- Leave Joshua's room and go left, out onto the balcony. Estelle plays
the Harmonica and she wakes up.



The Ouborous were nearing the final stage of their plan and were preparing
for one final experiment. So big was the experiment that the two most
powerful members, including the Performers' leader the Professor himself
were going to be the ones carrying it out. The Gospel the Professor
created for each experiment was finally reaching the state that he needed
to unlock the place that he was searching for. Together with Leonhardt,
they boarded an airship and left their remote facility.

Soon, arriving at a strangely illuminated cave, the Professor and Leonhardt
approached what appeared to be a giant dragon deep in its slumber. A
malicious smile crossed the Professor's face.

Meanwhile, Estelle's party decided to fly to Bose. Following the pattern of
where the experiments took place, Ouroboros' next target should be there.
Taking the regular airship, they arrive at the town and make their way to
the guild. So far, it seems nothing has happened. With nothing to do for
the time being, they get handed a few monster hunting jobs. As they
eliminated the monsters in the specified areas, the party noticed something
was odd about the monsters. There were many they had not seen before and
more importantly, they seemed to be afraid of something...

Along the way, Estelle suggested they could drop by Agate's village so that
they could visit his little sister. But Agate didn't seem so keen. Estelle
wondered why.

Finishing their last job, they returned to the guild and discussed what had
happened. Suddenly a loud noise was heard at Bose Market. There a giant
dragon was perched on the roof of the building. Everyone was running around
in panick and screaming. Just as they thought the dragon was about to burn
the whole town down, Leonhardt appeared before them to keep the dragon at
bay. He was Performer No. 2, The Sword Emperor. Estelle's party had met him
before during the Coup De'tat incident at Grancel Castle. He was no easy

With the damage done, Leonhardt flew off to the next destination. It
appeared he was flying north to the village of Ravennue, Agate's hometown.
Worried, Agate ran off after the dragon at great speed. Estelle and the
others remained behind to survey the damage done. Many were trapped inside
the building or heavily wounded by the debris that had fallen from the
roof. Splitting up, they done what they could and returned to the guild to
report what happened. After notifying the army about the new threat, they
followed after Agate's trail to Ravennue.

There, neither Agate or the dragon was to be found. They were too late. The
dragon had already burned down a large part of the village. The villagers
were rushing about trying to put out the remaining flames. Among the
wreckage, Estelle found the village chief. He told them Agate had followed
the dragon north into the Krone Mountains.

Fighting their way through the monsters that lurked on the mountain path,
they soon reached the old abandoned mines. The chains that locked the
entrance gates were broken. Rushing in, they found Leonhardt and Agate
fighting one another with the dragon behind them. Agate was no match for
him. Although Agate was heavily wounded now, Leonhardt didn't finish him
off. He felt a weakness about Agate. Agate was dwelling on a past memory.
Leonhardt invited him to challenge him again once he got stronger.

Just then General Morgan's fleet arrived at the scene. It was time for
Leonhardt to retreat. Agate wasn't pleased to see the general. The army was
now fully taking charge of dealing with the dragon and the Bracer Guild was
to stay out of their way. Agate walked up to Morgan and grapped his uniform
around the neck. He didn't like him or the army. Long ago, they didn't do
anything to help his village and once again, they didn't this time either.
Agate was determined to go finish this case himself. But the severity of
the wound caught up to him and he passed out. It was then did General
Morgan recognised who the red haired young man was. Agate was one of the
people who were in Ravennue when it was brutally attacked during the war.

Once Agate was taken into one of the few buildings that remained in
Ravennue for treatment, Estelle's party joined the General on the High
Speed Cruiser Aselyu. There, he explained to them his plan to surround the
dragon and knocking it out with tranquillizers. They did not want to kill
it as it was of an ancient breed of creatures. It was also possible that it
was being controlled against its will to cause all this destruction.
Estelle's party stayed on the ship just in case they were needed when the
plan failed. To their surprise, Nial and Drothy had joined them. It was
obvious they weren't going to miss out such big headline news.

Meanwhile back at Ravennue, Agate woke up in his bed. Tita was preparing
some food on the stove nearby. Remembering what had happened, Agate tried
to get up but Tita ran over and stopped him. She told him the others had
gone after the dragon and that he was to rest well so that he could recover
soon. But being the stubborn person Agate was, he insisted on going after
them. Tita gave him a stern look and he obediently sank back into his bed.

Soon afterwards, Agate was better. He got up and looked about the room.
Surprised, he found an old photo by his bedside, of himself and his sister.
The house he was in was also exactly like the one they lived in long ago
before it was burned down. He looked sadly at the picture of his little
sister. Tita told him the village chief had the house rebuilt for him. The
chief had told her everything. Softly, she asked about Agate's sister.

And it was so, did Agate tell Tita about how he had lived together with his
sister long ago. Just before his birthday once, his sister had wanted to
give a present to his big brother. At first, she wanted to give him some
kind of accessory. Thinking that it would be too girlish, Agate looked
worried. He didn't want to look like a girl. So his sister decided to make
a necklace. Something cool looking that would suit the big brother she
adored. It wasn't long after he got the necklace did their village get
attacked while Agate was out. The army that was under the command of
General Morgan didn't come to their aid. Agate came back to find their
house burning. He tried to save his sister who was trapped inside but he
was too late.

While Agate was recovering, the fleet had split up in search of the dragon.
It wasn't long before one of their groups spotted it. Working together,
they managed to trap the dragon in the centre of their fleet before they
shot it with the tranquillizers they prepared. It took effect and the
dragon fell downwards, landing with a big splash in the water below.
Alselyu descended and landed nearby.

Immediately, Drothy started snapping pictures of the dragon. Everything
seemed to have gone according to plan but for some reason, Leonhardt wasn't
with the ancient creature. They noticed a dark globe on the dragon's nose.
They were sure that was what was controlling the creature. Suddenly, the
Gospel glowed and the dragon woke up once more. Morgan's plan had failed.
The Aselyu ascended into the air and chased after it. Although the Aselyu
was the fastest airship they had in the Liberl Kingdom, they had a hard
time catching up to it. Before long, it escaped into the fog of Nebel
Valley and didn't come out.

It was too dangerous for the Aselyu to land in the area and so it was up to
Estelle's party to find a solution. For the time being, Estelle's party
returned to town to report their progress. On the way back to town, they
met Tita and Agate again. It seemed he was well enough to move again.
Professor Russell had also implemented one of his new inventions into
Agate's great sword that should help them destroy the Gospel that was
controlling the dragon.

Together, they journeyed to Nebel Valley where they first visited their old
friend that lived in the remote hut there. At first, he refused to guide
them into the deepest part of the valley as he didn't want to lead them to
their deaths. But Agate managed to convince him and together, they made
their way to where the dragon was most likely to be hidden.

Sure enough, Estelle's party found the cave the dragon was in. Estelle sent
Jig to let General Morgan know and be ready, in case the dragon manages to
escape again. Together they worked together to distract the dragon. Agate
leaped up the nearby stones before delivering the finishing blow on the
Gospel. The Gospel shattered and the dragon past out. Before long, it woke
up again introducing itself as the Ancient Dragon Regnart. He was sorry for
what he had done and told them that a man calling himself the Professor
attached the Gospel to him. He handed Estelle's party some highly precious
Septium and told them to give it to the ones he had hurt. Agate smiled and
forgave him but, one piece of the precious Septium wasn't going to be
enough to repair the damage that was caused. With that, the Regnart agreed
to give him another piece.

After that, Agate went alone back to Ravennue to visit his sister's
grave. Morgan also appeared for he blamed himself for what happened in
the past. But to both their surprise, Leonhardt also appeared with
flowers. Agate got ready to fight but Leonhardt questioned if he really
was prepared to disturb those that rested in the burial. With that,
Agate held back. Leonhardt told Agate that he could no longer feel the
weakness in him and also of how they were reaching the last stage of their
plans. He then placed his flowers and left.

Meanwhile repair works were already underway in Bose. For now, services
continued by using the local hotel. With the case resolved, Estelle and the
others were eager to find out what Agate and Tita were up to during their
time at Ravennue...

Starting Point: Rolent


- Following Bracer quests are posted on board:
u‰ù‚©‚µ‚̃ŒƒVƒsv "A Nostalgic Recipe"
uƒfƒAƒZƒg‚Ì”é–òv "Deasette's Secret Medicine"
uzŽR‚̈ϔCóv "Marga Mountains Commission"

- Talk to the man at the port, get your tickets and fly to Bose.


- Speak to the main characters.

- Once you've spoken to them all, go to another floor and you'll arrive
at Bose.


- Once you leave the guild, the following Bracer quests are posted:
u’鍑‘åŽgŠÙ‚̈˗Šv"A Request from the Imperial Embassy"
uÁ‚¦‚½‚¨ì—lv "The Disappearance of a Young Lady"
u’¿–¡‚Ì’²’Bv "Supply of a Delicacy"

- Go to the bar and order a ƒS[ƒ‹ƒfƒ“ƒŠƒ]ƒbƒg Golden Risotto for
recipe book.

- Purchase the ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚V† Liberl News Issue 7 (100 Mira)
at Bose Market. You can also obtain the “q”ŽŽtƒWƒƒƒbƒN‚UŠª Gambling
Master Jack Volume 6 for 1000 Mira.

- For the next part, you may visit Krone Moutains, Nebel Valley and
Tower of Amberl in any order you wish. For the purpose of this
guide, it is as follows.


- Before heading here, it would be best to have the Bracer quest
uÁ‚¦‚½‚¨ì—lv "The Disappearance of a Young Lady" as part of
the prerequisites are in this area.

- There's a fight with 2x Blade Fangs (Approx. Lvl 59)

* Dark Arts are effective. If you make use of Tita's Smoke Gun at the
start, the rest of the battle is a piece of cake.


- Obtain Gambling Master Jack Volume 7 from the soldier Mikey in
the room ahead of you.

- If you accepted the uÁ‚¦‚½‚¨ì—lv "The Disappearance of a
Young Lady" quest, you'll find the "young lady" Fraisse in one of
inner rooms. Convinving her to go back with you will automatically
take you back to Bose.


- In the east area (in front of the air pirate's base entrance), you'll
find one of the wanted monsters Ghost Epitaph (Approx Lvl 60)

- You may rest in the wooden hut in the east area.


- At the top you'll fight with 4x Octobones (Approx. Lvl 62)

- Select u‹¯‚¦‚Ä‚¢‚év "The monsters were scared" during dialogue.


- Return to the guild and speak to Old Man Leqrand. An attack by the
Ancient Dragon takes place.

- At Bose Market, select u–ðŠ„•ª’Sv"Split up and help." during


- Go see the village chief who is standing in the burned remains of the


- You'll find a weapon for Zin, the "Albino Fox Talon" in a chest here.

- Head to the abandoned mines.


- Once you regain control in the mines, make your way left, cross a
bridge and then continue until you get outside. Outside, an event
with the Dragon will take place. Head to Ravennue Vilage after the


- Once you regain control, go to Agate's house (left of the village
chief's house) and find Tita there.

- Leave the village and go to Bose.

13. BOSE

- Next day, purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM “Á•Ê† Liberl News Special Issue
(100 Mira) from the Grocer, Minne inside the hotel.

- Go to Bose's International Port boarding entrance and wait for
the ship.


- Talk to the people on board and you'll soon catch sight of the

15. BOSE

- Head to Nebel Valley.

* You will fight with the Ancient Dragon in Nebel Valley so be well


- Meet Welmler in the wooden house to the east.

- Go to the far west until you find Welmler who's waiting for you.
Continue on to find the Dragon.


Obtainable Items:
Buster Gear, 2x EP Charge 1, Ebony Juice, Tiara
Herb, Mystery Rainbow Pills, Arrondite, 100x Earth/Illusion SeptiumA
Ceras Herb, Tiaralu Herb, Misty Veil.

- Fight with the Ancient Dragon, Regnart (Approx. Lvl 62)



The Mountain Lion flew under the cover of the night sky. Joshua was
planning to sneak onto Ouroboros' battleship, Glorious. Josette was worried
about what dangers awaited him. She embraced him from his back and asked
him not to go. Joshua promised her that he would see them once again before
she went back into the ship. Keer overheard their conversation and offered
Joshua to join the air pirates knowing how his sister felt about Joshua.
Joshua said he would think about it before they prepared to initiate their
plan. With the Mountain Lion distracting the patrol ships, Joshua leaps
through the air and manages to capture one. He flies off towards the

Back in Bose, Estelle's party was given tickets to the lodge near Valleria
Lake for helping the town. And so it was, Estelle's party went to the lodge
for a long relaxing break. There they were surprised to find Kevin but he
was more than welcome to stay with them. At the lodge, they did some
fishing, sparring with one another, lying in the sun, cruising out in the
tranquil lake. Before long, it was time for the evening meal. Together they
sat at the long table laid out with delicious looking food and discussed
what they knew and the events so far.

After dinner, everyone were taken to their rooms. Estelle looked out into
the dusk strewn scenery and suddenly, a sad look came across her face. The
other girls who she shared a room with decided it was best they left her
alone. Estelle walked out to the jetty and took out Joshua's harmonica. She
remembered how Joshua used to come out at dusk and play his favourite tune,
"Where the Star Lies". As she tried to play the tune, its melody reached
the ears of everyone in the lodge. Kevin came out to have a little chat
with her. Just then, a boat floated towards them with a man laying
face down inside. It was Kurz!

Estelle and Kevin took him into the lodge quickly. He seemed to bear some
heavy injuries. Soon, he woke up but couldn't recall what had happened no
matter how hard he tried. Kevin guessed it was the Professor's doing for he
had the power to seal memories. Fortunately, Kevin had found a way to undo
his trick and used it on Kurz. Kurz could remember now. He told them about
how he, Anelace and two other members of the Bracer Guild had finally found
the Ouroboros' hideout. They tried to sneak in but ended up being heavily
assaulted by the Performers. Only he managed to escape. The hideout was in
the middle of Valleria Lake. A barrier around the building kept it from
being seen.

Now knowing where their base was, Estelle's party set out towards the
centre of the lake together with Kevin. They may need him to unseal the
memories of the others. After passing through the thick fog, they reached
the Ouroboros' hideout. They sneaked in and worked their way through to
find the other Bracers. Along the way, they came across rooms which had the
devices the other Performers were using earlier, held in glass casings.
Even machines that produced the dark Orbment, Gospel. Many mechanical
guards also roamed the building.

Eventually, Estelle's party found the other Bracer members. But they were
all being controlled. It wasn't until they were knocked out were they
returned to normal with the help of Kevin.

Reaching the top level of the building, Estelle found Joshua unconcious on
the floor. She rushed towards him but was attacked. It was just another
doll that the Ouroboros created. Nearby, Professor Weismann was sitting on a
chair enjoying the show. Estelle was furious. She ran towards the Professor
without thinking. Before the others could stop her, a wall appeared between
them preventing them from going any further. Quickly they found another way
round to the roof. But they were too late. Estelle was already carried onto
one of the enemy's ships and took off.

Moments later, Estelle woke up and found herself in a plain simple room
with a large window looking outside. After recalling what happened, she got
up and peered out. She gasped as she saw the enormous scarlet airship she
was on. It was many times greater than that of Aselyu and was brimmed with
cannons. Just then, Renne appeared. She was happy to see Estelle again and
told her that the Professor wanted to see her.

After a while, Estelle and Renne reached a long hall with a long banner at
the end. On it was the symbol of Ouroboros and in front was a stand. There
stood Professor Weismann. The face that Estelle couldn't recall earlier. It
was him that she and Joshua met during the celebrations. Weismann smiled
malicously once again. He welcomed Estelle aboard his ship, the Glorius. He
had Renne bring her here so that he could offer her to join the Ouroboros.
They could use her and by joining the organisation, she could see Joshua
again. Weismann had no doubt that if Estelle was here, Joshua would return
to them too. Estelle would be able to be with Joshua again and stay with
him while Weismann would have his trusted assistant back. But Estelle
smiles and refuses. She believed that neither she or Joshua would work for
his evil schemes in hurting the innocent. She leaps forward to strike but
gets repelled by Leonhardt. The other Performers also appear. Estelle is
then taken back to her room as Weismann announces that they're going into
the final stage of his plan.

Later inside Estelle's room, she thinks over what Weismann offered her
earlier. Then Leonhardt appeared. He told Estelle to consider the offer and
then told her what happened to Joshua and him long ago in Halem.

Halem was a village at the borders in between the Liberl Kingdom and
Erebonian Empire back when the two countries were at war. During the
peaceful days, Joshua and Leonhardt lived together happily with their
older sister. Leonhardt would be sharpening his sword techniques while
Joshua would be playing by his sister. But one day, their village was
attacked by soldiers and buildings were burned down. Many were slayed. In
the chaos, Leonhardt managed to distract the soldiers while Joshua and
their sister ran.

They didn't make it. A soldier caught hold of their sister. Refusing to let
them take her away, Joshua tries to fight the soldiers but he wasn't strong
enough. Knocked onto the ground, the soldier shot at him. The shot didn't
reach its target. Joshua's sister had jumped in front of Joshua, shielding
him from the shot. By then, Leonhardt had caught up, killing the soldiers
before running to his sister. There was nothing they could do to help her.
They watched helplessly as they held their sister during the last moments
of her life before she passed away, smiling.

Since then, Joshua was in a mental breakdown with his mind completely
shattered. It was after that incident did the two brothers meet Professor
Weissmann who offered to let them join the Ouroboros.

Estelle stood there in silence. After a while, she spoke. The story didn't
seem to have the desired effect Leonhardt was thinking of. She didn't
change her mind about not joining the Ourbouros. She still believed in
Joshua and how this wasn't the way he wanted to amend things. Leonhardt
just smiled saying she was a strong girl. He thought to himself that maybe
she really is the one who can save his brother. Warning Estelle not to
attempt escape, he left the room.

Now more determined to escape than ever, Estelle thought of a plan.

Outside, the soldiers grumbled about having to guard a little girl. They
wished they could join the Professor. Suddenly, they heard the sound of
glass smashing from inside the room. They rushed in and couldn't find
Estelle anywhere. One of them peered out the window. Could she have tried
jumping out? Just then, Estelle leapt in from above knocking the soldier
out. The other soldier tried to suppress her with gunfire but ended up
being knocked out too. Estelle made her way out of the room and tried to
find some means of escaping.

Eventually, she reached the deck but gets surrounded by soldiers. A smirk
looking young man appears who Estelle recognises as Gilbert, Dalmore's
secretary. Seems he decided to join Ouroboros' army after the Coup De'tat
incident. Claiming to be much stronger now after undergoing Ouroboros'
training program, he and the other soldiers attack Estelle. She wasn't
afraid of Gilbert but she was outnumbered. Just then Joshua drops in behind
the soldiers and knocks them out. It was the real Joshua. But there was no
time to rejoice.

Just as they were going to walk away, Leonhardt appears. He knew Joshua
would come. While he wanted to protect Estelle, Joshua wasn't at level
grounds with his brother out in the open. So he told him about the
explosives he set on each of the ship's main engines. With all the main
Ouroboros members out, only Leonhardt would be able to do anything about
them. He was forced to let them go.

Together, Joshua and Estelle made their way to the hangar to find a ship to
escape in. But Campanella was waiting for them. He smiled looking happy to
see his fellow comrade Joshua again. He wasn't going to let them escape so
easily. After a short fight with two robots, Joshua and Estelle found a
ship free at the end of the hangar. Turning on the engines, they launched
themselves into the open sky. Patrol ships immediately went on pursuit.

Just as things were looking bleak, the Mountain Lion appeared. Josette had
managed to convince both his brothers to come help Joshua after much
nagging. While they distacted the patrols, Joshua and Estelle made a clean
escape. After landing on a beach somewhere, the two had their little quiet
time together. Estelle embraced Joshua from his back. She told him how he
had everyone worried about him. Especially her. After some chat, Joshua
agreed to see everyone again and was ready to work together to stop the

Meanwhile, the Performers had gathered at the towers around Liberl Kingdom,
ready for the final phase of their leader's plan...

Starting Point: Air Pirates' Ship


- Go to the bridge once you regain control.


- At the start, you obtain a Lodging Ticket

- Following Bracer quests are posted on board:
uƒ‰ƒ”ƒFƒ“ƒkŽR“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv"Monster Hunt in Ravennue Trail"
u¤l‚ÌŒì‰qv "Merchants Escort "
u‰“‚¢“ú‚Ì‹L‰¯v"Far Away Memories"

- In Bose Market, purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚W† Liberl News
Issue 8 (100 Mira)

- After accepting the "Escort Merchants" quest (optional), leave
for Ravennue.


- Talk to the kid named Lui playing by the entrance to get obtain
Gambling Master Jack Volume 8.


- You meet the soldiers from the Kingdom's Army at the mines and
the Bracer quest u”pB‚Ì‘|“¢ív "Abandoned Mine Cleanup
Operation" takes place.

* Quest not found on the guild board.


- Speak to Welmler in the wooden hut for the ˆÃˆÅ“çsŠoŒåt‚̃ŒƒVƒs
Dark Brew "Resolution" Recipe.


- Speak to Chalkos who is near the entrance to obtain Gambling Master
Jack Volume 9


*For those who want the fishing rod, "Lake Rod II"

Talk to Old Lady Cecil who's in the house opposite the weapon store.
After that, go to the bridge west of Lake Valleria and talk to Old Man
Kuwano. Return to Bose and speak to Cecil again and obtain Lake Rod II


- Inside the lodge.

* After this, you will be going straight to the enemy facility to
have all the gear you need ready.

- Once you have everything ready, talk to Kevin and choose
u‚à‚¤—pŽ–‚Í‚È‚¢v "I have nothing left to do."

- Once it's evening and you regain control of Estelle, go to the jetty
to the right of the lodge. Kevin comes to talk to her after hearing
her play Joshua's harmonica. An unconscious Kurz comes floating
in a boat and after treating him, you're off to the enemy facility.


Obtainable Items:
1F - Suprise Bell, Wind Lathe, EP Charge 2, Defence 4, Misty Veil
2F - Night Goggles, Ebony Juice, Star Rabbit
3F - Peaceful Sleep Cookie, Attack 4, Ebony Suit

- Enter the building from the west (the front door can't be opened).

- After fighting with Kurz, get the Red Guard Key from the device at
the back. You can now open gates with red sensors.

- Find and fight Karna on level 2 then get the Green Guard Key.

- Find and fight Anelace on level 3 and get the Blue Guard Key.

- On the fourth floor, fight with 3x Dopper Runners.

- After Estelle disappears, head to the top of the laboratory via the
inner door.


- Once you regain control, go to the next room and get a Knockout
Meat Ball.

- Head to the santuary (you can try making use of the maps next
to the elevators). Weismann and his Performers appear.

- After Estelle fools the guards, head for the deck.

- On the deck, she gets spotted by enemy soldiers. Once you're
surrounded, choose uƒ_ƒ‹ƒ‚ƒA‚̔鏑v "You're Dalmore's secretary."
You'll break into a fight when them. It doesn't matter if you lose.

11. Glorius (Estelle and Joshua Part)

- After regaining control, descend the stairs ahead and go to the
hangar. At this point you'll find various items such as a
Star Rabbit, Substitute Muppet etc.

- Once you reach the hangar, go to the furthest hangar bay no. 3
and Campanella will appear. You'll have to fight a Pale Apache.
After winning, Estelle and Joshua escapes from the Glorius airship.



Back onboard the Aselyu, Joshua reunited with the others. Everyone was
happy to see him again. He apologized to them for making them worry so
much. But their happy reunion didn't last long. Reports came in that large
black globes have appeared at the four towers around the Liberl Kingdom,
engulfing the top of each one. The army had already gone to each location
and sealed off the areas. Knowing that it was the work of Ouroboros, Julia
set the ship on course to the nearest tower, Jade Tower.

Estelle's party used the lift to descend down and talked to the soldiers
outside the tower entrance. It seems a man with a mask, wearing white
clothes was seen at the top of the tower. Besides the dark globe
surrounding the top, another strange aura surrounded the entrance at the
foot of the tower. Estelle's party was unsure what was going to happen but
stepped through.

Inside, they found themselves in a strange place filled with floating
crystals and a maze of paths high and low. It didn't resemble the tower
they entered during the Coup De'tat incident. Nevertheless, they had to
make their way up.

They made their way along the paths, fighting through creatures they've
never seen before. They also found some strange pyramids which projected a
worn out message when touched. Joshua guessed they contained records of
what happened in the past and so decided to take the crystals that were
inside with them. Hopefully, Professor Russell's computer could help
decipher them later.

Eventually, they reached the top and there, waiting for them was Blblanc.
Behind him was the strange device they discovered when they explored the
tower in one of their earlier adventures. It was active and a Gospel was
set into it, glowing. Estelle's party fought Blblanc and tried to
deactivate the device but, the Gospel suddenly stopped glowing. The strange
barrier around the roof also disappeared. It seemed whatever Blblanc was
doing had been completed. Blblanc once again bowed before them and

Estelle's party hurried back to the Aselyu and proceeded to the remaining
three towers. In all three, they experienced the same strange place that
they had seen in the Jade Tower as well as find more data crystals from the
black pyramids. On the roofs they found Walter, Lucciola and Renne doing
the same thing that Blblanc done. Night had fallen and despite their
efforts, Estelle's party couldn't stop them in time.

All of a sudden, the sky grew dark and the sound of thunder could be heard
as Estelle's party stood on the Aselyu. There was a flash of lightning and
out of a bright swarm of cloud appeared a giant glowing structure, greater
than the size of Grancel Castle by many times. Then a burst of energy that
resembled that of the Gospel they first discovered, emitted from the
structure. In the blink of an eye, all the power in Liberl Kingdom was gone
and darkness befell every inch of the land...

Starting Point: Alselyu


* You can make use of the bed in the room next to Kevin's room to rest.

- At the items seller, purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚X† Liberl News Issue

- In the lowest deck where the hangar bay is, use the lift and descend.

* You can return to Alselyu even after you've gone down.


Obtainable Items:
2F - Gram Choker, Caledvwlch, Taichi Suit
4F - Emerald Light Stone Amulet, Data Crystal 0-3, Pa Kua Suit
5F - Blue Falcon, Regina Girder, Dark Light Pill

- Fight with Blblanc at the top (Approx. Lvl 71)

* Maybe best if you used magic attacks on him. Items that adds
resistance against Silence, Confusion and Craft Disable will also
be a good idea.


* Again, you can rest in the room next to Kevin's.

- If you go talk to Professor Russell, you'll find you can now upgrade
your slots to level 3.

- Go to the lower deck and take the lift down.


Obtainable Items:
2F - Crimsion Light Talisman, EP Charge 3
3F - Data Crystal 4-7, Kuratake Armou, Suzaku Bow
5F - Taichi Suit, Yinyang, Substitute Muppet, Blue Light Pearl
Long Barrel III, Blue Falcon

- Fight with Walter at the top (Approx. Lvl 73)

* Again, like the fight with Blblanc, it maybe best to use magic
attacks. Good idea to equip items that prevent Faint and Craft


- Have Klose in your party, go to the stern of the ship and talk to the
cat Antoine to obtain Gambling Master Jack Volume 10.

- Go to the lowest deck and use the lift to descend.


Obtainable Items:
2F - Data Crystal 8
3F - Avenger, Data Crystal 9
4F - Dragon Fang Whip, Pa Kua Suit, Data Crystal 10
5F - Crimson Light Talisman, Data Crystal 11, Regina Shield,
EP Charge III, Azure Light Talisman, Master Beans

- Fight with Lucciola at the top (Approx. Lvl 74)

* Again, best to use magic attacks. Have items that prevent Confusion
and Sleep.


- Go to the lowest deck and use the lift to descend.


Obtainable Items:
1F - EP Charge III
2F - Mirage Ring, Blue Falcon, Taichi Suit
3F - Hakakushi Quartz, Skull Pendant
4/5F - Amberl Light Pearl, Data Crystal 12-15, Lebens Borne,
Tempest Cannon, Amberl Light Talisman, Lohan Staff

- Fight Renne at the top (Approx. Lvl 75)

* Again, magic attacks. Have items that prevent Darkness and Petrify.
You may also want to equip Skull Pendants ƒXƒJƒ‹ƒyƒ“ƒfƒ“ƒg to keep
your party members alive. This gives you resistance to her opening
1 hit KO attack.

- Right after the fight with Renne, you fight Patel-Matel.

* Earth Guard and Earth Wall is extremely effective here.



Back on land, chaos had broken out. Everything that made use of Orbmental
technology had stopped working. Groups of people gathered to gaze at the
large structure in the sky. They all thought it was a bad omen. With all
their technology down, Liberl Kingdom were going to be at the mercy of
their enemies. But a small glimmer of hope was found at the guild in Bose.

Professor Russell had finally made a breakthrough analysing the Gospel they
got during the Coup De'tat incident. At first, they had thought the Gospel
was a dark Orbment that interrupted the power of other Orbments but, it
appeared they were wrong. The Gospel was an object that absorbed the power
from other Orbments then, acting as a gateway, the power would be
transferred somewhere. That somewhere was the giant legendary city that was
now in the sky, the Liber Arc.

For the time being, they had to think of a way of restoring their defences.
Fortunately for them, Professor Russell had managed to invent a device that
disrupts the Gospel's effect. However, the disruptors were only powerful
enough to cover an object about the size of a hand. So they decided to
restore the communicator mechanisms at the guilds first so that they could
all keep in touch. After a little work, they successfully got it working
again. Now Estelle's party had to go around restoring the communicators in
the other guilds. With the disruption from Liber Arc, their Orbmental
Battle Devices were also affected so none of them could make use of Arts.
All airships were down too. It was going to be a teacherous journey
travelling to the other cities on foot. But they had to do it.

It was a dark time for the Liberl Kingdom. All services came to a
standstill and people were panicking. In Ruan, the bridge had
stopped working. Estelle's party found themselves queuing for the boat that
took people from one side of the city to the other. Many people thought
that the large object floating in the sky was a secret weapon being used by
another country, ready for invasion. Others gazed at it in wonder.

Along the way, Tita dropped by Elmo to help fix the hot spring resort by
implementing an old gasoline powered combustion engine. With the
way things were now, everyone needed a place where they could relax their
minds more than ever before.

Eventually, Estelle's party arrived at the last guild to restore the
communicator there. There was a message from Queen Alisia. She wanted to
speak to them about something and was asking them to see her at the castle.

At Grancel Castle, it seemed Klose had finally made up her mind to ascend
to the throne as the next queen of Liberl Kingdom. Just as they discussed
their plans, a soldier rushes into the room in a panick. The queen asked
him what was wrong. A large group of steam powered tanks and soldiers from
the Erebonian Empire were marching their way towards the walls outside

At first, Queen Alisia was going to go and find out what was going on. But
Klose thought it was best that she went as the next queen. Together with
Estelle and the other party members, they hurried to the gates. There,
Klose greeted their general and found out that the Erebonian Empire was
accusing the Liberl Kingdom of breaking the Anti-War Treaty that was
signed recently. Thus, they had decided to prepare for war by allocating a
large number of their forces outside Grancel. To Estelle's and the other's
surprise, Olivier was also there together with Muller. But Oliver was
dressed more formally this time and for some reason, he acted like he
didn't know Estelle or any of the others.

Olivier introduced himself as the Prince of Erebonia and explained that
rumours among his people, said that the floating object in the sky was
Liberl Kingdom's secret weapon. Erebonia's council and minister came to
the conclusion they were breaking the Anti-War Treaty and so, gave them
reason to justify their move. Estelle stepped in, arguing that the
floating object had nothing to do with them and the fact that all machinary
in the kingdom was affected proved that. She also told them that they were
already trying to get to the root of the problem too but Olivier and the
general was skeptical they could do anything. Just then, the High Speed
Cruiser arrived together with Liutenant Julia, General Morgan and Estelle's
father Cassius on it. It seemed Professor Russell had managed to implement
some of his Wave Disruptor technology into the cruiser.

With the reputable Cassius here and seeing how they had an airship
working, Olivier and the general agreed to withdraw their army for now.
They agreed that they would not resort to anything rash on the condition
that they solved the current problem that affected all Orbmental
technology, as well as the object in the sky.

After Joshua's reunion with his foster father Cassius and receiving a
letter from him, Estelle's party headed back to Grancel. Little did they
know about the other surprise that awaited them...

The city of Grancel was in flames. The Ouroboros were trying to invade the
castle. Their mechanical robots and soldiers were everywhere. Estelle's
party did their best to get through to the castle but there were too many
of the enemy.

Meanwhile, the Performers had reached the castle doors. It looked like
it'll take them some time to break down the strong double doors. Walter
grinned and stepped up. With a loud roar, he blasted the doors down.

Inside, the castle guards prepared to defend the queen along with Dunan and
his butler Philip. The guards were all killed in a blink of the eye. Philip
had no choice but to fight too. He was a former military personnel and
still had some fight in him left. Enough to stall for time.

Outside, Estelle's party finally made it to the castle doors. They rushed
in and found all the soldiers dead. Philip stirred a little as they ran
towards him. After learning the Performers were headed up to the throne
room, they hastily made their way up. They were just in time as the
Performers were about to leave with the Queen.

With all four Performers together, Estelle's party had little chance of
winning. Just as things looked bleak, Colonel Richard arrived together with
another high rank soldier. Richard had been released and was now serving
Liberl Kingdom again. His loyal soldiers were also helping fight the
Ouroboros' army in the city. They were successfully repelling the enemy's

But the Performers had had their fun. They were just out for a stroll
before the next step of their plan. It was time they returned to Professor
Weismann on the Glorius.

Back at the guild, reports came in that the Glorius was flying towards
Liber Arc. Whatever Weismann was up to, Estelle's party would find out
there. And so, they went off towards the legendary floating city aboard the

Starting Point: Bose

* In this chapter, you can travel around Liberl freely. However, for the
purpose of this guide, we'll be going from Bose > Rolent > Grancel >
Zeiss > Ruan.

* This part of the guide doesn't mention anything about the towers but,
if you fight your way to the top, you can obtain some rare items by
defeating the monsters on the roof.


- At the start, you will be handed four Wave Disruptors.

* Characters must be equipped with one of these to
be able to use Arts.

- Following Blazer quests are posted on board:
uƒNƒ[ƒl“»‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv"Monster Hunt in Krone Mountains"
uV“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv "Monster Hunt in Ansell New way"


- Get an Mysterious Aurora Pill from Rei.


- Go to the guild, activate the communicator behind the reception by
using it. You'll lose one Wave Disruptor.

- Following Blazer quests are posted on board:
uƒGƒŠ[ƒYŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv"Monster Hunt in Ellise Way"
uƒ~ƒ‹ƒqŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚bv "Monster Hunt in Milch Way"


- Find a miner inside.

- Check the elevator and then use it to go down.

* You will fall into battle right after you use the elevator so be
prepared first.

- After winning, you must find the remaining 3 trapped miners.

- Ignore the area with the fog first (this is the monsters' nest) and
go find the miners in the other areas. Once you've found them all,
go to the nest. You'll fight a Hydra Armour and 4x Killer Cancers.

The "Rescue the Miners" quest is complete after you win.


- Go to the chapel and a wedding will take place.

- After the wedding ceremony, go to the bar and talk to the girl Sela
who is sitting at the table in front of the counter. You'll get
Gambling Master Jack Volume 11.


- Purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚P‚O† Liberl News Issue 10 from the Edel
Department Store.


- Go to the guild and restore the communicator. You lose a Wave


* You'll need Tita in your party for this quest.

- Speak to Old Lady Mao twice and choose to help her. You'll get the
Pump Room Key.

- Go into the pump house and you'll find that you need a combustion
engine to get it working again since all machines using Septium as
a fuel are currently offline.


- Go to the basement and speak to ƒ‹[ƒfƒB Rudy. He'll hand you a
Workshop Chief's Letter of Reference.


- Equip your Night Goggles and head to Grune Gate.

* You should have this from the Prologue. If not, buy it from the
items store in Zeiss.

11. RUAN

- At the harbour (near the crane), speak to ƒn[ƒO Haag to get three
Gasoline Tanks.


- Speak the Gustav the Maintenance Chief at the Departure/Arrivals


- Ask the guard at the gate about the combustion engine.


- Take the road that splits out to Wolf Fort and Tower of Amberl to
find a military ship which had to make an emergency landing. Speak to
Liutenant Huffman and obtain the Combustion Engine.

15. ELMO

- Go to the pump house and the hot springs will be working again. Mao
will give you Highly Concentrated Herb Tea.

The mƒGƒ‹ƒ‚‰·ò‚Ì•œ‹Œn "Resumption of the Elmo Hot Springs" quest
is complete.


- Speak with Captain Pace and obtain Gambling Master Jack Volume 13.

17. Ruan

- Go to the guild, repair the communicator and lose another Wave

18. Vista Woodlands Path (Approx. Lvl 78)

- Once you enter the area, you will immediately be attacked by 2x Blade
Cougars. After defeating them, you will continue on with the campus

* After this, you will have consecutive battles with Hunter Soldiers
so be ready.


- Going around each building, look through the windows in the Boys
Dormitory, Main School Building and the Girls Dormitory.

- Check the entrance to the old school building.

- After going round checking everything, you will automatically return
to where Estelle and the others are.


- Once your party is ready, go defeat the Strengthened Hunter Soldiers
on the second floor of the Club House, Main School Building 1F/2F,
the Girls Dorm and the Boys Dorm to rescue the teachers and students.

* You must find everyone apart from Rachael.

* Equipping items that prevent Craft Seal may make the battles
- Once you've found everyone (besides Rachael), leave the building and
you'll hear a scream. Go to the old school building.


- Enter the building, defeat Gilbert and complete the "Campus
Occupation" quest.


- Speak with Purple on the first floor of the school building, in the
Cultures Lecture Room to obtain Gambling Master Jack Volume 12.

23. BOSE

- Speak to Minne at the Book Stall to obtain Gambling Master Jack
Volume 14. You can also purchase back issues Liberl News if you want.


- There will be a fight at the entrance.

* Items that prevent Darkness would be a good idea.

* If you have collected all 14 volumes of Gambling Master Jack, talk to
the Coffee House manager Paral to obtain a Semria Stone.

- At the gates of Grancel Castle, you'll fight 3x Pale Apaches.


- Go to the throne room at the top level.



Aboard the Aselyu, everyone was gathered in the navigation room. Professor
Russell and Kevin was also on board. As a member of the Nanateru Knights,
it was his responsibility to recover any lost Artifacts they find on Liber
Arc. But suddenly, something appeared on the ship's radar. Something large
was approaching them. It was the Ouroboros's giant battleship, Glorius.
Fortunately, they manage to evade its attacks in the clouds. But something
was wrong with the ship's engines as they approached the floating city.
They had no choice but to crash land. Everyone held on tight.

Aselyu burst through the thick clouds that surrounded the beautiful city
and finally crashed into a plain open area. It was a rough ride but
everyone seemed to be all right. It seemed the Wave Disruptor system had
malfunctioned during their flight. One side of the Aselyu was damaged badly
with the reamins of the engine and wings scattered nearby. Looking out the
window, they saw a tall white tower in the distance. It looked of great
importance and that's where Estelle's party decided to go. Leaving the
others to search for materials to repair the ship, went outside to explore.

Liber Arc was a beautiful city split into many areas. So beautiful
that Estelle and the others wondered why it was abandoned...

After taking the elevator nearby up, they found a strange device.
Attempting to use it, they found that it was similar to the computer in
Zeiss. They found they were at West Calmare Station in the Park Area. On
the terminal menu, they also found options that opened an emergency
underground passageway that lead to the various other areas of the city.
There was also a service that allowed them to create powerful Orbs that
they've never seen before.

An option named "Rail Halo" caught their eye. Upon selecting it, a carriage
arrived on the ring that circulated the around the city. It seemed to be a
transport service. But at the moment, it seemed the other stations were
shutdown, just like the one they were at. They'll have to activate the
other stations before they can make use of the Rail Halo fully.

Wandering around the park for a while, they found the whole section was
sealed off by gates. It seemed they had no choice but to use the emergency
passageways they unlocked.

Making their way through through the passageway, Estelle's party reached
the Cradle Area, the residentual zone. To their surprise, they found
Josette being attacked by Ouroboros' underlings. Josette was filled with joy
to be able to see Joshua again. But she was not too thrilled to see him
with Estelle.

Fending off the Ouroboros' underlings, they gathered inside one of the empty
homes. Sitting at a table, Josette explained how they approached the
floating city out of curiosity. But as they did so, the Mountain Lion
suddenly lost power and they crash landed. Afterwards, they were attacked
by Ouroboros' soldiers. Josette's brothers were captured while she managed
to escape. Looks like the Ouroboros were already on the Liber Arc too.

For a brief moment, Josette and Estelle seemed to fight with one another as
Josette let slip some of the things she and Joshua had done together.
Joshua sighed, confused about why the two girls were fighting over such
small things. Soon, they settled down and Joshua suggested it was best if
Josette went back to their ship Aselyu for the time being while they looked
for the enemy. Estelle also agreed to help her find her brothers which came
as a surprise to Josette. She didn't think Estelle would be so nice to
her. After Josette had gone, they arrived at another station, No. 35.
Cradle Station. This time however, the terminal seemed to be missing a
part. It was missing a Gospel.

Searching the area for clues as to where they could get one, they arrive at
the City Hall. There they find a machine where it seemed that citizens
could apply for a replacement Gospel. It looked as if the Gospel was a
common Orb that everyone had on Liber Arc. However, no matter what
Estelle's party entered, the machine's scanner didn't recognise any of
them. None of them matched the details that they entered. Just then, Joshua
thought of the data crystals they collected from the towers. So together,
they went back to the Aselyu.

Fortunately, a few of the worn data crystals had been deciphered by the
computer that was moved onto the ship. They were logs of someone who
recorded how the leader of Liber Arc decided to forbid the use of Gospels
as their power was too dangerous. The centre of all that power was in the
heart of Liber Arc itself. They had to seal the city somehow to prevent
anyone else finding this power. And thus, they began their project to build
four structures known as Device Towers around around Liberl Kingdom. After
they successfully sealed the city, everyone migrated to the ground to
continue their lives.

Wading through the records, as if by luck, Estelle's party found the
details of one of the Liber Arc citizens. Someone by the name of Celeste
Auslese. Deciding to try again, they returned to the City Hall together
with Klose.

At the machine, they entered the details of the information they found
using Klose as the applicant. It worked. Klose guessed that her family
maybe descendants of the people who lived on Liber Arc. With the new
original Gospel, Estelle's party made their way back to the terminal at
the No. 35 Cradle Station. The Rail Halo station was activated and the
party made their way through the next undergound passage to the next area.

They found themselves in what appeared to be an industrial area. A terminal
stated they were at the No. 7 Factoria Station. Using the Gospel to access
the machine again, they found they needed a password to unlock the nearby
passageway and activate the Rail Halo. Estelle's party had no choice but to
go look for clues again.

After discovering the Glorius parked in a nearby area of Factoria,
Estelle's party returned back to the ship to get Josette. Together they
infiltrated the ship and managed to rescue Josette's brothers.

Returning to the Mountain Lion, Estelle told Keer what they were doing on
Liber Arc and how they were looking for some password. Keer remembered
overhearing the soldiers talking about a terminal and mentioning the word
"Orpheus". It seemed to be something very important. Thinking that was what
they needed, Estelle's party headed back to the No. 7 Factoria Station.
Sure enough, it was the password they needed. Following through the
emergency passageway, they finally reached outside the tower they saw

Prepared for the final battle that laid ahead, Estelle's party entered the
Central Tower, The Access Pillar. As they made their way to the top,
they found a Performer waiting at each switch they had to use to open the
doors that lead to the next level. Their first challenger was Blblanc,
followed by Walter, Lucciola and Renne. Each of them revealed their reasons
for working with the Ouroboros after being defeated in a tough battle.

Blblanc, who wanted to persue beauty, wanted to steal the most beautiful
thing that humans can ever have. Hope.

Walter on the hand, had grown jealous of the way their master admired Zin
for his skills and righteous heart. So while Walter learned various martial
arts to become stronger, he became blinded by his lust for power and ended
up fighting his master to the death. After that, he could no longer face
Kirika even though he cared a lot about her.

Finally Renne was abandoned by her parents. They sold her to some strangers
while lying, promising to come back for her. In those strangers hands, she
went through some hard times. Later, the members of Ouroboros including
Joshua slayed them and let her join the organisation. Everyone had been
kind to her, teaching her everything they knew. She wanted to become the
strongest person there ever was so no one could ever hurt her again. But
after meeting Estelle, her thoughts wasn't so sure.

Having fulfilled their roles and being defeated, the Performers left.
Estelle's party walked on and reached the top. Leonhardt, otherwise known
as Leve among the Performers, was waiting for them. Joshua was ready to
confront his brother and find out why he was helping the Ouroboros.

Everyone including Estelle, watched as Leonhardt and Joshua's blades
clashed. As they fought, Leonhardt revealed that he was helping the
Ouroboros not to avenge their sister's death. Instead, he wanted to have
the power to prevent the same incident happening again. Joshua argued that
what his brother was seeking now wasn't what was needed. What they needed
was the love of others. Their sister loved them a lot and that's what made
her strong. It was how she managed to save Joshua and smile before she
died. And it was Estelle's love and the ones who cared about Joshua that
gave him strength.

Leonhardt refused to listen. Instead, he challenged Joshua to prove it to
him. Joshua looked like he was losing to the Sword Emperor but, at the
last moment he managed a strike that was so powerful, it knocked the sword
out of Leonhardt's hand. Joshua had done it.

As Leonhardt stood smiling, he said he would now leave the Ouroboros. Joshua
cried with joy and hugged his brother. He was so glad to have him back
again. The two brothers could be together again. Although Weismann maybe
strong, Joshua was sure the two them could defeat him.

Just then, a flash of light struck Leonhardt, knocking him to the ground.
It was Weismann, carrying his Artifact spear. A wry smile spread across his
face as he congratulated the brothers' reunion. Weismann clicked his
fingers and suddenly Joshua came to his side as if under a spell. It seemed
it was all still going according to his plan. He pointed out that
Joshua will always be his puppet as long as the Sacred Mark that he
embedded onto him remains. Estelle and the other's called out Joshua's name
desparately trying to wake him up but he didn't answer. Laughing, he
invited them all to join him at Liber Arc's power source. Then he and
Joshua disappeared.

Struggling to talk, Leonhardt told them to use the elevator behind him. It
would lead them deep into Liber Arc where the power source was. But just as
Estelle's party went for the elevator, two large robots appeared. They had
no time to fight them but they didn't have a choice. Then suddenly, some
grenades flew into the path of the robots. It was the Capua Family as well
as everyone else who were aboard the Aselyu. They urged Estelle to go on
while they took care of the robots. Leonhardt too asked Estelle to save his
brother and bring him back. Estelle nodded to him and then went on the

At the bottom, Weismann was already waiting for them, standing next to a
bright yellow globe that had rings rotating around it. Next to him was
Joshua. Seeing Estelle's party, Weismann welcomed them and pointing to the
globe, he presented the Glimmering Ring, the source of Liber Arc's power
and where all the energy absorbed by the Gospels went.

Estelle demanded Weismann to hand Joshua back but he refused. He then
went onto congratulate them for having past all the tests and to be
able to witness the final step of his Evangelic Plan. Weismann asked if
Estelle what happened with the people who lived with the Glimmering Ring
behind him 1200 years ago. Hearing that she didn't, he went onto explain.

1200 years ago, the Goddess handed down Seven Treasures into the world.
These Seven Treasures were scattered among humans and using them, they
persued their own ideals. The floating city of Liber Arc was one of those
ideals. Using the one of the Seven Treasures, the Glimmering Ring as the
power source, they wanted to build a paradise. There, people were given
an orb known as the Gospel which acted as a terminal to the Glimmering
Ring. It had the power to grant the user any wish they desired thus,
creating a world without conflict and where people could live a rich life.
However, because this was done through a Gospel, part of their "soul" had
to be used to grant their desires. Because of this power to grant wishes,
to make them dream, many became obssessed with its use and people started
to detoriate.

As more and more people grew obssessed, the city started to decline
completely. Suicides, murders and all sorts of other crimes took place
while people continued to use the Gospels, ignoring what was happening. And
so eventually, they decided to build the four Device Towers to seal the
city along with the Glimmering Ring. But now, even as they spoke, the same
events were taking place once again in the world below them. Conflicts take
place and people were trying to achieve a rich life through Orbmental
technology. At this rate, people were going to stay as useless
beings. Nothing was going to change. And so Weismann, as the messenger of
Ouroboros' leader, was to use the power of the Glimmering Ring to
evolutionise Mankind, giving them the ability not to be controlled by
emotions and the knowledge to make the right decisions at any time.

Estelle sighed and told Weismann what he thought was wrong. Humans weren't
useless and the way they can live through hardships proves just that. She
thought it was meaningless to give humans the abilities Weismann wants to.
It's better if people helped one another just like Estelle and her friends
have been doing. The people who decided to seal the Glimmering Ring 1200
years ago probably thought the same thing. If Weismann was still intent on
carrying out the evolution, Estelle would just have to resort to force.

Smiling, Weismann challenged Estelle to show just how strong humans were.
Using the Evil Eye, he froze Estelle's companions to the spot. Then he
ordered Joshua to strike at her. Joshua was too fast. Estelle was knocked
to the ground.

Weismann laughed. He was pleased at how strong his tool Joshua was. He
looked forward to seeing his face after he gets released from his spell and
finding out he just killed Estelle. Joshua's mind would crumble once again
and he could reinforce his control over him. Weissmann gave the command to
finish Estelle off and Joshua raised his blade into the air. Estelle
apologized to him because it looked as if she couldn't keep her promise.
The promise they made that they would see it through til the end. Yet, she
believed that Joshua would one day be freed even without her.

Just as Estelle was ready to accept her death in the hands of her loved
one, she heard Joshua apologize to her. Suddenly, Joshua struck out at
Weismann but he parried it. He was confused why Joshua wasn't under his
control anymore. Glancing at Joshua's shoulder, he notices the Sacred Mark
had gone. Even Estelle was surprised. Then Joshua explained to them that
the letter Cassius handed to him earlier told him how to break free from
Weissmann's control. It told him to talk to Kevin who later managed to help
him remove the mark. Now it was their turn to strike back.

After a short fight, Weismann suddenly merged with the Glimmering Ring.
Estelle's party tried to attack him but a barrier around him stopped them
from doing so. Just then, Leonhardt arrived with the black Dragion he
obtained earlier. He tried to cut open the barrier with its hands. Then he
asked Weismann if he was the one who caused the Hamel Tragedy 10 years ago.
Weismann laughed in his new form, saying all he done was mention the small
town's name.

Having confirmed his thoughts, Leonhardt slashed out at the barrier with
his sword. To Weismann's disbelief, the sword ripped through the barrier.
Then he realized the sword was an Artifact. Leonhardt had received it from
the Ouroboros' leader. Panicking, he attacked Leonhardt relentlessly trying
to force him to get away. With a smile, Leonhardt was knocked to the ground
and his black Dragion was shattered into pieces. Estelle's party attacked
the now vulnerable Weismann.

It was a fierce battle but Estelle's party finally won. For some reason,
the Glimmering Ring disappeared and Weismann was left, heavily wounded in
his original form. Disbelieved, Weismann escaped with a flash. Joshua ran
to his brother immediately, crying. He had already lost his sister. He
couldn't bear the thought of Leonhardt leaving him too. Leonhardt told him
not to cry. He was always a cry baby when he was younger. He told Joshua to
live on and protect the ones he loved. Leonhardt knew he was at his end.
Continuing his struggle to talk, he asked Estelle to take care of his
brother. Then he smiled as he felt he now truely understood how his sister
felt before she died.

Not long after the rest of the crew soon arrived, the whole place began to
shake violently. Russell said Liber Arc's power source was gone and the
place was going to crumble. They started to hurry back to their ships but
Joshua remained kneeling by his brother. He told Estelle to go on ahead.
Estelle wasn't going to leave him. Helping him up, she slapped him,
reminding him what his brother said earlier. Reminded of what his brother
said to him, he took his sword and said he would bury it next to their
sister. He said his last farewell.

Meanwhile, Weismann was confused about why the Glimmering Ring disappeared.
It was not part of what the Leader foretold. Then he realised that maybe
even he was just part of a test. Furious, he was determined to ask the
Leader when he got back. Just then, Kevin appeared. He was sent to
investigate about the Glimmering Ring and it was his job to eliminate
Weismann for what he has done.

Weismann laughed as there was no way a mere member of the Church would be
able to stop him. He tried to use the Evil Eye on Kevin but it didn't work.
Kevin struck back with his crossbow. Weissman laughed again, saying that a
petty arrow wasn't going to kill him. But he fell to the ground. He
realised that Kevin had struck him with an Artifact. Crying out in rage,
Weismann was turned into stone. Kevin sighed at himself, saying how he
could no longer turn back. He envied how lucky Joshua was.

Suddenly, Kevin heard a voice calling him by his alias name, "The
Lawbreaker Hunter". It was Campanella. He came here to retrieve something
for their Leader. Clicking his fingers and turning Weismann into dust, he
commented about how mysterious the Seipai Knights that Kevin belonged to
was. Kevin said the same thing about Ouroboros as Campanella took Weismann's
spear with him.

Back at near where the Glimmering Ring was, Estelle and Joshua ran as
quickly as they could to catch up with the others. But suddenly, Joshua
felt weak. Kevin said that it was the side effects in removing the Sacred
Mark. With Estelle helping him, Kevin went on ahead. Just as Estelle and
Joshua were going to catch up again, a large boulder came down from above,
breaking them off from the others. There was nothing they could do but find
another way out.

Together, the two ran off through the emergency passageways. But as they
got out the door that lead to the area where Aselyu was, the path before
them broke away. Quickly, they tried to run back but it was too late. They
were trapped on a platform now. It was only a matter of time before the
pillar that supported it gave way too. Strangely, neither of them were
afraid. Blushing, Estelle asked Joshua if she could grant her two wishes.
For the first, she asked him to hold her. Joshua smiled and went forward
doing just that. For the second wish, Estelle hesitated but Joshua said it
for her. They kissed just as the platform below them fell apart and holding
each other, they fell.

Things looked grim as the entire floating city fell apart into ruins.
Estelle's friends waited for them as long as they could but they had to
leave. Both the Mountain Lion and the Aselyu escaped narrowly as large
quantities of debris crashed into the waters below. They all expected the
worst had happened.

With eyes closed, Joshua and Estelle fell. But it wasn't long before they
felt themselves land on something hard. They could still feel the rush of
air. Then they heard their father Cassius' voice. They opened their eyes
and found themselves on the back of the Ancient Dragon Regnart. It seems
everything was back in order again in Liberl Kingdom. After leaving the
remaining work to Morgan, Cassius managed to find Regnart and convinced him
to fly to Liber Arc. He arrived just in time to save his daughter and
Joshua. Regnart then hinted how the danger was over for now but told them
to be prepared as it was just the beginning.

With the Glimmering Ring now gone, the Ouroboros' plan was thwarted. Estelle
and Joshua split up from everyone as they all went back to their separate
lives. Joshua took Estelle to where his sister was buried. After burying
Leonhardt's sword by their sister's side, Estelle stood in front of the
burial stone to say hello for the first time. Then together, Estelle and
Joshua set off on another journey. One that was only for them to spend
together, alone...

Starting Point: Alselyu


- Inside the ship, order a ƒrƒ^[ƒIƒ€ƒŒƒc Bitter Omelette (1800 Mira)
from the place that sells items.

- You can also purchase ƒŠƒx[ƒ‹’ʐM ‘æ‚P‚PŠª Liberl News Issue 11.

- You can purchase gear from the room that Russell is in.


- Take the elevator up and go to West Calmare Station

- Use the computer terminal at the station.

- From the Online Shop, you'll be able to create Azure Light
Pearls and Crimson Light Pearls from the Septium you have.

- Unlock the gate to the Calmare Park Area.

- Choose to use the Rail Halo to activate the rail service.

- Head into the undergound passageway via the unlocked gate.


Obtainable Items:
Silver Light Pearl, Dominion, Black Light Pearl


- Go inside the house near the exit you come out off and use the
computer terminal. You will learn the Resurrection Jelly recipe.

* If you have the Semria Stone, use the computer terminal in the
restaurant and obtain Data Crystal Z.

If you take the crystal back to Russell, you'll obtain either
Estelle or Joshua's ultimate weapon.

- Entering the second Residential Area, you'll run into a fight
after which you'll be able to have Josette in your party.

- You can rest in the Mountain Lion.

- Go to the City Hall that's south of the Mountain Lion.

- Get the Golden Light Pearl from the chest.

- Use the terminal, select mƒSƒXƒyƒ‹‚̍Ĕ­s\¿n
"Application for a New Gospel" and then randomly select the
other options until you exit the application. You'll have
received an error message.

- Use the elevator to the west of the City Hall and ascend to the
No. 35 Cradle Station.


- Use the terminal.

- From the Online Shop you can create Amber Light Pearls and
Emerald Light Pearls.

- Activate the Rail Halo.

- Use the Rail Halo to travel back to West Calmare Station where the
airship is.


- Speak with Russell.

- Use the computer in the left corner of the room and check Data
Crystal 0 to find out someone's application details.

- Put Klose in your party.


Take the Rail Halo to No. 35 Cradle Station then go to the Residentual


- Use the terminal in the City Hall, select mƒSƒXƒyƒ‹‚̍Ĕ­s\¿n
"Application for a New Gospel" select:

ƒNƒ[ƒ[ (depends on your party order)
ƒZƒŒƒXƒg(4th option)A
ƒAƒEƒXƒŒ[ƒ[ (4th option)

You'll receive an Original Gospel.

- Use the original Gospel (event item marked with a hand in your
inventory) at the No. 35 Cradle Station terminal and the gate in
the Residentual Area will be unlocked.

- Enter the underground passageway via the unlocked gate in the
Residentual Area.


Obtainable Items:
Hermes Gear, Wind Light Pearl, Pelsedia, Lion King Sword


Obtainable Items:
Omega Craft, Illusional Light Pearl

- Use the elevator in Factoria 2 to go to No. 7 Factoria Station.

- Use the terminal at the No. 7 Factoria Station.

- With the Online Shop, you can create Black Light Pearls, Gold
Light Pearls and Silver Light Pearls.

- Activate the Rail Halo so that you can travel between the
other stations you activated.

- Try unlocking the gate and it'll prompt for a password.

- Head to the Glorius in the Factoria 3 area. You fight with
Strengthened Hunter Soldiers when you try to infiltrate the ship.

* You must have Josette in your party to go into the ship. If you
don't have her in your party, return to Alselyu to get her.


Obtainable Items:
Refilder, Gral Slot, Seven Star Sword

- You'll find the Cappua family members locked up in the Confinement


Obtainable Items:
Dark Messiah, Aurelia Dress

- 2nd Level, Rear > 1st Level, Rear > Go to top deck.

- In front of the elevator at the 1st Level Rear Deck, you can rest.

- At top deck, you fight 3x Pale Apache.


Obtainable Items:
1st Level, Front - Jagd Panther, Rozen Kranz

- Along the corridor on the 2nd level at the front, you'll find a
Security Card in the inner most room.

- Return to the Confinement Area.


- On your way to the Confinement Area (Level 1), you'll fight Gilbert
and Riot Arms.

- Use the terminal in the Confinement Area and select "Cell 1" to
rescue the Cappua family and escape from Glorius.

* If you open "Cell 2" and "Cell 4" first, you'll obtain 300
Septiums of each element and a Jagd Shield.

- After escaping, you'll gain Josette's S Craft "Wild Cut".


- Speak with Keer in the Mountain Lion and choose u’[––‚̃pƒXƒ[ƒhv
"Terminal Password" during dialogue.

- Take the Rail Halo to No. 7 Factoria Station.


- Use the Original Gospel at the terminal then enter the password
'ORPHEUS'. The Factoria 3 gate is unlocked.

- Go into the underground passage via the unlocked gate.


Obtainable Items:

Spiegel, Wood Light Pearl, Water Light Pearl, Parthenon Gear


- Take the elevator to the south to reach the station in front of the
Access Pillar.

- Use the terminal.

- With the Online Shop you can create Water Light Pearls, Wind
Light Pearls, Wood Light Pearls and Illusion Light Pearls.

- Activate the Rail Halo and you'll now be able to travel
between all stations.

- Head to the tower to the north and you'll fight a Riot Clow and
2x Solid Seekers.


Obtainable Items:
1F - Long Barrel III, Brave Staff, Scaffold Muppet, Seram Capsule
2F - Yorumangato, Tiger Heart
4F - Prometheus, Shine Sphere, Gaia Suit
5F - Barbarossa Armour
6F - Sieglinde Armour, Aura Fencer

- Outside the second level, you'll fight Blblanc and
2x Balancing Clowns. Afterwards, use the control to unlock the gate.

* If you have Klose or Olivier in your party, an event occurs.

* After unlocking the gate, you can use the glowing warp to return to
the first level of the tower.

- Outside the third level, you'll fight Walter and 2x Shadow Cougars.
Afterwards, use the contol to unlock the gate.

* Having Zin in your party will activate an event.

- Outside the fourth level, you'll fight Lucciola, a Zakkum and
2x Alraunes. Afterwards, use the contol to unlock the gate.

* Having Schera in your party will activate an event.

- Outside the fifth floor, you'll fight Renne and Patel Matel.
Afterwards, use the contol to unlock the gate.

- At the top level, you'll fight the Sword Emperor Leve and
2x Riot Sabers.

* Once you get on the level 6 elevator, the battle with Leve
continues so it's best if you used the recovery point nearby
first before proceeding.

- After the fight with Leve, you'll fight Traumerei Dragion.


- Head towards the area to have 4 consecutive battles with Weismann.
- Weismann and 4x Battle Shells
- Angel Weismann
* An event battle. The battle ends after hitting him once.
- Angel Weismann and 4x Greed Looper
- Angel Weismann and 4x Alpha Omega
* This is the final battle so give it your best shot!


- Follow the path and then enjoy the ending!

Ending Theme Song

I Swear...

Vocal: Kotera Kanako
Guitar: Goto Akihiro
Lyrics: shibazaki Ayako
Arrangement: Wada Kohei
Recording: Miyasaka Kazuhiro (Presstone)

I swear... I wanna steer my way... sora wo meguri yukeba
We'll be there... kitto aeru kara yakusoku no basho he

ima hitotsu omoidashita deai no ashiato
tsumasaki ni kaoru hana
kirameite sakihajimeru yasashii kioku iro
sorezore ga tokubetsu na mono

hiroku kokoro wo mitasu
hitomi to namida to soshite egao-tachi ga

I swear... donna tooku ni ite mo tadori yukeba
kitto kanaderareru kara aoi uta
I'll be there... ayumi susumu michi wa nanairo no wa
zutto wasurenai you ni mata aoi sora aogu

mata koko ni hibikidashita tokei no ashioto
eien ni egaku yume
yurameite kagayaite'ru marui takara mono
sorezore ga mirai he tsunagu

tsuyoku kokoro wo musubu
anata to watashi to soshite nakama-tachi ga

I swear... donna tooku ni ite mo tadori yukeba
kitto mitsukerareru kara ai no uta
I'll be there... I wanna find myself... sora wo tadori yukeba
We'll be there... kitto aeru kara yakusoku no basho he

I swear... donna tooku ni ite mo tadori yukeba
kitto kanaderareru kara aoi uta
I swear.. I wanna steer my way in the sky
and now I find out song
We'll be there... kitto aeru kara yakusoku no basho he


I swear... I wanna steer my way... If I ever return to the sky.
We'll be there... We'll meet each other at the promised place.

Just now, I remembered those footsteps we made
When we first met, tiptoeing through those fragrant flowers
Those wonderful memories shine and are beginning to blossom
Each and every one a special thing to us.

The way we looked, our tears and our smiles,
Fills and spreads through our hearts.

I swear... No matter how far apart we are, if you just follow the
You'll be able to hear that young song.
I'll be there... Walking along the path filled with seven colours,
Looking up at the blue sky so that I'd never forget it.

Again, we hear the sound of the clock ticking here,
Like a dream being painted by eternity.
Round treasures shaking and shining,
Each and every one of them linked to the future.

You, me and all our friends,
Strongly links our hearts together.

I swear... No matter how far apart we are, if you just follow the
You'll be able to find that love song.
I'll be there... I wanna find myself... If I ever return to the
We'll be there... We'll meet each other at the promised place.

I swear... No matter how far apart we are, if you just follow the
You'll be able to hear that young song.
I swear.. I wanna steer my way in the sky
and now I find out song
We'll be there... We'll meet each other at the promised place.

8.0 Credits & Contact Info

Thanks goes to...

The webmaster of Falcom Daisuki for the original Japanese guide at:


Falcom for making such a fun game with a great story to it! I look forward
to the next Falcom project which will hopefully be set in the world of
Legend of Heroes VI too.


Credits goes to ASCII Generator for the logo:


If anyone wants to use this FAQ on their own site or for any other purposes,
please leave everything in this guide intact. Questions, comments,
suggestions are welcome or if you just want to contact me about other
things, feel free to drop me an e-mail to kaworu_sangaku(at)lineone.net.

Please do not e-mail me if you're stuck in the game and it's been over a
year or so since I've played it. I will probably not remember how exactly
to resolve the problem.
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Engl Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

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