Ace Combat: Distant Thunder

Ace Combat: Distant Thunder

04.10.2013 01:32:57
Ace Combat 04 FAQ

Ver. 1.1

By Halo00to14

I. Intro
a. Verisons
II. Controls
III. Planes
V. Manuvers
VI. Missions
VII. Ground Weapons
VIII. Aces
IX. Secerts
a. Contact
XI. Misc.

I. Intro
First and foremost, I would like to say that this is my first FAQ. So, I'm
pretty much learning as I go. E-mail me with tips to make this FAQ better With
that out of the way, on to the FAQ!
Ace Combat 4, AC4, is one of the best games out there for the PS2. Great
game play, great graphics, and overall a great experince. The planes are awsome,
the weapons are great, and dog fighting can get nice and heated.
There is a story to this game, though not directly to your character in
the game. The story focuses more on the boy who lives behind the enemy line and
how he looks up to an enemy ace pilot. As too not give too much away, I'll stop
there. It's an interesting story though.

A. Verisons

Ver. 1.1 - Ace locations added. New section for me to work on also,
ground weapons, price of planes, added and edited plane info,
weapons info, some mission info, more questions answered, and
unlocking the X-02 added.

Ver. 1.0 - Basic layout. Somethings are still in the works, such as the
Aces, Secerts, Missions and Manuvers. Prices of the planes
are coming so sit tight, along with how to unlock them.

II. Controls

I'm not too good with drawing using characters, so here's the control list.

L1 - Decelerate
L2 - Yaw Left
R1 - Accelerate
R2 - Yaw Right
R3 - Display rear veiw
Left Analog - Controls plane
Right Analog - Moves veiw
Select - Change Weapons
Start - Pause
Up Directional Button - Auto Pilot
Down Dircetional Button - Change veiw
Square Button - Display map, harder you press,
the less detailed it is
X Button - Fire Gun
Circle Button - Fire Missle
Hold it down to track missle
Triangle Button - Change Target
Hold down to zoom in

I suggest you go on the trial missions to get some pratice with the controls.
There is also an Easy type of controls, but I never used them, nor needed to.
The differnce is that in Easy control mode, where eve you move the Left Stick
the the plane moves too. To get the most out of the game, I suggest using
either the HUD or cockpit veiw, because it is easy to get lost in the behind
the plane veiw. Of course, it's just my thoughts on it, so it might be
differnt for you.

III. Planes

Here's a list of planes, with info on the planes. On the stats of the planes,
it is on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. Some planes you'll have to
shoot down an Ace to get them. The planes are list in order of expense, just
like in the game. I'm only going to put up the price of the intial color of the
plane. The cost of the other paint schemes are either the same or a little more
than when you first bought the plane.

Also, some planes will have more info on them than others. The reason for this
is because I know more about certain planes that others. Hopefully someone will
send me more info on the planes.


Model: F-4E
Name: Phantom
Type: Fighter
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Info: The Phamtom was used in the Veitnam war. The plane had high usage in the
70's and 80's. Overall, the plane isn't bad, it's just dated. Many nations that
can't afford MiGs or other planes, will get ahold of these.
Speed: 4
Air to Air: 5
Air to Ground: 4
Mobility: 4
Stability: 4
Defense: 7
A. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
B. NPB - Napalm, the weapon that is used to clear out forest. Unguided.
Speards out over an area.
How to unlock: First plane you get to fly.


Model: F-5E
Name: N/A
Type: Fighter
Buy: $52,000
Sell: $93,000
Info: A light fighter that is supersonic to a point (Mach 1-2). Decent
maneuverabiliy, but don't expect to dodge missles with ease in this baby.
Speed: 5
Air to Air: 5
Air to Ground: 3
Mobility: 5
Stability: 7
Defense: 5
A. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
B. RCL - Rocket Luncher, air to ground, and spread bomb.
How to lock: N/A


Model: F-16C
Name: Fighting Falcon
Type: Fighter
Buy: $97,000
Sell: $149,000
Info: Small, light weight fighter that is quick and agile. This plane was used
for air defense after the 9-11 attacks. Usally launched from air bases.
The USAF gives some planes a red, white and blue paint job for the air
show team the Thunderbirds.
Speed: 7
Air to Air: 8
Air to Ground: 4
Mobility: 8
Stability: 3
Defense: 5
A. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
B. XAGM - Advance Air to groun missle. Will lock on and home in on target.
It will also target many differnt targets (up too 4) and shoots
four sperate missles at the targets. Very usefull.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: A-10A
Name: Warthog
Type: Attacker
Buy: $123,000
Sell: $236,000
Info: The Warthog is used as a tank killer. Very weak at air to air combat, but
it can hold it's own. Stories come from the front line about this plane
taking a hit to a wing or engine, but still manages to fly back in one
peice. The plane was used in the Gulf War. It is built around a
GAU38 30 MM cannon. This plane is the closest to a bomber in the game.
Strong air to ground fighter. It has a WWII body design, despite the fact
it was designed post Vietnam.
Speed: 1
Air to Air: 1
Air to Ground: 10
Mobility: 4
Stability: 8
Defense: 10
A. UGBL - Unguided bomb, large. Has more bang than the UGBM.
B. XAGM - Advance Air to groun missle. Will lock on and home in on target.
It will also target many differnt targets (up too 4) and shoots
four sperate missles at the targets. Very usefull.
C. CLB - Cluster bomb, unguided. It's spreads over a large area to damange
primary target and surrounding targets.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: MIR-2000
Name: N/A
Type: Fighter
Buy: $110,000
Sell: $166,000
Info: The French equal to the F-16.
Speed: 8
Air to Air: 7.5
Air to Ground: 5.5
Mobility: 8
Stability: 1
Defense: 8
A. UGBS - Unguided bomb, small. Like the UGBM with less punch.
B. LASM - Long Range Air to Surface Missle. This has homing capabilities.
These can take out annoying SAMs and AA Guns from a distance
BEFORE they can hit you.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F-14A
Name: Tom Cat
Type: Fighter
Buy: $188,000
Sell: $254,000
Info: Remember Top Gun? Remember how much of a bad ass Tom Cruise was in that
movie? Well, now you too can fly the Navy's most reconizeable plane! This
bad boy is strictly used for dog fighting, but it can do ground assults.
It's wings will sweep back for faster flight, and even though it's not
the most maneuverable plane out there, it'll take you for a ride.
Speed: 7.5
Air to Air: 8.5
Air to Ground: 4
Mobility: 7.5
Stability: 7.5
Defence: 8.75
A. XLAA - Advance longe range Air to Air missle. This missle has homing
capabilities and muilti-targeting. It can fire four missles at
the same time. It's very close to sniping the enemy.
B. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: TND-ID5
Name: Tornado(???)
Type: Attacker
Buy: $172,000
Sell: $318,000
Info: Used in the Gulf war by the British pilots, it is also used by NATO.
There's two differnt variations of this plane, a jammer and the standard.
It is best against ground attacks, like the A-10. Unlike the A-10, it can
put up a good fight in the skies. British made.
Speed: 3
Air to Air: 3
Air to Ground: 9
Mobility: 2
Stability: 8
Defense: 9.5
A. BDSP - Bomblet Dispenser. Air to ground weapons that has the two X for
targeting (see HUD section). After intial launch, the bomblets
will spread over an area and do damage to the primary target as
well as surrounding targets. Covers a large area.
B. PGB - Precision Guided Bomb Used during the Gulf War by the F-117. The
lazer guidded bomb will hone in on a lazer beam that is on the
target. Just let go and move to another target. It is a free fall
C. LASM - Long Range Air to Surface Missle. This has homing capabilities.
These can take out annoying SAMs and AA Guns from a distance
BEFORE they can hit you.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F/A-18C
Name: Hornet
Type: Multi-role
Buy: $170,000
Sell: $313,000
Info: The Hornet is one of the top aircraft used by the US military. It is
carrier based with folding wings so it can fit in the bowls of the
carrier with ease. It is a decent plane all around. This will be replaced
by the Super Hornet that is to come out soon. Also used as an escort.
The US Navy gives some planes a blue and gold paint scheme for the air
show team the Blue Angels.
Speed: 6
Air to Air: 7
Air to Ground: 7
Mobility: 7
Stability: 6
Defense: 8
A. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
B. LASM - Long Range Air to Surface Missle. This has homing capabilities.
These can take out annoying SAMs and AA Guns from a distance
BEFORE they can hit you.
C. XMAA - Medium range Air to air missle. Like it's cousin, the XLAR, it can
home and multitarget. It's range is shorter than the XLAR, but longer
than the standard missle.
How to Unlock: N/A


Model: F-15C
Name: Eagle
Type: Fighter
Buy: $272,000
Sell: $367,000
Info: This aircraft is used by the USAF in the Gulf War. NATO and the UN has
some also. The US has sold these aircraft to Iseral and Japan. This
aircraft is an air to air fighter first and foremost. Though it can
strike ground targets, it's not the best one to choose for that kind of
Speed: 7
Air to Air: 8
Air to Ground: 3
Mobility: 7.5
Stability: 6.5
Defense: 7.5
A. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
B. XMAA - Medium range Air to air missle. Like it's cousin, the XLAA, it can
home and multitarget. It's range is shorter than the XLAA, but longer
than the standard missle.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: MiG-29A
Name: N/A
Buy: $259,000
Sell: $340,000
Info: Up until recently, this plane was Russian's top fighter. Now that is has
been surpassed by newer models, it has proliferated around the world from
USA training ground to the Iraqi airforce. Though this air plane is some
what dated, it can hold it's own against anything. Despite it's size, it
has a high speed and can do tight turns. It also can out maneuver almost
Speed: 9
Air to Air: 7
Air to Ground: 6.75
Mobility: 7.25
Stability: 4
Defense: 6.75
A. UGBS - Unguided bomb, small. Like the UGBM with less punch.
B. RCL - Rocket Luncher, air to ground, and spread bomb.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F-117A
Name: Stealth Fighter or Night Hawk(?)
Type: Attacker
Buy: $386,000
Sell: $618,000
Info: Despite being known around the world as the "Stealth Fighter", this plane
is more like a bomber than anything else. It can only carry two missles
at any given time, and during the Gulf War, it was used as a bomber to
take out targets in urban areas because it carries lazer guided bombs.
It will primarily be used to strike at night, and due to it's shape and
coat of paint, it's radar profile is little to none at all. SAMs will
have a hard time hitting you, but they can visually aim at you. Durning
the NATO strikes in the Kosovo area, one was shot down due to the use of
many radar stations to triangelate the postion of the plane, thus proving
that stealth technology will only help so much.
Speed: 4
Air to Air: 1
Air to Ground: 9.75
Mobility: 4
Stability: 7
Defense: 9.75
A. UGBL - Unguided bomb, large. Has more bang than the UGBM.
B. PGB - Precision Guided Bomb Used during the Gulf War by the F-117. The
lazer guidded bomb will hone in on a lazer beam that is on the
target. Just let go and move to another target. It is a free fall
C. CLB - Cluster bomb, unguided. It's spreads over a large area to damange
primary target and surrounding targets.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: EF-2000
Name: Euro Fighter (?)
Type: Fighter
Buy: $351,000
Sell: $455,000
Info: This is the EU's most advance plane. Delta wing with canards to help in
out maneuver anything out there. French design, it has been readily
adopted to be the EU's air superiority fighter. It's high rate of speed,
high mobility, and decent defense makes this fighter a worthy enemy in a
dog fight. Be warned though, it's French built, and as we all know, the
only good thing to come out of France is French Ticklers, French Kissing,
French Maids, and French Toast. :-) Also, this plane is similar to the
JSF program in the US in that any nation can easily change its
Speed: 9.5
Air to Air: 9.5
Air to Ground: 4.5
Mobility: 8.75
Stability: 5
Defense: 6
A. XLAA - Advance longe range Air to Air missle. This missle has homing
capabilities and muilti-targeting. It can fire four missles at
the same time. It's very close to sniping the enemy.
B. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: R-M01
Name: N/A
Type: Multirole
Buy: $370,000
Sell: $589,000
Info: The British verison of the EU-2000. This plane has been modified >from the
standard model. The modifcations have slowed this plane down, and made it
a weaker dog fighter (as compared to the EU-2000), but has made it a
stronger air to ground combat plane. This plane is similar to the JSF,
and this model shows how effective a JSF program can work. Any of the
EU's pilots can use this plane.
Speed: 8.5
Air to Air: 8
Air to Ground: 7.9
Mobility: 8.25
Stability: 8
Defense: 9
A. SOD - Stand off Dispenser. This is like a missle and a bomblet bomb
combined into one. Lock on, and let go of this missle and it
will fly over the target. When it is over the target, the missle
will break up into bomblets that will then fall on the primary
target as well as destroy surrounding targets. It affects a
large area.
B. XMAA - Medium range Air to air missle. Like it's cousin, the XLAA, it can
home and multitarget. It's range is shorter than the XLAA, but longer
than the standard missle.
C. LASM - Long Range Air to Surface Missle. This has homing capabilities.
These can take out annoying SAMs and AA Guns from a distance
BEFORE they can hit you.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F-15E
Name: Eagle
Type: Multirole
Buy: $505,000
Sell: $741,000
Info: An advance model of the F-15. After this model was made, it was used in
the Gulf War along side of its bretheren. This model was used extentively
as a air to ground fighter.
Speed: 8
Air to Air: 8.5
Air to Ground: 8.25
Mobility: 8.25
Stability: 6
Defense: 8
A. UGBL - Unguided bomb, large. Has more bang than the UGBM.
B. XMAA - Medium range Air to air missle. Like it's cousin, the XLAA, it can
home and multitarget. It's range is shorter than the XLAA, but longer
than the standard missle.
C. CLB - Cluster bomb, unguided. It's spreads over a large area to damange
primary target and surrounding targets.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F-2A
Name: N/A
Type: Attack
Buy: $505,000
Sell: $725,000
Info: A modified F-16 that is used as a support fighter. It's alloy body makes
lighter, thus making it more maneuverable.
Speed: 7
Air to Air: 8.25
Air to Ground: 9
Mobility: 9
Stability: 5
Defense: 7.25
A. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
B. LASM - Long Range Air to Surface Missle. This has homing capabilities.
These can take out annoying SAMs and AA Guns from a distance
BEFORE they can hit you.
C. RCL - Rocket Luncher, air to ground, and spread bomb.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: SU-35
Name: N/A
Type: Fighter
Buy: $589,000
Sell: $722,000
Info: Some pilots around the world would tell you that this is the plane to
beat. Russian built, it can do the Colbit with ease. Highly maneuverable,
high speed, and decent defense makes this a great plane to have in a dog
fight. The Yellow Squad can be seen flying these planes. This is a
favorite among many players and pilots.
Speed: 9.5
Air to Air: 9.25
Air to Ground: 4
Mobility: 9.8
Stability: 5
Defense: 8
A. XLAA - Advance longe range Air to Air missle. This missle has homing
capabilities and muilti-targeting. It can fire four missles at
the same time. It's very close to sniping the enemy.
B. UGBM - Unguided Bomb, medium size. Deploy and forget about it.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F-22A
Name: Raptor
Type: Fighter
Buy: $643,000
Sell: $806,000
Info: This is the true stealth fighter. The Raptor comes with thrust vectoring,
stealth, and advance avaionics. This plane can do just about anything.
The thrust vectoring makes the plane highly maneuverable. This plane can
supersonice speeds without the use of an after burner. The canopy is gold
tint to prevent the pilot from being picked up on radar. The plane has on
board computers to help in controling the plane in flight. This aircraft
isn't in production yet.
Speed: 9.75
Air to Air: 9.9
Air to Ground: 6
Mobility: 8
Stability: 7
Defense: 9
A. XMAA - Medium range Air to air missle. Like it's cousin, the XLAA, it can
home and multitarget. It's range is shorter than the XLAA, but longer
than the standard missle.
B. PGB - Precision Guided Bomb Used during the Gulf War by the F-117. The
lazer guidded bomb will hone in on a lazer beam that is on the
target. Just let go and move to another target. It is a free fall
How to unlock: N/A


Model: SU-37
Type: Fighter
Buy: $618,000
Sell: $903,000
Info: The advance model of the SU-35. Faster, more agile, and a stronger air to
air combat plane than the SU-35. The Yello Squad will fly these later on
in the game.
Speed: 10
Air to Air: 9.9
Air to Ground: 4
Mobility: 10
Stability: 5
Defense: 8
A. QAAM - Quick Maneuver missile. These bad boys will follow you nonstop.
So far, I have not found away to avoid these babies no matter
what. The only thing you can do, is to try to make them fly past
you, turn around, and shoot down the enemy before you get shot
down yourself. These are truly a "fire and forget" weapons.
They will do all the dirty work for you.
B. UGBL - Unguided bomb, large. Has more bang than the UGBM.
C. LASM - Long Range Air to Surface Missle. This has homing capabilities.
These can take out annoying SAMs and AA Guns from a distance
BEFORE they can hit you.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: F-15 ACTIVE
Name: Eagle
Type: Fighter
Buy: $620,000
Sell: $906,000
Info: The most advance F-15 out there. It has just about everything the F-22
has. This plane has canards to help in turning and overall flying. This
aircraft is one of the top machines in the world. I doubt it's in mass
porduction right now. The game says it has forward swept wings, but when
you take a look at it, the wings aren't forward swept.
Speed: 8.75
Air to Air: 9
Air to Ground: 7.25
Mobility: 10
Stability: 9
Defense: 8.9
A. XMAA - Medium range Air to air missle. Like it's cousin, the XLAA, it can
home and multitarget. It's range is shorter than the XLAA, but longer
than the standard missle.
B. FREB - Fuel-Air Explosive Bomb. Like Napalm, but has vapor instead.
wide range of damage is done due to the fire cause by the
How to unlock: N/A


Model: S-37
Name: N/A
Type: Fighter
Buy: $889,000
Sell: $1,043,000
Info: Forward swept canards and wings make this plane EXTREMELY maneuverable.
The only problem with this plane is that it lacks ground fighting
capability. Great for dog fights though.
Speed: 9.8
Air to Air: 9.9
Air to Ground: 4
Mobility: 9
Stability: 7
Defense: 8
A. QAAM - Quick Maneuver missile. These bad boys will follow you nonstop.
So far, I have not found away to avoid these babies no matter
what. The only thing you can do, is to try to make them fly past
you, turn around, and shoot down the enemy before you get shot
down yourself. These are truly a "fire and forget" weapons.
They will do all the dirty work for you.
B. UGBL - Unguided bomb, large. Has more bang than the UGBM.
How to unlock: N/A


Model: X-02
Name: N/A
Type: Multirole
Buy: $1,414,000
Sell: $2,283,000
Info: This plane does not exist at all. Namco made a damn good plane. It has
high marks in all stats execpt defense, but it's defense is decent.
It has forward swept wings, that can fold in to make a delta wing. If you
look at the plane from above, the wings will make a "W" shape. When you
speed up, the plane will form a spear head shape, meaning that the
canards are at the same angle as the wings, and the tail fins will move
behind the wings. Not the fastest plane out there, but it is one of my
Speed: 9.8
Air to Air: 10
Air to Ground: 9
Mobility: 10
Stability: 8.9
Defense: 7
A. XLAA - Advance longe range Air to Air missle. This missle has homing
capabilities and muilti-targeting. It can fire four missles at
the same time. It's very close to sniping the enemy.
C. QAAM - Quick Maneuver missile. These bad boys will follow you nonstop.
So far, I have not found away to avoid these babies no matter
what. The only thing you can do, is to try to make them fly past
you, turn around, and shoot down the enemy before you get shot
down yourself. These are truly a "fire and forget" weapons.
They will do all the dirty work for you.
How to unlock: You must get S rank in all mission on Normal Mode, and go
through the game a second time using the speical continue
option. On your third play through you can buy the plane.

IV. HUD (Heads Up Display)

This is an important interface to use. It will tell you what targets it is
locked onto, where that target is, your speed, altitude, directions (N,S,E,W),
where the bombs will fall and many other useful infomation. This is to tell you
how to use the HUD to the fullest. Firing missles and guns are straight
forward, whereas bombing is a little differnt.

When Droping Bombs:

In the HUD, the set up will be differnt from using missles. The HUD will
look a little like this (don't mind the bad graphic):

| |
| |
| |
| |
250 W 1000
| ~o~ |
| | |
| | |
| /---\ |
| | * | |
| \___/ |

The circle with the dot in the middle is where the bomb will drop.
Sometimes though (as in the X-02) there will be two X's connected to each
other. You will push the Circle button to drop the bomb when the circle
is on the target, or when the target is in between the two X's. If you
have any questions about bombing, e-mail me.

V. Maneuvers

A. Loop: Basic, just pull back on the stick. If you speed up the loop will the
larger. slow down and the loop will be tighter. Great way to get
behind a boogie.
B. Barrel Roll: Basic, hold the stick to the right or left side. You'll spin
the nose in 360 degrees. Must master in order to right yourself
so you won't crash into the ground. Also, helpful in turning.
C. Turning: Basic, roll 90 degrees to the right or left, and pull back on the
stick to turn. The slower you turn the tighter the turn is. Another
great way for getting behind the boogies.
D. Colbit or Cobra: Difficult to get right, but get easier after you practice.
Here is a diagram how it will look like from the side veiw:


Looks very cool on the replays, very good to get behind
boogies and missles. You can see the Yellow squad's
SU-35's pull off the maneuver. Here's how you can do it:
1. Fligh straight at a decent speed
2. Hit the breaks and pull back on the stick
3. Climb at a 60-90 degree angle
4. Level off and ease on the throttle
E. Back Flip: OMG, one of the hardest to pull off, but the coolest to see and
do. I only did it once by accident in the X-02. Here's what it'll
look like:

------------- Key:
/ /__\ \ * start
/ \ ^ end
/ \
* ^
<--- direction of flight

You will fly backwards for a moment do to the interia or the
plane. I'll get more info on this move as soon as possible.

VI. Missions

Mission 1 - Sitting Duck
Info: Bombers are heading in to take out the Allenfort Air Base. If the
bombers are not taken out, the GHQ will be the next target, and ISAF
will fall.
What to do: You must catch up to the bombers. You'll be heading in from
south. Speed up and take them out. The bombers have four
Difficulty: Very Easy
Time Limit: 10:00 min

Mission 2 - Imminent Threat
Info: The enemies airbase is too close for comfort. You must go in, and
take out the bombers that are there while they are grounded.
What to do: Follow the ower lines and take out the power station first.
After which take out the air targets first, then everything
else. There's seven aircraft you must go through. Watch for
the AA Guns and SAM's.
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 15:00

Mission 3 - Northern Eye
Info: Troops are evac'ing, but the enemies radar base will pick up their
movements. Get rid of the base to cloak the troops evac.
What to do: Simple, take out the radars. This one is differnt though, you
are flying in the mountains, with very little room for error.
There's six air targets, 13 ground, and nine essiental targets
that must be taken out to complete the mission. There's two
bases to take out.
Difficulty: Medium due to terrain.
Time: 15:00 min to destory, 15:00 min to RTB

Mission 4 - Blockade
Info: Enemy is transporting troops and supplies to a port city. You must
shoot them down. You won't be able to see them because they have
EMC's to block radar.
What to do: First off, what I do is follow the circle of the EMP's to the
center, it's not that hard to do. After you find the E-767,
shoot it down with a missile or two, and do the same for the
other EMC. After that take down the targets. There's seven
escorts with the transports.
Difficulty: Without radar, medium. With radar, easy.
Time: 12:00 mins.

Mission 5 - Lifeline
Info: Comberth Harbor is depened on a single oil complex for fuel. Destroy
or damage the complex to reduce output to 20%.
What to do: There's three area's to go for, the shore based one or the two
off shore. I usally go for the off shore. It reall doesn't
matter which one you head out for. I've also answered how to
get an S rank on this level in the FAQ part. At start there's
10 air targets, 88 ground and two naval. After you meet the
mission requirements, RTB ASAP (too many abbervations?). The
Yellow Squad will be there to fight you, but you can't win,
even with the X-02 with QRAMs. It's impossible. Just head back
home after you are done.
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Time: 10:00 mins. to destory oil complex, 4:00 mins. RTB.

Mission 6 - Invinvible Fleet
Info: The Aegir fleet is immobilized in Comberth Harbor. This is going to
be a surprise attack on them. You may need to resupply during the
mission due to it's duration.
What to do: This mission has an errie feel about it... too similiar to
12/7/1941. Anyway, there's four battle areas to hit; a line
of ships in the south, and docks to the east, north and west.
A good line of attack will be to start south and work in a
counter-clockwise direction, this way, you'll get the most
points possible. There's 11 air, 40 ground, and 36 naval
Difficulty: Medium, it's a long mission with a lot of targets.
Time: 15:00 mins.

More to come...

VII. Ground Weapons

There's only four in the game, but they can be just as dangerous as the boogie
on your six.

A. SAMs - Surface to Air Missiles. They can lock on to you and shot you down
with at least to hits. Best way to attack them is with LASM and take
them out before they see you. If you get too close, they will lock on
and attack you.

B. Launchers - Just like SAMs, but they don't have a guidance system to track
you. Handle them like SAMs.

C. AA Guns - Anti Aircraft Guns, in simple terms, a souped up machine gun. It
has a range that is much shorter than the SAM's and Launchers, and
does less damage, but it can hit you faster. The guns are "dumb"
meaning, they are just bullets. Standard missiles can take the

D. Flack Guns - (I think I spelt it right...) These are the most feared guns
of WWII. It's basically a shell that explodes in mid-air
unleashing hundreds of thousands of tiny metal shards to
damage the plane. It's range is limited and it only aims to the
sky, but don't fly through them b/c it will cut up your
aircraft. Fly high and drop a UGBM, UGBL, or any
other nice size bomb, or fly low and take them out with your
standard issue missiles. As a side note: the ball turret
gunners in WWII hated to see these black clouds coming at them.
Being in a glass ball, under the plane, they had no protection
from the flack. Sometimes, the gunners had to be WASHED out of
the turret.

VIII. Aces
Note: Ace planes only appear at Normal or higher difficulty. Also, it is easier
to shoot them down in the Free Missions than in the game. They are listed
in order to which mission you can find them in. Example A = Mission 1 etc

A. F-5 Ace: Keep a straight heading and fly over the air base. You should
see two blue triangle on the left side of the radar, keep
going and then you should see a red triangle.

B. A-10 Ace: North of the enemy base, you should run into him.

C. F-16 Ace: South of the western most air base. If you can't find it, fly
around a little and you should see him.

D. MIR-2000 Ace: Northwest of the westernmost radar jamming plane.

E. MiG-29 Ace: South of the western pumping station on the map.

F. F-14 Ace: North of the northernmost group of enemies on the map.

G. TND-IDS Ace: North of the solar tower.

H. F-18 Ace: East of the main combat area.

I. F-15C Ace: North of the center beach area.

J. RF-01 Ace: Far northwest corner of the map, past the sub base.

K. SU-35 Ace: Ace will appear in the last 90 or so seconds durning the

L. F-2 Ace: North of Stonehenge.

M. F-15E Ace: After the enemy fighters appear, it is in the north east.

N. F-22 Ace: Northeast of the map.

O. EU-2000 Ace: Ace will be in the center of the map at the start of the
mission. Sometimes between the two southern combat zones.

P. F-177 Ace: Northwest part of the western most combat zone. It might be
hard to find, fly two grids north, and one west.

Q. F-15A Ace: Far northwestern most corner of the map, past the city.

R. S-37 Ace: North of Megalith.

IX. Secerts

A. SR-71: Yes the Black Bird is in the game. During the Shattered Skies mission
it is the first thing you lock on too. If you fly high and fast
enough you can shoot down this plane for major points. It appears two
more times in the game, but I can't remember where.
Send in info if you have it.

B. Alternate Colors: You get them by gettin S rank on normal for the 2nd color
scheme. Then shoot down the Aces to get the third. Also
you have to buy the colors, took me awhile to figure that
I had to buy them...

C. Multiplayer Missions: Complete the game on any difficulty level to get them.

D. Story Boards: Complete game on any difficulty level.

E. Music: Beat the game on any difficulty level.

F. X-02: You must get S rank in all mission on Normal Mode, and go
through the game a second time using the speical continue
option. On your third play through you can buy the plane.

G. Free Mission: Just beat the game once and you can replay missions to your
heart's content. This is the easiest way to shot down Aces.

More coming soon

Q: Can I fly as the B-2 bomber?
A: No
Q: But it's in the game...
A: That's not a question, but the answer is still no.

Q: I heard that you can shoot down the SR-71. Is this true and where can
I find it?
A: Apperntly you don't know how to read the FAQ because it's in the Secerts
part of this file.

Q: I keep hearing stuff like "Air Base at Vector 120, Moribus 1, engage",
what is this vector that I hear them talking about?
A: Vector is heading. If you think of the plane as a circle the vector is the
amount of degrees the target is. Zero is north, 90 is east, 180 is south
and 270 is west See Fig. 1

Fig. 1:
315 0 45
\ | /
W 270 - P - 90 E
/ | \
225 180 135

P = aircraft

Q. Can I land and take off from aircarrier or airbase?
A. Yes, but when you start the mission, you will not take off. You will
be in the air to start. If you need to refuel, restock on ammo, fly
towards the dotted line at the bottom of the map. Landing is straight
forward, but it's a pain to land on the carrier. Push start to skip it.
Take off is much easier though.

Q. How do I get an S rank?
A. Score enough points. On missions like Sitting Duck, it's easy. On others
where you have to destory tons of things, it can be quite difficult.
When you have to destory certain object to complete the game, get rid of
all but one and destory all non essential targets.
Q. What about mission 5, Lifeline, I can't seem to score enough...
A. Sounds like a personal probl... oh, you mean in the game, sorry...
you must get at least 3,100 points for an S rank. Aim for anything red.

A. Contact:
e-mail me at please keep them short and too the
point. I might not get to you right away, so don't bite off my head
if I don't get to you right away. Also, make sure you READ my FAQ
BEFORE you send in questions.
XI. Misc.

Thanks to: Masamune 2 for the prices of the planes, I'm the middle of double
checking it all. Darkdeatstar for the ace locations. MKnight, Beech Arrow,
Gryfter for vector info. harm9I for unlocking the X-02 info.

Special Thanks: Norm Hoelk from Boeing who corrected some info on the planes.

Copyright: Ace Combat 4 is copyrighted to Namco. The planes are copyrighted to
their respected companies of Lockheed Martian, and many others. DO NOT post
this FAQ on any other web site without my premission. The only site(s) that
have premission to post this FAQ are the following:

This FAQ is copyrighted to Robert Zeboski. DO NOT use any part of this FAQ
without giving credit where credit is due. If you notice any part of this FAQ
reprinted without credit being given too me, please e-mail me ASAP.

If you have any info to contribute to this FAQ, send it my way, and you'll get
credit for it.
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04.Oktober 2013

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