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Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Trainer FAQ V1.0
By Stevmill
This file is Copyright (c)2003 Steve Miller. All rights reserved.
Section 1: A Note from the Author
Section 2: Whats New
Section 3: Master Trainers
Section 4: Trainers By Location
Section 5: Trainers By Skill
Section 6: Revision History
Section 7: Credits
Section 8: Copyright Information
Section 9: Contact Information
Section 1: A Note from the Author
This is yet another Morrowind guide by me. I created this guide because all
of the other trainer guides I have seen only have the master trainers, and
are incorrect at that. This guide has all of the trainers that are actually
in the game, and who actually train you. I hope you enjoy it, as well as
find this guide usefull. Thank you.
Section 2: Whats New
The Format for the Master Trainers is as follows:
Fighters guild on the waistworks level of the Vivec Arena canton
Abelle Chriditte
In the Propylon Chamber at the stronghold Valenvaryon
Seryne Relas
At her home in Tel Branora
Adibael Hainnabibi
In Adibael's yurt at the kaushtababi camp, south of Molag Mor.
Alfhedil Elf-Hewer
On the upper level of the stronghold Falensarano.
Imperial Legion
In the courtyard of the Buckmoth Legion Fort outside Ald'ruhn
Blunt Weapon:
Ernse Llervu
Vivec, The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Methal Seran
On the lowest level of the Ald-Ruhn Temple.
Leles Birian
East of Piernette's Farmhouse (located east of Pelagiad)
Near the exit from the stronghold Indoranyon
Taren Omothan
In the soutwestern bedroom on the lowest level of the Holamayan monastery
Heavy Armor:
At Arena Fighters training in Vivec
Erer Darothril
At Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub in Sadrith Mora
Light Armor:
In the Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan
Long Blade:
Ulms Drathan
At the Armigers Stronghold in Molag Mar
Missun Akin
In Missun Akins Hut atop the stronghold Falasmaryon.
Ababael Timsar-Dadisun
In a yurt in the Zainab Ashlander Camp
In the west wing of the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora
Yakin Bael
At the Vos chapel
Thieves Guild
At his house in Balmora
Short Blade:
At the Lucky Lockup Cornerclub in Balmora
Theives Guild
At the Druegh-jigger's Rest in Gnaar Mok
Sneak 2:
Caldera, Shenk's Shovel
Mertis Falandas
On the lower level of the Tower of Dusk at Ghostgate
Mage Guild
At the Mages Guild in Wolverine Hall at Sadrith Mora
Khargol gro-Boguk
In the Vacant Tower in Dragon Fel.
Section 4: Trainers By Location
Ever been in an area or town and need some skill raised, but don't know who
or where the trainers are? This section will help you by listing all of the
trainers by their location.
The easiest way to locate Navigate this section is as follows:
Step 1: Highlight the location you want to find from the list below and
hit Ctrl-C
Step 2: Hit Ctrl-F
Step 3: Place your cursor in the find field and hit Ctrl-V
Step 4: Hit the find next button until you are at the location you want to
Within that location subsection you will find a list of trainers, a more
descriptive description on their location, a short list of what skills they
train, and to what level they can train those skills. The lay out is as
Trainer Name:
Trainer location:
Skill 1: To Skill level:
Skill 2: To Skill level:
Skill 3: To Skill level:
Location List
Ahemmusa Camp
Ald Sotha
Ald Velothi
Aralen Ancestral Tomb
Ascadian Isles Region
Ashlands Region
Azura's Coast Region
Buckmoth Legion Fort
Dagon Fel
Dren Plantation
Erabenimsun Camp
Gnaar Mok
Grazelands Region
Hla Oad
Holamayan Monastery
Indarys Manor
Kaushtababi Camp
Llirala's Shack
Maar Gan
Molag Mar
Moonmoth Legion Fort
Rethan Manor
Sadrith Mora
Salit Camp
Seyda Neen
Tel Aruhn
Tel Branora
Tel Mora
Tel Vos
Tower of Tel Fyr
Urshilaku Camp
West Gash Region
Zainab Camp
Aengoth the Jeweler Lirielle Stoine
Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
Block 58 Security 39
Medium Armor 58 Sneak 39
Long Blade 58 Acrobatics 39
Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
Athletics 52
Alchemy 42
Unarmored 42
Ascadian Isles Region
Nels Llendo Leles Birian
Ascadian Isles Region (0,-9) Ascadian Isles Region (4,-8)
Short Blade 52 Destruction 100
Security 45 Mysticism 81
Sneak 45 Restoration 81
Ashlands Region
Badala Velothren Zanat Assarnuridan
Ashlands Region (0,17) Ashlands Region (-2,11)
Short Blade 64 Long Blade 49
Light Armor 60 Athletics 49
Sneak 54 Block 44
Kanat Assalatammis Zairan Enturnabaelul
Ashlands Region (-2,13) Ashlands Region (5,3)
Long Blade 48 Long Blade 52
Athletics 48 Athletics 52
Block 42 Block 47
Salay Yessur-Disadon Addarnat Assardidairan
Ashlands Region (5,4) Ashlands Region (6,9)
Long Blade 49 Long Blade 56
Athletics 49 Athletics 56
Block 44 Block 52
Mubdan Esurnadarpal
Ashlands Region (7,12)
Long Blade 56
Athletics 56
Block 52
Azura's Coast Region
Subenend Urshummarnamus Odairan Addaribantes
Azura's Coast Region (14,1) Azura's Coast Region (15,-9)
Long Blade 49 Long Blade 52
Athletics 49 Athletics 52
Block 44 Block 47
Assatlit Assudnilamat Zenabi Samma
Azura's Coast Region (16,-2) Azura's Coast Region (16,5)
Long Blade 55 Long Blade 46
Athletics 55 Athletics 46
Block 50 Block 41
Sal Pudashara
Azura's Coast Region (17,0)
Long Blade 46
Athletics 46
Block 41
Tedryn Brenur Caius Cosades
Balmora (-3,-3) Balmora, Caius Cosades' House
Long Blade 52 Unarmored 70
Short Blade 48 Speechcraft 70
Blunt Weapon 47 Hand-to-hand 70
Madrale Thirith Sovor Trandel
Balmora, Council Club Balmora, Council Club
Short Blade 57 Mercantile 47
Light Armor 52 Speechcraft 47
Security 47 Athletics 43
Vadusa Sathryon Traven Marvos
Balmora, Council Club Balmora, Eight Plates
Long Blade 52 Short Blade 48
Athletics 52 Light Armor 43
Block 47 Axe 42
Eydis Fire-Eye Fasile Charascel
Balmora, Guild of Fighters Balmora, Guild of Fighters
Blunt Weapon 72 Block 44
Axe 72 Medium Armor 44
Long Blade 67 Long Blade 44
Buckmoth Legion Fort
Shardie Arnand Liric
Buckmoth Legion Fort (-2,5) Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Block 100 Mysticism 62
Long Blade 86 Restoration 62
Heavy Armor 76 Alteration 58
Dagon Fel
Hreirek the Lean Vongvild
Dagon Fel, End of the World Renter Rooms Dagon Fel, The End of the World
Security 44 Medium Armor 51
Sneak 44 Long Blade 46
Acrobatics 44 Block 41
Khargol gro-Boguk
Dagon Fel, Vacant Tower
Unarmored 100
Block 82
Medium Armor 82
Ulumpha gra-Sharob Asha-Ammu Kutebani
Gnisis, Fort Darius Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
Medium Armor 45 Long Blade 46
Alteration 42 Athletics 46
Mysticism 42 Block 41
Grazelands Region
Nind Dudnebisun Zainat Ahalkalun
Grazelands Region (10,12) Grazelands Region (10,7)
Long Blade 50 Long Blade 50
Athletics 50 Athletics 50
Block 46 Block 46
Shipal Zansatanit Yahaz Ashurnasaddas
Grazelands Region (11,6) Grazelands Region (13,8)
Long Blade 46 Long Blade 49
Athletics 46 Athletics 49
Block 41 Block 44
Musan Zaintashara
Grazelands Region (9,5)
Long Blade 46
Athletics 46
Block 41
Maar Gan
Aerin Bugdurash gra-Gashel
Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse
Light Armor 100 Block 52
Sneak 84 Medium Armor 52
Acrobatics 79 Long Blade 42
Nuleno Tedas Saryn Sarothril
Maar Gan, Outpost Maar Gan, Outpost
Long Blade 56 Long Blade 54
Athletics 56 Short Blade 49
Block 52 Blunt Weapon 48
Molag Mar
Ulms Drathen Elvas Savel
Molag Mar, Armigers Stronghold Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold
Long Blade 100 Athletics 56
Block 71 Block 52
Heavy Armor 71 Long Blade 42
Molag Mar, The Pilgrim's Rest
Sneak 49
Block 48
Medium Armor 48
Moonmoth Legion Fort
Larrius Varro Radd Hard-Heart
Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Long Blade 74 Blunt Weapon 66
Block 64 Axe 66
Medium Armor 64 Long Blade 61
Sadrith Mora
Balen Vendu Big Helende
Sadrith Mora, Balen Vendu: Monk Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's
Sneak 44 Security 59
Acrobatics 44 Sneak 59
Hand-to-hand 44 Acrobatics 59
Serjo Avon Oran An-Zaw
Suran, Oran Manor Suran, Suran Tradehouse
Short Blade 68 Illusion 52
Light Armor 62 Mysticism 52
Security 58 Alteration 47
Hides His Eyes
Suran, Suran Tradehouse
Athletics 59
Medium Armor 49
Block 44
Tel Aruhn
Emusette Bracques
Tel Aruhn, Plot and Plaster
Restoration 57
Alteration 52
Destruction 47
Tel Branora
Seryne Relas Barnand Erelie
Tel Branora, Seryne Relas's House Tel Branora, Sethan's Tradehouse
Alteration 100 Mysticism 57
Destruction 81 Restoration 57
Mysticism 76 Alteration 52
Tel Mora
Borwen Natesse
Tel Mora, The Covenant Tel Mora, The Covenant
Sneak 48 Sneak 46
Block 47 Block 44
Medium Armor 47 Medium Armor 44
Tel Vos
Esar-Don Dunsamsi Mirvon Andrethi
Tel Vos (10,14) Tel Vos, Services Tower
Long Blade 54 Sneak 44
Athletics 54 Acrobatics 44
Block 48 Hand-to-hand 44
Tower of Tel Fyr
Delyna Mandas
Tower of Tel Fyr, Onyx Hall
Athletics 75
Short Blade 64
Light Armor 60
Belos Falos Llavesa Drom
Vivec, No Name Club Vivec, No Name Club
Short Blade 57 Long Blade 52
Light Armor 52 Short Blade 48
Security 47 Blunt Weapon 47
Lliram Alvor Nevos Urns
Vivec, No Name Club Vivec, No Name Club
Long Blade 52 Athletics 52
Athletics 52 Block 47
Block 47 Unarmored 38
Traldrisa Tervayn Tenaru Romoren
Vivec, No Name Club Vivec, Redoran Plaza
Athletics 44 Long Blade 58
Mercantile 44 Athletics 58
Speechcraft 44 Block 53
Golveso Senim Ernse Llervu
Vivec, Telvanni Waistworks The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Sneak 44 Blunt Weapon 100
Acrobatics 44 Sneak 71
Hand-to-hand 44 Acrobatics 71
Talis Drurel Arvyn Llerayn
Vivec, The Flowers of Gold Vivec, The Lizard's Head
Athletics 47 Destruction 57
Block 42 Mysticism 52
Medium Armor 42 Alteration 47
Sur Surishpi Hairan Mannanalit
Vos (12,13) Vos, Varo Tradehouse
Long Blade 48 Long Blade 50
Athletics 48 Athletics 50
Block 42 Block 46
West Gash Region
Kund Assarnibani Assamanut Sonnerralit
West Gash Region (-11,14) West Gash Region (-13,12)
Long Blade 54 Long Blade 46
Athletics 54 Athletics 46
Block 48 Block 41
Massour Asserrumusa Alveleg
West Gash Region (-14,14) West Gash Region (-3,2)
Long Blade 50 Marksman 45
Athletics 50 Sneak 42
Block 46 Block 38
Sjorvar Horse-Mouth Adairan Lalansour
West Gash Region (-5,4) West Gash Region (-6,10)
Blunt Weapon 50 Long Blade 49
Long Blade 50 Athletics 49
Axe 50 Block 44
Ainat Maessabibi Maeonius Yentimilal
West Gash Region (-7,17) West Gash Region (-8,13)
Long Blade 50 Long Blade 46
Athletics 50 Athletics 46
Block 46 Block 41
Minisun Ulirbabi
West Gash Region (-9,15)
Long Blade 49
Athletics 49
Block 44
Section 5: Trainers By Skill
Need to improve a certain skill to meet some guild requirements? Want to find
out who can train that skill beyond the level it currently is at? Then this
is the section for you. All of the trainers listed by skill and in order of
their training ability.
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Abelle Chriditte Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber
50 Anarenen Ald-ruhn, Guild of Mages
49 Galbedir Balmora, Guild of Mages
48 Ajira Balmora, Guild of Mages
42 Tongue-Toad Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
41 Phane Rielle Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Taren Omothan Holamayan Monastery
70 Caius Cosades Balmora, Caius Cosades' House
66 Senyndie Vivec, Arena Fighters Quarters
64 Tharer Rotheloth Molag Mar, Temple
62 Endryn Llethan Vivec, High Fane
62 Feldrelo Sadri Balmora, Temple
62 Goren Andarys Ald-ruhn, Morag Tong Guildhall
62 Uvoo Llaren Ghostgate, Temple
59 Odral Helvi Caldera, Governor's Hall
59 Serul Dathren Vivec, Arena Hidden Area
59 Tuls Valen Ald-ruhn, Temple
59 Uvren Tures Rethan Manor, Tures' House
54 Llirala Sendas Llirala's Shack
52 Sarmosia Vant Ebonheart, Imperial Chapels
48 Ahnassi Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern
48 Aurnie Vanne Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
48 Hloris Farano Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Chambers
47 Olumba gro-Boglar Caldera, Governor's Hall
44 Alven Salas Sadrith Mora, Morag Tong Guild
44 Balen Vendu Sadrith Mora, Balen Vendu: Monk
44 Golveso Senim Vivec, Telvanni Waistworks
44 Mirvon Andrethi Tel Vos, Services Tower
44 Shannat Pansamsi Balmora, Morag Tong Guild
43 Attelivupis Catius Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
43 Hasphat Antabolis Balmora, Guild of Fighters
Heavy Armor
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Seanwen Vivec, Arena Fighters Training
76 Shardie Buckmoth Legion Fort (-2,5)
71 Ulms Drathen Molag Mar, Armigers Stronghold
54 Wayn Balmora, Guild of Fighters
52 Ondi Khuul, Thongar's Tradehouse
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Aerin Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse
70 Ruccia Conician Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers
69 Faulgor Vivec, St. Olms Yngling Manor
68 Nileno Dorvayn Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
67 Mathyn Bemis Vivec, Hlaalu Ancestral Vaults
66 Athesie Andas Andasreth, Upper Level
66 Athyn Sarethi Ald-ruhn, Sarethi Manor
66 Avon Ravel Hlormaren, Keep, Bottom Level
66 Faral Retheran Vivec, Redoran Treasury
65 Rogdul gro-Bularz Vivec, Arena Hidden Area
64 Depusanis Denian Maelkashishi, Shrine
64 Dunsalipal Dun-Ahhe Sadrith Mora, Morag Tong Guild
64 Forvse Nerethi Vivec, Curio Manor
64 Galasa Uvayn Vivec, Hlaalu Treasury
63 Godros Tel Branora, Tower Guardpost
62 Daldur Sarys Saturan
62 Mauhul gor-Burish Ashunartes, Shrine
62 Nidara Herandus Ald Sotha, Upper Level
62 Serjo Avon Oran Suran, Oran Manor
62 Stlubo Otiustiris Almurbalarammi, Shrine
61 Clecentor Aerius Pinsun
61 Folvalie Omalor Andasreth, Upper Level
61 Levus Musilchiotus Assalkushalit, Shrine
61 Pelena Acicius Addadshashanammu, Shrine
61 Ulmesi Baryon Vivec, Arena Hidden Area
60 Almse Arenim Gnaar Mok, Arenim Manor
60 Badala Velothren Ashlands Region (0,17)
60 Caccian Hers Nund
60 Delyna Mandas Tower of Tel Fyr, Onyx Hall
60 Glush gro-Dul Shashpilamat
60 Sovisa Adas Assernerairan, Shrine
60 Thovasi Alen Assarnatamat, Shrine
58 Bogakh gro-Mar Kaushtarari, Shrine
58 Duvianus Platorius Vivec, St. Olms Waistworks
58 Esdrufus Harsinia Ashinabi
58 Lassinia Mussillius Ebonheart, Six Fishes
58 Lliryn Fendyn Rethan Manor
58 Naris Selaren Sha-Adnius
58 Rilas Arethan Pinsun
58 Shakh gro-Durga Assurdirapal, Shrine
58 Tels Girano Hinnabi
58 Ushug gra-Olurba Ashurnibibi (-7,-4)
57 Celegorn Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
56 Cunius Pelelius Caldera, Governor's Hall
56 Garer Danoran Vivec, Hlaalu Treasury
56 Gilyan Sedas Balmora, Morag Tong Guild
56 Mervs Uvayn Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
56 Shamob gro-Shatub Dushariran, Shrine
56 Shelur gra-Yargul Zergonipal, Shrine
56 Sovali Uvayn Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub
55 Bedenea Nethan Minabi
55 Belas Othren Nund
55 Crottus Cedus Shurinbaal
55 Folyni Dran Habinbaes
55 Garyn Girith Ald Velothi (-11,15)
55 Nirtunus Crunus Beshara
55 Seliulus Laenius Nammu
55 Thaden Ralas Ashinabi
55 Uradras Sadalas Ularradallaku, Shrine
54 Arrinis Cerunia Esutanamus, Shrine
54 Bolnor Andrani Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
54 Fara Sadrith Mora, Fara's Hole in the Wall
54 Hanarai Assutlanipal Ald-ruhn, Hanarai Assutlanipal's House
54 Lassour Zenammu Ald-ruhn, Morag Tong Guildhall
54 Socucius Ergalla Seyda Neen, Census and Excise Office
52 Anas Ulven Gnaar Mok, Nadene Rotheran's Shack
52 Belos Falos Vivec, No Name Club
52 Foves Arenim Caldera, Governor's Hall
52 Hoki Ald-ruhn, Morag Tong Guildhall
52 J'Zhirr Ebonheart, East Empire Company Hall
52 Madrale Thirith Balmora, Council Club
52 Minasi Bavani Sadrith Mora, Nevrila Areloth's House
52 Pallia Ceno Hla Oad (-6,-5)
52 Silius Fulcinius Vivec, Telvanni Tower
52 Urnel Relas Beshara
52 Vedran Balen Vivec, Hlaalu (2,-11)
50 Adraria Vandacia Seyda Neen, Census and Excise Warehouse
50 Navil Ienith Dren Plantation, Dren's Villa
49 Boldrisa Andrano Ald-ruhn, Boldrisa Andrano's House
49 Vaveli Dralas Sadrith Mora, Morag Tong Guild
48 Balis Sari Abernanit
47 Onasha Ebonheart, Argonian Mission
47 Terenu Uveran Ulummusa
46 Brothes Oran Aharunartus
43 Ridena Othren Sadrith Mora, Fara's Hole in the Wall
43 Traven Marvos Balmora, Eight Plates
42 Llemisa Marys Hla Oad, Fatleg's Drop Off
42 Snaglak gro-Yak Valenvaryon, Umug's Hut
38 Lambug gra-Lurn Valenvaryon, Lambug's Hut
Long Blade
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Ulms Drathen Molag Mar, Armigers Stronghold
86 Shardie Buckmoth Legion Fort (-2,5)
74 Larrius Varro Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
72 Adibael Hainnabibi Kaushtababi Camp, Adibael's Yurt
72 Mertis Falandas Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level
72 Missun Akin Falasmaryon, Missun Akin's Hut
68 Seanwen Vivec, Arena Fighters Training
68 Vonden Mano Ald-ruhn, Practice Room
67 Eydis Fire-Eye Balmora, Guild of Fighters
66 Assurdan Serdimapal Kaushtababi Camp, Adibael's Yurt
66 Ivrosa Verethi Dren Plantation, Verethi and Dralor
64 Mondros Balur Ald-ruhn, Morvayn Quarters
62 Edryno Arethi Vivec, Hlaalu Edryno Arethi's House
62 Elone Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse
61 Radd Hard-Heart Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
60 Assamma-Idan Ahemmusa Camp, Assamma-Idan's Yurt
60 Danar Dalomo Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
60 Suvryn Doves Dren Plantation, Doves' Shack
60 Theldyn Virith Ald Velothi, Outpost
60 Zanummu Urshilaku Camp, Zanummu's Yurt
59 Balan Gnaar Mok, Druegh-jigger's Rest
59 Raig Vivec, Guild of Fighters
59 Tralan Ald-ruhn, Guild of Fighters
58 Ababael Timsar-Dadisun Zainab Camp, Ababael Timsar-Dadisun's Yurt
58 Aengoth the Jeweler Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
58 Arvs Raram Indarys Manor, Raram's House
58 Aumsi Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
58 Garila Vedas Indarys Manor
58 Iratian Albarnian Caldera, Shenk's Shovel
58 Rithleen Balmora, Rithleen's House
58 Tenaru Romoren Vivec, Redoran Plaza
56 Addarnat Assardidairan Ashlands Region (6,9)
56 Dridas Salvani Gnaar Mok, Arenim Manor
56 Mubdan Esurnadarpal Ashlands Region (7,12)
56 Nuleno Tedas Maar Gan, Outpost
56 Taluro Athren Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level
55 Assatlit Assudnilamat Azura's Coast Region (16,-2)
55 Imsin the Dreamer Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
55 Yenammu Ahemmusa Camp, Dutadalk's Yurt
54 Avron Gols Rethan Manor, Gols' House
54 Esar-Don Dunsamsi Tel Vos (10,14)
54 Fandus Puruseius Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
54 Kund Assarnibani West Gash Region (-11,14)
54 Saryn Sarothril Maar Gan, Outpost
54 Zelay Sobbinisun Salit Camp, Zelay's Yurt
52 Arvama Rathri Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub
52 Llavesa Drom Vivec, No Name Club
52 Lliram Alvor Vivec, No Name Club
52 Nalasa Sarothren Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub
52 Odairan Addaribantes Azura's Coast Region (15,-9)
52 Ondi Khuul, Thongar's Tradehouse
52 Tedryn Brenur Balmora (-3,-3)
52 Ultis Salam Vivec, Arena Fighters Quarters
52 Vadusa Sathryon Balmora, Council Club
52 Zairan Enturnabaelul Ashlands Region (5,3)
50 Ainat Maessabibi West Gash Region (-7,17)
50 Hairan Mannanalit Vos, Varo Tradehouse
50 Massour Asserrumusa West Gash Region (-14,14)
50 Nind Dudnebisun Grazelands Region (10,12)
50 Sjorvar Horse-Mouth West Gash Region (-5,4)
50 Zainat Ahalkalun Grazelands Region (10,7)
49 Adairan Lalansour West Gash Region (-6,10)
49 Assemmus Erabenimsun Camp, Assemmus' Yurt
49 Goras Andrelo Ald-ruhn, Goras Andrelo's House
49 Hirarend Erabenimsun Camp (13,-1)
49 Kummu Erabenimsun Camp (13,-1)
49 Mavis Nadram Indarys Manor
49 Minisun Ulirbabi West Gash Region (-9,15)
49 Raflod the Braggart Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse
49 Salay Yessur-Disadon Ashlands Region (5,4)
49 Sondryn Irathi Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Fighter's Guild
49 Subenend Urshummarnamus Azura's Coast Region (14,1)
49 Ulyno Uvirith Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster
49 Yahaz Ashurnasaddas Grazelands Region (13,8)
49 Zallit Assattadaishah Ghostgate (2,4)
49 Zanat Assarnuridan Ashlands Region (-2,11)
48 Kanat Assalatammis Ashlands Region (-2,13)
48 Sur Surishpi Vos (12,13)
46 Arver Rethul Dren Plantation (2,-7)
46 Asha-Ammu Kutebani Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
46 Assamanut Sonnerralit West Gash Region (-13,12)
46 Maeonius Yentimilal West Gash Region (-8,13)
46 Musan Zaintashara Grazelands Region (9,5)
46 Sal Pudashara Azura's Coast Region (17,0)
46 Shipal Zansatanit Grazelands Region (11,6)
46 Vampire Aralen Ancestral Tomb
46 Vongvild Dagon Fel, The End of the World
46 Zenabi Samma Azura's Coast Region (16,5)
44 Angoril Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad
44 Fasile Charascel Balmora, Guild of Fighters
44 Hasell Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Fighter's Guild
42 Brildraso Nethan Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster
42 Bugdurash gra-Gashel Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse
42 Elvas Savel Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold
42 Mandran Indrano Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Missun Akin Falasmaryon, Missun Akin's Hut
64 Dunsalipal Dun-Ahhe Sadrith Mora, Morag Tong Guild
56 Gilyan Sedas Balmora, Morag Tong Guild
54 Bolnor Andrani Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
54 Lassour Zenammu Ald-ruhn, Morag Tong Guildhall
52 Foves Arenim Caldera, Governor's Hall
52 Vedran Balen Vivec, Hlaalu (2,-11)
45 Alveleg West Gash Region (-3,2)
43 Ridena Othren Sadrith Mora, Fara's Hole in the Wall
42 Vinnus Laecinnius Ebonheart, Six Fishes
Medium Armor
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
82 Khargol gro-Boguk Dagon Fel, Vacant Tower
78 Alfhedil Elf-Hewer Falensarano, Upper Level
64 Larrius Varro Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
58 Aengoth the Jeweler Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
54 Raflod the Braggart Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse
52 Bugdurash gra-Gashel Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse
52 Elone Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse
52 Hylf the Harrier Vivec, Black Shalk Cornerclub
51 Vongvild Dagon Fel, The End of the World
50 Rithleen Balmora, Rithleen's House
49 Balan Gnaar Mok, Druegh-jigger's Rest
49 Hides His Eyes Suran, Suran Tradehouse
48 Minglos Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster
48 Nilioniel Molag Mar, The Pilgrim's Rest
47 Borwen Tel Mora, The Covenant
47 Cirwedh Vivec, Telvanni Tower
47 Hingor Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
45 Ulumpha gra-Sharob Gnisis, Fort Darius
44 Arathor Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub
44 Baradras Ald-ruhn, Guild of Fighters
44 Baurin Vivec, Guild of Fighters
44 Fandus Puruseius Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
44 Fasile Charascel Balmora, Guild of Fighters
44 Natesse Tel Mora, The Covenant
42 Talis Drurel Vivec, The Flowers of Gold
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Hecerinde Balmora, Hecerinde's House
67 Sugar-Lips Habasi Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub
64 Nileno Dorvayn Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
59 Big Helende Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
58 Serjo Avon Oran Suran, Oran Manor
53 Lliryn Fendyn Rethan Manor
52 Sovali Uvayn Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub
47 Anas Ulven Gnaar Mok, Nadene Rotheran's Shack
47 Belos Falos Vivec, No Name Club
47 Llemisa Marys Hla Oad, Fatleg's Drop Off
47 Madrale Thirith Balmora, Council Club
47 Minasi Bavani Sadrith Mora, Nevrila Areloth's House
47 Muriel Sette Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
46 Chirranirr Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub
45 Nels Llendo Ascadian Isles Region (0,-9)
44 Hreirek the Lean Dagon Fel, End of the World Renter Rooms
39 Lirielle Stoine Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
Short Blade
Level Trainer Name Trainer Location
----- ------------ ----------------
100 Khargol gro-Boguk Dagon Fel, Vacant Tower
70 Caius Cosades Balmora, Caius Cosades' House
50 Galar Rothan Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry
48 Galbedir Balmora, Guild of Mages
42 Tongue-Toad Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
39 Sharkub gro-Khashnar Gnisis, Fort Darius
38 Mevil Molor Vivec, Arena Fighters Training
38 Nevos Urns Vivec, No Name Club
Section 6: Revision History
I would like to thank Bethesda for creating such a huge and involving game.
The names of people who send in information will be added here in later
revisions of this guide.
Section 8: Copyright Information
The Elderscrolls, Morrowind, and all character and location names are
copyright by Bethesda
This file is Copyright (c)2002 Steve Miller. All rights reserved. This file
was entirely written by me, unless otherwise noted in the Credits section of
this file. This file may NOT be posted, or sold (complete or in part), on ANY
website or media without express written consent from myself. This file May
not be altered in any way by anyone other than myself without express written
consent. If this copyright is broken, action will be taken.
Section 9: Contact Information
If you need to contact me you may do so at the following email address...
Stevmill [at] yahoo [dot] com
Email Rules:
Do not send spam, chain letters or anything similar
Do not ask me where a book is located, I am going to add that information in
a later revision, if you ask I will ignore your email.
Do not add me to your email address book, I have been getting tons of virus
laden messages from people that have been infected with KLEZ like viruses.
Do send information that is pertinent to this guide that you would like to
see added.