Sims, The

Sims, The

17.10.2013 19:11:16
Item Guide
ORIGINAL FAQ DATE: Thursday, January 29th, 2004

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[ Item Guide ]

Author : JPaterson
Platform : Windows PC
Last Updated : September 7th, 2004
Version : Final
E-Mail : == See "[A] Contact Information" ==
Website :

For more of my FAQs, as well as full HTML strategy guides with screenshots,
check out CHEAT HAPPENS at:



Jul. 13th, 2005
- Removed contact information, due to a lack of interest not only in this
game, but gaming in general. Sorry, but support for this game, in all forms,
has been stopped. Please check other FAQs or websites for info on the game.
I realize this FAQ isn't complete, and unfortunately, it never will be.

Sep. 7th, 2004
- Finally updated my copyright information. Websites are now free to use this,
and other guides of mine, without asking for permission beforehand, just as
long as the content isn't changed and it's not passed off as your own work.

Jul. 5th, 2004 (Final)
- Registered a new domain name, so I wanted to change my FAQs so people know
where to find them (outside of GameFAQs, of course). Added new section to
"Other FAQs Written".

Jun. 8th, 2004 (Final version)
- This FAQ is dead. Hope it helped (although I doubt an item guide really can
help you).

Apr. 8th, 2004 (v0.8)
- I needed to update my contact info, so that's all I did. No work on the FAQ
otherwise. Once I get more free time, and once I get tired of UT2004, I will
resume this, and my others. I also moved the "Game Vitals" section to the
"Miscellaneous" area of the FAQ.

Mar. 17th, 2004 (v0.8)
- Not a major update, but some minor corrections, and I added the "Game Vitals"

Mar. 15th, 2004 (v0.7)
- Still not a real update. Changed the order of the FAQ vitals at the top of
FAQ; altered the look of the "Contact Information" section.

Mar. 11th, 2004 (v0.7)
- Not a real update, which is why it's still at 0.7. I just updated the "Other
FAQs Written" section.

Mar. 5th, 2004 (v0.7)
- Updated contact information; added ASCII art. Re-did the layout, again, so
that all the copyright, contact and miscellaneous stuff is at the bottom of
the FAQ.

Feb. 25th, 2004 (v0.6)
- Finished off the House - Decorative category, minus descriptions, which, as I
said, will come when the main portion is done. This FAQ is kind of a side
project, and I'll only be working on it periodically, so please don't expect
it to be done any time soon. There are over 1,000 objects in the game! When
I complete a section (for example, decorative under housing), then I'll add
descriptions for those items. I won't be adding descriptions, though, until
an entire section is done.

Feb. 9th, 2004 (v0.5)
- Did more items up to Decorative - Paintings. Copied some descriptions from
my Sims Console Guide, which uses the same descriptions for shared items.

Feb. 6th, 2004 (v0.4)
- Besides the items that already have descriptions, I've decided I'm not going
to bother with descriptions yet, until I get the main guide down, and this
means getting all the items and they're stats.

Feb. 5th, 2004 (v0.3)
- More items completed.

Feb. 4th, 2004 (v0.2)
- Completed more items.

Jan. 31, 2004 (v0.1)
- Just started. Got a few items done.


Table of Contents

[1] Guide Introduction
[2] House Items
[2.1] Buy Mode
[2.1.1] Seating
[] Dining Chairs
[] Lounge Chairs
[] Sofas
[] Beds
[] Other
[2.1.2] Surfaces
[] Counters
[] Tables
[] End Tables
[] Desks
[] Other
[2.1.3] Decorative
[] Paintings
[] Sculptures
[] Rugs
[] Plants
[] Other
[2.1.4] Electronics
[] Entertainment
[] Video
[] Audio
[] Phones
[] Other
[2.1.5] Appliances
[] Stoves
[] Refrigerators
[] Small Appliances
[] Large Appliances
[] Other
[2.1.6] Plumbing
[] Toilets
[] Showers/Tubs
[] Sinks
[] Hot Tubs
[] Other
[2.1.7] Lighting
[] Table Lamps
[] Standing Lamps
[] Wall Lamps
[] Hanging Lamps
[] Other
[2.1.8] Miscellaneous
[] Recreation
[] Knowledge
[] Creativity
[] Wardrobe
[] Pets
[] Magic
[] Other
[2.2] Build Mode
[2.2.1] Terrain Tool
[2.2.2] Water Tool
[2.2.3] Wall & Fence Tool
[2.2.4] Wallpaper Tool
[2.2.5] Stair Tool
[2.2.6] Fireplace Tool
[2.2.7] Plant Tool
[2.2.8] Floor Tool
[2.2.9] Door Tool
[2.2.10] Window Tool
[2.2.11] Roof Tool
[2.2.12] Hand Tool
[3] Old Town Items
[3.1] Food
[3.1.1] Seating
[3.1.2] Surfaces
[3.1.3] Decorative
[3.1.4] Electronics
[3.1.5] Appliances
[3.1.6] Plumbing
[3.1.7] Lighting
[3.1.8] Miscellaneous
[3.2] Shops
[3.2.1] Seating
[3.2.2] Surfaces
[3.2.3] Decorative
[3.2.4] Electronics
[3.2.5] Appliances
[3.2.6] Plumbing
[3.2.7] Lighting
[3.2.8] Miscellaneous
[3.3] Outdoors
[3.3.1] Seating
[3.3.2] Surfaces
[3.3.3] Decorative
[3.3.4] Electronics
[3.3.5] Appliances
[3.3.6] Plumbing
[3.3.7] Lighting
[3.3.8] Miscellaneous
[3.4] Street
[3.4.1] Surfaces
[3.4.2] Decorative
[3.4.3] Electronics
[3.4.4] Plumbing
[3.4.5] Lighting
[3.4.6] Miscellaneous
[3.5] Miscellaneous
[3.5.1] Seating
[3.5.2] Surfaces
[3.5.3] Decorative
[3.5.4] Electronics
[3.5.5] Plumbing
[3.5.6] Lighting
[3.5.7] Miscellaneous
[4] Downtown Items
[4.1] Dining
[4.1.1] Seating
[4.1.2] Surfaces
[4.1.3] Decorative
[4.1.4] Electronics
[4.1.5] Appliances
[4.1.6] Plumbing
[4.1.7] Lighting
[4.1.8] Miscellaneous
[4.2] Shops
[4.2.1] Seating
[4.2.2] Surfaces
[4.2.3] Decorative
[4.2.4] Electronics
[4.2.5] Plumbing
[4.2.6] Lighting
[4.2.7] Miscellaneous
[4.3] Outdoors
[4.3.1] Seating
[4.3.2] Surfaces
[4.3.3] Decorative
[4.3.4] Electronics
[4.3.5] Appliances
[4.3.6] Plumbing
[4.3.7] Lighting
[4.3.8] Miscellaneous
[4.4] Street
[4.4.1] Surfaces
[4.4.2] Decorative
[4.4.3] Electronics
[4.4.4] Plumbing
[4.4.5] Lighting
[4.4.6] Miscellaneous
[4.5] Miscellaneous
[4.5.1] Seating
[4.5.2] Surfaces
[4.5.3] Decorative
[4.5.4] Electronics
[4.5.5] Plumbing
[4.5.6] Lighting
[4.5.7] Miscellaneous
[5] Vacation Island Items
[5.1] Lodging
[5.1.1] Seating
[5.1.2] Surfaces
[5.1.3] Decorative
[5.1.4] Electronics
[5.1.5] Appliances
[5.1.6] Plumbing
[5.1.7] Lighting
[5.1.8] Miscellaneous
[5.2] Shops
[5.2.1] Seating
[5.2.2] Surfaces
[5.2.3] Decorative
[5.2.4] Electronics
[5.2.5] Plumbing
[5.2.6] Lighting
[5.2.7] Miscellaneous
[5.3] Recreation
[5.3.1] Seating
[5.3.2] Surfaces
[5.3.3] Decorative
[5.3.4] Electronics
[5.3.5] Appliances
[5.3.6] Plumbing
[5.3.7] Lighting
[5.3.8] Miscellaneous
[5.4] Amenities
[5.4.1] Seating
[5.4.2] Surfaces
[5.4.3] Decorative
[5.4.4] Electronics
[5.4.5] Appliances
[5.4.6] Plumbing
[5.4.7] Lighting
[5.4.8] Miscellaneous
[5.5] Miscellaneous
[5.5.1] Seating
[5.5.2] Surfaces
[5.5.3] Decorative
[5.5.4] Electronics
[5.5.5] Plumbing
[5.5.6] Lighting
[5.5.7] Miscellaneous
[6] Studio Town Items
[6.1] Food
[6.1.1] Seating
[6.1.2] Surfaces
[6.1.3] Decorative
[6.1.4] Electronics
[6.1.5] Appliances
[6.1.6] Plumbing
[6.1.7] Lighting
[6.1.8] Miscellaneous
[6.2] Shops
[6.2.1] Seating
[6.2.2] Surfaces
[6.2.3] Decorative
[6.2.4] Electronics
[6.2.5] Plumbing
[6.2.6] Lighting
[6.2.7] Miscellaneous
[6.3] Studio
[6.3.1] Seating
[6.3.2] Surfaces
[6.3.3] Decorative
[6.3.4] Electronics
[6.3.5] Plumbing
[6.3.6] Lighting
[6.3.7] Miscellaneous
[6.4] Spa
[6.4.1] Seating
[6.4.2] Surfaces
[6.4.3] Decorative
[6.4.4] Electronics
[6.4.5] Plumbing
[6.4.6] Lighting
[6.4.7] Miscellaneous
[6.5] Miscellaneous
[6.5.1] Seating
[6.5.2] Surfaces
[6.5.3] Decorative
[6.5.4] Electronics
[6.5.5] Plumbing
[6.5.6] Lighting
[6.5.7] Miscellaneous
[7] Magic Town Items
[7.1] Food
[7.1.1] Seating
[7.1.2] Surfaces
[7.1.3] Decorative
[7.1.4] Electronics
[7.1.5] Appliances
[7.1.6] Plumbing
[7.1.7] Lighting
[7.1.8] Miscellaneous
[7.2] Shops
[7.2.1] Seating
[7.2.2] Surfaces
[7.2.3] Decorative
[7.2.4] Electronics
[7.2.5] Plumbing
[7.2.6] Lighting
[7.2.7] Miscellaneous
[7.3] MagiCo
[7.3.1] Seating
[7.3.2] Surfaces
[7.3.3] Decorative
[7.3.4] Electronics
[7.3.5] Plumbing
[7.3.6] Lighting
[7.3.7] Miscellaneous
[7.4] Outdoors
[7.4.1] Seating
[7.4.2] Surfaces
[7.4.3] Decorative
[7.4.4] Electronics
[7.4.5] Plumbing
[7.4.6] Lighting
[7.4.7] Miscellaneous
[7.5] Miscellaneous
[7.5.1] Seating
[7.5.2] Surfaces
[7.5.3] Decorative
[7.5.4] Electronics
[7.5.5] Plumbing
[7.5.6] Lighting
[7.5.7] Miscellaneous

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Where This FAQ May be Found
[D] Other FAQs Written
[E] The Sims Copyright Information


| [1] Guide Information |

This guide is a complete listing of items from all The Sims games. Chairs,
tables, toilets, etc. You will find items for the standard game, as well as
items for Old Town, Downtown, Vacation Island, Studio Town and Magic Town.
Some items you'll see duplicates of, as some seating can be used in Downtown as
well as other areas, but I've tried to limit duplicates. If a type of chair
can be used both Downtown and at home, then I've omitted it from the Downtown
categories, as it isn't a Downtown only item. If you see a duplicate item,
either ignore it, or let me know, and I'll correct it.

Also note that if an expansions items can be found somewhere else, like the
Dining Booths at your house, that item will be listed in the first category it
is found in. With that, the guide presents items in this order:

Old Town
Vacation Island
Stuido Town
Magic Town

To clarify, if an object doesn't have any motives, but allows you to improve
something like Charisma or Creativity, it will still be listed as Motive.


| [2] House Items |

The following items can be found as you're playing the game in your own house.
The categories here are organized in the same way as the game. All item
descriptions are taken from in-game, and they are here for reference.

| [2.1] Buy Mode |

These items can be found by clicking the middle icon, the BUY MODE icon.

| [2.1.1] Seating |

These items can give your Sims energy and comfort. Some may improve the score
of the room. These include normal chairs, beds, and recliners.

| [] Dining Chairs |

Werkbunnst All Purpose Chair
Price : $80
Size : 1x1
Description : Chairs are a great invention! They let you sit down while
eating, make typing possible when using the computer and are
great for sitting on while watching TV. This minimal, serious,
cantilevered design provides seriously minimal comfort.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Steeling Beauty Deck Chair
Price : $95
Size : 1x1
Description : Steel. It's not just for girders and utensils, this multi-
purpose metal has found a home in this stylish scalloped outdoor
collection. If you want beauty that lasts, try "steeling" it

Motives : Comfort = 2


Recline Time Pool Chair
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : Matching our ultra-smooth recliner, this irrestiable "beach-
cream" chair makes for luxurious "plein air" breakfasts and
business meetings. Specially formulated powder coating resists
UV rays, rain, and bodily fluids. 100% near-virgin vinyl straps.
Gentle curves. Butter smooth action. Recline Time chairs mean

Motives : Comfort = 2


Caveat Emptor Folding Chair
Price : $125
Size : 1x1
Description : These light frame wooden chairs are designed with the space
conscious Sim in mind. When not in use they can be folded
perfectly flat and are easily stored in most storage spaces.
Manufacturer's Note: The white painted version of this chair does
not actually fold.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Deck Chair by Survivall
Price : $150
Size : 1x1
Description : Just the right height and angle for eating, drinking and social-
izing, this sturdy chair can fill many needs, whether on the deck
or porch, in the garden, or at the foot of your bed. Survivall
products use only locally grown, locally milled, pure redwood
cleansed of any foreign particles.

Motives : Comfort = 3


Tiki Dream Dining Chair
Price : $175
Size : 1x1
Description : Beauty. Durability. Simplicity. The benefits of bamboo furnit-
ure are self-evident. Plus, bamboo is an ecologically benign and
renewable resource. And lattice equals open
mind. Tiki Dream...the thinking person's chair!

Motives : Comfort = 3


The Sammy SandDollar Seating Solution
Price : $191
Size : 1x1
Description : Sammy Sanddollar made its name in high quality, lightweight
furniture perfect inside or out, formal or just kickin' back.
This chair is the signature piece that started it all.

Motives : Comfort = 3


Kathedra Dining Chair
Price : $199
Size : 1x1
Description : Furniture restoration experts scowered the globe in search of the
finest raw materials available to create this spectacular chair.
Their efforts, combined with the exceptional talent of an
anonymous local designer, created a vision of natural elegance
beyond any other. Note: chair has been intenntionally worn for
your dining delight.

Motives : Comfort = 3


Touch of Teak Dinette Chair
Price : $200
Size : 1x1
Description : Step up and sit down to Touch of Teak! Elegance and durability
hearken back to simpler times and simpler comfort levels.
Whether used alone or as part of a handsome dinette set, these
chairs scream class and value.

Motives : Comfort = 3


Chair of the Future
Price : $203
Size : 1x1
Description : According to science magazines and utopian design societies, this
is the chair we will ALL be sitting on in 20 years. By using a
computer analyzed, lap management system and frictionless
plastic, chairs of the future will prevent lower back problems,
neck pain, sick days and doddling. So don't WAIT for the future
to happen...MAKE it happen!

Motives : Comfort = 3


Sir Laxalot Dinette Chair
Price : $210
Size : 1x1
Description : Yes, the Sir Laxalot is the most exciting chair of the millenium,
and for years to come. Everything about this chair is a clean
break with outmoded tradition. Precision-balanced chair legs.
Independent seat cushions. Space-age patterned vinyl and
chromotone-plated steel pass rigid testing, to deliver more than
passing comfort. Relax with Sir Laxalot!

Motives : Comfort = 3


Wool/Fiberglass/Chromalume Chair
Price : $234
Size : 1x1
Description : Gold waffle cushion/Aqua basin form, designed by Otto Wilhelm for
Swingstoadt. This baby is one groovy seat, real far out. Makes
a perfect addition to your happening pod. And, like, it was
designed by a real Euro cat. That's call if it isn't your bag
man, but don't be uptight - give the chair its righteous due.
It's beautiful man, beautiful!

Motives : Comfort = 3


Sartori "Plasma" Stool
Price : $251
Size : 1x1
Description : Maglev Sartori's classic "Plasma" stool looks as space-age today
as it did back in the Space Age - clean, sterile, machine made -
in short, everything that made this country what it is today!
But these aren't just for the Design these prices,
anyone can afford to live in Sartori splendor!

Motives : Comfort = 3


The M Chair
Price : $299
Size : 1x1
Description : Designed to compliment the M Table, these iron and steel chairs
are obvious classics. With the same insight and database queries
M Chair designers married the best of Industrial era styling with
Post-Irony seriousness of surface. The M Chair...a new beginning
for an old end.

Motives : Comfort = 5


Liberty's Choice Dining Chair
Price : $335
Size : 1x1
Description : Named after its designer, Liberty Joyz, these chairs were not
originally for sale but part of his private collection. Although
never officially confirmed, it is rumored that the chair was used
by famous traveler Jacky "Ice" Joe to fend off a ravenous
mountain yeti during his travels in Nepal. Liberty capitalized
on the rumor to sell his remaining chairs at collector prices.

Motives : Comfort = 3


Critter Creek Dining Chair
Price : $363
Size : 1x1
Description : Part of the Critter Creek "Rustic Living" collection, this dining
chair is ideal for resort and lodge hospitality settings. Pine
half-logs shaped for comfort. Compression joints in frame ensure
superior strength while icing-thick lacquer coat preserves wood's
natural pallid color.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Room = 1


Anchor Lace Cafe Chair
Price : $389
Size : 1x1
Description : The beauty of French lace paired with the security and weight of
cast iron, a cafe owner's dream come true. Neither hurricane
winds nor chair burglars will move these delightful chairs from
their appointed spots. Place them anywhere - on grass, sidewalks
or even indoors - just remember to bend your knees when lifting.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Room = 2


Cafeffete Iron Chair
Price : $429
Size : 1x1
Description : Ah...the Left Bank of Paris. It conjures scenes of avant-garde
artists and intellectuals sipping coffee and debating politics.
Though glossy boutiques and chain stores have erased all that,
you can still enjoy the old-world styling and hand-sculpted
detailing found in this French cafe chair from Cafeffete.
Leather cushion in "absinthe" green.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Room = 3


Ode to a Haunted Chair
Price : $499
Size : 1x1
Description : "As I was sitting down to eat, I felt a chilling at my feet.
It moved up to my knees and higher, I ran to warm up by the
As I began to thaw a bit, I thought that I'd resume my sit.
I pulled my chair up, sat and then, the chilling! It began
A haunted chair I did assume and moved it quickly from the room.
It's now outside, and so shall stay, until someone takes it
away." - Fred E. Kat

Motives : Comfort = 4
Room = 1


Chrome Dive Bar Chair
Price : $500
Size : 1x1
Description : Styled to match the unlit charm at the dive bars it's frequently
found in, this chair has reached the apex of form and function.
The sleek but sturdy design ensures the chair's usefulness for
both seating and atmosphere wherever it's placed.

Motives : Comfort = 4
Room = 1


Empress Dining Room Chair
Price : $600
Size : 1x1
Description : Impress your friends with the Empress dining room chair. The
plush, inviting cushions are a sore Sim's best friend. The
austere black lacquer design has a Northern Japanese influence.
Place these near tables so Sims may eat in total comfort...and

Motives : Comfort = 4
Room = 2


"Sella Solaria" Dining Chair
Price : $795
Size : 1x1
Description : The same chair as seen on ancient Roman wall paintings, the Sella
Solaria jumps out of history and into your home! Furniture
archeologists have lovingly brought these ancient chairs back to
life using infrared frescoe analysis, historical documents and a
little help from "The Gods". Beause feeling like a god is what
it's all about, and once you take a seat, you'll know you're in

Motives : Comfort = 7
Room = 1


Formi Dining Chair
Price : $881
Size : 1x1
Description : Like a perfect blend of herbs and spices, the Formi furniture
collection wets the appetite by seducing the senses. Vision is
renewed by the rich luster of the wood. The sense of touch is
awoken by the sensous skin of inviting fine leather. Invite your
self - invite your guests, to relax in Formi style.

Motives : Comfort = 5
Room = 3


Papa's Chair
Price : $1,100
Size : 1x1
Description : While Mamas hard at work preparing the tomato sauce for this
morning's pasta, what's a papa to od? Why, sit in your very own
Papa's Chair, of course! This solidly constructed dining chair
features a hand-carved seat to encourage maximum relaxation when
faced with honest kitchen work. Great for enjoying meals,
reading the paper, and lounging while ignoring questions from
your spouse!

Motives : Comfort = 8
Room = 3


El Tomayo Dining Chair
Price : $1,200
Size : 1x1
Description : The favored chair of General Tomayo, he had them brought along on
all his campaigns. You don't need to be a general to use an El
Tomayo, but you will be conquering comfort each time you sit
down! Plush red velvet cushions. Hand turned legs. Solid

Motives : Comfort = 9
Room = 3


Parisienne Dining Chair
Price : $1,200
Size : 1x1
Description : Made to accent our Parisienne dining table, this European-style
armless dining chair has been made by a family of cabinet makers
whose pedigree stretches back to the reign of Lous XIII. Sinuous
lines and refined comfort set these chairs apart from so many of
their stark modern rivals.

Motives : Comfort = 6
Room = 3


Total Dining Chairs Available = 26

| [] Lounge Chairs |

NeverFold Camp Chair
Price : $78
Size : 1x1
Description : Modeled on our super-selling EverFold camp chair, the NeverFold
has the same rugged, extruded aluminum frame, the same extra-
comfortable padded seat, and the same utilitarian style you've
come to love. But to get the price this low, we removed the
costly folding mechanism.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Sioux Sity Wicker Chair
Price : $80
Size : 1x1
Description : Who needs excessive comfort when you can fill your home with
cheap, hand crafted Sioux Sity furnishings? Inspired by the last
decade's South Western design fad, the multi-colored fabric could
match anything. Durable, propylene glycol SimWicker and vinyl
cushions guaranteed for 30 days. Sioux Sity-"Take a load off
everything but your wallet."

Motives : Comfort = 2


RustyRedneck Barrel Chair
Price : $95
Size : 1x1
Description : We at RustyRedneck are proud of our craft heritage and reputation
for excellence. Our barrel chair is traditional yet contemporary
with a folksy twist. Only klin-dried barrels are used to ensure
wood stability. "RustyRedneck...when you care enough to do the
very least."

Motives : Comfort = 2


"Aquaqu" Inflatable Fun Chair
Price : $109
Size : 1x1
Description : Outrageous! A fantastic, plastic, inflatable chair? Incredibly,
these artsy, totally WACKY chairs actually work! Three
OUTRAGEOUS colors! An inexpensive and fun way to dress up your
bedroom, dorm room, or anywhere you need a place to relax.
Perfect for those with a little hot air to spare.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Room = 1


"Biome" Inflatable Fun Chair
Price : $109
Size : 1x1
Description : Outrageous! A fantastic, plastic, inflatable chair? Incredibly,
these artsy, totally WACKY chairs actually work! Three
OUTRAGEOUS colors! An inexpensive and fun way to dress up your
bedroom, dorm room, or anywhere you need a place to relax.
Perfect for those with a little hot air to spare.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Room = 1


"Magenti" Inflatable Fun Chair
Price : $109
Size : 1x1
Description : Outrageous! A fantastic, plastic, inflatable chair? Incredibly,
these artsy, totally WACKY chairs actually work! Three
OUTRAGEOUS colors! An inexpensive and fun way to dress up your
bedroom, dorm room, or anywhere you need a place to relax.
Perfect for those with a little hot air to spare.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Room = 1


Satinstics Reproduction Armchair
Price : $155
Size : 1x1
Description : Satinistics does it again! We took a boring old chair from an
OLD century and gave it a NEW life with our trademark FrosTEE
blue upholstery. Then we jacked up the cushion content a notch
and added those snazzy buttons for a look and feel that will make
people think twice.

Motives : Comfort = 3


"Curulis Etrurius" Roman Seat
Price : $239
Size : 1x1
Description : Before the emperors went totally insane, Roman senators and
consuls enjoyed the right to sit upon these emblems of
terrestrial power. Imported from the Etruscans as a symbol of
royality, it was common practice to present these elegant chairs
to foreign rulers whom they sought to cultivate as friends and
allies. Cultivate your own friends, and experience the luxurious
life of ancient Rome, with Curulis Etrurius today.

Motives : Comfort = 4
Room = 1


Country Class Armchair
Price : $250
Size : 1x1
Description : A blend of English Country style and mass market ideals, the
Country Class armchair affords down-filled comfort at a moderate
price. Available as a single item or as part of the Craftmeister
living room set.

Motives : Comfort = 4


Tropi-Cane Island Chair
Price : $315
Size : 1x1
Description : This authentic "Island Chair" is made of thick, select-cut
bamboo, complete with colorful, signature "Island cushions".
Village-made island cushions are highly valued for the supreme
comfort and scent that only flower petals and dried palm fronds
can deliver. Imported by Tropi-Cane Industries, a division of
Pacific Rum Athletic Shoe Corp.

Motives : Comfort = 5


Plushie Mushie Pleasure Chair
Price : $329
Size : 1x1
Description : "Plushie Mushie under me!
Plushie Mushie come and see!
Sit on Mushie all day long!
Sit on Mushie and SING THIS SONG!"
Plush Mushie TV Show, all rights reserved.

Motives : Comfort = 5


Etherette Lougne
Price : $335
Size : 1x1
Description : Someone once said that perfection existed when no further
elements could be removed from an object. The Etherette could
possibly be the perfect chair. With a reduced curve silhouette,
powder blue hue and just a hint of legs, the Etherette is truly
an enlightened vehicle for comfort. Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
That's Etherette.

Motives : Comfort = 5


The Occasional Chaisonal
Price : $411
Size : 1x1
Description : In 1713, the Duth gave Louis XIV of France a coffee bush. Of
course they didn't know it at the time, but this bush's
descendents would go on to produce a third of the coffee in the
world today. This chair design hails from the breakfast room at
Versailles, where Louis XIV would enjoy his morning coffee (and
occasionally spill it). Each chair contains, in exquisite detail
the stains left behind by the nervous Sun King in what are
colorfully referred to as his "coffee days". Forever occasional,
always fashionable, this chair is guaranteed to leave a mark.

Motives : Comfort = 5


"Citronel" from Chiclettina Inc.
Price : $450
Size : 1x1
Description : Style: Contemporary Color: Citron
Comfort Level: High Upholstery: Alcantara Cover
Designer: Anonymous Target Consumer: High Target

Motives : Comfort = 6


Price : $$460
Size : 1x1
Description : "The Frogg breaks all the rules," says seating visionary Sinjin
Vain. "I stripped the seat of fabric and cushioning to expose
the ugly structural frame underneath. I then carefully
reconstructed them in luxuriant stuffed magneta wool to obscure
the structural frame."

Motives : Comfort = 6


"The Sarrbach" by Werkbunnst
Price : $500
Size : 1x1
Description : Perfect proportions. Perfect comfort. Relieve sore backs with
the "Sarrbach". It was a featured item at the "Equipment for
Habitation" show last October in SimCity. Covered with full-
grain leather.

Motives : Comfort = 6


Critter Creek Lounger
Price : $611
Size : 1x1
Description : Escape city pressures and city stress when you escape to Critter
Creek. "We don't do 'heirlooms' or 'designer' sets," says
Critter Ceek founder Burl Knotts. "Because nature is OUR
designer." Well said. Burl Rustic durability. Goose down
comfort. Mortise and tenon construction. Part of the Critter
Creek "Rustic Living" designer set.

Motives : Comfort = 6
Room = 1


The Square Peg Easy Chair
Price : $629
Size : 1x1
Description : Art defines relaxation with this Deco, but not too Deco Easy
Chair, which is a pleasure to the eyes as well as the body.
You'll form your own art when you fall back into the soft
geometric forms of this unique reproduction and return to an age
of innocence. Square Peg. "For the Movement of comfort."

Motives : Comfort = 7


Egg Chair
Price : $840
Size : 1x1
Description : Often seen in men's magazines and espionage films 25 years ago,
the hyper-comfy egg chair quickly became a novelty item for the
"in crwod" but soon lost its appeal with the rise of the Anti-
Comfort movement. Now employed, sober and yearning for a piece
of their past, these same radicals have made the Egg Chair one of
the most sought-after items at boutiques and at auction.

Motives : Comfort = 7


The "Bunda"
Price : $924
Size : 1x1
Description : Designed by Gruppo Blum in 1990, this chair was conceived as
gluteal stress relief sitting for computer workers. The seat
suggests that the body parts that make contact with the chair
could actually be mimicked in the design and shape OF the chair.
Visco-elastic gelatin reinforces the aesthetic and the pleasure.

Motives : Comfort = 8


Cowch Country Lounger
Price : $1,115
Size : 1x1
Description : "You can almost hear the buffalo roamin' when you sit down," says
Wester furniture stylist B. Hynde. "Each piece is made the old
fashioned piece at a time with pride and care. We use
only kiln dried lumber and solid joinery." Hand tooled leather.
Bone. Part of the Cowch Country Collection.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Room = 1


Ebonized Victorian Chair
Price : $1,200
Size : 1x1
Description : With its sinuous, sumptuous lines and rich upholstery, Victorian
chairs embodied the anti-Classical movement by emphasizing
decorative detailing and biomorphic design. Ebonized walnut.
Hand carved. Original silk damask extremely well preserved.

Motives : Comfort = 9


The Manchester
Price : $1,200
Size : 1x1
Description : Large Victorian wing armchair on Art Nouveau cabriole feet with
loose feather cushion. Upholstered in cotton damask. Armchair
wings act as a sound buffer and privacy enhancement as well as
lending weight to opinions previously held forth at length yet in

Motives : Comfort = 7
Room = 4


Duke of Earle Throne Chair
Price : $1,440
Size : 1x1
Description : Some chairs are fit for a king...ours was MADE for one! Bold
lines and muscular design are suggestive of power, emphasizing
the important of the throne's occupant. Welnut carving is rare
in its reference to celestial as well as marsupial symbolism.
Exact reproduction of late 14th century original. From Duke of
Earle Reproductions.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Room = 2


Simply Modern Leather Chair
Price : $1,702
Size : 1x1
Description : This classic low slung modern leather chair incorporates no-sag
seat springing, and almost fire-retardant foams with the
contemporary softness of the modern line in order to create the
look and feel of an age defined by far more than its furniture.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Room = 2


Total Lounge Chairs Available = 25

| [] Sofas |

Steeling Beauty Loveseat
Price : $139
Size : 1x2
Description : When a ten ton hydraulic press is used in the creation of a piece
of furniture, you can be sure it's made to last. This fabulous
upgrade to the Steeling Beauty Deck Chair allows you to enjoy the
wonder of pressed metal with someone special.

Motives : Comfort = 2
Energy = 4


Contempto Loveseat
Price : $150
Size : 1x2
Description : Part of our Contempto for the Home collection, our loveseat makes
a cozy nest on its own or a charming addition to our Contempto
couch. Independently compensated couch specialists say that Sims
may experience slightly more comfort due to the vertical (as
opposed to horizontal) striping. Nylon shell. Foam cushions.
Durable plastic legs. Color: Nictonine.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 4


Indoor-Outdoor Loveseat
Price : $160
Size : 1x2
Description : Made from a space age PVC and silicon hybrid, this sofa provides
year round comfort both in front of the TV or out by the pool.
The baked-on plastic finish mimics antique vinyls and is
impervious to chipping, peeling, cracking, rust and chemical or
atomic attack. Manufacturer: R. Martin Industries.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 4


Recycled Couch
Price : $180
Size : 1x3
Description : Show your solidarity with other Eco-conscious Sims by purchasing
a recycled couch. Rebirthed from discarded bolsters, driftwood,
car tires and bottle caps, a recycled couch announces a radical
disregard for burgeous comfort. Break the cycle of consumption
and waste at a revoultionary low price.

Motives : Comfort = 2
Energy = 5


"Psycha" Inflatable Sofa
Price : $190
Size : 1x2
Description : Sitting is believing! And you won't believe the amount of
comfort Air Head sofas deliver! Using patented air-capture
technology, Air Head is able to create buoyant gas cushions
capable of supporting both the thinnest and thickest of
posteriors. Transparent furnishings for transparent people...
Come be a "gas bag" right now!

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 5
Room = 1


"Sky Surfer" Inflatable Sofa
Price : $190
Size : 1x2
Description : Sitting is believing! And you won't believe the amount of
comfort Air Head sofas deliver! Using patented air-capture
technology, Air Head is able to create buoyant gas cushions
capable of supporting both the thinnest and thickest of
posteriors. Transparent furnishings for transparent people...
Come be a "gas bag" right now!

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 5
Room = 1


"Verdette" Inflatable Sofa
Price : $190
Size : 1x2
Description : Sitting is believing! And you won't believe the amount of
comfort Air Head sofas deliver! Using patented air-capture
technology, Air Head is able to create buoyant gas cushions
capable of supporting both the thinnest and thickest of
posteriors. Transparent furnishings for transparent people...
Come be a "gas bag" right now!

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 5
Room = 1


Contempto Couch
Price : $200
Size : 1x3
Description : Softness and coziness. Expression and impression. This
dynamically striped couch creates a statement both in form and
function that says "my couch". Brings comfort that lasts as long
as the endless harmony of the beautiful homestead. Nylon shell.
Foam cushions. Durable plastic legs. Color: Nicotine.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 5


SimSafari Sofa
Price : $220
Size : 1x3
Description : Go crazy with this latest addition to our lounge furniture
collection. Synthetic zebra-hide and black damask are used to
create a unique, asymmetrical look that's right on the crest of
the current retro-design wave. Whether you and your guests are
napping, watching TV or just relaxing, the SimSafari will
certainly be the center of attention all night long.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 5


Satinistics Loveseat
Price : $240
Size : 1x2
Description : Satinistics restyles the past for contemporary living! The
perfect blend of old-fashioned furniture crastsmanship smothered
in soothing, FrosTEE blue satin. Pressure treated fabric repels
liquids, bugs and odors, while decreasing friction and gluteal
adhesion factor by up to 50%!

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 4


Samma's Stretch-out Sofa
Price : $300
Size : 1x3
Description : Sanddollar seating received such high praise for it's obviously
elegant, yet amazingly affordable wicker line of products, it has
finally stretched its classic design into a whole sofa. Now you
and a couple friends can pile into comfort the SanDollar Sammy

Motives : Comfort = 4
Energy = 5


Country Class Loveseat
Price : $340
Size : 1x2
Description : The perfect loveseat for getting cozy by a fire. Modest size
means this comfy loveseat fits almost anywhere. Acetate slip
covers emulate silk and linen. The moderate cost and blendability
with other more expensive sofas makes the Country Class a popular
item. Part of the Craftmeister collection.

Motives : Comfort = 5
Energy = 4


Pinstripe Loveseat from Zecutime
Price : $360
Size : 1x2
Description : A "must have" loveseat! Whether Sims are engaging in some
intimiate power networking or just relaxing with their current
couch strategy, Zecutime promises aggressive levels of comfort.
Navy pinstripe cushions with fitted covers professionally
coordinate with the entire Zecutime line.

Motives : Comfort = 5
Energy = 4


Pinstripe Sofa from Zecutime
Price : $400
Size : 1x3
Description : Zecutime is focused on Sims building healthy comfort levels
through the ownership of upscale and corporate full-service sofas
located in major living rooms, family rooms and dens. Sofa
acquisition and investment management strategies have been
developed with the benefit of the proprietary couch research of
the Zecutime Comfort Research Group.

Motives : Comfort = 5
Energy = 5


Country Class Sofa
Price : $450
Size : 1x3
Description : More rustic than romantic, this style offers traditionally sturdy
arms and back, but comfortable down-filled cushions make Sims
want to dive right in. Kiln-dried hardwood frames. Eight-way,
hand-tied coils. The perfect blend of adult and kid-proof design
all in one? Part of the Craftmeister collection.

Motives : Comfort = 5
Energy = 5


Trop-Cane Sofa
Price : $535
Size : 1x3
Description : Adding a breezy touch to any home, Tropi-Cane bamboo furnishings
leghten up your life. Tribal in feeling but modern in comfort,
our bamboo sofas are works of art int heir own right, requiring a
master craftsman's touch. "Life in the Tropi-Cane."

Motives : Comfort = 5
Energy = 5


Velvet Sofasaurus
Price : $575
Size : 1x3
Description : Get on up and sit down! Every boo-tay in the house craves the
divine attention of a Velvet Sofasaurus! Sitting in a sea of
electro-velvet and cheatachunks is enough to make any Sims leave
ordinary cares and chairs behind. So get YOUR behind into a
Sofasaurus and you sophisticate!

Motives : Comfort = 6
Energy = 5


Limited Edition Sternwood Boxer Cordelan Sofa
Price : $649
Size : 1x2
Description : Classic rose and honey mini-sofa - rose wool upholstery and honey
wood frame with quadruple wave side and rear panels. Magnficient
1940's archetype, this sleek series set the standard of deco
furniture excellence with a stout price only the wealthiest
collector could afford. A rare price, as only a a paltry five
thousand of this model were ever loomed, coiled, stuffed and

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 4


Passions De Vol Cafe Sofa
Price : $699
Size : 1x2
Description : Vol cafe sofa gained a widespread popularity in Parisian cafes at
the turn of the century. Known for the distinctive fish/angel
wing design on the back, this sofa offers authentic cafe comfort
at a reasonable price. The chemically aged velvet upholstery is
deceptively durable yet soft, and will satisfy even the most
discerning derriere.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 4


Luxuriare Loveseat
Price : $875
Size : 1x2
Description : "Exciting design requires some risk taking," says SimCity
designer Yoko Onasis. "SimCity designers are striving for an
international yet regional look, but we don't equate
sophistication with making sense." While some Sims may be
opposed to the lamb skin leather, most find the white, creamy
surfaces deliciously decadent and inviting.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 4
Room = 2


The Love Seat
Price : $993
Size : 1x2
Description : "While most two-person sofas may be called love seats, ours
really lives up to the name," hints created Sadie S. Factor.
"Pleasing to the eye, pleasing to the body, pleasing to the
hypothalamus - what I call Satisfunctional." With its optimal,
ergonomic curvature and super soft, goose feather cushions, its
no wonder Sims fall in love with this sofa...and ON it.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 4


"Autocrat" by Emporium Imperium
Price : $1,001
Size : 1x2
Description : "I just love Empire loveseats!" gushes Emporium Imperium owner
Chadley Schnifter. "All the grace and sophistication of France,
with that well-proportioned, muscular Latin thing. Just sitting
on it makes me feel like a love god, and so will you!" Raw silk
cushions and fully restored upholstery fit for a Caesar. Massive
mahagony construction and polished pyrite trim lend a decadent
touch. Style that has no boundary.

Motives : Comfort = 5
Energy = 5
Room = 4


"The Deiter" by Werkbunnst
Price : $1,100
Size : 1x3
Description : Made to accompany our "Von Braun" recliner, this Bauhaus inspired
sofa has been redesigned by a highly disciplined team of young,
Swiss, ergonomic researchers. "Sitting on this sofa makes you
feel like the King of Comfort!", exclaimed one sofa scientist
during final testing. Swiss pearwood frame. Fully aniline dyed

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 5
Room = 3


Egg Sofa
Price : $1,222
Size : 1x3
Description : By taking an elegant geometric form - the egg - then cutting off
a top section, stretching out the bottom, reinforcing and padding
the center with molded polyamide tri-fold layers, and then hand
stitching the double-treated leather edge seams, and baking the
vacuum-molded PVC shell onto the tubular aluminum skeleton - a
totally simple and natural sofa is hatched!

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 5
Room = 1


Cowch Country Sofa
Price : $1,350
Size : 1x3
Description : Massive strength. Bold lines. Meat-eating spirit. From the
100% natural cowhide, right down to the brass tacks, our sofas
reflect a take-charge attitude devoid of compassion. Relax in
merciless comfort 'til the cows come home... if they dare. Part
of the B. Hynde collection.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 5
Room = 1


Le Grande Guignal Loveseat
Price : $1,445
Size : 1x2
Description : Now YOU have the opportunity to have your own prestigious
furniture signed "Le Grande Guignol". Reproduced from the 19th
century original, each piece represents a real work of art that
will make you proud and envied by your friends and enemies. This
late Victorian loveseat oozes warmth and well being with a
timeless quality, which goes beyond fashion trends and fads.
French Walnut frame finely sculptured with acanthus leaves,
palmettes and pearls. Silk damask. French workshop.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 5
Room = 4


Dolce Tutti Frutti Sofa
Price : $1,450
Size : 1x3
Description : Unique. Rigorous. Contemporary design. Extraordinary comfort.
Chiclettina sofas represent the apogee of authentic exclusive-
ness and creative hegemony. Shell is molded polyurethane foam.
Seat cushions are down-filled poly-core and pressed Llama wool.
Legs are polished bubunga wood. Manufacturer: Chiclettina Inc.
Designer: Paolo Annoyani

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 5
Room = 3


Velvetian Loveseat
Price : $1,511
Size : 1x2
Description : This velvet wonder is a favorite amongst those that frequent
social hangouts, and it shows. This sofa is seldom without an
occupant. There are stories about places with limited space and
budget that have resorted to sign-up lists, and seating time
limits to attempt to satisfy every customer. However, we suggest
that the best solution is to acquire additional sofas.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 5
Room = 4


"Red Matter" Sofa from Studio Bokomi
Price : $1,600
Size : 1x3
Description : "In these mechanistic times, the bulk of the furniture we are
offered is mass-produced junk," says elit designer Tanya Bakonmi.
"Most of these sofas are utiltarian clones -- injection, molded,
and churned out of sweatshop factories for the masses. MY custom
Red Matter sofas are DEFINED by their obviously labor intensive
construction, museum-like appearance and sensuous red velvet."
Serious inquiries only please.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 5
Room = 3


Sew Doe Sofa
Price : $1,849
Size : 1x3
Description : Want the rustic look and feel of Western Slope buckskin, but
can't stand the idea of animals being slaughtered? We've got the
couch for you. Using only road-recovered, freshly deceased
animals, our taxidermists and upholsterers use a special tanning
process that removes tire tracks and embedded gravel bits.
Natural death. Natural comfort. Unnatural value.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 5
Room 4


Gothic Revival Bench
Price : $2,000
Size : 1x3
Description : Journey through time and culture to the Gothic era with this
frame and panel settee from St. Ajoque Reproductions. Based on
14th century church pew designs, Lady Ophelia Shrewhill modified
the design for her Gothic revival estate at Battyshire in 1840.
The strong rectilinear form is enhanced by the linenfold
paneling on the seat front and an architectural tracery carving
on the back. Hand carved from solid oak. Manufactured
exclusively for St. Ajoque Reproductions.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 5
Room = 3


Vinyl-hide Retro Sofa
Price : $2,349
Size : 1x3
Description : Here's what the famed furniture critic John Boaty had to say:
"This super sumptuous sofa is real laid back man. It's a blast
man, just to sit on these beautiful cushions - dig this synthetic
calfskin hide, pure butter baby. You'll want to chill all day
and all night in the luxuriousness of this fine divan - it's an
absolutely suitable place to crash man, believe me - getting up
from this upholstered hedonism is like drag-city Daddyo."

Motives : Comfort = 10
Energy = 5
Room = 4


Total Sofas Available = 32

| [] Beds |

Spartan Special
Price : $300
Size : 1x3
Description : For single Sims on a tight schedule AND a tight budget, there's
no better value than the Spartan Special by Cheap Eazzzzze.
Barrack-inspired comfort and design ensure that your Sims receive
their ration of energy.

Motives : Comfort = 6
Energy = 7


Cast Iron Bed
Price : $399
Size : 1x3
Description : In the late 1800's, bed makers designed cast iron bedsteads with
more elaborations and embellishment than ever before. These
fantastic beds have been restored and copied adnauseam, but never
like this! The white finish and painted porcelain accents are
perfectly paired with the traditional patterns seen in the Weft
Wrights Quilt Group bedspread.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 7


Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper
Price : $450
Size : 2x3
Description : Finding a good bed when you're on a budget is tough. So is
sleeping on the floor. A good compromise is the Cheap Eazzzzze
Double Sleeper. Satisfy your Sim's basic sleep and energy needs
while you dream about better, more comfortable beds. 100%
authentic chipboard.

Motives : Comfort =7
Energy = 8


Tyke Nyte Bed
Price : $450
Size : 1x3
Description : Kids are sims too and like adult Sims, they need sleep to
re-energize. Buy 'em this colorful bed so they can wake up
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready for school! Comes with
durable plastic liner.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 7


Josephine Sleigh Bed
Price : $489
Size : 1x3
Description : Empire style. Pioneer pricing. The Josephone bridges the gap
between comfort and quality in this elegant, yet modest, sleigh
bed. Cedar and steamed pine. No plastic. No glue. No nausea.
Part of the Napolean collection.

Motives : Comfort = 7
Energy = 8


The NoTell Motel Bed
Price : $787
Size : 2x3
Description : Sims have always snuck off to secretly satisfy one of their most
primitive needs...sleep. "As the primary, pre-eminent motivation
for all things, sleep has unparalleled power over us", claims
NoTell bed-wright Anne S. Thieses. "Our motel beds encourage an
unrepressed escape from consciousness, and let people fully
satisfy their sublimated slumber desires. I'm honored to hear
that so many Sims use our motel beds for this healthy release."

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 8


Reproduction Antique Bed
Price : $879
Size : 1x3
Description : This striking, traditional, "Federal Style" reproduction bed is a
daring blend of oak and pine. Distinctive carvings and signature
Bleu Fleur bed spread make this bed as decorative as it is
inviting. Put it to the test, when you put yourself to rest.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 8


Napolean Sleigh Bed
Price : $1,000
Size : 2x3
Description : Bring out the little emperor in your Sim by purchasing the
Napolean Sleigh Bed. Comfort and satisfaction await in the Roman
inspired lines and comfort of this classic Empire style bed.
ACTUAL bent wood and REAL aromatic cedar make this an instant
heirloom at an affordable price.

Motives : Comfort = 8
Energy = 9


Miss Memo Sleeper
Price : $1,239
Size : 1x3
Description : You've heard all the talk about foam with "memory", but does your
bed REALLY remember you? Miss Memo will. With over 500
interconnected microprocessors embedded within her life-like
mattress gel, Miss Memo is not only aware of your body's comfort
and energy needs, but also your subconscious needs...and her own.
So when you're sleeping alone, plug in to Miss Memo. "Dreams so
real, you won't want to wake up!"

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 8


Trendoid Bed
Price : $1,715
Size : 1x3
Description : Remember the 80's? Now you can live them again-or at least sleep
through them-in this eye catching Trendoid bed. The over-stuffed
futon mattress is filled to bursting with 15 layers of nylon and
sponge rubber chips. The striking calligraphic print lends a
proven "exotic" touch while the nodescript black plastic frame
keeps things from getting too crazy.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 9


BarkWorld Sleeper
Price : $2,181
Size : 2x3
Description : Handcrafted from a single pine tree, the BackWorld Sleeper brings
the peace and beauty of nature to the bedroom. Once you lay down
on the Simington Ltd. mattress, your weary body is engulfed in a
sea of comfort and ecstasy. All wood is soaked in EternoLac
resin for 72 hours to protect the elegant knotty pine from aging,
rotting and drool.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 9
Room = 1


Modern Mission Bed
Price : $3,000
Size : 2x3
Description : Patterned on the Arts and Crafts movement's design principles of
simplicity and workmanship, our craftspeople have reinterpreted
this aesthetic for the new millennium. Cherrywood and mahagany
combine to create a luxurious place to sleep and re-energize.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Energy = 10
Room = 3


Antique Four-Poster Bed
Price : $3,650
Size : 2x3
Description : Our customers have been known to get strangely attached to their
four-poster beds. Perhaps it's the rich glow of the hand-turned
walnut frame, or maybe the princely amount of goose down in the
mattress. Either way, this bed is bound to satisfy.

Motives : Comfort = 10
Energy = 9
Room = 4


The Vibromatic Heart Bed
Price : $4,500
Size : 2x3
Description : "Our vibrating heart bed was so popular with honeymoon motels, we
decided to sell them to the public," says creator Sadie S Factor.
"The vibration engine is Swedish of course, but we have done a
lot of testing with a pair of 300 pound dummies to strengthen the
springs, reinforce the stitching and ensure smooth motion to the
ocean." Bed comes complete with purple silk sheets and pillow

Motives : Comfort = 10
Energy 8
Group Activity


Midnight Mystery Canopy Bed
Price : $4,999
Size : 2x3
Description : Discerning Sims throughout the ages have recognize the allure of
canopy beds. Once a practical necessity, canopies protected
medieval Sims from the cold of night (and the prying eyes of "Ye
Olde Star" journalists). Wrap yourself in decadent privacy
within the luxurious drapes of our Midnight Mystery Canopy Bed,
and you'll truly rest in peace (if you want to...).

Motives : Comfort = 10
Energy = 10
Room = 5


Total Beds Available = 15

| [] Other |

Freedom Chair
Price : $65
Size : 1x1
Description : "What's amazing about the Freedom Chair is the freedom," says
Cattle Dinner Theatre promoter Frank N. Been. "They're fun 'n
frugal n' ya don't have to worry about messin' them up." In
fact, the Freedom Chair has proved so popular, they are being
offered to the public! So give one a try...what the Hay! 100%
REAL, sterilize hay. Machine-tied steel wire. Epoxy resin.
Barn scented.

Motives : Comfort = 1


Red Canvas Director's Chair
Price : $68
Size : 1x1
Description : Loaded with authority, the Red Canvas Director's Chair is perfect
for maintaining a sense of dominance over any performer. The red
canvas only helps accentuate the sense of personal surety that
all Directors bring to a Studio. Already a favorite amongst the
stars, the Red Canvas Director's Chair will surely remain popular
for years to come.

Motives : Comfort = 2


"Posture Plus" Office Chair
Price : $100
Size : 1x1
Description : Comfort. Health. Value. We've merged the logic of procedural
chair peripherals with the science of ergonomics to create a
chair that makes sense. Comfortably priced, the "Posture Plus"
is the seatware for Sims' desk and table interface challenges.

Motives : Comfort = 3


ReclineTime Resort Recliner
Price : $109
Size : 1x2
Description : ReclineTime! The Choice of 79.9% of all hotels, spas and condo
collectives. 95% stainless steel hardware. 86% extra-wide thick
virgin vinyl straps. 100% creamy, powder, coated frame. Gentle
curves. Butter-smooth action. ReclineTime chairs mean

Motives : Comfort = 2
Energy = 1


Champignon Toadstool Chair
Price : $121
Size : 1x1
Description : A brilliant designf rom the inventive mind of Dr. Steven H. Room,
this chair has become the center of a hot debate amongst its
fans. One side contends that this is in fact not a chair, but a
stool, while others maintain that it's quite obviously a chair.
Despite the tension, they all agree on one thing: The Champaignon
is a must have for anyone that likes to sit on (or amongst)

Motives : Comfort = 2


Jock Bench
Price : $130
Size : 1x2
Description : Heartbreak. Humilation. Grown men weeping. Just some of the
memories conjured by the Jock Athletic Bench. Seen in gyms,
badminton dugouts and muddy football fields, these plastic and
aluminum benches have been pressure treated to make them harder
and more uncomfortable than ever. Comfort is for's
hard hearts and hard seats that make a winner!

Motives : Comfort = 2


Sammy's Best Recliner
Price : $149
Size : 1x2
Description : Sammy Sanddollar blew away all critics when they presented this
chair at the worldwide seating solutions conference last year.
Few believed that the recliner market would ever break the wicker
barrier, but this chair is proof not only that it can be done,
but that it can be done in style and comfort, the Sammy way.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 1


Surplus Theater Seating
Price : $153
Size : 1x1
Description : Llama Land is long gone, but who can forget the amazing
interactive visions seen in the Landgrabb Theatre of the Future?
Now you can relive childhood memories by purchasing the original
seats you sat in! Built in the heady pre-crash 1920's out of oak
and velvet, SirPlus! Services modernized and updated these
classic seats in NuMica and stain resistant nylon. Interlocking
arms. Gum resistant. Relive the past's vision of the future...

Motives : Comfort = 3


Touch of Teak Recliner
Price : $179
Size : 1x2
Description : The Touch of Teak resort-style recliner is the epitome of outdoor
comfort and hedonism. With adjustable headrest and auto-ottoman,
it's no wonder they are popping up on decks, cabanas, and sports
entertainment software software producters' patios all over the
world. "Touch of Teak - Worshipping the sun for over 50 years!"

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 1


Beach Bench
Price : $225
Size : 1x2
Description : Most civic planners have complex models and plans about urban
density, ideal traffic flow, and balancing zone types, but when
we actually try to LIVE in their creations, there is never
anywhere to sit and rest! Don't make the same mistake...install
these sturdy, weatherproof, and surprisingly comfortable benches
wherever, and whenever. Sims need to take a break.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Redwood Recliner
Price : $234
Size : 1x2
Description : This classic chaise lounge (or more properly, chaise longue,
meaning "long chair" in French) is more than just a great way to
relax in the sun, it's also a great way to meet people and make
friends. Let the others go sweat and run, civilized Sims
practice conversation for fun!

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 1


Suffah Collacare Bench
Price : $239
Size : 1x2
Description : Though the furniture is world renowned, this talented designer
chooses to remain a mystery. All that is known for sure is that
the artist possesses a fondness for nature and an eye for
sophisticated form, both of which are clearly expressed in this
exquisite bench.

Motives : Comfort = 2


"Back Slack" Recliner
Price : $250
Size : 1x2
Description : Retreat from the outdated world, and relax in the comfortable
retro-style of the new "Back Slack" recliner by Cheap Eazzzzzzze.
Inspired by computer generated sweaters and subliminal relxation
tapes, the "Back Slack" features

Motives : Comfort = 6
Energy = 3


Parque Fresco del Aire Bench
Price : $250
Size : 1x2
Description : Own a piece of history with an authentic reproduction Parque
Fresco del Aire bench. This beautiful handcrafted bench has been
a part of the scenes in SimCity parks since its release. Add a
sense of history and elegance to your gardens, lawns, patio and
indoor atriums with this comfortable bench.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Decadent Theater Chairs
Price : $253
Size : 1x1
Description : Give in to your desires and trate yourself with this decadent
plush chair. Modeled after luxurious theater seating, this chair
is made with the idea that whoever sits on it will remain seated
for several hours.

Motives : Comfort = 4


Outdoors Bench
Price : $275
Size : 1x2
Description : Tourists appreciate little details and it's often the little
details that will cause them to come back or stay away from a
particular location. Savvy civic pioneers have many weapons at
their disposal, and a very potent one is the bench. This
particular bench is designed with an upscale environment in mind,
and can easily serve as a primary source of outdoor seating that
is as comfortable as it is attractive.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Ur-Bin Park Bench
Price : $287
Size : 1x2
Description : Many cities have replaced their once beautiful park benches with
inhumane slabs of modern design nonsense that are as hard on the
eyes as they are on the body. Enter the Ur-Bin park bench. With
its masterpiece wrought iron craftmanship, ergonomic
thoughtfulness and elegant, antique stone base, parks will once
again be as popular with your citizens as they are with vagrants.

Motives : Comfort = 2


Eco-Dependency Recliner
Price : $319
Size : 2x2
Description : Eco-dependent Sims are Sims that allow another's ecological
beliefs to affect them, and who are obsessed with controlling
that Sim's behavior. And what better way to control your partner
than by forcing them to sit by you? So enjoy the great outdoors
together, enjoy your little garden together, enjoy every waking
moment of your lives together - FOREVER - with Eco-Dependency
chairs today.

Motives : Comfort = 3
Energy = 1


SwivelMaster Office Chair
Price : $319
Size : 1x1
Description : Description: AMerican Office Chair
Date: 1990 remake of 1941 original
Condition: Excellent, some loss of varnish, crayon marks on
Modification: Anti-swivel brake wheel lock. Tilt inhibitor.
Pending Litigation: The Children vs. SwivelMaster Furniture
(90-109), 545 SC (1997).

Motives : Comfort = 2
Room = 1


Bel-Air Booth Seat
Price : $438
Size : 1x1
Description : What's better than Bel-Air? More Bel-Air! And that's what
Bel-Air chairs are all about. More room at Bel-Air dining booths
more trademark Bel-Air comfort and style, and more seating
options to turn your dinner- or diner- into a feast for the well as the belly! Bel-Air! Sitting never tasted so

Motives : Comfort = 5


Cast Iron Comfort Loveseat
Price : $399
Size : 1x2
Description : Old tile fountains, narrow meanderings, and draping ferns are
brought to mind with this classic design. Rusted to perfection
and repainted half a dozen times, this could have easily been
salvaged from an old garden in the Provencal hillside. Originaly
designed for outdoor use, these still do well in a parlor or

Motives : Comfort = 2
Room = 1


Pleasario Booth Bench
Price : $675
Size : 1x1
Description : Pleasario booths extend the dining pleasure by extending the
dining seating. With these extra booth benches, interior
designers everywhere are discovering the true potential Pleasario
can unleash. As an extension to our award-winning dining booths,
or as living room sectional, Pleasario sits well with everyone.

Motives : Comfort = 6


English Garden Swing
Price : $811
Size : 2x2
Description : A porchs wing as made as a hundred years ago is an instant family
heirloom. The Victorian detailing is as romantic today as it was
in yestercentury. But don't look too long - make some memories
of your own on this classic garden swing! Martise and tenan
joinery. Insect resistant red cedar. Durable outdoors cushions.
Vertical stabilizer.

Motives : Comfort = 6
Energy = 4
Room = 1


"Von Braun" Recliner
Price : $850
Size : 1x2
Description : Initally designed as a command chair for space modules, the Von
Braun's space planning was meticulous and economical. Werkbunnst
engineers, rejecting physical exhaustion and all concern for
material costs, refused to stop until they had achieved the ideal
line and the absolute comfort our customers demand. Thought it
has a "machine made" appearance it is almost 100% hand labored.

Motives : Comfort = 9
Room = 3


Somatosense Massage Recliner
Price : $1,559
Size : 1x2
Description : Through years of extensive research byexpert masseur consultants,
the "Somatosense" Massage recliner has refined the science of
natural massage emulation to its pinnacle. The luxurious butter
leather has been treated with a number of organic enzymes that
ensure its quality, longevity, and altogether opulent feel.
Layers of robotic rollers have been used to simulate the movement
and force of a massuer's hand.

Motives : Comfort = 10
Energy = 3


Total Other Available = 25
Total Seating Items = 123


| [2.1.2] Surfaces |

These items allow your Sims to place items on top of, or eat off of. For the
most part, these items don't have any motives, except the ROOM score.

| [] Counters |

Laika's Counter
Price : $139
Size : 1x1
Description : Constructed from a scratch-resistant, urine-repellent polymer,
this counter might not win prizes for beauty, but it will pay you
dividends in efficiency. Its revolutionary material was
originally developed by Russia in some of their earliest space
flights; it's a canine cosmonaut's creature comfort.


NuMica Kitchen Counter
Price : $150
Size : 1x1
Description : Out with the old and in with the new! These aren't the kitchen
counters you grew up with! Mircales in plastic recovery rates
have made counters made of NuMica the choice of food choppers and
thrifty shoppers EVERYWHERE! Features a resilient food
prepartion surface and plumbing hook-up for sink installation.
"Start making bread...instead of spending it!"


Wicked Breeze Counter
Price : $180
Size : 1x1
Description : "They all thought I was crazy", muses Wicked Breeze president
Tanya Brown. "I mean a kitchen counter made of bamboo? I admit
it sounds flimsy, but the market speaks for itself...we can't
make them fast enough to keep up with demand!" Fad or not, a
Wicked Breeze counter adds tropical spice to any interior.


"UpTown" Display Counter
Price : $191
Size : 1x1
Description : For a jazzy touch, employ the "UpTown" display counter to take
care of your product and checkout line needs. Long lasting even
in high volume locations, our clients include Grub Bunker, Shrub
Locker, U-Needit Hardware, Burger Clown and many, many more.
Available in "mud".


"Piece of the Pie" Garden Counter
Price : $209
Size : 1x1
Description : So you've decided to make your millions the "green" way by
selling gardening supplies. Well, you'll need a counter as
dedicated as you are to making all of those excess dreams come
true. Disease-free products and knowledgeable customer service
are a good start to a successful gardening store, but without a
"piece of the pie", you'll never go far.


SteriLife Bathroom Counter
Price : $235
Size : 1x1
Description : Transient lodging such as motels, youth hostels and homeless
shelters all share a common problem - GERMS. That's why 9 of 10
hotel managers stick SteriLife counters in their bathrooms. You
see, antiseptic tile surfaces aren't enough...we went all the way
and coated the tile with bactercidal proteins that bind to
naughty enzymes on viral organisms...and turn them into candy!
Obligatory, in offensive, raised panel doors.


Cape Crab Coastside Counter
Price : $249
Size : 1x1
Description : Whether shucking oysters or cracking crabs, bring back those
childhood memories of summers at the Cape. P.J. Kelly, noted
shellfish expert, claims "Nothing tastes better than Mom's clam
chowder when it's served hot from a Cape Crab counter."


Tiled Counter
Price : $250
Size : 1x1
Description : Our most popular counter, the tile grid imparts feelings of order
and cleanliness to any kitchen. Solid hickory frame with raised
panels and mitered corners makes an attractive food preparation
or sink area. The amazing character and distinctive grain of the
hardwood has been carefully painted over with durable acrylic.


Wavefront Counter
Price : $260
Size : 1x1
Description : Each Wavefront counter takes 47 months to finish, but critics
agree it's worth the wait. Using French management techniques,
we pioneered the 3-hour workday, with plenty of breaks for
snorkeling, tanning, and personal phone calls. The resulting
positive outlook is rubbed into every countertop, and buffed into
every creamy finish, creating a counter as relaxing to the eyes
as it is to the spirit.


"Concreta" Display Counter
Price : $270
Size : 1x1
Description : Made of thermo-fused Nevascuff and grade M-2 particleboard edge
binding, the "Concreta" is the workhorse of Sell-A-Rama's retail
display economy line. Resists fracturing and sagging. Low
pressure, laminated, clerk-side rear storage doors with
perma-lock. Model #5951 available in eye-soothing matte ghee.


Country Counter
Price : $276
Size : 1x1
Description : We at Back Forty Kitchens are dedicated to enhancing the beauty
of your home with superbly crafted kitchen fixtures that create a
mood as well as a working surface. Counters are carefully
wrought from lodgepole pine, then stained by hand. We hope you
enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making them. Thanks for
your purchase.


White Tile Fantasy Spa Counter
Price : $299
Size : 1x1
Description : Deemed by many as an extravagant use of white tiles, this counter
has been gaining a steady following from the spa industry.
Longtime users of white tiles, spas see this counter as a
decorative cornerstone without which they'd have to resort to odd
color combinations.


Lonely Oak Cafe Counter
Price : $335
Size : 1x1
Description : In an attempt to relieve the unnecessary tension of patrons
waiting in long lines to receive coffee, a Seattle based coffee
conglomerate pulled together its top scientists to devise a
method of distracting and calming their patrons waiting in line.
The result was this counter, whose solitary Oak design has a
remarkable, calming effect on impatient caffeing starved people.
We're so sure you'll like the effect this counter has on your
customers, this Oak won't be lonely for long.


Freedom Counter
Price : $380
Size : 1x1
Description : While most of the industrialized world has adopted modern
construction materials and techniques, there are a few places
where dangerous "craftsmanship" is still practiced. Daring to
use woods in their natural state and leaving rough marks with
homemade tools, these furniture rebels have sparked a "backwoods
rebellion" that brazenly rejects government regulations, fire
codes and other red tape in favor of "free spirit" and
utilitarian virtue. Let freedom ring!


Count Blanc Bathroom Counter
Price : $400
Size : 1x1
Description : The clean, uncluttered, contemporary, sophisticated look is long
lasting, easy to care for...and so dynamic in sparkling white!
Rely on Count Blanc for the experience, the expertise, and the
excellence demanded by Sims for home bathroom projects. Count
Blanc--"Counters you can count on."


Hawkitol Counter
Price : $410
Size : 1x1
Description : Hawkitol, in association with Violetric Designs, is proud to
reveal yet another new line of "counter-intelligent" retail
display furniture. Patented adhesive nuggests are baked right
into the custom countertop surface to protect high-simolean wares
from slippage and breakage. But that's not all-with Vioelctric's
tranquilizing hue and alluring lines, these counters make waiting
in line more like an art exhibit!


Cornerstone Counter
Price : $425
Size : 1x1
Description : Sturdy fortress design. Hand polished granite surface. Built to
last a millenium. Make Cornerstone Counters the cornerstone of
YOUR new kitchen...or your old one. No mortar required.


ScienStone Wall Counter
Price : $425
Size : 1x1
Description : There is nothing wrong with laminated countertops. But 9 out of
10 designers will agree that ScienStone counters are the wave of
the future. Scientists have outdone Mother Nature with a
man-made granite of recycled silicon and quartz. Harder than
granite and impervious to stains, absolutely no maintenance is
required. "High style and easy care...ScienStone goes anywhere!"


The Smart Counter
Price : $432
Size : 1x1
Description : Enter the Smart Counter...the world's first artifically
intelligent counter. Unlike normal counters, the Smart Counter
knows it is being used...and loves it! Using a micro-thin CPU
and AI software, Smart Counter can identify most objects but is
capable of learning new ones, each time creating a customized
fiat and motionless surface perfect for each object scenario!
Now that's Smart!


Deluxar Counter
Price : $520
Size : 1x1
Description : Take your diner back to the fifties with the diamond-quilted
chrome, Deluxar kitchen counter by Retrotech. The red melamine
top resists scratches from stray cleaver strokes and burger
grease is easily removed at the end of the night with a mild
cleanser. Achieve theme and value in one convenient preparation
surface. Deluxar is a PerpetuLux brand, a division of Bel-Air


DTS Service Counter
Price : $537
Size : 1x1
Description : Manufacturer: DTS Service Products Group. Model: DTS Service
Counter. Description: Some high-polish wood paneling and matter
craftsman detail seen in DTS Bar System. Construction: Alder,
Bois de Rose and Cocobolo. Sector: Hospitality retail and
"Standard-Table-Height" martker. Target: Nouveau riche niche.


DellaGiorno Kitchen Counter
Price : $599
Size : 1x1
Description : Smooth, but warped. New, but old. Enjoy the delightful
contradiction for yourself by installing a DellaGiorno kitchen
counter unit in the heart of your home. Your rich marble
countertops have been lovingly pre-scratched, nicked, and dinged
by authentic Italian moters-in-law for that charming
"faux-reality" look. Experience the Italian quality of a
DelllaGiorno brand kitchen surface today!


Granita Counter
Price : $649
Size : 1x1
Description : Designed by executive chef Giovanni Stellini, the Granita is for
kitchens where second best just will not do. "Kitchens these
days are all stainless steel," notes Stellini. "It's crazy.
Steel is for machines. A good chef needs an artistic surface to
work on. I chose a granite countertop and wooden sides for an
organic feeling that will help maintain a proper mise en place."


Ploomie's Display Counter
Price : $710
Size : 1x1
Description : Appealing to the amateur as well as professional shopper, the
fluid lines of the Ploomie's counter will tastefully lure
shoppers in...and their money out. No luxurious detail was
spared in crafting this showcase - inset glass panels, chrome
bullnosing and hidden "Fresh Scent" atomizer all combine to
create an irrestible stand that goes anywhere...FOR any wares.


Neophilic Boutique Counter
Price : $767
Size : 1x1
Description : Sporting a brand new look, the common display counter has
narrowed its appeal as an all new boutique counter, perfect for
any sophisticated shopping counter needs. The solid construction
techniques used to assemble them ensures the longetivity and
reliability of the product.


"Barcelona" Incurve Counter
Price : $800
Size : 1x1
Description : Inspired by the radical curves and rich materials of the
Barcelona crafts movement, this countertop will provide the
style-conscious with impeccable elegance while offering the most
discerning home chef an unparalleled food preparation surface and
sink region. The black granite surface will last a lifetime, and
the combination cherry/maple exterior is both gorgeous and easy
to clean.


"Barecelona" Outcurve Counter
Price : $800
Size : 1x1
Description : Inspired by the radical curves and rich materials of the
Barcelona crafts movement, this countertop will provide the
style-conscious with impeccable elegance while offering the most
discerning home chef an unparalleled food preparation surface and
sink region. The black granite surface will last a lifetime, and
the combination cherry/maple exterior is both gorgeous and easy
to clean.


Total Counters Available = 27

| [] Tables |

NuMica Folding Card Table
Price : $95
Size : 2x2
Description : Is it really a card table...or breakfast table? A computer
stand? A poolside picnic table! WHO KNOWS!!! There are just
about as many uses for a NuMica folding table as there are things
to put on it! Plastic covered chipboard has simulated Formica
pattern for that retro look without the "Vintage" price tag.


Steeling Beauty Deck Table
Price : $145
Size : 1x1
Description : Distinguished from the run-of-the-mill pressed metal tables of
its time, this outdoor table comes with a colorful fish design
which is sure to brighten up any deck or patio. Sturdy meets
stylish when you decorate with pressed metal, and no pressed
metal collection is complete without the Steeling Beauty Deck


The Plank
Price : $169
Size : 1x2
Description : Each table is fashioned from planks donated by retired 19th
century British warships. Traitors, pirates and even unfortunate
officers once walked these planks to a watery grave. Reap the
pure, honest benefit of sweet maritime justice each time you dine
on this historial record. For the disciplinarianw ho likes to
decorate, take a walk on the plank.


Efficiency Table
Price : $179
Size : 1x1
Description : Designed with flexibility in mind, efficiency tables are durable
and made to meet the demands of everyday use. An institutional
favorite, these are often seen in school cafeterias, airport
lounges, hotels, fast food franchises and convention centers.
Seven-ply birch core. Powder coated black metal stand.


"Colonial Legacy" Dining Table
Price : $200
Size : 2x2
Description : Hearty proportions meet classic details in this solid oak
compromise. Lgs are machine turned by hand from an original
neo-colonial pattern. Surfaces are treated with lissapol,
chloroform, tannic acid and potassium permanganate, and then
finished with urethane to preserve the natural luster and feeling
of the wood.


Backwoods Table by Survivall
Price : $200
Size : 2x3
Description : Redwood swells less than imported woods. It is less likely to
warp, split, or let you down. All natural materials. No
chemical additivies. Union made.


ReclineTime Patio Table
Price : $210
Size : 1x1
Description : The centerpiece of the ReclineTime poolside furniture set, this
stylish patio table features a tempered glass top with textured
surface and smooth edges. Texture creates an "always clean"
lool. Resists children's elbow grease. Legs curved for
strength. Some UV stabilizers and mildew inhibitors as found in
matching chairs. The outdoors...the sunshine...enjoy them both
with ReclineTime!


Semi-Seedy Lounge Table
Price : 215
Size : 1x1
Description : Famous Sims like to pretend that they frequent dive bars, but
what they actually frequent are expensive facsmilies designed to
give the feel of a seedy night club, without actually having to
visit one. All this table needs is a red glass candle that
provides just enough light for a famous Sim to seem like they
don't want to be seen, but still be able to have their picture


Perpetulux-style Table
Price : $226
Size : 1x1
Description : PerpetuLux spells value. Hygenic, seamless, polyurethane
coating. Machine-grooved aluminum edge. Bottom liner for
cleanliness and durability. Plasticaol # 219-19. Medium Rare
Red. Plastic is ultraviolet stable and child resistant. Perfect
indoors or out! PerpetuLux is a division of Bel-Air Industries.


The Tabletop Treasure
Price : $245
Size : 1x1
Description : A beautiful table for four ready to accent any deck or patio.
Bring the beach to your backyard with the memories of the sands
flowing through your toes. With a beautifully woven wicker base
and glass top table revealing the sandy shells and starfish
below. Ponder your last ocean getaway while reading a magazine
or sharing a barbecued meal with a friendly neighbor. Whatever
the occasion, you can't go wrong with entertaining such a
delightful decorative table in your home.


Table Ferme
Price : $269
Size : 1x1
Description : When you've been out all day tending to the crops - watering,
turning soil, pulling weeds, picking vegetables - nothing sounds
better than a warm home-cooked meal. When you sit down to enjoy
that meal, this is the table you want to sit down at. It speaks
of the simple comfort achieved bo an honest life tending to the
earth and reaping its benefits through hard work. Genuine
pleasures, a genuine value.


Efficiency Table Plus!
Price : $275
Size : 1x2
Description : Designed with more flexibility in mind, the Efficiency Table
Plus! is more duable and more efficient than ever! An
institutional favorite, prison or school administrators will love
the new higher seating capacity with the same space saving
features of our other tables! Twice the seats at this low price?
That's Efficiency Plus!


Design by Committee Dining Table
Price : $289
Size : 1x1
Description : Solid beach glass, hand crafted and smoothed to resemble the cold
harsh reality that is the Modern Furniture Industry. Hand
blended steel, mined from a local quarry, molded by hammer and
tongs over a forge converted from a childhood wishing well in
order that this dining table by H.C. Committee has the look of
everything wrong in the world, but the feel of everything right.

Motives : Room = 1


Formi Table
Price : $303
Size : 1x1
Description : Hand planed and scraped in the ancient Italian tradition, this
beautiful Formi cherry table has become popular with the fresh
batch of brassiere and bistro restaurateurs. Water and child
resistant, hand-waxed finish insures lasting beauty, scratch
blending, and frictionless cleanup. A table surface sure to
please even the most seasoned dining critics.

Motives : Room = 1


Artist's Concept Table
Price : $349
Size : 1x1
Description : Thirty years ago, top futurists and artists got together to
visioneer "future furniture." While most of the designs now look
hopelessly dated, this table actually made it into production and
is still a coveted item among Space-Age antique dealers, sci-fi
addicts and surface theorists.


Lawson Bros. "Mountain" Table
Price : $359
Size : 1x1
Description : Lawson Brothers "Mountain Edition" game table. 1899. Made with
magagany and ebonized walnut with a hand rubbed finish of eight
coats of tung oil and varnish. Note distinctive pattern rarely
seen on such late pieces. A perfect collectible for the
"Mountain Style" enthusiast or as an accent piece in theme lodges
and restaurants.

Motives : Room = 1


Monsieur Fer Table
Price : $369
Size : 1x1
Description : "Come and eat, my sweet children!" was heard from the one-handed
metalworker as he welded the last joint of this dining table
beauty. His masterpiece took 10 years to design and complete.
We bought his patent, and can stamp them out at a rate of 15 an
hour, so yours will appear "handmade" but will actually be

Motives : Room = 1


Tiki Dream Dining Table
Price : $379
Size : 1x3
Description : Simplicity. Durability. Beauty. Combine all three elements and
you have the perfect dinner table. Tiki Dream sets the standard
for workmanship and innovation in the EXTREMELY fast growing
field of bamboo furniture design. For that casual yet structured
approach to living, make Tiki Dream furnishings a part of your


Everwarm Dining Table
Price : $389
Size : 1x1
Description : Built upon theories developed at the SimCity Institute of
Psychology, the warm tones of this table will fool most Sims into
thinking their food is warm, even if it's not! It is estimated
that this table has saved many restaurants thousands of simoleans
in microwave expenses.

Motives : Room = 1


Cafeffete Cafe Table
Price : $369
Size : 1x1
Description : When your cafe or restaurant demands elegance, demande Cafeffete
tables from the Hanoi Forge. With their signature serpentine
marble tops and carved cast iron standard poles, Cafeffete tables
give any establishment a dashing, antique flair. All hand made.
Imported exclusively by LeTourneau Empire Repro with generous
permission from the People's Ministry of Iron.

Motives : Room = 1


Mama's Table
Price : $419
Size : 1x2
Description : No house is truly a home without the kind of table that brings
families together - and no table is better suited to the task
than the original Mama's Table. Crafted with only the highest
quality distressed wood, this table will become the newest (and
thankfully quietest) member of your family. (Note: Not
responsible for any problems caused by "bringing families

Motives : Room = 2


London "Mesa" Dining Design
Price : $450
Size : 2x3
Description : Sophistication redefined! The "Mesa" dining design by London was
inspired by nature. Mesa, a high plateau or flat tableland with
steep sides... we created the "Mesa" to mirror these flat and
natural elements.

Motives : Room = 2


Retratech Dining Table
Price : $450
Size : 2x3
Description : Every Retratech table is injection molded from original,
authentic antique French furniture casts to exacting
specifications. We use only the highest quality latex-reinforced
plastic for the interior and hand dip each piece in silicon
lacquer for a tough exterior. Easy to clean. Easy to move.
Easy on the eyes.


The M Table
Price : $850
Size : 2x3
Description : Inspired by military and industrial plant machinery from the
1930's through the 1950's, M tables are simple, functional and
enduring. Custom fabricated in stainless steel with decorative
riveting and bolts, these artist-made pieces typify the SimCity
Contemporary aesthetic. While perfectly suited for the kitchen,
these designer tables will look great anywhere.

Motives : Room = 2


Dining Table by Napoleanix Inc.
Price : $989
Size : 2x3
Description : Napolenoix gives you the opportunity to own and enjoy beautiful
works of art at reasonable prices. Our skilled craftsmen are
experts in the reproduction of original Empire style furniture.
This stunning marble and walnut dinner table is one of the first
examples known to show the slow transition in furniture from
commual "sibling" serving surfaces to a patriarchal dining focus
favored by moralizing Victorians.

Motives : Room = 3


Parisienne Dining Table
Price : $1,200
Size : 2x3
Description : The centerpiece of our Parisienne line, this large dining table
was made by a family of cabinet makers who have served the
aristocracy of Europe for over 375 years. The classic shape has
been carved from the finest walnut and inlaid in a floral pattern
with teak, cherry, ash and greenheart, then polished to a mirror

Motives : Room = 3


El Tomayo Plank Table
Price : $1,500
Size : 2x3
Description : Especially popular during the colonial period, these heavy, rough
yet ornately cared pieces were the phyiscal embodiment of the
cultural and militarstic aspirations of the young empire. Carved
out of the now extinct hardwood tress from the territories, many
Tomayo tables were destroyed in Nationalist uprisings. Surviving
examples are extremely rare.

Motives : Room = 3


Total Tables Available = 27

| [] End Tables |

Freedom End Table
Price : $40
Size : 1x1
Description : Made to accompany the Freedom chair, this country-style end table
puts the "Sim" back into "simplicity." Hand woven by Cattle
Drive Re-enactment enthusiasts, each Freedom table is
painstakingly assembled to mimic original hay bales seen in
photos of the Old West.


Pinegulcher End Table
Price : $40
Size : 1x1
Description : Pinegulcher means value. Made of machine chipped and
glue-hardened rubberwood, our accent tables are vacu-laminated to
ensure minimal formaldehyde emissions. This contributes to the
optimum strength and smooth finish on all surfaces.


Authentic Barrel by Amos T.R. Cooper Inc.
Price : $45
Size : 1x1
Description : The highly underappreciated craft of barrel-making is all but
forgotten. Yet now, through great advances in the technology
behind this art, we are able to bring you the finest barrels ever
made. Whether striving for elegance, enchantment, or just plain
simplicity there's nothing better than a barrel.


The Elegant Chef End Table
Price : $50
Size : 1x1
Description : Overcrowded hors d'oeurves got you down? Prevent "appetizer
apathy" by letting Elegant Chef tables spice up your next catered
event with style and refinement. Imported cotton tablecloth.
Non-slip pads. Guaranteed consistent quality. "Elegant Chef -
taste the taste."


Wicked Breeze End Table
Price : $55
Size : 1x1
Description : Come back to the islands! Wicked Breeze combines turn of the
century resort styling with 20th century technology. Perfectly
acceptable in the home, these elegant and graceful SimWicker
tables can enjoy the "elegant outdoors" as well. "Wicker with a
twist...Wicked Breeze!"


Real Roadie's Titanium Tortoise Cases
Price : $60
Size : 1x1
Description : A stack of damage-proof precision fabricated sensitive content
transport cases. Each of these cases are constructed using
patented Carbon-Loomed panels, titanium framework, rivets,
handles, clasps, hinges and triple reinforced corners. The
custom interiors utilize Bucky-Gel technology to completely
cushion your valued contents. Stress-tested by real metalhead
roadies on tour.


Expedition Travel Trunks
Price : $65
Size : 1x1
Description : Impress your neighbors with travel-worn trunks from a hazardous
expedition into the wild. Now you can do so without actually
embarking on such a dangerous endeavor! Purchase a set of our
beautiful expedition leather trunks today, and brush elbows with
the farthest reaches of the world in the safety of your own home.


KinderStuff Nightstand
Price : $75
Size : 1x1
Description : SPAZZ... a little funky, a little eclectic...OK, a lot funky and
a lot eclectic. Use the whole set or just a piece or two to
create a wacky design statement. Hand painted in totally wacky
primary colors.


Rampa Lopside End Table
Price : $79
Size : 1x1
Description : Authentic temple guardian end table. Made by the followers of
Rampa Opside at their desert compound, these stunning, ceramic
tables pack the spiritual punch of the pachyderm, semi-sacred
animal of Lopside. 24-carat gold symbolizes eternal purity. Red
is a reminder of the flesh. All sales benefit the Rampa Lopside
Desert Tabernacle Restoration and Security Fund.


EmerGen Table
Price : $88
Size : 1x1
Description : Small enough to be an end table, yet strong enough to complete
with full sized tables, the EmerGen Table has evolved to be one
of the most useful and adaptive surfaces studied. Demonstrating
outstanding fitness for an object-rich interior environment, the
low-key design and soothing color scehem have allowed this tough
little survivor to find a niche in Sims' well as their


Tragic Magic Basket
Price : $92
Size : 1x1
Description : Once, a long, long time ago, a side show magician used a basket
to perform a dangerous trick involving fire, doves, swords, and a
monkey. The trick was a success, but as the magician left the
stage he tragically slipped on a banana peel and inadvertently
kicked the monkey into a dove carrying a flaming sword. The
trick was banned, and the monkey never forgave him. This is just
a regular basket, however.


"Anywhere" End Table
Price : $120
Size : 1x1
Description : Part of our new "no-brow" design, we blended antique furniture
forms with intentional austerity. The result is a highly
versatile and stylish end table that looks great "anywhere" and
is priced to move.


Imperious Island End Table
Price : $135
Size : 1x1
Description : "Imperious Island" furniture is recognizable by its grace, simple
carvings, and an under-woorked appearance in the wood. It is
haughty in style, inspired by the elite life of the colonial
tropics. High quality and durable hardword is easy to maintain
and has rich grains.


Boomtowne End Table
Price : $142
Size : 1x1
Description : When you're caught in the middle of a gold rush, there's no time
to deal with foppish details like style and make use
of the materials at hand and GO GET THE MONEY! And what could be
more appropriate today? Boomtowne Crafts brings this desperate
and utilitarian outlook to the modern day homeowner. 100% pine.
Polyurethane sealant. Man made materials.


"Lola Mana" Occasional Table
Price : $170
Size : 1x1
Description : Drastic fluctuations in the Pacific currency exchange have washed
ashore an OCEAN of furniture values! Cast your eyes on this
"Lola Mona" occasional for instance. Made of high quality pencil
edge rattan and exotic sea grass, this sued to be an expensive
fashion import. Not anymore! Hand-woven in an undisclosed
island factory.


Decorative Wood Block Table
Price : $189
Size : 1x1
Description : Accent your home with these distinctive, solid wood end table
blocks. Simple but refined geometric patterns serve to give this
end table the vertical appearance that every end table strives
for. The solidity of the wooden block makes this table perfect
for supporting the heaviest of household items.

Motives : Room = 1


Truly Charming End Table
Price : $205
Size : 1x1
Description : Worried about mundane Sims asking too many questions about all
those nifty "charms" you have lyring around the house? Are you
troubled by the clutter of magical charms, but can't stand to go
on without them? If you answered yes to any one of these
questions, then pick up a Truly Charming End Table and let it
hold that nifty homemade trinket, leaving your other tables and
floor space free to whatever clutter you can conjure up.

Motives : Room = 1


La Table Non-Formidable
Price : $215
Size : 1x1
Description : Designed originally as an ornate, imposing sideboard, the immense
drawers were later removed as fashion changed. The console
underwent further evolution when it shrank to half, and then to
one tenth its original size. Today, the vestigal legs are the
only clue as to its original appearance, and the little table's
resulting function...barely more than decorative.

Motives : Room = 1


Modern Mission End Table
Price : $250
Size : 1x1
Description : Designed as part of our Modern Mission bedroom set, this tempting
piece in cherrywood and mahogany looks great as a display stand
or as a dapper accent to sofas, hallwyas and dining areas.


Sumpto End Table
Price : $300
Size : 1x1
Description : "Our commitment to serious design began in earnest by bringing
Sumpto style to SimCity over a decade ago," says Foo Foo Shop
founder Eileen Sharpe. Small in size, large in attitude, this
Sumpto piece is constructed of rare llama-wood with a daring,
flared ebony base.

Motives : Room = 1


"Shoji Geo" End Table
Price : $349
Size : 1x1
Description : Austere, chic, fresh...these are just some of the words
associated with this recent addition to the FarEast Furniture Co.
Shoji Collection. Whether used as an end table or as a
decorative statement by itself, this table will accent any decor

Motives : Room = 1


The Queen's Rose End Table
Price : $399
Size : 1x1
Description : An excellent quality rosewood center table, the "Queen's Rose"
end table is a hearld of sophistication and good taste, copied
from the original now on display in Sim City Metropolitan Art
Museum. Ornate carving on the legs done under strict supervision
of antiquities researchers. Part of the Furnitealology

Motives : Room = 1


Neo-Contemporary Modern End Table
Price :
Size : 1x1
Description : This forward looking end table is the perfect addition to any
progressively designed room. Innovation in advanced
neo-contemporary techniques allows this end table to support any
small object effortlessly and with style. From the showroom of
MFI studios.

Motives : Room = 2


Total End Tables Available = 23


| [] Desks |

Mesquite Desk/Table
Price : $80
Size : 1x2
Description : Sniff the sawdust and old saloon aromas when using this
Western-inspired desk/table made from hardy mesquite. Whether
used as a cost effective computer desk, a table for a small
kitchen, or as part of an overall South Western theme, our
desks/tables parlay a bygone era's rustic outlook and distressed


London "Cupertino" Collection Desk/Table
Price : $220
Size : 1x2
Description : The perfect desk for the working Sim. Economy of design has
produced a work surface ideally suited to supporting computers,
table lamps and telephones. Also works well for dining when
extra guests are over. Designed for use with a variety of


The "Redmond" Desk/Table
Price : $800
Size : 1x2
Description : The ultimate computer desk or designer table. Modern, sleek,
just a tad techie, and slender enough to make even the biggest
slob look more organized.
Part of the C. London Collection.

Motives : Room = 2


Power Desk
Price : $899
Size : 1x2
Description : Your business deals and legal claims may be flimsy, but they may
sound rock solid when discussed over this heavy, oak, lawyer's
desk. With its intimidating proportions, immovable mass and
labor-intensive finish and penling, even the most modest office
or den can be transformed into a seat of power and wisdom. "The
Power Desk-Because surface matters."

Motives : Room = 2


O'Mann Partners Desk
Price : $999
Size : 1x2
Description : 19th Century solid quartered oak partners desk inlaid with
birds-eye maple. Original tooled green leather writing surface.
Attributed to Crochett T. O'Mann. Circa: 1890

Motives : Room = 2


Total Desks Available = 5

| [] Other |

Coffee Table 10W-40
Price : $150
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Simple Souvenir Storage System
Price : $234
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Modern Mission Coffee Table
Price : $383
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Trans-Continental Travels Trunk
Price : $439
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Exotillac Wall Cabinet
Price : $487
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Tri-Trunk Coffee Table
Price : $489
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Epoch Etchings Picnic Table
Price : $521
Size : 2x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Ordure Cafe Coffee Table
Price : $549
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Survivall Picnic Table
Price : $582
Size : 2x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Reduchi Coffee Table
Price : $645
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Bel-Air Dining Booth
Price : $699
Size : 3+1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Comfort = 5


"Shoji Latte" Table
Price : $729
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Pleasario Dining Booth
Price : $828
Size : 3+1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Comfort = 6
Room = 1


PhetiShine Curio Cabinet
Price : $896
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Hedmann Souvenir Cabinet
Price : $2,000
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Cabinet Noir
Price : $2,199
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Total Other Available = 16
Total Surface Items = 98


| [2.1.3] Decorative |

These items serve to make your Sim happier by enhancing the room score. Some
of these items are very expensive.

| [] Paintings |

"Swami Slicer and the Box of Mystery"
Price : $39
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"The Basket Case"
Price : $39
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"Tragic Clown" Painting
Price : $45
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"Tahitian Eve" by Nick N. Barrow
Price : $60
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"The Forgotten Guinea Pig"
Price : $60
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"Tongue of the Tiger"
Price : $60
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Ferby Soda Sign
Price : $66
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Spunky Junky Cat Nip Advertisement
Price : $70
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Watercolor by J.M.E.
Price : $75
Size : 1x1
Description : Art student painting. Help spread the "gift" of art by
purchasing and displaying this floral triptych. There's always
the chance the artist might be famous some day, as well. Mounted
on acid-free cardboard.

Motives : Room = 1


Japanese Wall Fan
Price : $81
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Sandy Shoreline Shadow Box
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Furry Serf
Price : $133
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1x1


"Code of the Carny"
Price : $135
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Jungle Jumble Import Display
Price : $151
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Mr. Bones Does Broadway
Price : $155
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Pacific Island Relic
Price : $198
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


"Antique" Sled
Price : $205
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1x2


"Zambo the Effervescent"
Price : $208
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Old Movie Prop
Price : $210
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


"Bi-Polar" by Conner I.N.
Price : $240
Size : 1x2
Description : Tangering. Emerald Green. Conflict and resolution. Contrasting
colors are used to explore the epic struggle between opposites.
The artist has picked up the torch of post-War abstract-
figuration and rejuvenated it with one of her many unique styles
and marketing strategies. This could benefit the owner
financially in the future.

Motives : Room = 2


"As Seen in Toaster Rockets" Matte Print
Price : $250
Size : 1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Ara Bureaukrata
Price : $275
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


"Delusion de Grandeur"
Price : $360
Size : 1x1
Description : "Delusion de Grandeur" typifies Bart Alay's work with its subdued
color and soft lines. The response is direct--the color and
paint application convey a mood to the viewer and even to the
room. This strictly emotional reaction allows the viewer to
insert his or her own associations and imagination into the

Motives : Room = 2


Deer Master Trophy
Price : $390
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Long Horn Wall Accent
Price : $395
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Antique Poster #12954-F
Price : $449
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Weft Wrights Wall Quilt
Price : $515
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Floating Mudcloth
Price : $539
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Motivational Pilaster
Price : $588
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Native Sim Wall Hanging
Price : $639
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Solar Stitches Tapestry
Price : $684
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Ladscape #12,001 by Manny Kopees
Price : $750
Size : 1x2
Description : Style: Photo-Realism. Genre: Landscape.
Medium: Oil on Canvas. Investment Analysis: Moderate.

Motives : Room = 3


SimBad's Stuffed Marlin
Price : $777
Size : 1x3
Description : Pretty your walls and impress your friends with SimBad's Stuffed
Marlin! Made from genuine Arty Fishel taxidermy plaster, the
greatest member of the Xiphiidae family comes to you looking,
feeling, and smelling like the real thing. Mounted above the
fireplace or porudly displayed in the front yard, spectators will
stare in awe. Be the envy of the neighborhood and King of the
Sea without baiting a hook...SimBad's Stuffed Marlin!

Motives : Room = 3


Effacing Edifice
Price : $800
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"Measure of Ones and Zeros" Wall Sculpture
Price : $850
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Archetype of Design
Price : $900
Size : 1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"Hazard the Guess" by Connor Tiist
Price : $950
Size : 1x1
Description : Connor Tiist has been at the forefront of Accident Painting, a
movement he started when he drunkenly kicked cans of paint onto a
canvas. Long lampponed by critics, the unflappable Tiist has
always maintained that, "critics hate my work because they see
themselves...a collection of ugly stains on the earth."

Motives : Room = 3


"Blind Date" by I. Roney
Price : $1,020
Size : 1x2
Description : Ian Roney is best known for his cheerless yet colorful
examanations of photography, advertising and the gallery system.
"Blind Date" is both a critique of museum-centric revisionist
historians and a humorous jab at his critics.


Empty Circles Again (Serigraph) - by N.I. Strane
Price : $1,100
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


RandImage Cafe Decoration
Price : $1,333
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Imperial Map
Price : $1,600
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"Blue Inca Pilot" Band Poster
Price : $1,789
Size : 1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Highbrau Coat of Arms
Price : $1,800
Size : 1x1
Description : An extraordinarily well-preserved coat of arms, this particular
sword and esuctcheon design dates back to the 13th century.
While the Highbrau family emblems of eagle and worm are clearly
distinguished, heraldry experts argue as to the symbolism of the
paired colors. Typically interpreted as "Honer with courage",
others believe them to signify, "Honor...with a tremendous amount
of bloodshed."

Motives : Room = 4

Admiral Langraab Portrait
Price : $1,980
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 5


Non-experimental Neon Painting
Price : $2,012
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 5


Snails With Icicles in Nose
Price : $2,140
Size : 1x1
Description : Tempera, gouache, egg, oil, pastel and gun powder on linen.
Known for depriving himself of sleep for days to induce
hallucinations to creep through his head and on the walls of his
studio, artist Beau Mann has produced abstract formations of
brightly colored shapes and fantastic creatures. Turns even the
most mundane of living quarters into a modern art gallery.

Motives : Room = 5


Simbabwean Mask
Price : $2,229
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 6


"The Face of Deco" Canvas Original
Price : $2,699
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher
Price : $3,200
Size : 1x1
Description : "Mechanical reproduction of art charges the reaction of the buyer
to the art," says Payne Pitcher. "Losing authenticity makes it
COOLER to look at while making your home a WARMER place to live."
The tempature of this piece could make it a "HOT" investment.

Motives : Room = 8


"Over Time" Gold Album
Price : $3,500
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


Tree and Mountain as One
Price : $3,999
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


Empire World Map
Price : $4,112
Size : 1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


Cascading Corporate Water Wall
Price : $4,700
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 8


Judith Peynter - Self Portrait
Price : $5,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


Platinum Album Keepsake
Price : $5,499
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 8


Decadence Tapestry
Price : $6,000
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 8


"Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs"
Price : $7,600
Size : 1x1
Description : Here we see Brad Shaw's taste for rich color and complex design
form an allegory for the abundance of the land. Appropriate for
rich Sims with designs on an abundance of room points and a
possible increase in value.

Motives : Room = 9


"Eruption of Decadence" Tapestry
Price : $8,100
Size : 1x2
Description : The pictures of the tapestry tell the story of the Sacred Sisters
who returned from the Holy Land and started the first
international banking system. It tells the story from the
Italian bankers' point of view and is a justification of the
excommunication and beheading of the Sacred Sisters.

Motives : Room = 9


Black Tree Tapestry
Price : $8,100
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 9


"IMA Irascible" Replica Model
Price : $8,999
Size : 1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 9


The Modern Day Phoenix
Price : $9,099
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 9


Total Paintings Available = 61


| [] Scupltures |

Pink Flamingo
Price : $12
Size : 1x1
Description : Are you bothered by nuisance tropical flamingos soiling your
front yard? Or does your lot just need some decoration? Either
way, you can't go wrong with a pink flamingo decoy. The high
gloss finish and metal legs act as a deterrent to real flamingos,
while simultaneously advertising the light-hearted and fun-loving
spirt of the home onwer.

Motives : Room = 2


Balloon Scuplture
Price : $23
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Seams Fine Dummy
Price : $65
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Desert Nut Lawn Ornament
Price : $70
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Buster O'Beast
Price : $81
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"Amaizing" Lawn Ornament
Price : $89
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


"Sleight of Mind" Sandwichboard Sign
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


The Kraken of the Midnight Sea
Price : $169
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


African Weaved Basket
Price : $189
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Elephantine Porta-Wall
Price : $189
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Quasi-African Vase
Price : $199
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Shoji Screen
Price : $199
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


"Duke Tubula" Memorial Surf Board
Price : $230
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Impossible Image Design Doll
Price : $313
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


The Bothersome Blades
Price : $439
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"David" by DeLux Sculpture
Price : $510
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"Black Bile Bear"
Price : $520
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Antique Terrestrial Globe
Price : $569
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Trajicklowna Cloisonne Urn
Price : $580
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Mystery Sundial
Price : $590
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Stientjes' Windmill Whirligig
Price : $$625
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Granite Guard Lion
Price : $650
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"The Power of Heeling"
Price : $733
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"Space Chicken" Macquette
Price : $790
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Bust of Athena by Klassick Repro, Inc.
Price : $875
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Notes in Motion
Price : $937
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


"Scylla and Charybdis"
Price : $1,450
Size : 1x1
Description : Sculpture isn't just what you back into where looking at
paintings, sculpture turns your room into an EXPERIENCE.
Inspired by Greek mythology and contemporary sci-fi, this blue
ribbon quality piece challenges the viewer to overcome their
habitual and culturally imposed ideas of taste and value. All
proceeds benefit the Grey Llamas Art Socity.

Motives : Room = 4


Head in Jar Curio
Price : $1,470
Size : 1x1
Description : Found in the basement of the SimCity Scientific Society, legend
now surrounds these specimens. While the identities remain a
mystery, the heads appear on the record books as an anonymous
donation to the SCSS in 1901. In 1897, the Society was
scandalized by a failed exploration to the Peruvian interior.
Searching for the headhunting Jivaro tribe, Profession M.I. Crane
and his party were tragically lost. Or were they?

Motives : Room = 4


The Tomb of Sometimes Why
Price : $1,555
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Estate Sale Conversation Piece
Price : $1,750
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Plastic Lawn Pogoda
Price : $1,999
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 5


Ali'i Kahuna Ceremonial Tiki
Price : $2,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 5


Sacrifice of the Euphrytian Maidens
Price : $2,555
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 5


"Cosine Cathedral" by S. Neverdunne
Price : $3,300
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 6


Blue China Vase
Price : $4,260
Size : 1x1
Description : This beautiful porcelain vase is decorated in an under glaze of
blue and white flying cranes. The now endangered Hooded Crane
was an ancient symbol of nobility, power, and good fortune.
Originally owned by a wealthy Asian bureaucrat, this vase arrived
in SimCity during the colonial era. Past owners have described
immediate feelings of nobility and power soon after purchase.

Motives : Room = 7


White Rhino Re-enactment
Price : $4,800
Size : 1x2
Description : White rhinos have roamed the earth for over 30 million years, yet
they may not survive another decade. Simulated specimens such as
this unlucky young adult are sold to overseas environmental
groups to generate operating revenue for the currently un-
regulated, non-profit Rhino Anti-Poaching Profit Fund.

Motives : Room = 7


Maniacal Melvin Maquette
Price : $5,449
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


"Ngatu m'Booe" Figure
Price : $7,749
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


"Sublime Slime" Installation
Price : $9,000
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 8


Caesar Psychopathus
Price : $10,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


Bronze Likeness of Jerry Martin
Price : $11,111
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


"Large Black Slab" by ChiChi Smith
Price : $12,648
Size : 1x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


Shabycratah Figure
Price : $13,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


"La Gargouille" Ornamental Sculpture
Price : $13,100
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


"Curse of Aphrodite" Statue
Price : $14,099
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


Suit of Armor
Price : $15,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


Samurai Armor Replica by SirPlus!
Price : $15,500
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


"Knight's War" Statue in Marble
Price : $16,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


"The Peace of Fashion" Marble Statue
Price : $16,019
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 10


Total Scupltures Available = 49

| [] Rugs |

Scraps Ranch Rag Rug
Price : $233
Size : 2x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Savant-Naif Art Rug
Price : $290
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Daisy Rug
Price : $333
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Floor Rug by Leopard Life
Price : $460
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Rug by Erin M. Designer
Price : $537
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Schwa Carpet
Price : $1,300
Size : 2x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Faux Bearskin Rug
Price : $4,300
Size : 3x3
Description : What is natural in this time of figures and statistics? Where
lies human triumph in the face of rationalism and automatic?
Relive the glory of man's fight against nature with the purchase
of this faux bearskin rug. Experience the pathos. Taste the
fear. Bring the warmth of the great outdoors your
family and to your home.

Motives : Room = 7


Sham Tiger Skin Rug
Price : $4,300
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


SimSafari Trophy Rug
Price : $
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room =


Antique Persian Rug
Price : $8,200
Size : 3x3
Description : Tapetologist certified antique Persian rug. Silk. 17th century.
Originally a craft of nomadic tribes, Persian rugs have evolved
into one of the highest artistic expressions of civilization.
Practicaly, yet aristocratic, these carpets add a magic flavor to
any room.

Motives : Room = 7


Sham Shag Polar Bear Rug
Price : $9,009
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 8


Zythrus Morphos Area Rug
Price : $11,000
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 9


Total Rugs Available = 12

| [] Plants |

African Violet
Price : $30
Size : 1x1
Description : Propagated by hand in the SimCity African Violet Society green-
house, these noble flowers claim botalinear descendancy from the
protogenal East African S. ionantha, first discovered by W. von
Saint Paulliaire in the Usambara district.
Flowering Time: Permanent.
Water: Occasionally.

Motives : Room = 1


Spider Plant
Price : $35
Size : 1x1
Description : Originating in South Africa, the spider plant has become a
favorite indoor plant due to its slender, graceful leaves and low
maintenance. A member of the lily family, the spider plant is
easy to grow, needing average humidity, average moisture, average
air circulation, average fertilizer, average trimming and average

Motives : Room = 1


"Roxana" Geranium
Price : $45
Size : 1x1
Description : This lovely aromatic Pelargonium arrangement is a pleasant
addition to any room. The unique and delicate flower pattern
appease even the most discriminating of Geranium connoisseurs.
Secret cross-fertilization techniques have produced a modern
breed completely resistant to oedema, heat and shade. Keep

Motives : Room = 1


Hanging Fern
Price : $57
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Hanging Simpatiens
Price : $87
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Potted Palm
Price : $90
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Bonsai Tree
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Cytherea Asilus Casses
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Domesticated Grape Leaf Ivy
Price : $111
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Rubber Tree Plant
Price : $120
Size : 1x1
Description : Spruce up a bare corner or enliven a deck. Rubber tree plants
are sturdy, beautiful, and require less tending than many other
plants of similar size. Our plants come delivered in a well-
watered dirt bolus, and are packed with a deluxe stoneware vase
and cherrywood stand.

Motives : Room = 2


Echinopsis Maximus Cactus
Price : $150
Size : 1x1
Description : Spice up those sunny patios or kitchens with a desert harvested
echinopsis maximus. Whether used to accent a Western-style
interior or just as a decorative conversation piece, the point is
always well taken. Comes with kiln-baked terra-cotta pot.
Though desert flora, occasional watering is necessary.

Motives : Room = 2


Jade Plant
Price : $160
Size : 1x1
Description : There is nothing crass about this crassula arborescens.
Originally grown from South African cuttings smuggled to SimCity
on an unmarked tramp steamer, the Jade plant is now a favorite of
tract house landscaping firms throughout desert areas. Also
makes a great houseplant. Sturdy, redwood container included.
Water as needed, or pay a gardener.

Motives : Room = 2


Bird of Paradise
Price : $170
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


PerpetuBloom Floral Spray
Price : $180
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Victorian Flower Urn
Price : $250
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Ginormous Potted Palm
Price : $300
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Peonies in White
Price : $333
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 3


Total Plants Available = 17

| [] Other |

"Stray-Away" Pet Prevention System
Price : $15
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-
(can only be used by pets)


Price : $27
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


"Poetry in Motion" Fountain
Price : $39
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Fun = 2


Mistoletoe Ceiling Ornament
Price : $49
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-
(can only be used by adults)


Futilo Bronze Windchime
Price : $60
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 1


Scrimpon Crimson Awnings
Price : $65
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Sub-Lumen Discretion Awning
Price : $65
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Clevergreen Fabric Awning
Price : $68
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Maid in the Shade
Price : $71
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


"Winner Ev'ry Time" Awning
Price : $72
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Celestial Ceiling Awning
Price : $74
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Obscura Vertical Blinds
Price : $75
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Revealot Blinds
Price : $75
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Faux-Boo Plant Box
Price : $79
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Shutters Provencal
Price : $80
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Horse Head Hitching Post
Price : $88
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Geranium Flower Stand
Price : $89
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Neo Grec Window Dressing
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Queen Vivanco Roses
Price : $99
Size : 1x1
Description : Our top-smelling rose and vase set, Queen Vivanco roses are
prized for their startling, blood-red color and heady aroma.
Roses come with beautiful, lapis lazuli vase. The perfect gift
for your Vaneltine's Day sweetheart, or for yourself.


Flora Fencing
Price : $115
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Stigma Awnings
Price : $129
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Purinal Fire Plug
Price : $130
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Red Fire Hydrant
Price : $131
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Glory in Red
Price : $139
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Cloak of Protection
Price : $155
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Concrete Planter Box
Price : $165
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room =


Sunblind Awning
Price : $173
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Cuckoo Clock
Price : $180
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Christmas Tree
Price : $199
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Fun = 2
Room = 4


Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium
Price : $200
Size : 1x1
Description : Aquariums are lots of fun. Well at least for some people. Just
don't forget to feed the fish and clean the tank periodically,
and they will swim happily in circles forever.

Motives : Fun = 1
Room = 2


Strangled Ebuillence Wall
Price : $215
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


LunaTick Neon Clock
Price : $239
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Mill Stream Accu-Clock
Price : $335
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 2


Beaver Pelt Moosehead
Price : $450
Size : 1x2
Description : What a rack!!!! From Ted's Stitch-In-Time Taxidermy comes this
genuine faux moosehead. Posed with the exact, menacing gleam in
its eye that it would have had, had it been an actual moose about
to gore an unsuspecting, defenseless hunter. Bring this furry
fellow home for your gameroom or den. The wife is sure to love
it. (Disclaimer: No moose were actually hurt during the
construction of this beaver pelt moosehead.)

Motives : Room = 2


"Fountain of Tranquility"
Price : $700
Size : 1x1
Description : Any outdoor event can be made more refreshing by the addition of
a simple fountain. Let the cool, soothing qualities of the water
wash worries away. Two-tiered design of Italian marble with
hand-carved filigree adds an illusion of grandeur to any home.

Motives : Fun = 1
Room = 2


True Life Photographic Camera
Price : $899
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Jean-Claucque Post
Price : $1,990
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


All's Well That Ends Well Well (Fancy)
Price : $2,333
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Clock Post
Price : $2,500
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-


Neptune's Sorrow Iron Fountain
Price : $2,999
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 4


Grandfather Clock
Price : $3,500
Size : 1x1
Description : Defined, elegant, hand polished, the clock shown is from a
private collection of the highest quality, collectable,
investment grade clocks still on the market. No longer being
manufactured, this clock is a wise investment and a thoughtful
improvement to any room. Brazilian mahogany. Solid brass hand
engraved dial.
(can only be used by adults)

Motives : Room = 7


"Epith y Oraia Eleny" in White Marble
Price : $4,000
Size : 1x1
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 6


"Joe Elephant" Fountain
Price : $4,478
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Fun = 1
Room = 5


Price : $4,999
Size : 1x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 8


Private Villa Fountain
Price : $5,421
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 6


Draco and Tohrt
Price : $6,659
Size : 2x2
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Room = 7


Perpetual Motion Machine
Price : $7,647
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Fun = 4
Room = 5


Piazza Amoretto Fountain
Price : $10,229
Size : 2x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Fun = 2
Room = 9


Petra Pietra Memorial Fountain
Price : $13,999
Size : 3x3
Description : -(-)-(-)-

Motives : Fun = 2
Room = 9


Total Other Available = 49
Total Decorative Available = 188


*** Rest coming soon... ***


| [A] Contact Information |

I'm sorry, but all contact for this FAQ will no longer be accepted due to a
lack of interest in the game. For more information on this game, check out
the game's official website, other FAQs, or one of many quality gaming sites,
like Cheat Happens ( or GameSpot ( Chances are
you can also find at least one other FAQ for this game right at GameFAQs.


| [B] Webmaster Information |

Attention webmasters: You are allowed to host this document and display it
without asking for prior permission. All you have to do is the following:

- Do not charge people to see it or otherwise make a profit from it.
- Do not alter it.
- Give proper credit to the author.
- You may not sell, rent or lease the document.

If you want to use one of my guides _IN_ a guide of yours, like an item guide
of mine in a general guide you're writing, feel free to do so, as long as you
still follow the above. All I ask in addition to that is that you let me know
when your guide is online so I can check it out.


| [C] Where This FAQ May be Found |

Cheat Happens

All other websites have permission to use this document, but they may be out of
date or incorrect versions. The latest, newest versions can always be found at
the above websites.


| [D] Other FAQs Written |

This section may not always be up-to-date, as I'm not going to update every
single one of my FAQs after making a new one.

Clock Tower 3 || File List
Deus Ex: Invisible War || Walkthrough/FAQ
ESPN NFL 2K5 || Milestones/Crib Unlockables
ESPN NFL 2K5 || Strategy Guide/FAQ
ESPN NHL 2K5 || Challenges & Unlockables
Grand Theft Auto III || Walkthrough/FAQ
Grand Theft Auto III || Song Guide
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing || Walkthrough/FAQ
Madden NFL 2004 || Challenge Checklist
MVP Baseball 2004 || Strategy Guide/FAQ
MVP Baseball 2004 || Unlockables Guide
Nocturne || Walkthrough/FAQ
Red Faction || Walkthrough/FAQ
RoadKill || Walkthrough/FAQ
RoadKill || Song Guide
Serious Sam || Walkthrough/FAQ
SimCity 4: Rush Hour || Object Guide
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow || Demo Walkthrough
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic || Walkthrough/FAQ
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic || Item List
The Sims (PC) || Item List
The Sims (CONSOLE) || Item List
The Sims: House Party || Strategy Guide/FAQ
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X || Song Guide
Tropico || Walkthrough/FAQ
Unreal Tournament || Walkthrough/FAQ
WWE RAW 2 || Move List/FAQ

Total FAQs: 27

I have also written several strategy guides, in HTML format with screenshots,
for the website Cheat Happens (

Hitman: Contracts
Spider-Man 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Unreal Tournament 2004

Total Guides: 4


| [E] The Sims Copyright Information |

Copyright 2003 Electronic Arts Inc. Electronic Arts, The Sims, EA, EA GAMES,
the EA GAMES logo, Maxis and the Maxis logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All
rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective


This document is copyright by US and Canadian copyright laws. This FAQ is for
personal use only. This FAQ may not be altered or used for commercial use.
Websites may use this document without permission, but they must give proper
credit to the author and musn't alter it any way, shape or form. All websites,
excluding GameFAQs (, are prohibited from renting, selling or
leasing this document, whether it's for personal or commercial gain.

Thank you.


End of The Sims Item Guide.

Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.

The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Maxis, Electronic Arts, or
any member of the The Sims development team.
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Item Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Sehr umfangreicher Guide für alle Sims-Versionen
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Complete NPC Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

06.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Did You Know? FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für v1.1

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für v1.0

11.Oktober 2013
Rosebud-Cheat leicht gemacht

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (getestet mit WinXP)

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Gegenstände und Karrieren
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (und alle Einkäufe gratis)

14.Oktober 2013
Modul für den GameHack

18.Oktober 2013
Hinweise für die Karrieren als Journalist, Faulenzer, Musiker, Hacker und Paranormal - alle als Word-Datei

16.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.1)

04.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Entzerrt die "privaten" Szenen

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

08.Oktober 2013
Benötigt GameWiz32, zu finden auf unserer Networkseite
GameWiz32 Table

13.Oktober 2013
Die DLH-Crew als Family :))))

04.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Endlich - ein Trainer für die dt. Versionen 1.0 und 1.1

07.Oktober 2013
Geld bis zum Umfallen

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020