Mystic Towers

Mystic Towers

16.10.2013 04:13:02
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Version 1.0 (07/30/2006)

Version History:
-(10/11/2006): Added DLH as host.
1.0: Basic Guide Complete - (07/30/2006)


This Guide is Copyright, 2006, Matthew McIntyre

This guide may not be used on a website or in any public forum
where it is protected by copyright without the consent of the author.

To contact me: entropiclobo(at)yahoo(dot)ca or chaos(dot)wolf(at)gmail(dot)com

Websites with permission to use this Guide:

Game by Animation F/X / APOGEE

* Table of Contents *

*To jump to a section, hold the Control Key and press F, then type in the
section number as it appears (ie type MT1)

MT1: Intro
MT2: Gameplay
MT2.1: Basics
MT2.2: General Tips
MT3: Battle Strategy
MT4: Spells and Power-Ups
MT5: Tower Geography
MT6: Lazarine Towers
MT6.0: Using this Walkthrough
E1: Rimm Enemies
A1: Rimm Tower
W1: Rimm Fortress
E2: Tor Karad Enemies
A2: Tor Karad Keep
W2: Tor Karad Castle
E3: Nortscar Enemies
A3: Nortscar Needle
W3: Tor Karad Spire
E4: Wolf's Enemies
A4: Wolf's Fang
W4: Wolf's Claw
E5: Ebonscarp Enemies
A5: Ebonscarp
W5: Ebonscarp II
E6: Marchwall Enemies
A6: Marchwall Hold
W6: Marchwall Fort
MT7: Secrets
MT7.1: Codes
MT7.2: Glitches
MT8: Credits

Mystic Towers is rated "L" for "Lazarine Towers." It contains scenes of deadly
traps and giant, vicious Lemon. Player discretion is advised.

| MT1: Intro |

Back when we had our first PC, we enjoyed picking up old Shareware discs. On
these I played many great games including Raptor: Call of the Shadows, God of
Thunder, Wolfenstein 3D, Blake stone... but the one that captured my attention
most of all was Mystic Towers.

Mystic Towers is the reason I went back and played similar (but different)
games such as Solstice on the NES and it is probably my favourite isometric

There's so much style and personality to every Tower. You're going through
these five-tiered towers wiping out all of the monsters. It becomes a struggle
at times to conserve your high-levelled spells and your food and water levels.
There's a decent degree of challenge to this game and that just makes me love
it even more.

There's a certain muddy, dank quality to the towers themselves. They are dark
and univiting. But the monsters are vibrant and full of personality. I have
always believed that giving an enemy some sort of personality makes us approach
it in a different way. They have identity, even when patterns are shared
between the sets of monsters in the different towers, they are still different.

There is also enough to do with the Towers themselves, it's not a complete
combat-fest. Traps, secrets, and treasure always keep you on the look-out.

So, get ready to take the reigns of Baron Baldric and plunge into the Lazarine
Towers and the secrets they hold...

| MT2: Gameplay |

MT2.1: Basics

Mystic Towers is, I find, best played with the Keyboard. You can play it with
the mouse with onscreen commands, but to be honest that can get cumbersome.
Still, if it does help you to use hte Mouse, do so. I cannot comment on the
Game Pad, as I haven't used one.

If you use the Keyboard:

Control: Use Spell
Alt: Jump

Left: Move Southwest
Right: Move Northeast
Down: Move Southeast
Up: Move Northwest

1-0: Spell shortcuts
Space: Scroll through spells

F1: Controls screen
F2: Save Game
F3: Load Screen

Esc: Leave Current Game

P: Pause

Press Against an Object to Push.
Backspace pulls an item.

So, yes the game is in an isometric view like Solstice or Q*Bert. This movement
and view style might not be the most inviting if you haven't played a game like
this, but I really do urge you to play it as once your reluctance melts away
you'll see that isometric games aren't so bad.

The premise of Mystic Towers is that you, as Baron Baldric will be working your
way through Lazarine Towers to kill enemies, and blow up the Generator. You can
kill enemies with any of the five attack spells, and the Generator with a Bomb.

There are two modes of play here, Practice and Quest Cycle. Practice gives you
two lives and lets you attempt any Tower. Quest Cycle gives you 10 and makes
you take them on in order.

Pay attention to your screen. There's a mini-map, with Yellow Dots being
ladders up, and green being ladders down. There's a blue and brown meter, your
food and water levels. The Baron is on in years, so he must keep these up.

Your life meter is the long red meter. It will increase over time if your food
and water meters are okay, and decrease if either are empty.

You'll also see a display for score, the amount of coins you have, your
remaining lives, and four boxes to show which key you have. The box in the
upper right with the Monster face denotes what monster will appear in that room
and it has its own life meter right next to it.

MT2.2: General Tips

Just a few notes, that would not fit anywhere else.

*Conserve Food:

Food and water can be found in the Towers, and enemies often drop food. However
in later towers, non-enemy food can become a premium. If you don't _need_ food
(if your meter is more than half full) then don't eat it. It's a complete waste
and you will regret it later.

*Check Behind Structures:

Treasure and spells are often obscured by tables, fountains, etc... check
behind these and you may push an item... take your prize.

*Check Under Structures:

Also, there are often things such as coins and keys hidden underneath these
~If you can't collect an item to check under it, push it or pull it.

*Check the Walls:

There may be runes on the wall that give you information about the room. You
don't want to stumble around in a room that has a Skull Rune on the wall.

*Don't Pull Bombs:

If you pull a bomb off its rest, it will blow up - wasting the Bomb and hurting
the Baron.

*Save Often, and in Two Files:

Keep two files on hand at all times. Save one when you reach a new floor and
save the other when you need to. This is just to protect against Quest damaging
glitches and to have a fresh chance ata Floor if you really botch it.

| MT3: Battle Strategy |

Here are a collection of battle tips to consider if you're new to the game, so
that you will have a better notion of how to approach enemies.

*Line up with the Enemy and Fire:

Line up when the enemy is in a Straight line and rip into it with spells. This
will allow you to rack up damage quickly.

*Line up with Doors, wait for the Enemy:

As an aside to the above note, if you line up with a door and fire as an enemy
enters the room, you can get a couple of hits in before it moves.

*Hit and Run:

Get an enemy to charge you. You can pound away at it while it is running
towards you, and move out of the way when it gets near. Reposition yourself and
repeat the process, this is the most effective process for killing many
enemies of the Lazarine Towers.

*Use the Doors:

Doors are really an extension of the Hit and Run strategy. When you are
fighting an enemy that is very strong - or fast, then it is best to retreat
through a door.

*Hit from Above:

/ \
+---+ .-.
| | (o_o)
+---+ ---

Say you want to get out of reach of a powerful Melee enemy like Leman. Well,
spells behave differently from up above:

| |
/ \ |
+---+ | .-.
| | | (X_x)
+---+ +-----*---

Spells will instead be dropped in front of you and skid across the floor to
where they will strike whatever gets in their way - hopefully an enemy. This
sounds all well and good, but use this strategy only if yoy can get the enemy
lined up properly. Standing on a platform limits where you can fire in a stage,
and if it is too low the enemy can still hit you. If the enemy is flying, don't
rely on this technique at all.


As an extension of hit from above, if you cast Levitate enough times you can
float out of harms way. This has one serious advantage over standing on a
platform - free movement. You can chase an enemy and score good hits on it as
long as it stays in the room.

*Hit from Behind:

Rather than using an item as something to stand on, you can always stand behind
the item or platform/pot/etc and shoot at the enemy, if it's Melee.

You will fire the spell over the obstacle and hit the enemy. If the enemy gets
around your blockade, jump to the other side and find a new position.

If you are shootign from behind an item you can pick up, stand at least one
space away so that you do not pick it up while you fire!

*Build a Wall:

As an extension of Hit from Behind, consider how to use the items in the room
to your best advantage before picking them up. If you place at least three of
the obstacles side by side, you will have an effective wall. You will better be
able to predict how the monster will move around it, and you can respond much

If your wall spans a hallway, you will have created a safe spot where the
ground, melee monster will not be able to reach you.

*Build a Trap:

The ultimate use of items to block ground-based Melee monsters, a trap is
simple in design, but devious in execution. I suggest at least four items
for proper execution, you can get away with two, but the monster will likely

Here's a real-game scenerio involving an Eggnog:

Wl: All
It: Item
Pt: Pot

/Wl/ /It/
/Wl/ /It/
/Wl/ /It/
/Wl/ /Pt/

Basically, you set this trap up for the eggnog when it is out of the room.
Then, when the Eggnog starts to chase you, you lead it into position A. Jump
out one end, run up to an item and press it in to trap the Eggnog.

When you trap a melee enemy like this, you will be able to rapidly pound it
with a spell like Ice and still get results. In that sense, you will be saving
your items for harder encounters.

*Higher Floor Equals Higher Difficulty:

Essentially, if you have to cut corners and use your weak spells in a struggle
against low floor enemies, it will benefit you at the higher floors.

Saving your stronger spells for higher floor enemies will allow you to dispatch
them more easily. A Shrimpion on floor 1 might have a decent amount of stamina
and shoot Ice, but a Shrimpion on floor 5 might be an absolute tank that shoots
Venom Clouds.

There are, of course, exceptions to this based on the monster.

*Look For Alternate Means:

If a monster seems really strong, then check out the Floor for Bombs you can
drop on it, or a Power-Up to help you dispatch it. There may not be a certain
way to approach the monster, btu you can sure look for one.

Please note that you can take Power-Ups between floors.

*Catch a Monster in a Trap Meant for You:

If you know the location of a trap, and a monster is chasing you then it is
possible to catch the monster in that trap and have it take the hit. This is
very risky, however, and is nto recommended against speedy monsters.

*Venomous Monsters have Priority:

Honestly, you can walk off most fights and recover enough Health for the next
without having to cast Heal. There are soem monsters that cast Venom Cloud, it
will hit hard and poison the Baron. When it comes to fighting these monsters, I
prefer to destroy them as quickly as possible with Lightning or Fireball.

| MT4: Spells and Power-Ups |

Spells are described in the following template:

Shortcut Key:
Max Payload:

Alright, they are listed in the order of Shortcuts on the keyboard. Power-Ups
are listed afterwards.

Name: Ice
Shortcut Key: 1
Power: 1/5
Max Payload: Infiite
Use: Your basic, infinite use spell. It is useless for tackling most monsters
in the game after Rimm, but if you can trap a monster later in the game
and hit it rapidly with Ice, then you will save castings of higher level
spells. If you for soem reason run out of all other spells, you will have
no choice but to use ice.

If you are groping around somewhere that you can't see for treasure, then
you should switch to Ice. This is just so you do not waste any spells.

Name: Sulfur
Shortcut Key: 2
Power: 2/5
Max Payload: 50
Use: A second level spell that will suffice for simple monsters, or weakened
monsters. It loses its use later in the game, but for the early towers it
is helpful against many slower Melee monsters.

Name: Venom Cloud
Shortcut Key: 3
Power: 3/5
Max Payload: 40
Use: Venom Cloud will become the bare minimum spell to use against enemies
in the late Towers. It's a mid-range spell that will down most Floor 1 or
2 monsters well enough, and can be used to clean up on higher level
monsters if you run out fo stronger spells.

It is quite common in most Towers, but as I said it becomes the minimum.

Name: Fireball
Shortcut Key: 4
Power: 4/5
Max Payload: 30
Use: A mid/high level spell that will be necessary to effectively destroy a lot
of late rmosnters, or to clean up if your Lightning runs out against the

Name: Lightning
Shortcut Key: 5
Power: 5/5
Max Payload: 20
Use: The most powerful attack magic that should be reserved for the greatest
threats in the game.

Name: Reveal
Shortcut Key: 6
Use: This is a useful spell, it has a number of uses:
-Reveal hidden doors or items.
-Reveal posion tiles on the floor.
-Turn on the lights in any room with a lightswitch or many other dark
rooms. If the room is dark and poisonous, then the convenience of using
this spell rather than finding the light will cost you 2 castings...

Name: Heal
Shortcut Key: 7
Use: This spell heals about a third of your energy in one casting, and will
also cure poison.

Name: Teleport
Shortcut Key: 8
Use: Use this on any Teleport pad to make use of it.

Name: Levitate
Shortcut Key: 9
Use: Levitate is only really important in Wizard Towers 5 and 6. But it does
have a number of uses:
-Cast it once and move over Pain Tiles without damage.
-Cast it multiple times to get above an enemy and drop spells on it.
-Use it to skip past the glowing pink panels, without finding the pattern.
-Use it under am item on a shelf undtil your head touches the item. Move
to make the item fall.
-Use it to reach high doors or ladders.
*Jump to deactivate the Levitate.

Name: Bomb
Shortcut Key: 0
Use: Blows up the Generator. Get clear or you'll be caught in the explosion.

Power-Up: Invisibility
Use: The Baron cannot be seen by enemies unless he is right next to them. This
will not protect him from damage and monsters that shoot will still shoot.
It is best used to sneak by an enemy or to tackle melee monsters.

As an added function, auto-shooters will not shoot when you are Invisible.

Power-Up: Meta-Power
Use: Meta-Power greatly increases the power fo your staff, allowing you to
crush strong monsters quickly even with mid powered spells. When you get a
Meta-Power, pick your target carefully. It's also a good deal if you can
kill multiple monsters before the power runs out.

Power-Up: shield
Use: You will be invincible against enemy attacks. Also, enemies will not
charge you. This is useful against enemies that would normally get to you
and cause a great deal of damage - take it out mostly with a one-level
weaker spell while shielded, then finish it with the Stronger spell if the
shield runs out.

| MT5: Tower Geography |

The Towers have a number of aspects that make up their puzzles and geography.
These are anything from runes to items. This is a catch-all section for every
other nuance of the game not previously mentioned.

It is very likely that I missed something here. If I did, shoot me a mail.

Auto-Shooter: A fireball trap thata utomatically shoots when you are in the
room, unless you are invisible. Also, if an enemy walks into
their path, it can take damage.

Coins: Currency you can collect in the Towerf or use in slots.

Coloured Keys: Used to open doors via keyholes.

Column: Large structures that extend from the floor to ceiling. Especially in
Wizard Towers, these can sometimes be moved.

Combination Lock: A series of switches or buttons that must be pressed in or
switched to a certain pattern for the door to open.

Cupboard: A covered niche that will oepn once you've performed a certain task
in the room. Often conceal treasure or an important item.

Door: A door often has to be opened by a key or a switch. These switches can
be anything from a panel to a lever. If you see a little bubble with a
door opening.closing in it - a door has opened or closed in another room.

Dotted Line Panel: Often sets off Fireball traps, or opens/closes doors.

Drink: A drink that is found laying around like food. The trick here is that
many of them will intoxicate you. However, not all do and they all
increase your Water level. If there are no enemies around, take the
drink anyways and walk it off.

Dropping Bombs: A trap that is either set off by pressing a switchm or by
stepping on a panel with a green dot. Can harm the enemy and
Baldric. Often helpful in killing enemies.

Fire: An obstacle, stepping on it will cause damage.

Fireball Trap: A fireball shoots out of the wall and will strike whatever is
first in its path - enemy, Baldric, or obstacle.

Fireplace: A large fireplace on the wall. Not usually important, but something
might be hidden against the flames, obscured in the colour.

Food: Eating a piece of food will increase your food meter. However, some food
does a slight amount of damage to you, and will not increase your meter.

Fountain: A reliable source of water, drink up when you see a Fountain and
remember their location.

Generator: This device is responsible for bringing monsters back to the tower
after you have killed them. You must place a bomb in it to destroy
it. Get away from the blast area.

Glowing Pink Panels: Those blinking areas of pink that you often see in Towers.
They are at different heights, you will need to jump on
the lowest and make your way up and past them.

Green Dot: Small green dots mean that the panel is trapped with dropping bombs.

Grey Block: A small nlock that you can often move to block enemies or to find

Idol: A large statue in the Tower that slot items often drop in front of. There
are foten traps ner Idols.

Keyhole: Use this to open or close doors.

Ladder: Used to travel between floors.

Map Piece: In Wizard Towers, they provide a Floor's map.

Mushroom: You will regret eating this if you aren't poisoned... but if you are
poisoned it will heal you.

Mystery Runes: Runes on the wall that look like fish. A vertical rune _usually_
denotes a hidden door in the wall. Or, it could mean any other
mystery of the room. A horizontal rune means that you should
cast Reveal, and any number of things can happen then.

Niche: A small space in the wall where an item will rest.

Pain Tile: A larger, 3x3 Skull Carpet that will damage the Baron to walk on it.
Either find some way around, make some kind of bridge, or use the
Levitate spell.

Platform: These can often be moved afte rthe items they hold are claimed or
removed. Underneath them, there may be items or you can bring them
over to taller platforms to act as a bottom step.

Poison Tile: A small, 1x1 panel that you can see by walking on or casting
Reveal. It will poison you if you walk on it.

Pot: Like the platform, these are often used as steps or cover items.

Red Button: Often controls doors, or drops bombs, controls light, etc...

Revealed Door: A door that appears when you cast Reveal. Save before you do
this, or pass through it before you save (see Glitches).

Skull Rune: Denotes that there are poison panels in the room. Cast Reveal.

Slot: Insert a coin for any number of effects. If there's an idol in the room
it will usually allow you to buy spells. But that isn't always the case
as it can open cupboard or doors or drop treasure, etc...

Sludge: Drink this to poison yourself, if you're in a normal condition. If you
drink it while poisoned it will heal the poison.

Spell: Pick them up to increase your stock of respective spells.

Switch: Controls doors or lights, etc..

Teleport Panel: Casting Teleport in the centre of these will take you in their
respective directions. For instance a "3" Teleporter will take
you to Floor 3. That is, if there is nothing blocking the
centre of the target location. Teleporters with arrows take you
in the noted direction on that Floor.

Tower Key: This large key appears when all enemies and the generator have been
taken out. Use it in the starting room to leave the tower.

Transmute Niche: A Niche with a lightning symbol. It will increase your stock
of a spell. Place the spell in the niche, and insert a coin in
the slot. Don't wasye this on weak or common spells.

Treasure: Items in the Tower that are there to be fouund (completion) and
increase your score. These come in sizes from rubies to larger gold
idols. Keep your eye out.

Wall Hole: A fireball will fire out of these if there is a trap or
auto-shooter in the room...

Wall Mask: Faces on the wall. They are also an aspect of Fireball traps or
Auto-Shooters, most often.

| MT6: Lazarine Towers |

This is the meat and potatoes of the guide, so to speak. I've tried to describe
every room of the game.

MT6.0: Using this Walkthrough

Alright, I felt that a standard walkthrough for this game wouldn't work out so
well, at least if I were writing it, because the game is so open ended. Instead
I have listed the rooms of the Towers in order, and if you are having trouble
with a room you can refer to that section.

Floor # Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *
| | | | | |
+--+ +--+ +--+

+--+ +--+ +--+
| | | | | |
+--+ +--+ +--+

+--+ +--+ +--+
| | | | | |
+--+ +--+ +--+

This is the Floor map, that will show generally the layout of a Tower Floor.
Most importantly, there's the Monster paths described. These are the rooms in
which the Monsters will proceed through.

What you can do is to check the Monster's path on my Floor map, then go to the
respective rooms to see how to best deal with that monster. This is often just
instructions to hit and run, but you may find out that there's a bomb switch,
or a way to trap the monster, etc.

So have fun, and good luck.

[_-_-_-] [_-_-_-]
|-_-_| MT6.1: RIMM |-_-_|
[__||__] [__||__]

The Rimm Towers will begin your Quest Cycle, Apprentice and Wizard. Use these
Towers to practice the skills you will need to conquer the game.

E1: Rimm Enemies


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement: Ground
Description: A blue, one wheeled monster that spits spells.

The only ranged enemy of Rimm Tower, Azurblast is sporadic enough that you
should be able to dodge its shots. Attack it from the sides or the back, it
will only start firing after a certain amount of damage.

Note what kind of shot the Azurblast are using. Use more care than you normally
would if it is shooting something like Fireballs or Venom Clouds.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement: Ground
Description: A brown, skirted dragon that attacks with its jaws.

The Dralek is a dangerous enemy by Rimm standards. It's main weakness is its
speed. It does speed up as you hit it, but it's direct and slow enough that if
you pound this skirted dragon with spells from a great enough distance it will
soak upa ton of punishment before it gets to you. But if you get near enough
to it, it will do a number on you.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement: Air
Description: A large, red, flying toadstool.

The only flyinge enemy in Rimm, Fungafly start out slow enough, but they really
do pick up speed. They will bypass most obstacles you set up for them, so just
pound them with spells and rely on doors instead to get out of the way of


Attack Type: Melee
Movement: Ground
Description: A monster with a spinning, bladed body.

I find that Jagurota are a little faster than Dralek, but it's essentially the
same deal here. If it catches up to you, it will attack with biting and blades.
Again, hit and run is an essential tactic here.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement: Ground
Description: A beetle, flat to the ground.

Scarabite will attack you up close and pesonal, but they are literally the
easiest monster in the game. You can usually take them out with Ice or Sulfur,
and if they get close you can jump on them to kill them...

A1: Rimm Tower

Rimm Tower is of the more basic layouts in the game, being that it is first.
Just work your way from bottom to top, destroying the monsters as you go. It's
as simple as you get in this game - take the time to learn the runes and to
practice combat techniques.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Scarabite: Rooms 2, 4, 5
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fungafly: Rooms 3, 6, 9
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Azurblast: Rooms 7, 8
|04|-|05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1

There are a few coins on the ground, and a Venom Cloud spell. Collect both of
these, then head through the door at the lower right corner.

Room 2:

There's a watermelon here, and a Sulfur here. Given that you are fighting a
Scarabite in this room, use either your Ice spell or jump on it to kill it.

Room 3:

Use one of the Sulfurss you picked up to take out the Fungafly from a longer
distance. You may want to stand on a pot in front of the door, but keep in mind
that it will not deter the flying mushroom. It's slow and indifferent enough
that you can move out of the way if it charges you.

Do not go into the upper left corner, behind the grey block. A bomb will drop
from the ceiling to inflict heavy damage.

Make sure to pick up the Sulfur and Venom Cloud before you proceed.

Room 4:

Make sure you pick up the Sulfur and Heal spells. There's an apple if the
Baron is hungry. If you want to drink the wine, make sure there are no enemies
around as it will make the Baron drunk.

If you haven't killed the Scarabite yet, jump on it or cast Ice from afar.

Room 5:

Pretty stocked room, kill the Scarabite if you haven't already with Ice or a
Jump. Grab the Sulfur and the Venom Cloud spells. Take the star shaped spell,

The Teleporter here leads you to Floor 4, Room 28 and quick access to the Bomb.
You can teleport from that room again to Floor 2. If you want to get the Bomb
early, then use the 'port.

Don't eat the Mushroom unless you have been posioned.

Room 6:

Don't fight the Fungafly in this room, it's cramped and dark. There is a switch
to the southeast of the door which you can flick to turn the lights on. It's at
the corner where the two hallways meet. Even with the lights on, you're at a
disadvantage with the Fungafly compared to other rooms on its path.

When all's clear, there's a leg of meat, a fountain to drink from, and a coin
on the ground. The Baron's probably thirsty by now...

There is a key under the meat, by the way. If the Baron isn't hungry, pull the
meat and grab the Yellow Key.

Room 7:

Lead the Azurblast into Room 8 and deal with it there.

When you're ready for Room 7, grab the ruby treasure, the food, and the

Climb the ladder.

Room 8:

Get the Azurblast into the room, then block the door with the grey block (don't
stop for the treasure just yet). Return to the door and jump up the stacks.
Fire down on the Azurblast with a spell like Ice or Sulfur. You have to be at
the highest point to avoid damage from the Azurblast. When it starts shooting
spells it may be a bit harder to predict and you may have to go down after it.

It's better to go down after the Azurblast than to have its life regenerate.

Pick up the treasure you uncovered. Take the Venom Cloud from the wall and move
the block away from the door. Proceed.

Room 9:

If you haven't fought the Fungafly yet, you may want to block it in this room
by pushing the grey block in front of the door, and standing up high dropping
spells on it.

There is bread in the little cubby if you are hungry.

Otherwise, grab the Venom Cloud, jump up to the door, and proceed.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Scarabite: 17, 18, 15
|10| |11|-|12|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Jagurota: 10, 11, 12
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fungafly: 13, 14
|13|-|14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

The Jagurota should be attacked from a distance with Sulfur.

There is a Red Key under the food. If you are not hungry, just pull it off and
take it. There's a water fountain here, so drink up.

Room 11:

The Jagurota should be attacked from a distance with Sulfur.

Take the coins and the melon if you need it. The switch is a light switch,
leave the lights on.

Proceed to Room 10.

Room 12:

Line up with the door and wait for the Jagurota to appear. Launch some Sulfur
at it and run when it gets near. Use a hit and run tactic to take it down. The
height of the table will _not_ protect you.

Afterwards, grab the Treasure you can clearly see. There is also one behind the
table, an ankh that could be hard to see. Move back and forth until you start
pushing it to find it.

Now, take the Sulfur, Levitate, and Reveal spells. The switch merely controls
the door to Room 15.

The teleporter takes you to the fifth floor, Room 42.

Proceed through the door.

Room 13:

Line up with the door, it's better to take the Fungafly in here. Both 13 and 14
are cramped, but 13 less so. Use Sulfur to blast the fUngafly.

There's a Venom Cloud and an apple here if you need them as well.

Proceed to Room 14.

Room 14:

I recommend taking on the Fungafly in Room 13, using Sulfur. But you can do it
here if you wish.

Take the treasure in front of the Idol. The slot near the Sulfur will let you
spend 2 coins for some Sulfur. Get some if you need it, there are limited uses
of the slot.

Climb the ladder.

Room 15:

Hit the switch closest to the door you entered (from 18) to trap the Scarabite
in the room with you. Cast Ice at it from a distance and Jump at it if it
charges you. It should fall in no time.

There are two Sulfurs to grab, and some food. Flip the next switch to open the
next door and proceed.

Room 16:

There's a Venom Cloud and some Water. Take the spell, and drink up. There is a
coin below the Venom Cloud.

The switch on the wall controls the door. Open it and proceed.

Room 17:

The Scarabite is locked in Room 15 currently, so don't worry about it. If you
do have to fight it here, use Ice.

The switch opens and shuts the door you just left.

Take the melon and move on.

Room 18:

The Scarabite is currently trapped in the next room. If you do have to fight it
you should use Ice.

Grab the Sulfur, and pull the switch to open the door to room 15. Enter it.

If the Scarabite enters the room immediately after you open the door, run back
and start casting Ice.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Jagurota: 23, 24
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Dralek: 25, 26, 27
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Azurblast: 19, 20, 22
+--+ +--+ +--+ -GENERATOR: 22
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Due to all of the fire, it is best to fight the Azurblast elsewhere. If you
want to geta few shots in on him as you lure him elsewhere, that's fine.

Room 20:

This room is kind of cramped to fight the Azurblast, but if you must: use Venom

Grab the levitate spell, hit the red button, and proceed through the door. Stay
on the blue carpet lest you be smote by a bomb.

Room 21:

Grab the Venom Cloud here. The red switch opens/closes the door you enetered
from. The pink/purple glowing panels will block your progress. Head to the
glowing panel to the far southeast of the ladder and face it. Jump over it.

The slot here will take two coins per Sulfur, which land by the Idol. Of course
there are limited uses here. Take the ladder when ready.

Room 22:

In this room, you will find the source of the villainous monster scum of this
tower. The generator, a hive of evil, must be destroyed with a bomb. If you
have a bomb, use it. Otherwise, mark the Generator's position and return once
you've found one.

Besides the generator, there is an Azurblast. This room is as good as any to
fight the monster because the next room is full of fire, and the room after is

Crush his spirits with a Venom Cloud barrage as he enters the door. To one side
of the lady statue is a a floor panel that opens the locked door (if you didn't
open it from room 23) and a Venom Cloud spell. Rock it, and head through the
door to Room 19.

Room 23:

The Jagurota is best fought in Room 24, there's not enough room in 23.

After you have killed the Jagurota, take the three coins from the cubby and
walk on the dark panels near the fire if you want to open the door to room 22.

Room 24:

That pot is very useful. You can shoot at the Jagurota from behind it. Lay into
the beast, then leap to the other side when he comes around. I suggest using
Sulfur to get the job done, Venom Cloud if you run out.

Room 25:

Use a hit and run tactic against the Dralek with Venom Cloud.

Grab the treasure that falls from above, and head towards the Sulfur. Don't
take the blue carpet path, however, as a bomb will fall from the ceiling and
cause a dire explosion.

Head through the door.

Room 26:

Use a hit and run tactic against the Dralek with Venom Cloud.

That's it, if the room's clear - proceed.

Room 27:

Attack the Dralek from a distance with Venom Cloud. A hit and run tactic will
save you any greivous injuries here.

The Teleport pad leads back to Room 5.

Grab the Teleport spell and hurry on through the door.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Scarabite: 29, 30
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Dralek: 28, 31, 34
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Azurblast: 33, 35, 36
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

If you entered from Room 29, grab the bomb and run back to the generator (that
is, if you didn't teleport here earlier).

The Teleport pad takes you back to Room 12.

From the other side, take the ladder after grabbing the Sulfur, and moving the
mushroom for some coins. If the Dralek is still here, give it a shot of Meta
Power sulfur.

Room 29:

The switch in here again controls the door. Take the key, and for now, head
through the northwest door.

On your return trip, take the southwest door.

Room 30:

Fight the Scarabite by shooting either Sulfur or Ice at it, and jumpin on it
when it closes in.

Take the coin. That horn near the top contains alcholic beverages and will make
you drunk.

If you step in front of the Idol's face, you will be punished with a bomb from

Hit the red button and move on to Room 29.

Room 31:

If you haven't yet, blast the Dralek with a Meta Power Sulfur. Grab the Heal
and Venom Cloud, and move on.

Room 32:

There is a light switch under the painting near the door to Room 29. Flip it.

The Skull Rune means there is a poison panel in the room. If you get poisoned,
run to room 29 and eat the Mushroom or cast Heal. The panel is located in the
middle of the carpets, where they cross. Cast reveal, or grab the Reveal and
cast it then, to see what I'm talking about.

If you have the key, use it in the keyhole to open the door to the southeast.
Enter this door to Room 33.

Room 33:

Alright, that Meta Power will help immensely, but grab everything else first.
That's a Levitate, Food, and Sulfur if you want them. The outlined floor panel
opens the door to 36 and the keyhole controls the door you enetered from. The
money slot allows you to purchase some Venom Clouds.

Switch to Ice or Sulfur and grab the Meta Power. Do the next rooms as quickly
as possible. Step on the panel and proceed to Room 36.

Room 34:

If the Dralek is here, destroy it with a single Meta Power Sulfur. Move on.

Room 35:

If you haven't destroyed the Azurblast yet, do it now. Grab the sulfur and flip
the lower button to open the next door. Proceed.

You can always return for a drink later.

Room 36:

With a meta-power-infused Sulfur, send the Azurblast packing in two hits. The
dotted panel controls the door you just used and the water bottle gives you a
nice boost to the water meter. Proceed through the next door.

*Note! This Azurblast shoots Venom Cloud. Don't get posioned.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fungafly: 37, 40, 43
|37| |38|-|39|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Jgurota: 44, 45
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Dralek, 38, 39, 42
|40|-|41| |42|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Quickly go back down if the Fungafly is near the ladder. Otherwise, get off the
ladder to either side of it, but not the blue carpet because there is a Poison
Panel near it.

For instance

/ /
/L /P /
/ /

Where L is the ladder and P is the Posion Panel.

Okay, so you're going to have to use Venom Cloud against the Fungafly - pick up
the invisibility before you wait if you want. As a reminder, cast Reveal before
you lie in wait so you don't posion yourself by accident.

When the Fungafly is dead, either hit that red button to open the other door,
or head through the door which is already open. The best thing to do with
invisibility is to leave it here until you need it.

Room 38:

Grab the Shield and use a lower spell like Sulfur while you are invulnerable to
destroy the Drawlek. If the shield runs out, switch to Venom Cloud.

Alright, the slot here gives you Venom Clouds. The buttons control doors.

Room 39:

Fight the Drawlek, with either invisbility or shield from a distance. The
button controls a door and there is a convenient fountain next to it. There is
a heal spell in plain sight, and a Teleport behind the pot.

Room 40:

Take out the Fungafly with Venom Cloud if you haven't already. Take the Sulfur,
then pull the platform it was on away to reveal some coins.

There is a Venom Cloud near the Statue. Take it.

Now, there is a Mystery Rune in this room. If you want to solve the puzzle and
enter a hidden room, follow the blue carpet. See how one sections ends at a
wall? If you press againt here you will enter a hidden door.

When you're done, return to this room, and enter the other door to Room 43.

Room 41:

To access this hidden room, look at the description for Room 40, or 44. Note
that you can solve the mystery of this room by following the green carpet
through the wall.

Take the melon and the Treasure. There is a levitate hidden on one side of the

The switch is a lightswitch, you can always turn on the lights with the Reveal
Spell if need be. The dotted line panel will open a door to 44. It only stays
open for a limited time.

Room 42:

I suppose you can use Fireball on the Drawlek, but it really is a waste. If you
run to Room 38, you can get a Shield. With a Shield, you can take any hit from
the Drawlek and use a weaker spell to inflict as much damage as possible while
saving the stronger.

The third floor Teleport here takes yo to Room 21.

Room 43:

Grab the fireball. It's a little overkill in this dungeon, but you may want to
use it on an enemy coming up. Use Venom Cloud on the Fungafly if you haven't
killed it yet.

Move the pot for a blue key. Head to Room 44.

Room 44:

Pelt the Jagurota with Venom Clouds until it gets to close. Use a hit and run
tactic to avoid your guts being grinded into a fine pulp.

To reach The VEnom Cloud and bread, take the pink panel to the most southeast
of the door and leap on it. Face northwest and leap up and across the pink
glowing panels until you reach your prize.

Jump onto the table and then over the glowing panels to escape.

The dark panels around the fire: one of them will open the door to Room 41.

Room 45:

Blast the Jagurota with Venom Clouds if you so wish. Grab the Sulfur and take
a drink. Proceed through the next room, room 42.

W1: Rimm Fortress

To beat the Tower, you will need to reach the fifth floor, and then proceed to
the fourth. Either get the green key from Floor 3, on the Dralek path and use
it in Room 32 to open a door on Floor 5, or teleport to Floor 5 from Floor 3.

Once on the fifth floor, make your way to a downwards ladder. Room 35 holds the
Bomb. Collect it and rush back to the Generator on the third.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Scarabite: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fungafly: 5
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Azurblast: 4, 7, 8
|04| |05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Keep Ice equipped, but take the coins and the Venom Cloud in the room. Pay one
coin in the slot for a map piece.

Go hunt down the Scarabite.

Room 2:

Cast Ice at the Scarabite, and jump on it when it gets near. When it is dead,
take the Yellow Key and continue on.

Room 3:

Cast Ice at the Scarabite, and jump on it when it gets near. When it is dead,
take the Sulfur, Food, Heal, and drink up.

Room 4:

While you must approach the Azurblast from this direction, this is certainly
not the best room to fight. Take it on with Sulfur if you have to, but try to
make it into room 7 or 8. You'll need to use the southeastern start of the pink
glowing panels to make it over.

There's a Venom cloud and Apple in the room as well.

Room 5:

If the Fungafly isn't near you, you're good to go. Head to the lower left
(southwest) corner and flip the switch on the northwest wall to turn on the

Attack the Fungafly hit and run style with the Sulfur spell, then Venom Cloud.
When it's done for, take the Sulfur, Reveal, and Food. The dotted panel just
controls the door.

Room 6:

Cast Ice at the Scarabite, and jump on it when it gets near. When it is dead,
take the Teleport spell and flip the switch. Don't walk on the carpet in front
of the heads, however, as they are fireball traps.

Room 7:

Grab the Blue Key and run quickly to the keyhole. Try to kill the Azurblast
with the dropping bombs in Room 8.

In this room is a Transmute Niche, if you place a spell within, and insert a
coin then it will gain an extra shot. This is more useful for more powerful
spells. Take the Venom Cloud anyways.

Room 8:

Run into the room and to the red button by the door to Room 5. It'll drop bombs
from the ceiling when pressed. Trap the Azurblast in an explosion to end it

You'll need to push the grey block under the taller switch to reach and flip
it. Enter Room 5.

Room 9:

Cast Ice at the Scarabite, and jump on it when it gets near. When it is dead,
take the Levitate spell and push the block for a Red Key. Grab the Sulfur, hit
the red button, and conintue on.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Scarabite: 15, 18
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Jagurota: 10, 11
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fungafly: 13, 14, 16
|13|-|14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

Excellent long corridors to hit and run with the Jagurota. Fire Sulfurs at it
and retreat when it nears. It should go down fairly quickly.

There's Food and a Venom Cloud to collect when you finish and if you need them.

Room 11:

Wait for the Jagurota to emerge and pund it with Sulfurs. Just back off through
the door if it gets close.

By now you are probably very thirsty, if you need to, duck up to the fountain
on the Thrid Floor, room 21 if need be.

But we'll eb returning to this room after we loot the next few rooms, so keep
the ladder in your mind anyways.

Room 12:

The Fireballs fire one at a time. Wait for the one nearest you fires off before
you jump over the glowing pink panel in the centre of the hallway.

Now, when moving past the traps, let the trap in front of you fire off in front
of you before you continue.

If you can grab the Venom Cloud and Sulfur on the way by, do so.

Room 13:

Grab the Sulfur, look on the square setup of red blocks where the grey block is
located. There is a green dot on one, signifying a bomb trap. But, the red
button will aslo drop bombs here for you. Good deal, yes?

If you've been diligent, you should have the key. Use it, then run over to the
red button and get ready to hit the Fungafly with bombs as it emerges. It may
not kill the Fungafly in a single hit, but it certainly helps.

Room 14:

You should use the bombs in Room 13 to kill the Fungafly.

There is a Venom Cloud and a treasure in this room for you to pick up when you
have disposed of it.

The second upwards ladder of the floor is also here.

Room 15:

Blast the Scarabite with Ice and jump on it when it gets near.

Don't walk right in front of the Idol, as a bomb will drop on your head. Grab
the Reveal, the slot gives you Sulfurs at 2 coins each (up to three packs).

Room 16:

There's not much here besides a Mushroom. The dotted panel will set off a
fireball trap. It might be possible to kill the Fungafly with this trap, but
the bombs in room 13 are much, much better.

Room 17:

There's no lightswitch here, nut you don't have to waste a Reveal. Head into
the southeast door for now. There is a keyhole near the door on the opposite
end of the room from the southeast door, but let's start in 18.

Room 18:

Blast the Scarabite with Ice from a distance, and jump on it when it gets near.

Grab the Venom Cloud and Sulfur before you continue.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Jagurota: 23, 24
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Azurblast 19, 20, 22
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Dralek: 25, 26, 27
|22| |23|-|24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 27
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Use the doors to hit and run the Azurblast. Use Venom Clouds to bring it down.

Take the apple and the treasure when you're done.

Room 20:

Use the doors for cover as you fight the Azurblast. Take it out with Venom

Room 21:

Water has been scarce, so drink up.

As for the switches and the fireball trap:

Su = Switch pointing up
Sd = Switch pointing down
Fb = Fireball Trap

+--+ <-- You only really need that top switch to be set down.
+--+ It will cause the shut door in this room to open.

Take the Levitate. You're going to want to wait on that Meta Power. To the
northeast of the Levitate (above it, right next to it) is a bomb trap. Take it
from the sides.

Room 22:

You need to cast Reveal right away.

Take the Reveal and jump up on the glowing panel on which it was placed. The
red button here causes bombs to drop.

Take the Watermelon, then walk down along the southeast wall.

The Venom Cloud is placed on top of a poison panel, so just grab it and don't
step on the panel.

Room 23:

I suggest you enter from room 24, as it gives more control to Baldric during
the battle with the Jagurota.

Take the map pieces and treasure when you're ready. The slot provides Sulfur at
2 coins each. HEad on up to fourth floor when ready.

Room 24:

Alright, well the switches in here mostly control the door to room 21. There is
a lightswitch thrown in, but the lights should already be on. For the door to
room 21 to be open, have them set as such:

Su = Switch pointing up
Sd = Switch pointing down
Ls = Lightswitch


The red button opens the door to room 23. You can get over to it via the bottom
left pink glowing panel. Flip and and get back. Pound into the Jagurota with
Sulfur then Venom Cloud.

Proceed when finished.

Room 25:

Don't worry about the Dralek, it is locked up in Room 27. Under _no
curcumstances_ shoudl you fight the Dralek in here...

Alright, cast Reveal in here so you can see the fireball shooters. When a a
trap is done firing, jump past it. There are three items of interest in here:
Sulfur, Venom Cloud, and Food.

You can stand between shots to collect the Food and Sulfur, you may have to
risk a hit if you really want Venom Cloud.

Proceed when ready.

Room 26:

After you flip the switches up, you can hot the Dralek as it enters with a
succession of Venom Clouds until it drops. _OR_ lead it into the dropping bomb
on the panel directly southwest of the Venom Cloud in this room (see the green

The switches should be flipped to this conformation:

Sd = Switch Down
Su = Switch Up


If you'd like, position the Venom Cloud over the trap panel and use it as a
wall between the Dralek and yourself.

Room 27:

The poison panel is directly in front of the slot, so it may not be worth it to
buy here. If you do use the slot, it will give you a mushroom to heal the
poison. Ah well, curiosity probably got the better of you!

Three items of note: A Sulfur, a Green Key, and a Treasure in the fireplace
(it's a ruby, so it;s trying to disguise itself!).

Now, the generator is in this room. Of course, if this is your first time here
then you probably don't have a bomb. Either take that green key and backtrack
up the ladder, or use the Teleport pad here to reach room 40.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Scarabite: 29, 30, 33
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Azurblast: 35, 36
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Dralek: 31, 34
|31| |32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|34| |35|-|36|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Cast Reveal. Take the Dralek hit and run style with Venom Clouds if at all

There's a Sulfur here if you want it, and a mushroom in case you get poisoned.

Room 29:

Your entrance into Floor 4. If you can take the Scarabite on in here, then for
sure use an Ice/Sulfur + jump combo on it. Drink up if need be.

Room 30:

Use Venom Cloud + jumping on the Scarabite in htis room where the pink panels
make using Ice a bad idea (the Scarabite regenerating while you can't move to
hit it properly).

Move the drink to find a treasure (the drink will intoxicate the Baron, and
with a fountain in room 29, it's useless anyways).

The slot provides VEnom Clouds (they cost 3 coins each, up to three packs).

To proceed, take the Sulfur and jump up and over here. You can walk a path to
the next door.

Room 31:

Use Venom Clouds on the Dralek, run when it nears.

Flip the switches to turn on the lights and open the door.

Room 32:

You'll need the Green Key for use in this particular room.

Take the Reveal spell, and head through the door.

Room 33:

Jump over the glowing panel that's farther from the rest. Take the items and
continue through the door.

Room 34:

If the door is locked then you won't need to worry about the Dralek here. Just
go over to the slot and insert a coin for some treasure.

Grab the Teleport spell, then walk through the wall at the "upper right" corner
of the Teleport pad (note the mystery rune).

Room 35:

The Bomb! If the Azurblast lives, you're so much better off fighting it in room
36 with dropping bombs. It can poison you, so it is a major threat here.

Watch where and when the Fireballs shoot. Grab the Bomb and loot the room now -
or if you worry about the Generator, later.

Take the Venom Cloud, then come up on the Levitate from the southwest. If you
are in line with the table you should be safe from the traps in the Northeast.

Still approaching the table from the southwest, bull the drink from the table,
then leap up and grab the Treasure. Leap down from the table and grab the Heal

Now to finish the room, walk through the wall to the southwest (left) of the
Fireplace (note the mystery rune) and back after you grab the items in Room 34.

Room 36:

If the Azurblast is not in the room yet - great! The red button causes a Bomb
to drop, and it will do a serious number on the Azurblast. Two should be enough
to kill it. This is definitely the way to go - this Azurblast fires Venom
Clouds and as is such especially dangerous.

Mark where the Bomb falls - there is a bomb trap here as well.

Take the Venom Cloud, drink if you need it, and head into Room 35 for the Bomb.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fungafly: 37, 40
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Jagurota: 44, 45
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Dralek: 39, 41, 42
|40| |41|-|42|
+--+ +--+ +--+ TOWER KEY: 44
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|43| |44|-|45|
+--+ +--+ +--+

The map piece is in Room 39.

Room 37:

Take the Fungafly on with Venom Cloud, it has a load of stamina, so break off
when it comes near.

Drink up, and cast Reveal to earn a Fireball. You may want to save that for the

Room 38:

The ladder here is access to Floor 4, where the Bomb waits. Other than that, it
is a monster free room.

Room 39:

This room may be a little cramped in which to fight the Dralek, but if you must
then hit it with Fireballs at a distance, and make every shot count. If all
seven hit, a few Venom Clouds after will down it.

Take the Venom Cloud and map piece when done.

Room 40:

If you teleported here, be aware of the Fungafly and take action to destroy it
ASAP. Hit and run with Venom Cloud will do it in this case. It has a load of
stamina, so it will keep you on the run.

When you drop it, collect the Sulfur, Coins, and Venom Cloud. Save the Shield
either for running down to Floor 4 and cutting a swath to the shield or for
fighting the Dralek.

Note the Teleport pad. If you ported to Floor 5, take this back to Floor 3
after you earn the Bomb.

Room 41:

You must open the door here from Room 32's keyhole. It is best to take on the
Dralek coming from the teleport pad in room 27, however.

Room 42:

One slot will provide you with Venom Clouds, get a few as they are useful in
this Tower for most of the monsters. The other slot controls a Transmuting

The Invisibility in this room may be wise if you didn't kill the Dralek with
Fireballs, _or_ for sneaking into Room 35 on the fourth floor (choose only one
to take: Shield or Invisibility).

The closed door must be opened from Room 32's keyhole. Take the coins and head
through the raised door, instead.

Room 43:

Do not, do _not_ even think about fighting a Fungafly in a room this small.

Grab the Heal spell and coin. Watch out for the dotted line panel - it sets off
a Fireball trap.

Room 44:

Collect the items in the room, then note the yellow pedestel - the Tower Key
will appear in this room. After you snag the key, after killing all monsters
and dealing with the Generator, you can take the Teleporter back to Floor 1.

Room 45:

Press the red button to drop Bombs on the Jagurota. Try to kill it this way, or
at least hit it once. IF you can't kill it outright with bombs, jump down and
use Venom Clouds. Keep the fight in this room anyways.

Cast Reveal to gain a Lightning. It could come in handy against a monster like
an Azurblast that can be damgerous at a range.

Take the Sulfur and Venom Cloud when you finish, then open and enter the door.

[_-_-_-] [_-_-_-]
|-_-_| MT6.2: TOR KARAD |-_-_|
[__||__] [__||__]

Tor Karad diversifies the field of enemies, there's still the basic types but
they specialize more.

E2: Tor Karad Enemies


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A small, fast enemy that is two eyes attached to a stalk of claws.

Clawfoot enemies are very fast, and powerful. Since speed is their main asset,
it makes sense to use a fairly powerful spell on them, and the doors to your
full advantage. It may catch you quite quickly if you try to run for it all the


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A bloated monster that has a large slab as its mode of transport.

Flip-Flop are very... sporadic. Their random patterns seem geared towards
making you miss your shots. Take your shots at it, but watch how it moves - as
unless it is chasing you it can be difficult to predict.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Air
Description: A floating, green enemy.

The puffer will float over most obstacles, and hit you even high up. It's not
too deadly, but the added mobility makes it a force. The Puffer has a
considerable speed boost when it is damaged enough - and it is not a complete
pushover when it comes to attacking you. So get away if it's chasing you.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A large monster that looks like a scorpion with a Shrimp's tail.

Shrimpion's take a pounding, and even when they're casting Ice they can deal
considerable damage. If the Shrimpion possesses a dangerous spell, like Venom
Cloud - then find a way to dispatch it quickly. The Shrimpion is slow enough at
first that you should be able to get a few clean shots in of your own.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A large monster with worm-like limbs and a red, cyclopean head.

Triworm's aren't slow, but they aren't as dangerously fast as the Clawfoot. It
is a large monster with a fair deal of power. You can stick to Venom Clouds
when you fight Triworms, but it is paramount that you stay away from it.

A2: Tor Karad Keep

Room 13 on Floor 2 is a point of interest. The Floor 3 Teleport here will take
you up to room 23, which has a bomb and is a few rooms away from the Generator.
If you want to take it out quickly, you should do it this way...

There is a Shrimpion that is the "boss" of the tower on Floor 5, it's thick-
skinned and fires Venom Clouds. Use power-ups and powerful spells to down it
with greater ease.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Triworm: 6, 8, 9
|01| |02|-|03|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shrimpion: 2, 5
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 1, 4, 7
|04| |05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|07| |08|-|09|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Try to deal with the Clawfoot here. It's a fast and dangerous enemy, so watch
out. Dodge it if it gets near. You can use the food, Sulfur, and Reveal spell
to actually build a wall over which you can fire at the Clawfoot. Use as many
Sulfur as you can on it. After that, Venom Cloud and Ice. Pick up the spells
and take the door when you're done.

Room 2:

The Shrimpion is essentially trapped in this room, and you will have to fight
it here unless you find a key.

It's going to be a hit and run affair because the Shrimpion can, of course,
fire off Ice spells of its own and they don't necessarily tickle. Test the door
as the beast may be in wait right after it. If everything's clear - run in and
cast reveal.

Switch to Sulfur and blast the Shrimpion. Grab the other Sulfur to finish it
off. If you're worried, use Venom Cloud. Do _not_ waste a fireball on the
Shrimpion if you can help it.

Push the pot to get a Yellow Key. If you've dealt with the other rooms you can
currently reach... climb the ladder.

Room 3:

Your starting room, grab the Venom Cloud and the coins. Take the door to Room 6
rather than room 2. Well, the Shrimpion in Room 2 falls quickly to Venom Cloud,
but there's a poison tile in there and you want the security of a room where
you may not accidentally set off a trap.

Room 4:

The light switch is in the northwest corner, and the switch to the door to Room
7 is near the door you've netered from. Take the Sulfur, Heal, and Watermelon
before you proceed.

Do _not_ fight the Clawfoot in the dark... Cast a reveal if you need to.

Room 5:

Just collect the items in here. A Heal Spell, Fireball, and some water. Head on
back to Room 2 when you're ready.

Room 6:

Try to line up with the other door and blast the Triworm as it appears. This
long room is really the best opportunity to deal with this very aggressive
enemy, and you can duck through the door if things get hairy. Hit and run is a

Need some help? Drag the apple out of the wall, then place it one space away
from where you are going to be firing. In other words, the apple will be away
from the Baron and you won't pick it up when you're firing. You can fire over
the apple at the Triworm and it would have to go around it to reach you. You
will be able to respond to this very quickly with your makeshift barrier.

Heck, you can use Ice for now and conserve your higher spells.

When you're done, eat the apple if the Baron is hungry.

Room 7:

Way to cramped with an idol and a Poison Panel to fight the agile Clawfoot.
You likely don't have any Teleport spells at the moment, so let's continue on.

There are a few coins on the ground near the Skull rune. Take them, then take
the ladder.

Room 8:

Now, this is a risky room to fight in if that Triworm is still kickin' around.
See that dotted panel on the carpet? If you step on that, the head on the wall
will blast you with a fireball. Now, it is possible to get out of the way of
the fireball and have it hit the Triworm. This saves time and magic, but it is
very risky... I prefer to take the Triworm on in Room 6.

Otherwise, grab the Reveal and head up to room 5.

Room 9:

I suggest you deal with the Triworm in either Room 8 or 6.

Drag the pot to reveal a Blue Key. Take the Sulfur from the floor, then use the
key on the keyhole.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Flip-Flop: 10, 11, 12
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 16, 17

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Triworm: 13, 14, 15
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|16|-|17| |18|
+--+ +--+ +--+

It's tempting to take the ladder in Room 16, but other paths are more

Room 10:

It may be best to fight the Flip Flop on long distance, or by moving out of
its way on the tables. When you've killed it, visit room 12 before proceeding
through the Tower.

Of course, that wine will get you drunk and the dotted panel will get you shot.
A Flip-Flop is far too unpredictable and quick to consider hitting it with the
fireball trap. Just avoid it.

Room 11:

Well, the Flip-Flop here is kind of unpredictable, it's easier to fight in Room
10 for sure. Head to room 10 if the Flip-Flop is present, head to room 12

If you are having trouble getting it into Room 10, just carefully aim your
Sulfur at it and fire. When out of Sulfur, resort to Venom Cloud or Ice - not

Take the meat and hop to it.

Room 12:

Cast reveal right away. There are a few coins under the grey block if you push
it. The slot machine provides up to three Sulfurs at 2 coins each. And make
sure you grab that Venom Cloud before moving on.

Room 13:

It's best to take the Triworm on elsewhere.

Casting Reveal here will show you the Posion Panel and provide a Teleport spell
from above (see the smaller mystery rune?).

To reach the key by the mushroom in this room, you'll need to run past the rune
and Skull Rune on the wall, you may want to jump across their path so as not to
get hit with Ice. Grab the key and return - you may want to also pick up that
Sulfur. The key is good for Room 18.

If you teleport here, you'll reach Room 23, only a short run away from the

Room 14:

Stand near the door and blast the Triworm with Venom Cloud - it only takes
about six. As usual, don't waste Fireballs. Duck into the door if it gets too

The red switch near the door will drop a bomb near the upper northwest door
when pressed. If you can catch the Triworm in this blast - great.

Grab the Heal spell and take a look in Room 15.

Room 15:

This room's kind of crowded to fight a Triworm, with no easy escape. Stick to
Room 14.

You probably don't have the key at the moment, but that's fine. Grab the Sulfur
spell. If you don't have the key, check out Room 13, then head to Floor 3 via
the ladder in 16.

Room 16:

Well, you're probably dieing of thirst right now. But you'll need to take on
the Clawfoot first. Try him long range with Sulfur and Venom Cloud. But hey -
if you get a moment take a drink.

You can use that Food and Venom Cloud as a barrier between you and the Clawfoot
actually - always think practical!

Grab the spell, the food, the coin under the food, and take a drink before you
proceed to Room 17.

Room 17:

A bomb! It would be a _HUGE_ boon to get this, this early - so don't muck 'er
up! Seriously, you can lose this bomb. A panel on the carpet will trigger a
bomb to fall from the ceiling - the corner where the two carpets meet. Instead,
avoid the carpet and take the bomb.

There is a teleport to level 3 on this floor (Room 13) and the room you
teleport to will have a Bomb anyways, so don't get too hung up.

For this reason, the Bomb and the sensitivity of the room, I suggest fighting
the Clawfoot in the previous Room, Room 16.

Room 18:

Get the Green Key from Room 13 before coming to this room, as you need it to
open the door. Grab the Venom Cloud inside and cast Reveal.

The ladder here will lead to room 27. Be careful of the carpet right in front
of the ladder as it is a Fireball trap.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Flip-Flop: 21, 24, 27
|19| |20|-|21|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Triworm: 20, 23
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Puffer: 19, 22, 25
|22| |23| |24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 21
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|25| |26| |27|
+--+ +--+ +--+

After you've cleaned up the monster Generator in Room 21, try the ladder in
Room 26 or 16.

Room 19:

There is a red key under the food on the table. If you're not hungry, just pull
it out of the way. Take the coins as well. There is a Sulfur spell in here to
grab, and you can get a treasure underneath...

Room 25 is the best room to fight the Puffer in. But if you have to, fight it
from afar with Venom Clouds.

Room 20:

Take the Triworm on from afar with Venom Clouds. Duck away if it gets too close
to the Baron. Hit and run is the way to go with this thick-skinned fiend.

Grab the Venom Cloud on the platform, and check around this platform for a
treasure. Walk around the grey platform and you will eventually push it, grab
it and continue.

Room 21:

You can use the pot in this room to place between you and the Flip-Flop - fire
over it at it, and always keep the pot between you and the enemy. Start with
Sulfur and finish up with Venom Cloud or Ice.

The Generator is in this room, if you picked up a bomb on Floor 2, or after
teleporting to level 3 from Room 13 then use it. It will quell the tide of
ravenous beasts.

Pick up the coins from under the pots, and continue on.

Room 21:

You'll want to fight the Puffer in Room 25 instead, it's far to cramped here
and there is a poison tile.

Now, the tile _is_ under the block, but trying to get away from an angry enemy
can cause mistakes to be made. There's just a lack of space here.

Room 23:

Take the Apple and the Bomb (The Generator's in Room 21). Fight the Triworm
with Venom Cloud, but I recommend running into Room 20 and using the greater
degree of space to your advantage if possible.

Room 24:

Lead the Flip-Flop into room 27, and fight it over the barricade I've layed out
there... if possible.

The ruby is a trap... somewhat. If you walk northeast into the next square
after the ruby, then a bomb will fall from the ceiling. So, return to the
carpet path as you head to pick up the Venom Cloud.

Room 25:

Cast a reveal to turn on the lights. The Puffer could be a real problem in the
dark, after all. Fight the puffer with a Venom Cloud spell. It will pursue you
quite quickly so use a variety of items, the treasure, fireball, reveal, and
grey block in the room to make some kind of makeshift barrier. It doesn't take
many Venom Clouds to down the puffer, but you don't want it hitting you
multiple times in the process.

Grab the Reveal and Fireball, after you've used them as barriers of course. The
brown stick item is a treasure. The switch above it is the light switch. You
will need to stand on something, like the block, to reach it.

The slot provides Venom CLouds at 3 coins per pack...

Room 26:

There's plenty of room to fire Venom Clouds at the Triworm. When you've
defeated it, use the ladder here or in Room 16.

Room 27:

If the Flip-Flop is not in the room, you're good to go. Pull the alcohol off
the platform and then push both of them into the next hallway, side by side.
When the Flip-Flop enters, you can fire over your barrier to hit it, and jump
over the barrier when it goes around. Use Sulfur, then Venom Cloud if you have
it. Fireballs are a waste here... I know I've been saying that the whole time,
but it's true!

Anyhow, there was a ruby under the platform, make sure you take that before
you proceed.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 31, 32, 29
|28| |29|-|30|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shrimpion: 30, 33, 36
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|31|-|32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
|34| |35| |36|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Not bad, you're going up the ladder and no monster should be waiting for you.
The slot in this room provides Venom Cloud for 3 poins/pack. If you put the
last one out of order and want some more clouds, this one's for you.

There's a Sulfur to grab, and a bread. The button controls the door. Proceed
when ready.

Room 29:

If you haven't killed the Clawfoot yet, two Meta Power Sulfurs will do it. Kill
the Shrimpion before you loot this room. Press the second switch from the
northeast wall to open the door to the next room.

When you return, take the Teleport spell, then move the platform for a few
coins. Take the Watermelon if you're hungry - there is also a Green Key beneath
it... The second switch drops a bomb... useful if you didn't take the Meta

Room 30:

The Shrimpion should be confronted with Meta Power Sulfur if possible, so go to
the pink glowing panels, the farthest on the left of your screen, and leap over
them to attack the Shrimpion.

Take the Treasure by the pot when you return.

The Teleport takes you to room 45...

Room 31:

If you take the Meta Power, use Sulfur to crush the Clawfoot, Venom Cloud at
best. If you did take the Meta Power then I suggest you proceed to the
Shrimpion and kill it before you run out of juice. I do recommend getting the
Meta Power because it will save you Fireballs and Venom Clouds.

Look out for the panel one space away (not right next to) the door on the
carpet - it is a dotted panel that sets off a fireball trap. You're in a hurry,
yes, but try not to get hit all the same. The button controls the door to 28.

Room 32:

If you haven't, blast the Clawfoot with Meta Power Sulfur. Proceed to the
Shrimpion's domain, but return when you've killed it.

When you return, cast Reveal to get a Levitate Spell. When you pull back the
platform, you will notice a Mystery Rune (larger). There is a hidden door in
this room, check the bottom right corner after you've looted the other Rooms of
this floor.

Room 33:

Blast the Shrimpion twice with Meta Power Sulfur if you haven't already. Then,
grab the Teleport and Venom Cloud spells.

Room 34:

Cast Reveal, it will show you the Posion Tile but not turn on the lights. Fight
the Puffer in Room 35, it's too crowded here. Search on the northwest wall
above the door to room 35 for the lights.

When they're on, grab the Treasure. If you've cleared this floor, take the
ladder here or in 36.

Room 35:

Take the Fireball and keep the grey block between you and the Puffer. Cast
Venom Clouds at the Puffer ala Hit and Run until it's downed.

If you want to use the secret door, it is in the upper right (northeast) corner
of the room. Please also note that there are some coins under the mushroom.
Pull it out of the wall, and collect your prize.

Room 36:

Of course, the dotted black panel in front of the snake statue in the wall sets
off a Fireball trap, so avoid it.

If you've killed the Shrimpion, check out the hidden door in Room 32 - if you
haven't yet. Take either staircase you want - Room 34 or 36's. There's just one
more floor of Monsters after you've cleared this one (if none regenerated).

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 37, 40, 43
|37| |38|-|39|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shrimpion: 41
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Flip-Flop: 39, 42, 45
|40| |41|-|42|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|43|-|44| |45|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Don't fight the Clawfoot around the idol, the bottom right corner of its carpet
is a bomb dropper trap. The slot allows you to buy some Fireballs, if you have
the coins. Get any Fireballs you want, the Reveal Spell, and leave. If there's
only a few monsters left, finish up any Venom Clouds you have before switching
over to fireball.

Room 38:

The Shrimpion is in the next room, but there's not a whole lot to help you here
besides a Sulfur spell.

Make a plan, you can run in and use the keyhole and grab the Invisibility
before fighting the Shrimpion. _Or_ you can just lay into it with fireballs.
Invisibility helps in the cramped room ahead, however.

Room 39:

Best not to fight the Flip-Flop in here, but it doesn't really matter if you
get the Shield in Room 45.

Cast the Reveal spell to spy the Poison Panel, then collect the Fireball near
the statue. Proceed to Room 38.

Room 40:

From 41: Grab the Invisibility and use it to attack the Shrimpion in...
relative safety.

From 43: It's not actually that bad to get a few good hits in on the Clawfoot
here because it will have a hard time avoiding you. If you're leading it into
a room, stand by a door and wail on it until it gets close, then duck into your
target room.

Room 41:

Don't worry if you can't reach that Shrimpion... we'll get it later. Proceed
through the door on the upper platforms.

If you fight the Shrimpion, use Fireballs to finish it off quickly. It's a risk
but you can hit that keyslot and grab the invisibility in the next room if you
are really concerned.

Thuis is the only room this Shrimpion calls home, and it is _cramped_. The
Invisibility may be really helpful...

Keep a Heal on hand because the Shrimpion casts Venom Cloud (or you could use
the Mushroom in the previous room...)

The damn thing still casts spells though, so just keep your health up and never
relent the assault.

The bomb here probably isn't of much use to you, as there are certainly sooner
and easier bombs in this dungeon.

Room 42:

Fight the Flip-Flop with Venom Cloud if possible. Grab the shield in Room 45
before you take it on. When you're done, take the Sulfur and Watermelon.

If you want to reach the door up high, push a pot next to the platforms and use
it as a bottom step...

Room 43:

There's a Clawfoot here, use Venom Clouds on it and practice a hit and run
tactic. It's easiest to fight in Room 37, however.

Grab the Venom Cloud and move on.

Room 44:

There's coins in the cubby, and a Red Key underneath. The buttons are near the
door to the next room, if you want to proceed or turn on the lights.

Room 45:

Grab the shield and blast the Flip-Flop with Venom Cloud if possible. Don't use
too many fireballs as we need them to dispatch the Shrimpion.

Cast a Reveal. The Posion Panel is right beneath the Venom Cloud. So grab it
and be done with it.

When you go to take the coins, the side near the teleporter is trapped with a
falling bomb.

W2: Tor Karad Castle

The Castle isn't layed out in too confusing of a manner. You can basically take
it on like an Apprentice Tower up until the GEnerator - that is, it's a
straight-forward climb as you colelct keys and clear out floors.

Once you get the bomb on the second floor, and blow up the Generator on the
third floor, however, it gets a little more complicated.

In order to get to the Fourth Floor, you must climb to the Fifth floor and grab
a Teleport Spell. Then, you must use the Floor 4 teleport on Floor 2 to reach
Floor 4.

On Floor 4, you must find a Blue Key which will open a path to the second two
enemies on Floor 5.

There's a number of keyholes in this Tower that open doors in different rooms.
These are necessary for progressing through the Tower.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Triworm: 3, 6, 9
|01|-|02| |03|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 5, 7, 8
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shrimpion: 1, 2, 4
|04|-|05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Grab the treasure on the teleport panel, then the Sulfur. The Shrimpion is
trapped in Room 2, when you open the door you should use Sulfur, then Venom
Cloud. It only shoots Ice, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Room 2:

Take on the Shrimpion with Sulfur, then Venom Cloud. It only fires Ice so there
is no need for any higher spell. Grab the Venom Cloud and Yellow key before you

You will likely need to enter Rooms 1 and 2 from 4.

Room 3:

Take the Triworm on at a distance with Sulfur from here and Room 9. You may
want to collect some items on this floor before you use the ladder in this room
to start your climb.

Take the Venom Cloud and Coin as well when the Triworm is taken down.

Room 4:

As you enter from Room 5, do not walk on the carpet or you'll set off a Bomb
Trap. Make it to the switch on the wall to flip on the lights, grab the map
piece and use the Keyhole to open the door.

The Shrimpion is trapped in 02.

Room 5:

Clawfoot enemies are dangerous due to their speed, so take advantage of the
Venom Cloud you picked up and make sure you hit it with every shot. Finish it
with Ice.

If you want to save ammo, use the bomb dropping in Room 7.

The Columns here can be pushed. You need to push the column near the pink
panels if you want to pass from one side of the room to the other. This _seems_
to be the Mystery of the room.

Alright, there's an apple to take, and also a Fireball (save it).

Room 6:

The long narrow hallway gives you plenty of opportunities to strike down the
Triworm. Use Sulfurs from Rooms 3 and 9 to kill it.

Take the Reveal and proceed.

Room 7:

The red button allows you to drop Bombs from the ceiling. Note the location and
use them to blow away the Clawfoot.

Collect the Watermelon, underneath is another Yellow Key. If you already have
one, there's always points to collect. Take also the Venom Cloud.

The keyhole controls a door in the previous room. Open and shut it anyways
just in case it counts towards the Secrets percentage.

Room 8:

If you choose to fight the Clawfoot in here, use the grey block as a means of
blocking its progress and make every shot of Venom Cloud count. It should be
simple enough to finish it with Ice.

Or, you can alternatively take it into Room 7 and drop bombs on it.

Room 9:

You can use the block, drink, and Sulfur as a wall against the Triworm if you
wish. But the Sulfurs are useful for taking it down to begin with.

Either way, loot the area when done. There is a Yellow Key under the drink,
which can be used on the door here. Of course, take the coins near the keyhole.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 15, 18
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Triworm: 11, 14, 17
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Flip-Flop: 10, 13, 16
|13| |14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|16| |17|-|18|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

The Flip-Flop should be taken out with Venom Clouds at a distance. It's a hit
and run affair here.

Take the Bomb when the beast is dead.

Now, you're probably really thirsty, and so you should head to Room 16 for a
fountain... and you'll get a map piece to boot.

Room 11:

Grab the Venom Cloud and keep it ready. You will want to use the red button
here to crush the Triworm with bombs from above. Finish it with Venom Cloud if
you can't with bombs.

The other switch opens the door to Room 12.

Room 12:

No monsters, but you'll need the Yellow Key from down below to proceed. When
you have the key, use it and proceed to Room 15.

Room 13:

This is certainly too cramped to fight an enemy as unpredictable as a Flip-Flop
in. If you must, hit it from across the room then run into Room 10 to finish it

The pink panels, jump onto the one glowing panel sticking out from the rest in
the lower left. Move forward to the next (the line of three), then leap north-
east (up/right) to the other wall, proceed along the pink panels here until you
drop off near the pillar in the wall.

Grab the map piece here. You may want to position the pot near the glowing pink
panels before you proceed into Room 16 - essentially it will act as a bottom
step for your return through the Room when you head to Floor 3.

Room 14:

Run into Room 11 and use Bombs to kill the Triworm.

There's a ladder here, but make sure you get the Bomb in Room 10 before you
proceed any further up the Tower.

Room 15:

You may want to use the Apple and platform as some kind of wall against the
Clawfoot while you fire Venom Clouds at it. If you keep away from it, you
should get away relatively unharmed.

Room 16:

You are likely very thirsty now, drink up. If you have to fight the Flip-Flop
in this room, use hit and run wiht Venom Clouds. There may be a little too much
space for it to flit around in, however.

Take the Sulfur, Venom Cloud, Coins, and Treasure when ready.

After destroying the Generator and grabbing a Teleport spell on Floor 5, return
here and use the Spell to reach Floor 4, Room 33.

Room 17:

Make a break for the door and run to Room 11. There isa switch in that room to
drop Bombs on the Triworm. If you want to stand and fight, use Venom Cloud. But
it isn't advised.

When you return, the Venom Cloud near the light switch should be taken.

Room 18:

Hmm. Well, there's a load of space here, it's really better to fight the
Clawfoot in 15 since it is so fast it can easily stay out of range in here.
BUT, uf you do want more room to move yourself, then this may be choice.

Grab the map piece, the Venom Cloud, and the Red Key.

From the slot, you can buy Sulfurs at 2 coins/pack. It may be something to
consider as you're likely low on spells.

Floor # Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Triworm: 20, 21, 24
|19| |20|-|21|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Flip-Flop: 26, 27
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Puffer: 19, 22
|22| |23|-|24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 19
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Hit the Puffer with Venom Clouds, especially if you get a few hits in while
invisible, it shouldn't be any grave threat.

After that, blwo up the Generator, then loot the room. The Sulfur is not on top
of the Venom Cloud, though it looks that way. So don't waste a spell hitting
the fire button twice!

Room 20:

There's bread if you're hungry - as well as the map piece for the Third Floor.

When you flip the switch, the door will open. A Triworm lurks around these
parts, you can crush it with Venom Clouds. Of course, it's a dangerous monster
up close, so take care to run away when it gets too near.

Room 21:

You have plenty of room to move in this room, but there is a Bomb Trap towards
the lower end. It's in the middle of one of the large square designs on the
floor, that green dot.

If you can remember this, then it may not be a bad area to fight the Triworm in
at all, and if it chases you, you _could_ get the bomb to fall on it. It does
have a load of Stamina, so use nothing less than Venom Cloud on it.

When the worm is dead, collect the items of this room: Coins, Treasure, and a
Venom Cloud. The slot provides Sulfurs. They may not be effective on enemies
higher up in the Tower.

Room 22:

While still invisible, turn right and leap up onto the pink panels. Even if you
can't fight the Puffer while Invisible, try to get clear of this spot first as
really, you're at a huge disadvantage otherwise.

The Puffer really gains speed as you hit it, but hit and run with Venom Clouds
should be enough to do it in. It shouldn't take many at all, especially if you
get a few hits in while invisible.

Grab the coins, then head into Room 19 for the Generator.

You can leave back to room 25 by using the pink panels on the northwest side as
the lower steps.

Room 23:

There's a Transmute Niche in here, and two closed doors. There's also the
ladder back to the second floor, and one to forth.

You can open a door through a combination lock found on the walls. The door to
Room 20 would be open as such:

Si: Switch In
So: Switch Out


Take the Treasure before you proceed.

Room 24:

If it comes down to fighting the Triworm in this room, try to lead it into 21.

The lower switch controls the Doors, it will open the door to 23 but close the
door to 21, and vice-versa. You should open the door to 23 if you've already
killed the Triworm. Just to make progress a little faster after you destroy the

Room 25:

There's some good advice in this room. Until it's lit up and Revealed, this
shooting room should be bypassed with the Invisibility from Room 27. Try to
make it quick, and to get through the room and use the Invisibility in the
coming fight before it runs out.

Press the red button as you proceed to light up the room.

Push the upper column up one space while you are still invisible, as well. This
will prevent the upper fireball shooter from hitting you on your return trip.
For all of the others, you can predict them.

Take the Reveal spell and leave back to Room 26 on your return trip, in front
of the second trap from the bottom while the first trap from the bottom is

Room 26:

Flip the middle switch on the Northwest wall to turn on the lights before you
try fighting the Flip-Flop. Hit and run it with Venom Cloud, there's one in the
room to add to your stock as well.

Maybe clear off the table of the Sulfur and Green Key first, and use it as a
block between you and the Flip-Flop?

When you're ready to Proceed, head over to the combination of switches once
more, it's a combination lock.

Sd: Switch Down
Su: Switch Up
Ls: Light Switch


Room 27:

Hit and run the Flip-Flop with the Venom Clouds. The Invisibility isn't needed
here. But feel free to use the door to escape the Flip-Flop's path at any time.

The Invisibility is helpful in room 25. Make sure you've solved the combination
lock in Room 26 first, however.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Puffer: 28, 31, 34
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 29, 30
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shrimpion: 35, 36
|31| |32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|34| |35|-|36|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

If you've got the Puffer in this room, you can probably take it out with
relative ease. Switch to Venom Cloud and stand across from the doorway, but
also in line with the other doorway. Hit it and take to the other doorway
when it gets too close.

Room 29:

The red button drops a bomb in the bottom right corner (it also lands on a
Bomb Trap tile, so note that). It's hard to get the Clawfoot down into the
bottom right corner. I prefer to use the shield and spells, but you may want
to try and trap it.

In fact, you could build an elaborate trap around the blast area with the
items found in the room. That is, block the Clawfoot in with the items and then
let loose with the bombs (or say, Ice). That's an effective way to kill it, but
Clawfoot enemies are so fast that you may be much worse for the wear in this

Maybe save before getting the shielded and try to set everything up while you
have your defense?

When the monster is dead, grab the two Sulfurs and the Venom Cloud. Drink up,
and continue on.

Room 30:

Hmm, well the Clawfoot is a dangerous foe. The shield _could_ be used against
the Shrimpion but it isn't a huge threat from afar with a Fireball or Venom
Cloud. I suggets then that you grab the shield and let loose on the Clawfoot.
I used Sulfur, but I had 32 and basically used them all up plus a few Venom
Clouds. But that's the ticket, really, to wear it down with the weak spell
while you're shielded, then finish it off with a couple of stronger spells.

There _is_ a Bomb you can drop in the next room, but it's difficult to
position properly.

To get over the Pink Panels, leap on the one sticking out on the bottom and
jump along up to the top.

Room 31:

The Puffer moves way too fast when damaged to make this room effective for
fighting to it. Hit it for sure, and run to Room 28 when it gets too close.

When the beast is dead, use the Keyhole. It opens a door to Room 35. Now,
collect the food and Reveal spell.

Room 32:

Before heading up here, you will have wanted to have destroyed the Generator,
and also have grabbed the map piece for this floor on the second floor.

You won't be sticking around here long, however. Avoid the dotted panel, and
head up the next ladder when you're ready.

Room 33:

You should be in Room 33 after Teleporting from Room 16. Make sure you've done
this after you destroy the Generator.

Cast Reveal, you'll earn some more Teleport spell charges.

Room 34:

Avoid fighting the Puffer in this room. It's dark, it's poisoned, and it's

Cast Reveal, and scour the room for any and all items, avoid walking on the
posion tiles. Instead, equip Ice so you don't accidentally waste a spell.

The items to be had are:
-4 coins (all at once)
-Blue Key (found on the bottom left Poison Panel)

Check the southeast wall for a secret passage.

Room 35:

You must open this room from Room 31. Or you could have taken the Mystery
Passage from 34.

Above the Idol, there is a bomb trap. The Shrimpion is slow enough that you can
cause the trap to damage it while you escape harm. Finish it off with Venom

Take the coins, and the Treasure. The slot provides Venom Clouds at 3 coins a
piece. Some restocking might be in order at this point.

The mystery rune denotes a hidden passage in the northwest wall. It's toward
the upper left corner. Get in and get out.

Room 36:

The Shrimpion attacks with Ice, and can be easily taken out at a distance with
Venom Clouds as long as you stick to its back or sides. There's a Bomb trap
(not switch) in Room 35 if you want to catch it in that.

Room 35 must be opened from Room 31. However, there's alsoa Mystery Passage
from Room 34.

Check behind the bust of the old Baron to find a Venom Cloud, also grab the
Sulfur before you leave.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Flip-Flop: 43, 44
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shrimpion: 37, 38, 39
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Clawfoot: 42, 45
|40| |41| |42|
+--+ +--+ +--+ TOWER KEY: 45
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|43|-|44| |45|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

The Shrimpion here is venomous. Run past it. There is a Meta-Power coming up
that you will want to use on it.

Return after the Shrimpion and Clawfoot are dead and grab the Sulfur.

Room 38:

The Shrimpion here is venomous. Run past it. There is a Meta-Power coming up
that you will want to use on it. Grab the Invisibility. You may still get hit
by a Venom Cloud, but it won't pursue you. You can run and heal, in other

Room 39:

The Shrimpion here is venomous. Run past it. There is a Meta-Power coming up
that you will want to use on it. Run into Room 42 for the Meta-Power. Crush the
Shrimpion with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

Nice room to loot when you're done, there's Treasure, a coin, Sulfur, and a
Venom Cloud. Be careful near the table - there is a green dotted platform at
the southwest end.

Room 40:

You'll need to open the door in here from the previous room, and you will need
the Blue Key from the Fourth Floor.

Cast Reveal. Jump on the pink panel nearest the door and leap over. Take the
Bomb if you need it.

Room 41:

There's no Monsters here, but you may want to use the Transmute Niche to
increase your stock of more powerful attack spells.

One coin is on a dotted panel, and there's another panel in the room (two
Fireball Traps). Note their location, take the coins and Teleport spell and
proceed through the door if you have the Blue Key. Otherwise, use the Floor 4
Teleport back on Floor 2, Room 16 (we needed to get the Teleport spell here is

Room 42:

The Meta-Power is there for the Shrimpion, but if you kill it quick enough,
feel free to come back and crush the Clawfoot. So, open the Door on the way out
(it requires one coin in the slot) and the Clawfoot may even be in here on your

Room 43:

Use the space to your ultimate advantage against the Flip-Flop as you lay into
it with Fireballs, then Venom Clouds. It is uopredictable and it takes a
beating. Hit and run is the way to go.

Hit the red switch to turn on the lights, then take the Reveal and the Map
Piece for this floor. There are three keyholes here - and you will need to get
the blue key from Floor 4 in order to progress. You can, however, try the
keyhole in the corner. It opens a door somewhere else in the Tower, and you may
as well open it.

The rightmost keyhole opens the door to the next room, however that room has a
locked door and you will need the Blue Key to get beyond that, and Room 40 has
a Bomb if you need to blow up the Generator still.

Room 44:

The switch in here opens the door for a Flip-Flop. Hit and run it with Fireball
and then Venom Cloud. It can take a real beating, so watch out.

Room 45:

Destroy the Clawfoot with Meta-Power Venom Cloud.

Take the Teleport spell, Treasure, and the Tower Key when it appears.

The red button actually drops a bomb in here, so if you run out of Meta-Power
you can still take it on with relative ease. The slot also gives Fireballs at a
cost of 4 coins so you can just strike it down if you want.

Teleport to the first floor if you're ready to leave.

[_-_-_-] [_-_-_-]
|-_-_| MT6.3: NORTSCAR |-_-_|
[__||__] [__||__]

The Towers are becoming a bit more complicated, and enemies are just getting
more dangerous. Overall, it's a very similar representation of monster
abilities as Tor Karad...

E3: Nortscar Enemies


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A large, green snake.

Cobbla is a fairly well-rounded enemy, and dangerous up close. It does pick up
some speed, but you'll eb safe playing hit and run with it using only mid level
spells to do it in.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A green bird with one huge foot.

As the Monobeak hops toward you, it is easy to hit it and rack up the damage.
Monobeaks often ahve a ton of stamina, and are quite powerful. While it is easy
to play hit and run with and use the doors to escape, it may not be the best
idea to use anything less than Venom Cloud on it.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A small, cyclopean enemy that moves with its single foot and blade

Small, fast, and seemingly the most random monster in this Tower. The best way
to tackle the Podhoppper is to get it moving towards you and blast away, making
a retreat when it draws too near.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Air
Description: A flying black dragon.

Witha decent amount of speed and great offensive capabilities, the Snapdragon
is a killer. Never mind that it can also fly over most obstacles and hit you
even up high. So how do you dealw ith it? Fireballs are in order, and use the
doors to your advantage as much as possible to retreat when it gets close.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A small, flat arthropod that raises its body when it wants to fire
a shot.

The Sniper is similar to the Azurblast, except it shoots more often and takes
more random intervals. Try to attack it from the side or back, but watch how it
moves - as it takes odd sudden turns. Be sure to dispatch it quickly when its
attack speed takes a jump due to damage it has taken.

A3: Nortscar Needle

This is the first tower where sections are really split off from the rest of
the building. use your Teleport spells and the ladders to fully explore the

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 1, 2, 4
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Podhopper: 7, 8, 9
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Snapdragon: 5
|04| |05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 5 can be reached via Teleporting from Room 6.

Room 1:

A very cramped room, try not to fight the Sniper here. If you insist, use Venom
Cloud to minimize any damage to your person.

Take the Fireball and proceed.

Room 2:

The Sniper is a pretty dangerous enemy at this point, you may want to stay up
high and fire Ice down at it. It can only shoot forward of course, so try to
hit it as it passes by. If you can take it out with minimal damage to yourself
using Ice, you're doing fine.

Take the Sulfur, melon and Venom Cloud in here and proceed.

Room 3:

Pick up the coins and Venom Cloud, then hop up to the door. Get ready!

Room 4:

Try not to fight the Sniper in here, but if you insist - use Venom Cloud.

The key to the door is hidden under the Bread. Take it or pull it out of the
way and take the key. Stock up on the Heal and Fireball spells here, and open
the door. Proceed!

Room 5:

You may want to save this for last, and use Lightning or Fireballs to put the
Snapdragon down quickly. You need to cast Teleport on the panel in Room 6 to
get here. Cast Reveal immediately. Running for the light is too risky.

Use Fireballs on the Snapdragon, there are a few in this room if you need them.
Use hit and run, and watch out for the bomb trap near the Teleport spell. It is
right next to it, northwest.

When you finish him off, collect the Teleport, Treasure (may be obscured behind
the column, so walk around the Room), Coins, and the Fireball if you didn't
use it against the Snapdragon.

Room 6:

If you have a Teleport Spell, you can reach Room 5 from here. Otherwise, look
behind that stone platform for a Reveal spell, then climb the ladder.

Room 7:

Use the two grey blocks and the Venom Cloud to form a wall between you and the
Podhopper. Stay behind it and fire in on him. If you can get him close to the
door to Room 4 then you're set, because he will be trapped and unable to leave
the room. Use Sulfur or Ice on the Podhopper, line up with the door and strike
it until it comes close, then leap over your wall and go to town.

After this, grab the Venom Cloud and look under the blocks for a coin.

Room 8:

Less effectively, you can make a wall in this room too. Use the pot, bread, and
Heal spell to do it. But if you're building a wall, do it in Room 7. It's much

Watch out for the dotted panel on the bleu carpet, it will set off a fireball
trap. Grab the heal spell and bread, if needed, and proceed.

Room 9:

I don't suggest fighting the Podhopper in here, try to fight it from behind a
wall of items in Room 7 or 8.

Grab the Fireball near the idol, don't walk in front of it or you will drop a
bomb on yourself.

Grab the Green Key and use it on the keyhole to open a door. Proceed.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 10, 13, 16
|10| |11|-|12|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Snapdragon: 11, 12, 14
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 17, 18
|13| |14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|16| |17|-|18|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

The red button drops a bomb. The best way to deal with the Cobbla is to hit it
with this trap. Test where it hits, then try to lure the Cobbla. Cast Reveal
before you start to move about the room.

After hitting it with the bomb, finish the Cobbla off with a few Sulfur. Grab
the Venom cloud.

Walk around this room behind the columns until you push a Treasure. Take it.

Room 11:

Take the Snapdragon on hit and runs tyle with the Venom Cloud spell.

The Teleport spell is valuable in this Tower. The Pad in this room brings you
back to the Generator Room, but remember you can take it back to Level 1 to
reach Room 5.

Room 12:

Cast Reveal in this room. The slots here give you up to three packs of Sulfur
at a price of 2 coins each. Don't approach the Sulfurs from "above" (northeast
space) or a bomb will drop on you.

Room 13:

Don't engage the Cobbla unless you plan to lure it into Room 10.

Eat the chicken if you need it.

Room 14:

The Snapdragon is best handled hit and run style. Make sure it isn't near the
ladder when you come down. Blast it with Venom Clouds or Sulfur, and run when
it gets near.

Take a drink, and grab the key. When you've checked out Rooms 11, and 12 -
come back here and use the key to open the door.

Room 15:

There is a Venom Cloud in the Southeast corner. Take it, and climb the next

Room 16:

Don't engage the Cobbla unless you plan to lure it into Room 10.

There's food, and a Heal Spell in plain sight. Pick up the heal to reveal some
coins. Check behind the platform/column for a Fireball spell.

If you have too many because you were saving them, remember this location.

Room 17:

Take the Sniper on from a distance with Sulfur, then Venom Clouds. Check under
the Pot for some coins.

Room 18:

Take the Sniper on from a distance with Sulfur, then Venom Clouds. Check under
the Mushroom for a ruby, before you climb the ladder.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 19, 22, 23
|19| |20|-|21|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 25, 26, 27
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 20, 21
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 22

+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Take one of the foods if you need it, there is a Sulfur spell near the Chicken
Leg. Take the few coins around the room, and start down the ladder.

Room 20:

Try to strike down the Cobbla with Meta Power Venom Cloud. If you can't, just
use Venom Clouds.

The panel with the green dot causes bombs to fall...

Check around the fountain for a treasure.

Room 21:

Try to strike down the Cobbla with Meta Power Venom Cloud. If you can't, just
use Venom Clouds.

There is a Venom CLoud behind the idol, and of course you can put some coins in
the slot for spells.

Room 22:

The Generator, but do you have a bomb? Most likely not. I suggest you fight the
Cobbla as described in room 23, in Room 23.

Room 23:

Use hit and run on the Cobbla with Venom Clouds. It may be tempting to destroy
it utterly with Fireballs, but it is easy enough to stand by the door to Room
24 and strike it when you can.

Drink the BLUE water when you finish. ;) Remember, if you drink Green water you
can drink it again right away to cure the poison.

You can take that ladder, or the ladder in Room 19 when the Cobbla is dead...

Room 24:

Cast Reveal. Grab the Reveal Spell, Treasure, and Fireball spell. You're pretty
stocked up on Fireballs right now, but stick to Venom Cloud for most of the

Room 25:

Take the fireball. You can bactrack a little if you want a drink. Don't bother
with the posion water or the wine...

Climb the ladder if you've destroyed the Monster Generator already.

Room 26:

The Cobbla is best handled by dropping bombs in Room 27.

The lightswitch is to the right of the wall shelf.

The Bomb is in this room, take it back to the Generator and destroy it asap.

Room 27:

The red button is your friend here, where the two carpets meet it will cause a
bomb to fall. You can blast the Cobbla with falling bombs, and finish it off
with Sulfur or Venom cLoud if it gets past your barrage of bombs.

Stay off the carpet as you go towards Room 26, as there is a fireball trap
activated by the dotted panel.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Snapdragon: 34, 35, 36
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 28, 29, 31
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Monobeak: 30, 32, 33
|31| |32|-|33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

There is a Meta Power on this floor, and you must make good use of it to kill
the Sniper, Monobeak, _and_ a Cobbla on Floor 2. At least get the monsters on
this floor, but the Cobbla would be a great Bonus.

Room 28:

Run past the Sniper, we're looking for Meta Power.

Returning here, take the Fireball and Sulfur. The Slot here gives Fireballs at
a rate of 4 coins/pack.

Room 29:

Grab the Meta Power and blast the Sniper with some Venom Clouds. Grab the
Venom Cloud from the Shelf. Set Reveal on and run into Room 32.

When you return, feel free to take the melon and the Red Key.

Room 30:

From 29: Take the ladder down. Drink after you've killed the Cobbla below.

From 33: Kill the Monobeak with Meta Power Venom Cloud, then run back around
to take the ladder.

Returning from 33, there is a ruby under the pot.

Room 31:

Run past the Sniper, we're looking for Meta Power.

The Flask in this room will make the good Baron drunk.

Room 32:

Cast reveal and blast the Monobeak. If he's not here, run into Room 33 or 30
along this path and take it out asap. When the Monobeak is destroyed, run to
Room 30 via 29 to get down the ladder to face the Cobbla.

Be careful running into Room 33 as there is a fireball trap panel very near
the door.

On your return, after the Cobbla, take the food and Fireball.

Room 33:

Cast Reveal.

Kill the Monobeak with Meta Power Venom Cloud if it's not yet dead, or find
and destroy the bird utterly. Return to 30 and take the ladder down to face the

There is a secret door here, try it out on your return trip (leads to Room 36).
A space away (ie, not right next to) from the door, you can try the Southwest
wall for this passage.

Also on your return, check out that golden statue. It is treasure, so collect
it. Don't stand to the Southeast of it or you may be struck down by a falling
bomb, as usual.

Room 34:

You may want to lead the Snapdragon into one of the following room as this one
is cramped. Try to use Sulfur if you can, but if you must use a few Fireballs.
Hit and run is the way to go here.

Move the grey block for some coins.

Room 35:

You'll have room to fight the Snapdragon here with Venom Clouds or Fireballs,
but watch out for the dotted panel which sets off a fireball trap (it is in the
intersept of the lower carpet and the middle carpet).

Venom Cloud is on the platform, proceed when ready.

Room 36:

Take the Venom Cloud near the table with the wine. Try to do as much of this
floor as you can before you use the ladder.

See the Mystery Rune? Check the wall in the upper left near the door you
entered from. You can slip through the wall one space away (not right next to)
the door.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 41, 42, 45
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Monobeak: 40, 43, 44
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Podhopper: 37, 38, 39
|40| |41|-|42|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|43|-|44| |45|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

A Podhopper is easy to run by, there is a shield in Room 39 if you want an
easier time at this. Otherwise, employ some hit and run Fireballs.

When you return, take the Lightning.

Room 38:

A Podhopper is easy to run by, there is a shield in Room 39 if you want an
easier time at this. Otherwise, employ some hit and run Fireballs.

When you return, take the Food and teleport if you picked up the Treasure in
Room 39.

Use Fireballs on whatever enemies are still on Level 1.

Room 39:

Cast Reveal.

Take the shield and blast the Podhopper with whatever you have. Venom Clouds
and Fireballs primarily, no Lightning.

Grab the Treasure when you're done.

Room 40:

There's some Sulfur and Reveal to collect, but you may want to use them as a
small wall between you and the Monobeak if you haven't killed it yet. Fireball
and hit and run tactics are the way to go.

Room 41:

There's a Fountain to take advantage of in here, and a Teleport spell. Collect
your spoils and head into 44.

Room 42:

If you're invisible, it shouldn't matter if you fight the Sniper here. Use
Venom Cloud, and then Fireball.

Cast Reveal to have a Fireball spell drop from the ceiling. Collect this, and
the coins from behind the statue.

Room 43:

Use the narrow hallways and doors to your advantage to hit and run the Monobeak
with fireballs.

When it's dead, move the pot for some coins. Hey, you might even want to use
that pot as a block between you and the Monobeak. Whatever works for you.

Room 44:

Fight the Monobeak from afar with Fireball. Hit and run with this guy, use the
doors to escape.

There's a bomb in this room, but you should have blown up the Generator long
ago. If not, grab the bomb and get to it.

There is a Lightning spell behind the Idol. Walk around it to bump into the
spell. You may as well save this spell and stick to Fireball.

The slot provides Fireballs at 4 coins/spell.

Room 45:

Cast Reveal just so you can see around the Tower to begin with. The switch is
a lightswitch, and there's some invisibility. The Invisibility may help against
the Sniper. Use hit and run with whatever Venom Clouds you have left.

Fireball's fine.

The only item in the room is some wine, and if you've cleared Floor 4 - that
should have enough water close enough to backtrack anyways. Besides, there's a
fountain in 41.

W3: Nortscar Spire

This Tower can be a challenge if you're not practiced in combat. Essentially,
there are no Heal spells, food is a real premium, and you have to crawl up the
Tower from top to bottom at a decent rate. The limit on supplies and spells, at
least until floor 4 and 5 really make it important that no monsters regenerate.

On Floor 2, there is a door that you must cast Reveal to use. I suggest you
save before you cast Reveal, rather than after. Why? Because if you load the
game up after you've called the door itmay be gone and Reveal will simple tell
you that there's nothing there. You need to use this door to reach a monster,
so it will ruin your progress if it disappears.

The Bomb is located on Floor 4, and should be reached immediately after you get
to that Floor. The Generator is in Room 22, it's not too far away.

The biggest problems caused by no Heal Spells is that you must keep up your
Water and Food so that you can regenerate. And Poison is _deadly_. Unless there
is a mushroom or sludge to remedy your condition, Poison cannot be healed.

This also means the big abd Sniper, which uses Venom Clouds, on Floor 5 must be
handled with a vengeance. There _is_ a Meta-Power on Floor 5, and this will be
paramount in killing the Sniper. If the Meta-Power is not an option, then make
the Sniper you absolute last stop, so you can grab the Tower Key in 44 and get
out (there's a Floor 1 Teleport as well) before the Poison kills you.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 1, 2, 3
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Podhopper: 4, 5, 6
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Snapdragon: 7, 8, 9
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

There's a decent amount of space, plus long hallways to fight the Sniper here.
Take it out with VEnom Clouds, and try to get it from behind. Before moving on
to Room 4 or climbing the ladder, take the Sulfur and Fireball spells here.

Room 2:

The room is somewhat cramped to be fighting a Sniper. The table can't be moved
and will offer no protection against the Sniper. TAke it down with Venom Clouds
and try to get at it from behind.

Take the map piece before you leave.

Room 3:

Staring near a Sniper, which has a fairly powerful projectile, can be a
dangerous proposition. Take the Sulfur and Venom Cloud. Use Venom Cloud to
destroy it from afar, taking care to approach it from the side or back. Finish
it with Ice, save the Sulfurs for another monster.

Take the Reveal spell before you leave.

Room 4:

Decent room in which to fight the Podhopper, duck in and out of the room when
it gets close. Use your Sulfurs first.

Room 5:

Up near the upper left corner, there is a lightswitch. This is to the right, or
southeast of the Venom Cloud (right next to it, on the wall).

Hit and run the Podhopper, run through a door if it gets too close.

Room 6:

I don't suggest fighting the Podhopper in this room due to limited mobility. If
it is in here, stay near the door but don't try chasing it through the room.

When you want to proceed through to Room 9, push the pot over near the glowing
pink panels and use it as a lower step to get over them. Once over, grab the
bread and Venom Cloud.

Room 7:

There's a lot of space to move here, you may actually want to take the
Snapdragon on in a different room, 8 or 9 due to their more restrictive halls
(in other words, you won't be missing as often).

The Venom Cloud rests on a bomb trap panel. You may want to get the Snap Dragon
chasing you, then hit it with this as you run over it? Risky business.

This is a decent room to loot before heading higher up in the tower. Your
spoils include Sulfur, Venom Cloud, coins, a map piece and a flask of what must
be water because it didn't intoxicate. And if it does, you have plenty of rooms
to walk it off.

Room 8:

Long corridors and two doors make this area decent for fighting the Snapdragon.
Take it out ala hit and run wiht Venom Clouds. Escape through a door when it
gets too close.

Take the apple if you're hungry.

Room 9:

The Snapdragon isn't in this room, yet. When it enters, Venom Cloud assaults
while you hit and run should work. However, there is a bomb button in this
room, the bomb would land next to the Baron and harm him as well.

The switches are set up as follow, and form a combination lock:

Si: Switch In
So: Switch Out
B!: Bomb Dropping Switch


Press the button switches into that pattern to open the door to the
Snapdragon's lair.

If you _can_ take a third of your HP in damage then you may consider trying to
crush the Snapdragon with this Room's bomb switch after all. It's more trouble
than it's worth, however.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *SnapDragon: 10, 11, 13, 16, 17
|10|-|11| |12|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 14
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 12, 15
|13| |14|-|15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

The map piece to Floor 2 is back in Room 7. Take the Snapdragon on, hit and run
style with Venom Clouds, then Fireball. It has a huge domain. You may want to
run until you get to the room with the Bomb dropping switch, but it is a fair
distance away. If it's going to be an issue to lead the Snapdragon there, then
to avoid many new monsters generating it may be best to just blast it.

Drink up when you've finished.

Room 11:

This room is too cramped, and is also trapped, to fight the Snapdragon.

Stay off the carpet (bomb trap) until you reach the column. Push the column to
reach the other end of the room. Take the Fireball, use the Yellow Key in the
keyhole and continue.

Room 12:

There's a lot of room here for the Cobbla, and the Baron, to move. Cast Reveal
before you do anything, then hit and run the Cobbla with venom Cloud. If you
can manage it, duck through a door between assaults.

Now, collect the map piece and coin. For Lightning and Teleport, head over to
both slots and insert some coins to bust some cupboards open. Collect your
spoils. The slot on the right is Lightning, and the left is Teleport - that's
fyi if you're low on coins and want to pick and choose.

Now, to reach the top of the tall platforms, remove the Mushroom from the
smaller platform. Move the smaller platform over to the tallers for use as a
bottom step. Excellent. You'll also get a Blue Key on top of the platform.

Climb the ladder when you get up to it, and have cleared this floor of its

Room 13:

If you've chosen between standing and fighting, or running to the bomb room
then act accordingly. These hallways are decent for fighting the Snapdragon in
that they don't allow it much room to avoid your shots.

The slot here gives Sulfurs (uop to three packs) at 2 coins each. It's in all
honesty not the best spell for the higher monsters of this Tower.

Room 14:

From 17: You reached this room via using Reveal in Room 17. There's a Sniper in
here which you should use Fireballs, then Venom Clouds, to destroy. It's a very
cramped room, but you won't be fighting it anywhere else.

The loot in this side of the room includes: Venom Cloud, Sulfur, Fireball, and
some Coins.

From 11: The Sniper is not accessible from this side, but you can reveal the
hidden door I suppose. It'd be best to wait until Room 17 to do so, however.

This portion serves as a way to reach the Cobbla's domain.

Room 15:

From 18: Search the northwest wall to find the lightswitch. Then, collect a
coin and Venom Cloud before leaving.

From 14: The Cobbla is very dangerous, so have the light turned on by entering
from 18 prior to coming in from 14. You can take it out simply enough with
Venom Clouds, but you will _need_ to use the doors because it's brutal if it
gets too close to you. Duck back to Room 14 if it gets to you.

Room 16:

The dotted panel locks the door to Room 13. If the Snapdragon is where you want
it, you can trap it off from the rest of the Floor so you can better get it to
the dropping Bomb.

There is a coin hidden under the grey block.

Room 17:

Try to hit the Snapdragon with dropping bombs as much as possible. Finish it
with Venom CLouds if you can't finish it with bombs.

Take the Venom Cloud and Sulfur when you've finished. Cast Reveal to make a
hidden door show up.

You will want to save before casting Reveal, in case the door is gone when you
load. This is very important, and frustrating, so beware the disappearing door
and the Baron saying there's nothing here.

Room 18:

Eat the bread and use the table as a bottom step to clear the pink panels. Make
sure to pick up the Yellow Key.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 20, 21, 23
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 24, 26, 27
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Cobbla: 19, 22, 23
|22| |23| |24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 22
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

I'd suggest dealing with this Cobbla in Room 22, where you can drop Bombs on it
via a red button. If you have to fight it head on, use hit and run tactics with
Venom Cloud.

When this Floor has been looted, take the Venom Cloud here and head up the

Room 20:

Dispatch the Cobbla from the door with Venom Clouds. If it closes in, run back
to Room 21. Don't try fighting it in Room 23, it's too dark and cramped.

When you've finished, I suggest that you take the coins here, and the Fireball.
The switch on the wall will open the Door to 19, but close the way to 21. In
that sense, you _could_ trap a Cobbla in one room so that you could have a
greater degree of control over the battle, but it isn't necessary.

When you've killed the Cobbla, take the opportunity to loot Room 23.

Room 21:

Take a drink, collect the Venom Cloud, and open the door via the Keyhole.
Heading into Room 24 will lead to an easy kill (read that Cobbla's respective
Rooms in this walkthrough).

The Cobbla in this set of rooms can be dealt with swiftly enough with Venom
Clouds. Try to take it on in here, or in Room 20 - but Room 23 is out of the
question. If is dark and cramped. Use the doors to your advantage and escape
when it gets too near.

Room 22:

The red button drops Bombs, and two of them would make for an easy Cobbla kill.
You really should take advantage of this. If you can't finsih it with Bombs,
choose Venom Cloud instead.

The Generator is in this room, and unless you use my Bomb glitch you probably
aren't equipped to deal with it on your first trip here. If you do have a Bomb,
blow it up. Otherwise, mark the position and return here later.

Loot in this room includes a Fireballa nd some coins (behind the grey block).

Room 23:

You have literally no room to move until you get over the pink panels. Your
lesser degree of freedom here makes this a horrible room in which to fight a

The lightswitch is near the door to 20.

Entering from either side, test the pink panels to jump over. There is a
Treasure on the table, and Lightning near it.

You may need the table to get out of the middle of the room, position it as a
bottom step.

The keyhole opens the door to Room 26. There is a matching keyhole in that room
which leads here.

Room 24:

There are some auto-firing fireballs in Room 27 that can be exploited to kill
the Cobbla. Watch out for the dotted panel, as it too sets off a Fireball trap
in this room.

When you're done, take the coins and buy some Venom Clouds (3 coins/pack) if
you need them.

Room 25:

The Cobbla should be dispatched in Room 22, where there is a switch to drop
Bombs. If this is not an option, choose hit and run with Venom Cloud.

When it has been slain, take the Reveal spell, the ruby on the pedestel, and
the Teleport spell behind the pedestel.

The Transmute Niche may not be a bad idea if you have coins to spare. For
Lightning or Fireball, I mean. But by now, you have a considerable stock
(hopefully) saved up.

Look out for the Bomb trap on the thin brown path.

Room 26:

The Cobbla should be dealt with in Room 27 if possible, let the automatic
Fireball traps take care of it for you.

Take the Venom cloud when done. The keyhole opens a door to Room 23. Only loot
this room if the Cobbla on that path is already dead. 23 is a miserable room
to fight a Cobbla.

Room 27:

If you can get on the opposite side of the Fireball shooters than the Cobbla,
then there's a chance _it_ will be hit by the traps. Maybe even enter and
leave the room until it's on the other side, and tries to cross. It's an easy
way to save some spells.

When you're done, insert a coin... for a coin, and take the Sulfur. Be careful
crossing the traps.

The traps fire: Middle, Left, Right. In that pattern. Jump to the middle after
it fires, then leap across the green face after it fires.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 28, 29, 30, 33
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Monobeak: 34
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Snapdragon: 32, 35, 36
|31|-|32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Alright, there's a combination lock here, and the one button that is not in a
group on the wall drops a Bomb, which is quite useful for killing the Sniper.
If you wan tto make a run for Room 33, you'll find a Bomb there and you should
take it back to Room 22 before continuing further into the Tower.

So, about the button switches in this room: they're a combination lock. Some
have to be in (black) and some have to be out (red). It should look something
like this:

B!: Bomb Dropping Switch
Si: Switch In
So: Switch Out

/B!/ \So\
+--+ +--+

These will let you into room 31, make sure you have some Teleport castings.

Room 29:

Try to deal with the Sniper in Room 28. Drop bombs on it and finish it with
Fireballs. Take the Apple and drink some water when you come in here. You will
want to save the Shield until you have a use for it.

Room 30:

Try to deal with the Sniper in Room 28. Drop Bombs on it, and finish it with
Fireballs. Take the Venom Cloud when you get a chance.

Room 31:

You'll need a Teleport spell to cross over to the other side. It may be hard to
avoid damage doing this, Teleport after the bottom Fireball has shot and run
out of reach.

Note! If you don't want to Teleport, you can reach the room across the way via
the door at Room 35.

Take the Sulfur, Venom Cloud, and Coins.

The keyhole opens a path to Room 32, and if you want to climb the ladder, you
will need to leap up on the glowing pink panels. You'll want the Map Piece and
some Fireballs from Room 36 first, most likely.

Room 32:

The lightswitch is on the northeast wall, one space away from the door (not
right next to it).

Use the door to your advantage as you blast the Snapdragon with Fireballs. A
hit and run strategy is useful to take the beast down.

There's a Watermelon and Venom Cloud to take when it's down.

Room 33:

The Bomb! If you've already dealt with the Sniper via the bomb switch described
in Room 28, or you are making a break for it, take it and return to Room 22 to
blast the Generator.

Besides the Bomb, there's a bount of loot here. There's a map piece, a Green
Key under the map, coins, and a Fireball.

Room 34:

The Monobeak calls this room home. It is limited to this room only, and it
never gets exceptionally fast. That's a great thing, of course. You will be
able to use the door to your advantage here. Pound the Monobeak from afar with
Fireball, and duck through the door to safety. It often charges you, giving a
clear shot, and as I mentioned it never gets _really_ fast so you should be
able to make every hit count.

When it's dead, take the food, the treasure, and the Venom Cloud. Cast Reveal
to earn a Fireball.

Room 35:

There's a light on the wall, but you're best off just casting Reveal here. Take
the Snapdragon on from a distance with Fireballs, and make full use of the door
to escape it when it draws near.

Room 36:

Fight the Snapdragon in 35 or 32, as it is too cramped in here to effectively
do battle with the deadly beast. There's two poison panels, and the Snapdragon
is very powerful. Come back into this room later and cast Reveal, instead of
fighting it in here.

There's Treasure and a map piece to be had in here. Also, the Slot gives
Fireballs at 4 coins per pack, you may want to stock up for the final push into
Floor 5.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Podhopper: 37, 38, 40
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Monobeak: 39, 41, 42
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Sniper: 43, 44, 45
|40| |41|-|42|
+--+ +--+ +--+ TOWER KEY: 44
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Take the Podhopper on at a distance with Lightning. Run through a door when it
gets close. It shouldn't take too many hits to take it down.

The red key is somewhat puzzling to collect. Take the Venom Cloud and Coins
from the table and stand where they were. We're going to be using the pink

From where you are standing, jump Northeast onto the first panel, then walk one
space Northeast. Turn and jump Northwest. Turn and jump Northeast. Turn and
jump Southeast. Take one step Southeast. Turn, face the Key, and collect it.

Alright, the Sniper can be accessed now from Room 40, but you should instead
form your course and approach it when you have Meta-Power.

Collect the other items in this room before you continue, two Sulfurs. Not too
useful unless you need to destroy some regenerated Monsters at the bottom.

Room 38:

Long corridors, but only one door. It could be disadvantageous to fight the
Podhopper in here since you only have one method of escape. But if you can get
it with enough Lightnings from far enough away it should drop before it gets to
you or shortly after.

Now then, there's a slot here - use it to reveal a Meta-Power once you've
determined the fastest path to the Sniper.

On the Large square mat, there is a Secret Door to its lower end. Make sure you
get this, and it will prove useful in reaching the Sniper as well.

Room 39:

This is a tight little room, and though there is the _threat_ of a fireball
trap, there doesn't appear to be a panel available. Check all of the squares
hidden from sight by the Fountain for some Lightning, then use the Lightning to
destroy the Monobeak.

Room 40:

You may want to come up here with the Shield from Floor 4, and use it to fight
the Podhopper.

Hit and run the Podhopper with Lightning. Don't worry about the other enemies
on this floor so much as there _is_ a Meta-Power to deal with the Sniper and
the Monobeak won't be much of a challenge compared to the Podhopper's speed.

The slot in here gives Fireballs at 4 coins per pack. ___SAVE A COIN TO UNLOCK

Room 41:

Cast Reveal. In the lower left corner, there is a button that will drop Bombs.
If you don't wish to kill the Monobeak with Lightning, then for sure use the
Bombs and finish it with Fireballs.

There's plenty of loot in here when you finish: Food, Treasure, Sulfur,
Fireball and the Transmute Niche.

The secret passage in the Northeast wall should be found now. It will be
essential in your gaining of Meta-Power and getting to the Sniper in time to
eliminate it.

Room 42:

A thin room, and there's a bomb trap on the carpet leading to the Door to Room
44. The Monobeak can either be destroyed with Lightning here (run through the
door when it gets near) or by Bomb dropping in Room 41.

Take the Sulfur if you need it before proceeding. Before going into Room 44,
make sure you get the Meta-Power.

Room 43:

Crush the Sniper with Meta-Powered Lightning or Fireballs. If you get poisoned
by its Venom Clouds, then you will need to return to Floor 4 and eat a mushroom
or drink some sludge as there are no Heal spells in this Tower. If he's your
last monster, simply return to the first floor and exit the Tower. You can do
this from Room 44.

There's not much else here besides a Venom CLoud.

Room 44:

Crush the Sniper with Meta-Powered Lightning or Fireballs. If you get poisoned
by its Venom Clouds, then you will need to return to Floor 4 and eat a mushroom
or drink some sludge as there are no Heal spells in this Tower. If he's your
last monster, simply return to the first floor and exit the Tower.

The Tower Key and Floor 1 Teleport are in here.

Room 45:

Crush the Sniper with Meta-Powered Lightning or Fireballs. If you get poisoned
by its Venom Clouds, then you will need to return to Floor 4 and eat a mushroom
or drink some sludge as there are no Heal spells in this Tower. If he's your
last monster, simply return to the first floor and exit the Tower. The Tower
Key and Floor 1 Teleport are in Room 44.

There is a coin under the Invisibility if you need it for the Meta-Power. I'd
recommend returning for the Meta-Power rather than trying to fight under the
influence of Invisibility. But if you've wasted your Meta-Power, it's better
than nothing.

Or, hey, you could use it to fight the Monobeak if you so desire.

There are two Venom Clouds and a Treasure to loot when the Sniper is dead.

[_-_-_-] [_-_-_-]
|-_-_| MT6.4: WOLF'S |-_-_|
[__||__] [__||__]

Poison and spell conservation become a real issue in these two towers. All of
the monsters can at times warrant a full out assault, but you can't waste your
resoruces on every litle Leman that jumps in.

E4: Wolf's Enemies


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Air
Description: A flying set of bagpipes...

This enemy usually has a fair degree of stamina and represents the first in a
line of flying enemies that attack at a range. Since it also flies, you are not
safe even up high. Take advantage of its initially slow speed to get a head
start on it before it can speed up. Fireballs are in order.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A giant Lemon.

I'd like to believe that Leman is a tribute to Pac-Man. Alas, I have no
evidence of this...

But that's beside the point. The Leman is slow to start, but once it speeds up
a little it can close in on you with little difficulty. It's an enemy you will
want to hti and run, and escape through doors while you're facing. If it starts
to dig into you - it will leave a dent. While there are more dangerous enemies
in the Tower, it's huge degree of stamina requires you to use a decent spell.

Leman's also my favourite monster in the game. I love how it goes from a cute
lemon into a vicious killer.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Ground
Description: a small brown demon with a fork over its head.

This enemy exclusivly uses Venom Clouds - that makes it a true annoyance. Try
your best to avoid the Venom Clouds, easier said then done, and destroy it
altogether if you do get poisoned. Nothing less than Fireball should be used in
most cases, though Venom Cloud can work on low level Ruddimps. Make sure you
kill it before you heal the poison.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: Resembles a Leprechaun.

Shillaya is a fairly midrange enemy, and just as deadly up close as the Leman
in my experience. It's faster than the Leman from the start, though, but it
usually has less stamina. Use the same hit and run tactics, however, and of
course run through a door to escape if it draws too near.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Air
Description: A large jellyfish.

Stingers are largely powerful enemies that can also fly. Use Fireball and up if
possible to hit it as it charges you. It gets pretty fast when it has taken a
lot of damage, so you may want to retreat through doors rather than adjsut your
positon in the room.

A4: Wolf's Fang

You can mostly take this map from bottom to top, only that you will have to
return down to the first floor froma different ladder in the second.

Enemies are getting more representative of the powerful enemies that you will
face in this latter portion of the Apprentice and Wizard cycles. Especially an
Enemy like Ruddimp, that revels in Venom Clouds, should be crushed with
swiftness. Take tha opportunity to develop strategies for enemies you will face
in later Towers.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 1, 4, 5
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 3, 6, 9
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shillaya: 7, 8
|04|-|05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
|07|-|08| |09|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

The Ruddimp will fling Venom Clouds when it has taken enough damage. Attack it
with the Venom Cloud from Room 2 to finish it off quickly. Or you can try Ice
from up high at the door.

There's a fireball behing the platform the Watermelon is on.

Room 2:

Pick up the Venom Cloud found right here in the starting room, then the coins.
The Table the Venom Cloud sat on can be pushed over to that tall platform to
act as a bottom step.

Room 3:

Use Venom Clouds on the Ruddimp. Room 6 has another Venom Cloud if you're low.
Try to kill it all in one assault because if it starts shooting Venom Clouds at
you, it becomes very dangerous.

Check under the pot for a Green Key. Take the Fireball, drink up, and proceed.

Room 4:

Pick the Ruddimp off with Venom Cloud from a reasonable distance. Try to take
it our before it starts shooting Venom Clouds itself.

Take the apple if you need it, but the green carpet space right next to the
table and northwest will set off a Fireball trap. Be careful.

Room 5:

The lightswitch is near the door to Room 4, and the switch to drop bombs is
near the door to Room 2.

When all is clear, you can earn a Fireball and a Heal spell in thsi room.

Room 6:

There's a Venom Cloud in here if you need it. Lay into the Ruddimp with Venom

Room 7:

Cast Reveal.

Practice hit and run on the Shillaya with your lower spells first. This room is
quite cramped, however.

Collect the Lightning, then push the pot to find a Blue Key.

Room 8:

Wait for the Shillaya to stray from the ladder before you come down yourself.
Hit and run is the way to go when dealing with him. Use the spells Sulfur and
Venom Cloud first, before resorting to Fireball.

Room 9:

There's a Venom Cloud behind the Snake Idol if you need it. Line up with the
Ruddimp and blast away at it with Venom Cloud. Try to drop it before it hits
you with its own Venom Cloud.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Stinger: 12, 15, 18
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Bagfly: 10, 11, 14
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shillaya: 13, 16, 17
|13|-|14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|16|-|17| |18|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

Stand at the Doorway and blast the Bagfly with Venom Cloud, then Fireball. It
will spit fireballs when you've damaged it enough, so finish it quickly.

When it's done in, pull the Mushroom off of the platform, then bring the
platform over to the high-up doorway. You can place it here to work as a lower

Grab the coins you've uncovered with your moving of platforms, and the Venom
Cloud before you proceed.

Room 11:

Stand at the Doorway and blast the Bagfly with Venom Cloud, then Fireball. It
will spit fireballs when you've damaged it enough, so finish it quickly.

There is a panel with a green dot near where the two carpets connect, this is
a Bomb Trap.

Take the Teleport Spell and proceed as ready.

Room 12:

Use hit and run tactics on the Stinger with Venom cloud to take it down. It
gets pretty fast, so you may want to stay by a door - it will fly over any
item barriers you attempt here.

Grab the melon (if you need) and Venom Cloud after the battle.

Room 13:

From Room 10: The Poison Panel is under the brown platform. You may want to
pull the platform into the middle of the room and shoot over it at the Shillaya
which lurks these corridors. He's pretty tough up close, so it could help. Hit
him with Venom Cloud until you run out, finish him with Fireballs.

Push the platform now up near the door to use as a bottom step, then stand
_beside_, not on, the coins to pick them up.

From Room 14: Drink some water and jump over the pink glowing panels to reach
the Yellow Key.

Room 14:

Do _not_ fight the Bagfly in this room. There is a slot machine for Sulfur
spells and a Fireball laying around the room.

Reveal will not brighten it up.

Towards the lower left corner is a keyhole, but you'll need to progress around
the floor before you get the key. When you do, this room is always great
access to the fountain in Room 13.

Room 15:

Line up with the door and fire on the Stinger with Venom Clouds until it gets
close. It'll start to move pretty fast as you damage it, but it doesn't take
many hits.

Take the treasure and continue on.

Room 16:

You'll have to do hit and run on the Shillaya, or make some kind of wall with
the Lightning, Table, and Sulfur. Use Venom Cloud and Fireball on the monster,

Collect the items when you are done.

Room 17:

Watch out for the dotted panels in here, they trigger fireball traps. Also,
there is a bomb trap in the upper right corner of the large square carpet in
front of the door to Room 16.

It's kind of risky to fight the Shillaya here, but if you can stand near the
door, you can get some hits in before you're forced to retreat.

Grab the Reveal, and head back to reveal the Posion Panel in Room 13,

Room 18:

If the Stinger is near the ladder, head back down and up until it is out of the
Room. Grab the Venom Cloud here and use it to smash the Stinger. It's a hit and
run affair here because the Stinger is very fast _and_ it can fly so don't
consider barriers as an option.

Take the food if you need it.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Leman: 21, 24, 27
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Stinger: 20, 19, 22
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Bagfly: 25, 26
|22| |23| |24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *GENERATOR: 26
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Toast the Stringer from afar with Fireballs, then grab the coins. Move the
block to reveal a Ruby treasure. Collect it.

The dotted panel sets off a fireball trap. You could possibly hit the Stinger
with the Trap, though it could be risky.

Room 20:

Toast the Stringer from afar with Fireballs, then collect the Fireball in the
room. Move on.

Room 21:

This room's kind of cramped to fight the Leman. Lead it elsewhere.

Move the platform to get the Treasure, flick the switch, and proceed.

Room 22:

Grab the Venom Cloud. You can also buy up to three packs of the spell here with
the slot at 3 coins per pack. You may consider thsi option if you want to
conserve your Fireballs and Lightning for Floor 5.

Well, head through the door if you haven't blown up the Generator yet. Of
course you can use the ladder afterwards.

Room 23:

You've destroyed the Generator, you can either use this ladder or the one back
in 22. Or if you're feelign intrepid, head up to Floor 5 (Room 45).

Room 24:

A bomb! Grab it after you pulverize the Leman with Venom Cloud and Fireballs.
Play hit and run with the Leman - take full advantage of the doors.

You can cast Reveal when you enter, the poison panel is located at the black
panels so it shouldn't be too big an issue. Still, better safe...

Before you leave, take the Bomb and the coins under the pot.

Room 25:

The Bagfly can reach you even up high, so jump down and use hit and run with
the Venom Cloud, then Fireball spells.

When you're done, blow up the Generator in Room 26.

Next, you can get the crown on the table by jumping over the set of two (not
the one) pink glowing panels.

Room 26:

Hit and run the Baglfy with Venom Cloud, then Fireball spells.

Destroy the Generator, then take the Sulfur.

Room 27:

Play hit and run with Leman, use Venom Cloud then Fireball.

When finsihed, collect the Fireball in the room - but beware! To the
southeast, right next to the fireball is a panel with a green dot. Of course,
this is a bomb trap. Get it from a different end.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Stinger: 28, 29, 31
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Leman: 34, 35
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 30, 33, 36
|31| |32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Attack the Stinger at a range with Fireballs. You're at an advantage in this
room because you can wait facing either door and crush the Stinger as it

After this, grab the Heal Spell. You'll get a Lightning Spell if you cast
Reveal in this room.

Room 29:

It's probably best to attack the Stinger at a range with Fireballs.

When you're finsihed, collect the coins, and look under the pot for the

Try the door if you've got some keys (By now, you should at least have Yellow,
Blue, and Green).

Room 30:

Fire on the Ruddimp with Fireballs. It helps if you're Invisible. Heal if you
get posioned.

When you've finished with the Ruddimp, take up the Watermelon if needed.

Room 31:

Hit and run the Stinger with Fireballs. It's pretty thick skinned up here on
Floor 4, but it doesn't take many Fireballs.

That Skull carpet will poison you, so keep off.

Take the Fireball. The slot in the wall provides Fireball spells at a rate of
4 coins/pack.

Room 32:

Unless you teleport, this is your route to Floor 5. Now watch out if you go for
the meat - a Bomb trap is located just Southeast of the leg of yummy. Also, in
the southeast corner on the southwest wall, there is a blue carpet. Look here
for a hidden door.

Room 33:

Cast Reveal.

The Lightswitch must be flipped - do not fight the Ruddimp in the dark whatever
you do. Check the "left" or northwest wall, in the bottom left corner. There's
a block you can jump up on. Flick the switch on.

Hit and run the Ruddimp with Fireball - you don't want it to Poison you with
its Venom Cloud, or at worst you can finsih it off quickly and eat the Musroom/
cast Heal.

Next up, take the treasure and continue on with the Tower.

Room 34:

This room is kind of cramped to fight the Leman, but if you can get a few hits
on him - great. Please note that the pink panels will NOT deter the Leman. Fire
from afar with Fireballs. If you want to cross the Pink panels, you will need
to clear the table.

There is a Fireball very near the Table, pick it up, or pull it out of the way.
The wine should _NOT_ be swilled when you are fighting Leman, or you could
stumble your way into defeat.

Grab the Venom Cloud before you proceed to 35.

Room 35:

Fire on the Leman from a distance, use the doors to your advantage while you
shoot Fireballs at the Leman. It has a discouraging amount of HP - but Fireball
works wonders.

If you've been taking the floors one by one, you should have a Yellow, Blue,
and Green Key. You'll have no problem entering Room 36, anyways.

The Invisibility might be a consideration when fighting the Ruddimp in the
coming rooms. OR, you may want to first find the hidden door, then come back
and take the Invisibility to Floor 5...

Also, look at that Mystery Rune. You won't have to backtrack to Floor 3 if you
want to make it to Floor 5. Test the wall to the right of the keyhole for the
hidden door.

Room 36:

Nothing here but a small room and a Ruddimp. Take it on with Fireballs, and you
may want the advantage of Invisibility. If not, use the Invisibility for when
you travel to Floor 5.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shillaya: 39, 41, 42
|37| |38|-|39|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 43, 44, 45
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Bagfly: 38
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Cast reveal. The Poison panel is right in front of the window if you want to
save a spell casting. Just be careful.

Take the Sulfur and the Venom Cloud, useful for regenerated monsters at the
bottom, and try the coin slot for some higher spells.

Room 38:

There's a Teleport spell in the upper left corner. The room is dark, but you
should be able to track the Bagfly by its wings anyways.

Teleport across when it is away from you and grab the Meta Power. Use Lightning
on the Bagfly now to kill it in two hits. Or any other Meta Powered spell.
There is also a Lightning in its domain, and treasure behinf the platform the
Meta Power was found on.

To escape, teleport back across and push the platform the Teleport was on back
over to the door.

Room 39:

This room is too cramped to fight the Shillaya, lead it elsewhere.

When you want to progress, make sure you have at least 4 Teleport spells if you
want to attempt to make it here with the shield. One set of Teleports for the
set-up, and one set for the execution.

Teleport across using the arrow panel and push the pot into place against the
Tall platforms. Grab the Fireball up here if you want. Teleport back, and head
to Room 43.

We only need the Shield long enough to get the Meta Power in Room 38, so use it
for fighting the Ruddimp in the lower rooms and don't get upset if it runs out
before the Bagfly. But give it a hook, nonetheless!

Room 40:

The Ruddimp should be fought with Fireballs and you should use the Shield Power
found in Room 43 to help destroy it as early as possible. You may want to use
the shield to make it to the Bagfly and grab the Meta Power in that room, it's
up to you. It's not trivial to conserve the Shield that long, however.

Abother thing to try would be to take the shield there right off the bat, and
try to finish both the Bagfly and Ruddimp with Meta Power Fireballs or
something of that nature.

Grab the Lightning when you're done.

Room 41:

The Shillaya on this floor section is _strong_ so I suggest getting the drop on
it with Fireball while invisible. Try not to cut into your Lightning Supply
just yet... and resort to hit and run when it gets close or when your power
runs out.

Move the block for some Treasure.

Room 42:

As described in Room 41's description, the Shillaya will be much easier if you
take it on Invisible and with a Fireball spell.

There's a Bomb here, but hopefully you've already blown up the Generator.

The red switch will drop a bomb where the Blue Carpets connect... this may be
an effective tactic against the Shillaya.

Room 43:

Grab the shield and exploit its power against the Ruddimp. You may want to try
and make it to Room 38 with the shield after you kill the Ruddimp, but there is
a Meta Power in that room so you're set regardless...

Take the Fireball near the statue.

Room 44:

Fight the Ruddimp with a shield up and Fireballs as your weapon. Save Lightning
for the Bagfly in 38.

There are Sulfur and Venom Cloud in this room - useful for cleaning up anything
on the bottom floor if you run out of Fireballs or Lightning up here.

Room 45:

Cast Reveal.

There's a Teleport back to Floor 1 here for when you clear this Floor.

W4: Wolf's Claw

An interesting aspect of the Wolf's Claw is that there are only 14 enemies.
They are no less deadly, however. The monsters here are very powerful, and take
a beating. Nothing less than Venom Cloud will do for most fo them, and Fireball
and Lightning are essential for the higher floors.

Similar to Nortscar Spire in the respect that resoruces are low, until you hit
the third floor water is pretty much unavailable. There are drinks, and when I
played through the Tower they did not intoxicate me. But they were, after all,
finite, and the sooner you clear out the monsters and proceed, the better.

You can deal with this level from Floor to Floor until you clear out Fourth.
You will be required to use the Teleporter on the second floor to reach the

I do recommend clearing out first through fourth before attempting fifth, of
course. The Bomb is on the fourth floor, and so it becomes a point to get there
and eliminate the Generator before you attempt the fifth floor, where one
puzzle might have you perplexed for a little while unless you look for the
slightest of differences.

Levitate, I should mention, has two uses in this Tower, so it comes to pass
that Levitate is a really useful spell.

The Tower Key is on the second floor. There is of course a Teleporter to second
on the Fifth, and a Teleporter to first on the Second.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 1, 2, 4
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 5, 7, 8
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shillaya: 3, 6, 9
|04| |05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Take the Ruddimp on all at once with Venom Clouds, then use Heal. Honestly, it
is best to get this little devil out of the way as quickly as possible.

Take the map piece and Sulfur before leaving.

Room 2:

The Ruddimp is close by, right from the start. Before it enters, grab the Venom
Cloud, Fireball, and Heal Spell. If you have the chance, push the pot for some

Crush it with Venom Clouds, then finish it with Ice. Heal after the Fight.

Room 3:

There are two Venom Clouds in the Room, and yous hould use them to take out the
Shillaya. Hit and run tactics are in order, and run through the door when it
draws near.

The dotted panel near the door closes and open the door, make sure you avoid it
when fighting the Shillaya (for instance, gettign caught in one place and
having it wail on you).

Make sure to collect the Fireball and Reveal before you leave.

Room 4:

Take the Ruddimp on all at once with Venom Clouds, then Ice. It's best to take
the Ruddimp out altogether, and Heal your posion afterwards.

Eat the food if you're hungry.

Room 5:

Drop Bombs on the Ruddimp and finish it off with Venom Clouds.

Look out for the skull carpet and take the Venom Cloud before climbing the
ladder. There's also a Floor 3 Teleporter here.

Room 6:

Take the Shillaya out with Venom Clouds, and keep your distance. Use either
door to retreat if it gets too near. There's a Venom Cloud in this room to take
when it's down, as well.

Room 7:

Blast away at the Ruddimp with Venom Clouds, then heal your poison in Room 8
with the mushroom. Or! Fight it in Room 5 by dropping bombs.

It's really no problem to cross the pink panels here, just jump on the Table
and walk off on the other side. Just be careful you don't step on the lined
platform as it is a Fireball trap.

Make sure you take the two Venom Clouds before proceeding.

Room 8:

Take the Ruddimp on all at once with Venom cLouds, it shouldn't take too many.
Use the mushroom here to heal your poison if your damage is minimal. Otherwise,
use Heal.

Or what you could do is go in Room 5 abd drop bombs on the Ruddimp. Whatever
you think is best (It'd save some spells, anyways).

There is a coin under the Mushroom to take, and when you use it in the slot
some sludge will start to flow. Big deal? I suppose, but it will be a spot
where you can always return to heal your Poison. So, it's actually decent if
you have Ruddimps regenerating before you blow up the Generator on Third.

By the way, I didn't get drunkw hen I drank the bottled liquid in thsi room.
Regardless, attempt it after fighting the Ruddimp.

Room 9:

Cast Reveal to show a Poison panel, then head to the lower left (southwest)
corner. On the Northwest wall at the corner is a lightswitch, and next to the
map piece is a door control switch.

The Shillaya should be fought ala hit and run with Venom Clouds. There are some
nice, tight corridors in this room to rack up the damage on it.

Take the bread, coin, and Venom Cloud before you leave.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shillaya: 10, 11, 13
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Bagfly: 12, 15
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Stinger: 16, 17, 18
|13| |14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+ TOWER KEY: 13
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

It's a decent room to take the Shillaya on as the hallways are tight and there
are two doors. Pound it with Venom clouds and duck through the doors when it
gets too close.

Take the Green Key, the Lgihtning, and Heal when you've finished.

Room 11:

Jump down and take the Shillaya on hit and run style with Venom Clouds. Use the
door if it gets too close.

Take the Fireball off of the table, then push the Table over near the taller
platforms for use as a lower step later.

Room 12:

Run past the Bagfly for the time being. We will drop bombs on it in Room 15.

When you return, take the coin, food, and Venom Cloud.

Room 13:

Take out the Shillaya at a distance here, with Venom Clouds. Duck through the
door if it gets near.

Alright, the slot here gives you Sulfurs. You aren't getting much use of that
spell at this time, so I'd pass for now. Be sure to take the Lightning.

You don't have to worry about the pink panels, you can walk freely beside the

The Tower Key will appear in this room, and there is a Floor 1 Teleport.

Room 14:

In the southwest corner, there is a table. Take the Levitate and coin from the
table. Next, take the table over to the taller platforms and use it as the
bottom step. There's a Floor 5 Teleporter here, by the way.

Room 15:

If the Bagfly isn't in this room, great. There is a bomb trap on the Green
panel next to the Teleport tile. The red switch also drops a bomb in proximity
to this. USe the dropping bombs to crush the Bagfly utterly. Finish it with
Venom Clouds if need be.

Room 16:

It's a little cramped to fight the Stinger here, geta few shots on it and duck

When you come back, use the Yellow Key on the keyhole. You'll need to move that
platform under the Keyhole to reach it.

There's coins and a Venom Cloud to grab before heading up to Floor 3.

Room 17:

This room will always be dark, so it may not be the best battleground. You can
get a few hits on the Stringer ebfore ducking into a brighter room, however.

Grab the Venom CLoud and Sulfur when you can.

Room 18:

Cast Reveal.

If you have Venom Clouds, shoot the Stinger at a distance and duck through the
doors when it nears. Otherwise, Fireball is in order.

Take the Yellow Key, and the food if you need it.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Bagfly: 22, 25
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Stinger: 19, 20, 23
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Leman: 21, 24, 26, 27
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 19
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

The Stinger should be taken on with Fireballs. It's rather fast and it does do
considerable damage when it gets close up. Run from it when it gets near, and
use the door to your full advantage.

Take the Venom Cloud and the drink (it doesn't seem to be wine) when you've
finished. Push the red Table over near the tall platform for use as a lower

If you have a bomb, blow up the Generator. Otherwise, return here once you do.

Room 20:

Attack the Stinger with Fireballs, and run through the door if it gets near.
It's quite powerful if you let it get near...

The keyhole in here can be opened if you've collected both keys to date, Yellow
and Green. Not that both are needed, but you're safe if you have both.

Room 20:

Take the Venom Cloud, Fireball, and Teleport. Move the pot for a red key. Maybe
use the pot as a block against the Leman. The Leman can be taken down with
Venom Clouds at a distance, run through the door when it nears. It has a lot of
stamina, but if you get a few solid hits on it every time it comes in the room,
it should go down. You'll be okay as long as spells aren't wasted.

There's a fountain, at last, to sooth your aching throat. Also, the slot gives
Venom Clouds at 3 coins per pack. It might not be a bad idea to get one or two.

At the end of the carpet leading away from the ladder, there is a Bomb trap.

Room 22:

Cast Reveal when you enter the room. Climb up to the tall platforms and grab
the Lightning. The red button up here can drop buttons. The northwest corner
seems to be a safe place from the Bagfly, so jump here when it gets near and
back to the button when it goes away.

Room 23:

Cast Reveal.

I don't recommend fighting the Stinger in this room. Each hall is kind of small
and there is a poison panel on top of that...

There is a map piece and some coins to loot here.

The room really serves as a hub to the rest of the Floor. It opens in four
directions. But it may be best that you complete the floor along its perimeter

Room 24:

Attack the Leman with Venom Clouds and run through a door when it draws near.
It takes a fair number of them, but at least you'll be saving some Lightning
and Fireballs.

Flip the switch to open the door to the central hub of the third floor, and
take the Sulfur and Yellow Key. The Transmute Niche is also here if you so

The dotted panel sets off a fireball trap.

Room 25:

Run from the Bagfly into Room 22, where we can drop bombs on it.

When you return, take the treasure and push the brown platform over by the tall
platforms and it can be put to use as a bottom step after a bit.

Push the grey platform for some coins.

Floor 26:

Don't fight the Leman here, you'll be sorry. There's not much room to move at
all, and it may not even line up enough that you can hit it at a distance.

You can climb up to the door at the pink panel in the lower left (southwest)
corner and move between pink panels up here. But it isn't worth getting
confused and killed by the Leman when you fall down and need to search for a
low spot on which to jump.

Floor 27:

Hit and run the Leman with Venom CLouds. Duck through the door when it gets
near. Just be sure to watch out for the large skull carpet.

There's a Venom Cloud and Fireball to take when you've finished.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Leman: 30, 33, 36
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Ruddimp: 29, 32, 35
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Stinger: 28, 31, 34
|31| |32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Crush the Stinger with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

Take the Venom Cloud and food when you've finished.

Room 29:

Destroy the Ruddimp with Fireballs while you are Shielded.

Take the Fireball, then use the Keyhole. Take the Meta-Power only when you are
ready to proceed - switch to Venom Clouds for the Stinger. Meta-Powered Venom
Clouds will be enough to deal with it.

Room 30:

This Leman is quite powerful, with a load of stamina. You may want to use
Fireball or Lightning, and hit and run tactics, to down it as quickly as

Take the Sulfur when you finish, and move the Grey Block for a Blue Key. Grab
the map piece, then maybe pay the slot for Fireballs. They cost 4 coins per

Room 31:

Attack the Stinger with your Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

There is a bomb trap on the green panel corner piece leading to the large
carpet in front of the door to Room 34.

Take the Lightning when you're done. The Invisibility is useless now that the
enemies are cleared out? Not so, in Room 34, the auto traps will not be firing.

Mark the position of the lowest trap and note that across from it on the
opposite wall is the secret door between 34 and 35. then come back and get the
Invisibility here. Loot and leave that room in safety.

Room 32:

Cast Reveal.

While shielded, pound the Ruddimp with Fireballs.

When it's done, take the watermelon and Fireball.

Room 33:

It's a thin room, hit the Leman with Lightning or Fireball then duck through a
door when it nears.

Later, drink up and take the coin and treasure.

Room 34:

Cast Reveal.

Next, destroy the Stinger with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

Alright, next mark where the lowest trap hits the southeast wall. It's a secret

Return to Room 31 and grab the Invisibility. Now the the Autotraps aren't
firing, loot the room of its food, map piece, Lightning, and Bomb.

Run through to the secret door with the Bomb and blow up the Generator back on
the third floor. The teleporter to Floor 5 is on the second floor, Room 14.

Room 35:

Notice that there are no ladders up to Level 5? Well, that means you're free to
just take that shield and make use of it here. Take the shield, then hunt the
Ruddimp down and crush it with fireballs.

Take the coins when you're done. You shouldn't need to heal your posion if you
were shielded, but there's sludge here if you do. If you need to return to the
second floor, there is a Teleport tile here. But you will want to grab the Bomb
in 34 and return to the Third floor, I imagine.

The mystery rune signals a secret door on the upper left, or northwest, wall
towards its lower end. This takes you to a room with the bomb, but also a
Fireball trap that you should avoid as you enter room 34.

Get the Mystery for the sake of your Secret completion percentage, but you
will want to approach the Stinger from another direction, once you have your

Room 36:

Upon entering the room, turn northwest and hit the red button on the wall to
flip on the lights. The other button drops a bomb... right next to you. And,
where the bomb falls (on the green path) there is also a Bomb Trap. Unless the
Leman is chasing you and you can set off the trap on it, you should instead
just focus on killing it with Fireballs and Lightning.

Take the Treasure and open the next door when you're ready. You should have all
of the keys by now, if you've been cleaning out the floors one level at a time.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Shillaya: 43, 44, 45
|37| |38|-|39|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Bagfly: 38, 39
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|40|-|41| |42|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Alright, if you've cleared out the other four floors then we'll be starting

Take the coin from the grey block, then move the block. The dotted panel you
will reveal controls the door.

Before you leave, take the Teleport and Venom Cloud spells.

Room 38:

While shielded, rip into the Bagfly wiht Fireballs.

When you've finished, take the food, and drink up. Loot the rest of the room
and buy some Lightning (5 coins) if you need it.

Room 39:

Cast Reveal to turn on the lights. There is a light switch here, but this is
the safest way to get over to the switches where there's Fireball traps here

As for the switches:

Su: Switch Up
Sd: Switch Down
Ls: Lightswitch


Ha! Some combo, right? Once the door is open, the Bagfly can enter this room at
will so, go grab the Shield and take it out with Fireballs. Use Lightning if
you aren't shielded.

Of coruse, the Bagfly will also take damage from the auto-shooters. Bonus!

Grab the Fireball and Treasure before you leave.

Room 40:

Take the apple, and use Teleport on the panel. Grab the Sulfur, then cast
Reveal. Enter the door before you try to save.

Room 41:

From 40: Don't bother wasting a Reveal, the poison panels are right in front of
the Skull runes. Just take the coins and use the keyhole to open a door at a
remote location.

From 42: Take the Lightning, Reveal, and Treasure.

Room 42:

Grab the loot in Room 41, then return here.

Teleport across, save, then cast Reveal.

Room 43:

Cast Levitate 3 times and grab the Meta-Power. Jump down and crush the Shillaya
with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

Make sure to take the Levitate and coins before leaving.

Room 44:

Destroy the Shillaya with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

There's a Transmute Niche here if you need it, but we are almost done no?

Room 45:

Destroy the Shillaya with Meta-Powered Venom clouds.

If you want to pass over the skull carpets, cast Levitate (once).

While floating, grab the treasure, then head over to the next door (yes, I know
it's closed, but we can open it from over there). Make sure you don't jump down
on the green dot panel, and disembark from your Levitate.

Look at the skull carpet to the northwest, there's an inconsistency on it. That
is, it's upper right or northeast corner is slightly different. Step on this
portion of the carpet to open the door. Tricky!

[_-_-_-] [_-_-_-]
|-_-_| MT6.5: EBONSCARP |-_-_|
[__||__] [__||__]

Ebonscarp has some fairly severe monsters, and while there is only one type of
ranged monster, she can be tough.

E5: Ebonscarp Enemies


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: Look for a pair of eyes on the floor, it emerges to bite you.

Crocojaws are fast monsters that can be difficult to spot at a glance. They
first appear as a set of eyes, and charge you. When they reach you, they emerge
to bite. You can shoot the eyes, so use a mid/high level spell to rack up
damage as it approaches you. It's so fast that running within the room is
difficult, so use doors. If it traps you in a corner or againsta wall, you can
jump on it to damage it. But this is not advised under normal circumstances as
it will still probably damage you.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A large bird, still in the shell.

Eggnog are fairly fast, and have a load of endurance. You should as per usual,
use hit and run techniques. Many Eggnogs in the Tower have a certain method to
employ to their ends - be they bombs or trapping them. Check your surroundings
before fighting them.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Air
Description: A small, flying, green head.

These little guys can rack the damage up on you quickly. They're fast and
direct, and can pass over most obstacles. You should use at least Fireball on
them to take them out quickly. Use the doors, because it's hard to outrun them.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A young woman...

Rosie are the ranged attackers of the Ebonscarp Towers. They're powerful and
have a load of Stamina. They are also very frequent in their attacks. If you
can get them from behind or the side, then yes - do so. But don't fully expect
to get out unharmed. Under no circumstances shoudl you ever let her reach you,
as she is just as brutal up close. Take her out swiftly, Fireball and Lightning
are the way to go in most cases.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Air
Description: A flying skeleton.

The Skeelfly are powerful monsters if they get up close and personal, and when
they have taken a lot fo damage their speed and random choice of path really
pick up. It's this random movement with the usual fast charge for the good
Baron that make them dangerous. They seem to be blocked by larger obstacles,
but don't rely on them. Hit them as much as possible, from the greatest
distance possible.

A5: Ebonscarp

Again, some parts of the Tower are broken off from the rest, and you'll need to
climb back down to them from another part of the building.

Enemies here have become very dangerous - especially those like Rosie and the
fast-moving Crocojaw. Ebonscarp becomes a real practice in conservation of
spells, because higher floor monsters take higher levels spells almost as a
rule (unless you figure out a way to exploit there behviour in such a way as to
render them useless, as I have described with an Eggnog in this very section).

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Rosie: 1, 2, 4
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Rosie: 6, 8, 9
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Hothead: 7
|04|-|05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Rosie flings fireballs, so try to hit and run her, get her when her back is
turned or from the side. She can do a number on you if she engages you
directly. Sulfur then Venom Cloud goes the distance here.

Grab the other Venom Cloud when you get the chance, and look at the statue, a
fireball is hidden behind it. Use the longer row of pink glowing tiles to reach
it via jumping, and exit along the smaller chain.

Room 2:

Range the Rosie with Sulfur then Venom Cloud, or Venom Cloud if you've come
back here. Grab the watermelon if you're hungry.

Room 3:

Start off by grabing the Venom Cloud, Sulfur, and Coins. If you want to bother
fighting the Rosie, use Sulfur then Venom Cloud. She's tough, so beware.

You should take the path to Room 2 anyways, the path will eventually take you
to a Yellow Key in Room 8.

Room 4:

It's kind of cramped to fight the Rosie here, lead her into a different room.

Take the Sulfur and Heal spells here, at any rate.

Room 5:

If you want to reach the door up high, push the pot over as use as a bottom
step. The carpet has a space, one space from the wall (not right next to, one
away) that activates a Fireball Trap - be careful.

Room 6:

Try to use as many Sulfur as possible against the Rosie, then Venom Cloud. But
the best room to fight her is Room 9, because you can drop bombs on her there.
That's the ticket!

Take the Fireball.

Room 7:

Definitely use Venom Cloud or Fireball against the Hothead, as it seems to just
shrug off Sulfur. Use a hit and run strategy, and try to get a clear shot
because every spell counts.

This is its only room, and it has space but there is a posion carpet - so stay
off that!

Take the Venom Cloud, then pull the block to get some coins.

Room 8:

From Room 5: Grab the Reveal and cast the spell. Jump down and make the pot the
bottom step of the platform. Take the key from beneath the pot.

Leave back to Room 3 and take the path through Room 6.

From Room 9: If the Rosie is in here, wait for her at the button in Room 9 and
drop bombs on her.

After she is dead, use the yellow key on the keyhole and proceed.

Room 9:

The red button drops a bomb in the middle of the square carpet. Try to get the
Rosie in this trap to make short work of her. Use Sulfur otherwise, or try to
lure her into position.

This corridor is designed to kill the Rosie, so proceed once you've completed

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Crocojaw: 16, 17, 18
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Eggnog: 11, 12, 15
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Hothead: 10, 13, 14
|13|-|14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

This is the best room to take on the Hothead. Note the location of the green
dot panel which signals a Bomb trap. Now, you can stand in front of the door at
the far end of the carpet and fire Sulfurs, Ice, whatever at the Hothead as it
enters. When it gives chase, go to the Southeast wall (where you entered from)
and then along the Southwest wall (where the next door is). When you trip the
bomb trap and the Hothead is chasing you, it will be stricken.

There's food in the room if you want to refill that meter, a few coins, and a
slot machine that drops Sulfur by the idol. 2 coins a piece, as usual.

Room 11:

You may like to follow the strategy in Room 15 for the best way to kill Eggnog.
If you can't use this, then trap it in 15 and shoot Venom Clouds, Fireballs
at it in a hit and run method.

In here, gather the Fireball, then move the grey block for some treasure. If
you have the keys up to this point you should have no problem entering Room 10.

Room 12:

Cast Reveal. Follow the strategy in Room 15 for the best way to kill Eggnog.
If you can't use this, then trap it in 15 and shoot Venom Clouds, Fireballs
at it in a hit and run method.

Climb the ladder when you want to proceed to Floor 3.

Room 13:

I suggest you use the Room 10 strategy for the Hothead, otherwise hit and run
with Fireballs or Venom Clouds.

Use the pink glowing panels closest to the door to jump on over to the other
side of the room. Move the mushroom for some coins.

Room 14:

A tiny room that requires the red key and acts as a small path between Rooms
13 and 17.

DO NOT fight the Hothead in here. It will be _fatal_.

Room 15:

Some great supplies here. The switch will open the next door and close the
previous. If you are industrious, you can build a wall to shoot at the Eggnog
from behind, then trap it once it enters the room...

Grab the Coin. Now, look, there is: Lightning, Food, Fireball, Pot. Any of
these can be pulled to make your trap.

It = Item or Pot
Dr = Door
Eg = Eggnog

/ / / /
/ / / /

Ok, you've got them set up across the hallway? Great, now open the door! When
the Eggnog hops in, shut it.

Push the items up one at a time one space, so...

/ /Eg/ /
/ / / /

The Eggnogg is trapped in one little three panel space. Now, push the middle
item up as so...

/ /It/Eg/
/It/ /It/
/ / / /

The Eggnog is trapped in one little corner! Now just lay into with Ice! It's
a great way to stay safe and to conserve your magic.

WARNING, if you load the game after the Eggnog is trapped and try shooting it,
then your spells will have no effect. In this event, pull the middle item back
one to free the Eggnog into the three space passage, then push it back in to
trap it once more. Clean up.

Gather all of the items and take the Red Key you uncovered under the pot.

Room 16:

If you see the Crocojaw's eyes, get badck down the ladder. You'll need to jump
away from the Crocojaw as it is extremely fast. If it sees you, smash into it
with Venom Cloud until you change over to Fireball. Try to kill it all in one
line to make life easier on yourself. Hit and run is hard here.

Or you can try the dropping bomb in Room 18.

Take the Fireball when you get a chance.

Room 17:

Attack Crocojaw from a distance with Venom Cloud, and then Fireball if you run
out of Clouds. Try to kill it all at once, or in minimal exchanges as it is
very fast.

Or you can try the dropping bomb in Room 18.

Take the Venom Cloud. If you've just come to this room, you probably don't have
the key yet.

Room 18:

Cast Reveal.

With a Poison Panel, I really do not suggest fighting a Crocojaw here because
of its speed. You may try to run from it and poison yourself in the process.
This room is best taken at a more reasonable rate.

HOWEVER, one of the buttons up ahead drops a bomb, it may be wise to kill the
Crocojaw with this if possible. Try to block it with the spells and platform,
but this could be very difficult to set up with the Crocojaw's speed.

Collect the Venom Cloud from the platform, then pull the platform out of the
way to find a Fireball.

Press one of the switches to open the door, but close another. Grab the Sulfur
and head on through the door.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Crocojaw: 21, 24
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Skelefly: 19, 20, 22, 23
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Eggnog: 26, 27
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 20

+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

You may be able to trap the Skelefly in a fireball trap - note that there are
two dotted line panels on the carpets - one on each.

Grab the Lightning, push the platform to reveal some coins, and take the ladder
once you have fully looted this area.

Room 20:

From Room 19: Just play hit and run with the Skelefly until it dies. Take the
Fireball and continue on.

From Room 21: The Generator, but no bomb. It's very close though.

Cast reveal. Take the Fireball or pull it out of the way if you're full. Take
the Heal, then pull the grey block out of the way. Take the Blue Key and head
to Room 24.

Room 21:

Take the Crocojaw on with Venom Clouds or Fireballs, take it down quickly
before it can really do a number on you. It is tempting, yes, to use the Venom
Cloud in this room as a step to get on the big platform and thus - safety - but
good look killing, let alone hitting, the Crocojaw from your lofty perch.

Instead, use a Heal or two after your exchange and save your high attack
spells for higher floors.

When all is said and done, grab the Ruby, Coin, and Venom CLoud and use the
keyhole to enter room 20.

Room 22:

Take the Skelefly on hit and run style with the Venom Clouds.

A Skull Rune, but the Reveal Spell doesn't pick up on anything? Maybe try it
anyways as my game may have glitched or something to that effect.

Anyways, there _is_ a trap near the Heal spell, right next to it to the
Northeast is a panel with a green dot - a bomb trap. Take care.

Room 23:

Grab the Bomb and run back to the Generator to blow it up. Return to this Room
upon completion fo that vital task.

This Skelefly is a relatively... easy enemy by this Tower's standards. Range it
with Sulfur attacks, and run away when it gets close. It has a 4-room domain,
so just watch out for traps if you chase it.

The slot gives up to three Venom Cloud packs with a rate of 3 coins each. Also,
check behind the Idol for a Venom Cloud.

Room 24:

Lots of room for the Crocojaw in here. Take it on with Fireball or Venom Clouds
until you down it.

The switch is right after the green rectangle with crowns on the wall, flick it
to turn on the lights.

Grab the Venom Cloud and use the keyhole.

Room 25:

There's food and treasure here. Take what you need, open the door, and continue
on to Room 26.

Room 26:

Alright, there's an Eggnog bouncing around on the other side. But there's also
a Fireball trap you can set off that will strike the Eggnog for you. The dotted
line panel closest to the door to 25 will cause a Fireball to shoot out from
the head on the other side. This is the ideal way of killing the Eggnog.

Avoid all of the other trapped panels, of course.

Take the Venom Cloud. Save the Shield for when you're leaving this floor and
heading up to the fifth. We may have a use up there... so after you finish with
Room 27, grab and run all the way to Floor 5 (two ladders in room 34, one to
third and one to fifth).

Room 27:

Take the Eggnog on with traps as explained in Room 26, and do so in Room 26.

Take the Lightning, then move the wine for some coins.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Hothead: 28, 31, 32, 29
|28| |29|-|30|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Skelefly: 30, 33, 35, 36
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Skelefly: 34
|31|-|32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|34| |35|-|36|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

You will need to take the Hothead on with fireballs from a distance. A classic
hit and run, and use the doors for full effect.

Now, as far as looting the room is concerned... check behind the table for a
treasure and take the Lightning from the table while you're at it. That's a
poison carpet, so just reach in for the Venom Cloud.

Room 29:

Again, a Fireball hit and run tactic should be used against the Hothead.

Take the coins, and the Bomb. Pull the platform and grab the Green Key, you
should have all of the coloured keys by now.

Place the platform next to the pink glowing panels and use it as a step to jump
over them.

Open the door and continue.

Room 30:

Notice that green dot panel in the middle of the floor? Well, of course it is a
Bomb trap. You will want to get the Skelefly chasing you, then run over this
panel to have the bomb drop on it.

Alright, now pull the pot to find a Ruby treasure.

Then cast Reveal for some Lightning.

Room 31:

Again, a Fireball hit and run tactic should be used against the Hothead.

There's a dotted line panel very near the door, so take note of that. After you
collect the Sulfur you may want to push the grey block onto the space just so
you don't forget about it?

Alright, the Mystery Rune. At the wall just southwest of the door to room 32,
you can walk on through. There's a skeelfly in the room beyond, so be prepared.

Room 32:

Again, a Fireball hit and run tactic should be used against the Hothead.

Grab the treasure when you're done.

Room 33:

Attack the Skelefly until it gives chase, with Sulfur or Venom Cloud. Lead it
into Room 30 and catch it in the Bomb trap.

Take the Venom Cloud and drink up when you return.

Room 34:

Pull the pots into a corner to cover you from either side. This is interesting
because the Skelefly will _not be able to reach you. You can then cast Reveal.

Venture out and pound the Skelefly with Venom Cloud, then Fireball. Retreat to
your little pot fort in the corner when it starts a pursuit.

Take the Levitate. The slot gives you up to three Fireballs at 4 coins each.
Cast three Levitates to rise up high enough to grab the Teleport.

Room 35:

Far too cramped to fight a Skelefly, and you can get poisoned. Use bombs from
Room 30 or 36 instead.

Cast Reveal.

The light switch is in the northwest corner. Take the Food and Fireball before
you proceed.

Room 36:

The Bomb is dropped from the ceiling when the red button is pressed. This is an
easy way to hurt the Skelefly, but I find the Bomb trap in Room 30 provides a
quicker death. You may think this is safer though.

Take the Fireball and the Treasure when you finish.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Crocojaw: 40, 43, 44
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Rosie: 41, 42, 45
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Eggnog: 37, 38, 39
|40| |41|-|42|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Try to make it here with Meta Power to utterly crush the Eggnog. If you cannot,
use Lightning.

Afterwards, take the Venom Cloud and Fireball.

Room 38:

Try to make it here with Meta Power to utterly crush the Eggnog. If you cannot,
use Lightning.

Lots of loot in here. Cover all of the ground behind the statue to push on both
a treasure and a Lightning Spell.

Then, take the watermelon, green key, and coins.

Room 39:

Cast Reveal.

Try to make it here with Meta Power to utterly crush the Eggnog. If you cannot,
use Lightning.

Room 40:

With your shield up (from room 26), damage the Crocojaw as much as possible
with Fireball, then finish it off when it charges you when your shield wears

Take the Venom Cloud, then open the door.

Room 41:

Grab the Meta Power here and kill Rosie with Meta Power Lightning or Fireballs.
After you have killed her, quickly run to the Eggnog's domain and dispatch it
in a similar way.

Return to this Room, however, as there's some nice loot. Move the pot for a
ruby treasure, then grab the other treasure sitting nearby.

Also, ata cost of five coins per pack, you can buy Lightning in this room...

Room 42:

While invisible, sneak past the Rosie into room 41 and grab the Meta Power
there. Heal if you get poisoned, and crush Rosie with Meta Power Fireballs.

You may want to flip the lightswitch while invisible. It's to the right of the
cubby with the food.

Kill the Eggnog in the next rooms while still under the influence of Meta

But when you return here, take the food and Fireball.

Room 43:

With your shield up (from room 26), damage the Crocojaw as much as possible
with Fireball, then finish it off when it charges you when your shield wears

Take the Lightning, don't take the Invisibility until you're ready to use it.

Room 44:

With your shield up (from room 26), damage the Crocojaw as much as possible
with Fireball, then finish it off when it charges you when your shield wears

Take the Fireball and open the Keyhole when ready.

Room 45:

While invisible, sneak past the Rosie into room 41 and grab the Meta Power
there. Heal if you get poisoned, and crush Rosie with Meta Power Fireballs.

When you come back, take the coins and Teleport spell.

W5: Ebonscarp II

This Tower isn't so bad, it's more or less a combat oriented Tower against a
number of powerful melee monsters (and a couple of strong Rosies). It's
essential to ahve a plan of action for the first three floors in order to
conserve your Spells, until you get a better stock on the higher floors or
through Transmute Niches.

Clean out every floor as you climb up. You will have to take the secon downward
ladder on Floor 2 to reach the seconbd portion of Floor 1. Floor 5 is cut off
from the rest of the Tower, you will need to Teleport here.

An interesting thing about this Tower is the importance of Levitate to your
success. Be it crossing deadly floors, getting the Bomb, or collecting a key -
this si the first Tower to make significant use of Levitate so don't waste your

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Hothead: 3, 6, 9
|01|-|02| |03|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Rosie: 7, 8
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Rosie: 1, 2, 4
|04|-|05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Crush the Rosie from a distance with Fireballs. Try to hit her from the side
and the back, and get through a door if she draws too close.

Venom Cloud, Fireball, and a Heal wait for you once she is dead.

Room 2:

The Rosie should be taken on with Fireballs. Try to hit her from behind or from
the side.

Take the Lightning when you get a chance. The pot will be your bottom step to
reach the door again.

Room 3:

Grab the Fireball and use it to destroy the Hothead. It's either that,
Lightning, Ice or Sulfur. Venom Cloud would be ideal, but it isn't here so use

Take the Lightning and Reveal before you continue along.

Room 4:

From Floor 2: Flick the light on beside the ladder, take the food and Venom
Cloud before leaving.

From Room 1: Blast away at the Rosie with Fireballs. It's kind of a tight room
to fight in, but you can rack up some damage and escape when she gets near.

Take the Green Key when ready.

Room 5:

Collect the Fireball and Venom Cloud. Move the grey block and take the coins.
There will be a level 3 Teleport here as well.

Get ready to fight he Rosie, jump up to the door.

Room 6:

Hit and run the Hothead with Fireballs. Duck through a door when it draws near.

The poison panel is on the green panel in front of the Skull Rune, one space
away. Take the Sulfur before you continue on.

Room 7:

Kill the Rosie in Room 8 with dropping bombs.

Take the Venom Cloud here upon killing the Rosie. There's also food, if you're

Room 8:

Pitch black, and there's a Rosie in here. Cast Reveal, there's four poison
tiles to be wary of. Cast a second Reveal to turn on the lights...

Alright, that pot must be taken under the red button. If the Rosie is not
in the room, place it in front of the door. Bring the apple over, then
replace the pot with the apple. Place the pot under the switch, take the
apple, and run back over and start dropping Bombs on the Rosie. If you need to,
finish her off with Lightning.

Besides the Apple, also take the Heal, gold, and Venom Cloud.

Room 9:

Don't fight the Hothead in here, if you can help it. The pink tiles and skull
carpet limit your motion far too much.

Push the block for a map piece, and take the coin and the bread, if needed.

Cast Reveal to find a door, then jump onto the lone pink panel (away from the
group). Turn and face the other panels and jump to them, then down to the
Revealed door.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Crocojaw: 10, 11, 13
|10|-|11| |12|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Hothead: 14
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Eggnog: 12, 15, 18
|13| |14| |15|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|16| |17|-|18|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

Take advantage of the long hallway to blast at the Crocojaw from a distance
witha barrage of Venom Clouds. Run through a door at either end when it gets
too close. Due to the room's length, you should have dealt considerable damage
in the exchange.

There's a map piece, a Heal, and a drink here as well. I was not intoxicated by
the drink, and it restored quite a bit of water. You're probably thirsting by
now, so drink up. Make sure the Crocojaw is dead first, just to be sure.

Room 11:

This is not a good room in which to fight the Crocojaw, far too cramped. If you
must, hit it a few times with Venom Clouds, or wait in Room 10 for it to come
after you.

The drink here will intoxicate you, but it does restore a decent amount of your
water meter.

To cross the pink panels, jump on the panels directly in front of the shield,
walk to the next, then jump across to the next (southwest). Take the Lightning
and continue along your way.

Room 12:

The Eggnog should have been taken out in Room 18 with the dropping bombs. If
you didn't, hit and run it with Fireballs.

Take the two coins (they are not one on top of the other fyi, I know you'd be
upset if you wasted a Fireball or Lightning over a coin!) and the food if

Before climbing the ladder, get that Blue key. Jump on the Pink panel farthest
out fromt he group, and again across to the Blue key. Exit at the opposite end
from where you entered.

Room 13:

The poison panel is right in front of the Skull Rune.

Blast the Crocojaw from a distance with Venom Clouds, and run when it nears. Be
sure to duck in the doors if it gets too close. There should be enough space
thatw alls won't be needed - but there are enough items in this room to create
something of a wall.

When finished, take the Lightning and Fireball.

The slot provides Sulfurs... not the most useful in this Tower...

Room 14:

The Hothead in here can be taken on at a distance with Fireballs, it is only in
this room and you must duck through a door if it gets close. It can do
considerable damage if it gets close, so make sure you play evasion.

From the entrance, turn to take the Venom Cloud and then turn on the light.
Before you leave, grab the food, coins, and Levitate.

Room 15:

The Eggnog should have been destroyed in Room 18 with dropping bombs. If you
didn't then you will want to use Fireballs and hita nd run tactics.

There's food if you're hungry. Continue along.

Room 16:

There's no monsters in here, take the Treasure and be on your way.

Room 17:

No monsters, but there is Fireball and Lightning. Move the platform over to the
taller platform by the door to act as a bottom step. Notice that you uncovered
a Reveal mystery rune? Cast Reveal for a Treasure.

Room 18:

Alright, _stay_ on the tall Platforms and begin pressing the red button to drop
bombs. Make sure you get the Eggnog this way. Otherwise, you'll have to shoot
Fireballs at it.

Take the food if needed, and the Fireball. Move the platform down near the door
you came from for use as a bottom step. Under the platform, there's a Yellow
Key for you to take.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Crocojaw: 21, 23, 24
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Eggnog: 25, 26, 27
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Skelefly: 19, 20, 22
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 19
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

The Generator! Blow it up if you have a bomb.

As for the Skelefly, hit and run it with Fireballs, and then Lightning. Note
that there is a bomb trap _behind_ the Generator. It is possible to catch the
Skelefly in this trap if it is chasing you, but it's risky business.

When you're ready, clean up. Take the Lightning, Venom Cloud, Sulfur, and
coins. There's also a Treasure behind the Generator, wait until you low it up
to go back there and get it. For safety's sake.

Room 20:

If you're fighting the Skelefly in here, hit the keyhole to open the other door
as it will make traversing the floor much easier and will give you an extra
avenue of escape. Hit and run the Skelefly with Fireballs and then Lightning if
you run out.

Take the Venom cloud, and climb the ladder.

Room 21:

The light is in the bottom left (southwest) corner, near the fountain.

Blast the Crocojaw from a distance with Fireballs and run when it draws near.
If it backs you into a corner, jump on it and run.

When it's dead, you can collect the Fireball and Teleport spells, and drink.

Room 22:

The keyholes in this room control the immediate surrounding. The middle Keyhole
will open the door to Room 23, which we'd looted previously. Open it anyways,
as an extra avenue of escape from the Skelefly.

Take the Skelefly out with first Fireball, then Lightning. Run when it gets
near as it gets very fast and it takes a beating.

Take the Sulfur if you need it.

Room 23:

Take the Teleport, and the map piece. There's arrow Teleports in here, and a
Floor 5 Teleport. For now, Cast Reveal to have a treasure fall from above and
teleport over to get it.

Grab the Fireball, Lightning, and Treasure. The Red Key is also in this room.
Stand where the Lightnign was, and cast Levitate three times. The key should be
on Baldric's head. Move to have it fall to the ground. Collect, and proceed
with the floor.

Room 24:

Blast the Crocojaw with Fireballs and run into Room 21 when it gets too near.

Take the apple if you need it, and push the pot for coins. Use the keyhole and
proceed to 27.

Room 25:

You should have killed the Eggnog previosu to this room. But if not, use your
Fireballs to roast it.

Loot the room before proceeding, there's: Heal, Venom Cloud, Levitate, and
Sulfur. Look out at the edge of the table (wide, northeast side) as there is a
dotted panel that sets off a Fireball trap.

The keyhole in the lower left corner of the room (left of all the keyholes)
will open the door to Room 22.

Room 26:

If you're going after the Eggnog, then make sure to cast Reveal rather than
groping around for the Lightswitch on the Northwest wall. Kill the Eggnog with
a Fireball assault, it has a ton of Stamina so when it nears, run back into
Room 27.

The Bomb... can be reached by casting Levitate 4 times, floating over the Bomb,
jumping down, and picking it up.

Room 27:

The Eggnog will enter once the middle keyhole is used. Use Fireballs to
pulverise it, and run through a door when it gets too near.

Press the rightmost keyhole to open the other door in 24. Head back there, and
into Room 23 to seize the Red Key now.

Before you open the door for the Eggnog, place a platform betweenw here you
will line up and where it will enter.

The slot here gives Venom Clouds. Make use of them if you're low on spells. Do
not forget to take the Lightning.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Skelefly: 31, 32, 33
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Hothead: 28, 29, 30
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Skelefly: 34, 35, 36
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Destroy the Hothead at a distance with Lightning. If you're entering from
room 31, youc ould even be shielded. If not, use the doors to escape when it
gets close.

Take the Sulfur and the Coin near the doorway to Room 31. The Lightswitch is
the closest to the door. For instance, this is the effective combination (or
you could just open it from Room 31).

Ls: Lightswitch
Si: Switch in
So: Switch out

/Ls/ \Si\
+--+ +--+
/So/ \So\
+--+ +--+
/Ls/ \So\
+--+ +--+

Take the food, coin, and Fireball when you're leaving.

Room 29:

Shoot at the Hothead with Lightning, and run through a door when it nears.
There will be no need to use a Levitate to reach that Lightnign across the
skull carpet. Just deal with the two Skeleflies under the influence of the
Meta-Power in Room 30.

Room 30:

Blast the Hothead froma distance with Lightning. Run through a door if it
gets too near.

Take the Sulfur and the map piece.

Save, make sure a Skelefly is in Room 33. Grab the Meta-Power and switch to
Venom Cloud. Crush taht Skelefly with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds.

Room 31:

Take out the Skelefly as described in Room 33. Or, you could grab the shield
and pound it with Fireballs/drop bombs on it when it nears you. The Shield may
be best saved for the other Skelefly, however, if you can't make it to it
before yoru Meta-Power runs out.

Push a pot near the platforms for use as a lower step, and also press the red
button in the _corner_ to open the door to Room 28.

Room 32:

Take out the Skelefly as described in Room 33. You'd have to cast Reveal twice
in thsi room if you want to see the location of the poison tile, and the
watermelon and Lightning spell. If you don't need these, then don't bother
asting Reveal twice.

Room 33:

When the Skelefly si in this room, grab the Meta-Power from Room 30 and return
to crush it with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds. It'll save you your Lightnings, at
any rate. If you ahve any juice left, head down into 36 and hunt down the
second Skelefly here.

There's water and a Venom CLoud to take here. The slot provides Fireballs at
four coins a piece. Maybe stock up for the Fifth floor here.

Room 34:

Take the Skelefly on with either Meta-Powered Venom Clouds, or with Shielded
Fireballs. Take the Teleport and Food. Drag the platform over near the raised
door for use as a bottom step. Take the map piece you uncovered.

Grab the Venom Cloud, and proceed.

Room 35:

Eliminate the Skelefly with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds, or use the Shield from
room 31 with Fireballs to destroy it.

Move the block for some coins, there's also sludge here if you get poisoned in

Room 36:

Cast Reveal.

Destroy the Skelefly with Meta-Powered Venom Clouds, finish it with Lightning
if your power runs out.

As the Friendly Giant would say, look up, look waaaaaaaaaaay up! There's a
Treasure on that shelf up there. Test the Pink panels to find the lowest, then
jump between Pink Panels until you are one space away from the Treasure. Move
one space in, and take the prize.

Grab the Venom Cloud, and proceed.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +============

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Eggnog: 37, 38, 40
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Crocojaw: 39, 42, 43, 44, 45
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Rosie: 41
|40| |41| |42|
+--+ +--+ +--+ TOWER KEY: 39
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

You'll reach this room from the third floor's Teleport. Make sure that you have
a decent stock of Fireball and Lightning before coming here. You will need at
least one casting of Levitate to get you through Room 40 and on to Room 43.
There is another casting in there.

Set a trap for the Eggnog here. While you can, set up something like this
with the Pots (Pt) or Items (It) in the room in the bottom left or Southwest
corner, near the Wall (Wl):

/Wl/ /It/
/Wl/ /It/
/Wl/ /It/
/Wl/ /Pt/

Alright, you don't need it this long, but try to make it at least using two
pots and two spells for safety.

Lead the Eggnog down towards point *A, then jump out over the pot. Run up, and
push in one of the items, effectively _trapping_ the Eggnog.

It still has far too much life energy to be taken down with Sulfur or Ice in
good time, so use Venom Clouds. It won't be moving out of the way, anyways!
Don't start firing next to a spell, or you'll ruin your trap.

When you've finished, you can take the Fireball, Sulfur, and Heal. Move the
pots to find some coins.

I'd suggest you progress through room 40 rather than 38.

Room 38:

Deal with the Eggnog as described in Room 37, and do so in that Room.

Cast levitate once and Float above the treasure and the food. From here, just
hit control to pick them up.

Room 39:

It's dangerous to fight the Crocojaw here, since there are only skull carpets
outside. If you must, hit and run with Fireballs.

The tower key will appear in this room when you've finished off every last
monster. So, take the Treasure and the Teleport spell, and flip the switch to
open the door, for use later when you will want to skip the skull carpets.

Room 40:

Set a trap as I described in Room 37 for the Eggnog and deal with it there.

Cast Levitate, the apple seems to damage you anyways. Get to the other side,
jump down and grab the Venom Cloud. Continue on to 43.

Room 41:

The Rosie here is very strong, and she casts a mean Fireball. While
Invisibility is the lesser in this case of the three power-ups, it still helps.
Blast her with Lightning, then Fireballs if you run out. Keep the items in the
room for now to act as obstacles for her.

Run if she gets too close to you, and blast Lightning relentlessly as she

Ok, it's time to loot the room. You have a Fireball, two coins, Lightning,
Levitate, and a Treasure. Cast Reveal for another treasure. The slot gives
Lightnign at 5 coins per. It'd be risky to do this mid-fight, but this Rosie is
likely the last monster you will fight in the Tower, so after you kill her
there is no point in buying any.

Notice that there is no Teleporter out of the room? Nope, head down the green
carpet towards room 44, and down to the little space at the end, and into the
southwest wall (at the green carpet). Walk through the wall and be on your way.

Room 42:

Don't fight the Crocojaw here, it's cramped and there's a Poison Tile.

Cast Reveal, then move the pot under the red button to reach the Light. Take
the Venom CLoud and be on your way.

Room 43:

Watch out for the Autoshooters in here, the Crocojaw is typically too low to be
hit so try to hit it and duck out of the room. Use your own Fireballs, and
Venom clouds if you run out when it is a third or less life left. USe Lightning

Jump down and grab the Fireball. For safety, jump on the table, then down to
grab the Levitate. Wait for the shooter firing at the table to stop before you
make your way over.

Room 44:

Look out for the dotted panels in here. Placing a pot where the two lines of
fire intersect will protect you from being hit.

The Crocojaw should be blasted with Fireballs, primarily, and if it back you
into a corner, jump on it and run. Typically, you should duck through doors,

when you've looted every other room use the Teleport here to reach the central
room of Floor 5.

Room 45:

The Crocojaw should be taken on at as far a distance as possible, with
Fireballs. Run through a door if it gets near.

The Invisibility here might be useful for Room 43, with the Auto-shooters,
though you may want it for the final Monster... Cast levitate once and float
udnerneath the Invisibility to dislodge it.

There's also Lightning and a Transmute Niche here if you so desire.

[_-_-_-] [_-_-_-]
|-_-_| MT6.6: MARCHWALL |-_-_|
[__||__] [__||__]

The enemies here will be a challenge. There's only one Melee monster, and there
are specialized monsters for different spells as well. Fire-Asp and Firebones
for Fireball, Writwraith for Lightning, and the nasty little Toxignats for
Venom Cloud. The Towers are more complex here, as well.

E6: Marchwall


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Ground
Description: A blue snake wuth one eye that spews fireballs.

A fairly common enemy in the towers, and it's somewhat fast. It's about as easy
as you get in Marchwall though. It's not as aggressive a shooter as the other
monsters, but it is still powerful. You should try to take it on from the side
or back if possible.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Air
Description: A floating skeleton bathed in flames.

Firebones seem a bit more aggressive than Fire-Asps, though they share the same
spell. It likes to charge the Baron and attack it up close. And since it flies,
it gets that job done more easily. Try not to get charged too many times, and
certainly use the doors to escape it as running around in the room is not an
effective avenue of escape.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Air
Description: A small insect, flying after you with no soul and evil intent.

What's fast, flying, strong, and able to poison you at a distance? Evil, that's
what. Seriously, if you try to get out of a fight with a Toxingat unscathed you
will likely be disappointed. That's not to say you shouldn't try - certainly
you should. But if you do get poisoned - just crush the vile beast, this very
image of Beelzebub, utterly. Use Lightning or Fireballs ina direct assault and
Heal after the fight.


Attack Type: Melee
Movement Type: Air
Description: A flying green dragon.

This dragon is the only Melee monster of Marchwall, but it doesn't help that it
is rather powerful and can fly. However, if you use the doors in a proper hit
and run strategy.

There is _one_ Verdragon that spits Venom cLouds in Marchwall Fort though. This
could have been a glitched Toxignat... In that case, you can use Meta-Powered
Lightning for an easy win though.


Attack Type: Ranged
Movement Type: Air
Description: A floating, disembodied spirit charged with electricity.

Arguable the most powerful monster in the game, they are a formidable foe that
toss Lightning spells at you. And let them up close? They'll down you in an

You will need to take them out fromt eh side and back as much as possible, and
run through a door if you are charged by it. Use Lightning to kill it if

A6: Marchwall Hold

As suual, some sections are broke off from the rest of the Tower...

Fire-Asp is a prolific enemy here, so get sued to dealing with it. Get used to
to dealing with ranged enemies period, as the only melee enemy in the Tower is
Verdragon (though that changes in Marchwall Fort).

Floor 4 is polluted with Writwraiths, and the Tower houses a number of the
poisonous Toxignats. You can throw some of what I said previously to the wind
about conservation of Fireballs and Lightning here - spare _no_ expense to down
these two enemies in particular before they do too much damage to you. When I
say to spare no expnese, I still mean to make every shot count - don't miss
with too many shots.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 1, 2, 4, 5
|01|-|02| |03|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Verdragon: 7, 8, 9
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 3, 6
|04|-|05| |06|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:


There is a Fireball behind the platform, and a Venom cloud on it. You're safe
to use the previous Venom Cloud and Ice against the Fire-Asp, however.

Room 2:

The Fire-Asp should be a few rooms away. You will want the Venom Cloud in the
next room before fighting the Asp. Grab the coins and continue on.

Room 3:

Fight he Firebones with Bombs in Room 6. Grab the Sulfur and Heal and head up
the ladder.

Room 4:

Hit the Fire-Asp with all Venom Clouds, and finish it off with Ice. If it gets
close to you, run trhough a door.

Eat some food and open the locked door when you're ready to move on.

Room 5:

Grab the Venom Cloud and use it on the Fire-Asp. If you hit it with every
Venom Cloud, then it is safe to finish him with Ice. Or, head to room 1 for
more spells before starting the fight.

The Red Key is under the Venom Cloud.

Room 6:

The red switch in here drops bombs. This should account for the bulk of the
damage you inflict on the Firebones. Finish it with Venom Cloud or Fireball if
it tries to get near you.

The only other point of interest in the room is the food. Take it if you need

There is a panel to set off the Fireball trap under the platform, and the
Poison Panel - since you don't have Reveal yet, is right next to the Skull Rune
so it is easy to avoid.

Room 7:

Wait at the doorway and fire Venom Clouds, then Fireball at the Verdragon. Run
when it gets near. There's a riskier, but more conservative way to do this: in
the next room, there is a bomb trap. But the room is in darkness, so it becomes
a hassle...

Push the grey block for coins.

Room 8:

If you're leading the Verdragon into a trap, it's to the right of the carpet on
the passage heading northeast.

Otherwise, stay on the carpet or to the left of it. Snack the watermelon and be
on your way.

Room 9:

Hit and run tactics or the bomb trap in room 8 will land you the Verdragon's

Afterwards, take the Fireball and Venom Cloud, open the door, and continue on.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 10, 11, 12
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Toxignat: 13, 14, 15

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 16, 17, 18
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 10:

You may want to use the middle of the middle circle pattern on the carpet next
to the Northwest wall to drop bombs on the Fire-Asp. Otherwise, stick to medium
attack power spells (Venom Cloud and Fireball).

Grab the Sulfur and climb the ladder.

Room 11:

Don't fight the Fire-Asp here.

Take the Venom Cloud and the Coins from under the block.

The posion panel is in the middle of the middle circle pattern on the middle
(diagonal up/down) carpet.

Leap over the pink glowing panels at their far right side.

Room 12:

You can line up with the door and use Venom Clouds, then Fireballs against the
Fire-Asp. There's a bomb trap in room 10, but you may take too much damage and
waste too much time getting there.

At any rate, there is treasure under the pot.

Room 13:

Don't fight a Toxignat in here. The toxic carpet makes it a real pain.

Due to the larger, damaging carpet - cast Reveal. Take the food in the room
and look behind the statue for a Lightning.

Cehck the upper left (northwest) corner for a Treasure.

Room 14:

Hit and run on the Toxignat with Venom Cloud.

Move the platform for a Yellow key (can be used on the locked door here) and
take the Heal spell.

Room 15:

Use Venom Clouds at worst against this Toxignat, hit and run to the best of
your ability and remember to Heal when needed. Grab the Venom Cloud here, and
the Lightning. You won't need to use Lightning on this enemy, at least.

Room 16:

Take out the Fire-Asp with Fireballs and cast Reveal. Put a coin in the slot to
Reveal some treasure.

Room 17:

Hit and run on the Fire-Asp with Venom Cloud and Fireball until you drop the
writhing beast. Do not resort to Lightning.

Collect the Lightning, a panel that sets off a fireball trap rests underneath.

Room 18:

Cast Reveal to see, then collect the gear in here. A Fireball would help
against the Fire-Asp possibly.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 19, 22, 25
|19| |20|-|21|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Toxignat: 26, 27, 24
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 20, 21, 23
|22| |23| |24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 21
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Take the Firebones on hit and run with Venom Cloud, then Fireball. Use the
doors to your full advantage.

Take the Fireball.

Room 20:

Try to take the Firebones out in Room 23 with the bomb trap. Otherwise, hit and
run with Fireballs.

Approach the Treasure from the upper right (northeast) because the lower right
is a bomb trap (southeast). Move the pot for some coins. The slot in this room
provides up to three Venom Cloud packs at 3 coins each.

Take the Sulfur and continue in.

Room 21:

Do not fight the Firebones in here, it is very cramped.

Alright, let's destroy the Generator. Jump up the glowing pink panels nearest
the door. Your escape route is located southwest of where you gain access to
the Generator.

Test your escape route before Bombing the Generator. Place the bomb and quickly
get out.

Room 22:

Take the key and Venom Cloud after you deal with the Firebones. Again, range it
with your medium powered spells, and use the doors to your full advantage.

Drink up.

Room 23:

Make sure the Firebones is away from the ladder as you descend to avoid any
damage. When you hit the ground, equip Fireball and make your way to the red
buttons. The left buttons turns on the lights, the right button drops bombs...

The bomb will obliterate the Firebones utterly, but it can be hard to get him
in this room. If you have to hit him at a distance with Fireballs, then you
have to. But the Bomb drop is easily the best way.

Head to Room 21 to blow up the Generator, then come back here and grab the

Room 24:

Toast the Toxignat with Fireballs to the best of your ability. Use a heal if it
flies away or after the fight. An extremely dangerous enemy, don't let it
anywhere near you.

Take the Sulfur and the Green Key underneath. Head down the ladder.

Room 25:

Don't really mull over many plans on actually trapping the Firebones, it's not
an easy task. Hit and run is still your best bet.

When you're done, collect the Teleport and Treasure, then use the Green Key to
open the door.

Room 26:

Toast the Toxignat with Fireballs to the best of your ability. Use a heal if it
flies away or after the fight. An extremely dangerous enemy, don't let it
anywhere near you.

Take the fireball, and watch out for the dotted panel as it sets off a Fireball

Room 27:

Far, far too cramped to fight the toxignat. If you notice it in here, head back
the way you entered from.

Grab the Reveal spell and continue along.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Writwraith: 30, 32, 33
|28|-|29| |30|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Writwraith: 31, 34, 35
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Writwraith: 28, 29, 32
|31| |32| |33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Line up with the Writwraith and let loose with Lightning. If you need to chase
after it, take the Sulfur and Lightning and use the table to jump over the pink

Take the spells before you leave, regardless.

Watch out for the Bomb Trap on the carpet after you clear the pink panels.

Room 29:

Dispatch the floor's third Writwraith with Lightning.

There's a piece of food in here. Take it, then move the block for treasure.

Room 30:

Use Lightning to take the Writwraith down asap.

Save the Invisibility maybe for Floor 5. Take the Heal Spell and the Blue Key
underneath it. Grab the fireball, then pull the Wine out of the way if you want
to use the slots.

The slots give Fireballs at 4 coins each. There's a real premium on spells in
this Tower, so you might just consider it.

Room 31:

Don't fight the Writwraith here as it's too dark.

When you've killed the monster, open the door and take the Venom Cloud. Proceed
to room 28.

Room 32:

The room really isn't well suited for fighting wiht Writwraiths, try one of the
longer rooms.

The bomb is in this room, and the path to the Generator is down those stairs.
Don't ask me why a downstairs ladder is yellow on the minimap here...

Take the Bomb, a Teleport, and a Treasure hidden behind the platform. Grab the
Fireball, equip it, and head down the ladder.

Room 33:

Don't kid around with a Writwraith. Hit and run it using Fireballs then

Take the Fireball before you proceed.

Room 34:

Play hit and run with the Writwraith using Lightning spells. Every hit counts,
so line up with him and let loose.

There's a mushroom, food, and wine here. Take the food if you need it.

Room 35:

Blast the Writwraith with Lightning as it enters the door. Take the Lightning
from the cubby and continue on.

Room 36:

Use Lightning to take the Writwraith down asap.

There's a Fireball near the fire and switch. Take it, then flip the next door
open... there's a Writwraith beyond so beware.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 37, 38, 40
|37|-|38| |39|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 41
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Verdragon: 42, 43, 44, 45
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Cast Reveal. I really don't recommend fighting the Fire-Asp in this highly
dangerous room.

Take the Venom Cloud, then move the platform for a ruby.

Room 38:

There's not a whole lot to do here besides fighting the Fire-Asp. Line up with
the door and let loose with as many fireballs, then Lightning, as you can.

Room 39:

If you are Invisible, run now to Room 43 and grab the Shield. While Shielded or
under Meta Power, blast the Verdragon with Lightning until it is no more.

Grab the watermelon, Bomb, and Fireball.

Room 40:

Don't waste the Meta-Power on the Fire-Asp, instead save it for the Firebones
in the next room. And consequently, the Verdragon after that room (hidden

Take the coins, open the door, and grab the Meta Power just before you leave.

Room 41:

Please note, there is a posion panel just below the Skull Rune.

Quickly dispatch the Firebones with Meta Power Fireballs or Lightning.
Afterwards, leave via a hidden door next to the Skull carpet. It's underneath
the carpet on the southeast wall. Just beneath. Try to get through here and to
find the Verdragon before your Meta Power runs off.

When you return here, drink up and buy Lightning from the slots if you need
more ammo.

Room 42:

Check out room 39 first, then the rest for the Verdragon. Try to slay it while
you still have Meta Power from Room 40. Or, make your way into room 43 for a
Shield. Either way, let loose with Lightning.

There is a secret door close to the door to room 45 on the Northwest wall.

Note that there is a green dot panel near the secret door, it's on the blue
carpet. Avoid it unless you want to be hit with a bomb.

Eat the food and take the Fireball. Yes, the switch drops bombs but Meta Power
or Shield are the most reliable here. Maybe use the Bomb drop if your shield
runs out?

Room 43:

Note that fi you have Meta Power, the Shield I believe will cancel it. But if
you came here on the run with Invisibility, teleport over and grab the shield.
Return and blast the Verdragon with Lightning.

Make sure to grab the Treasure. If you're returning to the entrance, the Floor
2 teleport here could proove useful.

Room 44:

If you are Invisible, run now to Room 43 and grab the Shield. While Shielded or
under Meta Power, blast the Verdragon with Lightning until it is no more.

Grab the Venom Cloud, and push the pot for some coins. Continue!

Room 45:

If you are Invisible, run now to Room 43 and grab the Shield. While Shielded or
under Meta Power, blast the Verdragon with Lightning until it is no more.

Grab the Sulfur and continue.

W6: Marchwall Fort

This one allows for more freedom in how you approach the Tower. As with the
previous Wizard Tower, Leviate is quite useful here and you'll be Teleporting
quite a bit as well.

But the real deal with this Tower is that it is a dungeon crawl up to fifth
Floor to get to the Bomb. After you receive the Bomb, take it down the stairs
in that room (it's in Room 43). The path will eventually lead you to the

So, sounds easy, right? Well, the enemies are very powerful here. There's even
this Verdragon on fifth that spits Venom Clouds. The tower is also primarily
split in two section. If you taek the right path up the Tower, there'll be more
enemies to face (or at least stronger) than the left side and you won't get as
many map pieces until you go back down the left end.

The advantage, of course, is that the left side will be much easier to deal
with once you ahve a large stock of Fireballs and Lightning from Floors 4 and 5
in your initial crawl.

Also, near the Generator room is a room which has a Floor 1 and 5 Teleport.
When you have killed all monsters, you will _need_ to take that Floor 5
Teleport into room 43 for the Tower Key.

Floor 1 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 1, 2, 4, 7
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 5, 8
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Verdragon: 3, 6, 9
+--+ +--+ +--+
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 1:

Unload Venom Clouds at the Fire-Asp, escape through the door if it gets too
close. Keep the fight in Rooms 1 and 2, there's no sue chasing it between 4

Take the Fireball, Map Piece, and Food before climbing the ladder. If you want,
open the lcoked door with the Green Key.

Room 2:

It's going to be a rough start, with few spells and tough enemies right on this
Floor. You may want to start with the Verdragon, but if you move the grey block
you can gain access to fight the Fire-Asp instead (dotted panel controls the

Take the Sulfur and leave the food for now. It seems to damage, anyways.

Unload Venom Clouds at the Fire-Asp and escape to Room 3 if it gets too close.

Room 3:

Well, we can save a few spells against the Verdragon. Grab the Venom Cloud and
check out the panel just after the carpet leading to Room 2, it's trapped. You
can try to catch the Verdragon in a few of these traps. Just run into Room 2
as it follows you, and re-enter the room to reset its position.

Room 4:

The Fire-Asp is locked in Room 1, leave it there for now. Drink up and take the
Fireball. Loot Room 7 before you go to fight the Fire-Asp, and attack it from
Room 2, where you can escape into Room 3 (if you've killed the Verdragon).

Room 5:

This room is too dark to fight the Firebones. Destroy it in Room 8, and then
return to this room. Find and move the pot, as there is a Green key beneath it.

Room 6:

Try to get the Verdragon angry by casting Ice at it. Lead it into Room 3 and
get it hit by the dropping bomb as described (it's not a button, it's a trap).
It's a risky move, but it will save a few spells.

When you've killed it, loot the room of its Lightning, Fireball, coins, and

Room 7:

You should attack the Fire-Asp from Room 1.

From 4: Grab the two Venom Clouds, and move the block for a coin.

From 8: Pull the pot over for use as a bottom step. Or, jump from the pot to
the Venom Cloud if you're feeling adventurous.

Room 8:

Unleash your payload of Fireballs on the Firebones. Finish it off with

Loot the room of Teleport, treasure, and food. Cast Reveal for a Lightning.

Push the brown platform over near the highest platform for use as a bottom step
and proceed through the Tower.

Room 9:

Don't fight the Verdragon here as it's cramped, dark, and poisonous. From the
doorway to Room 6, check the northwest wall for the lightswitch. Hit it. The
two poison panels in the room are after the ends of the narrow carpets.

Take the Reveal before you continue.

Floor 2 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 10, 13
|10| |11|-|12|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 16, 17
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Toxignat: 11, 12, 14, 15, 18
+--+ +--+ +--+
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|16|-|17| |18|
+--+ +--+ +--+

14 is split in two rooms.

Room 10:

The Fire-Asp can be destroyed by droppign bombs in Room 13. Run in there to set
it up, and watch out for the Fireball trap (dotted panel).

When you return, loot the Sulfur, Coin, and Food.

Room 11:

Destroy the Toxignat outright with Fireballs. If you do get poisoned, finish it
off anyways, then proceed down the path until you find a mushroom.

Loot the room of the Venom Cloud, Treasure, and Levitate. The slot gives
Sulfurs, which will not serve you too well in this Tower.

Room 12:

Destroy the Toxignat utterly with Fireballs or Lightning, take no reluctance
when fighting it. It's a full out assault on its back and sides, try not to get
poisoned, and if you do - finish it off wiht greater fervor.

When it is dead, take the coins and food. Put a coin in the slot to reveal a
Venom Cloud.

Room 13:

We can kill the Fire-Asp with dropping bombs. Collect the Fireball and
Lightning when it is dead - but remember to watch out for a Bomb Trap where
your bombs will be falling...

Alright, the bomb button is way up there. Head down along the Northwest wall
from where you enter from Room 10 and jump up on the pink panel. Jump Southwest
to the next. Turn, take two steps southeast. Turn, jump Southwest. Turn, take
two jumps Southeast. Head northeast until you drop to a lower pink panel. Jump
northeast to the next taller panel. Jump northeast until you hit the wall.

Step one space to the southeast to be in front of the Bomb switch and let

Room 14:

From 13: The Toxignat can't currently reach you as you are across the way from
it. There's a Floor 5 Teleport here.

From 12/15: Eliminate the Toxignat with Fireballs. Even if you get poisoned,
finish it off and take the Mushroom from Room 15.

Collect the map piece when it has been destroyed.

Room 15:

Kill the Toxignat outright, with Fireballs. Waste no time or spells to dispatch
this most heinous of threats.

Take the Sulfur, and Levitate from the room and cast Reveal. Take the mushroom
if you're poisoned. Levitate over the skull carpet and through the door.

Room 16:

The Fire-Asp can be taken on with Fireballs. Levitate would be useful, but
unless you are approaching here from above then it may not be well stocked to
deal with the Fire-Asp, and get back up the ladder.

You can use Teleport to get between the sections. The apple will harm you, and
the slot drops a Lightning. You can reach the ladder with Levitate.

Room 17:

Blast away at the Fire-Asp with Fireball, or Lightnign failing that. Use the
doors to your full advantage.

Cast Reveal, and collect the Teleport and Levitate prior to leaving.

Room 18:

Destroy the Toxignat completely with a Fireball assault. Finish it off, then
take the Mushroom from Room 15 if you were poisoned.

Take the Venom Cloud, then move the platform for some coins. Then, take the
Lightning which was behind the platform. Grab the Yellow Key and Heal Spell as
you head for the ladder.

Floor 3 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 21, 24, 27
|19| |20| |21|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 19, 22
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Toxignat: 23, 25, 26
|22|-|23| |24|
+--+ +--+ +--+ GENERATOR: 20
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|25|-|26| |27|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 19:

Cast Fireballs at the Firebones, you may want to cast four Levitates prior to
doing this.

When it is dust, collect the Lightning, Coins, and Venom Cloud. There is also a
Treasure partially obscured by the table.

The dotted panel, of course, sets off a Fireball trap.

Room 20:

You should be coming here from up on the Fifth floor room where you picked up
the Bomb. Well, it's time to tear the roof of this sucker - plant the Bomb and
get clear.

It's time to loot: Take the Treasure, the food, and open the door. Put a coin
in the slot to reveal a Red Key.

Room 21:

Well, try to drop bombs on the Firebones (note that there is a bomb trap where
the bombs hit). But it can be tricky to get the placement right. If you have to
fight it outright, use Fireballs and hit and run tactics. Or try to lead it
over the trap (very dangerous).

There's a few spells for you to take before going up the ladder. Venom Cloud,
Lightning, and Heal.

Room 22:

If you must fight the Firebones in this cramped little room, cast Levitate four
times and drop Fireballs on it.

There are Venom Cloud and Lightning spells to be had in this room.

You can move across the pink flowing panels by first jumping on the one nearest
to the door to Room 19. Then jump to the next (southwest). Jump again to the
Southwest, once to the Southeast, once more to the Southwest, then one step
down to the southwest. Leap off to the Southeast.

From the other end, move the platform near the panels and use it as a bottom

The dotted panel near the door to 23 controls said door.

Room 23:

From 20: Take the Teleport, and the drink, and head up to Fifth. This will take
you to a room split off from the rest of the fifth Floor, come here if you are
finished for the Tower Key.

After you get the Tower Key, blow this joint by using the Floor 1 Teleport

From 22/23: Blast the Toxignat with Lightning, take it out quickly. In the
middle of the room, a Bomb trap is placed (middle of the middle square).

Room 24:

Cast Fireballs at the Firebones and duck through a door when it gets near. You
may want to cast Levitate once, to be able to skip over the pain tile easily
and with safety.

Or, drop bombs on the Firebones in Room 21.

Grab the Fireball, Map Piece, and Venom Cloud before you leave.

Room 25:

Blast the Toxignat with Lightning. Waste no time in killing it. Grab the
Fireball and Map piece before you leave.

Room 26:

Blast the Toxignat utterly with Lightning until it drops. Run through a door
and heal if you need to, but waste no time in doing this.

When it is dead, take the Lightning and proceed. The slot provides Venom Clouds
which are useful for any newly generated monsters on Floor 1, but nothing up
here and beyond.

Room 27:

Take the Firebones on at a distance with Fireballs. Crush it utterly, if you
plan to use the doors cast Levitate. If you want to make a break for it, there
is a bomb droppign switch in Room 21.

There's a northwest/southeast hallway here, there are three square designs on
the carpet in clear view. At the upper left, first square is a ruby. The middle
square of the carpet holds a Bomb trap.

Before you leave, grab the Fireball and coins.

Floor 4 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Writwraith: 30, 33, 32, 34, 35
|28| |29| |30|
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Writwraith: 36
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Writwraith: 28, 31
|31| |32|-|33|
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 28:

Grab the Meta-Power in Room 31, and smash the Writwraith with Meta-Powered
Lightning before looting either room.

Take the food and Treasure, then cast Reveal for some Lightning.

Room 29:

This room is full of Auto-shooters. Watch where they fire, and proceed towards
the stairs. Jump past them afte rthey fire. Collect the Fireball and Venom
Cloud en route.

Room 30:

The Writwraith is extremely dangerous. Hit it with Lightning from the back or
side if possible, then run if it gets too near. Take it on outright if you have
to - just down it as quickly as possible.

Take the Lightning and Venom Cloud when you've dispatched the Writwraith.

Room 31:

Cast Reveal.

Take the Meta-Power and slay the Writwraith with Lightning.

Watch out for the dotted panel that sets off a Fireball trap.

Collect the Map Piece, Heal, and Venom Cloud. Now for the slots, the slot near
the stairs opens the cupboard for some Lightning. The other slot allows you to
buy Fireballs at 4 coins per pack.

Room 32:

From Floor 5: Cast Reveal, this room is littered with poison panels. Grab the
Blue key, open the door, and proceed.

From 33: Invisibility won't help too greatly against the Writwraiths, but it
can be a bit of help if it doesn't see you. Blast it to oblivion with a
crushing barrage of Lightning. Fall back through a door if it gets too close.

Room 33:

From 30: The room is kind of cramped to fight the Writwraith, but blast it to
ashes with Lightning and duck through a door when you get the chance. You will
probably have to heal after this.

Try the two levers to turn on the Lights. The other controls the door to 32.

From 36: cast Levitate four times, and move over the pink panels. Take the
Levitate prior to doing this.

From Floor 5: You can simply jump over the pink panels starting nearest to you.
Watch out fro the green dot on a panel on the floor... it's a Bomb trap.

Room 34:

Kill the Writwraith hit and run style with a Lightning assault. Duck through
the door if it gets near. It may be best not to even fight it in this room, if
it means having to cross over the auto-shooters in Room 35 again.

Take the Reveal, and two Venom Clouds. Save, cast Reveal, and walk through
the door.

Room 35:

From 32: Make sure the Writwraith is dead before you try to cross. If it's
beyond this room, fire Lightning at it as it enters, and let the auto-shooters
hit it as well.

Take the Invisibility from room 32 before you pass. Make sure to collect the
red key en route.

From 34: The... watermelon seemed to amke the Baron drunk. May not be the best
item to eat. Cast Levitate, float over and Collect the Levitate. Drop down,
open the door, and proceed to 36.

Room 36:

The Writwraith is limited to this room, and like its comrade ont his floor, it
is a handful. You would be wise to use any Lightning you have in stock, follwed
by Fireball. If you need to, run back into Room 35. Heal when you're done.

Loot the room: take the Fireball, Treasure, and coins. Press the red button to
open the door, and head through the door to 33.

Floor 5 Map Monster Paths
+=========+ +===========+

+--+ +--+ +--+ *Verdragon: 44, 45
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Firebones: 38, 39, 41, 42
| | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ *Fire-Asp: 37, 38
|40| |41|-|42|
+--+ +--+ +--+ TOWER KEY: 43
| |
+--+ +--+ +--+
|43| |44|-|45|
+--+ +--+ +--+

Room 37:

Float above the Fire-Asp and drop Fireballs on it. Cast Reveal before you drop
down, take the Venom CLoud and Levitate, then be on your way.

Room 38:

Destroy the Firebones as described in Room 42, in Room 42. There's Meta-Power
there, and if you want to use it on two monsters you'll have no choice but to
kill the Firebones there.

Stay off the carpet unless you want to get hit by a Bomb Trap.

Room 39:

Kill the Firebones in Room 42, with Meta-Powered Lightning.

Cast Reveal. A Teleport will drop. Cast Levitate four times to be able to
cross over the second set of pink panels. Drop down and take the Fireball,
Teleport (revealed), Levitate, Treasure, and Coins.

The Teleporter leads to room 45.

Room 40:

Grab the Shield here, and either pound the Fire-Asp with dropping bombs, or
with Fireball.

There are coins under the por, and there's a Venom Cloud and Fireball in the
room. Take a drink, then cast Levitate before you enter Room 37.

Room 41:

From 42: Take the Firebones out in Room 42, the door here is locked so it is
likely trapped between 41/42 anyways. If not, open the door and let it in. Kill
it with Meta-Power in Room 42. Use Lightning.

Cast Reveal.

Open the door and proceed after you get the coins out from under the Mushroom.

From 44/Floor 3: The Bomb!

Room 42:

Okay, head to the Meta-Power and wait for the Firebones to enter. You will need
to grab that power-up and destroy the Firebones with a few well-placed
Lightnings. Next, it is paramount that you keep the Meta-Power to kill the
Verdragon in 44/45. Run down to the ladder, and check the wall in the corner,
just Southwest of it. Walk throught he wall, and unleash Lightning on the the

When you're done - there's Lightning, treasure, and food. Also, a fountain.
The lower left, or southwest, square carpet has a bomb trap in the middle. The
slot provides you with Lightning.

Room 43:

Teleport here from Room 23. Grab the treasure, Lightning if needed, and the
Tower KEy if it is here. Exit via the teleporter, then again through the Floor
1 Teleporter in room 23, then leave witht he game's completion at your heels!

Room 44:

The Verdragon here actually shoots Venom Clouds... I have to wonder if maybe it
is justa Toxignat with the incorrect sprite? At any rate, there's a Meta-Power
in Room 42. Combine this with Lightning and this enemy is squashed.

There's food, a ruby, a Heal, and coins to collect when you're done. The light
is in the lower left (southwest) corner.

Room 45:

The Verdragon in here is special - it fires Venom Clouds! Yikes, just when you
though you could enjoy some old fashioned Melee monster slaying, they pull a
venomous dragon out.

But no matter - in the top left corner of the Teleport pad is a secret door (on
the Northeast wall). In here is a Meta-Power, grab it and unleash your powered
up Lightnings on it in a raining fury of electrical ire.

Take the Lightning when you're done. The teleport pad leads to Room 39.

| MT7: Secrets |

The game has a few glitches and codes. Note that most of these are
game-breaking in that they will either damn your chances of winning or make the
game far too easy.

Codes do eliminate any and all battle strategy from the game, so I really do
urge you to play this game fairly at first. But it's your choice.

MT7.1: Codes

During a game, type: BALDRIC

At any time after entering Cheat Mode, press the following (left shift + a key)
to activate the effects.

Left Shift+W = Weapons, 30 of each spell.

Left Shift+K = Keys, the four coloured keys.

Left Shift+C = Sets coins to 10, it will not stack.

Left Shift+H = Refill HP, Water, and Food

Left Shift+R = Teleport. Type a number between 01 and 45 after putting in the

MT7.2: Glitches

These are a few glicthes I picked up on while I wrote the Quest Cycle. As with
any glitch, I don't know all of the variables that can contribute so don't get
too frustrated if they will not work.

*Free Bombs:

When a Bomb Trap or Bomb switch is pressed, bring up the Save/Load screen just
before it hits the ground. If you time it right, when you exit the save/load
screens you will see the Bomb on the ground. You can pick it up and make use of
it as with any bomb.

If you do this with a switch bomb, that switch will no longer drop bombs... so
make sure hte resident monster is dead first.

*Free Levitate:

Save your game, cast Levitate, then load your game. You should still be under
Levitate but your stock will not have decreased. This is useful if you need to
cross pain tiles again and again...

*Vanishing Doors:

If you save after a Reveal door has been cast and you have not gone through it,
then when you load that file there is a chance the door will be gone and cannot
be revealed again. This can _ruin_ Quest Cycles. Save before you cast Reveal,
and as always keep two files for safety.

| MT8: Credits |

Thanks to Animation F/X / Apogee for the great game. It really does have a
place in my heart and it was a joy to write this guide.

Thanks to 3drealms for allowing these games to stay afloat. They still offer
many of them for download or purchase:

Might I also mention that 3dRealms has a very pleasant support staff? Being
that I am not the most adept in getting old PC games to run... heh... they
answered my question regarding a product not in their jurisdiction (Dosbox) in
a timely and supportive manner. Nothing but thumbs up from me. The chap that
helped me out was Bryan Turner. Thanks a lot Bryan!

Mystic Towers is not yet free, but you can get the Shareware version there.

Thanks also to Lon Matero's Apogee page:

From there I used the image on monsters to more quickly have their names on
hand for spelling purposes.

Also, I picked up on the term "pain tile" from this wiki (I am not responsible
if you visit this site and objectionable material has been added):

And last, but not least, I'd like to thank everyone behind DOSBOX as it is a
very efficient tool in getting these old games to run. Thummer up, dudes.

That concludes important parties to this project, but I can't forget to mention
my hosts, as they are the reason you can view this document in the first place.

Websites with permission to use this Guide:
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