Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

15.10.2013 03:06:04
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Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
by RandyPandy

Table of Contents

I) Introduction
II) Controls
III) Characters
IV) Walkthrough
a. Space Quest XII
b. Space Quest III
c. Space Quest X
d. Space Quest I
e. Space Quest XII
f. Space Quest X
g. Space Quest XII
V) Point List
VI) Item List
VII) Roger's Deaths
VIII) Space Quest Timeline
IX) Credits
X) Copyright


Roger had just finished his Space Quest III Adventure and
had dropped off the Two Guys from Andromeda. He traveled to
his home planet of Xenon and was talking to some people
about his latest adventure when he is interrupted by an
officer of the Sequel Police, who asks if he is Roger Wilco.
Roger says yes and it told by the Sequel Police to go with

Outside, the Sequel Police officer pulls out a small disk,
which displays a hologram of none other than Sludge Vohaul.
Naturally, Roger is surprised, and the hologram tells Roger
that he must die and that the Sequel Police are supposed to
kill him. Then it disappears.

Right before the Sequel Police are able to attack Roger, two
young men jump down from the roof of the nearby building and
knock them down. One of them yells at Roger to follow him,
and all three flee. The Sequel Police get up and chase them.

Roger and one of the young men run behind a building, barely
managing to dodge the Sequel Police's guns. The young man
creates a strange portal with his gun and yells at Roger to
jump into it. Roger hesitates, but the young man insists, so
Roger jumps into the portal and ends up in Space Quest XII.

Lost in time, wondering who saved him and why that guy saved
him, will Roger be able to foil Sludge Vohaul's plan, find
out his savior's identity, and return to his own time, all
while avoiding the Sequel Police?


On the very top of the screen, which you can see if you move
your cursor up to the gray bar, there will be a bunch of
icons that Roger can use.

> Walk: Very obvious. This allows you to move Roger around.

> Hand: Use this to examine objects and touch them.

> Talk: Allows you to talk to people / items.

> Taste: Allows you to taste items.

> Smell: Allows you to smell items.

> Inventory: Shows what items Roger is currently carrying.

> Settings: Allows you to change the settings of the game,
such as the speed, and allows you to exit the game.


> Roger Wilco: Roger is the main character of the Space
Quest series. Formally a janitor, Roger's world was turned
upside-down when the Sariens attacked his ship in SQI, and
his status skyrocketed from zero to hero. Unfortunately,
this made him the target of Sludge Vohaul.

> Roger Wilco Jr: Roger Jr is (obviously) Roger's son. He
is a member of a secret organization in SQXII that deals
with time mishaps and is also part of a rebellion against
Sludge Vohaul. He comes back in time from SQXII to SQIV in
order to stop Sludge Vohaul's men from killing his dad,
but due to time constraints, tosses Roger into the future.
He is later caught by the Sequel Police, but is later
rescued by Roger.

> Sequel Police: The Sequel Police are a group of cyborg
police officers hired by Vohaul to stamp out all of the
resistance in SQXII. Later, they went back to SQIV to take
out Roger. They will constantly be chasing Roger in the
game, and if they spot him, they will kill him.

> Sludge Vohaul: Sludge Vohaul is the main villain of the
Space Quest series. He wanted to take over the world, but
when he used the Sariens to take over the ship, he never
expected someone (namely, Roger) to fight back. He plans
have changed from taking over the world to killing Roger,
and he even wants to do this even far in the future.


Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II

NB: Patrolling the streets of Xenon are a robot and a cyborg
that want to kill you. Before the robot appears, the music
will change abruptly, so if it does, either hide somewhere
that it can't see you or leave the screen. Just simply walk
away from the cyborg to avoid it.

Anyways, take a right and grab the piece of rope lying on
the garbage. Afterwards, go two screens to the left, where
you will see a car. Open the glove compartment of the car
and take the Pocket Pal laptop device you see lying there.
Then head towards the pillars on the northern side of the
screen. Go behind them and use the rope from your inventory.
When the Energizer Bunny crosses the rope, use the hand icon
to click on the rope to capture it. In your inventory, take
out the battery in the bunny and place it in the Pocket Pal.

Afterwards, head north until you find a tank. Exmine it, and
you will see the unstable ordinance. Take it out and then
put it back in. Head two screens to the right. If you see a
small panel on the ground that looks like grating, then you
know you're in the right place. If not, head a screen north
or south until you find it. Once you do find it, go inside
it to enter the sewers.

Roger will end up in a small room. Take the jar that is
sitting on the desk, and then click on the corner of the
ink blotter to push a button. Watch / listen to the hologram
recording, and when its done, head over the left side of the
screen and enter the sewer passageway. Head left until you
see a threeway tunnel with a grating in the top. When you
start to head down, some green slime will appear from the
grating and start to follow you. Let the slime follow you
until you reach the bottom, and quickly dodge to the left or
the right. Then, before the slime climbs back up, use the
jar to scoop some up. Head left and then up until you see a
ladder leading to a manhole. Climb up the ladder and you
will see a Sequel Police ship appear and let out some of the
officers. Get out of the manhole.

Quickly dash to the right and you will see some of the
Sequel Police officers guarding the ship. As quickly as you
can, climb into the landing gear. The ship will take off and
head for their base. Once the ship lands, Roger will climb
out. Head left.

Roger will be at the edge of the screen. A Sequel Police
officer will be standing there, with a Time Ripper nearby.
Then another Time Ripper appears and another officer will
get out and talk to the first officer. However, he leaves
the Time Ripper open. While they are talking, quickly run
over to the Time Ripper and climb inside.

Once you are in, don't get out, or you'll get shot. On the
Time Ripper's viewing device, there will be a code. Copy
this code down, since it'll come in handy later. Now, there
will be a keypad with strange symbols on it. Now, here you
have to guess the code. The code will ALWAYS be either:

1) The first symbol six times
2) The last symbol six times
3) The first six symbols
4) The last six symbols backwards
5) The current code backwards

(If I missed a possibility, please tell me)

Anyways, once you enter the correct code in, you will end up
in Space Quest X. A wrong code will either take you nowhere,
Space Quest III, or Space Quest I.

Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon

If you somehow managed to end up here, DON'T GET OUT. This
is the volcanic planet of Ortega, and since Roger is not
wearing the proper gear, he will melt if he climbs out of
the Time Ripper. Instead, head back to Space Quest XII or

Space Quest X: The Latex Babes of Estros

Once you end up here, climb out of the Time Ripper and head
one screen to the left. Near some rocks, a shadow will pass
over Roger. Once it does, head back one screen to the right
and then head one screen down. Be quick, because if you are
too slow, another Time Ripper with two Sequel Police
officers will appear and you will have to flee back to the
Time Ripper, head back to Space Quest XII, and start all
over again. Once you make it to the last screen, a giant
bird will swoop down and capture Roger.

The bird will drop Roger in its nest. Wait awhile until the
bird drops a dead Sequel Police officer into the nest.
Examine the corpse to find a piece of paper with a Time
Ripper code on it. However, a piece of gum covers the first
three symbols. Now head towards the southern part of the
nest, squeeze through the hole, and fall down.

Roger will land in some water, and he will automatically
swim back to land. However, the moment he does, several
women in swimsuits appear, aiming weapons at him. The blonde
one, Zondra, appears to be angry at Roger about something,
so the women tell him to get into their ship. Climb into the
women's ship.

Roger will get carted off to their fortress, where the women
will hook him up to a torture device. They push a button on
the torture device, which vaporizes Roger's shoes and the
leggings of his pants. However, at that moment, a sea
monster will appear, and the terrified women flee, leaving
Roger behind.

The sea monster will use its tentacles to remove Roger's
bonds and then wrap themselves around him. The MOMENT they
do, push the button on the torture device. The sea monster
will recoil, allowing Roger to get free. Grab one of the
oxygen tanks, and then you will get grabbed by the sea
monster again. Toss the oxygen container into his mouth. It
will explode, killing it. The women will run back to Roger
and hug him, calling him a hero. Zondra will apologize to
Roger, and Roger, not knowing what she was mad at him for,
will accept her apology.

Meanwhile, back in Space Quest XII, some Sequel Police will
bring the young man who saved Roger, who appears to be
unconscious, to Vohaul. They had apparently captured him in
Space Quest IV right after Roger escaped. Vohaul will
comment that Roger Wilco will come to them soon enough,
since they now have his "son" (!).

Back in Space Quest X, the women and Roger decide to go to
the Galaxy Galleria shopping mall. The women run off,
leaving Roger behind. Zondra also unknowingly drops her
credit card. Pick up the credit card.

Now take the right conveyor until you reach a store called
Big and Tall. Enter it and talk to the clerk to get some
clothes. Change into them, and then pay the clerk and leave.

Now head arond the conveyor belts until you see a huge
crowd at the software store. When you inquire as to what is
going on, you will find out that the Two Guys from Andromeda
are inside, promoting their latest games. Unfortunately, you
can't get through.

So instead, head towards the Monolith Burger and talk to the
manager, who offers you a job. Select "Yes" and play the
arcade game. Play until you have at least 70 Buckazoids,
and then get yourself fired. When you do get fired, the
manager will literally kick you out and then throw his
cigarette at you in disgust. Ride the conveyor belt back to
the entrance and pick up the cigarette. Now that you have
money, what should you do with it? Spend it!

Therefore, ride the conveyor belt to a store called Sacks.
Go inside, and talk to the clerk to receive some women's
clothing. Change into them, pay the clerk, and then leave
the store. Ride the conveyor belt two screens to the right.
Use the credit card you picked up on the ATM machine, and
then select the option "Clean it out" to receive 2001
Buckazoids. Head back to Sacks and change back into your
normal clothing.

Now head back to the software store you passed earlier and
head inside. The crowd is long gone, and the clerk inside
tells you that all of the good games and hintbooks are all
sold out, but that there are still a few left in the bargain
bin. Examine the hintbooks in the bargain bin until you find
one labeled "SQIV." Select "Keep it." Head over to the clerk
and pay her 5 Buckazoids.

Open the Hintbook and turn to page 4. Answer the questions
until you get to one where only three Time Ripper symbols
appear. Write these down. Now open the piece of paper with
the gum on it that you carried all the way here and write
down the three symbols on it. Voila, a complete Time Ripper
code! But now you need a Time Ripper to use it on...

Head over to the Arcade and go up to the right side of the
screen. A Time Ripper appears on the lower left side of the
screen, and two Sequel Police officers get out. Quickly exit
the Arcade through the right entrance. Ride the conveyor
belt until you reach the entrance of the Galaxy Galleria,
where the two Sequel Police officers are waiting. Quickly,
run towards the top left conveyor belt and quickly run away.

NB: While in the Arcade, you can play Ms. Astro Chicken on
the Arcade machine if you want. It costs 1 Buckazoid to
play, but you get nothing for playing it.

Ride the belt, dodging the Sequel Police, until you reach
a set of stairs near Sacks leading to the Skate O'Rama. Run
into the Skate O'Rama and wait until a Sequel Police officer
tries to shoot you. Then jump into the Skate O'Rama and
climb UP (yes, this actually happens). Hang around up there
until an officer shows up and tries to shoot you. If you
keep Roger moving, the blasts should miss him.

Once the Sequel Police are up there, hurriedly exit the
Skate O'Rama before they catch up with you and head for the
Arcade. Once inside the Arcade, enter the Time Ripper. Copy
down the code that is currently on it, and then enter the
code you deduced just now.

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter

Exit the Time Ripper and head one screen down to reach a
pub. Enter the pub, and approach the Monochrome Boys. They
are appalled by Roger's colors and promptly kick him out of
the bar. So now what?

Near the pub are some bikes, which obviously belong to the
Monochrome Boys. Knock the bikes over, and when the Boys
come out, they will get mad, upright their bikes, and ride
around, looking for Roger. Once they leave, head back to the
pub and get the book of matches lying on the counter. Leave
the pub and head back to the Time Ripper.

While you are doing this, you may be found by a Monochrome
Boy, who will try to run you over. If this happens, dodge at
the last second. Also, if you come here before going to
Space Quest X, the Sequel Police might come chasing you.

Anyways, you are now inside the Time Ripper. Remember the
code that you wrote down at the VERY beginning of the game?
Enter that code to head back to Space Quest XII.

Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II

Well, you are now back in Space Quest XII! Head two screens
to the right of where you started and use the jar of slime
you collected to melt the lock on the door. Go inside, and
stop immediately. Use the matches on the cigarette you got
earlier to cause smoke to fill the hallway. The smoke will
reveal a group of laser barriers. Now focus you attention to
the keypad on the right. On the keypad, enter numbers to
make the laser barriers turn perfectly straight up so that
Roger can walk through them.

Head through the barriers until you reach another room with
a terminal nearby. Examine the terminal and you will see a
plug outlet. Memorize the shape (or draw it down somewhere),
and then hightail it out of here and back to the Time
Ripper. Enter the code you wrote down in Space Quest X right
before you left it, and head back to the Galaxy Galleria in
Space Quest X.

Space Quest X: The Latex Babes of Estros

Once here, head out of the Arcade and head towards a store
called Radio Shock (Hz. So Good in later versions). Inside,
you will have the opportunity to purchase hardware. Look
around until you are able to purchase accessories for the
Pocket Pal. Look around some more until you find the plug
that matches the shape you saw, and buy it.

Now head back out of the store and back to the Time Ripper.
Enter the code for Space Quest XII and leave.

Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II

Once here, head back to where you saw the terminal. Attach
the plug to the Pocket Pal and use it on the terminal to get
a map of your location. See that moving dot? That's a robot,
and you want to not be on the same screen as it, since it
will shoot you if it sees you. Your goal is to head two
screens to the left. Good luck.

Once you make it there, you will reach a door. Open the SQIV
Hintbook back up and go to page 7. Answer the questions
until one reveals a code. The code is: 6965847669. Enter
this code into the door.

Access the computer interface and you will see a Macintosh-
style screen with four programs on it: Space Quest IV,
King's Quest, a program shaped like a robot, and a program
shaped like a brain. Nearby these programs is a toilet
program. Now you must delete some stuff.

Delete the robot program by dragging it to the toilet. Now
you will no longer get attacked by robots in the corriders.
Next, delete the brain program. This will start a countdown.
Do not delete King's Quest, since it will only make the
countdown go faster. Don't delete Space Quest IV either,
since it will make the game exit itself.

When the countdown begins, exit the interface and run
through the corriders as fast as you can towards Vohaul's
room, which you saw in the cutscene where the Sequel Police
had captured Roger's son.

Once you reach the room, a platform will form, and a force
field holding Roger's son in place will go away. However,
it turns out that Vohaul had uploaded himself into Roger
Jr's body. Vohaul pulls out the disk on a nearby computer
and throws it into the pit. Then he lunges towards Roger.
Keep clicking your mouse behind him, because if he manages
to knock you over the side, you're dead.

Knock Vohaul down a few times, and then Roger will push him
back into the force field. Then climb down the ladder on the
side where Vohaul flung the disk away and retrieve it. Put
the disk into the computer next to it. Select 'Beam
Download', then 'Disk Upload.' Next, move the pointer to
'ROGER JR,' and finally, select 'Beam Upload.' You're done!
Now just watch the cutscene.

After Roger frees Roger Jr., they go outside the Sequel
Police base and have a father to son talk. Roger Jr. refuses
to tell Roger about the future, knowing the effects it might
have on the space-time continuum. However, he does reveal
that Roger got married, and even shows him a hologram of a
woman, who Roger didn't recognize. Then Roger Jr. feels that
he revealed too much, and uses his gun to create a time-warp
back to Space Quest IV. Roger and Roger Jr. say goodbye, and
Roger jumps into the time-warp.

Point List

There is a point system in this games that calculates the
number of points you have collected. Follow this list to get
every single point.

Space Quest VII: Vohaul's Revenge II

> Hide from the robot...............................5 points
> Get the piece of rope.............................5 points
> Capture the bunny................................10 points
> Get the Pocket Pal................................5 points
> Remove the bunny's battery........................3 points
> Put the battery in the Pocket Pal.................3 points
> Get the unstable ordinance.......................25 points
> Replace the unstable ordinance..................-20 points
> Go into the sewers................................5 points
> Take the jar......................................5 points
> Activate the hologram............................10 points
> Get some of the slime.............................5 points
> Leave the sewers..................................3 points
> Enter the Sequel Police's ship....................5 points
> Enter the Time Ripper............................10 points

Space Quest X: Latex Babes from Estros

> Get paper from the dead Sequel Police.............5 points
> Attack the tentacles..............................5 points
> Get one of the oxygen tanks.......................5 points
> Throw the tank into the monster's mouth...........5 points
> Get the credit card...............................2 points
> Purchase the SQ4 Hintbook.........................5 points
> Purchase some pants...............................5 points
> Work at the Monolith Burger.......................3 points
> Wimp out of working at Monolith Burger...........-3 points
> Get the cigarette.................................5 points
> Purchase some women's clothing....................5 points
> Empty the bank account...........................10 points
> Wear normal clothing again........................3 points
> Enter the Time Ripper............................15 points
> Enter the correct code............................5 points

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter

> Kick the bikes....................................5 points
> Dodge a Monochrome Boy............................5 points
> Get the matches...................................5 points

Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II

> Open the lock....................................10 points
> Smoke the cigarette..............................10 points
> Correctly align the laser beams..................15 points

Space Quest X: Latex Babes from Estros

> Purchase the correct plug........................15 points

Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II

> Use the plug with the Pocket Pal..................3 points
> Use the Pocket Pal with a terminal...............10 points
> Make it to the main control room.................10 points
> Put the code in..................................10 points
> Delete the droid program..........................5 points
> Delete the brain program.........................15 points
> Fight and win against Vohaul......................5 points
> Get the disk......................................5 points
> Insert the disk...................................5 points
> Beam download ROGER JR...........................25 points

Item List

> ATM Card
Found: Entrance to Galaxy Galleria
Use: AutoBucks Teller Machine to empty the account

> Battery
Found: Rabbit
Use: To power up Laptop

> Chewing Gum Wrapper
Found: Corpse of Sequel Police
Use: Has half of code to Space Quest I

> Cigar Butt
Found: Entrance to Galaxy Galleria after being fired
Use: Reveals laser beams with Matches

> Disk
Found: Bottom of pit in Vohaul's room
Use: Place into computer nearby

> Hint Book
Found: Bargain bin of software store
Use: Reveals codes for doorways and Time Rippers; gag item

> Jar
Found: Desk of main sewer room
Use: Scoop up green slime

> Jar of Green Slime
Found: Scoop up green slime
Use: Melt door lock

> Laptop
Found: Glove compartment of car near beginning
Use: Map in Sequel Police HQ with plug

> Matches
Found: Pub in Space Quest I
Use: Reveal laser beams with Cigar Butt

> Oxygen Tank
Found: Zondra's hideout
Use: Kill sea monster

> PocketPal Connector
Found: Purchase at Radio Shock / Hz. So Good
Use: Shows map of Sequel Police HQ with Laptop

> Rabbit
Found: Streets of Xenon
Use: Remove battery for Laptop

> Rope
Found: Junk pile in Xenon
Use: Capture Rabbit

> Unstable Ordinance
Found: Tank
Use: Points when returned to Tank

Roger's Deaths

Roger is able to die in numerous different ways, each which
prompt a different comment from the narrator. Some of these
deaths are quite humorous.

> Get shot by the Sequel Police
> Get shot by the robot in the streets of Xenon
> Get caught by the cyborg
> Get blown up by the unstable ordinance
> Fall down a hole in the back alleys of Xenon
> Get eaten by the green slime
> Fall off Sequel Police HQ
> Leave the Time Ripper in Space Quest III
> Fall of a cliff in Space Quest X
> Get shot by Zondra if you try to escape
> Get eaten by the sea monster
> Get eaten by the sea monster with the oxygen tank
> Try to leave the Galaxy Galleria through the main entrance
> Rob the software store
> Rob Sacks
> Get run over by a Monochrome Boy
> Get impaled by the lasers
> Make the clerk of Radio Shock / Hz. So Good angry
> Get shot by the robot patrolling the HQ
> Get shot by the robot while looking at the Pocket Pal
> Run out of time after you start the countdown
> Get knocked off the platform by Vohaul
> Use 'VOHAUL' on 'Beam Upload'

Space Quest Timeline

Space Quest 0: Replicated (fan-made)

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter

Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge

Space Quest 2X: Vohaul's Mines (fan-made, AU SQII)

Space Quest: The Lost Chapter (fan-made)

Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon

Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

Space Quest V: The Next Mutation

Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier

Space Quest VII: The Return to Roman Numerals (cancelled)

Space Quest 7: ? (fan-made)

Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back (fan-made)

Space Quest VIII: ? (non-existent)

Space Quest IX: ? (non-existent)

Space Quest X: Latex Babes from Estros (exists only in SQIV)

Space Quest XI: ? (non-existent)

Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II (exists only in SQIV)


> Sierra, for making this game

> GameFAQs, for hosting this guide

> NeoSeeker, for hosting this guide


This guide is Copyright (c) 2006 by RandyPandy, aka Shree
Panda. This guide is only available for private, personal
use and may not be replicated, duplicated, editted, altered,
or modifyed in any way. The only sites allowed to host this
FAQ are:

GameFAQs and its affliates
NeoSeeker and its affliates

If this guide is found anywhere else, please remove it as it
would violate copyright laws to keep it on.

To contact me, use the following email address:

randypandy13 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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