Command & Conquer

Command & Conquer

13.10.2013 12:46:03
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Copyright 2008 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of
my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any other site(s), please
contact me, and I will contact the site(s) to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

| ========================= |
| | CONTENTS | |
| ========================= |

0.00) General Notes

1.00) Walkthrough

1.10) GDI Missions
1.11) GDI Mission 1
1.12) GDI Mission 2
1.13) GDI Mission 3
1.14) GDI Mission 4
1.15) GDI Mission 5
1.16) GDI Mission 6
1.17) GDI Mission 7
1.18) GDI Mission 8
1.19) GDI Mission 9
1.20) GDI Mission 10
1.21) GDI Mission 11
1.22) GDI Mission 12
1.23) GDI Mission 13
1.24) GDI Mission 14
1.25) GDI Mission 15

1.50) Nod Missions
1.51) Nod Mission 1
1.52) Nod Mission 2
1.53) Nod Mission 3
1.54) Nod Mission 4
1.55) Nod Mission 5
1.56) Nod Mission 6
1.57) Nod Mission 7
1.58) Nod Mission 8
1.59) Nod Mission 9
1.60) Nod Mission 10
1.61) Nod Mission 11
1.62) Nod Mission 12
1.63) Nod Mission 13

7.00) End
7.01) Version History
7.02) Closing

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 0.00) General Notes | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

These are some of the most important keyboard/mouse functions. If you've
played at least one or two other RTS games before, most of these will probably
be familiar already, but if not, you should defintely familiarize yourself with


- The X key will make your units scatter, making them harder to hit.
Scattering can make all the difference in many tank battles, and you can use it
with infantry to avoid being crushed.


- The S key will stop the last command you gave to the units you currently
have selected. This is great for when you realize you just sent something
somewhere stupid, or if you want to stop force-firing on something.


- Pressing this will center your screen on your primary Construction Yard.
This is useful when you don't have radar and accidentally bump your mouse or

Ctrl+Left Click

- Hold down the Control key, then left click on something to make your
selected unit(s) force-fire on a target, even if it's a friendly unit,
building, or just bare ground. This is a great way to purposely destroy
bridges and detonate mine fields.

Alt+Left Click

- This is similar to Force-Fire, only instead of firing, it'll force your
selected unit(s) to move to the desired location. The main reason you'll want
to use this command is for smashing infantry - tell a vehicle to force-move on
an infantry unit, and it'll actively try to run the unit over.


- Hold down the Control key, then press one of the number keys from one to
nine. Anything you had selected at the time will now be in a group that
corresponds to the number you pressed. When you let go of that selection,
pressing the corresponding number key again (without Ctrl this time) will
automatically reselect those units. This is an absolute must for efficient
combat, especially in online games. Note that pressing Alt + a group number
will not only reselect the units, but also center your screen on the group's
current location.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | 1.00) Walkthrough | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 1.10) GDI Missions | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.11) GDI Mission 1 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objective

"Use the units provided to protect the Mobile Construction Vehicle. (MCV) You
should then deploy the MCV by double clicking on it. Then you can begin to
build up a base. Start with a Power Plant. Finally, search out and destroy
all enemy Nod units in the surrounding area."


As usual for RTS games, the first mission is very simple. The gunboat on the
water can pretty much handle the three turrets on its own, but you can send
your infantry over there to help it out if you'd like. Defend against the few
units that attack your base, then move north and wipe out the Nod troops hiding
in the trees. Once every Nod unit is destroyed, the mission will be over.

You can deploy your MCV and build a power plant and barracks if you'd like, but
you won't really need to train any new units to finish the mission. Your
initial forces are more than enough to handle the weak Nod forces in the area.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.12) GDI Mission 2 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Estonia Population: 1,607,000
Geographic Area: 17,413 square miles
Capital: Tallinn
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: Negligible
----------------- Point of Conflict: Parnu
Mission Objective Military Power: Local Militia

"Defend your position, deploy the MCV, then build a sizable force to search out
and destroy the Nod base in the area. All Nod units and structures must be
either destroyed or captured to complete objective."


Repair your barracks and fend off the Nod forces, then move your forces north
and clear the way towards the Nod base. When your MCV arrives, deploy it and
build a power plant, then train another ten or so soldiers. Send them towards
the Nod base along with the engineers you got, then fight your way into the
middle of the base. Let your soldiers deal with the Nod units, then send your
three engineers into three of the Nod buildings to capture them.

Wipe out whatever's left in the base with your units (including the rest of the
buildings), then head west and look for the harvester if you didn't already
destroy it in the base. If you find it and destroy it but the mission doesn't
end, check the area around your base for Nod soldiers that might be hanging
around down there.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.13) GDI Mission 3 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Latvia Population: 2,728,000
Geographic Area: 24,900 square miles
Capital: Riga
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: Negligible
----------------- Point of Conflict: Jelgava
Mission Objective Military Power: Local Militia

"Build up forces to destroy Nod base. Once all Nod SAM sites are neutralized
then air support will be provided to combat obstacles such as turrets.
Destroy all units and structures to complete the mission objective."


Despite what the mission objective says, the airstrikes you'll get when the SAM
sites are destroyed are pretty much useless against turrets, so you shouldn't
bother going out of your way to destroy the SAM sites. Use your initial forces
to fight off the Nod assaults while you deploy your MCV and build a power plant
and a refinery. There's a Tiberium field above and to the left of your base,
and there's another one east of your base. Either one will work fine, but make
sure you remember that Tiberium is harmful to infantry - keep them out of it.

Train some minigunners at your barracks, then move them east just above the
Tiberium field. There're a few Nod soldiers in the trees nearby, and you'll
also find the first of four SAM sites there. Destroy the SAM site after
killing the soldiers, then send your units through the gap in the ridges north
above your base.

You'll find the second SAM site there along with some Nod troops, so wipe
everything out. The Tiberium field east of that SAM site will probably have a
harvester in it, so destroy it if you can. Move north-west and destroy the
third SAM site there, then attack the southern entrance of the Nod base. The
two turrets should be your primary concern, but if a swarm of Nod troops
counter-attacks you, deal with them before the turrets.

The fourth SAM site is south-east of the Nod base, but before you go to destroy
it, take out the third turret on the east side of the base and destroy the rest
of the buildings in the base. Once everything's been destroyed, the mission
will be over.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.14) GDI Mission 4 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Poland Population: 38,385,000
Geographic Area: 120,727 square miles
Capital: Warsaw
Government: Democratic State
Gross Domestic Product: $162,700,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Gdansk
Mission Objective Military Power: Free Standing Army

"Nod has captured classified GDI property. You must find and retrieve the
stolen equipment. It is being transported in a shipping crate. Use the new
APC to strategically transport infantry through Nod forces."

Left Route Walkthrough

Fend off the Nod forces that attack shortly after the mission starts, then load
your infantry into the two APCs. Send your units west through the Tiberium
field, then move to the bottom of the map and continue moving west until you
reach the south-western corner. Don't bother stopping to fight the infantry
units you encounter - just move right past them.

Head directly north when you reach the south-western corner, and you'll find
the Nod base. All you have to do is touch the crate in the small fenced area
to finish the mission, so don't bother stopping to fire at anything. Just rush
directly for the crate, and the mission will be over.


Poland Population: 38,385,000
Geographic Area: 120,727 square miles
Capital: Warsaw
Government: Democratic State
Gross Domestic Product: $162,700,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Byelistok
Mission Objective Military Power: Free Standing Army

"Nod is moving to capture and hold a civilian town. Your mission is to reach
the town first and hold off invading Nod units until GDI reinforcements
arrive. All invading Nod units must be destroyed."

Center Route Walkthrough

Let your forces slaughter the initial Nod attack, then move your units east to
the bridge. Eliminate the Nod forces on the eastern side of the bridge, then
return to the western side and look for some soldiers in the trees. Head south
through the gap where you originally started next, and be prepared to deal with
a few more Nod units. Make sure you check the trees, the game likes to hide
infantry behind them.

Move east, and you'll find a crossing over the water. Go over it, then fight
off the infantry and buggies over there. Check the trees to the north by the
ridge, then move south along the eastern edge of the map. Cross the bridge by
the barn thing, then quickly move all of your forces west to avoid the Nod
reinforcements arriving in the east.

You'll find the village here, and you'll receive some reinforcements on the
western edge of the town. Move them east to the entrance and empty the troops
from the APC, then use all of your forces to fight off the Nod attack. If you
wipe the attacking forces out and the mission doesn't end, move your units all
the way to the east along the bottom of the map. Sometimes some Nod infantry
will sit here instead of attacking the town, and the mission should end once
you wipe them out.


Belarus Population: 10,373,000
Geographic Area: 80,134 square miles
Capital: Minsk
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: Negligible
----------------- Point of Conflict: Bobyrusk
Mission Objective Military Power: State Militia

"Nod has captured classified GDI property. You must find and retrieve the
stolen equipment. It is being transported in a shipping crate. Use the new
APC to strategically transport infantry through Nod forces."

Right Route Walkthrough

Destroy the two buggies that attack your units, then load your infantry into
the two APCs. Send your three vehicles north over the Tiberium field, then
turn north-east and continue moving north past the trees. When you hit the top
of the map, turn south-east and move to the far eastern edge of the map. Head
due south, then turn west when you can, and you'll run right into the base.

All you have to do is reach the crate inside the small fenced area in the Nod
base to finish the mission. Don't bother stopping to attack anything after the
first two buggies at the very start of the mission, and you should have no
problems reaching the base with enough health left on your APCs to get to the

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.15) GDI Mission 5 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Germany Population: 80,387,000
Geographic Area: 137,838 square miles
Capital: Berlin
Government: Federal Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $1,131,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Dresden
Mission Objective Military Power: National Power

"A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will
not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch
a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and

Lower Route Walkthrough

Move your fources south along the western edge of the map, then turn to the
right when you reach the bridge. You'll find your base here - repair all of
the damaged buildings, then start training grenadiers. Send your medium tanks
to the small Tiberium field directly north of your base on the other side of
the water and check behind the tree that looks different from the others.
There's an orangish colored crate hidden behind the tree that'll give you an
easy two thousand credits. Return the tanks to your base when you've got it.

Move your grenadiers east, then turn them north at the eastern edge of the map.
The Nod base is in the north-eastern corner, and a pair of turrets is guarding
the southern entrance. Fight your way in and start slaughtering the Nod troops
and structures. Try to target their barracks and construction yard first, and
if all of your soldiers get killed in the first attack, send in another wave.

Once you've destroyed the base, you'll have to hunt down the harvester if you
didn't already destroy it. Chances are it's sitting in the Tiberium fields to
the west somewhere, and you'll probably need to go over there to destroy the
SAM site north of your base anyway if you didn't do it earlier.


Germany Population: 80,387,000
Geographic Area: 137,838 square miles
Capital: Berlin
Government: Federal Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $1,131,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Hanover
Mission Objective Military Power: National Power

"A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will
not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch
a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and

Upper Route Walkthrough

Move east near the bottom of the screen, and you'll eventually find your base
on the other side of the Tiberium field. Repair all of your buildings, then
start cranking out grenadiers. There're four SAM sites on the map, and if you
manage to destroy them, you'll get the carpet bombing ability. One of them is
to the left of the bridge in the middle of the map, another is north-east of
the bridge on a small ridge. Underneath that ridge, you'll find an orangish
colored crate - touch it, and you'll get some extra credits to use.

The other two SAM sites are on the southern edge of the Nod base. Head west
from the bridge, and you should be able to see them from under the ridge. Use
the medium tanks to destroy them, but watch out for the light tank near the
western edge of the map. Once all four SAM sites are destroyed, use your
carpet bomber on the Nod base, then send in your forces to finish it off.
Destroy all of the buildings, units, and the harvester, and the mission will be


Ukraine Population: 51,994,000
Geographic Area: 233,100 square miles
Capital: Kiev
Government: Constitutional Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $47,600,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Ivano-Frankovsk
Mission Objective Military Power: State Militia

"A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will
not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch
a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and

Left Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the one for the Germany upper route,
so refer to the above section if you chose this path.


Ukraine Population: 51,994,000
Geographic Area: 233,100 square miles
Capital: Kiev
Government: Constitutional Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $47,600,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Ivano-Frankovsk
Mission Objective Military Power: State Militia

"A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will
not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch
a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and

Right Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the one for the Germany upper route,
so refer to the above section if you chose this path.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.16) GDI Mission 6 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Czech Republic Population: 10,400,000
Geographic Area: 30,449 square miles
Capital: Prague
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $120,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Ostrava
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"Use a GDI Commando to infiltrate the Nod base. **** ** destroy the ********
so that the base is incapacitated. Get in, hit it, and get the **** out."

Left Route Walkthrough

Take out the two soldiers on the north side of the bridge, then check behind
the trees north-east of the bridge to find another Nod soldier. Detonate the
SAM site nearby, then turn west. There's a rocket guy there, and another guy's
hiding in the trees south of the SAM site. Kill him, then detonate the second
SAM site to get a Chinook. It'll land nearby, and you can put the Commando in
it to transport it to the town where the flare is. (If the Commando happens to
be standing right where the Chinook wants to land, it'll continue flying and
get destroyed by the SAM sites farther to the north. If that happens, just
replay the mission and make sure you don't have the Commando standing in the
way this time.)

Get the Commando out of the Chinook near the flare in the town, then move him
north. Keep your eyes peeled for a buggy on the road between the ridges. As
soon as it moves north, run the Commando up there and turn east down the road
between the ridges. Follow the road north-east, and you'll eventually run into
some Nod soldiers on patrol near some turrets. Pick off the minigunners, then
rush into the Nod base, ignoring the turrets.

All you have to do to win the mission is destroy a single power plant.
Detonate one of them, and the mission will be complete.


Czech Republic Population: 10,400,000
Geographic Area: 30,449 square miles
Capital: Prague
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $120,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Ostrava
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"Use a GDI Commando to infiltrate the Nod base. **** ** destroy the ********
so that the base is incapacitated. Get in, hit it, and get the **** out."

Right Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the left route, so refer to the above
section if you chose this path.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.17) GDI Mission 7 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Czech Republic Population: 10,400,000
Geographic Area: 30,449 square miles
Capital: Prague
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $120,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Ostrava
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"Previous mission objective not complete. Airfield was to be targeted. New
objective: Build up a base and Destroy remaining Nod structures and units.
Reinforcements will be provided."


Fend off the initial Nod attacks, then deploy your MCV when it arrives. Build
a power plant and a refinery to the north of the beach, then get a barracks and
a pair of guard towers (one above your refinery and one to guard the eastern
entrance of your base). You can build a weapons factory now too, and if you
want, you can build a communications center. Start building equal numbers of
hum-vees and medium tanks when you've got your base ready.

When you have a few hum-vees and some tanks, move them north and wipe out the
Nod units in the trees. The north-western corner of the map is another
Tiberium field that you'll want to secure, but watch out for rocket troops.
They tend to stand in the west side of the field, and they'll destroy your
harvesters if you don't kill them first.

Continue collecting Tiberium to build your tanks and hum-vees, and build a
second harvester if you'd like to speed up the process. When you've got six or
so of each, send them east along the northern edge of the map. There's a
turret on the upper and lower ridges here, so destroy them both (and the SAM
site west of the southern turret). Continue moving east into the Nod base,
then target the barracks as soon as you eliminate any units in the area.

With the barracks destroyed, move to the lower-right corner of the base and
destroy the construction yard. With those two buildings gone, the Nod forces
in the area will be pretty much defenseless. Take out the airfield next, then
destroy everything else. There's another turret and a SAM site south of the
Nod base too, so don't forget about them if you're wondering why the mission
doesn't end after you finish off the base. There also might be some soldiers
standing in the north-west corner of the map.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.18) GDI Mission 8 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Austria Population: 7,867,000
Geographic Area: 32,377 square miles
Capital: Vienna
Government: Democracy
Gross Domestic Product: $164,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Jelgava
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"U.N. Sanction has cut funding to the Global Defense Initiative. Field Units
are helpless. Use the repair facility to keep your units in the field long
enough to destroy the Nod base in this region. All Nod units and structures
must be destroyed."

Left Route Walkthrough

Repair all of your buildings (don't miss the two guard towers) and repair your
harvester at the repair bay, then send it to the Tiberium field west of your
base. Repair the two medium tanks at the bay next, and pile your infantry on
the west side of your base to defend it. Repair the rest of your vehicles, but
keep an eye out for an artillery unit in the Tiberium field to the north of
your base. It's extremely devastating to infantry, so use your medium tanks to
deal with it.

With your vehicles repaired and your harvester working, you can start cranking
out minigunners and rocket soldiers. The easiest way to win this mission is by
securing the north-eastern corner of the map so you can bombard the Nod base
with your rocket launchers from the safety of the upper ridges. Build clusters
of ten minigunners accompanied by ten rocket soldiers and send them up the path
on the right side of the map.

(If you take an APC to the lower left corner of the map, then send it due north
through the buildings and trees, you'll find a crate full of credits.)

You'll run into some infantry and a couple light tanks, but your soldiers
should be able to handle them. The flame troopers on the second bridge will
probably cause some major damage, though, so you might have to send another
cluster of troops up there. Once you've secured the second bridge, send your
three rocket launchers up there to join your infantry. Leave the infantry on
the bridge to defend it, then move the rocket launchers west until you can see
the Nod base.

Your primary targets should be the airfield, the pile of Nod infantry that
gathers outside the barracks, and the barracks itself. Make sure you keep the
rocket launchers as far back from the ridge as possible, or a vehicle might
pick them off when you're not looking. The main point in the assault is to get
rid of the Nod infantry so your troops can assault the southern entrance of the
base. Keep them under control, then send some rocket soldiers and some
minigunners to the base.

Take out the turrets, then continue all the way to the north-west corner to
find the construction yard. Destroy it and the other buildings around it, then
move back to the main part of the base and destroy everything else. There're
also three SAM sites on the map that you'll need to destroy, two of which are
on the upper ridges where your rocket launchers are sitting. The third is
above a Tiberium field south-west of the Nod base. Destroy all three of them
and any Nod survivors, and the mission will be complete.


Slovakia Population: 5,300,000
Geographic Area: 18,932 square miles
Capital: Bratislava
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: Negligible
----------------- Point of Conflict: Bratislava
Mission Objective Military Power: Local Militia

"Dr. Moebius is establishing a Hospital to treat the civilians in the region
who are falling ill due to exposure to Tiberium. Protect Moebius and the
civilians. Eliminate Nod presence in the area."

Right Route Walkthrough

This is definitely the hardest mission in the game up to this point. The
civilians in the lower-left part of the map must survive - if too many of them
get killed, you'll fail. The primary threats will be Chinooks dumping troops
above the town and to the right of it, and even worse, the civilians tend to
wander into the Tiberium and fry themselves.

Move your MCV slightly south-east and deploy it, then build a power plant down
and to the right of it. You should have just enough space between the power
plant and the Tiberium field to place a refinery, so build one as soon as you
place the power plant. Move your two rocket launchers to the ridge east of
their starting position, and send the three medium tanks above the civilian
town to the south-west. An artillery unit and a light tank will be moving into
the area shortly, and you'll need the tanks to protect the town.

Build a weapons factory as soon as the refinery is finished, then build a
second harvester. Your next priority is to seal the town off from the Tiberium
field above it, which means sand bags. Lots of them. Start a chain of them
moving north from the hospital, then turn to the right when you hit the
Tiberium field. Turn north when you get to the eastern edge of the Tiberium
field, then seal it off to the east. The goal is to block the northern
Tiberium field, but not the eastern one - your harvesters will need to move in
there eventually.

Chinooks will land on the north-western part of the town as well as the
south-eastern part. Park your two rocket launchers in the Tiberium field in
the north-west corner of the Tiberium field, and they'll blast any Chinooks out
of the sky before they have a chance to land. Park all of your original
infantry units in the gap between the town and the bridge east of it, and they
should be able to handle the other Chinooks.

The best way to eliminate the Nod bases (there's a base in both northern
corners) is to defend the Tiberium fields north of the civilian town. Continue
your sand bag chain over the water until you can reach the trees between the
two Tiberium fields, then build a trio of guard towers (you'll need a barracks
before you can build them). Nod troops will occasionally poor down this gap,
as will tanks, artillery, and buggies. The guard towers will handle a lot of
them, but you'll need to keep a group of medium tanks here to help out. If you
get the chance, it's very helpful to build a repair bay here, too, so you can
keep the tanks in good shape. The main goal is to destroy Nod harvesters in
the Tiberium fields.

With the Tiberium fields protected and the civilians cut off from the Tiberium
fields, your next step is to take out the Nod construction yard. It's near the
front of the north-western Nod base, but there're usually tons of Nod units
near the entrance. The best way to take out the construction yard (and most of
the other buildings in the base) is with a pair of APCs full of engineers.
Load two APCs with five engineers each, then send an empty APC up to the base
to scout the entrance.

When you can see the pile of infantry forming outside of the barracks, send in
a couple more empty APCs to try and crush as many of them as possible, then
send in both of your APCs with the engineers. Move them up the right side of
the base, then dump the engineers out of them. Your primary goal is the
construction yard - make absolutely sure you capture it, then capture anything
else you can with the remaining engineers. If you can get the refinery and the
barracks, this part of the base will be pretty much useless to Nod.

As long as you get the construction yard though, you'll be in a good position
to finish the mission. Continue destroying harvesters in the Tiberium fields
above the town, and you'll eventually wear Nod out of money. Build up a force
of medium tanks and crush both bases, and the mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.19) GDI Mission 9 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Hungary Population: 10,333,000
Geographic Area: 35,919 square miles
Capital: Budapest
Government: Democracy
Gross Domestic Product: $60,100,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Budapest
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"Take out Nod turrets along shore so Gunboats can move in safely on the Nod
base. The Nod base must be destroyed. If gunboats can get in, they should be
able to destroy the base with no difficulty. Keep an eye out for the new
weapon Nod is rumored to be working on."

Left Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV, build a power plant below it, and then build a refinery below
the power plant. Use your infantry to defend your base while your harvester
collects some credits, and start building a weapons factory. Meanwhile, you
should scroll down the map and find the five infantry units you have on the
lower island. Send them to the very bottom of the island, then send them all
the way to the western edge to find a crate of money. Return to the middle of
the island, then turn north and destroy the two turrets there. A Chinook will
land on the island for you if you have survivors.

There's another Tiberium field south of your base that you can harvest when the
first one runs out, but the bridge is only wide enough for one harvester to go
over it at a time, so you'll need to make sure they don't get stuck on it.
Build six or so medium tanks, then prepare two APCs full of engineers. Use the
tanks to clear a path to the north-west corner of the map across the top, then
turn south and clear the Nod forces off of the bridge leading to the Nod base.

Use the tanks to take out the turrets guarding the entrance, then leave them
there to deal with as many Nod units as you can (especially artillery). Send
the two engineer APCs there along the same route, then dump the engineers out
and capture as many buildings as you can. The airfield and construction yard
should be your primary targets, followed by as many power plants as you can get
your hands on and the barracks.

With the base crippled, all you need to do is move in more tanks and crush the
remaining units and structures. Don't forget to destroy the two turrets near
the river, too. Once they're destroyed, the mission should be over (assuming
you've destroyed everything else, too).


Hungary Population: 10,333,000
Geographic Area: 35,919 square miles
Capital: Budapest
Government: Democracy
Gross Domestic Product: $60,100,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Budapest
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"Take out Nod turrets along shore so Gunboats can move in safely on the Nod
base. The Nod base must be destroyed. If gunboats can get in, they should be
able to destroy the base with no difficulty. Keep an eye out for the new
weapon Nod is rumored to be working on."

Right Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the map for the left route, so refer
to the above section for the walkthrough.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.20) GDI Mission 10 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Slovenia Population: 1,974,000
Geographic Area: 7,819 square miles
Capital: Ljubljana
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $21,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Trieste
Mission Objective Military Power: State Militia

"U.N. funding has been re-established. You now have access to a new aircraft,
the Orca. This unit is to be used to scout the immediate area. Destroy all
Nod presence in this region."

Left Route Walkthrough

Move your MCV east until it's between the two Tiberium fields, then deploy it
there, making sure you have enough room to the right of it for a refinery. Use
your starting units to defend the construction yard until you're able to get a
power plant to the left of it and a refinery to the right, then build a weapons
factory somewhere safe from the nearby turrets. Crank out a new harvester,
then build a few more medium tanks and use them to destroy the turrets around
the map.

Avoid the lower-right corner, though - the Nod base is there, and an Obelisk is
guarding the west entrance. When you're through with the turrets, park your
tanks by the entrances to the Tiberium fields west of the Nod base, then start
loading two APCs full of engineers. When they're ready, send your tanks to the
edge of the Nod base to provoke their units into a fight, then slaughter them
outside of the range of the Obelisk.

With the main group of their forces removed from the base, it'll be safe to
send your APCs in. The Obelisk will probably destroy one of them, so make sure
the second one reaches the bottom-right corner of the base. When the first APC
explodes, quickly grab the engineers and try to capture as many buildings as
you can with them before the Obelisk slaughters them. Empty the other APC in
the corner and capture the construction yard and some power plants.

With the base crippled and lacking sufficient power, move your tanks in and
crush it. There're two SAM sites along the very bottom of the map - once you
destroy them and everything else on the map, the mission will be complete.


Romania Population: 23,169,000
Geographic Area: 91,699 square miles
Capital: Bucharest
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $71,900,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Arad
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"U.N. funding has been re-established. You now have access to a new aircraft,
the Orca. This unit is to be used to scout the immediate area. Destroy all
Nod presence in this region."

Right Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV, build a power plant above it, and then build a refinery close
to the Tiberium field there. Nod forces will attack your base almost
immediately, and there'll be quite a few of them, so stay alert. Once you have
a weapons factory, build a second harvester and send it to the Tiberium field
slightly east of your base. As you continue building your base, avoid placing
anything near the ridge to the south - Nod forces will move down there and
attack you from the other side, and it's a long trip for you to go around.

Once you have a cluster of six or so medium tanks, send them around the western
side of the map crusing turrets. Return any damaged ones to your base and
repair them once you have a repair bay. The main goal is to free up a path
from your base to the Tiberium field on the western edge of the map so your
harvesters can mine it safely.

You'll find the Nod base in the north-eastern corner of the map. Two turrets
and an Obelisk are guarding the corner of the base, but you need to get your
tanks into the Tiberium field to the left of it to keep them from funding their
war effort. Park them in a vertical line on the edge of the field, just out of
the turret's range. Leave them here to fend off harvesters while you load two
APCs full of engineers.

The Nod contruction yard is in the lower-right corner of the Nod base. Move
your APCs in as fast as you can, but one of them will most likely get destroyed
by the Obelisk before it makes it very far in. Make absolutely sure the other
one reaches the corner, and try to capture a few buildings with the engineers
that pop out of the first one before they get slaughtered. Empty the second
APC and capture the construction yard, barracks, and some power plants.

If you need to take out more of the base, train a few more engineers at the
barracks you just captured (highlight it and double click to set it to your
primary barracks). Use them to capture the rest of the buildings, then finish
off the Turrets with your tanks to end the mission.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.21) GDI Mission 11 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Greece Population: 10,064,000
Geographic Area: 51,146 square miles
Capital: Athens
Government: Parliamentary Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $77,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Corinth
Mission Objective Military Power: Free Standing Army

"Intelligence operative, code-name Delphi, has info on Kane and a new
bio-research laboratory. After landing on the beach here in Corinth move
north to make contact with him. Nod will attempt to stop you. You must reach


The beach isn't exactly the friendliest of places, so as soon as your six
grenadiers land, immediately run them north-east past the turrets into the
clearing, and follow them with the MCV. Stop the light tank with the grenade
guys while you deploy and repair your construction yard, then build a power
plant to the right of it followed by a refinery. Use your grenadiers to clear
the rocket guys from above and below the Tiberium field to the east.

Before you build a weapons factory, get a barracks and build three guard towers
above and to the left of your refinery, then get a weapons factory and an extra
harvester. When the small Tiberium field east of your base is empty, send your
harvesters south over the bridge to find another large field. Start getting
some medium tanks before you even bother with a radar station, or the Nod flame
tanks will level your base very quickly.

The same classic APC-engineer gag from the previous missions will save you
quite a bit of time in this mission, too. Once you have ten or so tanks, load
two APCs full of engineers. Send the tanks to the upper-left corner of the map
and cut off the Nod harvesters from the Tiberium field up there. They'll send
a seemingly endless amount of troops and vehicles to stop you, so while they're
distracted, move in closer to the base with the tanks until you can fire at the
turrets and the Obelisk. While it's distracted, move your APCs into the very
back of the Nod base (it's in two parts - you'll want to be as far east as
possible with the APCs).

Dump the engineers and capture everything you can in the back portion of the
base, and try to force a tank back there if you can. You need to blow a hole
in the concrete leading east so you can reach the pickup point. If you can't
reach with a tank, quickly build a barracks up here, set it to primary by
double clicking on it, and build a rocket guy or two up here. Move them closer
to Delphi to make a Chinook appear, then put Delphi in it. The mission will
end automatically after a while.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.22) GDI Mission 12 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Albania Population: 3,285,000
Geographic Area: 11,100 square miles
Capital: Tirana
Government: Democracy
Gross Domestic Product: $4,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Shkoder
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"A GDI base is under siege in this region. Dr. Moebius is trapped in the base.
Move in, grab Moebius, and then a transport helicopter will be sent to you.
Get Moebius into the transport. Make sure that there are no SAM sites in the
area or else the transports will be useless."

Left Route Walkthrough

Repair your structures and park your Mammoth, medium tank, and rocket launcher
near the entrance of your base to fend off Nod attacks. You should have enough
credits to build an APC and six engineers, so do so as quickly as you can. Put
three engineers into each of your APCs, then send them north over the bridge
right outside your base.

The clearing is full of Nod vehicles and infantry, so you'll need to be
constantly moving to avoid getting your APCs destroyed. Move straight north
through the clearing until you cross the little river crossing, then continue a
little farther to the north until you're above the ridge to the left. Turn due
west after that, and you'll wind up driving directly between two turrets on the
eastern side of the Nod base.

Stay as far to the north as you can as you enter the base, then eject your
engineers in front of the Nod construction yard. Quickly capture as many
buildings as you can, especially the construction yard and airfield. If you're
fast, you should be able to get both of those as well as the ore refinery,
barracks, and a power plant or two, which will completely cripple the Nod base.
Sell everything you capture before Nod has a chance to destroy any of it.

All you have to do to finish the mission is destroy the SAM sites on the map.
The ones near your base are pretty simple, but the two near the Nod base and
the one in the north-eastern corner will be a little more dangerous. Use the
money you got from selling your captured buildings to build a few medium tanks,
then send them to the civilian town on the eastern side of the map near the
middle. There's a money crate in the bottom of the town that you can use to
build up your forces. Fight your way through the Nod units on your way to the
two SAM sites near the Nod base and the one north of the town and destroy them.

A chinook will land near your base once all of the SAM sites are destroyed.
Simply put Moebius in the chinook, and the mission will be over.


Bulgaria Population: 8,868,000
Geographic Area: 44,365 square miles
Capital: Sofia
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $47,300,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Sofia
Mission Objective Military Power: National Guard

"A GDI base is under siege in this region. Dr. Moebius is trapped in the base.
Move in, grab Moebius, and then a transport helicopter will be sent to you.
Get Moebius into the transport. Make sure that there are no SAM sites in the
area or else the transports will be useless."

Right Route Walkthrough

Repair all of your buildings, then build an APC and five engineers. The Nod
base is in the north-east corner of the map. Take one of your APCs and move
north out of your base, then continue east when you pass the Tiberium field.
Move farther to the east, and you should end up right between a pair of
turrets on the western edge of the Nod base. Go between them as high as
possible, then continue along the upper part of the base to the far right side.
You'll end up destroyed, but the point is just to scout the base.

As you might've noticed with your little scouting mission, there're quite a few
infantry units and some vehicles in the Nod base, so you'll need to lure them
out before you can safely send your second APC in with your engineers. Send
your medium tank, Mammoth, and rocket launcher into the Tiberium field
south-west of the Nod base and destroy their harvester, then use them to fend
off the Nod counter-attack while your APC rushes in. Get it right below the
Nod construction yard, then dump the engineers and capture it. Capture the
power plants and the airfield below it too if you can, then sell it all before
they destroy any of it.

With their base crippled, all they'll be able to do is build infantry. If you
still have your vehicles in the Tiberium field south-west of their base, keep
using them to destroy any harvesters they send out. Otherwise, use the money
you got from selling the stolen buildings to build a few more medium tanks. If
necessary, you can always sell some of your base's buildings, too.

All you really need to do to finish the mission is destroy the seven SAM sites
on the map, but it's probably safer to go ahead and completely destroy the Nod
base. There're four SAM sites along the ridge north of your base (one of them
is slightly to the east), one in the northern part of the map by a turret, and
two in the Nod base. Once they're all destroyed, a chinook will land near your
base. Put Moebius into it, and the mission will be over.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.23) GDI Mission 13 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Yugoslavia Population: 10,337,000
Geographic Area: 39,449 square miles
Capital: Belgrade
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $120,100,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Nis
Mission Objective Military Power: Free Standing Army

"Delphi's info decoded and Kane has been found. He is overseeing experiments
at a Bio-research facility in this area. Destroy facility while we have him
cornered. Build an Advanced Communications center to access the new Ion
Cannon. It will greatly assist you in your objective."

Right Route Walkthrough

Quickly move your MCV westward until you're between the upper and lower
Tiberium fields, then deploy it and start building a power plant. Move your
vehicles over to guard the construction yard, but leave the infantry on the
east side (so they don't get slaughtered on the Tiberium fields). Place the
power plant as soon as it's done, then start building a refinery.

Place the refinery between the two Tiberium fields, then build and place an
advanced power plant. Once you've built and placed a war factory, use it to
build a second harvester, then build and place a communications center. Small
Nod attacks will probably be hitting you already, so fend them off (and try to
take out the Nod harvester if it comes by).

Get another advanced power plant, then build a pair of advanced guard towers to
defend your base. Build and place an advanced communications center as soon as
your defenses are ready, then start cranking out rocket launchers from your war
factory. When you have six or so of them (and your Ion Cannon is charged),
build a humvee and use it to scout a path to the north along the east side of
the map. When you run into a ridge on the north side of the Tiberium field,
head west along it.

You'll see some concrete on the north side of the ridge and some more to the
west on the lower part of the ridge, which is where the main Nod base is. Send
the rocket launchers to that area and use them to blast a hole in the corner of
the base's concrete walls (destroy the concrete leading north, too, so you can
get closer to the ridge). Rush your rocket launchers into the base through
this hole, and stay as far to the east as possible to ovoid the Obelisks of

Staying to the east should also give you a view of the bio-research facility on
the ridge. As soon as you can see it, use your Ion Cannon on it, which will
severely damage it. Finish it off with a few shots from your rocket launchers,
and the mission will be over.


Yugoslavia Population: 10,337,000
Geographic Area: 39,449 square miles
Capital: Belgrade
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $120,100,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Nis
Mission Objective Military Power: Free Standing Army

"Delphi's info decoded and Kane has been found. He is overseeing experiments
at a Bio-research facility in this area. Destroy facility while we have him
cornered. Build an Advanced Communications center to access the new Ion
Cannon. It will greatly assist you in your objective."

Left Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the map for the right route, so refer
to the above section for the walkthrough.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.24) GDI Mission 14 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Yugoslavia Population: 10,337,000
Geographic Area: 39,449 square miles
Capital: Belgrade
Government: Republic
Gross Domestic Product: $120,100,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: Belgrade
Mission Objective Military Power: Free Standing Army

"We have learned the path of evacuating Nod forces. They are moving through
this valley. Cut them off so that they can't rejoin the main force. Attack
and destroy all the vehicles in the Nod convoy."


Move your Mammoth tank north, then east when you get in the clearing. There
should be three artillery units near the southern edge of the ridge, so destroy
them all as quickly as you can. Continue heading north-west with the Mammoth,
then approach the ridge to the east to find another two artillery units on the
other side of it. Destroy them, then send the Mammoth back to the rest of your
units. Form two teams - one should have all of your vehicles, and the other
should have all of your infantry.

Move both groups east, then north up the main path. When you reach the large
clearing in the middle of the map, leave your vehicles there for your main
defense. Stick the infantry group east of there, in the narrow valley. When
Nod vehicles start coming into the clearing from the north/north-west, focus
your attention on the flame tanks first, then on the light tanks. Your
infantry group can do some decent damage against buggies and stealth tanks, but
the flame tanks will slaughter them, and the light tanks tend to crush them.

Remain in the center of the map until the second group of buggies attacks, and
if you don't automatically win after that, send your surviving units to the
trees in the north-eastern corner of the map to find the straggling stealth
tank that's probably up there waiting for you.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.25) GDI Mission 15 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Bosnia/Herzogovina Population: 4,365,000
Geographic Area: 19,741 square miles
Capital: Sarajevo
Government: In Transition
Gross Domestic Product: $14,000,000,000
----------------- Point of Conflict: ?
Mission Objective Military Power: ?

"The Temple of Nod has been located. We are sure Kane is there. Destroy him,
the temple, and any other remnant of Nod that exists there. Nod has been
rumored to have completed its own nuclear device so it's do or die time.
Let's do it!"

Eastern Route Walkthrough

This route is much, much easier than the southern route, if that matters to you
at all. Deploy your MCV as soon as you can, then deal with the Nod infantry
with your tank and APC. Dump your infantry out of the APC and capture the
nearby power plant and communications center while you build a refinery. Nod
forces will start attacking from the west, but that'll be the only direction
they attack from. Place your forces over there to defend, and get some guard
towers built as quickly as you can.

Use clusters of riflemen to destroy the turrets in the Tiberium fields south of
your base so you can continue to harvest (after you've built your war factory,
make sure you build a second harvester). You'll want to have an advanced
communications center as soon as possible, too, so you can use the Ion Cannon
to destroy the Obelisk at the top of the western Nod base. Meanwhile, build
some Mammoths and a few rocket launchers as well as an APC (full of engineers).

When you've got enough forces and your Ion Cannon is ready, use the Mammoths to
knock out the turret directly west of your base, then creep westward along the
top of the map until the Obelisk in the Nod base takes a shot at you. Quickly
destroy it with the Ion Cannon before it can get a second shot, then continue
moving westward (sit still long enough for your Mammoth to heal itself if

Two turrets guard the northern entrance to this Nod base, but your Mammoths
will be able to destroy them easily. Take out the concrete around the entrance
when you've destroyed the turrets, then move the Mammoths into the base with
the rocket launchers right behind them. Concentrate your rocket fire on the
Nod infantry while your tanks occupy any Nod vehicles or turrets you can reach.
When it's safe, move your APC in and dump the engineers. Capture the barracks
and the airfield, then capture the refinery and two other buildings (power
plants are a good choice, but it doesn't really matter - you can always set the
Nod barracks as your primary and build some more engineers to capture the rest
of the base).

Why capture the buildings instead of just destroying them? Because this base
has no construction yard, but Nod has two of them elsewhere on the map. If you
destroy the buildings instead of capturing them, Nod will just continue
rebuilding them over and over again until you eliminate both of their
construction yards.

With the northern base neutralized, the rest of the mission should be pretty
straight-forward, especially with the abundance of Tiberium on this map. The
elimination of the northern base should make Nod be low power, which will help
you avoid casualties from the many Obelisks on the path through the remaining
Nod base. If possible, you should try to destroy the power plant on the hill
in the middle of the map without destroying the Obelisk next to it, and if you
can manage to capture the construction yard and power plant south of the
Tiberium field south of your base, you'll be in even better shape.

Sometimes a ton of Nod units will get trapped in the narrow entrance to the
southern Nod base, and when you punch a hole in the traffic jam, the resulting
flood of Nod units can be quite destructive. If you can see that there're a
lot of units gathered there, make sure you line up your Mammoths and rocket
launchers in a strong defensive position before you punch a hole in the

A good engineer rush can make capturing the southern base very easy, especially
if you use your Ion Cannon to fry the infantry pile in the base right before
you send in the APCs full of engineers. Engineer rush or not, though, you'll
need to destroy every single Nod unit and structure on the map to end the
mission, including the turrets along the very southern part of the map.

Southern Route Walkthrough

Mmmm, a nice challenging mission with tons of options for how to beat it.
Start by moving your MCV to the west as soon as it's off the transport, then
leave the heavy tank wherever it lands. It'll fire at the flame tank as soon
as it gets close enough, but it won't be able to destroy it before it gets a
shot at the MCV. Make sure you keep the MCV moving up and then to the right to
prevent it from taking too much damage (it won't take as much damage while it's
moving), but make sure that you don't move it very far north (or the two rocket
soldiers by the bridge will attack it).

When the flame tank is destroyed, leave the MCV alone. Use the heavy tank to
crush the two rocket soldiers by the bridge (force moving using the Alt key).
When they're crushed, move the MCV over the bridge and deploy it just barely
above and to the left of it. Build a power plant and place it to the left of
the construction yard, then build a refinery and place it as close to the
Tiberium field as you can. A barracks should come next, followed by some guard
towers. Nod infantry are going to attack mostly from the lower-right and the
upper-left. I suggest you try to get a pair of guard towers on the right side
of your barracks and another pair above and to the left of your refinery.

Try to keep your base repaired when the initial Nod attacks show up, but try to
keep your tank out of the action until the two light tanks arrive - you'll want
the extra firepower to deal with them, but let them start firing at the towers
before you move your tank in.

The worst part about this mission will be keeping your Tiberium inflow steady.
A flame tank will eventually attack from the north - as soon as you've
destroyed it with your tank and guard towers, send some infantry to the hill
north of your base and destroy the turret and SAM site there. This will allow
your harvester to gather Tiberium from the field north-west of your base. Use
the infantry to take out the two turrets and the SAM site east of your base,
and you'll be able to make use of the Tiberium field north-east of your base.

Use the funds you've gained from those fields to build up your base, including
an advanced communications center (don't bother with any additional defenses,
you'll need the money for other things). There's a tempting Tiberium field
south-east of your base, but there's one tiny little problem with it... Nod's
going to put a power plant, a barracks, and an Obelisk on the west side of it,
and they'll continue to replace them every time you destroy them. The only way
to stop them is to either destroy both of their construction yards or to keep
units parked on the ground there, so they can't place a building.

The most effective way to deal with the Nod forces is with a few Mammoth tanks
and some rocket launchers parked behind them (to deal with the infantry). You
will probably only be able to build a few of each before you exhaust the
Tiberium fields to the north of your base, so use your first Ion Cannon blast
to destroy the Obelisk by the southern field, then move your Mammoths and
rocket launchers down there to deal with any infantry Nod happens to have.
You'll also want an APC with two engineers in it - as soon as there're no
threats left near the power plant and barracks, use the engineers to capture
them, then park the APC in the spot where the Obelisk used to be to prevent
Nod from building another one there.

Meanwhile, you'll need to protect your harvesters from Nod attacks. Line up
your Mammoth tanks in the gap between the Nod base and the southern Tiberium
field, then line your rocket launchers up behind them so they can deal with any
infantry. Continue to build up your forces using the southern Tiberium field,
and send an APC closer and closer to the Nod base until the Obelisk guarding
the upper part of its entrance fires at you. You'll be able to destroy it with
an Ion Cannon blast once you can see it, so go ahead and do so.

Move your tanks and rocket launchers to the entrance of the base and clear it
out, then move into the base and destroy everything there. You'll want to line
your tanks up in a horizontal line along the top part of the base (destroy the
concrete), and line the rocket launchers up behind them again. You'll want to
capture the barracks and the airfield, or Nod will keep rebuilding them every
time you destroy them.

There's another Tiberium field south-east of this base that you can make use of
now that you won't have any Nod threats, so continue gathering funds and
building up your forces. Nod does have a Temple of Nod on this mission, so
don't be surprised if you wind up getting hit by a nuke at some point. They
tend to target your advanced communications center, so try to keep things away
from it if at all possible. Rebuild it if it does get destroyed - you'll want
it to deal with the two Obelisks guarding the next part of the Nod base.

There's another Nod base with an entrance to the north-west of your tanks.
Take care of the nearby turrets with your tanks, then slowly approach the Nod
base from along the ridge. I suggest you use an APC to creep close enough for
the southern Obelisk to reveal itself for you, then use your Ion Cannon to
destroy it. Use your Mammoths to take out the concrete below the power plants,
then move an APC into the base (full of engineers, of course). Capture the
airfield, the construction yard, refineries, and whatever else you can, then
sell it all.

The rest of the mission should be a cakewalk after that. Simply crush the
remaining Nod buildings, starting with the Temple of Nod in the north-west
corner of the map. There's a group of silos near the top of the map in the
middle, and there's a second construction yard and some other buildings along
the top of the map in the north-east corner. If you destroy all of this Nod
stuff and the mission doesn't end, look for surviving turrets elsewhere on the
map (or a straggling rifleman somewhere).

Western Route Walkthrough

The easiest of the three routes, in my opinion. Leave your MCV where it starts
to keep it safe, then immediately park the tank on the bridge to the
south-east to prevent the flame tank from crossing it. When the flame tank is
destroyed, move your tank over the bridge and deal with the two Nod infantry
units over there. Move the MCV over there too, and deploy it to the east of
the bridge. Build a power plant and a barracks, then place a refinery (you'll
want it farther to the east rather than the west).

Get some guard towers on both sides of your base before you bother with
anything else, then concentrate on getting a war factory, repair bay, and a
Mammoth tank to defend your base. Get a second harvester, then build your way
towards an advanced communications center (make sure you place it as far away
from your other important buildings as possible - Nod's going to hit it with
their first nuke). Keep building Mammoths and some rocket launchers once your
base is in order. You can safely harvest the large Tiberium field to the east
if you deal with the turret nearby first, but watch out for Nod patrols.

Once you have several Mammoths, I suggest you use them to stop Nod harvesters
from harvesting the large Tiberium field to the east of your base. Never
attack one while it's on the field, though, or you'll wind up destroying more
Tiberium on the ground than Nod's taking from you by harvesting. Deal with the
Nod patrols, too, but make sure you don't get too close to the Nod Obelisks to
the south.

The small Nod base in the middle of the map isn't much of a threat. You should
have no problem taking it out with your Mammoth tanks and rocket launchers,
especially with the aid of your Ion Cannon. Keep in mind that Nod has two
construction yards elsewhere on the map, so it's a better idea to capture this
base rather than just destroy it, or they'll continuously rebuild their
buildings every time you destroy them.

Once the central base is neutralized, concentrate on defending your newly
captured buildings with your tanks and rocket launchers, then send some
engineers to the far south-west corner of the map to capture the Nod power
plant and construction yard there. You'll either want to destroy the turrets
there first or use an APC to get the engineers down there safely. If you
destroy the turrets first, don't sell the structures. If you don't destroy the
turrets first, immediately sell both buildings and use the infantry to deal
with the turrets. Try to keep the survivors standing where the buildings used
to be so Nod can't rebuild them after that.

Once you exhaust the large Tiberium field that was east of your base, you can
start using the one south-eastish of your base. The turret on the hill make
take shots at your harvesters, so destroy it if necessary (and park a rifleman
where it was to prevent Nod from rebuilding it).

The best way to deal with the remaining Nod base is to creep up on it from the
west. They have some Obelisks and turrets, though, so make sure you're
prepared to use your Ion Cannon. Try to take out the construction yard as soon
as you can to prevent Nod from rebuilding anything, then focus on eliminating
power plants and the rest of Nod's base. The mission will be over as soon as
all Nod units and structures have been destroyed.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 1.50) Nod Missions | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.51) Nod Mission 1 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objective

"In order for the Brotherhood to gain a foothold, we must begin by eliminating
certain elements. Nikoomba, the nearby village's leader, is one such element.
His views and ours do not coincide, and he must be eliminated."


Not much too this mission, really. Wait for all of your units to arrive, form
a group out of them, and head for the upper-left corner of the map. Kill the
guy that's standing up there (Nikoomba), and the mission will be over.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.52) Nod Mission 2 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Egypt Population: 56,386,000
Expendability: 75%
Capital: Cairo
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 18%
Net Worth: $39,200,000,000
Point of Conflict: Al-Alamyn
----------------- Military Strength: Formidable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 82%

"GDI has kept a stranglehold on Egypt for many years. Set up a forward attack
base in your area. To do this you must double click on your Mobile
Construction Vehicle. (MCV) From here you can begin to build a base. This
area contains plenty of Tiberium, so establishing the base should be easy."

Upper Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV, then build a power plant, refinery, and barracks. GDI
infantry will attack your base, but they won't pose a serious threat. Move
your units north along the eastern side of the Tiberium field, then move due
west along the top of the map. The GDI base is in the north-western corner,
and only a few riflemen and some humvees are guarding the entrance.

Fight your way through the defenses, then destroy the construction yard,
refinery, and the rest of the base. Hunt down any units that survive your
attack, and the mission will be over once all GDI units and structures are


Egypt Population: 56,386,000
Expendability: 75%
Capital: Cairo
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 18%
Net Worth: $39,200,000,000
Point of Conflict: Al-Kharijah
----------------- Military Strength: Formidable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 82%

"GDI has kept a stranglehold on Egypt for many years. Set up a forward attack
base in your area. To do this you must double click on your Mobile
Construction Vehicle. (MCV) From here you can begin to build a base. This
area contains plenty of Tiberium, so establishing the base should be easy."

Lower Route Walkthrough

Deploy your construction yard and build a power plant, then build a refinery
and a barracks. Train a few more riflemen and a few engineers, then send your
forces west towards the north-western corner of the map. Clear the GDI troops
out of your way with your infantry and buggies, then use the engineers to
capture the GDI construction yard, refinery, power plant, and any other
buildings you can get your hands on.

With no means to produce more forces, wiping them out will be simple. Destroy
the rest of their base if necessary, then hunt down any remaining GDI units on
the map (including the harvester, which should move to your base on its own

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.53) Nod Mission 3 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Sudan Population: 28,305,000
Expendability: 50%
Capital: Khartoum
Government: Military
Government Corruptability: 52%
Net Worth: $12,100,000,000
Point of Conflict: Kafia-Kingi
----------------- Military Strength: Respectable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 72%

"GDI has established a prison camp, where they are detaining some of the local
political leaders. Kane wishes to liberate these victims. Destroy the GDI
forces and capture the prison, do not destroy it."

Left Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV and build a power plant, refinery, barracks, and communications
center if you want one, then defend your base with your initial forces while
you train more riflemen. We've you trained another 15 or so, send all of your
forces south out of your base, then curl around to the north between the bridge
and the water crossing (avoid the Tiberium field with your infantry).

From here, you can easily assault the GDI base to the north-west. Annihilate
the GDI defenders at the base as well as the guard tower, then destroy the
barracks and the other buildings. Send the three engineers you started with up
there, too (make sure you avoid the Tiberium field), then use one of them to
capture the prison to end the mission.


Sudan Population: 28,305,000
Expendability: 50%
Capital: Khartoum
Government: Military
Government Corruptability: 52%
Net Worth: $12,100,000,000
Point of Conflict: Al-Ubayyid
----------------- Military Strength: Respectable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 72%

"GDI has established a prison camp, where they are detaining some of the local
political leaders. Kane wishes to liberate these victims. Destroy the GDI
forces and capture the prison, do not destroy it."

Right Route Walkthrough

Use your forces to fend off the small GDI attacks while you deploy your MCV.
Build a power plant, refinery, barracks, and a communications center if you
want one, and crank out a pile of riflemen. The GDI base is in the north-west
corner of the map, so move your force diagonally towards it. A small gap in
the cliffs is guarded by a guard tower, but it's no match for your bikes and
infantry. Destroy it, then destroy any GDI forces in the area.

If GDI somehow manages to destroy your assault force, simply build more troops
and make another assault. Bring some engineers up there to capture their
buildings if necessary, and make sure you remember that you need to capture the
prison, not destroy it. Capturing the prison will end the mission instantly,
so you won't need to worry about hunting down stragglers.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.54) Nod Mission 4 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Chad Population: 5,238,000
Expendability: 80%
Capital: N'Djamena
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 85%
Net Worth: $1,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Oum Hadjer
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 35%

"GDI is attempting to relocate a village of sympathetic civilians. Intercept
the convoy and destroy it. It is imperative that the villagers be totally
destroyed, as a lesson to any other natives who may oppose us."

Upper Route Walkthrough

Gather all of your units into one group and follow the path to the south.
You'll run into a cluster of GDI grenadiers and a humvee about half way to the
bottom of the map, so concentrate on the grenadiers first and then destroy the
humvee. Continue moving south until you reach the southern edge of the map,
then turn west and follow the path to the bridge. You'll encounter some more
GDI infantry and vehicles here, including an APC full of civilians. Make sure
you destroy everything and kill the civilians before they can escape.

Cross the bridge and level the town next. Once all of the main buildings have
been destroyed and any straggling civilians have been killed, the mission will
be complete (sometimes a civilian or two will be hanging out north of the town,
so head up there if the mission doesn't end right away). There's a small GDI
base in the north-east corner of the map, but you don't need to destroy it to
complete the mission.


Chad Population: 5,238,000
Expendability: 80%
Capital: N'Djamena
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 85%
Net Worth: $1,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Mao
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 35%

"A small village friendly to our cause has been increasingly harassed by GDI,
and the Brotherhood wishes you to assist them in their efforts. Seek out the
enemy village and destroy it. The event will be disguised as a GDI attack."

Lower Route Walkthrough

Gather your troops and head west, taking a turn to the south when you can. A
medium tank and some other GDI units are lurking around here, so try to take
them out one by one before they can do any serious damage to your units (be
especially careful to make sure the medium tank doesn't crush a ton of your
infantry). The town you're trying to protect is a little south-east of the
crossing in the middle of the map. If there're any GDI units in it, eliminate
them quickly.

Meanwhile, the town you're trying to destroy is located west of here. Send
your forces through the gaps around the Tiberium field and assault the GDI
forces around the town, then destroy the buildings and civilians in the town
(there's one building behind a tree that's incredibly hard to see). Hunt down
any surviving civilians and slaughter them, and the mission should be over.
Sometimes they sneak past you and wind up standing around in your town to the
south-east, so simply scroll your cursor over the civilians in that town to see
which ones are targets and which ones aren't.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.55) Nod Mission 5 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mauritania Population: 2,059,000
Expendability: 50%
Capital: Nouakchott
Government: Islamic Republic
Government Corruptability: 48%
Net Worth: $1,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Tidjikdja
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 24%

"Our brothers within GDI tell of us of A-10 strike jets scheduled to be
deployed here soon. Our suppliers have delivered new Surface to Air Missiles
to aid you. Use the SAMs to defend your base, then seek out their base and
destroy it."


Move your forces north to intercept GDI units, then move your MCV slightly
north-west and deploy it. There's a Tiberium field west of your starting
location that you can use to collect funds, so quickly build up your base. The
GDI forces in the area will be minor, but the bombers will light you up pretty
badly if you don't protect your north-western side with some SAM sites.

Once you have an airstrip, crank out some light tanks to add to your troops.
The GDI base is in the middle of the map along the top, and it's not very
heavily defended. A cluster of ten tanks and your starting forces should be
more than enough to destroy it, unless you get caught in a carpet bombing or
something. As soon as all GDI units and structures are destroyed, the mission
will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.56) Nod Mission 6 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Ivory Coast Population: 13,497,000
Expendability: 33%
Capital: Yamoussoukro
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 28%
Net Worth: $10,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Abidjan
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 67%

"GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local
political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper
will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing
flare once you have stolen the device."

Left Route Walkthrough

Quickly gather your left cluster of troops and head south, dealing with GDI
units as you encounter them. Head east down the first narrow path you see, and
follow it all the way to the entrance of the GDI base (try not to stop moving,
or your light tanks will take too much damage). Rush into the GDI base, punch
a whole in the fencing around the crate, and then touch it.

The signal flare will appear directly south of your location, so immediately
send any surviving units out the south-eastern exit of the GDI base. Follow
the edge of the map all the way to the south, then curl around to the west
until you can get onto the ledge where the flare is to finish the mission.


Benin Population: 4,997,000
Expendability: 75%
Capital: Porto-Novo
Government: Democracy
Government Corruptability: 17%
Net Worth: $1,700,000,000
Point of Conflict: Porto-Novo
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 80%

"GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local
political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper
will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing
flare once you have stolen the device."

Center Route Walkthrough

Gather your forces and wait for some GDI units to attack you from the south.
When you've eliminated them, head south and take the first turn to the east
that you find. There's a medium tank waiting for you behind a tree there, so
be on your guard.

Continue moving east, then turn north when you can. Ignore the first bridge
you see and move west, then north to find a second one. Cross it, then enter
the GDI base with all of your surviving units. If you move quickly, you'll
have no problem getting your light tanks into the fenced area with the crate.
Touch it, then exit the GDI base through the gap to the south-east. Move south
along the eastern edge of the map to find the signal flare, and approach it
with any surviving unit to finish the mission.


Nigeria Population: 88,500,000
Expendability: 60%
Capital: Abuja
Government: In Transition
Government Corruptability: 93%
Net Worth: $28,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Abuja
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 50%

"GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local
political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper
will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing
flare once you have stolen the device."

Right Route Walkthrough

The key to this mission is speed - immediately send all of your forces south,
then turn to the west and head north through the clearing. Wipe out any GDI
forces you encounter, then take out the medium tank blocking the bridge. If
you've been moving fast enough, the cluster of GDI units that started just
north of your starting position will still be trailing behind you, which is

Once you've taken out the tank blocking the bridge, cross it with all of your
forces and head west to find the GDI base. Ignore everything and just rush
inside until you see a crate in a small fenced area. Run over the crate, then
quickly send any surviving units due south out of the base's second opening.
The flare is in the bottom-left corner of the map - approach it with a
surviving unit, and the mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.57) Nod Mission 7 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Gabon Population: 1,106,000
Expendability: 5%
Capital: Libreville
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 84%
Net Worth: $5,300,000,000
Point of Conflict: Koula-Moutou
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 22%

"The Brotherhood has located a huge field of Tiberium in the area. The nearby
village has laid claim to the field. Eliminate the villagers, as to prevent
any infection of our own workers. GDI forces are reported to be minimal, so
elimination of them is of secondary importance."

Left Route Walkthrough

Despite the mission description, you'll need to eliminate the GDI presence on
the map to finish this mission if you choose this path. Start by sending your
forces slightly south, then west through the narrow path. When you encounter
the next cluster of civilian buildings, be prepared to deal with some GDI
forces. Don't bother engaging the guard towers south of the civilian buildings
yet, but try to take out the church if you can - there's a money crate in it
that'll make things much easier.

Once you've grabbed the crate, retreat your surviving units over the bridge on
the north-western side of the town. Head eastward after that, and you'll be
given control of a small base. Repair your buildings, then build an airstrip
as soon as you can. Get a second harvester, then start cranking out light

GDI will attack you with small clusters of infantry as well as a few random
medium tanks, but you should be able to handle them just fine, especially once
you start pumping out light tanks from the airstrip. Watch out for tanks along
the northern ridge, though - they'll often shell you from outside of your
range, and you'll have to send something all the way to the west to find a way
to get up there. Also, keep in mind that GDI will continuously carpet bomb
your refinery and/or airstrip.

When you've got a cluster of ten or so light tanks, head back to the guard
towers south of the village you saw earlier and engage the GDI base there.
Wipe out the vehicles and infantry they send at you first, then deal with the
guard towers and make a trip into the base to get rid of the construction yard
and the barracks. Annihilate the base and everything else on the map, and the
mission will be complete.


Cameroon Population: 12,658,000
Expendability: 55%
Capital: Yaounde
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 48%
Net Worth: $11,600,000,000
Point of Conflict: Bertoua
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 62%

"The Brotherhood has located a huge field of Tiberium in the area. The nearby
village has laid claim to the field. Eliminate the villagers, as to prevent
any infection of our own workers. GDI forces are reported to be minimal, so
elimination of them is of secondary importance."

Center Route Walkthrough

Move your units south away from your MCV, then deploy it and start building
your base. Some minor GDI forces will attack from the south, but the area east
of the Tiberium field is sealed, so you won't need to defend that side of your
base. Concentrate on dealing with GDI attacks until you have an airstrip, then
build a second harvester and start cranking out light tanks.

There's plenty of Tiberium in that field to build a massive army of tanks, and
the GDI presence on this map really isn't all that strong. Once you've got a
dozen or so of them, head south, then take a turn to the east and find the GDI
base (continue building more light tanks during this time, though). When you
find the base, destroy the guard towers guarding its entrance and try to take
out as many GDI units as you can.

Send in another group of tanks as soon as you've got them, then make an assault
on the base itself. Try to use the force-move command to crush as many
infantry as you can, then target the barracks, construction yard, and war
factory to cripple their production. Level the rest of the base too, then head
north over the bridge to destroy a few more buildings.

Slaughter the civilians in the town, and the mission should end.


Central African Republic Population: 3,029,000
Expendability: 65%
Capital: Bangui
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 41%
Net Worth: $1,300,000,000
Point of Conflict: Bangassou
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 49%

"GDI has left themselves open to the deadliest weapon of all, information. Our
spies tell us the GDI base in your area contains an advanced attack
helicopter, the Orca. Steal this weapon, then fly to the nearby village and
destroy it. The attack will be blamed on GDI."

Right Route Walkthrough

Start by sending your eastern cluster of forces south, but leave the engineers
behind. Take out the GDI forces in the valley, then destroy the guard tower at
the northern entrance of their base (lead with the light tank if possible to
draw its fire away from your infantry). With the guard tower destroyed, you
should be able to move your units into the base and clear out the GDI presence
near the chopper pad (smash the GDI infantry with your tank to get rid of them
quickly). Send the engineers down to the base and capture the chopper pad when
the area is secure.

If there're more GDI units in the base threatening the chopper pad, move your
second group of units around the map and force your way into the base from the
western entrance. Meanwhile, a flare will reveal the civilian town you're
supposed to be destroying to the north. Fly the Orca up there and take care of
the rocket soldier first, then make trips back and forth destroying the
civilian buildings until the mission is complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.58) Nod Mission 8 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Zaire Population: 39,084,000
Expendability: 72%
Capital: Kinshasa
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 74%
Net Worth: $6,600,000,000
Point of Conflict: Kinshasa
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 54%

"Since we are low on troops, you will have to make use of all available
resources. Locate the abandoned GDI base in the area and restore it to
operational status. Once that is done, use GDI's own weapons against them.
Be sure that no GDI forces remain alive."

Left Route Walkthrough

The start of this mission can be tricky, so you might need to play around with
it a few times to get it down. Start by forming a separate group with your
Riflemen and a separate group with your rocket soldiers. Send the riflemen
slowly eastward until you've killed three GDI soldiers, then carefully inch
your rocket soldier cluster eastward until you can see a medium tank. Destroy
it quickly, then send both of your groups eastward and take out the two
grenadiers near the tree.

As you approach the damaged Nod buildings farther to the east, a chopper will
fly in. Sell your construction yard for cash, then load your five healthiest
riflemen into the chopper. If selling the construction yard gave you an
engineer, train another one at the barracks. If selling it didn't give you an
engineer, train two at the barracks.

Fly the chopper south to the GDI base and land it just barely south of the
refinery. Quickly debark your troops from it, then immediately send it back to
your damaged Nod buildings. Use the riflemen to take out the GDI soldiers in
the middle of the base, then put any other infantry you still have in your
chopper and fly them down there. Once all of your units are there, fly the two
engineers down there and capture the GDI construction yard and refinery (make
sure the harvester is in the refinery at the time). Don't sell your remaining
Nod buildings, they'll absorb carpet bombing attacks later.

With the important GDI buildings captured, you're free to start taking over the
southern part of the map. Build a guard tower to protect your refinery, then
use your infantry to clear the way to the south. There's a Tiberium field down
there that you can harvest, but you'll have to get rid of the GDI units in the
area first. Once you have enough money, you'll be able to build a war factory
and some medium tanks, which will make clearing out the rest of the nearby area
much eaiser.

With the Tiberium fields under your control, you should be able to get a second
harvester and crank out medium tanks. Take them west across the northern part
of the island, then turn south and assault the GDI base (you'll want to bring
some rocket soldiers with you to fend off Orcas). Crush everything, and the
mission will be complete.


Zaire Population: 39,084,000
Expendability: 72%
Capital: Kinshasa
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 74%
Net Worth: $6,600,000,000
Point of Conflict: Lodja
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 54%

"Since we are low on troops, you will have to make use of all available
resources. Locate the abandoned GDI base in the area and restore it to
operational status. Once that is done, use GDI's own weapons against them.
Be sure that no GDI forces remain alive."

Right Route Walkthrough

Things can be pretty rough during the first part of the mission, so you might
have to play the first two minutes or so of it a few times to figure out what
you're doing. Start by sending your rocket soldiers west to the stream. They
can fire across it and take out two (or sometimes more) GDI soldiers right
away, which will help you a lot later.

Next, send your riflemen east and take out the first GDI soldier you encounter,
then head north and slightly east until you run into more troops. The grenade
guys can cause major damage to you very quickly, so you need to take them out
as fast as possible (try to stay scattered if you can). Move your rocket guys
in as soon as you see the medium tank, and move the riflemen farther south to
take care of the last GDI soldier below the tank. Once all GDI units in the
area have been eliminated, continue east to the abandoned Nod base.

Sell the construction yard to get some cash. If it gives you an engineer when
you sell it, train another one from the barracks. If it doesn't give you one
when you sell it, train two from the barracks. Meanwhile, load the chopper
full of riflemen, then fly it to the east, where you'll see a GDI base. Land
it south-east of the refinery, then dump your infantry out of it. Take the
chopper back and load up any more infantry you have, including the engineers,
and dump them all safely by the GDI base.

Use an engineer to capture the GDI construction yard and the refinery (make
sure the harvester is in it at the time). Use your infantry to take out the
GDI troops near your base while you build a guard tower (which you should place
above the refinery - either capture or destroy the GDI power plant). It won't
be long before some GDI vehicles attack your base, including a medium tank or
two. If you still have some infantry left, use them to destroy the vehicles
while they're distracted by your guard tower. If you don't have any infantry
left, you'll need to get a barracks and train a few of them.

Once the first GDI attack is beaten back, get a war factory, another harvester,
and some medium tanks. The Tiberium field to the left of your base won't last
long, but there's another one to the north-east. Use your tanks to protect it,
and try to keep your units a decent distance away from your base to avoid any
excess damage from carpet bombers. Once you have a pile of medium tanks, head
north-east to find the GDI base. You'll want to bring a few rocket soldiers
with you to deal with Orcas.

The GDI base isn't very well defended, but there might be quite a few infantry
in there. Make good use of your force-move command to crush them, or just keep
scattering. Once the entire base and all GDI units are destroyed, the mission
will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.59) Nod Mission 9 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Egypt Population: 23,154,000
Expendability: 45%
Capital: Cairo
Government: Democracy
Government Corruptability: 3%
Net Worth: $39,200,000,000
Point of Conflict: Luxor
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 100%

"GDI is attempting to retake Egypt. Use every available resource in your
efforts to stop them. The populace has once again swayed in support of GDI
forces, so show no mercy in dealing with the villagers."

Left Route Walkthrough

Begin by sniping the three troops south of your starting position, then head
south and slightly to the west until three more troops attack your position.
Pick them all off, then head farther west along the water until another grenade
guy attacks you from behind a tree. Blast him, then move north until another
two grenade guys come at you. Take the middle path to the west until you're
forced to turn north, then pick off the troops on the bridge. The rocket
soldiers on the other side will now be free to come down and join your
commando, so make them into a separate team and head back to the water near
your starting position.

Send the commando south-west to find some more GDI troops, but keep your eyes
peeled for a harvester that'll be in the area. You don't want to get your
commando smashed, and you don't want your rocket troops to accidentally fire at
the harvester (or the harvester will get pissed and crush them). Instead, wait
for the harvester to pass, then move your troops west along the top of the
small base in the area. Use the rocket troops to deal with the tank, then send
all of your forces north along the west side of the map.

You'll run into a jeep and some infantry just south of your engineers.
Sometimes you'll get lucky and wipe them all out before they decide to run and
kill your engineers, but usually, there's not much you can do. Thankfully, as
long as you have a unit survive, you can blow up the church to get a money
crate anyway. Use the money to build a power plant and barracks, then get some
engineers to capture the GDI refinery and power plant (make sure the harvester
is in the refinery when you capture it).

Get an airstrip and a light tank or two as fast as you can (make sure you're
harvesting from the field directly west of your base). GDI tanks and infantry
will start attacking you in small groups from the north and north-east, so make
sure you have at least a few units ready to defend yourself with at all times.
When you get the chance, build a second (and perhaps a third) harvester to
speed things up a little.

The GDI base is in the north-eastern corner of the map, and pretty much the
only practical way to get into it is from the west. It's fairly well guarded,
though, so you'll want to have quite a large pile of tanks before you make your
first assault. Take out the concrete between the northern guard tower and
advanced guard tower to make a hole, then simply force your way past the
defenses without bothering to stop and destroy them. Instead, make your way
inside the base and target the barracks, war factory, and construction yard.
You should be able to cripple them severely, so even if your tanks wind up
getting wiped out, GDI shouldn't pose a threat while you build another group.

Once every GDI unit and structure on the map is destroyed, the mission will be


Egypt Population: 23,154,000
Expendability: 45%
Capital: Cairo
Government: Democracy
Government Corruptability: 3%
Net Worth: $39,200,000,000
Point of Conflict: Luxor
----------------- Military Strength: Reasonable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 100%

"GDI is attempting to retake Egypt. Use every available resource in your
efforts to stop them. The populace has once again swayed in support of GDI
forces, so show no mercy in dealing with the villagers."

Lower Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the map for the left route, so refer
to the above section if you chose this path.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.60) Nod Mission 10 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Angola Population: 8,902,000
Expendability: 45%
Capital: Luando
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 63%
Net Worth: $8,300,000,000
Point of Conflict: Caiundo
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 66%

"GDI is developing an orbital weapon. Our spies have told us of a large lake
near the location of the R&D center. Find the base, and use the sniper to
eliminate their scientist."

Left Route Walkthrough

GDI units and vehicles will be attacking from above and below, so keep your
group together and fight them off as they arrive. Use the commando to pick off
as much of the infantry as you can, and when things start to calm down, send
your entire group north. Snipe your way through the scattered infantry and use
your vehicles to deal with the tank, then continue heading north until you can
head east along the top of the map.

Force your way through the GDI forces along the top of the map until you can
turn south (the path before the eastern edge of the map). Slaughter a few more
GDI units here, then head south past the side of the GDI base. The scientist
should be hanging out on a section of land down here, and you should be able to
pick him off with your commando, an artillery unit, or even a standard tank if
necessary. Kill him, and the mission's over.


Tanzania Population: 27,791,000
Expendability: 55%
Capital: Dar-Es-Salaam
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 27%
Net Worth: $6,900,000,000
Point of Conflict: Mzuzu
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 68%

"GDI is developing a new, heavily armored tank. Our spies have located the GDI
R&D base. Use your small strike force to locate and penetrate the center. Be
sure to destroy the tanks in the base and the factory."

Right Route Walkthrough

Take your commando and artillery north and pick off the two grenadiers above
your starting position, then move slowly east until you find the cluster of
grenadiers there. Your artillery should be able to make short work of them
once your commando has their attention, but you'll want to retreat to the west
immediately. Two tanks will move to that spot from the south, freeing up the
path down there.

Take all of your units east along the southern path until you hit the edge of
the map, then turn north. Approach the bridge carefully with your commando,
artillery, and rocket troops - let your artillery and rocket troops fire at the
jeep while you use your commando to pick off the infantry, then move over the
bridge and head west. Keep your eyes open for grenadiers on the ridge to the
north, then continue moving west until you find another bridge. There're some
infantry on the crossing to the west, so use your commando and artillery to
take them out.

A mammoth tank is going to approach from the south, so send all of your units
to the empty area to the west until it passes. As soon as it's out of range,
run your commando and artillery over the bridge and take out the cluster of
infantry to the south. Quickly send the rest of your forces over the bridge,
then run south-west until you're over another crossing, where you'll be safe
from the mammoth tank's patrol path.

The GDI base is to the east, and you should only encounter light resistance.
If you keep your infantry and commando in front of your artillery, you should
have no trouble wiping them all out. Enter the GDI base and destroy the
dormant mammoth tanks in the fenced area, then destroy the war factory (or use
your engineer to capture it if you still have it).

The patroling mammoth tank will sometimes attack you while you're attacking the
dormant mammoths, so keep your eyes open. Once all of the mammoths and the war
factory are destroyed, the mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.61) Nod Mission 11 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Namibia Population: 1,574,000
Expendability: 5%
Capital: Windhoek
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 65%
Net Worth: $2,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Keetmanshoop
----------------- Military Strength: Insignificant
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 74%

"GDI has captured one of our technology centers. You must recapture the base
and recover the stolen information. Our forces in the area don't have time to
find a way across the river, so you will have to control the two forces

Left Route Walkthrough

You'll start with the camera on your infantry and artillery in the lower-right
corner of the map. Sit and watch them as a medium tank approaches, then let
your units destroy it on their own. Immediately head north and find the water
there, then retreat until you see a patrol boat. As it starts to head back to
the left, send your entire group west underneath the water. You'll encounter
some grenadiers, so try to wipe them out as fast as possible. You don't want
to stay around too long, or the boat will come back and slaughter you. Head
south before that happens.

Next, you'll want to head west over a bridge, but a Mammoth Tank is going to
try to stop you. Deal enough damage to it and it'll retreat to the north, or
if you're very lucky, you can completely destroy it. Either way, you'll want
to try to move at least one artillery unit west after the Mammoth Tank is out
of the way, and make sure you keep it as far to the south as possible to avoid
the gunship. Destroy the church in the town to find a money crate, then move
north to the water as soon as you know the gunboat is moving away. There're
two guard towers on the other side of the water that you need to destroy with
your artillery units. When they're both destroyed, retreat your artillery
south away from the water.

Now you can focus on your other group of units in the upper-left corner of the
map. Move the riflemen closer to the rocket soldiers, then use the Commando to
snipe the two grenadiers on the bridge. The Humvee will move up to assault
your infantry, so use them to slaughter it as fast as you can. Move all of
your units south-east over the bridge and continue down diagonally down the map
until you see a bend that heads directly south.

Wait until you know the gunboat is moving away, then rush all of your units
down around the road, turning left when you hit the water to find the entrance
to the base. You'll find a construction yard under your control, so capture
the power plant with one of your engineers and start building a barracks. Wait
until a harvester is in the refinery before capturing it, then get ready to
fend off some GDI assaults. I suggest getting a turret or two near the base's
entrance, and keep the Commando ready to pick off infantry.

Money will be tough to get throughout this mission, but you can start by
harvesting the scraps in the tiny field north of your base to help you defend
against the initial attacks. After that, you'll have to rely on the large
field east of your base, right above the water. Try to keep track of your
harvester for the first few trips so you can avoid the gunboat and GDI patrols.
Once you've collected enough money to get an Obelisk near the water, do so, and
it'll take care of that annoying gunboat for you (as well as a lot of future
GDI assaults).

Now all you have to do is raise an army of light tanks to crush the north-east
GDI base. If you make quick assaults on their harvesters when possible, it'll
speed things up a bit, but you should be prepared to retreat immediately after
each assault. You'll also have to keep repairing your base as carpet bombing
attacks hit it.

As long as you remember to capture the tech center in your base, you'll finish
the mission as soon as all other GDI stuff is destroyed.


Mozambique Population: 15,469,000
Expendability: 65%
Capital: Maputo
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 52%
Net Worth: $1,700,000,000
Point of Conflict: Xai-Xai
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 84%

"GDI has captured one of our technology centers. You must recapture the base
and recover the stolen information. Our forces in the area don't have time to
find a way across the river, so you will have to control the two forces

Right Route Walkthrough

Start by scrolling to the lower-right corner of the map to find your second
group of units. Take an artillery vehicle north to find the water, then send
it back south immediately to avoid the gunboat. When you see the gunboat
heading west again, move your entire pile of units west along the water, taking
out any GDI infantry you encounter along the way. Avoid the medium tank by
taking the upper route instead, then fight off the Mammoth Tank that's guarding
the land bridge.

Head west into the village with anything that survives (at least one artillery
unit needs to survive, ideally), then destroy the church to find a money crate.
Wait until you see the gunboat heading east, then move north towards the water.
There're two guard towers near the entrance to a base on the other side of the
water, so use your artillery to destroy them. Retreat out of the gunboat's
range once you're done.

Next, move back to your other group of units in the upper-left corner of the
map. Take then east, then turn due south when you see some concrete. Dodge
the Tiberium fields on your way to the water, then make a dash into the GDI
base down there when the gunboat is safely on the other side of the map. Once
you find the Nod buildings, build a barracks and some turrets. GDI will attack
you fairly quickly, so you'll need to be ready to fend them off.

When there's a harvester in the refinery, capture it with an engineer to gain
control of it. Getting money will be tricky at first until you can get rid of
the gunboat, but when you have enough, I suggest simply putting an Obelisk at
the entrance of your base to deal with the gunboat (as well as a lot of GDI
units that will attack your base later). Continue carefully collecting
Tiberium until you have enough money for an airfield, and make sure you repair
your buildings if any of them get carpet bombed.

Flame tanks will be quite useful for your assault on the remaining GDI base, so
I suggest you build a few of them along with your standard pile of light tanks
before you attack. When you do finally make your first assault on their base,
focus on attacking from the lower-left, punching a hole in their concrete and
making a dash for their construction yard and power plants. With the base
crippled, it'll be much easier to make a second assault later if your first one
fails to finish them off.

Make sure you remember to capture the tech center in your base, and as soon as
you wipe out the GDI forces, the mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.62) Nod Mission 12 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Botswania Population: 1,300,000
Expendability: 2%
Capital: Gabarone
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 12%
Net Worth: $3,100,000,000
Point of Conflict: Ghanzi
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 92%

"Somewhere in this area there is a GDI Advanced Communications Center. Inside
this center are the firing codes for their orbiting Ion station. The
Brotherhood must have these codes. Capture the Center and retrieve the codes,
do not destroy the center."

Left Route Walkthrough

Send one of your buggies west until you find two Mammoth Tanks, fire at one of
them, and then run north to make them follow you. Lead them around in a circle
down there while the rest of your forces, including your MCV, sneak out of the
area using the path that the Mammoths used to be guarding.

When you reach the clearing on the other side, head north past the Tiberium
field and deploy your MCV a little north-east of the Tiberium field, near where
the cliff thing is. Keep trying to lead the Mammoth Tanks in circles at the
other end of the map as long as you can while you build your base. Focus on
getting a communications center after you have a refinery, then get an Obelisk
and place it north-east of your construction yard for defense. Once you have
it, lead the Mammoths up there and let the Obelisk destroy them.

Get an airfield and build second harvester, then start building light tanks and
flame tanks. Send them on scout missions north and east of your base to find
GDI patrols, then retreat to your base so the Obelisk can help you wipe them
out. Repair damaged units with a repair bay, and when you're ready, assault
the GDI base in the north-east corner of the map by approaching it from the
west along the top of the map.

Flame tanks will help you slaughter GDI's infantry, and they'll make short work
of the guard towers. Use the tanks to punch a bigger hole in the concrete near
the construction yard, then focus on taking it out (as well as the refinery and
any other major buildings that you can reach). If necessary, retreat and
repair your units, or build another assault force if you don't manage to finish
the entire base off with your first attack. Remember not to destroy the
Advanced Communications Center in the upper-right corner of their base, though.
You have to capture it with an engineer to finish the mission. You don't need
to annihilate all of the GDI stuff to finish the mission, either.


Botswania Population: 1,300,000
Expendability: 2%
Capital: Gabarone
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 12%
Net Worth: $3,100,000,000
Point of Conflict: Ghanzi
----------------- Military Strength: Laughable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 92%

"Somewhere in this area there is a GDI Advanced Communications Center. Inside
this center are the firing codes for their orbiting Ion station. The
Brotherhood must have these codes. Capture the Center and retrieve the codes,
do not destroy the center."

Right Route Walkthrough

The map for this mission is identical to the map for the left route, so refer
to the above section if you chose this path.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.63) Nod Mission 13 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

South Africa Population: 41,688,000
Expendability: 10%
Capital: Cape Town
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 8%
Net Worth: $104,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Cape Town
----------------- Military Strength: Formidable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 100%

"Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces
are to destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs,
even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you."

Left Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV, build a power plant, and place it to the south-east. Build a
refinery and place it south-east of your power plant, then start harvesting the
nearby Tiberium field. Keep your tanks and buggies away from the south-east
field though, or you'll attract GDI's attention by attacking their harvester.
Keep them away from the water too, or the gunboats will take shots at them.

Get a communications center and an airfield, then crank out three or four flame
tanks. Take out the GDI harvester now, then defend against whatever GDI sends
at you. When their attack stops, head east through the middle of the area and
assault the GDI base there. Take out all four guard towers and any units in
the base, but don't destroy the refinery, the silos, or the power plants.
Instead, build a barracks and capture everything with engineers. The refinery
and silos will give you a nice chunk of money when you capture them.

North-east of the GDI base, you'll find two abandoned choppers. Build four
more engineers, use two of them to capture the choppers, then stick the other
two in one of the choppers. Load the empty one full of riflemen (might as well
sell your airfield at this point, which will provide you with some), then start
building an Obelisk. Take both choppers to the spot marked with a flare and
dump all of the units out of them, then return them to a safe empty spot near
your base.

Leave the riflemen here to fight off a GDI chopper that will try to land here
later, then send the two engineers to the east to capture the power plant and
hospital. Place the Obelisk as far to the east as you can, preferably with it
still being in range of the gunboat in the water to the south. You'll want to
cram a refinery and a new airfield into this tiny new base as soon as possible,
but keep careful tabs on your harvester - if it goes too far to the north,
it'll get within range of a GDI base's defenses.

Capturing that nearby GDI base should be your next objective, but it won't be
as easy as it might seem. I suggest building an artillery unit and using it to
destroy as much concrete as you can from the safety of the ridge below the
base. Use it to take out as much infantry as you can too, as well as the
barracks itself. GDI will continuously rebuild it, so keep blowing it up every
time to keep them occupied.

Meanwhile, an assault on the base with a cluster of flame tanks will prove
quite effective, but you'll quickly discover that there's an extra Advanced
Guard Tower in the north-west corner of the base that'll be a little hard to
reach. Even worse is the fact that they'll keep rebuilding everything, even
the Advanced Guard Towers, unless you place units in those spots to prevent
anything from being built there.

The real trick is to capture as much of the GDI base as possible. If you can
clear it out with your flame tanks, then quickly land a chopper of engineers in
there, you'll be able to make off with a few power plants, the war factory, and
maybe the construction yard if you're lucky. If you can, place an Obelisk as
far east as you can from one of your captured buildings so you can use it to
fry stuff as it gets rebuilt. If you can manage to get a solid hold on this
base, you'll be more or less set for the rest of the mission.

The remaining GDI base will be much easier to destroy if you build a Temple of
Nod and use its nuke to demolish the southern entrance of the base. Without
the defenses and a the pile of units that tends to collect there, your flame
tanks will have no trouble at all waltzing in and crushing the rest of the
base. Once you've wiped every single piece of GDI stuff off of the map, the
mission will be over.


South Africa Population: 41,688,000
Expendability: 10%
Capital: Cape Town
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 8%
Net Worth: $104,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Cape Town
----------------- Military Strength: Formidable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 100%

"Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces
are to destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs,
even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you."

Center Route Walkthrough

Move your MCV one square up, then deploy it and start building a power plant.
A medium tank will attack from the west, so use your light tank and infantry to
destroy it. Place the power plant east of your construction yard, then build a
barracks to the south of your construction yard. Keep your infantry as far
north as possible to avoid the gunboat while you build a turret, then put the
turret next to the water to deal with the gunboat.

Meanwhile, you'll want a refinery to the west, so go ahead and build one. GDI
will land choppers directly east of your base as well as all the way to the
west, so be ready to destroy them with your infantry and light tank if you can.
You'll also want to take care of the two rocket soldiers guarding the giant
Tiberium field to the west. Get rid of those pesky civilian buildings when you
get the chance, too.

A second MCV will arrive for you south of your base. Move it slightly down,
then deploy it and get an Obelisk south-west of it for protection. Build a
refinery above your construction yard, then build an airfield east of it. Once
you've placed a Temple of Nod at your northern base, crank out a few flame
tanks so you can make an assault on the GDI base in the south-east corner. If
you scout the map with a stealth tank, you should be able to see some chopper
pads near the construction yard in that base. When your nuke's ready, try to
drop it far enough west of the construction yard so it doesn't destroy it, but
does destroy the choppers and as much other stuff as possible.

Move your flame tanks in from the top-right and wipe out the defenses and any
surviving units, then capture the construction yard with an engineer. With the
ability to build Mammoth Tanks, the rest of this mission will be simple. Just
continue scouting the GDI bases so you know what's coming, then send in a squad
of Mammoths and crush the place. The mission will be over once you've
destroyed everything.


South Africa Population: 41,688,000
Expendability: 10%
Capital: Cape Town
Government: Republic
Government Corruptability: 8%
Net Worth: $104,000,000,000
Point of Conflict: Cape Town
----------------- Military Strength: Formidable
Mission Objective Military Resistance: 100%

"Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces
are to destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs,
even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you."

Right Route Walkthrough

Getting started in this mission can be tricky, but if you can manage to
capture the GDI chopper that appears west of your base near the beginning of
the mission, it'll be a lot easier for you. Use your starting units to fend
off the GDI units that attack at the start of the mission while you run your
engineer to safety. Two rocket soldiers will be guarding the chopper, so make
sure you can kill them before you send the engineer into the chopper. Remember
that your units will fire at the chopper by default, so you'll have to keep
careful control of them while they're near it.

You've probably noticed that the area you're in is surrounded by water, so as
you build your base, keep in mind that there's no point in building a war
factory up there. Try to get your communications center as far to the east as
possible, and try to keep it as isolated as possible - GDI will carpet bomb
the hell out of it throughout the mission, and you want to avoid taking damage
on any of your other buildings if possible.

A commando will arrive for you on the small area south-west of your base, so
use him to destroy the church to get a crate full of money. Fly the chopper
down there and evacuate him, then start using your chopper to dump infantry on
the ground south of where the church was. Try to keep them as far to the west
as possible to avoid catching the attention of as many nearby GDI units as
possible. Fight off what you can, and eventually, a second MCV will arrive
down there for you. Move it to the edge of the screen, right underneath the
Tiberium tree thing by the water, and deploy it. Get a second refinery under
it, then stop your northern harvester before it finishes collecting all of the
Tiberium around your initial base. That way, it'll regrow slowly throughout
the mission, and you'll be able to use it if you get in a pinch.

Now that you have a foothold on the southern part of the map, the real trick is
surviving the constant carpet bombings without losing anything significant. If
you're lucky, they'll just keep hitting your communications center over and
over again, so you can just keep repairing it.

The buildings directly east of your second base are easy to destroy, especially
if you put Obelisks within range of them. The real problem is that GDI will
continuously rebuild the same buildings in the same spots there... To solve
that little problem, you'll have to park some units in the spots where they
keep building stuff. Stealth Tanks are ideal, since GDI won't be able to fire
at them from the southern side of the ridge that way.

When you get the chance, you should invest in a Temple of Nod, too. Its nuke
will help you immensely - especially if you use it to destroy the chopper pads
in the southern GDI base, which you should be able to find if you carefully
move a Stealth Tank into it. Once you've used the nuke, you might as well sell
the Temple - you won't be able to get another nuke, and you don't need to have
the Temple built to finish the mission.

Anyway, all you have to do now is slowly pick away at the GDI bases until
everything is destroyed. If you can manage to capture one of their
construction yards/war factories, you can get some Mammoth Tanks and/or rocket
launchers to help you out, but it's not really necessary. Flame tanks will do
just as well.

Keep in mind that you also need to destroy all of the civilian structures and
units to end the mission.

| -------------------------- |
| | 7.00) End | |
| -------------------------- |
7.01) Version History
July 22nd, 2008

- Posted the first version of the guide, with the Nod and GDI campaign
walkthroughs completely finished. Probably won't bother with a unit list or
anything since stuff's pretty basic in this game.

7.02) Closing

As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on The Brink, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with
a quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Enjoy the game, and
thanks for taking a look at the guide.

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Engl. Leitfaden

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer für GDI und NOD

15.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Kann Geld- und Energiemenge verändern und ermöglicht Schnellbauen (für CC 95 v1.03)

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008

18.Oktober 2013
Bitte die Readme.doc lesen

15.Oktober 2013
Ausführliche Beschreibung des C&C-Dateien-Formats

15.Oktober 2013
Ausführliche Beschreibung des C&C-Karten-Formats

08.Oktober 2013
Bitte die Readme.doc lesen

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

13.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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24.März 2020