Gray Matter

Gray Matter

17.10.2013 00:07:18
Gray Matter.

Chapter 1 Part 1.

TIP: Hit the spacebar to highlight active things in any room or location.

In your room, open the backpack and take all items that can be picked up. Find your pet
rabbit Houdini in the lower part of the potted plant. Use the carrot on the cage. Use the water
bottle on the water pitcher, and use the bottle of water on the cage. You can click on
everything in the room for comments. When you arrive downstairs you can interact with
many different objects and rooms and a telephone.

Enter the Parlor take a look at some of the objects, head over to the Diploma wall where you
will gather more information on Dr. David Styles, after looking through a few objects, leave
the Parlor and head over to the Dining Room, unfortunately the map you are looking for is
not there. Check out everything else in the room. Exit the parlor.

Go outside of the house, look for the strange plaque located just beside the doorway, still
more clues we will be adding to our collection. You can go check out the inside of the garage
if you want. Go back inside the house. In the kitchen you have a nice chat with Mrs. Dalton.

Chapter 1 Part 2.

As you continue eating breakfast and talking to Mrs. Dalton you find out the only people
living in the household is Dr. Styles and Mrs. Dalton. You are the first assistant they have
had. After asking Mrs. Dalton what the assistant does she positively replies Never had one
before. I'm sure they told you at the student employment office. It's mostly paperwork he
wants done, files sorted, computer work, things of that sort. You should have plenty of time
to keep up with your studies.

After continuing your talk you finally find out what that plaque out by the front doorstep
means "Cognitive Abnormality". Dr. Styles works with patients who have had strokes or
brain injuries and alike. After talking to Mrs. Dalton, head over to the bulletin board in the
kitchen and collect the card for the psychologist that reads "Dr. Simon Helborn". Also collect
the card for the Oxford Police Department that reads "Reginald Paiser". Now you may leave
the kitchen and continue looking for more clues.

Head over to the note on the door for the assistant and access it. Go back into the kitchen and
talk Mrs. Dalton again. Since you don't have a cell phone Mrs. Dalton decides to lend you
hers. Now you have access to the Oxford map, go ahead and pull that out, you'll need to line
up the students for experiment, try to find a reference to the Daedalus Club in Oxford.

Head over to the Windy Dog Pub, but after talking to some of the locals around and mention
the name Dr. Styles they seem a lot less interested or take it as a joke. Next go over to the
magic shop seeing that she is not welcomed by the doorman without her student ID. In the
museum you meet a strange man by the name of Mephistopheles. Try to gather as much
information as possible regarding the Daedalus Club. After having a nice discussion, go back
over to the box where you first recognized the Daedalus Club logo.

Play with the machine to get the card value set to 21 by using an Ace and a King. After that
you are presented with a riddle. Read it, then go back to the magician Mephistopheles and
gather some more information.

Chapter 1 Part 3.

You have enough information from the magic shop for now. Return to the streets of Oxford.
Head over to the building with the Carfax Tower Plaque where there's another riddle. Enter
the building. You will approach the top of the building where you have a nice view of the
whole city, go ahead and close the door where you entered, after doing so it will reveal a little
mysterious red box.

From the items you have, select the matchbox to create a fire. Return to the streets and find
the Coat of Arms Plaque (gold colored) match your card with the Christ Church College.
Return back to your map and select St. Edmund Hall has your new destination/location. Here
you should find a guy and a gal arguing, go up to the guy first, here you will find out his
name "Harvey Kinderman" from New York City. After talking to him, you find out he is into
film making, and the reason he was arguing was over some film they recently produced.

You try to convince Harvey into the experiment with Dr. Styles. Now you decide it's time to
talk to the girl, you have to select the right trick, go ahead and choose the "Up in smoke"
Magic trick. Harvey gets his film back and you now have someone to participate in Dr. Styles
experiment tonight. Talk to the gal over on the bench now. You find out she is originally
from Scotland studying medicine and her name is Angela Mulholland.

Chapter 1 Part 4.
Go back to your book of tricks and select the "Telephone Psychic". Go over the payphone
which is located just next to where Angela is sitting, we're going to need to get the number
off of it. Select the cell phone that Mrs. Dalton loaned you earlier in the game. Now use
Sam's cell phone to call the payphone. Using the trick will help you lure Angela into joining
the experiment tonight with Dr. Styles.

Go over and talk to the gal sitting in the lawn chair. You quickly find out that her name is
Helena from a tiny country she claims no one has heard of. You try talking Helena into
joining the experiment as well, she hesitates and says she is not interested. After talking more,
Helena brings up a guy she kind of likes named Charles Ettington. You tell her he will be at
the experiment tonight, unfortunately she doubts that you even know who Charles Ettington
Head over and go talk to him. Click the book on the bench next to Charles titled "Homers
Iliad". Click on the letter lying on top of the book. After talking to Charles, you try to
convince him to participate in the experiment. Unfortunately, he says no without having
approval from his mom. In your trick book, choose the "Ominous Mailbag". Now go back to
your main map and select the Christ Church. Run over to the pond and locate the little black
box. From your items, choose the drop of water to get the clue to the next location.

Chapter 1 Part 5 (Ending).
Run over to the flower bed to take a closer look. Here you will find a flag buried in dirt with
the Daedalus Club logo on it. Look closer and you will also find a piece of the ideogram and
a beer coaster. Return back to the little box to find another piece of the ideogram. Go to your
items list and piece together the pieces of gold. It will form an image when you have them all.
Return to your main map and choose the Oxford Town Center.

You need to open Charles' letter without making it look like it has been opened. Walk over to
the steam vent, add the new assistant letter to his envelope and seal it. Back to the main map,
return to St. Edmunds Hall where you left Charles. Finish the trick and put the letter back.
After talking to Charles, go back to Helena (sitting in the lawn chair). At last she is convinced
and decides to o participate in Dr. Styles Neurology experiment.

Next you receive an unexpected phone call from Dr. Styles. You have to report back
immediately. You should now have all the volunteers. Now return back to where you started
and meet Dr. Styles. Everyone arrives for the first experiment which is quite successful.

Chapter 2 Part 6.
The story continues in the kitchen with Mrs. Dalton. She invites you to take the paper. The
top headline reads: "Prank at Horsepath Track" which was the same track they imagined the
night before during Dr. Styles experiment. Return to your main map and select the Horsepath
track. Notice the pattern, then make your way over to Eddie, the guy on his knees. Eddie
believes that the cause of the crop circles and patterns were from aliens. You decide to look
into it a bit more and do some research on the local magicians.

Return back to the main map and head over to the Oxford Town Center. Go over to the
woman selling the wildflowers, then make your way over to the right to the Cornmarket
Street. Now return to the Black Wand (the magician shop). Talk to Mephistopheles once
again for more information on "The Grand Game". After having a long discussion, head over
to the shop shelf in the magic shop.

Chapter 2 Part 7.
From the shop shelf, take the Shredded Paper Noisemaker, Spirit Gum, Magnet (classic
magnet), and Like Thumb. After making your purchase leave the shop and return to
Cornmarket Street. Now walk down the road just a bit to Queen Street, then go to The Windy
Dog Pub. First go talk to the bartender of the Windy Dog. Go over to the Wishing Horn and
play with it a little.
Now go back to the bartender and talk with him some more. The bartender will hand you a
mouth piece for the horn, add that to your inventory and go back to the wishing horn to use it.
In the bar you will receive another piece of gold, leaving one final piece. Return back to your
map and go to the Christ Church, click the door that says: "Christ Church Cathedral Nave".
Upon entering the church, you first approach the Guide. After talking to him, continue on in
the Church to the altar.

Here you will find an interesting switch, that just makes a noise right now. Go take a look at
the baptism pool to find another piece of the ideogram. At last your puzzle is complete, now
you must solve the rebus to finish the game. Head back over to the switch where you
previously were at. You are done here so return back to the main map and go to the Oxford
Town Center. When you arrive back at the town, go over to the red phone booth, pick up the
phone and dial the numbers "58327".

You have solved the first Daedalus Club riddle. Return to the main map go to St. Edmund
Hall. At St. Edmunds hall you will run into everyone that was involved in Dr. Styles's
experiment. Back in the map, go to the Library to meet Helena.

Chapter 2 Part 8.
you continue talking to Helena, trying to convince her to let you borrow her ID card. Choose
the Shredded Paper item from your inventory and go over to the Paper shredder in the library.
Choose your "Destroyed and Restored Ring Trick". Now you will be able to enter the library
using Helena's ID. Go over and talk to the reference librarian. Next, go over to a computer
terminal and do some research on Dr. David Styles.

At the computer you find out about his wife Laura Styles who was killed in a car accident and
Dr. Styles was rushed immediately to intensive care. Return to the Dread Hill house, enter the
foyer and answer the phone. After that, go back to the kitchen and talk to Mrs. Dalton about
the Styles accident. Go to the foyer and down to the basement hall. Enter the main lab and
locate the set of instructions on the table next to the sculpture of a head.

Go over to the file cabinet and start sorting the files by their appropriate title. Now look
through the files, choose the cabinet labeled with the letter "N". In the "N" cabinet choose the
folder labeled "Neurobiology Department Staff List". Return to the cabinets and select the
drawer labeled with the letter "L". Choose the farther back folder in this category, now
choose the cabinet labeled "F" and select the "FMRI Delivery Receipt" folder.

Now return back to the cabinets and choose the drawer labeled "E". Select the folder titled
"Extraordinary Power of Ordinary Minds". Now go to the main map and go to "Radecliffe
Infirmary". Enter Susan's Office, give the receipt you collect to Susan. You are introduced to
Mr. Headley, an admirer of Dr. Styles.

Chapter 2 Part 9.
Mr. Headley talks to you about his view/what he knows about Dr. Styles. Return back to the
office with Susan Whittier, begin talking to her, trick her into leaving to give Mr. Headley
some coffee. After Susan returns, you find out she leaves her key in the coffee cup (time for
"The Bottomless Cup" trick ). Go back to your trick book and perform "The Super Gross-Out,
Self Healing Wound" trick. Now leave Susan's office to get setup for the trick.

When you are back in the hall locate the door directly across titled "Staff Kitchen" then find
the first aid kit. Now return to Susan's office. From your inventory select the fake blood item
as well as the fake thumb, now you need something to hold it in place, use the spirit gum,
then go back to your inventory and select the fake thumb once more. When Susan leaves,
open inventory and use the key you got earlier. Now head over to the filing cabinet, take the
experimental plan and make a copy of it using the copy machine. Now return to the hall.

Chapter 2 Ending Part 10.
After talking to one of Dr. Styles experiment students, return to Dread Hill House, go down to
the basement and into the main lab. Go to the filing cabinet, choose the drawer labeled with
the letter "C" then choose the folder in the very back of the drawer. Access your inventory
and select the item you just found in the drawer, then select the phone list (to compare). Cross
out all the names except: Abram Linkweller and David Styles. You talk to the experiment

Chapter 3 Beginning Part 11.
Chapter three starts off with Dr. Styles. Click the bed once to hear him speak. Now click the
door labeled Upstairs Hall, keep following the doors to the foyer. As he approached down the
stairs click the portrait, then continue on to the kitchen. Click on Mrs. Dalton and start talking
to her about strange occurrences in the household concerning Laura. After talking to Mrs.
Dalton , go down to the basement hall, use your private lab key from your inventory and enter
the private lab.

When the doorbell rings, head back to the foyer, grab the package that has arrived and return
to your private lab. Click the whiteboard to start reading it, after that return to the counter,
click it and locate the not sitting out. Next click the PSI Book, click through the marked tabs,
next click the machine located to the right of the book. Each number has two tiny windows.
Numbers 0 through 26 should be small upper 0 in left window and lower small 0 in right

Numbers 27 through 39 should have a large full size 0 in the left and right windows, after
doing so, switch the machine on with the red button. Now click the tank lid, go back to the
work counter and click the RNG Rolodex, after that click on the computer, on the computer
navigate to: My files, Brain power published 2000, then go back to my files and click the
experiment plan, after that go to the video logs and play the first video clip, then continue
watching the clips.

After watching the videos click the Wine Steward icon on the computer, set the leafs as
following: Yellow Leaf: Dry, Green Leaf: Red, Blue Leaf: 1972, Red Leaf: Loire, then
remember the numbers and go back over to the RNG Rolodex, read what it says and go to the
tank control. You will have to find some sensory items, leave the lab, go to the basement hall
and enter the Wine rack (located across from the private lab). In the second row from bottom
in the center section are 4 bottles in a diamond configuration. Click the bottom bottle of the
diamond configuration.

Chapter 3 Part 12.
Return to the foyer and enter the dining room, in the dining room click the Hi-fi system,
choose the green CD located on the bottom shelf. Leave the dining room and enter the parlor,
go to the box of photos located right next to the computer, find the picture of the cottage and
choose it. Leave the parlor and go up the stairs to David's bedroom. Go to the mirror on the
wall, after that enter David's closet.

Click on the dresser drawers, choose the bottom shelf and then the brown bath robe, then
click the blue swimsuit underneath it. Leave the closet and go into the bathroom, click the
cabinet and open it then select the purple bottle of shampoo. Leave the bathroom and the
bedroom, return to the private lab, now go over to the tank control.

Click the CD button and select the CD from your inventory, load the shampoo in the scent
filter and open the tank. After you are done with the tank session go outside to the front entry.
Now guide David to the back exterior, then go to the garage. Click the motorbike first, go
back inside the house and into the kitchen to talk to Mrs. Dalton.

Chapter 3 (Ending) Part 13.
Click the telephone, then go back into the kitchen, click the note-board and find the police
card, now you can go to the phone and make the call. After you are done with the call go
back into the parlor and back to the box of photos. Go to the very last picture (blue tile
background). Return back to your private lab. Select the blue tile photo from inventory and
place it on the scanner, after scanning click edit then zoom, colors, sharpen and contrast.
Chapter three ends up with the participants in the original experiment.

Chapter 4 Beginning Part 14.
The character is Sam once again, Dr. Styles comes running into the room yelling her name.
After talking to Dr. Styles go to the kitchen, after talking to Mrs. Dalton head over the
newspaper on the counter, leave the kitchen and go to your main map and go to the Oxford
Town Center. Then go to Cornmarket Street, then head over the Black Wand magic shop, talk
to Mephistopheles, then go over to the 21 machine and set the cards to Ace and King.

You just got the C Railer Swoll riddle, now go over to the shop shelf and grab the bottle on
the top shelf, then go over the wider shop shelf and pick out the "Cry for help noisemaker"
and the "telephone spy". Leave the shop and run into Kinderman, talk to him, then leave
Cornmarket Street and head over to Queen Street. Go over to Alice's Shop and talk to the
sales clerk, after that go over to the postcard rack.

Click on the cards to read them, then purchase the map. Go over to the Mad Hatter poster on
the wall, then go over the Cheshire cat, the code is "Smile" grab the items inside. Now go to
the main map and go to the University Museum. When you arrive go over to the Dodo's egg.
From inventory select the egg we just collected and go over to the bench, inside of the egg
find another piece of the ideogram, after that go back to the Dodo's egg and put it back. Now
go to the main map and select the Radcliffe Infirmary.

Next go to Linkweller's Office, then go to Susan's Office and talk to her. Now click the
phone on her desk, from your inventory select the cell phone then click the number on the
office phone to add it. Now leave Susan's office and make a call to the number you just
added, the extension is "1?. Tell him there is a package he needs to sign.

Now enter Linkweller's office, from inventory select the microphone spy and then click on
the phone in his office, now leave and go to the library on your main map. Use the student ID
to get in the library, then go talk to the reference librarian, now leave and go to the
Christchurch Hall to see it's closed. Go over to St. Edmunds Hall and enter the Lobby.

Chapter 4 Part 15.
Go talk to the bulldog in the lobby, after that go over to the resident board and click the name
plate Jeanie Smith. Now go up to the St. Edmunds Hall 1st floor, once we get up there click
on the toilet papers, then go to room 100 at the end of the hall. Now we will be able to talk to
Jeanie Smith, after talking go back downstairs to the resident board, after doing so go to the
St. Edmunds Hall pool, click on the pool then the filter.

After investigating the filter click on the clock, after that go look at the Polaroids over on the
pool bench, then go talk to the Pool-man, after talking to him return to the lobby and then go
back outside of St. Edmunds Hall, here we will meet our friends. Go back to our main map
and navigate to Christ Church Hall, then enter through the cathedral nave. Talk to Angela
once we get through the door.

Chapter 4 Part 16.
After talking to Angela return to the main map and go to the Oxford Town Center, then go to
Cornmarket Street and back to the Black Wand, here we will talk to Mephistopheles. After
our chat go back to Dread Hill House. Go inside, click on the girl running up the stairs, then
go to the basement hall, then talk to Dr. Styles about what you saw.

Chapter 4 Part 17.
After talking to Style's, go back to St. Edmunds Hall, enter the lobby and go up to the 1st
floor. Click the bucket on the ground, click the camera, then click the box on the ground next
to the bed. Helena walks in and you talk to her. Next leave her room and head up to the 2nd
floor. Go to room 204 but Charles won't respond. Go to room 202 and learn about the lock.
This next part involves playing a game, called "Divide and Conquer", with the Proctor.

Your magic book tells how, but it might not show up clearly enough to understand. Following
is what you need to know: read carefully, especially the part labeled THE TRICK.

Have a volunteer shuffle a deck of cards and then deal out cards, face up, on a table. Tell
them they can deal as many cards as they like. You and your volunteer will be given chances
to eliminate cards from this line-up, but you can predict which card will remain. Write down
the name of your prediction (you can select any one of the cards on the table) and fold it
several times. Give it to your volunteer to put in a pocket, to be revealed later.

The game goes as follows: You and your volunteer will each take turns choosing any two
cards from the table. The other person then selects one of those cards to be eliminated from
the game. The card that is left goes back into the line-up. Play continues in this fashion until
only one card is left. Have your volunteer look at the note in their pocket - sure enough, it
names the card that remains.

THE TRICK: If there is an even number of cards on the table, tell your volunteer to go first.
If there is an odd number of cards, then you must go first. When it is your volunteer's turn to
pick two cards, if they pick the card you wrote down, then simply select the other one to be
eliminated. When it is your turn, select any two cards other than the card you wrote down.
Eventually you will be left with your card.

Now that you know how to play, go talk to the Proctor on the couch. Its time to play the trick
on the proctor. After you beat him, he will let you into Charles' room.

Chapter 4 (Ending) Part 18.
Click the photo on Charles' dresser, next add Charles' moms number to your cell phone, after
that click the magazines over on his other desk by the window, after checking out the
magazine you can leave his room and go up to the 3rd floor. Go to room 302, Harv isn't
there. Go talk to the proctor, use the "Locked Room Mystery" trick on him. To setup, select
the pink toilet paper from your inventory along with the cry for help noisemaker.

After that, in inventory and select the wrapped noisemaker then click on door 302. Now go to
your inventory and use the noisemaker remote, go over to the door of 302 and switch the lock
so it won't lock when he leaves. When you enter his room click the scripting notes on his
desk. Now leave his room and go to floor 1, go to room 102 and talk to Helena. Now return to
the lobby then go to the St. Edmund's Hall Gymnasium.

Click the house sign when you enter (located by the door) select the flash power traps from
your inventory then go over to the locker room. You should be done here. Go back to the
lobby then go outside to talk to your friends. Click on Angela and use the "Fruit Bowl" trick
on her.

Chapter 5 (Beginning) Part 19.
The chapter starts off with David in the shower. Enter David's Closet, click on Laura's dress
bag, go downstairs to the kitchen, talk to Mrs. Dalton then go to the basement hall to your
private lab. Go over to the Rolodex counter, then go to the whiteboard to look at it. Go to the
main map and choose Ramus House. Here talk to Mr. Ramus about recent happenings and
what David saw about Laura. Now return back to Dread Hill House kitchen and talk to Mrs.
Dalton. Then on the main map, go to the Timmons Park and enter the front gate. Now over to
the right, click on the tree, then click on the carving.

Chapter 5 Part 20.
After the tree and carving, head right and go to the Timmons Park Fountain. Then go to the
Timmons Park paved path then go to the garden area, after arriving click the green bush
labeled Gardenia. Next follow the little girl that took off with your flower, after talking to the
girl for a while you will end up backing off just a bit, click on the apples lying on the ground,
after showing her the trick you will get your gardenia back.

Now walk over to the ice cream vendor and buy an ice cream. After that go to the Timmons
Park bridge, then follow it over to the Timmons Park boat house and click on the Accordion
player. After he finishes playing the song, select the gardenia from your inventory, then after
that select the ice cream you purchased. Walk over to the rental boat clerk, after the boat ride
return to Dread Hill House.

Chapter 5 (Ending) Part 21.
Go down to the basement into the private lab. On the computer desk, click on the
appointment book for 2002. Leave the lab and go into the kitchen, over to the note-board and
get the card for Dr. Simon. Now go out to the foyer and call him. Afterwards, go to your main
map to Simon Helborns Office. After the session with Simon, return to Dread Hill and go talk
to Mrs. Dalton, then go down to the Main Lab to the computer.

Chapter 6 Beginning Part 22.
After the discussion with Dr. Styles, go to the kitchen, then leave after realizing Mrs. Dalton
isn't there. Go down to the basement and get acquainted with Simon Helborn. After that, go
over to the private lab to see it's locked. Go upstairs to the kitchen and talk to Mrs. Dalton.
Now go upstairs and click the chairs, then click the gargoyles then the cabinet, still nothing.

Now go over to the painting. Go downstairs and out to the front entry. Go to the back exterior
and click the bottom of the tower, click the statue next to the building to get the key, now use
the tower key to enter the building. Start investigating the dust spots in the tower, then leave
the tower and go back inside to the kitchen.

Chapter 6 Part 23.
Talk to Mrs. Dalton, then borrow the flour over on the counter. Now return to the tower and
use the flower on the upstairs window. Go to the main map over to the Radcliffe Infirmary, go
over to Linkwellers office. After talking to Linkweller head over to Christ Church Hill and
enter the hall. Click on the certificate over to the far right of the screen. Now click the
fireplace, and search for the firedoors hat, after getting the piece of gold inside, go over the
painting, click the book in the painting. Use the Swiss army knife on the book, now piece
your second ideogram together. Go over the Christ Church garden, talk to Charles who is
sitting down, after that go to the Christ Church Meadows. Start searching for the rabbit hole.
the numbers to enter are: 53947227655 (should spell Lewis Carroll). After solving that use
your cell phone to call Charles' Mother.

Chapter 6 Part 24.
Go to the main map and head over to the Oxford Town Center. Go back to the Black Wand
on Cornmarket Street talk to your magician friend. From the shop shelf buy the disappearing
ink then leave and go to the Horseback Track to talk to Eddie, then take a discus from the
pile. Now leave and head over to the library and talk to Harvey Kinderman, use the shredded
and restored newspaper trick on him, first you need the paper stack over on the reference
librarians desk, then go back to Harvey. After the conversation with Harvey return to St.
Edmunds Hall.

Chapter 6 -Part 25.
Enter the lobby then go upstairs and use Helena's key to open room 102. Click the hair pin on
her dresser, next click her drawer, then click the Theater Program on her oval glass table.
Now go to the little box under her bed, use the hair pin to pick the lock. Leave her room and
go up to the 3rd floor. Click the cups lying on the floor then click the maintenance guy, use
the "cup and ball psychic" trick on him.

After that have him go get you a cup of coffee, then make the alarm switch on the box he was
working on. Now go over to the third floor, you run into Malik, then go to room 322, use the
"last disappearing ink trick" on Kelly to get her out of the room. When Kelly leaves, go over
to the desk and click the magazine on top, after that check her records, then go over to the
photo of Angela's father. Now leave Angela's room.

Chapter 6 (Ending) Part 26.
Go back to Dread Hill House, go to the Daedalus invitation by the phone. In inventory, click
both of the coins you earned to compare them with your map. Mark a circle around British
Museum, Buckingham Palace, House of Parliament, and St. Paul's Cathedral. Once you circle
those four locations, click the museum and parliament, then click the palace and the
cathedral. The crossing lines marks the spot.

Now go to the main lab and talk to Dr. Styles. After talking, go out to the door behind him
just to the left of him. Use your cell phone to call Helena. Now go to St. Edmund's Hall to
talk to some of your friends. Here the experiment will be concluded earlier than expected.

Chapter 7 (Beginning) Part 27.
you start off as David again. Go to St. Edmunds Hall to enter the lobby. After talking to the
front desk man, go over to the cafeteria. Talk to Detective Paiser, then go investigate one of
the holes on the wall, match the discus from your inventory with the hole. Now return to the
lobby and talk to Angela, then go back to the bulldog. After talking to him, return to Dread
Hill House. Go to the kitchen and talk to Mrs. Dalton, then go upstairs to Sam's bedroom.

Go to her drawer, then go to her backpack on the floor. Click the foster care letter, now leave
her room. Go to the phone to make a call, after that go to the private lab. Look at the Rolodex
counter. Now go over to the computer, then to My Files and Brain Power Published 2000, go
ahead and print it. Leave the private lab and go over to the main lab computer.

At the bottom of the screen are tiny squares, click the second from right then click the top
right skull. Click the bottom left oblong square, then click the third small square from right.
Now click the top right skull again. Now click the top right oblong image that has two tiny
skulls in it. Click it a second time. Finally click it a final third time.

Chapter 7 (Ending) Part 28.
Go back to St. Edmunds Hall, here you talk to some of the patients in from the experiment.
After that, go to the Oxford Town Center, go to the poster on the Black Wand shop, after
getting the poster off the shop wall go back to St. Edmunds Hall. Enter the lobby then go
back to the dining hall and talk to Detective Paiser. Now go to the map and go to the
Daedalus Club (lower right hand corner). Go to the public bar door, use the poster from your
inventory to get in.

Chapter 8 Part 29.
Leave the room, go talk to the bartender, then go talk to the patron, take a look at the
newspaper hiding by the couch and tree. Now go talk to the trickster in the booth, after
talking to him go to the Clubs front hall, go over the devil machine and click the right horn
three times, then click the left horn once, to make all the devils match, then pull the left lever.
You end up in a new room.

Click on the information box, then click the painting above that. Now go to the Renaissance
style statues in the back of the room. Go over to the exit all the way forward on the left. Click
the painting then go to the exit second from back on the left. Now take a look at the right
forward painting in the next room. Now, go to the big dome shaped switch and press it.

Click the forward right painting, then the information box back a bit. Go through the Queen
of Diamonds door in the back. One mirror has a small pot and the other has a large pot.
Always click a mirror with the smallest pot. You eventually get an orange key. Now exit just
left. This time always click the smallest shadow.

Chapter 8 Part 30.

walk to left image.
walk to right image.
walk to right image.
walk to left image.
access book to left of pentagram.
get handcuffs in back case.
queen of spades door in back.
you slide to safety.
check picture on right.
go out right door back 2 from picture.
exit at lower right.
access picture on right.
exit directly left.
classical statue in back.
right atlas statue.
queen of clubs back door.
use handcuffs on plank.
get green key.
pick up handcuffs.
left exit 2 from back.
mid left exit second from front.
back queen of spades door.
atlas statue stops ceiling.
check statue stomach for purple key.
third exit on left from back.
back exit queen of hearts, orange, green, and purple keys.
right third exit from back.
get gun on left.
next exit back from gun case.
queen of hearts exit in back.
back purple exit.

Chapter 8: Game Final Ending Part 31.
lots of watching in this part.

click gun on Mephistopheles.
lots of watching.

inventory paper fancy.
inventory lantern.
click lantern on Angela.
switch to left of upper right window.
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Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Diverse Spielstände verteilt über das ganze Spiel

15.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
22.Oktober 2014
13.Dezember 2013
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020