Unga needs Mumba

Unga needs Mumba

15.10.2013 00:19:28
Unga needs mumba

A prehistoric graphic adventure coming from good old Germany

Programmed by L.E.M. studios - Tino Bensing

Released on 30th of March 2012


Unga is coming home to his cave.

Nonga, his wife, is waiting for him.

Unga want's to give her some food.

It's a small kaffla.

But Nonga has enough eating little rodents.

She wants to eat mumba.

That means some sort of mammoth.

So this is what the adventure is all about.

Hunting mumba for a nice dinner.

But like always, things are not as easy as they seem.

So let's try to help Unga with his little problem...


Take the white bone and pick up the spear.

Then leave the cave.

Outside Unga complains about hunting.

He wants to see the shaman Araakalo.

Before you leave, break the bone with the rock.

This rock is in front of you.

You'll need the broken bone later.

Now click the small path leading down.


There is a green bush to the left.

Click the bush and a bird comes out.

It makes some noise and runs off to the right.

Click the bush again.

You find an egg.

Now click on the lower part of the screen to walk along the path.


Here you meet Julta and Ambe.

Julta is the wife of Ronko.

And Ambe ist the wife of Braak.

Julta and Ambe are sitting in front of a tent.

A fire is burning.

Luba, a little child, is also here.

Talk to Julta (or Ambe).

Click on all topics and speak about everything.

Then walk right into another cave.


Talk to the shaman.

He tells you about hunting, a sacrifice and three spirits.

Then he asks you if you want to enter another dimension.

Any answer takes you there.

Now a seperate game is starting.

It's some kind of weird action game.

At first you see Unga as a skeleton.

The instructions are given in a silent movie.

You must reach the marked "X" in the upper left corner of the screen.

But the direct way is blocked.

On the right side a short grey horizontal line appears.

It becomes bigger and rounder like a hole or a shadow.

Click it three times and the first spirit comes down.

It looks like a green balloon with a face on it.

The balloon has two funny wings.

Click the spirit to learn about the first needed item for the sacrifice.

Later Araakalo will tell you more.

So concentrate on the mini game.

When the green spirit disappears, two things will remain.

A green ball and a grey hole.

Guess, what to do...


Unga has to put the green ball into the grey hole.

Or the other way around.

First of all you should touch the grey hole.

It will move from right to left and from up to down.

Click it until it comes to the right lower part of the screen.

Then click the green ball.

It will only move right or left.

The clue is to catch the ball with the hole in the right moment.

It's difficult to explain.

You have to try a little bit.

One hint I can give:

You have to move the hole and the ball at the same time.

I'm sure you will figure it out somehow.

Once you made it, a snake with a green head will raise from the hole.

It's the second spirit.

It tells you about the next ingredient.

When the snake disapperas, you see a small space in the right barrier.

Click it and Unga's hand reaches the "X".

Now a big green Venus figurine appears.

That is the third spirit.

Click it and it tells you about the last necessary thing for the sacrifice.


You solved this tricky game in game.

Now you warp back to Araakalo.

Unga tells the shaman about the three things needed for the sacrifice:

1. the connected-to-the-earth-thing

2. the arisen-from-stone-thing

3. the laying-in-the-sky-thing

Araakalo can combine them to build a sacrifice.

But before Unga must find all three of them.

Leave the cave to the left.


Luba ist playing around.

When you tousle her, she will give you a pebble.

This pebble is needed later.

Click on the lower part of the screen to leave the camp.

Now you see a map.

You should walk to the MEADOW.

There you will find Ronko and Braak, your hunting fellows.


Talk to Ronko and Braak.

Tell them you want to hunt mumba.

Ask them for help.

But they say "No".

Ronko's wife wants a figurine.

And Ronko and Braak have to wait, until it's ready.

Frako is busy making the figurine.

Ask Ronko and Braak why Frako is working at this place.

You get the information that Frako needs fresh air and can't stand fur.

Remember this for later.

Now leave the meadow to the left and return to the map.


You should walk to the little hill.

Pick up some small stones.

And break a branch from the tree.

Then return to the meadow.


Go to Frako.

Take the egg and put it on the pile of stones to the right.

Now show Frako the kaffla.

Frako becomes a little bit sick.

He gets nervous and grabs for a new stone.

But he squishes the egg and is distracted for a moment.

Now quickly open your inventory, click the small stones
and drag them to the stone tools at the left of Frako.

If you succeed, you get a sharp stone tool and a toothy stone.

If you don't, you lose the egg.

To get a new one you have to visit Julta and Ambe at the camp.

You have to beg them several times, before they give you an egg.

Then come back to Frako and try again.

Now leave the meadow and return to the map


Walk to the river.

Use the sharp stone tool to peel off the birch trees.

You get birch bark.

Continue to the left.

You meet Konk.

Konk belongs to another tribe.

His tribe seems to be more developed and educated.

Talk to Konk to find out that he has a similar problem.

He also needs to hunt mumba to please his wife.

And he also must sacrifice something.

Therefore he also needs three things.

Here he wants to find something "laying-in-the-sky".

He was given a snake/ezze.

But he has no use for it.

Konk gives the snake/ezze to you.

But he doesn't let you pass.

He will stay here until you help him.

Go back along the path to the right.

And return to the map.


Walk to the cliff.

When you arrive there you look up the big rock.

On top Unga sees an ahgal in his nest.

An ahgal is some sort of an eagle.

Click the big rock to the right and try to climb it.

You can't!

But you remember that somebody climbed up the cliff before.

Go back to the meadow and speak to Ronko and Braak.


Tell Ronko and Braak that you want to climb the high cliff.

Ronko says that there is a hidden path.

But he cannot remember the way very good.

So you have to help him.

Your first answer should be "between".

Then you say "the bushes".

At last "the stones" is right.

Ronko should repeat: "The path is between the bushes and the stones".

Walk back to the cliff.


When Ronko is right, you can click "walk up easy path to the top".

You climb the cliff and stop near the nest of the ahgal.

Open your inventory.

At first you must use the toothy stone with the ezze.

This cuts off the teeth of the snake.

Put the pebble into the toothless ezze.

The ezze is loaded.

Now you can use it as a weapon.

So look what happens when you throw it into the nest.


Good effort!!!

The ahgal flies away.

Take the whole nest.

You also get an egg.

Now you can walk down again and return to the map.


Let's see, if we can help Konk.

Go back to him and give him the egg of the ahgal.

This should be the thing he was looking for.

Something "laying-in-the-sky" he wanted.

Konk takes the egg and is happy.

Suddenly the egg breaks and a little ahgal comes out.

Maybe you can imagine what will happen next.

You're right again!

The baby ahgal cries for it's mother.

Unfortunately Konk still holds the egg.

So the mother ahgal takes him, the egg and the baby with her.

We wish them a good flight :-)

At least you can cross the river now.

But Unga is still alone.

It makes no sense to try hunting.

Go back to the map.


Now it's time to visit the god of hunting Mota Raganu.

Click the map and go there.

Pick up the ash.

Use the tusks.

When you look up in the sky you can see Konk again.

He is still flying...

Now the place is ready for a new sacrifice.

Return to the map.

Go back to the camp.


Julta and Ambe are still here.

Walk a little bit further to the right.

Before the cave entrance you see a little tar pit.

Put in some birch bark.

And add some ash.

Now go to the fireplace.

Take the branch from your inventory and light it.

Go back to the tar pit.

Use the burning branch to light the tar pit.

After a while you created tar.

Very good!

Advanced technology :-)

You will need the tar later.

Behind Unga you see some clothes on a rope.

When you try to remove the clothes Ambe is complaining.

Tell her that you think the weather will stay fine.

Ambe is satisfied.

Enter the cave and talk to the shaman.

Ask Araakalo about the weather for the next days.

The spirits tell him that the weather will stay good.

Not good for Unga.

Quit talking to Araakalo.

Leave the cave and go to Julta and Ambe again.

Speak to Julta (or Ambe).

Talk about the weather again.

Tell Julta and Ambe that the weather will change.

Ambe is concerned about her clothes on the line.

She wants to remove them.

Unga wants to help her.

Click the clothes.

Unga picks them and lays them into the dirt.

Ambe is not amused.

This situation shows, why it's good for men to hunt and better for women to wash clothes...

Sorry about that chauvinistic phrase!!!

But I'm a man also...

Now Unga can touch the long peaked stone.

Do so and the rope will fall down.

Click the long peaked stone again.

Unga tries his best but there is no effort.

Click the long peaked stone for the third and last time.

But it is impossible for Unga to break the stone.

Leave the camp to the left or below.

Before you can go away the camera sets focus on the long peaked stone.

Some kind of a bee flies by and lands on the long peaked stone.

You see what happens and it is unbelievable.

Crack, crack, crack.

The stone breaks!

Go back to the long peaked stone and pick it up.

Leave the camp to return to the map.


Now it's time to go back to Nonga.

Click the cave on the map and go there.

Walk up the small path and enter your cave.

Pick up the figurine that belongs to Nonga.

Put it into the hole.

Uups! It's gone!!!

No problem.

Leave the cave.

Open your inventory and combine the tar with your spear.

You get a sticky spear.


Now try to reach the figurine with the sticky spear.


Return to the map.


Ronko and Braak are still here.

Give the figurine to Ronko.

Ronko is very happy.

He suggests to go hunting now.

The hunting ground is beyond the river.

Return to the map.


Walk to the river and cross it.

Now you are at the hunting ground.

Talk to Ronko (or Braak).

Ask them what to do now.

Ronko suggests to build a trap.

Unga asks what kind of trap it will be.

Ronko suggests to build a pitfall (as always).

Unga asks if Julta was pleased by the figurine.

But Ronko has forgot to give it to Julta.

Unga says that he will bring the figurine to her.

So return to the map.


Walk to the camp.

Give the figurine to Julta.

But Julta doesn't want that gift.

She knows that it is the figurine of Nonga.

Julta wants her own figurine.

Return to the map.


Go back to the river and cross it.

Walk to the hunting ground.

Ronko and of cause Braak are busy building the pitfall.

Talk to Ronko.

Tell him that his wife doesn't want the figurine.

Ronko agrees to give back the figurine to Nonga.

Quit talking and return to the map.


Enter your cave.

Give back the figurine to Nonga.

Then leave the cave again.

And return to the map.

You can try to hunt now.

But without the sacrifice you will not succeed.


You need to go to the hill now.

Invention time again:

Open your inventory and combine the tar with the broken bone.

Then use the toothy stone with the sticky broken bone.


You now have a handy toothy tool that looks like a saw.

Use it with the dead standing tree.

You saw off a part of it.

Now you have a tree trunk.

At least you own all three elements for the sacrifice:

1. the connected-to-the-earth-thing (tree trunk)

2. the arisen-from-stone-thing (long peaked stone)

3. the laying-in-the-sky-thing (nest of an ahgal)

Now go back to the shaman to prepare the sacrifice.


Give tree trunk, long peaked stone and the nest of an ahgal to Araakalo.

After a while and some magic words the shaman is ready with building the sacrifice.

If you want to see it you have to open your inventory.

Maybe it's top secret :-)

It looks like some sort of a hammer or a torch.

Before you leave the cave, put the charred branch into the stone bowl.

There is fat in the stone bowl.

This will make your flame burn longer.

Leave the cave.

Go left to the fireplace.

Light the charred fatty branch here.

Now return to the map.

Walk to Mota Raganu.


Use the sacrifice with Mota Raganu.

The camera looks into the sky and you can see a flying object.

No, I don't think it's Konk again.

It looks like some kind of an UFO or spaceship.

After this you light the sacrifice.

Take your burning fatty branch out of the inventory.

Use it with the sacrifice.

Now the sacrifice is burning.

Very nice!

In case the branch is not burning any more you have to go back to the camp fire.

Click Mota Raganu.

Unga is speaking some magic words to worship the god of hunting.

Then Mota Raganu begins to quake.

He gives fortune for hunting.

Unga is very happy.

When you leave this place something happens.

I don't know exactly what it means.

You see a spaceship landing nearby.

An astronaut gets off and walks around.

As he sees the statue of Mota Raganu he becomes angry.

"Oh no! Not again!!!"

"Not this damned planet again!"

"Damn you, planet! Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then he runs back to his spaceship and quickly escapes.

Maybe this planet is forbidden or brings misfortune, who knows?!

If somebody has an idea, please send me an e-mail.

Now Unga is back on the map.


At least it's hunting time now!

Go back to the river and cross it.

Walk to the hunting ground.

Ronko and Braak are finished building the pitfall.

You may check the trap but it is okay.

So there is nothing to say anymore.

Take your spear and use it with the mumba in the background.

The hunt begins.

In a dramatic sequence the mumba is hunted.

Or is the mumba hunting the hunters?

Who knows?!


At least the mumba falls into the trap and dies.

Everyone is happy.

Take the sharp stone tool and use it on the mumba.

As this game is for young people also you cannot see how Unga devides the mumba.

Maybe this work is too bloody.

At the end you earn mumba meat.

Yummy, yummy!

Now Nonga should be pleased!!!

Go back to the map.

You cross the river and meet Konk again.

He doesn't look very comfortable.

It's no wonder after all he had to suffer.

Talk to Konk.

Konk had a little problem.

An enraged mother eagle was chasing him all the time.

But finally he could escape.

Now he's upset.

He wants something from Unga.

Something to proof that Unga is sorry for every the bad things that happened to Konk lately.

The only possible way to satisfy Konk is to give him the precious mumba meat.


All in vain!!

But this is life!!!

Give the mumba meat to Konk.

You can pass.

Unga is very frustrated now.

So much work, trouble and problems to handle...

And at the end no mumba meat for Nonga.


It's time to go now.

Unga is walking to his home cave.

Meanwhile the "credits" are shown.

If you want, read them carefully.

If not, just press .


Unga is back at Nonga.

He want's to give her some food.

It's a small kaffla.

But Nonga has enough eating little rodents.

She wants to eat mumba.

That means some sort of mammoth.


Now the game ends where the game started.

And it looks like some kind of "neverending story".

Maybe this adventure wants to tell us something:

"The whole life consists of work that has to be done again and again."

"Some people have to hunt mumba."

"Other ones are washing, cooking and cleaning all the time."

That's life!!!

This walkthrough was written by ROGER WILCO.

If you are old enough you might know him from the early days of adventuring.

Space quest was a very good saga I would say.

Have a look sometime...

Sunday, 15th of July 2012



Thanx to my friend PUCK for reading and correcting this walkthrough.

Hope he'll play the game soon?!


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