

18.10.2013 01:50:28
Unreal Walkthrough - Author unknown

Begin Game

Vortex Rikers

Make your way through the Vortex Rikers and begin to gather clues as to where you are and why
you are here.

You awake in open prison cell. Immediately, exit the cell, turn right, and head to the elevator
platform. Ride the platform up. When you step off the platform, you'll find the Universal
Translator. Collect the Translator and return back down to the first level. Now, walk to the
opposite end of the room, and enter the dark opening in the wall. Inside the opening, turn right,
and touch the lever to ride the platform you are standing on down.

Up on the second floor, the wall monitor also holds a message:

"Remember, be kind to your cellmate. Violence will not be tolerated."

When you have completed your search here, walk to the vent to the right of the locked door and
travel its length. Eventually, you'll reach the bridge of the prison ship, Vortex Rikers. If you take
the time to examine the computer, you'll learn the following:

"First Officer's Log: Vortex Rikers. The prisoners have become more and more restless as we get
closer to the prison moon. Security says they have the prisoners under control, but several have
had to be taken to Med Lab for treatment."

"Navigator's Log: Vortex Rikers. We are on route to the prison moon. Long-range sensors are
detecting uncharted magnetic masses in Gamma Sector 83H. The Captain has ordered a change
in course."

"Captain's Log S. Kroon: Vortex Rikers. Altering our course may have proven detrimental to our
mission. We are caught in the gravitational field of an uncharted planet. I have ordered the
engine foreman to divert power to the drives."

>From the computers, turn around and cross the room to find a Med Kit. You'll notice that the
Med Kits are starting to boost your health up toward 100 percent. Next, drop down into the floor
opening to the left and walk through the door to enter the Med Lab. There's not much to find
here save for another Med Kit, so continue through the next door. You won't find much in this
red-tinted room either, which leads to a locked door. NOTE
If you're in search of secret areas, you need only look for the italic text in the walk-throughs.
You can't miss them! In the basement, you'll see a prisoner strapped to a chair. However, a force
field prevents you from reaching him. Walk to the control panel on the right side of the chair,
and you'll find your first Translator message:

"Prisoner 853, James Cavanaugh ready for electrocution."

Unfortunately for Cavanaugh, this will also activate the electrical chair. Don't feel bad - you
couldn't save him anyway. From here, return back up to the prison cells.

The Universal Translator is one of the most valuable items to possess in the game. In the cells,
take the time to explore each one. You'll find a Flare and the following diary entries: "Boris
Clauge's Diary, Day 3: I have been here but three days and already I have two cracked ribs, a
fractured thigh, and fourteen stitches. I don't know if I'll make it to the prison moon."

"Benjamin Nathaniel's Diary, Day 93: Today is my birthday. I will celebrate by attempting to
start another prison riot." "Jonas Gershwin's Diary, Day 204: There was another roach in my
lunch today. I wonder how they make it on board starships such as this one. If that bitch in cell
4A keeps looking at me funny, I swear I'm going to rip out her larynx."

Outside the locked door, you can hear screams and explosions. What could be happening? If you
wait a few seconds, the door will rise, and you'll find out. The room is littered with dead crew
members . If you're paying attention, you'll also catch a glimpse of a strange creature retreating
from the room. You won't have to worry about him for now, though. Keep pushing further ahead.
Down the hall, you'll collect your first weapon: the Dispersion Pistol. Walking through the hall,
you'll also see some broken-down computer equipment, but there are no messages to be found.

At the end of the hall, you'll see an "AREA C" sign over the doorway. Enter the room and use the
Dispersion Pistol to shatter the glass window on your right. Behind the window lies another Med
Kit. On the far left side of the room, you'll notice a small yellow tunnel. Pass through the tunnel
to reach more bodies and computer equipment. Use the Translator to obtain the following

"Chief Security Guard's Log: Prison Vessel 254 Vortex Rikers. They've pulled all power to the
drives, to no effect. We're spiraling towards the planet. I don't know what is going to happen."

"Engine Foreman's Log: Prison Vessel 254 Vortex Rikers. I am juicing up all the power I can to
escape from the gravitational pull of the mysterious planet. It doesn't seem to be working."

Break the glass to open the floor panel. Between the two computers, look for the lever and touch
it. This will lower a elevator platform behind you. Step on the platform and ride it up to the next

To complete the first level, turn around, walk down the hall, and enter the room with the Vortex
Rikers sign ahead. Inside, you'll find a locked floor plate and two more familiar messages.

To open the floor plate, shoot the glass panel to activate the switch. When the floor plate opens,
jump in to finish the level.

Nyleve's Falls

Make your way from the Vortex Rikers to the opening of the Rrajigar Mine.

Now that you've found an exit from the ship, it's time to explore the mysterious planet you've
crashed on. As you leave the ship, be sure to grab the Flare, Clip, and Universal Translator in
your path.

Outside the ship, you'll see some large rocks and a small building. Walk toward the building, and
you'll come across an Auto-Mag and two dead crewmembers with messages:

"Log: Cook J. Strang: No reply to distress signal. Vortex Riker's hull is too unstable to use as
shelter. Found an abandoned house to use as our base camp. Maybe the native population can
help us."

"Log: Guard, R. Bijl: Situation critical: Last night large, extremely powerful alien forces
penetrated our camp. Fired small missiles from hand-mounted launchers. We lost five men."

Continue inside the house to find a Flare and another body with a message:

"Log: N. Vos: Made contact with members of ISV-Kran that was presumed lost three months
ago. They have seen a Skaarj vessel in operation. We may need to gain control of it to escape the

Just beyond the house is a small lake. Jump into the lake and collect some extra Clips. Don't
waste time though, as some vicious fish will nip off valuable health points. To climb out of the
lake, crawl onto the large rock, then jump safely to land.

>From here, walk back toward the ship and pass it along the right side. Ahead, you'll see a crate
and two planks of wood. Shoot the crate to find a Med Kit, then walk along the plank to climb to
higher ground. From here, you'll see an opening into the mountain. Ignore this opening and walk
to the ledge. It's a long way down, but if you run and jump for the waters, you can make a safe

Once you hit the water, swim to your left until you reach the elevator platform. Climb on the
platform, and it will take you up to a different entrance into the mountain. However, before,
entering the mountain, turn and walk across the bridge. This will lead to a landing with some
Nali Healing Fruit. Boost your health, then return to the entrance.

Inside the mountain, follow the hallway, and you'll see a red button and gated platform on your
right. Pass these for now and continue on to find a Lesser Brute. He'll be firing missiles from a
distance, so make sure that you do not provide an easy target. At this point, a foe like this will be
difficult to kill, so do your best to stay alive. It can be done with some skillful shooting and
defense. When the Brute is defeated, continue through the doorway to go back outside to a new
section of land.

Never attack the Nali Priests. They are peaceful, harmless, and will often lead you to great
treasures. In the distance, you'll see another small house. Enter the house to find some more
useful items. You'll also encounter a Nali Priest inside, but he poses no threat to you, so leave
him alone. Search the room to find a Flashlight, Auto-Mag, and some Bandages. Finally, take the
time to read the book to learn:

"My burden does not end. More minions have been cast down by the angry gods. I will pray for
their souls, but I fear they are not heard. I must travel to the Temple of Chizra to seek balance."

Once you've cleared the house, return to the interior of the mountain.

Back inside, return to the red button and press it to open and activate the gated platform. It will
carry you up to the next level. Continue down the hall, and you'll come to a room with another
elevator platform as well as a Clip and Med Kit. Press the button here to activate this platform as
well, but before reaching the top, jump down to the crate to collect the Assault Vest. Now, ride
the lift up again and exit through the doorway. You'll come out near the original mountain
entrance you bypassed earlier. From here, turn right, and be ready to take on another Lesser
Brute. After defeating the Brute, walk down the hallway and take the lift to reach the exit from
the mountain.

Once outside again, you'll find two dead soldiers with messages:

"Log: P. v. Heel: I was attacked by a flying beast. It uses its tail as a weapon. I was able to kill it,
but not without taking a beating. I discovered that the orange berries have a healing effect on me.
I feel strong enough to proceed."

"Log Guard B. v. Wely: I can't get past the 'Brutes' to go back and help my brother. My ammo
supply is running low. Here are 'Brutes' patrolling the complex at all times."

Just ahead, and you'll see a sloped structure in the mountain. Climb along the top of the structure
to find some Clips, but look out for the Manta patrolling the area. After grabbing the ammo,
drop down, and head toward the door. If you need some health, bust open a crate to find a Med
Kit, then continue into the mountain to complete the level.

Prajigar Mine

Enter the mine in search of answers and be on the lookout for secret rooms.

>From the opening hallway, walk ahead to the mine entrance. To your left, you'll see a Lesser
Brute in the far room. When he spots you, he'll charge. Begin to target him from a distance and
take cover from the corner wall when he attacks. After he is defeated, walk down the right
walkway and throw a Flare. This will let you see in the dark and find Clips and an Assault Vest.
Return back into the mine entrance area and drop into the mine cart to find a Med Kit and Clips.
Then, walk to the room on the left where the Lesser Brute came from.

This room leads to the force field control area. Press the button, and when the elevator platform
arrives, take it down. At the new path, walk down slowly and look for Tentacles perched on the
ceilings. You'll also find some Clips on the path. After killing the second Tentacle, shoot the
crates in this area to find a Med Kit and Shield Belt. Keep walking down the hall to reach the
force field controls. The computer panels here say:

"Force Field Power Source One Status is active."

"Force Field Power Source Two Status is active."

Before pressing the two red buttons on the wall, look behind the two columns to grab some more
Clips. After you press the buttons and begin to return back, the lights will turn off, and a wall
will form to bar your exit. Turn around and listen for the roar of a Skaarj. When you hear it,
immediately begin to fire down the hall where you came from, as he will quickly close in on you
in the dark. When he is defeated, walk straight back down the hall to find an open secret panel
that contains two Flares. Return and enter the secret panel near where the wall blocked you to
find a Med Kit and a Flare. With all these items, return back up to the mine entrance area.

Back upstairs, head down the only room you haven't tried yet to the right of the force field
controls area. This path will lead to some more Clips and another Lesser Brute. When he is
fished, jump up to the ledge with the red barrel and shoot the barrel to blow open a secret panel.
Inside you'll see a dead soldier and Nali Priest. Get a Med Kit and a diary that says:

"Harobed Village is on the other side of the mountains. I will set and proceed through Rrajigar
Mine. It is the only way."

Exit via the secret panel and check the control panel near the next doorway to the left to see:

"Warning Force Field de-activated. Intruder detected in Section C-6. Eliminate any unauthorized

Continue into the hall and grab the Tarydium Shards, then take the next platform down.

On the next floor down, be ready for more Tentacles, and a Lesser Brute. When you reach the
walkway by the lava, be ready for a quake that will destroy a section of the bridge. To the left
end of the walkway are some Bullets. Grab them and walk right until you're back on solid
ground. Continue ahead to find more Clips. When you see the Nali Priest, do not shoot him. He
will lead you to a secret room behind the iron door that holds a Stinger and Tarydium Shards. To
the left of the secret room, you'll reach a chasm that has a red flashing button on the other side.
Shoot the button to raise the thin wooden walkway. You'll get more Clips once you cross over.
Follow the path until you reach the next major room.

In the operations room, you'll encounter another Skaarj and Lesser Brute. Take them down, then
push the lever on your left. This will lower the walls of the pillar in the center of the room
revealing a red arrow button on each of the four sides. Press each button to open the two other
doors in the room, and a Skaarj will rush in to greet you. Welcome him with some gunfire, then
enter either door, as they both lead to the same place. In the next hall, shoot the Tentacles and
collect any Clips you find. At the end of the hall, ride the elevator platform up, then walk
straight ahead to a small chamber with a Shield Belt. From here, turn left and continue to the
next area to find a Stinger and Tarydium Shards. There's only one path to continue on, but it is
littered with Tentacles and Skaarj, so keep that Stinger handy!

In the next room, touch the red lever and walk right to the platform that will carry you to the
next floor. A Tentacle will be shooting from the opposite corner, so dodge his shots, then move
in to kill him. When you reach the next ledge, grab the Auto-Mag and continue around the left
corner. There, you'll find two Lesser Brutes, so keep the Stinger firing and hope for the best.
After they are defeated, you'll see another Nali Priest. Protect him from the Skaarj nearby, and
he will lead you to another secret panel to the right of the mine carts that contains an Assault
Vest. Exit the secret panel and walk to the left. Another Tentacle will be waiting right around
the left corner. When he falls, collect the Tarydium Shards beneath him. Ahead is an opening in
the floor. Drop into the opening and turn right to find Med Kits, but quickly spin around to nail
the Skaarj dropping into the opening. When he is dusted, continue down the right hall toward the

Before crossing the bridge, target the Lesser Brute to the left on a platform across the lava. When
he is gone, quickly run across the bridge, as it will break as you cross. On the opposite side of
the bridge, a Lesser Brute awaits to your left. Defeat him as well, then look for the Nali Priest
hiding in the shadows of the corner. Again, do not shoot him, and he will open another secret
panel. This one holds a Dispersion Pistol power-up. Exit the secret room and follow the bridge
to your left. Again, run across, as it will also break. On the other side, follow the path until you
reach the room with an elevator platform and an upper walkway. Some Skaarj will be waiting
here as well. Ride the platform up to reach two ASMD Cores, then drop to the walkway below.
Straight ahead will be a locked door, so follow the path to the right. Here, you'll see Tarydium
Shards and a button for the elevator platform to the left. When the platform descends, a Lesser
Brute will be on it. Take the platform up and walk straight ahead. At the end of the walkway,
shoot the glass door and enter the control room. Inside, grab more Tarydium Shards, and press
the three yellow + buttons. Now, exit the room, hop off the walkway, and return toward the
elevator platform. Here, you will see a box of Bullets in a hidden compartment. Grab them and
crawl through to the elevator shaft. When you are back down, walk to the previously locked door
to complete the level.

Depths of Prajigar

Continue through the mine in your quest to survive the nightmare you are trapped in.

As you walk around the level's first bend, you'll be greeted by a Lesser Brute. Unload on him and
stay on the move. When he is dead, stand on the elevator platform and ride up. Now,
immediately hop back down and step underneath the platform to enter a secret room that holds
an ASMD. With it in hand, step on the small platform against the wall to ride up, then jump
across the gap to get back to the main level.

>From here, cross the walkway, touch the red button, and jump into the mining cart lift. Inside,
you'll find loads of Tarydium Shards. As the cart begins to move, face right, and blast away at
the Lesser Brute on platform ahead. Once you are off of the cart, grab the Med Kit and walk
ahead to the stack of crates. On top, you'll collect a Super Health Pack and an ASMD Core.
Ahead on your left is the next red button. Touch the button and hop into the next mine cart to go
up one floor. Again there will be a Lesser Brute waiting for you, so take him down, and collect
the Med Kit.

Next, walk down the hallway and turn right. This path will lead to more Tarydium Shards and a
red switch. Touch the red switch, and the bridge in the center of the room will rise. Cross the
bridge and prepare yourself for another Lesser Brute in the next room. Follow this path down a
long hallway and at the intersection, turn right to reach a large storage room. Collect the Med
Kit, then walk up the ramp to reach the next hallway. Eventually, you'll reach some green-tinted
machinery with pumps. There are some Tarydium Shards behind the pumps. Use the Translator
to learn:

"Gas Re-routing Station Status: Doors are pressurized and locked."

Touch both red valves on the pumps and then check the computer panel in the center to find:

"Door depressurized. Access permitted."

Return back up the stairs and turn right. At the end of the walkway, you'll see a Skaarj Assassin
working on some machinery. Shoot him from behind, then press the green button. Turn to your
right and drop down to the crates below. On top of the crates is a Shield Belt. From the crates,
continue through to the doorway on the left. On the short stairway ahead, shoot the crate to
unveil an ASMD Core, then walk down the hall on the left to complete the level.

Sacred Passage

Explore the Sacred Passage to find the entrance to the Nali Water God Temple.

To begin, turn around and grab the two Med Kits, then open the door to begin the level. As you
make your way up the path, you'll see Nali Healing Fruits along the way before reaching a
structure to your right that seems to have no entrance point. To enter, walk to the pool, where
you'll face a Skaarj. Fight him or simply avoid him by diving in the pool. Beware of the Biter
Fish, though, that lurk within. Inside the pool, you'll see a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the
opening, where you can enter into the mysterious structure. If you have trouble exiting the water,
use the ledge on the right edge of the pool.

Inside the structure, you'll see the entrance to a temple. When you walk in, you'll find a dead
Nali Priest as well as some pesky Cave Mantas. Clear the enemies, then shoot the vase to find a
Clip. The wall here holds a message:

"You must have a keen eye, so that you may bathe in the sacred waters".

Behind a gate, you'll see the pool it refers to. To open the gate, walk back near the temple
opening to the off-color column with a face. Jump up to touch the button that opens to gate, then
proceed. In the pool, you'll find a Super Health Pack. Don't waste time though, as there are more
pesky fish nipping at you here. Before leaving the temple, collect the Tarydium Shards along the
pool edge.

Enter the temple to find a Super Health Pack. Outside the temple, walk straight ahead to the
door with the faces and step on the plate to open the door. Be ready, for as you step inside, a
Lesser Brute will charge you. When he is defeated, turn and walk to your right, and you'll receive
another message:

"Only the purest of heart may pay homage to the God of the Good Lore Chizra."

Continue to the stone gate and turn around to see the lever. Press the lever, and you'll hear the
sound of water that fills the pool, which opens the gate. Continue through to reach the next level

Chizra - Nali Water God Temple

Inside the temple, you'll learn more about the Nali and their prophesized savior.

As you walk in, you'll find an Auto-Mag in your path. However, the door from the entrance room
is locked. To open it, dive in the pool and shoot the chains that bind the wooden platform. When
it rises, stand on the platform and jump up to touch the switch. Now the doorway will open.
Drop into the opening, and you'll find a Clip and Flare.

>From here, dive into the next pool and search the water floor to find a Stinger, Tarydium Shards,
and Nali Healing Fruit. There's also an opening into a secret room that holds an ASMD Core, a
Flashlight, and two Clips. Return back to the main pool and climb up the diagonal platforms that
line the room. At the top, you'll see a Nali Priest who'll open a secret room that holds a three
Flares and Tarydium Shards. Exit the secret room and turn left. Inside, push the button and ride
the platform up.

In the next room, shoot the various vases to find extra Clips, then jump to the center platform to
collect the ASMD. Look into the opening to the left of your entrance here, and you'll see another
button. Press the button, and a chamber will open below you. Drop down to reach some Nali
Healing Fruit, then turn to your right, and you'll see three stone blocks on one wall. Press the
center button, and the golden gate to your left will open.

Behind this golden gate lies the Temple of Chizra. In the Temple of Chizra, you'll see a stairway
leading down and a passage to your right. Walk down the stairway, and you'll find Clips, Nali
Healing Fruit, and a message:

"Only a warrior who has touched the face of the water god idol may enter this temple."

For this reason, you can't proceed through here. Return back up the stairs and walk down the
passage. When you reach the stone blocks that obstruct your path, simply jump over them.

At the end of the passage, you'll find another Nali Priest. Follow him across the bridge to find
two more messages:

"Only a warrior who wields the stick of six fires may enter the inner ceremonial chambers. Once
the stick of six fires is in your grasp, the stone seal will rise."

"Beyond the stone seal lie the inner ceremonial chambers of the Nali water god."

>From here, turn around and jump to the waters below.

In this pool you'll find a few Slith roaming the waters. Deal with them, then power back up with
some Nali Healing Fruit. When you are done, exit the water and travel along the edge of the pool
until you reach the walkway to the center button. Before walking to the center though, you'll
receive a message on the wall, that reads:

"The Nali Water God Chizra and his holy temple have been overrun by the water serpents and
the demons who came from the stars. Only the messiah can purify the temple now."

Cross the walkway and press the button to open the passage across the waters. This passage
leads to some Tarydium Shards, but watch out for the arrows that will be fired from the end of
the hall.

Once you have the Shards, continue down the hall and ride the platform up to reach another Nali
Priest. To reach him, you must jump across to the ledge. A swarm of Horseflies are lurking here,
so be sure to clear the way for the Priest. At the end of this hall, he'll show you a room with more
Tarydium Shards and another button. Press the button, then cross the room to ride the blue
platform back up. This will return you to the room where you found the ASMD. Turn left and
return back down to the Temple of Chizra.

This time, you'll find a Skaarj waiting for you. Take him out, then follow a Nali Priest down the
stairway, where the passage is now open. He will cross the chasm, but you'll want to jump in and
explore the waters. In the chambers below, you'll gain Bullets, Tarydium Shards, and an Assault
Vest. To exit the water, swim along the surface until you reach a set of stairs. These lead to a
new room. Here, press the button in the mouth of the stone head and turn right. An elevator
platform will appear to take you up a level. When you arrive, collect the pair of ASMD Cores
and walk until you reach the opening of the Temple once again.

Return back down the stairway, and the Nali Priest will still be waiting for you. Jump across the
chasm and cross the bridge to your left. Here, you'll find a Flare and a large wooden lever. Push
the lever and fend off any Horseflies that may attack. Now, return to the Nali Priest and walk
across the right bridge. Here, a Slith will be waiting. Take him down, then push the wooden
lever here as well. If you need health, use this opportunity to collect the Nali Healing Fruit here,
then walk to the opposite end of the room and exit on the bridge to your left. Soon, you'll see a
button on your left. Press the button, and the door behind you will open. On the other side, you'll
find another dead soldier with a message:

"1400 Hours - Commander Mac Harrison: SITREP: These local natives have a six-barreled
rocket launcher on an altar, but it is heavily guarded by those salamander things. 'The stick of six
fires' is what the Nali keep calling it. I'll try to sneak in tonight."

Obviously, he never made it. Just ahead, you'll find a Super Health Pack across a small chasm.
Jump to get it, then when you return, turn right and follow the hallway.

The hallway will lead you to a long, winding wooden walkway. Follow the path and be sure to
grab the Tarydium Shards along the way. You'll also find a dead Nali and a dead soldier with an
ASMD. At the end of the path, you'll find a small room with an ASMD Core and Bullets. There's
also a lever here by a water tube. Press the lever and return back up to the dead Nali where you'll
arrive just in time to meet a newly activated lift. Step on to ride to a new golden gate.

Behind the gate, you'll find a long pool with an Eightball Gun on an elevated-platform in the
center. This is the "stick of six fires" that has been mentioned throughout the level. There are
also two messages at opposite ends of the pool:

"The pyramid is the key to the chamber of death. Here you shall find more power for the stick of
six fires."

"The stick of six fires can only be reached by a warrior who has bathed in the pool of thunder,
past the obelisk of the clouds."

You won't be able to get the Eightball Gun yet, so walk to the opposite end of the room, and
enter the golden gate furthest from you.

In the next room, you'll immediately be assaulted by five Sliths, so be ready to rumble. If you are
running low on ammo, try to grab the other ASMD that lies in the shallow waters. If you survive
the assault, examine the stone pillar in the center of the room to get to following messages:

"This is the obelisk of the clouds. Beyond here lies the pool of thunder."

"Powerful strength comes from those who let the waterfall wash over them at the pool of

"To reach the pool of thunder, one must climb the loose stones."

"Beware those of impure thoughts who enter the pool of thunder shall face the demon from the

When you are ready, walk down to either side door. They lead to the same place: a stone
stairway of sorts. Climb the stones and collect the Tarydium Shards, then jump across the chasm
to reach the pool of thunder.

At the pool, be prepared for a Skaarj Assassin, but use care to avoid shooting the innocent Nali
Priests. When the Skaarj is defeated, hop into the pool and grab the Scuba Gear in the center and
the Super Health Pack at the base of the waterfall. Next, exit the room and return back to the
Obelisk of Clouds, then continue through to the stick of six fires pool.

Upon entering the room, walk along the left pathway. On the left side of the room, you'll now
find a small chamber that holds a lever. Press the lever, and a walkway will appear to let you
cross to the Eightball Gun on the platform. Collect the gun, and the barred-golden gate in front
of you will open. Pass through the gate and follow the wooden walkway to a blue flashing light.
Step into the light, and you'll teleport to a new location. From here, turn around and walk down
the hallway. You'll find yourself back at the original golden gate and the entrance to the Temple.
Cross to the opposite side of the room and enter the other hallway. At the end, you'll find the
stone seal that previously blocked your path gone, so climb through the opening to complete the

The Ceremonial Chambers

Proceed through the maze of interconnecting passages to cleanse the holy place of the alien

As you begin, you'll find a message at the level start position that reads:

"The inner ceremonial chambers. Here the water god's serpents reside to accept the flesh of the
weak to be devoured. Only a warrior who swims like the serpent shall escape their clutches."

>From here, walk into the chamber ahead and enter the first doorway. Here, you'll want to turn
left and walk two chambers ahead, where you'll find a thin wooden walkway that stretches along
the edge of the room. Follow the walkway to reach the Eightball Gun and four rounds of
Eightballs in the center of the room. Then return to the previous chamber and travel down the
sloped wooden walkway. At the bottom, a Skaarj and Slith will be waiting. Defeat them both,
then jump into the water.

In the water, swim underneath the chamber to find a small opening to a secret room. Here you
will gain an Auto-Mag, Scuba Gear, and Nali Healing Fruit. From the secret room, swim ahead
and down to reach a lever. Push the lever, then turn around and swim to the lever on the opposite
end of the passage and push it as well. Return to the wooden platform you dived in from and
travel down the left hall until you reach the chamber with two Slith. Kill them both, then collect
the Stinger. Return back to the wooden walkway and head back up to the upper floors.

>From here, cross to the opposite side of the level until you reach a wooden platform where two
Skaarj threaten two Nali Priests. Defeat the Skaarj and turn right to walk through a golden gate
that leads to a Nali Priest and the Super Health Pack. Now, exit the room and walk all the way
back across the walkway toward the next golden gate. Here, you fill find an Assault Vest, and at
the end of the path, a Slith is waiting. Kill the Slith and turn right to find a ASMD in the corner,
then enter the room behind the golden gate.

Inside, you'll witness a horrific sight: Nali Priests are being crucified. Defeat the two Skaarj here,
then run up the ramp to find a new hallway. If you need some Nali Healing Fruit, grab some
before heading out.

The hallway leads to a room with another Skaarj torturing a Nali. Take him out, then press the
lever and walk to the window. If you look down and right, you'll see a lift on its way up to you.
Step on the lift and ride it down to another walkway with a Skaarj. Kill the Skaarj, then swim
out toward the island with pillars and torches. Out on that small island, two Slith are devouring a
Nali Priest. Defeat them as well, then swim behind the island to find a Super Health Pack. Back
on the dry land, press the lever, and a harpoon will shoot from the cannon. Your job now is to
walk on the rope like a tightrope up to the thin wooden walkway. Now, walk from this walkway
to the next thin wooden walkway. Eventually, you will be safely back in a room with another
Nali Priest. Again, don't shoot at him, and he'll lead you to a dock.

Unfortunately, you can do nothing to save these Nali Priests. At the dock, you'll encounter
another Skaarj Assassin. Fortunately for you, he will be resting and give you an opportunity for a
sneak attack. So equip your best weapon and make your first shots count! When he is finished,
step on the wooden platform to your right and ride it down the river. When the raft reaches its
destination, step onto the new dock and press the button on the small column. This will open the
door behind the button. Enter the door to complete the level.

Dark Arena

Face the powerful Titan in combat reminiscent of the ancient gladiators.

To get going, swim through the opening passage and exit the water. When you drop down from
the ledge here, collect the Med Kit under the ladder and be ready for a Skaarj to attack from
behind. When he is gone, walk ahead and press the stone face idol to your right underneath the
barrel. This will open the stone doors ahead. Walk into the next room and descend the stairs. At
the bottom, you'll find two rounds of Eightballs and another doorway.

Once through the next door, continue down more stairs to reach an open area outside. Here, you
will find some Nali Healing Fruit, and if you explore along the right wall after the clearing, some
Tarydium Shards. A bit ahead, you'll find some stairs to a new structure. Before entering, pass
the structure and walk down the left side to a Nali Healing Fruit garden. There will be a Skaarj
here torturing some Nali. Kill him, then grab the Assault Vest. Unfortunately, you cannot help
the Nali. To the right is another small opening in the mountain. Walk down, and you'll find a
Flashlight and a dead Nali Priest. You'll learn:

"I escaped from my cell but can't find the strength to go on. Remember me to my family..."

>From here, return to the front of the structure.

Obviously this is a place of great pain and suffering for the Nali. Enter the structure through the
front doors. Inside, there is a message at the foot of the stairs:

"The weak shall be struck down by the hand of the beast."

Turn and walk to the elevator platform behind you to reach the second floor. Upstairs, you'll be
accosted by a pair of Skaarj. Defeat them and enter the doorway to your left. Inside, you'll find
ASMD Cores, Eightballs, Tarydium Shards, and some Skaarj.

Continue down the hall until you reach a room on your left with three levers. Press the levers,
and the gears in the room will begin to turn. These will open the doors that lead to the arena in
the interior of the structure. Exit the room and walk straight ahead to the stairway to the arena.

Outside, you will be on a ledge overlooking the arena. Walk to each end of the ledge to find two
ASMD Cores and two Med Kits. Now, return back out to the area where you found the dead Nali
with a Flashlight and shoot the brick wall to reveal a secret passage. Follow the path down to
reach the interior of the building. Here, you'll be in a cell block. Continue to your left until you
reach a door to your left. Step inside and defeat the Skaarj, then press the two switches. Next,
open the other door across from the switches and search under the stairs to find Med Kits and
extra Clips. Return back out to the cell block and explore the various rooms to find a variety of
goodies, then enter the double doors to reach a new staircase. Take it up, and you'll find a new
lever that, when pressed, drops the cage into the center of the room. Quickly, drop from the top
of the stairs and hop onto the cage, or you'll have to start the process over. The cage will take
you up to a new hallway. Follow the hall until you reach the Dark Arena.

The Arena is a place of death for many who enter. Will you be the next one placed on the rack?
In the Dark Arena, you'll find an Eightball Gun. Equip it and get ready. As the rack in the center
of the Arena rises, a Titan will emerge from an opening in the wall to fight you. Continue to lob
Eightballs at him because he is a tough foe. When you need some more, duck into the openings
around the Arena. Inside the three openings are two rounds of Eightballs, a Shield Belt, and
some Nali Healing Fruit. When the Titan is finally defeated, climb in the opening with smoke
emerging from it to find a passage behind the wall. Follow the passage around to reach the final
area. Here, you can shoot the barrels to uncover Med Kits, then flip the switch opposite the
staircase that heads down. When the door opens, hurry down the stairs to complete the level.


Harobed Village

Search the Harobed Village to replenish your inventory as you head for Terraniux.

Upon exiting the Dark Arena, you'll see a great expanse of open land. There's also some Nali
Healing Fruit if you are wounded. To start, walk to your left and enter the small village beyond
the walls. In the front section, you'll find some abandoned houses. Search through each one to
find an Eightball Gun, Bandages, Med Kits, a Flashlight, Clips, an Auto Mag, Tarydium Shards,
and some diary entries that say:
"Sadness fills my soul. The sky demons came and took many of us to work in the mines. If we
don't obey, we'll be slaughtered. The sky demons know about our secret in the abbey, but haven't
found it."

"I'll not stay here any longer. With the next passing of the two suns, I'll try to reach the Sunspire.
There I will be safe. Before I go I will retrieve the sky demon's weapon from the abbey."
After clearing the house, continue deeper into the village to find the abbey. Within, you'll see a
number of dead Nali Priests as well as a host of Skaarj Assassins. It is advisable to unload with
your Eightball Gun here. Once you have cleared the Assassins, follow the lone Nali Priest, and
he will reveal a secret panel. Climb the stairs within the panel, then jump across the gap to reach
a walkway. Continue though this walkway to reach the top chamber of the abbey, where you will
find the Flak Cannon and Flak Shells.

With this major firepower in hand, return back down to the first level of the abbey and search
behind the altar to find the Assault Vest. Next, read the diary in the pew to learn:

"We shall pray before we set off for the Sunspire. We will find refuge there. Praise be to the God
of the Good Lore for giving us sanctuary. The journey will be treacherous but we will prevail."

Outside the abbey, walk around the right edge to reach the cemetery. Here, you will find lots of
goodies. Be careful however, as some rogue Skaarj Assassins may still be lurking here. When
you have fleeced the cemetery, walk to the opposite end and look behind the right tombstone to
find a button. Press the button, and the tombstone to your right will slide open to reveal a secret
underground chamber.

Within the cemetery, you'll find some items as well as a secret passage. In the secret
underground chamber, you'll be greeted by a Slith from the murky waters. Blast him down, then
walk along the right edge of the room to find Nali Fruit Seeds, Flares, and Taryidium Shards. At
the final arched-doorway, you'll find a passage submerged in water. Jump in the water and swim
to the end of the passage to find a Super Health Pack. With this in your possession, return to the

>From the abbey, travel back outside the walls of the village and turn left. Along the way, you'll
find another dead soldier and some Clips. Continue ahead to the large lake beneath the ship.
Jump into the water and swim to the far left section to find a wooden plank, then climb up. From
the plank, jump to the shore and walk to the structure's entrance to complete the level.

Terraniux Underground

Power up the lift to enter Terraniux.

>From the level start position, turn right and collect the Eightball Gun and Eightballs. Next, walk
across to the far end of the room and collect the ASMD Core, then press the button. This will
bring the lift down to you, but be prepared to face a Mercenary. A few shots from the Eightball
Gun should do the trick.

Power up the lift to reach Terraniux. Now, if you walk to the lift, you'll see that it doesn't raise
you up to Terraniux yet. That's because it hasn't been properly powered. To do this, step off the
lift and turn right. You'll want to enter the door between the lift and the button you previously
pressed. This will give you access to a hall that stretches to a computer room.

Inside the computer room, you'll find two more Skaarj Mercenaries. Since you will surprise
them, they may try to run and take cover behind a crate. This works nicely if you use the
Eightball Gun, as you can launch explosives their way that will damage both. When they are
toast, push the two buttons on opposite sides of the room, and you'll receive the following

"Lift activated. All personnel are reminded to complete assigned tasks."

Now that the lift is ready, grab the ASMD Core and Eightballs before heading back out.

Back at the lift, step on and ride to the top. There will be another Mercenary up here, but you
should be adept at dealing with them by now. In the corner, collect the Med Kit, Stinger, and
Tarydium Shards, then step onto the walkways over the green slime to reach Bullets and
Eightballs. From the rightmost overhead walkway, you can see another Mercenary below. Pick
him off from above, then drop down to his area. Here, you will gain another Med Kit and a
Toxin Suit. At the computer, you'll also get a message:

"Security Status: Intruder detected at entrance. Activating security screens on Scientific
Research Lab and Hydroponics Section. All security elements deploy access points in Sections
A, B, and C to deny intruder access to Lift 1."

>From here, turn right, enter the far hallway, and the door will open. Inside the door, walk to the
end of the room to reach the button that completes the level.


Explore the alien ship in search of a way off this horrific planet.

>From the start position, check the computer panel to your right to find a message:

"Pump activated, BioWaste transferred in Section B."

Exit the room and walk to the next computer panel to see a familiar message:

"Security Status: Intruder detected at entrance. Activating security screens on Scientific
Research Lab and Hydroponics section. All security elements deploy around access points in
Sections A, B, and C to deny intruder access to Lift 1."

>From here, drop into the now-empty tank and continue through until you find the
hexagonal-shaped doorway. Pass through, and a Slith will immediately descend down after you.
Gun him down and continue through. Eventually, you'll get a chamber with another Slith and a
Flashlight. He will be unaware of your presence, so use this to your advantage. After he is gone,
go through the next hexagonal doorway to exit the tank.

Find and press the three red buttons to activate the elevator to the Greenhouse. In the next room,
search the grounds to find two ASMD Cores and Tarydium Shards before riding the elevator
platform to the right up. Be aware that many Mercenaries are patrolling the grounds here, so be
prepared for anything. Continue along the platform here to reach Section C. Outside the section,
the computer console here informs you:

"Section C: Status Empty, this containment room is damaged, please avoid sending BioWaste
here until we can fix it."

Walk to the back of the section, and you'll find a glowing red button. When you press it, the
button turns blue. Do the same thing in sections A and B. Before leaving the section, search the
small passages along the sides to find some Tarydium Shards and an Amplifier here. Exit section
C and turn left to find a locked Control Room. Continue along the walkway until you reach
section A. Upon entering section A, you'll find a computer console with this message:

"Section A: Status Full. BioWaste redirect to Section B active."

Here, you'll find the second button, some Flak Shells, and two ASMD Cores. Exit section A and
turn left to find section B. Here, you'll find a computer console with another message:

"Section B: Status 48 percent Full."

Next to the third button, you'll also find Eightballs, Tarydium Shards, Jump Boots, a Shield Belt,
and a Med Kit. Behind the Jump Boots and Shield Belt, walk to the door and open it. Inside,
you'll find more Tarydium Shards and another console that states:

"Lift 2 Status: A broken pipe was reported."

Now, walk behind the console to find an elevator platform and ride it up. At the top, activate
your Flashlight to illuminate the situation and jump up onto the pipe. Walk to the end of the pipe
and drop to the walkway behind the large columns to find hidden Eightballs and Flak Shells.

Once you have these items, return back to section B and enter the other door in the passage
across the section. Inside, you'll find an ASMD Core on your right and another console on your
left that says:

"Lift 1: Status Working. Access to Hydroponic Garden permitted."

Walk behind the console and ride this elevator platform up. At the top, a Mercenary will be
waiting, so have a good firearm handy.

At the top of the elevator platform, walk into the room on your right and check the computer
console on your left to see:

"Greenhouse B: Please verify that the BioWaste is being pumped through the Control Room
filters and that no foreign objects are blocking the flow."

Walk to the right and ride the lift up onto the central platform. Here, you will find an Assault
Vest, Med Kits, and some Tarydium Shards. It will also give you access to greenhouse A and C.

Read the various consoles in each greenhouse to find:

"Greenhouse A: Section A is full. BioWaste flow must be redirected from the Control Room.
Section B of the waste facility has free capacity. Please be sure to monitor the water supply for

"Greenhouse C: The night is coming soon, please maintain careful control of the Hygrometric
Level and Air Temperature. Constant monitoring is necessary to keep them within appropriate

Enter the Control Room to find the GES BioRifle. To the right of the control console in
greenhouse C, look for and press the button that opens the next door. Inside the room, grab an
ASMD Core, then jump into the tank of BioWaste and swim through the pipes. It gets dark in
here, so a Flashlight will come in handy. At the end of the pipe, you'll enter the control room.
Shoot the Mercenary waiting here, then grab the GES BioRifle by the energy field and press the
two red buttons. Now, swim back up the pipe you entered and exit the pool. Outside the pool,
turn right and enter the next room. Press the two red buttons in here, then ride the lift down to
the game's next level.


Noork's Elbow

Negotiate this small stretch of land to reach the Temple of Vandora.

>From the beginning of the level, open the blue door in front of you and enter the small room.
Inside, you'll discover an Eightball Gun, Eightballs, a Flashlight, and an Auto-Mag. Before
grabbing them, however, be prepared for the Mercenary who will ambush you from the door to
your right. Once he is eliminated, collect the goodies and walk out the door where he attacked

Outside, you'll find yourself on a sloped walkway. Walk down to the midpoint and collect some
more Eightballs, then turn and lob some down on the Skaarj patrolling the village. Once you
attack, they will begin to fire back. However, your superior position will be the deciding factor.
After they are cleared out, continue down the walkway and head toward the small two-house
village. If you sustained any damage, be sure to consume some of the Nali Healing Fruit around
the area.

Activate your flashlight and enter the house on the left. Inside, you'll find a host of dead Nali
Priests as well as a severely injured Priest chained to the wall. You'll also see a number of useful
items such as a Super Health Pack, two Flares, Eightballs, and two Clips. Collect all you can,
then enter the other house.

In the second house, have your Dispersion Pistol ready to gun down any Horseflies inside.
There's not as much to collect here, but you will find an Assault Vest and a Force Field. After
clearing the house, exit and venture down the road behind the village. In the distance, you'll see
another Mercenary. Blast him, then continue on toward the Temple of Vandora.

This is the Temple of Vandora. At the moat surrounding the Temple, step onto the bridge, and
the opposite half of the bridge will lower. Now, dive into the water and swim to your left around
the far side of the Temple. Below the surface of the water, look for an opening into the Temple
and swim into it. This will lead to a secret room that contains a dead soldier, a Flak Cannon,
Flak Shells, two Flares, and a diary that holds the following message:

"Log: L. Goeranov: We've been stuck here for days. There are plenty of fish to eat but they taste
kinda funny. I never liked fish."

>From here, swim back to the shore and cross the bridge over the moat. Outside the front gate, a
Nali Priest may be meditating. Ignore him, as he has nothing to offer you, and shoot the barrels
to your left to find some extra Med Kits and Eightballs. Finally, walk down the left hallway to
reach the inside of the Temple and complete the level.

Temple of Vandora

Learn more about the Nali gods as you venture through the Temple of Vandora.

To begin, climb the stairs and enter the room on your left. When you walk in, the gate will close
behind you, and two Mantas will swoop in to attack. Fight them off to reopen the gate, but
before leaving the room, continue to the room ahead. Inside, you'll see a dead soldier with a
Stinger. Now, quickly turn right and shoot the Brute that will begin to advance toward you.
When he is finished, walk down the stairs behind you to find a Nali Priest. At the bottom of the
stairs, you'll see a small pool of water with a pole in the center. Ignore it for the time being, but
grab the Eightballs across the pool. Next, follow the Nali Priest, and he'll take you to a secret
panel with a Super Health Pack. As the Nali Priest leads you, be sure to defend him from the
Skaarj who will try to assassinate him along the way. In the room just ahead, you'll find an altar,
but watch out for the Skaarj sniping from the balcony behind you. When he is finished collect
the Tarydium Shards and Eightballs in the room.

>From here, return back to the secret panel where you found the Super Health Pack and turn left.
The next room on your right holds a Skaarj Gunner. Gun him down and collect his GES
BioRifle, then grab the Eightballs, Flak Sheels, and Tarydium Shards stored throughout the
room. Exit this room and descend the stairs straight ahead. At the bottom of the stairs, turn left
and enter the next room to find Tarydium Sludge, a Flare, and, in one of the upper nooks, an
Assault Vest. Exit this room and walk to your left. Ahead, you'll find a Skaarj patrolling an upper
walkway. Take him down and descend the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and shoot
the Skaarj on the small staircase here. At the top of the staircase is a gate with a sign that reads:

"The Way is filled with darkness. The Torch of Tranquility must light the path of the worthy.
Spiritual progression is achieved by those who set the Torch of Thunder aflame."

Collect the Tarydium Shards here, then walk to the boat on your left.

Once in the boat, it will begin to float through the water. When it does, be ready for the two
Gasbags who will move in for the kill. Pop them like balloons, and soon you'll reach your next
stop. At the shore, grab the Razor Blades and Eightballs here, but ignore the bridge that leads to
the Torch of Tranquility as the gate is locked. Instead, travel down the hall opposite the bridge.
At the end of the hall, you'll find some Tarydium Shards and a button. Press the button, then
fight off the Skaarj who ambushes you. When he is dead, climb the ramp and search the two
rooms. You'll face a Skaarj Gunner in each, but collect items such as an ASMD Core, Bandages,
a Nali Fruit Seed, and a Flashlight for your efforts. Now, return to the bridge and cross it.

In the next room, you'll find the Torch of Tranquility. Step on the off-color platform, and the
Torch will light. Next, search the small nooks behind the Torch to find a Med Kit and a Force
Field. With the Torch lit, swim back through the water to the place where you originally found
the boat and climb the small staircase where you previously faced a locked gate with a sign. It
will now be open, so continue in.

Light the Torch to continue your journey. In the next hallway, look along the right wall to find
some bullets, then turn right at the intersection. You'll face a Skaarj here, and when he dies, he'll
drop some Eightballs. Continue up the stairs here until you reach the Flares, then proceed along
the path. Note the location of the stairs to the right of the nooks with Flares, as you will return
here soon. The next room you reach will have another Skaarj.

After he is dispatched, collect the Stinger, then walk outside the room and read the wall to your
left to learn:

"And Vandora came forth, with fire from the Sky upon her lips, and sanctifying the sacred
fountain with her kiss. Thus, she said, he who follows me shall cast off the bonds of flesh and
become as elusive as the mist."

>From here, walk back to the room on your left and throw a Flare into the fountain against the
wall. This will open the door to your left, and you'll see an Invisibility power-up inside.

For your next move, walk back to the stairs to the right of the Flare nooks and proceed up. You'll
be on the balcony of the room with the altar from earlier. Walk straight ahead, and you'll collect
an Amplifier . This will open the gate in front of you. Step outside, and you'll be back in the area
where the Mantas ambushed you previously, but this time two Brutes will be waiting. Gun them
down, then exit on the door to your right, immediately turn left, and walk up the small walkway,
where a secret panel has opened. This leads to the roof of the Temple, where you'll collect some
extra Eightballs. From here, walk back down to the small pool that you bypassed earlier and
swim down to enter a small opening. Follow this tunnel until you are close to the bars ahead,
then turn right to reach a secret room with a Super Health Pack and a Dispersion Pistol

Swim through the tunnels in the small pools to reach these hidden items. When you exit the
pool, climb the stairs and walk straight down the hall until you reach the outside of the Temple.
Continue through the valley until you reach the next building. Inside, press the button and
continue down the hallway until you see the Behemoth. Take him down, and you'll next meet a
Titan. You'll be in for another tough battle here, so do your best, and upon his defeat, the level
will be complete.

The Trench

Descend into the Trench to find the entrance to the ISV-Kran starship.

>From the beginning of the level, turn around and walk to the right corner to collect some Flak
Shells. Now turn around, continue back down the hall, and turn left. In this small area, you'll
find a pair of dead soldiers along with an Auto-Mag, an Eightball Gun, a Flak Cannon,
Eightballs, and Bullets. Load up your inventory, then you'll get the following message:

"Log: M Mottobanov: We've set ISV-Kran so that it will scan for human activity outside the bay
doors. As soon as one steps into the red light, the bay doors will open. The platform will only be
down for a short period of time."

Next, climb to the ledge, and you'll see a number of Gasbags circling through the Trench. As
they see you, they'll move in to strike, so have a weapon ready and take cover in the cave.
Attempt to pick off as many as you can before venturing down below.

When the coast seems clear, head down into the Trench and walk to the ramp ahead. Here, you'll
find some more Eightballs. Now, turn to your right, and you'll see the Titan in the distance.
Move a bit closer and target him from afar. When he spots you, he'll begin to close in throwing
rock projectiles along the way. Blast the rocks with your Eightball Gun, being sure to target the
Titan between his attacks. With some sharp-shooting, you should finish him off before he
reaches you. When he is dead, continue ahead to the next ramp where you'll collect some more
Eightballs and a Nali Healing Fruit.

>From here, proceed to the ship, where you'll encounter a Skaarj. You'll have to stay alert here
because this enemy moves quickly from side to side to close in for an attack. After finishing him
off, follow the directions of the message and step into the red light. This will activate a lift into
the ship. Be careful however not to stand to close to the edge or you may find yourself smashed
along the way up.

Inside the loading bay of the ship, collect the various items including the two Eightball
power-ups, two Health Packs, and Bullets. Next, walk to the opposite side of the computer
system to the right of the giant BioSuit. Touch the computer, and the crane across the room will
begin to move toward you. From here, step on the small lift to your right to rise up and meet the
crane. When the crane stops, jump across to the small platform, ride the crane back to the
walkway, and proceed to the level exit door.

ISV-Kran Deck 4

Inside the human spaceship, make your way to deck 3 in your search for survivors.

Entering the ISV-Kran, you'll begin on deck 4. In the first hallway to your right, you'll see a dead
soldier with the message:

"Corporal Pelli Onsov: If you're reading my log entry I am probably dead and our ship has been
overrun by aliens called 'Skaarj.' Your only hope is to destroy the Gold Containment Cores,
Re-activate the engines and get to the Deck 1 Transporters."

Walk straight ahead to the next chamber. Here, you'll see a walkway flanked by two storage
bays. Continue straight ahead and walk behind the computer to find two Med Kits and an
Eightball Gun. Next, travel down to the left storage bay and walk to the computer to get the

"AFT Loading Station: ISV-Kran: We've been wedged in this mountain ridge for two months
now. Each night these four story tall dinosaur type beasts come and beat on the rear hull of the
ship. They appear to be relatively unintelligent and slow-moving."

On the shelf to the left of the computer is a Toxin Suit. When you reach the upper walkway later,
drop back down to grab this. For now, search behind the crates to find Eightballs and Tarydium
Shards, then stand to the side of the green-gated vent panel. As it swings open, jump in to reach
a Stinger, Bullet, and another dead soldier with the message:

"Corporal Anders Kerig: They're coming! I can hear them in the ventilation ducts. I'm going to
activate the security locks to the warehouse and implant a Human DNA code so only another
terran can bypass the lock systems."

Return back to the left storage bay, and cross over to the right storage bay. Here, you'll collect
more Tarydium Shards, Med Kits, and another Stinger. There's also one more dead soldier here:

"Petty Officer: Yuri Andromov: The alien war party has blasted a hole through the hull and are
accessing the ship through the ventilation shafts - Kerig, Onsov, and myself are going to make a
stand with Stingers here in the loading area."

Walk back up to the computer on the center walkway, touch it, and turn around. Behind you, an
elevator platform will lower. Hop on and ride up to the next floor.

Here, there are two paths, but each lead to the same place. Walk around to find Eightballs and an
Auto-Mag. Be wary of the Skaarj who patrol this floor. When you have cleaned it out, walk to
the computer panel down the left hall to get the message:

"Panel rewired to trip alarm-system accessed by unauthorized users."

To your left is a locked door, so turn around and walk back down the hall to the new opening in
the floor. Drop into the opening, making sure to veer toward the ledge. If you don't, you'll drop
below the ledge to the fans - not pretty. From the ledge, explore the ventilation shaft. First, you'll
come across a dead Skaarj with a Razorjack. At the end of the shaft, ride the elevator platform
up to another dead Skaarj with multiple boxes of Razor Blades.

In the next shaft, avoid dropping into any new holes and keep following the winding path around
to reach a new control panel that says:

"Ventilation processing Mezzanine ducts: Maintenance personnel only: Warning engine coolant
leak in Mezzanine."

Now, to your right, jump down to the platform below and the next control panel:

"Security lock bypass station: All locks open access permitted to warehouse."

Drop down to the next platform beneath you and pass through either of the green-gated vent
panels. This will lead you back to the opening room. Ride the platform back up and travel back
down the right hallway to reach the previously locked door at the end. It is now open. The
computer panel here now reads:

"Intruder security locks disengaged."

In the next room, you'll be in another large storage area. Search the broken-open crates to find
three Med Kits and Bullets. As you proceed deeper into the room, be ready for the Skaarj lurking
here. When he is gone, walk to the far right corner of the room and enter the red-tinted hallway.
This leads to a room with a dead soldier, two cans of Tarydium Sludge, Eightballs, and a GES
BioRifle. Exit back into the storage room and cross the room. Here, you'll see a barred doorway
with the message:

"Warehouse safety bar override in upper warehouse loft."

Turn left and walk to the next elevator platform. Press the button and ride up to find another
Skaarj working at a computer panel. Shoot him from behind, then touch the panel. To your left,
you'll see a new sloped walkway emerge in the storage room. Return back down and climb the
walkway. From the walkway, drop onto the crate tops to collect two more ASMD Cores, then
walk back up.

Unlock the barred-doorway to complete the level. At the new area, grab the Assault Vest on your
left, then be ready for a wave of Skaarj to emerge from the ventilation shaft. If you line up
outside it, you can pick them off while they emerge. After all four are killed, walk to the
computer panel and touch it to find:

"Warehouse safety bars disengaged: Access to dock permitted."

Collect the Clips to the left of the computer, then return to the sloped walkway. As you begin to
descend, turn left and jump into the opening here. At the end of this secret passage, you'll find a
small room with four more Med Kits. Now, return back down the walkway and walk to the
now-open barred doorway. Inside, touch the button to complete the level.

ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2

Continue through decks 3 and 2 on your way to deck 1 where the survivors may be hiding.

To start, press the button to open the initial doorway. Inside, walk straight ahead to the next
button to open the door to the next room. A Skaarj may drop down from the upper walkway, so
keep your defenses up. In the next room, turn right, and press the next button. This will lower an
elevator platform. Step on and ride it up to the next floor.

Upstairs, follow the walkway to reach some crates holding Taryidum Sludge and Med Kits.
Walk to the end of this path and touch the computer panel. This will open the large red door to
the right on the lower floor. Jump down and pass through the door before it closes. Inside, you'll
encounter another Skaarj and a computer panel that reads:

"This panel requires bypass to activate."

Cross the room and ride the next elevator platform up, but be ready for action. There will be a
Skaarj waiting, and more will pour in from the various entry points into the room. Quickly, walk
to the control panels on each side of the room to learn:

"Primary Shuttle Bay: Log entry by Dockmaster Ivan Romanov, Second Officer ISV-Kran. I have
sealed the main iris hatch with a laser welding team. No alien bastards are going to get in my
shuttle bay."

"The dock doors control panel can be reactivated with the override in one of the access tubes."

Now, cross the walkways to explore the various entry points into the room. The first has a
control panel that reads:

"Main Engineering has been sealed with a containment field. Containment field generator must
be destroyed prior to accessing engineering."

It also has two Med Kits. The second entry point has a control panel that reads:

"Main Shuttle Bay Door Override Controls"

It also has a Super Health Pack. The third entry point holds Bullets. Incidentally, under this room
is a ledge with a Shield Belt. The fourth entrypoint holds two cans of Tarydium Sludge and a
control panel that says:

"The first wave of Skaarj have been isolated within Deck 4. I doubt they will be able to get
through the ductwork and enter the main ship. We will retreat to Deck 1 and seal Engineering
with a containment force field."

The fifth and final area holds a control panel with one message:

"The Skaarj have infiltrated the dock area. We will retreat to Deck 1 and set up a makeshift high
voltage barrier. We should be safe."

>From here, return back down the elevator platform and exit the room.

In the next room, return back to the second floor and press the button to enter to the next area.
Continue through these halls until you reach the cooling system controls room. As you enter, a
Skaarj will attack from your left. Take him down, then grab the Stinger near the dead soldier in
the next passage. Continue past the cooling system controls room and enter the right-hand door.
Inside, you'll meet another Skaarj working. Touch the control panel here to find:

"Cooling system emergency pump activated."

Now, exit the room and cross to the other side of the cooling system controls room to find the
next room with a control panel. Touch it to learn:

"Cooling system emergency drain valve activated."

Before leaving the room, grab the Toxin Suit behind the panel. Exit the room and continue down
the hallway until you find the containment field generator room. Inside the room, you'll find
another control panel that reads:

"Engine coolant emergency pumps active. Containment field systems being re-routed by alien

Continue into the connecting chamber to find two more panels that say:

"ISV-Kran engine status - Offline. Damage report minimal. Life support systems online. Deck 1
power levels full. Ship's hull breached at observation lounge."

"Containment Field Generator Online. Gold power cores unstable due to excess stress from
sealing Engineering. Main Engineering containment force fields may be disabled by destroying
gold cores."

>From the central platform in the room, jump to the top of the crates to reach the Tarydium
Sludge, Eightballs, and Bullets. Walk to the door behind the control panel and ride the platform
down one floor.

>From here, venture around the walkway on each side of the room to reach the Gold Cores that
are blocked by force fields. Touch the control panel behind the Gold Cores, and the force fields
will drop. Now, blast the Cores to disable them. Continue back to the platform, drop down to the
next level, and walk to the next control panel that says:

"Warning: Engine coolant leak on lowermost floor of this area."

Drop into the coolant, swim into the room underneath the platform, touch the control panel, and
then cross the room to ride the lift up. Here, you'll find an Assault Vest. Step out of the room,
drop down a level, and walk ahead past the machine with the pulsating blue energy. On your
right, you'll see a button. Press the button and ride the platform up.

Exit the containment field generator room and continue through the halls to the engine power
core control elevator platform. Ride it up, challenge the two Skaarj Gunners, and then check the
computers to learn:

"ISV-Kran Deck 3 Status: Engine systems attempting to be re-routed by unknown intruders.
Engine power capacity at 75 percent."

"Planet Scanning Station: Alien starship detected entering and exiting the atmosphere. Alien
mothership in northern valley near atmospheric electrical storms."

"Main engine diagnostic panel. 75 percent engine power available. Coolant leak in Containment
Core Generator area localized. Last attempt to re-route power unsuccessful."

Grab the two ASMD Cores here, then walk to the elevator platform in the corner. Ride it up and
follow the path to reach two more control panels. Touch the panels, and the power cores will
retract into the wall. Now, head back to the elevator platform. To your left, you'll see a blue
energy field. Jump to the field, then proceed across to the other ledge.

Here, you will find a new room with more computers. Check them out to see:

"Scanning Station 1: Short range surface scans indicate location of large alien spacecraft on the
planet surface that matches the description of the same ship viewed entering and leaving the
planet's Tarydium fields prior to orbital decay."

"Scanning Station 2: Surface scan indicates indigenous primitive structures on the planet
surface. A higher technology town detected on a rock suspended in the sky by some unknown
force. Huge power sources emanating from an obelisk within this town."

"BioSuit Control Station: System Failure: Power is being re-routed by intruders on Deck 1."

Grab the Shield Belt here, then exit all the way back to the primary turbo lift near the cooling
system control room. Finally, ride the lift up to complete the level.

ISV-Kran Deck 1

Reroute the ship's power supply to reach the bridge and escape from the ship.

Start out by walking down the hall and through the first door. On each side of the next hall are
computer panels that say:

"ISV-Kran Deck 1: Log Entry: Captain Mikhail Leatham. There's no possible way to kill them all
- there are just too many Skaarj, and we don't have enough ammo."

"ISV-Kran Deck 1: Log Entry: Captain Mikhail Leatham. Skaarj attacks have forced us to retreat
to the Science and Research Lab. We set up a makeshift electrical field barrier that destroyed 40
of them, but 20 still remain."

Hopefully, you've got some ammo stocked up because you'll need it ahead. Equip your best
weapon and walk ahead to the intersection. Immediately, some of the remaining Skaarj the
Captain spoke of will begin to pour in from the side tunnels, so run to the room ahead. The
Skaarj will follow you in here, but you can gun them down as they rush in. When they are dead,
grab the Med Kits to regain some precious health, then push the button. Before leaving the room,
you'll get the following message:

"ISV-Kran Deck 1: Warning 85,000 volt electrical field barrier in place at Science Research Lab.
Power distribution from three transformer control rooms active."

Well, you just disabled the first, so exit the room and walk down the hall to your right until you
find transformer room 3. Walk inside and grab the Eightball Guns and Med Kits, then press the
next button. From here, exit the room and turn left. Along the way, you'll pass a door on your left
blocked by blue energy bars. Continue past it until you find transformer room 2. Touch the final
button here and return to the door previously blocked by blue energy bars. It will now be open.

Behind the door is the science research lab, but the door to the inside is locked. Continue around
the side of the lab to the back where you'll see a ramp that stretches up. The bridge is
inaccessible because of a force field, but turn and continue up the ramp. Along the way, grab the
Bandages and Auto Mag behind the barrels. At the end of the ramp, press the control panel, then
drop down off the ramp to enter the doors of the science research lab as they open. If you're not
quick enough, you must retrace your steps and try again.

Inside the science research lab, check the control panels to learn:

"Warning: Lab doors and specimen holding fields are malfunctioning. 30 second release delay
will engage after activation."

"ISV-Kran: Science Research Lab Specimen Monitor: I have found these amorphous amoebae to
be highly acidic. It's incredible the architecture of their basic genetic structure. Tatiana Zimna -
Chief Medical Officer."

Finally, hit the rightmost control panel, rush up the small ramp, and hit the button. This will
release the amoebae, but also temporarily open the doors of the science research lab and crew
berths to the left as you exit. If you don't make, it, you must retrace your steps and try again.

Inside the crew berths, walk straight ahead to the elevator platforms that takes you to the
observation lounge. Check the control panel to your left to find:

"ISV-Kran Deck 1: Alert engine coolant overflow: Main engine rupture: Evacuate ship

>From here, dive into the water and touch the yellow switch. This will open a panel in the floor
that leads to more controls. Touch the far control panel and then read the closest panel to get:

"Bridge Security Forcefield Override: Status Deactivated."

Now, quickly exit the crew berths, and return to the bridge.

Step on the transporter to escape from the ISV-Kran. At the bridge, grab the ASMD from the
dead soldier and ride the lift up. A few Skaarj will be waiting here for you. Take them out, then
walk toward either button on the wall. When you press the button, a panel will open in the floor
as a chair slides forward. Drop into the chamber and touch the two control panels here to find:

"Emergency Transporter Instructions: Step onto octagonal transporter pad-system will activate

"Emergency Transporter System Online: Coordinates set to Nali Village 5 Kilometers from spire
shaped mountain."

When you hop onto the transporter, the level will be completed.

Na Pali

Spire Village

Make a pit stop in the Spire Village to stock up for the battles ahead.

You begin on the outskirts of the village. As you walk to the center of the village, you'll
encounter two beings: a Titan and a Nali. Focus your efforts on the Titan and let the Nali get
away. If you have the Eightball Gun, now is the time to use it! If you don't, use your best
firepower here and duck into the huts if you need a break or must find more firepower. Within
the four huts, you'll gain a number of items, including five Flares, a Flak Cannon, Flak Shells,
two Flashlights, two cans of Tarydium Sludge, Bandages, Eightballs, and an ASMD Core. You'll
also find two journal entries:

"Our haven, the great Sunspire, given to us by the Gods of the Good Lore, has been corrupted by
the sky demons. Our once hope is now the foulest of terrors. The sky demons are stronger than
ever. I had a vision of death, of immense beasts roaming the land."

"The minions of our Gods are cast to the ground to do battle. We are put to the test. Our world is
weakening, it spews forth terrible creatures. We will pray again tonight. Oh, hear our plea! Send
our messiah!"

When you have cleared the area, pass the village and ascend the slope. At the top, you'll meet
two more Titans, so be ready to fight. Again, if you need a break or must restock your inventory,
head into the single hut. Here, you'll uncover an Assault Vest, an Eightball Gun, Eightballs, a
Flare, and a Flashlight. Outside the hut near the wall, you'll also find an ASMD. Use all this
firepower to overcome your monstrous foes. When they are finished, walk through the gate, and
you'll find a Nali Healing Fruit on the other side. Continue to the right, and you'll come to
another larger gate guarded by a Skaarj. Take him out and collect the Razorjack when he is dead.
At the gate, jump to hit the button that unlatches the door. This will lead you to the next level.

The Sunspire

Travel through the Sunspire to find the lift to Na Pali, the city in the clouds.

After passing through the gate, turn right and enter the small opening. Inside, you'll find a dead
Nali Priest and some crates that hold a Med-Kit. You'll also find the Nali's diary that holds the

"I will not return to the Sunspire today. I was almost slain by the sky demon this morning and I
fear for our brothers that have not yet escaped. I feel we will not see them again in this life."

>From here, walk straight ahead down the narrow path beside the mountain. As you approach the
wooden walkway, you'll see a Skaarj Gunner. The trick here is to start shooting from a distance
to lure him toward you. This way, you can shoot him off the walkway quite easily. If you choose
to approach him, one clean hit will force you into the lava below. After taking him out, continue
down the path, and you'll encounter one more guard before the entrance to the Sunspire.

Inside the Sunspire, you'll find a room with three doors. Be ready to face another enemy here
who'll drop from the ceiling, then collect the Eightball Gun, Med-Kit, Razorjack, two Flares, and
two packs of Razor Blades. Now, take the left or right door that will ultimately lead to rooms
with Nali Priests and a few goodies. If you choose to venture into them, you'll face a few
Tentacles and perhaps some other wandering beasts, but the payoff will be a GES BioRifle in the
left room or Flares, ammo, and a Flashlight in the right room. Flashlights and Flares are very
important in this level as there are many dark sections.

Hop into the pool of water to avoid the Gasbags and find a secret passage. When you are ready
to proceed, walk from the entry room to the center door, collect the Stinger, and then get on the
lift. Ride it all the way to the top and walk across the platform. Here, you'll see a dead soldier
with some Flak Shells, Bandages, and a Flare. One room ahead, you'll find the Cistern. Be ready
for two Gasbags who'll swoop in to attack you. If you don't want to bother fighting them, jump
into the pool of water and swim through the tunnel. Here, you will find an ASMD and ASMD
Core. Now, swim straight up, and you'll find a new tunnel. Exit through the doorway, and from
this room, turn right.

The next room you enter will be dark, so use a Flare and enter the doorway here. This will lead
to the Great Hall, a strange room with a hooded figure and an altar. Collect the multitude of
Flares here, then hop down from the small ledge. Take the left doorway and ride the elevator
platform up. When it stops, ignore the opposite elevator platform for now and enter the new
hallway. This will lead to a room with Razor Blades, Flak Shells, and a Med Kit. However, when
you step in, a Gasbag will swoop in on you. Take him out, then return to the previously ignored
elevator and ride it up.

On the next floor, you'll see two more elevators and a wooden button between them. Press the
button and ride the right elevator platform up. When you reach the next floor, follow this same
procedure to reach a large room where three Tentacles will immediately attack you. They should
be easy to defeat though, and then you can collect two Med Kits, Tarydium Sludge, and a
Flashlight. Through the next doorway, you'll find two hallways and a green sign that reads:

"Chamber of Crystals"

Walk down the right hallway and press the lever to activate the Crystal Chamber, then quickly
exit the room and travel down the left hallway. A Skaarj Assassin will be waiting for you, so
greet him with some not-so-friendly fire. When he dies, collect his Razorjack and continue to the
end of the hall. Here, you will see lots of barrels. Shoot the barrels to find an ASMD Core, Med
Kits, Razor Blades, then walk to the ledge outside to find extra Razor Blades in barrels. Then, go
back inside and climb the stairway. At the top, you'll find another sign that says:

"Prepare to Embark."

>From here, walk outside to the balcony to meet the lift. If it doesn't appear, return back to the
Chamber of Crystals and press the lever again, then return back here. The lift will take you to the
next level.

Gateway to Na Pali

Pass through the gateway to enter Na Pali.

The level begins inside the lift from the Sunspire. Open the door to the lift, but do not rush
outside, or you will face a long fall to your death. Instead, wait for a walkway to form, so you
can cross the gap. You will find yourself in a circular room. Circle the room and break the
barrels to find Clips, Flares, and a Med Kit.

>From here, enter the tunnel, ignore the doorway on your left, and slowly approach the end. This
will let you get the drop on two Krall on patrol. The Krall aren't particularly strong enemies, but
they are relentless. If you shoot off their legs, they will still crawl after you to attack. When the
first two are defeated, search the area to find a Flashlight and Clips. Now, return to the
previously ignored door and enter the next tunnel. Along the way, you'll find two ASMD Cores
in the barrels before the bridge. Watch out - another Krall may be here. Continue across the
bridge and enter the next room.

This is a large room with a river running through it. Across the river, you'll see two more Krall,
so be ready for some more action. Sometimes, when they are injured, the Krall will dive into the
water to take cover. Just don't mistake this for them being dead, or you may be rudely surprised.
When the enemies are defeated, collect the Tarydium Shards, Flak Shells, and Nali Healing
Fruit, then jump into the river. Because the right tunnel of the river is blocked by a barred gate,
swim down the left tunnel. In the next chamber, swim underneath the waterfall to find a new

In this room, you'll see four things: a Rifle, Rifle Rounds, a lever, and a dead soldier. Collect the
items, then approach the dead soldier to get this message:

"I'm the only one left. I've managed to find shelter here and I will rest before I make my final
stand tomorrow morning. I am so tired. The day has been long and I have lost all. I only hope
that they don't discover me sleeping here tonight."

Unfortunately for him, it looks like they did. Before leaving the room, press the lever, then
return back to the large chamber you came from.

Back here, you will find the barred gate now open. Swim up the river to reach the next room.
When you climb out of the water, immediately turn your attention to the ceiling where you will
see two Tentacles sniping at you. When they are dispatched, collect the Tarydium Shards, Clips,
and Nali Healing Fruit. From here, turn right and follow the tunnel to the elevator platform.
There will be another Krall waiting here. Ride the elevator up and follow the path outside where
you'll encounter two more Krall. When the way is clear, collect the Flak Shells, Tarydium
Shards, and Med Kits, and make your way across the walkway. Across the bridge, you will find a
new tunnel entrance back inside as well as some more clips.

At the end of the tunnel, you'll find another pair of Krall guarding a wooden door. Again, take
them out. Here, you can collect a Razorjack and some Razor Blades.

The Krall guard the entrance to Na Pali Haven. Through the doorway, you'll have a choice of
two directions. To begin, turn left and shoot the Skaarj Beserker around the corner, then return
back down the right hallway and enter the next door. Behind the door is a staircase guarded by
another Skaarj Beserker. Kill the Skaarj, collect the Med Kit and Tarydium Shards underneath
the stairs, then climb the staircase. Along the way, you'll find more Clips and Flak Shells before
reaching the final door. Enter this doorway to reach Na Pali Haven.

Na Pali Haven

Overview: Make your way through the level to find the entrance to the Outpost.

>From the beginning of the level, turn right and climb the stairs. Outside, turn left and walk up the
path. When you pass the incline turn right, and you'll see a Krall Elite threatening a Nali Priest.
Once dispatched, there's not too much more to see in the courtyard except a few barrels that
contain Tarydium Shards. On the far end of the courtyard is a large gate that is locked, so ignore
it for the moment.

The first building to investigate is the one on your right. This is a stable. Inside, you'll find three
barrels with Bandages. Enter the room to your left and press the lever, then walk to the other
hallway to enter the main part of the stable. Here, you'll see a Nali Priest standing in the central
area. Ignore him and walk to the far left corner, as the door in the far right corner is locked. At
the door in the far left corner, turn the wheel, and the door will open to an outside area.

Outside, if you need some health, walk around the right corner to reach a small garden with Nali
Healing Fruit. If not, turn left and walk straight to the barrels that contain Nali Fruit Seeds.
Inside the door to the right of the barrels, you'll find more Krall terrorizing a Nali Priest. Help
him out, then collect the two ASMD Cores and four Clips here. Continue through to the next
room, and you'll find another Krall. Take him out, then grab the Med Kit to your left and the
Flak Shells under the stairs. Next, climb the stairs and eliminate another Krall. Here, you'll gain
more Rifle Rounds and find a doorway that leads to another lever. Turn the lever and return back
downstairs and outside once more.

Once out in the open, turn left and climb the stairs. You'll encounter another pair of Krall here.
Defeat them and enter the bar. On the right side of the room, you'll find a Med Kit, Dispersion
Pistol Power-up, and a diary that says:

"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us,
controlling us. I believe this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."

The Dispersion Pistol Power-up is a great find as it boosts the firepower of your Dispersion
Pistol. Cross the room and enter the next doorway. Here, you'll meet a Skaarj guarding a door.
Take him out, collect the Med Kit, then enter the door to find a walkway. Continue along the
walkway until you reach the small balcony with a Flashlight and a lever. When you press the
lever, a platform hanging in front of you will drop through the floor. Return back downstairs to

In the new chamber, you'll find a Rifle, Rifle Rounds, and a Med Kit. There may also be a Skaarj
Beserker lurking here, so be ready. When you are ready, enter the next room, and you'll meet
another helpless Nali Priest. Ignore him and target the wall with a large opening.

Shoot the wall with a large crack to find a hidden room. Inside the hidden room, be prepared for
a rush of Pupae. They are more bothersome than problematic and easily wiped out. You'll find
many barrels here, but only a few with items. You will find some Tarydium Sludge and don't
forget the Flak Shells underneath the stairs.

On the next floor, there's one more Skaarj and two ASMD Cores. Drop the Skaarj, ignore the
door here that leads back outside to the opening courtyard, and climb the next set of stairs. On
the top floor, there will be two more Skaarj waiting in the library. Dust them and read the book
on the table to learn:

"I've seen strange flying beasts vanishing into the depths of the mountain at night. The roar as
they fly is deafening. Never before have I heard its like. I feel that a great evil must dwell within
the mountain."

>From here, walk straight ahead and enter the next door to reach the next lever. When you touch
it, you'll see the previously locked gate from the courtyard begin to open through the barred
panel in the floor. Now, quickly run down one flight of stairs and exit through the door to the
courtyard. Back outside, turn left and cross through the open gates before they close again. If you
are too slow, you must go back upstairs and try again.

Beyond the gate, follow the path, and you'll meet up with a Nali Priest staring at a Nali Statue.
To your right are some barrels with Clips, but be prepared to encounter some Skaarj on patrol.
When they are defeated, take the walkway left of the statue.

The once proud Nali are now simply a slave race. Down the walkway, you'll find a door on your
left. Enter the room, and you'll see another bar on your right. However, there are also some
Skaarj and Pupae here. This is a real firefight, so keep moving and hide behind the bar for cover.
To the left of the bar, you'll see a shaded grey outline of a door. Wait for a Nali Priest to arrive,
and he will open the secret passage for you. Inside, you'll gain a Flak Cannon, two Flak Shells,
and a diary that reads:

"I don't understand why they toy with us. My establishment used to be a place of laughter and joy
for my fellow citizens. Now I just serve the whims of the Sky Demons in exchange for the life of
my family. I await the Messiah."

When you're done, exit the room and climb the stairs back in the entry to the bar.

Upstairs, it will be very dark. Turn right, and enter the room to find a Skaarj Beserker. Defeat
him, and continue through the next door. This will lead to a walkway that stretches over the bar.
At the end of the walkway are three doors. Enter the leftmost door, and then continue through
the door on your left. Inside you'll see a sleeping Skaarj. Take advantage of the situation to finish
him off before he can attack, then collect the Scuba Gear in the corner. Return back to the main
walkway, and enter the rightmost door. Here, find yet another lever. Press the lever, and then
return back downstairs.

Exit the bar, and walk to your left. At the end of the walkway, you'll see a door on your left, and
an open doorway on your right. If you want to collect some Flares, turn right and check out the
barrels at the bottom of the stairs by the pool of water. To reach the end of the level, take the left
door and enter another open area. For the moment, ignore the first wooden door on your left and
continue past the small fence to the second door. Walk through the door, and you'll see a large
pool of water with a waterfall. Turn left to reach an open door with yet another lever. Press the
lever and return back to the wooden door you just passed up. There will be another Skaarj
charging out at you here, but target him from a distance, and you'll finish him before he can
reach you. Now, enter the room and shoot the barrels to find a Med Kit. To your right is another

Inside this room, you'll see two control panels. Approach each to get the following messages:

"Observation Center: The eye sees and the mind knows. Remember not to disturb the Nali
townsfolk unnecessarily as their belief that they are still free prevents outright rebellion. This
false hope is our primary control mechanism."

"All security forces must keep the Nali townsfolk under control. Kill all those who show signs of
resistance. We only need to maintain enough pliable workers to mine the Tarydium."

Now, press the panel to the right of the door to activate the elevator platform and ride it upstairs.

On the next floor, be ready to ambush the Skaarj guarding the circular doorway. Before entering
the next room, grab the Med Kits available in the corners. Inside, you'll see the mountain base
underwater entrance door controls. Touch the panel and return back to the large body of a water
with the waterfall. Enter the water and swim under the waterfall to find the opened-entrance to
the mountain base.


Search the base for the teleporter that will help you continue your quest.

Upon entering the waters, your Scuba Gear was activated. Swim through the long tunnel until
you reach an opening. When you emerge from the water inside the Outpost, a Skaarj will
welcome you with an attack, so be sure to return the favor. When he is defeated, collect the Med
Kit, two ASMD Cores, and two boxes of Flak Shells. Now, you will be faced with a choice of
three doors. However, only the left one will open, so your choice will be apparent. Inside,
another Skaarj is waiting. A good strategy here is to arm yourself with the Razorjack, open the
door, remain outside, shoot a few Razor Blades, and let the door shut. Often, when the door
opens, the Skaarj will be dead from the Razor Blades bouncing around the chamber. Inside the
room is another Med Kit and some Tarydium Sludge. Walk to the end of the room and enter the
elevator platform, which takes you to the next floor up.

On the next floor, yet another Skaarj will be waiting. Defeat him, then collect his Razorjack and
the Razor Blades here, then continue along the walkway until you reach a new room. Here, you'll
find a Skaarj with his back to you working on the computers. Take advantage of this and finish
him off. The computer holds another message:

"Security Log: Outpost 3J Base Commander SSja'Rath 10th Talon of Ssa'Rath. To maintain
order and security we have been keeping a constant watch on the Nali in the town. Vigilance is
the guardian of honor."

Next, turn right and touch the red computer to activate the Main Bay Door Controls. Now, return
downstairs, and the center door will open.

In the next room, turn left and walk to the control panel. Touch the panel, and the elevator
platform to the left will appear. Step on the platform and ride up to the next floor. Here, press
the control panel on the right, and the door in front of you will open.

Through the door, you'll immediately see some sort of Skaarj space vehicle hovering in midair.
Who could that be for? Turn left, and collect the Eightballs in the corner, then walk straight
ahead to the next control panel. When you touch it, the elevator platform beside it will activate,
but a Skaarj will also appear. Gun him down, then ride up to the next floor. Here, you can walk
straight ahead to the next doorway. Follow this hallway to a new control room. There's another
Skaarj here. When he is dead, check the computers to get this message:

"Message Log 7: Mothership acknowledges request for resupply of Outpost 3J. Scout Skimmer
3J-1A authorized to return to the mothership to pick up cargo."

Turn to your right and touch the left and center control panels to disable the force field and open
the left hangar door. Now, return back to the hangar and enter the left hangar door. There will be
another Skaarj here as well as an ASMD Core and Med Kits here.

At the end of the hallway, take the lift down and challenge the next Skaarj guard. In the center of
the room is a large machine with a control panel. Touch the panel to disable the rear entrance
force field controls. Then, touch the control panel along the outer wall to open the next door.
There will be another Skaarj in here with a Flak Cannon. When he falls, collect the Cannon and
continue through the hallway to go back outside.

When you get outdoors, turn right and be ready to face a small number of Skaarj and Krall.
Fortunately, you'll also see lots of Nali Healing Fruit around. Keep moving along the right side
until you reach the entrance to the church. There is a bug here that sometimes stops the doors
from opening. To reset the door, walk down the front stairs and back up.

Inside the church, walk into the first room and take on the two Krall by the statue. When they are
dead, enter the door on the right side of the statue until you reach the control room. There is a
Krall Elite working here. When the room is clear, check the computer to learn:

"No unauthorized access to lower church catacombs. All personnel must be checked by security
before access is granted."

Then touch the red control panel to gain lower security access.

Return back downstairs to the statue and cross the room. Press the button to open the door and
go downstairs. On the first landing, turn right and go down the stairs here. At the bottom of the
stairs, turn left and grab the Flak Shells in the small room. The corridor ahead splits in two
directions. Follow either to reach the next door. Inside, you'll see a Skaarj far across the room.
Gun him down, then walk over to the computer to get the following message:

"Teleporter target coordinates set for Surface Transporter Pad 13. Sentry personnel already
dispatched to location to secure area against resistance. Area cleared for cargo transmission."

Next, turn and press the red control panel to activate the teleporter controls. In the center of the
room, a bright light will appear. Walk to either elevator platform, ride down to the ground floor,
and step into the light to finish the level.

Nali Castle
Velora Pass

Travel through the small valley on the road to the Bluff Eversmoking.

Upon being teleported into Velora Pass, you'll find yourself in a dark valley. Walk around the
area and open the crates to collect Tarydium Shards, Bullets, and Med Kits.
When you grab the Dispersion Pistol Power-up, be ready to fight the sleeping Titan. When you're
ready to proceed, continue along the path. Ahead, you'll see a Titan sitting in a chair. Strangely,
he doesn't react to your presence until you grab the Dispersion Pistol Power-up in front of him.
Then, he'll be roused awake and give you the fight of your life, so make sure you've got your
heaviest firepower armed. Your objective is to keep moving and chip away at the behemoth. He
will throw rock projectiles at you, so stay away from the chasm or you may be knocked into the
lava below. When you finally overcome your foe, jump onto the chair to raise the bridge across
the chasm. When it rises, cross the bridge to enter the next level.

Bluff Eversmoking

Search for the missing human female while looking for the hydroelectric shipping car to Dasa
Mountain pass.

To begin, walk ahead a bit and turn right to find the first lever. Press it, and the doors ahead will
open. Inside the next room, you'll find a Nali Priest overlooking some dead soldiers. Follow the
Priest, and he will lead you to the next two levers. Along the way, if you need some ammo, shoot
the barrels to your right to gain Eightballs and Bullets. At the third lever, a Skaarj will emerge
from the shadows to assassinate the Nali. Take out the Skaarj then continue through the doors to
see a building in the distance.

The Nali Priest will guide you through the early section of this level. At the building, walk to the
right to find another Nali Priest gazing at a crucified Nali. Just beyond the Nali Priest is another
Skaarj. He's close to the ledge with his back to you, so a powerful shot from behind may just
knock him over the side. When he is defeated, shoot the barrels to find two rounds of Razor
Blades and some Nali Healing Fruit. Continue to the right, and you'll enter a stable. Turn left
from the stable and enter the graveyard.

In the graveyard, turn left to find some Tarydium Shards in the barrels, then walk to the Nali
ghost by a tombstone that reads:

"Only by facing the direction of the rising sun may one find a new day."

Behind you is a coffin that reads:

"Vault of the Dead - Herein lies the last resting place of the High Priest of the Bluff
Eversmoking and the artifacts used by the Messiah."

To enter the structure, push the first tombstone you read, then walk behind the coffin. Here you'll
see some stairs. Climb the stairs, and jump on the elevator platform that is now accessible and
ride it down.

In the Tomb, search the various coffins to find an ASMD Core, Flak Cannon, Flak Shells, and
Tarydium Shards. When you are done, jump into the pool of green liquid and swim through the
passage. Eventually, you will surface from a well guarded by two Krall. Take them out, then exit
this area to reach a wooden platform that extends over the edge of the mountain. Drop off the
platform to land on a walkway along the mountain and travel to your right to reach an entrance
to the building.

Down the right hall, you'll find some Clips in barrels before coming to the next room. Walk to
the far right corner to find two books that tell you:

"Shipping Log: Grorq of the Red Hand Tribe. I am really getting sick of the way the Skaarj are
treating us. Constantly bossing us around and making us watch over their pathetic Nali slaves.
My troops are getting sick of this situation."

"Shipping Log: Grorq of the Red Hand Tribe. Coming of the next full moon we are expecting a
large shipment of salvaged supplies from the human spacecraft. I need to make a few repairs to
the electric rails around the Bluff but we should be ready by then."

Walk down the hallway to the left, and you'll reach a prison area with four Krall. Come out
firing and use the element of surprise to your advantage. When the Krall are downed, walk to the
table and read the books to learn:

"Jailer Hrang of the Red Hand Tribe: We have captured a Terran girl. Some of my soldiers want
to try and take liberties with her. I guess that's OK as long as they watch those boots! She kicked
me in the hrangos last time."

"Jailer Hrang of the Red Hand Tribe: Dorro owes me 25,000 gold paaras when we get home! He
truly sucks at Death Bones. Hustling him is like taking candy from a terran baby. Speaking of
which I think its time to go beat on that ugly Terran girl some more."

"Jailer Hrang of the Red Hand Tribe: I can't believe it!!! The Terran girl escaped! One of those
worthless Nali Monks must have tunneled her out. I am in DEEP SHIT! If Captain
DUK'CHOROTH comes and finds out I let her escape, I'll be de-hrangod for sure!"

After reading the books, press the lever here to free the remaining Nali prisoner. He will guide
you upstairs and show you where the woman escaped in a hole through the wall. Return back
downstairs and dive into the water.

In the water, you'll find a tunnel to the right of the sacrificed Nali. Swim through the tunnel and
follow it up when it splits. You'll reach a secret room with a sign that says:

"Have faith and never sway from your beliefs. Only a soul that keeps the faith despite all
oppression shall triumph when the savior princess comes from the stars."

There are also some Nali Fruit Seeds and books here that say:

"The woman they captured is scheduled to be executed. I cannot let this happen! As foolish as it
sounds, I will attempt to sneak her out of the prison cell through our secret caves. From there,
she can escape to the bell tower until darkness."

"Kruun's Personal Diary: I have to be careful how many times I sneak into the monastery through
the tunnel. I've marked the square tunnel that leads to the inner monastery with a cross; the other
leads to the prison where my brother is being held."

When you are done, jump back into the water and continue through the tunnel. Swim up through
the next well to exit outside again. There will be some Nali Healing Fruit here as well as a
Razorjack and some Razor Blades and Eightballs under the stairs. Exit the door to the left, then
turn right and walk down the path. A Skaarj will be waiting to be shot by you, so oblige him,
then descend the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, turn right, and in the next room, walk to the
left end of the walkway. From here, jump across to the wooden beam ahead of you, then head
down behind the blue laser beams to reach a computer panel. Push in both buttons, and the lasers
will disappear. Then, ride the elevator platform back up to the walkway. >From here, return back
outside and walk straight ahead to reach the main gate.

The main gate will still be locked, so enter the tower to your left and press the lever to bring the
elevator platform down. Ride it up and press the lever here to open the main gate, then return
back down. From here, exit the main gate and dive into the waters below. Swim to your left,
until you reach the tunnel back into the monastery. Inside will be a Tentacle. Follow the tunnel
to reach a chamber with some Krall guards. Kill them and walk down the hall. When you reach
the circular platform, it will drop. At the bottom of the shaft, walk through the thin tunnel,
fending off all enemies in your path.

Soon, you will reach a winding staircase. Follow it up to a computer room and check the
computers to find:

"Hydro-electric shipping car fully powered and ready for departure. Electro-static discharge
nodes at top of bell tower must be activated prior to car startup."

"Bell tower magnetic locks disengaged: Access to bell tower permitted."

Grab the Tarydium Shards and Flak Shells by the machinery in the center of the room, then exit
through the opening in the wall. At the end of the hall is another elevator platform. Ride it up to
reach an area back outside the monastery.

On the small island, walk up the slope and enter the bell tower. Inside, press the lever and ride
the elevator platform up. Unfortunately, at the top, you'll find Kira, who is dead. Her journal

"Science Officer Kira Argmanov: Separated from my crewmates from ISV-Kran. I've only been
able to stay alive by holding up in this bell tower. A native Nali helped me escape the prison cell
the Skaarj put me in. Hopefully the Skaarj won't find me here."

It looks like Kira wasn't so lucky after all. To complete the level, flip the switches on opposite
sides of the room and ride the elevator platform back down. At the bottom of the shaft, walk
ahead and step onto the green hydroelectric shipping car. It will take you to a new elevator
platform out of the level.

Dasa Mountain Pass

Fight your way into the Dasa Pass by traveling through this entrypoint.

As you step inside the door of this level, things seem strangely quiet. You find yourself in a large
storage room filled with crates. However, there are also a number of Skaarj Gunners waiting to
ambush you if you walk down the center aisle. Instead, stealthily walk around the left or right
edge of the room and try to pick them off one at a time. If you choose to try and run through the
middle of the room, you'll find yourself surrounded by a host of enemies. When the enemies
have been dealt with, move to the far left corner of the room and press the lever. This will open
the door to your right.

Upon entering the next room, turn left and collect an Auto-Mag and a Flare by the dead corpse.
When you round the right corner, you'll encounter two Krall. Eliminate them and grab the Clips.
Just ahead, you'll see a lever to lower the bridge, but first walk to your right and read the diary to

"Bridge Foreman Khan Vhranna: I've about had it with Grok Vhul'Rath. He's such a pompous
son-of-a bulrach. If he makes us fix the drawbridge one more time in the rain I'm going to bust
his face in."

Across the chasm are two more Krall blasting at you. Target them from a distance or lower the
bridge and take the fight to them.

After crossing the bridge, you'll find the door here locked, so turn left and enter the hall. The
next room you find will have one Krall as well as an Eightball Gun and some Clips. A bit further
ahead, you'll reach a room with three more Krall. To your benefit though, they are engaged in a
conversation and are wide open to a sneak attack from your Eightball Gun. A few well-timed
shots should do the trick.

When the Krall are dead, collect the two ASMD Cores in the corner and Tarydium Sludge in an
opposite corner, then walk to the table. Here you'll find more diary entries including:

"Shipping Log: Dasa Pass Mountain Station: Grok Vhul'Rath: We've decided to ditch using the
Nali as slaves here. the word is they all believe their 'savior' has come from the stars to kill us.
We decided to execute them for refusing to work anyways."

"Shipping Log: Dasa Pass Mountain Station: Grok Vhul'Rath: this path we've received over 45
cases of high tech equipment from the crashed human spacecraft ISV-Kran. I've decided to store
them in the cellars before we ship to the Warlord."

"Diary: Grok Vhul'Rath: I ordered repairs to the drawbridge again! This is getting really old - I'm
sick of dealing with the behemoths - They constantly break things and they're slobs like Aldarian
pigs. I'm anxious to get back to my homeworld."

Now return back outside to the locked door.

To unlock the door, walk to the right side of the bridge and make your way down the thing
wooden platform. To your right, you will see a small ledge. Drop to the ledge and enter the
mountain. Inside are three Krall waiting for you. Defeat them, consume some Nali Healing Fruit,
collect the Tarydium Shards in the water, then swim down by the large wooden pole to find an
underwater tunnel. At the end, climb out of the water and turn the lever. This will lower a
platform with two Krall. Blast them down, then ride the platform up to a small opening
overlooking the bridge below. There is also a lever here that, when pressed, opens a locked door
near the bridge. Press the lever and jump down to get through the door.

Behind the door, things will get hairy. You'll be welcomed by a both Skaarj and Behemoth. Turn
left and run down the hallway to find another lever. Touch it and return back outside. The door
on your left will now be open, but there will be another Behemoth waiting. Hit him with
everything you can muster, then walk through the two doors straight ahead to reach a final room.
Again, there are a number of enemies waiting here, and you're probably in bad shape
health-wise, so the best thing to do is to make a run for it. Quickly cross the water and climb the
winding staircase to reach the level exit.

Serpent Canyon

Journey down the river to find the entrance to Nali Castle.

>From the beginning of the level, pass through the first room to reach a dock and a boat. Climb in
the boat and shoot the rope attached to the dock to start your cruise down the river. There's
nothing to fear along the way, so enjoy the scenery. If you have a Flashlight, turn it on during the
dark sections of the ride and look for interesting sights. You never know what you might see.

Take a ride down the river in style. At the end of the ride, exit the boat and enter the windmill
ahead. Inside, you'll find a dead soldier. Collect his Eightball Gun and shoot the chest to gain
some Eightballs. Next, walk downstairs and shoot the Skaarj before collecting the Tarydium
Shards. When you are done, exit the windmill and continue through the valley. Just beyond the
fence is the cave entrance into the next level.

Nali Castle

Make your way to the tower to face the five-eyed daemon.

You begin this level in the caves outside Nali Castle. To start, swim across the small pool and
collect the ASMD by the dead Nali on the rock. Now, return back and exit the cave to appear in
front of Nali Castle.

Ahead lies the entrance to Nali Castle. You'll see a Krall sprinting for the castle. Give chase and
run him down before he can lock you out. Once inside the castle gates, enter the left doorway.
After entering the castle, walk down the hallway along the left wall to reach the library. Here
you must break open the chests to collect the ASMD Core and Flashlight. Next, walk to the
leftmost bookcase and push the blue book that is sticking out. This will cause the bookcase to
the right to revolve, releasing two Krall. Defeat them and enter the secret room behind the
bookcase to find a Super Health Pack. After exiting the secret room, turn left and follow the path
to the chapel.

Inside the chapel, be ready for some Gasbags and Krall. When they are cleared, walk up the aisle
and read the book on the podium to see:

"The path to be followed is long and harrowing, but the strong of heart and purpose will prevail
against the challenges."

Exit the chapel to the left and pass the first set of stairs down. Ahead, take the ramp down under
the tower and descend these stairs. At the bottom of the staircase, pass through the door and
continue to the elevator platform ahead, which is near the entrance to the dungeon. On the
platform, you'll get the following message:

"Only the warrior who demonstrates his bravery by defeating the five-eyed daemon in the tower
shall be granted passage to the dungeon."

Once you step off the elevator platform, lob some Eightballs into the Skaarj conference, then
take the next elevator platform up. When you step off, grab the Eightballs and Flak Shells, then
climb the staircase. When you get to the top, turn left and continue to the next set of stairs down.
Here, you'll collect some Med Kits and Flak Shells. Climb the staircase to the left and turn right
in the next room. This will lead you to an Amplifier and some Eightballs. Step out onto the
balcony above here to find some more Eightballs, then drop down into the library.

>From here, return to the entrance of the castle and follow the red carpet up through the left path.
This will lead to some writing on the wall that says:

"Only the enlightened one who has read the Book of the Good Lore in the Chapel shall be
granted passage to the tower through these divine gates."

Continue past the lift and walk up the ramp to reach the bedroom.

In the bedroom, search the chest to find a Rifle and some Rifle Rounds. Next, exit the room and
turn left and continue until you see the outside section on the roof of the castle. There are
Behemoths here, but ignore them and continue up the ramps. Soon, you'll reach a Nali priest.
Before following him, take out the Skaarj Gunner to your left and continue up the ramp. The
Nali will lead you to a secret chamber with a Shield Belt and a Super Health Pack. Exit the
secret room and climb the stairs to reach a new lift. Then, take this lift up to a winding staircase
and make your way to the tower. Here you must wage war with a Giant Gasbag, but he's not all
that tough.

To finish the level, descend all the way down to the dungeon and continue to follow the ramps
leading down until you reach the bottom.

Demonlord's Lair

In a level akin to hell, wage war with the winged Demonlord.

This is the battle royale with the Demonlord, so equip yourself with your best weapon and
proceed. However, before exiting the starting room, be sure to collect the Shield Belt on the
floor. Now, when you are ready, exit the room to meet your foe. He sits atop the main walkway.

The Demonlord is a tough nut to crack. Draw him into close quarters to minimize his capacity
for inflicting damage on you.Your best bet here is to target him from a distance and then, as he
follows you, return to the level start position. You'll want to fight in closed quarters because one
hit from the Demonlord's missiles along the walkway may knock you into the lava. There's really
not a lot of strategy to apply here, so unload your heaviest artillery and hope for the best. Once
he is defeated, proceed along the walkway to the Demonlord's quarters and continue ahead to
reach the level exit.


Venture through the crater to reach the mothership.

>From the beginning of the level, walk to the elevator ahead and press the button on your left.
This will carry you up the lift. Once you step off the platform, blast the crates to find a
Flashlight, a Flare, and a Super Health Pack. A bit further ahead, you'll also find an Auto-Mag.

In the next room, you'll see lots of boxes and crates. Power up your Flashlight and be ready to be
rushed by Skaarj Pupae and Assassins. A number of them are lurking here, so take your time and
clear the room. Throughout, you'll find numerous Med-Kits, Jump Boots, and an Eightball Gun.
When the action cools down, walk to the opposite end of the room and walk down the ramp.

Downstairs, you'll find yourself in another dark room. This is the power room. The two most
significant things you can see are a flashing red panel and a flashing orange panel. Touch the red
panel to turn on the generator and restore the lights, then press the orange panel. This will
activate an intruder alert signal and open another door upstairs. With the power back on, return
up the ramp.

Back in the storage room, you'll encounter some more Skaarj troops. Fight them off and make
your way to the walkway along the edge of the room. This leads to a now open door to another
section. Collect the Flare and Med Kits here, then enter the door and turn right. At the end of this
hall, you'll see another button on your left. Press the button and step on the triangular platform to
continue up to the next section.

Once in the upper section, destroy the crates to find Eightballs, Rifle Rounds, Tarydium Sludge,
Tarydium Shards, Flak Shells, and an ASMD Core. From here, walk to the room ahead, touch
the control panel, and the following message appears:

Press the control panel to activate the transport field. "Portal Gate: Link established. Enter
transport field."

Now, turn left and follow the hallway to reach the transport field.

After walking through the transport field, you'll be aboard the ship. There are a couple more
Skaarj here, so be careful. To finish the level, walk across the room and enter the doorway

Mothership Basement

Mothership Basement is one of the shorter, easier levels you'll encounter. Just make your way to
the lab.

To begin, walk down the long hallway, making sure to grab the ASMD on your left. At the end
of the hall, quickly turn around and be prepared to face a Skaarj Trooper. With him dispatched,
walk down the right hall, and you'll see some strange purple lasers.

Brave the laser trap to collect some goodies. On the other end of the laser trap room is a Super
Health Pack and some Eightballs. To avoid damage, time the movement of the beams and slowly
walk underneath each. When you have the power-ups, return to the main hall and walk down the
left hall that leads to the basement.

In the basement, walk along the upper walkway on the edge of the room to reach the elevator
platform on the other side. Be on the lookout though for another Skaarj Trooper stationed here.
After eliminating the Trooper, take the elevator down and walk to the purple platform in the
center of the room. Once on the platform, it will begin to rise and elevate you to the next level.

Mothership Lab

In this area of horrid experimentation, override the generators to continue deeper into the

Starting out, you'll be facing a Skaarj right away. Gun him down, then examine the room that
contains many types of equipment displaying holograms. Walk down the hall, and you'll find
another opening in the wall where another Skaarj Trooper guards some machinery. When he is
removed, check the machine to get the message:

"Intruder detected. Protect the Source at any cost. Intruder must be halted before penetrating the
Source's defensive perimeter."

Obviously, the Skaarj will now be actively patrolling for you. Continue down the hall, and you'll
find a red button on your right. Press the button and quickly step on the lift ahead. It will take
you the upper section.

On the upper level, walk down the hallway and collect the Flare, ASMD Core, and Med Kits
along the way. At the end of the hall, walk up the stairway on your left. This leads to an
important junction with four paths.

To begin, walk right and continue down the greenish-tunnel. There may be an enemy waiting at
the end, so keep your defenses up. In this room, you'll find a Kevlar Suit and Rifle Rounds.
You'll also see a red button on the wall. Press the button and return to the junction.

This time, you'll want to walk down the left path, which holds a transport field. Enter the field,
and you'll appear on a long walkway. At the end of the walkway, you'll find a Skaarj Warrior,
Tarydium Sludge, and an Eightball Gun. Be careful when you attempt to grab the Eightball Gun
or you may tumble off of the walkway to your death. After collecting the goodies, turn right and
walk up the ramp. This will lead to a path that holds an ASMD Core, Rifle Rounds, and
Eightballs. Beyond these, look for the door that leads to a platform holding Flak Shells, Razor
Blades, and an Assault Vest. When you have all that you can carry, turn around and return to the

Back at the junction, walk down the hallway to the left of the greenish tunnel. This also contains
a transport field. Once through the transport field, you'll find an abundance of items in the new
area. Among them are Med-Kits, Tarydium Shards, Razor Blades, and an Eightball Gun. When
you have everything, walk to the door on your left and enter the energy center.

In the energy center, walk to the computer console atop the stairs, and you'll receive the
following message:

"Report 190: Shrk'Tajji 2nd Lesser Eye of Ess'Tajji observing. We are ready for the next
experiment. We expect an 18 percent drop in Power Reserves from 100 percent levels. The test
subject is in place and the Tarydium is prepared for charging."

Now, press the button here and return back to the junction once more.

When you reach the junction, there is now only one more path to take. This is the hall between
the two transport field halls. If you came here earlier, you would have found the message:

"Access Denied: Power reserves at 100 percent"

And the door was locked. Now, however, you can pass through. Beyond the door, step onto the
central platform, which will lift you to the next door. In the hallway, you'll find some Med Kits
and Rifle Rounds. There may be another Skaarj Warrior lurking here as well. Continue through,
and when you pass through the next doorway, walk across the room to the metal plate on the
floor. This will unveil a new stairway for you to climb.

Mothership Core

Explore the central area of the mothership.

>From the beginning of the level, climb the stairs. To your right, you'll see a Shield Belt in the
elevator area. Grab the item, and the elevator platform will descend with a Skaarj. Shoot the
Skaarj, then ride the platform up. On the next floor, hop off the platform and turn right. This will
lead to a power room with a few Skaarj. Take them out and collect the Stinger and Med Kit
before exiting through the other door. As you leave, you'll see a Skaarj working behind a green
field. Ignore him for now, because you can't get in the room yet. You'll get your chance later.

In many parts of this level, a green energy field will block your way. Don't worry about that for
the moment, as you'll bring the field down soon. Then you'll have complete access to these areas.
Continue down the right pathway, and you'll come to a brownish red door with the message:

"Access Denied: The intruder must be eliminated. All warmasters are being routed to this area
upon arrival from the Source."

Keep this location in mind and proceed to your left. To get this door to open, you must take out
all the Skaarj lurking in this area, so keep your trigger finger on alert, as there are many foes
here. A bit ahead, you'll find a sloped walkway down on your right. Walk down to gain an
Assault Vest, then search under the flanking ramps to find a Flare, ASMD Core, Flak Shells,
Rifle Rounds, Eightballs, and a Med Kit. Behind the platform with the Assault Vest, is a small
room barred by a green field. Again, keep this location in mind, as you'll drop the energy field
and gain access later. Return back up to the main walkway and continue down to the right. Here
you'll find some small nooks with a Bullets, Tarydium Shards, and Eightballs.

When you have defeated all the Skaarj here, return to the locked brownish red door, and it will
be open with a sloped walkway down leading in. Shoot the Skaarj emerging here and walk
straight ahead to the lift, then ride it up.

On the next floor, walk to your right and continue along until you see a short green energy
bridge. This leads to a computer panel that grants you security access when you press it. From
here, walk to the security post and ride the elevator platform up to a new room. Push the button
here, then cross the hall to the next room. Here you will see a purple laser trap. Avoid the lasers
and grab the Shield Belt, Flak Shells, and Med Kit, then return back down the platform. From
here, walk down the next hall to collect the Super Health Pack, then cross the walkway over the
chasm to reach a hallway with a red button. After pressing the button, return to the computer
panel that gave you security access and follow the walkway to the right to reach the core door.
Along the way, you'll find an ASMD and some Tarydium Sludge. Collect it all before heading on
to the Skaarj generator

At the top of the stairs, you'll enter another doorway. Inside, there will be one final Skaarj to deal
with. When he is defeated, collect the Super Health pack and push the button. From here, trace
your steps back to the central platform you rode in the last hall of the junction. There will now
be a new walkway to the level exit point.

Back at the junction, walk down the hallway to the left of the greenish tunnel. This also contains
a transport field. Once through the transport field, you'll find an abundance of items in the new
area. Among them are Med-Kits, Tarydium Shards, Razor Blades, and an Eightball Gun. When
you have everything, walk to the door on your left and enter the energy center.

In the energy center, walk to the computer console atop the stairs, and you'll receive the
following message:

"Report 190: Shrk'Tajji 2nd Lesser Eye of Ess'Tajji observing. We are ready for the next
experiment. We expect an 18 percent drop in Power Reserves from 100 percent levels. The test
subject is in place and the Tarydium is prepared for charging."

Now, press the button here and return back to the junction once more.

When you reach the junction, there is now only one more path to take. This is the hall between
the two transport field halls. If you came here earlier, you would have found the message:

"Access Denied: Power reserves at 100 percent"

And the door was locked. Now, however, you can pass through. Beyond the door, step onto the
central platform, which will lift you to the next door. In the hallway, you'll find some Med Kits
and Rifle Rounds. There may be another Skaarj Warrior lurking here as well. Continue through,
and when you pass through the next doorway, walk across the room to the metal plate on the
floor. This will unveil a new stairway for you to climb.

At the top of the stairs, you'll enter another doorway. Inside, there will be one final Skaarj to deal
with. When he is defeated, collect the Super Health pack and push the button. From here, trace
your steps back to the central platform you rode in the last hall of the junction. There will now
be a new walkway to the level exit point.

Skaarj Generator

Destroy the generator that powers the core of the mothership.

As you begin the level, you'll find a Flak Cannon and a Searchlight in the entry hall. Collect
both, then prepare for a real firefight. Once you step into the main arena, you'll have you're hands
full with Skaarj after Skaarj attacking you. The key here is to stay on the move and pick each
opponent off one at a time. If you try to stand and fight, the Skaarj will soon overwhelm you. On
the bright side, a number of Med Kits and even a pair of Jump Boots are scattered throughout the
room, so keep this in mind if you get into any serious trouble.

Disable the three green power cores to disable the Skaarj generator. When the horde of Skaarj
are finally defeated, you must deal with one more foe: a Demonlord. Again, stay on the move
and try to avoid the missiles he'll be spewing in an attempt to gun you down. Once he is
defeated, a platform will lower into the center of the room. Walk to the platform, and it will
carry you up into the generator. When it stops, shoot the three power cores to destroy the
generator and move on to the next level.


This is perhaps the shortest level you'll face. It presents only one simple challenge: avoid the
generator's explosion!

You've just destroyed the Skaarj generator, but the problem is, you must avoid the debris from
the explosion. If you stand in the center of the room, the debris will flatten you instantly.
Therefore, simply run for the outskirts of the room! And, once the explosion ends, exit through
the doorway to return to the mothership core. It's as easy as that.

The Darkening

With the power down, return to the core to explore with unlimited freedom.

Back in the mothership core, you'll notice one key difference. The power is off, and the level is
pitch black. To remedy the problem, use your Searchlight. The first thing you'll see is Skaarj
Pupae closing in on you. Continue down the corridor, and you can get lots of items including
Flares, Eightballs, Med-Kits, and Flak Shells. At the end of the corridor, drop down the opening.

Now with the power down, you can get the goodies that were previously unobtainable. After
jumping down, you'll gain some more items, like an ASMD Core, Rifle Rounds, a Shield Belt,
and Bullets. Walk down the hallway to the right, and you'll be back where you began the original
mothership core level.

Once again, you'll face a Skaarj on the lift. Kill him and proceed back the upper level. From
here, turn right and return to the chamber with the Skaarj behind the green force field from
earlier. Now, however, the field is down, so take him out and collect the Rifle Rounds, Super
Health Pack, Flak Shells, and two ASMD Cores. Exit the room and walk straight ahead along the
path until you reach the ramp into the lower chambers, then slide down.

In the lower chambers, be ready for a Skaarj Gunner who awaits you, then take the elevator
platform up. Next, turn left and fight off another Skaarj before entering the room. Continue
down the hall to the right to find a fork-shaped machine. Touch the machine, and you'll see a
hologram appear. (What does it say?)

>From here, back out to the previous room and walk along the green raised platform. This will
open the door to the source antechamber. Continue on and face your destiny.

The Source Antechamber

Collect as much as you can before heading for the final battle.

The source antechamber is the pathway to reaching the queen. To begin, you'll see an elevator
platform from which you are barred entrance. To open the bars, walk down either corridor; they
both lead to the same place. In the corridor, be prepared to face a Skaarj Lord guarding the red
button that unlocks the elevator. After taking him out, press the button and return to the elevator.

Your destiny with fate awaitsIt will take you up to a new platform with a green energy bridge.
However, before crossing the bridge, search the rooms to your left and right to collect an ASMD
Core, Razor Blades, Bullets, a Flak Cannon, Rifle Rounds, and an Assault Vest. Face it, you're
going to need all the firepower you can get to survive the final battle.

Once your armed to the teeth, cross the energy bridge and drop into the hole to reach the source.

The Source

Dethrone the Queen to win the game!

After arriving in the level, walk straight on the path through the next few doorways, including
the swirling blue portal. At the last door, you'll find a pair of Super Jump Boots. At this point,
get ready for the final battle.

When you walk into the Queen's chambers, you'll find her waiting for you. Keep moving and
shooting to take her down. Her pattern is to teleport in front of you, scream, then fire her energy
projectiles. Your job is to blast her when she appears in front of you, then quickly start to move
before she can retaliate.
Let's get ready to rumble!One of the problems in this level is that there are no health power-ups.
Keep this in mind and avoid risky maneuvers. After she is finished, you'll face a horde of Skaarj
Pupae. Again, stay on the move and gun them down. They're not very tough, but they are pesky.
Once you've defeated enough enemies, you can open the door across the room. Beyond the door,
you'll find a long hallway that leads to an escape pod. Upon reaching the end of the hallway, you
will be treated to the ending sequence.

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