Planescape: Torment

Planescape: Torment

15.10.2013 12:59:04
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F A Q & W A L K T H R O U G H
V E R S I O N 1 . 0 3
AUTHOR : BahamutZero
DATE : June 28, 2000
VERSION : 1.03
A. Version 1.xx
A. Nameless One
B. Morte
C. Dak'kon
A. The Mortuary
B. The Hive
A. Quests
B. Alignments
C. Factions
E. Items
F. Trainers
G. Thanks

You can find and download this FAQ from:

These are the only sites that have my permission to post this FAQ. If you downloaded it
from other site please inform me.

A. Version 1.xx
Version 1.00 (09/05/00) - First version released

Version 1.01 (09/06/00) - Updated the walkthrough and items list
Added some quests
Some minor updates

Version 1.02 (09/08/00) - Updated the walkthrough and items list
Added some quests
Added Where to Download section

Version 1.03 (??/??/00) - Updated the walkthrough and items list
Added more quests
Added the Character Creation section
Added the Trainers section

A. Nameless One
Human Male - Lv3 Fighter - True Neutral (Alignment changes during game)

?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
·Raise Dead:
Excellent special ability that lets you resurrect any dead PARTY MEMBER that has died
while in the party. It won't work if you dismiss dead party members and then try to
revive them.
This ability will let you communicate with the dead in some parts of the game. It will
also let you understand the zombie language while in the Dead Nations. You can learn
this ability from Stale Mary.
I feel like I've woken up inside someone's dream. I don't know who I am...
I don't know how I got here... and I don't know how to get out.

First thing I remember is crawling off a metal slab in some vaulted monstrosity
called the Mortuary, and some floating skull asking me a bunch of damned questions.

I've lost my memory, I've lost my possessions, and the only thing I seem to
know is that I can get stabbed, beaten, burned... and I get better. This
regeneration of mine hasn't done much for my looks, but no one seems to notice.

I need to figure out who I am and how I got this way... I feel like
something's missing, something inside, but I don't know what.
You can only reach one Lv7 and one Lv12 specialization. You can't specialize as a Lv7
Fighter and then as a Lv7 Mage. However, you can specialize first as a Lv7 Fighter and
then as a Lv12 Mage.

Lv7 Fighter +1 STR, 4 Maximum Proficiency level
Lv12 Fighter +1 STR, +1 CON, +3 HP, 5 Maximum Proficiency level

Lv7 Mage +1 INT
Lv12 Mage +2 INT, +1 WIS, +5 Lore Skill

Lv7 Thief +1 DEX
Lv12 Thief +2 DEX, +1 Luck

B. Morte
Morte Male - Lv2 Fighter - Chaotic Good

12 13 09 16 16 06 20 04 19
·Litany of Curses:
Excellent and extremely useful ability throughout the entire game. Morte will unleash
a series of insults and taunts that will make the targeted enemy to chase Morte and
engage him in melee combat. This ability is especially useful on enemy mages as it
will prevent them from casting their spells.

UPGRADE: You can upgrade Morte's Litany of Curses in the following places:
·Harlot in The Hive:
Talk to any Harlot in the Hive and let Morte have fun with her. She will insult you
eventually allowing Morte to increase his cursing capability.
·Craddock in The Hive, SW Area:
Complete Craddock's quest and inform him of Jhelai's comments. He will become
furious and unleash a series of insults and curses which Morte can learn.
Of course you got questions about me - you probably have questions about ALL sorts of
things. Let me boil it down for you: when you've been as dead as long as I have...
without arms, legs, or anything else, you spend a lot of time thinking, y'know? I figure
it's been a few hundred years since I got penned in the dead book, but time doesn't
really tally up the way it used to... without that mortality thing pressing down on you,
all the days and nights kind of blend together. So you think about this, and you think
about that... and the most important piece of wisdom I've learned over the past hundred
or so years is this: There's a LOT more obscene gestures you can make with your eyes and
your jaw than most people think. Without even resorting to insults or tauntings, you can
really light a bonfire under someone just with the right combination of eye movements
and jaw clicking. Drives them barmy! If you ever get beheaded and your skin flayed from
your skull, I'll show you how it's done. I got some real gems, chief - they'd drive a
deva to murder, they would.

I know what you're thinking: I'm dead. I've lost so much. It should have sobered me up
to all that joy I missed, all those loves I've lost. Some people get all depressed about
death - they haven't TRIED it, of course - but one thing they never seem to realize is
how it changes your perspectives on things; it really makes you take a second look at
life, broaden your horizons. For me, it's pretty much made me realize how many dead
chits are in this berg and how few sharp-tongued men like myself there are to go around
- you spin the wheel right, and your years of spending nights alone are over!

Shallow? I'm not shallow. I just don't get caught up in all that philosophy and faith
and belief wash that every berk from Arborea to the Gray Waste rattle their jaws about.
Who cares? The Planes are what they are, you're what you are, and if it changes, fine,
but things aren't bad the way they are - and I should know. Go on, ask me some questions
about the Planes, or the chant, or the people, or the cultures - when you end up like me
- without eyelids, that is - you end up seeing a lot of things, and I can tell you
almost everything you need to know.

It's like this: We're in this together, chief. Until this is over, I stick like your

C. Dak'kon
Githzerai Male - Lv3 Fighter/Lv3 Mage - Lawful Neutral

17 13 13 16 16 13 33 02 18
My past is not known to you. It is not my will that you should know it.

Know that I bear the scars of one who has traveled the Planes. Know that I have never
rested long in any one place. Know that I bear the weight of one who has traveled far to
be in this place.

Know that I am a githzerai. Know that I am of the people of Zerthimon.

It was Zerthimon who knew the githzerai before we knew ourselves. He knew what had to be
done to free us. From his knowing, came action. From his knowing, freedom was born. The
githzerai ceased to be slaves and became a people.

Know that I follow the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon. His words are known to me. His
heart is known to me.

All that remains is that I know myself.

STR: This ability score represents your raw strength. A high Strength allows you to carry
¯¯¯¯ more weight and makes your melee attacks more accurate and damaging.

¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
09 0 0 50 9 18/60 +2 +3 250 30
10 0 0 70 10 18/90 +2 +4 280 35
11 0 0 70 11 18/99 +2 +5 320 40
12 0 0 90 12 18/00 +3 +6 400 45
13 0 0 90 13 19 +3 +7 500 50
14 0 0 120 14 20 +3 +8 600 55
15 0 0 120 15 21 +4 +9 700 60
16 0 +1 150 16 22 +4 +10 800 65
17 +1 +1 170 18 23 +5 +11 1000 70
18 +1 +2 200 20 24 +6 +12 1200 75
18/30 +1 +3 220 25 25 +7 +14 1600 80
INT: This ability score represents your memory, reasoning, and deductive skills. A high
¯¯¯¯ Intelligence helps you regain memories faster, gives you more dialogue options, and
aids your mage skills.

¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
09 4th 35% 6
10 5th 40% 7
11 5th 45% 7
12 6th 50% 7
13 6th 55% 9
14 7th 60% 9
15 7th 65% 11
16 8th 70% 11
17 8th 75% 14
18 9th 85% 18
19 9th 95% All
20 9th 96% All
21 9th 97% All
22 9th 98% All
23 9th 99% All
24 9th 100% All
25 9th 100% All
WIS: This ability score represents your intuition, common sense, and will power. A high
¯¯¯¯ Wisdom helps you recall memories and gives you a bonus to experience points.

¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
09 0% 15 8% 21 23%
10 0% 16 10% 22 25%
11 0% 17 13% 23 27%
12 0% 18 15% 24 30%
13 2% 19 18% 25 35%
14 5% 20 20%
DEX: This ability score represents your agility, reflexes and hand-eye coordination. A
¯¯¯¯ high Dexterity makes you harder to hit and aids your thief skills.

¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
09 0 0 15 +1 0 21
10 0 0 16 +2 +1 22
11 0 0 17 +3 +2 23
12 0 0 18 +4 24
13 0 0 19 25
14 0 0 20
CON: This ability score represents your physique, hardiness and state of health. A high
¯¯¯¯ Constitution gives you more hit points, and in the Nameless One's case, a faster
regeneration rate as well.

CHA: This ability score represents your persuasiveness, personal magnetism, and ability
¯¯¯¯ to lead. The higher your Charisma, the more favorably others will react toward you.

Area AR0202: The Mortuary, 2nd Floor
As soon as you wake up you will be introduced to [Morte], the first NPC. He will join
your party. He will be a valuable yet mysterious companion. His special abilities are
very useful throughout the game.
Morte (Morte): Lv2 Fighter, Chaotic Good
12 13 09 16 16 06 20 04 19
[QUEST]: Find "Pharod"

[QUEST]: Find your missing journal

Follow Morte's advice and get the [Scalpel]. Use the [Scalpel] to kill the three zombies
in the room. You will find [Bandages] (x2) and the [Preparation Room Key]. Use the key
to unlock the door and proceed to the next room. There's nothing important in this room
except for a zombie that walks in a triangle-shaped pattern. [Morte] will comment
something about a Rule-of-the-Three but it is unimportant. Open the gate and go into the
next room. Talk to Zombie #396 to get [Bandages]. Then examine Zombie #1201 and you'll
notice a note in its mouth. Use the [Scalpel] to cut through the stitches and pull out
the [Note From Corpse #1201] [EXP: 250].

[ACTION]: Use the note and fold its corners in the following order: Upper Right, Lower
Right, Upper Left and Upper Right again [EXP: 250]. You'll receive an
unidentified [Ancient Copper Earring (Closed)].

You'll find [Dhall] the scribe in the room. He has interesting information on your
cursed condition. He also mentions something about [Pharod]. Make sure you talk to him.
He carries [Dhall's Quill Pen] which you can obtain by killing him or stealing from him
(later in the game).
Dhall (X=1330 Y=1240)
09 09 09 09 09 09 04 10 20
After you're finished with [Dhall] talk to Zombie #1664 in the next room. Examine the
books its carrying and take the [Receiving Log Page]. Read it to find something more
about [Pharod]. Go to the next room and talk to Zombie #506. Examine the stitches and
cut them with the [Scalpel] [EXP: 100]. You'll get some [Needle and Thread]. You can get
a weird weapon, the [Corpse Limb #985] by talking to Zombie #985. If you touch the
zombie it will collapse and his arm will separate from his body. Talk to [Ei-Vene] and
she will give you a quest. You can also watch her hands to trigger a memory about
storing some items inside worker #42 [EXP: 250].
Ei-Vene (X=3150 Y=790)
09 09 09 09 09 09 04 10 20
[QUEST]: Fetch Embalming Fluid and Needle for Ei-Vene

After talking to [Ei-Vene] go to the next room and meet [Vaxis]. If you ask for help he
will ask you to get him some key.
Vaxis (X=3550 Y=1530)
09 09 09 09 09 09 06 08 20
[QUEST]: Fetch Embalming Key for Vaxis

You can also ask Vaxis to disguise you as a zombie. You will need a jar of [Embalming
Fluid] and some [Needle and Thread] [EXP: 500]. You can find the items for [Ei-Vene] in
the next room. Pick them up and take them to her. Play zombie as she works on your scars
to have your max HP increased by +1 [EXP: 250]. After she finishes ask her about the
[Embalming Key] and she will give it to you [EXP: 250]. Take it to [Vaxis] [EXP: 250]
and he will tell you how you can escape from the Mortuary. Ask him where you can get the
crooked finger to get some more experience [EXP: 250]. If you want you can turn [Vaxis]
to [Dhall] for some extra experience [EXP: 250]. Now go to the third floor.
Area AR0203: The Mortuary, 3rd Floor
The third floor is filled with Dustman initiates and undead workers. Once a Dustman
spots you it will chase you to ask some questions.

[ACTION]: If you have high enough Dexterity (12+) you can kill a Dustman by snapping
his neck [EXP: 250]. You only get this experience the first time you kill

Examine Skeleton #863 at X=740 Y=920 and take the [Mortuary Reminder Message]. You can
get an [Iron Prybar] at X=2050 Y=2350 if you need to open locked cabinets or if you
don't have enough Strength (13+) to make the skeleton workers collapse. If you have the
Ancient Copper Earring you can examine the markings of Zombie #79 at X=1670 Y=2440 and
compare them with those on the earring.

[ACTION]: You can now open the earring by following the marks on the zombie. By doing
this you will open the earring turning it into an [Ancient Copper Earring
(Hollow)] [EXP: 250].

If you had the memory about the zombie while talking to [Ei-Vene] you can examine
Skeleton #42 and reclaim some items. You can also do this if your Wisdom is high enough
(13+) and you didn't had the memory flash.

[ACTION]: Examine Skeleton #42 at X=1850 Y=2000 and follow the directions in the
memory. You'll find an item. Examine it to find a couple of useful items
[EXP: 250]. [Clot Charm] (x2), [Green Steel Knife] and [Rags].

Examine the cabinet at X=850 Y=2000 to find the [Mortuary Sanctum Key]. With this key
you will be able to reach the 1st floor and the exit. Go back to the 2nd floor and open
the gate to the 1st floor.
Area AR0201: The Mortuary, 1st Floor
Examine Zombie #732 at X=3760 Y=1920 and take the [Tome of Bone and Ash] from him. If
you go to the front door you will meet [Soego], a mysterious Dustman. If you didn't turn
[Vaxis] to [Dhall], you can now turn him in to [Soego].
Soego (X=1810 Y=2680)
09 09 09 09 09 09 16 06 17
Don't try to snap his neck or you will fail and he will raise the alarm. Instead try to
convince him to open the gate for you [EXP: 500]. The center area is guarded by four
giant skeletons. If you examine their armor and have a high Intelligence (16+) you can
read the symbols in their armor [EXP: 500] and find a way to disenchant them. First,
dispel the warding enchantment and then the others. This way, the Giant Skeleton will
collapse giving you some experience points [EXP: 800]. Repeat this with all skeletons.
Examine their corpses to find the remains of their enchanted armors which contain some
protection spells that you can copy to any Mage Spell Book. After defeating the four
skeletons go to the northwestern part and talk to the ghost, [Deionarra].
Deionarra (X=1070 Y=1030)
09 09 09 09 09 09 32000 -20 10
She will clue you on a very important part of your past. Pay attention to everything she
says. Tell her you feel the stirrings of your memory. Then ask her if she knows who you
are. Keep talking about you and you will recover your Raise Dead ability [EXP: 1000].
Then ask her if she knows how to leave. Ask her in a delicate way and she will tell you
about the portals [EXP: 500]. Then leave the Mortuary via the portal that lies near
Deionarra's resting place.
Area AR0206: Tomb
Pick up the 30 [Copper Commons] and [Penn's Note] before leaving the area. As soon as
you enter the Tomb your disguise will disappear. After picking up the items leave the
area and you will have reached the Hive.

Area AR0200: The Hive, NE Area
Talk to any Dabus in the area. The Dabus are the floating white-haired people that wield
a hammer and repair any damaged part of the Hive. Anyways, talk to one of them and, if
you have a high Intelligence (13+), you can learn their strange language [EXP: 500]. You
can also learn their language and you'll get more experience if you have a high Wisdom
(13+) [EXP: 1000]. Talk to any Harlot in the area and ask her about [Pharod], you'll
have to pay her some copper commons to loosen her tongue [EXP: 250]. If you let [Morte]
have some fun with her she will teach him some new curses to improve his Litany of
Curses special ability. Now find and talk to [Baen the Sender] at X=1000 Y=2340 or near.
Baen the Sender (X=1000 Y=2340)
09 09 09 09 09 09 05 09 20
[QUEST]: Find Craddock for Baen the Sender

Now find the brown-dressed woman running around like mad. She is [Ingress] and needs
your help. Talk to her to learn that she needs to find a portal back to her home. Tell
her that you will help her.
Ingress (X=???? Y=????)
09 09 09 09 09 09 08 08 20
[QUEST]: Find a way to help Ingress

After talking to [Ingress] go to the Dustman monolith and talk to [Sev'Tai] at X= 980
Y=1450 to find that she needs help. Agree to help her.
Sev'Tai (X=980 Y=1450)
09 09 09 09 09 09 05 09 20
[QUEST]: Help Sev'Tai get her revenge

You can talk to [Pox] by the Mortuary entrance to make him smuggle you inside. You can
pretend to be dead if you have high Charisma (13+) and be smuggled like that [EXP: 500]
or you can be killed to get inside. If you let [Pox] smuggle you into the Mortuary you
get some more experience [EXP: 500]. Now talk to ["The Post"] at X=1320 Y=2800.
"The Post" (X=1320 Y=2800)
09 09 09 09 09 09 12 08 19
Examine his body to find a [Cobblestone] in his head. Remove it to obtain some
experience [EXP: 250]. Now examine the graffitti on his body to learn the direction of
Pharod's hideout [EXP: 500]. Now go to Angyar's House. It is the lower right house, just
south of the Tomb.
Area AR0103: Angyar's House
Talk to [Angyar] but don't threaten or provoke him. Instead talk to his wife.
Wife-of-Angyar (X=440 Y=320)
09 09 09 09 09 09 04 08 20
Ask her what's wrong with her husband and she will tell you that he has signed one of
the Dustman's Dead Contracts. Agree to help her undo the Contract and she will tell you
to seek [Mortai Gravesend] at the Gathering Dust Bar.

[QUEST]: Free Angyar from his Dead Contract and return it to him and his wife
Area AR0205: The Gathering Dust Bar
Talk to [Emoric] and ask him about [Pharod]. Offer your help to find the source of
Pharod's bodies. [Emoric] will tell you to seek other collectors to find Pharod's
Emoric (X=610 Y=570)
09 09 09 09 09 09 35 08 18
[QUEST]: Find the "source" of Pharod's bodies for Emoric

You can also talk to [Emoric] to join the Dustmen faction. He will hear your request and
then send you to talk to [Norochj].

[QUEST]: Talk to Norochj for Emoric, and do what Norochj asks of you

Now talk to [Norochj] at X=1130 Y=860 and mention the posting outside the bar. He will
tell you about the problems in the Mausoleum and the way to get into it.
Norochj (X=1130 Y=860)
09 09 09 09 09 09 07 08 20
[QUEST]: Look into the matter of the mausoleum's walking dead

Talk to [Norochj] again and tell him that [Emoric] sent you. He will tell you about the
thief disguised as a Dustman. Offer your help in this matter and [Norochj] will reward
you should you succeed.

[QUEST]: Track down a thief disguised as a Dustman

You can sign a Dead Contract with the following people:
- [Emoric]: To sign with him talk to him and then talk to [Mortai Gravesend]. Ask him
about [Emoric] and he will give you information. Then talk to [Emoric] again and ask
him to sign the Contract. He will give you 50 [Copper Commons] [EXP: 500]. Finish
signing the Contract to receive some more experience [EXP: 250].
- [Mortai Gravesend]: Talk to him and ask him about Initiate [Emoric]. Tell him you
were planning on signing the Contract with him. He will raise the Contract rate to a
hundred coins. Sign the Contract [EXP: 500] and he will give you 50 [Copper Commons]
and a little bit of extra experience [EXP: 250].
- [Old Coppereyes]: Signing the Contract with him will bring you no profit.

Now talk to [Mortai Gravesend]._________________________________________________________________________________________
Mortai Gravesend (X=1060 Y=650)
09 09 09 09 09 09 07 08 19
Talk to him about Angyar's Dead Contract. To get [Angyar's Dead Contract] you can do one
of the following things:
- If you know the Dustman philosophy you can tell Mortai that the Contract is
preventing [Angyar] from reaching the True Death. Continue pressing him and he will
give you the Contract [EXP: 500].
- Ask him to fetch the Contract and then steal it from him.
Go back to Angyar's House and tear the contract in front of him [EXP: 750]. Now talk to
him and ask him about [Pharod]. He will give you useful information on how to find the
Collector [EXP: 500]. He will also let you rest for free in his house. Return to the
Gathering Dust Bar and talk to [Mortai Gravesend] again. Now walk to X=600 Y=1060 to
find the portal leading to the Mausoleum.
Area AR0208: The Mausoleum
As soon as you enter the mausoleum a [Guardian Spirit] will approach and talk to you.
You can ask him why is he disturbed and he will tell you about the intruder in the inner
chambers. You can help the spirit get rid of the intruder to gain free access to the

[QUEST]: Defeat the intruder in the Mausoleum for the Guardian Spirit

Beware of the traps while in the Mausoleum. There are many of them. The Skeleton Workers
roam the area but they are fairly easy to defeat. There are also a couple of Giant
Skeletons that are harder but not impossible. Search the following containers for
·X=3680 Y=600 - [Rags]
·X=3600 Y=720 - [Bandages] (x2)
·X=3800 Y=780 - [Clot Charm]
·X=3850 Y=1170 - [Copper Commons] (x11)
·X=2060 Y=3100 - [Bandages] (x3)
·X=1900 Y=3000 - [Heart Charm]
·X=3600 Y=1600 - [Bone Charm]
·X=3500 Y=1480 - [Rags]
·X=3120 Y=1150 - [Bandages]
·X=340 Y=2000 - [Silver Ring]
·X=1730 Y=1530 - [Copper Commons] (x7)
·X=2600 Y=2150 - [Bandages] (x2)
After collecting all the treasure enter the Necromancer's hideout.
Area AR0209: Mausoleum, Inner Chamber
As soon as you enter the inner chamber, the Necromancer, [Strahan Runeshadow] will talk
to you. He will taunt you and then attack you. He is easy to defeat if you use Morte's
Litany of Curses. After you defeat him search the room to find some treasure. Leave the
Inner Sanctum and the [Guardian Spirit] will approach you and thank you for taking care
of his problem. He will also grant you free passage through the Mausoleum and give you
valuable experience points [EXP: 2000]. Return to the Gathering Dust Bar and talk to
[Norochj]. Tell him that you solved the problem [EXP: 1000] and he will reward you
depending on your Charisma: 16+: [Copper Commons] (x300), [Bandages] (x3)
13-15: [Copper Commons] (x200)
12-: [Copper Commons] (x100)
Area AR0400: The Hive, SE Area
Find three Starved Dogs Barking thugs and kill them. Beware as they are stronger than
ordinary thugs and can give you a headache if you are not careful. Use Morte's Litany of
Curses as [Morte] has a high Armor Class and the thugs will find it difficult to hit
him. Once you defeat three of them return to [Sev'Tai] to collect the reward, a [Copper
Earring] [EXP: 250]. Then find and talk to the [Damsel in Distress] near X=2220 Y=650.
When she asks for help don't accept immediately. Instead, ask her some questions to
learn that it is a trap. Make her confess to earn some easy experience points [EXP:
500]. If you choose to help her you'll be ambushed by 4 Hive Thugs. Talk to
[Mourns-for-Trees] at X=2220 Y=570. Listen to the problems with the trees and agree to
help him [EXP: 500].

[ACTION]: Talk to [Barking-Wilder] at X=3520 Y=1630. If you have enough Intelligence
(14+) or enough Wisdom (14+) you can start by growling at him. Then mention
something about the moon. Ask him about your journals and he will give you
interesting information [EXP: 1000].
Area AR0402: Smoldering Corpse bar
Talk to [Drusilla] at X=940 Y=1310 to learn more about the burning man. She will tell
you his name is [Ignus] and she was her lover. He is now a living flame but there is a
possibility to bring him back to life. Talk to [Dak'kon] the Githzerai.
Dak'kon (Githzerai): Lv3 Fighter/Lv3 Mage, Lawful Neutral
17 13 13 16 16 13 33 02 18
Talk to him about the city and you will engage in some kind of debate. If you have a
high Intelligence or a high Wisdom (13+) you can express your opinions about order and
chaos [EXP: 500]. After that, [Dak'kon] will offer to join your group. Accept his help
without second thoughts [EXP: 1000]; he is a very valuable companion. Talk to [Candrian]
at X=560 Y=1160 now. He is an experienced Planewalker. Mention [Ingress] and he will
tell you he can help her. Return to [Ingress] and tell her what you found. Then return
and talk to [Candrian]. He will give you Ingress' reward, [Ingress' Teeth], a useful
weapon for [Morte] [EXP: 750]. Talk to [Candrian] again and ask him about the Negative
Material Plane. He will give you a [Negative Token]. Then talk to [Ebb Creakknees]. He
has interesting information regarding Sigil and some ancient wars. Then talk to [Alais]
and ask him about the patrons of the bar. He will tell you about Ebb. If you have enough
Intelligence (13+) you can explain to him what planes of existence are [EXP: 250]. It is
now very important that you talk to O at X=1050 Y=870. Ask him about the secrets of
existence and he will show you his powers thus increasing your Wisdom by +1. Talk to
[Barkis] and he will tell you about how you destroyed the bar fifteen years ago.
Eventually, he will sell you your former eye. Buy it and insert it into your eye socket
[EXP: 1000] to receive a memory. Thanks to the memory you will receive 1 extra Unused
Proficiency Slot. Ask him about the patrons and he will eventually offer you a little

[QUEST]: Resolve a bar tab

Talk to [Mochai] at X=2000 Y=1010 and resolve the situation. You can accomplish this by
paying part of Mochai's debt, or by poisoning her drink with some [Embalming Fluid]. If
you realize she is not a real Dustman you can make her give you some money in exchange
for your silence. Go back to [Barkis] to earn some experience points [EXP: 1000].

[ACTION]: You can steal approximately 300 [Copper Commons] from [Ebb Creakknees].

After you get [Dak'kon] in your party talk to [Mourns-for-Trees]. Ask [Dak'kon] to help
with the trees and he will accept. Then ask Mourns if the trees have changed. He will
tell you that they did [EXP: 500] and will thank you for your efforts.

[ACTION]: Talk to any Githzerai Townsperson in the area and let Dak'kon engage in
conversation. After they finish talking speak to [Dak'kon] and ask him about
the githzerai expressions. He will tell you the story of his past and how he
met you long ago [EXP: 3000]. As [Dak'kon] tells you his story you will
recall a memory [EXP: 6000].
Area AR0400: The Hive, SW Area
Find [Ash-Mantle] near X=2230 Y=1990 and talk to him. You will discover he is the thief
[Norochj] is looking for. If you notice him as he tries to pickpocket you, observe his
movements [EXP: 1250]. You must have a high Dexterity (16+) to be able to notice him.
Then grab his hand and tell him not to repeat his act in Sigil ever again. Return to
[Norochj] and collect the reward. He will reward you with [Copper Commons] (x200) and
some experience points [EXP: 750]. Then talk to [Emoric]. He will give you another quest
to complete before joining the faction.

[QUEST]: Speak to Awaiting Death on behalf of Emoric

Do what you're asked and convince him that he must not search for death yet. You can
accomplish this by showing him that you die and reborn. Kill yourself so that he sees
that death is not always a release [EXP: 500]. Then go and talk to [Emoric] and tell him
what you think [EXP: 250]. He will give you another quest.

[QUEST]: Speak to Sere on behalf of Emoric

Talk to [Sere the Skeptic] and find out what bothers her. Tell her what you think [EXP:
500] and return to [Emoric]. Tell him what you spoke with Sere [EXP: 500] and he will
give you the last quest.

[QUEST]: Find Soego for Emoric

Return to the market area and talk to [Craddock] at X=2090 Y=1040. Deliver Baen's
message and [Craddock] will give you a new quest.

[QUEST]: Find Jhelai for Craddock

Return to [Baen the Sender] to collect the reward [EXP: 500]. He will give you some
[Copper Commons], depending on your Charisma:
- 9-10 : 15 [Copper Commons]
- 11-13: 30 [Copper Commons]
- 14+ : 45 [Copper Commons]
Now go to the SE Area of the Hive and find Jhelai in the street near X=1140 Y=1830. Talk
to him and deliver Craddock's message. He will insult [Craddock] and tell you to repeat
to him what he said [EXP: 250]. Return to [Craddock] and pass Jhelai's message [EXP:
250]. He will enrage and unleash a series of insults and curses thus increasing Morte's
Litany of Curses. Offer yourself to replace [Jhelai] for the day to earn some [Copper
Commons]. Now find and talk to [Reekwind] at X=2660 Y=1000. He will tell you about his
curse problem and ask you to help him.

[QUEST]: Remove Reekwind's "curse of stench"

Tell him your story to earn some experience points [EXP: 1000] and he will reward you
with a [Clipped Copper Charm]. Now talk to the [Crier of Es-Annon] at X=530 Y=1860. He
will tell you about the destruction of the city of Es-Annon. Suggest a way to record
Es-Annon's in a tombstone. Agree to help him find a suitable stone to record the name.

[QUEST]: Find a tombstone for the Crier of Es-Annon

Go to the NE Area of the Hive and talk to [Death-of-Names] by the Dustman monolith. Bury
the name of Es-Annon [EXP: 500] and then return to the [Crier of Es-Annon] to inform him
of your deeds [EXP: 500]. Now walk north to the NW Area.
Area AR0100: The Hive, NW Area
Talk to [Mar] at X=1110 Y=1440 and he will ask you to deliver a box to [Ku'atraa].

[QUEST]: Deliver box to Ku'atraa

Talk to [Fleece] at X=2040 Y=460. As you are leaving, if you have enough Wisdom (13+),
you will notice him pickpocketing you. Observe his technique [EXP: 1250] and then, if
you have enough Dexterity (13+), you can grab his hand and recover what he stole from
you. Now talk to [Porphiron] at X=1970 Y=880. He will tell you about his problem. Agree
to help him.

[QUEST]: Retrieve Porphiron's necklace

Go into the Flophouse in this same area.
Area AR0305: The Flophouse
Talk to the owner [Arlo] and ask about a bed. Then ask him about [Nestor]. He will ask
you to take care of [Nestor] for him.

[QUEST]: Get rid of Nestor for Arlo, the Flophouse Slumlord

After talking to the slumlord find and talk to [Nestor] at X=200 Y=310. Ask him about
his fork and he will tell you that someone stole it. Accept to help him find his fork
and leave the Flophouse.

[QUEST]: Find Nestor's fork

Find [One-Ear] in that area at X=1330 Y=650 and talk to him. He is the one who stole
Nestor's fork. Confront him and he will attack you. Kill him and take the [Small Steel
Fork]. Take it back to [Nestor] and he will give you [One Ear's Earring] as a reward
[EXP: 500]. He will then leave through a portal activated by his fork. Now talk to Arlo,
the Flophouse owner and he will let you rest for free in the Flophouse whenever you want
[EXP: 500]. The thugs that stole Porphiron's necklace can be found in the SE Area of the
Hive. Talk to the leader of the thugs and choose one of the following:
- If you have enough Intelligence (13+) you can lie to them and tell them that
Porphiron's order will pursue them [EXP: 500] and then ask them to donate some
coppers to prevent the order from cursing them [EXP: 250]. This option will give you
more experience but will draw you towards the Chaotic alignment.
- If you have enough Charisma (10+) you can offer to buy the necklace from them. It
will cost you 15 or 10 [Copper Commons] [EXP: 500].
The other options are killing them or stealing the necklace from their leader but these
won't give you extra experience. Anyway, once you get the [Prayer Beads] go to
Ku'atraa's warehouse in that same part of the Hive.
Area AR3009: Ku'atraa's Warehouse
Talk to [Ku'atraa] and show him the [Ornate Box]. He will panic and tell you to deliver
the box to [Brasken] [EXP: 250]. He will then run off the building.

[QUEST]: Deliver box to Brasken

Leave the Warehouse and go to Brasken's Kip in the SW Area of the Hive.
Area AR0104A: Brasken's Kip
Talk to [Brasken] and tell him about the box. He won't accept it though, and he will
tell you the story behind it. He will also tell you to take it to [Shilandra] near the

[QUEST]: Deliver box to Shilandra

Leave Brasken's Kip and walk north to the NW Area of the Hive. Talk to Porphiron and
return his [Prayer Beads] [EXP: 1000]. Ask him about his training and he will offer to
share his knowledge of weapons with you. He can train you in any weapon kind up to
proficiency level two. Now go the NE Area of the Hive and go to Shilandra's Kip.
Area AR0306A: Shilandra's Kip
Talk to [Shilandra] and ask her about the box. She will tell you everything she knows
and will direct you to some kind of priest in a cathedral in the Alley of the Dangerous
Angles. She will tell you he is the only one who can dispel the fiend safely [EXP: 250].

[QUEST]: Go to cathedral located at the center of the Hive

Leave this area and head to the Alley of Dangerous Angles.
Area AR0301: Alley of Dangerous Angles
If any bandit stops you and ask you to pay some coppers to pass, pay them. You will have
the chance to have revenge later. There are three paths to follow in this area, one for
each alignment, good, neutral, and evil. You have to choose only one of them.

--- Path of Good ---
Talk to [Krystall] at X=670 Y=650 and agree to kill [Rotten William] when she asks you.

[QUEST]: Krystall wants Rotten William dead

Find [Rotten William] at X=2460 Y=1870 and kill him. Return to Krystall and she will
reward you [EXP: 1500]. She will now ask you to slay [Blackrose]. Agree to help her.

[QUEST]: Krystall wants Blackrose dead

Find [Blackrose] at X=1330 Y= 480 and kill him. Then return to [Krystall] again to be
rewarded [EXP: 1500]. She will reward you with a handful of [Copper Commons].

--- Path of Neutrality ---
Talk to [Blackrose] at X=1330 Y=480. He is almost invisible and you can have a hard time
trying to spot him. He will make you choose between good, neutrality, and evil. Choose
neutrality and he will ask you to eliminate one of the gang leaders.

[QUEST]: Blackrose wants Krystall dead

Find [Krystall] at X=670 Y=650 and kill her. Her followers will attack you but they are
easy to defeat. Now return to [Blackrose] and he will reward your efforts [EXP: 1500].
He will now tell you to kill the other gang leader.

[QUEST]: Blackrose wants Rotten William dead

Repeat the steps below with [Rotten William] at X=2460 Y=1870 and then return to
[Blackrose] to receive more experience [EXP: 1500]. He will now try to engage you in
combat. If you tell him you are immortal he will recognize your superiority and won't

--- Path of Evil ---
Talk to [Rotten William] at X=2460 Y=1870 and tell him you are passing through. He will
ask you to kill [Krystall] in exchange for free passage. Agree to help him.

[QUEST]: Rotten William wants Krystall dead

Find [Krystall] at X=670 Y=650 and kill her. Return to [Rotten William] and he will
reward you [EXP: 1500]. He will now ask you to kill [Blackrose]. Accept the job.

[QUEST]: Rotten William wants Blackrose dead

Find [Blackrose] at X=1330 Y=480 and kill him. Then return to [Rotten William] and he
will reward you with experience [EXP: 1500]. He will then attack you. Show no mercy and
kill him.

[NOTE]: Independently of the path you chose you can accomplish a quest from other
character; for example, if you chose the path of good you can talk to
[Krystall] and then to [Blackrose]. They will both ask you to slay [Rotten
William]. Do so and then collect the experience reward from both of them.

After you're done with the killing, go into the Burnt Building in the alley.
Area AR3012: Burnt Building
Talk to [Rauk] and he will ask you to retrieve his three rings. Agree to help him.

[QUEST]: Rauk needs you to fetch three rings from his tent

The rings are located in three different tents in the Alley of Dangerous Angles. The
first one is located in the tent near X=1850 Y=1930. This tent holds the [Bronze Ring]
in the container at X=280 Y=310. You can find the second ring in the tent at X=2500
Y=1600 in the container at X=330 Y=250. This container holds the [Silver Ring]. The
[Gold Ring] can be found in the tent at X=870 Y=750 in the container at X=320 Y=430.
Return to [Rauk] and give him the rings [EXP: 500]. He will give the rings to the
wizards and they will begin the ritual. Something goes wrong and the summoned Lim-Lim
will kill the wizards. Pick up the items from their corpses. After you're done go to the
Ruined Cathedral in the alley. The entrance is quite hard to spot so you'll probably
have to scan with the mouse cursor until you find the door.
Area AR3006D: Ruined Cathedral
Talk to [Aola], the priest of Aoskar and tell him about the box. Give him the [Ornate
Box] and he will dispel the demon [EXP: 1000]. He will keep the ruby as payment.

[QUEST]: Talk to Mar about the box

Talk to [Aola] again and tell him you are interested in becoming a disciple of Aoskar.
He will make you perform a series of complex rituals and then you will be Aoskar's
disciple. You can buy the [Moridor's Ruby] from him for 300 [Copper Commons]. Leave the
Alley of Dangerous Angles. While you are leaving, the Lady of Pain will appear and
punish you for going against her will by becoming Aoskar's disciple. She will maze you
in a parallel dimension.
Area AR1900: Player's Maze
Explore the maze and reach the northern part. Pick up the items there. The [Bone-Framed
Journal] is a part of your journal. To leave the maze you have to go through the third
archway starting from the top right. Then you must go through the same archway without
crossing any other. Once you do this you'll reach the true portal that leads back to
Sigil. Go to the NW Area of the Hive and talk to Mar at X=1000 Y=700. He will explain
why he gave you the box and will reward you with a [Hollow Axe] and some [Copper
Commons] [EXP: 1250]. Now head to Ragpicker's Square just north of the NW Area of the
Area AR0101: Ragpicker's Square
You can talk to [Yellow-Fingers] if you want some imformation about [Pharod]. It is not
really useful since you have to pay him and the information he gives you can be obtained
elsewhere (Probably you already got it). As you try to leave he will try to pick your
pocket. Again, you can watch his motions if you have enough Dexterity [EXP: 200]. Now
talk to [Ratbone] at X=2310 Y=2340. Talk to him and ask him to train you in the Thief
profession. He will charge you 50 [Copper Commons] but you will earn some experience
[EXP: 3125]. After that talk to [Nodd] at X=1710 Y=2300. As you are leaving he will ask
you to find his sister [Amarysse] that lives in the Hive. Agree to help him.

[QUEST]: Find Amarysse for Nodd

Return to the SE Area of the Hive and talk to [Amarysse] at X=2680 Y=2000. Talk to her
about [Nodd] and tell her what he said. She will give you 100 [Copper Commons] to take
to her brother. Do so and he will reward you with some experience [EXP: 750]. Now talk
to [Marrow-Friend] at X=1910 Y=1400. Let him bite you to get the [Finger-Bone] hanging
from his neck.

[ACTION]: Use the [Finger-Bone] and try to take the ring out of it. You'll discover
that you can't. Instead, replace your finger with the [Finger-Bone] and the
ring will come out. It turns out to be [Mempa's Biting Ring].

Now go into Sharegrave's Kip.
Area AR0103C: Sharegrave's Kip
Talk to [Sharegrave] and ask him about [Pharod]. Eventually, he will ask you to find the
source of Pharod's bodies. Agree to help him and leave his place.

[QUEST]: Find out where Pharod's corpses are coming from for the man in Ragpicker's

Now go into the building with entrance near X=1400 Y=2470. Inside, you will find a
wizard named [Jarym]. Talk to him and he will ask you to fetch a ruby of great quality
for him. Agree to help him.

[QUEST]: Find a spell ruby for Jarym

You can get this ruby from Moridor's Box. If you don't have the ruby you can bo back to
the cathedral and buy it from [Aola] for 300 [Copper Commons]. Return to [Jarym] and
give him [Moridor's Ruby]. He will reward you with a handful of coins [EXP: 500]. When
you're done go to the Midwife's Hut.
Area AR0102: Midwife's Hut
Talk to [Old Mebbeth] and ask her if she's a witch. You can now ask her to teach you
magic. She will ask you to do some favors for her before she teaches you. Agree to help
her, of course.

[QUEST]: Learn the ways of the Art from Mebbeth

[QUEST]: Find the herbs that Mebbeth needs

Leave Ragpicker's Square and go to the Hive, SW Area. Talk to the merchant at X=1280
Y=1160. He will examine the seed and tell you that he doesn't have that kind of herb
[EXP: 500]. He will direct you to a gardener in the Hive. Go to the SE Area of the Hive
and talk to [Mourns-for-Trees]. He will tell you he can't help you unless you make the
[Black-Barbed Seed] grow. You can do this by willing the seed to grow [EXP: 500]. Return
to [Old Mebbeth] and will the brambles to get off your body [EXP: 500]. Then will it to
become a picture frame [EXP: 750]. She will then ask you to get her wash from [Giscorl]
in the Hive market.

[QUEST]: Get Mebbeth's wash from Giscorl

Go back to the Hive market and talk to [Giscorl] at X=1390 Y=1020. Ask him about
Mebbeth's wash and he will give you [Mebbeth's Wash]. Go back to [Old Mebbeth] and give
her the wash [EXP: 500]. She will then tell you the story of [Giscorl], a careless
wizard who burned his hands with the Art. She will now ask you to get some ink from the

[QUEST]: Get ink for Mebbeth from Kossah-Jai

Go to the market yet again and talk to [Kossah-Jai] at X=1600 Y=1190. Ask her about the
ink and she will tell you she doesn't sell any ink. However, she knows a fish that
bleeds ink. She will tell you to seek [Meir'am] to get that fish.

[QUEST]: Find Meir'am, get the ink for Mebbeth

Find [Meir'am] at X=1970 Y=1980 and talk to her. She will tell you to get some container
to carry the ink. Probably from one of the merchants in the market. Find and talk to the
merchant at X=1580 Y=1000. Tell her what you need and she will give you the [Battered
Tankard]. Return to [Meir'am] and she will fill the tankard with ink. Now you can carry
the [Ink-Filled Tankard] to [Old Mebbeth].

[QUEST]: Deliver ink to Mebbeth

Return to [Old Mebbeth] and deliver the ink [EXP: 1000]. She will now teach you the Art.
You will gain some experience for becoming a Mage [EXP: 2000]. Mebbeth will then give
you some basic spells for your Spell Book [EXP: 5000] and will reward you with a pair of
useful [Amber Earrings]. Now that you are a mage you can ask [Dak'kon] to teach you the
words of Zerthimon. Read the first circle of Zerthimon and then talk to [Dak'kon]. If
you have enough Wisdom you will have understood the words. The following table shows the
rewards for understanding the different circles:
First 300 Nothing
Second 600 [Second Circle of Zerthimon] - Scripture of Steel
Third 900 [Third Circle of Zerthimon] - Submerge the Will
Fourth 1500 [Fourth Circle of Zerthimon] - Vilquar's Eye
Fifth 3000 [Fifth Circle of Zerthimon] - Power of One

When you reach the stone archway you need to carry a piece of [Junk] to activate the
portal. This way, you'll gain access to the Trash Warrens.
Area AR0108: Trash Warrens
As soon as you enter the Trash Warrens [Anamoli] will approach you and talk to you. He
will insult you. You can avoid a fight with him but if he engages you don't be afraid to
pen him in the dead book. Nearly all inhabitants of this area will attack you so don't
be afraid to kill them. There's a portal at X=3290 Y=1090 that activates if you are
carrying one or more [Cranium Rat Tails]. This portal leads to a small area filled with
Cranium Rats. Beware of their spellcasting abilities. Try to defeat them as quickly as
possible. To maximize damage spread your party and have each member attack a different
rat. After defeating the rats you can open a crate to find the following treasure:
[Copper Commons] (x314), [Silver Frame], [Prickly Club], [Clot Charm] (x2), [Scroll of
Magic Missile]. Before reaching the next area you'll have to talk to [Bish]. He guards
the entrance to the Buried Village. Talk to him and ask him where to find [Pharod]. He
will let you pass withouth fighting [EXP: 1200].
Area AR0109: Buried Village
Talk to [Uhir] at X=3510 Y=1910. He will ask you to recover his lucky knife from the
catacombs beneath the buried village. Agree to help him.

[QUEST]: Find and return Uhir's 'lucky knife.'

Now talk to [Ku'u Yin] at X=2020 Y=1490. He will tell you about his stolen number. Agree
to help him and ask him who has his name and number. He will tell you that [Radine] has

[QUEST]: Recover Ku'u Yin's number from Radine

Find this [Radine] woman at X=2100 Y=2210. Talk to her and convince her to give you
Ku'u Yin's number [EXP: 250]. Then return to [Ku'u Yin] and return him his number.
[EXP: 2500]. He will realize he no longer needs the number and he will give it to you.
Accept it and head to Quint's Shop.
Area AR3006C: Quint's Shop
Talk to [Quint] and ask him about himself. He will offer a little job that consists of
finding some kind of necklace that some collector called Gris the Vulture has. Agree to
help him.

[QUEST]: Get Quint's poison charm from the body of Gris

Now head to The Seamstress' House. Talk to [Marta] and ask her to buy some [Needle and
Thread]. You can lie to her to receive some of them or you can offer to buy wares from
her. Ask her to dig in your intestines to receive a [Twisted Ring] and your
[Intestines]. You can also rest for free in Marta's house. Now leave her home and head
north east to Pharod's Court.
Area AR0110: Pharod's Court
At last you found [Pharod]. Talk to him and you will discover many things. Talk to him
about his wealth and he will compare himself with a mage. Give him your opinion [EXP:
500]. He will then reveal the secret of his wealth. You can do this only if you have a
high Charisma (16+). He will then ask you to fetch him a bronze sphere from the
catacombs beneath the Buried Village in exchange for information about yourself. Agree
to his deal and leave the village through the barred door.

[QUEST]: Find bronze sphere for Pharod

Talk to [Barr] by the gate and mention Pharod's task. He will open the gate allowing
passage into the catacombs.
Area AR1400: Weeping Stone Catacombs
This is a dangerous area. Beware of the Cranium Rats, Ghouls, Lesser Vargouilles and
other monsters that lurk around. There are several crypts that you can visit while in
this catacombs. First, go to the Crypt of the Embraced. You will be attacked by three
Ghouls. Defeat them and open the coffin. You will find the corpse of Gris but you can't
do anything here yet. Return and go to the Shattered Crypt. Here, you will be attacked
by LOTS of Lesser Vargouilles. Defeat them and you will find the [Punch Daggers of
Moorin] and 510 [Copper Commons]. The next crypt you have to visit is the Crypt of
Dismemberment. You can find the [Severed Arm] in the lower level of the crypt. Now
return to the catacombs and talk to Glyve, the face in stone at X=1100 Y=1600. It will
ask you to find a flask that can purify the water.

[QUEST]: Find the Decanter of Endless Water

You should now visit the last crypt called the Mosaic Crypt. You can find some [Copper
Commons], a [Sledgehammer] and a [Skull]. Now head to the Warrens of Thought, the home
of the Cranium Rats.
Area AR1600: Warrens of Thought
Talk to [Mantuok] and he will probably teleport you to some kind of prison. Talk to the
guards on the other side of the door and convince them to let you out [EXP: 3750].
Beware of the Cranium Rats and Wererats that roam the area. Before killing everything
head to the Cranium Rat Collective.
Area AR1601: Cranium Rat Collective
Talk to [Many-As-One] and he will call you a murderer. Tell him that the rats attacked
you first. Then ask him how can you repair the damage done. Tell him that you are silent
and hard to spot and he will offer you a job, kill the Silent King. Accept the job and
you'll be free to go.

[QUEST]: Discover the weakness of the Silent King for Many-as-One

Leave the collective and head to the Dead Nations. The rats won't attack you now, as you
are working for them.
Area AR1500: Dead Nations
As soon as you arrive you will be stopped by a skeleton priest called [Hargrimm the
Bleak]. Surrender peacefully and they will escort you to a room where [Soego] will
explain some of the basics of the living dead. You can rest in Soego's room for free.
Search the barrels at X=2600 Y=600 to find [Bandages] (x10). The locked container at
X=1670 Y=340 has 500 [Copper Commons]. Talk to [Hargrimm the Bleak] at X=700 Y=720. Ask
him about the Silent King and he will eventually ask you to kill any Cranium Rats you
find to prove trustworthy.

[QUEST]: Seek out and slay any cranium rats in the Dead Nations

Leave and head to the northwestern corner of the Dead Nations and slay the cranium rats
there. Then return to [Hargrimm the Bleak] and talk to him. Tell him that you killed the
cranium rats [EXP: 3750]. He will now ask you to find a reason to remove [Soego] from
the Dead Nations.

[QUEST]: Give Hargrimm a reason to remove Soego from the Dead Nations

Now talk to the [Doubtful Skeleton] at X=1540 Y=2240. After learning that he is deciding
whether to embrace the True Death or not go and talk to [Soego]. Inform him of this
skeleton and he will leave to talk to him. When [Soego] is gone, search the metal slab
to find Soego's journal. Read it to learn that he has become a wererat [EXP: 2000]. Go
back to [Hargrimm the Bleak] with this information and he will remove [Soego] from the
Dead Nations [EXP: 3750]. Then, ask [Hargrimm] to talk to the Silent King for you. He
will inform you that you are free to go [EXP: 7500]. Now talk to [Stale Mary] at X=560
Y=2840. Ask her to teach you how to talk to Zombies [EXP: 3750]. She will teach you a
new special ability called Stories-Bones-Tell. You can use this ability to communicate
with certain dead people throughout the game. Now talk to the [Nameless Zombie] at
X=1840 Y=1940. She will ask you to find her lost name in a tomb in the catacombs.

[QUEST]: Find the Nameless Zombie her name

A. Quests
·Find "Pharod"
LOCATION: X=1500 Y=2350 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
From what Morte read from the directions tattooed on my back, I need to find someone
named 'Pharod'. I'm not certain where to start looking... hopefully, asking some of the
locals in this strange place will allow me to track him down.

·Find your missing journal
LOCATION: X=1500 Y=2350 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
From what Morte read from the directions tattooed on my back, I was supposed to have a
journal with me when I woke up in the Mortuary. I better find it - hopefully, it can
help me figure out what's going on.

·Fetch Embalming Fluid and Needle for Ei-Vene
LOCATION: X=3150 Y=790 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
A strange woman with taloned hands and tallow-colored flesh on the second floor
Mortuary Embalming room mistook me for a zombie and asked me to fetch some Embalming
Fluid and Needle and Thread for her. There must be some around the Mortuary.

·Fetch Embalming Key for Vaxis
LOCATION: X=3550 Y=1530 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
I met a spy disguised as a zombie in the eastern-most Mortuary room, south of the
Embalming Room. He asked me to fetch an embalming key for him - in return, he said he
would help me escape.

·Find Craddock for Baen the Sender
LOCATION: X=1000 Y=2340 (The Hive, NE Area)
GIVEN BY: Baen the Sender
I agreed to deliver a message for a man named Baen the Sender. Baen said the person I
needed to deliver the message to was named 'Craddock,' and is said to be an overseer in
a marketplace somewhere in the Hive. The only description Baen could give me of
Craddock was that he was a 'giant, stern-looking man.' I'll keep my eye out for him. If
I find Craddock, I'll deliver the message, then go back and tell Baen.

·Find a way to help Ingress
LOCATION: Varies (The Hive, NE Area)
GIVEN BY: Ingress
I met a madwoman named Ingress running around in the Hive outside the Mortuary. She was
raving about doors and keys, and she claimed that the whole city was a series of
portals to other places. She said when she was a young girl, she accidentally steppped
through a portal and ended up trapped in the city. If I can find an experienced
Planewalker, perhaps he could guide her home.

·Help Sev'Tai get her revenge
LOCATION: X=980 Y=1450 (The Hive, NE Area)
I ran into a strange woman, Sev'Tai, by the Dustman memorial outside the Mortuary. She
was mourning the death of her three sisters, who had been attacked by a group of
'Chaosmen' called the "Starved Dogs Barking." She asked me to kill three of their
number to avenge the death of her sisters, and I agreed. She said her sisters were
attacked a few blocks directly south of the Mortuary - I could probably find these
'Starved Dogs' there.

·Free Angyar from his Dead Contract and return it to him and his wife
LOCATION: X=440 Y=320 (Angyar's House)
GIVEN BY: Wife-of-Angyar
A man named Angyar has signed a Dead Contract with the Dustmen, which will allow them
to reanimate Angyar's body after his death for use as an undead servant. Angyar regrets
having signed sorely, which has caused both him and his wife great anguish. I've
offered to go speak with the Dustman who dealt with Angyar... Mortai Gravesend, who
should be within the Gathering Dust bar. When I obtain the contract, I'll take it back
to Angyar and his wife and give it to them.

·Find the "source" of Pharod's bodies for Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Emoric
I spoke with a Dustman named Emoric, who not only knew the collector Pharod, but he was
suspicious of Pharod's fresh supply of corpses that he was dropping off at the
Mortuary. I offered to look into the matter, and Emoric promised to reward me for
finding out where the corpses were coming from.

·Talk to Norochj for Emoric, and do what Norochj asks of you
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Emoric
As part of my quest to find the Dustman faction, Emoric has asked me to speak to
Norochj -- also in the Gathering Dust bar -- and do what he asks of me.

·Look into the matter of the mausoleum's walking dead
LOCATION: X=1130 Y=860 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Norochj
Norochj, a Dustman I met in the Gathering Dust bar, told me of a mausoleum where the
dead walk. He wanted me to look into the matter. He said the mausoleum entrance was
north and west of the Dustman memorial outside of the Mortuary. He said I should go to
the archway there, make a semicircle over my heart with my right index finger, then the
entrance would open. If I can find the problem in the mausoleum and solve it, then I'll
return to Norochj and let him know.

·Track down a thief disguised as a Dustman
LOCATION: X=1130 Y=860 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Norochj
Norochj, a Dustman in the Gathering Dust bar, bade me track down a thief disguised as a
Dustman and stop him from further soiling the faction's name with his actions.

·Speak to Awaiting Death on behalf of Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Emoric
As part of my quest to join the Dustman faction, Emoric has asked me to speak to
Awaiting-Death, who is also in the Gathering Dust bar. It seems that Awaiting-Death has
begun to reach for the True Death out of passion, and that I must help him before the
way is forever lost to him. Once I find out what ails Awaiting-Death, I am to return to
Emoric and tell him what I found.

·Speak to Sere on behalf of Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Emoric
As part of my quest to join the Dustman faction, Emoric has asked me to speak to Sere,
who is also in the Gathering Dust bar. Emoric tells me that she no longer holds the
Dustman teachings as she once did, and would know why. Once I find out what ails Sere,
I am to return to Emoric and tell him what I found.

·Find Soego for Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
GIVEN BY: Emoric
Emoric wishes me to find Soego, a Dustman who has undertaken missionary service for the
faction and disappeared. When I find Soego, I am to return to Emoric and tell him where
Soego is.

·Defeat the intruder in the Mausoleum for the Guardian Spirit
LOCATION: X=980 Y=580 (Mausoleum)
GIVEN BY: Guardian Spirit
I have pledged to help the spirit that guards the Mausoleum. It seems an intruding
Necromancer has sealed himself in an inner chamber with powerful wards that protect him
from the spirit. He must be the one responsible for the "walking dead" Norochj is so
concerned about.

·Resolve a bar tab
LOCATION: X=500 Y=880 (Smoldering Corpse Bar)
GIVEN BY: Barkis
Barkis, the barkeep at the Smoldering Corpse Bar, asked me to take care of an
outstanding bar tab. The victim is named Mochai.

·Find Jhelai for Craddock
LOCATION: X=2090 Y=1040 (The Hive, SW Area)
GIVEN BY: Craddock
When I delivered Craddock the message from Baen, he got angry... apparently, Craddock's
missing one of his workers, a tiefling drunkard by the name of Jhelai. He said he's
most likely stumbling around on the street outside the Smoldering Corpse Bar. I said
I'd go see if I could find him, then come back and let Craddock know.

·Remove Reekwind's "curse of stench"
LOCATION: X=2660 Y=1000 (The Hive, SW Area)
GIVEN BY: Reekwind
I met a man named Reekwind, who's been cursed to perpetually excrete foul bodily odors
from every orifice. Perhaps I could find a way to help him... he said he was cursed by
some fat, balding man who favors dressing in orange. The curse-spitter probably lives
in one of the Upper Wards where Reekwind used to live.

·Find a tombstone for the Crier of Es-Annon
LOCATION: X=530 Y=1860 (The Hive, SW Area)
GIVEN BY: Crier of Es-Annon
I encountered a wandering monk in the Hive, who was mourning a destroyed city called
Es-Annon. Apparently, he is one of the last citizens of that city, and he now travels
the Planes, attempting to keep the memory of the city alive. To free him from his task,
I suggested he use a tombstone, and offered to go find a tombstone on which to carve
the name of Es-Annon. When I find one, I'll carve the name, then return.

·Deliver box to Ku'atraa
LOCATION: X=1110 Y=1440 (The Hive, NW Area)
I have accepted the task of delivering a strange box to a person named Ku'atraa. Mar
says this fellow can usually be found down in the southeastern section of the Hive.

·Retrieve Porphiron's necklace
LOCATION: X=1970 Y=880 (The Hive, NW Area)
GIVEN BY: Porphiron
I met a strange man in the Hive with shifting lines on his face - he claims to be a
soldier from some religious order, but his vows won't let him raise his hand in
violence against another. He said a group of thugs in the Hive had taken his necklace
of prayer beads from him. He said he had last seen the thugs by the 'bar that burns
inside,' and that they were dressed in red and black. I told him I'd go fetch his
necklace for him.

·Get rid of Nestor for Arlo, the Flophouse Slumlord
LOCATION: X=520 Y=470 (The Flophouse)
I've agreed to help the slumlord, Arlo, get rid of a crazy old man named Nestor. It
seems the fellow has taken up permanent residence in the Flophouse, and no one can make
him leave.

·Find Nestor's fork
LOCATION: X=200 Y=310 (The Flophouse)
GIVEN BY: Nestor
I've agreed to help the flophouse loon, Nestor, find his fork. The poor sod seemed
quite deranged, carrying around a severed ear in his pocket and talking to it like it
could hear him, but I don't suppose it could do any harm to look for a fork for him.

·Deliver box to Brasken
LOCATION: X=500 Y=500 (Ku'atraa's Warehouse)
GIVEN BY: Ku'atraa
I had a strange encounter with Ku'atraa, who I was entrusted by Mar to deliver this
strange box to. Ku'atraa seemed to be afraid of whatever lies within it. When I showed
it to him he became so frightened that he began to babble and then took flight. From
what I could make out from the man's ramblings, he wanted me to take the box to someone
named Brasken, who lives somewhere in the southwestern section of the Hive. I can only
hope that this Brasken fellow will clear things up and take this box off my hands. I
can't but feel a little bit uneasy every time I look at it.

·Deliver box to Shilandra
LOCATION: X=290 Y=410 (Brasken's Kip)
GIVEN BY: Brasken
From my talks with Brasken, I have learned much. It seems I am the unlucky owner of a
cursed box, as if I didn't already have enough troubles to deal with. The item of my
disdain now has a name. It's called Moridor's Box and it seems that the person who
willingly takes possession of the box is cursed to die should the box be oopened. As to
the contents, that still remains a mystery. Brasken has suggested I pay a visit to
Shilandra who lives by the Mortuary up in the northeastern section of the Hive. Am I
doomed to forever seek out previous owners of this thing?

·Go to cathedral located at the center of the Hive
LOCATION: X=350 Y=430 (Shilandra's Kip)
GIVEN BY: Shilandra
Shilandra has told me much about Moridor's Box... and much of it I did not wish to
hear. It seems that this box contains a fiend high in the ranks of fiend-kind. Worse
yet, the spells that bind this fiend are weakening. I fear that soon it may escape and
seek retribution for its imprisonment. Shilandra has suggested that I visit a cathedral
located in the middle of the Alley of Dangerous Angles. It's hoped that a higher source
of power will intervene and banish the fiend before it escapes.

·Blackrose wants Krystall dead
LOCATION: X=1330 Y=480 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
GIVEN BY: Blackrose
Blackrose wants Krystall dead

·Blackrose wants Rotten William dead
LOCATION: X=1330 Y=480 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
GIVEN BY: Blackrose
Blackrose wants Rotten William dead

·Rotten William wants Krystall dead
LOCATION: X=2460 Y=1870 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
GIVEN BY: Rotten William
Rotten William wants Krystall dead in exchange for free passage through the Alley of
Dangerous Angles.

·Rotten William wants Blackrose dead
LOCATION: X=2460 Y=1870 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
GIVEN BY: Rotten William
Krystall is dead. Now I have to kill Blackrose for Rotten William.

·Krystall wants Rotten William dead
LOCATION: X=670 Y=650 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
GIVEN BY: Krystall
Krystall wants Rotten William dead in exchange for free passage through the Alley of
Dangerous Angles.

·Krystall wants Blackrose dead
LOCATION: X=670 Y=650 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
GIVEN BY: Krystall
Rotten William is dead. Now I have to kill Blackrose for Krystall.

·Rauk needs you to fetch three rings from his tent
LOCATION: X=650 Y=700 (Burnt Building)
Rauk has asked me to retrieve three rings from his tent. From his description, the
first is made of gold, the second is made of silver and the third is made of bronze.
Now I just need to find Rauk's tent. Rauk seemed to have a simple mind, so it's
probably close by.

·Talk to Mar about the box
LOCATION: X=420 Y=360 (Ruined Cathedral)
I need to have words with Mar about the trouble he has caused by tricking me into
taking that cursed box.

·Find Amarysse for Nodd
LOCATION: X=1710 Y=2300 (Ragpicker's Square)
A Collector named Nodd asked me to find his sister, Amarysse, and speak to her for him.
He describes her as an attractive young woman living somewhere in the Hive, that she
was fair-skinned with black hair, and always wore blue. I've agreed to help him.

·Find out where Pharod's corpses are coming from for the man in Ragpicker's Square
LOCATION: X=600 Y=250 (Sharegrave's Kip)
GIVEN BY: Sharegrave
I have agreed to help a man in Ragpicker's Square find out more about Pharod's
seemingly endless supply of corpses; he has offered to pay me for the information. He
also told me that, to find Pharod, I would need to follow the platforms over the square
north and west to a gate. The gate should lead to his 'bolt-hole.'

·Find a spell ruby for Jarym
LOCATION: X=300 Y=270 (Jarym's Hut)
A spellcaster named Jarym is searching for a ruby to complete one of his spells. He has
promised to make it worth my while if I should bring one to his house in Ragpicker's

·Learn the ways of the Art from Mebbeth
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
GIVEN BY: Old Mebbeth
Mebbeth said she would teach me the way of the Art, but she told me I'd have to perform
some errands for her first. Presumably, once they're all complete, she'll teach me what
she knows of the Art.

·Find the herbs that Mebbeth needs
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
GIVEN BY: Old Mebbeth
Mebbeth said she would teach me the way of the Art, but she told me I'd have to perform
some errands for her first. She gave me a black-barbed seed and told me to find the
fruit merchant in the Hive market - she said he would have the herbs she needed.

·Get Mebbeth's wash from Giscorl
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
GIVEN BY: Old Mebbeth
Mebbeth sent me on my second errand... she wants me to pick up her wash from the
cloth-seller, Giscorl, in the Hive marketplace. She *could* have mentioned it before I
left last time.

·Get ink for Mebbeth from Kossah-Jai
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
GIVEN BY: Old Mebbeth
Mebbeth needs me to run yet *another* damnable errand for her... it's back to the
market again to fetch some ink. She said to speak to a woman named Kossah-Jai in the
market square. She's probably the only merchant I *haven't* spoken to yet.

·Find Meir'am, get the ink for Mebbeth
LOCATION: X=1600 Y=1190 (The Hive, SW Area)
GIVEN BY: Kossah-Jai
Kossah-Jai had none if the ink that Mebbeth said she had. She told me the only place
she knew of to get Mebbeth's ink was from a *brogota-fin,* but she didn't sell it. She
said I should try Meir'am, a fishwife who sold her wares on a street just south of the

·Deliver ink to Mebbeth
LOCATION: X=1970 Y=1980 (The Hive, SW Area)
GIVEN BY: Meir'am
I finally got the ink from Meir'am, a whole tankard full. Now I can take this foul mess
back to Mebbeth... who knows, maybe I can get her to drink it.

·Find and return Uhir's 'lucky knife.'
LOCATION: X=3510 Y=1910 (Buried Village)
A collector named Uhir says he lost his 'lucky knife' down in the catacombs beneath
Sigil -- he stabbed a ghoul in the eyes with it and fled. If I happen across it I just
might bring it back to him.

·Recover Ku'u Yin's number from Radine
LOCATION: X=2020 Y=1490 (Buried Village)
GIVEN BY: Ku'u Yin
A strange little man has asked me to get his "name and number" back from Radine, the
woman who stole them from him. He seems to regard the name and number as a kind of
security against the chaos of the cosmos.

·Get Quint's poison charm from the body of Gris
LOCATION: X=300 Y=420 (Quint's Shop)
Quint, the corpse-peddler in the Buried Village, is looking for a poison charm. He says
that a Collector named Gris the Vulture has it. Find Gris, find the charm, return it to

·Find bronze sphere for Pharod
LOCATION: X=2090 Y=950 (Pharod's Court)
GIVEN BY: Pharod
I met Pharod in the Buried Village, and he told me he'd spill the chant on everything I
wanted to know... after I performed a small task for him. He wanted me to descend into
the catacombs beneath the Buried Village and recover a bronze sphere. He thinks the
sphere is located in the deepest part of the catacombs where the water has drowned out
the passageways. The entrance to the first part of the catacombs is in the southeast
portion of the village, past the gate... Pharod said to mention my task to the guards,
who will open the gates and allow me by.

·Find the Decanter of Endless Water
LOCATION: X=1100 Y=1600 (Weeping Stone Catacombs)
A speaking head named Glyve, situated in the Weeping Stone Catacombs, has asked me to
fetch it a decanter of fresh water, to release it from its curse.

·Discover the weakness of the Silent King for Many-as-One
LOCATION: X=1180 Y=1070 (Cranium Rat Collective)
GIVEN BY: Many-as-One
The cranium rat collective, Many-as-One, has asked me to discover the strengths and
weaknesses of the Silent King so that the rats may invade the Dead Nations and
eliminate the living dead.

·Seek out and slay any cranium rats in the Dead Nations
LOCATION: X=700 Y=720 (Dead Nations)
GIVEN BY: Hargrimm the Bleak
Hargrimm told me to look around the Dead Nations and slay any cranium rats I might
happen upon.

·Give Hargrimm a reason to remove Soego from the Dead Nations
LOCATION: X=700 Y=720 (Dead Nations)
GIVEN BY: Hargrimm the Bleak
I asked Hargrimm what else I could do to convince him to set me free. He asked that I
find some way to allow him to remove Soego from the Dead Nations, and that then hw
would speak to the Silent King on my behalf.

·Find the Nameless Zombie her name
LOCATION: X=1840 Y=1940 (Dead Nations)
GIVEN BY: Nameless Zombie
A zombie asked me to find her name. She said it should be inscribed upon her tomb - one
next to a 'spiked chest' bolted to the floor -- in the Drowned Nations catacombs, south
and west of the Dead Nations where I met her.

B. Alignments
Lawful Good
Lawful Good characters strongly believe in order and the betterment of life for others.
Their definition of "betterment of life" for others can vary, however.
Neutral Good
Neutral Good characters believe in the balance between law and chaos, but they lean
towards performing good actions.
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Good characters aren't concerned with structure or order. They are
individualists who tend toward performing acts of kindness.
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Neutral characters believe in order over all other concerns.
True Neutral
True Neutral characters believe in maintaining the balance of law and chaos. They don't
tip the scales between the two and tend to oppose anyone who does.
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil
________ _________ _ _
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯
"The Post" The Hive, NE Area 1320 2800
Acaste Dead Nations 2200 2910
Aethelgrin Smoldering Corpse Bar 1370 720
Alais Smoldering Corpse Bar 470 1020
Amarysse The Hive, SE Area 2680 2000
Anamoli Trash Warrens 740 440
Angyar Angyar's House 320 400
Aola Ruined Cathedral 420 360
Arlo The Flophouse 520 470
Ash-Mantle The Hive, SW Area 2230 1990
Awaiting-Death Gathering Dust Bar 1180 1070
Baen the Sender The Hive, NE Area 1000 2340
Barking-Wilder The Hive, SE Area 3520 1630
Barkis Smoldering Corpse Bar 500 880
Barr Buried Village 3730 2950
Bish Trash Warrens 4060 2430
Blackrose Alley of Dangerous Angles 1330 480
Brasken Brasken's Kip 290 410
Candrian Smoldering Corpse Bar 560 1160
Craddock The Hive, SW Area 2090 1040
Creeden The Hive, SW Area 1400 2380
Crier of Es-Annon The Hive, SW Area 530 1860
Death-of-Names The Hive, NE Area 800 1580
Deionarra The Mortuary, 1st Floor 1070 1030
Dhall The Mortuary, 2nd Floor 1330 1240
Doubtful Skeleton Dead Nations 1540 2240
Drusilla Smoldering Corpse Bar 940 1310
Ebb Creakknees Smoldering Corpse Bar 530 1140
Ei-Vene The Mortuary, 2nd Floor 3150 790
Emoric Gathering Dust Bar 610 570
Fleece The Hive, NW Area 2040 460
Gaoha The Hive, SW Area 2230 890
Giscorl The Hive, SW Area 1390 1020
Guardian Spirit Mausoleum 980 580
Hargrimm the Bleak Dead Nations 700 720
Ilquix Smoldering Corpse Bar 680 780
Ingress The Hive, NE Area ???? ????
Iron Nalls The Hive, SW Area 2430 1470
Jarym Jarym's Hut 300 270
Jhelai The Hive, SE Area 1140 1830
Kossah-Jai The Hive, SW Area 1600 1190
Krystall Alley of Dangerous Angles 670 650
Ku'atraa Ku'atraa's Warehouse 500 500
Ku'u Yin Buried Village 2020 1490
Mantuok Warrens of Thought 1360 2430
Many-as-One Cranium Rat Collective 1180 1070
Mar The Hive, NW Area 1110 1440
Marrow-Friend Ragpicker's Square 1910 1400
Marta The Seamstress' Home 910 830
Meir'am The Hive, SW Area 1970 1980
Mhult The Hive, NW Area 1870 1510
Mochai Smoldering Corpse Bar 2000 1010
Mortai Gravesend Gathering Dust Bar 1060 650
Nestor The Flophouse 200 310
Norochj Gathering Dust Bar 1130 860
O Smoldering Corpse Bar 1050 870
Old Coppereyes Gathering Dust Bar 700 900
Old Mebbeth Midwife's Hut 230 240
One-Ear The Hive, NW Area 1330 650
Pharod Pharod's Court 2090 950
Porphiron The Hive, NW Area 1970 880
Pox The Hive, NE Area 2020 1840
Prophyra The Hive, SW Area 2020 910
Quentin The Hive, NE Area 1100 1590
Quint Quint's Shop 300 420
Radine Buried Village 2100 2210
Ratbone Ragpicker's Square 2310 2340
Rauk Burnt Building 650 700
Reekwind The Hive, SW Area 2660 1000
Rotten William Alley of Dangerous Angles 2460 1870
Sere the Skeptic Gathering Dust Bar 1230 630
Sev'Tai The Hive, NE Area 980 1450
Sharegrave Sharegrave's Kip 600 250
Shilandra Shilandra's Kip 350 430
Soego The Mortuary, 1st Floor 1810 2680
Stale Mary Dead Nations 560 2840
Strahan Runeshadow Mausoleum, Inner Chamber 750 700
Tegar'in Smoldering Corpse Bar 1600 720
Uhir Buried Village 3510 1910
Vaxis The Mortuary, 2nd Floor 3550 1530
Wife-of-Angyar Angyar's House 440 320
Yellow-Fingers Ragpicker's Square 1910 2160

E. Items
This is just an index of all the item names you can find in the game. To view a more
accurate description see the ITEMS LIST part of this FAQ that comes separate from this
Adder's Tear
Amber Earrings
Ancient Copper Earring (Closed)
Ancient Copper Earring (Hollow)
Angle-Less Eye
Angyar's Dead Contract
Antler Axe
Baatezu Mace
Battered Tankard
Battle Axe
Battle Axe Of Quality
Black-Barbed Seed
Blood Charm
Blood Fly Charm (Abishai)
Bone Charm
Bone Dagger
Bone-Framed Journal
Brimstone Hammer
Bronze Bracelet
Bronze Ring
Charcoal Charm
Charm of Infinite Recall
Cleaning Rags
Clipped Copper Charm
Clot Charm
Club Of Nettles
Cockroach Charm
Copper Earring
Corpse Fly Charm
Corpse Limb #985
Cranium Rat Charm
Cranium Rat Tail
Crescent Hatchet
Dak'kon's Zerth Armor
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Chained Blade")
Dead Nations Key
Dirty Rat Charm
Divine Censer
Dustman Embalming Charm, Lesser
Dustman Request
Dustman Robes
Embalming Fluid
Embalming Key
Enchanted Battle Axe
Enchanted Hammer
Enchanted Punch Daggers
Fifth Circle Of Zerthimon
Fist Irons
Fourth Circle Of Zerthimon
Glass Eye
Gold Earring
Gold Ring
Green Steel Dagger
Green Steel Knife
Hammer Of Quality
Heart Charm
High Quality Sledgehammer
High Quality Stiletto
Hollow Axe
Ingress' Teeth
Ink-Filled Tankard
Iron Knuckles
Iron Prybar
Iron Spike
Jagged Knife
Knot Charm
Leather Strap
Leg Bone Club
Magus Guard
Mebbeth's Wash
Mempa's Biting Ring
Moridor's Ruby
Morte's Bite
Mortuary Front Gate Key
Mortuary Reminder Message
Mortuary Sanctum Key
Mortuary Task List
Needle And Thread
Negative Token
Note From Corpse #1201
Obsidian Earring
Ornate Box
Penn's Note
Pet Lim-Lim
Poor Quality Mace
Poor Quality Sledgehammer
Poor Quality Stiletto
Prayer Beads
Preparation Room Key
Punch Daggers
Punch Daggers Of Moorin
Receiving Log Page
Receiving Room Log Book
Recipe: Blood Bridge
Recipe: Chromatic Orb
Recipe: Identify
Ring Of The Traveler
Rule-Of-Three Earring
Rune Of Armor
Rune Of Greater Warding
Rune Of Lesser Warding
Rune Of Shielding
Rusty Dagger
Sadistic Frame
Scroll Of Armor
Scroll Of Blindness
Scroll Of Blood Bridge
Scroll Of Blur
Scroll Of Chromatic Orb
Scroll Of Fist Of Iron
Scroll Of Friends
Scroll Of Horror
Scroll Of Ice Knife
Scroll Of Identify
Scroll Of Knock
Scroll Of Luck
Scroll Of Magic Missile
Scroll Of Pacify
Scroll Of Remove Curse
Scroll Of Strength
Scroll Of Swarm Curse
Second Circle Of Zerthimon
Severed Arm
Shamanic Rod
Silver Earring
Silver Ring
Small Steel Fork
Soego's Skull
Spiked Knuckles
Steak Knife
Strahan's Diary
Tarnished Silver Bracelet
Tears Of Sorrow
Teeth Of The Viper
The Number Of Ku'u Yin
The Unbroken Circle Of Zethimon
Third Circle Of Zerthimon
Thrice-Blind Charm
Tome Of Bone And Ash
Twisted Ring
Wererat Skull
Whispering Flask
Wooden Club
Work Hammer

F. Trainer
·Porphiron (X=1970 Y=880) in The Hive, NW Area
He will train you up to proficiency level 2 in any weapon class after you complete his

·Old Mebbeth (X=230 Y=240) in the Midwife's Hut
She will teach you the art of magery if you complete a series of quests for her. She
will also give you some basic spells and sell you others.

·Ratbone (X=2310 Y=2340) in Ragpicker's Square
He will teach you the art of thievery for 50 Copper Commons.

G. Thanks
In this small section I would like to thank the following people.

- Black Isle and Interplay for releasing such a great game. Keep it up!
- GameFAQS for having the best site on the web if you're looking for FAQs.
- Dan Simpson for creating an excellent Torment FAQ. I took the stats for some of the
NPCs from his work. You can find his FAQ on GameFAQS.

If you use this document or part of it in a website or FAQ please give me some credit.

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