King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human

King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human

15.10.2013 00:51:33
King's Quest III FAQ/Walkthrough
by Andrew Schultz
version 1.0.0


A star after the item indicates that Manannan will kill you if he finds
it on you. But you can put every item except the wand in your room.

1. Chicken Feather*
-Outside the house, in the chicken coop
2. Cat Hair*
-take the cat, then take the hair
3. Dog Hair*
-take it off the dog at the general store
4. Snakeskin*
-in the northwest desert
5. Fish Bone Powder*
-in the wizard's laboratory
6. Thimble*
-Upstairs at the three bears'
7. Thimble & Dew*
-In the three bears' garden, once you have the thimble
8. Dough in Ears
-successfully cast the "listen to animals" spell
9. Eagle Feather*
-eagle drops it at base of path to house
10. Fly Wings*
-in the observatory
11. Saffron*
-in the wizard's laboratory
12. Rose Essence*
-in the wizard's bedroom
13. Salt*
-buy it at the general store
14. Amber Stone*
-in the spider's cave
15. Mistletoe*
-tree east of three bears'
16. Magic Stone*
-successfully create teleport spell
17. Nightshade Juice*
-in the wizard's laboratory
18. Three Acorns*
-under the bandits' tree
19. Empty Pouch*
20. Sleep Powder*
-create the sleep spell successfully
21. Mandrake Root*
-in the wizard's laboratory
22. Fish Oil*
-buy it at the general store
23. Cat Cookie*
-make the cat transformation spell successfully
24. Porridge
-in the three bears' kitchen
25. Poisoned Porridge
-put cookie in porridge
26. Cup & Ocean Water*
-go to the ocean and fill the cup
27. Spoonful of Mud*
-west of spider cave
28. Toadstool Powder*
-in the wizard's laboratory
29. Empty Jar*
30. Storm Brew*
-create the storm spell successfully
31. Toad Spittle*
-in the wizard's laboratory
32. Lard*
-buy it at the general store
33. Knife
-in the kitchen
34. Cactus*
-in the desert west of the tree
35. Empty Lard Jar*
-remove lard for a spell
36. Invisibility Ointment*
-create the invisibility spell successfully(formerly lard jar)
37. Magic Wand*
-in the wizard's study, in a cupboard
38. Brass Key*
-in the wizard's bedroom
39. Magic Rose Essence*
-create the flying spell successfully
40. Bowl
-in the kitchen
41. Spoon
-in the kitchen
42. Empty Cup
-in the kitchen
43. Mirror*
-in the wizard's bedroom
44. Empty Purse*
-give the bandits cash for "safe transport"
45. Purse & Gold Coins*
-in the bandits' treehouse
46. Bread
-in the kitchen
47. Fruit
-in the kitchen
48. Mutton
-in the kitchen
49. Shovel
-up and to the right of the hold
50. Treasure Chest
-dig for it on the sand
51. Magic Map*
-in the wizard's bedroom


This may contain extreme spoilers. Commands IN CAPS are what you should
type. I haven't given all directions but they shouldn't be too hard to
figure out.

Manannan should give you a task to do. It will be one of the following:
--feed the chickens: go north of the chicken coop outside and type
"feed the chickens."
--clean the study: go north from the main hallway to the study
cabinet(west corner) and "clean study" with the feather duster.
--clean the kitchen: go to the broom on the north wall and type "clean
the kitchen."
--clean the chamber pot: go to Manannan's bedroom and type "empty
chamber pot."

Do this first(or die after five minutes game time,) and you'll have time
for the rest of the basic things pretty easily. You'll want to go to
the dining room and TAKE CUP and then TAKE BOWL(west wall), go to the
north wall, TAKE KNIFE, TAKE SPOON, and TAKE FOOD by the table. You'll
probably have to wait until Manannan leaves(after five minutes) and make
a beeline to his room from there. You can get a head start, but it's a
bit of a gamble. Sometimes he follows you very closely and will catch
you as you remove stuff. From five to thirty minutes, he will be out of
commission, and you may do as you please. But for one-sixth of the
time, steer clear of him. He will ALWAYS check on you a)25 minutes
after he leaves and b)5 minutes after he has come back.

Now, it is possible to get all the items you need and kill Manannan
after the first thirty-minute cycle, but you may need more than one. In
order that he does not catch you with magic items you must 1)PULL THE
LEVER so the passage to his laboratory is hidden and 2)PUSH THE BOOK so
that he doesn't know you've found the trigger. You must also OPEN
CABINET and return the wand. The final thing to do is to go to your
room(S,U,E from the study) and DROP ALL. Manannan will not know what
magical items you possess now.

Many items are randomly available in King's Quest III. One of them is
the cat's hair. When you are around the cat try to TAKE CAT. Use F3 if
it does not work the first time and just chase him around. Eventually
you'll get him. TAKE HAIR.

In Manannan's room, you will find the mirror in the left drawer(OPEN
DRAWER), the essence in the right drawer(OPEN DRAWER but stand back a
bit), the key above the closet(LOOK ON TOP OF CLOSET) and the
map(SEARCH CLOSET). Go up to the observatory(S,NE) and GET FLY. From
there SW, W, D, S, OPEN DOOR at chicken coop, GET CHICKEN and GET

The mountain path is not too tricky to navigate. After you have gotten
behind the big rock, do not go west but rather all the way south and
then east. Save frequently. Now once you get to the next screen, go
back to the previous screen. LOOK MAP. Hit F6 and you will be
teleported to the base of the cliff. Neat, huh? The map will become
more useful as you visit more places.

There are some multi-solution items to get rid of first. An eagle
randomly flies by and drops a feather. At the base of the mountain or
to the east are good places to wait, but you may want to save your game
and restore if you're not lucky after two minutes. The place east also
contains some mud banks where you can GET MUD with the spoon(you can get
the mud anywhere with banks but this is easiest.) Go north, GET
MISTLETOE, then west. OPEN DOOR to see if the Bears are in. If not,
walk in until you see porridge on the table, then TAKE PORRIDGE, go
upstairs, OPEN DRAWER, GET THIMBLE, exit the house, and GET DEW in the
garden. Go north, west, GET ACORNS(this will probably require a few
tries) and now you can "cheat" a bit. GRAB HOLE and a rope ladder will
come down. Climb the rope and save while you do(it's easy to fall),
enter the treehouse at the top, and when the bandit is sleeping GET
PURSE and get out of there. Climb back down. Go west. Now go south
and type USE MIRROR but don't use it until Medusa is close(walk
continually south. When she is in view hit the south key and when she's
close hit F3. You'll get her.) From west of the acorns you can GET
CACTUS(the small one by the rock, on the east side) and also GET
SNAKESKIN two south of the cactus. Go all the way east, GET WATER and
go west and south twice where you will want to enter the store. PET DOG
to get the dog hair, BUY FISH OIL, BUY LARD, BUY SALT, and BUY EMPTY
POUCH. Now LOOK MAP, push F6 where the mountain base is, and climb back
up north(unfortunately you have to climb!) Go north to Manannan's
study, go to the cabinet, OPEN CABINET to get the wand, search the east
bookcase, and type LOOK BOOKCASE and PUSH BOOK and PULL LEVER when you
find something interesting. Climb down the stairs and if you see the
cat climb back up and down until he's gone. Climb down to the bottom of
the staircase. You're in the laboratory, so you will want to go to the
spell book(stand north of it) and create as many spells as you cab. You
should be able to make them all, except the teleportation spell.
Unless, of course, you do not have enough time. I recommend making the
Cat Cookie first, and PUT COOKIE IN PORRIDGE.

However quickly you do things, you'll still have to prepare for
Manannan's return. Do so by 1)PULL LEVER, 2)PUSH BOOK, 3)OPEN CABINET
in the study. Then 4)go to your room(south, up, east) and DROP ALL and
TAKE PORRIDGE, which the wizard will not recognize. Make sure it is
POISONED PORRIDGE in your item list. Smile innocently when Manannan
appears and feed him the porridge in the dining room east of the main
hall. Once he's turned into a cat you can pick up the items or create
the spells you didn't get around to. [NOTE: if you haven't put the
cookie in the porridge yet, feed Manannan the bread, mutton or fruit and
make sure you give yourself enough time to make the cat cookie. If you
run out of food to give him, he'll zap you.]

THE LANGUAGE OF CREATURES will help you get a maximum score and find
treasure, and TELEPORTATION SPELL is a good alternate puzzle-solver, as
is CAUSING A DEEP SLEEP. If you get exasperated making the spells you
now know which ones are 100% necessary. Do not proceed with this
walkthrough until you've gotten all the items/spells you want to, since
time gets a bit precious from here on in.

For maximum points you may now want to go to the tavern. Save the game
and DIP FLY WINGS IN ESSENCE and when the bandits talke about their
hideout(if not, restore the game) fly to the acorn trees(west) and in
the hole. Fly out, and that is eight points.

Use the map to go to the spider's cave(east of the waterfall, northeast
of the place I recommended you get the mud.) Activate the flying
spell(DIP EAGLE FEATHER IN ESSENCE) and you'll throw the spider in the
sea, for which you may not get four points. Wait a bit and you can
enter the cave, where you will get an amber stone.

Go back to the tavern, where there will be pirates. COUNT COINS and
GIVE COINS TO PIRATES so to pay for passage. Go east twice and board
the plank, where you'll find spacious(if nothing else) accommodations.
Watch the scene, go east, TAKE CRATE, wait for rats to come in(it's good
to set controls on "fastest" right here) and then wait for them to talk
about treasure. Otherwise, you won't find it even if you know where to
dig. To climb up the ladder to the west, DROP CRATE, JUMP CRATE, JUMP
CRATE, and JUMP just north of the bottom crate, and wait until the
captain's not in(save the game first) before going west to OPEN TRUNK
and GET ALL. You need to go west and wait for a bit now(do some chores
or some exercise in the meantime) for the ship to dock. You'll hear
voices saying it has, whereupon you can cast the sleep spell(cast it
before this, and you will be adrift forever!) and climb up twice--you'll
need to jump up again before climbing. Jump overboard(up twice, east,
and go north off the boat) and stay close to the bottom edge so that if
sharks pop up you can shake them by going down and then up again.
Always make progress east, and from the island go to the east side.
Five steps east of the palm tree(set the game to SLOW to make sure
although you have leeway) DIG with the shovel. You've got treasure!
Now, go north. Go east, and the path in the upper part of the screen
will curl west and then east. You'll need to climb rocks(not too tough)
and then go north, east, and north(climb up the stream.) In the
meantime, prepare the flying spell(PUT FLY WINGS IN ESSENCE) but don't
hit return. You'll want to go east twice but if the abominable snowman
appears you'll want to be prepared--he runs quicker than you can type.
Once you've gone east twice, take the LEFT path and you will be climbing
down some annoying cliffs. Remember when you walk through a cave not to
touch any keys and be alert for when you come out. From there you can
walk to the east of the screen, and south twice will see you falling
into Daventry.

Go west and north and talk to the old man if you want, then back south
and east before you climb the stairs to the east(walk northeast.) Then
northeast and northwest and west. Before you go west you will want to
use the INVISIBILITY OINTMENT and also have the storm spell prepared.
Go west, hit F3, and the dragon will die. Go over to Rosella, UNTIE
ROSELLA, KISS ROSELLA(if you want), retrace your steps to where you
fell, W, N, N to enter the castle. You've won the game!


+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| West of | | Dragon! | | East of | | Cave top |
| Dragon | | (Rosella) | | dragon | | |
| |==| |==| |==| |
| |==| |==| |==| |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| Outside | | Castle | |
Cave middle |
| Castle | | Daventry | |
| |==| | |
| |==| | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| /
| /
+-------------+ +-------------+
| Old Man's | | Cave bottom |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| /
| /
+-------------+ +-------------+
| Blocked Well| | Where You |
| | | Fall |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+

+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| Above stream| |Snowmans cave| |Above the |
| | | | | mountain |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| |
| |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| Mountain | | Mountain | | Up/down | |
Smooth path |
| path | | path with | | mountain | |
| |==| stream | | |==|
| |==| | | |==|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
+-------------+ +---
| Path below | |
End of path |
| mountain | |
|(also to the | |
| east) | |
| | |
| | |
+-------------+ +---
+-------------+ +---
| East beach | |
Where you |
| (treasure) | |
fall into |
| | |
Daventry! |
| | |
| | |
| | |
+-------------+ +---


+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| Desert | | Rock | | Waterfall | | Spider | |
Shore |
| (snakeskin) | | Trees | | | | Cave | |
| |==| |==| |==|(amber stone |==|
| |==| |==| |==| in cave) |==|
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| Just desert | | North | | Mountain | |Bend in river| |
Delta |
| | | trees | | base | | | |
| |==| |==| |==| |==|
| |==| |==| |==| |==|
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| Desert | | Trees | | Path end | | In town | |
Pier |
| | | with | | | | |
|(west to |
| (cactus) |==| Acorns |==| |==|tavern/store |==|
pirate ship)|
| |==| (acorns) |==| |==| (lard,oil, |==|
| | | (up to | | | | salt, pouch,| |
| | |bandits/gold)| | | | dog hair) | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---
| Scorched | | South | | Three bears | | Trees | |
Shore |
| Desert | | trees | | front yard | | (mistletoe) | |
| |==| |==| (dew) |==| |==|
| |==| |==|(enter house)|==| |==|
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ +---


| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |==| |==| |
| |==| |==| |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |==| |==| |
| |==| |==| |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
+-------------+ +-------------+
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+


+-------------+ +-------------+
|Manannan's | | Observatory |
|room(mirror, | | (fly wings) |
|key, map, | | |
|rose essence)| | |
|[chamber pot]| | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| /
| /
+-------------+ +-------------+
| Hallway | | Gwydion's |
| | | Room(hide |
| |==| stuff here) |
| |==| (bed) |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+


+-------------+ +-------------+
| Study | | Kitchen |
| (wand) | | [broom] |
| trap door | |(bread, knife|
| | |spoon, mutton|
| | | fruit, bowl |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| |
| |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| Hallway | | Dining Room |
| (up to 2nd) | | |
| |==| Cup |
| |==| |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| Outside |
| chickens |
| (feather) |
| |
| |


| Stairs to |
| laboratory |
| |
| |
| [cat may be |
| here] |
| Manannan's |
| Laboratory |
| (saffron) |
| (mandrake) |
| (nightshade)|
| (fishbone) |
| (toad |
| spittle) |
| (toadstool |
| (powder) |


In the house(47 points total):
1-get cup(dining room)
1-get mutton(kitchen)
1-get fruit(kitchen)
1-get bread(kitchen)
1-get spoon(kitchen)
1-get knife(kitchen)
1-get bowl(kitchen)
1-get cat hair(take cat, take hair)
1-get fly wings(observatory)
1-get rose petal essence
1-find magic mirror(in dresser)
1-get chicken feather(just outside house)
3-find brass key(on top of dresser)
4-find magic wand(in study, "open cabinet" with brass key)
5-find hidden lever(push book)
7-find magic map(hidden in closet)
12-change Manannan into a cat(put cookie in porridge/give porridge to
4-drop all(in your bedroom--to hide it. This scores 4 the first time.)
In the basement(76 points total):
1-get saffron
1-get mandrake root
1-get nightshade juice
1-get fishbone powder
1-get toad spittle
1-get toadstool powder(all items are on the shelf)
10-make dough for ears
10-prepare cat cookie
10-make teleportation stone
10-make storm brewing spell
10-make sleep spell
10-make invisibility ointment
10-make flying spell
1-get mistletoe(tree south of general store)
1-get acorns(by bandits' tree)
1-get spoonful of mud(west of spider cave)
1-get cactus(in the desert)
1-get snakeskin(in the desert)
1-get cup of ocean water(with cup, climb down ladder, "get water")
2-get eagle feather(the bottom of the mountain path, or east of it)
2-find bandits' hideout
3-pull rope in oak tree
3-get amber stone from oracle in spider's cave
4-find coin purse in bandits' hideout
4-kill the spider(dip eagle feather in essence)
5-fly into oak tree as a fly
5-turn Medusa to stone(walk south/north, type "use mirror" when she is
Three bears' house:
1-get thimble(upstairs drawer)
2-get porridge(kitchen)
1-get dew(outside, with thimble)
3-become fly, listen to bandits
3-give money to captain
1-buy empty pouch
1-buy fish oil
1-buy salt
1-buy lard
1-pet dog(to get dog hair)
Pirate ship:
2-get on board
2-climb crates and ladder to leave hold
3-get stolen possessions back
1-get shovel(east of captain's quarters)
5-escape the ship successfully
7-dig up treasure
4-get past Abominable Snowman
7-kill the dragon(with spells)
3-untie Rosella
4-enter Castle Daventry
Total points = 210


You can break Little Bear's chair by sitting on it, or you can fall
asleep in his bed, after which Papa Bear will kick you out. There are
also other "literary allusions" in the Three Bears' house.
You can have a drink of run at the tavern, and you'll spin around for a


In the hold of the pirate ship, if you go as far up as possible on the
second crate and then jump, you will be able to glide all around the
In the hold of the pirate ship, if you jump on the small crate(behind
the big one) from the side, you'll appear in front of the big crate.
You can walk into a stone while going west from one desert screen to
another, and you won't be able to walk out of it.
There is a bizarre bug where, if you are going northeast leaving
Manannan's laboratory, if you are right on the edge when you change
screens, you are still walking around, but your falling action is shown.
You may not get 4 points for killing the spider in some versions.
If you look at the map after climbing down from the docks and push F8,
you'll be back on the docks. There are also some bugs from cancelling
the map where you wind up running in place or face a different

Fall a short way down the stairs(captain's level) or the laboratory
stairs or the treehouse stairs.
In Daventry, the first winding path won't kill you if you fall off it.
You also slip and fall into Daventry.
Papa Bear punts you out the door if you walk in on them.
Mama Bear beats you up if you walk in her garden.
The bandits will knock you unconscious.

Medusa turns you to stone
You don't do your chore, and Manannan gets you.
You have a starred item, and Manannan catches you with it.
You forget to move the book back into place, or you do not pull the
lever to hide the staircase.
You leave the wand out--it can't be under the bed. It must be where you
got it.


Manannan knows when you have a magic item, but he doesn't think much of
your having dough in your ears. Hmmm.


"JJ & Mara" whose beautiful KQ3 map is shown in some abandonware
versions. So I've heard.
Peter Spear and the second edition of _The King's Quest Companion_ for
some very important details including checking my point totals and spell

10/23/2000 Version 1.0.0 sent to

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