Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

16.10.2013 18:43:50
Last updated : 7 April 2001 (Australian Time)
DC's Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 Guide (PC) v1.11
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Legal Stuff
This entire FAQ is copyright DC 2000-01. The only sites that can use
this without asking are:

If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail me at
The latest version can always be found from or

Note, that if you've asked me for permission but don't see your site on the
list above, don't worry about it, as it's a real pain to update each time
everyone asks me to use this guide on their site. So as long as you've
asked me, yes, you can put it up on your site. The sites above are the
ones that don't have to ask to use them.

Tony Hawk 2 is copyright Neversoft 1999/00. Please do not leech any
of this to make your own FAQ out of it. Unless you have MY permission DO
NOT take anything at all from this guide. Don't edit, don't do anything to
it and submit it without e-mailing me with permission first. You can
print it out, but only for personal use, no selling this! Summing it
up, do anything for your own personal benefit (apart from reading it)
without asking me, AND YOU'LL BURN IN HELL!!!!!

To get in touch, e-mail me at
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Be warned that I'm only on the net twice a week, don't expect replies
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guidelines about sending me mail:

1.Make sure you put the title of the game you're asking about in the
subject. I've made a fair few FAQs, and it's a bit hard to work
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2.If it's an FAQ, make sure that it's not already in the guide!!! If
it is, I'll do my best to ignore it.

If it's not in there, make sure that the details you provide
are, well, DETAILED, and not sketchy. Examples are "Hi need to know
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3.Ask nicely. So far, most people have, but if your mail goes along
the lines of "Hi, need code for B2, reply within the next hour
otherwise I'll bomb you" will not get you anywhere.

That's it. Sorry for being a pain, but it had to be said.


Revision History:

v1.1-Changed the guide to a PC-PSX differences guide.
v1.11-Name change!


3)New Parks


There are a few changes in the PC version of THPS2. So this lists
most of the changes; the ones that I have found out about anyway =)
So for a full gap checklist and walkthrough etc., just check out my
THPS2 guide for the PSX.


You can set these yourself by going to options and controls. I'm
using the default controls here.


Doesn't really need explaining. But down slows you down.


Ollie : Press space to ollie. If you hold down space, you'll
crouch, and when you let go, you'll ollie. The longer
you hold down space, the higher you will ollie.

Nollie: Hit Num 1 and press Space. It's an ollie that gives you

Manual: New to Tony Hawk 2 is the manual. Press Up, Down to do a
normal manual, or Down, Up to do a nose manual (I think
that's what it's called), but only when both of your
wheels are on solid ground. Manuals are extremely useful
as you can now chain a whole stack of moves together (e.g
manual to kickflip to grind to kickflip to grind to manual

No Comply: For those who have played Tony Hawk, this is a nollie.
Press Up, then Space. Or you can hold Space, tap up, and
let go of Space.

Boneless: For those who have played Tony Hawk, this is a Fastplant.
Press Up, then Up + Space. Or you can hold Space, tap up
twice, and let go of Space.

Big Drop: Whenever you get the message "Big Drop", press Space just
as you hit the ground to prevent yourself from bailing.


Grind : When near a rail, curb, edge, or whenever you're near
something you can grind, hold V to grind it. You
can also hold a directional button and press V to
perform different tricks. The longer you grind, the
weaker your balance gets. You'll notice your skater
swaying from side to side, so balance him/her by using
the Left and Right directional buttons. You'll need
practice to get your balance right.


Up + V : FS Nosegrind
Up/Right + V : FS Crooked \ The position of your board
Up/Right + V : FS Overcrook / (normal or switch) depends on
which one is peformed
Right + V : FS Tailslide \ The position of your board
Right + V : FS Noseslide / (normal or switch) depends on
which one is peformed
Down/Right + V : BS Feeble \ The position of your board
Down/Right + V : BS Smith / (normal or switch) depends on
which one is peformed
Down + V : FS 5-0
Down/Left + V : BS Feeble \ The position of your board
Down/Left + V : BS Smith / (normal or switch) depends on
which one is peformed
Left + V : FS Tailslide \ The position of your board
Left + V : FS Noseslide / (normal or switch) depends on
which one is peformed
Up/Left + V : FS Crooked \ The position of your board
Up/Left + V : FS Overcrook / (normal or switch) depends on
which one is peformed
Up, Up + V : FS Bluntside
Down, Down + V : FS Nosebluntside

V : FS 50-50
V (at 90 degrees : FS Boardslide
to the object)
V (at 180 degrees : FS Lipside
to the object)

Lip Trick: When ever you come up near a lip of any vert object,
if you hold V and a directional button, your
skater will perform a lip trick, which is where the
skater will pause on the lip, performing a handstand, or
something fancy. Just don't hold too long, otherwise
you'll just end up falling off.

Wallride : When near a wall, and when you're airborne, hit V
to perform a wallride. You have to be parallel to the wall
(or close to parallel)

Flip Trick : When you hold a directional button and tap C, you
will perform a flip trick. What's a flip? Where the
skater will momentarily take his feet off the board
perform some fancy trick, then land on the board again.
The skaters most likely to use flip tricks are street
skaters, as they are quick, but they don't give you
as many points as you would get from a grab trick. I
recommend using Flip Tricks only when on the street,
to add some extra points to those grinds, in between
manuals, and the like. You shouldn't waste Flip Tricks
when you're on the halfpipes.

Grab Trick : When you hold a directional button and tap B, you
will perform a grab trick. What's a grab? Where the
skater will grab onto his board, and the longer he can
keep up in the air whilst holding their board, the more
points they will score. This is really suited to vert
skaters, and you'd be a little wacky to think of using
it on anything/anywhere else other than when you've got
tons of air. This is great for vert ramps, halfpipes,
and when you're falling from high surfaces (e.g the
school roofs, the train tracks, and the insanely high
half and quarterpipes in Ventura).
Numpad 7

Spin : Helpful when doing tricks, hold this to spin. Be careful,
overspin and you'll end up bailing.

Numpad 1

Nollie/Fakie : Basically an ollie that gives you points.

Numpad 9

Spin : Helpful when doing tricks, hold this to spin. Be careful,
overspin and you'll end up bailing.

Numpad 3

Switch : Switch stances. Check the stance of your skater. If you're
on switch (the opposite to his/her preffered stance),
you'll get more points, but stability is a problem.


Quick Recovery: When you've just bailed, mash the keypad to get up

3)New Parks

It really should be called Old parks, as they're from THPS1. To
unlock them, get gold medals in the competition events, and these
will be unlocked in modes other than Career Mode.

Downhill Jam, Pheonix AZ


Huge Water Hazard Gap : 1000 Points

Skate down from the start of the level, and you'll soon see two rails
that are hanging over a river. You have to clear this gap, and land
in the other side of the river. Use the ramp to the left of the
rails to launch over the gap.

25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250 Feet : Not Set

Skate down from the start of the level, keep going forward, down
the halfpipe, and wait until you see a sign that's hanging off a
tall rock. Go up the hill, down onto the kicker ramp, and launch
to the top of the rock. Follow it down into the tunnel, and when it
goes back out again, launch out of it as far as you can. The further
you get, the more points (of course, 250 feet can be achieved by using
Moon Physics).

Neversoft Elec Co Gap : Not Set

Skate down from the start of the level, keep going forward, down
the halfpipe, past the sign that's hanging off a tall rock, down and
to the end. On your right you'll see a funbox area, and there's an
area on top of that, with a rail. Use the nearby quarterpipe to get
up there, grind the rail, all the way to the end, then drop off and
land in a grind on the rail near the finish.

Skate Park, Chicago


Over The Box : 100 Points

Clear the funbox here, that's near the big quarterpipe.

Wall Gap : 100 Points

When you start the level, you'll see a wall in front of you. Ollie
over the high wall for this transfer.

Transfer : 200 Points

Take a look at the big halfpipe, its got a quarterpipe hanging at
the back of it. Air from the quarterpipe to the halfpipe.

HP Transfer : 250 Points

Next to the halfpipe is a small quarterpipe, go from that to the

Pool Hip : 500 Points

Notice how the pool has a sort of platform in the middle of it?
Starting in the pool, air over that and land in the other side of
the pool.

Pool 2 Walkway : 700 Points

Get into the pool, get some speed, and then launch onto the
walkway (the raised section that's next to the wall).

Whoop Gap : 1000 Points

From the start of the level, turn right, and use the kicker thing
to launch over the rails and landon the kicke ron the other side.

Acid Drop : 1000 Points

Get into the pool, get some speed, and then launch onto the
walkway (the raised section that's next to the wall). Then jump back
into the pool but land on one of the sloped sections.

Light Grind : Not Set

Use the big quarterpipe to launch up to the light that's hanging off
the rafters, and grind the light.

Over The Pipe : Not Set

Use the big quarterpipe to clear the halfpipe and land on the flat
section of it ont he other side.

Over The Rafters : Not Set

Use the big quarterpipe to clear the rafters at the top. You'll
need lots of speed.

Pipe 2 Box Grind : Not Set

Get into the halfpipe, and then ramp out in the direction of the
low wall(s) that are in fron of you when you start the level, you
have to land in a grind.

Pool Rail Trans : Not Set

Head into the pool, and take note of the quarterpipe that's to
the right, behind a set of rails. Go from the pool to the quarter

Rafter Rail : Not Set

Use the big quarterpipe to launch yourself up to the rafters and
land in a grind.

Walkway Rail Trans : Not Set

From the start of the level, head right, past the rails, and use the
quarterpipe to get up to the walkway. From here, jump down to the
rails and land in a grind.

Warehouse, Woodland Hills

Kicker Gap : 100 points

Find the two kickers on the left side of the level, and clear the
gap in between for this transfer.

Kicker 2 Ledge : 200 Points

Find the two kickers on the left side of the level, and use one to
get onto the ledge that's near the puddle of water.

Channel Gap : 250 points

Go down the rollin at the start of the level, and take note of the
quarterpipes that hang in between. Air from one, over the rollin,
and land on the other one.

Over the Pipe : 300 points

Go down the rollin, and clear the halfpipe.

Taxi Gap : 600 points

Go down the rollin, past the rail, and get some speed on the back
quarterpipe wall. Use the taxi funbox to launch into the halfpipe.

Over the Pipe + Secret Room : 1200 points

Go down the rollin, launch up from the halfpipe, smash through the
secret room, and land safely.

Big Rail : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and then grind the rail that's in the middle of
the park, all the way.

Deck 2 Rail : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and when you hit the floor, go left and launch
up to the deck. Get some speed on the quarterpipe that's at the
back of the deck, and then launch from the deck onto a grind on the

Face Plant : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and when you hit the floor, go left and launch
yourself all the way up the deck, and smash into the wall at the

High Rail : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and to the back quarterpipe wall. Get up to the
top and grind the whole rail that's up there.

Holy Shi... : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and grind the whole of the quarterpipe that's
at the back of the level. Made easier by Perfect Balance =)

Monster Grind : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and to the back quarterpipe wall. Get up to the
top and grind the whole rail that's up there. Drop down into a grind
on the quarterpipe, then land in a grind on the rail in the middle
of the level.

Taxi 2 Rail : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and use the taxi funbox to launch yourself onto
a grind on the rail that runs through the middle of the stage.

Transition Grind : Not Set

Go down the rollin, and when you hit the floor, go left and launch
yourself all the way up the deck. Then launch yourself onto the ramp
near the wall, and grind it.



To turn a cheat off, just enter it in again.


Space Down Left Right Down Left Right

Instant $5000 cash.

Skip Heats

C B Right C B Right C B Right

When in competition, enter this to win the heat.

Moon Physics

Space C Left Up Down Up C V

Double Moon Physics

Left Up Left Up Down Up C V Left Up Left Up Down Up C V

Note : This works in conjunction with the normal Moon Physics cheat,
so if you enter both of them you'll have "Triple Moon Physics".

Jetpack Mode

Up Up Up Up Space C Up Up Up Up Space C Up Up Up Up

Space is to float.
V is to hover.
Whenever you ollie up into the air you'll go a VERY high distance
and by holding V you can stay there. It's fun as you can go
out of the park and glitch up the game to the maSpace. Oh yeah you
can also get scores of 800000000 or more with this cheat.

Stats at 5

Up C V Up Down

Stats at 6

Down C V Up Down

Stats at 7

Left C V Up Down

Stats at 8

Right C V Up Down

Stats at 9

B C V Up Down

Stats at 10

Space V B C V Up Down

Stats at 13

Space V B Space Space Space C V Up Down

Get Private Carrera

Down Up Left Left B Left Up V V Up Right C C Up Space

Skip to Restart

C V Right Up Down Up Left C V Right Up Down Up Left B Up Left V

Kid Mode

B Up Up Left Left B Up Down C

Perfect Balance

Right Up Left C Right Up C V

Infinite Special

Space V B B Up Left V C

90% Unlock

Space Space Space C V Up Down Left Up C V Space V B Space V B

All movies, skate parks, cheats are unlocked. But Private Carrera is
still locked.

Big Head Mode

C B Up Left Left C Right Up Left

Wireframe Mode

Down B Right Up C V


B Up V C Space V B

Big Head

C B Up Left Left C Right Up Left

Sim Mode

B Right Up Left V B Right Up Down

Level Flip

Up Down Left Right V Space C B Up Down Left Right V Space C B

Disco Mode

Down Up C B Up Left Up Space

Fat Skater

Space Space Space Space Left Space Space Space Space Left Space Space
Space Space Left

The more you enter the code, the fatter your skater will get.

Thin Skater

Space Space Space Space C Space Space Space Space C Space Space
Space Space C

The more you enter the code, the thinner your skater will get.


Right Up C V

Turns blood on/off.

25% Speed Boost

Down C V Right Up B Down C V Right Up B

Speeds the game up by 25%.

Finish Career Mode

B Left Up Right B Left Up Right Space B Left Up Right B Left Up

Instant 100000 Competition Points

C B Right C B Right C B Right

All Gaps

Down Up Left Left B Left Up V V Up Right C C Up Space

All Characters

C B Right V B Right B V Right C Right Up Up Left Up C

All Levels

Up V Right Up C V Right Up Left C C Up B B Up Right


Neversoft- For creating one of the best games ever.

Millencolin - For recording one of the best albums ever. - For the cheats.

THayes - For a WONDERFUL FAQ. Check it out now!

MTruitt - For an innovative FAQ that gave me something to do after
I got all gaps =)

Everyone on the GameFAQs boards - For entertainment =)

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Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

16.Oktober 2013
Park mit vielen Gabs, Rails (Grinds) und Pipes

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17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Ein selbstgebastelter Park der Superlative. Mit grossen Jumps, Gaps, Rails und mit allem drum und dran!

16.Oktober 2013
Grosser Selbstgebauter Park mit vielen Gaps, Pipes, Grinds und coolen Jumps

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thanks to Kai (
Action Replay Codes

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Mit diesem Tool für Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 kann man die Level von Tony Hawk's Skateboarding in die PC Version Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 importieren.

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3 Super-Parks

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High Score FAQ

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Im Word-Format
Engl. Hinweise

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Replay im School 2 Level, es wurden keine Codes benutzt.

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Savegame, das keine Wünsche offen lässt; alle Fahrer, Strecken, Gaps, eine Menge Geld, reichlich viele Punkte für alle Strecken und alle Cheats freigeschaltet

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Alle Cheats, Fahrer, Strecken, Gaps und drei eigene Fahrer

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13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020