Age of Wonders

Age of Wonders

17.10.2013 16:02:25
Battle Tactics FAQ
Age of Wonders: Battle Tactics FAQ 1.9
Started: 05/06/01
Copyright 2001 by AverMan

| Warning |
Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but don't sell it for money. If
you want to use this FAQ for your website you must ask my permission, email me
at, and you must not modify it in any way and do it with
this the Warning in it. Also specify that you want to use the Age of Wonders:
Battle Tactics FAQ in your email. I can't stress this enough, PLEASE keep my
FAQ updated. If you do use it and I find out, trust me I WILL, you'll be in
some serious legal trouble!!! Thanks to all who cooperate. ^^

Age of Wonders is a trademark of Triumph Studios

| Intro |
This FAQ shows a list of the good and bad features of the races in Age of
Wonders. I did this by giving an overall description of the race then the pros
and cons. Then I listed their units and gave a list their pros and cons. I went
in depth on the units level three and up because that's where the races shine.
I mentioned some strategies you can use in and out of Combat Mode. The special
units are also listed here like the dragons and the elementals. On top of all
that I have the special traits of all of the units in the game.

But why make a FAQ on Age of Wonders: Battle Tactics? I feel that this game
deserves it. After all it is the best turn-based strategy game that was ever
released. Well it's the best turn-based I've ever played. ^^ Plus, I would like
to share my knowledge of Age of Wonders units and battling strategies. I hope
some people might become inspired by my walkthrough and, hopefully, make other
FAQS about Age of Wonders.

Well now that we got that cleared up, lets begin.

||| Updates |||

| 6/19/01 |
- Added the "Special Units Guide"
- Minor changes to the whole FAQ
Comments: Now that the Race Guide is finished, I will now be working on the
"Spell Guide". I would have had it done and posted earlier but I had a little
problem over the weekend.

| 6/24/01 |
- Added the "Spell Guide" section

| 6/26/01 |
- Added the "Battling Tips" section
- Added "Unit Stats"
- Fixed many, many errors
- Other changes to the FAQ
Comments: Many errors make Averman look bad. Anyway, I added the "Unit Stats"
section and the Battling Tips section. The Unit Stats section tells everything
about statistics. Battling Tips section has tips on battles. If anyone wants to
submit any battling tips, please email me at The overall
game play FAQ is coming along just fine. It should be done soon.

| 7/06/01 |
- Added in-depth stats for Highmen & Orcs
- Added more battle tips
- Updated Unit Stats section
- Updated Special Units section
Comments: A big thanks to SnaPnTaP for providing me with the in-depth stats.
There are more to come so keep checking.

| 8/03/01 |
- Updated Warning
- Updated Dark Elves & Goblin Stats
Comments: Sorry for the delay but here are the Dark Elf and Goblin stats. I
started work on the special trait FAQ and I will be posting it soon. I will
also be adding a list of places that you can find my FAQ at. The next few
updated will be big ones.

| 8/10/01 |
- Updated Intro
- Updated Special Traits
- The List
Comments: As I was doing "The List" section, I noticed my of the sites aren't
keeping my FAQ updated. Yes that is bad and yes I am very upset!! If you want
to find up-to-date versions of this FAQ got to or
Anyway, I'm going get it straightened out but I would like to announce that
someone finnaly submited a tip!! Thanks Shorty3788 for submiting your tip and I
hope more people decide to do the same. Please submit more tips!!

| 9/08/01 |
- Updated Lizardmen, Special Units & Azracs stats
Comments: Sorry for the delay but here are more stats.

| 10/19/01 |
- Updated Elves, Halflings, & Dwarves stats
- Updated Battling Tips section
Comments: I got three more stats: Elf, Dwarves and the Halflings. I also got
another tip from
Jim Smith. Thanks

| 1/15/02 |
- Revised Whole FAQ
- Added Stats for Frostlings, Undead, & Humans
- Added Strategy section for each race
Comments: I added a strategy guide for each race exept the Undead and finished
all the stats for all the races. Sorry for the delay for this update, I know
it's been a while. Anyway, I'm gonna try to finish this FAQ real soon so look
for more updates.

||| Table of Contents |||

||| 1. Race Guide ||| - Recently Updated
Dark Elves
Special Units

||| 2. Spell Guide |||
Cosmos Magic
Secret Magic

||| 3. Unit Stats |||
||| 4. Special Traits |||
||| 5. Battling Tips |||
||| 6. Thanks, The List & The Warning ||

||| 1. Race Guide |||
This section is describes all 12 races plus the special units that you find in
the game. For each race I give you the overall description, pros, cons, and the
stats of each unit. This is provided for those who don't have an instruction
booklet and thanks to SnaPnTaP911 for providing the stats.

Note: When you see a "..." by any unit is means it is a standard unit and is
basically the same throughout all of the other races. Or it means that I can't
find anything wrong with this unit. This mostly applies to level one units but
there are few exceptions.
Priestly abilities apply for priests. This is a broad description of the common
abilities a priest may have. Examples: Dispel Magic 1, Turn Undead 1, Healing

|| Elves ||

| Overall |
Elves are best in hand-to-hand combat and archery. Their archers can do more
damage than many of the other races and their level one swordsman have higher
attack. Unfortunately they are a little weaker in defense than most of the
other races. When leading the race of elves into battle, you must plan your
moves carefully because it could mean the difference between winning and
losing. It is also advised that you ally with another race, which makes up for
the Elves low defense like the Dwarves.
| Pros |
- Higher attack then most other races
- All humaniod races have the forestry ability
- Archers have the Markmanship I ability
- Many of their units have magic abilities
| Cons |
- Very weak on defense

| Strategies |
Since the Elves have so many advantages, winning shouldn't be a problem. Be
aware of their lower defense. To make up for this you should pick the Life
and/or Earth spheres for their defensive spells. When picking skills for your
leader consider giving him more defenses, the leadership ability, or more
spells casting ability. When starting out your first adventuring party should
consist of 4 swordsman, 3 archers, and either a nymph or a battering ram.
Nymphs are useful only in the beginning of the game so don't invest lots of
time producing them. As you begin to move up to producing level two/three
units, continue to produce archers. They can prove vital in combat and give you
the advantage you need. Use the Fairy and the Ranger as scouts for new cities
and spying on your enemies. When taking out enemy leaders, use the ranged
attackers and Earth spell entangle to your advantage.

| Level One Units |

Elf Swordsman
Attack: 5 Walking Forestry
Defense: 2 Strike
Damage: 2
Resistance: 4
Life: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: High attack
Cons: Frail

Attack: 4 Walking Forestry
Defense: 1 Strike Seduce
Damage: 2
Resistance: 5
Life: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Seduce ability
Cons: Frail

Elf Archer
Attack: 3 Walking Forestry
Defense: 2 Archery Marksmanship I
Damage: 1
Resistance: 4
Life: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Marksmanship 1 ability
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Elven Scout
Attack: 6 Walking Forestry
Defense: 3 Strike Vision I
Damage: 2 Charge
Resistance: 4
Life: 7
Moves: 36
Pros: Lots of movement points, high attack, Vision 1 ability
Cons: Low defense

Elf Cleric
Attack: 3 Walking Forestry
Defense: 2 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 2 Turn Undead I Entangle
Resistance: 5 Healing Dispel Magic I
Life: 5 Magic Bolts
Moves: 26
Pros: Priestly abilities
Cons: ...

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Attack: 3 Flying Magic Strike
Defense: 5 Strike Concealment
Damage: 3
Resistance: 6
Life: 6
Moves: 32
Pros: Magic strike, flyer, concealment, lots of movement points
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 6 Walking Forestry
Defense: 4 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 4 Healing
Resistance: 8
Life: 10
Moves: 36
Pros: Healing, high attack
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Elf Ranger
Attack: 6 Walking Swimming
Defense: 3 Forestry Mountaineering
Damage: 3 Strike Archery
Resistance: 5 Marksmanship II Concealment
Life: 8
Moves: 32
Pros: Lots of different abilities
Cons: Takes a while to produce, weak

| Level Four Unit |

Nature Elemental
Attack: 5 Walking Forestry
Defense: 7 Poison Immunity Strike
Damage: 5 Healing Regeneration
Resistance: 8 Path of Life Fire Protection
Life: 15 Cold Protction Lightning Protection
Moves: 32 Entangle Strike
Pros: Lots of abilities and immunities
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Halflings ||

| Overall |
Halflings are and aren't the best race but they do have their ups. Halfling's
level 1 swordsmen have the parry ability, which let's them dodge the first
attack done to them. Due to their low cost you can have an army of Halflings in
no time. Where the Halflings lack in strength, they make up in ranged or
magical attacks.
| Pros |
- They have the best level one ranged attacker, the Slinger
- Many of the units have ranged attacks and many unique abilities
- Cheap units
- Leprechaun is one of the most powerful units in the game.
| Cons |
- Low attack points
- None really, they are the most well rounded among all of the other races

| Strategies |
The Haflings have the best advantage starting out because they get cavalry, the
Pony Rider, at level one. They also have the best level one ranged attacker,
the Slinger. It throws rocks at the opponent several times instead of two like
archers do. Your first party should be 3 slingers, 3 pony riders, and 2
swordsman. The satyr is the useless unit that the Halflings posses but it does
have its uses. The Eagle Rider is the best scout but is very weak in combat.
The rogue and the centaur are good ranged attackers and the Leprechaun is
nearly invincible. The spheres you should consider are Fire or Air, for their
attack spells, and Life for defensive spells. For you leader, leadership or
more spells casting ability are your best bet.

| Level One Units |

Halfling Slinger
Attack: 3 Walking Hurl Stones
Defense: 2
Damage: 2
Resistance: 4
Life: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Can throw rocks
Cons: You can only throw so far

Halfling Pony Rider
Attack: 5 Walking Strike
Defense: 2 Charge
Damage: 3
Resistance: 4
Life: 7
Moves: 32
Pros: High hit points, attack, and movement
Cons: Low defense

Halfling Swordsman
Attack: 4 Walking Strike
Defense: 2 Parry
Damage: 2
Resistance: 4
Life: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: ...
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Halfling Cleric
Attack: 3 Walking Magic Strike
Defense: 2 Strike Turn Undead I
Damage: 2 Healing Dispel Magic I
Resistance: 5 Magic Protect. Magic Bolts
Life: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Priestly abilities
Cons: ...

Attack: 4 Walking Forestry
Defense: 2 Strike Bard's Skills
Damage: 3 Charm
Resistance: 6
Life: 6
Moves: 26
Pros: Charm, bard skills, and high resistance
Cons: ...

| Level Three Units |

Halfling Rogue
Attack: 5 Walking Strike
Defense: 4 Hurl Stones Marksmanship I
Damage: 4 Wall Climbing Parry
Resistance: 4 Concealment
Life: 6
Moves: 26
Pros: Throw stones, climbs walls, concealment
Cons: Takes a while to produce, not very strong

Attack: 6 Walking Forestry
Defense: 4 Strike Archery
Damage: 3 Marksmanship I Charge
Resistance: 6
Life: 11
Moves: 36
Pros: Archery and lots of movement points
Cons: Takes a while to produce, frail

Halfling Eagle Rider
Attack: 5 Flying Strike
Defense: 2 Vision II Charge
Damage: 4
Resistance: 4
Life: 8
Moves: 36
Pros: Great scout and a flyer
Cons: Takes a while to produce, very weak

| Level Four Unit |

Attack: 5 Walking Forestry
Defense: 10 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 3 Regeneration Invisibility
Resistance: 10 Dispel Magic I Fearless
Life: 8 Death Protect. Poison Protection
Moves: 26 Parry Magic Bolts
Pros: High defense and tons of abilities
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Dwarves ||

| Overall |
The Dwarves use machines and such to win their battles. Most of their humanoid
units are good for close-quarter combat, travel through mountains, and have
poison protection. As for their machines, the Bombardier is very useful during
castle sieges and the Balloon can get slower units from place to place faster.
With careful planning, Dwarves can dominate the underground and the surface.
| Pros |
- Units are perfect fighters
- All humanoid units have mountaineering
- All humanoid have higher hit points
| Cons |
- Units a little more expensive than normal

| Strategies |
For the Dwarves, starting out can be a little rough due to the cost of their
units. Once you do get going, explore the above world along with the
underground world because you'll never know what you'll find. Dwarves have many
advantages over the other races in castle sieges by utilizing the bombardier,
mole, and the giant units. Capture many cities and mines to make up for the
cost of dwarven units. You can use the balloon to scout and move units over
land and non-flying threats. The spheres to pick are Air and Earth. You can
also choose Fire, if you have more spheres, or if you don't want to choose
Earth. It is totally up to you on what stats you want to give your leader.

| Level One Units |

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

Dwarf Berserker
Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 1 Mountaineering Strike
Damage: 4 Fearless Poison Protection
Resistance: 4 Round Attack
Life: 6
Moves: 24
Pros: Round Attack ability
Cons: Frail

Dwarf Axeman
Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Mountaineering Strike
Damage: 3 Poison Protection
Resistance: 4
Life: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: ...
Cons: ...

Dwarf Archer
Attack: 3 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Mountaineering Archery
Damage: 2 Poison Protection
Resistance: 4
Life: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: ...

| Level Two Units |

Dwarf Boar Rider
Attack: 5 Walking Mountaineering
Defense: 3 Strike Poison Protection
Damage: 3 Charge
Resistance: 4
Life: 8
Moves: 32
Pros: High attack
Cons: Kinda Frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Fire Cannon Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Life: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can damage walls from far away
Cons: Frail

Dwarf Cleric
Attack: 3 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Mountaineering Magic Strike
Damage: 2 Strike Turn Undead I
Resistance: 5 Healing Dispel Magic I
Life: 5 Fearless Poison Protection
Moves: 24 Magic Bolts
Pros: Priestly abilities
Cons: ...

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Dwarven Balloon
Attack: 2 Flying Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Transport (5 Units) Vision III
Damage: 8
Resistance: 3
Life: 12
Moves: 32
Pros: Flyer, gets units around
Cons: Takes a while to produce, can't attack

Dwarf Mole
Attack: 5 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 3 Mountaineering Strike
Damage: 4 Night Vision Tunneling
Resistance: 4 Poison Protect. Wall Crushing
Life: 14
Moves: 32
Pros: Good for underground and can damage walls
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 6 Walking Mountaineering
Defense: 3 Strike Hurl Boulder
Damage: 7
Resistance: 4
Life: 15
Moves: 32
Pros: High damage and ranged attack
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Dwarf First Born
Attack: 7 Walking Mountaineering
Defense: 5 Fire Immunity Poison Immunity
Damage: 7 Fire Strike Strike
Resistance: 6 Fearless Magic Protection
Life: 24
Moves: 24
Pros: Many immunities and lots of hit points
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| HighMen ||

| Overall |
In combat, the Highmen rely mostly on their super natural abilities and their
effectiveness against the evil races. Highmen are most effective against their
archrivals, the Undead. With their healing abilities, holy protection, true
seeing, and flying units Highmen are extremely powerful especially if you have
your leader use the magic spheres of life. With all these advantages could the
Highmen be the perfect race?
| Pros |
- Holy protection
- Lots of different abilities and protections
- Very effective against undead
- Excellent with the Life sphere
| Cons|
- Some of the units are kind of expensive

| Strategies |
The almost perfect race is the funniest race to play. With every humanoid unit
possessing ability it's hard not to like playing as the HighMen. Your first
parties should consist of a few spirit puppets, swordsman, and archers. Get as
many cities early on in the game, especially level 2 and above, to get your
income going and to get those level 2+ units going. Once you get a pretty big
army, start taking out surrounding leaders. Many of the HighMen units have the
healing ability, so it's almost impossible to lose battles. Use the Valkyrie
and the Avenger as scouts and the Titan as your powerhouse. For you leader,
it's highly suggested that you pick four life spheres and use you points on
spell casting. This is because you can use the Sacred Wrath spell with a small
chance of it damaging your units.

| Level One Units |

Spirit Puppet
Attack: 4 Walking Cold Immunity
Defense: 2 Lightning Imu. Poison Immun.
Damage: 2 Death Immun. Holy Immunity
Resistance: 4 Magic Strike Strike
Hits: 4 Magic Protection
Moves: 30
Pros: Many immunities
Cons: Low hit points

Attack: 3 Walking Archery
Defense: 2 True Seeing Holy Protection
Damage: 1
Resistance: 4
Hits: 5
Moves: 30
Pros: Low cost
Cons: Low damage

Attack: 4 Walking Strike
Defense: 2 True Seeing
Damage: 3
Resistance: 4
Hits: 5
Moves: 30
Pros: Low cost
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Attack: 3 Walking Holy Strike
Defense: 2 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 2 Turn Undead II True Seeing
Resistance: 5 Healing Dispel Magic II
Hits: 5 Holy Protection Holy Bolts
Moves: 30 Charm
Pros: Many useful abilities
Cons: Can only heal once, kind of expensive

Attack: 5 Walking Strike
Defense: 3 Turn Undead I True Seeing
Damage: 3 Healing Holy Protection
Resistance: 5 Charge
Hits: 8
Moves: 40
Pros: Healing ability
Cons: Kinda frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Attack: 5 Walking Swimming
Defense: 4 Forestry Cave Crawling
Damage: 4 Mountaineering Death Immunity
Resistance: 7 Holy Immunity Holy Strike
Hits: 7 Magic Strike Strike
Moves: 32
Pros: Lot and lots of abilities and very, VERY useful
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 7 Flying Holy Immunity
Defense: 4 Holy Strike Strike
Damage: 3 Vision II Fearless
Resistance: 5 Charge
Hits: 8
Moves: 36
Pros: High attack and a flyer
Cons: Low damage and takes a while to produce

Attack: 6 Walking Fire Immunity
Defense: 5 Strike Holy Protection
Damage: 6 Round Attack First Strike
Resistance: 5
Hits: 15
Moves: 36
Pros: High hit points and damage
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Attack: 7 Flying Holy Immunity
Defense: 4 Fire Strike Strike
Damage: 6 True Seeing Healing
Resistance: 8 Dispel Magic I Vision II
Hits: 20 Fearless Fire Protection
Moves: 36
Pros: Flyer, ranged attacker and has high hit points
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce, low defense

|| Humans ||

| Overall |
Humans are the "vanilla ice cream" of all of the races. None of their humanoid
units have any immunities or protections and they don't have as many abilities.
But don't count out the humans, though. Humans may have average swordsman,
clerics, and cavalry but as you move up to level 3, you start to see where the
humans shine. The Charlatan and the Musketeer are good for ranged attacks, the
Cavalier is a fast and good all around, and the Air Galley is a flyer that can
carry units. The Cavalier is the best unit that the Humans have to offer so,
when possible, have as many of these as possible in your army.
| Pros |
- Units provide new tactics to use
- Cheap units
| Cons |
- Not as many abilities and protections as the other races

| Strategies |
For the humans, playing against other races can be difficult. You should
utilize the fact that the units are cheap and attack in groups to overwhelm
your opponents. Try to use the Air Galley in and out of combat to give you an
advantage of having a flyer. For you leader, choose any skill that you think
will give you an advantage. Good examples are more defense, leadership, and
first strike. The magic spheres to use are fire and air for attack purposes. In
order to win maps, you'll have to utilize your heroes. Instead of giving your
leader the load of spell casting and fighting, split it up between your heroes.
Also forge alliances with other neutral races and the HighMen whenever

| Level One Units |

Attack: 4 Walking
Defense: 2 Strike
Damage: 3 First Strike
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Good level one unit, first strike
Cons: ...

Attack: 4 Walking
Defense: 2 Strike
Damage: 3
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: ...
Cons: ...

Attack: 3 Walking
Defense: 2 Archery
Damage: 2
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Attack: 3 Walking Healing
Defense: 2 Magic Strike Dispel Magic I
Damage: 2 Strike Magic Bolts
Resistance: 4 Turn Undead I
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Priestly abilities
Cons: Can only heal once

Medium Calvary
Attack: 5 Walking
Defense: 3 Strike
Damage: 3 Charge
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 26
Pros: Average unit
Cons: Can't move far

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Attack: 3 Walking
Defense: 2 Fire Musket
Damage: 2
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 20
Pros: Excellent ranged attacker
Cons: Frail, takes a while to produce

Attack: 4 Walking
Defense: 3 Strike
Damage: 3 Bard's Skill
Resistance: 5
Hits: 7
Moves: 26
Pros: Has a few useful abilities, ranged attacker
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 6 Walking Parry
Defense: 6 Strike
Damage: 4 Fearless
Resistance: 4 Charge
Hits: 12
Moves: 36
Pros: Strong, fast, the best human unit
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Air Galley
Attack: 6 Flying Vision I
Defense: 6 Poision Imun. Fearless
Damage: 5 Markmanship I Cold Protection
Resistance: 5 Shoot Javelin
Hits: 18
Moves: 36
Pros: Very powerful, flyer, ranged attacker
Cons: Really expensive, really long time to produce

|| Azracs ||

| Overall |
Azracs are a neutral race of desert people who look much like humans. Since
they live in deserts, Azracs get protection from heat and fire. Azracs can
easily dominate early into the game by using the Elephant unit. It can crush
walls and attack which makes it better than any battering ram. Azracs don't
believe much in armor, which makes them extremely venerable. So defensively
they are weak but on offense they are stronger than most races. Most of their
units beyond level two have long ranged attacks, so use this to your advantage.
Plus the Yaka Avatar, their most powerful unit, can take control of other units
making them part of your own army. Get a few Yaka Avatars out; supported by the
ranged abilities of the Djinn and the Beholder, you should be able to dominate
most of the battles you engage.
| Pros |
- Fire Protection
- Can dominate early into the game with Elephant unit
- High attack points
| Cons |
- Most units have low defense

| Strategies |
As I mentioned earlier, the Azracs can dominate early if you play it out right.
Using the Elephant unit, accompanied with some Scorpion units and a few
swordsman and archers, taking over level one and two cities will be no problem.
As you move up to producing level two units, you can use the Rider to scout
further. Take advantage of the Djinn's and the Beholder's ranged abilities. The
Yaka Avatar is incredibly powerful and you should take advantage of its unit
possessing ability. You can take control of weak units and weak heroes. The
sphere to pick is the fire sphere. The spell Sacrificial Flame does massive
damage to several units and buildings but does damage to the caster. Since
Azracs have Fire Protections, you won't take damage for casting this spell.

| Level One Units |

Attack: 3 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 3 Poison Strike Strike
Damage: 3 Fire Protection
Resistance: 2
Hits: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Poisonous
Cons: Good all around

Azrac Swordsman
Attack: 5 Walking Strike
Defense: 1 Fire Protection
Damage: 3
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: High attack
Cons: Very frail

Azrac Archer
Attack: 3 Walking Archery
Defense: 1 Fire Protection
Damage: 1
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: Very frail

Attack: 3 Walking Strike
Defense: 3 Wall Crushing
Damage: 3
Resistance: 3
Hits: 9
Moves: 30
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Costly

| Level Two Units |

Azrac Priest
Attack: 3 Walking Fire Immunity
Defense: 1 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 2 Turn Undead I Healing
Resistance: 4 Dispel Magic I Magic Bolts
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Priestly abilities
Cons: Frail

Azrac Rider
Attack: 5 Walking Strike
Defense: 3 Fire Protection Charge
Damage: 3
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 40
Pros: High movement points
Cons: ...

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Sand Worm
Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 3 Fire Strike Strike
Damage: 5 Tunneling Fire Protection
Resistance: 4 Desert Concealment
Hits: 12
Moves: 26
Pros: Tunneling, Desert Concealment
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 5 Magic Strike Strike
Defense: 4 Floating Magic Bolts
Damage: 4
Resistance: 6
Hits: 10
Moves: 32
Pros: Flyer, ranged attacker
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 5 Strike Night Vision
Defense: 3 True Seeing Cause Fear
Damage: 3 Doom Gaze Floating
Resistance: 6 Vision I
Hits: 15
Moves: 24
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: Slow, takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Yaka Avatar
Attack: 8 Walking Fire Immunity
Defense: 5 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 6 Dominate Vision II
Resistance: 8 Fearless Magic Bolts
Hits: 20
Moves: 32
Pros: Dominate ability, ranged attacker
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Lizardmen ||

| Overall |
Lizardmen are the neutral reptilian race of Age of Wonders. They are the only
race that can swim giving them a key advantage on the World Map. With this in
mind, you should use all out attacks on opponents using the water as an escape
route or to bring in more units to overwhelm your opponent. Another advantage
the Lizards have stronger ballista and catapults that can also travel on the
water. Their level three units are very standard. The Lurker is a good surprise
attacker, Salamander is a good fighter unit, and the Green Wyvern is an
excellent scout. The most expensive unit in the game, the Basilisk, has a lot
of attack and defense but falls a little short on the special abilities.
| Pros |
- Can travel on the water
- Stronger siege weapons
| Cons |
- Costly level 4 unit
- Low magic resistance
- Not allot of ranged attackers

| Lizards |
For the Lizards, using the ability to walk on water is a must. A large portion
of water covers almost every map. You MUST use this to your advantage and
control the waterways as soon as possible. Use the Turtle Catapult and the
Turtle Ballista, whenever possible. The magic spheres to pick are air and
water. Pick Air for its haste spell and water for the flood spell. Flood
increases how much water that covers the world map. (Very useful) The haste
spells will help your units travel the waterways faster. If you want, produce a
Basilisk, but are warned that it does cost a lot and can't travel on water
without magic. For you leader choose more magic resistance or more spell
casting abilities.

| Level One Units |

Giant Slug
Attack: 3 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 1 Poison Strike Strike
Damage: 3 Venomous Spit Poison Protection
Resistance: 2
Hits: 5
Moves: 20
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: Low defense

Lizardmen Swordsman
Attack: 4 Walking Swimming
Defense: 2 Strike
Damage: 3
Resistance: 2
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Can walk on water
Cons: ...

Lizard Archer
Attack: 3 Walking Swimming
Defense: 2 Archery
Damage: 2
Resistance: 2
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Lizard Shaman
Attack: 3 Walking Swimming
Defense: 2 Magic Strike Strike
Damage: 2 Turn Undead I Healing
Resistance: 3 Dispel Magic I Poison Protection
Hits: 5 Magic Bolts
Moves: 26
Pros: Healing ability, Turn Undead 1, Dispel Magic 1
Cons: Can only heal once

Lizardmen Frog Rider
Attack: 5 Walking Swimming
Defense: 3 Strike Charge
Damage: 3
Resistance: 2
Hits: 7
Moves: 32
Pros: Lots of movement points
Cons: ...

Turtle Ballista
Attack: 6 Walking Swimming
Defense: 3 Shoot Javelin
Damage: 5
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Good defense/offense
Cons: Slow

Turtle Catapult
Attack: 5 Walking Swimming
Defense: 3 Hurl Boulder
Damage: 8
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Can break walls, good defense/offense
Cons: Slow

| Level Three Units |

Attack: 5 Walking Swimming
Defense: 3 Poison Strike Strike
Damage: 6 Poison Protection Water Concealment
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 24
Pros: Water concealment
Cons: Takes a while to produce, kind of slow

Attack: 7 Walking Fire Immunity
Defense: 4 Fire Strike Strike
Damage: 4 Parry
Resistance: 5
Hits: 10
Moves: 26
Pros: High attack, parry
Cons: Takes a while to produce, can't walk on water

Green Wyvern
Attack: 4 Flying Poison Immunity
Defense: 4 Strike Fearless
Damage: 5 Vision II
Resistance: 6 Poison Strike
Hits: 12
Moves: 36
Pros: Flyer, Vision 2
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Attack: 7 Walking Swimming
Defense: 6 Poison Immunity Strike
Damage: 5 Night Vision True Seeing
Resistance: 5 Doom Gaze Fearless
Hits: 22
Moves: 36
Pros: High attack, defense, and movement
Cons: Really costly, takes long time to produce

|| Frostling ||

| Overall |
This race of neutral nomads has a wide variety of units, which allow for a
different type of play. Since they live in the northern parts of the Age of
Wonders realm, all of their units have cold protection. With their diverse
units traveling through different areas is no problem. The Wolf Rider can
travel easily through forests, the Yeti unit can travel through mountains plus
it's a good fighter unit with the ability to crush walls. The Frost Queen can
travel anywhere as well as the flying Nordic Glow and, the ever powerful, Ice

| Pros |
- Frostlings provide lots of diverse units for allot of different tactics
- All humanoid units have Cold Protection
| Cons |
- Most humanoid units have low movement points

| Strategies |
Using the Frostlings wide variety of units, you can get anywhere on the map.
Early on you'll have a swimming unit at a low level. The only other race with
the advantage is the Lizards. With the Nordic Glow, you have a scout that is
almost invincible with lots of movement, the Yeti can travel over mountains and
break walls, and the Snow Queen can travel anywhere while taking 7 other units
with it. The Drake is very powerful so try to produce as many as you can
afford. The spheres of magic to pick are air and water for their offensive
spells and earth for its defensive spells and the movement spell.

| Level One Units |

Attack: 3 Walking
Defense: 2 Archery
Damage: 2 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: ...

Dire Penguin
Attack: 5 Walking
Defense: 2 Swimming
Damage: 2 Strike
Resistance: 3 Cold Protection
Hits: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: High attack, swimmer
Cons: Low defense

Attack: 4 Walking
Defense: 2 Strike
Damage: 3 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Standard unit
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Wolf Rider
Attack: 5 Walking Charge
Defense: 3 Forestry
Damage: 3 Strike
Resistance: 3 Cold Protection
Hits: 7
Moves: 32
Pros: Forestry
Cons: ...

Attack: 3 Walking Turn Undead I
Defense: 2 Cold Imm. Healing
Damage: 2 Magic Strike Dispel Magic I
Resistance: 4 Strike Frost Bolts
Hits: 5
Moves: 32
Pros: Turn Undead 1, Dispel Magic 1, and Healing
Cons: Healing can only be used once

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Attack: 6 Walking Strike
Defense: 4 Mountaineering Wall Crushing
Damage: 2 Cold Immunity
Resistance: 4 Cold Strike
Hits: 5
Moves: 24
Pros: Wall crushing, can travel on mountains
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Frost Queen
Attack: 4 Walking Strike
Defense: 3 Swimming Path of Frost
Damage: 3 Cold Immunity Frost Bolts
Resistance: 6 Cold Strike Snow Concealment
Hits: 8
Moves: 26
Pros: Snow Concealment, can travel on water
Cons: Takes a while to produce, frail

Nordic Glow
Attack: 4 Flying Physical Protection
Defense: 5 Magic Strike Fire/Cold/Poison Immunity
Damage: 4 Strike
Resistance: 6 Fearless
Hits: 7
Moves: 36
Pros: Flyer, many immunities
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Ice Drake
Attack: 7 Flying Vision 2
Defense: 5 Cold Immun. Fearless
Damage: 4 Strike Cold Breath
Resistance: 4 Dragon
Hits: 17
Moves: 36
Pros: It's a dragon
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Dark Elves ||

| Overall |
The evil race of Dark Elves is one of the most interesting races to play as.
Due to their preference of living in the dark, they all have the ability to see
in the dark plus most of their units have higher resistance points. Their level
one and two units are almost similar to the elves. Some exceptions are that the
priests now shoot lighting and the Nymph is replaced with the Lady of Pain. The
level 3 units are a lot more powerful though. The Spider Queen is a stronger
version of a Lady of Pain, the Executioner is a very fast and deadly, and the
Shadow is a stealthy fighter. The most powerful unit, the Incarnate, can posses
any unit accept Leaders.
| Pros |
- Archers have Marksmanship I
- High magic resistance
- Stealthy units
| Cons |
- Some units have a low defense

| Strategies |
With this race, you'll never have too much of a problem winning. It is
important that you get off to a good start. Use the Lady of Pain to capture
units to fight on your side and the Archers ability to do more damage. Find
level 2 cities to get really started. Once you've established a decent army of
Storm Priests, Riders, Arches, and Swordsman, you can stop using the Lady of
Pain unit and capture level 3 and 4 cities. Produce a few Executioners and
watch as the battles turn your way. Produce an Incarnate to take control of
enemy heroes or level 3/4 units. Unfortunately, you can't take control of
leaders. To aid you in capturing enemy units use spells like Chain Lightning
and Entangle that reduces the enemy's defense. Dark Elves are the best race for
getting other units to win fights for you.

| Level One Units |

Lady of Pain
Attack: 4 Walking Strike
Defense: 1 Seduce
Damage: 2
Resistance: 2
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Seduce ability
Cons: Frail

Attack: 4 Walking Strike
Defense: 2 Night Vision
Damage: 2
Resistance: 5
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Night Vision
Cons: ...

Attack: 3 Walking Archery
Defense: 2 Marksmanship I Night Vision
Damage: 1
Resistance: 5
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Ranged attacker, Night Vision
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Storm Priest
Attack: 3 Walking Magic Strike
Defense: 2 Strike Turn Undead I
Damage: 2 Night Vision Healing
Resistance: 6 Dispel Magic I Lightning Protection
Hits: 5 Lightning Bolts
Moves: 26
Pros: Many priestly abilities, Lightning Protection
Cons: Cost a little more

Attack: 5 Walking Strike
Defense: 3 Night Vision Charge
Damage: 2
Resistance: 5
Hits: 7
Moves: 36
Pros: Night Vision
Cons: Low damage

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Spider Queen
Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 3 Poison Immunity Poison Strike
Damage: 4 Strike Web
Resistance: 6 Seduce Wall Climbing
Hits: 8 Night Vision Magic Bolts
Moves: 36
Pros: Many abilities
Cons: Takes a while to produce, kind of frail

Attack: 7 Walking Strike
Defense: 5 Night Vision Trail of Darkness
Damage: 4 Fearless Charge
Resistance: 6 Life Stealing
Hits: 10
Moves: 36
Pros: Lot's of abilities, lots of movement points
Cons: Takes a while to produce, cost a little more

Attack: 5 Walking Cold Immunity
Defense: 4 Poison Immunity Death Immunity
Damage: 4 Strike Night Vision
Resistance: 5 Cause Fear Pass Wall
Hits: 7 Fearless Concealment
Moves: 26
Pros: Pass through walls, many immunities
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Attack: 2 Fire Immunity Cold Immunity
Defense: 5 Lightning Immunity Poison Immunity
Damage: 1 Death Immunity Physical Immunity
Resistance: 5 Magic Strike Strike
Hits: 10 Floating Possess
Moves: 36
Pros: Can posses units, many immunities
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce, weak attack

|| Goblins ||

| Overall |
The evil goblins aren't known for strength but for their ability to attack in
large numbers. This can be possible by their incredible low cost. Due to their
underground living they all have night vision, cave crawling, and poison
protection. It is best to attack by luring your opponents to you instead of
head on attacks. This is because the Goblins are not real good fighters but
they are excellent in exploring underground areas. It is best to ally the
Goblins with the Orcs or Dark Elves to make up for this flaw.
| Pros |
- Good underground traits
- Low cost
| Cons |
- Some frail units
- Low resistance

| Strategies |
This race is one of the weakest. To make up for this flaw, you should attack in
large numbers. Use the Bomber to destroy walls and clustered units and the
Darter to your advantage. Try to capture as many level 3 and 4 cities as you
can because this is where the goblins can take and advantage. Use the Troll as
you powerhouse until you start producing Karags. Produce as many Karags as you
can afford, back it up with attack spells like Fury and Dark Gift, and it will
be almost unstoppable.

| Level One Units |

Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Strike Night Vision
Damage: 2 First Strike Poison Protection
Resistance: 2
Hits: 4
Moves: 24
Pros: ...
Cons: ...

Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Night Vision Poison Darts
Damage: 1 Poison Prot.
Resistance: 2
Hits: 4
Moves: 24
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: ...

Attack: 3 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 1 Night Vision Self Destruct
Damage: 2 Poison Prot.
Resistance: 2
Hits: 4
Moves: 24
Pros: Can damage walls
Cons: Extremely frail

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Wolf Rider
Attack: 5 Walking Forestry
Defense: 3 Strike Night Vision
Damage: 3 Charge Poison Prot.
Resistance: 2
Hits: 7
Moves: 32
Pros: Forestry
Cons: ...

Attack: 3 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Poison Imm. Magic Strike
Damage: 2 Strike Turn Undead I
Resistance: 3 Night Vision Healing
Hits: 4 Dispel Magic I Magic Bolts
Moves: 24
Pros: Priestly abilities
Cons: ...

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Wyvern Rider
Attack: 5 Flying Poison Strike
Defense: 2 Strike Night Vision
Damage: 4 Vision II Poison Protection
Resistance: 2 Charge
Hits: 8
Moves: 32
Pros: Vision 2, flyer
Cons: Takes a while to produce, frail

Big Beetle
Attack: 5 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 3 Poison Strike Strike
Damage: 4 Night Vision Tunneling
Resistance: 4 Poison Imm. Wall Crushing
Hits: 13
Moves: 40
Pros: Can damage walls
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 6 Walking Strike
Defense: 3 Night Vision Regeneration
Damage: 7
Resistance: 4
Hits: 12
Moves: 28
Pros: Regeneration
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Attack: 7 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 4 Strike Night Vision
Damage: 8 Cause Fear Charge
Resistance: 7 Poison Prot. Fearless
Hits 21
Moves 44
Pros: Extremely powerful, fast
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Orcs ||

| Overall |
Orcs are the strongest of all of the races. Their fighting units have higher
damage points than other races. These natural born fighters don't use many
ranged attacks and prefer melee combat. The Swordsman, Heavy Calvary, and the
Warlord are examples of this. Their enhance version of a ballista, the Shredder
Bolt, is very powerful ranged attack. Not to mention the powerful Red Dragon.
Once you get a few of these out, you are sure to dominate.
| Pros |
- The Red Dragon
- Units have high attack and damage points
| Cons |
- Slow units

| Strategies |
This race is well known for it's brute strength. Unfortunately, the ground
units a very slow. It's best to fill your parties with units with high movement
points like Heavy Calvary and the Doom Bat. Use the air sphere spell, haste, to
increase your unit's movement points. This goes especially for the incredibly
slow Warlord. With the Orcs high defense, losing battles isn't something that
will happen often. Watch out for ranged attacks enemies and plan where you want
to move because you wont be getting there fast. Making an alliance with the
Dark Elves or Goblins is always an option you should consider.

| Level One Units |

Attack: 4 Walking Cave Crawling
Defense: 2 Poison Imm. Poison Strike
Damage: 2 Strike
Resistance: 3 Night Vision
Hits: 4
Moves: 24
Pros: Poison Strike
Cons: A little slow

Attack: 3 Walking
Defense: 2 Archery
Damage: 1
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Ranged attacker
Cons: ...

Attack: 4 Walking
Defense: 2 Strike
Damage: 4
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: High damage points
Cons: ...

Battering Ram
Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immun.
Defense: 2 Fearless Cold Protection
Damage: 1 Wall Crushing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Attack: 3 Walking Magic Strike
Defense: 2 Strike Turn Undead I
Damage: 2 Night Vision Healing
Resistance: 4 Dispel Magic I Magic Bolts
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Priestly powers
Cons: ...

Heavy Cavalry
Attack: 5 Walking
Defense: 3 Charge
Damage: 4 Strike
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 32
Pros: High damage points
Cons: ...

Shredder Bolt
Attack: 1 Walking Shoot Black Javelin
Defense: 2 Poison Imm.
Damage: 1 Cold Prot.
Resistance: 3 Fearless
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Black Javelins are devastating, Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 8
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Doom Bat
Attack: 4 Flying Poison Strike
Defense: 3 Strike Night Vision
Damage: 4 Cause Fear Poison Prot.
Resistance: 3 Underground Concealment
Hits: 7
Moves: 28
Pros: Flyer, underground concealment
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 5 Walking Poison Strike
Defense: 3 Marksmanship I Strike
Damage: 3 Wall Climbing Poison Darts
Resistance: 3 Concealment
Hits: 7
Moves: 28
Pros: Wall climbing, ranged attacker, Concealment
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 7 Walking
Defense: 6 Round Attack
Damage: 6 Strike
Resistance: 5
Hits: 14
Moves: 26
Pros: Very powerful
Cons: Takes a while to produce, slow

| Level Four Unit |

Red Dragon
Attack: 6 Strike Flying
Defense: 7 Fire Immunity Dragon
Damage: 5 Vision II Fearless
Resistance: 8 Fire Breath
Hits: 18
Moves: 32
Pros: It's a dragon
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Undead ||

| Overall |
The pure evil units of the Undead, despite their low defense, are very
powerful. Undead are known for their many resistances and their ability to
regenerate a little portion of their health. The Hell Hound is an extremely
useful unit plus it doesn't cost much. At level two, you notice the powerful
Doom Priest, which can control other units. At level 3 and 4 is where the
undead most powerful units are. The Bone Horror is excellent for castle sieges,
the Wraith is almost invincible, and the Demon can do lots of damage. The most
feared unit in the whole game is the Undead Reaper. This unit can kill units
with its ability named Invoke Death.
| Pros |
- Undead Reaper
- Many immunities
- Regeneration ability
| Cons |
- Low defense
- Weak against priests and the Highmen

| Level One Units |

Hell Hound
Attack: 4 Walking Death/Fire Prot.
Defense: 3 Fire Strike
Damage: 2 Regeneration
Resistance: 3 Fearless
Hits: 5
Moves: 32
Pros: High movement, excellent level one unit
Cons: ...

Attack: 4 Walking Fearless
Defense: 2 Poison Imm. Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Damage: 3 Strike
Resistance: 3 Regeneration
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Many immunities
Cons: Low defense

Attack: 4 Walking Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Defense: 2 Regeneration Death/Poison/Cold Immun.
Damage: 1 Archery
Resistance: 3 Fearless
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Ranged attacker, many immunities
Cons: Low defense

Bone Ram
Attack: 2 Walking Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Defense: 2 Wall Crushing Poison Immun.
Damage: 1 Regeneration
Resistance: 3 Fearless
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Can knock down walls
Cons: Can't attack, frail

| Level Two Units |

Attack: 5 Walking Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Defense: 3 Strike Death/Poison Immu.
Damage: 3 Regeneration Charge
Resistance: 3 Fearless
Hits: 7
Moves: 36
Pros: Many immunities
Cons: ...

Doom Priest
Attack: 3 Walking Fearless Death/Poison/Cold Immu.
Defense: 2 Death Strike Black Bolts Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Damage: 2 Dominate Regeneration
Resistance: 4 Strike Dispel Magic I
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: Priestly abilities, Dominate, black bolts
Cons: Kinda costly

Attack: 1 Walking Poison Immunity
Defense: 2 Shoot Javelin Fearless
Damage: 1 Cold Protection
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity and Cold Protection
Cons: Slow and frail

Skull Thrower
Attack: 1 Walking Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Defense: 2 Hurl Boulder Poison Immu.
Damage: 1 Regenration
Resistance: 3 Fearless
Hits: 7
Moves: 20
Pros: Poison Immunity, can break walls and cold protection
Cons: Slow and frail

| Level Three Units |

Bone Horror
Attack: 5 Walking Fire/Lightning/Cold Prot.
Defense: 3 Regeneration Death/Poison Immu.
Damage: 5 Strike Fearless
Resistance: 4 Death Strike Wall Crushing
Hits: 19
Moves: 26
Pros: Many immunities, can break walls
Cons: Takes a while to produce

Attack: 4 Walking Fearless Lightning Prot.
Defense: 2 Death Strike Pass Wall
Damage: 3 Strike Life Stealing
Resistance: 4 Regeneration Physical/Fire/Death/Poison/Cold Immu.
Hits: 6
Moves: 26
Pros: Nearly invincible
Cons: Takes a while to produce, low defense

Attack: 7 Flying Vision 2
Defense: 4 Poision Strike Fearless
Damage: 6 Strike Fire/Poision/Death Immu.
Resistance: 4 Regeneration
Hits: 10
Moves: 30
Pros: Flyer
Cons: Takes a while to produce

| Level Four Unit |

Undead Reaper
Attack: 7 Walking Invoke Death Lightning/Cold Prot.
Defense: 4 Death Strike Cause Fear Death/Poison Immu.
Damage: 5 Strike Fearless
Resistance: 10 Rengeneration Path of Decay
Hits: 15
Moves: 26
Pros: Very deadly & extremely powerful
Cons: Costly, really long time to produce

|| Special Units ||
This is the special units guide. The special units are creatures that don't fit
in any race but can be found somewhere on the map.

| Humanoids |
These creatures can be found wandering the map or guarding something

Attack: 4 Entangle Strike
Defense: 2 Lightning Bolts Dispel Magic I
Damage: 2 Healing Lightning Protection
Resistance: 5 Magic Strike Poison Protection
Hits: 6 Forestry Walking
Moves: 26
Pros: Priestly abilities, ranged attacker
Cons: Frail

Undead Mummy
Attack: 4 Cold Protection Death Immunity
Defense: 1 Death Strike Lightning Protection
Damage: 4 Poison Immunity Regeneration
Resistance: 5 Strike Walking
Hits: 12
Moves: 24
Pros: Regeneration
Cons: Low defense

| Creatures |
These creatures can be found wandering the map or guarding something

Attack: 8 Strike Every Immunity
Defense: 6
Damage: 5
Resistance: 10
Hits: 28
Moves: 20
Pros: All of the immunities, very powerful
Cons: Unruly
How to Get: You can only summon this by using the Syron spell. This can be
taught to you in a wizard tower

Black Spider
Attack: 4 Strike Web
Defense: 3 Poision Immunity
Damage: 3 Poision Strike Wall Climbing
Resistance: 4 Cave Crawling Walking
Hits: 6
Moves: 28
Pros: Web ability
Cons: ...

Great Eagle
Attack: 4 Flying Strike
Defense: 2 Vision II
Damage: 3
Resistance: 3
Hits: 7
Moves: 40
Pros: Excellent Scout
Cons: Frail

Wild Boar
Attack: 3 Charge Strike
Defense: 3 Walking
Damage: 3
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 36
Pros: Very well rounded unit
Cons: ...

Giant Frog
Attack: 4 Strike Swimming
Defense: 1 Walking
Damage: 3
Resistance: 2
Hits: 5
Moves: 28
Pros: Good water unit
Cons: Frail

Sea Serpent
Attack: 6 Strike Swimming
Defense: 3
Damage: 8
Resistance: 3
Hits: 40
Moves: 15
Pros: High attack, damage, movement
Cons: Kinda Frail

Attack: 3 Strike Swimming
Defense: 1
Damage: 2
Resistance: 6
Hits: 5
Moves: 26
Pros: High magic resistance
Cons: Low defense and attack

| Machines |

Attack: 2 Cold Protection Fearless
Defense: 2 Poision Immunity Tunneling
Damage: 6 Walking Crushing Walking
Resistance: 3
Hits: 10
Moves: 20
Pros: Tunneling, can damage walls
Cons: Frail, slow

Attack: 1 Cold Protection Fearless
Defense: 2 Construct Poision Immunity
Damage: 1 Walking
Resistance: 3
Hits: 5
Moves: 20
Pros: Can rebuild or build structures
Cons: Frail

Flame Thrower
Attack: 1 Cold Protection Fearless
Defense: 2 Poision Immunity Walking
Damage: 1 Flame Throwing
Resistance: 3
Hits: 20
Moves: 8
Pros: Does fire damage
Cons: Frail, slow

| Elementals |
These can be found at their element node or can be summoned

Air Elemental
Attack: 5 Cold/Fire/Physical/Poision Immunity
Defense: 2 Flying Strike
Damage: 3 Vision II
Resistance: 3
Hits: 12
Moves: 32
Pros: Flyer
Cons: Frail

Earth Elementals
Attack: 6 Strike Wall Crushing
Defense: 4 Fire/Lightning Protection
Damage: 8 Poison Immunity Cave Crwaling
Resistance: 4 Mountainering Tunneling
Hits: 20 Walking
Moves: 20
Pros: Can break walls, very good fighter unit
Cons: Slow

Fire Elemental
Attack: 6 Call Flames Strike
Defense: 4 Fire Strike Physical Protection
Damage: 5 Ignition Lightning/Poison/Fire Immunitiy
Resistance: 8 Walking
Hits: 17
Moves: 28
Pros: High magic resistance, very dangerous
Cons: ...

Water Elemental
Attack: 6 Physical Protection Strike
Defense: 3 Swimming Walking
Damage: 4 Water Concealment
Resistance: 3
Hits: 14
Moves: 30
Pros: Water Concealment
Cons: Frail

| Dragons |
These dragons can only be summoned

Gold Dragon
Attack: 5 Divine Breath Dragon
Defense: 7 Fearless Fire Protection
Damage: 5 Flying Holy Immunity
Resistance: 8 Strike Vision II
Hits: 20
Moves: 32
Pros: Very powerful
Cons: Magic upkeep a little costly

Black Dragon
Attack: 6 Black Breath Death Immunity
Defense: 5 Dragon Fearless
Damage: 6 Flying Poison Protection
Resistance: 8 Strike Vision II
Hits: 20
Moves: 32
Pros: Very powerful
Cons: Magic upkeep a little costly

|| 2. Spell Guide ||
This portion of the FAQ is dedicated to the spells. It describes the pros and
cons of each spell of every sphere. Spells you choose are just as important as
the units you use in your party. It is also important to pick the spheres that
fit your leader. You can't have an Undead leader with four magic spheres of
life. Here are the spells. If you do choose four spheres of any magic, in order
to get level four spells, you need to research the level 1, 2, and 3 level
spells first. This also applies for the magic sphere cosmos. This is the

Spell - Type of spell

|| Life ||

| Overall |
The sphere of life gives you the powers of creation. It allows you to restore
land and to restore fallen heroes. It mostly focuses on vanquishing forces of
evil with spells like Holy Champion, Turn Undead, and Crusade. In combat Holy
Bolt and Sacred Wrath are good offensive spells and High Prayer is probably the
best defensive spell in the game. The spell Tranquility can make all races get
along which is a good stalling tactic. Good aligned races are best with this
sphere but it really shines with the Highmen. This is a very good sphere to use
especially against anyone using the death sphere or if you want to make peace
and alliances on a map.

| Level 1 |
Bless - Unit Spell
Pros: Great defensive spell, defends against death magic
Cons: Costly
Remedy - Unit Spell
Pros: Heals units
Cons: Only heals so much
Rejuvenate - Global Spell
Pros: Turns land to grassland
Cons: Useless
Solar Flare - Combat
Pros: Good ranged attack
Cons: Only shoots so far

| Level 2 |
Holy Champion - Unit
Pros: Good against evil creatures
Cons: Only good against evil creatures
Holy Woods - Global
Pros: Good against evil creatures
Cons: Only lasts so long, only good against evil creatures
Turn Undead - Combat
Pros: Good against undead
Cons: Only good against undead
Recall Spirit - Combat
Pros: Summons units
Cons: Weak units, costly

| Level 3 |
High Prayer - Combat
Pros: Excellent spell
Cons: Costly but worth it
Sacred Wrath - Combat
Pros: Does lots of damage to every unit
Cons: Does lots of damage to every unit including your own
Resurrect Hero - Global
Pros: Brings back dead heroes
Cons: Sometimes heroes don't follow you
Tranquility - World
Pros: Improves race relations, makes everyone happy ^_^
Cons: ...

| Level 4 |
Crusade - World
Pros: Summons units to attack evil aligned-units
Cons: Long time to cast, only lasts three turns, units only attack at random, a
waste of magic
Divine Storm - Global
Pros: Powerful global attack, changes land to grassland
Cons: Long time to cast
Life Mastery - World
Pros: Incredibly powerful spell
Cons: Long time to cast, costly
Gold Dragon
Pros: Summons a Gold Dragon
Cons: Long time to cast, upkeep a little expensive

|| Death ||

| Overall |
This sphere of pure evil allows you to command undead and spread disease and
pestilence throughout the land. It is fun to watch the effects of casting
Hatred and Death Mastery because you can watch relations' crumble and watch
good aligned races struggle. This sphere is mainly for Evil aligned races
especially the Undead. This is a very good sphere to use especially against
anyone using the life sphere or if you really want to wreak havoc on a map.

| Level 1 |
Dark Gift - City
Pros: Good Enchantment
Cons: ...
Summon Black Spider - Summon
Pros: Summons a Black Spider
Cons: Upkeep
Death Ray - Combat
Pros: Good ranged attack
Cons: Can only shoot so far
Disease Cloud - Combat
Pros: Can hit multiple units
Cons: Can also hit your units

| Level 2 |
Evil Champion - Unit
Pros: Good against good aligned creatures
Cons: Only good against good aligned creatures
Evil Woods - Global
Pros: Damages good creatures
Cons: Only lasts so long, an only damages good creature
Animate Dead - Combat
Pros: Brings dead skeleton warriors to the battle field
Cons: Skeletons are weak, costly
Terror - Combat
Pros: Weakens opponents units
Cons: Can also weaken your units

| Level 3 |
Animate Ruins - City
Pros: Rebuilds razed/looted cities, fills them with undead
Cons: Other units can do this
Pestilence - Global
Pros: Does damage to units on a global scale
Cons: Moves around at random
Mind Decay - Combat
Pros: Doesn't effect undead, kills target unit if successful
Cons: Can effect your units if they're to close
Animate Hero
Pros: Brings back dead heroes
Cons: Sometimes heroes don't follow you

| Level 4 |
Death Mastery - World
Pros: Very powerful, curses good units, other beneficial affects
Cons: Long time to cast, upkeep, costly
Death Storm - Global
Pros: Changes land to wasteland, powerful global attack
Cons: Long time to cast
Hatred - World
Pros: Destroys race relations, makes everyone angry >:(
Cons: Long time to cast
Summon Black Dragon
Pros: Summons a Black Dragon
Cons: Long time to cast

|| Earth ||

| Overall |
This sphere isn't known for its ability to do damage. Instead it focuses on
giving you the ability to enhance your abilities. Gold Rush, Free Movement, and
Enchant Roads are excellent examples. Although this sphere isn't good on
offense, it does better on defense. Entangle is one of the most useful
defensive spell in the game. This sphere is recommended if you want to play
defensively but with a little offensive option.

| Level 1 |
Stone Skin - Unit
Pros: Good defensive spell
Cons: Only increases defense
Great Boar - Summon
Pros: Summons a Great Boar
Cons: Upkeep
Entangle - Combat
Pros: Very useful spell
Cons: ...
Slow - Combat
Pros: Low cost, slows a unit
Cons: ...

| Level 2 |
Free Movement - Unit
Pros: Allows units to move on any terrain
Cons: ...
Gold Rush - City
Pros: Doubles city income
Cons: Upkeep
Poison Woods - Global
Pros: Damages good creatures
Cons: Only lasts so long
Stoning - Combat
Pros: Good ranged attack
Cons: Only goes so far

| Level 3 |
Concealment - Unit
Pros: Hides target unit
Cons: Cost, I don't see the real use
Enchant Roads - World
Pros: Movement costs are reduced by 1/3 on roads
Cons: Cost, upkeep
Level Terrain - Global
Pros: Destroys mountains
Cons: ...
Tremors - Combat
Pros: Does damage to all units
Cons: Does damage to all units

| Level 4 |
Earth Mastery - World
Pros: Gives all your units Stone Skin
Cons: Long time to cast, upkeep, cost
Earth Elemental - Summon
Pros: Summons a Earth Elemental
Cons: Long time to cast, the Earth Elemental is slow
Raise Terrain - Global
Pros: Creates mountains
Cons: Long time to cast, only lasts so long
Town Quake - City
Pros: Damages units/walls/buildings inside a town
Cons: Long time to cast

|| Air ||

| Overall |
This sphere gives you the ability to control wind. It allows you to increase
the speed of your units, blow units away, and to strike lightning at your
enemies. This sphere is mostly on the offensive. Most of the spells aren't very
powerful or useful but their are a few that shine. I don't really recommend Air
magic but having one sphere is all you'll really need.

| Level 1 |

Haste - Unit
Pros: Increases unit's movement
Cons: ...
Birds View - Global
Pros: Good for scouting
Cons: Doesn't work underground
Vaporize - Combat
Pros: Low cost
Cons: ...
Chain Lightning - Combat
Pros: Good ranged attack, hits multiple units
Cons: Only goes so far

| Level 2 |
Winds of Fury - Combat
Pros: Blows target unit around, lot of damage
Cons: Blows target unit around randomly
Great Eagle - Summon
Pros: Summons a Great Eagle, excellent scouts
Cons: Frail, costly, upkeep
Freeze Water - Global
Pros: Makes water travel easier
Cons: Only lasts so long
Cold Breath - Combat
Pros: Can do at wide range of damage
Cons: ...

| Level 3 |
Call Hero - Global
Pros: Summons a hero at random
Cons: Hero doesn't always follow you
Tornado - Global
Pros: Blows units around, damages units
Cons: Works on low-level units, only works on plains, costly
Shockwave - Combat
Pros: Does damage to area around the caster
Cons: Not very effective, not allot of range
Wind Walking - Unit
Pros: Gives a unit the ability to fly
Cons: Costly

| Level 4 |
Air Mastery - World
Pros: Favors your boats/flying creatures
Cons: Long time to cast, costly, kinda useless
Air Elemental - Summon
Pros: Summons an Air Elemental
Cons: Long time to cast, frail
Watcher - Global
Pros: Watches for invisible/concealed units in a given area
Cons: Long time to cast, kind of useless
Lightning Storm - Global
Pros: Damages units on a global scale
Cons: Long time to cast, doesn't have allot of range

|| Fire ||

| Overall |
This powerful sphere represents pure chaos. It is best used in combat due to
the fact that most of the spells increase offensive capabilities. The spell
Anarchy invokes chaos on cities causing them to rebel if the armies in that
city aren't strong enough. Cool huh! Other cool spells are Warmonger and
Sacrificial Flame. Pick this sphere if you like to go on a straight offensive
blowing your enemies to ashes.

| Level 1 |
Fury - Unit
Pros: Raises attack
Cons: Lowers defense
Fire Sprite - Summon
Pros: Summons a Fire Sprite
Cons: Upkeep, costly, kinda weak
Flame Arrow - Combat
Pros: Good ranged attack
Cons: Only goes so far
Call Flames - Combat
Pros: Does lots of damage
Cons: Only goes so far

| Level 2 |
Fire Halo - Unit
Pros: Gives you Fire Strike and Fire Immunity
Cons: No other enhancements
Cloud of Ashes - Global
Pros: Conceals units
Cons: Moves around at random, useless
Fire Breath - Combat
Pros: Can do at wide range of damage
Cons: ...
Swarm - Combat
Pros: Can do damage to many units
Cons: Can do damage to your units

| Level 3 |
Anarchy - City
Pros: Makes towns rebel ( YEAH! )
Cons: Not always effective
Fire Barrier - Global
Pros: Does damage to all who pass through it
Cons: Only lasts so long
Fire Ball - Combat
Pros: Can damage walls, good ranged attack
Cons: Only goes so far
Sacrificial Flame - Combat
Pros: Does lots of damage, lots of range
Cons: Sometimes does damage tot he caster

| Level 4 |

Fire Mastery - World
Pros: Causes chaos throughout the land
Cons: Long time to cast, upkeep, costly
Fire Elemental - Summon
Pros: Summons a Fire Elemental
Cons: Long time to cast, costly, upkeep
Warmonger - City
Pros: All units who get trained at the enchanted city get veteran experience
Cons: Long time to cast
Fire Storm - Global
Pros: Does lots of fire damage to an area
Cons: Long time to cast

|| Water ||

| Overall |
Last but not least, the sphere of water, deals with...uhh...water. (Duh!) Most
of the spells are closely tied with the life sphere. Healing Water is a good
example of this. Water also give you control over all the bodies of water
throughout the game. This could leave you with complete domination over the
maps with mostly water. This sphere is a must of anyone who decides to play as
the Lizards.

| Level 1 |
Summon Frog - Summon
Pros: Summons a Frog
Cons: Upkeep, kinda weak
Healing Water - Unit
Pros: Heals a unit completely
Cons: Costly
Ice Shards - Combat
Pros: Good ranged attack
Cons: Only goes so far
Ooze - Combat
Pros: Creates an area of mud which slows units
Cons: Not very useful cause some units can walk around it.

| Level 2 |
Water Walking - Unit
Pros: Allows unit to walk on water
Cons: No other benefits
Vortex - Global
Pros: Does damage to water units
Cons: ...
Geyser - Combat
Pros: A powerful attack
Cons: Only goes so far
Frost Beam - Combat
Pros: Does multiple damage to units, can freeze units
Cons: ...

| Level 3 |
Liquid Form - Unit
Pros: Reduces damage taken, allow you to swim
Cons: ...
Great Hail - Combat
Pros: Can damage walls, damage multiple units
Cons: ...
Healing Showers - Global
Pros: Heals units
Cons: ...
Fountain of Life - City
Pros: Heals units that enter the enchanted town
Cons: ...

| Level 4 |
Water Mastery - World
Pros: Halves the vision of opponents
Cons: Long time to cast, upkeep, not many other benefits
Flood - World
Pros: Can have monstrous effects on the world map
Cons: Can drown your units
Water Elemental - Summon
Pros: Summons a Water Elemental
Cons: Kinda frail, costly
Ice Storm
Pros: Changes land to ice, does lots of ice damage
Cons: Long time to cast

|| 7. Cosmos ||
This type of magic is available to all races in the game. As for the other
spheres, to gain more powerful Cosmos magic, you must research to get stronger

| Level 1 |
Enchant Weapon - Unit
Pros: Increases attack and damage
Cons: ...
Dispels Magic - Global
Pros: Removes an enchantment from any unit
Cons: Doesn't always work

| Level 2 |
Disjunction - Global
Pros: Removes opponents' global enchantment
Cons: Doesn't always work
Warp Party - Global
Pros: Teleports party anywhere on the map
Cons: Does this at random

| Level 3 |
Anti-Magic Shell - City
Pros: Protects from spells cast in/on the city
Cons: Costly
Town Gate - Global
Pros: Teleport you to any of you cities, very useful
Cons: ...

| Level 4 |
Power Leak - World
Pros: Cut magic power of all players in half
Cons: I think it effect you too
Spell Ward - World
Pros: Limits use of World Enchantments
Cons: You can't cast any either

|| Secret ||
These few spells can only be found and taught at Wizard Towers throughout the

| Level 1 |
Conceal Area - Global
Pros: Conceals an area from opponents
Cons: Only covers so much

| Level 2 |
Summon Mermaid - Summon
Pros: Summons a mermaid
Cons: ...
Cosmagic Surgery - Unit
Pros: Changes the face of any hero
Cons: Who needs it?

|| 3. Unit Stats ||
This section describes the core stats that any unit has.

>> Level <<
Level tells you how skilled you are. With leaders and heroes, you get 10 points
every level to distribute however you want. This maxes out at 30. With regular
units it's allot different. As units gain experience they get promoted to
veterans. You'll see this when you units have a gray or gold badge on their

>> Attack <<
Chance that the unit will damage a unit. Maxes out at 10.
Damage - Determine how much damage a unit will do after a successful attack.
This maxes out at 10.

>> Defense <<
Effects the chance of you being hit by a unit and the amount of damage done to
you if the attack is successful. Maxes out at 10.

>> Health <<
The amount of damage you can take before you die. This maxes out at 30.

>> Movement <<
Effects how far a unit can move on the Global/Combat. This maxes out at 50.

>> Resistance <<
Measures how much a unit can resist poison, magic, and other non-physical
attacks. This maxes out at 10.

| Special Traits |
This section contains the special traits that any unit may have. These traits
effect how a unit acts on the global map and in combat. All of these are put in
alphabetical order for you viewing pleasure. ^^

>> Overall Traits <<
These are the traits that didn't really fit in one of my categories.

Bard Skills - Gives a morale boost to every unit in your party.
Blessed - Gives the unit increased defense +1 and magic resistance +1.
Blood Lust - Increases the unit´s attack +1 and damage +2, but minuses defense
by 1.
Cause Fear - Gives the unit the target unit the Panicked Handicap.
Charge - When attacking, increasing the Damage +2 of the unit´s first melee
Cold Immunity - Renders the unit immune to cold-based attacks.
Cold Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by cold-based
attacks by 50%.
Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen.
Construct - Allows the unit to repair razed places, and build shipyards, roads
or towers.
Dark Gift - This enchantment gives a single unit death strike and +1 to damage.
Death Immunity - Renders the unit immune to death-based attacks.
Death Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by death-based
attacks by 50%.
Desert Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in desert terrain.
Dispel Magic 1-4 - Dispels magical enchantments. Dispel Magic 1 is the weakest
and Dispel Magic 4 is the strongest.
Dragon - The unit is a creature of the race of Dragons.
Dragon Slaying - Enhanced attack ability against dragonkind.
Enchanted Weapon - Gives the target unit´s melee strike with magical energy,
and adds additional attack +1 and damage +1 power.
Unholy Champion - Increases Attack +2 and Damage +2 against forces of good
Extra Strike - Gives the unit an additional strike during melee combat.
Fearless - Renders the unit immune to fear-based attacks.
Fire Halo - Enchantment gives Fire Immunity and the ability to cross lava.
Fire Immunity - Renders the unit immune to fire-based attacks.
Fire Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by fire-based
attacks by 50%.
First Strike - When defending during melee, the unit will strike first.
Fury - Increases attack +2 power but reduces defense by 1.
Grass Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in grassland terrain.
Healing - Restores 5 Hitpoints to the target unit but can only be used once a
Holy Champion - Increases Attack +2 and Damage +2 against forces of evil
Holy Immunity - Renders the unit immune to holy-based attacks.
Holy Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by holy-based
attacks by 50%.
Ignition - When angered by battle lets the unit set fire to the ground
underneath it as it moves.
Invisibility - Renders the unit impossible to see through normal means.
Leadership - Give all units in the party additional attack +1.
Life Stealing - Allows the unit to absorb 1 Hit point of damage inflicted
through each melee strike.
Lightning Immunity - Renders the unit immune to lightning-based attacks.
Lightning Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by
lightning-based attacks by 50%.
Liquid Form - Bestows upon the unit Swimming and Physical Protection.
Magic Immunity - Renders the unit immune to magic-based attacks.
Magic Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by magic-based
attacks by 50%.
Marksmanship 1-4 - Give the unit increased ability with ranged attacks.
Level 1 - Attack +1 /Damage +0
Level 2 - Attack +1 /Damage +1
Level 3 - Attack +2 /Damage +1
Level 4 - Attack +2 /Damage +2
Night Vision - Allows unit enhanced vision in dark place.
Parry - Reduces the Attack -2 power of an enemy's first strike against the
Pass Wall - This ability lets you pass through solid walls.
Path of Decay - Leave a trail of wasteland in the wake of the unit's passing.
Path of Frost - Leave a trail of frozen terrain in the wake of the unit's
Path of Life - Leave a trail of lush grassland in the wake of the unit´s
Physical Immunity - Renders the unit immune to physical-based attacks.
Physical Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by
physical-based attacks by 50%.
Poison Immunity - Renders the unit immune to poison-based attacks.
Poison Protection - Reduces the damage inflicted upon the unit by poison-based
attacks by 50%.
Regeneration - Gives the unit an increased rate of healing.
Snow Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in snow-covered terrain.
Spell Casting 1-5 - Allow the unit to cast spells at a certain level.
Level 1 - Adds 10 to Mana pool and cast level one spells
Level 2 - Adds 20 to Mana pool and cast up to level two spells
Level 3 - Adds 30 to Mana pool and cast up to level three spells
Level 4 - Adds 40 to Mana pool and cast up to level four spells
Level 5 - Adds 50 to Mana pool and cast up to level five spells
Steppe Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in steppe terrain.
Stone Skin - Renders unit´s skin tougher plus giving it stronger defense +2.
Summoned - Describes a unit that has been summoned and requires mana to
Trail of Darkness - Leaves a trail of unexplored terrain among enemies in the
wake of the unit´s passing. (I haven't seen this happen)
Transport - Allows the unit to carry several units across unfriendly terrain,
such as mountains or over water. The number of units it is capable of
transporting depends per unit.
True Seeing - The normal visual range of the unit is enhanced, allowing it to
see invisible and concealed units.
Underground Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in underground
Vision 1-4 - Gives the units an increased visual range.
Level 1 - +2 hexes
Level 2 - +4 hexes
Level 3 - +6 hexes
Level 4 - +8 hexes
Wall Climbing - Allows the unit to scale defensive walls.
Wasteland Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in wasteland terrain.
Water Concealment - Allows the unit to travel unseen in water.

>> Attack Powers <<
These are the attack abilites that any unit may have or given threw magic or

Archery - Enables the unit to use bow and arrows for attacking medium-ranged
Range: Medium Damage Type: Physical
Attack: 4 Damage: 2 Repeat: 2

Black Bolts - Projects death magic at medium-ranged targets.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Physical
Attack: 6 Damage: 3 Repeat: 1

Black Breath - Delivers a blast of death over a short range.
Range: Short Damage Type: Death
Attack: 7 Damage: 5 Repeat: 1

Call Flames - Strikes a unit with flames.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Fire
Attack: 5 Damage: 4 Repeat: 1

Charm - Allows the unit to attempt to control another unit.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Special
Attack: 5 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

Cold Breath - Blasts a short-ranged area with extreme cold.
Range: Short Damage Type: Cold
Attack: 7 Damage: 5 Repeat: 1

Cold Strike - Infuses melee strikes with cold energy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Cold
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Death Strike - Infuses melee strikes with death energy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Death
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Divine Breath - Releases a short-ranged blast of holy energy.
Range: Short Damage Type: Holy
Attack: 7 Damage: 5 Repeat: 1

Dominate - Allows the unit to force their will upon others.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Special
Attack: 6 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

Doom Gaze - A long-range projection of death-based energy through the unit´s
Range: Long Damage Type: Death
Attack: 6 Damage: 5 Repeat: 1

Entangle - Tries to entangle opponent with vines.
Range: Tocuh Damage Type: Special
Attack: 7 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

Enatangle Strike - Infuses melee strikes with the possibilty to entangle the
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Entangle
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Fire Breath - Releases a short-ranged blast of fire.
Range: Short Damage Type: Fire
Attack: 7 Damage: 5 Repeat: 1

Fire Cannon - Blasts walls or units across long ranges with powerful munitions.
Range: Long Damage Type: Physical, Wall
Attack: 5 Damage: 8 Repeat: 1

Fire Musket - Fires a small highly forceful projectile at a unit across long
Range: Long Damage Type: Physical
Attack: 7 Damage: 5 Repeat: 1

Fire Strike - Infuses melee strikes with fire energy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Fire
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Flame Throwing - Sprays a shower of flames over a short range, delivering
intense fire damage.
Range: Short Damage Type: Fire
Attack: 4 Damage: 3 Repeat: 1

Frost Bolts - Launches a bolt of ice at a medium-ranged target.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Cold
Attack: 6 Damage: 3 Repeat: 1

Holy Bolts - Projects a bolt of Holy energy over medium range.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Holy
Attack: 6 Damage: 3 Repeat: 1

Holy Strike - Infuses melee strikes with holy energy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Holy
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Hurl Boulder - Launches a massive rock at a long-ranged wall or unit.
Range: Long Damage Type: Physical, Wall
Attack: 3 Damage: 7 Repeat: 1

Hurl Stone - Throws small stones at a medium-ranged target.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Physical
Attack: 3 Damage: 1 Repeat: 4

Invoke Death - Allows the unit to kill a target instantly with a successful
Range: Touch Damage Type: Death
Attack: 6 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

Lightning Bolts - Strikes a tarket at medium-range with a bolt of lightning.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Lightning
Attack: 6 Damage: 3 Repeat: 1

Lightning Strike - Infuses melee strikes with lightning energy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Lightning
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Magic Bolts - Allows the unit to attack mid-ranged targets with a bolt of
Range: Medium Damage Type: Magic
Attack: 7 Damage: 3 Repeat: 1

Magic Strike - Infuses melee strikes with magic energy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Magic
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Poision Darts - Fires poisoned darts at mid-ranged targets.
Range: Medium Damage Type: Posion
Attack: 4 Damage: 1 Repeat: 3

Poision Strike - Infuses melee strikes with poison.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical, Poison
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Posses - Allows the unit to enter a target, and take over thier body.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Special
Attack: 5 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

Round Attack - Allows the unit to strike out at all around them.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Seduce - Lets the unit attempt to warmly entice a target to follow them.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Special
Attack: 4 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

Self Destruct - Self-induced destuction of the unit, resulting in massive
damage to all nearby.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Fire, Wall
Attack: 7 Damage: 6 Repeat: 1

Shoot Black Javelin - Fires a long-ranged javelin tainted with death magic.
Range: Long Damage Type: Physical, Death
Attack: 5 Damage: 5 Repeat: 2

Shoot Javelin - Fires a javelin at long-ranged targets.
Range: Long Damage Type: Physical
Attack: 5 Damage: 5 Repeat: 2

Strike - Allows the unit to physically strike an enemy.
Range: Melee Damage Type: Physical
Attack: Unit´s Attack Damage: Unit´s Damage Repeat: 2

Turn Undead 1-4 - Inflicts powerful damage upon Undead targets.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Special
Attack: 3 + per level Damage: 3 + Turn Level Repeat: 1

Venomous Spit - Allows the unit to attack short-ranged targets with poisonous
Range: Short Damage Type: Posion
Attack: 5 Damage: 4 Repeat: 1

Wall Crushing - Enables a unit to crush walls.
Range: Tocuh Damage Type: Wall
Attack: 6 Damage: 6 Repeat: 1

Web - Allows the unit to trap their target in a thick, gooey wab that restricts
all movement.
Range: Touch Damage Type: Special
Attack: 4 Damage: 0 Repeat: 1

>> Handicaps <<
These are the handicaps that any unit may have. These effect a unit in a
negative way.

Animated - The unit has been animated.
Burning - At the begining of every turn of combat the burning unit may be
strike Attack 4 and Damage 1 by flames.
Charmed - The unit now happily follows the orders of another.
Cursed - Prevents the unit from healing normally.
Decay - Eats away at the unit from within, clouding their mind, and inflicting
1 point of Damage each turn until they die.
Dominated - The unit mindlessly obeys the orders of another.
Entangled - The unit is trapped in vines and cannot perform any actions.
Fear - The unit is paralyzed with fear.
Frozen - Unit is frozen and cannot perform actions.
Paniked - The unit is paralyzed with fear.
Poisioned - Poisoned units experience a decrease in all fundamental skills,
until cured. -1 to Attack, Defense, Resistance and Damage.
Posses - The unit is controlled from inside by a possessing unit.
Resurrected - The unit has been brought back from the dead.
Seduced - The unit is blinded by love, hearing only the orders of their
Stunned - The unit is dazed, and cannot perform actions.
Turned - The undead unit has been " Turned ", and cannot perform actions.
Vetigo - Renders the unit less able to Attack by -2 and Defend by -2 for an
entire day.
Webbed - The unit is trapped in a Web, and cannot perform actions.

>> Moving Abilities <<
These are the abilites that a unit uses to move around the map.

Cave Crawling - Allows the unit less restricted movement through caverns.
Floating - Allows the unit to move across terrain on a cushion of air.
Flying - Allows the unit to fly over and across terrain.
Forestry - Allows the unit less restricted movement through forests.
Free Movement - Allows the unit to travel across mountains, caverns and
Haste - Allows the unit to travel at twice the normal speed.
Mountaineering - Enables the unit to travel over mountains.
Sailing - Allows movement upon the seas.
Swimming - Allows the unit to travel across water.
Tunneling - Allows the unit to burrow a passageway through subterranean earth.
Walking - Allows the unit to walk upon normal terrain.
Water Walking - Enables the unit to walk upon the surface of the water.
Wind Walking - Allows the unit to walk upon the wind, including walking over

|| 5. Battling Tips ||
This section gives you tips on the do's and don'ts in overall battles, castle
sieges, and exploring caves or dungeons. If anyone has any tips that they want
to submit, please E-mail me at Don't worry, I'm forever
updating this so don't be scared to submit a tip and you will get credit for
it. I will mention in my FAQ when I will stop updating my FAQ.

>> Overall Battles <<
- Most importantly of all, be sure to pick battles you can win.
- Put your leader in battles that he or she can win because if he or she falls,
the game is over.
- You stand to lose can lose allot units in Automatic Mode than in Tactical
- You should bring at least two units with ranged attacks.
- When selecting traits for my hero, I always pick wall crawling. That way
you don't need battering rams to get inside castles. It lets you build another
unit instead of battering ram. I hope this helps other players. (Submitted by
Jim Smith)

>> Dungeon Battles <<
- Bring plenty of archers and other units with high movement with you to hit
those dungeon creatures from a far range.
- Be sure to you really wanted to raid a dungeon with people trapped inside.
Sometimes they could be of a race you don't get along with.
- After you finish the battle, if you don't want to join the captives, click
the "x" in the corner instead of accept or reject. That way you don't have to
join them or fight them. But, if you change your mind, you have to explore the
dungeon all over again.

>> Castle Sieges <<
This section is describes how to break down those walls and take over enemy
When attacking.....
- Try to break as much of the castle wall as possible to let more of your units
- Make sure your battering ram doesn't get destroyed or you fight will be for
nothing. A catapult is a whole lot better because you can damage a wall from
far away.
- Fireball & Great Hail are excellent spells when you want to destroy a wall or
take out a group of enemy units.
When defending.....
- Always have your archers set up close to the walls. By doing this you can
take out many of the attacking units.
- Have a few units, swordsman, attack some of the attacking units to slow them
down and try to take out their battering ram. If it is a catapult your dealing
with, prepare for some real trouble.

|| 6. Thanks, The List & The Warning ||
I would like to thank everyone who uses or reads this FAQ.
Thanks to SnaPnTaP911 for helping with the stats portion of this FAQ.
Thanks to Shorty3788 for submiting a tip.
Thanks to Jim Smith for submiting a tip.

| The List |
This section contains the links to sites that you can find my FAQ at. Keep in
mind the updated versions of this FAQ can always be found at or

Gamefaqs -
Neoseeker -
Age of Wonder Heaven -
Cheat Code Central -
A2ZWeblinks -

| Warning |
Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but don't sell it for money. If
you want to use this FAQ for your website you must ask my permission, email me
at, and you must not modify it in any way and do it with
this the Warning in it. Also specify that you want to use the Age of Wonders:
Battle Tactics FAQ in your email. I can't stress this enough, PLEASE keep my
FAQ updated. If you do use it and I find out, trust me I WILL, you'll be in
some serious legal trouble!!! Thanks to all who cooperate. ^^

Age of Wonders is a trademark of Triumph Studios

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General Game Play FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Battle Tactics FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer starten und INFO drücken

17.Oktober 2013
Unendlich viel Mana und Coins

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
11.Februar 2016
09.November 2015
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01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020