

17.10.2013 07:25:51

************ Startopia FAQ *****************

This is my first faq, so please keep that in mind! My Name
that you will know me by is Psychosilocybin.

Everything above and below is copyrighted to me,
If you want to copy and use any of this, please contact me


Table of Contents

1. Contact Info
2. Version Review
3. Getting to know your Staff
4. Rooms to Know (Will be updated ALOT)
5. Items and what they do (Also will be updated alot!)
6. Walkthrough of the Missions
8. Fun Stuff
** More To Come **


1. Contact Information

For any game questions, coments on my FAQ, or if you wish to use
my FAQ in any publication or webpage, I can be reached at


2. Version Review

V. 1.0 July 7th, 2001 (3:00 am, heh)
Start of FAQ. Parts of "Getting to know your staff"
"Rooms to Know"
"Items and what they do"
and "Mission 1"

V 1.1 July 7th (3:00 pm..12 hours 'eh)
Updated "Getting to know your staff"
"Rooms to Know"
" Items and what they do"
Added Mission 2
Added Fun Stuff

V 1.2 July 7th (11:00pm)
Fixed a few grammatical errors and spelling
added Mission 3 - 4
updated "Rooms to Know"
updated "Items and what they do"
updated "Fun Stuff"


3. Getting to know your Staff.

Scuzzer M 1 - These are your basic, run of the mill builders/
maintenence crew/litter sweepers little guys

M 2,M 3 - "We can rebuild them, We have the technology,
make them Better, Stronger,Faster" Need I say

Security - Security Scuzzers will detain Criminals, zap
enemies, disarm bombs(haven't seen it yet)
and breech and take over new segments,very
handy to have.

Salt Hogs - These are your low class worker aliens.
They're very easy to please, all they need is
food, wash, and sleep. One form of entertainment
and they'll almost NEVER leave you(well till their
broke,hehe) Hired Salt hogs almost never leave
your station. Use them to work your factories
and recyclers.They also carry arms,so you'll use
a lot of hogs in battle.

Greys - These are your "abduct Billy Joe and give him an
anal probe" aliens. They are medical genius'.
These guys are ment for your Sickbays. They also
are gun toters, though they die very easily.
Grey's LOVE entertainment.Want 'em to love ya?
Give 'em some form of entertainment.

Targ - Your communications experts. They work the
Comsensers. Watch when they get bored though
They have a tendency to spy on other people
when bored.They are gun caries like the above 2
only these guys can get down and fight! They are
pretty easy to keep happy. Nothing you can't

Sirens - These are your "heavinly bodies". Or 2 bit ho's
However you wish to view it. They work your love
nests. The do distract your workers, so be careful
about how many you have.

Kasvagorian - These are pure brute force! Hire ALOT of them in
all combat missions, and a handful of them in all
other missions. Remember to build a rough bar or
these guys'll start a brawl anywhere on your
station. That would be bad.


4. Rooms to know

Energy Collecter - Keeps your energy stored.Lose it and your done.

Power Booster - Raises your power!

Recharger - Keeps your bots powered up

Port - Your "peeps" enter here. No port, no aliens.

Berth - Basic sleeping places. I usually make mine with
10+ sleeping pods,I like long berths, as opposed
to square ones.

Lavetron- Washes your aliens. They do like the be clean.

Dine-O-Mat - This feeds your population. Choose from Synthetic,
Natural, and/or mineral foods.

Recycler - This turns all your trash into energy. Make sure to
hire salt hogs to work here.

Sickbay - This is where your aliens come to get probed by greys
*grin*. Seriously though, this is where they come to
be healed. Make sure when you can to put in a Medi- Bed,
aside from the Diagnosis equipment, and chairs, etc.
I only hire greys with 3 or more skill as any less might
damage patients. heh

Store - Your aliens come here to get basic entertainment stuff.
Good for a young station, won't hold it for a large one.

Music - "It only took one brick to make that window drop"
Shop My sublime fans know what I'm talking about,heh
Anyway, The aliens come here to get their choice
in music. Raises entertainment a bit.

Motel - This is like a berth, only smaller. VERY handy on
your entertainment deck, as a fully energetic alien
that doesn't have to go far to get rest, is a happy

Control - This makes your security scuzzers and security columns
a lot more effective. Combine this well a well skilled
staff and you can make S. Scuzzers and columns much much
more effective.

Star Dock - This is where cargo ships dock at. A must for trade
missions. They are very large though.

Cargo Hold - This store 36 crates. Crates will NEVER mold while in

Disco - This is a big boost to entertainment. Your aliens love
to dance. hehe

Brig - Converts criminals to ordinary citizens.

5. Items

Medical Supplies - Used up by sickbays. Don't need to go into
detail I hope.

Food Supplies - Used by your Din O Mats when set to use natural

Mineral Supplies - Used by the Din O Mats when set to mineral based

Luxery Goods - Used by all the shops. Supplies them with stuff
to keep your aliens happy.

Bench - I suppose your aliens sit here.. haven't paid to
much attention to them..I'll know soon though.

Dispenser - Put it in the sickbay.

Chronometer - I think its supposed to keep aliens happy...
I never use 'em.

Image Projecter - Same as Chronometer I think.

Ultra-Lamp - Same as the afformentioned 2 I think.

Security Column - This is a lazer turrent. Zaps space rats, spies,
enemies and anything else not welcome in your
station. Better skill of the security control =
more effective Columns


6. Walkthrough

Mission 1 -

This is the EASIEST mission in the game!
You start out with an energy collecter, and power booster ALREADY

First things first, listen to what VAL has to say, then build your
Port and Berth.Always try to beam up your scuzzers and place them
next to blueprints to decrease their travel time. You now have
to place a Dine O Mat, and levetron. Next you get to open up
your next segment. YAY!

But whats this? so much junk just laying there, yuck! a space rat
or 2. But not to fear, for you are then supplied with a recycler
crate. Open it and place the recycler (its pretty big).
Now you have to hire 4 Salt Hogs to work at the Recycler.
Just randomly pick 4 and give 'em jobs.

Next you have to build another Din O Mat,Lavetron, and berth.
Do so. Wait a while.

And now que the Greys. nothing to do with 'em now though
So don't hire any yet.

VAL informs you that you must turn the station into a communication
station(heh). So a few targs are sent to your station,already hired
also. So when available place your hardplans for the 2 comsensers
and wait for the sick diplomat to contact you. Let him aboard(click
the green check). But you have no way to cure him? What to do?

HEY! Remember your new pal Arona Dal? Well he should contact you
soon with guessed it, sickbay. BUY IT quick, place it
stock it with a diagnosis machine and waiting couch or 2..or 3.
Now search for your highest skilled grey, hire him(or her,whatever
it is) and just wait for the diplomat to be healed.

Congrats, you've finished your first mission in this great game!
Hope it was fun, cause it eventually gets MUCH harder, mwa ha ha.

Mission 2

This mission was kinda hard for me. I had a lot of non- dedicated
greys. But anyways, lets start. First thing to do is place your
energy collecter.

Remember you have to cure 100 patients, while not letting more than
10 die. So start off by opening another segment (hey its free)

I place my sickbay prior to my port, but it doesn't matter. Just put
the door of the sickbay close to the port. Your new staff should
arrive soon.

Build your sickbays to their max 6 x 6 tile(might as well) and put
2 diagnosis machines, and 1 dispensor(when you buy one from arona)
and also a medi-bed (if he has one) Also get a comsensor and
recycler when you can. Hire a couple targs to man your comsensor.

One very important thing to do is keep your station CLEAN! When you
get the message that the inspectors have arrived,pick up every piece
of litter you can, so that you can keep them happy.

Also important is to hire any grey with skill of 3 or more.This will
insure that when one gets tired of healing and takes a break, you
have a replacement. No replacement = (empty diagnosis machine +
waiting sick aliens) = Dead alien = BAD! 11 dead aliens and game

Build your berth, levetron, etc. but make sure to leave room for
an extra sickbay or 2. Then build your star motel, general and music

Remember to keep a steady supply of medical supplies as you'll run
out freaquently.

As long as you keep your sickbay(s) well staffed,supplied and have
about 2 - 3 (wait till you can afford another sickbay to buy one)
Then you should get by pretty quickly. Remember to heal all of the
plague and radiation, etc. ships as you get a 10k bonus(helpful).

Mission 3

This is by far the second easiest level in the game, and almost my

Start off by building the few crates they supply you. Next open up
your 2 segments and choose one of the 2 you want to be your commerce
segment. Place your starport in this segment, and when you get it,
cargo hold also. Get you that cargo hold ASAP! Also buy a love nest
from the visiting Sirens and a Sickbay from the Greys.

The only thing you should bother buying from Arona is litter bins,
and entertainment buildings (general store, music shop, etc.). Buy
the disco from the Sirens as this will greatly improve entertainment
on your station.

The quickest and best way to earn your 100,000e and win the mission
is to buy all the medical supply crates from the Greys, and sell them
to the Sirens. Buy Luxery supplies from the Sirens and sell these to
the Greys. This is your classic 2-point trade system. Look for my
"Trading Goods for Profit" section for the best trade routes.
heres a little chart thing for the Siren-Grey trade route.

---> Greys: Medical Supply Crates ------------
| |
| |
--- Sirens: Luxery Supply Crates <-----------

Sorry, just had to make a chart, hehe.

Just be patient and you WILL win.


Mission 4

This is another easy one. I'll explain why people had a problem
this level in a bit(I figured it out,hehe)

For starters, place your Energy collecter and other couple of
rooms. Open up your 2 other segments, one of which will be
dedicated to lockdown brigs, the other to security control and
your basic buildings. I'm sure you can build the security control
and basic buildings on your own.

One thing to remember is you'll want to eventually surround your
port with security columns as a lot of bad guys that want to start
an uprising will come aboard.

I built my lockdown brigs long, the first 4 x 12, the second 5 x 20
You'll need at least 15 cells. Next step is scuzzers, security
scuzzers, lots of them. 15+ of them. I got it to the point where
as soon as a criminal stepped off the port, he was en route to a

Now, the reason people were having trouble with this is simple.
After a while they get a green circle above their head. This turns
red after a short time. When it is fully red, your criminal will
leave on the next outbound port. To avoid this, you have to have
A LOT of cells and A LOT of security scuzzers. When you see a guy's
circle turning red, beam a security scuzzer near him so the scuzzer
will take him to his cell. These guys need top priority.

Follow these guidlines and the mission will easily be yours. OH!
one more thing. Remember to hire some kasvagorians and targs after
the conversion as to keep things in control.



7. FAQ * Soon To Come * E Mail me at so I can get this section up.


8. Fun Stuff

1. Have you paid attention to your security control room? If not,
then glance over at 'em every once in a while and what might you
see? You might see your highly paid employees playing PONG on the
big screen. Ha ha ha

2. A female Siren went into the lavetron. I listened closely and
heard a MALE VOICE grunting, plopping, and flushing. hehe
(I know that theres only 1 turd .wav, so maybe in the patch
they should add a female turd .wav...hehe)

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