Final Fantasy Legend

Final Fantasy Legend

15.10.2013 08:30:18
for the Nintendo GameBoy
by K. Megura

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Kao Megura

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1. Hints and Suggestions
- Character Types and Statistics
- Some Advice
2. The Walkthrough
- The First World
- Exploring the Tower, Part 1
- The Second World
- Exploring the Tower, Part 2
- The Third World
- Exploring the Tower, Part 3
- The Fourth World
- Exploring the Tower, Part 4
- The First World Revisited
- Exploring the Tower, Part 5
- The Final Battle
3. Author's Note

This game is really old, but since (to my surprise), it seems as if
no one has written a FAQ for it, I made this one. This was done in
about two hours from memory, so it's not exactly definitive and there
may be some errors, but it explains what needs to be done in each
area and stuff you should keep an eye out for. Anyway, enjoy!



- Each character in your party has several different statistics:

HP stands for Hit Points, and they represent your character's life.
When they hit zero, your character is dead. Dead characters can
be revived at a House of Life as long as they have a heart
remaining (press Select to see each character's Heart stock), but
once you run out of hearts, you cannot revive that character and
must make a new one.

Str. stands for Strength, and the higher your Strength is, the more
damage your attacks do. Strength does not apply to firearms,

Agility determines your ability to dodge attacks and the order in
which you get to fight. It also helps you use items like firearms
and other lightweight weapons.

Def. stands for Defense and determines how much damage you take
from attacks. You can increase this by buying better equipment,
including helmets, gloves, armor, and shoes.

Mana represents your magic power. Your mutant abilities and the
effectiveness of spellbooks increases if your Mana is high.

- Weapons and items work differently in this game than in other RPGs,
too. When you buy a weapon, there is a number next to it--this is
the number of times you can use that item before it wears out.
This creates sort of a catch-22 because you need to fight enemies
in order to get GP to buy new weapons, but then again, the more you
fight, the faster your weapons wear out. However, as long as you
don't run away from too many battles, you'll always have plenty of
money to buy new weapons. If a weapon or item has a dash next to
it (a '-'), then it can be used as many times as you want. Keep
in mind that it takes a few uses of a weapon for your character to
become proficient with it, so they may not use the weapons well in
the beginning and may miss or do low damage. However, if that trend
continues for a while, then that weapon is not suitable for your
character, and you should pick another weapon. Humans and males
are better off with strength-increasing weapons, while Mutants
and females are better off with agility-increasing weapons.

- There are different races you can choose when making a party of
adventurers in this game. Humans are the strongest type, and can
carry 8 items on them. However, they don't become stronger by
fighting--you have to buy potions in shops, and they get stronger
by drinking those potions. The 'Strong' potion raises strength by
a few points, and the 'Agility' potion raises agility by a few
points. Also available are potions labeled 'HP200' through 'HP800'.
These work somewhat differently than the Strong and Agility, because
they give you 5-20 permanent HP per dose, but their effectiveness is
reduced after your HP exceeds a certain amount. For example:

Lisa the Human has 140 HP. If I buy an HP200 potion and use it on
her, she'll gain, say, 12 HP, bringing her total to 152. However,
if after a few more potions, her life is now at 201, she will no
longer gain 5-20 points from drinking an HP200 potion. Instead,
she will only gain 1 extra point.

- In other words, using an HP potion will give you 5-20 points of
permanent extra HP until your HP exceeds the listed amount.
Afterwards, you have to buy a higher-numbered potion. This also
means that once your life is higher than 800 points, using any sort
of HP potion will only give you one point of HP. In that case, it's
best to simply buy a lot of HP200 potions and use them, since
they're the cheapest kind and still have the same effect.

- Mutants work a little differently. They can only carry four items
at a time, and cannot use potions to increase their stats. Instead,
they grow stronger through fighting, depending on what they do and
what types of weapons they use, shown below:

Strength-related weapons like heavy swords and martial arts will
increase Strength.

Agility-related weapons like sabers, knives, and firearms will
increase Agility.

Magic-related weapons like spellbooks, wands, and rods, not to
mention using mutant abilities, will increase Mana.

Simply surviving battles may result in HP increasing.

For example, Joey is a mutant. If I equip him with an Axe or
Battle Sword for a while, his Strength may eventually increase.
If I then give him a Magnum or a Catclaw for a while, he may get
an increase in Agility. If I then have him use spellbooks like
Cure, Ice, and Death for the next couple of battles, as well as
his natural abilities like Gas and Barrier, his Mana may increase.
As long as he's kept alive for each battle, his HP may increase as

- The other thing about Mutants are their natural abilites. As they
fight, Mutants randomly learn and forget various abilities. These
abilities have limited uses, like weapons, but they aren't lost
once they run out--all you have to do is spend the night at an Inn
and they will be replenished. Although it sucks to lose certain
abilities, there's nothing you can do about it, so instead just
have fun and experiment with the abilities you have.

- Monsters are the weakest of all allies because "they are what they
eat", so to speak. When a monster eats meat left behind by a
defeated foe, he will transform into a new monster. This can be
good, but if you eat the meat of a weak monster, you may change
into a weaker form. Monsters cannot carry any items but get all
kinds of weird and cool abilities as they transform. Ultimately,
though, they start to show their weaknesses as the game progresses
and they tend to stay on the weak side. One thing to keep in mind
is to always eat the meat of boss monsters, because they'll make
your monster really powerful in most cases--often so poweful that
the monster doesn't show his weaknesses until several floors later.


- Save, save, save, always save. You never know when you'll be taken
out by a particularly strong enemy or accidentally sell that really
great weapon you had on you. Saving allows you to go back and give
things a second shot.

- Unlike other RPGs, there's no penalty for dying (no loss of gold,
etc.) If your whole party gets wiped out, you get taken back to
the title screen, and if you choose to continue, you start off
where you last saved. So don't feel like you have to reset if you
die, just continue and keep at it.

- Keep people with weaker defense in the back of the party, and those
with stronger defense in the front, since members in the front are
more likely to be attacked. Remember that the order of characters
automatically changes when someone dies or is afflicted with a
status ailment (like blindness), but you can change that by pressing
Select to go into the order change menu.

- Always keep some healing items on hand in case you're injured,
whether they're potions, Cure spellbooks, or maybe the natural
ability to heal that one of your Mutant or Monster allies possess.
You can heal yourself in Inns for a varying cost (1 GP heals one
point of lost HP), and there are healing pools that you can examine
to have your HP and abilities regenerated (if there's no sound when
you examine a healing pool, then it is a fake and won't heal you).
Don't forget that you can use healing abilites by choosing 'Abil.'
from the status menu and then selecting which ally and ability
you want to use.

- Buying stuff is important. The most important thing is to always
have enough weapons for your characters, next important is armor.
If you have humans in your party, try to buy Strong, Agility, and
HP200 - HP800 potions whenever you have the money to spare, since
these will really pay off as you progress through the game and
need to have strong characters.

- One last note; as in FFL2, there's a point in this game where you
can use the Trash Can as an item to increase Character statistics
(I think it has the same effect as HP400 or else Agility). If the
trick is the same as in FFL2, then it occurs after you get an
Agility potion or HP400 potion from a certain treasure chest.
However, while I've done this trick several times, I've never
figured out exactly how it works. In any case, you can use the
Trash Can several times to increase your human character's stats.
before the trick ends (it's equal to the number of saves you've
made so far). Good luck on getting it to work.


There are plot spoilers in this walkthrough, that really can't be
avoided. So, only read this if you're prepared to have some stuff
revealed to you in advance.

The First World

The first thing to do here is get new members. While you don't have
to get three more people, there's no real reason not to. At this
point in the game, mutants are useful because they quickly become
powerful and their abilities are very useful for defense and attacking.
It's also fun with a monster in your party since you can fool around
with them and see how they develop. However, in the long run, humans
are the best type to choose because you can power them up yourself when
you get more money, and they can hold lots of items.

I would suggest a party of 1-2 mutants and two humans for beginners,
although for more balance, a team of two humans, a mutant, and a monster
is also a good choice. Males tend to be stronger than females, but
women team members tend to have higher Agility. Male mutants earn
attacking powers more readily than female mutants, who tend towards
defensive powers. One last thing to mention--the first character you
create is better equipped and has higher stats. than the others.
However, this character can never be replaced, so if you run out of
Hearts, you have to lug around a dead body with you until you can buy
one and then revive them. For that reason, I strongly suggest you pick
a human as your first character, so that they'll be strong enough by
the time you reach the end of the game.

Once your party is assembled, explore the town. A man wearing a hat
will tell you that a monster called Gen-Bu has hidden the key to the
Tower in the Statue of Hero. The first call to order is to get better
weapons, and better armor. Make your way southeast to the town near
King Shield's Castle and fight monsters until you can give Bows to all
members, and keep fighting until you can also get them as much equipment
(armor, gauntlets, and helmets) as possible. Stock up on some
restorative items, then head east through the forest, and make your way
south through the rivers until you find a town.

In the town, stock up on any supplies you might need, then go south
again and west to the Bandit Cave. This level isn't really too hard,
just pick up the treasures as you go along. As is the case with any
dungeon, don't talk to any creatures wandering around as they will
attack you. The boss of this cave is the Bandit, and he's a P-Frog.
If you hit him with physical attacks, you'll get aren't
you glad you all have Bows? Just plug him full of arrows, then beat
a hasty retreat out of there.

Your next objective is to get the equipment that the Statue of Hero
once wore. Since you killed the Bandit, go to King Armor's castle
(it's north of the forest, past the river), and he'll give you his
armor as a reward. Now would be a great time to fight some more
battles so that you can earn enough GP to buy better equipment and
more curative items, and so you can improve your Mutants (if you have
any). That's because the next part of your journey is going to be
pretty difficult. Once you're ready, head west until you reach the
mountains (past the Tower), then make your way south. Eventually your
path turns east again, then leads you north through a swamp to King
Sword's castle. Inside the castle, don't talk to the guards, and make
your way to King Sword's chamber. The stairs that lead to his chamber
are on the bottom of the second floor, not in the middle of the screen.
The enemies here can be pretty tough, so don't say I didn't warn you :)

King Sword isn't too shabby a fighter himself, but with a little
preseverance, you can take him down. Your reward is the King Sword,
one of the best weapons in the entire game. Surprised to get it this
early on, huh? Well, I have bad news for ya--you have to give it up
in order to reach the second floor of the Tower. That doesn't mean
you can't put this weapon to good use though--it's great for slicing
through monsters and earning yourself GP. Anyway, the last piece of
equipment can be found in King Shield's castle, which is right next
to the Town of Hero. Go back there, and make your way back to the
King. You'll find that his steward has slain the King and taken the
Shield for his own. After he finishes talking, he'll walk up to the
wall and go through it, so find the same place he disappeared and
press up to go through the secret passage in the wall. After locating
the steward, kill him, and you'll get the King Shield.

The next thing to do on your list is to put the items back on the
Statue of Hero. A nasty boss fight is coming up, though, so be sure
to get replacement equipment for whomever was using the King gear.
Unequip the King items and put them back into your main inventory,
then face the Statue of Hero and use each item. You'll be confronted
by Gen-Bu, the Black Turtle. Fighting him is hard because he's
resistant to a lot of Mutant powers and he has a high defense. He
doesn't have many HPs, though, so keep hacking at him and he'll die
eventually. Once you get the Black Sphere, return to the Tower town
and approach the front door. Use the sphere (choose the 'sphere'
option that's beneath the trash can in your inventory menu, then pick
the black sphere), and the door to the Tower will open.

Exploring the Tower, Part 1

You'll spend a good deal of the game trekking through the Tower, and
your goals in this level should always be the same--look for treasure
chests, fight carefully, and make your way to higher floors. The
enemies in the Tower tend to always be tough, so tread carefully.
Treasure chests tend to pop up most often in those stairwell rooms
that have a large chamber off to the left, but chances are, you'll
be attacked when you return to the stairs. A good thing to always do
(this applies to when you're outside of the Tower as well), is to save
your game when you have two or more ways to go, so if one direction is
a dead end or leads to something unintersting, you can just reset and
take the other path.

The only interesting stuff between this world and the next is a sub-
world full of spikes and demons. You won't get anything out of it, so
skip it and keep going. The entrance to the second world is in a large
area with black walls. Don't confuse it with the sealed door to the
upper levels of the tower--the entrance to the second world is near the
healing pool and the man with the hat.

The Second World

Getting through the second world is a lot harder than the first one.
Check out the town east of the Tower first. It's advisable for you to
hang around here fighting enemies, then heal up at the town until you
have enough money to buy better weapons, since your First World
armaments don't work as well against the tough Second World baddies.
The first thing to do here is find a floating island, which you can
pilot through the seas (weird choice of a vehicle, but it'll do). To
find it, you must traverse through the caves that connect each island.
When you arrive at a new island, try walking onto the little circular
floating islands. You know when you've found the right one because it
bobs up and down and you disappear inside it.

There's a town in the far north-eastern corner of the map, so go there,
meet with the people, and all that. South of the town is a hut where
an old man lives, so go talk to him. Getting to him is a little tricky
since a table blocks the first set of paths to him, and there is a patch
of gravel to his right that, if you step on it, warps you back outside.
When you finally do reach him, he'll tell you that there's an Airseed
on one of the southern islands. Sounds important, which means you
should go get it, right? Get back in your floating island and head
south, and you'll eventually see an island with one palm tree in the
center. Go up to the palm tree, stand beneath it, and search it for the

Now it's time to go underwater. There's a whirlpool in the far north-
western edge of the map, so trek all the way across the ocean until
you find it. Once you're underwater, cross the bridge, and go south
and west until you reach a town. There's some good gear you can buy
here. This part of the game is really hard since there are no more
places where you can rest, so make sure your guys are strong enough,
then find the cave south of the town. Make your way through the cave,
and you'll eventually find a stairwell leading back up to the surface
(in the room full of passages, it's at the end of the fifth passage
from the left). Once you're outside, make your way south to the big
Japanese castle. In the castle, don't talk to the squids, or they
will attack you. Don't let the town-like music fool you either; there
are monsters in here. The very first order of business is to get the
Blue Key on the first floor, since you can't unlock any of the other
doors without it. Once you have it, just make your way through the
rest of the castle levels.

Eventually, you'll reach a series of three rooms; one has a row of
vertical orbs, the one above that has a row of horizontal orbs, and the
one above that is full of orbs. You may remember that a person in the
underwater town told you to 'remember where the lines cross'. They
cross at exactly 3 down and 3 left of the upper left corner of the
room, but the orb you want isn't there, it's actually located at 4
down, 4 left (sneaky, huh?) If you examine the wrong orb, you'll get
attacked by an Atom Crab, which is no big deal. However, examining
the right orb gets you a fight with Sei-Ryu, the Blue Dragon (and that's
a very big deal). Like Gen-Bu, Sei-Ryu is a pushover, as long as your
HPs are decently high. Kill him, get the Blue Orb, then go all the way
back out to the surface and go meet the old man in the hut again.
He'll ask you a riddle. I've heard that the riddle's answer changes
sometimes, but in my 12+ plays of this game, it's only ever been the
Battle Sword. So go buy a Battle Sword (it has to be a new one), stick
it in your inventory, and return to the old man. He'll give you the
Red Orb. The two of them, when combined, form the Blue Sphere that you
need to continue up the Tower, so say goodbye to this world and return
to the tower.

Exploring the Tower, Part 2

Stop by at the healing pool if you need to, then go to the door in the
lower-right corner of the screen and use the Blue Sphere on the door.
Voila! You're on your way up again. The only interesting thing on
this part of your Tower journey are two sub-worlds, one above the other.
The first one (which you can skip entirely the first time, since
you'll be coming back), is a world where octopuses live that has no
more water in it. The second world is on a higher floor, and it's been
flooded because Bob the fly through garbage into the world's drain
(I know, it's kinda dumb). Anyway, go to the whirlpool, and you'll
take out the trash and fall back into the octopus sub-world, which has
now been saved because water can now fall through from the above sub-
world. Make your way back to that sub-world, and you'll find that the
waters have receded. There is now a castle here, and although there
are enemies in it, there's some cool treasures as well. Grab them and
keep climbing.

Eventually, you'll reach a chamber made of wood with fish statues
everywhere (there's no point in examining them, unlike the fish statues
in FFL2). Ignore the passage by the man in the hat, since that's just
the door to the next floors of the tower. Instead, keep going east
and you'll find a door leading to the Third World.

The Third World

The Third World is a pretty neat place, since it takes place in the
clouds. Unfortunately, it's also really lame, since you can get
through the whole thing in about 20 minutes. Go to the first town
and talk to the people in the Pub. Fight them, and when you win,
you'll become a guard working for Byak-Ko, the White Tiger. Don't
bother exploring Byak-Ko's palace; you'll be coming back there soon
enought. Just get on the glider and leave. You have to find Jeanne,
one of the twin daughters of Charles, the former leader of the
underground resistance against Byak-Ko. She's living in a bunker in
a forest that's south of Byak-Ko's floating palace. After meeting
with her, she'll tell you to go rescue her sister, Mileille, from the
palace. So, return to the palace and start exploring. It's a pretty
straightforward level, so just keep following the passages, get the
White Key from Byak-Ko's room, and make your way to the long hallway
at the top of the palace. Walk all the way to the right, then open
the door to find Mileille. Unfortunately, she's turned traitor, and
Byak-Ko will show up and throw you in jail.

Break out of jail, and grab the Avenge Sword on your way out. This
is a cool weapon because using it does nothing, but if an enemy
attacks you, you hit them for lots of damage. It works best for people
in the front, since they get hit more. Some of the doors in the jail
are locked, but you can open them with the Jail Key you get from the
room full of guards. Don't go through the north door first, since you
can't go back--instead, return to those locked doors and get the items
found inside the rooms you couldn't reach before. Then go through the
door, find the working glider, and blast out of there. Find Byak-Ko's
palace, enter it, then turn around and exit it again. There's no
point in exploring the Palace since nothing happens if you return to
the room where you met Mileille. Upon exiting the Palace, you'll
find that it's flown to a new location. Walk into the area surrounded
by trees and you'll find Byak-Ko and the two sisters. As long as your
levels are high enough and you have good equipment, the battle with
Byak-Ko is a snap. Once he's dead, you'll get the White Sphere, so
once again, return to the Tower.

Exploring the Tower, Part 3

This part of the game is pretty boring since nothing much happens. One
thing you'll want to look for is a sub-world that consists of little
more than a room full of bookshelves. One of the shelves is actually
concealing a hidden chamber where you can get the Book of Flare, a
really useful magic spell to know. Save it for boss battles. Keep
going up until you meet the man in the hat again--the door above him
leads to the Fourth World. The one below him, surrounded by spikes,
leads to the top of the tower, so ignore it for now.

The Fourth World

The fourth world is lacking in originality, since the concept behind
it's creation is the overdone and overused "futuristic half-destroyed
Neo-Tokyo" theme that you've probably heard of a dozen times if you
read manga or watch anime. Anyways, you'll notice that you only meet
one type of enemy when you get attacked while on the surface, and that
enemy happens to be Su-Zaku, the Red Phoenix. Su-Zaku can really
dish out the punishment, and his force field protects him from any
damage. If you have a Saw, you can slice him to bits, but since he's
a phoenix, he'll just come back again the next time you are attacked.
So, make for the subway tunnels, since he can't follow you underground.

As you explore the subways, you'll meet a girl named Sayaka. Follow
her, and rescue her from the monsters that attack her. Keep going down
the subway tunnels, and you'll reach the city of Ameyoko. Go to the
pub and talk to the bikers there--you'll meet So-Cho, who after hearing
how Sayaka was saved by you guys n' gals, will give you the key to his
hoverbike, which is a really cool way to get around. So-Cho and friends
are trying to find a way to get rid of Su-Zaku's forcefield so that they
can kill him. To do that, they need certain parts, a Board and a ROM.
However, the ROM is located in a hidden town, which they cannot find.
They think the location of the town might be alluded to in one of the
books in the Library, though.

So, make your way to the Library. You can take the subway tunnels
there, or go back to the Tower and head south, either way is fine.
The Library is the big building that's south of a large lake. There's
nothing of interest on the first floor, so go up to the second floors.
By walking across a particular area of the floor, your characters will
go and automatically check out the books, so walk around in front of
the stairs until you find it. Once you've learned where the hidden
town is located at, go down one row of books and check the shelf
that's beneath the one where you found your information at. You'll
discover a chest with the Book of Stone in it, which is kills enemies
instantly. Neat.

Once outside, head 13 blocks east and 14 blocks north from the Library,
and you'll find yourself in the hidden town. Fight the monsters here
and examine all the chests to find the ROM and other good equipment.
Don't bother examining the bookshelves in the buildings since they
don't hold anything of interest in them. Now that you have the ROM,
you need to go to the Northwest Town to get the Board. Unsurprisingly,
the town is in the northwest area of this world (it's just one
building, unlike the many buildings of Ameyoko). Once inside the town,
look for the merchant's stall with the break in the northern wall, and
go through it. At the far northwestern edge of town is a lizard who
will give you the Board as long as you have the ROM in your inventory.

Since you have both items, return to Ameyoko and make sure to stock up
on items and equipment, since you won't be able to later. Meet with
So-Cho and he'll explain that one more component is needed to make the
device that will negate Su-Zaku's force field, and that's some atomic
fuel. In the morning, So-Cho will lead you to the subway tunnel that
leads to the Atomic Power Plant. Follow him through the tunnels, and
keep in mind that when he stops, you need to get out of your hoverbike
and talk to him to continue. Once you reach the Power Plant, go
counter-clockwise on the first floor, the clockwise on the next, and
counter-clockwise on the third one, etc. As you climb, you'll have
to fight a Death Eye, which is a long battle but not a really hard one.
Eventually you'll reach the top floor. So-Cho will show up, and
destroy the machinery blocking your way to the power room, at the cost
of his own life. He'll give you the Band headgear before dying, which
is pretty handy. Go inside the room and examine the little nuclear
tower in the middle of the room to get the atomic fuel.

Unfortunately, doing this sounds the alarm, and the alarm summons the
Machine (aka Warmech from the original Final Fantasy). The Machine
can really, really hurt you. Your best bet it to simply keep attacking
him and have one character heal injured allies. If he uses the Nuke
Bomb or something else that wipes out your party, just restart and keep
trying. At some point, you'll be able to kill him before he uses a
really powerful weapon against your party. Once the Machine has been
scrapped, return to Ameyoko. You'll find that everyone has died.
Zoku, one of the bikers in the Pub, will tell you that Su-Zaku has
taken Sayaka to the Skyscraper. Also, the shops have been destroyed,
so while you can still go to the Inn to recover lost life, you can no
longer buy equipment in Ameyoko. Although you lost your hoverbike,
you can just take the one parked in front of the Pub.

You can now travel in the outerworld since Su-Zaku is cooped up in the
Skyscraper. However, there are now monsters roaming around outside
as well. Make your way to the Skyscraper, which is at the far left
end of the world (there's a passage through the craters that leads to
the Skyscraper). Get off your hoverbike and go inside. The Skyscraper
is a tricky level since there are dark rooms where you can see the
exits, but not the walls, so they require a little exploration. On
the floor covered in stairwells, the one you want is on the left side;
find the path that leads to the right about halfway down and just walk
down it; you'll step onto the right set of stairs. Once you reach the
bottommost floor, go up and find the entrace into the subway train,
then start going left. There's a man in here you can talk to, but
there's a female mutant sitting in one of the other compartments who
you don't want to talk to, since she's just a Death Eye in disguise.
Once you go all the way left, you'll find Sayaka, who will take you
up to the roof of the subway, where Su-Zaku is. Use the Erase99 item
in your inventory to disrupt his force field, and then he will fight

The battle with Su-Zaku is also tough, especially because of his
Tornado attack which hits all members. Again, it's useful to have one
person on hand to heal your party while the others attack. When you've
killed him, you'll get the Red Sphere. The game resumes at So-Cho's
grave, where Sayaka bids you farewell. Go outside and you'll find the
Tower nearby, so go into it to continue on your way.

Exploring the Tower, Part 4

Back in the tower, head east, then south, then west to find the door
leading to the uppermost floors of the Tower. Use the Red Sphere to
open it and continue on. Last time you were in the Tower, there wasn't
much to do. This time it's a different story. On Floor 19, you'll
want to find the sub-world where there is a ruined bunker. There are
several dead children here, as well as monsters. At the end of the
bunker is a dead father--read his diary and then check your inventory;
you'll discover that you now have a Nuke Bomb, which is really useful.
It can only be used once but does about 550 damage to all enemies. The
other sub-world you want to find (on floor 21) is filled with flowers.
There's a hut in the lower-left hand corner, where an old man will give
you the Excalibur sword. As you climb, though, the most important
thing you need to get is the Glass Sword, which is in a treasure chest
in one of the stairwells. This is the best weapon in the game, since
it does as much damage as a Nuke Bomb, but can be used 50 times. I
would suggest saving it for future boss battles though (ditto with the
Excalibur). Also look out for the Door, which you can use to warp to
any previous level of the Tower. If you want to use it to do some
backtracking, you can, but you're almost at the end of your journey
anyway, so I would recommend that you keep climbing.

Eventually, you'll reach a floor with the man in the hat. There's
nothing to do here but try climbing up the metal spire in the center
of the screen. You'll be moved up along it and find yourself on the
last floor of the Tower. Be sure to save your game as you climb,
since right in front of Ashura is an area of the floor that warps you
back to the room with the metal spire. Well, here you are at the
final confrontation with evil, the big guy himself, Ashura the Demon.
Fighting Ashura is no day in the park since he's got lots of HPs and
can really deal out the damage. Have your strongest characters use
the Glass and Excalibur swords. If you have a mutant, they should be
using Flare, which leaves you with one character remaining to cure
his or her allies. Once Ashura is defeated, head north and you get
to go through the door that leads to Paradise....

The First World Revisited

...or not, since there's an unavoidable pitfall right in front of the
door, which drops you all the way back down to the First World.
Amazingly, you're not dead (heroes always survive, right?) Things
have changed since you were last here; all your friends from the other
worlds have shown up (not to mention the man in the hat again), and
the Tower has apparently been resealed. You'll want to talk to the
shopkeepers since they're selling some really cool equipment now.
Go unseal the Tower door using all four Spheres, then step inside.'s a different Tower altogether! Maybe now that you've found
the real Tower, you can get to Paradise, right? Well, you're not out
of danger yet--keep walking and you'll find that Gen-Bu (or rather,
Gen-Bu 2), is here waiting for you. If you have the Hyper Cannon, you
can take him out in one shot. Otherwise, just slice him up with your
Glass Sword and Excalibur, he's not that hard to kill.

Exploring the Tower, Part 5

Getting through the Tower the second time around is a snap. What
happens is, you'll arrive at an area with a moving stairwell. Find
which side of the stairs takes you up, then just step on to it, go
up the door, go through it, and repeat. Eventually you'll reach a
new area, and each time you arrive at a new area, you'll get to
fight a boss again (Sei-Ryu, Byak-Ko, and Su-Zaku), all of whom are
now more powerful (but then again, so are you). Grab the items as
you go along (don't forget to nab the powerful Masamune sword), and
make your way to the top. If you want to go back and heal up, just
use the Door and return to the First World (you can buy more Doors
in the First World as well). If you want to go back to the first
Tower to look for treasures you might have missed, or if you want to
return to any of the other worlds or sub-worlds, you can go back to
them using the Door, too.

The Final Battle

Eventually, you'll reach the top of the Tower, which has one long
stairwell. Step on it and you'll shoot off into space and find
yourselves in a strange new area. You're standing on an orb, but
if you step off it and turn around, you can examine it to restore
your HPs. Head to the north-west corner of this area and you'll
meet the man in the hat again (aren't you sick of this guy by now?)
He reveals himself to be the Creator, who wanted to test out mankind's
bravery by creating a Tower filled with monsters. Obviously, your
group doesn't take to kindly to having risked life and limb just to
entertain this guy, and decide to teach him a lesson. The battle with
the Creator starts off easy because he doesn't do anything. After a
few rounds, though, he starts busting out with some really powerful
attacks. Sometimes, you'll just take damage without him having to
attack you, he's that powerful ^_^; Luckily, you should still have
some uses of the Glass Sword, Excalibur, Masamune, and Flare remaining,
so pummel him with those weapons until he dies.

Exploring the Tower, Part 6

Then...hehe, just kidding. :) After he's dead, you get your ending,
and the credits roll, and all that. If you liked this game and want to
play something in a similar vein, go hunt down a copy of Final Fantasy
Legend II, it's a really great sequel with lots of improvements from
this game (not that FFL is a shoddy game, of course).


I hope this FAQ was of some use to you. If you want more information on
this game, there is a chart of Monster meat changes you can find at
, not to mention other hints and stuff.

That's all!

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Kao Megura

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17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Walktrough

15.Oktober 2013

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