Final Fantasy Adventure

Final Fantasy Adventure

06.10.2013 04:50:25

Final Fantasy Adventure FAQ Version 0.52

Table of Contents
I. Notes
1. Intro.
2. Characters
3. Walk through
4. Items
5. Weapons
6. Armor
7. Game Genie Codes
8. Credits

I. Notes
This is an incomplete version, I had hoped to have it finished by now but,
I will be going back to Hawaii very soon and will not be able to finish
it immediately when I get there (it may be a matter of a few months). So
if you can add any thing to this please send it to me!! If I get enough
help I may be able to finish it in time.

-Isaac Ordonez

1. Intro.
Tree of Mana grows with the energy of
will from each and every thing of this world.

It grows high above the clouds in the air
on top of Mount Illusia.

Legend tells that it gives eternal power
to the one who touched it.

Dark Lord was trying to find the way to
the Tree of Mana and get the mighty
power to conquer the world.

2. Characters

Boy- The boy was a prisoner of the empire of Glaive he and his friends
are forced to fight just for the pleasure of others. After making a
daring escape he meets a girl and starts off on a great adventure.

Girl- She is found by the boy while going to see Bogard with her friend,
Hasim (who is killed). She has no known past but soon turns out to be a
member of the Mana family.

Man- A mysterious man found in the marsh cave, his secrets will be

Watts- A weapons forger, he will join you in the mines. He has a knack
for silver and can make many things with it.

3. Walk through
You start off in a small Arena with a monster that moves in a "W" pattern,
it is fairly easy to beat, just hit and run.

After Beating it you end up in a room with your Dying friend Willy.
He tells you about the Mana Tree and Gamma Knights. He tells you to
see a man named Bogard. After that Willy passes away.

In the Next room you Meet Amanda and a man. Amanda talks of escape
and her little brother. The man tells you the entrance for the
monsters is a way out.

Make your way back to the Arena. Fight the monster the same
way you did with the first and head out the gate to freedom.

Go to the west and you will find Dark Lord and Julis talking about the
Mana Tree being up the falls in a shrine. They talk of a girl with the
key. Julis disappears and Dark Lord spots you. You take off running and
end up at a cliff over looking the falls. Dark Lord pushes you off...

You wake up near a stream and go East, East, South, East and North.

Town of Topple
You will be in the town of Topple. If you have enough money buy a Cure,
if not you can come back later. Do not buy a Broad Sword, since you all
ready have one equipped.

When you exit town go south and east. There will be a girl yelling for
help, with and a wounded young man named Hasem next to her. Kill all the
monsters then talk to Hasim. He asks you to take the girl to Wendel and
to see Bogard. At that point Hasem Passes away.

Walk around fighting until you are about Level 3 (don't go too far from
town). Keep an eye on you HP, have the girl heal you (press start and the
choose "Ask", she will treat you wounds)

If you have 140 G by now the go back to town and buy that Iron Helmet.
Sell your old Bronze Helmet and buy a set of keys at the item shop
(they'll come in handy later).

Exit town and go east twice, south, east, north, west, north and west
twice. You will come upon a vine, climb up it. Now there will be two
vines, take the one on the west and proceed. Now go up the vine there and
follow the vines until you reach a house.

Bogard's House
Inside you will find an old man wandering around, talk to him 3 times, he
will notice a pendant on the girl and talks about the war. He tells you
to take the mattock in the next room and go to the cave on the east side
of the mountains. He also informs you of a man named Cibba in the town of

Get the Mattock in the next room and leave. Go south, east, north, south
and east twice. You will end up at a cave.

Once inside make the Mattock your "B" item (start-Item-mattock) and use
it on the rocks blocking the exit to the south. Go south 2 rooms the up
the stairs.

Once outside go east twice, south, east. You will see a little shop,
inside the owner is selling a Battle Axe for 150, if you have the $$ buy
it (be sure to equip it :). If not go outside and fight until you do.
Also buy at least 1 Pure (they can also be won from the flowers too).

Now go east, south twice and wast twice. You will be at an Inn called

Once inside you will notice a man blocking the doorway going east, saying
it's for Mr. Lee only. In the north room you learn about the Lizardmen's
nest and the Mirror. To the west you will find 2 beds, hop in and take a
nap. The girl finds the Magic Book of Cure in her bed.

You wake up in the morning and find the Girl's gone, the man at the door
says he hasn't seen her.

Lizardmen's nest
Leave and go east 4 times and then south. You will come upon the
Lizardmen's nest. Kill them all and a treasure chest containing the
Bronze Key will appear in the middle of the "C".

From here go north, east and north. The door is locked so make the Bronze
Key your "B" item (like you did with the mattock, from now on I'm gonna
refer to this as using the item :) and walk in.

Cave of Marsh
You will see a Man inside, enlist his help and go north and west. You
will be in a room with a strange looking tile, step on it and a stair
case will appear in the corner, go down. Once outside go east across the
log, down the vine then west and into the cave.

You will end up in a room with a small pond. Go west and use the mattock
on the south wall. Go south, in the room go across the Ice and get the
treasure (it's a Sickle). Equip and use to cut down the vines around so
you can get out.

Go back until you are where you entered the cave (and met the "Man"). Go
down and use the mattock on the west wall and enter. Now remember the key
you got? Use it on the door go through (If you don't have any keys keep
killing the skeletons until the give up a pair).

In the room you will find a empty treasure chest (DON'T hit it) and a
switch. When you step on the switch a stair case appears, when you step
off it disappears. Push the chest on the switch to make it stay (if you
hit the chest exit and re-enter the room). Go down the stairs. you will
end up in a room with a healing pond. If you go at the south end and push
agenst it your HP and MP will be restored.

Go back to the room where you used the key, now go west twice and north
once. You will come to a room with another locked door, open it. Inside
the door will shut tight and monsters will attack, kill'em. After they
are all dead the door will open and a chest will appear (it contains an
Iron Shield).

Now leave the room and go up then north. Use the mattock on the rock in
the corner, a stair case is reveled. Go down. (If you ran out of mattocks
you can get them from the blobs that bounce around, only the man can kill
them though).

Once outside climb the vines down and then west across a bridge. Enter
the cave found here.

Inside you will see a bridge, go west, south and east (locked door). In
the room you'll see Ice laid out. Enter at the north, break the rock with
mattock, go south and break the bottom rock to reach the switch, a stair
case appears, go down, SAVE your game, then go east.

Wait at the bottom till it is in range then hit him with all you can,
just before he can hit you go to the top and wait. Repeat until dead.
(NOTE: when on top be careful of the upper head, it CAN hit you easily).
After you defeat it a small bridge with 2 treasure chests appear. The
first contains the Magic Book of Fire, the second contains the Mirror.
The Man will leave you with a piece of advice and you will be warped out
of the cave.

Now go back to Kett's.

Back at Kett's
Once inside use the Mirror on the man blocking the east door, he will
turn into a werewolf, kill it. Now the door opens go through.

Once inside go west, north, and west. You will come upon a stair case.
Once down it go south. Use your mattock on the east wall (going west just
dead ends). Inside go north, east, south twice, and west. Break a pot
with your mattock to get the switch, a stairway going down appears.

Down stairs you will be in a room with spikes lined up on the floor,
Don't step on them, you will receive damage. Go east and north. Unlock
the door to the north and proceed. Inside you will find a chest
containing the Chain. Once near the chest 2 bricks appear preventing you
from exiting. Equip the chain and "Attack" the pole to the east, you will
be pulled over. Step on the switch and the bricks will disappear.

Go south twice, west and north the stairs. Now, go up the set of stairs
to the north. Go down the hall way and use the chain on the pole across
the way like you did before. Keep going and then down the stairs.

You will end up in a room with a fence in it, go west, north and Use your
chain to get across the pit (if you fall in go north, then up the stair
case, the south you will end up in the same room). Now go east. Use the
mattock to go up (If you don't have one go east, north, and west). Push
the chest on the switch and go down the stairs that appear.

Use the Mattock on the South-east pot, a stair case will appear go down
again. Now go east and south through the locked door. You will see a
bunch of caskets open the second from the right on the bottom, you will
find the girl. Now make your way out (N, W, Up stairs, up more stairs, E,
S, W, S, up stairs, E, E, down stairs, E, N, N, W, S, W, N, up stairs, E,
S, W).

You will be in a room with 2 Statues have the Girl heal you and then save.
Now go west. You will meet Mr. Lee... The vampire! Dodge the bats he
throws and hit him. If you need, have girl heal you. He will fall fast if
you time your hits. After he Dies you will receive the Magic book of Slep.

When your out side head for Wendel, go east 3 times, south, west (you
need to equip the sickle to cut down the plants), south, west, north,
south (across the river), east, south, south, east, north, north.

Inside you will meet the man that helped you in the marsh cave (he just
says "Hello again! How've you been?"). Talk to the people and go to the
weapon shop, buy Iron Armor (you should already have Iron Shield and
Helmet, if you don't get them too). Sell you old Bronze armor for a
little extra $$ and any other items taking up space (like Bronze Key and
pillows). If you need any Items get'em at the item shop.

Now go to the northern part of town you will enter a church and meet
Cibba, he will talk about the Mana Tree. The girl will meet her mom and
learn stuff. Suddenly the town will be under attack, "Man" will take the
girl to a safe place, you set off following him. You will find monsters
through out the town. Go to the entrance of Wendel and you will find him.
You will lean that "Man" is really Julis. He throws you against the wall
and you black out.

You wake up in the church with Cibba. He tells you about what happened
you decide to go the airship. Before leaving he gives you the Magic book
of Heal.

Leave Wendel and go west, south, and west use your axe to cut down the
tree on the far left, it won't leave a stump like the other letting you
pass. Go west twice and into the cave there.

Dwarf cave
Once inside the Dwarf cave you will learn about Watts, his where abouts,
the trolley that needs oil and that the airship went west past Gaia's

Exit The cave and go north, go across the river via your chain. Once on
the other side go south twice then east. Enter the little shop found here
and buy some oil.

Once outside go north and cross river. Go north 3 times (need to use axe
on trees 3rd time). You will now be in an area with lots of trees, cut
the trees to the right untill you get to the square area, then cut the
ones to the left. Now go west once. The cave you see is the mine.


Inside you will see a mine cart (Make sure you have the chain Equipped),
use the oil, that you bought earlier, on it. You will start cruising in
your new mine Cart :). To change tracks use the chain to hit the switches.
Use this chart to finish it quickly:
Switch Side on Hit
First Bottom No
Second Top Yes
Third Right Yes

This will make you derail into a big pit. When you wake up you will see
Watts, he joins you for the search of silver. Go north and use Mattock on
rock (If you don't have one or need an item, Ask Watts, he will sell you
items) then go east and use the mattock to get the to south. Inside is a
Heal Pond get refreshed the go back up. Use mattock again of the rocks so
you can get to the east wall, use mattock on it.

In this room Break the pots on the bottom and step on the switch, the
"ride" the ice to the stairs. Once outside go west twice then in a cave.

When you're back inside the cave go west, north then up the stairs. Now
go west then down more stairs. Once outside make sure you Save and are at
full strength. Go down the vine.

You will come upon a Snake like boss called Megapede, it fallows a simple
Pattern: Right to Top, Bottom to Left, Then it repeats it. If you keep
dodging, hitting and anticipate where he will come out next you should
have should be no problem.

Once defeated a chest containing Silver will appear in the center of the
room take it! You will be warped outside and Watts will take the silver
to the Dwarf cave to have it forged.

Head off for the Dwarf cave by going E, S, S, W. Once inside find Watts
and buy all the Silver Items you can afford. Go out side and off to
Giga's pass North, E, N, N.

Giga's Pass
Once inside go west and south. You will come into a room with 4 statues
and a lake between them. When you go through them the door opens and
closes, so go through the right one then up to the left. Just as the door
opens, turn around and go south through the door. In the next room you'll
see a stair case, go up it.

You will be out side and meet Bogard he tells you the airship is up north
and joins you. Now head south, south, west, north, and north. You will
end up at an Inn, stay if needed. Now go west (cut trees), north, north-
west. Now you'll be at an item shop

4. Items
Name Description Buy
----- ----------- ----
Candy Heals 10 HP NA
Cure Heals 16 HP ??
Cure 2 40
Ether 320
Pure Heals Poison ??
Pillow Makes enemys fall asleep NA
Oil Use to make mine cart move ??
Gold Sell at shop for gold NA
Key Opens locked doors 15
Mattock Break pots, rocks and weak walls 60
Nectar Makes bar go at twice speed NA
Silver Used by watts to make silver stuff NA

5. Weapons
Name Type + Damage Cost Special
----- ---- ------- ---- -------
Broad Sword 1
Battle Axe 4 150 Use to chop trees.
Sickle Sickle 5 NA Use to cut vines.
Chain Whip 6 NA Use to cross gaps via Poles
Silver Sword 10

6. Armor
Name Type -Damage Cost Special
----- ---- ------- ---- -------
Bronze Armor 1
Iron Armor
Silver Armor +3 iron
Bronze Helmet 1
Iron Helmet
Silver Helmet 240
Bronze Shild 1
Iron Shild
Silver Shild +0 iron

7. Game Genie Codes
FFE-6B9-E62--Start with 255 in each Ability
FAE-3FC-4C1--Don't take most damage
14E-6B9-E62--Start new game with stamina, power and will = 20
1EE-6B9-E62--Start new game with stamina, power and will = 30
AA2-ECB-357--No Enemies appear on the screen and are replaced by glitched
enemies. Bosses appear but only take off 1 HP of damage. That means this
code is basically an almost invincible code. This code will glitch if
there is a non-glitched enemy on a screen (not a boss) and you swing your
weapon. I played for a long time using this code and this only happened
on one screen in the game. Also, any other player than the hero will
become glitched so this means no other characters in the game :-(. (They
will reappear when the story needs them).
FFE-3B9-EFE--This code is useless. However, when I entered it, the Game
Genie said "Congratulations! You have found the easy secret! Now find
the hard ones!" It only worked one time, but what meaning could this
have? What does it mean?
40E-A49--Level goes up to 37. Use it at the start of a new game. It will
raise your level up to 37. Lots of button pushing. Your hit points and
other stats will also raise.
FFE-A69--Level goes to 39 Will raise level to 39 at the start of a new
game. You should also save your game as soon as possible after using. 

8. Credits
Game Genie Codes from Game Genie Code Creators Club (GGCCC), http://www.

Walk through, Item/Weapon/Armor lists written my me, Isaac Ordonez

Visit my Squaresoft web page at

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