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Secret Place:
hey guys found a secrete place last night when you travel through the armory on
your way to fight Oscelot and you have to blow holes in the walls to get to him.
If after you blow the wall that leads you to the room that you fight Oscelot
turn right and at the end of the hallway blow that wall in that room there are
two doors a level 4 door and a level 6 door, behind the level 4 door is the
camera and behind the level 6 door there is some chaff's but watch out because
there are two radar guns in there, so be careful the camera is cool........
SO far i've beaten the game 3 times and i now have the stealth suite(too cool,
but doesn't work when fighting the level boses), bandana(does nothing so far),
but all in all i like the game very cool. Make sure you check this out it
really works and you don't have to beat the game to get the camera.
When you are going into The Nuclear Storage Facility and you have the PSG-1 (the
sniper rifle ) before you enter inTHE NUCLEAR STORAGE FACILITY you can equip the
PSG-1 and shoot all the gaurds on the lower level . It;s pretty kewl and you
will have enough amo so u don;t have to worry about running out of it as long as
u don't miss the gaurds to many times!!??Submission: Og0r99@aol.comHint:
When your fighting psyco mantis just put your controller into port 2 and he
won't be able to "read your mind" (he won't be able to dodge your bullets).
Use stun grenades to knock Meryl out without her taking damage. I can beat him
in under 7 minutes using these techniques. good luck!
Fight the Ninja with your bare hands, else you won't be able to defeat him. Use
your infra-red goggles and you can always see anybody using a stealth-suit,
including the Ninja. When the Ninja is almost beaten (after the 3rd movie) & is
suffering from a sort of electronic shock, you can use your shaffy-grenades to
freeze him. When he's freezed, you can kick him. repeat this untill he's a