Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped

Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped

13.05.2008 16:52:35
Version 2.5



Console Gamer



2.5 Added time box and Aku Aku counts for Time Trial except for Levels 28 and
31, rebuilt the rest of the levels
2.4 Turned Section XI into Item Checklist, rebuilt Levels 31-32
2.3 Rebuilt Levels 11-18
2.2 Started yet another rebuilding project, rebuilt sections for Levels 1-10,
began adding better time trial hints and tips
2.1 Slight changes, added tricks section, see section XI for the rest
1.91 Updated best times for levels 26 and 31
1.9 Added Bonus Stage walkthroughs and put all the level info in one section,
more minor changes
1.8 Updated my best times, got 2 more developer's times (Gone Tomorrow and MAD
BOMBERS!!!), made minor changes
1.7 Took out the Time List, got 2 developer's times (Hog Ride, Tell No Tales),
added my best times to time trial section
1.61 Added 3 more times for Bug Lite in Time List
1.6 See Time List section
1.5 Finished time trial strategies
1.41 Updated the note (in 24 hours?!), revised Tomb Time time trial strategy
1.4 Posted that note (Yes, it's true. I have 29/30 Platinums!), updated Time
Trial section
1.3 Updated Time Trial section, forgot to put bosses in contents (oops!) so I
fixed it.
1.2 Started rebuilding of the FAQ, moved time trial to its own section and new
FAQ, included boss strategies
1.1 Added producer's times from second ending in section 33, finished levels
1.0 Started the FAQ, no bosses included

LEVELS COVERED (from 1.2 to 1.5, all level revisions will be made in time trial

2.5 Rebuilt Levels 19-30, included time box tallys for Levels 1-27, 29-30, and
2.4 Rebuilt Levels 31-32
2.3 Rebuilt Levels 11-18
2.2 Rebuilt Levels 1-10
1.9 Put all level info back together and added all Bonus Stages
1.5 Levels 26 to 32
1.41 Level 9
1.4 Levels 22 to 25
1.3 Levels 9 to 21
1.2 Moved all level time trial times to time trial section, strategies for
Levels 1 to 8
1.1 Levels 10 to 32
1.0 Levels 1 to 9

1. General Description
2. Crystals
3. Gems
4. Relics
5. Boxes
6. The FAQ
1. Toad Village
2. Under Pressure
3. Orient Express
4. Bone Yard
5. Makin' Waves
6. Gee Wiz
7. Hang 'Em High
8. Hog Ride
9. Tomb Time
10. Midnight Run
11. Dino Might!
12. Deep Trouble
13. High Time
14. Road Crash
15. Double Header
16. Sphynxinator
17. Bye Bye Blimps
18. Tell No Tales
19. Future Frenzy
20. Tomb Wader
21. Gone Tomorrow
22. Orange Asphalt
23. Flaming Passion
24. Mad Bombers
25. Bug Lite
VII. SECRET WARP AREA (requires 5 relics)*
26. Ski Crazed
27. Hang 'Em High (Second Entrance)
28. Area 51?*
29. Future Frenzy (Second Entrance)
30. Rings of Power
31. Hot Coco*
32. Eggpius Rex
1. Tiny
2. Dingodile
3. N. Tropy
4. N. Gin
5. N. Cortex
1. Beat Cortex Only Once!!!!!
2. The Super Combo
3. The 45th Gem

*Stages that do not have time box tallys

1. General Description

Welcome to Crash Bandicoot's third and largest adventure. This game has gained
so much over Crash 1 and 2 it got a differnt name. Instead of Crash 3, it is
called Crash Bandicoot: Warped.

The objective is the same as in Crash 2. Go through the stages, getting a
Crystal in each one. Get a Crystal in each stage of the world, then fight a
boss. Once you have all 25 Crystals, you battle Cortex and beat him.

There are also 45 Gems and 30 Relics in different colors to collect. This game
has a lot of replay value (hint....time trial....hint) and is worth at least a
rental, but buy it if you like it. (Sorry, that sounded like a review!)

2. Crystals

In each stage 1 to 25 is a Crystal. In most stages, all you have to do is walk
up and get it. In some stages, i.e. motorcycle and plane stages, you must
complete a certain task to acquire it.

3. Gems

In each stage 1 to 32 is at least one gem. You get gems for doing one of four

* Getting box completion (clear gems)
* Completing a Death Route (colored gems)
* Completing a Colored Gem Route (clear gems)
* Getting all 30 Gold relics (1 clear gem).

There are 45 gems in the entire game. Get them all to help towards your 105%
maximum score.

4. Relics

In each stage 1 to 32 (except for 27 and 29) there is a time trial mode. The
object is to get to the end with the best time possible. These reward you with
one of three kinds of relics:

Sapphire: Get through the stage without the Running Shoes and most time boxes.
Gold: Get through the stage with the Running Shoes and most time boxes.
Exception: In Level 13 (High Time), it requires an almost-Platinum trial to get
Platinum: Get through the stage with the Running Shoes, the straightest path,
and all the time boxes. Getting all 30 is a very challenging task, but it can
be done.

5. Boxes

I did a count, and I calculated there are 1,961 boxes in the entire game, and
you must smash every one of them at least once to get 105%.
There are many different types of boxes, including:

BREAKABLE BOXES (ones counted)

*Normal Boxes: Worth one to 10 fruit.
*Striped Boxes: Worth 10 fruit. Must jump on to get all of it.
*? Box: Worth one to 10 fruit or an extra life.
Timer Box: Get whatever is showing. If you wait too long, they turn into
unbreakable steel.
*Crash Box: Worth one extra life.
*Aku Aku Box: Gives you protection from one hit. Get three for temporary
*TNT Box: Jump on, then you get three seconds to get out of there.
*C Box: Acts as a save point for each level.
*Arrow Box: Bounce on to get items in the air.
*Nitro Boxes: Touch and get blown to smithereens.


*Steel Boxes: Unusable.
*! Boxes: Changes something in the level.
*Green ! Boxes: Detonates all Nitro boxes in the level.
*Steel Arrow Box: Same as normal Arrow box.


For each stage I have listed the times required for each relic, how many boxes,
how to get the gems, and time trial strategies. As always, good luck, and may
the FAQ be with you!


******LEVEL 1: TOAD VILLAGE******

#: 42
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 10
-1 Boxes: 6
-2 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 2


Clear Gem: All you need to do is get all 42 boxes. The flashing boxes you must
hit quickly because they will turn into steel if you sit around all day.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:03.00- Not hard at all. If you hit all the yellow boxes, you can
almost get the Gold without the Running Shoes.
*Gold: 57.50- Although it's hard, it's very possible to get Gold without the
Running Shoes. Try using slide jumps and hitting EVERY yellow box. If you have
the Running Shoes, this is a piece of cake.
*Platinum: 44.03- Take the straightest path and hit every time box. This should
only take a few tries to get. The time to beat is 42.33.
*DT: 39.93- No one can know this stage this good, so forget it.

*Bonus Stage* (7 boxes)
Just run to the right and get all 7 boxes.


#: 92
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 11
-1 Boxes: 4
-2 Boxes: 2
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Acheive Box Completion. Be careful not to get shocked by the
things and watch out for the other multiple dangers.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:46.00- If you can't get this Sapphire, you've got a lot of work to
*Gold: 1:17.90- OK, this is a little harder. You need to very rapidly hit that
X button and have a good deal of luck.
*Platinum: 1:10.50- This one is the same, except you need a TON of luck. I got
a ton of luck and got 1:06.40.
*DT: 57.83- Impossible.


#: 42
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 24
-1 Boxes: 17
-2 Boxes: 3
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 2


Clear Gem: Achieve Box Completion. This is a fast-paced stage, and you can't
backwards to get a box you missed. Just keep your eyes open.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 41.00- Return the game if you can't get this.
*Gold: 27.80- This is too easy to get. Just hold down the speed button and hit
a good deal of time boxes.
*Platinum: 18.10- Miss one box or take your finger off the spped button, you
better restart. It took me a while to get 17.36.
*DT: 16.96- Same as Platinum, except you must aim for the shortest, straightest
path or you lose.

******LEVEL 4: BONE YARD******

#: 66
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end of the second dinosaur chase, just above the goal.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 9
-1 Boxes: 3
-2 Boxes: 3
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem #1: Achieve Box Completion. Those dinosaurs are pains in the
rump. Just outrun them. Don't worry about the boxes. The dinosaur will smash
them for you. Just dodge the Nitro Boxes and make sure to get the Nitro
Exclamation Box at the end.

Clear Gem #2 (requires Red Gem from Level 12): In the second part of this
jump on the red gem. Follow the path to the end and you'll get the gem. Just
make sure to get a good head start against those dinosaurs. Use the Running
Shoes and Double Jump for an easier time.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:45.00- Tougher than other stages. Just keep ahead of the
dinosaur, hit every time box, and get invincibility.
*Gold: 1:40.20- Possible without the Running Shoes, should-be automatic with
*Platinum: 1:21.00- Run like the wind and don't make any major errors. My time
is 1:18.90.
*DT: 1:15.36- You can attempt it, but you're better off going to other areas.

*Bonus Stage* (14 boxes)
Break the first 5 boxes. In the arrow box stack, break
the bottom 3 boxes, then jump onto the arrow box and bouce up to the two boxes
atop the steel boxes. Go back and destroy the arrow box and the other one, then
slide under the steel boxes and break the last two boxes.

******LEVEL 5: MAKIN' WAVES******

#: 37
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 21
-1 Boxes: 10
-2 Boxes: 6
-3 Boxes: 3
Aku Aku Boxes: 2


Clear Gem: Acheive Box Completion. Feel free to go back if you miss any boxes.
every strategy in the book to dodge the giant bombs.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:08.00- This is pretty easy, just don't get blown to high heaven.
*Gold: 58.23- This time you must hit almost every time box.
*Platinum: 53.23- Hit every time box and take a very direct path and this is
history. Beat 51.36.
*DT: 50.66- Very hard, yet seems to be possible.


******LEVEL 6: GEE WIZ******

#: 100
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end, in front of the Nitro wall blocking the exit.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 12
-1 Boxes: 6
-2 Boxes: 2
-3 Boxes: 1
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Achieve Box Completion. Same as Toad Village, only twice as hard.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:35.00- Not terribly hard. Get invincibility and hit all the time
boxes and this is too easy.
*Gold: 1:22.73- Same as Sapphire, plus Running Shoes.
*Platinum: 1:05.90- Same as Gold, just a little harder. I have 1:00.86
*DT: 58.66- Same as Platinum, execpt IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

*Bonus Stage* (18 boxes)
Just go right, hitting 13 boxes, until you reach the !
box. Destroy the box under the outlines, then hit the ! box and the box that
appears. Go up, hit the next ! box, then get the last 3 boxes.

******LEVEL 7: HANG 'EM HIGH******

#: 96
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: Just in front of the last genie dude.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 12
-1 Boxes: 3
-2 Boxes: 4
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Achieve Box Completion. There are 2 boxes in this area almost
off screen. Get a high bounce or a Double Jump off the tarps to get these. The
Nitro Exclamation Box will get ALL the Nitro Boxes, even the ones in the secret
area (see Level 27).

Yellow Gem: See Level 27.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:24.00- Too easy. Just use the same strategy as in other stages.
*Gold: 52.63- Totally possible without the Running Shoes, extremely easy with
*Platinum: 43.80- After a little practice, you can easily obliterate this time.
Just note the timing of the enemies and carpets and line everything up. The
time is 38.26.
*DT: 34.36- How do these guys get these times? Oh yeah, they made the game and
know everything.

*Bonus Stage* (20 boxes)
Hit the first set of 3 boxes, then ignore the 4 in the
air and hit the next 8. Now, go back and get the 4 you passed up. Now go right,
and bounce on the last time box when it's showing TNT. This will hit the ! box,
which will activate the steel arrow box to get the last 4 boxes.

******LEVEL 8: HOG RIDE******

#: 13
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 5
-1 Boxes: 2
-2 Boxes: 2
-3 Boxes: 1


Clear Gem: Acheive Box Completion. In the motorcycle stages, as in the Great
areas, you can't turn around to get a box you missed. There are only 13 boxes,
so this shouldn't be a problem.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 45.00- Practice makes perfect.
*Gold: 41.43- More practice makes perfect. Hold the wheelies as long as
possible and hit all the time boxes.
*Platinum: 35.03- Here's one of the cooler tricks in the game. When you hit
the first wheelie pad, if you time everything correctly, you can keep it until
the very last jump. You must also hit every time box and watch out for ANYTHING
to mess you up.
*DT: 33.96- It's the same as Platinum, just a little tougher, but it is indeed
possible. I got it with 33.93.

******LEVEL 9: TOMB TIME******

#: 95
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 16
-1 Boxes: 8
-2 Boxes: 3
-3 Boxes: 1
Aku Aku Boxes: 4


Clear Gem #1: Acheive Box Completion. See #2 on how to get it.

Clear Gem #2 (requires Purple Gem from Level 13): Head left at the only fork
complete the area for a gem. Do not use the moving ledges to return to the main
area. Backtrack to the fork and go right to finish it out. You'll get the
other gem if you got all 95 boxes.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:42.00- Too much time, even for beginners.
*Gold: 1:10.00- An average run with or an absolute perfect run without the
Running Shoes is all that is needed.
*Platinum: 53.90- Use every technique you can think of to slash time in this
area. Practice is the only tip I give for now. If you practice, you can get
near my time of 53.00.
*DT: 50.63- I'm getting sick of these impossible times.

*Bonus Stage* (19 boxes)
Jump on the 3 TNT boxes to destroy them, then break the
next three boxes. Jump onto one of the next 3 TNT's to blow up all three. In
the next column, break the two bottom boxes, then bounce off the top box to the
1-up box above the steel boxes. Break the last two boxes and it's over.

******LEVEL 10: MIDNIGHT RUN******

#: 35
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 19
-1 Boxes: 7
-2 Boxes: 5
-3 Boxes: 5
Aku Aku Boxes: 2


Clear Gem: Achieve Box Completion (wait, I don't need to say that anymore).
is much tougher than Orient Express. Go slow and make sure to charge when there
is a box on a balloon. Other than that, memorize the layout so you'll have
easier riding in Time Trial.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 53.00- If you can get it in Orient Express, you can get it here.
*Gold: 38.23- There is a very large margin for error on this stage. Just keep
that finger glued to the speed button and hit a lot of time boxes.
*Platinum: 18.20- Compared to other stages, they give you quite a margin here.
Hit every time box and keep your finger glued to the speed button again and this
is history.
*DT: 13.20- I am so very close to this time, within 0.03 seconds (13.23)! Just
take the straightest path with a Platinum run and have a four leaf clover and a
rabbit's foot with you.


******LEVEL 11: DINO MIGHT!******

#: 112
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end of the yellow gem area.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 23
-1 Boxes: 12
-2 Boxes: 5
-3 Boxes: 4
Aku Aku Boxes: 2


Clear Gem #1: See Clear #2.

Clear Gem #2 (requires Yellow Gem from Level 27): Go through this area, getting
the boxes, until you reach the side-scrolling area. Go back and jump onto the
yellow gem. Complete this area for a gem, then go back into the normal world
and achieve Box Completion for the other one.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:34.00- Get through the stage without the Running Shoes and get all
yellow boxes. Since there are only 2 Aku Aku boxes, use them to bust through
the spinning fish.
*Gold: 1:25.76- Same as above, but with the shoes.
*Platinum: 1:03.00- Take the straightest, fastest path while getting all yellow
boxes. My time is 58.06.
*DT: 55.00- I'm getting sick of these times.

*Bonus Stage (25 boxes)*
25 boxes. 24 Belly-Flop and 1 jump/spin. No more needs to be said.

******LEVEL 12: DEEP TROUBLE******

#: 83
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: In front of the hidden exit.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 15
-1 Boxes: 6
-2 Boxes: 3
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 4


Clear Gem: See Red.

Red Gem: When you reach a fork in the road, go right to see a white box
Go up and near the end of the stage to find an ! box. Go back and set off the
TNT. Complete this next area and the Red Gem is yours, and the Clear if you got
all 83 boxes.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:47.00- It's almost impossible to not get this.
*Gold: 1:25.13- A bit tougher. Don't worry about the 2nd exit.
*Platinum: 1:18.36- Since there are a lot of Aku Aku's in this area, just blast
through those water twisters and hit all time boxes. I did this and got
*DT: 1:00.40- I know they made the game, but this?!

******LEVEL 13: HIGH TIME******

#: 85
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 10
-1 Boxes: 2
-2 Boxes: 3
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Duh!

Purple Gem: Make it to the Death Route before dying, and use it to get the

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 2:04.00- How can you not get this without the Running Shoes? I got
the next relic without the shoes.
*Gold: 1:04.10- Here it is. The exception to easy golds. You have to start
running just as the second flame goes off. Hit every time box, but
invincibility is not required.
*Platinum: 56.96- Same as Gold, except invincibility is required. Try 53.13.
*DT: 45.10- ...

*Bonus Stage (19 boxes)*
Use the Double Jump to go over the steel box column and
get the first 8 boxes. In the next column, break the two normal boxes, then
Double Jump on top of the reinforced boxes and do a Belly Flop. Slide and
Double Jump to get the ? box above the 6 others, then just use any method to
clean up shop.

******LEVEL 14: ROAD CRASH******

#: 25
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 25
-1 Boxes: 21
-2 Boxes: 4


Clear Gem: Duh again!

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:25.00- Every motorcycle stage requires practice, but this one is
*Gold: 1:20.70- Hit every time boxes and don't hold the wheelies too long.
*Platinum: 1:17.10- Now hold each wheelie as long as possible. I did and got
*DT: 1:15.53- I beat it on Hog Ride, but this is unbelievable.

******LEVEL 15: DOUBLE HEADER******

#: 91
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 12
-1 Boxes: 4
-2 Boxes: 3
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Gee, I wonder.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:27.00- Not too hard. It should only take a couple tries.
*Gold: 1:21.16- Easy with the Running Shoes, totally possible with.
*Platinum: 59.73- Follow the basic strategies for Platinum and this is toast,
like 56.60.
*DT: 56.00- Thou shalt try this, and thou shalt fail.

*Bonus Stage (30 boxes)*
Get the 4 above the first arrow box, then destroy it.
Break one of the boxes in the next stack and Double Jump on the arrow and use it
to bounce for 3 boxes, then destroy the rest of the stack. Double Jump over the
TNT stack and don't destroy that or the arrow. Go right and hit the ! box and
three other boxes, then go back and get the new boxes above the arrow, then
clean up there. Double Jump on the final arrow and get those boxes, then get
rid of the arrow stack to end up at 30/30 boxes.


******LEVEL 16: SPHYNXINATOR******

#: 105
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: Between the last door and the goal.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 24
-1 Boxes: 12
-2 Boxes: 6
-3 Boxes: 3
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem #1: Box Completion (that's all I'll say)

Clear Gem #2 (requires Blue Gem from Level 20): Follow the path until you reach
blue gem. Jump on it and make your way through the mini-challenge to get the

*Time Trial*
Sapphire: 1:42.00- Easy. Easy. Easy.
Gold: 1:22.63- Here's a trick: Go behind you to find four hidden boxes, shoot
the clock with the Bazooka, and hit the two -3 boxes.
Platinum: 56.70- Use the trick above, get all boxes, and also get invincibility.
The time to beat is 53.96.
DT: 50.63- ...

*Bonus Stage (28 boxes)*
Jump on one of the TNT boxes to destroy the first 6.
For the next part, bounce off the top TNT to get the high box, then proceed
right. Jump over the two TNT boxes only if you want that extra life. Other
wise, activate them. Once all those are gone, go near the end and break one of
the two normal boxes so the TNT is activated. When the reinforced box is alone,
use the Belly Flop to break it.

******LEVEL 17: BYE BYE BLIMPS******

#: 11
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 0


Clear Gem: Box Completion

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:09.00- Quite hard for a sapphire. Be accurate and lucky.
*Gold: 58.40- Same as above.
*Platinum: 51.50- There are many paths you can take to get this. I have 50.03.
*DT: 38.63- ...

******LEVEL 18: TELL NO TALES******

#: 61
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 46
-1 Boxes: 16
-2 Boxes: 19
-3 Boxes: 9
Aku Aku Boxes: 2


Clear Gem: Box Completion. At the three straight jumps, go right and get the
boxes near the ship. Otherwise, just follow the arrow to get everything.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:42.00- What's with all these 1:42.00 Sapphires? The good thing is
they're all easy.
*Gold: 1:25.66- A little harder but is totalled out in a few tries
*Platinum: 1:05.23- Don't worry about the right fork. Just stay on path.
*DT: 1:01.70- Here's something interesting: There is one ramp (with a -2 box)
that floats in the water and goes up and down with the tide. You have to set
this up correctly to get it. As for the 2 Aku Aku's, there are a couple places
you can just blast through the bombs. It's possible, because I beat it with

******LEVEL 19: FUTURE FRENZY******

#: 133
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: Between the last jump and the exit.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 19
-1 Boxes: 10
-2 Boxes: 4
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem #1: See Level 29

Clear Gem #2: See Level 29

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 2:01.00- These times are getting easier and easier.
*Gold: 1:34.00- See Sapphire.
*Platinum: 1:19.66- There are many methods you can use to slash this time to
pieces. Try hitting the clock and running as the first laser turns on. You
could also try just jumping around the lasers altogether. Get invicibility on
the side scrolling section, and use up your Aku Akus to quickly get across the
last pit. So far, I have 1:08.80.
*DT: 1:07.47- I'll get this one of these days.

*Bonus Stage (19 boxes)*
Use the moves on the signs and this is no problem.

******LEVEL 20: TOMB WADER******

#: 88
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 11
-1 Boxes: 6
-2 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Box Completion

Blue Gem: Get to the Death Route without dying, then complete the hard area for
Blue Gem.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 2:44.00- I could probably get this blindfolded with one hand tied
behind my back.
*Gold: 1:45.00- Same as above with the shoes, but you should have a good idea
of the course layout.
*Platinum: 1:24.00- You need to take off as the bug hits the far right side.
If you're good, the level will be set up so you can just keep running. Try
*DT: 1:11.16- ...

*Bonus Stage (25 boxes)*
Figure it out. It's easy.


******LEVEL 21: GONE TOMORROW******

#: 87
Nitro Boxes: Only in bonus stage

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 22
-1 Boxes: 11
-2 Boxes: 5
-3 Boxes: 2
Aku Aku Boxes: 4


Clear Gem #1: See Clear #2

Clear Gem #2 (requires Green Gem from Level 23): Do not destroy the first arrow
or the TNT box above the steel bridge. Follow the green gem route to a gem and
a ! box, then go back and get the three new boxes that will appear. Get to the
end with all 87 for the other gem.

*Time Trial*
Sapphire: 2:05.00- Too easy.
Gold: 1:25.60- Same as above with the shoes.
Platinum: 1:02.13- Jump around the lasers, jump around the giant mechs, get
invincibiltiy twice, hit every time box, piece of cake.
DT: 55.46- Have a Platinum trial, just absolutely perfect. My time of 55.43
says all.

*Bonus Stage (17 boxes)*
Take out everything with the Bazooka. It's really easy.

******LEVEL 22: ORANGE ASPHALT******

#: 20
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 11
-1 Boxes: 8
-2 Boxes: 3


Clear: Box Completion

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:36.00- Same as any motorcycle stage.
*Gold: 1:31.30- See above.
*Platinum: 1:21.80- Hit every time box and hold the wheelies as long as
possible. Beat my time of 1:19.93.
*DT: 1:16.70- Good luck.


#: 75
Nitro Boxes: Only in bonus stage

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 8
-1 Boxes: 2
-2 Boxes: 2
-3 Boxes: 1
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Box Completion

Green Gem: Get to the Death Route before dying, then complete the long section
the green gem.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:43.00- I'm getting sick of saying these are easy.
*Gold: 1:13.10- Ok, you need a little good timing here.
*Platinum: 59.40- Use your judgment as to when to take off.
*DT: 51.10- With a wonderful time of 50.66, I still can't believe I got it.

*Bonus Stage (28 boxes)*
You can beat it. I have Bug Lite's bonus area to talk about.

******LEVEL 24: MAD BOMBERS******

#: 11
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 0


Clear Gem: Box Completion.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 2:08.00- See Flaming Passion Sapphire.
*Gold: 1:55.20- A little harder, but not very.
*Platinum: 1:38.16- There are so many ways to just obliterate it.
*DT: 1:24.10- Actually, this is possible to get. Shoot the clock A.S.A.P.,
turn around and start shooting at the plane. You must get in hits EXACTLY when
they are ine range. After that, take the shortest path to the next closest
plane and be careful of the enemies. Can you say 1:21.63?

******LEVEL 25: BUG LITE******

#: 120
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 17
-1 Boxes: 10
-2 Boxes: 3
Aku Aku Boxes: 4


Clear Gem #1: Box Completion.

Clear Gem #2 (requires all five colored gems): Jump on the blue gem route, and
complete the four mini-challenges to get the gem.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:49.00- Easy, even without the shoes.
*Gold: 1:34.86- Easy with the shoes.
*Platinum: 1:14.90- Do a fine job and this is history. I have 1:09.73.
*DT: 1:08.00- ...

*Bonus Stage (40 boxes)*
The ultimate in Bonus Stages! Jump over the bug and
destroy the first 3 boxes and the ! one. Go over the bridge and use the Bazooka
to aim around in front of you to get 12 more boxes and the next ! one. Go to
the right a few steps, and aim around upwards to find 3 Nitro boxes and
downwards to hopefully find 4 more boxes. Go back, get the bug, and make a mad
dash toward the end. There will be 15 boxes and a ! box in a 4 by 4 grid. Get
all of them, shoot down the last 3 Nitro, then make another mad dash to get to
the exit.

VII. SECRET WARP AREA (requires 5 relics)

******LEVEL 26: SKI CRAZED (requires 5 relics)******

#: 100
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: In the air in the final stretch of stage.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 68
-1 Boxes: 26
-2 Boxes: 30
-3 Boxes: 9
Aku Aku Boxes: 3


Clear Gem: Box Completion.

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:16.00- You should never get a time even close to being under this.
*Gold: 50.50- Since there are so many time boxes, this is history.
*Platinum: 33.30- Get lucky. I got 31.50.
*DT: 28.63- ...

******LEVEL 27: HANG 'EM HIGH: SECOND ENTRANCE (requires 10 relics)******

#: See Level 7
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: Behind you a few feet when you reenter Level 7.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: See Level 7


Clear Gem: See Level 7

Yellow Gem: Complete this short area to get the yellow gem, then go into Level
7 and complete it to save the gem.

*Time Trial*
See Level 7.

******LEVEL 28: AREA 51? (requires 15 relics)******

#: 24
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*


Clear Gem #1: Box Completion

Clear Gem #2: Place 1st

*Time Trial*
*Sapphire: 1:53.00- Practice makes perfect. Since this is a long stage, you
need to be as good as possible.
*Gold: 1:49.83- Hit every time box and don't worry too much about the wheelies.
*Platinum: 1:44.50- Hold each and every wheelie to its furthest extent. I have
*DT: 1:38.96- ...

******LEVEL 29: FUTURE FRENZY: SECOND ENTRANCE (requires 20 relics)******

#: See Level 19
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: At the end of Level 19.

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: See Level 19


Clear Gem #1: See Clear #2

Clear Gem #2: Complete this area to get one gem, then go into Level 19. From
go back to the beginning of the stage to get all the boxes you missed, then go
forward in the area to get the rest of them. If your box total at the end is
133/133, you'll get the other gem.

*Time Trial*
See Level 19.

******LEVEL 30: RINGS OF POWER (requires 25 relics)******

#: 33
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: N/A (shoot the Nitros down)

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 0


Clear Gem #1: Box Completion

Clear Gem #2: Place 1st

*Time Trial*
Sapphire: 1:20.00- Do this and the second gem at the same time.
Gold: 1:01.46- Spin through a good deal of the rings.
Platinum: 51.73- Spin thorugh every ring. Here's a trick: You only need to hit
at least the ring itself for it to count. I got 49.50.
DT: 47.93- I'll get it soon enough. I'm only around 1.5 seconds off.


******LEVEL 31: HOT COCO******

*How To Access*

In Level 14 (Road Crash), there is a sign with an alien painted on it. Hit that

#: 70
Nitro Boxes: Yes
Nitro ! Box: Jump from a ramp to get it, found a few screens to the left of the
starting point.

*Time Trial Boxes*


Clear Gem: Box Completion

*Time Trial*
Platinum: Automatic- All you have to do follow the yellow buoys clockwise, then
hit the Nitro ! Box, then jam it right back. I've gotten 19.70 by hitting most
of the time boxes.
DT: 14.60- ...

******LEVEL 32: EGGIPUS REX******

*How To Access*

In Level 11 (Dino Might), take the Yellow Gem Route and work your way to the
dinosaur chase. In that chase, let the second Pteryodactyl carry you away to
this area.

#: 0
Nitro Boxes: No

*Time Trial Boxes*
#: 0


Clear Gem: Just make it to the end.

*Time Trial*
*Platinum: Automatic- Return the game if you can't get this. Just make it to
the end. The time to beat is 43.03.
*DT: 41.10- ...


******1. TINY******

This must be somebody's idea of a joke. They make this guy to be all bad
and mean, but his bark is far more than his bite. The first time he will jump
five times, and get his pole stuck in the ground. give him a little spin before
he can recover. Then he will jump up to the ledge and lions will come out of
the five doors. Just run and jump to avoid them. If you spin, there's a good
chance that another one will just come out and eat you. The second time, he
will jump six times and get his pole stuck in the ground on the last jump. Spin
him again, and avoid the last set of lions. The third (and final) time, he will
jump seven times. When he gets his pole stuck in the ground, spin him one last
time to get the Powered Belly Flop.

******2. DINGODILE******

Ok, a fire boss in an icy room. Real smart. For his first attack cycle,
he will shoot bombs while spinning 360 degrees. Stand between the shadows when
the bombs come down. After that, he will start shooting heat blasts. In this
process, he will be destroying the crystals guarding him. When there is a big
enough opening, go in and imply a hit-and-run. His fire pack will beep, then
explode, harming Dingodile, and a new set of crystals will drop. This time, he
will do the spin-and-shoot-bombs thing twice, so be careful. When he performs
the heat blast thing again, wait for an opening, then use your spin and stand
back for another fireworks show. For his final attack, he will shoot two bombs
side-by-side right at you. This time you need to be directly between the
shadows or you're toast. Just dodge the heat blast stuff one more time and put
an end to this maniac. You'll get the Double Jump as a reward for keeping your
bottom cool.

******3. N. TROPY******

Now these bosses are getting tough. He will shoot out a heat-seeking
missile (use Double Jump or just run away), then he will shoot three blasts in
this order: front to back, then two side to sides. After this, he will change
the platforms, creating stepping stones to cross the pit. Go in, hit N. Tropy,
and he will teleport to the other side. This time, he will shoot two heat-
seeking missiles, then shoot off some more magnetic blasts. Again, wait until
he creates stepping stones, then go in and whack him again. For the last word
by N. Tropy, he will shoot three heat-seeking missiles, then some more blasts.
Hit him one more time for the Continuous Spin ability.

******4. N. GIN******

Ok, whose bright idea was it to put a two-part boss in this game? Oh,
well. N. Gin's armor shell has five weak spots: the two missile launchers on
its shoulders, the two machine guns, and the yellow orb in the middle. Take out
the two machine guns when they start shooting. After this, take out the two
missile launchers while shooting down the missiles. Finally, take out the
yellow orb and Cortex is next. Right? Wrong! Now N. Gin will retreat to a
bigger ship, plus you'll get a little extra boost. This part has seven weak
spots: the four missile launchers on the top, the projectile launchers on the
sides, and the projectile launcher on the bottom. Take out the ones on the side
and bottom first, because they will do major damage. If those three are
destroyed, just stay in the middle of the screen and keep firing away. You
should get hits in very quickly. After N. Gin's second loss, the Fruit Bazooka
is yours.

******5. N. CORTEX******

Finally! This battle shouldn't be too tough, except those masks are a
pain in the bandicoot rear. The masks attacks are as follows:
1st hit: Straight laser between each other.
2nd hit: A spin fight while going around the room in a figure-eight.
3rd hit: They will converge on your position, then blow each other up.
As for Cortex, dodge the heat-seeking missiles he shoots, then wait for him to
shoot the five mines. When all the mines are down, he'll drop his shield. Hit
him, then knock him into the opened vent for a hit. This will have to be done
three times, while dodging the masks. Note: When the vent is open, all attacks
will suspend by Cortex and the masks. Defeat Cortex and gain the Running Shoes,
best used in Time Trial.



Here's an interesting trick. Gather all 25 crystals, then go into battle with
Cortex. As soon as you can, pause and select Warp Room. Levels 21 to 25 will
reappear. Now go through, and gather 25 crystals, 44 gems, and 30 relics
(103%). Now go back and battle Cortex. It will be the 2nd battle! You will
still get the Running Shoes at the end, but you won't need to battle him again.


Reading Game Informer, I came across a Crash Bandicoot: Warped trick guide. In
it was the following move (I put it in my own words):

1. In order to do this, you must have the Double Jump from Dingodile and the
Continuous Spin from N. Tropy.

2. First, run and slide.

3. While pressing forward, perform a Double Jump.

4. At the top of the second jump, while still pressing forward, perform a
Continuous Spin to glide great distances.

It's that easy!!

***THE 45TH GEM***

The 45th Gem is actually really easy to acquire. The trick is you must get all
30 relics Gold or better. The bad part: All you get for getting all 30 Platinum
relics is your own satisfaction (I had to learn that the hard way!).


Print this out and use it as a checklist for the game.

Toad Village
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Under Pressure
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Orient Express
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Bone Yard
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (Red Gem Route)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Makin' Waves
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Gee Wiz
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Hang 'Em High
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Yellow Gem (via Level 27)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Hog Ride
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Tomb Time
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (Purple Gem Route)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Midnight Run
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Dino Might!
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (Yellow Gem Route)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Deep Trouble
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Red Gem
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

High Time
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Purple Gem
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Road Crash
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Double Header
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (Blue Gem Route)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Bye Bye Blimps
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Tell No Tales
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Future Frenzy
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (via Level 29)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Tomb Wader
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Purple Gem
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Gone Tomorrow
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (Green Gem Route)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Orange Asphalt
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Flaming Passion
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Green Gem
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Mad Bombers
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Bug Lite
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (All Colored Gems Route)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Ski Crazed
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Area 51?
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (1st Place)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Rings of Power
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Clear Gem (1st Place)
[]Sapphire Relic
[]Gold Relic
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Hot Coco
[]Clear Gem (Box Completion)
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

Eggpius Rex
[]Clear Gem (Completing the Stage)
[]Platinum Relic
[]Developer's Time

END FAQ (for now)

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