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1. Updates Information
2. Story (Not available yet)
3. Characters description
3.1 Hero and NPCs
3.2 Enemies
4. Items
4.1 Normal Items
4.2 Weapons and Ammo
4.3 Puzzle Items
5. Silent Hill Walkthrough (Demo Version)
5.1 Scene 1
5.2 Scene 2 (Soon available)
6. Silent Hill Walkthrough (Full Version)
6.1 Not Available until Silent Hill ships in February
7. Silent Hill Maps
7.1 Wrightwood
8. Buildings Maps
8.1 Midwich Elementary School
9. Hints
10. About
Version 1.0 (01-15-1999)
* First FAQ on Silent Hill ever!
* Added Characters, Items, Walkthrough, Maps, Hints and About sections
Coming soon:
* Silent Hill Story
* More in-depth characters descriptions
* Full Version Walkthrough (When Silent Hill will ship!)
* Scene 2 demo walkthrough
* And MORE!!!
3.1 HERO AND NPCs (Non Playing Characters)
- Harold "Harry" Mason
He's the character you control in the game.
- Cheryl Mason
Harry's daughter, seven years old.
- Cybil Bennett
A police officer who came to Silent Hill to search for the lack of
any communication.
- Baby zombie
Walks slowly with a knife in his hand. 4 handgun bullets are enough
to kill him. Don't forget to stomp on him before you leave or he'll
regain his senses.
- Cockroach
Usually attack in group. Big version of this common insect, kill it
with 1 handgun bullet.
- First-aid Kit
Desc: For treatment of wounds.
Note: Recovers 100% Health
- Flashlight
Desc: Can be turned on/off in one action.
Note: Very useful in dark areas! Turn it on/off by pressing Circle
button. I don't know yet if it require batteries.
- Radio
Note: Hey do you have a Stereo TV? If yes you can hear from where
the enemy is coming.
- Handgun
Max.Ammo: 15
Note: Use it wisely since you'll have to save a lot of bullets for
later purpose like in Resident Evil.
- Handgun Bullets
Desc: Ammo for the Handgun.
Note: Save them!!! By the way, since when an elementary school got
supplies and supplies of ammo?
- Petty Knife
Desc: A cooking knife.
Note: Base weapon, pretty useless unless you're out of ammo!!!
- Steel Pipe
Desc: A pipe made of steel.
Note: Great way to save ammo, for use on a single zombie only.
- Gold Medallion
Desc: A picture of a clock tower is carved in the front.
Note: Put it on the clock tower outside of the school where it's
written "A Golden Sun". Will advance time to 12:00.
- Lab Chemical
Desc: "Sulfuric acid" written on the label.
Note: Use it on the "Statue of a hand".
- Silver Medallion
Desc: A picture of a clock tower is carver in the front.
Note: Put it on the clock tower outside of the school where it's
written "A Silver Moon".
Note: The demo was available on Official Playstation Magazine no. 16
5.1 SCENE 1
Silent Hill - Ghost Town
The game starts with Harry getting out of his trashed car, maybe he got
a real serious crash. He then see that his little girl, Cheryl, isn't
here, so he's going to seek for her. After walking a little in front
of you the game'll stop and Harry will hear footsteps, he'll chase them
by himself and see a little girl, is it Cheryl? The girl starts running
in the fog, but you can see a little shadow of her and pursue her.
After a little while he'll stop again and see her changing direction,
chase her again and she'll eventually enter a little passageway.
The Passageway
After entering the passageway it's really straightforward, follow the
passage and somewhere you'll have to light up your lighter because
it'll be too dark to see. Continue your way and the game'll pause to
show a dead body attached after a chain wall. Some baby zombies will
attack you and you don't have no other choice except dying because you
can't escape...
Items: Flashlight, Knife, Radio, Neighborhood map
A FMV will start showing you having a nightmare and wake up in a
moment. Cybil will introduce herself and talk you. After a while you'll
decide to go after Cheryl again and she'll stop you and give you a gun.
After this she'll go outside. Search the restaurant for items and go to
the door. The radio will ring as hell and you'll go see what's going on
with this radio. The window behind you break and some flying zombies
pass through the window (TO BE CONTINUED). It's the end of the SCENE 1
demo. Nice heh?
5.2 SCENE 2
| 1- Midwich Elementary School |
| 2- Balkan Church |
| A- STANLEY st. |
| B- MATHESON st. |
| C- BLOCH st. |
| D- BRADBURY st. |
| E- MIDWICH st. |
| F- LEVIN st. |
| G- PULLMAN st. |
| H- ELLROY st. |
| 7.2 To Central Silent Hill |
- It might be stupid to say that but you'll be safer when your
flashlight is turned off in dark places, because enemies are
attracted by light and sound.
- Save ammo or don't kill everything you see... it's useless I know it.
Some of the monsters you kill can respawn when you solve a puzzle and
others are just a waste of bullets.
- Check the map very often, it's the best way for not getting lost.
- If you can't go any further check this walkthrough, duh! ;) But if
you're really farther than my walkthrough I recommend you to read
correctly the riddles and try to figure them out. Or try to combine
items you just found or e-mail me, maybe I have the answer for you.
You can find new versions of this FAQ at:
GameFAQs -=> http://www.gamefaqs.com
You like my FAQs? Here's the complete list:
- Grand Prix 2 Settings FAQ v1.2 (PC)
- Silent Hill v1.0 (PSX) <- This FAQ
The entire FAQ is Copyright (c) Shad 1999
Contact me: shad@microtec.net
HTML ® 1999 Just The FAQs. All images and content ® by the respective owner(s).
All rights reserved.