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2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Twitter senden. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen – siehe i.nicht mit Twitter verbunden
2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Google+ senden. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen – siehe i.nicht mit Google+ verbunden
Map screen cheat mode:
Press R2, Triangle, R2, Triangle, Circle, Down, Square at the map screen. Note:
This code must be enabled before any of the other codes at the map screen can be
Level/Boss select menu:
Enable the "Map screen cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Triangle,
Circle, Square, Down, Triangle, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, L1 at the map screen.
Story/Style select menu:
Enable the "Map screen cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Triangle,
Square, Circle, Down, Triangle, Up, Left, Right, Down, Up, L2 at the map screen.
Credits FMV sequence:
Enable the "Map screen cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Triangle,
Down, Square, Circle, Triangle, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, R1 at the map screen.
Game play cheat mode:
Press R2, Triangle, R2, Triangle, Circle, X , Square during game play. Note:
This code must be enabled before any of the other game play codes can be
All styles:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, Triangle during game play. All kung fu styles will now be available.
Full Chi:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, Square during game play.
Full health:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, Circle during game play.
Invincibility cheat:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, R1 during game play.
Stealth mode:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, R2 during game play.
Larger enemies:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, Up during game play.
Smaller enemies:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, Down during game play.
Enemies gush blood:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Right,
Left, Right during game play.
Unlimited lives:
Enable the "Game play cheat mode" code. Then, press R2, Triangle, R2, Left,
Right, X during game play. Your character will always have nine lives.
Debug mode:
Begin game play and complete a level. Then, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select at
the map screen.
Unlock map:
Press R1 + R2 while T'ai Fu is walking between levels. Any part of the map may
now be explored. Press Square to play the selected area.
Final boss battle:
Enable the "Unlock map" code. Press Circle while exploring the map to advance to
the final Boss with all styles.