Legend of Legaia

Legend of Legaia

10.10.2008 14:05:36
Legend of Legaia Walkthrough
3/28/99, V.1.5
Email: PDTECJ@aol.com

Rim Elm

You begin the game in the town of Rim Elm. After naming the main character--FYI,
for the purposes of this Walkthrough, I am going to refer to each character by
their default name--a short scene will take place at the Genesis Tree in the
center of town. When the elder asks you whether or not you were praying for a
successful hunt, it does not matter what you say in reply. He will say
basically the same thing. After he leaves, you can take a look at the back of
the Genesis Tree at a sign that has a panoramic view of the town. That will tell
you where some important places in the town are. Exit the area to the south.
When you leave, another short scene will take place, this time with Mei. Again,
no matter how you respond, the conversation turns out the same way. Before going
to meet her at your house, head south to the beach. On the west side, there is a
man standing. His name is Master Tetsu. You may want to talk to him for info,
but be sure to practice fighting with him! He will show you the basics for your
upcoming first battle, and he will also teach you a new Arts move. After the
fight, head to your house. It is the one closest to the east side of the beach.
After the scene, you can talk to your family or not--it doesn't matter. If you
talk to your sister, though, tell the truth. She knows anyway. When you leave
your house, yet another scene takes place. Afterwards, you are placed in Mei's
house. Once more, no matter what you say to the old woman, you will get the same
outcome. Once you are finished talking with Mei, leave her house. Now would be a
good time to save. If you go to the northeast of the town, you will see a cave.
The save point is in there. Next, run up to the house in the northeast corner.
Inside, on the left half, go to the cupboard and you will find a Magic Leaf
inside. Once you get that, head on back home. Before talking with your father,
go to the cupboard and grab the Healing Leaf. Then, speak with your father and
tell him that you want to rest. In the middle of the night, your family awakes
you because there is a loud pounding sound coming from outside the village
walls. No matter what you say to your father, you have to go outside to see what
the pounding is. Talk to the man in the yellow outfit and purple hat to get
things going. After the cinematography, you have your first battle. Use the
Somersault Arts move you learned from Tetsu. You should have no trouble taking
out the Gimard in five rounds or so. Now, you can both roam around and fight the
Gimards standing around, or you can run down to the Genesis Tree. Once at the
Genesis Tree, a woman tells you to touch it. When you do so, the Ra-Seru Meta
comes down and asks if you want to work together. If you say no, Meta will leave
you. If that happens, you will have to go back to the tree and talk to Meta
again. You cannot progress in the game if you do not acquire Meta! Once you get
Meta, it tells you to go and gather the villagers in near the Genesis Tree.
If you get into any fights along the way, the best thing to do is attack with
the Ra-Seru. It is your strongest attack at this point by far. First go to Mei's
house. Tell her that the Mist is here, and she will go with you to be safe. Tell
here that there is nothing to worry about and she will stay with her dead
father. Either way, she winds up at the Genesis Tree unharmed, but if you tell
her there is nothing to worry about, then later in the game she WILL NOT give
you the accessory called Mei's Pendant. Now, go straight to your house and speak
with your father. You will then appear near the Genesis Tree with the entire
town standing there. A cut scene follows. Near the end of the scene, the Village
Elder asks you to help him find Mei's mother. You cannot refuse this. No matter
what happens, he tells you the story. From this point on, you can visit your
house and talk with Nene to rest for free. Also, now that the Mist has been
driven away, you can head to the shop in town and purchase things. If you fought
a few battles, you should have enough money to purchase the Warrior Seal and the
Battle Knife. If not, roam around near the village and fight until you get
enough money to come back and buy all the armor and weapons available to you. Be
sure to equip everything you buy! As you leave the Rim Elm, Mei runs up and
gives you the Hunter Clothes. Be sure to equip them.

Outside Rim Elm and Hunter's Spring

Recommended Level - 2

Your next objective is to get to Biron Monastery. Biron is north of Rim Elm, but
alas, there is a river blocking your way. Head west following the path until you
see a blue circle-type thing along the side of the road. This place is called
Hunter's Spring. Here, you see all of the hunters from Rim Elm, and a man named
Lezam. Speak with him to find out what to do next. When speaking with him, don't
say that you need to get going and he'll tell you the story of Drake Kingdom.
Tell him that you wish to help him. He will send you on your way to Drake
Kingdom. Before leaving, drink from the mini-spring to have your HP and MP fully
restored. There are also four statues you can "speak" with to get some tips
about the game. Now, head north along the road to get to the castle and the next
leg of your journey. Before Drake Castle, you will notice just to the east on
the Field a waterway. You need a key to stop the water flow, but you don't have
one just yet. Continue on for now. Be sure to save your game before going into
Drake Castle.

Drake Castle and Mt. Rikuroa Southern Pass

Recommended Level - 5

Right away, get the Door of Light from the treasure chest on the right set of
steps. Then, head into the castle. Once inside, go straight ahead and up the
stairs. Go into the door on the far left side and push the X button near the
sparkling area to get the Sunrise Key. As of now, there is nothing of use in the
room on the right side. Once you have the Sunrise Key, use it on the door in the
middle. Continue up the stairs to the next room. In the next room, immediately
go left and then up on the other side of the flowing water to get a Healing Leaf
from the treasure chest. Then, go straight down into another room. In this room,
you can open the bookshelf on the west wall and read about Drake Castle's water.
Head around the makeshift jail with possessed people to the sparkling case that
contains the Lightning Key. Once you have that, go up and out the door next to
you and then go use the key on the door on the north wall of the large room you
just came from. Again, head up the stairs to the next floor. In this room, head
left and then down into another room a lot like the one the Lightning Key was
in. You can go to the bookshelf and read the Queens diary if you wish. There is
a Survival Knife in the treasure chest. Even if you already have one, you can
sell it later in the game. Leave the room and go all the way to the east side of
the large room and then head down into another room. In this room, you will find
the Star Key in a sparkling case. Grab it, and like you have before, use it to
get to the next area. On your way, you can go to the bookshelf in the large room
and read about the geography of Drake Kingdom. Head up the stairs once more.
Now, you will be in a cave-like room. Go right and then down into a hall. Now go
left and then up into the next set of doors you see. This puts you in the throne
room. By going into the west door, you will find a treasure chest with a
letter in it and the King Drake himself possessed by a Seru. Read the letter to
find out what is going on. After reading, go to the northeast corner of the room
to get the Mountain Key. Now, go into the eastern door of from the throne room
to rest, save your game, and get the Fire Book I. Go into the Items menu to use
the Fire Book I on Vahn. This will now enable him to use his first Hyper Arts
move, Tornado Flame. Before leaving the room, you can also go to the bookshelf
to read some research notes about Seru and the Mist. Now, head south out of the
throne room. Once out of it, go west and then up and out of the hall. Then, once
back in the cave-like room, go straight up and get the Healing Leaf out of the
treasure chest. Now, down and right and then use the Mountain Key to get out of
Drake Castle. Upon exiting Drake Castle, follow the path to Mt. Rikuroa. Once
there, Meta instructs you to race to the top of the mountain because he can
sense another Ra-Seru is there. Now the game switches to a new character.

Snowdrift Cave

Name the new character and then watch the dream scene. When you wake up and
answer the wolf's question--once again, what you say does not matter. Save your
game at the Save Point directly to the south, and then follow Terra. She will
tell you to follow her again. Keep going until you find her. The next few times
you talk to her, she will ask you some questions. The answers are as follows.
Answer #1: Seru and human
Now run after Terra again. This time she gives you the second test.
Answer #2: A Genesis Tree
This time, instead of running after Terra, head into the area she just
unblocked, and go north to get a Healing Shroom. After getting that, go ahead
and catch up with Terra for the final test.
Answer #3: Mt. Rikuroa
After answering the third question, head east to grab another Healing Shroom. Go
south to do some physical training. After speaking with Terra about training,
hug the wall and go west to get one more Healing Shroom. After that, fight as
many of the Piuras as you want to in order to build up Noa's level. After each
battle you can go talk to Terra to get healed. I recommend fighting as long as
you can. After you have fought a certain amount, Terra takes you back to camp
and the Piuras disappear for good. Whether or not you leave on your own or are
forced to leave, you still must follow Terra back to camp. Head back the way you
came and talk to Terra who is blocking the way. As you are speaking with her, an
earthquake interrupts and tears a crack in the cave for the Mist to come
through. You'll have to navigate your way back to the camp where you started as
Noa while fighting monsters along the way. Once you make it back to camp, Terra
points out the huge crack. Before leaving, save your game. IMPORTANT: If you
still have about 70 HP or are willing to risk it, you do not need to heal
yourself in the upcoming battles where Terra fights with you. When Noa's HP get
low, Terra will automatically heal you. Also, Terra is not controllable and she
is invincible. Just focus on fighting the bad guys and let Terra do the healing.
Now then, after saving, head back to the crack and go through it. Follow the
path and grab the Healing Shroom in the third chasm. Keep going until you exit
Snowdrift Cave.

Mt. Rikuroa Northern Pass and Mt. Rikuroa

Recommended Level - 4

Once out of Snowdrift Cave, head south until you reach a short path leading to
Mt. Rikuroa. Once you reach the path, save your game before heading on to the
mountain. When you reach Mt. Rikuroa, follow the path and get the Healing Leaf
from the treasure chest. Save your game if you want to, and then go inside the
cavern. Hurry through this area, picking up along the way a Scarlet Jewel and
some Power Water. At the exit of the cavern, you must fight a mini-boss called
Golem. After the battle, a short scene takes place between Noa and Terra. When
that is finished, run along the grassy path and go into another cavern. Here you
will find a Phoenix in a treasure chest near the entrance. SAVE AT THE SAVE
POINT! The first Boss is up ahead and it may be a tough fight. Head outside,
watch the scene and then the gameplay switches back to Vahn. When control of
Vahn is yours again, go through the wooden doors and up the hill. In the next
screen, run as far north as you can, and then go to the left. Vahn will
automatically jump up to the ledge. Once on that ledge turn and run to the right
to automatically jump to the next one. Keep pushing right and jump up one more.
Now follow this path as it winds south and jump across the gap for a Speed
Elixir. Jump back across the gap and go to the spot where you can see a small
ledge straight above you. Line up so that it is just to the right of you and
push up on the D-Pad to jump up. This one may be tricky, so take your time.
Once on that little ledge, push up once more to jump again and run into the cave
straight ahead. When you enter the cave, go straight, then at the fork turn
right. Follow the path down and out of the cave. This will put you on a ledge.
Move Vahn in a northwest direction and he will jump off the ledge onto another
one. Jump again in the same direction and then go into the cave. Once inside,
you will see a series of small ledges on the wall ahead of you. Follow these
directions to get a Healing Leaf and the (Vahn) Fist: Jump to the first ledge,
then jump right to the second. Jump left to the third. Right to the fourth.
Right to the fifth. Right to the sixth. From this ledge, go down and to the
right to hop to a ledge with the Healing Leaf. From there push left to jump back
to the sixth ledge. Now push up and to the left to get to ledge number seven.
Right to eight, right to nine, and lastly right to the ledge that leads outside.
Run outside and the (Vahn) Fist is yours. Now just backtrack all the way back
to the point where you took the right fork in the road. This time, go left. Head
down and out. Jump up the ledges, getting the Healing Bloom before entering the
next cave. Once in that cave, run all the way to the end, save your game, and
prepare for your first boss fight. After the fight, walk over to the Genesis
Tree when instructed to do so and hit the X button. When asked whether or not
you will let Noa come with you, saying yes is faster. If you say no, Meta keeps
telling you to be nice and Noa asks again. When you have control again, go back
to Drake Castle. Be careful though, because enemies still lurk on the mountain,
so if you suffered a lot of damage in the battle, don't forget to heal. The
people at Drake Castle all seem to want to talk to you. Congratulations on
making it this far!

Drake Castle and the Water Gate

Inside the castle, telling Noa either thing results in the same thing. Also,
whether or not you say you got rid of the Mist matters not. After talking with
the king, you receive the Water Key. He also asks you to rid the world of the
Mist. When you are finished talking with King Drake, you are free to roam the
castle. When you were first in it, you may have noticed a few treasure chests
that were unreachable. Go now, and seek them out. You'll find a Healing Leaf, a
Healing Bloom, and also some Swift Water. Be sure to talk to everyone. One man
standing near a bookshelf will teach Noa the Swan Driver Art and Vahn the
Charging Scorch Art. There are also a few "Hidden" Items in the castle. To get
them, follow these instructions: From the top level of the castle, the same one
as the throne room, go down the main stairs to the 3rd floor. Go into the lower
left room with the woman talking about her Diary. Now go down to the bottom
right hand of the room near the barrel you can only partially see. Hit the X
button and you will find a Magic Leaf. Now, go down the steps to the 2nd floor.
From here, take the bottom left entrance into the dining hall. Go straight down
and you will see a table with three chairs around it. If you go down directly
below the torch that is near the table and hit the X button, you will pick up
and Fury Boost. Once you have explored the castle to your heart's content, exit
out the main entrance that Vahn entered originally. Here you will now find a
market. Tell Noa that the people would be glad to talk to her and she leaves
your party for awhile to talk to people. When you go up to her at the various
stations, she gives you some quizzes. When she leaves you to talk, be sure not
to leave the castle area or else you will lose your chance to be quizzed and
receive an Item. First she asks you what money is. No matter how you try to
explain, she will not understand you. But, if you say "Sorry, I don't know," the
Arms Dealer will explain it to you and give you the Fighting Robe free of
charge! Next, go to the Items area for a three-question quiz from Noa. Like
earlier in this Walkthrough, you are going to need to highlight the area after
the Answer # in order to see the correct answer.
Answer #1: Healing Bloom
Answer #2: To escape from a dungeon
Answer #3: Wats
If you get three right, you will be awarded 10 Healing Shrooms. Two right and
you get 5 Healing Shrooms. One right and you will be given nothing at all. But,
if you get all of them wrong, Noa takes pity on you for being stupid and gives
you some Wisdom Water. Next, go to the Inn and speak with her. Whatever you
choose, Noa comes back to your party without giving you anything and says it is
time to visit people you want to. Once you are done in the market, exit to the
south. On the field, immediately go east to the Water Gate. Walk up to the tan
colored slot and use the key. Once the water stops, go across the ravine,
picking up the Wind Book I on the way. Once across the riverbed, you are on your
way to Biron Monastery. NOTE: You can run back to Rim Elm before going on and
Tetsu will teach Noa the Acrobatic Blitz if she doesn't already have it. You can
also introduce Noa to Mei. There are a few other different things that people
say, but nothing spectacular.

West Voz Forest and Second Time at Biron Monastery

Recommended Level - 7(Vahn), 7(Noa), 2(Gala)

Head northwest to the forest. You may notice that the trail also leads north to
a little area where the river starts, but don't go up there yet. There is
nothing you can do just yet. Inside the forest, follow the trail northeast. When
the road forks to the left and the right, first run over to the right and get
some Medicine if you want to. Then head back and take the left fork, grabbing
the Healing Leaf before moving on to the west. In the next area, run along until
you come to the open area. Go to the right through the tunnel-plant and then up
to get another thing of Medicine. Go back to the open area now, and go west
through another tunnel-plant to a caldesac with a Shield Elixir and the
Fertilizer you will need in just a moment. Once again go back to the open area
and this time head north. As soon as you enter the next screen, take a few steps
and then you'll see a slightly hidden path to the right where you can get a
Magic Amulet. Now run all the way up to the small river, and examine the little
plant on the riverbank. Then, use the fertilizer on it and walk across it. Go
north through the tunnel-plant and in the next screen run straight up to get a
Door of Light out of the treasure chest. Then, run up and get the (Noa) Feral
out of the treasure chest there. Afterwards, go west through the tunnel-plant
to get a Healing Bloom. Now go south, save your game, and head west through the
tunnel-plant. Don't worry, there is no boss ahead. At the end of the tunnel-
plant, go examine the Genesis Tree. After you get the Ra-Seru Egg, you'll need
to get back to the monastery. Use a Door of Light or just run out of the forest.
Once outside, hurry back to Biron to see what's going on.
NOTE: You can equip the Ra-Seru Egg as an Accessory. It helps defend against
Thunder powers. Inside Biron, make a beeline to the area that the merchants
were in. When asked, tell them at the door that you are Vahn and they will let
you in. The woman at the table in the upper part of this room will heal you for
free. Also, a person named Kim who is on the west wall of the dining room will
teach you some Arts if you don't know them already. Now, go to the room that was
guarded before that only Noa could go into. There you will find Maya. After the
little scene, go over to the pot along the east wall and examine it for some
Guardian Water. Then, go over and read the letter lying on the floor. Save your
game and then head to East Voz Forest. Gala will join you before you make it
out, so don't worry about that.

East Voz Forest and Third Time at Biron Monastery

Recommended Level - 9(Vahn), 8(Noa), 6(Gala)

Run to East Voz Forest. Enter the forest and follow the trail. You'll see a
treasure chest blocked by some Crystal Grass. You can't get to it just yet, so
go east through the tunnel-plant and then head north. Take the second left for a
Healing Flower. Go back to the main path and go up, then take the first right
you can. Run to the end and pick up the Weed Hammer. You use it by pushing the X
or L1 button. Now use it below you to get yourself a Magic Leaf. Now you can run
back and get the treasure chest (which contains Guardian Water that you couldn't
reach before. Now exit the first screen to the north. Right after you destroy
the Crystal Grass near the end of this screen, go through the tunnel-plant on
the left to grab a Cure Amulet. Head back through the tunnel-plant and exit the
screen to the north. In this screen, go left through the tunnel-plant, go up and
break the Crystal Grass, and then get yourself an Antidote and the Survival Club
for Gala. Now keep going up, destroy the Crystal Grass, and go right through
another tunnel-plant. Right above you is an Azure Jewel. Now go south and then
east through yet another tunnel-plant. Go north and destroy some more Crystal
Grass. Now follow the path as it winds around and pick up the Medicine before
heading north through the tunnel-plant. Go north and save your game. Fill up
your HP gauge, because your second boss is dead ahead. I recommend using Items
and not Magic to heal yourself, because you may want to use some Magic Spells in
the upcoming battle. After the battle, walk over and touch the Genesis Tree to
revive it and drive away the Mist.


c 1999
This document may not be copied without the expressed permission of the author.

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Game Script

18.Oktober 2013
Baka Fighter

16.Oktober 2013
Vahn in Level 1 mit guten Gegenständen und über 10 Millionen Golmünzen.

17.Oktober 2013
Debug Mode FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Letzter Boss.

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Moves FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Misc Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Items Guide

12.Oktober 2013
Arts Moves

12.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
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13.Mai 2008
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ 2
10.Oktober 2008
NTSC Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

Beliebte Cheats
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11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020