Biohazard 3: Last Escape

Biohazard 3: Last Escape

10.10.2008 18:36:35
FAQ for Mikhail

Resident Evil 3
Mercenaries Mini Game
Mikhail Survival Guide
A Rank : $2300
Version 1.1
11-15-00 thru 04-09-00
Resident Evil and subsequently mentioned
characters are the property entirely of Capcom.
Capcom is the Lord of the "Holy Trinity."
Capcom, Konami and Square. Don't mess with them.
J.R. Kerr wrote this faq. I am a professional
writer. This is my intellectual property. No
one may edit any version of this faq that is
to be shared. For your own personal use on one
computer, you may edit out all this jargon or
select bits of the tips you need. I will not
profit from this faq in any way. Anyone may
distribute or post this faq anywhere they like
provided my name remain on it. I will use
powerful internet voodoo to eat the soul of
anyone who posts my faq without my name on it.
I will only answer e-mail with no attachments
and sizes of under 6k at :
I will update this Guide as I find out more.
[0] Prerequisites for this Guide
[1] Mikhail is the Big Block
[2] How to Run down a Hall
[3] General Rules
[4] What Do I Get For Saving the People?
[5] -I am Ready! Let's Go!-
[6] Notes from Correspondents
[7] By The Way
[8] Saved the Best til Last
[9] Special Thanks and Credit


[01] Find Alvin Webcraft's FAQ and read it first.
He is more broad in his treatment of gameplay
than I. His FAQ helped me get better at playing Resident Evil.
[02] I also recommend the A.Redfield "Mercenaries Guide,"
his "super-juke" is something I can't get right.
[03] You have had an "A" rank with Mikhail for
a long time, but you keep playing to get better time
and money.
[04] You have a cursory knowledge of what beating the
4th survivor scenario in Res 2 is like. ie: hard.
Hopefully you mastered run-then-step-back-once to let lickers
Jump over Hunk~ you need this skill for Hunters.
(muchas gracias A.Redfield!)
[05] You are prepared to reset if you waste too much ammo.
Mikhail should not take ANY damage whatsoever.
[06] Moreover, you agree to drop Bus Nemesis (type II) without
using ANY rockets. You'll need the three barrels and
then 3-7 subsequent mag rounds for his 1:20 death.
You should get to him on no health used so practicing
on your 1 mix-herb and 1 FAS is okay til you get comfortable
fighting him without getting hit at all.
The rockets you save are to kill the Rocket Nemesi at the end.
If you are tough like Redfield, you may drop the duo with the
barrel and then polish off with 2 rockets and then finish
with 2 to spare for a bigger reward (but I can't do it).
[07] You have a colorful repetoire of swear words to cast at the
undead ankle biters who are in your way.
[08] Vincent Merken and A.Redfield are
clearly better players than me.
I do however think you might want to try my
path as well as the "super-jukes" or the
INTENSE Merken knife fights.
[09] Try not to laugh when I say:
(a) run past the dog
(b) do not let the zombie bite you
(c) "stumble" the first zombie and "domino" the rest.
(d) fake out the hunter betas and run past them.


[01] Mikhail is like racing a 1970 Chevelle Super Sport
LS-6. He has godlike performance with heavy hitting ammo
but his "miles per gallon" are really bad. His ammo
economy is the key to a high dollar reward and even to
being able to finish. ie: if you get to Carlos hostage
point and have less than 3 shotgun rounds, your game is
over. Conversely, Nicholai can finish using only the knife
(w/out rescuing any hostages) and is thus the lighter
Nitrous blown 65 Nova 327 (all or nothing, dig?). Carlos is
like running a 68 Dart with a 318 + 727 ~ he has lots
of endurance but has unpredictable time results.
[02] You really need to master waiting for "the trio of zombies
to get closer" so that you can get a one shell for
three deaths and 14 second bonus. I'll be calling this
1 FOR 3; 1 FOR 4; etc. (look for the capitalized "FOR").
[03] Mikhail is the WIDEST of the three mercs.
He has the most surface area for collision detection and is thus
the least nimble of the three mercs.
I believe they all run at the same "speed."
However, it is tricky to negotiate Mikhail thru some
spots it is possible to run Carlos thru ammo-free.
Notably, you'll need to waste 2 spiders, 2 dogs, and 1 hunter that
Carlos does not need to kill.
[04] The box of 14 Special Shells. You shouldn't need to use
any of these shells in a "I-got-lucky with multiple kills"
scenario; but it is okay to use like 10 of them.
I don't like the special shells because they ofttimes
knock you back a camera angle and thus will sometimes
"hide" advancing zombies just inside the next angle.
[05] Not only is this all easier with Vibrate OFF; but it is
sometimes easier to turn auto-aim OFF.
The shotgun in particular has such a nice spread that
at times you may want to toggle it off so that you don't
get snapped the wrong way toward 1 kill when you coulda had 3.
NEVER fire the magnum with Auto-aim OFF, put it back ON before you
[06] Ultimately, Mikhail is the easiest merc to finish with,
but it is a REAL challenge to break the $2000 mark
with an "A" rank you should have had a previous $1700 at.

---------------------- --------------------------

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I / \ I I \ I
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The point is: you lose time if you put your nose into a wall,
so learn the course and then run straight without bumping the wall!
Losing time means that enemies will be "activated" when you get
to them, whereas if you are quick: the dogs may still be laying
down and pointing the wrong way as you run past.

Play as if you are inside a 2D Pac Man game. You are a triangle
running thru a maze of right angles, being attacked by enemies who are
squares. You should be able to do this if you ever "moved" while in the
map screen inside "DOOM."

(unless you have to run past the first rocket-nemesis )
Mikhail should not need any of his health items.
If you use any it is because you are low on ammo
coming out of the pharmacy office and need to take hits to
clear the last left fork zombie and dog trio.
[3] WHEN YOU CHANGE WEAPONS: you should not hear "boop boop boop boop"
You should hear "bloopidity-bloopidity"
This means your fingers are fast enough for deliberate dodges and so on.
Do not seem as crucial to Mikhail's success. I still recommend
that you reset at the:
1st Barrel if you don't get everybody.
2nd Barrel if you don't pull 43 then 53 seconds.
3rd Barrel if you don't pull 27 seconds.
4th Barrel if you don't pull 56 to 69 seconds.
You need to save ammo in order to finish.
[6] The Official guide (written by Casey Loe of
unofficial FF7 fame) has a time/bonus chart that I find generally
helpful but wrong in a few instances.
Anyone with a more complete/accurate time/money kill-chart:
please e-mail me and let me know!

1) Dario : 14 Shells
2) Girl : 14 Shells
3) Brad : 12 Magnum Rounds
4) Marvin : FAS
5) Office/Nicholai : FAS
6) Bar/Carlos : 14 Special Shells E

1) alley by news office 2 Seconds
2) ala carte tray in restaurant 4 Seconds
3) low-volt room panel 8 Seconds
4) firehose cul-de-sac 16 Seconds
5) 3 dog alley dead cop~had photo A 32 Seconds
6) the dead cop who had the shotgun 64 Seconds
(This secret spot info is collected from other FAQs.
I'd never have found all 6 myself. Thanks gang!)


[01] Check: Am I frosty? Get off the first train leaving the
shotgun equipped and 1:59 left on the clock.
[02] When I run from the door/black screen~ I do not hit
the wall in front of me~ I am able to run continuously, but
swerve/curve left to avoid bumping the wall.
With the angle changes, you'll see a girl leading two guys at you.
Get center on her, hold R1 and wait. 1 shell at the last moment
should give you 14 seconds. If you use 2 FOR 3, it is okay.
Obviously this crew can be avoided entirely, but they are worth
good time/money for only 1 shell. You may want to quickturn and run
if the one shell doesn't bring all 3 down~ this is a good compromise.
[03] Cross the first boxes at the sacks, drop off and
during the blink of blackness cut back in toward the zombie
I saw earlier and escape this room without hitting any zombies
or firing ANY shots. Shotgun equipped.
When I press "open" at a door while running at it~ I see
a weird vacuum pull me toward the door (for an instant).
[04] L-SHAPED HALL: Home of Fat Boy, Clyde, Sleeper and the shuffle twins.
From where you first see yourself let OFF the run button and WALK
forward. (I call the alcove guy Clyde because he's hiding out of sight)
Fat Boy sees you immediately and will start walking.
Note when Mikhail's head turns to look at Clyde.
At the angle change press R1 and then swivel left to alley center.
Wait and then fire for a "1 FOR 2" 7 second bonus.
IFF Fat Boy wasn't close enough, take a running step toward him before
Clyde drops to use ONLY one more round to for your 7 seconds.
Take the upcoming turn so tight that Mikhail may not actually clear
it. If Mikhail gets a little snagged it is okay, becaus the shuffle
twins will group together tight before they see a path.
Your shotgun barrel pokes around the corner so fire when they get
This is an easy 1 FOR 2. 7 seconds.
Disregard sleeper.
Hit menu and reload the guns.
Equip yer magnum.
[05] I believe that EQUIPPING THE MAGNUM makes it easier/faster
to run; which makes sense as Mikhail can swing his arms farther
to perpetuate his running momentum. This may not be true exactly, but
do note that Mikhail becomes "wider" when the shotgun is equipped~
his elbows poke farther out to the side.
[06] Run past CROWS. The time/money bonus here is worth next to nothing.
(I know you can get 19 seconds with 2 shells).
[07] Take a running step toward the first cop.
Give a quick Up+Aim+Fire with the magnum when he is close.
If you aim early, he may circle to your side causing you to waste a
As you run over him for an angle change, try to bump/scrape
the blue hose on the wall.
I believe that hitting this hose will help to activate that last
female cop that 1/2 the time doesn't get close enough to the barrel.
BUT THEN cut back in to Mikhail's right so that you are 3 angles deep
and slightly touching the wall when you see the barrel.
You cut back right so that the lead male zombies will get snagged
on the barrel briefly and not begin an early advance.
WATCH THEIR SHADOWS! The zombies kind of block the camera at the top,
but you can always see thru their legs. When the first shadow almost
crosses the corner of the wall~ this is the time to fire.
You should get 69 to 109 seconds here. Reload the Magnum.
THEORY: The Japanese players are pulling 136 seconds here with any merc.
I have yet to figure out how, but I hypothesize (as per a contributor's
suggestion~ longtorso?) that you get more
time based on the number of pieces of dead zombie that hit the ground.
Note that dead-crow bonus time doesn't "ding"
until their remains hit the pavement.

You have ONLY used 6 shotgun shells (as few as 3 before).
ONLY 2 magnum rounds have been used.
The clock has roughly 3 minutes.
You have not used (and will never use) ANY health.

[08] Ignore the dogs. 3 mags for 4 seconds then later 10 isn't worth it.
Run tight and continuously with a "hitch-in your-step"
at the red sign on the pump's end.
Aim+fire just inside the garage door.
The magnum has a lot of recoil so that you have to wait a painful 1/2
before you can quickturn run behind the counter and shoot down
to kill the crawler. Then equip the shotgun and quickturn run.
You want to use the 2 mag rounds for
an economy of time so that you can get quickly into
the service bay and get a 1 FOR 3. (2 FOR 3 is okay)
Dropping all 3 from just inside the bay is 14 seconds.
(the best spot is where Mikhail blocks the little blue tray from the
It looks like you get more than 20 seconds off Dario
if you touch him before the 3rd zombie hits the ground dead,
but it just adds 20 seconds onto whatever time you had. (ie: 34 sec.)
You get 14 shotgun shells from Dario. reload and equip magnum.
[09] You will be ignoring the dogs on the way out also.
Focus on: I'm gonna "key" this Delorean
then run up and kick that dog who was sleeping earlier.
IFF from your entrance you turn HARD left and
key the delorean and kick the dog you may find that
all three dogs wind up standing confusedly at the
door of the gas station and don't even run after you.
You should never have stopped running thru the above.
Run directly across the street toward the door, when the angle changes
to "hide" the advancing zombies, spin right and walk backwards toward
the angle wher you can see zombies. If you are looking at them you
risk getting one excited who will "run" at you.
Thump menu and equip/reload the shotgun.
ONLY USE 4 SHELLS AT THE LAST SECOND for an average of 54 seconds.
IFF there is still one walking, ignore/dodge him.
Five shots might mean that not-really-dead crawlers will waste
some of your time/health.
You gotta keep moving quickly in order to have all 6 hostages
still alive when you get there.
Before you see anything press R1+Fire.
At "bang" release these and run and pivot left 1/4.
Run straight into the staircase, but don't hit the far wall~
if you do the hunter gets snagged on the turn.
Listen for "pat pat pat" of hunter feet; then quickly
hit Up+Fire+R1 for another Hunter Death you won't see.
Immediately Inside the door hit R1+X for a 3 sec. girl zombie kill.
The run up to the door and slightly in w/out angle change.
Wait and pull a 1 FOR 2 seven second bonus.
Then nudge just inside the door.
Press R1 to target the girl you see to your right, but pivot left
to between her and the girl who should walk over from the hostage girl.
It doesn't look like you will hit either of them, but magically
you will~ which is another 1 FOR 2 seven second bonus. (2 shells okay).
The hostage gives you 14 more shotgun shells.
[13] All the way out of the office.
Remember to go and get the SIDE ALLEY 2 SEC secret spot.
(thru the door~ touch~ding~quickturn~ never see the 2nd angle
because you were thumping x to pull out thru the door)
These dogs can be avoided, but they are an easy 3 mag 20 sec bonus.
Run past the intersection and hit the wall.
Quikturn and run back the way you came. (I call this a "touchback").
See the spotlights on the ground where you came from?
Clear the second one. Stop. Quickturn. One foot should be just inside
the furthest spotlight.
Wait til you see 2 dogs IN the camera angle, then hold
R1+X and watch 4 sec, 10 sec, 20 seconds "ding" up.
Open the door and run in, hit the wall/R1+fire. "ding."
You try to shove a falling dead hunter out of your way. ha ha.
Halfway down the counter, pause. Hit Aim.
Wait for one hump. two humps. bang. "ding."
Run foreward and to the left~ at the blackness of the angle change
begin to thump X~ you'll be asked if you want 'down the ladder'
before you are really near it. Yes.
Hold up. Auto-aim not available til you hear "Help."
Mag 1 into face-away zombie cop.
R1+X again. 2 mags for 7 seconds? why?
Because you run to the corner, angle change and pop
a "1 FOR 4" 27 Second BONUS. (2 shells okay).
You may even multiply from a 2 then 5 push/dodge bonus
for more like 36 seconds. (I get this 1/2 the time).
Collect 12 magnum rounds!
Reload guns. equip magnum.
Run continuously from drain past lamp.
Hit the half-wall perpendicular to the lamp see-thru.
Hit R1+X. You drop a hunter 3 angles away.
The run a horseshoe "U" for the 4 second ala carte tray bonus.
Exit the front door.
Turn a tight right. Run along wall past the zombies facing you.
Bump the barrel and slide around it. The zombies will
hopefully bump/snag the barrel.
Run across the mouth of the alley and hit the far wall.
Hold up a second.
Then hit R1+X. You should get 14 seconds on your second shell from
the zombies up the alley. release R1.
Hit R2+X for the barrel kill behind you.
You'll get 43 seconds. release R2.
Take one running step into the alley and then hit
R1+X again to nail the last straggler girl zombie.
another 10 seconds for a 53 second bonus.
equip the Rocket Launcher NOW.
Run til you see him. Then hit R1 and wait.
Remember that he dodges. Don't waste a rocket.
When he is point blank (almost) then fire.
10 seconds. Wait. Yes, you can "get him up" faster by shooting down
at him, but you don't want to waste the ammo or risk
not being able to re-equip the launcher in time.
When he stands and "raaaah"-poses~ then 1 more rocket for 20 seconds.
Re-equip the magnum. reload.
Mikhail is a big boy. He can sometimes snake past the spiders
with no ammo, but I find poison-spray (if they do it) is hard to dodge.
So, you want to kill the FIRST and then the THIRD spiders with
1 magnum round each.
You don't need to kill the SECOND because he has a lot of running room
around him. The babies may kiss you, but it doesn't hurt much, so
don't worry.
(the THIRD doesn't get you going in~ he gets you coming OUT
very often~ as he is instantly facing you on your exit. So kill him
now and make it easy on yourself).
Before you see anything you are holding run+right for a smooth
curve toward the door. At the angle change blackness thump X
to get sucked thru a door you aren't really facing.
No ammo. Not worth the possible 15 seconds for a mere 2 kills.
Inside door pause and thump menu.
Re-equip the shotgun. reload.
Step forward before you hit R1. This will poke your shotgun barrel
kind of into the door. Get a 1 FOR 2 seven second on the
pair in the high voltage control room.
Turn and step back for the angle where the 3 advancers are visible.
Hold R1 but wait. You will need 2 shells for a 2 FOR 3 14 second.
The 2nd/3rd are a little behind #1 so that a 1 FOR 3 remains elusive.
When 14 "dings" run for the low voltage control room panel for
your 8 second time bonus. Note that in the reverse angle you'll see
another skin-job advancing.
Quickturn at the 8 second ding~ is skin-job facing you still?
If he is facing you, stall him with a shell then run
towards him. The "guard" from down the hall with Marvin
should catch up in either scenario so that you get
either a 1 FOR 2 or 2 FOR 2 bonus. (as much as 3 shells okay).
Collect FAS + 20 sec. off Marvin.
[23] Don't forget Spider #2 is out there, but run with MAGNUM equipped
all the way to:
Instantly inside this street/hall, hit R1+X to kill the
FIRST hunter. Run with a curve til Mikhail bumps the wall to
his right. The SECOND HUNTER is scary close. Curve left. The hunter
should jump over you (but then there is no hunter #1 to catch up
and hit you in the back~ see?).
When he jumps sway back to the right. then the angle changes and #3
is visible and he "hops back" cut toward the car. Bump it.
Pivot and run for the door. Pull for your vacuum by thumping X
while running.
Pivot left. Walk a step. Equip Shotgun. Reload.
Aim+Down+Fire once. release. repeat.
2 FOR 4. 27 seconds? (14 is okay). Toward the exit on the left so as
not to wake the last live sleeper.
[26] GARAGE:
Out the door and hook a left to avoid the pair nearest you.
Run along the elevator door by the van.
You may want to tap run so that you don't get too far too fast;
because at the angle change where you can finally see the barrel:
WAIT til the 3rd zombie farthest from you "activates."
You want a 1 FOR 3 27 second kill.
Mind you don't bump the ramp off the back of the van.
From where the barrel was, pause enough to pivot toward the door,
then run STRAIGHT through the deaf zombies who aren't activated yet.
He does not appear unless you have +2:00 WHEN you reach the third bus
(I thought it was the door, but I was wrong). Anyway, you should have
like 4 or 5 minutes by now from multiple kills and secret spots,
so he's here, right?
Run at where he is jumping down to, watch his shadow.
When he hits the ground curve toward the barrel nearest the exit.
stop running and pivot to face the exit door (firehose alley)
When Nemesis gets close, RUN!
He'll wind up slapping the barrel. 6 running steps away:
R2+Fire. listen for his "ugh." run forward to the barrel by the bus.
pivot toward the garage door.
Again run when he's close. 6 steps. bang. ugh.
He will be REALLY hot on your heels when you near the garage door, but
if you slip into/past the corner of the garage door alcove, he'll get
hung a sec.
Run up to the barrel then point toward the manhole cover.
Again. 6 run-steps. R2. bang, ugh and HE FALLS DOWN. yeehaw.
RELOAD NOW. Give him a "get up" shot with mag.
When he is up, run toward his NOT-TENTACLES arm and bump/slide around
When you get behind him, hit R1+X for ONE shot ONLY at a time!
Repeat above two lines til Nemesis dies. If he was deep on the barrels
when you detonated them: He only needs 3 + 4 mag rounds. If he was far:
He'll need 3 + 7 magnum rounds. You get 120 seconds.
(You still have 4 ROCKETS !)
Equip the shotgun and reload it.
Immediately inside this door Aim+Fire twice. ding. ding. 14 seconds.
The frantically thump menu to equip the Rocket Launcher.
You can aim+fire as soon as you come out of the menu and Nemesis
will slump at your feet. WAIT. When he stands up again and roars,
belt him another. 10 sec. 20 sec.
Re-equip the shotgun. Halfway down the hall is the last live zombie.
1 FOR 1. 3 seconds.
Hit the firehose for 16 seconds. quickturn. re-equip MAGNUM.
They should all go up the walls.
Run past all. In the unlikely even that one is on the ground;
convince him to die with ONE magnum round.
[30] STREET OF CROWS. You will never see the crows.
Run. Mag still equipped, right?
[31] You are now in the Y shaped alley. Run forward on the left fork
until you reach the angle where you can "activate" AT LEAST FOUR
of the left fork zombies.
Quick turnaround and run two angles.
Begin walking backwards, but do not lose sight of the barrel.
The right fork zombies seem dangerously close....
You can still R2 aim at the barrel. Do so.
It seems that the zombies are blocking your barrel shot.
Fire. If anyone is still standing, switch to the shotgun to clear
this alley (except for the lone Left Fork Zombie at the exit door).
[32] Worms, worms, worms.
Running over them means they jump too late.
See the sack you took crank from?
IFF you have at least 6 mag rounds then from
into this room 2 steps fire for a "ding" 6 second kill
at a poison roach you can't see.
(Look at the map) You run a fast "J" hook to
get into the pharmaceutical office foyer.
Equip Shotgun just before the door.
There is a biter ready 3 feet inside the foyer door,
Take a step before you aim+fire, you may glance the
two just outside, run-step twice to angle change inside:
R1+fire again should pick you up a 14 second kill.
(May need a 3rd/4th shot to clear path)
Run to the storage hall door. Shotgun kill the
bald lab coated zombie near it.
In you go. equip MAGNUM now.
Run in one angle change and then R1+X. ding. 6 sec.
Forward. Remember the "hop backs" so don't aim early.
Hit aim+fire together when Gammas are in range.
You should be at the gas pipe and waiting for them.
Nicholai gives you another FAS.
Leave Magnum equipped and reload guns.
[36] Back down to the Left fork.
One guy is still alive.
IFF you have at least 5 shells left,
he may have one in the forehead. Otherwise you need
to let him bite you. (You have to save shells for the dogs/guards
Pause a moment inside the door for the dog to run at you at the door.
Then run forawrd and hook a right. Touch the dead cop who had
Photo A for 32 seconds. Then R1+X to possibly knock 2 dogs dead
and score (42 seconds = 10+32). The third will only get stumbled.
Run past him.
Run forward one angle to where the view is longest.
Aim the rocket launcher and wait.
When you hear/see #1 fire twice. The second will pass thru the falling
first and nail the second.
10 sec. 20 sec.
Wait til they get up.
boom. boom. 20 sec. 50 sec.
NOTE: A.Redfield could probably do this with only 2 rockets by using
the present barrel for a double knock-down (but I can't).
has almost all the zombies at the mouth of the bar.
Except for one zombie who is over by the phone
where you got the lighter.
Run away from the immediate crowd two steps then aim+fire
for 1 FOR 2 7 seond. Then run-step in toward the rest (get CLOSE)
and then pick up a 1 FOR 3 14 second. (some were peppered by your first
Quickturn and run to the mouth of the bar to catch the
payphone zombie: 1 FOR 1 three seconds.
Carlos has 14 Special Shells E.
Exit by the pay-phone.
You need to run straight up the stairs, hook a hard left u-turn
and run from the Betas entirely and escape
at the alley's end to Mikhail's right.
IMHO it is better to run away from this pair; but if you
miraculously have surplus mag rounds then:
R1+X to drop the slow beta down the stoop by you, then run up
the stairs and immediately on the street hit R1+X again~
Mikhail will 180 turn and drop Beta #2 whom you will never see.
You could still have lots of regular shells if this has been
a lucky run with lots of multiple kills.
IFF you are already down to Special Shells only:
be mindful that they knock you back a camera angle and thus
hide zombies who may still be advancing. grr.
One on the landing, girl around the corner, then
two beyond her, which is a 1 FOR 1 three second followed by a
2 FOR 3 fourteen second. You need a run-step after dropping the girl.
At the intersection try to get a 2 FOR 3 fourteen again.
Down the stairs, and touch the dead shotgun providing cop
for your big fat 64 SECOND BONUS. (8 minutes on clock, right?)
Exit the alley at the door nearest the target point.
(check yer map?). I prefer to run with MAGNUM even if empty.
You will emerge standing next to one hunter who has 2 buddies
Immediately hit R1 (quick quarter turn)
but then release and run toward where he jumps from
and squeeze over for the mash-x-while-running to get sucked
through the door. Possible, NOT PROBABLE to make it with no hits,
usually take two here and wind up in yellow caution.
(You still shouldn't need to actually use any health, unless
you were in Caution before you opened the door, in which case:
I think it is smarter to use the FAS than the Mix-Herb as it doesn't
also cure poison and should be penalizing you less).
While running, check to make sure the Shotgun
is equipped and reloaded. Count your shells.
From your starting point inside the final room
re-aim til you target the closest zombie (use L1 to switch targets).
I usually have one mag round left for the nearest. bang 3 sec.
Then I run up closer and give 4 shells to the crowd for
a 7 second, then 27 second bonus. The zombies are not match for
shotgun shells (one may even wander away toward the forklift).
Remember to depress/release rapidly D-pad and any buttons
for "push"/"dodge"/"stumbles."
Remember that "speed-limping", rapidly thumping the run button,
doesn't really make you faster, but it does help
prevent you from getting snagged on the corner of the stairs.
[46] You should finish with:
approx 8:00 on the clock,
all 6 hostages rescued,
5 Nemesi killed,
1 FAS used (or preferably none),
in fine to orange/yellow caution,
Approximately 7 to 14 special shells leftover that you didn't need.
My reward has been different each
time. $2100 to $2300.

The contributor's below have earned more reward money than me
by throwing in some other skills. You may want to mix them in.
If I am missing something,
Please e-mail me at:
(under 6k~ no attachments)
Also: I suggest you read Redfield's Merc FAQ on
getting bonus time from Rocket Nemesi crossfire.

-----Original Message-----
>From : Ghaleon X
To :
Date : 11 December 1999 01:11:36
Subject : Re: WOW~Re: Nicholai: Mercenary mode

>Took me a little while to do. Mikhail I got an
>A, Mikhail rocks.
>Well with Nicholai, I didnt kill any zombie unless there was a barrel
>around. Also, in parts like when you need to save brad, i knifed all those
>zombies. The funny thing was that when i started to stab the zombies, none
>of them turned around to attack me so I killed them rather easily. I got
>alot of time for that thing. The others were all routine.
>I also killed Nemesis jumping off the bus although it takes a tough time
>to do that. Just luring him to the barrels was a hard enough task, but
>2 minutes helped.

-----Original Message-----
>From : Vincent Merken
To :
Date : 12 January 2000 09:38:39
Subject : Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

>There's a countdown for the 'hostages' as follows:
>Dario: 2 minutes
>Brad: 4 minutes
>Marvin: 6 minutes
>Promo Girl: 9 minutes
>Nicholai: 12 minutes (you see Nicholai here if you play Carlos)
>Mikhail: 14 minutes
>So for example, after 6 minutes of play (not the time on your clock!),
>Marvin buys it, ditto for the other hostages. That's why when you play
>Nicholai, you need to rescue the hostages in this order and no other,
>because rescuing a single hostage takes a lot of time with him, even though
>you bag big bonus times and have a respectable clock reading.

-----Original Message-----
>From : LongTorso
To :
Date : 20 January 2000 01:08:25
Subject : Carlos tips and a strange thing.
>(got an "A" Rank)
>Okay done w/ that, now the strange thing that happened is you said the
>rank could be affected by how much you heal. I used ALL my healing
>including both FAS!!! I took out Nemesis at the bus and in the
>dual-Rocket-room one took a rocket for me (more like he ran in front of
>it) then got blow up by the barrel when my EAGLE misfired(HEHEH) for the
>10 secs. finished in Fine suffering a few bites and a cut (Hunters!!).

-----Original Message-----
>From : Dome Evans
To :
Date : 01 February 2000 08:04:34
Subject : Re: making a Mikhail FAQ
>Well I think you should write a Mikhail FAQ because
>then you have your own little TRILOGY. Also I like the
>way you write your FAQ's.

-----Original Message-----
>From : Thomas Wilde
To :
Date : 02 February 2000 20:58:18
Subject : Some thoughts on Mikhail

>Some ideas,
>If you've got three Magnum rounds left, you can sit
>there for a second and wait for the first visible
>Hunter to move. Hit him, and fire twice more; you've
>got a decent chance of picking up a 30-second combo
>off of them. I can always do this with Carlos and the
>assault rifle, but Mikhail's been eluding me...
>You ever notice that there's a barrel by the stairs
>leading up to the balcony you're on? I haven't tried
>it yet, but you might be able to wipe out the zombies
>on the stairs all at once if you were *real* fast on
>the stick.
>Hope this helps...

Oops. I said earlier that the reward money determines rank.
I was wrong. They have a habit of being high together
but after finishing a $1900 Mikhail run using 2 FAS, I got a "B."
Likewise, it is possible to receive an "A" rank
with Carlos for instance, with lower reward amounts.
I got another "A" with only a $1400 reward.
The other thing is that multiple Nemesi kills will pardon
the use of a First Aid Spray, my usual Mikhail uses all health
but kills all 5 Nemesi for $1850 and an "A."
Therefore, I believe money is determined/reflects only
the number of kills.
Thus an "A" rank is theoretically possible with way under $1000.

[2] I am now also sure about the S rank Japanese = A rank in NA release.
So the guides I read that say greater than $2100 = S rank
uh, well...I don't think so. Credit to Merken for clearing that up.
I am frustratingly stuck at $2076 for Mikhail.

[3] I have read in other places about how Nemesis' rockets
get stronger later in the game. I don't think so.
I think the rockets are just like barrels.
The damage is proportional to your
distance from the explosion. In other words, if you
are a long way away from Nemesis when he shoots a
rocket at you, no big deal.
If you are close/point-blank: instant orange caution.
The merc game is the easiest way to prove this.
Just experiment shooting rockets with Mikhail
from different distances at (Bus) Nemesis Type II.
-or- shoot at a barrel to hurt yourself
from different distances.
You'll see.

[1] Oh lord. There are really cool action figures
available now in Japan for the Biohazard series!
look at: ""
click the whale picture and then any/all
Biohazard logos.
My favorite is the real shock action figure 2 pack
with Nemesis Type 1 vs. Carlos.
Maybe if all of us petition Toy-Biz
they will import/release the same figures and
not make crappy smaller ones with bad paint
(like they are want to do).

[2] There is also a limited edition air-gun replica
of the S.T.A.R.S. special custom M92F.
I think it is made by Maruo or somesuch.
check eBay for exporters of this thing~
you should at least see it. also titled "Samurai Edge."

[3] From the site there are
a bunch of really cool jackets for sale too.
You gotta see the R.P.D. windbreakers~
they are so cool!

[4] a good Japanese fansite:
a good English fansite:

This oughta prove I ain't in nobody's employ.
I am just a fan like the rest of you.
My thanks to all the other fans for
continuing to buy ResEvil stuff because it keeps
it available to me too!

See you at Codename:Veronica!
Or even Resident Evil Zero for N64!?

[01] Beth for letting me play.
[02] Capcom for giving me love.
[03] Alex for his years of video-game co-insanity.
[04] Dave "my controller is broken" Wallin.
[05] Ben "Pokum Taco" Groves for always floating me quarters.
[06] A.RedField for coining the term "stumbling" in his 4th survivor FAQ.
and also the new verb "decap"~ I love it! thanks for "coming out to
Also thanks for correspondence and RE enthusiasm.
[07] Vincent Merken for his input and previous knife training!
[08] Kao Megura for killing Ben Lansing.
[09] Ghaleon X and his extreme site ""
[10] Henry laPierre
[11] CJayC
[12] Amaloo
[13] A. Webcraft + Andri Kurniawan
[14] Old Man Murray
[15] Whoever designed Notepad. Bless You.

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