Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z

26.09.2013 01:42:39
Dragon Ball Z : Hyper Dimension (SF) moves list v2.5

JUMP = must be done in the air
CLOSE = must be close to opponent

T = towards TU = towards up
A = away CB = charge back
U = up CD = charge down
D = down QCB = quarter circle back
R = right button QCT = quarter circle towards
L = left button HCB = half circle back
AD = away down HCT = half circle towards
DT = down towards DP = T, D, DT

Moves for Everyone
Y + B ................. Charge health/energy bar
HCT + A ............... Diagonal Fireball (automatic aiming in the air)
QCB,T + A ............. Ultimate Attack (3 levels of strength depending on
how long 'A' is held exept for freeza)
T,A,T + X ............. Smash opponent into the next left or right screen
QCT + X ............... Smash opponent into the next higher screen
QCB + X ............... Smash opponent into the next lower screen

*note* 3D attacks can only be done on the ground; use 'R' when opponent is
to the right & 'L' when opponent is to the left.

Collision Attacks
When the punchs or kicks of the 2 fighters collide, the 2 will ingage in a
short fighting sequence, you will have no control over this. When the
fighting sequence ends the 2 fighters will jump apart, the 2 will crouch for
a moment, at this time if one of the players press an attack button his
fighter will attack with a fireball then a ultimate attack. The first person
to press an attack button will strick first. The sequence will only occur if
only the limbs make contact, or else the two will exchange hits. The longer
the attack button is pressed the more powerful the fireball. Rapidly pressing
the attacking buttons will make no difference in the result of the fight.

When the attacks of 2 fighters collide the 2 will fly apart and begin
flashing. The person with is back turned will attack and the other will
defend. The button A will shoot a chain of 3 fireballs which can only be
defended with X, and B will shoot a big fireball which can be avoided with Y.
It is a guessing game and if you fail to hit with a B attack within 2 turns
the other player will attack, the button A attack will not end the sequence,
it will only do damage, the sequence will continue until one is hit by a B
attack, it does not matter if one is hit during the first try or the second.

Counter Attacks
When an attack is blocked, a spark will go off where the attack made impact.
A spacial move(anything other than a simple button move) can be executed
before the spark goes off. If it was executed correctly the screen will
pause and darken for a moment and the blocker will attack instead of being
stunned from the block. The counter attack does not guarantee a hit though if
the special move is too slow and/or does not make contact with the opponent.

Combos can be done the traditional way of jump-in starter and then a 2-in-1
or you can start a juggle by lunching the opponent with a move that floats.
The floating move can be a special (I.E. Goku's double rushing punch) or a
close range Y then B combo which will sometimes float. After the oppoent is
floated he can be juggled for a max of three hits.

(*)Desperations: moves that can be done only when your life falls below 80
(the life bar will start to flash when it does)
jump first if you have trouble executing the move
some moves may be less complicated to do, if you know the
right motions please tell me. Most of the ones in here I
figured out by hours of random button pressing (crazy?
you better believe it).


I. Son Goku

T + B ................. Double Kick
QCT + Y ............... Double Rushing Punch
DP + B ................ Rising Knee
HCT + B ............... Quad Kick
QCB + B ............... Windmill Kick
T,D + B(jump) ......... Slash Kick
T,D,AD + Y(or B) ...... Teleport
T,A,T + A ............. Energy Bolt
R or L + B ............ 3D attack
*U,UT,T,DT,D,AD,A + Y(unblockable)

II. Vegeta

QCT + B(x4) ........... Sliding Kick
DP + B ................ Rising Knee
AD,T(or TU) + Y ....... Flash attack (or Jumping Flash attack)
D,U + Y ............... Ground Flash
QCT + A ............... Triple Fireballs
QCB + Y ............... Energy Shield (can be done in air)
QCB + A(jump) ......... Verticle Fireballs
R or L + Y ............ 3D attack
*AD,UT,U,AU,DT + Y(close, unblockable)

III. Gotenks

DT + Y ................ Slide Tackle
HCB + Y(when Slide Tackle Hits)
HCB + Y(jump) ......... Diving Headbutt
HCT + Y ............... Winding Uppercut
QCT + Y ............... Leaping Headbutt
T,A,T + A(jump) ....... Energy Bolt
QCT + A ............... Triple Fireballs
QCTx2 ................. Fireball Fury
R or L + Y ............ 3D attack
*HCB,HCT + Y(fires three rings, can beat a fireball and special fireball)

IV. Son Gohan

T + Y ................. Rushing Uppercut
CB,T + B .............. Charging Double Kick
CD,U + B .............. Rising Flame Kick
CB,T + Y .............. Quad Punch
T,D + B(jump) ......... Kick Flurry
QCT + A ............... Triple Fireballs
R or L + B ............ 3D attack
*HCB,F+B(blockable series of attacks)

V. Vegetto

T + B ................. Hard Kick(overhead)
HCB + B(close) ........ Backflip Combo
QCT + Y ............... Charging Elbow
T,D + B(jump) ......... Double Lunge Kick
QCB + A ............... Triple Fireballs
AD,UT + B ............. Rising Quadruple Kick
R or L + B ............ 3D attack
*QCB,HCT + Y(close, blockable,stun if miss)

VI. Piccolo

DP + Y ................ High Extended Punch
DP + B ................ Low Extended Punch
HCT + Y ............... Counter(physical hits only)
T,D + B(jump) ......... Kick Flurry
A,AD,D + A ............ Mental Shock
DP + A ................ Fireball Seeker
R or L + B ............ 3D attack
*360 degree toward(close)

VII. Mr. Boo

D + B(jump) ........... Butt Bounce
CB,T + Y .............. Headbutt
CB,UT + Y(or HCT + Y befor or when Headbutt hits)
CD,U + Y .............. Two-Handed Hit
CB,T + B .............. Pirouette
CD,U + B .............. Shock and Munch(cancels all fireballs, ultimates)
QCB + A ............... Triple Fireballs
R or L + B ............ 3D attack
*HCBx2+Y(blockable shock)


HCB + Y(jump) ......... Boo Glider
T,DT,D + Y(jump) ...... Fireball Spit(straight)
T,DT,D + B(jump) ...... Fireball Spit(diagonal)
QCT + Y ............... Head Whip
HCT + Y ............... Spinning Boo attack
QCB + Y or B or A ..... Ground Leg attack (close, med, or far)
T,A,T + A ............. Energy Bolt
R or L + Y ............ 3D attack
*360 degree toward + Y(blockable)

IX. Freeza

DP + Y ................ Energy Blast
QCB + B(jump) ......... Electro-Sphere
QCB + Y ............... Claw Swipe
HCB + Y(close) ........ Explosive Grip
T,D + B(jump) ......... Double Lunge Kick
DP + A ................ Energy Disk
R or L + B ............ 3D attack
*HCB,F+Y+B(blockable tackle)

X. Cell

HCT + Y ............... Diagonal Flame
HCB + B ............... Energy Serge
HCB + Y ............... Psy-lift
T,A,T + B ............. Cell Jr. attack
T,D + Y(jump) ......... Energy Dart
T,A,T + A ............. Energy Bolt
QCT + Y ............... 4 Punch combo
R or L + Y ............ 3D attack
*HCB,HCT + Y(three shock waves, blockable, but terrible block damage)
*HCT,HCB,HCT + Y(blockable combo, but terrible block damage)

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