Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy III

11.10.2013 17:01:41
Final Fantasy 3
The Final Fantasy 6 (3 in the US) FAQ
by Allen Childs

Part One - Intro
Revision History
Part Two - The Basics
The Basic Story
The Characters
Basic Gameplay
Part Three - The Dirt
The Walkthrough
The Cheapo Secrets
Boss Guide
Part Four - Lists and Other Stuff
Rage List
Lore List
Coloseum List
Rumours in the Game
Shadow's Dreams
Armor List
Weapons List
Relic List
Spell/Magicite List
Song List (from the soundtrack)
Game Genie Codes
Part 5 - Conclusion
Web Pages
Special Thanks
Author's Note



Hello, and welcome to Allen's FF6 FAQ. I know, you are probably used to
the name FF3, but it will be called FF6 from here on out. The purpose of
this guide isn't for cheating and looking at all of the time, but for a
reference guide. It will be just like a strategy guide, but it is free,
and you can actually find one! The game has gotten so old, it would be
pretty hard. Why am I writing this FAQ when Mynock has a perfectly good
guide? Two reasons. A. I am bored, and I would like to write a FAQ for
my favorite game to kill time. B. Mynock needs some dang competition! I
will not steal ANYTHING from his guide, nor do I want to. I want a
challenge, and I have accepted this one. I will be writing the
walkthrough by previous knowlege, another playthough of the game, and a
little help from my strategy guide. I will either make the lists myself,
or not put them in the FAQ. FF6 is my favorite game on Earth, and I will
love writing this FAQ. If anyone wants to help me, let me know. Thanks.

Revision History

1.0 - This is the first version. I finished the Intro section, the
conclusion, and some of the basic stuff. This is really just a release
to get things started.

1.5 - I finished the song list, and the Esper/Spell list. It has some
good stuff, and it worth checking out.


The Basic Story
There are MANY characters in FF6, so don't try and keep track of them
all just yet. The main story is about a mysterious young girl named
Terra. She has the gift of magic. No HUMANS have that gift. There was a
war in this world 1000 years ago, and it left the world in ruin. Humans
fought against the Espers: mythical creatures that could use magic. No
one knows why Terra can use magic, because she looks human... all except
for her green hair! It turns out, this evil empire that is trying to get
her (to get her magical abilities under their control, and so that they
can use her to talk to the Esper, which have gone to their own world).
It also turns out that they have a bad apple in the Empire: Kefka. He is
an insane war leader, that doesn't just want to get magic back, he wants
to use magic to destroy the world! Terra makes many friends along the
way. Some die, some fall in love, and some go insane. That's for you to
figure out in the game!

The Characters

I will have the main characters (that are playable and are in your party
for a large portion of the game) in this first section, with a list of
their abilities and stuff, and then the bad guys and good guys with
small roles in the next section.

Terra - A young girl controlled by the empire, born with the gift of
Ability - Morph
Note - Terra also gains magic by leveling up, which is only possible
with her and one other character.

Locke - Treasure hunter and trail worn traveler, searching the world
over for relics of the past...
Ability - Steal
Note - Steal can change to Capture. Stealing steals an item from the
enemy, and Capture does the same, but also attacks the enemy.

Edgar - The young king of Firgaro Castle, ally of the Empire, and master
designer of machinery...
Ability - Tools
Note - Hear is a list of the Tools he can use, and where to get them
Auto Crossbow - Hits All Enemies - Shop in Figaro (World of Balance)
Noiseblaster - Confuses All Enemies - Same
Bioblaster - Poisons Multiple Enemies - Same
Chainsaw - Hits or Kills Enemy - Clock Tower Puzzle at Zozo
Flash - Blinds All Enemies - Shop in Figaro (World of Ruin)
Dehabilitater - Casts Weak Point Randomly - Same
Drill - Penetrates Enemies Defenses - Same
Air Anchor - Makes All Enemies Self Desctuctive - Coloseum

Sabin - Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own
Ability - Blitz
Note - Here is a list of his Blitz moves. How to do them can be found in
the Skills section of the main menu in the game
Pummel (attack)
Aurabolt (attack)
Suplex (attack)
Fire Dance (attack)
Mantra (heals some HPs)
Air Blade (attack)
Spiraler (recovers the party, although kills Sabin)
Bum Rush

Shadow - He owes alegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He
comes and goes like the wind...
Ability - Throw (weapons)

Celes - Product of generic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek warrior,
with a spirit as pure as snow...
Ability - Rune
Note - Celes absorbs spells and turns them into MP with her Rune ability

Cyan - Faithful retainer of his family's liege, with the courage and
strength of 100 men...
Ability - Swordtech
Note - Here is a list of his Swordtech moves
1 = Dispatch - One Attack
2 = Retort - Automatically Counter Attacks When Cyan is Hit
3 = Slash - Gains HP From the Enemy
4 = Quadra Slam - 4 Hit Attack
5 = Empowerer - Takes HP and MP From Enemy
6 = Stunner - Hits Enemies, Then Stuns Them
7 = Quadra Slice - More Powerful 4 Hit Attack
8 = Cleave - Dices Up Enemy

Gau - Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intellegence. A youth
surviving against all odds...
Ability - Rage/Leap
Note - At the Veldt, Gau can Leap into your enemies and learn their
attacks. He can then imitate them in battle. You can find a Rage list
later in the FAQ.

Setzer - A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling, free
Ability - Slot/GP Rain
Note - When equipped with Coin Toss, Slot turns to GP Rain. 1 GP = 1 HP

Mog - Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing Moogle!
Ability - Dance
Note - Here is a list of his Dances

The Dance is Learned at Attacks are
Wind Song Grass fields Wind Slash, Sun Bath, Plasma,
Forest Suite Woods Rage, Wild Bear, Elf Fire,
Desert Aria Desert Places Sand Storm, Wind Slash, Antlion,
Love Sonata Towns Elf Fire, Snare, Specter, Tapir
Earth Blues Mountains Land Slide, Sun Bath, Sonic Boom,
Water Rondo Underwater El Nino, Specter, Plasma, Wild Bear
Dusk Requiem Caves Cave In, Elf Fire, Snare, Pois. Frog
Snowman Jazz Snowy Places Snowball, Snare, Surge, Ice Rabbit

Strago - An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the ways of
Ability - Lore
Note - Strago can learn the attacks of monsters when he experiences
them, kinda like Gau's Rage. You will find a Lore list later in the FAQ.

Relm - In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light...
the very essence of life...
Ability - Sketch/Control
Note - Relm can draw an enemy, and have the drawing attack for your
side. Wearing the Fake Mustache, she can use the Control ability, which
lets her control the enemy for your side.

Umaro - Admirer of bone-carvings, as strong as a gigas, a sasquatch pal
with muscle!
Ability - None
Note - Umaro fights on your side, but you can't control what he does.
However, with the Blizzard Orb or Rage Ring relics, he can do two
special attacks: Ice Storm and Rage.

Gogo - Shrouded in odd clothing,... is this a man...?...a woman...?...or
should we ask...?
Ability - Mimic
Note - Gogo can Mimic any person that comes before him, doing anything
they just did. He can also use anyone elses abilities on his own. Go to
Status, and you can put whatever you want for his other slots!

Other Characters:

Kefka - main bad guy of FF6. This guy is really crazy!

Emperor Gestahl - leader of the Empire

General Leo - Lead general of the Empire, but he has a good heart

Banon - Leader of the Returners, a rebel group against the Empire

Arvis - member of the Returners

Vicks and Wedge - two guys with you at the beginning of the game

Duncan - Sabin's trainer

Vargas - Duncan's son

Maria - an opera singer

That's all I can think of. If you think of some more good ones, let me

Basic Gameplay

The gameplay of Final Fantasy 6, for me, is perfect. It combines pre-set
abilities, like in FF4 (for better character development) and
customization, like in FF5 (for more replay). The pre-set abilities have
already been talked about in the "The Basic Characters" section. Each
character has one pre-set ability that only they can use. That also
gives the game strategy. You must plan what characters you want in your
party. The customization comes in the form of Magicite, the ruins of
dead Espers. You can equip them to different people. When you do this, 2
things happen. You can summon that Esper, to attack, or heal, or do
something ^_^. Also, by keeping the Espers equipped for a certain amount
of time, you can learn the spells that that Esper can give you. You can
see a list of the Espers and their spells later in the FAQ. You must
give each person good spells, or else they will be fairly useless in
battle. Use good judgment, and keep your characters up to date with
spells, and you'll be OK in the world of Final Fantasy 6!


The Walkthrough

The Cheapo Secrets

Boss Guide


Rage List

Lore List

Coleseum List

Rumours in the Game

Shadow's Dreams

Armor List

Weapon List

Relic List

Spell/Magicite List
First, I will write the Espers, the spells they give you, what their
summon does in combat, their location, and what they give you for each
time you level up.

Alexander - Pearl, Shell, Safe, Dispell, Remedy - Mystic Purity Attack -
King's room in Doma Castle (after Cyan's dream) - None

Bahamut - Flare - Cuts through magic defenses - After defeat of Doom
Gaze - HP +50%

Bismark - Fire, Ice, Bolt, Life - Water elemental attack - Magitek
Research Center - Strenth +2

Carbunkl - Reflect, Haste, Shell, Safe, Warp - Casts Reflect on party -
Magitek Research Center - None

Crusader - Merton, Meteor - Attack harms party and enemy - After defeat
of 5 Dragons - MP +50%

Fenrir - Warp, X-Zone, Stop - Makes multiple images of party - Mobliz
(from kid after you beat Phunbaba) - MP +30%

Golem - Safe, Stop, Cure2 - Protects party - Jidoor, at the Auction
House - Stamina +2

Ifrit - Fire, Fire2, Drain - Fire elemental attack - Magitek Factory
(Trash Bin) - Strength +1

Kirin - Cure, Cure2, Regen, Antidote, Scan - Recovers HP - Zozo (with
Terra) - None

Maduin - Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2 - Non elemental attack - Magitek Research
Center - Magic Power +1

Odin (turns into Raiden) - Meteor - Slices through enemies - Odin in the
hidden underground castle - None

Palidor - Haste, Haste2, Slow, Slow2, Float - Jump attack - Beach on
Celes' Island - None

Phantom - Beserk, Vanish, Demi - Makes party invisible - Magitek
Research Center - MP +10%

Phoenix - Life, Life2, Life3, Cure3, Fire3 - Recovers battle status -
Star shaped mountain - None

Ragnarok - Ultima - Turns enemy into item - Narshe weapon shop - None

Raiden (advanced version of Odin) - Quick - Slices through enemies -
Stone queen from hidden castle - Strength +2

Ramuh - Bolt, Bolt2, Poison - Lightening elemental attack - Zozo (with
Terra) - Stamina +1

Shiva - Ice, Ice2, Rasp, Osmose, Cure - Ice elemental attack - Magitek
Factor (Trash Bin) - None

Shoat - Bio, Break, Doom - Petrifies enemies - Magitek Research Center -
HP +10%

Siren - Sleep, Mute, Slow, Fire - Silences enemies - Zozo (with Terra) -
HP +10%

Sraphim - Life, Cure, Cure2, Regen, Remedy - Recovers HP - Tzen (in
woods) - None

Starlet - Cure, Cure2, Cure3, Regen, Remedy - Recovers HP - Owzer's
house (after death of Chadarnook) - Stamina +2

Stray - Muddle, Imp, Float - Confuses enemies - Zozo (with Terra) -
Magic Power +1

Terrato - Quake, Quarter, W. Wind - Earth elemental attack - Narshe mine
(section open Tritoch) - HP +30%

Tritoch - Fire3, Ice3, Bolt3 - Ice/Fire/Bolt 3 way attack - North of
Narshe (through mines) - Magic Power +2

Unicorn - Cure2, Remedy, Dispell, Safe, Shell - Cast Remendy on party -
Magitek Research Center - None

Zoneseek - Rasp, Osmose, Shell - Casts Shell on party - Jidoor Auction
House - Magic Power +2

The Spells:

Spell - MP - Effect

Antidote - 3 - Cures Poison
Bio - 3 - Poisons an enemy
Bolt - 26 - Lightening elemental attack
Bolt2 - 6 - Ditto (more powerful)
Bolt3 - 22 - Ditto (more powerful)
Break - 25 - Stones enemy
Berserk - 16 - Berserks an enemy
Cure - 5 - Recoveres HP
Cure2 - 25 - Ditto (more powerful)
Cure3 - 40 - Ditto (more powerful)
Demi - 33 - Cuts enemy's HP in half
Dispel - 25 - Poors an enemy
Doom - 35 - Kills enemy
Drain - 15 - Drains HP from enemy
Fire - 4 - Fire elemental attack
Fire2 - 20 - Ditto (more powerful)
Fire3 - 51 - Ditto (more powerful)
Flare - 45 - Barrier piecing attack
Float - 17 - Floats a party member
Haste - 10 - Speeds up party members attacks
Haste2 - 38 - Speeds up the whole party
Ice - 5 - Ice elemental attack
Ice2 - 21 - Ditto (more powerful)
Ice3 - 52 - Ditto (more powerful)
Imp - 10 - Turns someone into an imp or back to a human
Life - 30 - Restores life
Life2 - 60 - Restores life and HP
Life3 - 50 - Protects from mortal wound
Merton - 85 - Fire attack (hurts enemies and party)
Meteor - 62 - Damages all enemies
Muddle - 8 - Confuses target
Mute - 8 - Mutes target
Osmose - 1 - Absorbs MP from an enemy
Pearl - 40 - Pearl elemental attack
Poison - 3 - Poisons target
Quake - 50 - Earth elemental attack (harms party and enemies)
Quarter - 48 - Cuts enemies HP by 3/4
Quick - 99 - Allows double commands
Rasp - 12 - Damages MP
Reflect - 22 - Casts magic barrier on target
Regen - 10 - Gradually heals party member
Remedy - 15 - Cures all status ailments
Safe - 12 - Raises defense
Scan - 3 - Shows enemies stats
Shell - 15 - Raises magic defense
Sleep - 5 - Puts target to sleep
Slow - 5 - Slows enemies actions
Slow2 - 26 - Slows all enemies
Stop - 10 - Stops enemy
Ultima - 80 - Damages all enemies
Vanish - 18 - Makes party member disapear (until hit with a physical
Warp - 20 - Allows escape from battles
W Wind - 75 - Unfocused attack (near fatal)
X-Zone - 53 - Kills target

Song List
Disk One
1. Opening Theme
2. Colliery Naish (Narshe in the US)
3. Awakening
4. Lock (Locke in the US)
5. Battle Theme
6. Fanfare
7. Edgar and Mash (Sabin the the US. It's the song that plays in Figaro)
8. Cefca (Kefka in the US)
9. Mt. Colts (Mt. Kolts in the US)
10. Returners
11. Shadow
12. Troops March On
13. Cayenne (Cyan in the US)
14. The Unforgiven
15. The Mystic Forest
16. Mistery Train (It is supposed to be Mystery Train)
17. Wild West (The Veldt in the US)
18. Gau
19. The Snake Path
20. Kids Run Through The City Corner (Supposed to be Kids Run Through
the City Streets)
21. Under Martial Law
22. Celes
23. Save Them
24. The Decisive Battle
25. Metamorphosis

Disk 2
1. Tina (Terra in the US)
2. Coin Song
3. Techno de Chocobo
4. Forever Rachel
5. Slam Shuffle
6. Spinach Rag
7. Overture
8. Aria Di Mezzo Carattere
9. The Wedding Waltz ~ Duel
10. Grand Finale?
11. Setzer
12. Johnny C Bad (Should be Johnny C. Bad)
13. The Empire "Ghastra" (Should be The Emperor Gestahl)
14. Devil's Lab
15. Blackjack
16. ?? (That's the real title!)
18. Stragus (Strago in the US)
19. Relm (Realm in the US)
20. Another World Of Beasts (Should be Another World of Beasts)

Disk 3
1. New Continent
2. Catastrophe
3. The Fierce Battle
4. Rest in Peace
5. Dark World
6. The Day After
7. Searching Friends (I think this should be Searching for Friends)
8. Gogo
9. Epitaph
10. The Magic House
11. Umaro
12. Fanatics
13. Last Dungeon
14. Dancing Mad
15. Ending Theme
16. Prelude

Note - I added all of those error things so that you could see how bad
these people are at English. Also, they forgot a LOT of "the"s!

Game Genie Codes


Don't edit this FAQ in ANY way when you put it on your page. Don't steal
any info from this FAQ for your own page or FAQ. However, if you give me
credit (and leave in the disclaimer) I won't mind. If you want to help
me or give me any info, show me mistakes, typos, etc. please e-mail me
at or catch me on AIM. Thanks.

E-mail me with your opinions of the game, if you want to help me, if you
have advice, etc. Thanks.

Web Pages
That is my homepage. I will be putting the newest version up on the
I will also be sending the newest version of the FAQ to GameFAQs.

If you want to be on a mailing list to receive the FAQ when I mail it to
GameFAQs, then e-mail me.

Special Thanks
No one has helped me, so...

Author's Note
Thanks for reading my FAQ. Please check with me for new versions. I have
some more stuff that you will hopefully find useful now. Next version I
will probably have the secrets part started, the walkthrough started,
and the Game Genie codes up. Thanks!

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