Phantom 2040

Phantom 2040

09.10.2013 12:14:27

System: Super NES/Genesis
# of Players: One
Cart Size: 16-Meg
Developer: Viacom New Media

PHANTOM 2040 was created back in 1936 when the Phantom character
was first featured in a newspaper comic strip by Lee Frank. These days,
Phantom appears in a highly popular animated TV show.
In the year 2050, the city of Metropia has gotten totally out of
control. Crime, terrorism, and smuggling are on the rise. Biotechnology
that was created by a corrupt company called Maximum, Inc. threatens to
cause the extinction of animals and disrupt the ecosystem of the entire
planet. If this technology is used for evil, Maximum, Inc., lead by its
chairperson, Rebecca Madison, could control the world.
Madison is evil and wants revenge against the previous Phantom who
killed her husband Maxwell Madison, Sr. Her diabolical goal is to bring
her hubby back from the dead and put an end to the current Phantom. With
the help of her son, Maxwell Madison, Jr., the company's chief of
security Graft, and other employees of Maximum, Inc., the Phantom will
face the battle of his life.
Kit Walker must follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. As the
24th Phantom, he has the power to overcome evil and save the planet.
Armed with a selection of tools and weapons, Phantom must single
handedly conquer all that is evil -- humans and biots (robots) alike.
Why follow in his father's footsteps? Well, according to Kit, someone
has to care.
The Super NES and Genesis versions of PHANTOM 2040 are extremely
similar. In fact, the game play design is a bit like Super Metroid on
the Super NES. Each of the seven stages offer multiple routes to follow.
Depending on the route you take, Phantom's objectives will be different
and ultimately result in one of 20 different endings. There are only
four golden endings, however, where Phantom is totally victorious.
Choosing the correct sequence of final battles will be necessary to
achieve one of the golden endings.


Using a 6-button controller is highly recommended, because you'll
have constant access to Phantom's Inductance Rope, plus be able to
assign weapons to the A Button and B Button.

Start Pause the game/Inventory Screen
A Button Energy Blast / Punch
B Button Activate Inductance Rope
C Button Jump/Flip
X Button, Y Button or Z Button Activate Rope
D-Pad Forward Walk Forward
D-Pad Forward Run
D-Pad Up Climb (using rope)
D-Pad Down Duck
C Button -> Forward ->
A Button + C Button Jump Kick
D-Pad Down + C Button Jump Down


Start Pauses Game/Inventory Screen
X Button Activate Inductance Rope
Y Button Energy Blast
A Button Activate Inductance Rope
B Button Jump/Flip
D-Pad Forward Walk
D-Pad Forward -> Forward Run
D-Pad Down Duck
D-Pad Down + B Button Jump Down

Phantom's Rope is one of his most useful tools. It's used
primarily for climbing and swinging. To make the rope attach to a wall
or ceiling, Phantom must be in mid-air when the rope in launched.
Once Phantom acquires additional weapons and items, to activate
them, you must assign them to a specific controller button at the
Inventory screen. When battling biots, you can often conserve valuable
weapon energy by using punches and kicks. Multiple low kicks will prove
to be a useful strategy against many of the green biots.

After completing each Stage, you'll return to this map screen,
from which you can proceed to your next location. Use the D-Pad to move
the skull around the map and choose your location. Ultimately, it may be
necessary to revisit certain locations to explore newly opened areas
containing power-ups and other useful items.

At any point during the game, Phantom can activate any of the
weapons he's acquired by accessing this inventory screen. When you begin
your adventure, the Energy Gun and Inductance Rope will be all that's
available. Additional weapons and items must be found and collected.

Power-Ups play an important role in Phantom's success. There are
approximately 100 different Power-Ups and weapons available throughout
the game, including:

Skull (shown) - Replenishes Phantom's Spirit Bar
First Aid Kit - Stores energy for the Spirit Bar for later use
Rope - Lengthens Phantom's Inductance Rope
Weapon - Increases the active weapon's power
Energy Cell - Totally replenished the energy bar
Energy Aid Kit - Stores energy for later use
Energy Length - Increases the length of the energy bar, giving Phantom
additional stamina
1-Up - Extra life
Boomerang - A weapon Phantom tosses. It comes back after attacking an
Flash Pellets - Confuse enemies with flashes of bright light

Additional Power-Ups give Phantom temporary invincibility,
additional armor, and a power known as Shadow Panther, which leaps from
enemy to enemy and defeats all that it touches. Some weapons are ideal
for beating bosses, while others are better for blowing away enemy
biots. Since the powerful weapons require extra energy, use them
Remember, when Phantom is traveling is any type of vehicle, he is
only vulnerable to attacks launched from overhead, so feel free to plow
down enemies to either side.

Throughout the stages, you'll encounter sealed doors containing
numbers. You won't be able to blast through these doors with a weapon.
Instead, locate the terminal switch with the number that corresponds to
the door, then destroy the switch. This will open all doors with that
number. In addition to opening up new routes, opening up these doors
allows Phantom to locate additional power-ups that otherwise would not
be available to him.

Some walls may appear to be solid, but with a few blasts from
Phantom's weapon, they'll be destroyed, leaving an open pathway.

The Inductance Rope can be used to hang from the ceiling, to climb
up walls, or to reach items that are high up. Make Phantom jump. While
he's in mid-air, launch the rope toward the wall you want to climb. Keep
repeating this process to move up the wall. When Phantom is hanging from
the rope, use Up or Down on the D-Pad to shorten or lengthen the rope,
and tap Left or Right on the D-Pad to swing the rope while Phantom is

STAGE 1: The University

At the start of Stage 1, you can choose to travel to the right
where you'll have to destroy a Hypercruiser which continues to drop off
enemies, or you can begin your quest by walking to the left and entering
the lab.

To reach the Hypercruiser, walk to the right and then work your
way upwards by jumping from platform to platform, or by using the
Inductance Rope. As you move upwards, be sure to grab the power-ups
located near the platforms on the right and left side. At the top,
you'll find yourself near the left side of the screen where there will
be two platforms. When the Hypercruiser is moving from right to left,
stand on the highest platform and shoot your weapon directly at the
hypercruiser's windshield. When the cruiser passes, jump down to the
lower platform and prepare for the hypercruiser to travel from left to
right. Again, keep shooting at the windshield. Repeat this process until
the ship is destroyed. You'll then make your way to the Warehouse.

At the start, if you take the path that leads to the left, begin
by searching the lab for the Energy Length power-up, then track down the
lab assistant that's holding the key card to the Warehouse.


As you explore the Warehouse, watch out for the automated security
system that will shoot energy weapons. Also, blast or avoid any and all
enemy robots. Before leaving the Warehouse, you'll have to beat this
large blue robotic creature. Begin by aiming Phantom's weapon at the
robot's large arm. Keep targeting your weapon attacks until the arm is
destroyed, then aim for the creature's knees and feet. Of course, you
must avoid this robot's weapon and fire attacks. One avoidance strategy
is to use the Inductance Rope to hang from the ceiling. Keep blasting
the robot until it's destroyed.


Next, you'll find yourself on a gunship that's loaded with an army
of enemy passengers. As you hitch a ride on this ship, blast all of the
enemies in your path, and be sure to destroy the ship's built-in
cannons. Work your way to the right. When the ship docks, hop to the
right and you'll be in an industrial area. This area is designed like a
maze. Here, you'll find four terminal switches. Switch #2 and #3 are
behind break-away walls in the upper-left portion of this area. You'll
also be able to grab a Rope Extension (which you'll need to exit this
area), a 1-Up (it's hanging near the ceiling), and a variety of other
power-ups. Throughout the game, 1-Ups are often found hanging near the
ceiling or in other out of the way hiding places. The best (and often
the only) way to reach them is using the Inductance Rope.
Keep winding your way around the pipes and avoiding the flames
until you reach the traffic scene above the city.

The Boss to beat at the end of this stage is Battle Tracker.
Defeating him will provide you with the Black Panther and access to
Stage 2. At the start of Stage 2, you must once again make an important
decision -- which path to follow. Give the Black Panther to Guran and
proceed to the Ruins to battle the gang leader and obtain the Boomerang
weapon, or give the Black Panther to Mr. Cairo, explore the ruins,
locate an invincibility power-up and ultimately enter Maximum, Inc.
where you must find and rescue Jack Archer. In Stage 2, you will be
forced to rely on the Inductance Rope to climb. The gang leader's
hostages will send you trekking to the Battleship factory. Rebecca
Madison will be waiting for you as she attempts to build a ship called
the Prometheus.


At the start of Stage 7, you must destroy a large red ship while
standing at the from on a Tube Train. To accomplish this, aim in between
the robotic claw of this ship and keep switching between the use of
Homing Missiles, Breakers and other projectile weapons at Phantom's

Once this ship is destroyed, you'll encounter another boss
character who is similar to the dude you met up with back in the
Warehouse. Once again, start by aiming at the large arm, then it's
knees/feet, and finally destroy its head. Even if you run out of weapon
power, if you launch non-stop punch and kick attacks you can be
victorious. (Just make sure Phantom's armor is activated.) You're not
done yet! There are additional bosses to beat before your final battle.


There are four Golden Ending and sixteen other "try again" endings
along with different story outcomes depending on the decisions you make,
the enemies you defeat, and the routes you follow. Here's how to
experience one of the four Golden Endings:

Golden Ending #1: In Stage 6, destroy Triads under Maximum after riding
in the Hellevator.
Golden Ending #2: In Stage 6, destroy Sean One's Cannon after the second
Traffic scene.
Golden Ending #3: In Stage 6, destroy Sean One's Computer that's located
deep within the Orbital's platform.
Golden Ending #4: In Stage 7, defeat Maxwell Sr. after riding the Tube
Train and beating the army of other bosses.

After completing each Stage, you'll be given a password that will
allow you to re-start the game with all of the weapons Phantom has in
his possession when the password was originally disclosed.



* * * * B T GGB8LNDCG?FW
* * Y F * * KBGDY79KHYQQ



* * * D ? T BBJM51PB3KXF
B R 1 9 D D 8J8DJ?1HN3YW
* W Y L 7 * KBQDY917JYS8
H T H T M 8 5M1746FV23QT



* * F D ? 5 JBBH33PNHSWF
S 9 1 9 J M 8X?DJ?1JB2JT
T 7 J T Y P 5M29ZD2-RNW6

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