Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy V

17.10.2013 22:48:58
The Amazing Exdeath Strategy Guide
By Chris Kohler

Hi. This is a guide to beating the final boss of FFV, Exdeath. Before you
read this, make sure you have read the FFV FAQ 2.0 and obtained the hidden
items described therein, such as Mighty Guard and Mimic class.

Keep this in mind as you read: You can cast single-target spells to a group.
It's described in the FFV FAQ 2.0, but here it is again:
1) Do any Chougou to anyone.
2) Start Renzokuma (X Magic) with the single target magic.
3) Then do any multiple target magic to the group.
4) The single target magic will then take effect on the entire group.
5) Conditions:
a)Won't work with Holy
b)Life/Araise only affects the dead
c)Flare, just like any other magic, does less damage to a group.

STEP 1: Before you go into the final fortress, have these things:
ALL White, Black, Time, Call magic
99 tents
Many Elixers
At least 4 Dragon Tails (Ryuu no Kiba)
The Mimic class
Mighty Guard (Blue Magic)

STEP 2: Beat the entire fortress up to NecroPhobia, and save your game. Now
the fun begins. You must have your characters around Level 37 (35-36 is fine,
32-33 is not). You now must build your JOBS up to the point where you can
demolish Exdeath quickly. You do this by fighting "Movers". Randomly near
the save point, "Movers" show up. They come in groups of 3 and are little red
balls. They are weak against fire, and they disappear if you don't kill them
quickly. You can kill them with Fire3 and Bahamut, since they are cast to the
whole group. Once you beat them, you get 150000 gold and 199 ABP. You will
master classes using this huge amount of ABP over and over (whenever you beat
a Mover, go use tents and save to restore magic lost). Here's a list of what
I have. Then, I'll tell you why you should master these classes.


Wh. Mage
Bl. Mage
TIme Mage
Red Mage
White Magic
Time Magic

Wh. Mage
Bl. Mage
Blue Mage
Red Mage
Black Magic
Blue Magic


Knight: Strength in fighting
Monk: Abilities "HP 10%, HP 20%, HP 30%" raise HP a lot. Essential.
Thief: Speed
Samurai: Coin Toss works well against NeoExdeath
Chemist: Chougou for Magic Trick explained earlier. Also, Elixer+Ryuu no Kiba
doubles max HP for one character.
White Mage: White Magic, also "MP 10%"
Black Mage: Black Magic, also "MP 30%"
Time Mage: Time Magic
Red Mage: Renzokuma (X Magic)
Blue Mage: Mighty Guard
Bard: Songs (don't really need this, but helpful)
Mimic: 3 open slots for abilities, as well as Mimic function

Basically, your magic users should master both White and Black even if they
only use one or neither for the MP 10% and 30% abilities. EVERYBODY should
master Monk for the HP increase. You want a broad range of magic including
all the basic categories (White, Black, Call, Blue, and Time&Space). Here's
what my characters can do in battle:

BUTZ: Uses high strength + HP with Chougou to make sure party stays active.
Uses Chougou to start the Magic Trick explained at the beginning and Zeninage
to attack well.
LENNA:Uses Time&Space magic Haste2 to speed up the party, and White to
attack/heal. Uses Renzokuma with both of these to cast 2 per round.
KURURU:Uses Blue Magic MightyGuard to protect the party, and Black Magic Flare
to attack (with Renzokuma).
FARIS: Uses "Item" for curatives, and attacks with Zeninage. Uses Call Magic
Golem to protect from physical blows and "Bahamut" to attack NeoExdeath.

Lenna, Kururu, and Faris can use "Mimic" ability to mimic last person who went
(i.e., if Faris cast Bahamut, Lenna can use Mimic and do the same thing even
though she can't call).

Step 3: Fight!

Go into battle. You'll face Exdeath. First, protect with MightyGuard, Haste
2, Golem, and use any Chougou (preferably Ryuu no Kiba+Elixer. You should use
this on everybody right at the beginning when Exdeath isn't as powerful).
Then, use Renzokuma Holy, Renzokuma Flare and Zeninage to attack. If Exdeath
kills+stones you, cast Return or hit "reset"...!

NeoExdeath then comes. He has 4 parts. Attack with same methods and keep up
your HP. Use Bahamut here instead of Zeninage (for Faris anyway). Be ready
with Elixer or Chougou "Ether+Fenix no O" (I thnk that's it) to refill
MP--you'll need it!!!!
After you kill the first 3 parts of NED, the 4th will start using Meteo over
and over. If you used Chougou "Ryuu no Kiba+Elixer" your HP will be high
enough to withstand it. Attack, attack, attack and enjoy the ending.


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