YS 4 - Mask of the sun

YS 4 - Mask of the sun

13.10.2013 06:45:27
Ys IV: Mask of the Sun
(c) 1993 Nihon Falcom/Tonkinhouse
For the SNES/SFC platform

WALKTHROUGH version 2.0a
By Kouryuu (kou@globalserve.net)
Started: Monday, March 30th, 1998.
Current Revision: Monday, May 25th, 1998.
Okei, this is my first time writing a walkthrough (actually, this is
more like a combination of a manual and a hint book! ^^) so I hope it
won't be THAT incomprehensible. ^^; Although this wasn't exactly my
favourite video game RPG, I still decided to write this since as of this
writing, there are NO help files, hints, or anything for Ys IV: Mask
of the Sun. -_- Or at least, not that I could find. -_-

Things you should know first about this document:
* I translated most of the geographical and character names myself so
they may sound a bit odd. I'm not very good at translating so please
bear with me. ^^
* This walkthrough DOES NOT contain a translation of the dialogue nor
storyline. However, there are bits and pieces of the story here and
there. ^^;;;

Revision History
2.0a -- Took the minor corrections from version 2.0 and stuck them
in RTF version. Deleted that note in the 'Things you should know
...' section about making a text version in the near future. ^^
Some additional spelling corrections were made in both versions. ^^
2.0 -- Reformatted the walkthrough to a text version (this one). ^^
Removed Japanese Shift-JIS text that were originally found in
the rich text version at .
Added additional notes to compensate for the removal of the
Shift-JIS text. Made some more corrections here and there.
1.0a -- Fixed some minor grammatical, spelling errors, & rewrote the
literal translation to "3 madoushi" (See Thunderstorm of the
Sacred Precinct). ^^ Some incorrect info was also removed. ^^
1.0 -- First version of walkthrough!
== Ys IV: MotS Basics ==
The Hotkeys
In-game Menu
Conversing with NPCs

== Ys IV: MotS Walkthrough ==
(Romaji translations of the geographical names are included in the
walkthrough itself) The places here are not listed in the order you
pass by/through them. Instead, I placed them in accordance to when Adol
is "supposed" to be there. Uh ... you'll understand as you read through
the walkthrough. ^^


== Items ==
A listing of items, their cost, and where they can be purchased.
Special items are also listed in this section.

== Armorers ==
A listing of armor & weapon shops and their available items for
purchasing. Special armor & weapons are also shown here.

== Translation Notes & Acknowledgements ==
I'd just like to point out some things about the translations of
geographical names, items, etc. in this document, as well as
credits. ^-^
Ys IV: MotS Basics
The character you play as in this game as in all other Ys games (methinks)
is Adol Christian. ^_^; You are a one-man party; you will not get party
members no matter how hard to try. =P Well, there is someone that tags
along for a short while but she doesn't do anything but follow you. ^^

Here are just some basics functions of the game that are kind of vital
if you want to survive playing it. =P

*** The Hotkeys ***
The keys you should know are:
Start Button ---------------- In-game menu pop-up
Select Button --------------- Pause
Right/Left Button ----------- Adol's stats menu
A button ------------------- OK/Yes/Affirmative/Aye
B button ------------------- Cancel/No/Negative/Nay
Y button ------------------- Use item*
X button ------------------- Use magic
* The Wing item isn't used in this fashion as you will find out.

The A, B, X, and Y buttons can be customized via the Options menu at the
start screen or in the in-game menu.

*** In-game Menu ***
Although this is in English, I'll still write about it. ^^

ITEM: Your inventory. You can only have one of each item at a time
and you can't choose where to put them; the program automatically
arranges their positions in the inventory. BTW, you can hit the A
or B button to select an item & X or Y to see the description of
the item that is highlighted.

SWORD: This is how you arm Adol. Just cycle up or down the Sword, Shield,
and Armor to go through the 3 options and then use your left or
right direction buttons to choose whatever sword, shield or armor
you wish to arm Adol with.

STATUS: These should all be pretty self-explanatory if you're used to the
RPG world. ^.^ Your Health will only change if you're poisoned or
something, otherwise it stays as Normal.

SAVE: Obvious? Use A or B buttons to confirm or cancel your save. The
SAVE feature is useful when you want to check on what level of a
dungeon you're on. Just thought I'd point that out since I make
reference to certain floors in the walkthrough. ^_^

LOAD: Um ... again, this should be obvious.

OPTION: The only thing I don't know about is Message Back and Screen
Saver. I'll probably test these out later. ^^; Anyway, to
change the settings, just go up and down and then left or right
like the SWORD menu.

*** Travelling ***
In the beginning, the places you can go to are rather linear -- i.e. you
can't exactly wander off track. However, things might get more complicated
once you obtain the Wing (a.k.a. warp/teleportation wing). Full details on
the Wing destinations and usage can be found in the Mountain Road of the
Temple: Gorban's Home.

*** Conversing with NPCs ***
When you talk to people in Ys IV, note that all you have to do is turn to
them and they'll speak. (Silly fact: Adol is mute in the beginning of the
game. ^o^ When he talks, his dialogue will be in yellow.) Another thing
you probably don't need to know (=P) is that you CAN NOT barge into every
house you come across in towns like in many other RPGs. In fact, some
residents will be annoyed at Adol if he enters their homes. ^^;;; There
may be ones that will eventually be open after a certain part or quest,
but generally those that stay closed will remain closed.

Oh yes, purchasing items or armor/weapons, or answering questions, the
affirmative answer is always the top one and the negative one is always on
the bottom. However, when buying armor, you have 2 additional choices
which I'll get to in the walkthrough.

*** Combat ***
Adol can automatically regenerate his HP without the use of the herb or
potions, given that a) he stands still and doesn't get hit in the meantime
(duh) and b) he is anywhere BUT a dungeon. In dungeons, you can only rely
on finding herbs or whatever healing items are in your inventory to heal

In Mask of the Sun, the amount of EXP Adol gains to directly related to his
current level. The higher his level, the lower the EXP received. This is
true even for monsters you haven't fought yet. For example, if you enter
the new area and find that all you're getting is 3 EXP, chances are, Adol
is pretty damn strong already -- even the first monsters you encounter in
the game give you more than that! ^^

The minimum amount of EXP gained is 1 EXP. And when you reach a level
where you only get that amount, I suggest you move on unless you're
fighting just for the money. Or maybe you are like me and insist on
levelling up one more time before moving on so you're willing to fight
the 800 monsters just to get to that next level ... ^^;;;;;;; (800 times
for 1 experience point each ...)

And although this is obvious, I should state it anyway: As you level up
fighting the same monsters, it will become easier for you to defeat them.
Eventually, the playing chicken strategy (see next part) will even be safe
to use since you'll kill them in one shot! ^^;

The basic strategy here is NOT to play chicken (as in, head straight into
the monster that's coming right at you) with your enemies. For one thing,
they can beat the crap out of Adol really fast if you do that. What I do
is try to flank them. I won't be on the same line as the monster; I'd be
1 step below, above, left, or right of it. Here's a cheesy illustration
of what I mean:

Bad idea: Playing chicken:
Monster --> M A <-- Adol
(Note that they're on the exact same path.)

Good idea: Flanking/parallel to monster:
Monster --> M
A <-- Adol
(Er ... Adol is supposed to be closer to the monster but I can't get the
text to do that. ^^; In this case, you're doing it right if you're making
contact (duh) and killing the monster within 1 - 3 shots)

Usually, with the playing chicken strategy, you won't kill a monster very
quickly especially if it's a monster in an area you've never been to. But
with flanking, you can kill monsters fairly quickly without fear of getting
hurt! ^_^ However, the latter tactic takes a while to get used to since
you basically have to have good hand-eye co-ordination (which I don't. -_-).

*** Healing ***
There are several ways you can heal (for visuals of these items, please
refer to my cheap little Ys IV: Mask of the Sun help page at
1) Herb
The cheap little HP replenishing item. ^.^ This thing only and
always restores up to 150 HP.
2) DOKU antidote(?)
This is to cure the poison ailment. I think it'll restore the HP
lost as a result of the poison as well.
3) Elixir
This item can only be bought from a merchant in Selrei (see River
Village: Selrei for more info). It restores ALL HP and MP.
4) Selceta's Secret Medicine
Perhaps the best item to use for HP restoration. You can use this
item up to 3 times. Adol will regain 150 HP each time it is used.
This potion can only be bought from the doctor at the hospital in
5) Roda's Medicine
This has nothing to do with regaining HP, but it does MP. This
potion restores 100 MP. In case you're wondering, Roda is type of
tree. You get to see them in the Minea Plains.
6) Magic
Note: This can only be achieved if you have the Hero's Sword.
If you hit the X button while standing still, Adol will heal
himself with magic. You can control how much healing he does by
moving him when you want him to stop. This method is best used
within a dungeon when HP will not replenish by itself.
7) Standing still in any area except a dungeon.

Please remember that Adol can't regenerate his MP (magic points) at
will like his HP. I'm just telling you this just in case you think
there's something wrong with the game. =P The only way to do so is to
use a Roda's Medicine (or any MP refilling potions), defeat a boss,
sleep at the inn at Kasnan, or by talking to Gazok's wife.

*** Magic ***
There is only one way to use magic and that's by wielding a magical sword.
There are 5 magic swords, each allowing Adol to use a different kind of
magic. All spells hit for multiple times (just like Adol pushing a monster
back) if they make contact and providing the monster doesn't move out of
the spell's way. ^^ And the swords are:

1) Flame Wind Sword --
Allows Adol to shoot a single fireball at his opponents.
2) Ikazuchi no ken (Thunder Sword)--
Allows Adol to shoot 2 sparks of lightning that travel
at monsters like a double helix ... er, when you use it,
you'll see what I mean. ^^
3) Ice Wind Sword --
3 blocks of ice shoot out of the sword, dispersing farther
apart from one another the farther they go.
4) Hero's Sword --
Allows Adol to heal.
5) Gekikou no ken --
Similar to the Ice Wind Sword except they are little balls of

Using magic is great when you're in an outside area (re: Adol can heal if
standing still). I mean, Adol can just stand there shooting away at the
monsters since they always come at him in a straight line! ^o^ Killing
monsters while HP is replenishing -- it can't get any better than that! =P
On that note, like using items, you can't move and use magic at the same

Oh yes, along the way, Adol will find mystical sword ornaments. (They look
like gems with intricate holders. ^^) There are a total of 3 of them:

1) Topaz Ornament of the Ikazuchi no ken (Thunder Sword)
2) Sapphire Ornament of the Ice Wind Sword
3) Ruby Ornament of the Flame Wind Sword

To be honest, I'm not sure WHAT good comes out of outfitting the swords
with the ornaments. I guess they're just plain old decorations for the
magical swords since you can still use the magic from the swords without
them. ^^ For information on how to get the ornaments on the swords, check
the Selrei section of the walkthrough.
Ys IV: MotS Walkthrough
1) MINEA'S PORT (MINEA no minato)
The game opens with Adol's best friend, Dogi, seeing him off. After
Dogi finishes talking, get Adol onto the ship. (Er ... you COULD try
and go north, but you won't get very far. ^o^) Soon, someone will
call out for the ship to wait and then he'll jump on (@_@)! Don't worry,
it's just Freya, another one of Adol's friend. He's an apothecary of
sorts, I think. Anyway, as soon as Freya introduces himself and tells you
his reason for travelling to Selceta, the crew will set sail and you'll
arrive at ...

As soon as Freya leaves, go north into town. (Of course, you DO have the
choice of talking to the blond guy walking around the port or the people
in the warehouse to the left of the screen but you can do all that later
anyway. ^.^) You will be greeted by Norton and he'll ask you to accompany
him to his home.

Once there, talk to the blue-haired guy and a little sequence will follow.
After the meeting, you, along with Freya, Norton and 2 other people will be
waiting by a carriage. Talk to Freya and he'll ask if you're ready to
depart. Choose OK for an affirmative answer (duh), or chotto to tell him
to wait.

If you choose to tell him to wait, you can take this opportunity to walk
around Promarock to talk with its citizens. Note that you cannot buy armor
or weapons at this point of the game since, not only are the store clerks
telling you that they're not open until 10 or 11 (forgot which. ^^), Adol
has no money! However, if you return here later on in the game, the
stores will be open for business.

Oh yes, there is a blond man walking around and about in front of the item
store to the east. (The charas that are dressed like this remind me of
Neanderthals. ^^;) He will ask something about Duren (I think he's asking
you if you ever heard of his information booth or something). Answer him
with either choice since there is no consequence for a "wrong answer" here.
Anyway, just remember Duren's name. ^^;

Once you arrive at Kasnan, Freya will take you to an inn. Once there, you
can talk to Freya again or talk to the other 2 individuals there. The man
standing near the entrance is the inn keeper. He charges 10 GP per night
and as far as I know, this is the ONLY inn in the whole damn game. Right
now, it's rather pointless to try and get some rest so you might as well
move on, ne?

The guy at the table in the inn is a merchant. You can buy the herb
(50 GP) and/or the DOKU keshi (100 GP). [I'm going to use DOKU keshi from
now on since antidote might not be the right translation. ^^] Since Adol
is penniless at the moment (why doesn't the guy bring money with him for
his travels!? o_O), just leave the inn and walk around and talk to people.

To progress the story, try walking out of town (go west) or into the castle
(go north). The guards will halt Adol and arrest him. The next thing you
know, you're thrown into a dungeon. Obviously, talk to the man in bed.
He'll introduce himself as Duren and tell you his reasons for being thrown
in jail. Duren will try and sell you some information. Unfortunately, you
don't have the 5,000 GP for it but choose to buy it anyway (select the top
choice). Choosing the bottom choice will just result in a cycle so you
have no choice but to buy! ^o^

Now check the wall just right of the bars. Adol will discover something
and Duren will do the rest. Follow Duren up the stairs and go through the
doorway where the 2 guards are standing. ^o^ Naturally, the guards will
take notice of the escaped prisoner between them and attempt to throw him
back into jail. Their efforts will be thwarted by the arrival of their
commanding officer who frees you and takes you back to the inn. Duren
will use this chance to escape and leave with you. (Uh ... don't the
guards kind of notice this? @_@?)

At the inn, Duren thanks you and states that he is in your debt (or
something to that effect. I wasn't really jotting down the dialogue at
any point in the game. =P). After he takes off, you and Freya will catch
some sleep and then, it's off to work for you! ^o^

Leave the inn again, and go back to the castle. Go through the right
doorway, and once on the 2nd floor, you can either ignore the center room
or go through its doorway. Either way, it makes no difference. If you
choose to continue up the stairs to the left of the screen, you will get
to talk to the commanding officer again and he gives you permission to take
whatever treasures you can find in the castle. (When I first played this
part, I looted the place and THEN went to speak to him. ^^;;; As stated
before, it makes no difference whether you take the stuff now or after to
talk to the guy.)

The middle room of the 2nd floor leads you to a chamber with 3 treasure
chests. There you should find an herb, a Roda's medicine, and 500 GP.

After you get the money and the items, head back down and leave the castle.
Assuming you chatted with the town's citizens already (but if you don't
know Japanese at all, it is rather pointless to do so anyway. ^^), head
over to the armor and weapons shops at the west end and do some shopping.
Right now, you can only buy the Leather Mail & Shield (100 GP @) and the
Short Sword (100 GP).

*** Buying armor ***
When purchasing armor, you will get 2 additional choices after selecting
the top choice. They are armor (top one) and shield (bottom one).

Once you're done here, head out through the west gates and go kick some
slime butt. =P

4) NATIONAL BORDER'S RIDGE (Kokkyou no touge)
IIRC, you probably could level up around 2 - 6 (or more) levels easily
just by fighting the monsters at this region. However, once they start
giving you 1 EXP per kill, I suggest you move on unless you're doing it
for the sake of obtaining gold. If you were patient enough like me and
managed to save up 2,100 GP for buying the next "set" of armor and
weapons (you'll soon notice in the SWORD inventory that weapons, armor
and shields are arranged in sets) which are the Chain Mail, Middle Shield,
and Middle Sword, you can head back into Kasnan and purchase them. ^-^

5) NATIONAL BORDER'S RIDGE: SUMMIT (Kokkyou no touge: chojou)
Isn't this a beautiful scenic view of the forest below? Well, just
remember this place since you'll be coming back here later on in the game.

6) SUMMIT'S RUINS (Touge no iseki)
Upon reaching this place, Adol will hear sounds originating from the back
of the relief. Witness the blonde-haired girl beat the crap out of the
monsters about to attack her. Sugoi! Go Karna! o(^o^)o After Karna
introduces herself and her reasons for being here (she's looking for her
friend, Lamuness), she invites Adol (I think) to her village. She leaves
and you can either stay and admire the statues of Prince Lefance for a
while (=P) or just follow her.

7) WOODS: NORTH PART (Jukai: hokubu)
How nice of Karna to just take off on you, huh? In fact, how the heck
did she manage to get to the village so fast!? o.O Anyway, battle your
way through these woods.

There are tree trunks with doorways carved into them. You could go
through them if you want but they were a bit disorienting for me so I
didn't bother using them. Those doorways take you to other places in
the forest; they can either take you set you back a bit or take you to
a part you haven't been to so take caution when using them.

[If anglacized, the village name should read Komode/Comode but I like
it more as Komodo. ^^]
Karna will greet you here and bring you to the Elder's house where you
will have a meeting about the current state of Selceta and a missing
member of the village, Lamuness, among other things. At the end of the
conversation, Karna asks you to go seek out the Selceta Great Elder.
Answer OK (not that you have any choice in the matter since responding
with the "chotto" will only make Karna make the request again ^^). After
this, move around this disorienting village (if you're playing this game
as a ROM, the backgrounds can play tricks with your eyes! *_*) until you
reach the hut which houses the merchant that sells items. I believe
he's located somewhere near the 2nd last of level of the village
(which is the 5th one since there are 6 levels to this place!).

From the merchant, you can buy 2 additional items, one which I believe
cannot be purchased anywhere else in the game and it is the Seinaru Udewa
or the Holy Bracelet. This will kill all monsters on the current screen.
The Mirror Necklace, on the other hand, will freeze all monsters in place
(but only those that are on the screen). Unlike the Holy Bracelet, this
necklace can be bought in the Village of Lance as well.

If you bought the Chain Mail, etc. (all the ones that cost 700 GP) back
at Kasnan, you can ignore the Armor and Weapons shops here.

Oh yeah, you see that tree trunk with a doorway in the "middle" of the
village? Take note of that. You'll return there later on. =)

Now that you're done here, head west (on the 3rd level of the village),
and plow through some more monsters in the forest. Beware the
multicoloured shell monsters; those things can poison you! If you get
poisoned, use the DOKU keshi. Otherwise, you'll have to stand still
to let the HP replenish and for the poison to go away by itself. ^^;

Here you go! It's your very first dungeon. This one is not a pain to
get through, thankfully, though I would highly advise you to go through
every dungeon in the game with as minimal damage as possible since a boss
sits in wait for you at somewhere along the way. Save the herb, the DOKU
keshi, and every other healing item for when you need them most (for me,
that would be during a boss battle).

If you're patient enough, you may want to fight the first few monsters
in the area you first enter over and over until you level up fighting
them (just run out into the forest bridge again to replenish your HP.
Uh ... don't stand there TOO long since the annoying poisonous shells
and friends will come after you. -_-) This just ensures that they'll
be easier to fight since you will encounter them again later on in the
dungeon although most of the places in this dungeon are free of any
confrontations. (Note that those bones on the ground will not attack
Adol if he doesn't approach them.)

To travel around the crater, just move into the swirly craters when
they swirl downward and you'll pop up at a different area with more
swirly craters. Continue in this fashion until you reach an area with
a doorway to the north. Go through it and either kill or avoid the
monsters here since the next room is the room where the boss is and
ya can't afford to enter a boss fight with little HP! To figure out
whether it is or not, move south until you spot a doorway with 2 flashing
lights. (In most dungeons, any doorway with 2 blue/red flashing lights
signifies that a sub-baddy is in the next room.)

*** Boss Strategy ***
'Tis a mean old minotaur! Hit him when he's moving from side to side and
NOT when he's still or charging. However, I believe you can hit him when
he is about to throw his crescents. Stay close to him if you can and
beware of the fire is spits out at you; it's harder to avoid that than
the fire spewing out of those holes in the walls! @_@

Wah! Why, that minotaur was none other than Lamuness! @_@ Nope, he's
not some evil were-creature; someone transformed him into this! Anyway,
Karna gives you the Eye of the Sun as instructed by the Komodo Elder.
Now, head north to the new doorway that appeared and you will find soon
yourself at --

Go to the northwest-most house here and talk to the blonde girl in overalls
(well, she looks like she's wearing overalls! ^^). She will notice the
letter bottle (from the intro) Adol has with him and asks where he found
it from. Adol tells her that found it floating in the waters of Esteria's
ocean. The girl is surprised by this (not sure why. ^^ I guess she never
meant it to go that far. ^^) and explains that she wrote the letter of
distress. She'll introduce herself as Leeza and then go on a bit more
about some things. ^^ After that's done, leave her house.

Adol's next stop will be the Raiu no seiiki but before that, you can take
your hard earned money and use it to buy some new gear and a weapon. ^-^
(But if you don't have enough to buy them now, don't worry, the monsters
in the next region should give you enough GP to spend. ^-^) After doing
so, head north to leave Highland (just "talk" to the dog blocking the way).

After walking a few inches, this place will start raining on you (thus
its name). =P It may be a bit confusing to navigate through this area
but just keep looking for openings and you'll eventually find your way
to an opening with 4 trees arranged in a diamond shape.

Once Adol attempts to walk between the trees, lightning will strike them
and finally, strike him as well (^^)! Poor toasty Adol-kun will then be
thrown into the air and finally land in the vicinity of the Castle of the
Sacred Precinct (<- a literal translation this time around. ^^) Just
move around this place until you hit a dead end. A sequence will follow
with Gruda (the guy you saw talking to the commanding officer back at the
Kasnan Castle), Bamii, and Gadeis. Yup, it's the villains (and the
vilainess, Bamii) -- who I shall call the Triad of Evil (the literal
translation is something like "3 evil warriors" or something stupid
like that. Some things just don't sound right in English! ^^;;;;;)!

Eldeil (the masked winged guy) will make his appearance soon and exposes
Adol's eavesdropping. Adol-kun will find himself powerless against Gruda
and co. Leeza enters looking for Eldeil but finds Adol instead. ^^ She
takes him back to her home to nurse him back to health.

Everything should be done at Highland so it's off to those wonderful ice
cave now. Oh, along the way, you might want to try to keep taking paths
that allow you to go west whenever you can since this is just so you know
how to get to the Sacred Precinct Castle by foot. You can't really do
anything there except fight those headless armor monsters. DO NOT fight
them since even though there's only a maximum of 4 of them at a time,
they are bloody hard to defeat at this point in time. Patience will
pay off though since Adol will return to beat them up later on! ^o^

12) THE CAVE OF THE MOUNTAIN OF ICE (Koori no yama no doukutsu)
Er ... when you first enter the dungeon, it won't look very icy but just
keep going and you'll reach the ice parts. ^.^

If the enemies in this dungeon seem overwhelming and strong at first
(they did for me. -_-:), just use the fight-and-run-outside-to-heal
tactic until you level up a bit. I believe there's a junction point
between the non-icy area to the first ice cave room where Adol can just
stand & heal. Along the way, you'll encounter more of these passageways
between the cave sections. Use them as a place to replenish lost
hitpoints. Oh yes, in order for Adol to just cruise through these
dungeons, I recommend levelling him up to level 15. But if you want
challenge, proceeding through here at level 12 will be good enough. ^_^;

Go through every room here in this non-icy area since one of the rooms
has a chest with the 1st Ice Key that will allow you to enter the first
portion of the icy-looking ice cave.

The treasures you should find here are:
a) The Topaz Ornament to the Thunder Sword (found right outside, to
the west of the entrance of the Cave of the Mountain of Ice)
b) Flame Shield (B1F)
c) Flame Armor (B3F)

Now, inside the icy-looking ice cave, you should find:
a) The Sapphire Ornament to the Ice Wind Sword (found on B3F)
b) 1,000 GP (2F)

One room has the 2nd Ice Key. Make sure you get it ...

The second portion of the ice cave has the Flame Sword. It's on the same
floor as the boss, I believe. (The boss is at 3F).

*** Boss Strategy ***
Is this an ice golem or an ice mecha? ^^ Anyway, only hit him when he
turns blue while he thrusts his fist into the ground to create that
wave of ice.

After defeating the boss, keep on going. You'll be at a passageway.
Don't miss the chest with the 1,000 GP right at the east end. ^_^

13) TEMPLE OF THE EARTH (Daichi no shinden)
If you walk around the temple structure, you'll notice that there are 2
doorways with boulders blocking them. To clear them, you'll need to go
inside the temple and speak to the old man there. His name is Gazok.
You'll learn more about Lefance and the Eyes from him. Wish I was able
to read it all though ... ^^ Anyway, he'll tell you go to his wife
(I think. Well, you go to his home for a reason) and since the path to
his home is blocked, he'll give you a pick so you can hack your way
through the rubble.

Head over to the RIGHT side of the temple. After the rocks have been
cleared away, proceed through the doorway. More dungeons ... yay.
BEWARE of those zippy eyeball monsters! If you are anywhere less than
level 14 or 15, they can kill Adol REALLY fast.

Keep heading right until you come across a bridge that leads north. Go
up and go into the house and speak to the old lady in bed. She'll wonder
who you are, you tell her, and then all you can do is go back to Gazok to
further the story. ^^

(BTW, when Adol stops at the bridge, he'll notice that the lake is a
little red. As you return from Gazok's home, Adol will mention that the
entire lake is now red. Karna also mentioned this back at the summit's
ruins (the lake turning colour) ... Is this an omen of some sort?)

Back at the temple, Gazok will send you to Selrei to get the Flower of
Selceta to cure his wife's illness. To do so, the old man will give you
a bomb (^o^) to use on the other blocked entrance. (Note that the bomb
would, of course, disappear from your inventory after its use. =P)

In this side of the ice cave, you will find the Thunder Sword & Shield.

15) WOODS: SOUTH PART (Jukai: nanbu)
Hoho! More plowing! Make sure to go to every chest in this part.
There's a final piece of armor that will complete that 5th set in your
SWORD menu here. ^_^ Also in this forest is a chest with 1,000 GP.

Finally, another village! Upon your arrival here, talk to the merchant
closest to Adol. He will sell you the flower the old couple needs. Now
go all the way back to the lakeshore and ta da! As payment of your kind
services, you receive the Eye of the Earth. Gazok will tell you to seek
out the Great Elder to learn more about the Eyes (or something like that ^^).
Your job there is here ... for now. ^.^ BTW, the old lady will give you
free healings if you return again later on. ^-^ Take advantage of that
fact to replenish MP if you used some up along the way.

Back at Selrei, you will find Freya waiting for you. Talk to him and
he'll take you to the Elder's home. You can choose whether or not you
want to go in right away. If you don't, then just walk away. ^.^ After
talking to the Elder, Freya will ask Adol to give the bottle of Secret
Medicine of Selceta to Crarge(? ... the katakana is KURA-ZE), the doctor
in Minea. Say OK since you can't really refuse ...

There's some shopping to do here but it'll be kind of costly especially
if you decide to take up on the offer of buying the Elixir from the
merchant sitting next to the one you bought the flower from. However,
if you need the cash, the bridge part right before this village will be
an ideal place to get some. ^^;

One interesting note is the guy in the southern part of town near the
dock (the house right of it). I wish I could read what he's saying but he
can make it so that sword ornaments will be part of a sword again (or maybe
they were never part of the swords in the first place? ^^). He seems to
specialize in magical swords or something. You can give him the Topaz one
to work with since at this moment, you don't HAVE the Ice Wind Sword. =P
The deed wil cost 5,000 GP though.

Uh ... I'm not sure anyone here sells the usual items so if you need an
herb or something, you'll have to wait until you defeat that horrid
centaur boss that's coming up soon. ^^;

Anyway, back to the story (I guess) ... After talking to the Elder, you
will be setting sail back to the country of Esteria. Oh yes, pay
attention to what Eldeil does to the unconscious Leeza in this little
"cut scene"; 'tis important later on. ^_^;

17) MINEA'S PORT CITY (MINEA no minatomachi)
Talk to the captain once you reach Minea; the guy is spooked out. ^.^
Leave the ship and head north to see why ...

AIIIEEE! The city has been overrun by monsters! You can still enter
some houses and all, most notably the hospital. So just drop off that
potion and head to the plains. Actually, you can hang back and kick
some monster butt for a while but since there's some cleaning up to do
in the plains anyway ...

18) MINEA: PLAINS (MINEA: sougen)
The widdle civilians lying around will just be begging for help so you
can ignore them. If you're confident enough right now and feel that
you're strong enough to take on that boss I keep mentioning -- douzo; go
right ahead. Head north until you spot a glowing black cloud near some
trees. Walk up to it and you will be greeted by the master of annoyance
himself. (BTW, the monster that is gold and blue - and looks like a
reject from a live-action Japanese sci-fi series - gives quite a bit of

Yes, I hated this boss because, for some reason, I had a lot of trouble
defeating him. Out of all the bosses I have fought, NONE of them required
me to reload the game as much as this fool (other than the final boss).
But you should be thankful that you won't have to go through the agony of
reloading the game 10 times just to vanquish him. =P

*** Boss Strategy ***
1st form:
This is short and simple: Stay *in front* and as close to the boss as much
as you can; he will not charge at you if you stand beside or behind him
(duh). Once he raises his legs to charge, brush by his hindlegs from side
to side. Do this as many times as you can before he changes form. If
you're lucky, you can kill him before he takes that EVIL EVIL form. >P

2nd form:
The EVIL EVIL form. Defeating him in this state is a bit trickier. For one
thing, he goes back to full health and you cannot get hit by ANYTHING he
dishes out at you. The vertical beams of light can instantly kill you and
worst of all, the orbs that create them are freakin' heat seeking after
they finish releasing the beams (and getting hit by one of them orbs can
take a big chunk of your HP away)!! *_*

What I did here was stay near the south wall since it takes the orbs a
longer time to get to you & when I see them come toward me, I'd run in the
opposite direction. Timing is the key here. The trade-off here is, of
course, it'll take you longer to get back to the boss. However, if you can
time it well, you can even stay near the northern wall where he is, and just
brush back and forth again when he raises his sword to shoot those
fireballs. (The fireballs will most likely miss you, of course, seeing
that they head downwards. >=)) Your biggest concern though is the beams
and the orbs. -_- I didn't mind the fireballs as much as those damn

After the demise of the centaur-like thing, continue on over the bridge or
return to Minea. Oh, if you talk to the former victims roaming around
the plains, they will all same the same thing which is basically thanking
Adol for saving them. Heck, even the people in the city will thank you.
And if you think you can buy armor and weapons after this ordeal, heh,
think again. Actually, be thankful that you don't have to since you just
blew 15,000 GP (or maybe 30,000 GP? =P) at Selrei. =P

Oh, the person that sells herbs and DOKU keshi is found at the hospital;
he's the guy sitting at the table on the left.

Speak to everyone here and move on. ^^ I think you learn about Gorban and
the temple to the north or something at this village and that's about it.
Me can't remember. -_-;;

20) LANCE: MOUNTAIN ROAD OF THE TEMPLE (LANSU: shinden no yamamichi)
A nice scenic route to the temple. Once there, talk to the guard at the
temple and he'll shoo you off to Lance to see Lilia. (The village is to
the northeast of the temple.)

Along the way, you'll come across a cabin. That's Gorban's home but Adol
can't get in until after visiting the Village of Lance.

As usual, talk to everyone here especially Keys (the guy who's just standing
there) and then head down to Lilia's house. Adol will discover that Lilia
is not in, so just leave her house. Upon exiting, Talf will call you and
you will engage in a conversation with the little kid. Ruta Jenma strolls
by, spots Adol and Talf, and the 3 will have a major conversation that I
can't exactly describe since I couldn't understand most of it. You will
learn, however, that Lilia is in the possession of the Eye of the Moon (@_@)
and that she and Banoa(? ... I'm not familiar with the previous Ys games so
... ^^;) has gone somewhere.

When the dialogue sequence is done, leave Lance and go to Gorban's home.

(Shinden no yamamichi: GO-BAN no ie)
Just enter his house and Gorban will follow shortly. Here, you will obtain
the handy Wing item! This wing will allow you to teleport to specific areas
on the world map. Some destinations will change by the end of the game
though. Anyway to use the "warp wing", be sure you are NOT in a structure
or dungeon (there are some particular outdoor areas that won't let you use
it too) so once you're at the Minea port, select it in your inventory and
hit the Y button to pull up the destination "menu". To cycle through the
place names, use the up or down arrow buttons. Assuming you're using the
down arrow, here are the place names in order as they appear. (All
destinations marked with asteriks (*) around them are ones that you cannot
get to presently) :

1) Promarock
2) *The Golden Temple*
3) *The Silver Temple: D*
4) *The Silver Temple: C*
5) *The Silver Temple: B*
6) *The Silver Temple: A*
7) Lakeshore [right now, it'll take you to the bridge south of Gazok's
house, but near the middle of the game, this will change]
8) *Bronze Section A*
9) *Bronze Section B*
10) Lance: Mountain Road of the Temple
11) Village of Lance
12) Zepeek Village
13) Minea: Plains
14) Minea's Port City
15) River Village Selrei
16) *Temple of the Moon*
17) *Temple of the Sun*
18) Temple of the Earth
19) Sacred Precinct Castle: Entrance
20) Crater
21) Village of Takahara Highland
22) Wind Village Komodo
23) Summit's Ruins
24) National Border's Mountain Peak: Summit
25) National Border Town Kasnan

At this point, choose Komodo as your destination, and hit the A button.
(Look at Adol go!! ^o^ I wonder how the guy lands ...)

As an aside, you can also choose to go back to Promarock as the armor and
weapons shop there are now opened. ^_^ But if they aren't, then just go
when your in-game clock hits the 11th hour since I believe they said they
won't be opened until 11. =P Promarock has the best armor, weapon, and
shield that can be purchased, each going for a whopping 10,000 GP! @_@
However, a bit of fighting should give you the 30,000 GP you need for your
next "set" o' fighting gear. ^_~ Of course, you can even choose to wait for
the set after which can only be found at the Flame Cave. =P

23) SACRED PRECINCT CASTLE: ENTRANCE (Seiiki no shiro: irikuchi)
-- Return to Komodo --
Actually, the first part here deals with the Wind Village, Komodo. Once you
arrive at Komodo, Lamuness (he's back to normal! ^-^) will take you to his(?)
home where you will encounter Eldeil-sama who has Lilia as a hostage! @o@
A short sequence will occur here (note the wonderful hole in the roof Eldeil
made. Whatta nice guy ...). After that, there will be even MORE trouble
as the Romun soldiers storm Komodo.

Although they appear to withdraw in peace (wish I could read the dialogue
here. ^^), you cannot continue on with the game until you fight them. To
do this, go to through the doorway of the tree trunk (yup, it DOES have its
purpose! ^.^)! Be prepared though cuz this is a boss-type battle!

*** Boss-Type Strategy ***
This is really easy given the amount of space you get to move around in
(plus your enemies seem to move at a turtle's pace! ^^;). Don't let the
size of the army intimidate you; this really is no different than fighting
monsters in the woods, dungeons, or elsewhere. The key here is to just
keep running around and hacking at the soldiers until they all die. Just
don't stay in one place too long or you risk having the entire army gang up
on you. =P

Once done, leave that area and talk to the Elder (who is back at his hut).
You will learn that Karna is leading a small band of warriors to the Sacred
Precinct Castle (I guess they figured out that it's the hideout for the
baddies. =P). Use the wing to go to Highland, the Village of Takahara.

You will witness an exchange between Leeza and Karna. Leeza is trying to
dissuade Karna from continuing (I'm sure you know why by now ...) but wah!
Karna is so mean!! T_T First the 3 evil characters, and now this! Poor
Leeza-chan. ;_; Anyway, after this is over, head on over to the castle via
wing or by foot. (BTW, if you didn't buy the weapon and gear at Promarock
yet, I advise that you do now ... unless you still want to wait until you
get your hands on a FREE armor, shield, and weapon. ^^)

Finally, you're at the castle. You can hang around the entrance and get
some GP and EXP fighting the annoying headless armor guys. In fact, there
isn't much fighting inside (what a surprise, huh?).

-- Inside the Castle --
The inside is a bloody maze; moreso than the other dungeons you've been to
Anyway, ignore Karna's people and the monsters ("guoggaogao!") and make your
way down to the torture chamber. The fight here should be easy. Once you
free the victim, move on south. You will pass some cells with imprisoned
people. You can talk to them but that's about all you can do. You will
soon encounter Lilia who is also being held in a cell. Unfortunately, not
only can you not free her, the jail warden (=P) himself makes an appearance!

*** Boss Strategy ***
Another fairly easy battle.
For the first part of the fight, ignore the boss himself and focus on
getting rid of his pets most notably the harmless white one (an ice dog?).
Once you finish it off, go after the boss but only attack him when the
spikes are down.

Even though you are victorious, you will not be able to rescue Lilia. Adol
will appear to be consumed by the magical flames that were encircling him
but miraculously, he is fine when he comes to! Alas, Lilia is gone but for
your efforts, you receive the Eye of the Moon.

Karna will come and tell you to return to Highland. (Note that all the
monsters are gone from the castle.) Do so. Once there, speak with the
Elder. Once done, leave and you will meet a familiar face. Why, it's
Duren! This time, he's tell you of an item that will be of use to you
(or something like that). He doesn't have it with him; it's at the
Information Booth (which he doesn't mention WHERE in the world it's located
at. -_-). You can purchase it now (it's in Minea), methinks, but I didn't
get to that particular item until after Lefance's Tomb.

24) SELREI: GREAT ELDER'S HOME (SERUREI: Daichourou no ie)
As the section title indicates, warp to Selrei. Speak to the Elder here to
gain an audience with the Great Elder. The Great Elder tells you about the
ancient civilization of winged people, Prince Lefance*, and the Hero's
Sword. (Yup, I just pick up key words when I read Japanese dialogue. ^^)

The Great Elder will also tell you of the location of the sword which is
somewhere within the Mountain of Flame. Now you're probably wondering where
the heck the Mountain of Flame is since you've basically covered every inch
of the land already by foot (at least I did when I was playing. ^^). I
don't know how I figured this out but I'm pretty sure there was something in
the old man's dialogue that gave it away (and I didn't bother to write it
down. ^^). I know I didn't find the mountain from pure luck and guessing.
Hirm ...

Welp, at any rate, leave his house and go down the steps (you can't use the
wing at the current screen). Once you're down and in the open, use your
wing and head back to the Lakeshore. Talk to Gazok. He'll call his wife
and she'll tell you of where to go: the waterfall to the east.

*A little sidenote:
I'm not exactly sure if this should be translated as Lord or Prince Lefance
since the "kou" character after his name can be translated as either. I
chose Prince since I think he was part of royalty (as noted at the ruins
of the ancient *kingdom* -- that place where his statues are) plus he had
those 5 loyal subjects. Or course, he could have just been some general or
something. =P

25) WATERFALL CAVE (Taki no doukutsu)
Well looky here! There's a hole behind the falls now! Make your way
through this area (check out them killer bunnies). It should be easy to
stay on track since there are no rooms here to go to. Once you make it to
the passageway, you'll be heading into ...

26) THE CAVE OF THE MOUNTAIN OF FLAME (Honoo no yama no doukutsu)
Go to every area here to make sure that you won't miss any chests. Here
you should find:
a) Ice Shield
b) Ice Plate
c) Ruby Ornament belonging to the Flame Wind Sword.
The Ice Wind Sword can be found in the next part, in case you're wondering.

I don't know how to describe it but in the cave level before the room which
leads you to the Temple of the Moon, you should notice a part of the ground
which is rather clean cut unlike the other parts of the ground which have
jagged, rough edges. It's a gap and an important one at that since you'll
have to bridge this gap in order to get the Hero's Sword. If I'm confusing
you, just walk around that part of the cave until Adol says something (he
will if you're at zee gap).

Anyway, ignore that all-important gap at the moment and head south (I
believe it's the left-most path you need to take) to the unique looking
room. It's unique in that there are no other rooms in this cave that look
like it. It should have a single, tiled path which leads to a doorway. DO
NOT wander off this path unless you want Adol to die a quick death. Yes,
those shimmery shiny circles (could it be lava? ^^) on the ground can do
wonders to your HP.

27) TEMPLE OF THE MOON (Tsuki no shinden)
Mon ami, you are at yet another temple but this one has a gift for you! Go
in and down the stairs to the chest on the dias. It's the Ice Wind Sword.
All righty then, now you can go back to the gap. =P

-- The all-important gap --
Adol should mention that the Flame Wind Sword (in your inventory) is
reacting to something here. The ground will rise from beneath the lava to
bridge the gap. Head right and get ready to fight 6 pathetic dragons! =P

*** Boss Strategy ***
If you want to play it safe, DO NOT go near every dragon at once. Lure the
one(s) you want to dispose of first by walking near it/them. Standard
monster fighting tactics are all that's needed to finish this fight.

Once all 6 are defeated, continue going to the right and here, you will
receive that legendary Hero's Sword.

Head to the Temple of the Moon so you can warp back to Gazok. Actually, I
have no idea if you really need to go there after this, but you can do it
just to impress the socks off of him with the sword you just got. =P

* See Translation Notes & Interpretation of Story

Go to the Great Elder's House again and he will let you through to get to
the other side of his home which leads to Prince Lefance's resting place.
There, Lefance will tell about the Seal of the Ancient Civilization and what
you need to break it: The Gold Pedestal (technically, it's hard to imagine
anyone walking around with a pedestal. Damn my dictionary ... -_-).

The Gold Pedestal is at the Information Booth in Minea. Yup, it's the item
Duren was telling you about. Warp to Minea, go to the northwestern-most
house there, and purchase the Gold Pedestal (3,000 GP) from the kind store
clerk. Now it's time to break the seal.

Warp to National Border's Ridge: Summit and walk up to the altar there.
Adol will proceed to put the Gold Pedestal on it and Lefance will talk to
you. A neat sequence will occur here as you witness the rising of the
Ancient City.

29) BRONZE SQUARE (Seidou no hiroba)
The changes that occurred after the Ancient City sprang up (this affects the
Wing in a way):

a) Gazok's dwelling at the Lakeshore is now gone so returning to that
area for free healings is out of the question. It's still around
but you won't find it for the next little while. ^^ You can still
visit the Lakeshore for fun though. ^-^
b) The Temple of the Moon is gone.
c) The South region of the Woods is nuked as well but this fact is
perhaps the most important one.

If you could read the dialogue, you would notice that in certain towns,
villages, and cities, people will be in awe of the city that has suddenly
appeared in Selceta and only THEY will say it since they're the only ones
that can see it. ^^;;; This actually hints of where you should go.
Anyway, to make things short, your next destination is the south part of the
Selceta forest. Warp to Selrei and head west.

This is a new region that will lead you to the Ancient City. Go north on
this new path when you get the chance; you'll hit the Bronze Square. Stupid
me didn't mark down which is the right door to go through so you'll have to
try them out until you reach Bronze Section A. -_-; Oh yes, beware of the
ground here at the Square -- there will be these block monsters that rise
from it but they will not make their appearance unless you go near them.

30) BRONZE SECTION: A & B (Seidou no chiku)
Section A: Uh ... there shouldn't be anything of significance here except
for doorways that lead to B.
Section B: Your goal here is to reach the battle area where you'll face
one member of the Triad of Evil: Gadeis.

*** Boss Strategy ***
ONLY attack Gadeis when he is standing still and spinning his axe; all other
times will mean death for Adol-kun! @_@

After Gadeis goes bye-bye, go through the new doorway that has opened and
you will be at ...

31) THE SILVER TEMPLE: A, B (Hakugin no shinden)
Actually, you're just at the Silver Temple: A right now but I mashed the 2
parts together. ^^

Once you exit the boss battle arena, you should notice there is an doorway
right across from you. There is also one that is a bit more to the north
(beyond the one in front of you) and that is the one you want to go through.
The one closest to you is just a dead end. BTW, anything that stands out
and is inanimate here WILL attack you (i.e. those armor guys) but you should
be used to that by now, ne? ^^

From the doorway you just went through, it should eventually lead you to an
outside area of the temple on 3F. There are 3 doorways on this level and
again, the one closest to Adol is a dead end (with one monster in it). The
ones to the south are ones that do lead you somewhere else (^_^):

1) Left door - you arrive in the area below the 2 doorways. Here
there are 3 other doorways & the one that has even some
significance is the left-most (southwest) one where you'll get
an herb.

2) Right door - this leads to Silver Temple: B. BEWARE OF THE
CHEST(S) here. One annoyance about this temple is its chameleon
monsters -- i.e. the chest monster (as well as those ball
spouting, pot-looking things). To test if a chest is a monster
or not, just walk up to it but don't attempt to walk close enough
to open it!

Oh my ... there are 4 doorways here. Actually, it's 5 but that one that is
not a doorway right now will only become a doorway later. ^^ Now, let's
label the doors!

1) Closest one to the doorway Adol just came out of.
2) The one that is north of 1)
3) The doorway beside the one that is not accessible right now, in
the middle of the area.
4) The doorway that's farthest to the west.

If you're not the adventurous type or one that does not like to take risks,
the doorway you want to go through is 2). I'll let you discover what the
other 3 have yourself. Heh heh heh. >)

On 2F, take the left entrance where you should get to the Temple of the Sun.

32) TEMPLE OF THE SUN (Taiyou no shinden)
Here, you will meet the statues of 5 legendary warriors who helped Lefance
during the ancient times. If you must know, their names are (from left to
right): Radey, Surano, Tarimu, Miyu, and Torie. They'll mention the Mask
of the Sun along with some other historic info that won't be understood
unless you could read Japanese. -_-

Actually, I have no idea if they're statues or just frozen in place. ^^
They seem to be guarding the Temple of the Sun or something like that.
Maybe they died here? I don't know. ^^

Anyway, there's nothing to do in the temple so just head through the west

33) THE SILVER TEMPLE: C, D (Hakugin no shinden)
The first chest you encounter here is safe (according to my brief notes. ^^);
there is a herb in it. The doorway you need to go through is the left-most
one in this room. Go down the stairs and take the south-most doorway from
there. Now, your goal here is to get to the area of the Silver Temple C
where there is only one stairway attached to the temple structure (temple
roof?). You will know that you are at the right exit if you see ONLY 1
doorway, which is the one you exit from, and a staircase to the right.

On the temple roof(?), you will encounter 3 doorways that are arranged in
a triangle-like shape. Go through the left-most one and wander around
until you hit a room with a red-carpeted stairway in the center of it.
It's a big room that looks different from all the other temple rooms so
you can't really mistaken it for any other temple room. ^.^ Head up the
stairs and you will see an unconscious Lilia on an altar. Bamii will
promptly make her appearance and soon demand that you surrender the 3
stones. Do answer yes. If you don't, be prepared to reload a saved
game. =P

After this, Lilia and Bamii will disappear. Now go back down the stairs but
don't leave the room! Head right once you reach the bottom of the stairs
and then go north. Lilia is here (and she's still knocked out! ^^). You
can't do anything for now so leave here and go back down the stairs then
keep going left until you can't any further. There is a doorway to the
north. (Yes, this room is symmetrical.) When you exit this place, you
will be at the D side of the Silver Temple and you should meet Leeza.
She'll explain her relationship to Eldeil-sama or something like that and
then give you the Necklace of Radiance.

Now return to where Lilia is and pick her up. Adol will then be running
around and beating up monsters while carrying her in his arms! It's funny
in that it looks like he's using Lilia as a weapon! ^O^

Your next stop is Silver Temple: B.

Just go through the new doorway that has opened and bring Lilia to the very
place where Eldeil used the necklace to awaken Leeza ... Uh ... I would give
you the directions but it isn't very hard to find since the path here SHOULD
be pretty linear. You can ignore the little patch of glassy square south of
the room for now. You can't do anything with it until you reach the Tower
of Illis.

After Lilia awakens, leave the room and head west. Lilia will follow you
wherever you go. ^___^ I don't THINK she can die but I never tried to
deliberately go out of my way to get her killed. You're welcome to try it
if you hate her or simply hate someone tagging along behind Adol. ^^;;;
The thing is, getting her killed will get you no where. ^^;;;;;;;;;

Anyway, keep walking until you hit a trapdoor/pitfall. Adol and Lilia will
fall to a large empty room below with no hope for escape. However, good old
Dogi bursts through the wall (how the heck did he figure out that the 2 were
in there anyway? @_@) and now you are free to enter and leave this area all
you like! ^o^ After Dogi and Lilia depart, follow them through the hole in
the wall. You will be at the A side again.

Karna, Lamuness, and a small band of Komodo warriors will be trying to bash
down the giant door here to get to The Golden Temple. After talking to
Karna and friends, Lefance will speak stating that this door is just a
camouflage for the real door. The real entrance can only be reached
through the Tower of Illis. Adol will then receive the Key of the Tower
of Illis from Lefance. You need to warp back to Silver Temple: D to use it.

(If you didn't get it the first time you were here, you might as well look
for it now -- i.e. the Hero's Shield is in this area!)
Did you notice the markings on the two pillars/doorway here when you spoke
to Leeza? Did you also notice the identical markings on the doorframe of
the big double doors of the area you were just at? If you did, good,
because you have to go through the doorway with those strange markings now
and at the end of the path, you should encounter a door. With the key Adol
received from Lefance, Adol will unlock it and now, it's off to the Tower of

You will get new armor here on 2F but your goal at this point is to get to
3F. Notice the funky first person-esque perspective you get once you hit
the outside of the tower. It's rather pointless but it's cool to watch. ^^
You will have to go through 2 of these outside areas until you get to 3F.
Now go and talk to the hooded figure standing in the corner. He will tell
you about a switch that will allow you to travel through the mirrors to get
to other destinations in the tower. Right now, the mirrors are not
operational so all they can do is heal you if you try to go through them. ^^

Now get back to the place where you revived Lilia. I think you can get
back there by warping back to Silver Temple: A and going up the stairs to
the north (I think -- it'll lead you to the area where you met Karna and
Lamuness). Go through the doorway here and you should get back to the area
where you need to get to. Once there, move Adol across that glassy square
that you ignored initially. This activates the wall mirrors in the Tower
of Illis so you can now travel through them. ^_^

Return to 3F in the Tower of Illis and go through the right mirror. You
need to get to the 12F and lazy me didn't map out the path to go. ^^;;;;;
Anyway, there's a chest along the way that gives you a Roda's Medicine.
Once at 12F, you will finally get your shot at Bamii. BTW, those eyeball
monsters give you wads of EXP (providing you're not at some high level
already ^^). In fact, if you fight here in this tower long enough, Adol
will max out all his stats (255)!! ^_^

*** Boss Strategy ***
Bamii is EVIL. Answer NO to all her questions. If, for some silly reason,
you say YES to everything she asks, Bamii will turn Adol into an adorable
little creature. Although this form gives you safe passage around the tower
(as in the monsters will not harm you), you will not be able to go on in the
game UNTIL you restore Adol to his human form. ^^ To restore Adol to his
normal form, talk to Keys at the Village of Lance. (It's funny to talk to
the people there while in creature form. ^o^ "Mamono da!! Tasukete!!" ^O^)

Anyway, the fight with Bamii takes patience. You need to wait until she
has her feet on the ground. Attacking her any other time will only mean
death. ^^ IIRC, the cycle goes like this: Bamii flies around, Bamii sinks
into the ground, Bamii is ON the ground. She'll alternate between those
things but that's generally all she does. =P

And yes, Bamii was responsible for Lamuness' transformation.

After her defeat, go north and grab the Wings of Valor. This item is what
allows you to reach The Golden Temple.

All righty then! The rest of the way consists of a mirror maze moreso than
before. The first room you get to is with nothing but 3 wall mirrors to
the south and 3 floor mirrors (one of which you just exited from). Go
south and through the left wall mirror. You will receive the shield,
Reflector. Now return to the way you came and go through the middle wall
mirror. Here you will get the armor, Defenser. Continue through this room
as it is the one that will lead you to a place you've never been to yet and
eventually, you'll get to 23F. (On 19F, you get a sword which I can't
translate. ^^;)

23F is a big room with lots of mirrors. The mirror you need to go through
is the one that is just south of the room which has 2 or 3 wall mirrors (and
immediately left/west of the area where the monsters attacked you). Beware
of the little room which houses the mirror you need to go through because
there is a mean little chest that is hidden from view and it will attack
you. -_-

Continue on until you get to a room with a fireplace-like structure (dunno
what else to call it ^^). Go up its staircase and you'll reach the top of
the Tower of Illis.

35) TOP OF THE TOWER OF ILLIS (IRISU no tou: chojou)
Hey look! It's Gazok's home! ^^ Go in and talk to Gazok and his wife.
Gazok will tell you that the Wings of Valor will take you to The Golden
Temple below. Talk to his wife again for some free healing. ^o^ Once done,
leave the dwelling and go to the right. Adol will leap off the side and
land safely at --

36) THE GOLDEN TEMPLE (Ougon no shinden)
(Normally, a person would die after a fall like that but I guess that's what
the Wings of Valor were there to prevent. =P)

Here it is. Your final destination. This temple is devoid of monsters so
there's no need to worry about fighting your way down but there IS one more
battle before the final confrontation.

On the 3rd level (I think), you'll hit a doorway with flashing lights. Go
through it and you'll meet Gruda, the head of that Triad of Evil. Don't
worry, he won't call on his subordinates to help him. Gadeis and Bamii
really are dead. =P Anyway, Gruda goes into this whole speech about how
the power of the Ancient Civilization is a destructive force (something
about a black pearl which I don't get. ^^) -- the very force that Eldeil is
trying to possess. After this, Gruda will begin his attack.

*** Boss Strategy ***
Gruda's first form is a total joke but take caution with that 2nd form of

2nd form:
There is only one weak spot here and it's his belly -- the place where he'll
shoot out a beam of fire. Attack that pot belly just prior to the release
of the fire beam. For me, that was the best time to do it.

Lefance will speak once more after Gruda's defeat stating that the final
battle is at hand. I think he warns you about using the Hero's Sword too.
But even if he doesn't, just switch to that sword in your SWORD menu.

Make your way across the passageway and into the ceremony room where Eldeil
is. A little exchange between Eldeil and Adol will occur. Lefance speaks
again saying that Eldeil is completely consumed by the evil power or
something like that.

Once the dialogue sequence is done, you'll get to beat the crap out of
Eldeil. Well, the first 2 parts of the fight will have you avoiding him
like a plague ...

*** Last Boss Strategy ***
This is a cheap battle but by no means easy. A lot of it is based on
guesswork and fast reflexes on your part. ^^

-- 1st part/"form" --
Eldeil creates a psychic bolt of energy which chases Adol around.
Naturally, you'll want to avoid it. =P I think attacking him at this point
of the fight is futile. I don't remember if I tried but I do remember that
I just kept running in circles until Adol made a great discovery. After his
eureka, select the Necklace of Radiance in your inventory and hit Y.

This only causes Eldeil to attack you again and this time, he's flying
around and whipping feathers at you. Make sure you have armed the Hero's
Sword as that is the ONLY weapon that can hurt him. Hit Eldeil when he is

Once his HP level goes down to around half, he'll call upon Gruda, Bamii,
and Gadeis and take their power.

-- 2nd part/"form" --
MECHA ELDEIL! ^O^ Check out his dorky power-up gear! =P
Actually, this form is VERY hateful. You can do NOTHING to hurt him. All
you can do is avoid him by guessing where he'll end up next. Keep doing
this until Lefance's friends (those 5 statue guys) show up and blast the
armor off of Eldeil.

-- 3rd and final "form" --
Ooh, he's now in wimpy peasant attire!
ONLY attack Eldeil when he's flying around. When he does that annoying
"black hole" spell, just keep running in a direction AWAY from Eldeil. You
can stop when the floor tiles reappear. In fact, that'll be the ideal time
to get in your shots.

Wooooooooooo! You are done! Sit back and enjoy the ending sequence.
Doesn't SD Eldeil look cute when he's lying there? ^^; I found it
especially cute when he lifted his arm up (fat pudgy little arm. *^^*).
Note that the mask on his face is now gone.

IMHO, the anime stills with Leeza and Eldeil are beautifully rendered. And
it's only appropriate that the ending ends with Adol taking off on another
adventure, ne? According to this Japanese page I was reading the summary
of MotS from, the next game after this (in chronological order) is Ys
III: Wanderers of Ys. Weird, huh? ^^

Every item Adol comes across in Mask of the Sun are listed here except
the bottle with the girl's (Leeza) letter which is with you from the
start. The thing is useless as far as I know.

Herb 50 GP Kasnan
DOKU keshi 100 GP Kasnan
The Flower of Selceta 500 GP Selrei
Roda's Medicine 1500 GP Lance
Pedestal of Gold* 3000 GP Minea
Holy Bracelet 5000 GP Komodo
Mirror Necklace 8000 GP Komodo
Elixir 15000 GP Selrei
Selceta's Secret Medicine 40000 GP Minea
Eye of the Sun *special* Crater
Eye of the Earth *special* Gazok's Home
Eye of the Moon *special* Castle of Precinct
Pickaxe *special* Temple of the Earth
Bomb *special* Temple of the Earth
Wing *special* Gorban's Home
Topaz ornament *special* Before Ice Cave
Sapphire ornament *special* Ice Cave
Ruby ornament *special* Flame Cave
Necklace of Radiance *special* Silver Temple: D
Ice Key 1 *special* Ice Cave: B2F
Ice Key 2 *special* Ice Cave: 2F
The Key of The
Tower of Illis *special* Silver Temple: A
Wings of Valor *special* Tower of Illis
* You cannot buy this until much later in the game.

Herbs and Roda's Medicine can be found in chests scattered in dungeons.
Upon opening them, Adol will automatically be healed 150 HP (herb) or have
100 MP restored (Roda's Medicine). Also, both the Flower of Selceta and
the Pedestal of Gold are one-time items as in they can only be bought once.

The 10 sets of Sword, Shield and Armor are listed here in the order as they
appear in the SWORD menu (from weakest to strongest).

Short Sword 100 GP
Leather Shield " " Kasnan & Komodo
Leather Mail " "
Middle Sword 700 GP
Middle Shield " " Kasnan, Komodo & Highland
Chain Mail " "
Flame Wind Sword Free! Ice Cave
Flame Shield " Ice Cave
Flame Armor " Ice Cave
Sword of Thunder Free! Ice Cave
Thunder Shield " Ice Cave
Thunder Mail " Woods: South Part
Kite Shield " " Highland & Selrei
Scale Armor " "
Long Sword 5000 GP
Large Shield " " Selrei & Promarock
Breast Armor " "
Broad Sword 10000 GP
Plate Shield " " Promarock
Plate Armor " "
Ice Wind Sword Free! Temple of the Moon
Ice Shield " Flame Cave
Ice Plate " Flame Cave
Hero's Sword Free! Flame Cave
Hero's Shield " Silver Temple D
Hero's Armor " Tower of Illis
Gekikou no ken* Free! Tower of Illis
Reflector " Tower of Illis
Defenser " Tower of Illis
* I'm not sure if the romaji is right. ^^

== Translation Notes & Acknowledgements ==
(This little editor's note, so to speak, was written just so people won't
write a letter to me blasting me on how wrong I was in translating place
names cuz dammit, I DO know SOME Japanese and Japanese grammar! >P)
For starters, if you know Japanese, you should notice that every
place/person name written in katakana in the game were romanized in
captials. ^_^; Also, many geographical names might sound awkward since I
did literal translations to them. As I stated before, I am a novice at
translating. -_- However, certain place names like Kaze no mura KOMODO
should actually read as The Village of Wind, Komod. I didn't translate it
as thus since it was really personal preference. ^^ As you may or may not
know, the "no" character is possessive or can be used to modify an adjective
(did that make sense? ^^). For example, Ougon no shiden is The Golden
Temple. The kanji ougon means golden, not gold, so to translate the name as
the Temple of Golden or even Golden's Temple (eeew. >P) would be wrong
syntax. =P

However, for places like the Waterfall Cave (Taki no doukutsu), it could be
translated as The Cave of the Waterfall but again, I just did it with my own
preference and dropped the possessive characteristic.

Another thing you should know is that the R and L's are interchangable in
Japanese (flied lice! flied lice!) but for every name, I stuck with either
the R or the L. Now, before you jump to conclusions, Adol's name CAN'T be
Ador because if it were, his name would be written as ADORO or something and
not ADORU! =P

* Goddamit, stupid WordPad won't like me superscript! >_< Anyway, this
little footnote (heh) is for 28) SELREI: THE TOMB OF LEFANCE. There is no
"no" character here so the literal translation would be Lefance Tomb/Grave.
However, just to make things sound nicer, I translated as if there was a
"no" character between Lefance and haku (tomb). ^^

== Acknowledgements ==

Ys Collected Works (Outline of "Ys-4" SFC Ver. -1-)
This is a MAJOR fan page. Most of it is in Japanese though but I was able
to get some of the story elements and all from the Ys IV: Mask of the Sun

Ys IV Help Page
This is for The Dawn of Ys but with this page, I was able to figure out
some of the story in MotS since it is kind of similar. ^^ Also, I got some
character name translations from page. ^_^

The Unofficial Ys Homepage
This is perhaps the sole English Ys page that you will ever need. It's not
complete, unfortunately, but it's still a good resource for an introduction
to the series as well as some other stuff. The big help from this page was
for chara names again. ^^

I feel the need to include Bonnie here since without her help, I would have
been forever stuck at Lance, looking for a way to return to Selceta. -_-

Sarah Matsumoto
Some translations of place names were done with the help of Sarah -- most
notably the names of the Mountains of Ice and Flame. ^_^

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