Yuu Yuu Hakusho 3

Yuu Yuu Hakusho 3

14.10.2013 22:58:07
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\// // // // // \// // // // // YUUYUUHAKUSHO 3 _________________
// //_// //_// // //_// //_// / /
// ---- ---- // ---- ---- /___________ /
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/ / / / / | | | // // // /___/ / / / / / ___ / / /
/ /__/ / //| | | |// // // //__ / /__/ / / / / / / /______
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/_/ /_/ // |_| |_| \ /_____/ /___/ /_/ /_/ /______/ / /
_______________/ /
/ /

Move list and FAQ by KageKaze
Version 2.0 -- Lots of updates


Hi there!

This game is one of the most innovative games I've ever played. It's a
very interesting and a rather fun fighting game played entirely in
cinematics. You'd have to play it for yourself to really understand
what it's like. I liked the fact that this game allows for a lot of
things to happen. Things such as counter-attacks and repelling
projectiles and so on and so on. You get the picture. I still don't
know the limits of this game. I really began enjoying this game once I
stared to understand it, so I became determined to make an FAQ/Move list
so others might enjoy this game as much as I do! I hope I've succeeded.
Any spots that I've noted as rough translations are moves that I've
tried to translate myself. I'm self taught in reading Japanese
(Hirigana and Katakana, I don't know Kanji) so I may not be able to
translate some areas and some areas can only be guessed at. Let's just
say that my dictionary isn't very good. Besides, dictionaries are just
general and don't go into Japanese sentence structure and such. I hope
to update this FAQ with the actual move names from the game. We'll just
have to see! Well, enough of this, on to the FAQ.


5. KEY



Version 0.91

Initial Release

Version 1.00

1. Slight correction to "move" bar description
2. Added Character names
3. Changed 'Thorn Whip' to proper name: 'Rose Whip'
4. Changed 'Rose Peddle Shower' to rough translation: 'Pollen
of Dreams'
5. Added 'Pollen of Dreams' effect on opponent
6. Added notes on how to transform using #3
7. Changed 'Arctic Winds' to 'Frost Covered Tree's Findings'
very *VERY* rough translation
8. Added 'Frost Covered Tree's Findings' effect on character
9. Added notes on how to acheive Blonde hair w/ #10: Karasu
10. Added 'Defensive Teleport' and 'Disillusion' to #12 (Toguro
Ami)'s moves w/ effect
12. Added Transformation note for #13 (Toguro Otouto)
13. Added note on 'Split Image' states in the 'MOVE EFFECTS'
14. Added a special thanks section. Thanks, Kyo-san!

Version 1.6

1. Added Secret Code
2. Added Secret Character moves
3. Added Hiei's Dragon Absorb Techniqe notes

Version 2.0

1. Added Japanese names for KO bar and SPECIAL bar
2. Corrected Yohko Transformation requirements
3. Fixed error in Karasu's move list
4. Corrected Toguro Ani's name (I had it listed as Toguro Ami)
5. Added another effect of Dr. Ichigaki's injection move
6. Renamed Itsuki's "Gauntlet's" to their real name: Shadow
7. Character Fixes:
Changed "Giant Fireball" to "Reigan"
Changed "Multi-ball punches" to "Shotgun"
Changed "Light concentration" to "Kou!!Jou!!Sai!!"
"Yo-Yo Toss" to "Devil Yo-Yo Toss"
"Yo-Yo Spin" to "Shield Yo-Yo"
Changed "One-Eye" to "Trace Eye"
"Meteor Shower" to "Flash Bomb"
"Concussion Grenade" to "Pineapple"
Toguro Ottoto:
Changed "Giant Fireball" to "Kuuken"
"Energy Shot" to "Shidan"
Dr. Ichigaki:
Changed "Death Strike" to "Shiastsu"
"Scalpel" to "Mesu"
Yohko "Demon Fox" Kurama:
"Flying Attack" to "Floating leaf plant family attack"
"Ground Plant Attack" to "Blood-Sucking Plant Attack"
8. Added Kanji names for the power boxes/orbs
9. Added Translations of the names for the Toguro brothers
10. Too many other small fixes and changes

In the future, I would hope to have more of the real translated names
for the moves.



Kyo Kusanagi:

Supplied me with the character names, and helped me with some of
Moves and their effects, also corrected me on Karasu's blonde hair
state. I originally thought this state was permanenet. Anyhow,
without Kyo-san's help, I may never have been able to make version
1.00. Thanks!


Helped to give me details on doing the Demon Fire Dragon Absorb
and originally told me about this technique. Even though this
person wants to remain anonymous, I had to write some kinda
thanks anyways. Thank you very much and I'm glad you like my
FAQ, friend.

Aldi Haryadi:

Also gave me Dragon Absorb hints but also gave me the secret code
I've been looking for, for so long! Now the secret characters are
active and their moves posted. Thanks very very much. I though I'd
never get this code.

Jacob Poon:

Gave me a lot of corrections and additions. I'd love to list them
all, but I'd just be retyping the entire update text for this version.
=) Thanks a lot, friend.

"Domo arigatou gozaimasu!"




Game Options


Game Skill Level Sound Config (controler)
Super Mode: Sterio - Mono
Normal BGM test
Easy Sound FX test


One on One Battle Team Battle

Tournament Mode Total Battle Mode



ONE ON ONE--(one or two players)
Self Explanitory

TEAM BATTLE--(one or two players)
Pick 3 characters then what order you wish to fight in. In one player
mode, you must select the computer's fighters. Fights are conducted
much like SNK's King of Fighters games. If a character wins, he/she
recovers a portion of life and moves on to the next character.

TOURNAMENT MODE--(one or two players)
All characters fight it out for the #1 position. Great place to watch
CPU battles

TOTAL BATTLE MODE--(one player only)
Select your character and go against all the other fighters. You will
also fight 3 extra opponents. You will fight "Yohko" Kurama, Young
Genkai, and Toguro Otouto at 100% power. You will fight a mirror match
last. In this mode, you will also see the ending credits after you've
won all the battles.



-> -- Joypad Right
<- -- Joypad Left
/\ -- Joypad Up
\/ -- Joypad Down



NOTE: <- and -> are reversed for the right player.

-> + X/A -- Overhanded/Underhaned Punch (respectivly)
-> + Y/B -- Multiple Overhanded/Underhanded Punches (respectivly)
<- + Y/X/B/A -- Block
/\ + X -- Jump (can be disabled)
/\ + Y/B/A -- "Defensive" Specials (can be disabled)
\/ + Y/X/B/A -- "Offensive" Specials
Y/A -- Use Power Boxes/Orbs



RED -- "Ai" = "Love -- Gives HP
YELLOW -- "Rei" = "Spirit" -- Gives power to "special" meter
BLUE -- "Ki" = "Air/Spirit/Mind" -- Restores "K.O." meter



There is a bar directly underneath your character. This bar is your
"move" bar. when you press a direction on the control pad this bar will
charge up. Pressing a button when the bar is barely charged will make
your attacks fail more often than not. Waiting for a full charge leads
to the best results. In short, this bar determines the accuracy success
rate of all of your special moves, be it defensive or offensive.



The blue bar just below the "move" bar is the "ko" bar. This bar
depletes as you take damage. Once this bar reaches zero, your character
will be knocked down to the ground and be vulnerable to attack. Some
attacks only affect this meter. You can be knocked down instantly by
being hit as you start a jump.

NOTE: This meter represents 'touki', which means 'fighting spirit'



Below the "move" and "KO" bars is the "special" bar. This shows how
much power you have to perform special moves. Each special move (and
jump) will take power from this bar. If you don't have enough power for
a specific move, your character will not respond when you try to
activate it. You gain power as you attack your opponent (the "flames"
in the orb in the center/bottom of the screen will be transferred to
your 'special' when you perform moves. This orb will sometimes have the
power boxes/orbs instead of flames which will be transferred to the most
effective technique preformed). When this bar is null, you can do
nothing but punch and block, so BE CAREFUL!!

NOTE: This meter represents 'rei', meaning 'spirit'



BLIND-- Opponent cannot see what you are doing

DISABLE-- Opponent cannot Jump or use "deffensive" specials

KO-- Do damage to your opponent's "ko" bar

ABSORB-- Damage will not be taken or will be reduced if done at the
right moment

YELLOW AURA-- Increase damage of specials or change their effect
(most visual and effect changes are marked by parenthesis

RED AURA-- Increase Punch Strength (guess based on rough translation)

SPLIT IMAGE-- A defensive state where, for the round this move is
preformed, you cannot be harmed (if used soon enough, that is) and the
attack will miss totally.
Very useful technique against powerful attacks such as
the 'Demon Fire Dragon'



When projectiles collide, several things can happen. Here is a list of
what might happen.

1> Projectiles collide and Both dissipate from the impact
2> Projectiles collide and your's continues on
3> Projectiles collide and your opponent's continues on
4> Projectiles collide and both will continue on

Also, KO attacks may cause projectiles to dissipate in mid air.



#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 (?)
#6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
#12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17

(?)-- Selects a Random Character



#1: Yuusuke Urameshii
/\ + Y -- "Move" bar charges faster
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- SHOTTOGAN (Shotgun)
\/ + X -- Reigan
\/ + B -- Mega Punch (Multi Mega Punch)
\/ + A -- Powered Multi Punch

#2: Kuwabara Kazuma
/\ + Y -- Heal HP
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Fire Beam (Fire Snake)
\/ + X -- Fire Shardes
\/ + B -- Fire Sword Strike (Twin Sword Strike)
\/ + A -- Fire Sword Swing
*This move can reflect Hiei's 'Demon Fire Dragon'

#3: 'Miwamino Shurichi' Kurama

*To get this character to transform into 'Yohko' state, you must
activate the Yellow Aura then use the Yellow Aura motion again anytime

/\ + Y -- "Pollen of Dreams" - "Hit Rate Down"
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura (Transform)
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Plant Growth - Poison (Venus Fly Trap Attack)
\/ + X -- Rose Peddles
\/ + B -- Plant Arm Strike
\/ + A -- Rose Whip

#3(transformed): Yohko "Demon Fox" Kurama
/\ + Y -- Pollen Shower - Heal HP
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Venus Fly Trap Attack
\/ + X -- Floating Leaf Plant Family Attack
\/ + B -- Blood-Sucking Plant Attack
\/ + A -- Thorn Sword

#4: Hiei
/\ + Y -- Split Image
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Powered Multi Punches
\/ + X -- Demon Fire Dragon
\/ + B -- Katana (16 Slash Attack)
\/ + A -- Green Fire Strike

#5: Genkai

*Turning Young seems to increase power and effectivness, but this state
is temporary

/\ + Y -- "Move" bar charges faster
/\ + B -- Turn Young (Yellow Aura)
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Kou!! Jou!! Sai!! (Light!! Purify!! judge!!)-Slow Opponent
'move' bar
\/ + X -- Giant Energy Ball
\/ + B -- Gravity Attack - KO
*This move can reflect Hiei's 'Demon Fire Dragon'
\/ + A -- Vortex Punches

#6: Rinku
/\ + Y -- Split Image
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Shield Yo-Yo - Absorb
\/ + X -- Giant Yo-Yo Toss
\/ + B -- Bolos Yo-Yo - Blind/Imobilize
\/ + A -- 4 Devil Yo-Yo Toss (8 Devil Yo-Yo Toss)

#7: Touya
/\ + Y -- "Frost Covered Tree's Findings"(?) - Defense Strength Up
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Ground Freeze - Blind/Dmg
\/ + Y -- Ice Crystal Shield - KO
\/ + X -- Ice Ball Barrage
\/ + B -- Aqua Cyclone - Disable
\/ + A -- Ice Sword

#8: Jin
/\ + Y -- Increase Jump Length
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Vortex
\/ + X -- Air Blade
\/ + B -- Focus - Absorb
\/ + A -- Cyclone Punch (Twin Cyclone Punch)

#9: Shi-Shi-Wakamaru
/\ + Y -- Blind
/\ + B -- Yello Aura
/\ + A -- Steal HP
\/ + Y -- Skull Attack - Slow opponent's "move" bar
\/ + X -- Earth Smash Skull Attack (Earth Shatter Skull Attack)
\/ + B -- Black Hole - Absorb
\/ + A -- Katana

#10: Karasu

*To get Blonde Hair, you must be knocked down once so your mask falls
off, then do the Yellow Aura motion. Instead of the Aura, your hair
will change. This state is not permanent, it will wear off after 8-10
combat rounds or after taking 3-4 hits, whichever comes first.. Each
move listed after the forward slashes "/" are when you have blonde hair.
I believe this state makes you stronger, and it gives you the potential
to activate the 'Meteor Strike' technique w/ blonde hair and Yellow Aura

/\ + Y -- Split Image / Split Image
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura -or- Blonde Hair / Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Blind/Disable / Blind/Disable
\/ + Y -- Pineapple (grenade) - KO / Pineapple (grenade) - KO
\/ + X -- Flash Bomb / Flash Bomb (Meteor Strike)
\/ + B -- Underground Explosion / Underground Explosion
\/ + A -- Trace-eye Barrage / Trace-eye Barrage

#11: Makimarou
/\ + Y -- "Protect Aura" - "Defense up"
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Energy Buzz Saw **Can Reflect Projectiles**
\/ + X -- Hatchet Throw
\/ + B -- Battle Cry - KO
\/ + A -- Hatchet Swing

#12: Toguro Ani (Elder Brother Toguro)
/\ + Y -- Head Split - Heal HP
/\ + B -- Defensive Teleport Vs. Bodliy Attacks (Non-Projectile)
/\ + A -- Disillusion - "Defense Strength Up"
\/ + Y -- Claw Strike
\/ + X -- Spike Attack
\/ + B -- Ground Spikes -- Blind/Disable
\/ + A -- Hand Blade

#13: Toguro Otouto (Younger Brother Toguro)

*This Character's 80% power increase is only temporary. To transform
into 'Maximum power' state, you must use the 'Increase power' move again
before the 80% power increase wears out. 80% wears out within 3 turns.

/\ + Y -- Increase power - 80% power, repeat for 100%
/\ + B -- Slow opponent's "move" bar
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Shidan (Finger Bullet) (3)
\/ + X -- Kuuken (Empty Punch)
\/ + B -- Earthquake - KO
\/ + A -- Scream - KO

#13: 'Kyokudai' Toguro (maximum power)
/\ + Y -- Full Power Charge
/\ + B -- Slow opponent's "move" bar
/\ + A -- Heal HP
\/ + Y -- Shidan (Finger Bullet) (7)
\/ + X -- Fireball Punch
\/ + B -- Earthquake - KO
\/ + A -- Scream - KO

#14: Dr.Ichigaki
/\ + Y -- Heal HP
/\ + B -- Injection
*This move will do one of three effects. It will either speed up your
'move' bar, restore 'KO' and give Red Aura, or fail completely.

/\ + A -- Restore KO power
\/ + Y -- Masquito Attack - Blind/Disable
\/ + X -- Mesu (Table Knives)
\/ + B -- Shiastsu (Acupressure) - Heavy KO
\/ + A -- Claw Slash

#15: Hagiri Kaname
/\ + Y -- "Thurogh Examination" - "Hit Rate up!"
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Tri-Dart Throw (6 Dart Throw)
\/ + X -- Ganseki (Rock)
\/ + B -- Tripple Dice Fireballs (6 Dice Fireballs)
\/ + A -- Coin Fireball

#16: Itsuki
/\ + Y -- Virtual Zone Teleportation - Fast "move" bar - Slow
Opponent's "move" bar

*If the opponent is the same character, he will gain a fast move bar as
well as you

/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Golum Summon - Absorb
\/ + Y -- Quad-Shadow Hand Summon
\/ + X -- Hands of Shadow Fireball
\/ + B -- Shadow Hand Grab - Blind/Disable
\/ + A -- Shadow Hand Force - KO

#17: Sensui Shinobu
/\ + Y -- Fast "move" bar
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Arm Cannon (Multi-Shot)
\/ + X -- Powerball Kick (Multi-Ball Kick)
\/ + B -- Fire Kick
\/ + A -- Armoured Uppercut



In the rare event that Hiei's 'Demon Fire Dragon' is actually reflected
back to him, he can absorb it and restore his energy, even making him
more powerfull.
First, make sure the Dragon is reflected back at you (well, duh...) then
prepare by holding <- (away) to make sure your "move" bar charges as the
dragon reflects.
Once your "move" bar is full, absorb the dragon by blocking with '<- +
A'. Hiei will take the energy, restore a TON of life, fill up his KO
bar, and have a fast "move" bar. This is a very difficult trick and
doesn't work all the time. The best timing seems to be to hit the 'A'
Button a second before the dragon hits the front of the screen. Good



If you've ever wanted to play as "Yohko" Kurama, Young Genkai, or Toguro
Otouto at 100% power immediately and permanently, well now's your
chance! As soon as you start or reset your game QUICKLY press B, A, B,
Y repeatedly up untill the opening cinematics start playing. Start the
game and when the character screen comes up, highlight Kurama, Genkai,
or Toguro Otouto then press either L or R. Their picture should change
to their alternate form. To use their original form you must move the
cursor off the character then place it back, the picture will
have reverted to it's original form.



Yohko "Demon Fox" Kurama

*'Miwamino Shurichi' Kurama's "Yohko" state. Has new moves compared
to the standard transformation.

/\ + Y -- Pollen Shower - Restores HP
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Venus Fly Trap Attack
\/ + X -- Flying Attack
\/ + B -- Plant Stem Attack
\/ + A -- Rose Whip

Genkai (Young)

*A more powerful (and younger) version of Genkai.

/\ + Y -- Fast "move" bar
/\ + B -- Yellow Aura
/\ + A -- Red Aura
\/ + Y -- Energy Focus - Slow oppent "move" bar
\/ + X -- Giant Energy Ball
\/ + B -- Gravity Attack - KO
*This move can reflect Hiei's 'Demon Fire Dragon'
\/ + A -- Vortex Punches

100% (Toguro Otouto full power form)

*Toguro Otouto's Full power state without the need of 3 power-ups.

/\ + Y -- Full Power Charge
/\ + B -- Slow opponent's "move" bar
/\ + A -- Heal HP
\/ + Y -- Energy Shot Barrage
\/ + X -- Fireball Punch
\/ + B -- Earthquake - KO
\/ + A -- Scream - KO


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