Ranma Super Battle

Ranma Super Battle

17.10.2013 11:09:52
Ranma 1/2: Super Battle FAQ v?.?
(Ranma Nibunnoichi: Chougi Rambuhen)

Sorry, no ascii pic. :(

This file can be found at:
1) ftp.netcom.com in pub/vi/vidgames/faqs
2) The Ranma 1/2 Expanded Homepage,

Note: The format of the FAQ may be slightly different at the two sites.

It also seems like I'll be lurking the following newsgroups regularly, so
you can post a request in one of these newsgroups, too (please try not to

3) alt.fan.r-takahashi
4) alt.manga
5) rec.arts.anime
6) rec.arts.manga

Please send all comments, suggestions, corrections, ideas, questions,
combos, pictures, hate-mail (gawd, I hope not!! ^_^;;), encouragements,
etc., to me at brief@ix.netcom.com.

I'd really LOVE to see your e-mails, so that I know that the hours I
spent was not totally worthless...


1-1 What does the title mean?
1-2 Is there an U.S. release of the game?
1-3 What are the codes for the game?
1-3-1 The Herb Code
1-3-2 Additional Difficulty
1-4 What are some of the features of this game?
1-4-1 Tag Game
1-4-2 Options
1-4-3 Story Mode
1-4-3-1 Beginning...
1-4-3-2 Before reaching Herb...
1-4-4 Versus Battle
2-1 General Moves
2-1-1 Basic Fighting Techniques
2-1-2 Throwing and Grabs
2-2 Special Moves
2-2-1 Super Moves Info
2-2-2 "Special"
2-2-3 Character Specific Special Moves
2-2-3-01 RANMA SAOTOME (Male)
2-2-3-02 RANMA SAOTOME (Female)
2-2-3-04 MOUSSE
2-2-3-05 SHAMPOO
2-2-3-06 UKYO KUONJI
2-2-3-07 AKANE TENDO
2-2-3-12-1 Normal form
2-2-3-12-2 Powered Up form
2-2-3-13 HERB
2-3 Is there a combo system in this game?
2-3-01 Saotome Ranma Combos
2-3-02 Hibiki Ryoga Combos
2-3-03 Mousse Combos
2-3-04 Shampoo Combos
2-3-05 Tendo Akane Combos
2-3-06 Saotome Genma Combos
2-3-07 Kuno Tatewaki Combos
2-3-08 Herb Combos
3-0 STORY MODE... Continued
3-1 Endings
3-1-01 Ranma Saotome
3-1-02 Ryoga Hibiki
3-1-03 Mousse
3-1-04 Shampoo
3-1-05 Ukyo Kuonji
3-1-06 Akane Tendo
3-1-07 Mariko Konjou
3-1-08 Genma Saotome
3-1-09 Tetewaki Kuno
3-1-10 Kodachi Kuno
3-1-11 Hinako Ninomiya
3-1-12 Herb
4-1 Revision History
4-2 Acknowledgments
4-3 Useless Drivel



Basically, info about the game which I wanted to address first, but
didn't know what to title them under.

1-1 What does the title mean?

The romanization of the title of this game is "RANMA NIBUNNOICHI: CHOUGI
RAMBUHEN", Ranma is obviously Ranma's name, "Ni" is 2, "Bun" is parts,
"No" is of, "Ichi" is 1, "Nibunnoichi" means "1/2". "Chougi Rambuhen"
Literally means "Super Skill Wild Dance Chapter". "Super Battle" is
pretty close to what it means (or so I'm told). The series the game is
based on is called "Ranma 1/2" because Ranma is half male, half female
(See character descriptions for more details.)

1-2 Is there an U.S. release of the game?

Um.. no. Originally, there was a plan for the game to be brought to the
U.S. under the title "Ranma 1/2: Anything Goes Martial Arts". ("Anything
Goes Martial Arts" is the style of martial arts that Ranma uses.)
Unfortuantely, it has never been released. It is rumored that the game
was cancelled because Rumiko Takahashi, the artist/author of "Ranma 1/2"
was not pleased with the voices of the previous port of the game.
(This piece of info was provided by our ever lost friend--Ryouga! I
don't know what I did, but I've lost your e-mail address, Ryouga... I
hope you're reading) Once again, that's only a _rumor_. The official
explaination is that Toho cancelled the US version, and that's that.

1-3 What are the codes for the game?

Like any fighting game, Ranma 1/2: Super Battle would just not be
complete without some codes of its own. These are ALL of the codes
in the game. Apparently, there are NO turbo codes, and unlike its
predecessor, you can't get a debug screen between fights to change
character, nor is there any way to change characters while in story mode.

1-3-1 The Herb Code:

To use Herb in Story Mode or Vs. Mode, hold down L and R buttons
before the character selection screen shows up. In the Vs. Battle
mode, you can input this code inbetween fights, if you didn't do so
before you entered Vs. Mode.

1-3-2 Additional Difficulty:

For two additional difficulty levels, hold L and R and Select while
pressing start to get to options.

1-4 What are the features of this game?

Lost your instructions manual? Can't understand what the Japanese
instructions are? Here's inforation that'll help you navigate through
the different modes of the game.

1-4-1 Tag Game:

Just like a tag game in a wrestling match... When you see a small
life meter appear below yours, that means the tag partner of your
team (pre-chosen by you, of course) is ready to come in and replace
your original character. To change characters, simply go to the very
end of your side, and press "select". Each character's life meter will
be restored a little bit after they have rested.

1-4-2 Options:

Pretty self explainatory. You can choose ahead of time to fight
against the computer in Vs. Mode. The "Special" button which can be
turned on for each player means that you can execute one of the
special moves of the character that you're using by pressing "R"
instead of actually performing the special move motion. There are four
possible colors for each character, and these can be chosen in here as

1-4-3 Story Mode:

Who says fighting games don't have plot?

1-4-3-1 Beginning...

After you've chosen a character for Story Mode, you will get the
intro story line, in which a generic story is told for each of the
RANMA fighters (except for HERB)...

One day _insert name here_ received a letter.

"This letter brings you an extremely lucky chance! For over
four thousand years Jakou-Maneki has held the most valuble of all
treasures... and now this recipe comes to you. Maneki Neko can make
any wish become real is you mix these twelve ingredients. Now, seek
the ingredients!"

Note: "Maneki Neko" means "Welcome[ing]" or "Beckoning Cat." It is
a good luck charm commonly used in Japan, which is supposed to
attract money. Different coloring of the cats allegedly are
supposed to attract different things, such as money (most
common), good fortune (rather general), or good health.

Each fighter, after reading the letter, shows their interest, and
reveals their intention for the Maneki Neko.

RANMA: To be cured of his curse (have a normal male body again)
RYOGA: Say goodby to P-CHAN (have a normal male body again)
MOUSSE: "Hmm... the Maneki Neko of Jako Maneki. My only wish is
to become SHAMPOO's groom. But where are my glasses?"
SHAMPOO: A date with RANMA
UKYO: Better business at her okonomiyaki restuarant
AKANE: Learn how to swim
MARIKO: "This is a gift from God. I want to experience the
wonderful feeling of love! Fight! M-A-R-I-K-O! For the sake
of love, I'll go all out!"
GENMA: To have a headful of hair
KUNO: "This presents a problem. It's only natural that this
invitation should come to one as good-looking, fine-featured,
wealthy, modest, strong, brilliant, and wise as myself... but
there is one thing that troubles my mind:

`The pigtailed girl... or TENDO AKANE?' That is the question."

KODACHI: A date with RANMA-sama.

_Insert name here_ went on the journey... but _name_ had
not received the only letter. _Name_'s rivals were also scattered
across the world, looking for the secret ingredients.

1-4-3-2 Before reaching Herb...

That is, after you've defeated all the other characters except Herb,
he will show up and greet you...

"Thank you! You've saved me the trouble of finding the ingredients
myself! This is the treasure of Jakou-Maneki. If you want it, you
must take it by force! (literally, "knock me down and get it.") If
by some incredible chance you manage to defeat me, you're more than
welcome to the treasure"

"But now, taste the power of the dragon's descendant, master of ki,
heir to the throne of Jakou-Maneki!"

To be continued...

1-4-4 Versus Battle

This one is very simple. Go in, choose your characters, set your
attack and defense powers (the more stars you have, the stronger power
you'll have for attack/defense), choose a color (when playing against
the same character, you can still choose to have the same colors, so
you'll have to know which one you are if you decide to choose the same
color for the same character), choose a stage.


From general moves to deadly combos, things you need to know to start
out and master this game. (And things you might want to know to enjoy
the game more.)

2-1 General Moves:

Get down to the basics!

2-1-1 Basic Fighting Techniques

X - Hard Punch A - Hard Kick L - Power Charge/Taunt
Y - Light Punch B - Light Punch R - "Special"

Moving your character around in Ranma is set up like most of the other
fighting games (SF2, SS, etc.). If you are unfamiliar with these
games, here's a simple layout. Note that this is for if your
character is on the left-hand side of the screen, if you're on the
right hand side, you must invert left and right.

Jump Jump Jump
Back Up Forward
\ | /

Move Back/Block O- -O Move Forward

/ | \
Defensive Crouch Offensive
Crouch Crouch

2-1-2 Throws and Grabs:

Each character has a distinct way of throws/grabs (obviously),
however, in this game, throws and grabs are not as simple as most
fighting games (SF2, MK, SS, etc.). While throws and grabs are done
similar to other fighting games, where you push away or towards, and
an attack button, the important thing in this game is the distance.
You can't throw/grab using a certain character because you're too
close to your opponent, and obviously if you're too far away from
your opponent. All the characters have the ability to either throw
or grab their opponents. They will have to be further away from
their opponents if they are using a weapon as opposed to using their
bare hands (or feet). Below is a description of how each character
can grab/throw their opponents:

The following are all done with away or towards, plus hard punch (X):
Ranma (male/female): Uses his hands as support, and grabs his
opponent in the upperbody with his feet, and flips him/her
around. (Close)
Ryoga: Grabs his opponent, and slams him/her to the ground, letting
go half-way to the ground. (Close)
Mousse: Grabs his opponent, and leaves a fuse bomb with him/her while
Mousse runs away. (Mid-close)
Shampoo: Similar to what Ryoga does. (Close)
Ukyo: Flips her opponent with her giant spatula. (Far)
Akane: Back roll. (Close)
Mariko: Semi-crouch, grabs with her pom-poms, and throws. (Far)
Genma: Suplex. (Close)
Tatewaki: Flips 'em with his wooden sword. (Far)
Kodachi: Wraps her ribbon around her opponent, and the tosses
him/her. (Far)
Hinako (normal): Hops on her opponent and punches him/her. (Close)
Hinako (powered up): Nothing special. (Close)
Herb: Grabs and toss his opponent with one arm. (Close)

A few of the characters have something I can't really say would be
holds (except for Ukyo), which are done by pressing towards and light
punch, in close range with their opponents. I've placed these in the
throws and grabs section, because they, like throws and grabs, cannot
be blocked, and they make the same sounds as they do when they execute
their throws/grabs (and because when done with Ukyo, she does do a

Ranma (female): A small kick to the knee area.
Shampoo: A flip kick.
Ukyo: Grabs and "stabs" opponent with a regular sized spatula.
Mariko: Three light hits with her baton.

2-2 Special Moves:

Now adays, a fighting game just ain't complete without some special
moves, and (at least) a super move, and Ranma's got 'em!

2-2-1 Super Moves Info...

Each character has a "Super Move", which can be done when his/her life
meter is flashing. To get your life meter to flash, press "L", and
your character will either perform a taunt or a appear to be charging
up. After approximately 1 second, your life meter will begin to
flash. Your character is vulnerable when you press "L".

2-2-2 "Special"

Special moves with * can be done by pressing "R" if "Special" is
turned on in the Option mode. Check "1-4-2 Options" for more info.

2-2-3 Character Specific Special Moves

The following list of moves, when a direction to the left or right is
indicated, assumes that the character is on the left side of the
screen. If the character is on the right side of the screen, then the
left and right should be inverted to perform the moves.

2-2-3-01 RANMA SAOTOME (Male) Stage: Waikiki Beach (Hawaii)

The hero of the story. RANMA turns into a girl when dowsed with cold
water, and back into a guy when dowsed with hot water (his father's
fault, but he wasn't born that way). One of RANMA's greatest weaknesses
is his fear of cats, a result of a very bad childhood experience (another
one of his father's faults). Although RANMA likes AKANE, he is too
"manly" (or childish) to show his true feelings.
(See the female RANMA section for more description on the moves.)
*Hiryu Shoten Ha | Taught to RANMA by SHAMPOO's grandmother.
(Flying Dragon Ascension Defeat)| By keeping cool and making the opponent
| rage, then using temperature difference,
| / O- + PUNCH | RANMA can create a whirlwind with this
O O | technique
Moko Takabisha | Derived from the technique "Roaring Lion
(Fierce Tiger Domineering) | Ball", RANMA can use the "ki" of his pride to
| \ -O + PUNCH | create a fireball.
O O |
Tenshin Amaguri-Ken | Yet another technique RANMA learned from SHAMPOO's
(Imperial Broiled Sweet | grandmother. "Amaguri Ken" is a combination of
Chestnuts Fist) | speed, strength, and skill. RANMA delivers
tap PUNCH rapidly | several quick punches with this move.
Tumbling kick | RANMA rolls a full circle on the ground and delivers a
Y + B or X + A | low kick.
Taunt/Power-up | RANMA hops back and yells, "Yeh, yeh!"
SUPER MOVE | "Flying Dragon Descent Projectile",
Hiryu Korin-dan | An improvement of "Hiryu Shoten Ha", RANMA jumps into the
| whirlwind and gathers all the ki that's been scattered
O | been scattered about, then pushes them all down towards
| | + X | his opponent. This technique was developed while RANMA
O | was fighting HERB.

2-2-3-02 RANMA SAOTOME (Female) Stage: Waikiki Beach (Hawaii)

RANMA has grown quite accostumed to his female counterpart, and uses his
female body to his advantage. (I'll leave the rest up to your
imagination ^_^;) The female RANMA is more agile in the game, and has the
ability to "jump twice"; that is, while in mid-air, the female RANMA and
jump again (if you press up), although there is nothing for him to jump
off of. (See the male RANMA for more info on his moves.)
*Hiryu Shoten Ha | A small "whirlwind", which somewhat resembles a
(2 sec) O | dragon surrounds RANMA, and knocks away anyone who
| | + KICK | gets in it.
O |
Moko Takabisha | It's a fireball. Unlike a Ryu/Ken fireball,
(Fierce Tiger Domineering) | RANMA's Moko Takabisha does not travel a long
(2 sec) | distance, but may hit twice if you use hard
O- -O + PUNCH | punch.
Tenshin Amaguri Ken | Similar to Chun-Li's "Lightning Kick" and E. Honda's
| "Hundred Hand Slap", except he puches instead of
tap PUNCH rapidly | kicks or slaps.
Elbow roll | RANMA rolls on the ground, and ends with a low elbow blow.
X + A |
Backhand | A turn-around punch.
Y + B |
Taunt/Power-up | RANMA makes a face and sticks his (her) tongue out.
SUPER MOVE | RANMA performs a "Hiryu Shoten Ha" and jumps into
| to small tornado, then comes back down upside-down
O- / | \ -O + X | with his fist extended and a fireball at his fist
O O O | to hit his opponent.

2-2-3-03 RYOGA HIBIKI Stage: Antarctica

RYOGA and RANMA used to go to the same all-boys school, during which time
they became rivals. The current relationship between RYOGA and RANMA is
that of rivals/friends (common among many Japanese martial arts stories).
When RYOGA is dowsed with cold water, he turns into a little black pig,
and when dowsed with hot water, he turns back (RANMA and GENMA's fault).
RYOGA has become quite fond of AKANE, RANMA's fiancee, who doesn't know
that RYOGA turns into a pig (but knows of all the others in the series who
change when dowsed with cold water). RYOGA has a really bad sense of
direction (Idiot of Directions).
*Bakusai-Ten-Ketsu | A technique used by people who work with rocks to
(Blasting Point Hole) | remove huge boulders, this technique was taught to
| RYOGA by SHAMPOO's grandmother. RYOGA can find the
| / O- + PUNCH | right spot and make a rock blow to tiny little
O O | pieces.
Shishi Hoko-dan | A technique used by mine-workers to help clear the
"Roaring Lion Shot" | tunnel. RYOGA learned this from a worker when he
(Incomplete version) | was lost in a tunnel. This technique requires
| \ -O + PUNCH | the user to feel his/her sadness, and thus release
O O | a "heavy" ki.
Tanuki Drop | The tanuki, which is a good luck charm that is usually
| placed in front of stores, is one of the suveniors that
(In air) | RYOGA picked up duringhis travels (he does a lot of
| + A | travelling because he's lost all the time).
O |
Sliding Sweep | Exactly what it says.
X + A |
Double HeadButt | RYOGA hops forward and performs a headbutt, which may
Y + B | hit twice.
Taunt/Power-up | RYOGA charges his ki (or feels his sadness).
SUPER MOVE | The completed version of the Shishi Hoko-dan, which
Shishi Hoko-dan | RYOGA achieved after he asked AKANE to tell him,
(complete version) | "I hate you." The "heavy" ki is shot upwards, as
O | a pillar, all around RYOGA, and then comes back
| | + X | down, hitting a certain radius around RYOGA.
O |
Winning Quotes: "Idiote. This is divine wrath."

2-2-3-04 MOUSSE Stage: (Ellis Island or NY Harbor) New York

MOUSSE has been in love with SHAMPOO since childhood. (So it is assumed
that they are from the same village) MOUSSE is near-sighted, and can't
see anything without his glasses. MOUSSE has a variety of hidden weapons,
and turns into a duck (or goose) when dowsed with cold water, and turns
back with hot water (his own fault).
*Knife Throw | MOUSSE is a master of hidden weaponary, and has
O- / | \ -O + PUNCH | many things up his sleeves. He tosses out a lot
O O O | of knives during his attacks.
Taka-zume Ken | "Hawk Talon Fist"
(In air) | After jumping high into the air, MOUSSE swoops down
| + KICK | with metal claws on his shoes to attack, just like an
O | eagle. The weaker kick goes farther along the screen.
Swan Punch | One of MOUSSE's attacking techniques... He pulls out a toy
Y + B | swan and hits his opponent, and quickly puts it back.
Bomb Drop | MOUSSE places a bomb on the ground, then hops back to duck
X + A | and cover.
Taunt/Power-up | MOUSSE poses, knives showing in his sleeves, and says,
| "Ora o nameru na yo" (Don't screw with me!)
SUPER MOVE | "Hen's Egg Fist". MOUSSE throws out a series of
Keiran Ken | small, powerful bombs, which are about the size
-O \ | / O- + X | eggs.
O O O |
Winning Quotes: "I got it!"
"Just like you never see the leg of a swimming swan, you'll
never see what's up my sleeve." (Until it hits you.)
"Shampoo, I've won the game. Now you'll be mine!"
(After defeating Shampoo)
"Shampoo will never be yours." (After defeating Ranma)

2-2-3-05 SHAMPOO Stage: "Clear Water" Temple Stage

From a village in China where all women who live there are strong.
According to their law, if a male outsider defeats one of the village
girls, she must marry him. RANMA defeated SHAMPOO (I'll just skip all
the complications). SHAMPOO turns into a cat with cold water, and back
with hot water (her grandmother's fault). She is after RANMA not only
because of village law, but also because she's in love with him. SHAMPOO
can re-jump in mid air, and change directions in mid-air.
*Flying Knee Kick | SHAMPOO jumps forward and executes 3 kicks, while
O- / | \ -O + KICK | screaming, "Aiya!"
O O O |
Air Throw | SHAMPOO jumps quickly forward, and if she meets her
| \ -O + PUNCH | opponent while in the air, she will grab him/her and
O O | push him/her to the ground, and say, "Aiya!"
Flip Kick | SHAMPOO jumps slowly into the air, flips, and kicks before
X + A | she lands. She says a quicker "Aiya!"
Double Roundhouse Kick | SHAMPOO does two consecutive turnaround kicks.
Y + B |
Angle Kick | A head stump, ala Chun Li.
(In air) |
| + A |
O |
Taunt/Power-up | SHAMPOO extends a fan, and says some Japanese.
SUPER MOVE | SHAMPOO does a head stump with an energy field around her.
(In air) |
| + X |
O |

2-2-3-06 UKYO KUONJI Stage: Loch Ness (Scotland, UK)

UKYO is a friend from RANMA's childhood, they met while RANMA was
travelling with his father, training their martial arts. Because of her
name and of the way she dressed, RANMA thought she was a guy. UKYO's
father knew that UKYO liked RANMA, and arranged their marriage engagement
with RANMA's father, offering their okonomiyaki (yummy Japanese food)
food cart (yatai) if they would take care of UKYO. Being a slave to his
stomache, GENMA accepted the proposal, but because RANMA was already
engaged to one of the TENDO girls, GENMA tried to solve the dilemma by
asking RANMA, "Which do you like better, UKYO or okonomiyaki?" Being an
unknowing little kid, RANMA chose okonomiyaki, and UKYO became an abandoned
bride. UKYO swore revenge on the SAOTOME father/son; when they met again,
UKYO first challenged RANMA, but upon learning all the facts of the story,
the obvious fact that UKYO still have feelings for RANMA, and the seemingly
fact that "RANMA and AKANE don't get along," she decided to keep their
marriage engagement.
Spatula Throw | UKYO throws out three small spatulas to attack her
| \ -O + PUNCH | opponent.
O O |
*Pepper Throw | These explode (?) as they are tossed out. Hits high.
| \ -O + KICK |
O O |
Flour Bag Throw | UKYO tosses out one flour bags, the bag breaks and the
| flour gives a smokescreen effect, so the opponent can't
Y + B | move for a short while. Makes no damage, though.
Double Hit | UKYO performs a turn-around giant spatula attack.
X + A |
Taunt/Power-up | UKYO lifts her spatula slightly, and says some Japanese.
SUPER MOVE | UKYO rushes forward and begins to deliver multiple hits
| with her giant spatula, and ends with a turn-around spatula
-O -O + X | attack.
Winning Quotes: "Juu-nen hayai de" (You're 10 years too early [to beat me].)

2-2-3-07 AKANE TENDO Stage: Water Fountain

RANMA's fiancee through arrangement made by their perspective fathers
(SOUN and GENMA), so that they can carry on the Tendo Dojo, as well as
their unique Anything Goes Martial Arts Style. AKANE originally hated
men (except Dr. TOFU), and had many persuers in high school (despite the
fact that she's sort of a tom-boy), but now likes RANMA (she just has a
hard time showing her true feelings). AKANE gets mad easily when
another girl gets close to RANMA, and is usually slow to listen to reason.
AKANE has a pet pig, which she calls "P-CHAN" ("p" for pig, and "chan" is
Japanese for "little"), but does not know that the pig is actually RYOGA.
AKANE is a very bad cook.
*Interdimensional Mallet | AKANE rushes forward with a giant mallet, which
(2 sec) | hits low.
O- -O + PUNCH |
Spinning Schoolbag | AKANE spins around with her schoolbag extended.
| You can control her so that she move left or right.
tap PUNCH repeatedly | (a la Zangief)
Air Slam | AKANE performs a quick jump forward. If she meets her
(2 sec) O | opponent anytime while she's in the air, she'll grap
| | + KICK | him/her and slam him/her to the ground.
O |
Running Slap | AKANE runs forward and gives 2 (?) slaps on the face to her
Y + B | opponent.
Knockout Punch | AKANE grabs her opponent and delivers a powerful
(Close to opponent) | punch, which usually gets her opponent dizzy.
X + A | Stand about 3/4 of a sweep away.
Taunt/Power-up | AKANE fires up in anger (this usually happens when she
| sees a girl getting real close with RANMA).
SUPER MOVE | AKANE yells out "Iku yo!" (Here I go!), and charges forward
-O -O + X | to deliver a gigantic push to her opponent.
Winning Quotes: "Ya ta!" (I did it!) [audio]

2-2-3-08 MARIKO KONJOU Stage: American Football Stadium

A martial arts cheerleader. MARIKO uses her cheerleading equipment to
disturb the people she's cheering against. Although she is successful in
what she does, she feels that she is lacking true love. Originally, she
fell in love with TATEWAKI KUNO, but gave up on him when she was defeated
by RANMA (and his "love with AKANE"). She's now looking for new love (i.e.
the best BF in the whole world).
*Baton Cutter | MARIKO throws out a baton.
| \ -O + PUNCH | (Yes, it's a projectile move)
O O |
Air Baton Cutter | MARIKO throws out a batton while she's in mid air.
(In air) | (Pretty nifty to try and start a combo with)
O O |
O- \ | + PUNCH |
Somersault Kick | MARIKO does a side flip forward (which avoids most
| / O- + KICK | attacks), and kicks her opponent twice as her feet
O O | reach the ground.
Swan Leap | MARIKO hops forward while kicking.
X + A or Y + B |
Taunt/Power-up | MARIKO does a high kick (doesn't hit opponent)... and says,
| "Go Go Mariko!"
SUPER MOVE | "Sea-urchin Bomber". MARIKO Jumps up and tosses out her
Uni Bombaa | pom-poms (but still has more on her hands). The pompoms
| / O- + X | reaches about 1/3 of the screen and stops. It disappears
O O | in a while.
Winning Quotes: "V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! V is the sign for Victory!"
"Youth! Cheer! Victory! That's the destiny of Mariko!"
"No one has greate love than Mariko!"
"Ha! You defeated dog."

2-2-3-08 GENMA SAOTOME Stage: Amazon Jungles

RANMA's father. GENMA turns into a panda with cold water, and back with
hot water (RANMA's partially to blame, but mostly his own fault). GENMA
enjoys his panda form very much, and is in his panda form almost all the
time. Although he sometimes still wants to be a normal man, he is more
concerned to have hair on his bald head. GENMA also loves to eat, and is
very irresponsible.
Running Shoulder Ram | GENMA charges forward, using his side shoulder to
(2 sec) | hit his opponent.
O- -O + KICK |
*Leaping Headbutt | GENMA jumps up, using his head and body to attack his
(2 sec) O | opponents, (This move has a lot of priority)
| | + PUNCH | delivering multiple hits.
O |
Moko Rakuchi-sei | "Fierce Tiger Falling Down Strength" (Well, this looks
| like it) is actually a move to say "I'm sorry." In the
X + A or Y + B | game GENMA bows to the ground, then stabs with his claw.
Back Crush | Another version of the head-stump, except he uses his back.
(In air) |
| + A |
O |
Taunt/Power-up | GENMA pulls out two signs, one says "Yaaai!" "Kakate koi!"
| (Yaai! Come and challenge!)
SUPER MOVE | GENMA runs forward, grabs his opponent, slams him/her on the
-O -O + X | ground twice, and follows up with a Leaping Headbutt.
Winning Quotes: "Fu fu fu" (laughter) [sign] (panda's don't talk)

2-2-3-10 TATEWAKI KUNO Stage: Niagara Falls (US/Canada)

Calls himself "Blue Thunder of Furinkan High", and is the captain of the
school's kendo club (fencing). He is in love with AKANE, and has also
fallen in love with the female RANMA. TATEWAKI KUNO is known for his
general cluelessness (Not knowing that RANMA and his "pig-tailed goddess"
are the same person, while everyone else at school knows). He also liked
MARIKO, the cheerleader, but she "dumped" him when she was defeated by
Ko-kuu Zan | Doing an uppercut motion with his sword (without
(Sky Arc Decaptitaion)| jumping), Kuno sends out a projectile, which almost
| \ -O + PUNCH | acts like a shield. The weaker punch, although give
O O | a smaller projectile, goes farther along the screen.
*Tenchi-raimei-kiri | "Murderous Heaven and Earth Thunder"
| Kuno jumps up doing an uppercut motion with his sword
| \ -O + KICK | (this hits, btw), and comes down with sword extended,
O O | with lightning at the tip for farther damage.
Sword Dash | Kuno rushes forward and delivers two hits with his sword.
X + A |
Back Step | Kuno does a offensive back-hop.
Y + B |
Taunt/Power-up | Kuno leans on his sword (as if using it for a cane), and
| says some Japanese.
SUPER MOVE | "Tembatsu da da dadadadada..." (This is the vengeance of
Cyclone Slash | heaven... and this and this and this and this...) OK, so he
| doesn't say this in the game. Kuno moves forward while
| / O- + X | doing 360s and slashing with his sword like crazy. This
O O | move was originally intended to slice watermelons.
Winning Quotes: "Watashi no kachi da." (It's my victory.) [audio]
"2nd grade, class E-- Swordsman Kuno, called the Blue
Thunder of Furinkan High!"
"You should be grateful. I went easy on you."
"I... I won..."
"Tendo Akane, I would date with you!"
(after beating Akane)

2-2-3-11 KODACHI KUNO Stage: Taj Mahal (Agra, India)

Known as the "Black Rose", KODACHI is TATEWAKI's little sister, and
attends an all-girls private school (St. Hebereke Jogakuin). KODACHI
practices martial-arts-modern-gymnastics. KODACHI is in love with RANMA,
and, like her brother, does not know that RANMA and the "pig-tailed girl"
are the same person. KODACHI very often will put drugs in flowers, food,
etc. to get to the person she wants.
Club Throw | KODACHI tosses out two clubs, which travel strangely
(2 sec) | accross the screen. The weaker punch hits higher,
O- -O + PUNCH | and goes more slowly.
Extended Ribbon Sweep | KODACHI uses her ribbon to hit her opponents low.
(2 sec) |
O- -O + KICK |
*Poison Rose | With poison planted in a bouquet of roses, they
(2 sec) O | a good shield for KODACHI (why they don't effect her
| | + PUNCH | is beyond me).
O |
Thousand Club Strike | (Was this named differently in the game?)
X + A or Y + B | KODACHI attacks with about 20 clubs in her hand.
Taunt/Power-up | She says something "kodachi", I think...
SUPER MOVE | "Black Rose Petal Snowfall"
| Kodachi twirls around, hitting her opponent with her
-O \ | / O- + X | ribbon, whild a lot of black rose petals fall out.
O O O |

2-2-3-12 HINAKO NINOMIYA Stage: (US) Savanna

HINAKO was famous for being able to eliminate juvenile delinquency in high
schools of bad areas, so Furinkan High's principal (KUNO's father) hired
her to defeat RANMA. However, his plans were apparently foiled when he
found out that HINAKO NINOMIYA looked and behaved like such a little girl;
little anyone expect that HINAKO possessed the amazing power of draining
other fighter's fighting ki for her own.

HINAKO turns into her adult form when she executes her 5 or 50 yen coin
attack, a technique she learned from HAPPOSAI (GENMA's master) when she
was young (she doesn't remember HAPPOSAI). Because the ki of her
opponents are limited, she does not last too long in her adult form.
In the game, she turns into her adult form after you press "L" (Power-up).

2-2-3-12-1 Normal Form (Hinako)
*Goen (Gojuuen) Satsu | The full name of this move is actually "Happo Goen
"5 (50) yen kill" | Satsu". HAPPOSAI taught this technique to Hinako
| when she was really young (and sick), so that she
| \ -O + PUNCH | would be able to (unknowingly) take out the
O O | opposition on his nurse panty raids. Hits lower.
Goen (Gojuuen) Satsu | Save technique, except this one hits high.
| \ -O + KICK |
O O |
Running Slide | HINAKO runs, and then trips, sliding towards her opponent,
X + A | and hits low.
Running Head Spin | HINAKO runs, and trips, doing a flip, and hits her
Y + B | opponents high.
Taunt/Power-up | HINAKO turns into her adult self.

2-2-3-12-2 Powered Up Form (Hinako)
*5 (50) Yen Coin Attack | Same technique as described above.
| \ -O + PUNCH |
O O |
Fifty Yen Return | Being in her adult form is proof that she has ki in her,
| \ -O + KICK | and she can send these ki out like a fireball.
O O |
Air Kick | HINAKO hops forward and kicks.
Y + B or X + A |
Taunt/Power-up | HINAKO does a proud stance, and says "Huh!"
SUPER MOVE | Same as the move described above, only bigger.
(Huge Fifty Yen Return) |
| / O- + X |
O O |

2-2-3-13 HERB Stage: The Parthenon (Athens, Greece)

Heir to the throne of Jakou-Maneki, an once thought extinct Chinese
dynasty whose ancestors studied animals as the basis of their martial
arts, HERB has the genes of a dragon, direct from his ancestors. HERB
has two "servants", MINT and LIME, one has the genes of a wolf, the other
has the genes of a tiger. Due to an unfortunate (stupid) accident, HERB
also turns into a girl with cold water, and back with hot water (partially
a monkey's fault, but mostly his own)... however, since HERB was able to
go back to China, it is conceivable that he has cured himself of this
curse (he never showed up in the manga again, so there's no way to know
for sure). (Note: Herb doesn't crouch in the game)
Ryu Zan Ha | Full name: "Hito Ryu Zan Ha" (Flying Blade Dragon
(2 sec) | Beheading).
O- -O + PUNCH |
Ki Cannon | HERB does a fireball that hits the ground. (hits low)
(2 sec) |
O- -O + KICK |
*Rising Knife | With ki concentrated on his forearms, HERB jumps up
(2 sec) O | for an attack. This move has a pretty high priority.
| | + PUNCH |
O |
Flash Kick | Not like Guile's Flash Kick. HERB jumps back, and then
Y + B or X + A | desends forward, with ki concentrated on his legs.
Taunt/Power-up | HERB charges his ki.
SUPER MOVE | "Dragon Spirit Flight"
Ryu-sei Hisho | With his powers of dragons, HERB is able to fly in
O- / | \ -O + X | mid air, while shooting out two fireballs that hit
O O O | the ground and bounce back up.
Winning Quotes: "You should be grateful to escape with your life."
"Fortune has kicked you in the face."
"You foolish dolt."
"...annoying insect..."

2-3 Is there a combo system in this game?

Of course there is!! What's a good fighting without it? The general
2-in-1 system works in this game, but you have to be more laid-back with
your timing. Do the special move when you want it to go off, don't try
to pre-empt your normal move like you do in SF2. Below are some
examples of the combos, many of which are pretty deadly >:), use similar
tactics for more.

2-3-01 Saotome Ranma Combos

(Male) Deep jumping kick, standing strong punch, Hiryu Shoten Ha.

(Female) Deep jumping punch (charging down in midair), crouching
punch, Hiryu Shoten Ha.

2-3-02 Hibiki Ryoga Combos

Deep jump fierce kick, standing fierce punch (the uppercut), special
move. The jumping headbutt works well and is reliable, but the
Bakusai-Ten-ketsu and the Shishi Hoko-dan do more damage.

Deep jump fierce kick, standing fierce punch (uppercut), headbutt,
special move.

2-3-03 Mousse Combos

Weak Take-zume Ken, standing strong punch, Knife Throw/Swan Punch.
Close Fierce Kick, Swan Punch (Y+B).

2-3-04 Shampoo Combos

Jumping strong punch/kick, standing strong punch, Double Roundhouse
Kick (YB).

2-3-05 Tendo Akane Combos

Deep fierce jumpkick, standing jab, weak Spinning Schoolbag.

2-3-06 Saotome Genma Combos

Deep cross-up body splach, low fierce punch, Panda Headbutt.

2-3-07 Kuno Tatewaki Combos

Deep Jumping firece kick, standing firece kick, special move.

Deep strong kick, standing strong kick/crouching strong punch,
Ko-kuu Zan.

2-3-08 Herb Combos

Deep jumping punch (charging down in midair), crouching strong punch,
Rising Knife. (Consecutive use of this combo sometimes cause re-
dizzies, but it's rare... Besides, your opponent would probably
already be dead with the third try)

3-0 STORY MODE... Continued

There's a reason why this is back here instead of in the beginning of
the FAQ, with the rest of the things that have to do with Story Mode.

3-1 Endings

That's right, endings! I thought it might be sort of like a spoiler
if I included the endings in the beginning of the document, so I've
placed them here, all the way in the back of the FAQ, just in case.

3-1-01 Ranma Saotome

Maneki Neko. Ranma's reaction: "Get that thing away from me!!"
...his wish becomes reality.

3-1-02 Ryoga Hibiki

Instead of making the Maneki Neko, Ryoga gets a MANEKIN.

3-1-03 Mousse

Mousse created the treasure in accordance with the recipe.

"Yosh! With this, I can marry Shampoo! But where is Maneki Neko?
Get me my glasses!"
"Your glasses are here, meow. Then... meow."
Maneki Neko's purpose had been achieved, so it left.
The end.

3-1-04 Shampoo

Shampoo pulls an unhappy Ranma out for a date.

3-1-05 Ukyo Kuonji

Ukyo places the Maneki Neko in her store just like a regular maneki

3-1-06 Akane Tendo

In order to get the idol, Akane must mix the ingredients together
according to the recipe (just like cooking)...

3-1-07 Mariko Konjou

Mariko made the treasure in accordance with the recipe.
"Introduce me to the most wonderful person in the world!"
"The most wonderful guy in the world? You're looking at
him. "

3-1-08 Genma Saotome

"Finally, I can wish for luscious hair!!"
Unfortunately for Genma, he is in his Panda form, and doesn't have
hot water available to him, so he puts up signs indicating his wish,
but the cat can't read.

3-1-09 Tatewaki Kuno

Kuno made the treasure in accordance with the recipe.
"Bring me the pig-tailed girl and Tendo Akane!"
"You're too greedy. You can't have both!"
"Well... then bring me the pig-tailed girl."

3-1-10 Kodachi Kuno

"Bring Ranma-sama here!"
Because she was not as specific as Kuno, and didn't know that
Kuno's "pig-tailed goddess" is the same person as Ranma, even
though the female Ranma is right there, she still can't find Ranma.

3-1-11 Hinako Ninomiya

I want this ... I want that... Hinako pigs out and eats all kinds of

3-1-12 Herb

Herb created the treasure in accordance with the recipe.

"As heir to the throne of Jakou-Maneki, I command you! Serve me
forever, and let all my wishes become reality!"

(Maneki Neko cowers in fear)
"Y... you coward!"
"I can't help it, sir!"

So, Maneki Neko became Herb's devoted follower. As it turned out,
Herb was the wisest ruler of all.


Does anythone ever read anything beyond this point?

4-1 Revision History

v1.0 (??/??/95) My very first attempt at any FAQ, was gonna start from
scratch, but saw a FAQ at the "Ranma 1/2 Expanded Home Page" (no
mention of the author), which contained a few errors, so I downloaded
it, and added information about Options, Tag Game, Story Mode,
Endings, and slightly modified the Special Moves section.
Information about the Story and Endings VERY incomplete, names of
moves are also not that great. It was then sent out to be placed
at ftp.netcom.com and the Ranma 1/2 Expanded Home Page.

v2.0 (04/25/95) Virtually everything in this FAQ was either completely
new or revised. Added stuff includes: Table of Contents, meaning
of the title, Story Mode messages, Versus Battle information,
character & moves descriptions, some Combos, Ending translations,
Revision History (can't have this until I've revised it, can I?),
and an acknowledgment section. Many of the things added were for
the benefit of those who may be new to Ranma, or have only
watched/read the Viz translation of Ranma.

v2.2 (07/17/95) Acknowledgements sorted in alphabetical order. Revised
some info that was already sent to me before v2.0 as complete, but
was overlooked. Added info for more combos, and corrected mistake(s)
in the special moves section. Actually, all the revisions were done
quite some time ago, but I didn't think they were enough to get an
official update release...

v2.5 (09/17/95) Having read through several questions on raa regarding
the game (especially about if there was or will be a US release), I
thought it might be wise to post the FAQ again, but also realizing
that there have been a few more corrections sent to me, I decided to
make the changes before posting. Ranma (male) moves corrections.
Additions to the character quotes, info on Maneki Neko, possible US
release of the game, a few questions answered in more detail, Ukyo's
character file was slightly modified. Possibly the final version,
since there hasn't been more feedback...

v2.6 (01/10/96) Boy, it's been a long time... My e-mail address changed
from to , so I thought I
should make an update to the FAQ, but didn't really get any new info
in. The only things added in this one are a few combos. I'm taking
a Japanese class now, so maybe I can finally have the stage names
(in katakana) translated soon.. 'though Ray said he was going to try
and translate 'em for me. Hey, Ray, what's the word?

v2.7 (01/23/96) Looked through my katakana handbook and translated most
of the names of the stages (also used my encyclopedia to check my
spelling)... Still can't figure out Akane's stage (toreui? toregui?
what's that?), and Shampoo's stage (can read the kanji, but have no
idea where the heck it would be).

4-2 Acknowledgements

My special thanks to the following people (in alphabetical order by
last name):

Everyone at rec.arts.anime, rec.arts.manga, and rec.games.video.nintendo
who's ever talked about this game (and many other Ranma related
stuph). The information (and/or questions) you provided have been
most invaluable.

Thomas E. Cardwell II
Ranma 1/2 Expanded Home Page. I also used the "What's what" section
of the Homepage to find out the names of some of the special moves.

Andy Eddy
Hey, he's from GamePro. Actually, for his providing a place where
this thing can be ftp'd.

Charles Hagaman

Ray Huang and (cousin) Jeffery Lin
Holds miscellaneous/The combo dude.

Kevin "The Lai-Lai Boy" Lew
"Ranma 1/2 Stupid Help Desk" Corrections, suggestions, and many other
helpful information. BTW, Kev, virtually all the romanizations in
this FAQ were done by someone else... So I can't vouch for the
validity of the romanization "Jakou-Maneki."

Matthew "Yusuke" MacDougall
Translations/Combos/the Reigan expert.

Cory H Machida
Translations and corrections.

Ryouga (^_^) Hibiki
Our lost friend.

Rumiko Takahashi
Guess. ^_^

Someone else also mentioned Mariko's taunt quote... I'm ashamed to say
that I've lost your e-mail address... Gomen!

Thank you for reading this FAQ! ...Please go on to the "Useless Drivel"

4-3 Useless Drivel

Anyone who can read katakana want to tell me what Akane's stage is?
Oh, and comments, suggestions, corrections, and/or additions are welcome.

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