YS 5 - The Sand City

YS 5 - The Sand City

17.10.2013 13:17:41
Ys 5: The Sand City Kefin, was made by Falcom 1995

Control Pad: Move around
A: Attack (You don't start with a weapon), Talk, Search
B: Jump, Cancel
X: Menu
Y: Defence (You must have a shield)
L: Select what magic spell to use. Switches between what spells you have
equipped on your sword.
Select: Bring up a map.

To reset the game: L + R + Start + Select

Keep Magic on Sword when you unequip it, Take Magic off Sword when you unequip it.

Message Speed 1 2 3
Change Buttons back to default settings.
Attack A Button Jump B Button
Defence Y Button Menu X Button
Decide A Button Cancel B Button

Sound: Stereo Mono
Change the color of your cloths 12345678
Change the color of your hair 12345678 (NOTE: You don't start with this)
Change the color of your armor 12345678
Window style 1 2 3 4
HP Bar Style 1 2 3 4

Long, long ago...

In the Kefin Desert,
on the Continent of Afroka.

A strong wind blew
throughout the night.

A sandstorm was rading.

What brings you to this place?

Could it be...
the ancient legend of Kefin?

This legend has been handed down
for generations, and
still endures in the village.

This legend tells of an ancient
city in the Kefin Desert.

A phantom from this lost city
still haunts the Kefin area...

With its ancient
tradition of alchemy.

Who told you such a rumour?

We have never heard of
any treasure around here.

Do you believe such a treasure
really exists?

This region is desolate.

You will need courage,
an adventurous spirit, and
a bold will.


You start off the game by getting off a boat and entering a town. Go North.
Two Solders will block your way and talk to you. They will kick you and the
screen will black out. You will reappear talking to a woman and two
soldiers. Go South.

In the next area go West and then head up past the two soldiers that stopped
you before.

Enter the Pub and talk to the guy standing by a sign on the wall. Then read
the sign. It says they want someone brave to find the hidden city. When you
try to leave the pub someone will walk in and talk to you. After talking to
him leave the pub and go West to enter another section of the town. Go
North. There will be two guards standing outside the big house. A woman
will meet you at the door when you enter.

Once inside the big house a guy will talk to you and ask you if you will
take the job. The top answer is "Yes". The bottom one is "Let me think
about it".

Select the top option. He will talk some more and show you a crystal. He
will give you 1000 GP.

Leave the room and go West. You will enter a room with stairs. Go West.
You will find a H-Potion in the fire place of the big room.

Now go back to the first room in the house. Just before you leave take the
lower right door. You will find another H-Potion by the fancy bed.

After leaving the big house go to the weapons shop (It has a picture of
a Sword on it). Talk to the man at the counter. He will give you four
choices. They are: BUY, SELL, Exchange Gems gotten from monsters for Gold,
and EXIT. Select the first choice (BUY) and buy the sword for 1000. Make
sure you equip the sword after you buy it! Bring up the menu by pressing X.
Then select the icon of the guy holding up a sword and a shield. Press the
A button to select it. Select the sword slot and pick the sword you just
bought. Your strength will increase from 5 to 13 when you select the right

Now you are ready to leave the town and kill some monsters! It would be a
good idea to save at the Inn before leaving. The Inn has a sign on it that
says "INN". It is in very small print on a grey sign to the left of the
door. Talk to the woman behind the counter. Select the first option to
Save and the second to Exit. On the save screen you will have three slots
to save in. Pick any one of them and use A button to save your game (You
need to press the A button twice).

Feel free to look around the town more and talk to people. When you're done
head North.

Item Price What it is
Antidote 30 Cures Poison
H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP

Item Price What it is
H Potion 240 Recover HP
Antidote 30 Cures Poison

Item Price What it is
Long Sword 500 Increases attack power by 2 points.
Tal Warl 1000 Increases attack power by 8 points.
Furissa Sword 10000 Increases attack power by 20 points.

Item Price What it is
Large Shield 500 Increases defense power by 2 points.
Round Shield 4000 Increases defense power by 9 points.
Leather Armor 1000 Increases defense power by 4 points.
Chain Mail 6000 Increases defense power by 12 points.

When you kill the monsters, they will leave behind a stone. You can exchange
these stones for money at any store. In the overworld you will slowly gain
HP if you stand still.

To get the next town go East, North, West, West, North.
FORESTA VILLAGE: Has a big tomb stone in the center of town.

Read the tomb stone in the center of town. Some people will come out and
talk to you. When they leave, walk behind the upper left house. Go West.
Talk to the boy there. Then go back to the East part of town. A group of
people at the northern exit of the town will tell you that a girl has gotten
lost in the caves to the north. They will ask you to help. The top choice
is 'Yes' and the bottom is 'No'. Select the top choice.

Go North and look at the door at the top of the hill. Remember to use the
jump button to get there. The boy will come and talk to you after you look
at the door. He will show you the secret entrance. You might want to save
at the Inn and buy more supplies before you enter this cave.

Item Price What it is
Long Sword 450 Increases attack power by 2 points.
Tal Warl 900 Increases attack power by 8 points.
Shamushi-ru Sword 36000 Increases attack power by 35 points.

Item Price What it is
Large Shield 450 Increases defense power by 2 points.
Round Shield 3600 Increases defense power by 9 points.
Leather Armor 900 Increases defense power by 4 points.
Chain Mail 5400 Increases defense power by 12 points.

Watch out for falling rocks! Go North. In the next room head northwest.
You will see a door to the West. Inside is a treasure chest. Go back out
after getting the ITEM, take the door to the East. In this room you will see
the girl lying on the ground. Talk to her. The towns people will come in
and take the girl back to their town. The boy will stay behind.

Follow him to the North. Kill the monster near the boy. Step on the warp
pad. Walk up the stairs and talk to the floating woman. She will give
you a Contract Bracelet. Go South. Go South again and you will be in the
room with the end boss. Kill it!!! When it roars and drops stones just keep
moving so you don't get hit. Watch out when it spits fire balls at you.
Attack its head to damage it. After it is dead, go South and leave the cave.

Once your back in the town, enter the house to the lower right. Talk to the
people in that house and you will get a Water Elemental Stone. The Elemental
stones are used to creat magic spells. Now you must go back to Sandria Town.

Walk south and find Niena standing next to a building. When you move next
to her, she will automatically start talking to you. Follow her inside the
store and talk to her again. Select the first option to buy stuff. Select
the second option to get information from her. The bottom option to exit.

Now go back to the big house where the guy gave you 1000 GP. Talk to him
again. Now he will give you the Luminous Crystal. When you leave the big
house a man standing in the hall will give you an Earth Elemental Stone.

When you try to leave the town something bad will happen and the music
changes. Go and talk to the woman that let you into her shop. When you walk
to the back of the store, Karion will be there. He runs away when you talk
to him. He tells you not to look for Kefin. When you leave the shop, the
boy from Foresta Village will run up to you and ask a question. You have
three choices. The bottom one is Exit. The first one tells you about
Niena's Father's medal, the second one tells you about Kefin kingdom.
Now leave the town and go to Kaokiriko Village

Go East. Go East. Go East. Jump to the upper section of the screen then go
East again. As soon as you enter this area jump up and go West. Go West.
Now move to the upper section of the screen and move a little to the west.
Go North soon as you get a chance. You will see someone running up there.

Marsha's House:

You will enter Marsha's house. She will teach you how to use magic. Hold
down the R button to charge up your magic gauge at the lower right of the
screen. Keep pressing the R button until the number at the lower right
section of the screen reaches 100. Then press the A button to use your
spell. You start off with a fire ball spell. Now you can leave her house.

NOTE: There are two levels that you gain, one for killing monsters with your
sword, and a second one for killing them with your magic.

Wood Plateau:

Go West.

South Wood:

Go North. In this area just walk a little to the west and go South. Jump to
the west and go North. Go North. In this area you will see three people. A
girl will talk to you. They will ask you if you will pay 9000 gold to rescue
the girl? Select Yes (The top option). Now go West.

Go to the upper-middle door that is locked. Two guys will come in and unlock
the door. They will run away and a monster will come out and attack you.
Try to attack it from either side because it will charge after you if you
stand in front of it. After you kill it go North. Now go East and talk to
everyone in the town. You can save your game and buy suplies.

Item Price What it is
Antidote 50 Cures Poison
H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP
Round Shield 4000 Increases defence power by 9 points.
Leather Armor 1000 Increases defence power by 4 points.
Chain Mail 6000 Increases defence power by 12 points.

When you leave the town, someone will talk to you and ask you to take him to
the boss in the town. Select Yes (The top option). Then you will enter a
town meeting. He gives the boss the Bud of Kameria.

Now you can leave the town and go North.

North Woods:

In this area you will curve around and cross a small bridge. After crossing
the small bridge, walk up to the trees and look around them to find an item.
Go North. You will cross another small bridge and talk to a man. He will
ask you to give the Bud of Kameria to a person in the swampy area. Select
Yes (The top option). He will give you the Bud of Kameria. Go North.

You will enter an area with rain and different music. If you go up a little
and then go West you will find an item shop and a small house. Go inside
the house and talk to the man near the counter. He will ask a question and
give two choices. Select the top option. You will give him the Bud of
Kameria. If you talk to him again he will give you two more options. The
top option is Save and the bottom one is Exit.

Item Price What it is
H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP
Tal Warl 1000 Increases attack power by 8 points.
Round Shield 4000 Increases defence power by 9 points.
Chain Mail 6000 Increases defence power by 12 points.

Leave the house and go East. In this area you will see a grey switch. Hit
it with your sword. A stone will appear down below. Go East. Go North.
Walk to the west then go South. Hit the grey switch in this area. Then go
back North. Walk east then go South. In this area a stone will have
appeared so you can walk east and go North. Take the upper path to the West.
Hit the grey switch to make a raft appear below you. Then go back East and
take the lower path to the West and get on the raft.

The raft will automatically take you to the South. Go East. In this area
walk east and hit the switch. Walk south and get the treasure chest. A Fire
Elemental Stone is inside the chest. Go back West. Then get back on the
raft. It will take you North. Go East. Go South. Go West. Now your back
in the first room of the Swampy Area were you started.


Go back to the house to the West and save your game. Buy more supplies if
you need them. Once you leave the house area go North. You will come up to
a door. When you press against it, some green writing will appear. Go back
to the house and talk to the girl with blue hair. Then when you look at the
door again a ten second counter will appear at your feet. When this happens
press A X Y B in that order to open the door. Go inside.

There is nothing of intrest in the left passage. Take the Right passage and
go East. You will find two chests in this area. One has a Remedy of Naiad,
that will fully recover your HP. The other has a Water Elemental Stone.

After going up to grab the chests, go back to the first room. Take the
center path North. Go West. In this room you will find a treasure chest to
the north. A H-Potion is inside the chest. After grabbing the chest go East
(The upper East path not back the way you came). Go North. In here you will
fight an end guy.

After you kill it your HP will be restored. A woman will talk to you. She
tells you to make sure the crystal does not fall into the wrong hands. After
she leaves, some people will run off with a crystal. Go South and leave this
cave. When you leave, it will have stopped raining outside. Go back to that
house to the West and save your game. Then go back to Kaokiriko Village.

Once your back in Kokiriko Village you will be able to go East. Go East
and the music will change.

Ramsen Field:

Look at the tree in the center of this area to find an Earth Elemental Stone.
Go East. Go East. Go North. You are now in Ramsen Town.

Someone will talk to you and ask you a question. You have two options.
She asks if you will pay 500 gold for information. Selecet the second option
and she will drop the price to 300. If you don't have enough gold she will
give you the information for free. The information is about the Se-be Ruins.
You need to get 6 crystals to find the hidden city. There is a Fire Crystal
in the Se-be Ruins. Three young theifs went to the Se-be Ruins. These
people want to steal the Fire Crystal from you after you find it. The person
you were talking to is a member of the gang.

She will go and talk to the people who stole the crystal from
you before. Then they will run off. Go to the Inn and save your game. The
woman in the upper right hand corner room will sell you items.

Leave the Inn and walk northwest untill you get to the library. Enter the
library. Look at the shelf in the upper left corner of the room. Select
the first option to read it. The name of the book is "How to work the canal".
It says to use the watergate key to open the watergate. Leave the library
and go the the northern section of town. On the left side of the Pub you
will find a H-Potion in a box.

Go in the house to the right of the pub. Don't go in the door on the far
right, but the one to the left of it. Talk to the woman standing in the
bedroom. The first option is about her father Garam. The second one is
about the watergate key. Pick the first option. She will tell you her
father will be staying there a few days. Pick the second option. She will
give you the watergate key. Leave her house and look at the boxes at the
north end of town. The ones to the left of the guy standing on the dock by
the river. You will find a Water Elemental Stone in one of them. You can
now leave this town.

Item Price What it is
Antidote 50 Cures Poison
M Potion 600 Recover MP
H Potion 400 Recover HP
Remedy of Selsta 10000 Fully Recover HP and MP

Item Price What it is
Antidote 50 Cures Poison
H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP

Item Price What it is
Tal Warl 1100 Increases attack power by 8 points.
Frissa Sword 11000 Increases attack power by 20 points.

Item Price What it is
Round Shield 4400 Increases defense power by 9 points.
Heater Shield 16500 Increases defense power by 14 points.
Chain Mail 6600 Increases defense power by 12 points.
Scale Mail 22000 Increases defense power by 19 points.

When you leave the town go East.

Se-be Field:
Go East. Go East. Go East. You are now
at the Water Ruins entrance.

Go East. Find the locked door and open it with the key you got at Ramsen
Town. Then step on the block to make the water flow on the right side. Find
another block to stand on in this area. It will make the water flow on the
left side. Find one more block to step on to make the water flow in the
lower left section. After stepping on that block go South. Step on another
block here. (No more water will flow yet).

Go back North and jump off the bridge. Now walk under the bridge and go
South. Note you can't see the door to the south. It is under the bridge.
Step on the switch here and more water will flow. Go back North. There will
now be a raft going thru this area.

Walk around and wait for the raft. Then get on it. It will take you South.
Hold down "RIGHT" on the direction pad to get off in this area, or else it
will take you back to the entrence to the water ruins.

Find one more block to sand on in this area to make more water flow.
Go South. Watch out for four fire creatures in this room, then go South.
Go West. Step on the switch in the upper right corner of this area to open
the door. Go South. Go East. You will find a treasure chest in here.
A Water Elemental Stone is inside it. Step on a switch near four knight
statues. The statues will come to life. Attack them from the side or back
to kill them. You can't hurt them by attacking from the front.

After you kill all four of them, the door to the North will open. Go North.
Step on the block to lower some bars and then grab the treasure chest.
A Fire Elemental Stone is inside it. Go North thru the closed door. You are
now in a small bedroom. Look at the pot in the corner of this room to get a
Water Elemental Stone. Leave the bedroom.

Go South. Go West. In here you can now stand on two switches. Four statues
will come to life when you stand on the right switch. This opens the upper
left door in this area. Go North thru the door you just opened. Jump on the
pillers and hit the switch in the upper left corner of this room. This makes
a door apear so you can go North. Walk east then go South.

An old man will run up and enter the small bedroom you were in earlyer.
This man is the father of the girl that gave you the watergate key.
Follow him into the bedroom. Talk to him. He is Garam. The first option is
1. Listen to his story
Under the First option:
1. About Crystal
He tells you there is a crystal in this area.

2. About Garam
He has nothing to say to you!

3. About Se-be
Se-be was destroied by the Kefin Kingdom.

2. About his daughter Masara.
He can't return to his house because he has somthing to do in Se-be.

3. Exit

Go South and leave the bedroom.

Now go across the water you could not cross before. Grab the treasure chest
in the small room. A Fire Elemental Stone is inside it. Go West. Go South.
Go East. Grab the treasure chest in this area. A Power Ring is inside the
chest. It increases your attack power by 20% Go thru the door to the North.

You are now in a long hallway. Go North. The end boss is in this room. He
is a snake like fire creature. He will come out of one of the four pits in
this room. Attack his head to damage him. After you kill him your HP will
be recoverd. Walk to the top of the temple and grab the Agani Crystal.

Garam will come in and talk to you. He tells you his mission is compleat and
you can take the Agani Crystal. He is keeping an eye on the red haird person
to make sure he will get the crystal. He says he can go back home now.
You will go back to Ramsen Town.

Two people will be talking in town. The one on the right is Rege, the left
Dorman. Dorman is watching the red haired traveler. Both of them have a
plan to get to the hidden city. One of them has the royal medal. The other
has some magic to find the hidden city. Rege says she will take you to
Dorman's house.

Garam gives you a note from Stan. The text that scrols on the screen tells
you to go north and find the Ice Crystal. It says to be carefull with the
crystal because it is very powerfull. Then you will leave the house.

Dorman will talk to you. He says he will catch the theives that stole the
water crystal from you. He tells you to go to the north to find the ice

After you talk to him go in the door to the right. Talk to the man sitting
at the table to get a magic spell made from the stones you collected at the
Sh-be Ruins. Buy more supplies if you need them and save your game at the
Inn. Now you can leave this town.

Soon as you exit the town go West. Go North. Go North. Go North.
Go North. In this area you will find an Inn. Go to the left side of the
Inn and jump in the water. Look in the water fall to find an item. Go
inside and save your game. Talk to the guy sitting at the table with a book
to get another magic spell. Note: You will only get another magic spell
if you have enough stones to make one. Leave the Inn and go North.

In the upper left corner of this area is a treasure chest. Make sure you get
it. Then go North. The exit is in the upper right corner. There is
another treasure chest in this area just before you go North into a cave.

Go North. Go North. You are now at a temple. Walk to the top of the screen
and a spirit will apear and talk to you. When he disappears go North.
Go North. You are now in a forest.

NOTE: If you go the wrong direction in this area you will end up in places
you have already been. You will just keep going in circles.

Go North. In this area walk west then go North. Go East. Walk across the
bridge and don't fall off. Go East. Go North. At the bottom of the
bridge you will find an item on the right side. Walk to the east then south
then jump up on the cliff. Do not go south! Walk around and across this
bridge and go East. The music will now change.

Enter the cave near the waterfall. It will take you to the treasure chest
in this area. Go back thru the cave then go South. You are now at a house
in the forest.

Talk to the boy standing by the west exit, to save your game. Go inside
the house. An old man inside will talk to you. After he tells his
story go West.

In this area there will be some blue tornadows blowing around. You can't
kill them so just avoid them. Look in the upper right corner of this area
to find an item. Go to the lower left part of this area. Then jump on the
cliff and go West. A large rock will block your way to the north.
Green text will appear when you look at it. Hit it with your sword.

This rock will disapear if you kill one of the bugs that flys at you next to
the big rock. Go North. Look in the upper left corner of this area to find
an item. Go East. When you go to the upper part of this area a monster will
appear. Kill it then go North.

Now you will fight a big end guy. Jump up and hit it in the face to kill it.
After killing it you will get a crystal. Then you will go back to the small
house in the forest. The old man will talk to you. When he is done talking.
Talk to him and he will take you to the river. He will summon a raft to take
you away. You will sail south and go past the Forth Town. Then you will
drift out to sea. A storm will come by and blow you off the raft. You will
end up in a new town. A woman will rescue from the river and help

Find the Inn and save your game. Go up stairs in the inn to find a treasure
chest. Talk to the woman staning outside the inn to buy suplies. Buy the
second item in the list for 6000 GP. You will need it to go out in the sand
storm. Go to the item screen and select the robe in the INVENTORIES menu.
Look in the barrel in the upper left corner of the town to find an item.
Go to the lower left section of town. Go inside the hose to the north of
the Armor & Weapon shop. Go in the left door. Walk up and look in the box
inbetween the two beds. Inside you will find an ITEM.

Walk behind the building in the upper right corner of the town and keep
pressing the A button. You will talk to a person hiding back there. They
will give you an item. Now go to the bottom right section of town and go
East. Make sure you have the robe selected on the item menu.

Item Price What it is
MP-Full 8000 Fully recover MP
Special 6000 An item that is in the INVENTORIES list.
It is a robe to protect you from blowing sand.
HP/MP Potion 120000 Fully Recover HP/MP

Item Price What it is
Antidote 50 Cures Poison
H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP

Item Price What it is
Sword 1000 Increases attack power by 8 points.
Sword 10000 Increases attack power by 20 points.
Shield 4000 Increases defense power by 9 points.
Shield 15000 Increases defense power by 14 points.
Armor 6000 Increases defense power by 12 points.
Armor 20000 Increases defense power by 19 points.

Make sure your wearing the robe you baught outside the Inn. Go North. You
will hear a man calling out for help. Walk up and kill the fire monster next
to the man. Then he will talk to you. You will end up in the mans house.
When he is done talking to you, talk to him again. He will give you an item.
The item he gives you is in you inventories menu. It is a glass that will
help you find your way thru the desert.

Now you can take the West exit out of town and enter the West Desert.

Go South. Go South. Go West. Go South. Go East. You will see to tents
in this area. Enter the one on the left. Talk to the woman in this tent to
save your game. Now enter the tent to the right. Talk to the man by the
fire to buy items. Talk to the man by the book to change stones you
collected in magic spells. Look at the rock to the left of the left tent to
find a stone used to make magic spells. Go West.

H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP
Sword 40000 Increases attack power by 35 points.
Shield 30000 Increases defense power by 25 points.
Armor 50000 Increases defense power by 30 points.

Go West. You are now in an area with a bridge that is incomplete. You can
not cross it. If you press down when you first enter this area, there is
a glitch in the game. You can walk up off the bridge and walk anywere on
the screen. Now you must go back to Felt Town and then to the East Desert.

Make sure to select the item in the top right corner. This is a glass that
will help you see your way thru the desert. Take the East exit out of town.
Go South. Go South. As you walk south in this area you will see a trail
were the sand is not blowing. Follow that trail and go South. Walk to the
east then go North. You are now at a spring in the desert.

Use the stepping stones in this are to jump up to the chest in the lower
left corner. It is a Fire Elemental Stone. Go North.


Kefin Shrine Entrance:
Walk to the east and go North.

Kefin Shrine B1F:
Don't fall down the pit in this area. Go down the left set of stairs on the
left side of this area.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Go down the stairs to the south.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Go down the stairs to the north.

Kefin Shrine B4F:
Walk to the north and look at the tourch on the left side of the wall to get
an item. Go Back up the stairs you came down.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Walk to the bottom of the screen then walk east. Go up the 3rd set of
stairs, the one on the right side.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Go up the stairs to the north.

Kefin Shrine B1F:
Go down the right stairs.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Walk south then west. Go down the staires here.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Grab the treasure chest. An ITEM inside. Go back up the stairs.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Walk east then north. Go down the first stairs you come to.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Go down the stairs to the south.

Kefin Shrine B4F:
Go down the stairs on the right side.

Kefin Shrine B5F:
Go up the stairs to the north.

Kefin Shrine B4F:
Go up the stairs.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Go up the stairs.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Grab the treashre chest. An ITEM Elemental Stone is inside it.
Go up the stairs.

Kefin Shrine B1F:
Walk thru the door that was locked before and fall down the pit to the south.

Kefin Shrine B4F:
Go up the stairs.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Go to the bottom of the screen and go up the stairs all the way to the right.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Go up the stairs to the north.

Kefin Shrine B1F:
Go down the stairs to the right.

Kefin Shrine B2F:
Go down the first set of stairs you see.

Kefin Shrine B3F:
Go down the stairs to the south.

Kefin Shrine B4F:
Walk north and go down the stairs on the left side.

Kefin Shrine B5F:
Go North. Go thru the doors and you will be at the end guy.
Attack the stone in its forhead to damage it. You can also attack its hands.
Kill the hands first. After you kill it go North.

??? AREA:
Here you will get an ITEM Crystal. Now go back South and leave this area.

When you get back to the Kefin Shrine Entrance go north and look at the
stone in the upper center of the room to find a Fire Elemental Stone.
Go back to Felt Town.

A man will talk to you soon as you enter the town.
Save your game and buy any supplies you need. Now take the west exit out
of town.


Go South. Go South. Go West. Go South. Go West. Are now at a bridge.
The boy you met at Foresta Village will be there. He will talk to you. He
will take you back to Sandria Town (The town you started the game in).

You will be in Niena's Item Shop.

Soldiers have invated the town!! Go to the Inn and save your game. Go down
the stairs on the first floor of the Inn. Make sure you select the key to
open the door that leads to the secret passage. The key you need to select
is the 2nd item down and the 2nd item over. Once you have the key selected
open the door and go in.

Grab the chest to the right. Inside you will find an ITEM.
Follow the path around and go West. You will see some people in a jail.
They will break out and go east. Jump over to the walkway and go North.
You will come out on the right side of the big house. Go inside the big

Big House In Sandria Town:

Once your inside go South. Go North thru the left door. You will talk to
some people. Some soldiers will take you away in a boat.

Room with Crystals:

They will take your crystals and then you will have to fight an end guy.
There are three parts to this end guy. To damage him attack the stone in
its forhead, and attack the two smaller parts. After you kill it you will
be in the room with the crystals.

Go South. Go South. You will meet up with three of your friends. After
you talk to them there will be an earthquake. Go North. Go North.


Go North. Walk east and grab the two chests. A Water Elemental Stone is in
one and an ITEM Elemental Stone is in the other chest. Take the exit to the
right South. Walk west and drop down the gap in the walkway. Walk up the
stairs and hit the switch to open the door. Go thru the door you opened and
go West.

You will see one of your friends here. She will talk to you. Go West.
The brdge will colapse and you will fall down in the dark dungon with the
girl. Then you will end back at Niena's Item shop with all your friends.

Leave the item shop. All the monsters will be gone. Now you must go back
to Felt Town. Felt Town is the town across the bridge in the desert.

Exit Sandria Town and go East. Go East. Go East. Jump up and take the
upper East exit. Go East. You are now at the bridge, go East.

?? Area:
Go North. Go East. Go North. Go North. Go East and enter Felt Town.

Soon as you enter the wind will start blowing the sand around. The town will
be mostly burried in sand. A woman will speak to you.
Go to the Inn and save your game. Then talk to the woman standing by the
east exit of town. She will ask if your ready to go. The top is Yes and
the bottom in Not yet.

You will go thru a warp tunnel in the spring in the desert and end up at
the Kefin Kingdom.

Go thru the southwest door. Go down the stairs.

Underground Passage:
Walk south and go East. Go South.

East ??? Section ???:
Get the treasure chest in this area. A ITEM is inside the chest.
Go back North. Go down the stairs.

Underground Passage:
Go North. Take the first set of stairs to the East. Go South.

??? Town:
Go to the Inn and save your game. Buy any supplies if you need them.
Go to the Small house on the right side of the Inn. Look inside the fire
place to find a Fire Elemental Stone. Go to the next small house on the
right. The one against the wall. There is a treasure chest in there. A
ITEM Elemental Stone is inside it.

H Potion 400 Recover HP
M Potion 600 Recover MP
MP/MP Potion 60000 Recover full HP/MP if you die.
Shamushi-ru Sword 40000 Increases attack power by 35 points.
Shield 30000 Increases defense power by 25 points.
Armor 50000 Increases defense power by 30 points.

Go to the North Section of Town. Talk to the people standing on the left
side of this area. They will enter a door to the north. Follow them inside.
A man will come up to you and say somthing. This man will take you a secret
room in the Pub. Grab the map sitting on the table. When you leave the
room the man will ask you a question. The top is Yes and the bottom is No.
Select the top answer.

Go back in the underground passage to the right side of the Pub.
Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go North on the right side. Go East on the upper set of
staris. Go South.

East Section:
Walk up and look at the piller on the left side of the
room to find a ITEM Elemental Stone. Go back in the underground passage.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go South. Walk west and go North. Look at the piller
with the fire burning in it to find an ITEM Elemental Stone. Go West. Go

??? Section ???:
Grab the treasure chest in this area. An ITEM is inside it. Go back to the
underground passage.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go South. Walk west and go South. Look at the left
piller with the fire in it to get a Fire Elemental Stone. Walk north and go
West. Go South.

West Section:
Go to the upper left corner of this area and look around to find a Water
Elemental Stone. Go to the upper right section of this area and talk to
the guy standing there. Go back to the underground passage.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Walk south and go West. Go South

??? West Section ???:
Look at the upper left piller in this area to find an ITEM Elemental Stone.
Go back to the underground passage.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go West. Go South:

Go into the temple. Two soldiers will come back and guard the door after
you enter. Two people will drop down and kill the two soldiers.

Look at the statue on the left side to find a Fire Elemental Stone. Walk
up thru the middle passage and grab the treasure chest. An ITEM is inside.
Now take the right passage and look at the north wall to find a Water
Elemental Stone. Now take the left passage and go Up the stairs.

South Tower 2F:
Grab the treasure chest. An ITEM is inside it. Go South.

Outside South Tower:
Look in the Northeast corner to find an ITEM Elemental Stone. Go back inside
the south tower.

South Tower 2F:
Go up the stairs.

South Tower 3F:
Walk south and look at the symbol on the wall to find an ITEM Elemental
Stone. Walk west and go up the stairs.

South Tower 4F:
If you look at the switch on the wall and pick the first option you will fall
down to the 2nd floor. Walk east and go up the stairs.

South Tower 5F:
Walk north and go up the stairs.

South Tower 6F:
Walk east and go thru the door. You will walk up to two woman and talk to
them. You will see two men hiding behind the pillers. The two men and one
woman will leave. The other woman will stay behind and fight you! After you
kill her you can leave the tower. When you exit the tower a man will talk
to you. He tells you to go to the west section. Go to the underground

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Walk north and go West. Go south.


Go inside the house and talk to the woman at the table. The man will come
in and talk to you. They will ask you a question. The top answer is Yes and
the bottom in No. Pick the top answer. After talking to them walk east and
look in the fire place to find a Fire Elemental Stone. Look at the boxes in
the upper left corner of the room to find an ITEM Elemental Stone. Leave
the house. When you leave a woman will talk to you. Go to the upper right
section of this area and talk to the man standing by the small building. He
will open the door for you. Go inside.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go North.

Upper Floor:
Go down the northwest stairs.

Lower Floor:
Go East. You will see a man in this room. He will talk to you. A man will
come in and chop the man you were talking to in half. Then he will take you
back to the house in the West Section.

They will talk to you and then ask you a question. Pick the top answer. You
will get an ITEM. Go to your Inventories screen and select it. It is the
second row down and the third one over. Leave the house. Go in the
underground passage thru the lower right entrance.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Walk south and go West. Go South.

Walk to the west and hit the switch. A monster will appear in this area.
Kill it. Go back North.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Walk east and go North. Walk west and go North. Walk
north and go West. Go South.

Go to the north west section of this area and hit the switch. A monster will
appear. You must kill it. Go back to the Underground Passage.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go South. Walk east and go North. Go up the north
stairs to the East. Go South.

Hit the switch in this room and kill the monster that appears. Go back to
the Underground Passage.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go South. Walk east and go South. Walk south and go
East. Go South.

Hit the switch in this room and kill the monster that appears. Go back to
the Underground Passage.

Underground Passage:
Go North. Go up the stairs to the East. Go South.

??? Town:
Go to the Inn and save your game. Go to the secret room in the back of the
Pub. You will talk to your friends there. After they are done talking to
you leave the Pub. Go to the underground passage from the West side of town.

Underground Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go South. Go West up the north stairs.

West Section:
Go in the underground passage to the north.

Undergrond Passage:
Go down the stairs. Go North.

Upper Floor:
Walk east and go North thru the door that was closed before. Go North.
Watch out for falling rocks when you step on the red rug. Then do 300+
points of damage every time they hit you! Go North. A man will talk to you
in this room.

??? Town:
You will end up back in the secret room in the Pub. After some people talk
to you a woman will ask if you understand what they just said. The first
answer is Yes the second is No. Pick the first answer. Leave the Pub.

Go to the Inn and save your game. Talk to the woman standing on the right
side of the counter. She will ask you a question. Pick the top answer to
continue on with the game, pick the second one to wait before you go on.
Pick the first answer.

You will be in a room with two rows of people in it. Step up on the
platform. They will try to warp you some place but it does not work. Walk
down and talk to the woman blocking your way. When you try to go south
someone will talk to you. Walk up to the platform and jump off the right
side of it. Go North.

Secret Facilities Lower Floor:
Walk east and go South.

?? Lower Middle ?? Section:
Walk east and go North. Go North.

??? East ???:
Go East. Walk north and go West. Look at the boxes on the left side of this
room to find an ITEM. Go North. Go North. When you enter this room you
will talk to a man. Then you will fight an end guy. Walk west and go South.

Go West. Go south. Walk to the center of the room and go North.

You will end up in a place that looks like Foresta Cave. Go North. Go
North. Walk north and attack the soldiers around the spirt guy.
Now you will be back in the other room. Go South. Walk south and some
person will come up to you and talk to you. Go back North. Go down the
stairs to the rigth. Go down the stairs and go thru the door at the bottom
of them.

You will be in a big room and fight an end guy. After you kill him some
stairs will appear to the north. Go North. You will now fight the End Guy
to the game. Once you kill him you have beaten the game!

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