Legend of the Mystical Ninja

Legend of the Mystical Ninja

17.10.2013 03:29:22
Mystical Ninja (Super Nintendo)

Warlock Zone 1

Before you leave town collect coins by attacking enemies.
Power up your sandals to level three. Also, buy some pizza and
bombs. After you leave the ghost town, go half way through the
next level and you will find a stone which can be pushed to
reveal a secret tunnel. You will need the powered up sandals to
get the treasures.

BOSS #1 Mystical Ghost

To defeat this boss you will need to shoot coins at the
disks she shoots at you. The disks will then deflect back at her.
She will be defeated in no time.

Warlock Zone 2

Beware of the sleeping dogs. When you reach the first
"store", go right; then cross the river with your level three
sandals. You will now see a hut, where you will be able to play a
game for one hundred gold coins. Go down, then all the way to the
left, then go down to reach the lantern boss. The lantern boss
has the statue of the cat. Shoot the lantern men, then enter the

BOSS #2 Lantern Head

He is holding the statue of the cat prisoner. To defeat
this boss jump up on the ledge while shooting coins at all the
lanterns. When all the lanterns are destroyed go for the lantern

Warlock Zone 3

You will begin this level on a bridge. Go inside the
amusement park. Play some games and make some money. Keep going
north until you reach another bridge. You will now see a large
red head.

BOSS #3 Large Red Head

Stand behind the boss and use one of your weapons to
defeat him. If you stay behind him you will not take any damage.
Now go to Otafue.

Warlock Zone 4

Talk to everyone in the beach houses. At the First store
you see, you will be able to buy "1-up's". When you cross the
bridge do not shoot the deer. When you exit the bridge, go all
the way to the right and up to reach the palace. The boss is
inside the palace. If you find the house with the question mark
on the door in town go inside. Pay the fortune teller and when
you exit you will collect two hundred coins.

BOSS #4 Sumo Wrestlers & Giant Face

Use the yo-yo, coins, or pipe on the sumo wrestlers
heads. Watch the pattern of the lighted ball; avoid it by either
jumping over it or lying down. When the wrestlers are defeated a
giant face will appear. Attack the face with the yo-yo or the
rod. Hit the face from underneath or from it's side. Move from
corner to corner to avoid his flattening attack. If you have
plenty of coins, jump and shoot the face from either the left or
right corner until he is defeated.

Warlock Zone 5

After you cross the bridge, rest in the Inn if you are
hurt. There are stores inside all of the empty caves. Attack the
pigs and buy stuff at the stores. After visiting the stores, go
up and avoid the bomb throwers. You will now be in front of a
large door. When you enter the palace you will need to defeat the
ninjas by throwing coins at them. At the end of the palace you
will meet ninjas that are on a kite.

BOSS #5 Ninjas On A Kite

The ninjas are holding the ninja Yai hostage. When they
jump down to meet you, attack them with your yo-yo or golden
pipe. The last ninja can be defeated by jumping and shooting
coins at him.

Warlock Zone 6

In the first store you encounter you will find the
"pass". Collect coins and buy the pass. Then go left and up.
Repeat this process until you reach the big bear. Give the big
bear the pass. Go left and shoot coins at the monkeys. Go up
jumping from ledge to ledge. Watch out for the birds. Shoot the
jumping swordman on the bridge with your coins. When you get to
the waterfall jump from stone to stone until you reach the top.
Be sure to get the elephant icon from the blue jar. To get behind
the waterfall stay on a stone longer than usual. Now jump up and
go to the left.

BOSS #6 Samurai

Shoot the box that the boss is carrying with coins. Avoid
the feathers. To defeat him hit him with your yo-yo or golden
pipe. If you still have coins use them. Try to keep some distance
between yourself and the boss. He will try to land on you.

Warlock Zone 7

You will begin in a town. Go all the way to the left
until you see an archway, then enter it. Now get on the boat and
go all the way to right to find the boss.

BOSS #7 The Dragon

Hit the dragon's head with coins to defeat him. You can
also use your other weapons, but you will take more more damage.

Warlock Zone 8

Keep going up until you reach the palace. Hit the last
two statues on the right to reveal hidden rooms. If you have
level three sandals you will be able to collect the treasure. Now
go back up, go through the main palace entry. Visit the shops.
The shop to the left of the large entrance, is the shop in which
the translator book can be bought. When you have the book go
through the large entrance and talk to the king. Now go back to
the statues and hit the one's to the left, the middle one is the
secret passage. You will cross three bridges. Now go up the
ladder's, and work your way to the upper right hand corner. Hit
the cat statue's head to continue right. You will now be on an
elevator. Dodge the bombs that the bubbles drop. Attack the
hammer throwers, then jump from ledge to ledge. When you reach
the end you will see the totem pole boss.

BOSS #8 Totem pole

When the boss starts to move towards you jump over the
lower section. Then turn to face it and shoot coins at the
section you just jumped over. Repeat this process for each
section until the boss is defeated.

Warlock Zone 9

When you get out of the cell, find the king and talk to
him. Then return to your cell and use the pipe on the north wall
to open the hidden door. Next use the pipe to destroy the red
blocks in front of you. Now jump from roof top to roof top. Be
sure to open the blue jars. After you talk to the ninja Yai go
right. Now jump up to the ladder and climb it. When you see the
clouds, jump up from cloud to cloud. At the flying fortress
defeat the two gaurds, then enter the door. Go right and you will
encounter a mini boss.

MINI BOSS #1 The Lantern Man

This boss will shoot at you if you stand still. To defeat
him jump up on the ledges and shoot coins at the lanterns. If you
run out of coins you will need to jump up onto to the lantern
man's ledges. Then attack him with your your staff.

MINI BOSS #2 Big Face

Stand at the lower right hand corner of the screen and
face the "big face". Jump and shoot coins at him or hit him with
your staff. He will be defeated in no time and you will not be

BOSS # 9-1 The Big Cat

You will need to attack the cat first. Move to the left
side of the screen and hit the arrows with your staff. If done
properly the arrows will deflect into the cat's body. When the
cat charges, stay close to his foot and follow him back to the
right side of the screen. Then go to the left and hit the arrows
to deflect them once again. Repeat this process until the cat is

BOSS # 9-2 The Samurai

Once the cat is defeated you will need to defeat the
samurai. To defeat the samurai stay at the lower left hand corner
of the screen When he rolls. When he stops rolling move towards
him and hit him with your staff or coins. Periodically you will
to come out of the lower left hand corner to ensure that the
samurai stops rolling. Repeat the procedure of hiding in the
lower left hand corner of the screen and then attacking when he
stops rolling until he is defeated. Once he is defeated the
princess will be safe.

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