Suikoden 2

Suikoden 2

15.10.2013 20:42:34
Richmond Secrets

Suikoden II
Richmond Secrets

(Chris Sine)

1) Disclaimer
2) Version
3) Stuff still needed
4) Special Thanks and contact info.
5) Introduction
6) Character Secrets

1) Disclaimer

This FAQ was written by me, Chris Sine, thus copyrighted by me. It
cannot be used in any websites/publications without permission. All
characters/locations and game material are copyrights of Konami.
2) Version

0.5> 10/23/99 Early version, just sitting on my webpage.
1.0> 11/03/99 First GameFaqs version. All characters but Boris complete.
2.0> 12/16/99 Final version, all characters completed..?
2.1> 01/31/00 Just some error corrections: Stuff still needed changed, and
Godhand gets his proper credit. Thanks to Sir Aronar for pointing out my
idiocy. :)
2.3>Minor error corrections for your viewing pleasure.
2.4>Finalized faq and changed e-mail addie. Forgot to change it ages ago. :p
3)Stuff still needed

Unless somebody wants to send me the suggestion box letters, this FAQ is finished.
Also, everybody who I gave permission to use my FAQ on their page, PLEASE send
me the URLs for your page.
4)Special Thanks and contact info.

Me. ( ((replace @ with a))) I typed all this, by hand, on a 1991 IBM
that doesn't think it has a hard drive. *whew*

Brandon Binkley ( for the secrets for Valeria,
Abibzoah, Ruludia, Mikumiku, Mekumeku, Mokumoku, and Chuchara

Godhand ( for the final character, Boris.

To contact me (help, or just to chat), get ahold of me at (replace @ with a) . But beware that I might take awhile to reply..


Early on in the game, you can recruit Richmond in your army for good. For
a small fee, he'll snoop into the private lives of the other 110 or so odd
people in your army. Some information hints at team-up combos, others
reveal back-stories, and others.. well.. are just useless. ^_^

So, without further ado, here is all the secrets for all the characters, so
you don't have to do the dirty work yourself!

Secret 1:
Name: Flik
Age: 27
From: Warrior's Village, Toran Republic
Position: Archer Captain
Notes: Original member of the Toran Liberation Army

Secret 2:
"Flik's from Warrior's Village. Their custom is that a young man has to go on
a journey to complete his 'Manhood Ritual'. Flik is in the middle of that
journey, but he doesn't plan to returning to the village."

Secret 3:
"While he was on his journey to manhood, he met Odessa and she changed his
life forever. Odessa became first leader of the Toran Liberation Army with
him as her first lieutenant."

Secret 4:
"Flik and Odessa were lovers, but she was assassinated early on in the war.
I can tell from the look on his face that he still sometimes thinks about her."

Secret 1:
Name: Viktor
Age: 32
From: North Window
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: Seeking revenge on Neclord.

Secret 2:
"His hometown was destroyed by that Neclord guy. That's why he's always
traveling. It seems he was on an errand in South Window when Neclord came,
and so he was the only survivor."

Secret 3:
"When Viktor got back to his village, everyone had been turned into
bloodthirsty zombies. They were all eating each other. Blech!"

Secret 4:
"I don't know exactly who that Daisy was. Maybe his little sister, maybe his
There's no one left to tell me and Viktor ain't talking either...


Secret 1:
Name: Viki
Age: 16
From: Anywhere
Position: Magic Unit
Note: Watch out for her teleport!

Secret 2:
"It looks like this chick isn't even from this continent. I think she only
wound up here cause of one of her crazy teleport mistakes."

Secret 3:
"Could it be teleport shock? She said that just before she came here, she
was celebrating the birth of the Toran Republic. But that was 3 years ago."

Secret 4:
"She was talking in her sleep, I guess. What the hell could "Waffu" mean
Secret 1:
Name: Sheena
Age: 19
From: Kouan, Toran Republic
Position: Royal Guard
Note: Son of President Lepant

Secret 2:
"It looks like his womanizing has caused a lot of embarrassment for President
Lepant too, but he'll never be able to change his ways as long as he lives."

Secret 3:
"It sounds like President Lepant was quite a playboy in his youth as well.
That's why it's hard for him to be too tough on Sheena."

Secret 4:
"Sheena has a soft spot for his mother, Eileen. I'll bet she really babied
him when he was a kid."

Secret 1:
Name: Clive
Age: 27
From: Howling Voice Guild
Position: Archer
Note: In pursuit of a "woman".

Secret 2:
"Looks like Clive is a member of something called the 'Howling Voice Guild'
from Harmonia. They're a secret group that centers around the use of those
'Gun' things."

Secret 3:
"A 'gun' is a tool made of steel, but that's not all. I hear that these
guns have special 'souls' too....."

Secret 4:
"People say that gun of his, Storm, has a soul of its own... What the hell
does that mean? Maybe it's got a True Rune embedded in it?"

Secret 1:
Name: Hix
Age: 20
From: Warrior's Village, Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Trying to become a warrior

Secret 2:
"He left Warrior's Village to complete his journey of manhood, but it looks
like he's not really too interested in becoming a warrior."

Secret 3:
"Tengaar sure pushes him around a lot. But for all that they're still a
well-balanced couple."

Secret 4:
"Hix's sword is named Tengaar. It's an old custom in Warrior's Village to
name your sword after the most important thing in your life."
Secret 1:
Name: Tengaar
Age: 18
From: Warrior's Village, Toran Village
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Traveling with Hix

Secret 2:
"She's the daughter of the village chief of Warrior's Village. She
and Hix have known each other since they were kids and now they're a couple.
Also, it looks like she's had a run-in with Neclord in the past."

Secret 3:
"Well, she's a cute girl, but she worries too much. She thinks she's doing
everything for Hix's sake."

Secret 4:
"After Hix's journey is over, she wants to go back to Warrior's Village and
get married right away."
Secret 1:
Name: Futch
Age: 14
From: Goya, Domain of the Dragon Caves.
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Former Dragon Knight

Secret 2:
"He was once a full-fledged Dragon Knight, but it seems that he was dismissed
from the order after he lost his mount, Black..."

Secret 3:
"He's been depressed ever since his war-dragon, Black, died while protecting
his life."

Secret 4:
"It looks like he was on his way to the 'Great Shrine' in Crystal Valley to
find out how to get a new dragon."
Secret 1:
Name: Humphrey
Age: 35
From: Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: Former Commander of Scarlet Moon Empire Elite Guard.

Secret 2:
"Thanks to the heavy armor that Humphrey wears in combat, he can take 1 more
unit of damage than normal units. It would be a good idea to put him in a
unit that takes damage easily."

Secret 3:
"He was captain of the Scarlet Moon Empire's Elite Guard, but he was forced out
after trying to save a village from being massacred... He doesn't like to
talk about it."

Secret 4:
"When he was in the Toran Liberation Army, he used to fight alongside Flik."
Secret 1:
Name: Georg Prime
Age: 41
From: Unknown
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: Formerly 1 of the 6 Generals of the Scarlet Moon Empire.

Secret 2:
"He's got a hell of a history. In the Scarlet Moon Empire, he was 1 of the 6
Generals. In the Grasslands, he was an Ebony Moon Knight, and in Falena he was
a Royal Knight. He just threw it all away."

Secret 3:
"You'd never know by looking at him, but that old man loves sweets. I watched
him put away 3 pieces of cheesecake in about 5 minutes..."

Secret 4:
"He can't go back to Falena because he's wanted for the crime of murdering the
Queen. What the hell could have happened back there..."
Secret 1:
Name: Pesmerga
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"I still don't know what this guy really is, but apparently no one in the
castle has ever seen him either eating or sleeping."

Secret 3:
"He moves pretty damned quiet for a guy with all that armor, I tell ya. It's a
little spooky."

Secret 4:
"I'm still not sure what kind of a creature he is. Some people say he's just a
shadow from another existence."
Secret 1:
Name: Lorelai
Age: 28
From: Queendom of Falena
Position: Archer
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Basically, she's searching for the secrets of the Sindar, but 3 years ago she
took part in the Toran Liberation War. I heard she's only interested in strong

Secret 3:
"The Sindar are a mysterious tribe that came from the north and left ruins in
every land they visited. They finally went south and just disappeared."

Secret 4:
"She's got lots of rivals that are trying to solve the riddle of the Sindar
before her. Lemme tell ya though, she's crushed more than a few competitors
in her lifetime....."
Secret 1:
Name: Shin
Age: 27
From: The Southlands
Position: Archer Captain
Note: Teresa's Bodyguard

Secret 2:
"Sorry, I couldn't find out much. I thought he was sleeping, but all of a
sudden he woke up and put his sword up to my throat. Scared the livin' crap
outta me..."

Secret 3:
"I know he's from the south, but I can't find out any more details. You know
how that guy is...."
Secret 1:
Name: Rikimaru
Age: 25
From: Seika, Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"This guy is a big eater from way back. One time in Gregminster, he ate for
2 days straight, couldn't pay his bill and had to run off during the night."

Secret 3:
"His favorite activity is eating till he just about bursts and then sleeping
for a whole day.... What a life!"

Secret 4:
"He says he's out for revenge, but I really don't know..."
Secret 1:
Name: Tomo
Age: 14
From: Ryube, Muse Principality
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Tsai's daughter

Secret 2:
"Poor Tomo, she's working so hard to get her parents back together, but with
that stubborn father of hers...."

Secret 3:
"Her dad taught her how to wield a spear, but she got her good looks from her
Secret 1:
Name: Nanami
Age: 16
From: Kyaro, Highland Kingdom
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Wow. I feel sorry for you alright. You had to eat her cooking when you were
growing up? Blech!....."

Secret 3:
"It sounds like she really wants to back to Kyaro. She's got lots of memories
from there...."

Secret 4:
"Does she really have to train all night long? All the soldiers complain
about the noise she makes."
Secret 1:
Name: Eilie
Age: 17
From: Grasslands
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"She's been traveling ever since she left the Grasslands. As far as her
knife-throwing goes, she's the real deal all right."

Secret 3:
"She's got a big inferiority complex towards her big sister. Who can blame
her? After all, Rina is so much sexier."

Secret 4:
"She's got a thing for you, all right. She's always worried about you when
you head off into combat..."
"Wow, you really got it goin' on, don't ya?..."
Secret 1:
Name: Rina
Age: 18
From: Grasslands
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Rina and Eilie are sisters, but they're as different as dogs and cats. Rina is
poised and sophisticated, a real adult. You'd never know they were only a year

Secret 3:
"She says she's from the Grasslands, but the truth is, who can tell? She's
been traveling ever since she was old enough to walk."

Secret 4:
"She can handle her liquor, lemme tell ya. She even beat Viktor in a drinking
Secret 1:
Name: Bolgan
Age: 16
From: Zexen
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Unlike Rina and Eilie, Bolgan is from Zexen. He used to be in the circus,
but he ran away. That's when he met Eilie and Rina."

Secret 3:
"He learned that fire-breathing trick in the circus. But what kind of circus
uses magical runes anyway?"

Secret 4:
"He's been studying in the library lately. It looks like he's hoping to go
to the Greenhill Academy."
Secret 1:
Name: Tuta
Age: 11
From: Muse City
Position: Rear Guard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Tuta is the son of one of Dr. Haun's friends. At his age, he's still
probably crying out for his momma when it gets dark out. Poor little kid..."

Secret 3:
"Tuta's 'Medicine Rune' automatically supplies medicine to members of the
group when they need it. It's pretty useful."
Secret 1:
Name: Hannah
Age: 29
From: Nameless Lands
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Well, I don't know much about her. Just that she wandered all the way here
from the Nameless Lands for no reason anyone knows about."

Secret 3:
"She's one wild child. She loves to eat meat, but why am I wasting my time
investigating that?..."

Secret 4:
"She doesn't talk much, but I think she'd get along well with Oulan the
Secret 1:
Name: Millie
Age: 14
From: Unknown
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"She's always going around with that pet of hers, 'Bonaparte'. She seems
to think it's cute, but I just don't see it..."

Secret 3:
"She calls that buggy-eyed mutant 'cute'? I tried, but I just don't get it..."

Secret 4:
" won't believe this... I saw Millie actually go 'inside' Bonaparte
and take a nap in there!"
Secret 1:
Name: Karen
Age: 17
From: Kuskus
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"When she's dancing, she's a totally different person I tell ya. It's almost
like she's got an identical twin that she trades places with..."

Secret 3:
"She learned her dancing in the Toran Republic. Her teacher was someone called
Secret 1:
Name: Shiro
Age: 9
From: Forest near Ryube
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Well it looks like he's been with Kinnison for a long time. But an
investigation of a dog?"

Secret 3:
"Shiro is a hybrid of dog and wolf. He's pretty smart for a mutt."

Secret 4:
"I saw him running around the other day with Gengen on his back."
Secret 1:
Name: Zamza
Age: 29
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"What a pain! I went to go ask this guy some questions, and all he did was
talk about himself. I couldn't even get a word in edgewise! 5 long hours..."

Secret 3:
"If you could just fix it so that his 'Fire Dragon Rune' didn't cause him damage
every time..."
Secret 1:
Name: Gengen
Age: 17
from: Kobold Village near Two River City
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"When his tail is standing up, it means he's happy."

Secret 3:
"When his tail is down it means he's sad."

Secret 4:
"When he's found something delicious to eat, his ears stand straight up."
Secret 1:
Name: Gobocha
Age: 13
From: Two River City
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: None

Secret 2:
"If he fights alongside Gengen, they can do a special attack called
'Kobold Attack'."

Secret 3:
"He looks up to Gengen so much that he followed him here. All he ever talks
about is 'Captain Gengen'!"

Secret 4:
"Sometimes his 'Kobold Attack' does something really amazing....."
Secret 1:
Name: Kinnison
Age: 18
From: Forest near Ryube
Position: Archer Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"After living as hunters all alone in the forest, him and Shiro are having
a hard time adjusting to life in the castle."

Secret 3:
"He fought alongside Shiro to protect the forest from Highland, but he wasn't
able to do much by himself."
Secret 1:
Name: Shilo
Age: 24
From: Lakewest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Damn it!! That guy must cheat! He's takin' all my bloody money."

Secret 3:
"Damn, Damn, Damn! I don't get it...... How does he do it..."

Secret 4:
"I, I can't stand it anymore.. I'm all out of gold... This investigation is
costing me a fortune!"
Secret 1:
Name: Miklotov
Age: Rockaxe
Position: Cavalry Captain
Note: Former Captain of the Blue Knights of Matilda.

Secret 2:
"This guy's got 'Cavalry Ability', so during a battle sequence, any unit you
put him in will become a cavalry unit."

Secret 3:
"He's the type of guy that says whatever is on his mind. That's why he doesn't
fare too will in the lady's department."

Secret 4:
"He wakes up early every morning and trains for 2 hours before breakfast.
That's why his 'Blue Knights' were such great fighters. Poor guys."
Secret 1:
Name: Camus
Age: 27
From: Grasslands
Position: Cavalry Captain
Note: Former member of Red Knights of Matilda

Secret 2:
"I heard that if he fights together with Miklotav, they can do a 'Knight

Secret 3:
"He's originally from the Grasslands, but he moved to Matilda when he was young
and took the test to become a knight. He and Miklotov became knights on the
same day."

Secret 4:
"He's got rough manners, but he's a knight all the way. That guy is as tough
as nails."
Secret 1:
Name: Hauser
Age: 43
From: Muse City
Position: General
Note: Former Commander of Muse City Army

Secret 2:
"General Hauser was the best military commander in the City-State of Jowston.
He's good, believe me."

Secret 3:
"Anabelle was the civic leader of Muse, while Hauser handled its military
affairs. They were each excellent at their jobs and that's why Muse thrived."

Secret 4:
"Never seen anyone more devoted to his job. Tough sonofabitch never even
cracks a smile."
Freed Y.
Secret 1:
Name: Freed Y.
Age: 25
From: Radat, South Window Principality
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He's got a home in Radat... Lives there with his wife... It's a regular love
nest, it is."
"Bah............ I can't stand this...."

Secret 3:
"He really worshipped that old guy, Granmeyer. He might have gone down in
history as one of the great mayors if it hadn't been for that war."

Secret 4:
"He's so happy when he's together with Yoshino. I can't stand to look at it!"
Secret 1:
Name: Kahn
Age: 32
From: Crystal Valley
Position: Special Forces
Note: Vampire Hunter

Secret 2:
"The Marley Family has been hunting vampires for the past 300 years. It looks
like Neclord has been their arch-nemesis since way back."

Secret 3:
"His family's been studying how to kill vampires for 300 years, but it looks
like none of that'll work on Neclord."

Secret 4:
"Once his job as vampire hunter is finished, he says he wants to become a
mineralogist. How weird!"
Secret 1:
Name: Amada
Age: 26
From: Island Republic
Note: None

Secret 2:
"I heard he can't wake up in the morning without a big helping of fermented
soy-beans on rice. I'm a big fan of 'natto' myself."

Secret 3:
"The Island Countries are really a collection of small island nations far south
of here. The people there are famous for their great seamanship."

Secret 4:
"When you line him up next to Rikimaru, the two of them look like quite a
'manly' combo."
Tai Ho
Secret 1:
Name: Tai Ho
Age: 37
From: Kaku, Toran Republic
Position: Navy Captain
Note: Original member of Toran Liberation Army

Secret 2:
"He used to be a fisherman living on Lake Toran, but he's got a lust for life
and wanted to see more of the world if ya know what I mean."

Secret 3:
"He says he came to the City-State of Jowston to work for a guy name Kun Tze,
but the truth is he was just trying to escape his wife."

Secret 4:
"He's Yam Koo's brother-in-law. But they've been friends ever since they were
Secret 1:
Name: Anita
Age: 29
From: Nameless country
Position: Cavalry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Anita's swordmaster is some famous swordsman from the southlands. She got her
'Falcon Rune' when she completed her training there."

Secret 3:
"She drinks too much. Also, women despise her cause when she gets drunk, she's
willing to go home with just about anybody."
Secret 1:
Name: Bob
Age: 25
From: Grasslands
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Bob was born in a village of Lycanthropes, but one day, a sorceress named
Windy appeared and burned the village to the ground, killing everyone."

Secret 3:
"The rune that he uses doesn't give him the power to transform. That's his
natural power. The rune just helps him to maintain his human form."

Secret 4:
"When his body weakens, his body transforms more easily. The other day he
sneezed too hard and it caused him to change..."
Secret 1:
Name: Meg
Age: 16
From: Lenankamp, Toran Republic
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"She set off on a journey to follow an old man named Juppo who was teaching
her the lost art of gadgetry, but lost track of him on the way. I guess he
didn't want to be followed."

Secret 3:
"I looked into her room the other day and saw Gadget all broken down into
pieces. I can't believe she really put it back together."

Secret 4:
"This girl doesn't think before she does something. There's no good reason
for her setting off after Juppo either it seems."
Secret 1:
Name: Gadget
Age: 3
From: Juppo's Workshop
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Looks like it can do something called a 'Trick Attack' when it's fighting
with Meg."

Secret 3:
"It can't be easy partnered up with that girl, Meg, either. The other day
he hid from her by pretending to be a barrel filled with pickled daikon."

Secret 4:
"That thing just hates water. Meg was talking about water-proofing him, but
he wants nothing to do with it."
Secret 1:
Name: Ayda
Age: 17
From: Deep in the forest near Greenhill
Position: Archer Captain
Note: Guardian of the Forest

Secret 2:
"If you put her together with other people who use bows...."

Secret 3:
"With Ayda's 'Forest Walk' ability, you can pass through forest terrain as
easily as if it were an open field. But be careful cause you can't do it if
you also have Cavalry Ability in the same unit."

Secret 4:
"She was born in the forest, her life is dedicated to protecting the forest,
and she says she'll die in the forest..."
Secret 1:
Name: Killey
Age: 30
From: Queendom of Falena
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He's after the secrets of the Sindar, but it seems he was also a prisoner in
the Queendom of Falena for several years before you met up with him."

Secret 3:
"Apparently that look of his is the custom where he was born. Something to do
with the legendary 'Crimson Bird' from his native culture."
Secret 1:
Name: Sierra
Age: Unknown
From: Blue Moon Village
Position: Special Forces
Note: Inheritor of the "Moon Rune".

Secret 2:
"With the power of the "Moon Rune", the vampiress Sierra was able to become
founder of an entire coven of lesser vampires."

Secret 3:
"Although vampires live much longer than humans, even they die sometime.
All of them except for the coven mistress, Sierra, that is......"

Secret 4:
"Sounds like she's got no plans to go back to her village, right away. There's
no one left alive there anyway...only the undead."
Secret 1:
Name: Oulan
Age: 27
From: Holy Kingdom of Harmonia
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"She's one tough bodyguard. That means even if the unit she's in is destroyed
during a battle, there won't be any fatalities."

Secret 3:
"It looks like Oulan has a fan club of her own, but all the members are girls."

Secret 4:
"I found a memo of hers. It said '90 60 89'. I wonder what if could mean?
Some kinda code, I guess."
Secret 1:
Name: Genshu
Age: 37
From: Unknown
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"This guy would probably get along well with Shin. All he ever talks about
is swords."

Secret 3:
"He used to be work for anyone who could pay him, but he got tired of that

Secret 4:
"You should see that guy's eyes when he's near the Star Dragon Sword. He's
not normal I tell you, I tell ya. It's almost like he worships it."
Secret 1:
Name: Mukumuku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"That cape's got nothing to do with him flying, you know. B.....but.....
Why do I gotta investigate a flying squirrel anyway....."

Secret 3:
"Looks like he used to live in the forest around Greenhill, but he sometimes
visits Kyaro town in Highland."

Secret 4:
"He's the leader of his tribe. He's brave with a sense of honor too."
Secret 1:
Name: Feather
Age: 23
From: Unknown
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Yikes. Th, that thing is scary. I heard it came from some place called
'Something Valley'......"

Secret 3:
"How should I know!! You can't interrogate something that doesn't even speak
our language, can ya!!!"
"I, I'm sorry..... But gimme a break....."
Secret 1:
Name: Badeaux
Age: 38
From: Grasslands
Position: Special Forces
Note: Beastmaster

Secret 2:
"He's a beastmaster. He uses a rune called the 'Rune of Mindfulness' to talk
to animals. I'll tell ya one thing though. He's not too good with human

Secret 3:
"Sometimes he feeds the pigeons up on the roof of the castle."
Secret 1:
Name: Tsai
Age: 37
From: Ryube, Muse Principality
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He's got one daughter and a wife he's separated from. I heard his daughter
still goes to Ryube once in a while to meet friends..."

Secret 3:
"It looks like he's good with a spear, but not too good with women. His
daughter wants him to reunite with his wife, but he's more interested in his

Secret 4:
"He once pierced a steel helmet with his spear. Ever since then, they've called
him 'Tsai of the Divine Spear'."
Secret 1:
Name: Luc
Age: 17
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"That sorceress, Leknaat, is the keeper of the 'Gate Rune', one of the 27
True Runes."

Secret 3:
"Luc is pretty secretive about his past. I'm pretty sure something happened
to him in the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia."

Secret 4:
"10 years ago, he ran into some kinda trouble at the shrine. I don't know the
details, but someone told him to keep his mouth shut about it."
Secret 1:
Name: Chaco
Age: 14
From: Two River City
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"With his 'Flight Ability', any unit he's in will be able to fly during war.
If you combine that with 'Cavalry Ability', you'll really be able to cover a
lot of ground!"

Secret 3:
"Winger's wings are damn useful when ya wanna jump down from a high place. I
guess it's not really like flying though."

Secret 4:
"He go dumped by his girlfriend recently, but he'll be okay. A boy like him
won't let something like that keep him down."
Secret 1:
Name: Nina
Age: 16
From: Greenhill City
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: None

Secret 2:
"With the way she's been following Flik around, she could teach me a thing or
two about investigation techniques."

Secret 3:
"She's a stubborn little fireplug all right. Ain't nothing gonna stand in her

Secret 4:
"She knows that Flik sometimes goes up on the roof at night. Looks like she's
trying to get a chance to be alone with him."
Secret 1:
Name: Sid
Age: 21
From: Two River City
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"What's with this guy? When I peeked in on him, he was walking around on his
hands upside-down. Is that some kinda training or what!?"

Secret 3:
"I saw him surrounded by a bunch of kids the other day. I thought he was
playing with them, but it turns out he was telling them a super scary story.
One of the kids even pooped in his pants."

Secret 4:
"What a weirdo. He makes graves for fish after he eats them. He's already
got over 100 here."
Secret 1:
Name: Yoshino
Age: 23
From: South Window
Position: Infantry
Note: Freed Y's wife

Secret 2:
"She was introduced to Freed through Granmeyer. I don't know what she sees
in him, but they've been married for 5 years now."

Secret 3:
"Her specialties are her 'Husband-Wife Attack' with Freed and her 'Meat and
Potatoes'. I prefer the latter myself."

Secret 4:
"Looks like she make Freed promise that when the war is over, he'll go back
to Radat and live a quiet life with her."
"A lovely woman...."
Secret 1:
Name: Gijimu
Age: 39
From: Tinto Principality
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
"This 'Melee' command of his increases his unit's attack power versus archers
and magic units."

Secret 3:
"This guy is a natural-born bandit. He mostly went after money-hungry traders
Secret 1:
Name: Koyu
Age: 16
From: Tinto Principality
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"When he's with Gijimu and Lo Wen, he can use the 'Bandits Attack'."

Secret 3:
"He's good friends with Marlowe. They each have exactly what the other person

Secret 4:
"His brother-in-law, Gijimu, and Lo Wen are his only relatives. It's the times
we live in, eh."
Lo Wen
Secret 1:
Name: Lo Wen
Age: 28
From: Two River Principality
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"She was embezzling money from one of the members of the 3 Houses of Parliament
in Two River, but she was found out and had to leave town in a hurry."

Secret 3:
"She can be pretty tough on guys she likes."

Secret 4:
"Her dream is to open up a little diner someday. If you ya ask me, it's hard
to imagine."
Secret 1:
Name: Mazus
Age: 87
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit Captain
None: None

Secret 2:
"In Toran, he's got an arch-rival named Crowley who supposedly has over 100
runes embedded in his body."

Secret 3:
"A long time ago, Mazus and Crowley had a showdown on top of a mountain. They
unleashed so much power between them that it rained for a whole week and the
mountain was leveled."

Secret 4:
"Lately, the girls around here have been asking Mazus to make them love potions.
Can you imagine a bad-eyed and loveless old goat like that making love potions?"
Secret 1:
Name: Sasuke
Age: 13
From: Rokkaku Hamlet
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He used to be very close to Kasumi of Rokkaku, but he avoids her now. Well,
that's how it is between men and women sometimes."

Secret 3:
"He says that he only came here cause he was ordered by Hanzo, but the truth
is that he likes being out in the real world."
Secret 1:
Name: Mondo
Age: 35
From: Rokkaku Hamlet
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"People say he used to practice special attacks a lot with Kasumi."

Secret 3:
"Every morning, he wraps a long cloth around his waist and runs around in
circles. Is that some kind of training?"

Secret 4:
"He was planting some strange seeds in the courtyard and flying around. Is that
some kinda training too?"
Secret 1:
Name: Vincent de Boule
Age: 39
From: Gregminster
Position: Cavalry
Note: Former Scarlet Moon Empire nobleman.

Secret 2:
"He used to be a member of the Scarlet Moon Empire nobility, but he doesn't
stand on ceremony too much these days. He's got a strong since of duty though."

Secret 3:
"I know he's friends with Simone, but even so, it seems like he's got an awful
lot of 'dearest friends'."

Secret 4:
"He and Simone often take tea together in the flower garden. I swear those
two are livin' in a world of their own making."
Secret 1:
Name: Simone Verdricci
Age: 32
From: Gregminster
Position: Cavalry
Note: Former Scarlet Moon Empire nobleman

Secret 2:
"He used to be a member of the Scarlet Moon Empire nobility, but now he prefers
to travel. A real classy guy......"

Secret 3:
"Where the hell did he buy those clothes anyway... Even I, Richmond, couldn't
figure it out."
Hai Yo
Secret 1:
Name: Hai Yo
Age: 27
From: Black Dragon Island
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"I don't know the details, but he's on the run from something they call the

Secret 3:
"That secret 'Blue Moon Bird Recipe' of his is for some kind of food that will
make anybody who eats it happy. But I'm not too sure how it works..."

Secret 4:
"It's kinda sad...... He was betrothed to a girl who was later killed. Before
she died, he made her some kinda promise."
Secret 1:
Name: Stallion
Age: 28
From: Toran Republic
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: Original member of the Toran Liberation Army

Secret 2:
"He's originally from the Village of the Elves in Toran, but he left there to
train to be the fastest man alive."

Secret 3:
"I wonder what that 'True Holy Rune' of his is anyway. He sure runs around
outside the city pretty fast..."

Secret 4:
"From what I can see, he doesn't act much like an Elf at all...."
Secret 1:
Name: Wakaba
Age: 15
From: The Southlands
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Her love for the martial arts started at a local dojo in her neighborhood,
and she's been in training ever since..."

Secret 3:
"Yesterday she did 200 squats, 50 pull-ups and then 200 sit-ups. And that was
just before breakfast....."

Secret 4:
"She tries hard at everything she does. She borrowed a jigsaw puzzle from a
friend and worked on it all night. She got so frustrated that she finally
busted it up."
L.C. Chan
Secret 1:
Name: Long Chan-Chan
Age: 33
From: The Southlands
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Master and student are a potent force when fighting together. You should
check it out."

Secret 3:
"He's the 'father' of the Dragon-style of fighting all right. He thought it
all up himself. He's one tough little dude."

Secret 4:
"Wakaba is his only pupil right now, but one day he wants to have a dojo with
1,000 in it."
Secret 1:
Name: Gantetsu
Age: 45
From: Qlon, Toran Republic
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Apparently he was doing his training at a place called Qlon in the Toran
Republic, but he was excommunicated for his violent tendencies."

Secret 3:
"Never met a priest like him before. Seems more like a mobster pretending
to be a priest to me."
Secret 1:
Name: Hoi
Age: 16
From: Kanakan
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"You better be careful, I saw him sneak into your room a couple of times."

Secret 3:
"He's an interesting guy. He spends most of his time just copying your attacks
over and over again."

Secret 4:
"He was loitering around in front of the bathhouse. I wonder what he was
Secret 1:
Name: Sigfried
Age: 170
From: Two River City
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Now I'm investigating mutated horses....... Well anyway, deep in the forest,
in between two trees, there's a place called Unicorn Village."

Secret 3:
"I gotta admit I like that beast's style. He's only interested in girls...
Won't waste a minute with the guys."

Secret 4:
"The other day, he mistook Sierra for a 'maiden' and approached her. You
shoulda seen him after he got a whiff of her."
Secret 1:
Name: Kasumi
Age: 19
From: Rokkaku Hamlet
Position: Volunteer Army General
Note: Vice-Chancellor of Rokkaku Hamlet

Secret 2:
With Kasumi in your unit, you can find out your chance of a successful attack
against a unit by using her 'Scout Ability'.

Secret 3:
"Looks like she was born and raised in Rokkaku like the other ninjas. Maybe
that's why she knows so little about the outside world."

Secret 4:
"Once in awhile, she heads for Banner Village. I wonder if she's got a
boyfriend there."
Secret 1:
Name: Makumaku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Number two in the tribe. He's cool on the inside, but ferocious on the
"What kind of report is that?....."
Secret 1:
Name: Apple
Age: 18
From: Seika, Toran Republic
Position: Vice-Strategist
Note: None

Secret 2:
"After her parents died in the war between the Scarlet Moon Empire and the
City-State of Jowston, she was given a scholarship to study under the great
Mathiu along with Shu."

Secret 3:
"When Toran's war for liberation started, she was studying in Crystal Valley
in Harmonia, but she left right away to lend her help to her master, Mathiu."

Secret 4:
"Apple first met Shu when she was just 11. She had no parents and was pretty
taken in by him. Kinda like a schoolgirl crush, I guess."
Secret 1:
Name: Templeton
Age: 14
From: Kanakan
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: Phonologist

Secret 2:
"Templeton was born in Kanakan, far south of the Toran Republic. He worked
his way north while making that map of his."

Secret 3:
"Templeton's special ability, 'Shortcut', allows the unit to move whether it's
a forest or castle. It's very useful for getting inside a castle from the

Secret 4:
"When this war is over, he plans to go back to Toran Castle for a while."
Secret 1:
Name: Kiba
Age: 37
From: Highland Kingdom
Position: General
Note: Former General of Highland's 3rd Army

Secret 2:
"Sounds like although General Kiba had a high position in the military, he
wasn't very well compensated if ya know what I mean."

Secret 3:
"General Kiba's first battle was for the defense of Fort Retto. He led a
small force of 100 men and managed to repulse 3,000 hardened State veterans."

Secret 4:
"He swore fealty to Agares Blight, but when Agares was killed by his son, Lucas,
he came to us. He's a pretty complex guy."
Secret 1:
Name: Fitcher
Age: 32
From: Coronet, Muse Principality
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: None

Secret 2:
"According to Muse law, Fitch is the mayor of Muse, but if ya ask me, he ain't
got the stones for it..."

Secret 3:
"At least half of his dummy act is a put-on to make people underestimate him.
It's his strategy."

Secret 4:
"Fitcher can sleep with his eyes wide open. that would be a useful trick
when ya gotta listen to some bore running off at the mouth."
Secret 1:
Name: Shu
Age: 26
From: Unknown
Position: Army strategist
Note: None

Secret 2:
"With Shu's 'Critical' ability, a successful hit in war sometimes causes
double damage to the enemy unit."

Secret 3:
"Shu studied military tactics under Mathiu, but he was expelled for using
his knowledge for selfish gain. He never saw Mathiu again after that day."

Secret 4:
"He thinks of Apple like a little sister. But he's such a cool customer,
he never lets his true feelings show."
Secret 1:
Name: Tetsu
Age: 42
From: Lakewest
Position: Infantry
Note: None

Secret 2:
Never met a guy who loved baths more. He heats 'em up by himself so he can
be the first one in, ya see."

Secret 3:
"He's really interested in bath design. He's come up with several different
styles, I hear."

Secret 4:
"I don't know why, but the other day I saw him putting an 'Octopus Urn' in each
of the 4 corners of the tub. I wonder what the hell that was for..."
Secret 1:
Name: Leona
Age: 32
From: Toto Village, Muse Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
She's originally from Toto. When it went up in flames, she was pretty broken
up but didn't want to let it show in front of the customers."

Secret 3:
"She may complain, but that's just for show. The truth is she loves taking
care of kids."
Secret 1:
Name: Haun
From: Muse City
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"During a war, Huan's 'Heal' ability will even let you heal a unit that's far
away. Use it wisely though."

Secret 3:
"Dr. Haun did his medical training in the Toran Republic. There was a guy
there named Liukan the Healer who taught him everything he knows."
Secret 1:
Name: Jess
Age: 24
From: Muse City
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: Vice-Mayor of Muse City

Secret 2:
Looks like Jess was pretty deeply in love with Anabelle. But as her
chamberlain, he hid his true feelings."

Secret 3:
"All he eats for breakfast is a single croissant. He's a real weirdo, that

Secret 4:
"He's not too good with bugs. The other day, he walked under a tree and a bug
dropped on him. I swear he screamed like a baby who just lost his bottle."
Secret 1:
Name: Hilda
Age: 33
From: Muse City
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Before she married Alex, she was a nurse who made house-calls. They say love
is blind, but gimme a break."

Secret 3:
"She first met Alex at Muse's Harvest Festival. They married 6 months later.
They're a very happy couple."

Secret 4:
"She's really worried about her son, Pete. He can't seem to make any friends.
It's probably cause they were way out in the country and then they had to flee
because of the war......."
Secret 1:
Name: Alex
Age: 36
From: Muse City
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"It sounds like he thought there was gonna be gold in those Sindar ruins.
Tough luck."

Secret 3:
"He wanted to make Hilda's life easier, but he actually made it a lot tougher
with all that adventuring. Well, that's his way of showing his love, I

Secret 4:
"He still hasn't given up on the idea of a Sindar treasure. Right now, he's
tracking down some new leads."
Secret 1:
Name: Emilia
Age: 29
From: Greenhill City
Position: Strategist's Retinue
Note: None

Secret 2:
"In war, the unit Emilia is in will be able to see their attack percentage
before they attack."

Secret 3:
"She's a smart lady all right. But in the love department, she's still
illiterate. That's why she reads so many romance novels."

Secret 4:
"The newest bestseller is
"For Love of the Empire", by Millich the Flower General."
Secret 1:
Name: Tenkou
Age: 67
From: Crom, Tinto Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: Windowmaker

Secret 2:
"According to rumor, someone on the mountain path to the Toran Republic picked
up a Window Set."

Secret 3:
"He said if you see a 'Window Set' in Greenhill, please buy it for him. He
sounded kinda desperate."
Secret 1:
Name: Barbara
Age: 36
From: North Window
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Barbara is from North Window too, but she had just moved to Ryube when the
Neclord incident happened."

Secret 3:
"She was married a long time ago, but she and her husband didn't get along
so she left."
Secret 1:
Name: Richmond
Age: 35
From: South Window
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"You want to know about me besides the fact that I'm handsome, wise, and brave?
Don't get to close to the fire, kid, or you'll get burned."
Yam Koo
Secret 1:
Name: Yam Koo
Age: 28
From: Seika, Toran Republic
Position: Navy
Note: None

Secret 2:
"They've been brother-in-laws for a long time now. They first met each other
during a gambling brawl."

Secret 3:
"Tai Ho's wife, Kimberley, has got a secret crush on Yam Koo."
Secret 1:
Name: Teresa
Age: 27
From: Greenhill City
Position: General
Note: None

Secret 2:
"After her fathers Alec's death, the citizens wanted her to be mayor right
then, but she was against it, so they created the position 'acting mayor' for

Secret 3:
"It was hard for her being the mayor's daughter in school. Everybody talking
about her, staring at her.... I know how she musta felt."

Secret 4:
"Everyone knows that she's really in love with Shin, but they're both so damned
Secret 1:
Name: Yuzu
Age: 10
From: Forest Village, Muse Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"That sheep that travels with her is named Taro. That one sheep alone is not
for eating."

Secret 3:
"When I took a peek, I saw her branding names on her animals. One of 'em said
'hamburger', one said 'pork cutlets', and another said 'Ghengis Khan'...."

Secret 4:
"As soon as I got close to that sheep of hers, 'Taro', she yelled at me: 'That
one's not for eating! Back off!' I couldn't believe my ears."
Secret 1:
Name: Taki
Age: 72
From: Lakewest
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: None

Secret 2:
"She's certainly got lots of interesting stories to tell, but what was that
about making cats sniff orange rinds......?"

Secret 3:
"Old lady Taki's got a couple of married sons living in Two River, but she
couldn't leave Lakewest. She just loves that place. When this is all over,
she's gonna go back there."
Secret 1:
Name: Tony
Age: 19
From: Matilda Knights' Domain
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"That guy spends all his time on his farm. He must be some kind of a dirt

Secret 3:
"He really hates moles! Well I can't blame him. They eat up all those
vegetables he raised so carefully....."
Secret 1:
Name: Adlai
Age: 42
From: South Window City
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"His neighbors back in South Window sure hated him. They said he did all sorts
of weird experiments in his cellar."

Secret 3:
"He calls himself a 'genius', but other than that elevator, he still hasn't come
up with a really useful invention."
Secret 1:
Name: Gordon
Age: 38
From: Rockland, Toran Republic
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"I found one of his secret trade memos. Ummmmm.....
'Flutes to Forest Village, Deer Antlers from Forest Village'"

Secret 3:
"Secret Memo 2
Furs to South Window, Deer Antlers from Rokkaku, Soy Sauce from Rokkaku, Wine
from Gregminster"

Secret 4:
"Secret Memo 3
Holly berries to Crom, Pearls from Rockaxe, Peeing Boy to Rockaxe, Flutes to
Rockaxe, Holly berries to Rockaxe"
Secret 1:
Name: Hans
Age: 33
From: Zexen
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He was born in Zexen and his family wasn't exactly rich. He had just enough
money to get himself established here in the City-State of Jowston."

Secret 3:
"That guy's saved up a hell of lot of money! I have no idea where he's hiding
it all though."
Secret 1:
Name: Connell
Age: 12
From: Forest Village, Greenhill
Position: Rearguard
Note: Phonologist

Secret 2:
"Connell's dad was a musician too, so he went to the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia
to study so he could follow in his footsteps."

Secret 3:
"He's worried about his little sister who he left in Forest Village. He asked
the other villagers to watch after her, but still...."

Secret 4:
"Sometimes monsters hold onto Sound Sets too. I'm pretty sure it's those
Doremi elf....."
Secret 1:
Name: Lebrante
Age: 40
From: Zexen
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
He's a prickly old bastard, but once he gets a couple of drinks of sake, he'll
sing yer ear off... What a racket!"

Secret 3:
"He shaves that head of his cause he can't stand the idea of hair falling onto
his antiques."

Secret 4:
"What the hell does he collect all those 'Celadon Urn' for anyway........"
Secret 1:
Name: Tessai
Age: 37
From: Kuskus, South Window Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: None

Secret 2:
"I heard a rumor that there's an Iron Hammer in Forest Village..."

Secret 3:
"If ya wanna get the Copper Hammer, you have to go to Gregminster."

Secret 4:
"From what I hear, the Silver Hammer is somewhere in Greenhill. There's a
Golden Hammer somewhere too...."
Secret 1:
Name: Raura
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit
Note: Scroll Maker

Secret 2:
"Jeane and Raura seem like they know each other well, but I can't seem to find
out where they met."

Secret 3:
"Scroll-making is mysterious all right. She takes the power of crystals and
puts them into vellum. It's really amazing."
Secret 1:
Name: Annallee
Age: 17
From: Holy Kingdom of Harmonia
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"With Annallee's 'Encourage' ability, a unit that has already ended its turn
gets a chance to go again."

Secret 3:
"Annallee was born in Harmonia, but her parents were killed under suspicious
circumstances...... It took her a long time to open up after that..."

Secret 4:
"She first met Pico and Alberto at a friend's house. That meeting changed
her life forever. She seems pretty happy now, if ya ask me."
Secret 1:
Name: Pico
Age: 24
From: Muse City
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He takes very good care of Annallee. It's a little different than how he
'takes care' of other girls."

Secret 3:
"He's broken a whole lot of hearts while he's been on the road with his
band. He doesn't mean to, it just happens that way."
Secret 1:
Name: Alberto
Age: 31
From: Rockaxe
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He used to be an apprentice for a barrel maker, but he quit for a life in

Secret 3:
"He thinks of Annallee more as a daughter than as a little sister. He looks
at her just like he's her papa."
Secret 1:
Name: Jude
Age: 22
From: Forest Village, Greenhill Principality
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"You can find plans on sale in town, on wandering monsters and in rare finds

Secret 3:
"I wonder what'll happen when he's done making that Guardian Deity. What the
hell is it anyway?"

Secret 4:
"Jude was researching who most often dealt the finishing blow in combat. Is
he looking for a motif or something?"
Secret 1:
Name: Jeane
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Sorry, but she's a tough lady. Couldn't get past her guard...."

Secret 3;
"Ugh..... I think...
I think I'm in love... I'm sorry"

Secret 4:
"I, I, I can't say anything.. F, forgive me.... This...this is all I can say...
I.....I'm sorry...."
"She, she's one hell of a woman, she is...."
Secret 1:
Name: Ridley
Age: 39
From: Two River City
Position: General
Note: Commander of Kobold Army of Two River City

Secret 2:
"I've always wondered, so I took a look and it's true... No matter how famous
he gets, he's still got a tail."

Secret 3:
"Ridley has a son named Boris who's the spitting image of him. Right now he's
training in the Nameless Countries."
Secret 1:
Name: Klaus
Age: 19
From: Highland Kingdom
Position: Vice-Strategist
Note: Former strategist of the Highland 3rd Army

Secret 2:
"Klaus's 'Evade' ability gives his unit a good chance of avoiding an attack."

Secret 3:
"It looks like Klaus takes after his mother for the time being. But ya never
know. Maybe when he gets a little older, he'll become more like his dad...."

Secret 4:
"He's worried that his dad drinks so much, he'll ruin his liver."
Secret 1:
Name: Maximillian
Age: 65
From: Toran Republic
Position: Cavalry Captain
Note: Former commander of Maximillian Knights

Secret 2:
"The Maximillian Knights were part of the Scarlet Moon Empire, but they were
disbanded because they helped the City-State of Jowston in their war against
the Highland Kingdom."

Secret 3:
"He's got a squire named Sancho, but he went back to his homeland. He heard
there was a war and he went running."
Secret 1:
Name: Marlowe
Age: 19
From: Crom, Tinto Principality
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: none

Secret 2:
"The mayor of Tinto summoned him to tutor his daughter, but he was so impressed
by you that he left to come here."

Secret 3:
"He really wants to finish your chronicles. I think he'll be with us for a
while, though, by his progress."
Secret 1:
Name: Gilbert
Age: 36
From: Zexen
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None

Secret 2:
He was originally a mercenary in Zexen, west of the Grasslands, but he came here
looking for a war to fight in."

Secret 3:
"He's got a wife and kids back in Zexen. He wrote them a letter."

Secret 1:
Name: Valeria
Age: 29
From: Toran Republic
Position: Volunteer Army General
Note: One of the 6 Generals of the Toran Republic

Secret 2:
"She studied swordsmanship for 3 years from a famous swordmaster in the
southlands. After that, she went back to the Scarlet Moon Empire, but her
mind is still only on her swordsmanship..."

Secret 3:
"She got her 'Falcon Rune' from her swordmaster. Must be some kind of
proof of her rank, I guess."

Secret 4:
"She was born in a poor village and worked hard to get where she is. Her
village was burned to the ground while she was away and all her childhood
friends were all killed."

Secret 1:
Name: Abizboah
Age: 76
From: Mining cavern in Tinto City
Position: Navy
Note: None

Secret 2:
"C...c'mon..... Gimme a break..... If I get too close, that thing'll get

Secret 3:
"It looks like our ugly friend here has a wife.... If you can call it

Secret 4:
"The other day, he messed around with Viki while she was walking on the
docks. She teleported him into the middle of the lake for his troubles."

Secret 1:
Name: Rulodia
Age: 68
From: Mining cavern in Tinto
Position: Navy
Note: None

Secret 2:
"H, how the hell am I supposed to know.... Octopii...I'm sick of 'em!!!"

Secret 3:
"I thought.... I thought I saw a little baby octopus..."

Secret 1:
Name: Mikumiku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"A tribute to her race. From what I can tell, she's kind and curious."

Secret 1:
Name: Mekumeku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He jokes around a lot, but he's a hard worker."

Secret 1:
Name: Mokumoku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None

Secret 2:
"Very generous, but strong too. He loves curry."

Secret 1:
Name: Chuchara
Age: 1
From: Unknown
Position: Navy
Note: None

Secret 2:
"He was just born, but he's being raised with lots of love.... probably."

Secret 1:
Name: Boris
Age: 21
From: Two River City
Position: General
Notes: Commander of Kobold Army of Two River.

Secret 2:
"He's a chip of his old pa. As far as his soldiering goes , he's every bit as
good as Ridley"

Secret 3:
"He's really into his appearance. He brushes his fur for over an hour
every morning."

Secret 4:
"He's really hurting inside over his father's death, but he's such a pro
that he won't let it show. He's one hell of a man... I mean Kobold."

And remember, it's all about Viki! ;)

Shuriken/Shuriken_Zero/Orochi Nanaki/Gotenks/SatsuNoHadouRyu
More Personalities, more Fun!

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Character Recruitment Guide

17.October 2013

16.October 2013
ultimate clives quest FAQ

15.October 2013
Just before the last boss with a Hero at Level 64 and all other characters.

17.October 2013
All characters at decent levels. Saved before the last boss.

17.October 2013
Richmond Secrets

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15.October 2013

17.October 2013
Enemy List

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16.October 2013
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