Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

14.10.2013 10:27:52
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 Gap List

Created By: Deacon Ross (Deekman)
And IGN I used most of there Guide as an outline so I can't take all the credit this is
for IGN thanx heaps.

About Me: Well I live in Australia I'm 15 years old and spend my whole time playing video games.
Thats About It

1.Version History
3.The Walkthrough
3b.School 2
3d.NY City
3e.Venice Beach
3f.Skate Street
3h.Bull Ring
3i.Chopper Drop Hawaii
3j.Skate Heaven
4.Secrets and Cheats

Latest Update 2/10/00
Ok all of the gaps are in here I hope this helps some people.

Update 1/10/00
Added almost all the gaps for skate heave if anyone
can tell me where to Ramp 2 Rail & Northern/Southern Cross over sad gap
that would be great Thanx.

Update 29/9/00
Added Contents And secrets and Cheats section

Update 28/9/00
Created This FAQ
Boneless=Hold X, Up, Up then release X
Manual=Hold X, Up, Down
QP= Quarter Pipe

The Walkthrough Or Should I Say Skatethrough


Air Gaps

Rollin Gap:
Transfer over the starting rollin ramp to score the bonus. You'll need lots of speed,
which can be gained by zipping back and forth across the room. Air up and over the
gap or grind one edge, leap the gap and land in a grind on the opposite side.

Chopper Hop:
Transfer from one room to the other (through the glass) off of the quarter wall on either side.

Halfpipe Hangtime:
Sail over the HP to gain the bonus.

Flyin High:
Transfer across the door mouth in the wind tunnel to get the Flyin High bonus.

Its Cold Up Here:
Open the secret room by grinding the chopper blades. Then cruise inside and jump high
off of the ramp at the end of the landing pad where the secret tape was.

Wingtip Hangtime:
Hop from one wing of the airoplane to the other to grab the bonus.

Skycrane Hangtime:
Leap over the helicopter from one ramp to the other.

Air Over the Door:
You'll need massive speed to pull this off. Gain it on the quarter walls of the
chopper room, then cruise to the back of the area and leap over the door to
the secret outdoor area (drifting from one segment of the steel quarter, across
the wood quarter to the other steel bank).

Grind Gaps

Rail-guided Missile:
Ride the ridge behind the airoplane, then ollie up to the low wall with the glass and grind
to score this bonus.

Grind along the high rails in the hangar above the roll in ramp then leap down
and grind the quarter lip.

Lil Light Hopper/Big Light Hopper:
Make the chopper take off, then cruise to the wooden quarter, gaining speed.
Cruise back toward the airplane room. Push forward and leap to the lights,
landing in a grind. This will score the Big Light Hopper gap. Hold the grind to get
the Lil' Light Hopper. Or, instead of approaching from this way, gain speed and air
in the HP in the airplane room. Then launch up to either of the light banks hanging
above and just outside the HP. Land in a grind to score the Lil Light Hopper
and hold the grind to score the biggie.

Light Corner:
From your leap out of the HP, grind the light until you reach another
light running off to the right. Leap to it and grind for a Light Corner.

Manual Gaps

Instrument Landing:
Ollie over the airplane and land in a manual to score this gap. (To do a manual just press
up, down while holding X)

Lip Gaps

High Steppin’:
Lip trick on a wall railing in the airplane room for the High Steppin' gap.

One Half Pipe Lip:
Lip trick on one side of the airplane room HP.

The Other Half Pipe Lip:
The other side of the HP will get you this gap.

Wind Tunnel Back Wall:
Lip trick the back wall of the wind tunnel.

Downwind Lip:
Head left inside the wind tunnel. Lip trick here to score the bonus.

Upwind Lip:
Cruise across the door and lip trick on the opposite side to score the gap

School 2

Air Gaps

TC’s Roof Gap:
Jump from one temporary building to the other to get the TC gap.

Table Transfer:
Leap from one of the dumpster-propped tables to the other to get the bonus.

Over the Wall...:
In the Carlsbad area (Secret area behind the secret tape), launch from the ramp near the
wall to score the gap.

Leap of Faith!!!:
Leap over the fence next to the Nightmare Rail and land (you may have to tap X for a Big Drop)
to get the Leap of Faith!!!

Drop Out Roof Gap!:
Use the first bell kicker to get up to the awning where th first lot of money was,
then head forward and ollie through the glass to get the gap.

Awning Hop:
In the Rancho area (the place with the ramp to get the secret tape), use the angled planters
to Boneless on to the low-hanging awnings.

Overhang Air:
Using the angled ramps leading up to the gym, Boneless and air over the gym
doors to get the bonus.

And Down the Bank!:
Clear the bank after the Over the Wall gap from the Carlsbad area.

Carlsbad 11 Set:
Ollie down the steps in the Carlsbad area.

3 Points!!!:
Get inside the gym, then transfer between the two quarter pipes here.

Carlsbad Gap:
Leap over the grass to the left of the stairs in the Carlsbad area.

Crazy Roof Gap!!:
When you get to the rooftops near the start, hop through the glass, grind across
the next gap, then leap across to the final building to grab the gap.

2 Da Roof!!!:
Get up to the rooftop from the Big Rancho stage area by using the boards
leaning on the planter. Boneless at the top of the up-angled planter to launch to the roof
were the secret tape was.

Huge Transfer!!!:
Head to the Gonz Rail area. Here you'll see a pair of ramps. Crank up the speed,
then hit the ramp at a shallow angle, drifting over and landing on the distant quarter.

Suicidal Roof Gap!!!:
After you collect the Crazy Roof Gap, head to the left corner of the last building and
jump down to it (Boneless for a little extra push) to get the gap.

Mad Skeelz Roof Gap!!!:
Once you get 2 Da Roof, leap to the next rooftop to get the gap.

Balcony to Awning!!!:
Next to the Nightmare Rail (First rail down the stairs at the start)
is a fence. Boneless over it and head forward, leaping to the awning.

Are You Serious?!!:
You'll need massive air to get this gap. Use the right quarter in the Carlsbad
area to gain some pace, then head toward the kicker that ramps toward the wall.
Boneless off of it to get up to the rooftop far ahead.

Grind Gaps

Roll Call! Gonz Rail!:
In the Bendy's flat area (by the dumpster), use the small kicker to
launch up to the railing, then grind it down to score the gap.

Gym Rail 2 Rail:
On the slope leading to the gym doors are a pair of railings.
Slide up one, Boneless and land in a grind on the other side.

Overhang Stomp!:
Use the slope near the gym door to pop up to the awning. Grind it to get the Overhang Stomp.

Rack ‘Em Up:
Head to the banks. Grind the long bike racks here, ollying between the gap and
landing in a grind again.

Pole Stomp!:
Near the dumpster, knock into the pole to make it fall down.
Then, from Bendy's curb leap and grind the fallen pole to get the bonus.

Roll Call! Opensezmee Rail!:
Near the banks is a set of stairs. Grind down the railing there to Opensezmee!

Big Rancho Bench Gap:
Ride the brick bench in the Rancho stage area, then leap to the next and land in a grind.

Pole 2 Brix:
When grinding the fallen lamppost near Bendy's Flat, jump and land in a grind on the planter.

Bank 2 Ledge:
In the banks area, leap from the angled concrete up to the small ledge that skirts
the wall, landing in a grind.

Roll Call! Nightmare Rail!:
Straight ahead from the starting point is a long, kinked rail. Grind it most of the way
down to earn the bonus.

Bendy’s Curb:
Grind the concret apron below the dumpster to grab the gap.

Flyin’ the Flag:
From the Rancho rooftops, leap across the building gap and land in a grind on
the flagpole on your way to the Carlsbad secret area.

Stage Rail 2 Rail:
On the Rancho stage, grind a rail, leap across the gap and land on an opposite rail.

Kicker 2 Hook:
Boost up your speed on the Carlsbad quarter, then head to the small kicker further from
the wall. Use it to pop over to the curved rail. Land in a grind.

Backboard Dance:
Leap from the kicker in the gym and land in a grind on the b-ball backboard.

Manual Gaps

Planter on Edge:
At the starting point, leap up to the planter and manual the length of its concrete base.

2 Wheelin’ TC’s Roof:
Leap up to TC's Roof, landing in a manual, then ollie over TC's Roof Gap and land
in another manual.

Ledge on Edge:
In the banks area, manual the ledge along the wall that runs parallel to the bike racks.

Bendy’s Flat:
Manual the concrete apron in front of the dumpster.

Lip Gaps

Arch Extension:
In the mini-HP to the left of the starting point is a doorway. Perform a lip trick on
the concrete structure to score the gap.

Starting Blocks Extension!!!:
Near the pool, do a lip trick on the starting blocks.

Lil’ Guppy Extension!:
Lip trick the low diving platform near the pool.

Mid Squid Extension!!:
Bust a lip on the middle diving board.

High Dive Extension!!!:
You know what to do, dog. Lip the top platform.

Other Gaps

Rock the Bells!:
Wallride across any of the bells on the level will give you Rock the Bells!


Air Gaps

Over the Lil’ 4:
Leap down the stairs to the right (and slightly behind) the starting point.

Shorty Dumpster Pop:
Ollie over the short side of a dumpster.

Shorty Table Pop:
Ollie over the short side of a table.

Dumpster Pop:
Ollie over the length of a dumpster.

Over the Gate:
Gain some speed behind the starting point, then use the quarter kicker edge to launch
over the bar bearing a line of flags.

Table Pop:
Ollie over the length of a table.

2 the Box:
Grind the curved rail near the starting point toward the funbox, then leap and grind
it to get the gap.

Over the Table:
The angled table to the right of the crossbar can be attacked in two ways.
First, grind toward it, leap over and land in a grind on the other side.
Or, use the quarter bank to angle over the sucka and land on the other side.

Box 2 Box Action:
Ollie from one on the funboxes beneath the French flags to the other
to score the gap. Wall rides count for this gap, too.

Up the Lil’ 4:
Pop up the little staircase near the starting point to grab the gap.

Water Up Le Backside:
Get on over the fountain in the Secret area to nail this bonus.

The squared end of the high wall at the end of the quarter channel has a small,
blue Up arrow on it. Air up it to grab the gap, but be careful
coming down. This is a narrow landing, fer sher.

Over the Crossbar:
Clear the bar holding the welcome banner by airing off of the quarter bank beneath it.

Freakin’ Huge Hip:
Get up a good deal of speed, then pop from the circle bowl toward the angled picnic table.
Land in the bowl there to nail the gap.

Big Ol’ Stanky Gap:
Pop over the double dumpsters using the quarter bank beneath to score the bonus.

Go higher than the Up! gap to snag a bonus.

Humptey Humps!!!:
Get some air and some speed in one of the two far bowls, then head back toward
the starting point and use the bowl lip to launch from the hump beneath the crossbar
over to the humps int he clover shaped bowl.
This can also be done backwards.

Big Mouth Gap:
Grab some serious speed, then hit the quarter bank below the main crossbar and
land on the far bank to land the Big Mouth Gap.

And Away!!!:
Go higher than the Up!! gap to land And Away!!!

Grind Gaps

Rail 2 Rail:
Grind the rail atop the funbox in front of the Spider-Man sign, jump,
then land in a grind on the opposite rail.

Rail 2 Ledge:
Ride the curved rail behind you to the right, then leap off and grind the ledge straight ahead.

Ledge 2 Rail:
Opposite of the above gap.

The Hidden 4 Kink:
Grind the kinked rail in the secret crypt.

Dumpster Stomp:
Land in a grind on the line of dumpsters from a grind atop the judges booth
(where you got the first $50).

Kink Clank:
Gain some serious speed, then head down the quarter channel
(the same side as the angled table) toward the street scourse. Land in a grind
on the kink rail on the Lil' 4.

Kink Stomp:
Head back toward the starting point, keeping the judges booth to your right.
Use the funbox to pop to a wallride up to a grind atop the box, then oliie
down to the kink rail below. Land in a grind below to complete the gap.

Crossbar Stomp:
Pop up to the Welcome banner and land in a grind to secure the gappage.

Lamp Stomp:
Launch up to the lamps using any of the quarter banks around the level and land in a grind.

Knucklin’ Futs!!!:
Use the quarter bank that runs along the long tree planter to pop up into the
falling lamppost (obviously before you knock it down).

Lip Gaps

Boomin’ Extension:
Whip a lip trick on the speakers to the left of the Crossbar.

Stanky Extension:
Extend a lip trick invite to the dumpster in the side bowl.

U.U.A. Extension:
Lip trick the edge above the blue Up, Up and Away arrow.

Other Gaps

Wall Crawler:
Wallride the space between the quarter pipes in the crypt area

NY City

Air Gaps

Kick It:
Right ahead from the starting point is an open manhole. Ollie from one ramp over
it and land on the opposite ramp to grab the gap.

Rock It Air:
Catch air off of the boulder (near the E) to get the gap.

Pigeon Pudding Gap:
Launch to the statue in the park to nail the Pigeon Pudding.

Ramp to Park Gap:
Launch from the ramp along the park's high street wall onto the concrete below
to rack this gap.

Awning Air:
In Joey's pit, use the considerable vert to air across one of the awnings (right or left)
and land on the next ramp over.

Over the Banks Barrier:
Head to the Banks. Make like you're going to grab the Secret Tape,
but drop off of the edge instead. Ollie over the barrier in front of you to grab the gap.

Take it to the Bridge:
To the right of the Secret Tape bridge is a low wooden quarter.
Gain speed from it, then head toward the bridge. Move your board
so it's almost parallel with the bridge, then Boneless up to it to get the gap.

Ramp to Statue Shorty Gap:
Leap from the above street ramp, cruising fast enough to clear the
whole distance to the statute base.

Pouncer Was Here:
Bust big air out of the massive brick quarter in the park.

Over the Road:
Same as Take it to the Bridge, but land on the opposite side of the bridge.

Big Air Out of the Banks:
Once in the Banks, gain some speed heading back toward the main level.
Launch over the kicker and clear the wall to get the gap.

Pillar Air:
In the Banks area, head to the three pillars near the water.
Use the quarter pipe opposite them to build up speed. Hug the fence
next to the water, then as you approach the pillar, air off of it
diagonally toward the middle pillar. If you can transfer the
entire distance between the two pillars in the air and land on the bank, you'll score the gap.

Grind Gaps

You'll get this gap when you jump/grind off of the bridge to get the Secret Tape.

Near the snack bar, grind down the length of the left bench (going downhill),
then hop across the cross path and land in a grind on the diagonal bench ahead.
You'll have to watch out for the light here. It tends to get in the way.

Left Side Pit Rail Stomp:
Take a right from the starting point and head to the bench area above.
Leap over the railing here and land in a grind on the long rail that leads down to Joey's pit.

Banks Spank:
Grind the rail that runs down the length of the court, then leap over the gap
and land in a grind for the Banks Spank.

Parking Meter Gap:
Go past the subway entrance and up to the platform here.
Follow it ahead to the quarter pipe, then turn around and grind
back toward the street on the left rail. At the end, ollie and land in a
grind on the angled parking meter.

You’re Next in Line:
From the area between the large boulder and quarter wall, grind the left fence
toward the snack stand. Leap to a grind on the counter of the said stand to get this gap.

The Easy Way:
Make a 180 from the starting point and head down the police-taped street.
Go to the end of the street, turning around before the dead end construction.
Grind away from this, holding it the length of the rail to gain the gap.

Joey’s Sculpture:
Head righht from the starting point, hopping the railing above Joey's Pit,
landing in a grind on the angled rail sculpture.

Right Side Pit Rail Stomp:
The same as the Left Side Stomp, except on the other side.

Jamie’s Steps:
In the Banks area, find the rail poking out of the wall near the bball hoop.
Grind it toward the stairs, leaping and landing in a grind on the angled
rail leading down the stairs.

Banks Fence Gap:
Find the quarter pipe against the wall near the water in the Banks.
Use the QP to gain speed, then head to the fence. Pop up top and grind the fence to
get the B Fence Gizzy.

Banks Road Gap:
In the Banks, head toward the basketball court. Grind the first railing to
your left, then leap over the gap and land in a grind on the opposite side.

Rebar to Rail Gap:
Approach like you're trying to get the Secret Tape. At the end of
the rebar, hop down to the bench or rail below and grind it silly.

Ride the Rails:
Grind a good portion of subway rail to get the Ride the Rails bonus.

Across the Pit:
Once again, head to the bench platform and skate to the back. As the rail
ends, jump over it, wallride the marble slab up to a grind and
hold the grind across Joey's Pit to score the gap.

Corner Cut:
From the beginning, dart into the park opening. Grind the left side
of the wall here until you get close to the corner. When you do,
leap to the wall heading left and grind it for the bonus.

Park Entrance Gap:
Get on the wall directly to your left from the start,
then leap across it and land in a grind to score the gap.

Grab a Snack and Sit Down:
Grind the snack counter (the water is now behind you) to the blue uphill benches.

Buurp! Now Go Skate:
Keep going with the "Grab a Snack..." leaping into a grind from the benches to the fence.

The Hard Way:
Opposite of the easy way: grind toward the construction until you
see the gap bonus, then quickly ollie left to collect the gap.

Path Less Traveled:
Head up top facing down the park road with the kicker ramp
(the one that airs into the park) to your left. Grind the left rail.
When it runs out, leap across the path to the blue bench on the right.

Slam Dunk:
Boneless up to a wallride on the backboards, ending on a grind.

Sidewalk Bomb:
Follow the subway escalator up and straight forward until you reach the carridge opening.
Leap to the left and grind the awning there to earn the bonus.

Changin Trains:
Jump from one subway track to the other, landing in a grind.

Manual Gaps

The Bridge:
Manual over the bridge to earn this gap. You'll need plenty of speed to do this,
so do not catch any grass on your way. To get the gap, you'll have to
manual before the stone wall to the left and hold it until the stone wall runs out on the right.

Going Down?:
Manual down the subway escalator.

Lip Gaps

Phat Lip:
Lip trick the large brick quarter in the park.

Waaay Up There:
Lip trick the marble wall high above Joey's pit vert.

Other Gaps

Banks Barrier Wallride:
Wallride the banks barrier (off the end of the Secret Tape bridge) to get the gap.

Venice Beach

Air Gaps

VB Skinny Transfer:
To get this one you have to go to the half pipe where the magic bum is the first time and
jump from the skinny end of the half pipe in to the other one.

Near the clown graffiti is a QP inset in the wall. Launch up it to grab the gap.

Table Pop:
Pop over one of the tables in the pit to grab the bonus.

Shorty Planter Hop:
Ollie over the breadth of any of the planters near the starting point.

Cake Transfer:
From the very start turn right and start building up speed when you get to the three QP
at the end wall go to the small one in the middle and jump into one of the others.

West Side Transfer:
Leap between the free standing ramps near the Pit transfer to get this gap.

Wee Lil' Roof Gap:
Atop the rooftop with the wires on it, hop across the gap to the rooftop above quarter
pipe horseshoe.

Go higher than the Up! gap on the Clown wall quarter.

Canyon Jump:
Jump over the Seaside Handrail from the top roof to the lower one to get the bonus.

Ledge 9 Set:
Ollie down the stairs next to the Venice Ledge to grab this gap.

Muska’s Gap:
You’ll score this gap as you grab the K.

Tight Landing Transfer:
Near the Huge Transfer. Transfer from the right or left ramps to the middle one
to score the gap.

Big Double 5 Set:
Leap down the double set of stairs left of the start. You can use a wallride
to get this gap as well.

VB Pit Transfer:
Go to the west side transfer and jump off the HP into the skinny one on the other side

Nice Mid Size Roof Gap:
From the roof with the wires on it, leap over the corner of the building and
land on the roof above the wooden quarter area.

Planter Pop:
Leap the length of any of the planters near the starting point.

Roof 2 Ramp:
Go up the ramp on top of the roof with the T go up the QP there on an angle and
leap over to the QP on the ground

And Away!!!:
Keep going higher after scoring Up! and Up!! gaps.

VB Ledge Transfer:
From the bottem of venice ledge go up the QP here and land on the one above
(this can be done backwards).

Lil’ Vent Gap:
Using the air conditioner, pop a transfer over the gap made by the small ramp inset in the wall.

Ramp 2 Roof:
Same as Roof To Ramp only backwards from the big QP up

Uphill Canyon Jump:
Transfer over the Seaside rail from the low roof to the higher one.

Vent to Roof Gap:
Air off of the air conditioner as the roof tapers off to get to the next roof ahead.

VB Huge Transfer:
From the set of three QP jump from the one on the end to the other end.

Massive 20 Set!:
Jump and clear the long stair set the leads down in the quarter pipe dead end.

Siiiiiick Roof Gap:
Same as the nice midsized roof gap only further out to the side.

Huge Roof 2 Ramp:
Transfer from the air conditioner fin down to the inside halfpipe next to the
Skinny Gap. You’ll need a lot of speed to do this, and just the right angle.

Fatty Transfer:
Transfer over the large, triangular side of the roof opposite of the VB
Skinny Gap near the beach.

Big Vent Gap:
Use the AC fan to jump across the roof gap above the completely enclosed, pseudo
hidden half pipe.

Huge Ramp 2 Roof:
Opposite of the Huge Roof 2 Ramp gap. Gain tons of speed in
the inner HP near the beach and transfer over the Skinny Gap up to the AC fin on the roof.

Grind Gaps

Seaside Handrail
Slide down the rail leading down the ramp to were the magic bum is the second time.

The Venice Ledge:
Head over the wall in the Seaside Handrail area, then go left.
Grind the ledge near the upper wooden quarter to get the gap.

Bench Trippin’:
In the pit, grind a bench, then leap to the next and land in a grind to snag the bonus.

Ledge 2 Ledge:
Also in the pit, grind the ledge near the clown grafitti, leap the gap and land in a
gap on the opposite side to get the gap.

10 Point Landing!:
Grind the edge of the roof above were the roof with the wires are keep grinding untill you
fall onto the seaside hand rail and grind it to the bottom.

The High Wire:
Air into a grind on the high wire. Use the quarter pipes on the roof above or pop up
using the kicker window below. (The highwire is the one with the secret tape on it)

Round the Horn!!!:
From the starting point, head down to the quarter bowl to the left. Grind from one
end of the horseshoe to the other to get the bonus.

Manual Gaps

He Could Go...:
Manual along the boards bridging several tables in the pit area.

All the Way...:
Keep going past the He Could Go... gap.

Candy Cane Manual:
Manual the length of the bending air conditioner on the roof.

Keep going past the All the Way... gap.

Skate Street

Air Gaps

Over the Wall:
Use the outside of the shallow channel to vault into the air, then drift over the
brick wall and land on the other side.

Railing Hop:
Grind the wave wall left. At the end of the wall, pop over the railing to score the bonus.
Or, Boneless over the other railing (near the tree) below.

Over the Bridge:
Find the quarter pipe under the spectator area and use it to gain speed.
Then head back out and hit the kicker, Bonelessing at the top to kick over the
bridge that joins the HP to the spectator area.

HP to Bowl:
Get some speed built up in the halfpipe, then air to the left (facing into the HP)
to the bowl to grab the bonus.

Bowl to HP:
Pump up your speed, then leap out of the bowl extension-side and land in the halfpipe.

Bullet Bowl Hop:
Launch into the bowl using the small quarter at its short end.

Over the Deck:
Use the outside vert of the shallow channel to build up momentum, then cruise at
the deck. At the top of the slope, Boneless to clear the top deck.

Daaaay Tripper:
Head into the Van Secret Area and ramp over the van, landing on the opposite
slope to get the bonus.

Gimme Gap Redux:
Transfer into the shallow channel halfpipe.

Sodee Pop Gap:
Go to the spectator area and into the corner near the tables.
Head toward the halfpipe, using the ramp to ollie at a slight
angle into the wall to the right. Wallride over the rail near the halfpipe to score the gap.

Cut the Corner:
To get this, you’ll have to clear a significant portion of the corner
of the large platform near the wave wall. Head into the Van Secret area.
Gain speed and point your board out the door, then hit the ramp to the
right and ollie over the corner and land on the ramp down. You’ll get it after a few tries.

High Sticker:
Grab major air on the tall wall of the vert gully to hit the High Sticker.

Shoot the Gap:
In the Rail Secret Area. Transfer from one free standing quarter to the other to Shoot the Gap.

No Kidding Around:
From the halfpipe, sky toward the spectator area. If you leap over the bridge, you’ll
earn the bonus.

From the spectator area, leap down the steep set of stairs on the shallow channel side.

Hexbox Gap:
Boneless over the hex funbox to earn the gap bonus.

High Jumper:
Kick over the small quarter at the open end of the halfpipe to clear the bar, scoring the bonus.

Grind Gaps

Rail Secret Area Key:
Grind the wave wall left, jumping at the edge and landing in a grind on the hanging rail.

Rail to Rail:
Next to the masonite pool is an alley with a rail in its center. Grind the rail,
then leap and grind either side of this alley to get the gap.

Van Secret Area Key:
Grind around the curved bar at the open end of the halfpipe to earn the bonus.

Nail the Rail:
Transfer out of the bowl on the extension side. Instead of drifting all
the way over to the HP, land in a grind on the rail in between the two.

HP to Railbox:
Go inside the halfpipe and face out the open end. Build up some speed, then hit
the small kicker, Bonelessing up to the railbox. Land in a grind to complete the bonus.

Wave Wall Minigap:
Grind the wave wall left, hopping at the end to the suspended rail.
Land in a grind here to gain the gap.

Surfin U.S.A:
Grind over the hump on the wave wall.

Skatin on the dock of the Bay:
Go into the Van Secret area along the back wall with the two rolling doors grind along the edge
in front.

Havin a Picnic:
In the Van Secret Area, grind/jump/grind the picnic tables here.

Extension Transfer:
Get on top of the extension atop the Bullet Bowl and grind. Land in a
grind on the pool lip below (without tricking) to score the gap.

Big Air Railing Grind:
In the alcove near the soda machine, use the kicker to transfer up to
the railing above. Land in a grind to score this gap.

Circle the Pool:
Grind all the way around the pool (from one side of the extension to the other)
to get this gap.

Manual Gaps

Funbox Wheelie:
Carry a manual over the hexbox.

Lip Gaps

Bowl Lip:
Lip trick the bullet bowl edge to get the gap.

HP Lip:
Lip trick the edge of the halfpipe to earn the bonus.

Ride the Wave:
Lip trick the wave wall to get the gap.

Gully Lip:
Lip trick on the edge opposite the vert wall to get the Gully Lip gap.

Bowl Envy:
Whip a lip atop the extension to tally this sucka.

Mr. Small Lips:
Bust a lip move on the shallow channel coping to score the bonus.


Air Gaps

Easy Post Ollie:
Pop over a post near the fountain after grinding a planter to get this simple gap.

Post Ollie:
Pop over one of the fountain posts without the benefit of a grind.

Statue Hop:
Boneless from one of the semi-circular statues near the awning to the other to score this gap.

Stair Set:
Ollie down the stair set in front of the balcony.

Up the Small Step Set:
Hop up either of the two small stair sets leading up from the fountain.

Bench Gap:
The long sidewalk near the starting point is host to many-a-bench
grind/ollie/grind them to score this bonus.

Worlds Most Obvious Gap:
Hop from one ramp to the other, leading down to the balcony stair set.

Phillyside Hop:
Use the small kicker ramp in the second gap from the right to transfer over
the Mid Bowl into Phillyside.

Phillyside HP Transfer:
Rock out of the halfpipe and land solidly on the other side of Phillyside.

Pillar Fight:
Grab some air from the quarter at the base of any of the pillars in Phillyside.

THPS Fountain Gap:
Once the fountain is emptied, head back to the starting point. Grab some serious
speed, then head toward the fountain. Boneless from the top step and land in the
drained drink to grab the gap.

Chillin’ on the Balcony:
Build up some speed by going over the worlds most obvious gap down the worlds second most obvious
gap the jump the the roof of the building with the fountain switches on it.

Grind Gaps

Track Smack:
Grind/jump/grind from one of the long, curved rails to the other in Phillyside.

Hobo Grind:
Grind the majority of the long rail leading to the Phillyside HP.

Planter Transfer:
Head right from the starting point. Ollie and grind on the planter ahead, aiming for
the planter below the balcony. Ollie off the edge of the high planter and land in a
grind on the one below.

Railing to Planter:
From the balcony, jump to a grind on the railing heading right.
As the ledge runs out, ollie down to a grind on the planter to score the bonus.

Pillar Hop:Go into the secret area grind the lip above the humps till you get to the pillar then
jump the small gap the land on the otherside of the pillar going around the big horse shoe.

Planter Double Pillar Gap:
Near the bus depot are a pair of planters lining the street. Grind the one
closest to the balcony building toward the other. Hop over the double pillars and
land in a grind on the opposite side to get the gap.

Just Visiting:
Head down the left path from the starting point, grinding the planter that skirts the fountain.
As the ledge ends, jump and grind on the planter ahead and below.

Short Stair:
Grind the whole edge of the topmost step leading down to the fountain.

Telephone Co. Gap:
Once on the balcony, grind the railing to the left. Angle a jump and land in a
grind on the telephone line here. Hold the grind until you score the Telephone Co. Gap.

Funbox Transfer:
Head through the leftmost entrance to Phillyside, grinding the curving rail here into
the park. Before you jump off of the rail, ollie to the left and land in a planter grind.

Medium Stair:
Grind all of the wide second stair down (leading to the fountain) to get this bonus.

Grind Up Dem Stairs:
Leading up from the balcony, grind up the stair set using the railing to score the bonus.

Awning Grind:
Pop up to the blue awning from one of the statues and land in a grind.

Little Corner Grind:
Grind all of the way around the high rail on the back street to get this gap.
You’ll have to Boneless up to it.

Fly By Wire:
Get up on the balcony, then wallride on to the roof of this building.
Grind down the wire you used to get the Secret Tape to where it connects
to the fountain to haul in the gap.

Death From Above:
Start with the Fly By Wire grind, but leap off midway through and land in a
grind on one of the fountain rails.

Train Hard:
This one you have to grind in a big semi-circle next to the 2 smaller ones,
with the hp on your right.

Long Stair:
The third step down from the top, leading down to the fountain needs your grinding.
Go from one end to the other to clear the gap.

Worlds Second Most Obvious Gap:
Instead of landing on the opposite ramp as you would in the Most Obvious,
leap and land in a grind on the rail to score this one. You’ll need mammoth speed
to accomplish this.

Fountain Ping!:
Gain speed on the cornered quarter, then head back to the kicker and pop a
Boneless to carry you to the center of the fountain. Land in a grind there to seal the deal.

Grind of Faith:
Drain the fountain. Then grind one of the rails toward the center,
jump over the gold piece and land in a grind on the opposite side to get the gap.

Manual Gaps

Funbox Wheelie:
Manual over the fun box straight ahead from the start o grab this gap.

Flatlands Techin’:
Jump up the small stair set land in a manual follow the bins around the
left of the funbox over to the stairs near the worlds most obvious gap if you start to run
out of speed just jump and land in a manual.

Manual Stimulation:
Manual over three of the four humps in Phillyside to get the bonus.

Rockin’ the Stairs:
Ollie from the bottom of the fountain steps into a manual, ollie up a level,
land in a manual and repeat until you are on top of the stairs.

Lip Gaps

Phillyside New Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the edge just above blue humps in the secret area.

Phillyside HP Lip:
Go to the HP in the secret area and do a liptrick on the lip.

Phillyside Big Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the high wall with the yellow graffiti on it saying "GETSOME"

Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the semicircle next to the blue humps in the secret area.

Bull Ring

Air Gaps

Wussy Rollin Gap:
When you're working the HP, air over the small roll-in to snag the gappage.

Plat Gap:
Pop over the lower platform to the left of the roll-in to score this gap.

Gate Gap:
Use the quarter bank to air up and over each gate, landing on the quarter on the other side.

Launchin On Up:
One of the four gates has a boxy thing in front of it. Gain a lot of speed,
then hit the box with a Boneless over the gate to grab the gap.

Launchin the Pipe:
Leap over the full pipe using the quarter kicker on the back of the loop.

Rollin Gap:
A bigger version of the wussy gap. For this one, begin further away and land further
past the roll-in.

Air Toro:
Position yourself between the red and whit humps facing the central halfpipe.
Head toward the left side of the roll-in platform, and jump over the top of the roll-in platform
to claim the bonus.

Big Enchilada Mama:
Launch from one red and white hump to the other.

Tight Gap:
Roll forward from the starting point, gaining speed on the halfpipe.
Head directly down and come directly back up. You need to Boneless at the top of
the roll-in to get across to the other half of the ramp. When you do, the gap is yours.

Jumpin Da Humps:
Leap from the center of one red and white hump to the other.

Grind Gaps

Lil Wee Wussy Gap:
Grind the lip of the HP, leaping and landing in a grind over the small roll-in.

Enjoyin the View:
Launch up to one of the banner rails and hold the grind for awhile to max out the groove.

Launch over the end ramp (next to the roll in) at an angle and grind the kinked board
that runs down to the left.

Grindin the Pipe:
Get all up on the pipe's backside with the help of a quarter kick.
Boneless up and grind the edge to snag the gap.

Friggin A Hombre:
Each time you pop a light along the high wires that cross over the HP,
you'll score the Friggin A gap.

Ramp Rail to Banana:
Roll down the ramp and head to the opposite side and up, grinding to the right.
Boneless from this edge down to the curved banana below.

Box to Banana/Box to Rail:
Use the box in front of the gate near the banana, working up a head of steam,
then launching from the box to the banana. Box to Rail is the same, except,
you're aiming for the kinked boards that lead down from the HP.

Nice Friggin Ankles:
Drop from the tall banner rods down to a grind along the low stadium walls to get this gap.

Nailin Da Rail:
From the halfpipe, transfer over the roll-in and land in a grind on one of the wooden
support rails that holds the roll-in ramp up.

Way to Go Amigo:
Get up to the stands, then duck into one of the inset ramps. Use it to get speed,
then turn around and head up the extended ramp toward the center of the arena.
Sky up to the high wire and land in a grind to score the gap.

Ramp Rail to Rail:
This is like the Ramp Rail to Banana gap, except that you head to the left rather
than the right.

Takin the High Road:
Use the quarter bank near the banana wall or behind the two red humps to get up to
the high banner rails. Grind either one to score this gap.

Rail Plat Gap:
Off of the low ramp to the left of the roll-in (facing from the starting point)
are three large board rails. Grind up one, air over the gap, then land in a grind
on the opposite one to score the gap.

Launch to Banana/ Launch to Rail:
Go up the ramp at Gate A and Vault from there over to the Banana or the Rail and land in a grind.

Once you get up in a grind on one of the banner rails, grind it to the end,
then leap across to the high wire and land in a grind.

Finesse Test:
Get up to the stands and grind the railing toward one of the launch ramps.
The object is to Boneless over the gate and land in a grind on the opposite side.
This can be tricky, because if you release too close to the gate, you'll bail.
Landing is tricky, too. Make sure you wait until you are falling back toward Earth to grind,
or you'll end up sliding on the curved wall of the gate.

Other Gaps

Up to the Stands:
Use the quarter lip that runs around the perimeter of the stadium to get up to the
next level. If you get too much air, though. you'll land in the stands, so be careful.

Threadin the Needle:
Good luck on this one. The object is to shoot through both squares formed by the
support on the back side of the roll-in ramp. The way to do it is to carry some
speed up the backside quarter of the HP, then (from the left) ollie and drift
right to clear through both holes. It's tricky at first but you will eventually get it.

Way to Go Gringo!!!:
Gain a lot of speed on the halfpipe, then head to the full pipe.
Make it all the way around the loop without falling (or running off of the edge)
to nail this gap. Manual all of the way around for style points.

Chopper Drop Hawaii

Air Gaps

Jump off the small end of the halfpipe over to the finish sign.

Same as above with more speed.

Same as above with even more speed.

Into the Heli:
Go up the roll-in ramp and jump into the open doors of the helicopter.

Grind Gaps

1 Potato:
Jump to the telegragh pole from the half pipe landing in a grind on the bottem rung from
the bottom.

2 Potato:
As above landing in a grind on the second rung from
the bottom.

3 Potato:
As above landing in a grind on the third rung from
the bottom.

Heli Grind:
Jump up to the helicopter from the roll-in ramp and grind along the door.

Lip Gaps

Do a liptrick on the door of the helicopter.

Skate Heaven

Air Gaps

Down To Tonys Island:
From the combi bowl area jump down to tonys ramp.

San Dieguito Hall 2 Sadlands:
Go from the bottem of the blue building next to tony HP and land near the big hole

Grassy Gap:
At the bottem of the stairs of the blue building jump accross the smaller end of the grass.

Weak Sauce Zig Gap:
Jump over the first bend in thhe track leading down to the pipe.

Weak sauce Zag Gap:
After getting the Weak Sauce Wussy Snake Gap at the next bend
in the track jump over the edge and land on the other side.

Weak Sauce Wussy Snake Gap
To get this one builde up some speed in tony HP then go through th tunnle
and just as u pop out at the corner jump over the edge and land on the

San dieguito ten set:
Jump over the set of stairs to the bottom in the blue building

Dropping in on tony:
Do the tonys island gap but further and in to the middle of the half pipe.

Isle of tony to sadlands:
Jump from the edge next to tonys HP to near the big hole.

Platform gap:
jump from the edge of tonys HP over airs hole landing in a grind on the lip of the other side

Airs Hole:
In tonys HP build up some speed then jump accross the gap in the side landing in the other side
of the half pipe.

Big Fat grassy gap:
At the bottem of the stairs of the blue building jump accross the larger end of the grass.

House of tony to sadlands:
Jump off tonys roof and land near the big hole.

San dieguito window 2 sadlands:
Build up some speed on Tony HP the jump out of the window in the blue house landing just before the
hole in the ground.

Blowin it out the hole!:
In the secret area in the big half pipe left wall you will see a piece that is just a
but different in colour to the rest air over this andm if it is the right one it will explode
leaving a hole in the halfpipe.

Sad lands 2 san dieguito hall:
Jump from the bottem near the big hole up to the top of the stairs in the blue building.

The holy crail:
In the secret area build up stacks of speed the jump complete the way
accross the wall that the roll-in ramp is on.

Gutter 2 san dieguito roof:
Skate along tonys house then jump over to the roof of the blue building.

Wussy snake gap:
Jump over the last bend in the snakerun

Sadlands Path gap:
Go under the snake and use the sides of the dirt area sa a QP and jump over the entrence to the
dirt under the snake.

Northwest Snake gap:
Jump across one side of the northwest entrance to the snake to the other.

Northeast snake gap:
Jump across one side of the eastern entrance to the snake to the other.

Up 2 combi:
build up heaps of speed in the tonys HP area then do a boneless over
the edge of the HP up to the area with the huge bowl.

Reverse wussy snake gap:
Go Over the last bend in the snake run and land in the pipe.

Southern Snake Gap:
Jump across one side of the southern entrance to the snake to the other.

Sadland up 2 isle of tony:
You have to jump from the corner near the big hole in the ground up to tonys halfpipe.

Over the dome:
Build up speed then ollie over the dome that you use to get the top of the world ma!! gap.

Clearing the swings:
Build up heaps of speed and leap accropss the swings near th white building.

Jumpin Da Hub:
Behind the swings area there is a lone funbox build up speed on the quarter pipe near the edge
of the level and jump over the box.

Tunnel of luvin:
In the secret area after doing blow it out the hole just skate through the gap that is left
into the smaller half pipe.

Zig gap:
Jump over the first bend in the snake run.

Tight landing:
Jump of the small jump with the sign saying sadlands in front of it and land
in the doorway to the blue house.

Zag gap:
Jump over the second bend in the snakerun.

Reverse zig gap:
Go over the Zig gap up hill.

Reverse zag gap:
Jump over the Zag gap in the oposit direction.

Feed me!!!:
Jump from the Combibowl area into to middle of the volcanoe.

Pit o doom!!!:
Near the park there is a bloody great whole in the ground build up some speed and
jump streight across it to the other side.

Grind Gaps

Rail 2 snakerun:
From tonys roof grind alng the gutter around the side of the Full Pipe then when you get to the
end of the rail jump down and land on the snakerun.

Ramp rail gap:
Grind and jump over the small gap in the lip of tonys HP to the other.

Southern intersect sad gap:
Grind along the edge of the snake then jump over the other side.

Northern Intersect sad gap:
Grind along the edge of the snake then jump over the other side.

Ramp 2 rail:
Ramp 2 Rail: Start at the halfpipe on Tony's island. Grind the lip of it and transfer up to
the rail above.

90 Degree Sadlands rail gap:
At the entrance to the long falt area that heads down to the swings grind along the side
then jump from one side of the edge to the other.

Northern cross over sad gap:
Start at the NW snake gap entrance to the sadlands. When you pass the NE entrance
(where the northern intersect gap is) get ready to jump off. When the rail is about
to turn again, jump over to the other side of the railing to get this gap.

Southern cross over sad gap:
Southern Crossover Gap: Start at the southern intersect gap (there should be a V sticking
out on the right side of the rail). Head towards the southern snake gap and start grinding
the right side of the rail. Where the rail turns, jump over to the other side. You'll know
you've got the right place because if you overjump, you fall through the black hole.

Chen rail series:
In the secret area grind along the right lip of the big halfpipe then
jump the small gap and land in a grind on the other side.

Mid intersect sad gap:
Grind along the snake and when you get to the exit in the middle jump and
land in a grind on the other side.

Radramp 2 islands edge:
Grind along te right side of the HP at the start and then land on
the edge of skate heaven and grind until u get it.

Rimrail Gap:
Just outside the swingset area is a wierd box thing that you can ramp to get the Jumpin Da
Hub. Build speed in there and grind the edge of the surrounding bowl.
Now, just jump the gap in the bowl (the side towards the sand pit, not the QP) and
land in a grind on the other side.

90 degree ramp rail gap:
Follow on from the platform gap and hold the grind and you should get it easily

Fence 2 radramp:
Near the cool looking halfpipe there is a set of 3 rails Grind the one on the left then jump
over to the HP and land in a grind on the lip.

San dieguito hall 2 edge:
Jump from the top of the stairs of the blue building near tonys HP and land in a grind on
the ledge below near the big hole.

Gutter 2 san dieguito roof:
Grind along the gutter on tonys house then jump over to the roof of the blue building.

Isle of tony 2 edge:
Jump from the side of tonys HP and land in a grind on the ledge below near the big hole.

Top of da world ma!!!
In the park area there is a small climbing dome grind all the way over it to get the gap.

Southern swing rail:
In the park there are two peices of metal crossed over each other build up some spead and grind
along the one to the south, up one side and down the other.

Northern swing rail:
In the park there are two peices of metal crossed over each other build up some spead and grind
along the one to the north, up one side and down the other.

Up 2 pipe rail:
Jump out of the snake run over to the rail next to the full pipe.

Kicker 2 railspan:
Jump from the small kicker near at the end of the rail in the sadlands area and land on the rail
going out over the edge to down near the bench.

Rail 2 kicker 2 rail 2 bench:
Grind down the rail in the sadlands area then jump from the small kicker at the end of the rail
and land on the rail going out over the edge to down near the bench then jump onto the bench
and grind.

San dieguito roof 2 edge:
Go from the blue roof near tonys island drop of and grind along the walkway edge.

Rad ramp 2 snakerun:
Grind along the lip of the see through HP near the Combibowl area jump onto the seats
below and grind them then jump to the next set of seats then jump over to the edge of the
snakerun and keep grinding until you get the gap.

From tonys roof grind the rail around the side of the pipe then drop off and land on the
edge below just before you enter the pipe.

Off the roof 2 rail:
Jump off the blue buildings roof and land in a grind on the park bench below near the big hole.

Bench gap:
Grind along the two blue benches near the big hole jumping from one to the other landing in a

Swinging the set:
Just like Clearing the set eccept you launch from the pathway and land in
a grind on the swingset.

Time 2 feed the volcanoe:
Go from tonys roof grind up rail to the blue roof if you do this right the volcanoe will start

Kicker 2 rail:
Jump from the small kicker facing the volcanoe and land on the rail hanging over the side
grinding down.

Bench Gap Series:
Find the long row of benches the grind from one to another.

Other Gaps

Woohooo oh ho yeehee!!!:
Build up speed in the far back Tony Island 1/2 Pipe and head out to the San Dieguito are,
but instead of going in the building and jumping the stairs, go left. Just before
the drop off, boneless up and wallride the side of the wall. If you land on the
''Tight Landing'' platform you should have it.

Cleanig the pipes:
Pick up heaps of speed then go the complete way around the pipe.
Secrets And Cheats

Open the Gym in the School 2:
Grind down the opensezzme rail gap at exactly 1.40 on the career clock.

Unlock Cheats:
After clearing every goal and collecting all the cash on every level and competition you will open a
new cheat.

Unlock Mcsqueeb:
The previous Cheat list includes every skater but Tony Hawk. After beating the Game
with Tony you'll unlock McSqueeb
('80s Tony).

Unlock Spiderman:
Web "Sidewalk" Surfing!! Create you own skater and beat the game with 100%. You'll unlock
Spiderman, He comes with four costumes:
1.Original Spiderman 2.Symbiot Spiderman 3.Armored Spiderman 4.Captain Universe

Unlock Private Carerra:
You must search for and execute every Gap in the non-secret levels of the game.

Unlock '80s Tony Skate Video:
Earn three gold medals with McSqueeb ('80s Tony). This will unlock a video of the
early days of Tony Hawk. To view the movie you have to start a session and then end run.

Unlock Neversoft Bail Video:
Earn three Gold medals with Officer Dick to unlock the Neversoft Bail Video.

Unlock The Spiderman Skate Video:
Earn three Gold medals with Spiderman to unlock the Spiderman Skate Video.

Unlock the Neversoft Makes Video:
Earn three Gold medals with Private Carrera to unlock the Neversoft Makes Skate Video.

Chopper Drop: Hawaii:
Earn three Gold medals with every character to unlock the Chopper Drop: Hawaii level.

How To Unlock Skate Heaven:
To unlock Skate Heaven, you must 100% every level of the game with all of the original
characters, Officer Dick, a Custom Skater and

Portly Ripper:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
X, X, X, X, LEFT, X, X, X, X, LEFT, X, X, X, X, LEFT.
This code will make your skater gain a little weight. You can enter this code multiple
times to increase there size.

During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
This code will make your skater lose a little weight. You can enter this code multiple
times to decrease there size.

Blood Or No Blood:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
This code will toggle on or off the Blood in the game.

During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
This code will increase all of your stats to 10.

Infinite Special:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
This code will allow you to do special after special after special. The special bar will
never decrease.

Now With 25% More Speed:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
This code will make the game play 25% faster.

Unlock Neversoft Skaters:
From the Main Menu press and hold L1, now enter:
You'll notice the wheel spin a little bit and then enter the Create a Skater option.
Enter in a name of a person that works at Neversoft. Try these names:
Joel Jewett (president of Neversoft), Connor Jewett (Joel's son) and Mick West.

Dacon Ross (ME): Wrote this FAQ.
Lachlan Ross: Helped me find some gaps.
Neversoft: Made this sweat game.
Activision: Made The Game
Marvel: For letting them put Spiderman in.
Psychoboy16: He told me where to get Ramp 2 Rail & Norther/Southern Cross over sad gap.
And all of the people at the gamefaqs message board I couldn't have done this without you
big thanks.

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Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

16.October 2013

16.October 2013

17.October 2013

14.October 2013
thanks to Kai (
Action Replay Codes

10.October 2008
Here is a replay of a 9 000 000 point combo in Skatestreet, achieved using absolutly NO CHEATS.

17.October 2013
Create Skater FAQ

12.October 2013
High Score FAQ

14.October 2013
In Word format

14.October 2013
Replay in the School 2 Level, no codes used.

13.October 2013

11.October 2013
Savegame editor

18.October 2013
Super savegame with all gaps, cheats and skaters

18.October 2013
All Skaters, All Boards, All Levels, All Specials.

14.October 2013
Transfer Listing FAQ

14.October 2013
Park Editor FAQ

17.October 2013
Money trainer

15.October 2013
Skate Through FAQ

16.October 2013

11.October 2013
Playguide FAQ

16.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European UK PAL Verson.

17.October 2013

14.October 2013
Cheats and hints for the Demo
10.October 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and +26 Trainer for the US NTSC Final Version.

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11.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Final Version.

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Custom Skate-Park in Livermore

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