Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3

14.10.2013 12:07:27
front mission 3: Complete FAQ & Walkthrough
By Dave Connoy
Version 1.2: 9 March 2002

| Preface |
Welcome to what will, in time, be a complete Front Mission 3 FAQ. Front
Mission 3 is a tactical RPG in the vein of Final Fantasy Tactics, and Square
surprised us all by translating this tactical RPG into English and releasing
it in North America, as the previous installments in the series hadn't made
it across the Pacific.

When this FAQ gets larger, I may consider splitting it up into multiple
parts, but for now general tactics, walkthroughs of both Emma's and Alisa's
stories, and the reference section will be one contiguous document. Some
material from the reference section will be repeated verbatim in the
walkthrough when new characters, wanzers, or game mechanics become available,
so don't be surprised if a paragraph looks familiar. The latest version of
this FAQ is always available at GameFAQs (

| Table of Contents |
I. Version History
II. Introduction
III. General Strategy & Tactics
IV. Game Start
1. Mission Zero
2. Websites of Interest
V. Walkthrough: Emma's Story
VI. Walkthrough: Alisa's Story
VII. Reference
1. Main Characters
2. Characters: Emma's Story
3. Characters: Alisa's Story
4. Wanzer Parts
5. Weapons
6. Items
7. Battle Skills
VIII. Credits & Copyright Info

| I. Version History |
Version 0.2: First version. We have a long, long way to go, but I thought
what was here so far warranted release so everyone knows what to expect.
Ideally, progress on this FAQ will be steady until it's done. Please
send comments on the existing parts of the FAQ to
Version 0.4: Amazingly, I've found time to come back to this FAQ, which I had
otherwise abandoned. Updates to all sections, and I decided to upload
what I had as long as I was sending in the GT3 Car List (plug, plug).
Version 0.6: Work continues apace on the Emma walkthrough. I fired up my old
Alisa save, so the weapons tables at the end should be complete now, and
while I was at it I completely revised the format. I hope y'all like
the new look.
Version 1.0: 40 hours and a whole lot of Chex Mix later, the Emma walkthrough
is DONE. I've had about all the FM3 I can take for quite a while. I'll
do Alisa's story eventually, but now it's time for something completely
different. Oh, and realizing that a lot of the info I provided in the
Character Profiles was just taken from the instruction book, I cut them
down a bunch. If you want to know more then just read the manual.
Version 1.2: Started work on the Alisa walkthrough. I'm surprised at how
many e-mails I continue to get about this FAQ, and I guess you could
credit them for rekindling my interest. It's something I should have
done some time ago.

| II. Introduction |
I won't be repeating information from the manual in this FAQ, and the in-game
tutorials are excellent, so there's not much to cover in this section other
than a few meta-topics.

For the moment this FAQ will not have comprehensive coverage of the "virtual
Internet" within the game. I'll make mention in the walkthrough when
information comes to you, but checking each website for updates will be up to
the reader. (Fear not, I promise to never use the phrase "You've Got Mail!"
in this FAQ. Oops...) I'll put [Network] in front of any extensive forays
into the virtual Net, so that those who aren't interested in this aspect of
the game can skip them.

Finally, most of the strategies in the walkthroughs will assume that the
player is not making any significant changes to the characters' wanzers or
weaponry; e.g. I might say "use Emma's missile launcher" or "send Dennis to
the elevator". Naturally, what I mean in these examples is to simply use a
missile launcher, and to send your rifle-bearing character (if you have one)
to the elevator. Since there are so many options for setting up the wanzers,
I won't be including any strategies, just suggesting incremental upgrades to
parts and weapons. By no means are my strategies to be taken as the only,
let alone best, way to set up the wanzers, though I have chimed in on the
utility of various parts in the wanzer parts tables in the Reference section.

| III. General Strategy & Tactics |
Strategically, there are a few good rules of thumb:

Attack one target at a time. Focus all your wanzers' attacks on the a single
enemy (ideally the closest one) and don't let up until it is destroyed,
surrenders, or is helpless (both arms blown off, for instance). By taking
enemy units out of the fight completely you'll minimize the damage you take
in the long run.

Let enemies come to you. If they're not in range to hit you without moving,
many enemies won't move toward you to hit you on the next turn. Thus, if you
don't move far from your starting point, those two choppers in the distance
may not leave their posts to attack you, greatly lessening the damage taken
and allowing you to pursue them when all the other enemies are eliminated.
Conversely, some enemies are really gung-ho (mainly melee-oriented wanzers
like the Kasel M2 and Tiandong 3) and will charge your force even without
backup from their allies. Eliminate these enemies first, moving towards the
rest of the enemies only when necessary.

Move around the map in a "sweeping" motion, eliminating targets completely as
you go. If you're fighting a couple melee-oriented wanzers, resist the
temptation to send a wanzer in to kill that enemy that's annoying you with
its missiles if he's got a couple machinegun-toting buddies. They'd follow
you back to the fray and add to the chaos when they might otherwise have sat
peacefully by.

Obviously using these strategies is tough when your forces are split in to
two or more groups, but in those cases, try to use them on a smaller scale.
For instance, two groups on opposite sides of a map could move towards the
middle as the battle progresses, or an isolated ally could find an "alley"
and use the dash to link up quickly with his/her comrades instead of trying
to survive alone.

A couple tactical tricks:

Try not to destroy wanzers whose pilots are considering surrender; they're
your best source of new parts and cash. When an enemy pilot is in the
"Checking Morale" status, any attack, whether it hits or not, will cause him
to surrender, so choose a weapon that's unlikely to destroy the enemy wanzer.
For instance, a wanzer that's lost almost all its HP in its limbs but still
has a lot of body HP left should be attacked with a burst weapon, and a
wanzer with all its parts intact but little HP in any of them should be
attacked with a melee weapon, rifle, or missile, in hopes that the single
large chunk of damage will land on a limb. If it's the end of the battle and
there are minimal threats from other enemy units, you could force the enemy's
surrender by surrounding it with your wanzers, or else have one of your
pilots eject and fire his pistol at it. :)

Capitalize when an enemy pilot is forcibly ejected from his wanzer! Have one
of your pilots eject from their wanzer and board the vacated one on the same
turn by moving directly adjacent to it before choosing the "Eject" command.
Not being able to board his wanzer, the enemy pilot will get confused and run
around like a chicken. This is a useful strategy even if the enemy wanzer is
severely damaged, as the ejected pilot's little pea-shooter pistol is hardly
a threat, and you can always move your pilot back into his original wanzer
once the enemy pilot's dead.

Don't be afraid of death. The HP of all the parts of all of your wanzers is
fully restored at the end of each battle, and dead pilots are even magically
resurrected! Fight every battle to the bitter end, because you never know
what lucky break might come your way. Of course, an arduous battle of
attrition will reflect badly on your ranking, so you may want to redo the
stage anyway.

Take the high ground if possible. It's much easier to fire down on an enemy
than up at one; in fact, enemy wanzers that can't climb up to the roof of
that building that Dennis is grandstanding on will just stand there and let
themselves be picked apart. Naturally, don't assume a missile-capable wanzer
will let you get away with this. It's also helpful against choppers, against
which accuracy is usually crippled by elevation modifiers and being higher is
often better than being closer.

If one of your wanzers is rendered helpless (both arms blown off), then have
the pilot eject and fire his pistol at the enemies. Seriously! He'll
probably survive for a while longer (people outside vehicles are really hard
to hit) and you just might get a stun or forced ejection out of a lucky shot.
Additionally, ejected pilots are surprisingly effective against enemy

Finally, for retries and subsequent playthroughs:
-Don't forget you can skip polygon-engine cutscenes and FMVs by pressing
Start. Pressing Start will also skip entire dialogue boxes in dialogue
-You have a "Return To Title" option in the main menu during battles (press
Start). This is much faster than a soft reset (L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start),
so use it if you've decided a battle is a bust and want to retry from your
battle save.
-Use Battle Save at the start of a new battle, if you have the memory card
space. It's much easier than going through cutscenes again when you decide
to replay a battle.

| IV. Game Start |
The initial mission and events of the game are the same whether you go on to
play Emma's Story or Alisa's Story, and will be covered here.

Mission Zero
After the typically cryptic opening video sequence, you'll be prompted to
enter a name for the main character. You can keep the default name ("Kazuki
Takemura"), by moving to Confirm, or use the editor to enter one of your own.
This is the only character you'll be able to rename.

Character Profile: Kazuki Takemura
Wanzer: Zenislev (Gray)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialties: Shotgun & Melee (Fist)

Kazuki is the main character of both Emma's and Alisa's stories. In the
recent Square tradition of RPG heroes, he's easily irritated and doesn't
have much of a sense of humor. He's also prone to violent, impulsive
actions. His wanzer, the Zenislev, has great mobility and incredible
HP, which allow him to get in close and mix it up.

After that, just do what the scientist tells you to finish the mission. This
is basically an introduction to the battle controls, so pay attention and
learn how to control the game if this is your first time. Your wanzer far
outclasses the test target and winning the battle is virtually guaranteed.

After the test battle you'll have an intermission where you can save the game
if you'd like. Saving the game outside of a battle will take up two memory
card blocks. Choose "Exit" to move on with the story.

You'll find yourself in the JDF laboratory. Talk to Koike, and then to
Ryogo, to move on. Ryogo will ask you if you want to go with him to the
construction site. This seemingly innocent decision affects the rest of the
game--go with Ryogo to play Emma's Story, or blow him off if you want to
experience Alisa's Story. After you've decided on your course of action, you
can move to the Wanzer Testing Facility for an in-depth tutorial on the
battle system. This is definitely recommended if this is your first time
playing, or even if it's not--you can rack up a nice chunk of free experience
by brutalizing the helpless wanzers in the simulation, enough to gain Kazuki
a full Ace Rank.

Websites of Interest
Finally, take a little time to check out the "virtual internet" by choosing
the Network option. You'll find an introductory e-mail (concluding with a
very Engrish "enjoy the cyber-life!") in your inbox, and a bunch of sites to
browse in the Forum section. For those that don't want to read each and
every text blurb Square's painstakingly translated (shame on you!), here are
the interesting sites:

-You can download a goofy Jackelope-like desktop wallpaper by following the
"Diplomat Column" link at MFA/GOVERNMENT/JAPAN.
-Make sure to vote for Kazuki's sister Alisa in the chauvinist "Miss Teihoku"
competition at TEIHOKU/OTHER/JAPAN. Follow the "What's New" link, hit the
cancel button, and choose "Miss Teihoku". It's the enlightened year 2112,
and such politically-incorrect practices are still around? For shame. :)

Those who explore further will find several password-protected file
downloads. Hopefully we'll crack some of these later on in some red-hot
h4x0ring action.

Go to the Construction Zone or Dormitory, depending on your story choice, to
move on. We'll pick up from there in the appropriate walkthrough.

| V. Walkthrough: Emma's Story |
You're at the Constrution Zone right now. After the dialogue, move back to
the JDF Testing Facility. Talk to Koike to obtain the address of the
Kirishima Industries web site, but skip the next paragraph if you don't care.

[Network] Dumbass Koike gave you the old address, so once there check
"Information1" in the "Info" section to get the new one. At the new site,
click "Work", then "Info", then "Marine Shipping & Generators", to get the
address of the Okinawa Ocean City Development Dept. web site. Once there,
click on "Information", then "Link for O.C.D.G." for the Okinawa Ocean City
Developer's Group site. The point to all this? Not one, unless you're
looking to complete your library of websites and learn more about 2112 Earth.

Move to the Heliport to continue. After the scene you'll find yourself in
the game's first real battle, with Ryogo at your side.

Character Profile: Ryogo Kusama
Wanzer: Kyojun Mk107 (Sand Yellow)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialty: Machine Gun

"Mmm-bop..." Kazuki's uber-slacker best friend who was kicked out of
boy-band Hanson. Whenever not hitting on the newest female member of
the party, he provides close fire support in his machine-gun equipped
Kyojun Mk107.

Battle 1: Yokosuka Base
Victory Condition: Destroy all cannons.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
12mm MG (x4) Auto Pilot (0) 12mm MG (M.Gun/A)

Obviously, this is not a tough stage. Destroy the stationary guns one at a
time. Kazuki and Ryogo are temporarily in very powerful Shunyo Mk111 wanzers
for this mission, so it's nearly impossible to lose.

After the scene and the intermission, you'll be back at Kirishima Industries.
Choose "Go Out" and travel back to Yokosuka Base. After the scene there,
travel to "Downtown" for some R&R. In the bar, talk to the Patriot to get
the address of the JDF web site. Leave the bar to trigger the next event.

Character Profile: Emir "Emma" Klamsky
Wanzer: Drake M2C (Light Blue)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Missile

Politics make strange bedfellows, and Kazuki and Ryogo find themselves
quickly entwined in Emma's plans. She's a useful ally whose missiles
provide heavy long-range damage, but keep her weak, slow wanzer out of
the fray.

Battle 2: Yokosuka Base
Victory Condition: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)

Here's your first chance to try out the tricks I outlined in "General
Strategy". Let the first couple enemies come to you so you can destroy them
three-on-one, and don't try to go toe-to-toe with the Kasel M2s. With luck,
your first Battle Skills will appear in this stage. Don't hesitate to reload
Emma's missile launcher (by using the "Missile" item); your items will be
resupplied after you win.

Battle 3: Yokosuka Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Player pilots arrive at the lift.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x1) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x1) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)

Opposition is similar to the last battle, but the map is more confined.
Don't try to win by running to the lift; instead, set up good firing
positions and unload on the first poor slob that walks through the door,
then take out the other two after he's dead. Reinforcements will arrive on
turn 6 to try to cut you off from the lift, and whoever opens the door will
most likely bear the brunt of their attack (so don't let it be Emma). With
luck, you'll see your first Battle Skill combos in this stage, and killing
the enemies instead of running away will improve your evaluation ranking.

Battle 4: Yokosuka Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Player pilots escape from the base.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Mk9 AFV (x2) JDF Tank Pilot (0) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A+)

It's entirely possible to destroy the initial enemy forces before the rein-
forcements arrive on turn 5, for a quick victory. Have Kazuki charge the
enemies and attack at close range, in hopes that Double Assault or Tackle-I
will go off. Emma's friends will destroy the barricade on turn 6, but
attempting to escape is not recommended. Instead, use your newfound fire-
support (you'll get to target a 3x3 area for bombardment at the beginning of
each turn) to assist in finishing whatever enemies are left.

Once back at the Kirishima hangar, speak with Emma to learn how to navigate
the newly-accessible Setup menu. Unfortunately, even if you've played the
game before you'll have to watch all three tutorials to continue. Play
around with Setup and make any modifications you'd like to your wanzers.
From this point on, you'll have to handle all your supplies yourself (you can
purchase items by using the Shop command on the network). Leave the hangar
to continue.

Battle 5: Kamariya JC
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Hanniger (x3) JDF SPF Chopper Pilot (0) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A)
Starling (Missile/A) x2
Kyokei Mk108 (x1) Police Mobile Force (0) Riot Shield (Shield)
Riot Baton (Melee/A)
Kyokei Mk108 (x1) Police Mobile Force (0) Riot Shield (Shield)
Nissai 30 (M.Gun/A)

This battle is your first introduction to ever-annoying helicopters. They're
hard to hit with shotguns and machine guns because of the height at which
they fly, but missiles do a number on them. Immediately have everyone gang
up on the chopper near you on the hill to down it ASAP, then have Kazuki and
Ryogo take out the police wanzers while Emma works on the choppers on the
other side of the road. You may see the Chaff skill go off while she's
exchanging missiles with them. The cops may run away if crippled.

Battle 6: Kamariya JC
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Enyo Mk109 (x1) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (0) Canary 2 (Missile/A)
Enyo Mk109 (x1) Yuji Kuroi (0) Canary 2 (Missile/A)
Kyokei Mk108 (x1) Police Mobile Force (0) Riot Shield (Shield)
Nissai 30 (M.Gun/A)
Mk9 AFV (x1) JDF SPF Tank Pilot (0) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A+)

This is your first encounter with enemy wanzers equipped with missile
launchers. After destroying the tank, it's advisable to move up the
right-hand side of the hill and attack the police wanzer at the top whilst
keeping your distance from the missile wanzers; engage them last.

Battle 7: Kamariya JC
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Enyo Mk109 (x1) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Canary 2 (Missile/A)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Mk9 AFV (x1) JDF Tank Pilot (0) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A)

A pretty straightforward battle. Let the closer Jinyo Mk110 come to you,
kill it, then move on to the others one at a time. If you've been logging
your battle skills into the computer up to this point, you should be seeing
combos of three or four attacks.

Welcome to Yokohama. The shopkeeper will give you a couple unavoidable
tutorials on purchasing new weapons and parts and upgrading. Parts with
higher HP inflict greater damage, eh? They TAKE more damage, you silly-ass.
Guess he's been taking lessons from Daravon. Anyway, talk to the mechanic to
get the address of the Japan Police Organization, and then visit the "Buy"
and "Upgrade" menus to spend some of your hard-earned bling-bling. I like to
buy shields for Ryogo and Emma, and give Emma a melee weapon as well, but
handle things however you like. Work the 'net, or leave the repair depot to

[Network] At the Japanese Police web site, go to "Our Mission" to get the
site address of Iguchi Corp., and "Scheduled Activities" to download some
cop-babe wallpaper. At Iguchi's page, click "Corporate" and then "Download"
to get a Practice Mode for the simulator. It pays for itself instantly, as
you can earn money with it (not to mention Ace Points, experience, and battle

[Network (yes, more)] Check your email to find that you've been noticed by a
hacker/anarchist organization known as Armored Kinkakuji. Visit their
stylish website (I especially like their dinky "Kinkakuji Now!" 88x31 button)
and access the "Download" section for an encryption program and a couple
documents. Also visit the BBS section to learn of some new software
available at Network Computing Systems. At the NCS site, you can download
the "Kaleidoscope" graphics program.

[Network (nope, not done yet)] Take a look at those files you downloaded from
Armored Kinkakuji (Desktop, then Data List). The "PSIA Report" file is
protected and not viewable, but you'll find an interesting morsel by viewing
the "NCS Document" picture. Use that password at the "Server" link of the
NCS website to find out some useless but amusing inside info. Oh yeah, one
last thing: don't use that "Code Security 21" program you DL'ed from
ArmoredKin yet. Running it on a file will encrypt it, making it unreadable
and unusable, and the game won't allow you to download a second copy.

Battle 8: Yokohama
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) ? (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x2) ? (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)
Sekida (x2) ? (0) ------

Oddly, the Kasel M2s will usually back up, so you can get away with rushing
the other two. The trucks will drive away the first chance they get;
ambitious players may want to pick up bonus points by destroying them before
they can leave.

Battle 9: Honmokufuto
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Enyo Mk109 (x2) ? (0) Canary 2 (Missile/A)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) ? (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x1) ? (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)

They don't get much more straightforward than this. Use textbook tactics.

Meet Dennis. He's a racist, but in a funny way, which makes it okay.

Battle 10: Honmokufuto
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) ? (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A+)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Hei Fong Liu (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A+)
Laiying 1 (x1) ? (0) Quill (Missile/A+)
Tiandong 3 (x1) ? (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A+)

If you're not doubling over from Dennis's smart-ass remark on turn four,
you'll notice that these wanzers are a bit different from the ones you've
been fighting. You won't run into another Laiying or Tiandong for some time
(about 10 battles), so capture them if you like to be ahead of the curve.

Enjoy the CG, and once in the crew room talk to Emma. In the briefing room,
talk to the Operator to get the address of the USN Navy website, and then
move out to the hallway to have an encounter with Purple Haze. This is your
last chance to access the Network for a while, so check your mail box, and
reply to Mr. Koike's message. Also, visit Setup to see that Dennis has now
joined your team. It'd be wise to set up his Rekson M4F before you move on
to the Flight Deck--add a melee weapon if you want to see the ultra-cool
BackupFire battle skill, but a shield would serve his wanzer's pathetic HP

Character Profile: Dennis Vicarth
Wanzer: Rekson M4F (Light Blue)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Rifle

Dennis' deadpan humor can occasionally elicit a chuckle, but in combat
he and his wanzer are somewhat underpowered. The Rekson M4F has
extremely low HP, and his years of experience apparently don't translate
to better skills in game terms.

At the start of the next battle, you'll find that you're now able to choose
your characters' starting positions, and change which wanzers they're using
as well. You'll soon be using this screen to assign AP to upgrades, too. It
sounds weird, but pay attention to the order you choose characters from this
screen; the first person chosen will attract most of the enemies' attacks.

Battle 11: Wilson Cliffs
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x4) OCU Army Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A++)
Cadenza (x1) OCU Army Tank Pilot (2) Wagtail 1 (Missile/A++) x2
17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A++) x2

This stage presents an interesting tactical dilemma: if you go after the
transport right away, you'll find yourself under fire from it and all of its
escorts. On the other hand, if you take out the escorts first, the Cadenza
will probably have time to escape (which will send you along a different
story path than if you stopped it--see below for details). Splitting things
down the middle is probably a good way to go: take out two of the wanzers
before rushing the Cadenza. The pilot of the first wanzer you destroy will
cough up the address to the OCU Military web site.

Consequences of the Transport Escape
The escape of the transport is an event with very far-reaching consequences.
So far-reaching, in fact, that it would take some time to go through Emma's
storyline a second time to chart all of the minute differences in detail
(though you can get an idea of the general difference from the paragraph
below). I think that time would be better spent writing a walkthrough for

What sort of things happen if the transport gets away? Well, the main change
to the story is that Yun joins the party much later in the game. There's no
real benefit to that story path, so why not get Yun sooner rather than later?
Don't feel like you're missing out on much by not playing the "transport
escaped" plotline.

After the intermission, talk to the OCU Scientist to get the address of the
Leonora Enterprises website and use the Net if you like, then talk to Serov.

[Network] First, check your email to find that both Ryogo and Dennis have
received emails with passwords in them. Return Sybil's message, then head to
the Web. The Ministry of Peace and CIU websites that Jinguji spoke of aren't
yet available, but using Sybil's password at the "Internal" section of the
FAI site will allow you to access the personnel records. "Dennis", "Lukav",
"Joe", "Cindy", and "Gastor" are all names you can look up, but why index a
personnel database by people's *first* names??? I can't imagine there's only
one person named "Joe" in all of the FAI. :)

Battle 12: Sumatra
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Genie (x3) OCU Army Wanzer Pilot (2) Quill (Missile/A++)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Army Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A++)
Kasel M2 (x2) OCU Army Wanzer Pilot (2) Heavy Weight (Melee/A++)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Rekson M4F (x2) Sumatra Guerilla (2) Franbar FF (Rifle/A++)
Rekson M4F (x1) Hatta Mirza (2) Franbar FF (Rifle/A++)

This swampy area is a real pain to move around in. Dennis and Emma can stay
near the starting position and assist the guerillas, but Kazuki and Ryogo
will need to loop around the lakes to bring their weapons to bear. The
guerillas will most likely be no help at all in this fight. Don't worry if
they get killed; their survival only gets you one or two ranking points. As
far as I know there's no way to keep the cargo from being demolished.

Once at the bar in Singapore, talk to the, er, "Sensitive Girl" (?) to get
the forum address of the Daily Canberra News Network, before you talk to
Moneymaker. After Hatta regales you with an explanation of upgrades, go nuts
buying some new hardware. Since Class Defense is an available upgrade now,
mission breakdowns from here on will include a suggested class defense to put
on your wanzers before the battle.

Since you have the ability to assign AP to upgrades now, I feel I should say
a few words--namely, don't squander your AP. Your mileage may vary, but I
always leave at least 18 AP for movement, attacking, and countering, so if
your wanzer has a poor rating in one of the upgrades, don't spend AP on it.

Take Emma to Sentosa to see the next set of events. After you learn about
Moneymaker's situation, it's time to hurry up and... screw around! That's
right, go back to the city center and visit the bar to have an encounter with
wanted "Bad Luck Guy" Dai Sato. Narc on him by sending an e-mail to the
Japanese Police, if you're okay with being a tool of the Man. As if that
wasn't enough, take a leisurely jaunt back to the hideout in Jurong and speak
with Hatta. He'll give you a password to the OCU Army Intelligence website
(G3F8A). Finally, since time is clearly of the essence if we're to save
Moneymaker, let's play with the network for a while.

[Network] Kazuki gets mail from Kiryu at JBNN (send him a reply), and Emma
gets one from those wacky hackers at Lawspite. Stop by the JBNN site, go to
Editorial Office and Special Investigation, and enter the password to access
a document with the address of the Department of Public Safety website and a
password for the OCU Army Intelligence site. Both of these leads are dead
ends at this point, though, as we only have the initial password for the DPS
site (992) and we don't yet have the address of OCU Army Intelligence.
However, you'll find a wealth of stuff at Lawspite, including a program to
remove protection from files, text and graphic data, and Zenislev wallpaper.

[Network (more)] The CIU Log File and SE Asia GNP Map are useless at this
point, but using No Wait Lifting on the P.S.I.A. Report will give you the
tools you need to blow the Dept. of Public Safety website wide open. For
those too lazy to use Kinkakuji's tips to figure out the passwords, they are
"JA9AN", "0CU" (that's a zero), "U2N", and "D8Z". Enjoy the info.

When you're ready, go to the prison to test out your new toys in a jailbreak.

Battle 13: Choa Chu Kang
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Infantry (x2) OCU Army Infantry (2)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) OCU Army Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A++)
MBT2 Kuarve (x4) OCU Army Tank Pilot (2) 120mm Gun (Cannon/A++)

For those characters who are using it, set class defense to P for this
battle. Take out the infantry and the wanzer, then move down the row of
tanks. The searchlight is not really a big deal.

Back at Jurong, talk to Moneymaker and rejoice, as she has seen fit to
inflict herself upon your group.

Character Profile: Yun Lai Fa (a.k.a. "Moneymaker")
Wanzer: Prov PAW2 (Red)
Starting Ace Rank: 2
Combat Specialty: Shotgun

No RPG would be complete without the cute-but-annoying female character,
and Yun fits the bill. Her Prov PAW2's DoubleShot skill can lay a
serious amount of waste when properly utilized.

Once on the aircraft carrier, talk to the captain. Leave, use the Network if
you like, and then head to the deck. I recommend that all your pilots have
at least 20 AP available to them (Ace Rank of 3) by this point, so have those
who are lagging behind spend some time in the simulator.

[Network] Ryogo's gotten a new message from Jinguji, with a password for the
Internal section of the USN Navy site. It's not "Marines" but simply
"Marine", and in the captain's orders you'll find a new password for the
Internal area of the FAI site. Check out the files on MIDAS, and in the last
one you'll find the web address for Emma's research team (USN Radiation Lab).

Okay, time for things to split up again, but unlike last time I will cover
both paths. If you take the path through the front gate, use the walkthrough
for the "A" missions immediately below. If you use the alpine detour, skip
past them and start with mission 15b.

Important Note: Your decision here has long-term consequences like the
transport escape of mission 11. Jose joins you only if you choose to take
the alpine detour; but, if you take the Front Gate route you'll get Li (who I
think is a cooler character) somewhat later in the game. My apologies for
forcing my personal preference upon you, but the rest of the walkthrough
(from when the paths converge at mission 20) will assume you took that route
and tackled the "A" missions. I don't think there's that much of a
difference between these two paths, so if you choose Jose over Li, the rest
of the walkthrough will still be fully usable.

Path A: Front Gate

Battle 15a: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
MBT2 Kuarve (x4) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 120mm Gun (Cannon/A+++)
Infantry (x3) OCU Navy Infantry (3)
Monster (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) 160mm Gun (Cannon/A+++)
17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A+++)

Monster indeed. It's best to keep your distance from it and use your support
fire to wear it down while your wanzers attack the tanks and infantry. By
the time all the other enemies are dead, one or two missiles will be all you
need to finish off the Monster and it won't have fired a shot.

Battle 16a: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A+++)
Kasel M2 (x4) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/A+++)

As Emma suggests, you can get some good cheap damage in by popping the ammo
canisters near the enemies on the first turn. Naturally, be sure not to park
your own wanzers near them.

Battle 17a: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Brenos (x2) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 80mm Gun (Rifle/A+++)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/A+++)
Kasel M2 (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/A+++)
Kodomari (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Exp. Beam (Beam/A+++)

Missiles are a good choice for hitting the tanks-on-rails driving about the
ceiling. The Kodomari's beam weapon is devastating, but fortunately it can
only be fired every other turn. You'll get the web address of weapon
manufacturer Jade Metal Lyman for destroying the Kodomari.

Battle 18a: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies except cannons destroyed or made to surrender.
Losing Conditions: Death of Lukav or Alisa.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Genie (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Wagtail 2 (Missile/B)
Kasel M2 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/B)
MBT2 Kuarve (x1) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 120mm Gun (Cannon/B)
40mm Gun (x3) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 40mm Gun (Cannon/B)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Scientist (x2) Japanese Scientist (3)
Alisa (x1) Alisa Takemura (3)
Lukav (x1) Lukav Minaev (3)

Since they're not part of the mission objective, just ignore the cannon
emplacements. They'll fire at the scientists, but rarely hit and don't do
enough damage to kill.

Battle 19a: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies except cannons destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Hanniger (x1) OCU Navy Chopper Pilot (3) 20mm MG (M.Gun/B)
Starling (Missile/B) x2
Jinyo Mk110 (x3) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B)
SN-100G (Shield)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Jose Astrada (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B)
SN-100G (Shield)
Monster (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) 160mm Gun (Cannon/B)
17.5mm MG (M.Gun/B)
Monster (x1) Semaun Forsyth (3) 160mm Gun (Cannon/B)
17.5mm MG (M.Gun/B)

This is probably the hardest battle yet, so bring your best wanzers and
pilots. It's more important than ever to fixate on a single target and dog
it until it's destroyed, and to not move too far out to avoid attracting the
attention of the chopper. Destroying Jose's wanzer will get you the web
address of Papel Inc.

Path A ends here. Skip ahead to "The Paths Rejoin" to continue.

Path B: Alpine Detour

Battle 15b: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
40mm Gun (x3) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 40mm Gun (Cannon/A+++)
Hanniger (x2) OCU Navy Chopper Pilot (3) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A+++)
Starling (Missile/A+++) x2
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/A+++)
Kasel M2 (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/A+++)
SN-100G (Shield)

This one can really drag on if the choppers get the upper hand and start
wandering all over the map. Missiles are the only (practical) way to hit the
choppers and the high-up gun emplacements, so bring them along or weep. A
wanzer with a hover unit can be a real liability here because of the jagged

Battle 16b: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Brenos (x2) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 80mm Gun (Rifle/B)
Kasel M2 (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/B)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Jose Astrada (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/C)
Kodomari (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Exp. Beam (Beam/B)

Facing the combined might of Jose's veteran machine gun skill and the beam-
armed Kodomari prototype might sound daunting, but it's not that tough if you
play it right. As usual, don't go running out of the corner you start in
until the nearby rail-mounted guns and Kasel M2 are destroyed. With luck,
Jose may come looking for you just in time for you to munch him up, after
which you can easily polish off the rest of them. Destroying Jose's wanzer
will get you the web address of Papel Inc., and the Kodomari will cough up
the URL of weapons manufacturer Jade Metal Lyman.

Battle 17b: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies except cannons destroyed or made to surrender.
Losing Conditions: Death of Lukav or Alisa.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Genie (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Wagtail 2 (Missile/B)
Kasel M2 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/B)
MBT2 Kuarve (x1) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 120mm Gun (Cannon/B)
40mm Gun (x3) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 40mm Gun (Cannon/B)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Scientist (x2) Japanese Scientist (3)
Alisa (x1) Alisa Takemura (3)
Lukav (x1) Lukav Minaev (3)

Since they're not part of the mission objective, just ignore the cannon
emplacements. They'll fire at the scientists, but rarely hit and don't do
enough damage to kill.

Battle 18b: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Hanniger (x2) OCU Navy Chopper Pilot (3) 20mm MG (M.Gun/B+)
Starling (Missile/B+) x2
Jinyo Mk110 (x3) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B+)
Monster (x1) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) 160mm Gun (Cannon/B+)
17.5mm MG (M.Gun/B+)
Monster (x1) Semaun Forsyth (3) 160mm Gun (Cannon/B+)
17.5mm MG (M.Gun/B+)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Jose Astrada (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/C)

This is probably the hardest battle yet, so bring your best wanzers and
pilots. It's more important than ever to fixate on a single target and dog
it until it's destroyed, and to not move too far out to avoid attracting the
attention of the chopper. Jose will help you out with his mad machine gun
skillz, but plan carefully if you don't want him stealing your experience. :)

Jose has joined, but is a mere shadow of his former self.

Character Profile: Jose Astrada
Wanzer: Pare PAW1 (Orange)
Starting Ace Rank: 3
Combat Specialty: Rifle

Jose is a total god when he's an enemy (class C skill in machine gun, a
very useful weapon), but WTF? Once he joins you he suddenly becomes a
class B gimp, and in rifle, a weapon of dubious value. What a rip. He
will only join the group if you take the "Alpine Detour" route in the
Taal Base assault.

The Paths Rejoin
As I said before, if you didn't get Jose during this part you'll get Li
later. The rest of the walkthrough is structured around having taken the
Front Gate route, but should still be perfectly usable if you decided to
obtain Jose via the Alpine Detour. The same Network stuff seems to apply no
matter which choice you made, so I'll cover it for both below.

Back at the carrier, watch Kazuki and the captain have another little pissing
contest, then speak with the Operator, who will let you know that Taal Base
is now playable in the simulator's Battle Mode (and it's a good cash &
experience cow). Go to the Crew Room and console Emma, return to the
Briefing Room and come up with a plan, then head to the Flight Deck. Hit the
Network somewhere in there if you so desire.

[Network] Papel Corp.'s website is on the Singapore hub. At the "Software
Dept." link you can download an expansion for the simulator and a text
repairer program. Now we can fix that corrupt text file we downloaded from
Lawspite, but don't get your hopes up... even though the words "CIU
GOVERNMENT AUSTRALIA" appear clearly in the file, the CIU website still won't
be accessible. Further bulletins as events warrant. Finally, Kazuki should
have an e-mail from the Wulong mercenary company in the EC, offering the
address of their website. A lot of sites have updated their content,
especially the ones with bulletin boards, so take a look.

Battle 20: Ba Kui Dam
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x5) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongte 0 (Shotgun/B+)
Laiying 1 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Huoji 22 (Missile/B+)

You can either buy up Impact defense before this one, or take it seriously.
Your choice. The pilot of the Laiying 1 will call for help at the end of
turn 6 (unless, of course, he's done for); I'm unsure what effect this has.
You can target and destroy each of the four floodgates of the dam, which will
result in a torrent that completely destroys any target (including your
allies!) on a direct line from the gate.

For purposes of the walkthrough, I'm going to assume neither the dam was
destroyed nor the Laiying 1 pilot called for help in mission 20. I don't
know what differences would result if either of those events occurred, but my
guess would be a heavier enemy presence in the next few stages.

Things split up again here, but only for two missions, and there doesn't seem
to be any substantial difference between the paths (Marcus joins you either
way). Proceed with Route A or skip ahead to Route B.

Route A: Xinzhu

Battle 21a: Xinzhu
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk16 Fist (Melee/B+)
Mk59 APC (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (4) Type 10 GR (Grenade/B+)
Infantry (x2) Changli Army Infantry (4)

Melee- and grenade-toting enemies make for a weird combination, but this
battle shouldn't be too tough. I went after the grenade carriers first, but
handle it however you like. Have a burst weapon on hand to clean up those
pesky infantry.

Battle 22a: Taipei Suburb
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Chixuan 6 (x2) Changli Army Chopper Pilot (4) 27mm MG (M.Gun/B+)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/B+)
Tiandong 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Fear Fist (Melee/B+)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Laiying 1 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Wagtail 2 (Missile/B+)
Tiandong 3 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Fear Fist (Melee/B+)
Tiandong 3 (x1) Wan Dao Han (4) Fear Fist (Melee/B+)

You know the drill... use missiles and drop the choppers first.
Reinforcements arrive on turn 4.

Okay, skip ahead to "The Paths Rejoin".

Route B: Yingko

Battle 21b: Yingko
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk16 Fist (Melee/B+)
Yongsai 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongte 0 (Shotgun/B+)

Not much sage advice for this one except to load up on Impact defense. Try
to avoid going into the forest proper if you can, the trees will really mess
with the accuracy of direct-fire weapons. Then again, I didn't go into the
forest and finished this battle with only Yun alive and her wanzer's legs and
arm blown off, so what do I know. :)

Battle 22b: Yingko
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk16 Fist (Melee/B+)
Yongsai 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongte 0 (Shotgun/B+)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Chixuan 6 (x1) Changli Army Chopper Pilot (4) 27mm MG (M.Gun/B+)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/B+)
Tiandong 3 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk16 Fist (Melee/B+)
Yongsai 3 (x1) Wan Dao Han (4) Chongte 0 (Shotgun/B+)

Reinforcements arrive when two of the wanzers are destroyed or surrender.
Take Impact defense and use range to your advantage, and there should be few

The Paths Rejoin
Once you're holed up in your Taipei safehouse, head out to the shop for
beaucoups upgrades and new weapons. COM5 is available, so don't forget to
install those all around and reset the skills stored in them. Head to the
Bar and talk to the "Nice Guy" to get the address of the Da Han Daily web
site before you return to the house.

Battle 23: DHZ Factory
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk54 MBT (x4) Changli Army Tank Pilot (4) 130mm Gun (Cannon/B++)
Infantry (x2) Changli Army Infantry (4)
Yongsai 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongte 0 (Shotgun/B++)
Laiying 1 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Huoji 22 (Missile/B++)

This stage isn't too hard to cut a bloody swath through. Bring along at
least one wanzer with a high Booster rating to get to the infantry on the
rooftop. If you went whole hog at the last shop, you'll be seriously
outclassing your enemies for a while, so enjoy it.

Battle 24: DHZ Factory
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk16 Fist (Melee/B++)
Yongsai 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongte 0 (Shotgun/B++)
Lite Shield (Shield)
Taita 4K (x1) Wan Dao Han (4) Type 13 GR (Grenade/B++)
130mm Gun (Cannon/B++)

Little Hitler's cronies aren't too much of a threat if you equip Impact
defense before the battle and use the usual tactics, but the grenade on his
Taita 4K can cause unwanted havoc if you let your units bunch up too much.
So take advantage of your range (use rifles and missiles to attack from
beyond 3 squares) and your units should spread out naturally.

Back at the house, talk to Yun and then go to the USN Embassy.

Battle 25: USN Embassy
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Chixuan 6 (x3) Changli Army Chopper Pilot (4) 27mm MG (M.Gun/B++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/B++)
Tiandong 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk16 Fist (Melee/B++)
Mk59 APC (x1) Changli Army Tank Pilot (4) Type 10 GR (Grenade/B++)
Infantry (x3) Changli Army Infantry (4)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk20 AFV (x1) Marcus Armstrong (4) 25mm MG (M.Gun/A)

Use missiles on the choppers, stay away from the Tiandongs, don't let your
guys get bunched up or grenade go boom, burst weapons against infantry. All
in a day's work.

Marcus joins in his excitingly chunky Grapple M1. Don't forget to visit the
network shop during the intermission to get his wanzer up to speed if you
plan to use it.

Character Profile: Marcus Armstrong
Wanzer: Grapple M1 (Dark Blue)
Starting Ace Rank: 4
Combat Specialty: Melee (Spike)

Steroid-pumping Marcus joins the party seemingly for lack of anything
better to do with himself. His choice of wanzer is so not surprising.
I think it would be pretty funny if for once the gung-ho/beefcake
character got saddled with a "cutie" mech like, say, the Vierge from
Xenogears. Painting his wanzer pink provides some consolation.

Battle 26: Taipei
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Haolong 4 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer PIlot (4) 20mm MG (M.Gun/B++)
Yunsheng 42 (Missile/B++)
Mk54 MBT (x4) Changli Army Tank Pilot (4) 130mm Gun (Cannon/B++)

The Haolong 4's may look intimidating, but their large size just makes them a
large target. Move to close range to minimize the effectivness of their
missiles and to make it harder for them to counter.

Battle 27: Futai Tunnel
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Mk10 Fist (Melee/B++)
Yongsai 3 (x4) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongdu 2 (Shotgun/B++)

You should be used to this kind of opposition by now, but these guys have
better weapons and evasion ratings than the usual. Bum-rush the Tiandongs
first since they can do the most damage, and hope for surrenders.

Battle 28: Futai Tunnel
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (4) Chongdu 2 (Shotgun/B+++)
Mk54 MBT (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (4) 130mm Gun (Cannon/B+++)
Armored Car (x1) Changli Army Tank Pilot (4) Yunsheng 44 (Missile/B+++)
Type 13 GR (Grenade/B+++)
130mm Gun (Cannon/B+++)

I had good success leaving the armored car for last, but handle things
however you want. Attack the tanks from melee range so they can't fire back.

Battle 29: Futai Tunnel
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Qibing 0 (x3) Imaginary Number (4) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/B+++)
Mk12 Fist (Melee/B+++)
Qibing 0 (x1) Griffith (4) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/B+++)
Mk12 Fist (Melee/B+++)

This battle is a bitch. Griffith and the Imaginary Numbers may not outnumber
you, but they certainly outgun you--their weapons are better than what's
available to you at this point, and their wanzers and skills are most
probably comparable to yours. So don't pull any punches--take your best
wanzers and pilots into the fight, and attack from out of the enemies' range.
These Qibing 0s aren't available in any store, and this is your first and
last chance to capture one, so cross your fingers (or reset/reload a lot).

Hey, Kazuki's getting pissed off at someone he doesn't even know for not
treating him like royalty. What a surprise. (I can fault this game's
characters, but certainly not its characterization.) Anyway, talk to Huang
to get the Taipei data for the battle simulator, which pits you against some
HARSH competition (including your freaky pal Griffith and his commander,
Rosavia Gray). Talk to Chang to be shown to your room. You'll need to ask
Dennis all four questions to continue. Check your e-mail if you want, then
go back to the command room.

[Network] JBNN correspondent Kiryu has sent Kazuki another message. Reply to
point him in the right direction.

Okay, I have just GOT to call a time-out here. I can understand the rebels
wanting to keep their activities a secret, but their solution is to KILL the
government inspectors? Call me crazy, but I think finding the inspection
team slaughtered would arouse an... "uncomfortable" amount of suspicion in
and of itself. Whatever.

Battle 30: Oil Field
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x5) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (5) Chongdu 2 (Shotgun/B+++)
Dual Cannon (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (5) 17mm MG (M.Gun/B+++)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Rekson M4F (x2) HL Rebels Wanzer Pilot (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/E)

You'll have to either use missiles or send a durable wanzer up the elevator
to get to the gun emplacements on the second level. To activate the elevator
all you have to do is move on to it. If it's on the wrong level, it can be
called using the buttons nearby. The rebels are surprisingly helpful in this
battle thanks to their crazy rifle skills.

Back at the Hua Lian HQ, talk to Dennis and then head out into the city.
You'll find there's a shop in Guangzhou that carries COM6, and a couple of
the variable-trigger variants as well, not to mention level 4 HP upgrade.
Talk to the shopkeeper to get the address of Tiewudi Industries. Also check
the Network if you're so inclined. Head to Downtown Guangzhou to hit the bar
and witness an altercation. First, talk to the "Unlucky Girl" (what's with
these names? I'd hate to be one of these NPCs, forever immortalized as
"Nerdy Man" or some such) to get the address of the DHZ government web site,
then speak to the two drunks to step in and break it up. Her harassers dealt
with, speak to the woman to find out her identity. Head back to the Hua Lian
headquarters and talk to Huang and then to Ling.

[Network] Marcus has mail from his ex-wife, laying the guilt trip on nice and
thick. Have Marcus swallow his pride and apologize (or don't, I don't care).

Battle 31: Yizhang
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk54 MBT (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (5) 130mm Gun (Cannon/B+++)
Mk59 APC (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (5) Type 10 GR (Grenade/B+++)
Infantry (x4) Changli Army Infantry (5)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x1) Xiao Hua Lan (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/B+++)
Wude 3 (x1) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Yunsheng 34 (Missile/B+++)

Reinforcements arrive when three of the initial enemies are destroyed. The
Wude 3 pilot will confer the forum address of DHZ Military Intelligence when
destroyed. The APCs are pretty indiscriminate about where they fire their
grenades, so walking a tough wanzer into the middle of the enemies will cause
some splash damage to their allies if they choose it as a target.

Back (again) at the Hua Lian HQ, talk to Luo and go check up on Ling. She's
a sweet girl, too bad things had to turn out this way. During the next
scene, be sure to look over Yun's shoulder as she enters the password for the
DHZ web site (oh, all right, it's "DFHISZ"). Afterward, Kazuki and Marcus
will decide to go out to the city; hit the bar and talk to the "Computer
Novice" (this is 2112, isn't that equivalent to being a "Toaster Novice"
now?) to get the address of Twin Tiger Software's website. Hit the Network
and the shop one last time if you want, then return to the rebel HQ.

[Network] In the "Download" area of Twin Tiger's website you'll find a tool
for compressing data, which you can use to decompress the SE Asia GNP Map and
access its... um... mappy GNP goodness. Kazuki has another message from
pushy JBNN reporter Kiryu; as always, give him a reply to prod him further.

Battle 32: Wuzhou Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Wude 3 (x2) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Mk18 Spike (Melee/C)
Shangdi 1 (x3) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/C)
Shangdi 1 (x1) Xiao Hua Lan (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/C)

The range and skill of the rifle-bearing enemies make this fight somewhat
ugly, but take the Wude 3's out first because they can box you in and make
you even easier prey.

Ah, this is truly one of the game's finest moments. Wait for it... wait for
it... and watch as Kazuki administers a bitch-slap of mythic proportions to
the double-dealing Yun! Hooray!

At the rebel HQ once more, talk to Chang to get the address of the Hua Lian
website and a password ("SMAP"). Go out, and head to the shop to trigger the
next event.

Network, then head out from the Guilin branch to go to the park for some R&R.
After the park visitors have sufficiently bored you, return to the base.

[Network] Kazuki gets mail from Ling telling him the password to the Internal
section of the Hua Lian Rebels site. Click on "Information" to get a console
where you can look at their members, forces, and sponsors. Possible members
to look up include "Chang", "Huang", "Luo", "Yue", and "Zhuwen". At the
Forces prompt, the password Chang gave you will let you look into the rebels'
long-term plans.

Battle 33: Longsheng
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Lenghe 1 (x2) Imaginary Number (5) Mk10 Fist (Melee/C)
Mingtian 1 (x2) Imaginary Number (5) Yunsheng 34 (Missile/C)
Buckler (Shield)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Imaginary Number (5) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/C)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Rosavia Gray (5) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/C)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Getty (x1) Xiang Mei Li (5) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/C)

The enemy forces here are well-balanced, so no particular class defense is
advisable. Li will keep Rosavia occupied for a few turns; during this time I
took out the melee-oriented Lenghe 1's, but handle things however you want.
Go for ejections and surrenders, as this is some VERY rare equipment.

If you didn't get Jose earlier in the game, Li will join when you speak to
him at his house. Unfortunately, the next battle comes right away, so you
won't have time to tune up his wanzer.

Character Profile: Xiang Mei Li
Wanzer: Getty (Black)
Starting Ace Rank: 4
Combat Specialty: Machine Gun

With an tragic past much like Jose's, Li lends his machine gun expertise
to the party in his nifty quad-leg mech. With an Ace Rank of only 4,
he'll need a little training in the simulator to catch up with everyone.
He only joins if you take the Front Gate route in the Taal Base assault
and miss Jose.

Battle 34: Guilin
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x4) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (5) Chongdu 2 (Shotgun/C+)
Genie Arm (x1) Serov Warren (5) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/C+)
Miner AT1 (Missile/C+) x2
130mm Gun (Cannon/C+)
GGR 52 (Grenade/C+)

I recommend equipping Impact defense and "spanking" Serov's "panties" (as
Ryogo so eloquently puts it) early on. His wanzer automatically heals 600HP
of damage when he's on the brink of death, so be prepared. Hits on Serov
earn tons of EXP, so bring inexperienced pilots on this mission if possible.

Back at the Guilin branch, talk to Dennis and then to Zhuwen. At Guangzhou,
talk to Luo for a smashing tale of Old Yue, and then head out to the shop to
see that they now have level 5 HP upgrade, as well as a couple new weapons.
After your wanzers are pumped up, head to the downtown area and talk to the
Fat Guy in the bar. He's actually Koji Yamada, wanted by the Japanese Police
for the noble act of poisoning a reservoir, so drop the cops a line and rat
his fat ass out for some easy cash. Return to the Hua Lian HQ when you're
done in the city.

[Network] Dennis has some email from Sybil; you have two options as to how to
respond. Might as well help her out, I think. Marcus has a message from his
better half with an adorable picture attached (you can use it as wallpaper);
she's due a reply too, for the sake of the children. So PLEASE think of the

After Dennis explains his recent e-mail, leave the rebels' HQ *again*
(because, you know, time just doesn't pass when you're in the place). Yamada
is still in the restaurant if you missed him last time. Back again to the HQ
to make Wei's response magically appear, then go to the agreed-upon meeting
place and look for him. Then go back to the bar, talk to the folks there,
and return to Wei's tulou.

[Network] Much email arrived. Kazuki can send a message back, and Dennis has
a choice of three--if someone can tell me the "correct" one it would be
appreciated. While we're at it, I don't have any idea how to decipher Wen's
hint on the Twin Tiger password either.

This is entirely too much running around for me. At the Guangzhou branch yet
AGAIN, leave to the city and head downtown to trigger the next event. Go
back to the HQ one last time to finally get this !&%* show on the road.

Battle 35: Xiamen
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mingtian 1 (x3) Imaginary Number (5) Yunsheng 34 (Missile/C++)
Mk73 MBT (x2) Imaginary Number (5) 100mm Gun (Cannon/C++)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Imaginary Number (5) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/C++)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Jared Bogdanof (5) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/C++)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Rosavia Gray (5) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/C++)

This one's a little rough, to say the least. Jared and Rosavia will just sit
there if you move in the other direction, so I recommend jetting over to the
other group of enemies and moving clockwise from there. They're real pains
in the ass, even by themselves, so attack them from a distance with missiles
if you can. The is your last chance for a long while to capture a Shunwang,
and last chance *ever* to get a Mingtian, so act appropriately.

Yue's gotten back to Kazuki with a photo of a past bad-ass exploit. You can
use it as wallpaper if you want. The shop doesn't have anything new, so next
stop is the Hua Lian base.

Battle 36: Yuping
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Grezex (x1) Rudolf Kaiser (5) Laohu 3 (Rifle/C++)
Whisk (x1) Rebecca Sydney (5) Zhiniao 50 (Missile/C++)
Mk18 Spike (Melee/C++)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (5) Chongdu 2 (Shotgun/C++)
Shangdi 1 (x1) Hei Fong Liu (5) Laohu 3 (Rifle/C++)

Don't let their cheesy introduction fool you: the Wulong are pretty tough
customers. Fortunately, you only have to deal with two of them for now, and
for only two turns--they turn tail when Liu and company show up on turn 3.

Leave Lixian's house and go to the bar in Zhenyuan. Speak with the Xenophobe
and then go back to Lixian's house. Ask her about Kwang, then talk to the
Bartender to reveal him. After talking to Kwang, head back to Lixian's again
and talk to her and then to Kwang.

Back at the Hua Lian HQ, speak with Kwang and then to Li, unless you have
Jose instead. I'm pretty sure this sequence is almost the same with Jose, so
just play it by ear if you're using him.

[Network] Emma has mail from Luo with the password to find out the identity
of Hua Lian's sponsor, Hatta has a job offer for Yun (it can't be finished at
the moment), and Marcus has another letter from Susan. Turns out the guy
that Susan borrowed the ninja costumes from is a wanted convict... it's up to
you whether or not to turn him in. Using Kaleidoscope on the ninja picture
reveals some weirdness.

Battle 37: Foshan
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Agent (x4) DHZ Agent (5)
Grezex (x1) Rudolf Kaiser (5) Laohu 3 (Rifle/C+++)
Whisk (x1) Rebecca Sydney (5) Type 13 GR (Grenade/C+++)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Lanze (x1) Greg Herigle (5) Mk12 Fist (Melee/C+++)
Vinedrai (x1) Hatari Khartoum (5) Huida 3 (M.Gun/C+++)
Whisk (x1) Emilio Gusly (5) Type 13 GR (Grenade/C+++)

Give up on Jose/Li--it doesn't matter if he dies anyway. You'll get the web
addresses of Sender and Schnecker from Rebecca and Rudolf; more Wulong show
up when one of them is defeated.

Leaving the Hua Lian HQ, go to Downtown for a scene, and then return to the
base. There's been a military coup in Japan, but hey, I doubt it's anything
serious. At the bar in Guiyang, talk to the bartender and then to this
"Denny" fellow that happens to match the file photo of Zhun Xi Liang
perfectly. Check your email (Li has a message from Ran Fong), then return
to Zhun's house when you're ready--it's comic relief time!

Battle 38: Huangguoshu
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Infantry (x3) Changli Army Infantry (5)
Mk59 APC (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (5) Type 10 GR (Grenade/D)
Taita 4K (x1) Greg Herigle (5) Type 13 GR (Grenade/D)
130mm Gun (Cannon/D)
Taita 4K (x1) Hatari Khartoum (5) Type 13 GR (Grenade/D)
130mm Gun (Cannon/D)
Whisk (x1) Emilio Gusly (5) Zhiniao 50 (Missile/D)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Methane Wanzer (x1) Linny Barilar (5) 7.7mm MG (M.Gun/D)

Linny doesn't stand a chance against the bullying Wulong, so forget about
him. Try to only take on a few enemies at a time to minimize the number of
grenades being tossed around.

Despite everyone's protests, Linny has indeed joined the party. Don't bother
going to the network to tune up his wanzer up just yet, though.

Character Profile: Linny Barilar
Wanzer: Foura M12A (Yellow)
Starting Ace Rank: 4
Combat Specialty: Missile

Screw Linny. I'm not even going to dignify him with a blurb.

Finally, the Guangzhou shop has a host of new stuff. Make sure to get
everyone's wanzers in tip-top shape, and have Linny (and anyone else who's
behind) spend some time in the simulator.

[Network] Emma has e-mail from Ken M. with the password for the USN Radiation
Lab website, and Linny has mail from his dad with the address of Luis Corp.
Using Ken's password will let you access the e-mail files of the lab, and
poring through those will reveal the addresses of Psynamic Corp. and a
spender site called Intrepid Stupid. You can also check the backgrounds of
Emir, Ken, and Wil on the Radiation Lab site.

[Network] Psynamic has some software on tap, including a wallpaper of the
latest hot game release and a program called "Picaresque". Looking at the
new drivers will point you to Diable Avionics' website. Intrepid Stupid has
some Drake M2C wallpaper, and is hanging on to the MIDAS Controller for Emma.
Since the password for the MIDAS Controller isn't provided anywhere in the
game, I'll just give it to you: ALICIANA (Emma's sister's full name).

[Network] With the Picaresque program, you can find that the SE Asia GNP Map
actually hides the Three Rivers plan. Make sure to use Code Security 21 to
encrypt it, then send it to Hatta for 500 smackers. The dummy MIDAS
Controller doesn't have anything except a few passwords for the JDF
Intelligence site, which we can't access yet.

If you've been using the same four characters the whole game and letting
everyone else fall by the wayside... well, you didn't think you were going to
get away with that, were you? :) Every character should have an Ace Rank of
at least 5 before continuing, as you'll need to use them all. Tell Huang
when you're ready.

You'll need to divide your forces into two groups. I suggest sending
characters with short-range weapons like fists and shotguns with Kazuki, and
having characters with long-range weapons (mainly missiles) form Dennis'
team. Move to Hengshan when you're ready to assault Tianlei.

Battle 39: Tianlei
Victory Conditions: All enemy wanzers destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
100mm Gun (x2) RRF Tank Pilot (5) 100mm Gun (Cannon/D+)
Yunsheng 42 (x2) RRF Tank Pilot (5) Zhiniao 61 (Missile/D+)
Shangdi 1 (x2) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/D+)
Wude 3 (x2) Imaginary Number (5) Mk18 Spike (Melee/D+)
Wude 3 (x1) Jared Bogdanof (5) Mk18 Spike (Melee/D+)
Wude 3 (x1) Rosavia Gray (5) Mk18 Spike (Melee/D+)

Dennis' group pulls this mission, so use range to your advantage. Moving
into range to hit the closest 100mm Gun and Shangdi 1 will draw out two of
the Wude 3's; move back immediately to keep the rest from following, lest you
find yourself dealing with four spikes *and* the emplacements. You only have
to destroy the enemy wanzers to complete this mission.

Kazuki has a confidence-boosting email from Ling, and Emma has a message from

Battle 40: Tianlei
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x4) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/C++)

This is a joke. See if you can set a new speed-carnage record.

Battle 41: Tianlei
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x3) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Laoxing 6 (Rifle/C++)
Tieqi 4 (x1) Xiao Hua Lan (5) Huosai 2 (Flamer/D)

Another joke. Lan might be threatening if her soldiers weren't such chumps.

Battle 42: Tianlei
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Wude 3 (x3) RRF Wanzer Pilot (5) Mk18 Spike (Melee/C++)
Wude 3 (x1) Lie Yin Jiu (5) Mk18 Spike (Melee/D)

Be sure to pay attention to the enemies' Def-C choices and attack with the
right types of weapons. If you do, you should beat the countdown easily.

With Tianlei destroyed, talk to Kwang and Emma to move forward with the Wuhan
invasion. Check the network first if you want.

[Network] Kazuki has mail, with the password for the JDF organizational tree,
and Linny has a message about the Barilars' website being updated. Check out
the Barilar website and have a laugh at the incredibly cheesy new Methane
Wanzer ad, then download the JDF Organizational Tree. Running Picaresque on
the tree graphic reveals the address of JDF Intelligence. Remember, the
dummy MIDAS Controller has several passwords for the JDFI site, so check it
out if you want.

Battle 43: Wuhan Bridge
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
MBT2 Kuarve (x4) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 120mm Gun (Cannon/D++)
Laiying 1 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Yunsheng 34 (Missile/D++)
Tiandong 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Mk10 Fist (Melee/D++)
Nilong 1 (x1) Lin Tsao (6) Assault Fist (Melee/D++)

A love tap from the Nilong 1 is not a pleasant experience, so bring along
shields and attack from a distance. Missiles are a good bet, since it's
carrying Piercing defense.

Battle 44: Wuhan Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Losing Conditions: Hua Lian destroyed by turn 4.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk42 Quad (x3) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 17mm MG (M.Gun/D++)
Laiying 1 (x5) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Yunsheng 34 (Missile/D++)
Taita 4K (x1) Xuan Shui (6) Type 13 GR (Grenade/D++)
130mm Gun (Cannon/D++)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Rekson M4F (x1) HL Rebels Wanzer Pilot (6) Laohu 3 (Rifle/D++)
Rekson M4F (x1) So Young Zhuwen (6) Laohu 3 (Rifle/D++)

Your progress is pretty much dictated by the rebels' bridge-building ability,
so concentrate on getting rid of the quad guns on the first couple turns. If
you bring Li along, Shui will recognize him and call him out.

This whole scene is bizarre on so many levels. First off, where'd Emma pick
up military grand strategy? From playing Risk with Ken and Wil during off
hours? Also... this is 2112, and sensor technology isn't sophisticated
enough to distinguish real wanzers and tanks from INFLATABLE ones??? And the
freedom of an entire country rests on the shoulders of these lightweights...
yeah, Yun and Ryogo are definitely the types of people I'd want gunning for
me during the revolution.

Anyway, talk to Huang so Emma can have a fit, then talk to Zhuwen to get the
Oil Field battle as a simulator stage. Head out and go to the bar to talk
Emma down, and then speak with Liang Hua. Finally, head to the shop, buy
stuff*, and return to the Wuhan Supply Base.

*GOOD stuff. Look especially at the Wude 3 body (best melee body available
so far), Wude 3 arms (awesome HP with not too bad an accuracy rating),
Shangdi 1 arms (best accuracy in the game), and Tieqi 4 body (I equipped this
on all my range weapon users).

Battle 45: Lake Poyang
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Pilot (x5) Changli Army Pilot (6)

Sorry, no wanzers for this battle. You're outnumbered, but the enemy pilots
only have 10 HP each, so this shouldn't be a problem as long as everyone
gangs up on one target at a time.

Okay, time to split everyone up again. Do whatever you want, as both groups
will be handling typical missions. Speak to Emma at the Nanchang camp, and
then to Kwang at the Lake Poyang camp, to start the operation.

Battle 46: Huangshan
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Chixuan 6 (x3) Changli Army Chopper Pilot (6) 27mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/D+++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/D+++)
Infantry (x2) Changli Army Infantry (6)
Laiying 1 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Zhiniao 50 (Missile/D+++)
Yongsai 3 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/D+++)
Hvy Shield (Shield)
Yongsai 3 (x1) Zhuwen Xia (6) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/D+++)
Hvy Shield (Shield)

This is pretty straightforward. Work around the map counterclockwise and you
shouldn't have any problems.

Battle 47: Nanjing Bridge
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk20 AFV (x4) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 25mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Lanze (x1) Greg Herigle (6) Mk12 Fist (Melee/D+++)
Buckler (Shield)
Vinedrai (x1) Hatari Khartoum (6) Huida 3 (M.Gun/D+++)
Whisk (x1) Emilio Gusly (6) Type 13 GR (Grenade/D+++)

There are a couple tanks on your side of the overpass, so take them out first
before going under. Emilio's grenades are annoying, so I took him out next.

Battle 48: Huangshan
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Chixuan 6 (x1) Changli Army Chopper Pilot (6) 27mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/D+++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/D+++)
Laiying 1 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Zhiniao 50 (Missile/D+++)
Mk20 AFV (x1) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 25mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Mk20 AFV (x1) Wei Chong San (6) 25mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Mk59 APC (x1) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) Type 10 GR (Grenade/D+++)
Infantry (x2) Changli Army Infantry (6)

While trying to move clockwise is at first a bit of a hassle, once you make
it around the houses you should run into minimal problems.

Battle 49: Nanjing City
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Losing Conditions: Hua Lian helicopters destroyed.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Haolong 4 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) 20mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Yunsheng 42 (Missile/D+++)
Yunsheng 42 (Missile/D+++)
Infantry (x2) Changli Army Infantry (6)
Mk54 MBT (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 130mm Gun (Cannon/D+++)
Yongsai 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Odin M98 (Shotgun/D+++)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangfeng 5K (x1) Shui Zhen Xu (6) 20mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Shangfeng 5K (x1) Liang Hua Zhou (6) 20mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)

Make a beeline for the Haolong 4's, as their missiles pose the greatest
threat to the rescue choppers. Don't worry if a chopper gets shot down; the
mission doesn't end unless both are destroyed. They'll bug out on turn 5.

Talk to Huang to see more of his true colors. We're beginning to see where
his real priorities lay...

Battle 50: Huangshan
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Chixuan 6 (x1) Changli Army Chopper Pilot (6) 27mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/D+++)
Yunsheng 38 (Missile/D+++)
Laiying 1 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (6) Zhiniao 50 (Missile/D+++)
Hvy Shield (Shield)
Mk20 AFV (x3) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 25mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Mk59 APC (x1) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) Type 10 GR (Grenade/D+++)
Infantry (x2) Changli Army Infantry (6)

I went counterclockwise to get the grenade carrier out of the picture ASAP,
but I don't see why the other way wouldn't work just as well.

Back in Nanjing, plead with Kwang to stop the madness, but to no avail.
Seems the people of the DHZ just can't get a break... ever their good guys
aren't so good. The only new thing Nanjing Shop has is the Mk22 Spike, so
otherwise, head to the bar to pour out a few for the folks that aren't going
to survive the impending invasion. The Patriot will give you the address of
an interesting web site; scope it out, then go back to the Nanjing government

[Network] The NEWS site has for download the Undercover program, which will
remove encryption from files, a spender's diary, and a photo from Ivan. Use
Undercover on the spender diary to view it and get passwords for Da Han
Daily (08DHMD) and file codes for DHZ Intelligence (ADIMS, FIINNO). Remember
that we got the password for DHZ Intelligence by eavesdropping on Yun. The
Spender Diary has a password for a Ravnui site, and you can get another by
using Picaresque to decode Ivan's Photo, but we don't have the addresses yet.

Battle 51: Shanghai Airport
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk20 AFV (x3) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 25mm MG (M.Gun/D+++)
Armored Car (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) Yunsheng 44 (Missile/D+++)
Type 13 GR (Grenade/D+++)
130mm Gun (Cannon/D+++)
Grezex (x1) Rudolf Kaiser (6) Einband (Rifle/D+++)
Whisk (x1) Rebecca Sydney (6) Drozel (Missile/D+++)
Mk22 Spike (Melee/D+++)

No great wisdom to impart about this one. The Armored Cars will just keep
peppering you with missiles, but if you take Anti-F it shouldn't be too bad.

Battle 52: Ravnui Embassy
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x3) Real Number (6) Einband (Rifle/D+++)
Wude 3 (x2) Real Number (6) Mk22 Spike (Melee/D+++) x2
Bihu 1 (x2) Real Number (6) Attack Fist (Melee/D+++)
Yunsheng 39 (Missile/D+++)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Armored Car (x1) Yunsheng 44 (Missile)
Type 13 GR (Grenade)
130mm Gun (Cannon)

The Wudes and Bihus have very strong Def-C upgrades, so be sure to bring a
variety of weapons and strike enemies that are weak to the type of damage
you're doing. You can have someone hop in the Armored Car if you want, but
since it's stuck on the track it probably won't be of much use.

After the painful flashback, talk to Emma and then to Bal to learn the awful
truth. You won't have Emma for several missions, so prepare if you need to.

Battle 53: Ravnui Embassy
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x3) Real Number (6) Laohu 3 (Rifle/E)
Wude 3 (x3) Real Number (6) Mk22 Spike (Melee/E) x2
Real (x2) Real Number (6)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x1) Hei Fong Liu (6) Huida 3 (M.Gun/E)

This one is made easier by the fact that the close quarters force one enemy
to take you on at a time. Seems like most of the enemies have Piercing
defense, so take missiles and Impact weapons.

Talk to Li (I guess it's Jose if you have him) to go to Guan Lei's house.
Immediately yell at Yun once you're there.

Battle 54: Yancheng Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk54 MBT (x4) Changli Army Tank Pilot (6) 130mm Gun (Cannon/E)
Lenghe 1 (x2) Imaginary Number (6) Mk12 Fist (Melee/E)
Shunwang 1 (x2) Imaginary Number (6) Mingda 2 (M.Gun/E)

Work on the Lenghe's first, and be sure to attack from where they can't hit
you back if possible. I was blessed by an early Arm Smash on one, taking it
out of the fight--I hope things go as well for you. :)

Battle 55: Yancheng Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Losing Conditions: Liu arrives at the flashing point.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact or Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Lenghe 1 (x3) Imaginary Number (6) Mk12 Fist (Melee/E)
Shunwang 1 (x2) Imaginary Number (6) Huida 3 (M.Gun/E)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Lukav Minaev (6) Huida 3 (M.Gun/E)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Shangdi 1 (x1) Hei Fong Liu (6) Laohu 3 (Rifle/E)

This battle takes place in some fairly close quarters and it's possible to
get backed up against a wall if you're not careful. So play it like chess,
and control the center of the board. Don't spread your fire around, pick a
target and have everyone hit it until it's destroyed. If you don't have a
Lenghe or Shunwang yet, this is your last chance to make one surrender. Make
sure to move everyone near Lukav before you finish him--you'll see why.

Go to the bar in Buxi and talk to all the people there, then talk to Emma
after the events to continue. I won't lie to you: right about here I got
kind of lazy about handling the Network-related stuff. I'll point out the
secret wanzer for you when it's time, but otherwise you're on your own as far
as checking mail and using new addresses and passwords.

Battle 56: Lianyungang
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Grapple M1 (x4) USN SPF Wanzer Pilot (6) Max Weight (Melee/E+)
Rekson M4F (x4) USN SPF Wanzer Pilot (6) Scarab F2 (Rifle/E+)

Even though there are a lot of enemies, this battle really isn't too bad.
Move all your people to one side and take out the Grapple M1s there, finish
off the other two Grapples when they come across, and go from there.

Don't go jumping on to the LST right away--talk to Yang first! He'll let you
into the hangar, where wanzer parts are stored. The stuff in the hangar
includes the last of the computers and upgrades, as well as the wanzers you
saw the Wulong using. Why does a burned-out, forgotten ship graveyard have
custom, state-of-the-art European wanzers and the highest levels of wanzer
upgrades? Don't ask me. At any rate, the Wulong wanzers have a lot of good
parts--check out the parts lists in the Reference section and look for 4- and
5-star ratings to see which ones are good buys.

When you're ready, go to the dock and board the LST to finally say goodbye to
the DHZ.

Battle 57: Offshore Japan
Victory Conditions: Defend for 9 turns.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
MMG3 Ship (x3) JDF Tank Pilot (6) Bantam (Missile/E++)
30mm MG (M.Gun/E++)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Oceanhahn (x2) JDF Chopper Pilot (6) 20mm MG (M.Gun/E++)
Starling (Missile/E++) x2
MMG3 Ship (x2) JDF Tank Pilot (6) Bantam (Missile/E++)
30mm MG (M.Gun/E++)

Crunch all you want, the JDF will make more--pairs of MMG3s and Oceanhahns
will continuously show up to replace the ones you destroy. Bring your
longest-ranged weapons to this battle; missiles and rifles are a must to hit
the enemies.

Finally, face-to-face with Kazuki's pops. Ask him all the questions, and
then talk to Takiguchi and Emma at the observatory.

Battle 58: Observatory
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact or Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Kasel M2 (x3) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (7) Big Buster (Melee/E++)
Mk10 Shield (Shield)
Shunyo Mk111 (x4) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (7) Mk11 Sniper (Rifle/E++)
Shunyo Mk111 (x1) Yuji Kuroi (7) Mk11 Sniper (Rifle/E++)

This battle is a bit of a pain in the ass because of your initial position in
the center. Do your best to get all your units together in one place, and
attack one group of enemies at a time. It's worth it to try to capture at
least one of these Shunyos, which can't be bought in any store.

It's secret wanzer time! Go to the Armored Kinkakuji BBS, and read BBS 3.
There's a number in the message that wasn't there before. Now go to Lawspite
(the Australian hacker site) and enter that number into the Inferno Dial.
Voila, a Hoshun Mk112 and Hvy P-Gun to call your very own. The parts are
transferred to your stock individually, so you'll need to put the wanzer
together. Don't forget to upgrade it, too.

Once you've got your Hoshun geared up, leave the observatory to go to Mt.

Battle 59: Mt. Shutendoji
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame or Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Enyo Mk109 (x3) JDF Wanzer Pilot (7) Nightingale (Missile/E+++)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (7) Nissai 90MF (M.Gun/E+++)
Mk10 Shield (Shield)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Norihiko Tanaka (7) Nissai 90MF (M.Gun/E+++)
Mk10 Shield (Shield)

No challenge here. Enyos and Jinyos are sucky mechs, and you've got your
spanking new beam weapon.

At Kumamoto Base, talk to Alisa. Once she's explained her theory, talk to
Takiguchi to get the address of the hidden SPV section of Kirishima's
website, and the password. Leave the base and you can go to the Kumamoto
shop, which has all of the best weapons in the game (except, strangely, the
Last Strike). Go to the bar if you want, then return to the base to move on.

Battle 60: Nagahama
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Enyo Mk109 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (7) Bjariger (Missile/E+++)
Kasel M2 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (7) Fatal Buster (Melee/E+++)
Shunyo Mk111 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (7) Mk11 Sniper (Rifle/E+++)
Shunyo Mk111 (x1) Yuji Kuroi (7) Mk11 Sniper (Rifle/E+++)

After the battle in Nagahama, talk to Takiguchi to get new training data for
the simulator. Leave the base, go to the bar, and talk to the Former Soldier
for a password to the National Land & Traffic Agency of Japan (NTJ) site.
You can use the password to download the Fukushima simulator data. Go back
to the base to continue. You'll need to split up your forces again; Kazuki's
team will face choppers, so plan suitably. Leave the base when you're ready.

Battle 61: Mt. Aso
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk9 AFV (x3) JDF Tank Pilot (7) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/E+++)
MBT2 Kuarve (x4) JDF Tank Pilot (7) 120mm Gun (Cannon/E+++)
Sekida (x1) JDF Tank Pilot (7) ------

This should be old hat by now. The AFVs' guns are terribly inaccurate, and
you can attack from inside the tanks' range to prevent a counterattack.

Battle 62: Omuta
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk9 AFV (x2) JDF SPF Tank Pilot (7) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/F)
Oceanhahn (x3) JDF SPF Chopper Pilot (7) 20mm MG (M.Gun/F)
Starling (Missile/F) x2
Shunyo Mk111 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (7) Mk11 Sniper (Rifle/F)
Shunyo Mk111 (x1) Yuji Kuroi (7) Mk11 Sniper (Rifle/F)

Hopefully you'll have time to destroy or disable one or more Shunyos before
the choppers join the battle in earnest.

Speak to Taniyama and then to Isao.

Battle 63: Misumi Harbor
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Tiandong 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (7) Mk20 Fist (Melee/F)
Qinghuayu 1 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (7) 32mm MG (M.Gun/F)
Huoji 34 (Missile/F)
Qibing 0 (x1) Imaginary Number (7) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/F)
Mk20 Fist (Melee/F)
Qibing 0 (x1) Rosavia Gray (7) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/F)
Mk20 Fist (Melee/F)

Okay, so I lied when I said battle 29 was your last chance to capture a
Qibing 0. But let's face it--getting one here would be too little, too late.
Take out the Qinghuayus first, since they can't dodge and your Impact defense
will protect you from the others. The four Qs have very high class defense,
so be sure to attack with a damage type they're weak against.

Finally, we're back in Okinawa. Go to the hangar to see an old buddy (talk
to him to get the password to the Ocean City blueprints) and make your final
purchases. We're on the homestretch now, and the last few missions are going
to be brutal, so re-build your wanzers for optimum stats. I've rated the
various parts in the tables in the Reference section, and I suggest you dump
any 1- or 2-star parts you might have, and try to get as many 4's and 5's
equipped as possible. Also, any pilot that isn't at Ace Rank 8 should level
up in the simulator. When you're satisfied with your condition, head back to
the base and tell Isao you're ready.

Battle 64: Okinawa Bridge
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk20 AFV (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (8) 25mm MG (M.Gun/F+)
Yongsai 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Desoto M300 (Shotgun/F+)
Laiying 1 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Faust GGR (Grenade/F+)

Move forward slowly while taking out the Yongsais and tanks to keep the
Laiyings from lobbing too many grenades at you.

Battle 65: Ocean City
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Shunda 4 (M.Gun/F+)
Kexi 1 (x1) Imaginary Number (8) Yunsheng 44 (Missile/F+) x2
32mm MG (M.Gun/F+)
Kexi 1 (x1) Jared Bogdanof (8) Yunsheng 44 (Missile/F+) x2
32mm MG (M.Gun/F+)

Thankfully, Lukav doesn't stick around past the first turn. Gang up on one
Kexi 1 at a time, and shove everything you've got down its throat, and it
shouldn't last too long.

Battle 66: Ocean City
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Brenos (x3) Changli Army Tank Pilot (8) 80mm Gun (Rifle/F++)
Tiandong 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Mk20 Fist (Melee/F++)
Yongsai 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/F++)
SN-107G (Shield)

Time to split into two groups, again. Put the characters whose wanzers have
the highest Booster ratings on Kazuki's team.

Battle 67: Ocean City
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Laiying 1 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Zhiniao 50 (Missile/F)
Tiandong 3 (x3) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Mk20 Fist (Melee/F)
Yongsai 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Chongta 3 (Shotgun/F)
Shunwang 1 (x1) Jared Bogdanof (8) Shunda 4 (M.Gun/F)
SN-107G (Shield)

The pistons raise or lower at the beginning of each turn, but if you took my
advice and chose wanzers with high Booster ratings, they're not a factor.

Battle 68: Ocean City
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk54 MBT (x2) Changli Army Tank Pilot (8) 130mm Gun (Cannon/F)
Yongsai 3 (x2) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) Shunda 4 (M.Gun/F)
Qinghuayu 1 (x1) Changli Army Wanzer Pilot (8) 32mm MG (M.Gun/F)
Huoji 34 (Missile/F)
Kexi 1 (x2) Imaginary Number (8) Yunsheng 44 (Missile/F) x2
32mm MG (M.Gun/F)

If you don't move far from your starting point, then you'll only have to deal
with the Yongsais and MBTs at first. If you can get someone up there, the
building that's been crashed into by one of the LSTs is a great place to rain
fire from. Once you've dealt with them, finish off the lone Kexi 1 off to
the side before challenging the Qinghuayu and remaining Kexi.

Battle 69: Ocean City
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Kexi 1 (x4) Imaginary Number (8) Yunsheng 44 (Missile/S) x2
32mm MG (M.Gun/S)
Kehei 0 (x1) Lukav Minaev (8) Basic P-Gun (Beam/S)
92mm Gun (Cannon/S)

In case you couldn't tell by the music and Lukav in his god-mech, this is it,
the final battle. So take your heaviest hitters, and do like Kazuki says: No
mercy! Move inexorably toward Lukav as you utterly annihilate each of his
underlings one by one with Salvos, Body Smashes, or huge combos. Good luck.

The walkthrough ends here, so as not to spoil any aspect of the ending.

| VI. Walkthrough: Alisa's Story |
Head to the mall for a surprise announcement (wow, that IS important!) and to
run into Ryogo. Go back to the JDF Facility and talk to Koike to get the
address of the Kirishima website, and then go to the heliport.

[Network] Koike gave you the old address, so once there check "Information1"
in the "Info" section to get the new one. At the new site, click "Work",
then "Info", then "Marine Shipping & Generators", to get the address of the
Okinawa Ocean City Development Dept. web site. Once there, click on
"Information", then "Link for O.C.D.G." for the Okinawa Ocean City
Developer's Group site. The point to all this? Not one, unless you're
looking to complete your library of websites and learn more about 2112 Earth.

At the base, Kazuki's brilliance gets himself and Ryogo into the first

Character Profile: Ryogo Kusama
Wanzer: Kyojun Mk107 (Sand Yellow)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialty: Machine Gun

"Mmm-bop..." Kazuki's uber-slacker best friend who was kicked out of
boy-band Hanson. Whenever not hitting on the newest female member of
the party, he provides close fire support in his machine-gun equipped
Kyojun Mk107.

Battle 1: Yokosuka Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)

Concentrate all your attacks on one enemy at a time. The wanzers' pilots
will bail out once they've taken significant damage.

"Hey, is this okay...?" No, Ryogo. It's probably not.

Now in the brig, speak to the Guard and then to Isao, then get the hell out
of there. The point of view will then switch to Alisa, who should talk to
Isao. Have her evacuate the base as well. A few minutes (and one LOL
moment) later, you'll be glad that the JDF leaves unmanned, unlocked, fully
armed and armored wanzers just laying around on their base.

Battle 2: Yokosuka Base
Victory Conditions: Defend for 3 turns.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Grapple M1P (x1) Gastor Marza (0) Heavy Spike (Melee/A)
Grapple M1P (x1) Joe Paker (0) Heavy Spike (Melee/A)
Rekson M4F (x1) Cindy Peasant (0) Franbar FF (Rifle/A)
Rekson M4F (x1) Emir Klamsky (0) Franbar FF (Rifle/A)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Iguchi Lylas (x1) Alisa Takemura (0) Hardblow (Melee/A) x2

You can just win this one by running as far away as possible so the enemies
can't hit you, but you'll miss out on some experience and the opportunity to
roll up your first Battle Skills, so bring it! Plus, you'll distract the
enemies from beating up Alisa.

Character Profile: Aliciana "Alisa" Takemura
Wanzer: Meledyne M1 (White)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Missile

Adopted into the Takemura family at an early age, the exact origins of
Kazuki's sister Alisa seem to be a mystery. She's a sweetie though, and
her fragile Meledyne M1 is one-of-a-kind, so take good care of her in a

Character Profile: Hei Fong Liu
Wanzer: Shangdi 1 (Urban Camo)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Rifle

While he's your enemy in the Emma scenario, you'll find yourself
sympathizing with Liu's cause when you fight alongside him in the Alisa
missions. If you can manage to learn the Shangdi 1's Dbl Shot-II skill
several times, he'll be a powerful ally when equipped with the beam

Well, it would appear that Kazuki and crew have a benefactor. Holed up for
now in the hangar, have Liu explain how you're going to escape. Alisa and
Liu are now in the party, and for the next mission, all your wanzers will
have Prov PAW2 hover pods for legs, which doesn't make much difference.

Battle 3: Yokosuka Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x2) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Oceanhahn (x1) JDF Chopper Pilot (0) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A)
Starling (Missile/A) x2

This may seem like tough opposition, but you should be seeing Battle Skill
combos by now, which will give you the edge you need. Keep Alisa where she
starts, and have two wanzers block the path to her if the Kasel M2s decide to
go after her. You'll want her missiles when the chopper shows up on turn 5.
The last wanzer-type enemy beaten will give you the JDF web address.

After talking to Liu twice, and then to Ryogo, and then to Liu again, you'll
see the non-skippable Setup tutorials. You'll have to watch all three
tutorials to continue. Now that Setup is accessible, replace the correct
legs on your wanzers. You can sell off the hover units for some extra cash,
but they might come in handy in the future. Split from the garage to get
things going again.

Battle 4: Power Plant
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Hanniger (x3) JDF SPF Chopper Pilot (0) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A)
Starling (Missile/A) x2

Reinforcements (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x3) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)

Man, putting you up against this many helicopters this early in the game is
just rude. Be prepared to miss a lot. Enemy wanzers show up on turn 3; have
Alisa continue to work on any remaining choppers whilst everyone else engages
the wanzers.

Battle 5: Power Plant
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Mk9 AFV (x2) JDF SPF Tank Pilot (0) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A)
Enyo Mk109 (x1) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (0) Canary 2 (Missile/A)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Yuji Kuroi (0) Achin 51 (M.Gun/A)

Do yourself a favor and take out Kuroi and his partner first. After that, it
doesn't much matter what you do, as the battle will end after turn 5 even if
there are still enemies left.

Once Liu has shown you to your room, speak to Alisa and Liu to learn more,
and then head to the bridge. Liu has more to say there, after which Alisa
will provide you with an option.

The passwords Alisa's entering into the JDF Intelligence Network go by pretty
fast, but they're D07 and A2GI. I don't know right now if they have any use
or significance.

Battle 6: Hatano Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
MBT2 Kuarve (x3) JDF Tank Pilot (0) 120mm Gun (Cannon/A)
Mk9 AFV (x1) JDF Tank Pilot (0) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A)
Kasel M2 (x1) JDF Wanzer Pilot (0) Heavy Weight (Melee/A)

The cannons on the three tanks have a minimum range of 2 squares. Thus, you
can get right up next to them and attack without any fear of a counter. Use
this to your advantage once you take out the more threatening Kasel and AFV.
You'll get the OCU Army Intelligence web address for winning the battle.

Battle 7: Ashigara
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Hanniger (x5) JDF SPF Chopper Pilot (2) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A)
Starling (Missile/A) x2

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Kyokei Mk108 (x1) Miho Shinjo (0) Nissai 30 (M.Gun/A)
Riot Shield (Shield)

GEEEEEZ!!! As you might have guessed, there is just no good way to go about
this one. The best thing you can do is try to get up on the overpass
alongside a chopper that's hovering over the lower area, to minimize
elevation modifiers. Thankfully, Miho's survival is not a victory condition.

Speak with Miho to confirm that she doesn't have a case of blind paranoia,
and then talk Liu into letting her join up.

Character Profile: Miho Shinjo
Wanzer: Kyokei Mk108 (White)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialty: Melee (Baton) & Shotgun

Not just all sweetness and light, Miho's a smart cookie too. Her quick
thinking will get you out of some tight spots, but junk that cop wanzer.
A weapon intended for riot control is not much on a real battlefield.

At the start of the next battle, you'll find that you're now able to choose
your characters' starting positions, and change which wanzers they're using
as well. You'll soon be using this screen to assign AP to upgrades, too. It
sounds weird, but pay attention to the order you choose characters from this
screen; the first person chosen will attract most of the enemies' attacks.

Battle 8: Numazu Harbor
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Enyo Mk109 (x2) JDF SPF Wanzer Pilot (0) Canary 2 (Missile/A+)
Mk9 AFV (x1) JDF SPF Tank Pilot (0) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/A+)
Hanniger (x3) JDF SPF Chopper Pilot (0) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A+)
Starling (Missile/A+) x2

Take Alisa along to help take out the helicopters. Other characters can use
the same trick as in the last mission by getting on top of the buildings.

Hooray for quality pacing: you're about to have a ton of Network stuff dumped
on you, as well as the introduction of the wanzer parts purchase and upgrade
systems all at more or less the same time. Brace for impact.

On the sub, the Operator will give you the address for the Da Han Zhong
military web site. Other things are afoot on the Network, if you care to
check them out. Go to the Crew Room and talk to Miho, then have Alisa go to
the bridge.

[Network] Check your email to find that you've been noticed by a man named
Jinguji, as well as a hacker/anarchist organization known as Armored
Kinkakuji. Visit the latter's stylish website (I especially like their dinky
"Kinkakuji Now!" 88x31 button) and access the "Download" section for a
decryption program and a couple documents. Also visit the BBS section to
learn of some new software available at Network Computing Systems. At the
NCS site, you can download the "Kaleidoscope" graphics program.

[Network] Take a look at those files you downloaded from Armored Kinkakuji
(Desktop, then Data List). The "Trial Report" has two passwords for the OCU
Intelligence site you got access to not long ago. The Search password will
get you in, and you can use the JDF password from the Trial Report and the
CIU password from Jinguji's email to access those sections. The CIU section
has a link to the CIU website, which is password-protected for the moment.
You'll find an interesting morsel by viewing the "NCS Document" picture. Use
that password at the "Server" link of the NCS website to find out some
useless but amusing inside info (check out that second memo and insert your
own Enron joke here).

Once you talk to Bamarm, speak to the Operator, who will happily point you to
the rebels' web site. After that, talk to Bamarm two more times to finish
things up and get the Phillipine army's web address. You've also received
two emails, both of which can be replied to. Once in the crew room, talk to
everyone and then head out to hit the only two places worth visiting in any
city in Front Mission 3--the bar and wanzer parts shop. At the bar, the
Businesswoman will give you the address to Jade Metal Lyman's website if you
talk to her twice. At the shop, you'll need to talk to the Snotty Girl to
quell her tantrum and watch both the parts purchase and upgrade tutorials
before you'll be able to buy anything. To save cash, just buy the HP and
booster/dash upgrades for now--it's unlikely your pilots have enough extra AP
to allocate to other upgrades anyway. Make sure that anyone who's using only
one weapon also equips a shield, and also try to get everyone up to at least
Ace Rank 2 in the simulator (doing this will take care of the money problem

When you're satisfied with your new setups, go back to the rebel HQ. Talk to
Liu to find out his plan, then to Pham. After that, talk to Bamarm to get
the password to the rebels' website (BEFREE). You have yet another email,
this one for Miho.

[Network] Using Kaleidoscope on the photo attached to Miho's email will
reveal a password for a site we don't have access to yet. For whatever
reason, a completely different picture is now available as desktop wallpaper.

Tell Liu you're ready to finally get back to blowing stuff up.

Battle 9: Panay
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Genie (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Quill (Missile/A+)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A+)
Kasel M2 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) War Hammer (Melee/A+)

Unless you're using the old hover legs from the beginning of the scenario,
your units will need to use the bridge to their left to cross the river. The
enemies will radio in on turn 9, which will blow your cover and make the next
battle more difficult, so work as quickly as possible.

Battle 10: SAM Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Dual Cannon (x3) PHF Tank Pilot (2) 17mm MG (M.Gun/A+)
Kasel M2 (x1) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) War Hammer (Melee/A+)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A+)
Genie (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Quill (Missile/A+)

You may see fewer enemies than this, as I didn't manage to finish the last
battle before the enemies called for help. The usual tactics work well--stay
back and get rid of the Kasel M2 and two Dual Cannons before progressing.

Battle 11: Negros Coast
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x3) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A+)
MBT2 Kuarve (x3) PHF Tank Pilot (2) 130mm Gun (Cannon/A+)
40mm Gun (x3) PHF Tank Pilot (2) 40mm Gun (Cannon/A+)

The enemies use the surprisingly bright tactic of retreating in this battle,
forcing you to fight them within the range of the stationary guns further up.
Including a missile-equipped wanzer in your party is a must to counter this.
You'll get the Velda web address at some point.

[Network] Kazuki and Ryogo have e-mails, from a JBNN reporter and Shizuka
Jinguji respectively. You can send a response to the reporter, and while
Jinguji's message has a text file attached, it's corrupted and useless at
this point. You can use Kiryu's password to get into JBNN's reporter message
board (go to The Editorial Office, then Special Investigation Office). We've
already used the password in the first message, but the second one has the
address for the Department of Public Safety website, which Jinguji provided
the password to in his first message. After you use Jinguji's password to
get to the main menu, the password hidden in the photo of Miho will get you
into the Japan section, where some interesting info awaits.

Battle 12: Negros Fortress
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x5) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A+)
40mm Gun (x3) PHF Tank Pilot (2) 40mm Gun (Cannon/A+)

While it might seem like you'll be moving counterclockwise around the map,
the units on the other side of the river typically cross the bridge, so
you'll end up fighting most of the battle not far from where you started.

Battle 13: Negros Fortress
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Brenos (x2) PHF Tank Pilot (2) 80mm Gun (Rifle/A+)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) DGS-25 (M.Gun/A+)
Kasel M2 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Fear Fist (Melee/A+)
Genie (x1) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2) Miner AT (Missile/A+)
Genie (x1) Manaro Felipe (2) Miner AT (Missile/A+)

This is ridiculous! Bring the pilots and wanzers that you've had the most
success with, because you're going to need all the help you can get. It will
help if your pilots are Ace Rank 3 by now, so that you can allocate some
excess AP to activate upgrades. Make sure you have missiles to deal with the
ceiling-mounted Brenos guns. The Genies will be happy to rain missiles of
their own on you forever, so you may want to send someone to the back to deal
with them. That person will most likely get chewed up by the Kasel M2s, but
it'll be worth it to take the Genies out of the fight. And finally, don't
underestimate the value of a run of good luck--Battle Save at the beginning
(or more frequently, if you have the patience) and start over if you suffer
an unfortunate stun or ejection.

Now that the first phase of the assault is over, talk to Bamarm and then to
Liu to get the next plan. Then, talk to Pham and then to Liu on the sub, and
try to contain your excitement that charming Pham will be tagging along.

Character Profile: Pham Luis
Wanzer: Zeros (Pink)
Starting Ace Rank: 2
Combat Specialty: Melee (Baton)

It's hard to understand how everyone can put up with conceited, spoiled
brat Pham, but roll up a few Shield Atk-Is from the Zeros and watch the
fur fly. Plus, for the first part of the game she'll always be
accompanied by Pierre.

Character Profile: Pierre Wells
Wanzer: Yongsai 3
Combat Specialty: Shotgun

For the first segment of the game, whenever you bring Pham into a battle
she'll be accompanied by the family butler Pierre. He's not
well-equipped or a tactical genius, but the advantage in numbers is hard
to pass up.

Battle 14: Dagat Ahas
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Wanzer Pilot (x6) PHF Wanzer Pilot (2)

You have the unique opportunity to take out the pilots before they get in
their wanzers in this mission. You get to salvage any unmanned enemy wanzers
at the end of the battle, so position your units to block the pilots' access
to their machines! You can win this battle with only one enemy pilot getting
to his wanzer. You'll get the Leonora Enterprises web address for winning.

This is your first and best chance to tune up Pham's wanzer, so get her ready
to go before the next battle. I recommend adding a shield (the Zeros' arms
have the ShieldAtk-I skill) and switching the body over to Kasel M2. Don't
forget to upgrade.

Battle 15: Dagat Ahas
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (3) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A++)
Kasel M2 (x1) PHF Wanzer Pilot (3) Bone Buster (Melee/A++)
Infantry (x1) PHF Infantry (3)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x1) Pierre Wells (3) Odin M98 (Shotgun/A++)
Canary 2 (Missile/A++)

Opposition is light in this mission. The elevator can be made to go up and
down by either walking on to it or finishing a turn in front of the blue
control panel; make sure both Pham and Liu are on the elevator before sending
it up, then send it back down for Pierre. The barriers on either side of the
infantry have to be attacked and destroyed before you can proceed. When you
get to the second elevator, only Pham needs to go down, as Liu just can fire
down from the upper level.

Battle 16: Dagat Ahas
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) PHF Wanzer Pilot (3) Mk9 Sniper (Rifle/A++)
Kasel M2 (x1) PHF Wanzer Pilot (3) Cleave Axe (Melee/A++)
Hanniger P (x2) PHF Chopper Pilot (3) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A++)
Starling (Missile/A++) x2
Infantry (x1) PHF Infantry (3)

I suggest sending Ryogo over to deal with the infantry while everyone else
goes after the enemies on the other side of the bridge. Other than that,
this one is straightforward.

Battle 17: Dagat Ahas
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x3) PHF Wanzer Pilot (3) Kodo SN990 (M.Gun/A++)
Infantry (x2) PHF Infantry (3)

Allies (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Yongsai 3 (x1) Pierre Wells (3) SPPG 14 (Shotgun/A++)

Another battle where it's more difficult to navigate the terrain than to kill
the enemies. If Pierre bumbles his way onto the elevator, have someone use
the control panel to send him up.

It's not really established just how Kazuki and crew get off Dagat Ahas and
back home, since wanzers can't swim. I like to think that fairies carry the
wanzers back to land. That would be neat.

Inexplicably back at camp, talk to Liu to find out your next task. You can
visit the Hangar to buy parts, weapons, and upgrades; I suggest you do so.
Head back to the Camp Ground and tell Liu when you're prepared.

From this point on, Pierre will accompany Pham any time you use her in a

Battle 18: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing or Flame

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) DGS-25 (M.Gun/A+++)
Genie (x3) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) Wagtail 2 (Missile/A+++)
MBT2 Kuarve (x2) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 120mm Gun (Cannon/A+++)

Whoever gets chosen first in the character selection screen will eat an
unholy amount of damage in this battle. Equip them with a high-durability
shield, since pretty much all enemy attacks will focused on him/her.

Battle 19: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Impact or Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Rekson M4F (x1) Dennis Vicarth (3) Barcam RR (Rifle/A+++)
Rekson M4F (x1) Cindy Peasant (3) Barcam RR (Rifle/A+++)
Grapple M1P (x1) Gastor Marza (3) Fear Fist (Melee/A+++)
Grapple M1P (x1) Joe Paker (3) Fear Fist (Melee/A+++)

While Purple Haze's wanzers are very highly upgraded, they have poor weapon
skill and don't outnumber you. As such, this should be an easy battle if you
use the usual tactics. You'll get the FAI forum address for beating Dennis.

Battle 20: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (3) SPPG 14 (Shotgun/A+++)
Hanniger (x3) OCU Navy Chopper Pilot (3) 20mm MG (M.Gun/A+++)
Starling (Missile/A+++) x2
40mm Gun (x3) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (3) 40mm Gun (Cannon/A+++)

Bastards. Nice of them to take Alisa away and then throw three choppers at
you. Bring rifles if you've got 'em, and take advantage of your starting
position on top of the helipad to fire at the choppers from the same height.

Whoah, Emma's unarmed Drake M2C is an engine of death! Hey, how come she
can't knock wanzers out with a single Hardblow punch in actual battles?

Battle 21: Taal Base
Victory Conditions: All enemies destroyed or made to surrender.
Suggested Class Defense: Piercing

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
MBT2 Kuarve (x2) OCU Navy Tank Pilot (4) 120mm Gun (Cannon/B)
Hanniger (x1) OCU Navy Chopper Pilot (4) 20mm MG (M.Gun/B)
Starling (Missile/B)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (4) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B)
SN-100G (Shield)
Jinyo Mk110 (x1) Jose Astrada (4) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B)
SN-100G (Shield)

Start by carving up Jose and getting the OCU Military web address. By then
most of the other enemies will have come to you. While none of these units
pose much of a threat, their shields and high HP will slow things down a lot.

In Batangas, speak to Alisa, Emir, and Liu. In the bar, talk to Pham twice
to get your next course of action, and then to the bar patrons. The Calm Man
will give you the address of the Daily Canberra News Network web site.

Battle 22: Batangas
Victory Conditions: Serov dies.
Suggested Class Defense: Any

Opposition (#) Pilot (Ace Rank) Weapons (Type/Pilot Skill)
Jinyo Mk110 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (4) DGS-25 (M.Gun/B)
Kasel M2 (x2) OCU Navy Wanzer Pilot (4) Fear Fist (Melee/B)
Genie Arm (x1) Serov Warren (6) 17.5mm MG (M.Gun/B)
130mm Gun (Cannon/B)
Miner AT1 (Missile/B) x2
GGR 52 (Grenade/B)

| VII. Reference |
1. Main Characters
Kazuki Takemura
Wanzer: Zenislev (Gray)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialties: Melee (Fist) & Shotgun

Kazuki is the main character of both Emma's and Alisa's stories. In the
recent Square tradition of RPG heroes, he's easily irritated and doesn't have
much of a sense of humor. He's also prone to violent, impulsive actions.
His wanzer, the Zenislev, has great mobility and incredible HP, which allow
him to get in close and mix it up.

Ryogo Kusama
Wanzer: Kyojun Mk107 (Sand Yellow)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialty: Machine Gun

"Mmm-bop..." Kazuki's uber-slacker best friend who was kicked out of boy-band
Hanson. Whenever not hitting on the newest female member of the party, he
provides excellent close fire support in his Kyojun Mk107.

2. Characters: Emma's Story
Emir "Emma" Klamsky
Wanzer: Drake M2C (Light Blue)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Missile

Politics make strange bedfellows, and Kazuki and Ryogo find themselves
quickly entwined in Emma's plans. She's a useful ally whose missiles provide
heavy long-range damage, but keep her weak, slow wanzer out of the fray.

Dennis Vicarth
Wanzer: Rekson M4F (Light Blue)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Rifle

Dennis' deadpan humor can occasionally elicit a chuckle, but in combat he and
his wanzer are somewhat underpowered. The Rekson M4F has extremely low HP,
and his years of experience apparently don't translate to better skills in
game terms.

Yun Lai Fa (a.k.a. "Moneymaker")
Wanzer: Prov PAW2 (Red)
Starting Ace Rank: 2
Combat Specialty: Shotgun

No RPG would be complete without the cute-but-annoying female character, and
Yun fits the bill. Her Prov PAW2's DoubleShot skill can lay a serious amount
of waste when properly utilized.

Jose Astrada
Wanzer: Pare PAW1 (Orange)
Starting Ace Rank: 3
Combat Specialty: Rifle

Jose is a total god when he's an enemy (class C skill in machine gun, a very
useful weapon), but WTF? Once he joins you he suddenly becomes a class B
gimp, and in rifle, a weapon of dubious value. What a rip. He will only
join the group if you take the Alpine Detour route in the Taal Base assault.

Marcus Armstrong
Wanzer: Grapple M1 (Dark Blue)
Starting Ace Rank: 4
Combat Specialty: Melee (Spike)

Steroid-pumping Marcus joins the party seemingly for lack of anything better
to do with himself. His choice of wanzer is so not surprising. I think it
would be pretty funny if for once the gung-ho/beefcake character got saddled
with a "cutie" mech like, say, the Vierge from Xenogears. Painting his
wanzer pink provides some consolation.

Xiang Mei Li
Wanzer: Getty (Black)
Starting Ace Rank: 4
Combat Specialty: Machine Gun

With an tragic past much like Jose's, Li lends his machine gun expertise to
the party in his nifty quad-leg mech. With an Ace Rank of only 4, he'll need
a little training in the simulator to catch up with everyone. He only joins
if you take the Front Gate route in the Taal Base assault and miss Jose.

Linny Barilar
Wanzer: Foura M12A (Yellow)
Starting Ace Rank: 4
Combat Specialty: Missile

Screw Linny. I'm not even going to dignify him with a blurb.

3. Characters: Alisa's Story
Aliciana "Alisa" Takemura
Wanzer: Meledyne M1 (White)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Missile

Adopted into the Takemura family at an early age, the exact origins of
Kazuki's sister Alisa seem to be a mystery. She's a sweetie though, and her
fragile Meledyne M1 is one-of-a-kind, so take good care of her in a fight.

Hei Fong Liu
Wanzer: Shangdi 1 (Urban Camo)
Starting Ace Rank: 1
Combat Specialty: Rifle

While he's your enemy in the Emma scenario, you'll find yourself sympathizing
with Liu's cause when you fight alongside him in the Alisa missions. If you
can manage to learn the Shangdi 1's Dbl Shot-II skill several times, he'll be
a powerful ally when equipped with the beam weapon.

Miho Shinjo
Wanzer: Kyokei Mk108 (White)
Starting Ace Rank: 0
Combat Specialty: Melee (Baton) & Shotgun

Not just all sweetness and light, Miho's a smart cookie too. Her quick
thinking will get you out of some tight spots, but junk that cop wanzer... a
weapon intended for riot control is not much on a real battlefield.

Pham Luis
Wanzer: Zeros (Pink)
Starting Ace Rank: 2
Combat Specialty: Melee (Baton)

It's hard to understand how everyone can put up with conceited, spoiled brat
Pham, but roll up a few Shield Atk-Is from the Zeros and watch the fur fly.
Plus, for the first part of the game she'll always be accompanied by Pierre.

Pierre Wells
Wanzer: Yongsai 3
Combat Specialty: Shotgun

For the first segment of the game, whenever you bring Pham into a battle
she'll be accompanied by the family butler Pierre. He's not well-equipped or
a tactical genius, but the advantage in numbers is hard to pass up.

Xiao Hua Lan
Wanzer: Tieqi 4
Starting Ace Rank:
Combat Specialty: Flamer

The only player character to specialize in the use of a flamer, Lan is a bit
chilly, but a very competent soldier. The Tieqi 4's Brace-II skill can make
her a defensive nightmare in combat.

Mayer Edward
Wanzer: Enyo Mk109
Starting Ace Rank:
Combat Specialty: Missile

Less tacked on than Linny, but not much, Mayer joins the party late in the
game as they converge paths with her assignment for the CIU.

4. Wanzer Parts
I've marked various parts with a (R), (E), or (A). (R) means that the part
is rare; it cannot be purchased in any store and must be captured from
enemies. Parts with (E) are only available in Emma's scenario and those with
(A) are only available in Alisa's.

The body is, obviously, the most basic part of the wanzer. It contains the
wanzer's power source, and the combined total weight of all parts and weapons
on a wanzer cannot exceed the body's Power rating. Any surplus power (from
equipping lighter parts and weapons and/or adding power to the engine) will
increase the damage done by the wanzer's melee attacks. The body also
provides the wanzer's potential Class Defense upgrade.

Statistics provided are the power of the engine, weight of the body, HP of
the body at both no upgrade and full upgrade, the percentage class defense
increase per level of class defense upgrade, and the battle skill contained
(thanks to Eric Willis). I've also put a rating of each part's performance;
5 stars is best, 1 is worst. (The ratings don't have anything to do with the
part's Battle Skill, just its statistics.) For convenience, I've organized
this list by weight class rather than purely alphabetically.

Name Power Weight HPMin HPMax Def-C B.Skill Rating
Grapple M1 206 39 464 1211 5% Melee-III *
Kasel M2 206 39 464 1461 10% Melee-II ***
Lanze 206 39 464 1647 15% Tackle-III *****
Lenghe 1 (R) 206 39 464 1647 5% Initiative-III ***
Tiandong 3 206 39 464 1211 10% Tackle-II **
Wude 3 206 39 464 1461 15% E-Acc2 ****
Zeros 206 39 464 1211 10% E-Evade1 **

Kyokei Mk108 220 40 340 887 10% Melee-I **

Qibing 0 (R,E) 231 42 452 1423 15% Revenge-II ****
Zenislev 231 42 452 1604 5% Tackle-I ***

Prov PAW2 253 44 364 950 15% Auto-II ***
Yongsai 3 253 44 364 1292 10% BkupMelee ****

Getty 254 42 340 887 10% Revenge-III **
Jinyo Mk110 254 42 340 887 5% Revenge-I *
Kyojun Mk107 254 42 340 1071 10% Zoom-I ***
Shunwang 1 (R) 254 42 340 1207 5% E-EvadeNul ***
Vinedrai 254 42 340 1207 10% E-Evade2 ****

Grezex 269 38 276 979 10% Zoom-III ****
Pare PAW1 269 38 276 720 10% E-Acc1 **
Rekson M4F 269 38 276 720 15% Zoom-II ***
Shangdi 1 269 38 276 979 5% E-AccNul ***
Shunyo Mk111(R) 269 38 276 979 5% DMGFix400 ***

Tieqi 4 287 43 312 1107 15% E-Def-C2 *****

Drake M2C (E) 344 60 292 762 15% Chaff ***
Enyo Mk109 344 60 292 762 5% Auto-I *
Foura M12A 344 60 292 762 10% Pilot Eject **
Genie 344 60 292 919 5% Def-C1 **
Laiying 1 344 60 292 919 5% Def-C2 **
Meledyne M1 (A) 344 60 292 762 15% E-Def-C1 ***
Mingtian 1 (R) 344 60 292 1036 10% Def-CMAX ****
Whisk 344 60 292 1036 10% E-Def-CNul ****

Hoshun Mk112 350 37 408 1661 15% Revenge-Body ******

A wanzer's arms hold its weapons. Arms with higher accuracy ratings are a
must for wanzers using range weapons, whose accuracy can quickly degrade
against distant targets.

Statistics provided are the weight of the arms, HP at no upgrade and at full
upgrade, weapon accuracy increase percentage at no upgrade and at full
upgrade, the battle skill contained (again, thanks to Eric Willis), and
performance rating (since I just can't help but rank things in lists).

Note: Accuracy increases from the arm are a percentage of the weapon's base
accuracy, not a flat increase. Thus, the accuracy of a machine gun installed
on the arm of Kyojun Mk107 with no accuracy upgrade would NOT be 90% (80+10)
but rather 88% (80*1.10). Don't forget that number will be further reduced
by the evade attribute of the target. It seems that FM3 always rounds down
when calculating a weapon's accuracy.

Name Weight HPMin HPMax AccMin AccMax B.Skill Rating
Grapple M1 15 292 919 5% 37% Dbl Punch-I ***
Kasel M2 15 292 762 5% 52% Stun Punch ***
Lanze 15 292 762 5% 25% ShieldAtk-II *
Lenghe 1 (R) 15 292 1036 5% 25% ShieldAtk-III ***
Tiandong 3 15 292 1036 5% 37% EjectPunch ****
Wude 3 15 292 1036 5% 52% Dbl Punch-II *****
Zeros 15 292 919 5% 25% ShieldAtk-I **

Kyokei Mk108 25 212 667 7% 73% Hit/Miss ****

Qibing 0 (R,E) 20 284 894 5% 37% TopplePnch ***
Zenislev 20 284 894 5% 25% Dbl Assault **

Prov PAW2 33 228 718 9% 94% Dbl Shot-I ****
Yongsai 3 33 228 809 9% 66% ROFUP-III ****

Getty 36 212 667 10% 105% FiringSquad ****
Jinyo Mk110 36 212 553 10% 105% ROFUP-II ***
Kyojun Mk107 36 212 667 10% 105% ROFUP-I ****
Shunwang 1 (R) 36 212 752 10% 105% Aim-Body *****
Vinedrai 36 212 752 10% 74% Aim-Arm ****

Grezex 51 172 448 14% 103% Aim **
Pare PAW1 51 172 448 14% 103% ToppleShot **
Rekson M4F 51 172 448 14% 147% BkupFire ***
Shangdi 1 51 172 610 14% 147% Dbl Shot-II *****
Shunyo Mk111(R) 51 172 448 14% 147% Revenge-Same ***

Tieqi 4 44 196 617 12% 88% Aim-Leg ***

Drake M2C (E) 45 184 480 12% 126% Pilot DMG-I ***
Enyo Mk109 45 184 480 12% 126% Leg Smash ***
Foura M12A 45 184 653 12% 60% Arm Smash ***
Genie 45 184 579 12% 60% Pilot DMG-III **
Laiying 1 45 184 653 12% 60% Pilot DMG-II ***
Meledyne M1 (A) 45 184 480 12% 126% Panic Shot ***
Mingtian 1 (R) 45 184 653 12% 88% Random Smash ****
Whisk 45 184 653 12% 88% Salvo ****

Hoshun Mk112 25 300 1065 12% 126% Body Smash *****

Legs dictate the movement speed of the wanzer, its dashing and jumping
ability, and its ability to evade enemies' attacks.

Statistics provided are the weight of the legs, HP at no upgrade and at full
upgrade, type (two legs, four legs, or hover), base movement rate, booster
and dash level at full upgrade (note that the BST upgrade increases booster
and dash together), the evade rate at full upgrade, the Battle Skill
contained (thanks to, you guessed it, Eric Willis), and rating.

Name Wt. HPMn HPMx Type Move B/D Eva% B.Skill Rating
Grapple M1 59 384 1002 2L 6 6/5 47% Skill+2 ***
Kasel M2 59 384 1002 2L 6 7/4 47% AP-30% ***
Lanze 59 384 1363 2L 6 6/5 24% Avoid 40 ***
Lenghe 1 (R) 59 384 1363 2L 6 7/4 47% Gang Beating *****
Tiandong 3 59 384 1209 2L 6 6/5 24% Avoid 20 **
Wude 3 59 384 1002 Hvr 6 -/- 24% E-Skill3 *
Zeros 59 384 1209 2L 6 7/3 24% Initiative-II **

Kyokei Mk108 45 280 730 2L 4 7/3 35% DMGFix100 **

Qibing 0 (R,E) 55 372 1171 2L 5 6/5 24% DMGFix200 **
Zenislev 55 372 1171 2L 5 7/4 47% Initiative-I ****

Prov PAW2 48 300 783 Hvr 4 -/- 47% Guard-B ***
Yongsai 3 48 300 1065 2L 4 6/5 24% Avoid 80 ***

Getty 43 280 882 4L 3 4/5 24% E-Skill2 **
Jinyo Mk110 43 280 730 2L 3 7/3 47% Fast Attack ***
Kyojun Mk107 43 280 730 2L 3 7/4 47% Brace-I ***
Shunwang 1 (R) 43 280 730 4L 3 4/5 47% Evade-MAX ***
Vinedrai 43 280 994 2L 3 6/5 24% EXPx4 ***

Grezex 38 228 595 2L 3 7/4 47% Hard Knocks ***
Pare PAW1 38 228 718 2L 3 7/3 35% Evade1 ***
Rekson M4F 38 228 595 2L 3 7/4 35% E-Skill1 **
Shangdi 1 38 228 595 2L 3 7/4 35% EXPx3 **
Shunyo Mk111(R) 38 228 718 2L 3 7/4 47% AP-60% ****

Tieqi 4 44 256 806 2L 5 7/4 24% Brace-II **

Drake M2C (E) 18 240 626 2L 2 7/4 24% EXPx2 *
Enyo Mk109 18 240 756 2L 2 7/5 47% Prevent Loss ****
Foura M12A 18 240 852 2L 2 7/4 24% Escape ***
Genie 18 240 852 2L 2 7/4 47% Auto Counter *****
Laiying 1 18 240 852 2L 2 6/5 35% Skill+3 ****
Meledyne M1 (A) 18 240 626 2L 2 6/3 35% Skill+1 **
Mingtian 1 (R) 18 240 852 2L 2 6/5 24% Blackout ***
Whisk 18 240 852 2L 2 6/3 24% Evade2 ***

Hoshun Mk112 35 400 1420 2L 5 7/5 59% AP-0 ******

Backpacks can be used to provide additional power (to hold heavier weapons
and do more damage with melee weapons) or to hold items.

Name Weight Capacity Add.Power
BX002 10 4 -----
Mk3 Pack 10 4 -----
BX056 30 6 -----
Mk6 Pack 30 6 -----
Rucksack L 30 6 -----
BX090 50 8 -----
BPT3A 10 ----- 30
Mk5 E-Pack 10 ----- 30
BPT12B 20 ----- 60
Mk7 E-Pack 20 ----- 60
Placid 20 ----- 60
BPT9MAX 30 ----- 90
Mk8 E-Pack 30 ----- 90

A wanzer's computer is accessible from the "Pilot" section of the Setup menu,
and holds whatever learned Battle Skills are entered into it. Be sure to re-
enter your Battle Skills when changing a wanzer's computer.

Name Capacity Function
COM4 4 No special features
COM5 5 No special features
COM6 6 No special features
COMB554 6 Low Activate% increase; low Combo% decrease
COMB603 6 Med Activate% increase; med Combo% decrease
COMB652 6 High Activate% increase; high Combo% decrease
COMC554 6 Low Combo% increase; low Activate% decrease
COMC654 6 Med Combo% increase; med Activate% decrease
COMC754 6 High Combo% increase; high Activate% decrease
COMG10 6 Acquire% increase

5. Weapons
DC: The Defense Class of the weapon; Impact, Piercing, or Flame.
Wt: Weight of the weapon.
Acc.: The base accuracy of the weapon.
Rng: The range of the weapon in squares.
Attack: The base attack value of the weapon.
AP: AP consumed by using the weapon.
AD/Rg: Accuracy decrease over range, per square.
AD/Ht: Accuracy decrease by elevation, per unit of height.
Ammo: Ammo capacity of the weapon.

Melee Weapons
Unarmed arms have the Hardblow weapon by default. While there is no accuracy
penalty for elevation, a target with a height difference of 2 or more cannot
be hit with a melee weapon.

Name Type DC Wt Acc. Rng Attack AP AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo
Hardblow None I 0 100% 1 25 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.

War Hammer Baton I 18 120% 1 56 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Cleave Axe Baton I 21 120% 1 67 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Mk9 Baton Baton I 25 120% 1 80 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Mk13 Baton Baton I 29 120% 1 96 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Venus Baton I 33 120% 1 115 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.

Sharp Spike Spike P 20 110% 1 63 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Heavy Spike Spike P 23 110% 1 75 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Mk18 Spike Spike P 28 110% 1 90 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Mk22 Spike Spike P 32 110% 1 108 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Last Strike Spike P 37 110% 1 129 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.

Bone Buster Fist I 22 100% 1 76 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Fear Fist Fist I 26 100% 1 91 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Mk10 Fist Fist I 30 100% 1 109 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Mk12 Fist Fist I 35 100% 1 130 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Big Buster Fist I 35 100% 1 130 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.
Fatal Buster Fist I 40 100% 1 156 (x1) 1 -0% -0% Unl.

Range Weapons (Burst)
More AP can be used when firing a flamer to increase the number of shots in
the burst. Shotguns distribute their damage evenly over the target's hit
locations; flamers and machine guns hit parts at random.

Name Type DC Wt Acc. Rng Attack AP AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo
Odin M98 Shotgun I 42 75% 1-3 12 (x12) 3 -2% -5% Unl.
SPPG 14 Shotgun I 50 75% 1-3 14 (x12) 3 -2% -5% Unl.
Chongdu 2 Shotgun I 59 75% 1-3 16 (x12) 3 -2% -5% Unl.
Chongta 3 Shotgun I 69 75% 1-3 19 (x12) 3 -2% -5% Unl.
Desoto M300 Shotgun I 80 75% 1-3 22 (x12) 3 -2% -5% Unl.

Kodo SN990 M.Gun P 48 80% 1-4 11 (x10) 5 -10% -5% Unl.
DGS-25 M.Gun P 56 80% 1-4 13 (x10) 5 -10% -5% Unl.
Mingda 2 M.Gun P 65 80% 1-4 15 (x10) 5 -10% -5% Unl.
Huida 3 M.Gun P 78 80% 1-4 18 (x10) 5 -10% -5% Unl.
Nissai 90MF M.Gun P 78 80% 1-4 18 (x10) 5 -10% -5% Unl.
Arc Barrel 4 M.Gun P 91 80% 1-4 21 (x10) 5 -10% -5% Unl.

Heat Stream Flamer F 51 60% 1-2 17 (x4) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Huoliu 1 Flamer F 60 60% 1-2 20 (x4) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Huosai 2 Flamer F 70 60% 1-2 24 (x4) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Huoyao 3 Flamer F 81 60% 1-2 28 (x4) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Hot Gazel Flamer F 93 60% 1-2 33 (x4) 4 -2% -5% Unl.

Range Weapons (1 Shot)
The Hvy P-Gun is obtained along with the Hoshun Mk112 wanzer.

Name Type DC Wt Acc. Rng Attack AP AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo
Franbar FF Rifle P 45 75% 1-6 58 (x1) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Mk9 Sniper Rifle P 53 75% 1-6 69 (x1) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Laoxing 6 Rifle P 62 75% 1-6 82 (x1) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Laohu 3 Rifle P 73 75% 1-6 98 (x1) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Scarab F2 Rifle P 73 75% 1-6 98 (x1) 4 -2% -5% Unl.
Mk11 Sniper Rifle P 84 75% 1-6 117 (x1) 4 -2% -5% Unl.

Hvy P-Gun Beam N 127 90% 1-9 250 (x1) 15 -0% -5% Unl.

Shields are used only defensively, as a "counter". They can be used a number
of times equal to their durability, and reduce the total damage of the attack
they're blocking by their damage reduction factor.

Name Wt AP Dur Dmg Red.
Mk9 Shield 18 2 4 -50%
SN-100G 24 2 6 -50%
Buckler 22 2 4 -70%
Hvy Shield 28 2 6 -70%
Mk10 Shield 28 2 6 -70%
SN-107G 36 2 4 -90%

Shoulder Weapons
"Grenades" in this game are really more like artillery; each square in a 5x5
area centered on the target has a chance of being hit.

Name Type DC Wt Acc. Rng Attack AP AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo
Quill Missile F 81 80% 3-9 73 (x1) 10 -0% -0% 6
Wagtail 2 Missile F 96 80% 3-9 87 (x1) 10 -0% -0% 6
Yunsheng 34 Missile F 109 80% 3-9 104 (x1) 10 -0% -0% 6
Zhiniao 50 Missile F 123 80% 3-9 124 (x1) 10 -0% -0% 6
Nightingale Missile F 123 80% 3-9 124 (x1) 10 -0% -0% 6
Bjariger Missile F 137 80% 3-9 148 (x1) 10 -0% -0% 6

Wanzerfaust Grenade F 92 60% 3-6 62 (x1) 12 -0% -0% 4
Type 10 GR Grenade F 109 60% 3-6 74 (x1) 12 -0% -0% 4
Type 13 GR Grenade F 124 60% 3-6 88 (x1) 12 -0% -0% 4
Type 14 GR Grenade F 140 60% 3-6 105 (x1) 12 -0% -0% 4
Faust GGR Grenade F 156 60% 3-6 126 (x1) 12 -0% -0% 4

6. Items
Items are stored in a wanzer's backpack; they have a range of 1 and can only
be used on allies. It costs 4 AP to use an item.

Name Capacity Price Effect
Grenade 2 100 Reloads grenades
Missile 2 100 Reloads missiles
Repair 1 100 Restores 50% of Max HP to a part
Repair Mx 2 200 Restores all HP to a part
Restore Lo 2 150 Repairs broken part, restores 25% HP
Restore Hi 3 300 Repairs broken part, restores 50% HP
Restore Mx 4 400 Repairs broken part and restores all HP
Recover 1 80 Restores 50% of HP to pilot
Recover Mx 2 140 Restores all HP to pilot
Shield Rpr 2 120 Restores 50% of shield durability
Shield Mx 3 200 Restores all shield durability

7. Battle Skills
How Battle Skills Work
Each wanzer part has a Battle Skill in it that can be randomly activated when
the required conditions are present. These conditions can be related to the
weapons equipped on the wanzer (some skills only work with "Burst" type
weapons, or don't work with grenades, or require you two have identical
weapons on each arm) or situational (Chaff, for instance, can activate when
the wanzer is attacked by a missile).

Once a skill is activated randomly, a copy of it is transferred to the
pilot's "inventory" of skills. More random activations will put more copies
of the skill in the pilot's inventory, giving him/her more copies to register
in the wanzer's computer. Copies of skills activated by the computer (rather
than randomly by the parts) will not be added to the pilot's inventory. By
the way, once a pilot has enough copies of a skill to fill up six slots, it
won't be randomly activated for that pilot any more. So if you're sick of
the Whisk arms going Salvo on you when you don't need it, just have the pilot
keep at it until you've seen it six times and it'll never happen again.

The computer can hold one or more Battle Skills in its memory, to increase
the chances of them being activated, and multiple copies of the same skill
can be registered to further increase the chances and allow for "combos"
where multiple registered skills activate one after another. The wanzer part
that originally activated the skill need not be equipped if the skill is
registered in the computer; however, the only skills that can be activated
randomly (without being in the computer) are the ones actually present in the
wanzer's parts.

Like items in a backpack, each skill has a size in blocks that it takes up in
the computer's memory. More powerful skills take up more space, but then
again, a combo of several "smaller" skills could be just as deadly as a
single "large" skill.

Late in the game, computers appear which affect the activation rates of
skills; taking advantage of their properties can hugely improve the
effectiveness of your skills. For instance, a single hugely devastating
skill, such as Body Smash or Firing Squad, could be registered in a computer
with low combo activation but a high trigger rate, ensuring frequent
activation and sacrificing little (since combos are irrelevant when dealing
with a skill that will destroy or disable a wanzer in one hit).

After a little deliberation, I've decided to forego a list of Battle Skills,
since there are several FAQs out there that list them. So, for the remainder
of this section I'll just throw out some ways to combine skills in the

Kung-Fu Master
The Initiative skills usually work to your disadvantage. Sure, you get
to go first, but unless you kill the guy you're looking at a very
damaging counterattack. So, combine the Initiative skill with an attack
skill that disables the opponent somehow: Eject Punch, Topple Punch, or
Stun Punch. Voila, no return fire! Unfortunately, this works better in
theory than in practice. You can try using a combo-increasing computer
to ensure that the two skills go off in conjunction, but then it won't
happen often enough to be useful.

Turtle Fortress
Never underestimate Brace-I and Brace-II for minimizing damage done to a
mech. Use them with a range weapon that will usually "go first" in
exchanges, then only fight when you'll be attacking first (block other
attacks with a shield). It's amazing how little damage you'll take, and
Brace-I is cheap enough that you can load attack skills too.

This is pretty self-explanatory. Put a bunch (4-6) of dinky skills in
the computer--anything ending in a "I" will do--and watch the fireworks.
Use a regular computer (COM6 or COMG10), since having only one or two go
off is helpful too.

"For Free"
The Hoshun Mk112's beam weapon's only real drawback is its AP cost. The
AP-0 skill is built into the wanzer, but a creative solution I found was
to use Dbl Shot-II to fire the beam "for free" off of an attack with
another range weapon (I used a rifle). Or, with a melee weapon, you
could use Dbl Assault to tack on an 11-hit flamer burst "for free".

The Dbl Shot, Dbl Punch, and Dbl Assault skills deliver incredible
damage considering their cost. Sure, without a shield the wanzer won't
last long, but you'll take a lot of enemies with you. Load the computer
with three copies of the skill--since you're giving up a shield to use
it, you might as well take full advantage of the skill's power.

Heavy Hitter
Any big, devastating skill like Smash, Salvo, or Firing Squad, is plenty
fearsome when put in a high-activation computer. Round out the slots
you have left with a defensive skill like Escape or Prevent Loss.

| VIII. Credits & Copyright Info |
A FAQ like this will never be complete without some contributions by readers.
So please send me any comments about this FAQ at Heck,
if you've even read this thing, drop me a line.

The following people have made a difference in the lives of Front Mission 3
players everywhere by helping to create this FAQ:

CJayC for hosting this FAQ at Visit GameFAQs for all your
video game strategy and code needs.
HUGE thanks go out to Eric Willis ( for compiling
his Battle Skills list and allowing me to merge the information into
this FAQ. He's saved me (and all those reading this) the ton of time I
would have to spend getting them all to trigger.
The guru of all FAQ-dom, Kao Megura (, for putting his time
and effort into an effective copyright warning, which I shall reproduce
here as, surprise, my copyright warning.

Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Dave Connoy

This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any
way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside from being
placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original,
unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable
purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional
purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It
cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as
this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this
FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc.
of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by
game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc.
or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not
specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting,
reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the
author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Dave Connoy. All
copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by the
Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention International Copyright
Law. Please remember that plagiarism is against the law. I will take
appropriate action against transgressors, period (the same goes for people
who put this up on web pages claiming it's their FAQ).

That's the end! Thanks for reading and I hope you found this FAQ useful.
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Network & Wanzers FAQ

14.October 2013

14.October 2013
Start at warehouse in Alisa's story before mission 4. All battle skills and maximum weapon skills.

12.October 2013
Battle Skills Guide

12.October 2013
US Guide

14.October 2013
Network Guide

17.October 2013
Beginners Guide

14.October 2013
Battle Skills Guide

15.October 2013
Advanced Strategy Guide

16.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL English Version.

17.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL Version.

17.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Version.

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