Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

12.10.2013 15:00:55
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| F I N A L F A N T A S Y T A C T I C S |
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| R E L I C S G U I D E |
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| Version 1.0 |
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| by Elmor the Elf (Anthony V. Shimorsky) |
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1. Trophy
2. Gift
3. Thievery
4. Move - Find
5. Secret Hunt
6. Catching


a. Abbreviations used in this section
b. Coordinate origins

1. Barrette
2. Blast Gun
3. Blaze Gun
4. Blood Sword
5. Cachusha
6. Chantage
7. Chaos Blade
8. Cherche
9. Chirijiraden
10. Cursed Ring
11. Defender
12. Dragon Rod
13. Dragon Whisker
14. Escutcheon II
15. Excalibur
16. Fairy Harp
17. Faith Rod
18. FS Bag
19. Genji Armor
20. Genji Gauntlet
21. Genji Helmet
22. Genji Shield
23. Glacier Gun
24. Grand Helmet
25. Healing Staff
26. Holy Lance
27. Iga Knife
28. Ivory Rod
29. Javelin II
30. Kaiser Plate
31. Koga Knife
32. Mace of Zeus
33. Madlemgen
34. Masamune
35. Materia Blade
36. Maximillian
37. Nagrarock
38. Perseus Bow
39. Ragnarok
40. Ribbon
41. Robe of Lords
42. Rubber Costume
43. Ryozan Silk
44. Sage Staff
45. Salty Rage
46. Sasuke Knife
47. Save the Queen
48. Scorpion Tail
49. Secret Clothes
50. Setiemson
51. Stone Gun
52. Ultimus Bow
53. Vanish Mantle
54. Venetian Plate
55. Whale Whisker
56. Yoichi Bow
57. Zorlin Shape


1. Golgorand Execution Site
2. Roof of Riovanes Castle
3. Bervenia Free City
4. Bed Desert
5. Inside of Limberry Castle
6. St. Murond Temple
7. Colliery Underground Second Floor
8. Nelveska Temple


1. Poach Table
2. Level-Throw Table
3. List of battles


1. Wanted List
2. Disclaimer
3. Author Info
4. Credits


Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games. Being a devout rarities
collector, I always tried to receive all the hidden and hard-to-get items
by any means. In doing so I often encountered many confusions and errors
in various FAQs. That's why I decided to write a guide where you can find
ALL information about ALL the ways of getting ALL the secret items of FFT.

Another reason for me to write this guide is the release of FF9 that
caused people to express interest in Square's old classic games like FF5,
FF6 and possibly FFT.

This is my first attempt to write for the public so don't be too severe
critics. But definitely BE critics, i.e. whether any questions that are
unanswered on this guide or comments or critique either positive or
negative will arise, feel yourself free to e-mail me. My address is
, don't forget.

One more note: I'm Russian, and hence my English is far from perfect. So
I'll be grateful to you if you mail me and point upon some (non-typo)
errors in this guide. Thanks.

* * *

The game contains an enormous amount of secret equipment. Some of them are
just useless crap, but some are literally supermegaextrastrong things that
will surely make you Demi-God. But all of them are RELICS in the full
meaning of that word: 'hard-to-get items'. Of course, you can easily
complete the game without them, and it'll be easier than you think since
you have that fat SOB Orlandu. It means that you may not to get them, and
definitely you shouldn't try to get them all if you want your game to be
easier. It is, already.

But still I think that REAL DEVOUT RPG FAN should get ALL the possible
relics, even if they are completely useless. However this is my personal
opinion, and by no means I urge you to get'em all.

But if you are 'total perfectionist' just like me, get the full collection
of 57 (!) rare equips! And may this FAQ be some help in completion of this
uneasy task.


There are 6 general methods of getting a rare items here in FFT. These
ways are: a)trophy; b)gift; c)thievery; d)move-find; e)secret hunt and

1. Trophy
You receive the relic as a trophy after certain battle. Actually only one
relic (namely Ragnarok) shall come to you this way. But this method is
still a method, so...

2. Gift
This method is the easiest from all. Relic is simply brought to you by
certain character in a certain moment of the game. All that you must do is
to remove the item from him (her). It is especially important when the
bringer is going to leave your party.

3. Thievery
Being the well developed RPG, FFT contains its 'walking treasure chests'.
Of course, it's very mean to strip someone of all his equip and then
mercilessly kill him/her, but... That's the way of True Hunter!!! So if
you see an enemy swinging sword big and scary or shooting to you fire
bullets, help him to get rid of such a precious thing. He won't need it
anymore: his death is at hand, and dead men do not need treasures.

This can be fairly tough in certain battles, but the main idea is simple:
equip someone with Thief's 'Steal' ability. Make sure that appropriate
stealing skill is learned (e.g., if you want to steal Blood Sword, you
must have 'Steal Weapon' learned). Then go steal :) !!

Tips on practical stealing:

* Steal from the back.

* Have your thief's Speed raised (Ramza's Yell makes great help here)
or set him one of the following Support Abilities:

Attack Up
Martial Arts

* Decrease victim's Speed (Speed Break) or have them under one of the
following status ailments:


* My version of Perfect Thief:

[female monk]

Primary : Punch Art Right Hand: -
Secondary: Steal Left Hand : -
Reaction : Speed Save Helmet : Thief Hat
Support : Attack Up Armor : Secret Clothes
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : Chantage

I choose Monk since Monks have 'Martial Arts' as inherited ability. You
can use Ninja instead, though. Their Speed is high, so your chances will
be higher, too. Speed Save allows your thief to speed up when she gets
hurt, and Chantage makes this hasting endless (keep in mind that she can't
die with that nifty little thing!) You can also substitute Attack Up with

Ah, one last moment. If the victim has 'Maintenance' set up, don't even
think to try to steal something from this person. Your chances will be 0.

4. Move-Find
Almost all battlefields contain hidden items. Most of these items are just
usual crap that you can buy in stores, but in some places you can find
VERY GOOD pieces of equipment.

The main idea is simple, too. You set 'Move-Find Item' as a Movement
Ability and finish your move on the certain tile. After you answer 'Yes'
to the usual 'Are you sure you want to move here?' question, you will hear
'Brrrring', your item finder will raise received treasure high in the air,
and 'Found '[name of treasure]'!' message box will appear.

Note that enemies can collect treasures, too. In that case you lose the
treasure and message box with name of the treasure does not appear.

If a character WITHOUT 'Move-Find Item' ability will finish his move on
treasure tile or if treasure is already taken, a trap will spring then.
There are 4 kind of traps: Steel Needle (HP damage), Sleeping Gas (Sleep
status ailment), Degenerator (Level -1) and Death Trap (Death Sentence).

In most cases there are 2 items buried in one location. If so, which one
you shall most probably find is determined by your brave. As a rule, the
probability of finding a BETTER item is (100-Brave)%. It is especially
important in Deep Dungeon, where common worst item for all treasure
locations is Phoenix Down. As you can see, for you to get some good stuff
your item-finder must be a coward :)

Speaking of cowards...

* My version of Perfect Item-Finder:

Rafa, Heaven Knight

Primary : Truth Right Hand:
Secondary: Left Hand :
Reaction : Helmet : Thief Hat
Support : Armor : Secret Clothes
Movement : Move-Find Item Accessory : Germinas Boots

Rafa has the lowest Brave in all game, so she's naturally the best unit
to find those treasures. To make your chances of getting the best items
even higher, lower her Brave even more with Beowulf's 'Chicken' or
Oracle's 'Foxbird Song'. The lowest point is, I believe, 10. (I mean the
permanent value, of course. Not in-battle one.) If her Brave is lower than
10, she will turn to Chicken with the beginning of the battle. So the
value of 10 is IMHO optimal.

The above combo is a good one, believe me. Rafa is not only fast, she's
invisible and movable enough (Germinas Boots). You can sneak anywhere you
want... Just walk where you like and do nothing. You won't be hit.

The alternative variant is to make her Knight and give her Excalibur. In
this case she gets permanent Haste, but loses her invulnerability.

5. Secret Hunt
'Secret Hunt', or 'Poaching', is the method of getting rare items by
killing certain monsters and bringing their 'mortal remains' :) to special
stores called 'Fur Shops'. These stores are situated in all three Trade
Cities of Ivalice: Warjilis, Zarghidas and Dorter. They open up only in
Chapter II (but here I am not sure). These stores make items out of fur
that you brought. Some of these items are sold in usual stores; in Fur
Shops their price is lower (50% discount, I believe). The significant part
of items that can be purchased in Fur Shops is rare meaning Fur Shop is
the only way to buy them.

The process of poaching itself is very simple: set Thief's 'Secret Hunt'
Support ability. Kill victim monster with usual physical attack. ('Kill'
means 'deliver the final blow'; you can soften the monster with whatever
you like.)

It is possible to apply the 'Rekill Technique', i.e. to kill the monster
with powerful non-poach move (Sword Skills are the best here), then revive
it using Phoenix Down so that its HP is very low and kill it once again
using poacher's physical attack. This method is quite simple, but...
definitely not the one a pro would use. However if you have accidentally
killed a precious monster, it's not bad.

Note that victim monster may be in your team as well as in enemy one.
Poached monsters does not count in 'Injuries' part of 'Brave Story'
submenu. In other words, you may poach tons of your own monsters and still
the number of units that you lost in battles will be 0.

When you have successfully poached the desirable monster, go to the Fur
Shop. There you should be able to buy the item that they made from fur
of monster.

There are two possible items for every monster to be transformed to.
You'll get one of them with the probability of ~90% (this item is called
Common for that monster), and the probability of the other outcome is
somewhat 10% (obviously, this one is Rare).

There are no methods to get Rare item for sure, but I can recommend you
the following technique. Poach the monster you want to get Rare from.
Go to nearest Trade City. Save your game and ONLY AFTER THAT visit Fur
Shop. If there's no wanted item there, reset and go to Fur Shop again.
Within 10-15 tries you'll most likely get the item.

Of course, you'll get crappy items from junky monsters. Don't expect
Chocobo to yield something powerful like Elixir or Chaos Blade. In order
to get the Ultimate Relics (like FS Bag :) you should find and poach some
really rare monsters. There are two ways of getting the latter: a)find or
or b) breed them.

a) The first way is pretty easy. There are certain locations where you can
encounter rare monsters in random battles. All you must do is to form a
strong poaching team, save game and make a couple of tries to engage a
random battle. Occasionally you'll meet a desirable enemy party containing
monsters that you need and hunt'em down.

b) What's breeding? Well, it's breeding (simple, huh? :). If a monster
stays in your team long enough, it will lay an egg. In a couple of days
the egg cracks, and instead of it new monster appears.

There are chances that the newborn monster will be an 'upgrade' of its
parent (i.e. e.g. you'll get Black Chocobo from the egg layed by usual
Chocobo), but it can be a 'downgrade' as well.

The very first parent monster must be brought to team by means of
Mediator's 'Invitation' ability. Just find the monster you want to be in
your team and use that ability on it. To raise your chances of succesful
inviting, raise your inviter's MA (Magic AttackUP _doesn't_ work here
according to FFT Battle Mechanics Handbook.)

The exact mechanics of breeding is still unclear, but the following facts
seem to be true:

* The activity of breeding is higher in spring and summertime.

* If there are two monsters of one 'class' in your team, their chances to
lay an egg are higher. Also in this case the probability of getting
advanced monster from an egg is affected by parents' Zodiac sign

* The level of parent(s) also affects chances of getting an advanced

Tips on practical breeding:

* Free as much space in your team as possible. Down with Meliadoul, Malak
and Boco! (I dismissed'em all... I even kicked out Agrias - after you
get Orlandu she becomes pretty much weak.) If you already done with Deep
Dungeon and Nelveska Temple, dismiss Rafa.

* Make sure your parent monsters are the best you can get. If you have
several monsters of one 'class' in your team, arrange it so that
'parents' would be together.

* Choose a route between 2 or 3 cities where there are no spots for random
battles (Warjilis-Deep Dungeon route and route between Goug and two
cities to the north of it are fine) and run to and fro checking you
formation screen every several days.

* Don't hesitate to kick out low-rank monsters. Not only they clog your
party, moreover, they spawn like rabbits! So if you do not want you team
to consist mostly of weak junior monsters (e.g. if you're trying to
breed Plague, you'll literally sink in Flotiballs and Ahrimans),
dismiss'em without any regret.

* When you've got several senior monsters in your team and you're going to
poach all of them except for one that stays alive for breeding purpose,
keep the one with highest level.

Of course, you can combine both methods of getting rare fur by engaging
the battle against desirable monsters and at the same time having them in
your team. In that case the battle will be hard...

The problems with such 'Double Hunt' is that quite often your monsters are
pretty weak (meaning low HP because of low level of the beast or because
of its nature - you won't expect your Porky to have MaxHP of 999, will
you?). An enemy unit could smack it down with single blow. Moreover,
that's what it'll do: AI always hunts down the weakest. As you can see,
you must QUICKLY poach all your monsters (before enemies lay their claws
upon them) and be ready to survive enemy attack and poach them all, too.
It is not so easy as it may seem from the first glance, though. Quite
often you have to run around throwing Phoenix Downs to your killed beasts
helplessly watching them to turn to crystals 'cause you are too late...

To avoid this sad fate, use the following trick. This technique is my
invention and it is called Auto-Poach (R).


* My version of Perfect Hunter:

Orlandu, Holy Swordsman (with maxed out Brave)

Primary : All Swordskill Right Hand: Chaos Blade
Secondary: Item Left Hand : Escutcheon II
Reaction : Counter Helmet : Twist Headband
Support : Secret Hunt Armor : Power Sleeve
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : Bracer

The trick is simple: imagine a monster trying to attack that powerhouse.
As a rule, it misses (Escutcheon II). Again as a rule, Orlandu counters
(high Brave helps here). Moreover, this counter will most likely kill the
assailant monster (behold: Twist Headband - PA+2, Power Sleeve - PA+2,
Bracer - PA+3, Chaos Blade - WA 40... Any questions? *evilgrin*). Since
Counter is still a usual physical attack, monster will be poached.

See? Monster actually poaches itself, since the beginning of combo is but
its physical attack. That means that you can poach a monster without even
wasting a turn!!!

The above combo is still for people who live dangerously. So if you are
careful and patient, equip Grand Helmet instead of Twist Headband and
Maximillian instead of Power Sleeve. With these, your chances to be killed
with a stray blow that somehow went through Escutcheon II will be
considerably less.



* You can poach your animals as well as the enemy ones fast and safe. Just
let your beasts attack Orlandu and watch them being poached in a
twinkling of an eye.

* With that combo Orly is powerful enough to encounter strong enemy team
alone, without any help. Your party can consist of 4 monsters and
Orlandu - and still you'll win even the hardest battle against enormous
pile of Hydras, Dragons and Behemoths. Don't forget that he still has
his All Swordskill! You know what that means... :)

* If an enemy attack does punch through your shield, you still have your
Night Sword skill to refill your HP, don't you?

* After all it's very fun to see that 'poaching conveyer' at work. Bite -
miss - slash - die - disappear - next, please! That's the way it goes!


* Orlandu stays vulnerable for many status ailments... A single successful
Death Sentence will most definitely end your 'Royal Hunt'. So be
careful. If you plan to fight enemies that like to infect you with some
nasty status changes (Vampires, Plagues, Mindflares, Porkys), equip
Angel Ring or something in that way instead of Bracer or use Agrias with
Ribbon equipped.

* It is hard to believe, but some monsters DOES NOT have a physical
attack (Tiamat). You'll have to poach them 'manually' :(

* You still have a chance to petrify unlucky enemies... if they survive a
hit from Chaos Blade. That's why Orlandu's secondary is 'Item' in this
combo. You'll be able to de-petrify the victim. Have some Softs/Remedys
in stock in case the victim monster will be soooooooo unlucky.

* There is a couple of battles where it's nearly impossible to poach
(yours and enemy) monsters and survive even if you do use Auto-Poach
technique. I mean some Super Monster Battles (END, VOYAGE, Bariaus Hill)
where you encounter TONS of extrastrong monsters (all species of
Behemoths, Hydras, Dragons). They can easily slaughter you even if you
have 5 very strong units, not to mention the case when your team is 80%
weak pigs. So be wise. Even Orlandu can't stand aginst 10 overweighted
tanks alone.

Well actually the above combo is kinda 'Poacher to the Extreme', meaning
that such a unit can easily poach your zoo and finish the battle (well...
most of battles) alone. The main idea of this idea is that Counter is
Poacher's best friend. So if you form strong poaching team in order to
engage one of above-mentioned 'Super Monster Battles', set 'Counter' to
as many poachers as you can. E.g. quite well combo is Ninja - Secret Hunt
- Counter - two Iga Knives - Feather Mantle. Feather Mantle plays the role
of Escutcheon II. To lower your chances to be killed, set 'Move - HP Up'.

6. Catching
Since story battle in Yardow Fort City you know simple truth: 'Ninjas
Throw Weapons', right? Well I'm gonna tell you more: high (90+) level
ninjas throw VERY GOOD weapons. What a particular Ninja shall throw to you
are affected by two factors: a) his (her) level and b) Throw skills that
he (she) have learned.

The level determines the power of the thrown weapon; the higher is
thrower's Level, the stronger are the thrown weapons.

Note that along with weapons Ninjas can (and WILL) throw to you Shurikens
and Balls. Your units shall catch them as well as weapons, so soon your
stock will be overflown with Yagyu Darkness', etc.

I suspect that particular Ninja throws the weapons of some particular
type, i.e. if a Ninja throws to you Chaos Blades, he won't toss any other
types of weapons. [?]

Note that you can easily manipulate the Ninja's Level by means of
Mindflare's Level Blast ability. This ability lowers the enemy Exp Level
by 1. Just breed or invite a Mindflare, take him to the battle and let him
stand just near unit with 'Monster Skill' ability.

To catch thrown Item, just equip Thief's 'Catch' Reaction Ability. Note
that your chances to catch items are seriously affected with Brave, so try
to raise it.

One more tip: DO NOT equip your catchers with shields. You don't want your
precious Madlemgen to get stuck in shield, do you?

To get some cool items using Catch all you have to do is find an
appropriate battlefield where you can frequently meet Ninjas. The only two
places where you can meet Ninjas late in the game are Araguay Woods and
HORROR of Deep Dungeon. I recommend you the latter since it is very
convenient for catching.

On that battlefield, you start on one of something like big pillars. You
can stand of the edge of that pillar or of the other ones thus disabling
enemies to walk up and attack you. All they'll be able to do is throw

The only enemy party that you can meet on that battlefield that contains
Ninjas is a company of 8 people all Ninjas and Samurais. Kill the latter
ones - they are really annoying casting Masamune (they have it in stock!
Bastards!! :), throwing stones...


Here are all the rare items of FFT listed in alphabetical order. I
included the methods of getting as well as my evaluation for every entry.

a. Abbreviations used in this section:

[?] - means that I'm uncertain of the written either because of
forgetfulness or because I haven't checked it. Feel free to
send me corrections (my e-mail is )
about it.

- means that this possibility of getting rare item is given to
you only in the last series of battles so you won't have
further chance to exit to the map or engage some random
battles. So if you try to get relic by this way at least to
see what it is, save in a different slot or you'll regret.

* TROPHY - After which battle you'll get this relic.

* BRING: - Who and when brings to you this piece of equip. I mentioned
also when you should de-equip the relic from the wearer if
the latter is going to leave your party.

* STEAL: - Who and where has that relic for you to steal it.

* FIND : - Where can you find that relic by means of 'Move-Find Item'
ability: battlefield, coordinates.

* POACH: - Monster that you should poach in order to get relic. I
pointed also whether the relic is 'Common' or 'Rare'
outcome of this monster. (See part II-5 for more info.)

* CATCH: - Range or exact value of thrower's Exp level. If his (her)
level is equal to given value or fits given range, the Ninja
MAY throw that rare weapon to you. If the Ninja still
doesn't throw to you the desired weapon then obviously he
hasn't required skill learned.

b. Coordinate origins:
There are many different FAQs that deal with locations of DD treasures.
The (x,y) coordinates of treasures are different in all these FAQs due to
authors choosing different corners of battlefield as the coordinates
origin, different directions of axes and different coordinates of corner
tiles: (0,0) or (1,1).

I do not wish to increase that horrible chaos. I decided to support
Gastrifitis' "FFT Deep Dungeon Exits Guide" Version 1.0. You can get it at Aside from treasure coordinates, this guide also
contains fine maps for every DD battlefield. Use it if you're stuck in DD.

All Deep Dungeon treasure coordinates are taken from this FAQ. The credit
for them goes to Gastrifitis (

Grid origins for every battlefield will be pointed in the following manner:

1) For every battlefield a specific place is pointed.

2) You should rotate the battlefield until the STARTING POINT of your team
will be in the above specified part of the battlefield.

3) Then, the grid's origin will be the LOWER LEFT corner of the battlefield.

4) X axis is the direction to the right from the origin; Y axis is the
direction up from it. The corner tile has (0,0) coordinates.

The coordinates for every treasure are given in the following manner:

(x,y) h[tile height]

Upper left corner.

Top of the screen.

Top island 3x3.

Upper left corner.

Center; the 'balcony' (small ledge of 2 tiles both of 10 height) should
face you.

Upper right corner.

Upper right corner.

Top of the screen; your party must move 'towards the screen' to descend.

Center; the two pillars should look like two letters L with the right
being lesser then the left: 'L L'.

Right side of the screen; the whole battlefield should look like the
letter 'O' without the upper right quarter:
| |
|-the origin

11.Inside of Igros Castle
*coming soon!!*

12.Nelveska Temple
Top of the screen

13.Germinas Peak
*coming soon!!*

14.Bervenia Volcano
*coming soon!!*

1. Barrette
Hairpin that prevents abnormal status.

HP+ 20
Cancel: Dead, Petrify, Invitation, Confusion, Blood Suck, Berserk, Stop,
Charm, Sleep

* A poor man's Ribbon :). Actually I never used it... But in the middle of
the game it can be a great help for you.

* BRING: Alma, before Battle 22 (Back Gate of Lesalia Castle). De-equip
her of it after this battle - before Battle 24 (Underground Book
Storage Second Floor) Alma'll leave your team.

* STEAL: Celia the Assassin, Battle 31 (Roof of Riovanes Castle) [?]

* POACH: Red Chocobo (Rare)

2. Blast Gun
Gun that shoots lightning elemental bullets.

Attack power: 22
Evade: 5%
Lightning elemental

* Strongest elemental gun. Not bad (especially against those damned
Mindflares), but I prefer usual guns.

* STEAL: or , Germinas Peak, random battle. Enter
battlefield from North to occasionally meet a company of 5
Chemists/Mediators. They are equipped with different Guns; 'tis
possible but not mandatory that one of them shall have Blast Gun.

Balk the Engineer, Battle 51 (Lost Sacred Precincts).

* FIND : TIGER (Battle 6 of Deep Dungeon), (10,8) h5.

3. Blaze Gun
Gun that shoots ice elemental bullets.

Attack power: 20
Evade: 5%
Ice elemental

* Weakest elemental gun. Quite well... but still the usual guns are better.

* STEAL: , Battle 2 of Cloud Subquest (Colliery Underground Second

Balk the Engineer, Battle 36 (Bed Desert)

or , Germinas Peak, random battle. Enter
battlefield from North to occasionally meet a company of 5
Chemists/Mediators. They are equipped with different Guns; 'tis
possible but not mandatory that one of them shall have Blaze Gun.

* FIND : NOGIAS (Battle 1 of Deep Dungeon), (7,2) h7.

4. Blood Sword
Sword with magenta blade. Bloody looking blade symbolizes its gruesome

Attack power: 8
Evade: 5%

* Sword that drains HP. Good early in the game (if you cared to de-equip
it from Gaffy), but becomes a real crap later.

* BRING: Gafgarion the Dark Knight, before Battle 10 (Dorter Trade City).
De-equip him of it before Battle 12 (Zirekile Falls) - in this
battle he'll leave your team.

* STEAL: Gafgarion the Dark Knight, Battle 18 (Golgorand Execution Site)

* FIND : Battle 44 (Inside of Igros Castle), (?,?) h?.

TERMINATE (Battle 2 of Deep Dungeon), (6,7) h6.

* POACH: Hyudra (Common)

5. Cachusha
Hairband that prevents abnormal status.

HP+ 20
Cancel: Undead, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move,
Don't Act, Death Sentence

* Again, a poor man's Ribbon. Methinks, it is still slightly better than

* STEAL: Lede the Assassin, Battle 31 (Roof of Riovanes Castle).

* POACH: Uribo (Rare)

6. Chantage
Perfume with a peaceful scent.

Always: Reraise, Regen

* One of the most useful things in the game. Reraise never wears off, so
you get an immortal woman. Set Speed Save - and she'll speed up
endlessly; equip A Save - and here is an amason that can kill an
overgrown Tiamat with a single punch. Definitely a must get item.

* STEAL: Meliadoul, Battle 33 (Bervenia Free City).

* POACH: Porky (Common)

7. Chaos Blade
Holy Knight sword said to be from God.

Attack power: 40
Evade: 20%
Always: Regen
Add: Petrify

* Highest weapon power in all game? Automatic Regen on wielder? Random
Petrify on enemies? Pshaw, my table-knife is better. At least it is not
so ludicrously overpowered :). Got my humor? GO GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

* FIND : END (Battle 10 of Deep Dungeon), (7,10) h15.

* CATCH: 98-99

8. Cherche
Perfume with a refreshing scent.

Always: Float, Reflect

* Huh? Never used this one. By it's name you may conclude that it is
designed for item finders ('cherche' is the French for 'search'), but
there are better things to equip. For devoted collectors only.

* POACH: King Behemoth (Common)

9. Chirijiraden
Chirijiraden ornamental sword, made with delicate work.

Attack power: 25
Evade: 15%

* The most powerful katana in the game. Has a nice draw out. Definitely
worth to have and see, respectively.

* FIND : END (Battle 10 of Deep Dungeon), (5,12) h15.

* CATCH: 97-99

10. Cursed Ring
Metal ring with vengeful spirit inside.

Physical attack +1
Magic +1
Speed + 1
Always: Undead
Cancel: Invitation

* Remember that guy from Mideel in FF7? Well, his gift has come to you
through the eras. Cancel Invitation is kinda useless since I have never
seen enemies using it on my troops. The only useful thing is the
probability to feel yourself a kind of hellraiser...

* FIND : TIGER (Battle 6 of Deep Dungeon), (9,8) h5.

11. Defender
Wide steel Knight sword. Rounded tip on the grip has a gem inside.

Attack power: 16
Evade: 60%

* The weakest and quite possible the first Knight Sword you'll get. Good
with Weapon Guard since its enormous Evade %.

* STEAL: Meliadoul, Battle 33 (Bervenia Free City)

* POACH: Taiju (Rare)

* CATCH: 92-94

12. Dragon Rod
Rod carried by one attended by dragons. Tip made of dragon bones.

Attack power: 5
Evade: 20%

* If your Wizard prefers to bops enemies on the head with his rod, then
it's a good thing. Otherwise it's just a fine paperweight.

* STEAL: , Battle 45 (St. Murond Temple)

Kletian the Sorcerer, Battle 46 (Hall of St. Murond Temple)

* POACH: Blue Dragon (Rare)

13. Dragon Whisker
Spear made of a mysterious material neither wood nor metal. Said to be
dragon whiskers.

Attack power: 17
Evade: 10%

* Good reliable spear. Second strongest in its class.

* POACH: Red Dragon (Rare)

* CATCH: 96

14. Escutcheon II
Ultimate shield with matchless Evade % .

Physical 75%
Magic 50%

* The best shield in the game. A must have if you think about Auto Poach.
If you don't, then... must have, too :)

* FIND : Nelveska Temple, (6,7) h? (the left pillar). Use any massive
monster (Dragon, Hydra, Morbol) as a stepstone to get there.

15. Excalibur
Legendary Knight sword. Sword of the real king.

Attack power: 21
Evade: 35%
Always: Haste
Absorb: Holy
Strengthen: Holy

* This Knight Sword is created to dwell in Orlandu's hand. With Excalibur
he becomes hell on wheels... FAST hell on wheels.

* BRING: Orlandu, after Battle 38 (Floodgates of Bethla Garrison).

* FIND : MLAPAN (Battle 5 of Deep Dungeon), (2,8) h12.

* CATCH: 96

16. Fairy Harp
Stringed instrument entrances enemy with its pure sound.

Attack power: 15
Evade: 10%
Add: Charm

* Best Harp. If you feel yourself esthetic, go equip your Bard with this.

* FIND : VALKYRIES (Battle 4 of Deep Dungeon), (10,9) h4.

* POACH: Trent (Rare)

17. Faith Rod
Rod that fill those who touch it with faith.

Attack power: 5
Evade: 20%
Always: Faith
Add: Faith

* Best Rod. Good if your Wizard has Math Skill as secondary. Then with it
he's just a killer.

* FIND : VALKYRIES (Battle 4 of Deep Dungeon), (11,8) h4.

18. FS Bag
Custom-made bag for battle.

Attack power: 20

* Relic of relics, the most hard-to-get item in the whole game and, as you
can guess, absolutely useless piece of equipment.

* POACH: Wildbow (Rare)

19. Genji Armor
Black foreign armor. Firmly protects the abdomen.

HP+ 150

* Good armor. Since you can't duplicate armor, definitely worth to get.

* STEAL: Elmdor the Arc Knight, Battle 42 (Inside of Limberry Castle)

20. Genji Gauntlet
Crimson foreign gauntlet.

Physical attack +2
Magic +2

* Perhaps the best accessory for Geomancers.

* STEAL: Elmdor the Arc Knight, Battle 42 (Inside of Limberry Castle)

21. Genji Helmet
Black foreign helmet. Made of steel with a unique shape.

HP+ 130

* Second best helmet. Not bad.

* STEAL: Elmdor the Arc Knight, Battle 42 (Inside of Limberry Castle)

22. Genji Shield
Black foreign-made shield. Made of steel with a unique shape.

Physical 43%

* Magic Defence is 0%... but what a wizard nowadays is able to survive
'til casting his magic? Get it. Nice Shield.

* STEAL: Elmdor the Arc Knight, Battle 42 (Inside of Limberry Castle)

23. Glacier Gun
Gun that shoots fire elemental bullets.

Attack power: 21
Evade: 5%
Fire elemental

* Second strongest elemental gun. Not bad.

* STEAL: or , Germinas Peak, random battle. Enter
battlefield from North to occasionally meet a company of 5
Chemists/Mediators. They are equipped with different Guns; 'tis
possible but not mandatory that one of them shall have Glacier

, Battle 51 (Lost Sacred Precincts).

* FIND : NOGIAS (Battle 1 of Deep Dungeon), (0,0) h22.

24. Grand Helmet
Helmet that prevents abnormal status.

HP+ 150
Cancel: Darkness, Sleep

* The best helmet in the whole game. Saves you from some status ailments.
A must have.

* FIND : HORROR (Battle 9 of Deep Dungeon), (8,4) h8.

25. Healing Staff
Staff with power of spirit inside. Restores HP of whoever it strikes.

Attack power: 4
Evade: 15%

* Priest - Two Swords - two Healing Staves. Here is a walking HP factory.
Equip Magic Gauntlet for even better healing! Still hurts undead, of

* BRING: Alma, before Battle 23 (Back Gate of Lesalia Castle). De-equip
her of it after this battle - before Battle 24 (Underground Book
Storage Second Floor) Alma'll leave your team.

* POACH: Woodman (Rare)

26. Holy Lance
Bright Holy spear.

Attack power: 14
Evade: 10%
Holy elemental
Magic: Holy

* Good spear (especially against Undeads), but once it spoiled my Hunt so
I used it no more.

* POACH: Sacred (Common)

* CATCH: 95

27. Iga Knife
Powerful Ninja sword used by secret group.

Attack power: 15
Evade: 5%

* One of two twins - best Ninja Swords. Has lower Evade % than its brother.

* FIND : MLAPAN (Battle 5 of Deep Dungeon), (0,11) h7.

28. Ivory Rod
Special ivory stick. Frail, yellow stick is surprisingly strong.

Attack power: 11
Evade: 20%

* Does not cancel many status ailments with its hit like Octagon Rod do.
Weaker than it. For headbanger collectors only.

* POACH: Sacred (Rare)

* CATCH: 95

29. Javelin II
Ultimate spear with matchless Weapon Attack. [?]

Attack power: 30
Evade: 10%

* The best spear in the game. Perfect weapon for poacher since it has an
immense attack power and no added effect.

* FIND : Nelveska Temple, (2,7) h? (the right pillar). Use any massive
monster (Dragon, Hydra, Morbol) as a stepstone to get there.

* CATCH: 97-99

30. Kaiser Plate
Shield named after ancient king. Raises weapon evade % and weapon attack.

Physical 46%
Magic 20%
Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice

* Third best shield.

* FIND : VALKYRIES (Battle 4 of Deep Dungeon), (10,10) h4.

31. Koga Knife
Superb Ninja sword used by secret group.

Attack power: 15
Evade: 10%

* The best ninja sword. Twin brother of Iga Knife - the only difference is
Evade %.

* FIND : BRIDGE (Battle 7 of Deep Dungeon), (4,12) h12.

* CATCH: 96-99

32. Mace of Zeus
Staff that strengthens the power of the user.

Attack power: 6
Evade: 15%
Magic +1
Physical attack +2

* Nice staff. Second strongest in its class, it still hurts (if you make
good swing :).

* BRING: Alma, Battle 53 (Graveyard of Airships) [?]

* STEAL: Kletian the Sorcerer, Battle 50 (Murond Death City)

* FIND : DELTA (Battle 3 of Deep Dungeon), (1,6) h0.5.

33. Madlemgen
Dictionary that contains the entire vocabularies of every language.

Attack power: 11
Evade: 15%

* The best dictionary. Not that I use these magical books very often, but
still it's fun to see attack with battle dict.

* POACH: Great Morbol (Rare)

* CATCH: 95

34. Masamune
Beautifully designed sword and case. Masterpiece of a famous sword maker.

Attack power: 18
Evade: 15%

* Second strongest katana. Has wonderful draw out (Haste+Regen). Get it.
Definitely a must have for Sephiroth fans :)

* STEAL: Elmdor, Battle 43 (Inside of Limberry Castle)

35. Materia Blade
Foreigner's sword.

Attack power: 10
Evade: 10%

* Well, if you are fan of FF7... Then it's your sword. Enables Cloud's
'Limit' skill.

* FIND : Bervenia Volcano, (?,?) h? (the very top of the volcano).

36. Maximillian
High grade armor. Carefully made to boast its great strength.

HP+ 200

* The best armor in the game. Must get, if you like immense powerhouses
with incredible MaxHP.

* FIND : HORROR (Battle 9 of Deep Dungeon), (2,0) h4.

37. Nagrarock
Ebony sword from the Apocalypse.

Attack power: 1
Evade: 50%
Add: Frog

* Sword for perverse joker that likes loud croaking. Try [Knight - Counter
- Two Swords - two Nagrarocks]. You'll like it =D

* FIND : Nelveska Temple, (4,3) h? (the deepest point of shrine entrance).

* POACH: Porky (Rare)

38. Perseus Bow
Bow used by mythological hero. Made entirely out of metal, it requires
great strength to pull it.

Attack power: 16

* The best bow. Must have if you have an Archer in your team (many people
think that Archers suck, at least in the end of the game).

* FIND : VOYAGE (Battle 8 of Deep Dungeon), (8,6) h3.

39. Ragnarok
Knight sword from the Apocalypse.

Attack power: 24
Evade: 20%
Always: Shell

* Second strongest Knight Sword. Quite useless, though. Excalibur is IMHO

* TROPHY After you defeat Hashmallum the Regulator, Battle 53
(Graveyard of Airships)

* FIND : VOYAGE (Battle 8 of Deep Dungeon), (3,8) h3.

* CATCH: 97

40. Ribbon
Ribbon that prevents abnormal status.

HP+ 10
Cancel: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invitation, Darkness, Confusion, Silence,
Blood Suck, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move,
Don't Act, Death Sentence

* Ho hum, here is the ultimate present for your girlfriend!! The only
ailment that the Ribbon DOES NOT cancel is Oil. :P A MUST GET by any

* BRING: Alma, Battle 53 (Graveyard of Airships)

* POACH: Wildbow (Common)

41. Robe of Lords
Exquisite robe worn by elder priests.

HP+ 100
MP+ 80
Physical attack +2
Magic +1
Always: Protect, Shell

* The best robe. Good for your magic user (if you're not the brute force
fan :) ).

* FIND : VOYAGE (Battle 8 of Deep Dungeon), (6,7) h3.

42. Rubber Costume
Close-fitting rosin garment.

HP+ 150
MP+ 30
Cancel: Lightning

* The best clothes. Have a little nifty cancellation bonus. You might even
want to breed and poach some Hydras in order to get more of these.

* POACH: Hydra (Rare)

43. Ryozan Silk
Silk cloth, thin and smooth. Specially reinforced.

Attack power: 15
Evade: 50%

* Best Cloth. Get it if you are Macarena fan :)

* POACH: Tiamat (Common)

44. Sage Staff
Stick you find laying anywhere.

Attack power: 7
Evade: 15%

* Laying anywhere?! What a dumb joke. The best staff in the game (by WA).

* FIND : BRIDGE (Battle 7 of Deep Dungeon), (4,10) h13.

45. Salty Rage
Perfume with a deep but gentle scent.

Always: Protect, Shell

* One of the three useless perfumes. I never used it just like its crappy
sisters - Cherche and Setiemson.

* POACH: Red Dragon (Common)

46. Sasuke Knife
Sword of legendary Ninja [?]

Attack power: 14
Evade: 15%

* Third strongest Ninja Sword. Must get... for persistant collector. Has
beautiful cyan grip.

* FIND : Nelveska Temple, (6,1) h?.

* CATCH: 95

47. Save the Queen
Knight sword given as a symbol of one's loyalty.

Attack power: 18
Evade: 30%
Always: Protect

* Ragnarok's younger twin brother. I don't like this Knight Sword... Don't
know why :)

* BRING: Meliadoul, after Battle 45 (Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle).

* STEAL: Vormav the Divine Knight, Battle 47 (Hall of St. Murond Temple)

Rofel the Divine Knight, Battle 47 (Hall of St. Murond Temple) [?]

Rofel the Divine Knight, Battle 50 (Underground Book Storage
Fifth Floor)

* FIND : TERMINATE (Battle 2 of Deep Dungeon), (0,1) h2.

* CATCH: 95

48. Scorpion Tail
Like the Morning Star, but with one spike larger than the others.

Attack power: 23

* Strongest flail. It'd be quite good weapon, but random damage... pshaw.

* POACH: Hyudra (Rare)

* CATCH: 90-99

49. Secret Clothes
Ninja uniform. Good for covert acts.

HP+ 20
Speed +2
Always: Transparent

* Marvellous clothes. Mandatory thing for you item-finder (i.e. Rafa).

* FIND : TIGER (Battle 6 of Deep Dungeon), (9,9) h5.

50. Setiemson
Perfume with an exotic scent.

Magic +1
Always: Haste, Transparent

* Another useless perfume. It's just like the grey background for shining
power of Chantage.

* POACH: Hydra (Common)

51. Stone Gun
Petrifying gun.

Attack power: 16
Evade: 5%
Always: Petrify

* Ahhh, at last. Here's my favorite gun. 'Course, your shootist starts
every battle Petrified, but this gun is REALLY powerful for a long range
weapon. Besides, I like the sound of it's lucky shot. "TCHPOCKK!!!" ;)
Get it if you like ye olde non-magical guns like I do.

* STEAL: or , Germinas Peak, random battle. Enter
battlefield from North to occasionally meet a company of 5
Chemists/Mediators. They are equipped with different Guns; 'tis
possible but not mandatory that one of them shall have Stone Gun.
De-petrify the wielder, then steal it.

Germinas Peak. Random battle: 5 Chemists/Mediators (enter
battlefield from North to occasionally meet them)

* POACH: Dark Behemoth (Rare)

52. Ultimus Bow
Bow of the hunting goddess.

Attack power: 10

* Third strongest bow. A pushover to get.

* STEAL: Any in any random battle in the second half of Chapter

* POACH: King Behemoth (Rare)

53. Vanish Mantle
Cape that makes its wearer invisible [?]

Physical 35%
Always: Transparent

* Nice cape. I never used it, though.

* FIND : Germinas Peak

54. Venetian Plate
Bright shield with special pigment. Reduces elemental damage by half.

Physical 50%
Magic 25%
Half: Fire, Lightning, Ice

* Second strongest shield. Will be your favourite until you get infamous
Escutcheon II.

* FIND : HORROR (Battle 9 of Deep Dungeon), (8,5) h2.

55. Whale Whisker
Ebony stick. The material, neither wood nor metal, said to be giant whale

Attack power: 16
Evade: 20%

* Strongest stick. For completely mindless collectors.

* POACH: Tiamat (Rare)

* CATCH: 96-99

56. Yoichi Bow
Bow of a famous archer. Huge bow with tremendous power.

Attack power: 12

* Second strongest bow.

* STEAL: , VOYAGE, random battle against a company of 7 Archers.
One of them usually carries Yoichi Bow.

, Battle 48 (Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor) late!>

* FIND : DELTA (Battle 3 of Deep Dungeon), (7,9) h4.5.

57. Zorlin Shape
Knife made in cutlery capital.

Attack power: 12
Evade: 10%
Add: Sleep

* Most powerful knife. Has a nasty added effect.

* POACH: Plague (Rare)

* CATCH: 95-99

As I mentioned above, it is very hard or even impossible to steal
something in certain battles (e.g., Roof of Riovanes Castle :). I heard
many people whining about "impossibility" of stealing something from
Elmdor in Limberry Castle. This is ridiculous, of course. You can steal
ANYTHING from ANYONE, if you're patient enough. You can make it easier if
you use some tricks.

Wanna know how? Here are some steal strategies for a couple of battles.

1. Golgorand Execution Site
OK. I admit. It's hard. Moreover, it's useless if you have taken the
Blood Sword from Gaffy before Zirekile Falls battle. It's even more
useless if you are going to poach monsters - most likely you'll be
knee-deep in Blood Swords trying to get a Scorpion Tail.

But if you are die-hard you may try to do it. It's possible. Moreover, I
stole Blood Sword from the third try. I do not remember my strategy well,
but try to get all your team except the thief to the top of the gate. If
the thief dies, throw to him Phoenix Down (you'll have pretty good
throwing range standing there). When you'll eventually steal it, make
thief climb upstairs, to the rest of your team.

2. Roof of Riovanes Castle
Well, this is one of the hardest battles in the whole game. Not because
the enemy forces are strong. Not because they have quite powerful
Draw-outs and 100% succesful Death and Stop spells. All this is avoidable
and makes no threat to you.

The sole reason of battle's difficulty is the nefarious behavior of the
person which is intended to be protected in this battle - Rafa. Instead of
running away from Elmdor and his two, hum hum, girls :) she courageously
(with her low Brave?! Ha!!!) climbs up the roof. Maybe, she wants to whack
Elmdor with her Octagon Rod? It is good, o'course, but no less it's fool.
To make matters worse, she makes the first move, so if you see Rafa coming
up, reset. There's nothing you'll be able to do. Muramasa - Shadow Stitch
- attack with two Ninja Swords - Game Over.

Thus, this battle hardly can be the source of Barette and Cachusha since
Rafa is not only weak, but also is a complete ignoramus (she's possessed
with AI... poor girl :). She can ruin the game in a minute. But again if
you are headbanger collectioner...

I haven't any tips for you right now, but next FFT play I'll try to steal
these items so watch for the next version of this guide.

3. Bervenia Free City
This one is easy (relatively). Set Maintenance to all your units that
have it learned. It is also a good idea to have Ignore Height equipped
since the battlefield has many high and sharp drops. Make Ramza Ninja and
equip him something that raises PA (I believe the shops have Power Sleeve
and/or Twisted Headband at that moment of the game). The most difficult
part of that battle is to kill all the evil females (2Su, 2Ar, Nj) fast
and safe. When you've done it, go steal items. Begin with Defender -
without it Meliadoul won't be able to use Mighty Sword and damage caused
by her attacks will be considerably lesser. Don't forget to steal Chantage
- it will be great help for you, and you won't have a chance to get it for
a long time.

I guess Mel is vulnerable to Sleep, so you can use it to your advantage.

4. Bed Desert
Equip everyone with Defense Armlets since Balk likes to use Arm Aim and
Leg Aim being an Engineer. Also don't forget to have some Antidots or
Remedies at hand - in the beginning of the battle all your party will be
Poisoned. It's also a good idea to have Monk in your team...

Let all your strong units slay Knights and Archers, and Thief try to
steal Blaze Gun. It won't take much time to finally lay yer hands on the
first magical Gun in the game.

Try to equip as many of your people as you can with Ice Shields - it will
surely disable Balk's attacks.

5. Inside of Limberry Castle
Ahhhh, at last. This is one of my favourite battles in the whole game.
Not only because I have to fight my favourite FFT villain (did you think
my nickname is just a coincidence?), but he carries along a marvellous set
of _VERY POWERFUL_ equipment.

So if this fact has avoided you somehow, behold!

Right Hand: Masamune
Left Hand : Genji Shield
Helmet : Genji Helmet
Armor : Genji Armor
Accessory : Genji Gauntlet

Not bad for a Lucavi-possessed weird looking samurai-like Arc Knight, huh?
But believe me he won't give you his equip so easy. He has a couple of
powerful abilities and immunities to defend his precious armour.

1) Elmdor is immune to Don't Move, Don't Act and Sleep (doh!), but he can
be Slow'ed very easily. Even Slow has 97% hit rate with Slow2 having the
one of 100%.

2) He has Blade Grasp equipped. This Reaction Ability greatly lowers your
chance to hit Elmdor (this chance becomes multiplied by (1-(Brave/100))
according to FFT Battle Mechanics Handbook v 2.56). I believe it may also
affect Steal success percentage [?].

Obviously, you should lower Elmdor's Brave in order to raise the above
multiplier. This is done best with Chicken of Beowulf's Magic Sword.

3) Elmdor also has Teleport2 movement ability, so he can surf the
battlefield freely. It is really annoying to chase him all over the
board, so you'd really better slow him down.

4) His favourite Draw Out, Muramasa, has nasty added effect of Confusion
and Death Sentence. This is really annoying... Can you imagine what can
confused Orlandu do? ::shudder::

5) His secondary Job Command, Blood Suck, has the same named ability
that transfers some (~120) HP from target to caster and at the same time
infects target with Blood Suck status. Blood Suck'ed unit is
uncontrollable; all that he/she does is running around Blood Suck'ing
other units. This is really annoying. Equip everyone with 108 Gems to
avoid it.

But still I advise you to steal all Elmdor's equip. It is not so hard as
it may seem if you use a couple of tricks. Here is my version of Perfect
Elmdor-robbing Team:

1. Female Ninja

Primary : Throw Right Hand:
Secondary: Steal Left Hand :
Reaction : Speed Save Helmet : Barrette
Support : Concentrate Armor :
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : Chantage

* This cutie is for stealing. Wasn't that obvious?

2. Orlandu, Holy Swordsman

Primary : All Swordskill Right Hand: Excalibur
Secondary: Item Left Hand : Crystal Shield
Reaction : Auto Potion Helmet : Crystal Helmet
Support : Throw Item Armor : Crystal Armor
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : 108 Gems

* [no comments] :)

3. Ramza, Knight

Primary : Battle Skill Right Hand: Excalibur
Secondary: Guts Left Hand : Defender
Reaction : Auto Potion Helmet :
Support : Two Swords Armor :
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : 108 Gems

* Basically a Speed Manipulator. Increase with Yell - decrease with Speed
Break. Get double chance due to Two Swords.

4. Beowulf, Temple Knight

Primary : Magic Sword Right Hand: Excalibur
Secondary: Item Left Hand :
Reaction : Auto Potion Helmet :
Support : Throw Item Armor :
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : 108 Gems

* A scarecrow. Booooooo!!!!!!!!! :)

5. Samurai

Primary : Draw Out Right Hand:
Secondary: Time Magic Left Hand :
Reaction : Auto Potion Helmet :
Support : Armor :
Movement : Move+2 Accessory : 108 Gems

* Slow, haste and healing "in a single flask". Of course, Murasame's
healing is weaker than Muramasa's damage, but if your units are clumped
together, it's quite good. Use chemist instead of Samurai if you want.

Well, that's it. Here is my well-balanced Robbing team. And here is the

1) Quickly kill both assassins (Orlandu in the first row of the team -
advance to the max - Lightning Stab - the girls are dead). After death
they'll turn into Ultima Demons, but the latters are IMHO less dangerous
than Assassins.

2) Finish Ultima Demons while they charge their Dark Holy and Hurricane.

3) Start steal and keep stealing until you strip Elmdor fully. Some people
advice to steal shield first: it raises the success of further stealing.
Well, it is true if you steal from the front or from the side. If you
steal from the back, only P.AEV (accessory physical evade) affects
success of theft. So if you're sure that Elmdor's back will be accessible,
steal stuff in any order.

4) Pierce Elmdor's defence with Chicken. Repeat until his Brave will be
below 10. Have you expected him to turn into broiler? Mwa-ha-ha!!! Arc
Knights DON'T CACKLE!!! :)

5) Speed Break and Mind Break him until his Speed and MA will have the
value of 1.

6) Slow him down.

7) Put Haste on your thief.

8) Keep Yelling on your thief (anyway you've got nothing else to do - the
Ultima Demons are dead, Elmdor gets a turn after you make 5-6).

9) When you've stolen all Elmdor's stuff, don't forget to kill him! :)

And when "Ugh... You're strong..." announces your mean victory, say
something!!! You have just performed the most difficult (and most fruitful)
theft of the game! Congratulations!!! Now you can feel yourself a real
Ronin by equipping all Genji stuff on one character.

6. St.Murond Temple
"Yeah, piece o'cake!" :) Even if that poor Summoner is healthy like a
bull, your chances to steal Dragon Rod from him are higher than 50%! Why?
Who cares!!! Go steal! :)

7. Colliery Underground Second Floor
A pushover, too. Your chances to steal Blaze Gun are about 30%, so it's
very easy. Note that sometimes that damned Chemist may have Maintenance
equipped. He has it not very often (actually I saw him Maintenanc'ed only
once), but if he does, reset the game.

8. Nelveska Temple
This one's tough. The problem is that you have to defeat a bunch of
strong monsters before you can lay your arms upon local treasures (there
are 4 of them, and all four are not-so-easy to get!)

Here are some tips for ya:

1) Since there are 3 Cocatoris' among your enemies, you may consider to
equip your people with Jade Armlets.

2) Equip Orlandu with strongest Weapons/Armor you can get. Advance him
forward and let him be a damage magnet. If you'll be able to make Hyudras
attack him, set him Counter.

3) To climb up those pillars you need not only high Jump Value, but also
a so-called 'Stepping Stone'. This is but any huge bulky monster (any of
Hydra, Dragon, Morbol species or Steel Worker 8 are fine) that stands
right next to the pillar, thus enabling you to use it as a platform for
further jump. I recommend you to use Worker 8. He has pretty decent
long-range attack and in the same time immunity to Petrify (I guess). Have
Chemist in your team to heal him up with Potions.

4) Again, your chances to find a BETTER equipment (Javelin II not
Javelin) seem to be (100-Brave)%, so use Rafa for this mission.

5) Since monsters are _VERY_ powerful and Rafa is more than weak, you may
want to engage the Nelveska Temple battle only after you get Secret
Clothes in TIGER of Deep Dungeon. This is extremely important since if
Rafa is invisible, the big bad animals :) won't hurt her. An alternative
way to Transparency is to equip her with Vanish Mantle, but in this case
you may not be able to climb the pillar even with the help of monsters due
to Rafa's low Jump value.

6) The strategy itself is very simple:

- quickly kill Cocatoris' and Hyudras before they tear you a new a$$ :).

- Start Speed and Power Breaking Worker 7*New; repeat it until his Speed
and PA will have the value of 1 (to do it fast, set Battle Skill to
Orlandu as a secondary and Two Swords as a support ability).

- Begin your treasure hunting tour :). Note that you can distinguish
Javelin from Javelin II (as well as Escutcheon from Escutcheon II) only by
their appearance; if you'll see Rafa picking up that old thin rusty spear
with tiny blade, reset the game.

- After you get all you want and kill Worker 7*New he shall turn on his
second reactor and resurrect having only 1 HP though. Stone him - do not
defile thy blade by touching this oil-tarnished overgrown alarm-clock! :)

7) Keep in mind that the only thing that you _MUST_ get in this battle is
Escutcheon II, since you can get this shield only, I repeat, _ONLY_ in
this battle. The other 3 pieces of equip are poachable/catchable.


1. Poach Table
Here's a list of Common/Rare outcomes of all FFT monsters. Relics are
marked with asterisks (*). "Esp." means that this monster can be met
almost everywhere, but most frequently on specified battlefield.

Enemy Name Common Item Rare Item Commonly found
Chocobo Phoenix Down Hi-Potion Esp. Mandalia Plains
Black Chocobo Eye Drop X-Potion Bariaus Hill, Bariaus Valley
Red Chocobo Remedy Barrette* Finath River, Bariaus Hill

Goblin Potion Hi-Potion Esp. Mandalia Plains
Black Goblin Hi-Potion Antidote Esp. Sweegy Woods
Gobbledeguck Mage Masher Ancient Sword Bariaus Valley,Dolb. Swamp

Red Panther Antidote Battle Boots Esp. Mandalia Plains
Cuar Soft Germinas Boots Esp. Germinas Peak
Vampire Holy Water C Bag Zirekile Falls, Germ. Peak

Bomb Fire Ball Flame Rod Esp. Sweegy Woods
Grenade Water Ball Flame Whip Bed Desert, Zeklaus Desert
Explosive Lightning Ball Flame Shield Bed Desert, Zeklaus Desert

Skeleton Holy Water Ether Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp
Bone Snatch Hi-Potion Partisan Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp
Living Bone Wizard Mantle Elf Mantle Bervenia Volcano, Zekl.Desert

Ghoul Ether Ninja Knife Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp
Gust Hi-Potion Main Gauche Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp
Revnant Hi-Ether Mythril Gun Yuguo Woods

Flotiball Shuriken Platina Dagger Esp. Fovoham Plains
Ahriman Magic Shuriken Air Knife Bervenia Volcano, Fov.Plains
Plague Yagyu Darkness Zorlin Shape* Bervenia Volcano, Germ.Peak

Pisco Demon Echo Grass Hi-Potion Zirekile Falls, Fov. Plains
Squidlarkin Small Mantle Sleep Sword Zirekile Falls, Dolb. Swamp
Mindflare Hi-Ether Dracula Mantle Zirekile Falls, Fov. Plains

Juravis Potion Rubber Shoes Zeklaus Desert, Fov. Plains
Steel Hawk Phoenix Down Hunting Bow Zeklaus Desert, Germ. Peak
Cocatoris Soft Feather Mantle Zeklaus Desert, HORROR

Bull Demon Battle Axe Giant Axe Zeklaus Desert, Bariaus Hill
Minitaurus Coral Sword Slasher Zeklaus Desert, Bariaus Hill
Sacred Holy Lance* Ivory Rod* Zeklaus Desert, BRIDGE

Morbol Platina Dagger Ice Shield Araguay Woods, VOYAGE
Ochu N-Kai Armlet Chameleon Robe Finath River
Great Morbol Elixir* Madlemgen* VOYAGE

Woodman Eye Drop Healing Staff* Araguay Woods, MLAPAN
Trent Gold Staff Fairy Harp* Araguay Woods, MLAPAN
Taiju Defense Ring Defender* MLAPAN

Dragon Jade Armlet H Bag Bed Desert, VOYAGE, HORROR
Blue Dragon Cashmere Dragon Rod* Dolbodar Swamp, HORROR, END
Red Dragon Salty Rage* Dragon Whisker* Bed Desert, VOYAGE, END

Behemoth Defense Armlet P Bag Poeskas Lake, VOYAGE, TIGER
King Behemoth Cherche* Ultimus Bow* Poeskas Lake, VOYAGE, TIGER
Dark Behemoth Wizard Rod Stone Gun* VOYAGE, TIGER

Hyudra Blood Sword* Scorpion Tail* VOYAGE, END
Hydra Setiemson* Rubber Costume* VOYAGE, END
Tiamat Ryozan Silk* Whale Whisker* END

Uribo Maiden's Kiss Cachusha* END
Porky Chantage* Nagrarock* END
Wildbow Ribbon* FS Bag* (can only be bred)

Archaic Demon \
Ultima Demon |
Byblos |
Steel Giant /

2. Level - Throw Table
Here is so called Level-Throw Chart, i.e. the dependence of weapon thrown
by enemy Ninjas or other units that have 'Throw' as secondary on thrower's
Exp. Level. For your convenience the weapons are divided by type.

Lv. Knife Sword Hammer Katana Ninja Sword
99 Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Chirijiraden Koga Knife
98 Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Chirijiraden Koga Knife
97 Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Chirijiraden Koga Knife
96 Zorlin Shape Scorpion Tail Koga Knife
95 Zorlin Shape Sasuke Knife
94 Scorpion Tail
93 Scorpion Tail
92 Scorpion Tail
91 Scorpion Tail
90 Scorpion Tail

Lv. Axe Spear Stick Knight Sword Dictionary
99 Javelin Whale Whisker Chaos Blade
98 Javelin Whale Whisker Chaos Blade
97 Javelin Whale Whisker Ragnarok
96 Dragon Whisker Whale Whisker Excalibur
95 Holy Lance Ivory Rod Save the Queen Madlemgen
94 Defender
93 Octagon Rod Defender
92 Octagon Rod Defender
91 Octagon Rod

3. List of battles
Here is the list of all battles of FFT. Deep Dungeon and Cloud Subquest
battles are separated from the story ones. Absence of empty lines between
names of battles means that these battles come "in group", i.e. you won't
be able to take an exit to the map between these battles. You'll only be
given a prompt to save and reform your team.

Battle 00. Orbonne Monastery

Chapter I
Battle 01. Magic City Gariland

Battle 02. Mandalia Plains

Battle 03. Sweegy Woods

Battle 04. Slums of Dorter

Battle 05. The Cellar of the Sand Mouse

Battle 06. Thieves' Fort

Battle 07. Lenalia Plateau

Battle 08. Windmill Shed

Battle 09. Fort Zeakden

Chapter II
Battle 10. Dorter Trade City

Battle 11. Araguay Woods

Battle 12. Zirekile Falls

Battle 13. Zaland Fort City

Battle 14. Bariaus Hill

Battle 15. Zigolis Swamp

Battle 16. Slums of Goug

Battle 17. Bariaus Valley

Battle 18. Golgorand Execution Site

Battle 19. At the Gate of Lionel Castle
Battle 20. Inside of Lionel Castle

Chapter III
Battle 21. Goland Coal City

Battle 22. At the Back Gate of Lesalia Castle

Battle 23. Underground Book Storage Second Floor
Battle 24. Underground Book Storage Third Floor
Battle 25. Underground Book Storage First Floor

Battle 26. Grog Hill

Battle 27. Yardow Fort City

Battle 28. Yuguo Woods

Battle 29. Gate of Riovanes Castle
Battle 30. Inside Riovanes Castle
Battle 31. Roof of Riovanes Castle

Chapter IV

Battle 32. Doguola Pass

Battle 33. Bervenia Free City

Battle 34. Finath River

Battle 35. Church outside the Town

Battle 36. Bed Desert

Battle 37. South Wall of Bethla Garrison / North Wall of Bethla Garrison
Battle 38. At the Floodgates of Bethla Garrison

Battle 39. Germinas Peak

Battle 40. Poeskas Lake

Battle 41. At the Gates of Limberry Castle
Battle 42. Inside of Limberry Castle
Battle 43. Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle

Battle 44. Inside of Igros Castle

Battle 45. St. Murond Temple
Battle 46. Hall of St. Murond Temple
Battle 47. Chapel of St. Murond Temple

---------------------------[POINT OF NO RETURN!]--------------------------

Battle 48. Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor
Battle 49. Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
Battle 50. Murond Death City
Battle 51. Lost Sacred Precincts
Battle 52. Graveyard of Airships

Cloud Subquest
Battle 1. Colliery Underground Third Floor
Battle 2. Colliery Underground Second Floor
Battle 3. Colliery Underground First Floor
Battle 4. Underground Passage in Goland

Battle 5. Nelveska Temple

Battle 6. Zarghidas Trade City

Deep Dungeon Subquest
Battle 1. NOGIAS


Battle 3. DELTA


Battle 5. MLAPAN

Battle 6. TIGER

Battle 7. BRIDGE

Battle 8. VOYAGE

Battle 9. HORROR

Battle 10. END


1. Wanted List
As you have probably noticed, there is a plenty of question marks in this
FAQ. Here's the incomplete list of missing info (If you can be of any help
with it, please e-mail me )

1. The exact coordinates (x,y,height) of:

-Blood Sword (Inside of Igros Castle)
-Materia Blade (Bervenia Volcano)
-Vanish Mantle (Germinas Peak)
-Javelin II, Escutcheon II, Sasuke Knife, Nagrarock (Nelveska Temple)

2. Gaps in Level-Throw Table. Any help?

3. I'm not sure about Divine Knights' (Rofel and Vormav) equip in Battle
47 (Hall of St.Murond Temple). One of them, I guess, isn't equipped
with Save the Queen. Who?

4. Also not sure about Celia and Lede in Battle 31 (Roof of Riovanes
Castle). Who has what (I mean Barrette and Cachusha)?

5. Official descriptions of some items (Javelin II, Sasuke Knife, Vanish
Mantle) are missing. Any help?

6. I heard rumors that in some random battle on Mandalia Plains in the
second half of Chapter IV you may encounter a company of Knights
wielding different swords; some of them may have Knight Swords as
well. Is it true?

2. Disclaimer
This guide was written and maintained and is owned by me, its author,
Anthony Shimorsky. It is intended for private and personal use only in
electronical and/or printed form. It is to remain unaltered under all
circumstances in any its part. No compensation of any type can be
requested for using this guide. You may not place this guide on you site
without my prior express written permission.

Webmasters! If you want to place this FAQ on your site, contact me via
e-mail first.

3. Author info
My name is Anthony Shimorsky a.k.a. Elmor the Elf. I'm 19 years old. I
live in Lyubertsy, a small town 3 km from Moscow, capital city of Russian
Federation. I am a devoted RPG fan... alas, I don't have very much time to
play often. I study in Moscow State University at the Chemistry Department.
I am on my third year.

My other fields of interest are music (Pink Floyd, Metallica, Slayer,
other hard rock and heavy metal bands), literature (J.R.R.Tolkien,
H.P.Lovecraft, E.A.Poe, W.Shakespeare, S.King), cultural activity (I like
to dance jeegs and reels when I visit concerts of celtic music in Moscow
Central House of Artist) and last but not least cooking (I'm not joking!
And it's yummy, believe me :) ).

4. Credits

* Gastrifitis for allowing me to use DD treasure
coordinates from his guide.

* Matt Hobbs for kind permission to use his Poach

* Notti for permitting me to use Level-Throw
Table from his guide.

* Me for typing this FAQ. It was harder than you
think since I don't know the keyboard well...

(C) Elmor the Elf, 2001.

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