Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

18.10.2013 02:54:02
Festival FAQ/Walkthrough
Harvest Moon: Back To Nature
Festival FAQ/Walkthrough
By, L621
Last update 2/23/02 (Version 5.0)

*Search this document with Control-F*


Table of Contents:

I. Introduction, Contact Info,
Putting This Guide On Your Site

II. Version History/Updates

III. Note

IV. Spring Festivals:
-New Years Festival
-Goddess Festival
-Spring Thanksgiving Festival
-Horse Race
-Cooking Festival

V. Summer Festivals:
-Swimming Festival
-Sumo Chicken Festival
-Tomato Festival
-Cow Festival
-Fireworks Festival

VI. Fall Festivals:
-Music Festival
-Harvest Festival
-Moon Viewing Festival
-Sheep Festival

VII. Winter Festivals:
-Dog Race
-Winter Thanksgiving Festival
-Starry Night Festival
-New Years Eve Festival

VIII. Other Special Events:
-Harvest Sprite's Tea Party
-Your Birthday

IX. Power Berry Locations


XI. Credits

XII. Copyright Information


I. Introduction, Contact Info,
Putting This Guide On Your Site

I'm writing this because there seems to be a lot of people who have a
hard time winning the festivals or figuring out where to go. If you
want to contact me you can e-mail me at L621Juggalette2@aol.com or you
can post a message to me on the GameFAQs message board I'm L621. If you
e-mail me put HM:BTN or something similar as the subject or it may be
inadvertently deleted. You can e-mail me questions, which I will answer
and possibly put in the FAQs section. You can e-mail me corrections.
You can e-mail me strategies for winning festivals/races and things
such as what people will like being thrown into the pot at the Harvest
Festival or a good recipe to win the Cooking Festival. You will be
credited with anything you tell me that I add unless someone else told
me first. You CANNOT send me any kind of chain letter. Or any
cute/funny forward you think I'll like, I assure you I won't, I get
enough mail already. No spam mail or links to sites not HM related. If
you do you will you will be blocked from sending me anything else. If
you have a HM site that you think is good send me a link and I'll check
it out. I might add a links section if I get enough of them. If I miss
something that you think I should add let me know. I hope this is
helpful. If you want to put this guide on your site go for it. As long
as you don't change ANYTHING, give me full CREDIT, and adhere to the
terms outlined in the copyright section.


II. Version History/Updates

Version 5.0 2/23/02 -Added more to the Horse Race (should be finished
in the next update). Updated copyright notice and e-mail address. Added
GS codes to get the girls at a red heart, it's in the Goddess Festival
section. Added where you go with the girls after the Goddess Festival.

Version 4.0 7/31/01 - I added new notes and info for some festivals. I
put up new questions and answers in the FAQ. Added some reader
contributions. Added more GS codes (for Cookies, Chocolate Cookies and
the dog ball). Added the tricks to get more dog balls to the Dog Race.

Version 3.0 2/22/01 - I added all the Power Berry locations and the
Mystic Berry location.

Version 2.0 2/14/01 - Happy Valentine's Day!! I've tried to clean this
up a bit; I hope it looks better. I also made some corrections and
added the GS codes for chocolate to the FAQs section.

Version 1.0 2/13/01 - First version.


III. Note

Attending festivals makes people like you more. Even if you don't win
they will still be happy with you for coming. If you do win they will
like you even more. I know that some festivals like the Swimming
Festival can get very tiresome and annoying after a while but usually
you'll get the hang of it once you know what to do. I'm not going to
repeatedly say that going to or entering the festivals will raise your
friendships -- that's why I'm telling you now. Remember that you won't
be able to take care of your animals after festivals that start at 6PM
or Midnight and you won't be able to save on those nights either. Make
sure you save the day before and take care of crops and animals before
you go. There are other Notes added to certain festivals and there are
also Fun Facts. Fun Facts are just little amusing things that you might
not have known you could do. Send me some if you find them. :)


IV. Spring Festivals

New Years Festival
Go to either Rose Square or the Inn at 6PM on Spring 1st. Karen may
come by your farm before the festival to ask you to practice dancing
with her. You have a choice of going to the Inn for a "party" with the
adults or you can go to Rose Square for a "bonfire" and dancing with
the girls and your rivals. You decide. This festival doesn't happen on
year one because you start the game on the 2nd of Spring.

Note: Be sure to check your mailbox. Over the next few days you will
get letters wishing you a good year from villagers who like you. If
you're not sure who you still have to work on try writing down the
people who send you letters and give things more often to the people
who don't send you anything.

Goddess Festival
Go to Rose Square at 10AM on Spring 8th. On the 7th go talk to the girl
you like and you will be given the option of asking her to go to the
festival with you. You won't be able to go with anyone the first year
because they will all most likely still be at a black heart. If you ask
anyway they will say no and apologize. They go with your rivals
instead. But, if they like you, you can ask them and they will say yes.
At 6AM she will be at your farm all dressed up and ready to go. Take
care of your animals and water your crops before you tell her you're
ready to go as you won't be able to do it afterwards. After the
festival she will ask you if you want to go somewhere. Agree and you'll
have a late night talk in a secluded area before going home.

Girl - Where you go:
Karen - Bar
Elli - Lake
Ann - Waterfall/Goddess Pond
Popuri - Beach
Mary - Flower Meadow
GS Codes for Red hearts with the girls (for all you cheaters who've
been asking :p):
Karen 800767A0 FFFF
Elli 80077298 FFFF
Ann 80076EF0 FFFF
Popuri 800786B4 FFFF
Mary 80077BBC FFFF

Spring Thanksgiving Festival
Go give the girls cookies on Spring 14th. All the girls are expecting
cookies from you so if you give them something else they won't be very
happy. Unless you have a Game Shark to get some cookies you won't be
able to give them any on year one. Also if you don't have a kitchen or
the necessary things you won't be able to give them any. But if you do
have these things make cookies and give them to as many girls as you

Note: They will only count once for each girl so don't waste cookies by
giving one girl more than one batch during this festival. Karen doesn't
like cookies so if you give her more than one she won't like it.

I'll list the recipes.
1) Cookies
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Butter (use milk and the mixer to make butter)
Utensils/Seasonings: Sugar, Oven, Rolling Pin
*You can add honey.*

2) Chocolate Cookies
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Chocolate, Butter (use milk and the mixer to
make butter)
Utensils/Seasonings: Sugar, Oven, Rolling Pin
*You can add honey.*

And the GS codes
Rucksack Item Mod. Codes:
Rucksack Square 1 - 80071AC0 00XX
Rucksack Square 2 - 80071AC6 00XX
Rucksack Square 3 - 80071ACC 00XX
Rucksack Square 4 - 80071AD2 00XX
Rucksack Square 5 - 80071AD8 00XX
Rucksack Square 6 - 80071ADE 00XX
Rucksack Square 7 - 80071AE4 00XX
Rucksack Square 8 - 80071AEA 00XX
Pick which spot or spots you want them to be in and for Chocolate
Cookies put F4 in the XX, for Cookies put DF in the XX.

Horse Race
Go to Rose Square at 10AM on Spring 18th. Sometime during Spring year
one you should go by Yodel Ranch where Barley will give you a horse to
raise. Take good care of it and get it to at least 8 hearts by the next
Spring. Barley will come back and give you the horse for taking such
good care of it. If you don't have at least 8 hearts he will take it
away. Brush, talk to, and call your horse everyday to make sure this
doesn't happen. You can't enter the first year because the horse is
still too small to ride. That's okay you still need to go. Walk around
and talk to the villagers. When you're done, talk to the Mayor over the
counter and you'll have the options of either buying a ticket or
exchanging medals for a gift.

Buy a Ticket: When you buy a ticket from the Mayor you're betting on
that horse to win. The horse with the lowest odds is usually the horse
that will win. Each ticket costs 50g. Don't spend all your money on
tickets the first year, if you take good care of your horse you can bet
on yourself next year when you have money to spare and win a lot.

Winning the Bet: If the horse you bet on wins you will receive medals
based on the number of tickets you bought for that horse and the odds
that horse has of winning. (# of tickets x # of odds = # of medals won)
Get it? Good.

Exchanging Medals: When you have enough medals you can exchange them
for prizes by talking to the Mayor. You will get a chance to exchange
them before and after each race so it's best to wait until the third
race is over to exchange them. Here's what you can get...

Power Berry 1001 medals
Bracelet 42 medals
Necklace 35 medals
Earrings 33 medals
Turobojolt XL 21 medals
Bodigizer XL 15 medals
Truffle 12 medals
Mystrile 3 medals

When you have your bets placed talk to Barley over the counter to start
the races.

Entering and winning the Horse Race: When your horse is grown you
should ride him around your farm as much as you can to make him faster.
For winning the race you will get a picture to put in your house.

Fun Fact: Maybe not so fun but still interesting. During the races you
will be able to see the villagers watching at the bottom of the screen.
Notice how at the start Rick is away from Karen and by the end he is
standing right next to her. A little irritating if Karen's your girl.

Note: If you get your horse taken away you can get another one by
planting a lot of grass on your farm.

Cooking Festival
The Cooking Festival starts at 10 AM on Spring 22nd. To go to this
festival simply wait until 10AM and go to Rose Square. If, however, you
want to enter the Cooking Festival bring a dish you have cooked, when
the Mayor asks if you have brought one answer "yes" with it in your
hands and he will take it. The first year you won't have a kitchen but
you can still enter by bringing a Spa Boiled Egg. If you're using a
Game Shark you can enter and win the first year with a dish you've
forced the game to give you. ;) What dish should you enter? I will list

Note: If you want to win you must add in some optional ingredients, the
more the better because the judge likes dishes with many different

1) Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves (Read the Harvest Sprites Tea Party)
Utensils/Seasonings: Pot
*There are many optional ingredients you can include to make this
better. For example you can add blue, red or green grass, honey,
fruits, milk, etc. If you add fruits make sure to use the knife to cut
them up. You can also add sugar.*

2) Apple pie
Ingredients: Flour, Apple, Egg, Butter (use milk and the mixer to make
Utensils/Seasonings: Sugar, Pot, Rolling Pin, Knife, Oven
*You can add wine or honey.*

3) Pizza
Ingredients: Flour, Cheese, Ketchup (tomato, onion, salt, sugar,
vinegar, mixer to make ketchup)
Utensils/Seasonings: Oven, Rolling Pin
*Here are some things you can add; truffle, egg, fish, green pepper,
pineapple, onion, corn, mushroom, tomato, carrot, salt, sugar, knife.*

4) Curry
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Balls
Utensils/Seasonings: Pot
*You can add MANY different things to this I'll list some. Boiled Egg,
fish, onion, apple, carrot, corn, honey, pineapple, mushroom, sweet
potato, milk, grapes, grape juice, turnip, green pepper, spinach,
bamboo shoot, cheese, potato, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, knife.*

5) Mixed Juice
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice
Utensils/Seasonings: Mixer
For this you need to mix 2 recipes together so I will list those as

Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry and/or Grapes
Utensils/Seasonings: Mixer
*You can add honey, grape juice, sugar, knife.*

Vegetable Juice
Ingredients: Carrot, Cabbage and/or Cucumber
Utensils/Seasonings: Mixer
*You can add spinach, tomato, green pepper, onion, turnip, mushroom,
eggplant, bamboo shoot, corn, truffle, salt, soy sauce, vinegar.*

Note: If it's your first year and you don't have a kitchen but you'd
like to enter, take an egg to the hot spring and toss it into the water
at one of the openings in the fence. You'll get a Spa Boiled Egg in
return if you've done it right. You can't win with this but you'll
still be able to enter the contest.


V. Summer Festivals

Swimming Festival
Go to the beach at 10AM on Summer 1st to enter. If you've played HM64
this may seem familiar to you at first. If only it were as easy as it
was in HM64. This is one of the hardest festivals in the game, maybe
even the hardest if you don't have a proper strategy. Walk around and
talk to the villagers. When you're done talk to Mayor Thomas to start
the race. Here comes the hard part. You need to have a strategy if you
want to win. And you DO want to win because the reward is a Power
Berry! Pay attention to your stamina, if you run out of strength you'll
stop in mid-swim to rest and breathe. If this happens even once you
have no chance of winning. The face in the speech bubble shows you what
your stamina is at. If it gets to the red breathe! After red you go to
blue which results in you stopping to rest. To swim press X repeatedly,
to take a breath press triangle. I cannot stress enough that you MUST
stop to breathe during this race, you can't get to the end without
doing it. That being said here are some strategies.

Strategy 1) Start off by pressing X quickly. As soon as the little
yellow happy face changes to a dull yellow face with a "-" for a mouth
press triangle until you go back to the happy face (full stamina). Yes,
I know they are all leaving you way behind but not to worry. Continue
to do what I've told you until you get a little more than half way to
the finish line. Kai will be close to the finish line by now but he's
tired and moving very slow so don't panic. Once you're half way to
victory press X like crazy the rest of the way. No more stopping to
rest at this point. You'll pass Kai, and everyone else, to the finish
line just in time to get your Power Berry. (This is how I won. I know
there are more and possibly better ways out there so please feel free
to send in your own strategy to win and I'll add them giving you

Strategy 2) Press X and triangle alternately as fast as possible you
should pull in the lead when Kai slows down. - Chronofan6

Note: You will have to practice a little before winning; don't be
discouraged if it takes you some time to win. It took me almost 2 days
(RL) of restarting the day repeatedly.

Fun Fact: You can go fishing before you talk to the Mayor and time
stands still for you. Don't leave to throw trash away or take your fish
home, just keep it in your rucksack until the festival's over.

Sumo Chicken Festival
Go to Rose Square at 10AM on Summer 7th. Don't forget to bring your hen
if you plan on entering. If you bought a chicken fairly early in Spring
it should be old enough and have enough hearts to win even on the first
year. Feed it everyday, if you keep it outside in a pen make sure to
scare away wild dogs if they come around, they can frighten or even
kill your chicken, and never leave it outside in bad weather. (I say
just leave them inside year round but that's just me.) It may also help
to pick it up and walk a little with it everyday. Doing this should get
your hens hearts up in plenty of time. Pick the hen with the most
hearts (that hasn't already won) and talk to Rick to start the game.
He'll explain the basic rules for you so I won't go into that. There
are 3 rounds, 1 being the easiest, 3 being the hardest. This festival
is quite simple to win if you know what you're doing. For a lower level
hen, 5-8, wait for the opposing hen to jump in the air in an attempt to
startle your hen. Once it jumps press X to jump right after it. Done
correctly your hen will land after the other hen and it will be scared
away. Make sure your hen is facing the other hen before urging it
forward or you'll probably walk right out of the ring. If both hens are
near the outside of the ring you can still urge your chicken on as long
as the opposing hen is closer to the edge. Even if both hens go outside
the ring the one who goes out first loses. Only do this if you're hen's
facing it and the other hen is facing the edge of the ring people! For
a high level hen, 9-10, you can jump right from the start and still
frighten the other hen first. The opposing hen might even be scared out
on the first try. For winning this festival your hen will lay golden
eggs worth 150G! Very useful the first year when money is tight.

Tomato Festival
Go to Rose Square at 10AM on Summer 12th. Food fight! In this festival
you'll get to hurl tomatoes at villagers! Anyway, to win you and your
other two teammates need to hit all three members of the opposite team
before they hit you. There are four teams to join. Talk to the
villagers and they will ask you to join their team. If you say no they
won't ask you again unless you restart the day. Popuri and Ann have the
best teams so join one of them if you want to win. After joining a team
the game will start. Start off by pressing and holding triangle to hide
behind the barrel. You can either stay that way and let your team
finish off the others or you can get right in there and throw some
yourself with X. Hide by pressing triangle if one comes your way or
you'll get hit and be out. Personally I just hide like a cowered until
a) my teammates take out everyone else advancing us to the next match
(or winning) or b) my teammates get taken out and I'm left all alone
forcing me to come out and toss some tomatoes. Don't try to hit someone
who is already out, it's pointless. There is a time limit to this.
After the time's up whichever team has hit more members of the opposite
team wins. If the number is the same after time has run out, as in 1
left for each team, or if the last two remaining hit each other at the
same time it's a tie and that round will restart. Popuri and Ann's
teams are also the hardest to beat in case you haven't realized. If
you're the last one left on your team and they still have 3 members you
can beat them if you get lucky or if you have mad skillz, go ahead and
try. :) For winning your team members will like you even more.

Cow Festival
Go to Yodel Ranch at 10AM on Summer 20th. Talk to, brush, and milk
(adult) cows everyday to make their hearts go up. On days you can't
take care of them ask the Harvest Sprites in advance to do it for you.
Barley will come by your farm on the 19th to ask you if you want to
enter a cow. If you do and it's an adult you can enter it. If it's
pregnant or not grown Barley won't take it. I doubt you'll win your
first year unless you bought your cow very early and have it up to 10
hearts already. Unless you used a Game Shark you wouldn't be able to
afford one for quite some time. Pick a happy cow with 10 hearts. Make
sure it hasn't won before unless you only have one cow to choose from.
Barley will take it. On the 20th go to the ranch and talk to the
villagers. When you're done talk to Barley to start the judging. If it
cuts to Barley saying the festival is over you didn't win. If you do
win he'll announce it and your cow will give golden milk worth 300G.

Fireworks Festival
Go to the beach at 6PM on Summer 24th. You will find some villagers
gathered there to watch fireworks. Talk to the girl you like and you
will have an option of asking her to watch them together. She will like
you more if you ask her. Also, if you go to the beach on Summer 23rd
you can ask Kai to watch the fireworks with you during the festival.
Doing this will make him like you more.


VI. Fall Festivals

Music Festival
Go to the Church at 6PM on Fall 3rd. On the 2nd Pastor Carter will come
by the farm to ask for your help with the Music Festival. Say "yes." Go
to the festival and he will give you an Ocarina to play. You and the
girls will perform for the villagers.

Harvest Festival
Go to Rose Square at 10AM on Fall 9th. The villagers get together and
cook a big dinner for this festival. Everyone brings something to throw
into a large pot so don't come empty handed. You can bring anything you
want to throw in, even your dog, though you shouldn't. :) The outcome
of the entire meal seems to depend on what you alone throw in, better
pick something good. Talk to the villagers to hear what they have to
say about the food. When you're ready talk to the Mayor and tell him
you brought something to add. Go up and toss it in. Everyone will then
eat. Talk to them to find out if they liked it, if they didn't it's all
your fault! :p Try to put something in that they will like. I will list
some things they like and some they don't.

Green pepper
Orange cup fruit
Fruit Juice
Fruit Latte

Sweet potato
Any Grass (Red, Blue, Green)
Popuri's Egg

(Please send me in other things they like and dislike.)

Note: If you throw in your dog or a chicken they won't like it and it
will be gone for good. Only do it if you're planning on restarting.
FinalFantasySQ7@eyesonFF.com says -If you put your dog in the hot pot
most of the time you can get it back, just go to Rose Square the next
day and it should be wandering around there, same with the chicken. (I
still don't recommend it.)

Fun Fact: You can fish in the hot pot once everyone has eaten, nifty
isn't it? I don't think you'll catch anything though.
ElCid828 says - I think all you can catch in the hot-pot is garbage.

Moon Viewing Festival
Go to the peak of Mother's Hill at 6PM on Fall 13th. You will find the
girl who likes you most waiting for you. She'll want to watch the moon
with you. Do so and she'll like you even more.

Sheep Festival
Go to Yodel Ranch at 10AM on Fall 21st. Barley will come to you on the
20th asking if you want to enter a sheep. Like the Cow Festival you
need to have an adult sheep that's not pregnant to enter. The sheep
also has to have wool at the time. It takes seven days to grow back
after you cut it. Before sheering your sheep make sure it will grow
back by Fall 20th, if there isn't enough time don't sheer it!! Brush
and talk to your sheep everyday and sheer it when you can (unless it
won't grow back in time) to make it's hearts go up. Putting your sheep
in the pasture with full grown grass will make the hearts go up faster
but it becomes a pain to bring them in before bad weather. Even on year
one you can win if you bought a sheep A.S.A.P. This may mean you have
to buy a sheep before you buy a cow, which most people probably don't
want to do even though sheep cost less. It's up to you. Pick the sheep
with the most hearts to enter. Talk with the villagers at the festival
then talk to Barley to start the judging. If you win he will announce
it and your sheep will produce gold wool worth 600G.


VII. Winter Festivals

Dog Race
Go to Rose Square at 10AM on Winter 10th. In early Fall Won should have
come by and sold you a pink dog ball. You need to throw it for your dog
a lot everyday to make him smarter. 10-15 times a day should be enough.
You should also be picking your dog up everyday to make his hearts go
up to 10. You can get your dog to 10 hearts in time even in year one if
you play with him and pick him up like you should be. Zack will come by
the farm and ask you to enter the dog race. Tell him you will and he'll
come by to take your dog to the Square before the race. Talk to the
villagers then to Zack to start the race. If you have been taking care
of your dog this should be simple. Press O to run towards the finish
line. Your dog doesn't need to be right on your heels the whole time,
as long as he's close enough to follow you keep running. When your dogs
starts falling behind stop briefly so he can get closer. Try not to let
him get so far behind that he stops running and wanders away. If this
happens you have to turn around and go back for him. You can go the
entire race without the dog stopping once as long as you pause to let
him catch up a little.

Note: There is a glitch that allows you to duplicate the dog ball. You
might want to keep some extra dog balls in case you lose one:

Step 1.) Throw the ball.
Step 2.) Go to where it fell.
Step 3.) Pick up the ball exactly when the dog does.
If you timed it right you should have both picked up the ball at the
same time and now you have two!
Step 1.) Throw the ball.
Step 2.) Wait for the dog to bring it back to you.
Step 3.) Wait for it to get tired of holding it and take it exactly
when the dog drops it. If you time it right you should have one in your
hands and he should have dropped one on the floor. Now you have two!

Note: This may sound a little hard but it's not. I've done it by
accident every time and now I have 4.

Winter Thanksgiving Festival
Stay at your farm on Winter 14th. If you have been paying some
attention to the girls they will bring you either chocolate or
chocolate cake. If a girl is at a black heart she won't come so make
sure all the girls have at least a purple heart. You will get chocolate
if the girl has either a purple or blue heart. You will get chocolate
cake if the girl is at a green heart or above. You need to keep at
least two girls at purple or blue hearts because this is the only way
(aside from cheating) to get the chocolate you need for at least two of
the recipes. One girl will come at 6AM, one at 8AM, one at 10AM, one at
1PM, and one at 3PM. Make sure you're on the farm. After 3PM you can go
on about your business.

Starry Night Festival
Go to a girl's house at 6PM on Winter 24th. On the 23rd the girls will
all invite you to come to their house for a party if you talk to them.
It's up to you which house you go to. Decisions, decisions. You will
then see a short cut scene with the girl you choose and her family.

New Years Eve Festival
Go to the peak of Mother's Hill at Midnight on Winter 30th. Talk to the
villagers then talk to Saibara, the blacksmith. You'll then watch the
first sunrise of the new year.


VIII. Other special days

Harvest Sprite's Tea Party
You can attend this party in spring on non-festival days. All of the
sprites must be home as well -- none of them can be helping on your
farm the day you decide to go. First you must be able to carry seven
gifts in your rucksack, which means you need to get the large rucksack
at the supermarket for 5,000G. The party will be over by the time you
get back if you bring some gifts then leave to bring more. Now you must
bring a gift for each Sprite. Flour works extremely well, it seems to
be their favorite gift. You can also buy this at the supermarket for
50G. What gift would be complete without wrapping paper? Wrap the seven
gifts at the supermarket for 100G each. Expensive, I know. Now that you
have the gifts go to the Harvest Sprite's tree. It's located behind the
church, up the path on the right. Go between 3-4 PM, no earlier and no
later. Talk to Nappy, the orange sprite. If you're there at the correct
time he should tell you to bring gifts if you want to join the tea
party. Walk around and give out the gifts to all seven sprites, one
each. They will be happy and urge you to continue giving gifts to the
other sprites. When you give the last gift you will be invited to join
the tea party. As you go to leave you will receive Relaxation Tea
Leaves as a gift.

Note: You can't get more until you use the ones you have. As long as
you've made tea with them you can go back for more even if you haven't
used the tea.

Your Birthday
It is a little misleading for me to put this under special days because
nothing really special happens. You will get letters from some
villagers if they like you enough. If you're married your wife will
make you something. Woohoo right? I know, it sucks.

After you get the 2nd house upgrade (the one with two beds), buy a blue
feather and have your girl up to a red heart so that you can propose to
her. Just give her the feather to propose. It will take exactly one
week for the wedding. It will be marked on your calendar with a red
heart. If there is a festival a week after you propose the wedding
won't be canceled just rescheduled to a festival-free day. Make sure
you get the Sprites to take care of your animals on your wedding day
because you won't be able to.

Note: Don't buy the blue feather from Won; it's way cheaper at the



Q: I asked my girl to marry me and she said no, why?
A: You must have the 2nd house upgrade so she will have somewhere to
sleep. Make sure her heart is Red and not Orange. Keep giving her
things she likes and soon she will say yes.

Q: My baby is sick, what should I do?
A: Take it to the Clinic.

Q: How do I bring in my animals before a storm?
A: Ring the bell and they will walk towards you. Get behind them and
push them inside.

Q: Why don't my animals come to me when I ring the bell?
A: They may be too far away or their hearts aren't very high. If your
dog is grown place it near the animals and ring the bell again. The dog
will bark to herd them towards you.

Q: I lost my dog ball can I get another one?
A: Yes, Won will come by and sell you another one.

Q: Why won't Won come back to sell me another dog ball?
A: Honestly I don't know. A lot of people have had this problem. The
only solutions I can offer are to use the trick to get extras in case
you lose it. (It's the note at end of the Dog Race section.) Or if you
already lost it and you have a GS the code is:
Rucksack Item Mod. Codes:
Rucksack Square 1 - 80071AC0 00XX
Rucksack Square 2 - 80071AC6 00XX
Rucksack Square 3 - 80071ACC 00XX
Rucksack Square 4 - 80071AD2 00XX
Rucksack Square 5 - 80071AD8 00XX
Rucksack Square 6 - 80071ADE 00XX
Rucksack Square 7 - 80071AE4 00XX
Rucksack Square 8 - 80071AEA 00XX
Pick where you want the ball to be and put 65 where the XX is.

Q: Where is Won?
A: You can find him in the bar in the afternoon.

Q: What are the GS codes for chocolate?
A: Rucksack Item Mod. Codes:
Rucksack Square 1 - 80071AC0 00XX
Rucksack Square 2 - 80071AC6 00XX
Rucksack Square 3 - 80071ACC 00XX
Rucksack Square 4 - 80071AD2 00XX
Rucksack Square 5 - 80071AD8 00XX
Rucksack Square 6 - 80071ADE 00XX
Rucksack Square 7 - 80071AE4 00XX
Rucksack Square 8 - 80071AEA 00XX
Pick where you want the chocolate to be and enter F3 where the XX is.


XI. Credits

Seravadon@hotmail.com - Gave me a correction.
ElCid828 - Gave me some likes for Harvest Festival and what you get
when fishing in the hot pot.
FinalFantasySQ7@eyesonFF.com - Gave me some info on Harvest Festival,
likes, dislikes and putting in your dog or chicken.
Tenken - Gave me some recipes to win with at the Cooking Festival,
things to add at the Harvest Festival, things not to add at the Harvest
Claude52 - Things not to add at the Harvest Festival.
Chronofan6 - A strategy for Swimming Festival.
Prima's Strategy Guide - Some recipes.


XII. Copyright Information

This FAQ is for personal use only. You can print it or parts of it for
that reason only. Do not copy any part of this document and claim it as
your own or you will be guilty of plagiarism, which is punishable by
law. If you post it on your site without giving me full credit, publish
it, use it in any kind of promotional way, or use it in any way for
personal gain (i.e. a pay only site), civil and/or criminal charges can
and will be pressed against you. The newest version of this FAQ will
always be at www.GameFAQs.com. If you see this anywhere without credit
to me please let me know. This document is (c) L621; 2001 - 2002
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