Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8

16.10.2013 23:08:17
Boss Guide


(c) iDragon 1999-2000

version 1.8
for the Sony Playstation and PC
by iDragon
18th September 2000


This FAQ is intended for private and personal use only. If you want
to use it on your webpage, ask for my permision first. You must publish
the walkthrough in its entirety if used. This disclaimer and copyright
notice must appear in full as well. I do not want this published in
magazines, books, guides, etc. This FAQ CANNOT be used for profitable
purposes. Anyone who has violated this agreement will be severely
dealt with.

< I N T R O D U C T I O N >

Welcome to my Final Fantasy VIII Boss Walkthrough. I have devoted
plenty of my time writing it, so read it through before sending me
any unnecessary questions that are already answered in this walkthrough!

To put it simply this isn't just a boss walkthrough, it also includes
the complete battle system tutorial and other tips to help you answer
frequently asked questions about FFVIII gameplay.

I would also like to thank everyone who has supported me by writting
in with comments and contributions.

< U P D A T E S / V E R S I O N S >

version 1.8 [18th September]
- Mirror updates.
- Removed the Card section.

version 1.7 [28th June 2000]
- Added new contributions.
- Rechecked and updated most sections.

version 1.61 [12th April 2000]
- Added Lorraine Fisher alternate Ultimecia strategy.
- Corrected the mistakes pointed out by Jereme Bivins.

version 1.6
- Published Dino Angelo de la Rama's HUGE Omega Weapon
- Updated some menu sketches.

version 1.55
- Upadated most sections.
- Made some grammar corrections.

version 1.5
- Updated the walktrough for the FFVIII PC version.
- Published all contributions.
- Updated some strategies.
- Changed the look.
- Added additional info in some sections.
- Got rid of some more typos.
- Removed the cast and lyrics section (who read it anyway).

version 1.4
- Finally wrote the complete FFVIII boss walkthrough!
- Added the tips and secrets section.
- Regular section updates.
- Updated some old boss strategies.
- Updated the basics and battle system tutorial sections.
- Added the elemental and status attack explanation.
- Added info on drawing GFs from Ultimecia castle (sub)bosses.
- Published some more contributions.

version 1.31 to 1.35
- Corrected the line mistake.
- Made a lot of corrections in all sections.
- Added the cast section.
- Corrected the wrong written names thanks to .
- Added a way to get the phoenix summon.
- Corrected some typos.
- Added Obsidian Rose's card section.
- Added Teyunde Sakurambo's FF new game cheat.
- Added Chris Bradow tips.
- Updated the Phoenix and cast section (by YTH).

version 1.3
- Added Gilgamesh to the GF section.
- Added info on Quistis enemy skill items.
- Mayor update in the limit breaks section.
- Added specific limit break systems explanation.
- Added new strategies on beating Omega and Ultima.
- Wrote a way to defeat Ultimecia quickly.
- Added info on getting Laguna and Gilgamesh card.

version 1.2
- Made corrections in limit breaks section.
- Added more info on finding weapon upgrade items.
- Added some Weapons strategy notes.
- Added Odin to secret GF section.
- Added more information on getting other G.Fs.

version 1.1
- Added the SeeD test results.
- Wrote the junction menu section.
- Updated the Ultima and Omega Weapons strategy.
- Minor update, corrections made in some sections.
- Updated the weapon upgrade item list.
- Added the secret GF section.

version 1.0 [September 1999]
- Completed the main sections of the walkthrough.

< C O N T R I B U T E I N F O >

If you have any contributions or corrections, please send your info
to my E-mail and I'll publish it (and add your credit where is due).

< T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S >


< I. B A S I C S >


The default controller settings for the Playstation version, are


(when walking through prerendered areas)

[D-pad/Left Analog-Stick] == [Moves the party around]
[X] == [Opens up conversations, activate switches, examines, picks up
items, ect.]
[Triangle] == [Cancels actions. Press together with the D-pad to walk]
[Square] == [Opens up conversations or initiates a Card Battle game]
[Circle] == [Displays the menu screen]
[Start] == [Pauses the game and brings up the bar that toggles the
dualshock feature on/off]
[R1+R2+L1+L2+Select+Start] == [Resets the game. You must first pause
the game]


(when traveling through the huge 3D world map)

[D-pad/Left Analog-Stick] == [Moves the party or vehicle around]
[Right - analog stick] == [Moves vehicle forward or backward]
[Square] == [Accelerates vehicle]
[Circle] == [Displays the menu screen]
[X] == [Enters locations, mount/dismount vehicle]
[Triangle] == [Reverses vehicle]
[R1] == [Rotates the camera clockwise]
[L1] == [Rotates the camera anti-clockwise]
[R2] == [Switches between view points]
[Start] == [Pauses the game and brings up the bar that toggles
the dualshock feature on/off]
[Select] == [Toggles the World Sphere map/Mini map/No map mode]
[R1+R2+L1+L2+Select+Start] == [Resets the game. You must first pause
the game.]


(when you encounter battles)

[D-pad/Left - analog stick] == [Selects commands]
[Circle] == [Confirms selected command]
[X] == [Cancels command]
[Square] == [Tap repeatedly to boost GFs Summon Magi. Note, the GFs
has to learn the Boost ability to use it]
[Triangle] == [Switch to another character with full time bar]
[R1] == [Triggers an attack. Only works with Squalls and Seifers
Limit Breaks]
[L1] == [Toggles the target window on/off]
[Start] == [Pauses the game and brings up the help and the rumble
feature window]
[Select] == [Hides all windows when held down except boost window]
[R2+L2] == [Press together to escape. Doesn't work in boss battles!]
[R1+R2+L1+L2+Select+Start] == [Resets the game]

The default Keyboard settings for the PC version, are following:

[Select] - X
[Cancel] - W
[Play Cardgame/GF boost] - A
[Rotate Right] - C
[Rotate Left] - Z
[Menu] - D
[Toggle display] - F
[Trigger] - E
[Pause] - S
[Misc] - W

You can recalibrate your Joypad or Keyboard controls by running FFVIII
Config from the windows start menu or FFVIII dir.


The level system in FFVIII works like this:

- With every level up characters stats will increase.
- All levels ups are one thousand experience points apart from another.
- Exp. point are earned by defeating enemies.
- You don't gain any exp. points from bosses.
- You also gain exp. points if you run from battles.
- Character with the finishing blow will gain some extra exp. points.
- Junctioned GFs split characters exp. points at end of the battle.
- Exp. points will also level up the junction GFs. Characters' level
won't increase, if he/she doesn't take part in battles.
- Character won't get any exp. points if he/she's dead at the end
of the battle.
- AP points will let your junctioned GFs learn new abilities.
Example, GF Quezacot Card ability needs 40AP, so you will need
40AP to learn the ability.


Use HP/Str/Spd/Vit bonus abilities to raise specific attributes every


You can gain fast level ups from very strong monsters located on the
Islands closes to Heaven/Hell. You can reach them after you have got
the Rangok (disc 3 and 4).

Island closes to Hell: Located on the most west island of the World
Map, near Galbadia Area.

Island closest to Heaven: Located at northeast from the Chocobo
Shrine, near Esthar Area.


You can check if you're in the right location. Press start to enter the
main menu. The name of the location is shown on the bottom message.

I recommend that you land with the Rangok on the Island closes to
Hell/Heaven. You'll will encounter many tough enemies here (Hexa
dragons, Ruby dragons,Blue dragons, Malboros, etc.). Their HP and
attack damage depend on Squall's level. There is a way to defeat
them fast. Have Squalls Str at 255. Equip him the most powerful
weapon (hopefully Lion Heart) and junction Cerberus ability Auto
Haste. Have Squall in critical status. Now when you enter a battle
press square button repeatedly until Squall is able to use his

<<-Alternate method->>
submited by Chris Bradow

Junction 100 Death to any if not all of the characters' Elemental
attacks. This won't kill Hexadragons or Ruby Dragons in my experience.
But it does make extremely short work of most of the creatures on the
island. (Blue Dragons, Grendels, etc.)


Land the Rangok on small island in the South-East Sentura region. Direct
east from Edea's house. You'll encounter strange cactus-like creatures
here. Finish them off before they run away (having Squall in critical
status using his Renzokuken works fine). 20 AP points each!


In FFVIII money is pretty much tossed aside compared to other PRGs. You won't
get any money from enemies, bosses and treasures like in most RPFGs.

Press start to enter the main menu. Enter the Tutorial menu.

_______________________ ITEM
SELPHIE LV 20 GF __________________
ABILITY Basic Operations
_______________________ SWITCH Battle Operations
ZELL LV 13 CARD Card Game Rules
_______________________ SAVE Review
TRAVIA GARDEN Icon Explanation

In FFVIII, your party receives money from the SeeD on a timely interval.
The sum is determined by your SeeD ranking. To write the SeeD tests
enter tutorial option in the main menu screen. The actual number of
tests Squall can write depends on his level, i.e. a LV. 12 Squall has
access to only 12 of total 30 tests. The test answers are gathered bellow.
The money can be mostly spend on items and weapon upgrades.

Lv 1: Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N, N Lv 2: Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, N
Lv 3: N, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N Lv 4: N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N
Lv 5: N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y Lv 6: Y, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, Y
Lv 7: Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N Lv 8: N, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N
Lv 9: N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, Y Lv 10: Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N
Lv 11: Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y Lv 12: N, Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N
Lv 13: Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N Lv 14: Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N
Lv 15: Y, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y Lv 16: Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y, N
Lv 17: Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, Y, N, N Lv 18: Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
Lv 19: Y, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y Lv 20: Y, Y, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N
Lv 21: Y, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N Lv 22: N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, Y, Y, N
Lv 23: Y, N, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y Lv 24: Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y
Lv 25: Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N, N Lv 26: Y, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, N
Lv 27: N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y, N Lv 28: Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N
Lv 29: N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y, N Lv 30: N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N

Your SeeD rank can also lower or raise, according to the actions the
party takes. (Don't ask which actions, I'm clueless here.)


To raise your SeeD rank, try to follow the story and defeat as many
Monsters you can and the rank will raise (doesn't work always, sorry
but I'm clueless about this one ~_~).


In FFVIII you can remodel (upgrade) weapons to gain new weapons. New
weapons are stronger than previous ones and can also include new skills.
You need a certain amount of (rare) items and a weapon magazine in order
to upgrade your weapons. Here's an item list, which will help
you find weapon magazines and rare items, that are used to upgrade
his/her weapon to ultimate. You can upgrade weapons at junk shops.
You can also call a junk shop using GF Tonberry Junk Shop ability.

NOTE! The weapon upgrade item list contains only items needed for every
characters ultimate weapon.


GTI - Getting the item

Adamantine Lion Heart, Ehrgeiz, Strange Vision

GTI: Win it from Adamandanti (turtles with black shells).
They are found at the shores of Long Horn Island, North
from Galbania. You can also turn the Minotaur card into
10 Adamantines.
Curse Spike Strange Vision

GTI: Win/steal it from those 3 headed monsters found in the
basement of Warship Island. You can also win them from
from Molboros (huge green plants).
Dino Bone Exeter

GTI: Win it from T-Rex located in the Balamb training center
or Island closest to Hell.
Dragon Fang Lion Heart

GTI: Win it from Hexa dragons and Blue dragons located
on the Island closest to Hell.
Dragon Skin Ehrgeiz

GTI: Win/steal it from Hexa dragons, Blue dragons or T-Rex
located on the Islands closest to Hell/Heaven.
Energy Crystal Shooting Star, Save the Queen

GTI: You can get this item by fighting the Ruby dragon located
on the Warship Island or Island closest to Hell.
(use GF Bahamut Rare Item ability for assistance)
Force Armlet Shooting Star

GTI: You can buy it from the Timber Pet Shop using
GF Tonberry Familiar ability.
Fury Fragment Ehrgeiz

GTI: You can get this by stealing from the green shell,
red-orange skin creatures inside the Tomb of the
Unknown King.
Malboro Tentacle Save the Queen

GTI: Steal/win it from Malboros (green creatures with a
status attack - Bad Breath) located on the Islands
closest to Hell/Heaven.
Moon Stone Exeter

GTI: Steal/win it from Iron Giants (very powerful monsters
with huge swords) located in the Warship Island basement
near the Ultima Weapon.
Pulse Ammo Lwion Heart

GTI: Use Ifrit's Make Bullets Ability and change
1x Energy Crystal into 10x Pulse Ammo.
Regen Ring Shooting Star

GTI: Win/steal it a from leopard creatures with long whiskers
(Toramas). They can be found in the southern Esthar area
and in the Warship Island basement .
Screw Exeter

GTI: Win/steal it from those gray-red creepy crawlers
found at Galbadia. You also get this by defeating GIM-47N.
Sharp Spike Save the Queen

GTI: You can win it from giant spider monsters found
in Sentora Area or at the forests near Edea's House.
Star Fragment Exeter, Strange Vision

GTI: Steal/win it from Iron Giants (very powerful
monsters with huge swords) located in the Warship
Island basement near the Ultima Weapon.
Windmill Shooting Star

GTI: You can get this by stealing from purple birds found in
Galbadia grasslands.


Weapons Mon Aug: You can buy it from Esthar Book Store found in the
Esthar Shopping center.

Weapons Mon 1ST: You can buy it from Esthar Book Store using GF
Tonberry's Familiar ability.


Squall - Lion Heart: Rinoa - Shooting Star:
==================== ======================
Items: Items:
1x Adamantine 2x Windmill
4x Dragon Fang 1x Revive Ring
12x Pulse Ammo 1x Force Amlet
2x Energy Crystal
ATK: +26 Skills:
HIT: 255% ATK: +17
Lion Heart (Limit Break) HIT: 107%
Angel Wing (Limit Break)
Magazine: Weapons Mon 1ST
Magazine: Weapons Mon 1ST
Cost: 2000G
Cost: 1000G

Irvine - Execter: Selphine - Strange Vision:
================= ==========================
Items: Items:
2x Dino Bone 1x Adamantine
1x Moon Stone 3x Star Fragment
2x Star Fragment 2x Curse Spike
18x Screw
Skills: ATK: +13
ATK: +13 HIT: 255%
HIT: 122%
Magazine: Weapons Mon 1ST
Magazine: Weapons Mon 1ST
Cost: 1000G
Cost: 800G

Zell - Ehrgeiz: Quistis - Save The Queen:
=============== =========================
Items: Items:
1x Adamantine 2x Molboro Tentacle
4x Dragon Skin 4x Sharp Spike
1x Fury Fragment 4x Sparkling Energy
Skills: Skills:
ATK: +13 ATK: +13
HIT: 103% HIT: 113%

Magazine: Weapons Mon Aug Magazine: Weapons Mon Aug

Cost: 800G Cost: 800G


There are 5 GFs which are considered to be hidden. This section
will help you to find all 5 hidden GFs. Their abilities and summon
attacks are essential for the game progress. I have also added a
quick description of locations, where you can find other GFs.


You need to find the Solomon's Ring. The Solomon's ring can be found
in Tear's Point, located south-east from the Esthar capital. It is a
shiny item near the center statue. Pick it up.

To activate the item, you need following items: 6x Remedy Plus
6x Steel Pipe
6x Molboro Tentacle
- Remedy Plus
Use GF Alexander Medicine Level Up ability to upgrade Remedy.
1x Remedy Plus is equal to 10 Remedies.

- Steel Pipe
Win/steal it from green-yellow gorillas found at the hills of

- Molboro Tentacle
Win/steal it from Malboros (huge-green plants, with a powerful
status attack - Bad Breath) located on the Island closes to

When you obtained all required items, use Solomon's Ring in the item
menu and GF Doomtrain (Grasharaboras) will join you.


Head for the Sentura Region after you have obtained Odin (refer to GF
Odin section bellow). Fight 20 Tonberrys in a row. The 21th Tonberry
will call the King Tonberry. Defeat him and he will join you. Refer
to the boss walkthrough disc 2, if you have problems defeating
King Tonberry.

submited by Derek - The Obsidian Rose

To find GF Tonberry you need to get 20 Chefs Knives. However after
fighting exactly 20 Tonberies the Tonberry King appeared, with 8
knives in my inventory. I'm not saying you can't do it by having
20 knives, maybe that is easier, but can also be done by defeating
twenty Tonberries.


Head for the Warship Island located on South-West corner of the world
map (uncharted on the world map). Fly low with the Rangok and enter
it by pressing [x] when you're above it.

Enter the room with the light source. Proceed towards the light slowly
when its turned off, if you move when the light is turned on, you'll
encounter monsters.

Talk to the light source and pick the first and the second option
(you'llfight the Ruby dragons twice). Refer to the boss walkthrough
disc 3, if you have problems defeating the Ruby dragons. Pick the
third (hidden) option to fight GF Bahamut. Refer to the disc 3
walkthrough section, if you have problems defeating GF Bahamut.


Land the Rangok on small island in the South-East Sentura region.
Direct east from Edea's house. Encounter a green icon on the Island
map. Refer to the boss walkthrough disc 3, if you have problems
defeating Cactuar(Sabotendar).


After getting the GF Bahamut talk to everybody on Rangok and re-enter
the Warship Island (Zell must be in your party). Proceed and climb
down. Head for the steam machine and you will have a guide of operating
the machine. You'll need 4 out of 20 power units to open the 1st gate.
In the second floor use 2 power units, in third floor 2 power units, in
fourth floor 1 power unit, in fifth floor 1 power unit, and use the
elevator to get to the machinery room. Have Zell use the machine and
proceed through the door. You'll enter the underground research facility.
You must get across 5 floors to fight Ultima Weapon. On each floor you'll
encounter very powerful monsters (Toramas, Behemoths, Ruby Dragons, Iron
Giants, ect.).

NOTE! I recommend that you have high character levels before you fight
these monsters. You can also use GF Doomtrain very effective
(!!!) against all monsters, hitting for multiple status attacks.
They'll be helpless!

There is save point at the 6th floor (use GF Siren find hidden save/
draw points party ability) and walk to a red computer panel and active
it after you have saved the game! Next Ultima Weapon will appear. Refer
to the boss walkthrough disc 3 on defeating Ultima Weapon.


Enter the Sentora Ruins found somewhere in the Sentora region, south
part of the world. It's on one of those islands in the center of Sentora.

When you enter it the timer will start countdown (20 mim.). Make sure
you have GF Diablo's Encounter Nothing ability to save a lot of time.
Now enter the ruins and take the stairs leading right. Go up the stairs
and enter the chamber of the Odin. Next examine the stone block, it's
an elevator. Take the left ladder. Examine the blue orb and climb down
to examine the blue orb on the ground panel, it will reveal a stair
way. Head up the stairway, until you've reached the statue of a monster.
Climb up the ladder and examine the statue and take the Eye Ruby. Head
up the stairs which leads to the next statue. Climb up the ladder and
put the eye and you will find a password. Remove both eyes and head back
to the first statue. Place the eyes on the statue and a torch on the
right will be lighted. Enter your password now. A secret chamber will
reveal and you will find GF Odin there. Refer to the boss walkthrough
disc 3 if you have problems defeating Odin.

NOTE! Odin is not a selectable GF, he has none abilities to learn.
But he's considered to be a GF because he has summon sequence
like all others GFs.

When does Odin appear?

The higher the luck rate is, more times he will appear. He appears at
the beginning of the battle and causes death to all enemies using the
Zentsuken. (Odin's attack doesn't work on bosses!)

<<-Odin Apperance Tip->>
submited by

He has a 1/10 chance of appearing in each monster battle. Odin will
apper more often when you junction magic to luck. I also recomend
cactuars +50% luck ability for a higher apperance rate.


Simple. Get the GF Odin till the disc 3 end boss Seifer. Odin will
be destroyed by Seifer and GF Gilgamesh will appear at the end of
the battle. GF Gilgamesh works the same as GF Odin, in addition he
has several new attacks.


You can summon Phoenix only through the item command. To summon him,
you need to get a Phoenix Pinion item. There are two ways to get this

1. Use GF Alexander Medicine Level Up ability to turn 50 Phoenix into
a Mega Phoenix. Three Mega Phoenix will refine into a Phoenix Pinion
using Medicine Level Up.

2. Go to the village of Shumi tribe located in the snowy fields in the
northern most continent. Enter the elevator, next enter the house on
the most left corner of the Village. Talk to a Shumi near the Laguna's
statue. You'll be asked to find the five stones.

- Blue Stone
In the room with the statue. It is on the back wall. Examine the huge
blue rock.

- Wind Stone
Go to the first screen of the village. Search near the rocks and
you'll find the Wind Stone.

- Life Stone
Go to the chief's house. Go to the middle of the tree and examine it.
Squall will climb up the branch and get the stone.

- Shadow Stone
Go back to first screen and search behind the pillar on the right side.
It's under the shadow of the container.

- Water Stone
Go to the House beside the building where you find the statue of
Laguna and search by the sink (left side). You'll find the Water Stone.

When you have collected all the stones, go to the chief's house and
you'll receive a Phoenix Pinion.

<<-How to summon Phoenix->>
Submited by Jereme Bivins

First use the Phoenix Pinion through item command when in battle. The
GF Phoenix is like Odin or Gilgamesh. Once you have used your Phoenix
Pinion she will come out when all your partie members are KO'd. She
won't come out every time but she will come out in most occasions when
all of your party is killed.

Here is a list of where you can find other GFs:

Quezacot: Meet Quistis outside Baland Garden
Shiva: Meet Quistis outside Baland Garden
Ifrit: Defeat Ifrit at Fire Caverns (Disc 1)
Siren: Draw it from Elvoret in Dollet (Disc 1)
Brothers: Defeat Brothers at Tomb of the Unknown King (disc 1+)
Diablos: Use Lantern in the item menu given by Cid, and defeat
Diablos (disc 1+)
Carbuncle: Draw it from Iguion in Deling City, at the Presidential
Residence when Rinoa is attacked (Disc 1)
Leviathan: Draw from Norg in Basement of Balamb Garden (Disc 2)
Pandemona: Draw from Fujin at Balamb Hotel (Disc 2)
Cerberus: Defeat Cerberus at Galbadia Garden (Disc 2)
Alexander: Draw it from Edea at Galbadia Garden (Disc 2)

You can also draw GFs from Ultimecia castle (sub)bosses, if you
haven't got them earlier.

Siren: Draw it from Tri-Point
Carbuncle: Draw it from Krysta
Leviathan: Draw it from Trauma
Pandemona: Draw it from Red Giant
Cerberus: Draw it from Gargantua
Alexander: Draw it from Catoblepas
Eden: Draw it from Tiamat

< II. B A T T L E S Y S T E M T U T O R I A L >


Junction menu sketch:


HP 2150 / 4330 DARKSIDE
[ HP ] Meteor 145
[ STR ] Ultima 210 [ SPD ] Haste 82
[ VIT ] Full-life 68 [ EVA ] ------ 8%
[ MAG ] Triple 52 [ HIT ] Tornado 112
[ SPI ] Firaga 55 [ LUCK ] ------ 14
______________ ______________
<-- <--
______________ ______________


HP - Health Points --> Shows the maximum HP capacity.
STR - Strength --> Determents physical attack damage.
VIT - Vitality --> Resistance against physical attacks.
MAG - Magic Strength --> Determents the magic attack damage/effectivity.
SPI - Spirit --> Resistance against magic-based attacks.
SPD - Speed --> The higher the speed value, the faster the character's
ATB charges.
EVA - Evasion --> The % chance of evading physical attacks.
HIT - Hit Accuracy --> The chance of hitting your enemy using physical
LUCK - Luck --> Determents the drawn amount of spells, critical hit
rate, Odin's appearance, ect.
E ATK - Elemental Attack --> Attacks with a certain element.
E DEF - Elemental Defense --> Adds certain element to your defense.
ST ATK - Status Attack --> Causes status attack to your enemy.
ST DEF - Status Defense --> % defense from a certain status attack.

Magic spells can be junction to your junction abilities (attributes)
to incrase stats/effectivity. In order to junction a magic spell to a
junction ability (example: HP-J, allows you junction magic spells to
characters HP), a GF with this junction ability must be junctioned to
your character. You'll have to learn new junction abilities from specific
GFs, in order to use them.

Example: Junction GF Quezacot to one of your characters, ie. Squall.
His HP junction ability will glow (turn white), now you'll
be able to select and junction any spell you wish to Squall
HP attribute. Select the HP junction ability and assign your
chose of magic to it. Note that a character can have multiple
G.Fs junctioned.

Example2: You can junction magic to STR, VIT, SPI, E ATK, E DEF, E DEFx2,
when you have learned all GF Shiva junction abilities. Shiva
must be junctioned to your character.


You can unjunction a slot by pressing the Square button.

I have also added ( junction chart which shows
specific magic spell junction value to different junction abilities.

submited by

Name | HP | STR | VIT | MAG | SPI | SPD | EVA | HIT | LUCK
Fire |100 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 8
Fira |200 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 12
Firaga |1400 | 30 | 16 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 14
Blizzard |100 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 8
Blizzara |200 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 12
Blizzaga |1400 | 30 | 16 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 14
Thunder |100 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 8
Thundara |200 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 12
Thundaga |1400 | 30 | 16 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 14
Water |300 | 20 | 14 | 18 | 14 | 12 | 4 | 18 | 13
Aero |300 | 17 | 10 | 16 | 10 | 20 | 8 | 22 | 15
Bio |700 | 24 | 15 | 24 | 15 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4
Demi |1600 | 34 | 18 | 36 | 18 | 12 | 4 | 14 | 10
Holy |3800 | 55 | 28 | 45 | 48 | 10 | 8 | 24 | 14
Flare |3200 | 56 | 26 | 44 | 26 | 12 | 4 | 26 | 12
Meteor |4600 | 75 | 34 | 52 | 34 | 30 | 12 | 40 | 22
Quake |2600 | 40 | 20 | 40 | 20 | 7 | 3 | 30 | 12
Tornado |3000 | 48 | 24 | 42 | 24 | 33 | 13 | 38 | 14
Ultima |6000 | 100 | 82 | 100 | 95 | 60 | 24 | 60 | 64
Apocalypse |4200 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 90 | 30 | 12 | 30 | 30
Cure | 200 | 4 | 15 | 4 | 15 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Cura | 500 | 8 | 28 | 8 | 28 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3
Curaga |2200 | 20 | 65 | 20 | 65 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 10
Life |1200 | 8 | 50 | 10 | 50 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4
Full-life |4800 | 20 | 80 | 20 | 85 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 20
Regen |2600 | 18 | 70 | 18 | 60 | 8 | 4 | 12 | 8
Esuna | 500 | 6 | 36 | 12 | 36 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 10
Despell |1000 | 12 | 36 | 16 | 60 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 14
Protect | 400 | 6 | 40 | 10 | 18 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 14
Shield | 400 | 6 | 18 | 10 | 40 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 14
Reflect |2000 | 14 | 46 | 20 | 72 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 16
Aura |3400 | 70 | 22 | 24 | 24 | 10 | 2 | 50 | 40
Double | 200 | 15 | 6 | 18 | 6 | 10 | 4 | 40 | 2
Triple |2400 | 70 | 10 | 70 | 10 | 70 | 16 | 150 | 30
Haste | 500 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 20 | 50 | 8 | 10 | 10
Slow | 500 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 20 | 40 | 8 | 10 | 10
Stop | 800 | 18 | 20 | 30 | 24 | 48 | 10 | 20 | 10
Blind | 100 | 6 | 5 | 12 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 30 | 2
Confuse | 700 | 22 | 18 | 28 | 18 | 18 | 4 | 8 | 8
Sleepel | 100 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2
Petrify |1000 | 20 | 20 | 34 | 35 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 12
Death |1800 | 22 | 22 | 38 | 58 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 38
Drain | 400 | 13 | 30 | 20 | 24 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 4
Curse |2800 | 42 | 36 | 60 | 45 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 40
Berserk | 300 | 13 | 8 | 14 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 3
Flight | 200 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 16 | 4 | 12 | 20
Zombie | 800 | 15 | 24 | 15 | 12 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2
Meltdown |1500 | 24 | 80 | 20 | 20 | 3 | 2 | 12 | 8
Scan | 100 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3

Example: Let's say that Squall's maximum HP is 1680. If you junction
100x Blizzaga to his HP through HP J (HP junction ability),
his HP will increase by 1400, making it 3080!


Junction abilities are very essential for your battles. There are
various types of abilities: Junction, Command, Character, Party, G.F
and Menu.

Description of junction abilities:

Command Allows character to use special commands during battle
(Card, Magic, Draw...).
Junction Allows you to junction magic to attributes (example:
HP-J, allows you junction magic spells to characters HP).
GF Raises GFs power and HP (example GF HP+20%).
Character Allows your character to use special commands such
as Mug, Counter or abilities to raise character attributes
(Vit+20, Str+40, ect.).
Menu It allows you to GF Abilities from the main menu -
(example, GF Siren "Refine status magic from items"
Party Effects the entire party (example, GF Siren "Find/Draw
hidden points).

Enter the junction menu and chose the most left option (ability).


Ability menu sketch:

- GF

- STR +60%
- HP 40%

You must junction the GF to your character in order to use its abilities.
GFs can learn different junction, command, character, party, G.F and menu
abilities, by selecting them in GF Learn menu. Sometimes you'll have to
learnweaker abilities first in order to get the stronger ones. (example:
HP+20% -> HP+40% -> HP+80% ).

Example: Ifrit can learn additional command Mad Rush, Str +20%, Str +40%
and Str Bonus character abilities.

All GFs have the basic commands already learned. (Item, Magic ,GF & Draw)


He's a elemental and status attack/defense window sketch:

Fire - 80% Poison - 0%
-> E ATK Fira Ice - 0% Wind - 0%
E DEF Tornado Lightning - 0% Water - 0%
E DEFx2 Thundara Earth - 0% Holy - 0%

Fire - 0% Poison - 0%
Ice - 0% Wind - 90%
Lightning - 70% Water - 0%
Earth - 0% Holy - 0%

Instant Death - 0% Zombie - 20%
-> ST ATK Pain Poison - 100% Sleep - 20%
ST DEF Esuna Petrify - 0% Slow - 20%
ST DEFx2 Absrorb Blind - 100% Stop - 20%
Silence - 100% Confuse - 20%
Berserk - 0% Absorption - 0%

Instant Death - 20% Zombie - 20%
Poison - 20% Sleep - 20%
Petrify - 20% Slow - 20%
Blind - 20% Stop - 20%
Silent - 20% Confuse - 20%
Berserk - 20% Absorption - 80%


Press right or left to switch from elemental and status attack/defense


Elemental attack allows to add an element to your physical attack. The
attack rate depends on number of spells that you have junctioned to
character's elemental attacks junction.

Example: When you fight cold-elemental monsters junction fire to your
elemental attack and the inflicted damage will be 100% higher
than usual. If you use fire elemental on a fire-based monster,
the damage will be reduced or even nullified.


Elemental attack allows you to reduce or absorb damage from an elemental
based attack. The rate of the character elemental defense depends on
number of spellsthat you have junctioned to that particular character's
elemental defense junction.

Example: Elemental based monsters, will mostly attack you with elemental
based physical attacks or spells. If you junction Wind-based
(Wind, Tornado) spell to your elemental defense you'll be able to
reduce or absorb enemy's Wind-based physical attacks and spells.


Your character will cause the status ailments as he/she attacks. The
rate of the character casting a status ailment on the enemy depends of
the number of spells that you have junction to that character's status
attack junction.

Example: Junction 100x Pain spells to your status attack. Every time
the character uses a physical attack on enemy, he will
additionally cast Poison, Blind, Silence on the enemy.


Status defense allows your character to reduce enemies status ailments
attack rate. Characters status defense rate depends of the number of
spells that you have junctioned to that character's status defense
junction. 100 junctioned status ailment spells of one type will cause
immunity to that particular status.

Example: Junctioning Esuna will raise all status ailments defense rate
for 20%.

For more menu detailed info, refer to the in-game tutorials on how to
operate the menus.


- Junction 100x Ultima spells to Squall to raise his Str 100 points.
Junction also Str +40 % or Str %60 character ability to get Squall
Str to maximum 255. Squall attack power is very important when you're
using his Renzokuken. Renzokuken can become the most powerful attack
in the game if you have his ultimate weapon Lion Heart.

- Junction 100x haste spells to characters speed attribute. Character
speed will improve greatly. You can also add the GF Cerberous Auto
Haste ability or others GFs Spd 20% & Spd 40% to boost speed to maximum.

- Junction 100x Aura of Full-life spells to character HP. In addition,
you can also use GFs HP 20%, 40% & 80% ability to reach maximum
(9999) HP.

- If you have obtained GF Odin, junction 100x of a very powerful spell
to luck attribute and use GF Doomtrain, Cactuar or Eden Luck + 50%
ability. Odin will appear more often and kill you enemies with a
single strike at the beginning of the battle.

- Use Full-life, Life, Esuna and Protect spells to increase your all-
elemental and status defense.

- Use GF Diablos Mug ability to steal items from enemies. This is a
very important ability which will help get hidden and bonus items.

- Use GF Eden's Expendx3-1 to cast thee spells at the cost of one!

- Learn GF HP +10%, +20% , +30%, (+40%) and Summon Magic +10%, +20%,
+30%, (40%) abilities to make your GFs more powerful and useful.

- Learn GF Boost ability to boost up summon damage.

<<-Absorb All Damage->>
Submited by Vexer9 Blue moon .

Try this if you want to be almost invincible against status attacks
and absorb 90% of all elementals.

100 Holy
100 Ensuna
100 Reflect
100 Pain

100 Ultima
100 Full-Life
100 Life
100 Shell

<<-Absorb All Elements->>
Submited by .

If you equip all the following magic to Elemental Defense, you should
be able to absorb all Elemental attacks.

100 Ultima
100 Meteor
100 Full-Life
100 Life


Besides the basic commands (Item, Magic, GF, Draw) GFs can also learn
additional commands. Additional commands allow character to use special
commands during battle. Here's a list of commands GFs can learn. Junction
the specific GF to your character to use it's command abilities. Note
that each character can have maximum four commands slots.

| C A R D |
G.F: Quezacot
Function: Allows you to get a Card from a monster. The monster
will turn into a card when his HP is critical. You
can also turn bosses into cards (not all, example:
Fujin and Raijin).
AP needed: 40 AP

| D E A T H S E N T E N C E |
G.F: Shiva
Function: It causes an Instant Death status. You see a counter
on the top of the enemy. Once the counter reaches zero,
the monster will be killed instantly, very ineffective
against bosses.
AP needed: 60 AP

| M A D R U S H |
G.Fs: Ifrit, Eden
Function: Causes Berserk, Haste, Shield and Protect status on
all allies.
AP needed: 60 AP

| T R E A T M E N T |
G.F: Siren
Functions: This command is pretty useful as it will remove
all status aliments from that character. I works
like Remedy.
AP needed: 100 AP

| D E F E N D |
G.Fs: Brothers, Cactuar
Function: Allows the character to defend attacks reducing damage
from offensive monsters such as the T-Rex and Iron
AP needed: 100 AP

| D A R K S I D E |
G.Fs: Diablos, Doomtrain, Eden
Function: This command does more damage using physical attacks,
and lower your HP at the same time. Use this when the
enemy's HP is running low.
AP needed: 100 AP

| R E C O V E R |
G.F: Leviathan
Function: Restores all your HP during the battle. Works like
X-potion. Very useful!
AP needed: 200 AP.

| A B S O R B |
G.Fs: Pandamona, Doomtrain
Function: You can drain HP from monsters. The amount of HP depends
on monsters HP.
AP needed: 100 AP

| R E V I V E |
G.F: Alexander
Function: Revives a dead party member and restores character's
HP fully! It has same effect as a Phoenix Down and
X-potion together. Very useful!
AP needed: 200 AP

| K A M I K A Z E |
G.F: Cactuar
Function: The character will run into an opponent and explode.
Character can inflict 20000+ damage, but you can't use
him in the specific battle anymore.
AP needed: 100 AP

| L E V E L D O W N |
G.F: Tonberry
Function: Levels down your opponent's level and reduces his
attributes. You will also gain less exp. points.
AP needed: n/a

| L E V E L U P |
G.F: Tonberry
Function: Levels up your opponent's level and raises his
attributes. You will also gain more exp. points.
AP needed: n/a

| D E V O U R |
G.Fs: Eden
Function: It's an Instant Death move, but it has crappy hit rate.
(You view some scenes from the opening FMV.)
AP needed: n/a

| K O - M O G R I |
G.F: All (use the Mog Armlet item on a GF)
Function: Restores all GFs in summon progress (when a character is
summoning GF) 1500 HP.
AP needed: (don't have this info yet)


Each character has a special type of attack called Limit Break. Mostly
they're known from FF7. In FF7 characters could unleash devastating
special moves - Limit Breaks if they had their Limit bar charged up.
In FFVIII characters can unleash Limit Breaks, when they're in critical
status. A character is incritical status when his/her HP turns yellow
(he has about 15% HP left). Next a flashing arrow will show right of
the attack command. You can also switch between your party members to
use Limit Breaks more often.

Aura spell will let you use your special moves more often (even at
full HP). It's a very important magic, so don't waste it.

Battle menu sketch:
Attack |> --> Limit Break

<< Squall Leonheart >>

Enter the main menu - Squall status menu. Push the [x] button
twice to enter the Limit Break screen.

Squall's limit break configuration sketch:

Rough Divide Fatal Circle
Blasting Zone Lion Heart

How does it work?

Gunblade Auto: If this option is turned on, Squall will automatically
do his Renzokuken combo, followed by a random selection
of the special move.

Renzokuken Indicator: If Gunblade Auto option is turned off, you can
choose between Renzokuken Indicator on and off.
If the Renzokuken Indicator is turned off, Squall
Will trigger automatically, followed by a random
special move, if you tap R1 repeatedly.

If the Renzokuken Indicator is turned on, an
indicator bar will be shown on bottom of the
screen when Squall uses his Renzokuken. You'll
see flashes moving from the right side to the left.
When a flash enters the small square near the left
edge trigger R1 to double the hit damage. In the
trigger bar, you will see flashes ranging from 1-7
hits. If you manage to trigger all attacks, you'll
see a Perfect! message shown on the trigger bar.
After the Renzokuken combo press R1 repeatedly to
unleash an (random) additional special move.


trigger R1

Getting Squall special moves:

Upgraded weapons will give you new moves.

weapon: special move:
Revolver - Rough Divide
Keer Straight (+) - Fatal Circle
Lance of Slit (+) - Blasting Zone
Lion Heart - Lion Heart

Special moves:

Name: Rough Divide
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
Mark: 6/10
Name: Fatal Circle
Effect: single strike, all opponents
Mark: 7/10
Name: Blasting Zone
Effect: single strike, all opponents
Mark: 8/10
Name: Lion Heart
Effect: 18 strikes (9999 damage each!!! - obviously the most damaging
attack in the game), 1 opponent
Mark: 10/10

<< Rinoa Heartily >>

Enter the main menu - Rinoa status menu. Push the [x] button
twice to enter the Limit Break screen.

Rinoa's limit break configuration sketch:

Angelo Rush ||||||||||||||||
Angelo Strike ||||||||||||||||
--> Angelo Recover | |
Angelo Cannon ||||||||||||||||
Invisible Moon ||||||||||||||||
Angelo Reverse ||||||||||||||||
Angelo Search | |
Angelo Wish Star |______________|

When you have read a certain Pet Magazine, the name of the move will
be uncovered. Buy them from the Timber Pet Shop, for those special
use GF Tonberrys Familiar ability. Set the move you want to learn.
The bar will built up as Rinoa walks or the field.
(Make sure that she in your party and equip GF Diablos Encounter
Nothing to learn abilities fast.)

Certain moves will be executed if Rinoa is under attack.
Examples are Angelo Rush, Angelo Recover and Angelo Search.
All these moves don't cause a turn.

Getting Rinoa Limit Breaks:

Angelo Rush - Initial Attack (one)
Angelo Recover - Pet Pals Vol. 2
Angelo Strike - Pet Pals Vol. 1
Angelo Cannon - Initial Attack (all)
Angelo Invisible Moon - Pet Pals Vol. 3
Angelo Reverse - Pet Pals Vol. 4
Angelo Search - Pet Pals Vol. 5
Angelo Wish Star - Pet Pals Vol. 6
Angel Wing - Rinoa's ultimate weapon - Shooting Star

Random Angelo Attacks

These moves will be executed if Rinoa is under consecutive attack.

Name: Angelo Rush
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
Mark: 5/10
Name: Angelo Recover
Effect: use Cure-type magic on Rinoa
Mark: 5/10
Name: Angelo Reverse
Effect: uses a Phoenix Down on Rinoa
Mark: 4/10
Name: Search Rush
Effect: search for an Tent-type item and gives it to Rinoa
Mark: 5/10

Special Moves

Select a learned move in the status menu and you'll be able to use
as a Limit Break. You can use it when a flashing arrow next attack
command is shown. Select the Combine option.

Name: Angelo Cannon
Effect: single strike, all opponents
Mark: 6/10
Name: Angelo Strike
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
Mark: 7/10
Name: Invisible Moon
Effect: uses Hero Drink on allies
Mark: 9/10
Name: Angelo Rush
Effect: 10 strikes (around 5000 damage each!), 1 opponent
Mark: 9/10
*Rinoa Secret Special Move*

Name: Angel Wing
Effect: Rinoa casts random magic on her self or enemy. The magic is
4x more effective/stronger.
Mark: 8/10

<< Irvine Kinneas >>

Irvines Limit Break requires bullets. You can get different types of
bullets by turning items into bullets using GF Ifrit Make Bullets
ability. You can use them when a flashing arrow next attack command
is shown. Select the Shot option and select the bullets you want to use.

Bullets List:

Name: Normal ammo
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
Mark: 3/10
Name: Shotgun ammo
Effect: single strike, all opponents
Mark: 5/10
Name: Fire ammo
Effect: single strike inflicting fire damage, 1 opponent
Mark: 5/10
Name: Dark ammo
Effect: single strike inflicting status damage, 1 opponent
Mark: 5/10
Name: Demolition ammo
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
Mark: 7/10
Name: Fast ammo
Effect: single strike (fast attack), 1 opponent
Mark: 6/10
Name: AP ammo
Effect: single strike inflicting armor loss, 1 opponent
Mark: 8/10
Name: Pulse ammo
Effect: single strike (they can inflict 9999 damage when Meltdown is
cast at the enemy!), 1 opponent
Mark: 9/10

<< Selphie Tilmit >>

Selphie's special moves depend on the amount of magic that she has
stocked in her inventory. She has the ability of casting many magic
spells at one time.

Example: She can cast 3x Thundaga, 2 Haste, ect. at once.

You can use it, when a flashing arrow next attack command is shown.
Select the Slot option.

Special moves:

Name: Full Cure
Effect: Fully restores all character HP
Mark: 8/10
Name: Wall
Effect: Casts Protect and Shield on a character
Mark: 7/10
Name: Leviator
Effect: Causes Flawless victory (doesn't work on bosses and
some enemies)
Mark: 8/10
Name: The End
Effect: This move instantly removes all enemies from the battlefield.
Mark: 10/10!

<< Zell Dincht >>

Zell's Limit Breaks are similar to FF7 Tifa Limit Breaks.
You can do a combo of various moves within the time limit.
You can use it when a flashing arrow next attack command is
shown. Select the Duel option. To gain Zell's new special
moves you have find/buy the Combat King magazine issues.

You can buy all Combat King magazines from Esthar Book
store using Tonberry's Familiar ability.

Zell's limit break configuration sketch:


Zell's special moves:


F - Forward B - Back U - Up D - Down
C - Circle T - Triangle S - Square

Name of Move: Button Configuration: Volume:
Description - DS:

Punch Rush C, X Initial Attack
DS: single strike, 1 opponent
Booya F, B Initial Attack
DS: single strike, 1 opponent
Heel Drop U, D Initial Attack
DS: single strike, 1 opponent
Mach Kick B, B, C Initial Attack
DS: single strike, 1 opponent
Dolphin Blow L1, R1, L1, R1 Combat King 001
DS: single strike, 1 opponent
Meteor Strike D, C, U, C Combat King 002
DS: single strike, 1 opponent
Burning Rave D, D, D, D, C Initial Attack
DS: single strike, all opponents Mark: 7/10
Meteor Barret U, X, D, T, C Combat King 003
DS: single strike, 1 opponent Mark: 7/10
Different Beat T, S, X, C, U Combat King 004
DS: single strike, 1 opponent Mark: 8/10
My Final Heaven U, F, D, B, T Combat King 005
DS: single strike, all opponents (9999 damage all) Mark: 9/10

How to use Zell's special moves:
|==| Finishing Blow: Burning Rave (initial technique)

If the timer starts lower than 6'40 :
1. Rush Punch, Mach Kick, Rush Punch, Heel Drop/Meteo Strike
-> Burning Rave.

If the timer starts higher than 9'00:
2. Booya, Heel Drop, Meteor Strike, Booya -> Burning Rave
|==| Finishing Blow: Meteo Blast (Zell at Level 40)

If the timer starts lower than 6'40
1. Rush Punch, Dolphin Blow -> Meteo Blast

If the timer starts higher than 9'00:

2. Booya, Meteo Strike, Dolphin Blow, Mach Kick -> Meteo Blast
|==| Finishing Blow: Different Beat (Zell at Level 80)

If the timer starts lower than 6'40
1. Booya, Meteo Strike, Head Shock -> Different Beat

If the timer starts higher than 9'00:
2. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Heel Drop, Head Shock ->
Different Beat
|==| Finishing Blow: My Final Heaven (Zell at Level 100)

If the timer starts lower than 6'40
1. Booya, Heel Drop, Meteo Strike -> My Final Heaven

If the timer starts higher than 9'00:
3. Head Shock, Heal Drop, Mach Kick, Rush Punch -> My Final Heaven

<< Quistis Trepe >>

Quistis Limit Breaks are different enemy skills. You can gain
enemy skills from enemy's items. Each Limit Break (blue magic)
is an enemy's ability, you have gained by defeating the enemy.

Quistis's enemy skills:

Enemy skill: Laser Eye
Item: n/a
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
Getting it (GI): It's the initial special move for Quistis.
Enemy skill: Super Vibration
Item: Spider String
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
GI: At the forests of Balamb, you'll fight caterpillar
like structures (win/steal it).
Enemy skill: Thunder Strike
Item: Corel Fragment
Effect: electric based attack, all opponents
GI: You can get this by stealing from the Creeps (shadow
like creatures) in Deling city sewers.
Enemy skill: Level ?? Death
Item: Curse Spike
Effect: Quistis cast Death at all enemies (misses often)
GI: You can get this by defeating Malboro.
Enemy skill: Detonator
Item: Black Hole
Effect: Demi based attack, all opponents
GI: You can win/steal from creatures found in Laguna
last scenario. Changing GF Diablos Card will do also.
Enemy skill: Aqua Breath
Item: Crystal Water
Effect: water based attack, 1 opponent
GI: You need to fight water-based creatures in Esthar
area. Use GF Bahamut's Rare Item for assistance.
Enemy skill: Micro Missile
Item: Missel
Effect: demi based attack (reduces 3/4 enemy HP), 1 opponent
GI: You need to fight GIM52A or BGH251F2 to steal from it.
BGH251F2 is actually the BOSS in the Missile Base.
Enemy skill: Boiling Liquid
Item: Mystery Fluid
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
GI: You need to fight Gayla. Gayla is found at the
snowfield of Travia/Esthar.
Enemy skill: Gatling Gun
Item: Machine Gun
Effect: multiple strikes, 1 opponent
GI: You need to fight SAM08G or BGH251F2. Just steal
from SAMOGA (looks like a robotic dinosaur).
Enemy skill: Fire Breath
Item: Fire Dragon Fang
Effect: fire based attack, all opponents
GI: You will need to fight the Ruby dragon at the
Island closest to Hell. Steal from it.
Enemy skill: Bad Breath
Item needed: Molbor's Tentacle
Effect: multiple status attack, all opponents
GI: You will need to fight Molbors found at the
Island closest to Hell/Heaven.
Enemy skill: Laser Canon
Item: Laser Canon
Effect: single strike, 1 opponent
GI: You need to fight the robotic boss (Trauma) at
Lunatic Pandora, steal from it.
Enemy skill: Angel Whisper
Item: Wind Whisper
Effect: restores all characters HP!
GI: Steal from it Adamantmai, found at the shores of
Long Horn Island, just steal it. You may need
Bahamut's Rare Item for assistance.
Enemy skill: Mighty Guard
Item: Barrier System
Effect: Casts Haste, Regen, Flight, Barrier and Shield
on all allies (sometimes Aura too).
GI: You will encounter Behemoths near the Esthars
barrier, just steal from them.
Enemy skill: Ray Bomb
Item: High Output Occurence Device
Effect: mayor single strike, all opponents
GI: Steal it from Iron warriors at Lunatic Pandora.
Enemy skill: Shockwave Pulser
Item: Dark Matter
Effect: a powerful single strike, all opponents - Givera
uses this before it dies! It does an outstanding
5-digit damage!
GI: Get 100x Curse Spikes and acquire GF Siren's
Make Tools. Change the 100x Curse Spikes and you
will get the Dark Matter.

NOTE! GF Sirens level must be 100 in order to make the
Dark Matter.

Other Characters:

Here's a list of less important, but also playable characters Limit

Laguna Loire
Name: Desperado
Damage affect: all
Description: mayor damage, depends on his Str stats
Mark 8/10

Kiros Seagul
Name: Blood Pain
Damage affect: single
Description: combo of 7-8 strikes at one opponent
Mark 8/10

Ward Zarback
Name: Massive Anchor
Damage affect: all
Description: damage depending on his str stats
Mark 7/10

Name: Cross Sword
Damage affect: all
Description: Seifer generates a ball of energy which hits for damage
Mark 6/10

Name: Chilled Strike
Damage affect: one
Description: single magic strike
Mark 5/10

< III. B O S S W A L K T R O U G H D I S C 1 >

<=I=F=R=I=T=> [GF]

Location: Fire Cavern located West from Balamb Garden.
Name: Ifrit
Level: 7
HP: 880
Facts: Weak against Ice/water. Nullifies Fire attacks.
Attacks: Fire, Jump Swap
Draw: Scan, Cure, Fire
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: 4x G.F Returner, 1x Ifrit's Card

Using GF Shiva repeatedly should finish him quick. Physical attacks
will do also. Take the opportunity to draw some Scan and Cure spells
from him. Beating him won't be a problem, after all he is the easiest
boss in the game.


Location: Dollet communication tower.
Name: Elvoret
Level: 8
HP: 2882
Facts: Weak against Wind. Nullifies Poison attacks.
Attacks: Bolt, Claw swipe, Flood Breath, Fire
Draw: Thunder, Cure, Double, Siren [GF]
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 18
Win: 2x Elixir, 2x Cottage, 3x G.F Returner

At the beginning of the battle you'll fight Wedge and Biggs. Take
Them out quick using GF Quezacot, Shiva and Ifrit or your best spells
(blizzard, fire, etc). Next Elvoret will appear.

This boss can be a tough cookie, if you're out of items and spells.
So watch out! Use your GFs and magic to deal out damage. Draw some
magic from Elvoret and use it on him. Use Potions and Cure spells to
restore lost HP and Phoenix Downs to revive dead members. You can also
draw Double, and use it on yourself to cast repeatedly two magic spells
at one turn. That way you'll defeat him fast. Don't forget to draw GF
Siren from it, before it dies!


Location: You'll met it during the Dollet communication tower retreat.
Name: X-ATM092
Level: 10
HP: 4800
Facts: Weak against Thunder. Strong against Poison.
Attacks: Desperate Charge, Claw Attack, Leg swipe, Ray Bomb
Draw: Fire, Blizzard, Cure, Protect
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 50
Win: random items

Now this boss is pretty hard! You DON'T have to fight him. If your
characters are low levels, better run from battle every time he attacks
you. If you want to beat him, note that it can only be done the 2nd
time you face it. The best place to take it down is the bridge.

Have GF Quezacot learn Summon Magic +10% (+20%) and Boost ability to
improve his summon attack. Repeatedly use GF Quezacot with character
having the highest affiliation with GF Quezacot. Using Squall's and
Zell Limit Breaks works great if you have high attack stats (junction
some magic to Str.). Use Lightning-based spells on him to dish out some
damage. Watch out for his Raybomb attack! Draw Cure from him if your HP
is running low.

by Tim Robinson

If your level is very high, and I mean very high you can actually
kill the creature 8 times if you have the abilities SumMag+10%, 20%
and 30%, and also boost, Quezacotl compatibility must also be near
1000. This way you can get 400 AP.

<=G=E=R=O=G=E=R=O=> [fake president]

Location: On the fake Presidential train.
Name: Gerogero
Level: 10
HP: 2750
Facts: Weak against Holy/Fire/Earth/Heal. Strong vs. Poison
Attacks: Fire, Thunder, Flood Breath, Blind, Berserk, Zombie
Draw: Esuna, Double, Berserk, Zombie
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x Zombie Powder

First you'll be attacked by fake president. He pretty weak, so finish
Him quickly using GFs or physical attacks.

Next fake president will reveal his true self - Gerogeru. Attack him
using your GFs, fire-based magic spells or Physical attacks. Use Limit
Breaks for assistance. Take a note that you can restore your status by
drawing Esuna from Gerogero and using it on yourself.


Location: Tomb of the Unknown King.
Name: Sacred
Level: 12
HP: 1420
Facts: Weak against Poison/Wind. Strong vs. Earth.
Attacks: Regen (on himself), Pole swing
Draw: Shield, Protect, Berserk, Life
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 0
Win: 8x GF Hi-Potion

First summon GF Siren to remove Sacred HP regeneration status and to
silencehim. If you don't have GF Siren cast Silence spell on him, it
do the same. Follow by using Wind-based spells and GFs to hit hard.
Draw Protect from him and use it on yourself to reduce his physical
attacks damage. You should finish him quick since your level (stats)
have increased. Don't forget to stock some Life spells from him.


Location: Tomb of the Unknown King.

Name: Sacred
Level: 12
HP: 1600+
Facts: Weak against Poison/Wind. Strong vs. Earth.
Attacks: Regen (on himself), Swing Pole
Draw: Shield, Protect, Berserk, Life
Mug: n/a

Name: Minotaur
Level: 15
HP: 3300+
Facts: Weak against Poison/Wind. Strong vs. Earth.
Attacks: Regen (on himself), Earthquake
Draw: Shield, Protect, Berserk, Cure
Mug: n/a

AP gain: 40
Win: 8x GF Returner, 8x GF Hi-Potion, Sacred's Card

First summon GF Siren to remove Sacred HP regeneration status and to
silencehim. If you don't GF Siren cast Silence spell on him. Junction
Wind-basedspells to your Elemental Attack and finish off with your
physical attacks. Use your GFs and Limit Breaks (Squall) for assistance.
Finish off Minotour first as he can has the highest HP and most offensive
attacks. Don't forget to remove their regen status, with Dispell if they
cast regen on them.

by Raylene Funk

There is another way to beat Minotaur and Sacred. When you scan them,
it says that their regen only happens when their feet touch the ground,
so that got me thinking, I had some floats that I drew from Thrustavies'.
So when I fought them, I cast float on them, so their feet didn't touch
the ground! Then you can take them out with GF's and regular physical

<=I=G=U=I=O=N=> [2x]

Location: At the residential Residence.
Name: Iguion (2x)
Level: 14
HP: 1260
Facts: Weak against Earth/Holy. Nullifies Fire/Poison attacks.
Attacks: Bite, Whip, Acid Breath, Double Vibration
Draw: Esuna, Petrify, Cure, Carbunkle [GF]
Mug: 4x G.F Returner
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x G.F Returner

Note that you can only use Squall and Irvine in this battle. I recommend
thatyour learn GF Brothers Summon Magic +10% (+20%) to inflict mayor
damage onthe boss. Beware of the boss Acid Breath as it could turn one
of your members into stone. Counter with Esuna (which can be drawn from
the boss), to restore status disorder. You might want to use Irvine and
Squall Limit Breaks. Don't forget to draw GF Carbunkle from the boss!

<=D=I=A=B=L=O=S=> [GF - disc1+]

Location: Use item Magic Latern in the item menu, given by Cid.
Name: Diablos
Level: 15
HP: 11200
Facts: Weak against Wind (Aero).
Attacks: Gravinja, Demi, Charge, (counter Curaga)
Draw: Cure, Demi
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x G.F Returner, Diablo's Card

Stock Demi from Diablos and cast it on him. He will counter with Curaga
and heal your character. Continue until his HP becomes critical, then
use a powerful attack (GF summon or Limit Break) to finish him off.


Location: At sorceress Edea's parade.
Name: Seifer
Level: 14
HP: 1465
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Gunblade, Fira, Fire swipe
Draw: Fire, Cure, Life
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 0
Win: n/a

You can control only Squall in this battle. If you are low on HP, just draw
Cure from him and use it on yourself. You will probably defeat him using
GF Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers or normal attacks if you have high Str stats.
Seifer is pretty weak. Take this chance to stock up Life spells.


Location: You fight her after you have taken out Seifer.
Name: Edea
Level: 14
HP: 5480
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Dispell
Draw: Curaga, Dispell, Life, Double
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: n/a

She is quite a hard cookie, but there is an easy way to defeat her. At
the beginning of the battle have your HPs full and summon GF Carbunkle
to reflectall her attack spells. She will waste her turns removing the
reflect status from every character. Use the given time to attack with
GFs and Limit Breaks or use the recovery items when you're under reflect
to restore lost HP. When she removes the reflect status from all, summon
Carbunkle again and you'll buy some more time.

< IV. B O S S W A L K T R O U G H D I S C 2 >


Location: Desert missile base, command room.

Name: Galbanian captain
Level: 17
HP: 2300+
Facts: Weak against Poison.
Attacks: Machinegun Fire, Charge, Merton, Cure, Aura
Draw: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Scan
Mug: Tent

Name: GIM-52A (2X)
Level: 15
HP: 1800+
Facts: Weak against Lightning/Earth/Water.
Attacks: Charge, Micro Missile
Draw: Slow, Haste
Mug: Missel

AP gain: 8
Win: Windmill

This boss can be quite hard, so have some Hi-potions and Phoenix Downs
for this battle. Draw Haste from GIM-52A and use it on yourself to boost
your characters ATB. Draw Slow and use it on the Captain so that he won't
be able to attack so frequently. Watch out GIM-52A Micro Missile attack,
it reduce 3/4 of your HP. Use some Hi Potions to restore lost HP.
I recommend that you remove the Captain first by using physical attacks
(if your Str. is high) and make full use of your GFs to remove those pesky
GIM-52A robots. Mug the Missel from the GIM-52A robots; it's a very
useful Quistis's Limit Break.


Location: You encounter him when you try to escape the missile base.
Name: BGHZ51F2
Level: 14
HP: 7120
Facts: Weak against Lightning/Earth/Ice. Poison has no effect on him.
Attacks: Machinegun attack, Laser Beam
Draw: Shield, Protect, Stop
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 4
Win: 1x Weapon Mon Jun

Junction Lightning/Earth/Ice to your elemental attack to hit hard or
Repeatedly summon GF Quezacot, Shiva and Brothers. Once you have destroyed
one of his parts, the BGH251F2 will counter with Beam Cannon (900+ HP
damage), so watch your HPs. Draw Protect and Shell to lower the physical
damage. Have 2 characters use the item command to recover your allies
with Hi-potions and Phoenix Downs.

After you have taken out the BGH251F2, you'll fight a Galbadian Captain
and 2 Galbadian Soldiers. Take them out quick. The whole fight should
take you no more than 10 minutes.

<=O=I=L=B=O=Y=L=E=> [2x]

Location: They will attacks you in the Garden basement.
Name: Oilboyle
Level: 17
HP: 4120 (2x)
Facts: Weak against Fire. Absorbs Water.
Attacks: Grab and Bite, Light Beam, Flood Mud
Draw: Esuna, Blind, Cura, Confuse
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: 10x Magic Stone

Start with repeatedly summoning GF Ifrit and casting Fire-based spells
(Fire, Fira, Firaga). Flood Mug can inflict 400+ damage so watch your
characters HPs. Counter by drawing Cura from them and use it on yourself.
Junction Fire to your character's attributes attack to inflict more


Location: Basement of Balamb Garden.

Name: Middle Orb
Level: 17
HP: 2020
Facts: Weak against Poison. Strong against Lightning.
Attacks: n/a
Draw: Cura
Mug: n/a

Name: Side Orbs (left & right)
Level: 21
HP: 2145
Facts: Strong against all Elements.
Attacks: Thundara, Aero, Fire
Draw: Thunder, Life
Mug: 4x Magic Source (left)

Name: Norg
Level: 25
HP: 11600
Facts: Weak against Wind (Aero). Poison does not work on him.
Attacks: Water, Shield, Blizzara, Mirror Blast
Draw: Shield, Protect, Esuna, Leviathan [GF]
Mug: n/a

AP gain: 20
Win: 8x Magic Stone

I recommend that you have 2 members attack the side orbs to keep them
from turning red (and use it's powerful magic). Mug Magic Source from
the Left Orb. Squall should cast poison to destroy the Middle Orb. Next
Norg will reveal himself and attack you. Draw G.F. Leviathan from him
first, then attack with wind-based (Aero, Tornado) spells, Demi magic
or G.Fs. You can also use GF Carbunkle to reflect Norgs magic. Have
some Hi-potions and Phoenix Downs ready.


Location: You encounter during the FH City docking.
Name: BGH251F2
Level: 26
HP: 7600
Facts: Weak against Lightning/Earth/Ice. Poison has no effect on him.
Attacks: Gunshot, Gun Beam
Draw: Shield, Stop, Reflect
Mug: 1x Adamantium
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x Fang Machine Gun

A very similar boss to BGHZ51F2 (you encounter it when you try to
escape the missile base). Due to your higher levels, he shouldn't
very hard to beat. If you have any troubles defeating him refer to
the BGHZ51F2 strategy listed few pages above.

<=O=D=I=N=> [GF - disc2+]

Location: Refer to the Hidden GFs section.
Name: Odin
Level: 28
HP: 9000
Facts: n/a
Attacks: n/a
Draw: Stop, Death, Double, Triple
Mug: 1x Writings of Luck
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x G.F Mega Potion

Odin is probably the easiest boss the game. Why? Because he doesn't
Attack you at all. But watch the time limit. Wisely use your time to
draw some triple and double spells from him. DON'T forget to mug
Writings of Luck item from him (a very rare item)!

<=K=I=N=G==T=O=N=B=E=R=R=Y=> [GF - disc2+]

Location: Refer to the Hidden GFs section.
Name: King Tonberry
Level: 36
HP: 80000+
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Kitchen Knife, Earthquake Stomp, Lantern Shot, Death
Draw: Death, Curaga, Full-life
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 24
Win: 1x Royal Crown

I recommend that you fight King Tonberry when you have Squall Str at 255.
Junction GF Cerberus Auto-Haste to Squall. Have Squall in critical status
or use Aura on him to use to unleash his Renzokuken. Cast Meltdown on King
Tonberry to double the damage. After 2-3 Renzokukens Squall will probably
defeat King Tonberry.


Location: At the Balamb hotel

Name: Raijin
Level: 24
HP: 8040
Facts: Weak against Poison. Nullifies Lightning attacks.
Attacks: Pole strike, Spin Pole
Draw: Thunder, Thrundara, Shield, Protect
Mug: 4x Power Source

Name: Galbanian Solders (2X)
Level: 24
HP: 600+
Facts: Weak against Poison.
Attacks: Sword attack, Fira
Draw: Fira, Thrundara, Blizzaga, Cura
Mug: 1x Hi Potion

AP gain: 12
Win: 2x Potion, 1x Power Source

Fist take quickly out two Galbanian Solders, so they won't bug you
anymore. Junction Bio spell to inflict some mayor damage to Raijin.
Use all GFs except Quezacot. I recommend that you raise Squall Str.
to 150+ in order to inflict 2000+ physical damage on her each time!
Try to mug Power Source from Raijin (an item which will raise your
Str. attribute for one point).


Well you have to beat him first and the soldiers. First you cast a sleep
spell on Raijin (there is no guarantee this will work the first time
but if not keep trying). Make sure you have GF Ifrit and Shiva junctioned,
Diablos is good too. Once you have sleep spell cast on him use only the
most powerfull GF except Quezacotl. Ifrit and Shiva will do most damage
and also use Bio's against him. This should get him out the way rather quickly.


Location: At the Balamb hotel.

Name: Raijin
Level: 22
HP: 8800
Facts: Weak against Poison. Nullifies Lightning attacks.
Attacks: Pole attack, Spin pole, Lightning Strike
Draw: Thunder, Thundara, Shield, Barrier
Mug: n/a

Name: Fujin
Level: 26
HP: 7720
Facts: Weak against Poison. Nullifies Wind attacks.
Attacks: Dart roll
Draw: Wind, Cura, Life, Pandemona [GF]
Mug: 4x Magic Source

AP gain: 20
Win: 1x Power Source, 1x Combat King 002, 1x Megalixir

First draw GF Pandemona from Fujin and Blind on him to reduce her hit
rate. You can draw magic from Fujin and use it on Raijin or backwards.
Quezacot won't work on Raijin, so use all other GFs. Try to make a good
use Of Squall Renzokuken if you have high Str stats. Junction Bio magic
to your elemental attack, to inflict higher physical damage on them.


This battle will be a little more difficult. Cast sleep on both Raijin
andFuujin. Once again there is no guarantee this will work on first try
but keeptrying. Once asleep cast Demi on Fuujin, this will cause alot
of damage. Use GF Ifrit for Raijin. Keep repeating this as many times
as possible and asquick as you can. If they wake up from sleep before
they are defeated which is very likely do not try to cast sleep right
away, the likelihood of this working back to back is very slim. If you
have a sufficient amount of Demi's Fuujin should be out of the way
quickly. If you do not have Demi's then I recommend you get them before
going into battle against Fuujin because this will be the most affective
way I have found to beat her. Make sure that youdraw GF Pandemona from
Fuujin before defeating her.

<=C=E=R=B=E=R=U=S=> [GF]

Location: You'll entcounter him in the main hall of Galbania Garden,
when Galbanian Garden is under attack.
Name: Cerberus
Level 28
HP: 9800
Facts: Wind has no effect on him. Absorbs Lightning damage.
Attacks: Berserk, Tail Whip, Triple, Thundaga, Earthquake
Draw: Quake, Double, Triple
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x G.F Returner, Cerberus Card

Cerberus will often cast triple on himself, so remove it with Dispell.
Attack will all GFs except Quezacot and Pandemona. Also use Squall
Renzokuken to hit hard. Cast some Demi spells on him to reduce his HP.
To remove status disorder cast Esuna on yourself. You can Draw Triple
from him, so make advantage of this opportunity.


Location: In the third floor of Galbania Garden.
Name: Seifer
Level: 22
HP: 7650
Facts: Weak against Poison.
Attacks: Gunblade swipe, Firaga, Fire, Thundara, Tornado Sword attack,
Draw: Fira, Thundara, Despell, Haste
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 20
Win: 8x Mega Potion

Seifer has improve a lot from the last fight. Junction Bio to your
Elemental attack to make advantage of his weak spot. Cast Protect on
members to reduce physical damage. Use all GFs to attack him (I prefer
Leviathan). When he starts to using his powerful Tornado Sword attack,
have two character as healers to recover quickly (use Cura and Hi-potion).
Use Squall Limit Breaks to finish Seifer.


Location: At the main hall of Galbania Garden, after you have defeated
Name: Seifer
Level: 20
HP: 5000
Facts: Weak against Poison.
Attacks: Gunblade, Fira, Thundara
Draw: Fira, Thundara, Despell, Haste
Mug: 1x Hero Drink

Name: Edea
Level: 20
HP: 10000
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Shadow Flare, Death, Silent, Blizzaga, Despell, Reflect
Draw: Blizzaga, Demi, Esuna, Alexander [GF]
Mug: n/a

AP gain: 50
Win: 1x Hero Drink

This is a very hard fight. Take out first Seifer by using Leviathan,
Diablos and Squall Limit Breaks. Use Aura on Squall for assistance.
Draw Alexander from Edea and continue by casting Shell on all members
to reduce Edea spells damage. GF Carbunkle doesn't work here (she will
cast reflect on herself). So once again (...) use your strongest GFs
(Leviathan, Diablos, etc.) to defeat her. You can also cast Meltdown
on her, followed by Squall Renzokuken. Defeat her quick, or you'll find
yourself in big trouble (sort of ...).

< V. B O S S W A L K T R O U G H D I S C 3 >


Location: You encounter him during Laguna's third scenario.
Name: Ruby dragon
Level: 27
HP: 16981
Facts: Weak agains Ice/Holy, nullifies wind and fire-based attacks.
Attacks: Bite, Claw Swipe, Dragon Breath
Draw: Fira, Wind
Mug: 2x Fire Dragon Fang
AP gain: 14
Win: 1x Fire Dragon Fang

Junction 100x powerful Thundara/Thundraga spells (or Blizzara/Blizzaga)
your elemental attack and 100x powerful Fire spells (ie. Fira/ Firaga)to
elemental defense. His Dragon Breath damage will be greatly reduced due
to your ice elemental defense. Attack him with Ice-based magic. If you
have high str stats use Lagunas Limit Break (it can do up to 9999 damage).


Location: In the snowy area, when you search for Esthar.
Name: Abadon
Level: 32
HP: 16010
Facts: Weak against Holy/Fire.
Attacks: Claw grab, Claw swipe, Confu
Draw: Curaga, Esuna, Despell, Flare
Mug: 1x Power Wrist
AP gain: 40
Win: 10x Flare Stone

At the beginning of the battle cast Zombie on Abadon. Now use the GF
LeviathanRecover command on him. It will do 9999 damage on him (do this
twice to killhim). If you don't have the Recover command, use X-Potions
(9999 damage), Elixirs (9999 damage) or Hi-potions (1000 damage) to
defeat him easily.

<=B=A=H=A=M=U=T=> [GF - disc3+]

Location: Refer to the Hidden GFs section.
Name: Bahamut
Level: 40
HP: 42000
Facts: Drains Poison. Wind/Lightning has no effect on him.
Attacks: Claw swipe, Tetra Flame, Flare
Draw: Flare, Curaga, Full-Life
Mug: 1x Hyper Wrist
AP gain: 40
Win: 1x Hyper Wrist, Bahamut's Card

I recommend that you fight Bahamut when you have Squall Str at 255.
Junction GF Cerberus Auto-Haste to Squall. When you enter the battle
cast Meltdown on Bahamut and use Squall (cast Aura on him) Renzokuken
to finish him off quickly.

<=C=A=C=T=U=A=R=> [GF - disc3+]

Location: Refer to the Hidden GFs section.
Name: Cactuar
Level: 30
HP: ????? (90000+)
Facts: Weak against Water.
Attacks: 10,000 Needles, Quake smash
Draw: Meltdown, Demi, Tornado
Mug: 3x Cactaur Thorn
AP gain: 20
Win: 1x Ring of Gaia

Have Squall Str at 255, junction 100x Haste to his Speed. You can also
use GF Cerberus Auto-Haste ability. Draw Meltdown from Cactuar and use
it on him. Use Squall Renzokuken repeatedly to finish him off.

by Chris Bradow

Junction 100 Waters to Squalls Elemental Attack. Use Squalls Limit
Breaks, but also summon GF cerebus and when the other characters' don't
have to heal anyone use Water using GF Eden Expendix3-1! Add one castin
of meltdown and even when Squall's level is 100, the Cactuar will drop
like a fly.

<=U=L=T=I=M=A==W=E=A=P=O=N=> [disc3+]

Location: Refer to the Hidden GFs section.
Name: Ultima Weapon
Level: 60
HP: ?????? (100000+)
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Sword Swipe, Shadow Flare, Earthquake, Meteor, Light Pillar
Draw: Regen, Despell, Ultima, Eden [GF]
Mug: 1x 3 Stance
AP gain: 100
Win: 100x Ultima Stone, Eden's Card

Omega Weapon is the second hardest boss in the game. You'll have to
fight Ultima several times before you'll defeat him.

Have Squall Str at 255. Junction 100x Haste to all Character's speed.
Speed is the key factor in defeating the Weapons. Junction GF Cerberus
Auto-Haste ability to Squall. Have Squall's ultimate weapon Lion Heart.
You also need GF Alexander's Revive and GF Leviathan's Recover command.
Have some x-potions, Mega Phoenixes and Elixirs ready. Every character
HP must be higher than 5000. Have some Hero Drinks ready, just in case.

How do I get a Mega Phoenix?

Learn GF Alexander Medicine Level Up ability and refine 50 Phoenix
Downs into 1 Mega Phoenix.

By Sparrowhawk

There is a nice trick to use one of Ultima Weapon's (U.W.'s) for
healing purposes. This attack is the QUAKE spell - just equip 100
QUAKES to the Characters ELEM-DF. The defense value will be 150%,
thus regenerating the HP of each character by about 1000-1500 HP.

At the beginning of the battle Ultima will probably attack with Light
Pillar and kill one of your characters. Quickly revive your character
with the revivecommand or use a Mega Phoenix. Cast Meltdown on Ultima
Weapon and Aura onSquall and let him unleash his Renzokuken. Due to
your high speed attributeyou'll be able to attack several times before
Ultima counters. Ultima Weapon'll die after 3 to 4 Renzokukens. Lion
Heart will automatically kill Ultima Weaponif you can get it. Always
revive your party members quickly if they are KO. Don't forget to draw
Eden from it, before it dies.

This an easy way to defeat the Ultima Weapon. Have Squall in critical
status before you fight Ultima Weapon. Use a Hero Drink on Squall at
thebeginning of the battle. Cast Meltdown on the Ultima Weapon (optional).
Just repeatedly use the Renzokuken to finish him off. Don't forget to
draw Eden from him, before it dies.

by Logan

When fighting the Ultima Weapon, if Squall has the Lion Heart, all you
haveto do is hit Squall with an Aura stone (or spell) and he will
automaticallydo his Renzokuken Lion Heart attack which will kill Ultima
in ONE attack. I did this 5 times already! (Because I kept killing him
before I could draw Eden.)


Location: After you crash the Lunatic Pandora with Rangok.

Name: Fujin
Level: 40
HP: 16400
Facts: Weak against Poison. Nullifies Wind attacks.
Attacks: Dart Roll, Rush Swipe, Meteor, Haste, Blind, Tornado
Draw: Wind, Curaga, Full-life, Tornado
Mug: 2x Megalixir

Name: Raijin
Level: 40
HP: 20780
Facts: Weak against Poison. Nullifies Lightning attacks.
Attacks: Spin Pole, Pole Rush, Lightning Strike, Aura
Draw: Thundara, Thundaga, Protect, Shield
Mug: 1x Power Source

AP gain: 20
Win: 3x Power Source, 1x Megalixir

Cast blind on Raijin to reduce his hit rate. Use Dispell to prevent
any statusboostss the enemy will cast on them (Raijin --> Aura, Fujin
--> Haste) Use all your GFs, Except Quezacot and Pandemona. Repeatedly
use Limit Breaks to win the battlequickly. Draw Full-life from Fujin
to revive dead party members. You can also cast Protect and Shield on
all to reduce the damage when being hit by them.


Location: You encounter it when inside Lunatic Pandora.

Name: Mobil Suite No.8
Level: 38
HP: 40000+
Facts: Weak against Lightning.
Attacks: Underground Blast, Laser Cannon, Tentacle whip, Fallen Shone
Draw: Firaga, Thundraga, Blizzaga, Flare
Mug: 1x Laser Cannon

Name: Mobil Suite Left/Right side
Level: 42
HP: 9500 (2x)
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Laser Cannon, Fallen Shone, Dash
Draw: Curga, Demi (left), Esuna (right)
Mug: 2x Guard Source (left side)

AP gain: 40
Win: 2x Laser Cannon

Take note the Fallen Shone will reduce everyone's HP to 1, so quickly
counter with Cura, Recovery command or some Exlirs. Use Triple or GF
Cerberus to cast tree spells at one turn. Use this advantage by casting
powerful spells like Ultima, Meteor, Flare and Tornado. If you have Squall
Str. 200+ make full use of his Renzokuken (Limit Break). Junction 100x
Thundraga to every characters attributes attack to raise your physical
attack. If your characters strength statsare 255, they could inflict 9999
damage with that junction!


Location: Third floor of Galbania Garden.
Name: Seifer
Level: 34
HP: 26800
Facts: Weak against Poison.
Attacks: Sword swipe, Firaga, Fire-all cross-slash
Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Aura
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 40
Win: 1x Hero Drink

He is one easy boss. Why? Because you can Draw Aura from Seifer and
use it on Squall to unleash his Renzokuken. Try to draw as many as
possible Aura spells (very useful against the hardest bosses) from him.


If you have obtained Odin, Seifer will kill him at the beginning of
the battle. After few turns Gilgamesh will appear and defeat Seifer.
Use this time wisely to draw as many Aura spells as you can.

< VI. B O S S W A L K T R O U G H D I S C 4 >


Location: After you have beat Seifer at the Lunatic Pandora.

Name: Adel
Level: 44
HP: ????? (55000+)
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Life Drain, Meteor, Swipe, Shock Bomb
Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Flare
Mug: 1x Soul of Samantha

Name: Rinoa
Level: 44
HP: 6245
Facts: n/a
Attacks: n/a
Draw: Esuna, Despell, Regen
Mug: 8x Megalixir

Do not use any GFs or all-attack spells in this battle. Use Protect
and Shield magic to raise your defence against magic. Cast Aura on
Squall. Let him unleash the Renzokuken. Do not trigger the special
attack! Cure Rinoa if her HP is low (if she dies, you'll lose
automatically). Draw Regen from her and use it on yourself. You can
also use Triple and cast Flare three times (use GF Eden Expendx3-1
to reduce magic usage). Don't forget to mug Soul of Samantha from Adel
(a very rare item).


Location: Next Adel will appear in her final form.

Name: Witch Type A (6x)
Level: 45
HP: 3390
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Swipe, Fire, Thunder, Thundaga
Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga
Mug: Meteor Stone

Name: Witch Type B (5x)
Level: 45
HP: 4496
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Flick, Meteor, Double, Haste
Draw: Haste, Double
Mug: Meteor Stone

Name: Final Witch
Level: 45
HP: ????? (90000+)
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Creepy Touch, Ultima, Double, Meteor
Draw: Flare, Holy
Mug: Ultima Stone

AP gain: 55
Win: 5x Ultima Stone

Have Squall Str at 255 and use GF Cerberus Auto-Haste to boost his
turns.Use Squalls attack, Meteor or Ultima spell to finish the Witches
quickly,before they can attack (they can really really annoying). Cast
Aura onSquall and Meltdown on the Final Witch. Make a full use of Squall
most powerful attack (Limit Break) - Renzokuken. You can also use Zell
Limit Breaks if you have high Str stats or Irvine Limit Break with Pulse
Ammo (9999 damage each shot if the boss if under Vit 0 status - Meltdown).
Boosted GF Eden at high levels (70+) can also do a lot of damage (40000+).


Location: Go upstairs in the main hall of Ultimecia's Caste.
Name: Sphinxaur
Level: ??
HP: 12000+
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Countdown to death, Charge, Firaga
Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Megalixir

Junction powerful magic like Ultima, Triple, Aura Str. attribute,
Since you can only use the attack command in this battle. Using
Limit Breaks will finish him off very quickly.


Location: Examine the main picture in Gallery room next to the
entrance room. The answer is VIVIDARIUM, INTERVIGILIUM

Name: Trauma
Level: 45
HP: 30000+
Facts: Weak against Wind.
Attacks: Life Drain, Create, Cannon Blast, Whip
Draw: Flare, [GF Leviathan]
Mug: n/a

Name: Drama
Level: 18
HP: 2410
Facts: Weak against Wind.
Attacks: Scuba Dive, Beam Cannon
Draw: Esuna, Despell
Mug: 2x Meteor Stone

AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Elemental Attack

He is a pretty nasty boss! If you're able to access magic, cast Ultima
or Flare two or three times at once (use Double or Triple spells).
Junction GF Eden Expendix 3-1 to your character to reduce spell usage.
I recommend using Squall or Zell Limit Break on Trauma. Make sure you
have high Str. stats. Watch out for Drama's Beam Cannon!


Location: Examine the hatch in the banquet (room with a chandelier).
Name: Tri-Point
Level: 55
HP: 25000+
Facts: Weak against Fire. Nullifies Lightning-based attacks.
Attacks: Mega Spark, Charge, Swipe.
Draw: Haste, Tornado, Bio, [GF Siren]
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Rocket Engine

Take care that Tri-point will mostly counter your physical attacks
and spellswith Mega Spark (Lighting Strike, it can do up to 3000+ damage).
His powerful attack is also his weakpoint. Why? Junction 100x Thundara/
Thundraga spells to your Elemental defense and Tri-point's most powerful
attack will be nullifiedor absorbed by you. Additionally use your best
Limit Breaks and spells (Ultima and Meteor) to finish him off quickly.


Location: Head down for the basement of Ultimecia's castle. Enter
the open door at the middle. You will find a corpse holding
a key, examine it and you will fight Red Giant.
Name: Red Giant
Level: 30
HP: 28800
Facts: Strong against physical attacks.
Attacks: Swipe, Swipe-All, Sword Punch
Draw: Flare, [GF Pandemona]
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Ring of Giant

Red Giant is simply the most defensive boss in the FFVIII. He will reduce
your physical attacks to 1/10 damage. But he has a weak point, he's
pretty weak against magic. I recommend that you use magic like Ultima,
Flare, Tornado and Meteor on him. For a faster victory use GF Eden
Expendix3-1 ability to cast three magic spells at one time. If you want
to defeat him using physical attacks and Limit Breaks, lower his defense/
inflict status disorder by summoning GF Doomtrain.

by sashiel angel

I know a better way to defeat the red giant in ultimecia's castle, just
use GF Dialos on him and it will cause 9999 damage, with only 2 or 3
summons that bastard will be done for.


Location: When you cross the wooden near the Chapel, a key appears to
fall off! Head down for the basement of Ultimecia's castle.
Examine the canal to the right of the screen to pick up the
Armory Key. Enter the door to right.
Name: Gargantua (Head)
Level: 62
HP: 10280
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Barrier, Haste
Draw: Esuna, Haste, Bio
Mug: n/a

Name: Left Hand
Level: 62
HP: 6880
Facts: Weak against Holy.
Attacks: Grab, Whip, Reflect, Flare, Cure, Meteor
Draw: Shell, Protect
Mug: 1x Rune Bracelet

Name: Right Hand
Level: 62
HP: 6880
Facts: Weak against Holy.
Attacks: Grab, Whip, Reflect, Flare, Cure, Meteor
Draw: Bio, Demi, Quake, Regen
Mug: 1x Magic Guidance Stone

Name: Gargantua (whole)
Level: 50
HP: 15000+
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Counter grab, Demi, Smash, Eyes Beam, Earthquake,
Status Stare.
Draw: Bio, Quake, Reflect, Flare, [GF Cerberus]
Mug: n/a

AP gain: 42
Win: Magic Guidance Stone, 2x Rune Bracelet, 5x Magic Stone,
1x Devil's Bracelet

This boss often uses status-based attacks, so junction Berserk, Blind,
Slow (and Esuna) to your Status defense. First take his head and both
hands with all-attack spells (use Triple and Double) or GFs. When the
whole Gargantua appears switch to Aura-Limit Break combo.


Location: From the Elevator Hall, head back a screen to the dark
corridor. Look for a door to the left (which is partially
hidden. It's somewhere down the middle). Inside the Treasure
Vault will be 4 coffins. Just open all of them up and
Catoblepas will appear.
Name: Catoblepas
Level: 45
HP: 34500
Facts: Absorbs Lightning-based attacks. Weak against Earth/Water.
Attacks: Swipe, Charge, Thundraga, Meteor
Draw: Meteor, [GF Alexander]
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Status Attack

Not a hard one. Summon GF Brothers and GF Leviathan repeatedly and
junction Earth/Water-based spells to your character elemental attack
to inflict some mayor damage on the him. A very good tactic is also
the Doomtrain-Aura-Limit Break combo.


Location: Have your second party use the Green Spot in the Banquet Room
(with chandelier). Now go across the chandelier with first
party (note that chandelier won't fall down). Enter the door
on the North.
Name: Krysta
Level: 34
HP: 12000+
Facts: Nullifies ice-based attacks.
Attacks: Cyber Frost, Rush attack, Ultima, Cyber shot
Draw: Holy, [GF Carbuncle]
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Elemental Guard

Krysta can do a very powerful attack - Cyber Frost (3000+ damage), so
Take care. His weak point is his low HP. Summon GF Doomtrain to inflict
random status disorder on him. Finish him using your Limit Breaks, GFs
or best spells (Ultima, Meteor, ect.). Krysta will summon Ultima before
it dies, so have your HPs always above 3000.


Location: You will find a huge bell swinging from right to left at
the top of the Ultimecia's caste tower. Be in a position
near the edge. Wait for the bell to come and press Circle.
Go in the hole...
Name: Tiamat
Level: 59
HP: 89000+
Facts: Strong against Fire/Lightning. Wind has no effect on him.
Attacks: Claw Swipe, Shadow Flare
Draw: Flare, [GF Eden]
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 30
Win: 1x Status Guard

At least one character should have HP higher than 8000 and equip him
the Revive command. At the beginning of the battle Tiamat will countdown
the Shadow Flare attack. Use GF Cerberus Auto-Haste ability to boost
Squall turns. Try to kill him, before he uses Shadow Flare. Repeatedly
use Squall's Renzokuken, Irvine Shot (with Pulse Ammo) or Zell's Final
Heaven to defeat he casts Shadow Flare. If he casts Shadow Flare (8000+
damage to all) revive all you party members quickly and continue to use
Limit Breaks and powerful GFs (Eden, Bahamut, Diablos). You can also
avoid the high Shadow Flare attack damage by junctioning very powerful
spells to Spr. Junction. Also equip Spr+20, 40% abilities, so that way
you can lower the spell damege greatly. Cast Meltdown on him to double
the damage of your Limit Breaks.

by Jacquay Eichelberger

I came up with an extremely easy way to beat Tiamat. All you need
to do is junction 100 Firagas to each of your character's elemental
defense. That's it! All you do now is punish Tiamat with GFs or
Limit Breaks and when he finally unleashes Shadow Flare, everyone will
be set up to absorb it.

<=U=L=T=I=M=E=C=I=A=> [Final Boss]

Location: Ultimecia castle.

Name: Ultimacia
Level: 52
HP: 35200
Facts: Weak against Poison.
Attacks: Earthquake, Dispell, Firaga, Thundaga, Whip, Angel
Draw: Haste, Slow, Reflect, Demi
Mug: n/a

Name: Givera
Level: 48
HP: ?????? (120000+)
Facts: Earth has no effect. Absorbs Poison.
Attacks: Demi, Status Affect breath, Remove magic spells, Triple, Angel,
Shockwave Pulser (before it dies)
Draw: Bio, Quake, Tornado
Mug: n/a

Name: Ultimecia-Givera
Level: 55
HP: ?????? (150000+)
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Swipe, Tornado, Meteor, Remove magic spells, Angel
Draw: Firaga, Blizzara, Thundaga
Mug: n/a

Name: True Ultimecia
Level: 64
HP: ?????? (200000+)
Facts: n/a
Attacks: Hell Judgement, Flare, Remove magic spell/junction, Angel,
Apocalypse, Hell Judgement
Draw: Flare, Holy , Apocalypse (lower half)
Mug: n/a

AP gain: n/a
Win: n/a

Ultimecia is the end boss of the game. She is very tough, but not as
tough as the Ultima and Omega Weapon. You won't have any problems with
her if you have following requirements.

Have Squall Str at 255. Junction 100x Haste to all Character's speed
to boost their turns. Junction GF Cerberus Auto-Haste ability to Squall.
Have Squall's ultimate weapon Lion Heart. You also need GF Alexander's
Revive and GF Leviathan's Recover command. Have some X-potions, Mega
Phoenixes and Elixirs ready. At least one characters HP must be
higher than 9000. Equip him the Revive command.

by Glenn

Quick hint for the last boss. Spells like aura and haste (and poison
and Vit 0) remain in effect throughout the fight, so if you can keep
the character alive you don't need multiple auras/whatevers.

She will chose three characters random at the beginning of the battle.
If your junctioned (a member of the party equiped for the final battle)
character isn't in the party, kill the unjuctioned one and Ultimecia
will replace him with an other character. When you have all you
junctioned characters begin the battle.

Cast Aura on Squall to unleash his Renzokuken. You can also use other
characters Limit Breaks or powerful GFs (Eden, Diablos, Bahamut) to
finish her quick. If she casts meltdown use the Treatment command or
Remedies to recover your status.

Cast Regen on yourself and Aura on Squall and let him use his Renzokuken
repeatedly until he dies. When it dies, it will cast Shockwave Pulser,
which does 9000+ damage to all. Reduce the damage by junctioning very
powerful spells to Spr. Junction. Also equip Spr+20%, 40% abilities
for higher efficency. At least one character has to survive the attack.
Quickly revive and heal your other characters. I recommend junctioning

Repeatedly use Squall's Renzokuken or cast Ultima triple (use GF Eden
Triple Expendx3-1). Her attacks aren't very damaging, so finish her/
him(it?) quickly using your most powerful Limit Breaks/GFs/Spells...

It will often cast Hell Judgement, which will reduce every characters
HP to 1. Counter with Elixirs, Megalixirs (I recommend that you turn
Bahamut's Card into 100 Megalixirs) or Leviathan's Recover Command.
It could also do a deathly move such as the Magic Drain, which will
remove an specific Magic spell from your character. So watch out! It
will repeatedly use Flare on a member (3000+). Again, use Squall's
Renzokuken to do some serious damage tothe end boss. Powerful use of
Limit Breaks is essential for the battle outcome. So for these battles
you require a lot of Aura spells.

Hell Judgement can't kill your characters!

by Lorraine Fisher

Here goes...
I have 3 characters at level 100, each with 9999 HP. Having squall's
at strength 255 and haste junctioned to speed, I simply made sure the
other characters had item commands equipped and used one to cast Aura
Stone to squall (which incidently does NOT last the whole battle) and
one to cast a Mega Elixir each time, the just used the renzokuken each
time, it doesn't matter then if the weaker characters die quickly, and
when you are left with the 3 strongest just repeated this process, but
wait before using the Mega Elixir, until Ultimecia has cast her damaging
spells, especailly Hell Judgement which reduces every characters HP to 1).

Using this strategy, there is no need to run through your magic or GF,
which takes valuble time, as long as Squall uses his limit each time,
there is no problem, I beat the end boss first time without the need
for revive spells or losing any of my 3 strongest characters.

OMEGA WEAPON [Special Boss]

Location: Ultimaecia castle.
Name: Omega Weapon
Level: 100
HP: ?????? (750000+)
Facts: Absorbs Holy.
Attacks: LV5 Death, Meteor, Swipe, Terra Break, Gravinja, Ultima, Light
Pillar, Medigo Flame
Draw: Flare, Holy, Meteor, Ultima
Mug: n/a
AP gain: 250
Win: Three Stars

How do I find Omega Weapon?

I recommend that you unlock all abilities before you fight him.
The main party should be in the garden outside (near fountain - north
from the banquet room) and use the green save spot to switch to the
other party. Now the other party should go to the room right from the
main hall. You should notice a bell here. Pull the rope in the South-
East corner of the screen. The bell will ring. Now use the green spot
and switch to the main party. Go forward to the Cathedral and you'll
see the Omega Weapon near the organ. Touch it, to battle.

Speed is the key factor in defeating the Weapons. Junction GF Cerberus
Auto-Haste ability to Squall. Equip Squall's ultimate weapon Lion Heart.
Have Squall Str. at 255 and junction 100x Haste to all Character's speed.
Try to have Squall Spr. over 150, that way he'll be able to survive the
Terra Break (Omega's strongest attack). You also need GF Alexander's
Revive and GF Leviathan's Recover command. Have some x-potions , Mega
Phoenixes, Elixirs and Megalixirs ready. Two characters (including
Squall) must have their HP at maximum 9999. The third should have 5000+
HP. You should also have some Hero Drinks or Holy Wars to make the fight
easier. Junction 100x Death spells to status defense, if character level
is multipliable with 5 (Example: LV 75, 80, 85,...). Have Squall equip
the Revive command.

How do I get some Hero Drinks & Holy Wars?

Change Laguna's card into 100 Hero Drinks and Gilgamesh's card
into 10 Holy Wars! Win Laguna's card from Ellone during the space
scenario and Gilgamesh's from the CC Group King at Balamb Garden.

by Jonathan Chan

Omega weapon absorbs ALL kind of magic elements, not just holy so
don't junction any magic onto your element attack. I recommand that
you use Rinoa and Squall since they have limits like Lion Heart and
Wishing Star.

Remember to use aura on Rinoa and Squall before the third person put
in holy-war otherwise you'll have to attack with basic stuff for
several minutes before you can do aura again.

Don't use eden twice in a row without using another holy-war because
you could lose invicibility while charging up Eden (unless you have
1000 compatability with Eden and REALLY fast).

LV5 Death (only at the beginning of the battle) -> Meteor -> Medigo
Flame -> Gravinja -> Terra Break -> Ultima -> Light Pillar -> Meteor..

You can reduce Omega's most powerful attack to a minimum. It depends
on your Spr. (spirit) juntion value. If you can get it over 200,
you don't need any Hero Drinks or Holy Wars to defeat him. Just
remember to equip the revive command to the character with the
highest Spr. Value (so he can revive the other party members after
Terra Break).

At the beginning of the battle cast Meltdown on Omega Weapon. Follow
by Casting Aura on Squall. Repeatedly use Squall's Renzokuken on Omega
Weapon. Always keep Squall's HP at maximum (9999). When he attacks with
Medigo Flame quickly revive and restore your party's HP (use Mega
Elixirs, Mega Phoenixes and the Revive command). Next he'll attack with
Gravinja and decrease your HP greatly. After this one he unleash the most
powerful attack in the game - Terra Break (18000+ damage to all).
Before he does this, use a Hero Drink (on Squall) or a Holy War.
If you're out of Hero Drinks and Holy Wars try to have all characters
in the GF summon status (GFs HP should be 8000+) when Omega attacks.
It can help, sometimes. There is also another way to survive the Terra
Break, junction 100x of a very powerful spell (Full-Life, Death, Meteor,
Ultima, ect.) to Spr. junction. Equip also Spr+20%, 40% abilities. If
your Spr. Value is over 200, Terra Break won't kill you for sure. Squall
(or the character who survived) should quickly revive the dead party
members. Continue to use Squall's Renzokuken on Omega and restore
your party fully. Repeat the combo all over until you have defeated him.
If you manage to get the Lion Heart 4 times, he'll probably die.

This is an easy way to defeat the "mighty" Omega Weapon. Have Squall
in critical status. At the beginning of the battle cast Meltdown on
Omega Weapon and use a Hero drink on Squall, Squall on the second
character and the second character on the third. You can also use
Holy War to make all characters invincible at once! Repeatedly use
Squall Renzokuken and try to get the Lion Heart as many times as
you can to finish him off. When the Hero Drink or Holy War wears off,
quickly use another and repeat the combo.

By Dino Angelo de la Rama

Here goes:

1. All you need is your three best characters (I really don't care
who, besides Squall and Zell of course) equipped with Initiative
and the BEST junctions (probably all best magic junctioned to Spd-J,
Str-J, Spr-J, Eva-J and Vit-J).

2. Characters at Level 100 and 100 Deaths at St-Def-J and at least
everyone must have the Item command and Holy War as first selection
in the Battle.

3. EXTREMELY LOW HP (probably 800-1000 HP is enough) but be sure that
your characters have their max base HP (1000/9999). Remember this:
you want Zell's 12-second Duel, Squall's Lion Heart and Irvine's slow
Time Bar do you? And since you may want the idea of not wasting any
Aura spells because it's junctioned to a stat, a low HP increases the
chances of a better Limit Break rather than an Aura spell (heck, its
my opinion).

4. A couple of Holy Wars or Rinoa's Invincible Moon (for the holy wars:
Card Mod Laguna card, then Med Lev Up all 100 Heroes into 10 Holy
War-Trials, then 10 Holy War-Trials into 1 Holy War or Card Mod
Gilgamesh card for 10 Holy Wars).

5. Speedy characters but leave a weak character because you want him/her
to do the Holy War thingies and probably a cast of Meltdown to lower
Omega's vitality stats (junction 100 Triple to Spd-J plus a couple
of Spd+% percentages, it's up to you plus the Initiative ability for
all three characters from Pandemona, Cactuar and Tonberry).


>> If Omega Weapon will use a Physical Attack at the start of the fight:

Answer: Junction lots to Vit-J plus lots of Vit+% percentages and lots
to Spd-J and Eva-J if you don't have Vit-J junction.

>> If Omega will use LV5 Death at the start of the fight:

Answer: Junction 100 Death to St-Def-J beforehand or any level that's
not a multiple of 5.

>> A. Use this character lineup :

First: Your average fighter, probably a support member for using Holy
Wars and casting Life/Phoenix Downs/Mega Phoenix.

Second: Squall

Third: your next strongest fighter, also a speedy, but fighting,

>> B. Your first member must use the Holy War (scrap Aura, you'll have
low HP and higher chances of a stronger limit break).

>> C. Heck, you know what to do right now, do you? If not, cast Meltdown,
then LION HEART! DUEL! SHOT! Those interactive Limit Breaks can sure
bring Omega Weapon down easily.

>> D. If you lose Invincibility status, use any of your characters to
Holy War (you have speedy characters, so you may outrun Omega Weapon's
attacks before he uses the deadly Mendigo Flame (9998 damage) or Terra
Break (meteor-like attack that deals 5000-9000).

>> E. Well, that's about it! Just repeat these four steps and Omega'll
go down fast. (Lousy suggestion : since you'll be gaining 250 AP
afterwards, I suggest that you move Eden's learning to Expend-3x1,
that is if you're not done researching all those high-priced
abilities. Lousy, isn't it? :)

You can "lower" the damage done by the Terra Break IF you junction to
255 Spirit (magic defense). One time Krysta (the crystal boss in the
balcony at the back room of the chandelier) casted Ultima on me and did
about 200 damage!

ALSO NOTE that above I said 'the BEST junctions (probably all best magic
junctioned to Spd-J, Str-J, Spr-J, Eva-J and Vit-J)'. It's actually
optional to junction to Eva-J and Spr-J/Vit-J but it's better to play
safe in case you lose Invincibility status and Omega suddenly attacks you.

You may have some doubts about this, but believe me, I did this each and
every time I battle Omega Weapon and believe me, it works like a charm!
I didn't have to use Aura because it's junctioned to St-Def-J (I just
want to prevent the 'curse' status : disables Limit Breaking ability).


After you have defeated the Omega Weapon enter the main menu. Select the
Tutorial menu and select the information option. You'll see the Proof of
Omega option, select it.

< VII. C O N T R I B U T I O N S >

FFVIII: new game+

Thanks Teyunde Sakurambo for this info.

Well, actually, there isn't REALLY a New Game+ option like Chrono
Trigger's in FFVIII, but there's a trick I've discovered that lets
you do essentially the same thing if you've got a GameShark.

Step 1: Program your Game Shark to access the Debug Room with the
following codes, discovered by the Game Genie Code Creators
Club (

D00705E8 010F
800704A8 0001
D00705E8 010F
800704AA 0049

Step 2: With these codes active, boot up the game with your last
save on Disc 4.

Step 3: Press L1, L2, R1, R2, and Select at the same time to warp
to the Debug Room.

Step 4: In the main area of the Debug Room, talk to the Main Control
guy. You'll find him towards the southeast part of the
screen -- he's the only person in the room besides yourself
who is not standing on a tile with Japanese writing.

Step 5: The Main Control guy will present you with a list of cool
things. Choose 'Save Menu', 'Disc 1', and save your game.
This creates a new saved game file for Disc 1 in the debug

Step 6: Reboot the game from Disc 1 and open the saved game file.
(You won't need the Game Shark anymore.) Talk to the
Main Control guy again and choose 'To main', then select
'From the beginning'.

Ta-da! The story will restart (completely with the opening FMV), but
you'll have all your GF's, items, weapons, and your characters will
still be just as strong as they were in Disc 4. Enjoy giving the
worst of FFVIII's Really Tough Bosses the whupping of their lives with
your overpowered limit breaks! Mwahahaha!!!

Auto-draw trick

Contributed by Derek Minasian - The Obsidian Rose .

Here's a cute trick I discovered. Its kind of childish and stupid,
yet highly effective. In some parts of the game you find spells like
Firaga, Death or Curaga or any spell you'd like to stock 100 of. The
trick is simple.

Equipment (besides the obvious)
Roll of tape
Notebook paper

A: On the config menu, set your "Cursor" to "Memory".

B: Next get into a battle with an enemy that you can draw the desired
magic from. The monster should not be so strong it can kill you easily.
(ie monsters on islands closest to Hell/Heaven)

C: Have each of your party members Draw the desired spell, then pause
the game.

D: (now this is the tricky part) tear a one inch strip of paper from a
notebook and roll it up real tight. It is also a good idea to tape
around the roll of paper to hold it together.

E: Take the tape and tear about a 6 inch piece from the roll and tape
the paper over the "X" button tightly in a awy the it depressed the "X"
button, and holds it down (note leave some of the tape not sticking to
the controller so you can peel it off easily.)

F: Unpause the game and let your characters draw the bejeezus (^?^) out of
the monster.

G: Once you've gotten 100 of a spell you can then flip up the tape and
switch to a different spell, beat the monster, or run away.

This is a great way to stock simple spells (ie scan elemental magic,
ect.) Also I've found doing this works great alongside the "High Stats
walkthrough" simply run away or card the monsters after you've drawn
everything you can. Depending how tough the monster your fighting you
should monitor your progress every couple minutes. Remember even if you
draw the full 100 and aren't there the second to change your draw, the
battle will greatly slowdown because you will continually get a "Cannot
draw anymore message"

Remember: Always use it for a good cause.

Free Rosetta Stone in Esthar

Contributed by Derek Minasian - The Obsidian Rose .

You can get a free Rosetta stone in Esthar. You may want to try this out.
If you go to Cheryl's store durning the time the Luntic Pandora is flying
over Esthar, I got the Rosetta stone first try. It's very easy if you know
your way around Esthar, to go from Doc Odines lab, to the mall, get the stone,
and make it to the first contact point with 2 minutes to spare time, if you
junction GF Diablos Enc-None.

Secret Ultima draw point

Contributed by Zell . THX!

Secret Ultima draw point. In FH when you go to the mayor's place, if you
click on that little robot U shaped hand it spins, well if you go down a
little and get to where you are blocking the view of that hand and press X
(U.S.) then you found it.

Additonal Cactuar Strategy

Contributed by Zell . THX!

Easy way to beat Cactuar - Well first off he is weak against water so be
sure to have Leaviathan, Then junction 100 waters to Squall's Elemental
Attack and use LionHeart once, I killed him just like that but if you don't
kill him with 1 lionheart then just kill him with one shot from Leviathan.

Mog Amlet

Contributed by flyskater and . THX!

You have to aqiure the mog aumlet in the pocket station when you load the "chocobo
world" game into it. When you get the items in the pocket station, somehow you
oad the items into the FFVIII game. You may already know this, but im telling you
just in case. Ive heard that there is going to be imports of the pocketstations
in Febuary.

You get the Mog Amlet after you beat Chocobo World on the PocketStation
mini-game. After you beat the game, download your game inventory from the
mini-game into your final fantasy 8 game. And yes the only way to get it
is to beat the mini-game. The Mog Amlet hold the GF MiniMog.

Getting the Energy Crystal

Contributed by Connollys . THX!

The other way to get an energy crystal is to mug the lion with the funny
stringy whiskers, or the guy with the big sword when they are in the
Lunatic Pandora over Tears Point. I'm not sure exactly which one I
mugged, but I know that a had squall do the mugging at aroung Lv. 61
with a flame sabre (or something like that) and it only took me only
one shot to kill either one.

< VIII. C R E D I T S >


Written by iDragon, September 1999.
Last updated on 18th September 2000.


I would really like to thank all my contributors for their info.
Thanks again!

|==| Thanks Derek Minasian - The Obsidian Rose
for the card tutorial section (sorry didn't fit in), auto-draw
trick, another way of getting King Tonberry and Free Rosetta stone
in Esthar info.
|==| Thanks for the Magic Junction Chart.
|==| Thanks Teyunde Sakurambo for the FFVIII: new
game+!! section.
|==| Thanks Dino Angelo de la Rama for
the HUGE Omega Weapon strategy.
|==| Thanks Zell for the secret Ultima draw point
in FH, Cactuar strategy and Shumi Village Card mode.
|==| Thanks Logan for the Ultima Weapon
alternate strategy.
|==| Thanks for your Raijin and Fuujin altrenate
|==| Thanks Jacquay Eichelberger for your
alternate Tiamat strategy.
|==| Thanks Lorraine Fisher for the alternate
Ultimecia strategy.
|==| Thanks Jereme Bivins for his corrections
in the Hidden GF section.
|==| Thanks on correcting the wrong written names.
|==| Thanks Glenn for the Ultimecia Quick
|==| Thanks Raylene Funk for the additional Sacred
and Minotaur strategy.
|==| Thanks Vexer9 Blue moon for the elemental/
status defense junction tip.
|==| Thanks for the all-elemental defense junction
|==| Thanks Jonathan Chan for your
Omega weapon tips.
|==| Thanks for the Rinoa card info.
|==| Thanks Connollys for Energy Crystal tip.
|==| Thanks Chris Bradow for some useful tips.
|==| Thanks Dyne Strife for getting the
Eden and Angelo card info.
|==| Thanks Sparrowhawk for the Ultima weapon
|==| Thanks Tim Robinson for the X-ATM092
alternate strategy.
|==| Thanks WaiKay Kong and
for the Mog Amlet info.
|==| Thanks for the Odin Apperance Tip.

!! Thanks to many other people for small tidbits. !!

Thanks to everyone who has read my FAQ!

Visit,, and for further info about Final Fantasy VIII and other
Square games.

< IX. C O N C L U S I O N >

Well this warps it up. I hope it helped you through the game. If you
have any comments or contributions, mail me at .


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Save game for FF VII running Windows 7 64bit

18.October 2013
Complete Game Script

14.October 2013
Boss Guide

14.October 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.October 2013
Saved at the last disc with lots of goodies and all characters at their maximu level.

15.October 2013
End of the game

13.October 2013
Just before the song "Eyes on Me" (Disc 3)

17.October 2013
Start of the game with Squall and Quists at Level 100 and all abilities.

17.October 2013
All Characters at Level 100. ALL stats Maximum.

13.October 2013
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.

17.October 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.

15.October 2013
US Version: All characters at level 100, all ultimate weapons, all cards. Submission: AndrewCastillo(

17.October 2013
Rare items trainer

18.October 2013
Granny's Hand-Holding Guide to Cards

15.October 2013
Chocobo World Guide

13.October 2013
Mega trainer (for all versions incl. v1.2)

18.October 2013
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.

14.October 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.

17.October 2013
Patch and +146 Trainer for the Spanish PAL Version

14.October 2013
Boss Guide

16.October 2013
Power Up Boko Guide

14.October 2013
Patch and +146 Trainer for the Italian PAL Version

15.October 2013

16.October 2013
US Guide

17.October 2013
Side Quests Guide

13.October 2013
Pocket Station Guide

17.October 2013
Robot Spider Guide

17.October 2013
Pocketstation Guide

15.October 2013
King Edgar

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Item Refinement FAQ

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