Star Ocean

Star Ocean

15.10.2013 19:41:55
The Second Story Rena
For U.S. Version Only On PSX ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

By Dan GC

Last updated: 08/05/99 05:43 PM PT
First Edition: 07/27/99 03:10 PM PT
Document Info: 45 K (47, 189 Bytes)
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Star Ocean: The 2nd Story was/is...
Created by: tri-Ace
Creator of Most FMVs: Links
Produced by: Enix
Published by: SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America)
Released: June 9, 1999 in US

If you can help me with anything: basics, more strategies, etc., or if
you just have questions, comments, etc., E-mail them to
One more thing, don't E-mail with questions that are
already in this FAQ, otherwise, I'll discard them or tell you to check
the FAQ.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Updates
Part 2: Introduction
Part 3: Bosses
- Alen-Tax
- Gargoyle x2
- Azamgil & Shielder x4
- Nightmare
- Flare Lizard x2
- Vissayer x3
- Harphinx x2
- Shin (1st Meeting)
- Shin (2nd Meeting)
- Shin (3rd Meeting) & Stone Statue x3
- Berle (1st Meeting)
- Synard
- Arcmene x2
- Magic Hand, Magic Box x2, Work Box, & Guard Box
- Guardian (1st One)
- Guardian (2nd One)
- Lover & Breakwing x2
- Marsilio (1st Meeting)
- Bark
- Marsilio (2nd Meeting)
- Shigeo
- Berle (2nd Meeting)
- Ruprecht, Jibril, & Nicolus
- Vesper & Decus
- Cyril
- Indalecio (Limiter On)
- Indalecio (Limiter Off)
Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Part 5: My Comments and Stuff
Part 6: Special Thanks
Part 7: Author Information

Copyright Disclaimer:

This Document Copyright (c) 1999 Dan GC

This FAQ is for personal and/or private usage only. If reproduced, it
must be via electronics, and if placed on a Web Page, may be changed
only if this Disclaimer and the above Copyright Notice is completely
there. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes: publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being
incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way without FULL AUTHORIZATION
from myself and any cohorts I may have.
This FAQ was created and owned by me, Dan GC
Any Copyrights and Trademarks not specifically mentioned in this FAQ are
acknowledged. Always give credit where it is due.
All trademarks are Copyright to their respectful owners.

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This FAQ can be found at:
Part 1: Updates
Version 0.5 8/05/99:
Added some stuff (nothing special)

Version 0.4 8/02/99:
Added two extra strategies for all of the battles on Energy Nede
(except for the Indalecio fights) because apparently, there was ONE guy
who didn't appreciate my strategies dealing with Chisato. He said
something like, "Try not to base the FAQ on Chisato she isn't the main
character." Even though the strategies were all made by me (duh) and I'm
not basing the FAQ on Chisato, she just seems to be a pretty good
fighter when it comes to boss fights, so I would use her in battle. It's
just the same thing with Claude/Rena, you can use them in battle, or
not. And Claude isn't always the main character, nor is Rena. There ARE
a lot of different strategies to beating bosses out there, and what I
did have were just one of them, sheesh...
But WHATEVER, people think the way they will.

Version 0.3 7/31/99:
Changed some of the layout

Version 0.2 7/30/99:
Second update, corrected some of the boss names, revised some

Version 0.1 7/27/99:
First Edition
Part 2: Introduction
This FAQ SHOULD be used in conjunction with my Battle Strategies FAQ
because it contains battle strategies for each character. You need to at
least read the Battle Tips section of my Battle Strategies FAQ.
For this FAQ, I'll just tell you what the Tear Gas ToD is, it's the
Tear Gas Touch of Death, in other words, once you pull it off, you can
keep doing it and most enemies won't be able to do anything.
This is a boss guide for Star Ocean 2 for Claude. The HP of all of the
bosses are the ones for Earth Mode (difficulty level). If you are
playing SO2 for the first time through without other saved games of SO2,
then you are playing Earth Mode.
If you are playing on Galaxy Mode, then all enemies have a 50%
increase in statistics compared to Earth Mode. The AI is also 50%
smarter. So to figure out the stuff, just multiply the Earth Mode stats
of enemies by 1.5.
If you are playing on Universe Mode, then all enemies have a 100%
increase in statistics compared to Earth Mode. The AI is also 100%
smarter. So to figure out the stuff, just multiply the Earth Mode stats
of enemies by 2.

The FAQ is based on Galaxy Mode because it's the average (Earth,
Galaxy, Universe).

The Descriptions of all bosses are from Ian Kelley's Rena Walkthough.
Part 3: Bosses
For all of the boss battles, you should always have Rena in battle.
She is the only healer plus she can heal you while you're fighting so
you don't have to worry too much about dying. If she dies, you SHOULD
revive her ASAP! If you need to use items to heal yourself, then do it.
All Time Battles last one minute long and you must have at least one
character survive the battle so you can advance in the story.
- Alen-Tax
Meeting Place:
Salva Mine

Recommended Level:

400 HP
Weaknesses: Light
Resistance: Dark

Alen-Tax is a heavy enemy, so you can just keep on attacking him with
Claude and he'll eventually die. But if you get hit for some reason,
use Rena to heal Claude.
- Gargoyle x2
Meeting Place:
Cross Cave (opening Empty Treasure Chest)

Recommended Level:

1500 HP
Weaknesses: Light
Resistance: Dark

Use Claude and attack one of them and kill it ASAP. If the Gargoyles
are on each side of Claude, they'll do their Bite attack simultaneously
and Claude won't be able to do anything. If this happens, use Celine to
attack them with a spell that is Light elemental such as Ray, then use
Rena to heal Claude. After one Gargoyle is defeated, the next one will
be a sinch. Use the "Shooting Stars Wall Attack." If you can't pull it
off, have Rena or Celine cast a spell to temporarily stun it and have
Claude attack it right away after the spell is cast.
- Azamgil & Shielder x4
Meeting Place:
Heraldry Forest

Recommended Level:
19 (Rena)

2000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

1400 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

This is an actually easy battle. Dias should be able to kill off all
of the enemies by himself, in other words, you don't control Dias but
let the CPU control him. This way, you can keep away from the enemy with
Rena while helping Dias with spells. Rena isn't very strong in defense,
and isn't the fastest person in the world either. So you'll have to try
to keep away from the enemies. But if you feel the need to control Dias,
then do it, but make sure to keep Rena away from harm.
- Nightmare
Meeting Place:
Mountain Palace (Ashton must be in party)

Recommended Level:

9000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

Nightmare has Bunny Shoes on, it seems. Because of that, she is
really fast and since your characters aren't the fastest in the world,
you'll have some trouble catching up to her. So, Claude should have
Head Splitter and Shooting Stars while Ashton has Leaf Slash and Cross
Once the battle starts, Ashton should use Leaf Slash while Claude
should use Head Splitter. This will bring both of them close up to
Nightmare. Have Celine cast magic repeatedly to stall Nightmare long
enough so you can set up Claude and Ashton to attack Nightmare. Rena can
do the same thing as Celine, although Rena should just heal most of the
time. You're going to have to stall Nightmare, and to keep Nightmare
stuck forever is to get on both sides of her and keep on attacking with
Killer Moves. Shooting Stars for Claude and Cross Slash for Ashton. You
will then kill Nightmare eventually.
Meeting Place:
Lasguss Mountain (Ashton must be in party)

Recommended Level:

20000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Fire, Wind

XINE has quite a lot of HP, and his Master Attack is quick. He
sometimes casts Light Cross, but he takes a while to charge, so if you
can tell he's going to cast a spell, you're give time to attack. (If you
only had Opera in your would be able to kill XINE easily
just by using normal attacks with Opera.)
Anyway, Claude should have Head Splitter and anything else, it doesn't
really matter, Claude just needs Head Splitter (if you have Twin Slash,
you can have that as well as Head Splitter, but you have to be at least
level 46 to have Twin Slash) while Ashton should have...Leaf Slash and
Cross Slash/Twin Stab. XINE will occasionally do Master Attack, which is
a charging attack that takes off more than 1/5 of your total HP, and to
stop him, you have to attack him by any means, whether it be magic or
physically. If you are lucky and dizzy XINE, he will temporarily be
open, so you can just normal attacks. You can control Ashton, while the
AI uses Claude (and will probably do Head Splitter a lot). With Ashton,
just keep doing normal attacks (Ashton will jump and attack, though)
while Claude (on the other side of XINE), will usually do Head Splitter
and hit XINE, so he is trapped between two characters. Setting this up
is what the hard part is, if you set it up, it's easy.
He's pretty hard, so it might take a while. You will need to use items
when you need to such as restoring MP or reviving someone.
- Flare Lizard x2
Meeting Place:
Mountain Palace (Opera must be in party)

Recommended Level:

5000 HP
Weaknesses: Water
Resistance: Fire, Lightning

You should have an accessory equipped that makes you strong against
Fire. You can try equipping two of them and you will absorb it (I think,
I forgot whether it's two or three Resistance to absorb). Use Head
Splitter with Claude in order to reach them quicker and dodge some of
their attacks. Since Opera doesn't have much, she should just use Flame
Launcher to attack. If one of your characters is Poisoned/Paralyzed/
Stoned, then use Rena to cast Dispel on that character. After one is
killed, since Opera's normal attack is quick, just have her and Claude
attack the last Flare Lizard. If you are using Claude, Opera will
probably attack from the front, so get behind the Flare Lizard and keep
on attacking until it dies. You can use normal attacks or Shootings
Stars. If you want Opera to just attack, change her Strategy to
"Converse Killer Moves!" and she'll just use normal attacks most of the
- Vissayer x3
Meeting Place:
Sanctuary of Linga (a little before getting Dilwhip, not Clarisage)

Recommended Level:

10,000 HP
Weaknesses: Light, Lightning
Resistance: Mu

Okay, the Vissayers can eat your characters whole. They aren't the
fastest in the world, but they are about the same speed as your
characters. With Claude, you should have Head Splitter and any other
Killer Move you find suitable. With Claude, you can keep doing Head
Splitter to hit them.
If a Vissayer eats one of your characters, you may have to kill it
to get your characters back. But usually, you just have to hit it and
it'll spit your characters out, but they'll be hurt in the process.
Claude's Head Splitter will keep you safe. And if you have Ashton, you
might want to use Leaf Slash to be temporarily invincible, but beware,
Ashton will be open, so, with Claude, you'll have to protect Ashton.
Celine should cast magic as well as Rena. It'll stall them long enough.
If you have Precis, you can keep doing Rocket Punch to hit a Vissayer
and it'll die eventually.
- Harphinx x2
Meeting Place:
Hoffman Ruins

Recommended Level:

36,700 HP
Weaknesses: Light, Lightning, Dark
Resistance: Fire, Wind, Star, Fu, Mu

The Harphinxes can cast magic, but they are open when doing that, so
this battle shouldn't be too hard. Have Claude with Head Splitter and
Shooting Stars. Rena should also be in the party. You might also want
Celine in the party as well as another fighter.
Start the match with Head Splitter. The other fighter(s) will either
go after the other Harphinx, or help you out. After that, use Shooting
Stars to hit it repeatedly. You can keep doing Shooting Stars or Head
Splitter until it dies and then go after the next one (if it isn't
already dead). Celine will cast magic to hit the Harphinxes which give
you time to attack them. Rena will heal any wounded characters. This
battle isn't too hard.
- Ghost
Meeting Place: Exiting of Hoffman Ruins (Opera must be in party, must
see Opera's crash-landing ship scene)

Recommended Level:
Any Level

8600 HP
Weaknesses: Light
Resistance: None?

If Opera was in your current fighting party, she won't be in there
and every other character who was in a lower position than her will move
up one position. But that doesn't matter, since where you are in the
game, this Ghost can barely do any damage, so just keep on attacking
with anything and it'll die soon enough.
- Shin (1st Meeting)
Meeting Place:
Lacour Front Line of Defense

Recommended Level:

21,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Everything

This is a Time Battle. So set the Strategies for all of the fighters
to "Stay Away from the Enemy!" while you control the fastest character
to distract Shin. If you are hurt and survive, Rena will heal you (if
she's in the battle).
- Shin (2nd Meeting)
Meeting Place:
Lacour Ship to Continent of El

Recommended Level:

21,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Everything

Just make sure NOT to waste any items and not to have Reverse Dolls
equipped on your characters. Just let Shin kill all of your characters
(you can level up your Killer Moves here before you are killed).
- Shin (3rd Meeting) & Stone Statue x3
Meeting Place:
Eluria Tower

Recommended Level:

21,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Everything

[Stone Statue]
2200 HP
Weaknesses: Light
Resistance: Dark

At this point in the game, the Stone Statues will do little to no
damage to any of your characters, but since they are so easy to kill,
kill them first then go on to kill Shin. When Shin is dizzy, or hit too
much, he will fall to the ground. This gives you time to do attacks.
Claude should have Head Splitter and Shooting Stars. The other
fighter(s) will kill the Stone Statues (depending on what stategy you
put) and you can start the match with Head Splitter on Shin. Distract
him long enough and the other fighter(s) will already have killed the
Stone Statues and will help you out. When Shin is dizzy or falls to the
ground, use Shooting Stars to hit him for lots of damage. Shin can
absorb your HP/MP and can cast Foehn (a burning wind-based spell). He
shouldn't be too much of a threat.
- Berle (1st Meeting)
Meeting Place:
Eluria Tower

Recommended Level:

100,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

This is another Time Battle Just set the Strategy of the fighters you
aren't controlling to "Stay Away From the Enemy" while you or another
character distracts Berle, if you do this, the magic users will be
- Synard
Meeting Place:
'The Home' in North City

Recommended Level:

43,000 HP
Weaknesses: Lightning
Resistance: None

The Synard has a similar attack to the big lizards. If that starts,
you have to attack it as soon as possible, otherwise your characters
will die outright. One fighter can attack from the front while the
other(s) attack(s) from behind (you should be controlling one of the
behind attackers).
Claude should have Head Splitter so he can hit the Synard when it is
going to breathe fire (or whatever it is). The other fighter(s) should
attack from the front while you attack from behind. If you keep this us,
the Synard will eventually die.
- Arcmene x2
Meeting Place:
Cavern of Red Crystal

Recommended Level:

40,000 HP
Weaknesses: Lightning
Resistance: None

You should have at least two fighters in battle. You go after one of
the Arcmenes with any fighter you have (you might want to use someone
with multiple hitting Killer Moves). The other fighter(s) will do what
they will while you just go after one. Keep doing the Killer Move of
your choice on the Arcmene you're fighting and it'll eventually die
so you can help out your partner(s) or vice versa.
If you do not have any Bunny Shoes, before going to any Field (or
back to Central City), go to Fun City. Claude must have the Talent
Dexterity and you must have the Pickpocket specialty as well as the
Bandit's Glove (if you also have the Magician's Hand, that's good too,
so equip both). Go into a Private Action (this prevents lowered friend
and love levels toward whoever is going to steal) and go into the Bunny
Races place. There will be a huge Bunny Mannequin, and steal from him.
If successful, you will receive a pair of Bunny Shoes. If you failed,
load and try again until you get it.
To get the other three, just keep entering in the Bunny Races (if you
have enough money) and keep betting on the two bunnies that would give
you the Bunny Shoes if they win. You will eventually get a Bunny Shoes.
Keep doing that until you have four Bunny Shoes total (including the one
you stole). If you don't have enough money, go to the Fighting Arena
and keep on fighting in Bullying Battle, at least Rank C. If/When you
win, you will get 20,000 Fol for Rank C, 40,000 for Rank B, and 80,000
for Rank A.
You can also level up this way.
- Magic Hand, Magic Box x2, Work Box, & Guard Box
Meeting Place:
The Field of Knowledge

Recommended Level:

[Magic Hand]
60,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Earth, Water, Fire, Lighting, Star, Fu

[Magic Box]
30,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Fire, Lightning, Star

[Work Box]
30,000 HP
Weaknesses: Lightning
Resistance: Fire, Star

[Guard Box]
30,000 HP
Weaknesses: Fire
Resistance: Lightning, Star

You should have Claude in the battle with the Eternal Sphere equipped.
You also need another fighter. You can choose to have three fighters
total, but you don't need to. You should be controlling Claude, go up to
the Magic Hand and keep doing normal attacks since it's the only thing
that can attack you. But it can still attack you even if it is being
hit, so you HAVE to kill it ASAP. The other fighter(s) will help you out
when killing this hand. After destroying it, the rest of the battle will
be easy. Then, you can do what you want with the rest of the guys
because they can't hurt you.
If you have Chisato in your party, this will be a sinch. The other
fighters will be controlled by the AI and what they do will just help
you but you need not worry. Control Chisato and just keep doing Tear
Gas repeatedly. You should first go after the Magic Hand with Chisato
(the front one). The Boxes can't do anything since they just give
the Magic Hand orders (while one of them heals the Magic Hand).
Eventually, all enemies will die and you'll have won.
Well, it seems you don't have the Eternal Sphere, hmm...? Alright,
then you'll need the best weapon you can make/get, the strongest weapon
you can get can be won in Fun City, Duel Battle, Rank A. Well, you're
going to need Twin Slash with Claude, final change. You'll need two
other fighters to help you. You'll still need to attack the Magic Hand
with everyone to kill it. You'll kill it eventually.
- Guardian (1st One)
Meeting Place:
The Field of Power

Recommended Level:

130,000 HP
Weaknesses: Dark
Resistance: Earth, Water, Fire

Using Claude, just keep doing normal attacks. Guardian won't be able
to do anything. The other fighters/magic users are back up but all you
really need is Claude doing normal attacks.
Chisato is another must-have in this battle. If you get Guardian
against the wall and another fighter is stalling the boss, just keep
doing Tear Gas with Chisato. The other fighter is used to stall Guardian
long enough while Chistato (controlled by you) keeps on doing Tear Gas,
after that, Guardian won't be able to do anything because it is
repeatedly being hit by Tear Gas and the other fighter(')(s)(') attacks.
Guardian will die eventually.
Well, you're going to need three fighters here, buddy. Just keep doing
Killer Moves (Shooting Stars with Claude). The other fighters are still
back up. You just need to keep doing Shooting Stars on Guardian.
- Guardian (2nd One)
Meeting Place:
The Field of Courage

Recommended Level:

130,000 HP
Weaknesses: Dark
Resistance: Earth, Water, Fire

Same as Guardian (1st One) Strategy #1.
Same as Guardian (1st One) Strategy #2.
Same as Guardian (1st One) Strategy #3.
- Lover & Breakwing x2
Meeting Place:
The Field of Love

Recommended Level:

60,000 HP
Weaknesses: Light
Resistance: None

Just keep doing normal attacks against Lover and the Breakwings.
Claude might have to switch between Lover and the Breakwings to keep
them from casting spells. You should have at least two fighters (three
is recommended) in this battle. Claude can easily take out all enemies
individually though.
Using Chisato again will help you. Use Chisato to team up with another
fighter to kill one Breakwing, then after that is dead, use Chisato's
Tear Gas to kill Lover. This is because Lover constantly charges for
magic attacks, so she is open and Chisato can attack her. The other
Breakwing should be dead by the time you kill Lover, if not sooner.
You're going to have to attack Lover crazily. You might want to have
Ripper Blast, go long range, then use Ripper Blast on Lover, she'll be
hit tons of times. Do the same thing to the Breakwings. This way, they
will die easily.
- Marsilio (1st Meeting)
Meeting Place:
Fienal (1st Visit)

Recommended Level:

150,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Dark

Just don't waste any items in battle and make sure to not equip any
Reverse Dolls. You have to let Marsilio kill you. You can also level up
your Killer Moves before you are killed by Marsilio.
Same as above.
Same as above.
- Bark
Meeting Place:
Mihne Cavern

Recommended Level:

150,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

Just keep doing normal attacks with Claude. If you do this correctly,
Bark will become dizzy from time to time and you won't have to worry
about it casting Lost Patience. Lost Patience usually causes your
characters to become critical and sometimes poisoned, if not killing you
then. Otherwise, this boss is easy.
Having Chistato in your party will help you out greatly. If you have
Ernest, you should put him in the party as well. Set Ernest with the
Killer Move Broken Heart (final change) and Chisato with Tear Gas (duh).
You can put Claude in battle if you want, but you only need Chisato,
Ernest, Rena, and anyone else. Ernest will stall Bark automatically
(depending on what Strategy you set; if you set him to "Protect
Friends!" he will try to protect Chisato by attacking Bark). This gives
you time (controlling Chisato) to set up Bark for the Tear Gas ToD. And
that's all.
If you give Bark enough time, he will cast "Lost Patience" which will
probably make all of your characters critical (or killed) and sometimes
poisoned as well.
Using Claude, keep doing Ripper Blast (whether or not they be long or
close range) and it'll die eventually. The other fighters will help you
out, and you might want to have three fighters total here.
- Marsilio (2nd Meeting)
Meeting Place:
Fighting Arena in Fun City

Recommended Level:

150,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Dark

Marsilio is actually pretty easy. With Claude, just keep doing normal
attacks. Marsilio might be able to get a hit in because he is pretty
fast. So, you have to trap him against the wall, you can try a Ripper
Blast (long range) then do normal attacks right after executing the
Ripper Blast so you can somewhat trap Marsilio. But don't worry, as long
as he doesn't hit your characters too many times, you're fine.
Have Chisato in the party again, as well as Rena, another fighter
(Ernest with Broken Heart or Ashton with Sword Dance), and anyone else.
Chisato with Tear Gas...the other fighter(s) will attack Marsilio
automatically and this gives you time to do the Tear Gas ToD. And it's
smooth sailing from there.
Keep using Ripper Blast with Claude from long range or not, it doesn't
really matter. Keep this up long enough and Marsilio will eventually
- Shigeo
Meeting Place:
Outside of Fighting Arena in Fun City

Recommended Level:

160,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

Shigeo can fly here, so be careful. If he does some attacks that drops
fire from the sky, just keep running, it won't be able to hit you. Since
Shigeo can fly, you have to attack him before he can do something. Once
he's on the ground again, just keep doing normal attacks with Claude
until he dies.
As I stated above, Shigeo can fly. So, you have to stop him before he
can start flying. When he's on the ground, just keep doing Tear Gas with
Chisato. Eventually, he'll die.
Try not to let Shigeo fly. When he's on the ground, just keep doing
Ripper Blast with Claude. Shigeo won't be able to fly and will die.
- Berle (2nd Meeting)
Meeting Place:
Outside of Mirage's House in Armlock

Recommended Level:

170,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Everything

Berle can become invincible for a certain amount of time after using a
Meta move. Just wait for the barrier to disappear (the other fighter(s)
will keep on attacking, let them, they'll get an early start on Berle
once his barrier is gone). Once the barrier is gone, use Claude and keep
doing normal attacks. He won't be able to do much. Keep this up and
Berle will die.
As I said above, Berle can become invincible. If he does, just wait
until it disappears then keep doing Tear Gas. Berle won't be able to do
anything, so he will be killed eventually.
If Berle becomes invincible, just wait for the barrier to disappear
then keep using Ripper Blast with Claude (when Berle has the barrier,
go long range from Berle then once it disappears, use Ripper Blast).
- Ruprecht, Jibril, & Nicolus
Meeting Place:
Entrance of Fienal

Recommended Level:

105,800 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

85,200 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

45,500 HP
Weaknesses: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Dark
Resistance: None

With Claude (he should have Head Splitter and anything else), use Head
Splitter at the beginning of the match against Ruprecht. This prevents
him from doing a hurricane-like attack against your party. After that,
keep doing normal attacks on him. After Ruprecht is dead, go after the
next strongest guy and keep doing normal attacks. If that was the last
guy, then okay, if not, then just go after the last guy.
This is a pretty tough battle, but only because there are three guys
to fight, Ruprecht teleports at the beginning of the
battle and does some kind of multi-hitting attack. You can withstand it,
but just barely. So, with Chisato, at the start of the battle, run up
or down (depending on her position) so she can get away from the attack
as soon as possible and go behind Ruprecht (where he teleports to) and
attack him with Tear Gas or anything else before he finishes the attack.
Then, whoever your other fighter(s) is/are, they'll be near Ruprecht so
they'll attack him, giving you time to do Tear Gas. But be warned, the
other fighter(s) will probably be in front of Ruprect and you behind or
vice versa, so if the other fighter(s) hit Ruprect into Chisato, she
will have to defend herself (even though it does no damage, it's just
how it is), so you might waste some MP trying to do Tear Gas.
To avoid that, run to the side with the other fighter(s) as soon as
they start attacking Ruprect and he is stalled enough then keep on
doing Tear Gas until he dies. Then, go after Jibril. Keep on doing
Tear Gas. The last guy is Nicolus. He is the weakest Sage ever! So you
won't have a problem against him. Just keep on attacking him. It's over.
With Claude (he should have Head Splitter and Ripper Blast), use Head
Splitter at the beginning of the match against Ruprecht. This prevents
him from doing a hurricane-like attack against your party. After that,
keep doing Ripper Blast on him. After Ruprecht is dead, go after the
next strongest guy and keep doing Ripper Blast. If that was the last
guy, then okay, if not, then just go after the last guy using Ripper
- Vesper & Decus
Meeting Place:
Fifth Floor of Fienal

Recommended Level:

160,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

180,000 HP
Weaknesses: Water
Resistance: Everything Else

Using Claude, just go after the Sage the other fighter(s) is/are going
after. Keep doing normal attacks against that Sage. After that Sage is
killed, go after the next one and keep doing normal attacks again. You
may have to switch between attacking Vesper and Decus, though.
Using Chisato, just go after the Sage the other fighter(s) is/are
going after. From then on, just keep doing Tear Gas. After that Sage is
killed, go after the next one and keep on doing Tear Gas. See? That
wasn't so hard, was it?
Using Claude (with Ripper Blast), just keep doing Ripper Blast against
the Sage the other fighter(s) is/are going after. When that Sage dies,
go after the next one and keep doing Ripper Blast. You might have to
switch attacking between Vesper and Decus, though.
- Cyril
Meeting Place:
Seventh Floor of Fienal

Recommended Level:

300,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning,
Star, Fu, Light, Dark, Mu

Cyril can cast "The Wind of Destruction" or otherwise known as a
hurricane spell that can kill your characters outright if they don't
have any resistance. If you have Rune Shoes (they can only be equipped
on magic users), then bring your magic users into battle, if you only
have one, then put it on Rena. But if you put the Rune Shoes on Rena (or
anyone else) they won't be fast as they would if they had Bunny Shoes.
Just keep doing normal attacks with Claude and try not to let Cyril cast
any spells. Cyril is going to die.
Cyril casts Hurricane, a wind-based spell that does over 4000 damage
to almost everyone with resistance (it might even kill some characters
if they don't). To prevent that with a magic user, just have that
magic user equip Rune Shoes. If you only have one, then only have Rena
in the fighting party. But because of this, Rena will be slow.
Cyril can cast "The Wind of Destruction" or otherwise known as a
hurricane spell that can kill your characters outright if they don't
have any resistance. If you have Rune Shoes (they can only be equipped
on magic users), then bring your magic users into battle, if you only
have one, then put it on Rena. But if you put the Rune Shoes on Rena (or
anyone else) they won't be fast as they would if they had Bunny Shoes.
Just keep doing Ripper Blast with Claude and try not to let Cyril cast
any spells. Cyril will die.
- Indalecio (Limiter On)
Meeting Place:
The Top of Fienal

Recommended Level:

500,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

This guy is actually pretty hard, but not the hardest ever. You should
have Claude, Ashton, Chisato, and Rena in this battle. Have Claude with
Mirror Slice and Twin Slash, Ashton with Sword Dance and Dead Triangle,
Chisato with Tear Gas and Rising Dragon, and Rena, well, doesn't matter
what she has. Actually, you don't need any fighters except Claude, but
you will need back up fighters.
Indalecio can cast some pretty powerful spells, and many of them can
kill you if he casts it successfully. Indalecio is invincible while he
is casting magic. You can use an attack item while he is casting magic
and he will be hurt. This gives you time to setup for Indalecio's death.
Rena, of course, is the healer, while Claude, Ashton, and Chisato are
the fighters. You may have to control all of your fighters, though.
With Ashton, use Dead Triangle so you can trap Indalecio which gives
Claude and Chisato time to do Mirror Slice and Rising Dragon/Tear Gas
Or you can just trap Indalecio against the wall with Claude, Ashton,
and Chisato doing Mirror Slice, Sword Dance, and Rising Dragon/Tear Gas.
You probably won't hear/see Indalecio fuse with Filia (which makes him
stronger/faster). Indalecio won't be much of a threat because he's
trapped against a wall. Restore MP when necessary, then keep on doing
what you were doing. Indalecio has a lot of HP, so it'll take a while
for him to die. But he will eventually.

Oh yes, there's a REALLY EASY way to beat him, if you have Precis and
Chisato, put them in the battle, both with the shield 'Algol' equipped.
That is the legendary Medusa sheild or something, so it can stone any
enemy (including bosses). But the person wielding the shield usually has
to parry with it, and the boss has to be looking directly at the shield
when it's being used to parry (you don't know if the boss is looking or
not). But enemies usually are "stoned" (actually, they just die because
of this stoning) when the wearer of the shield parries with it (not the
Combat Skill Parry, just blocking). This works on Indalecio (Limiter
Off) so you might want to try it to kill him easily, or should I say
that a pairing/non-pairing/special ending is one ending, right? Not
the WHOLE ending you get is one ending, because then there would be
over 7000 endings if that was true...
- Indalecio (Limiter Off)
Meeting Place:
The Top of Fienal

Recommended Level:

1,500,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

The equipment you should be wearing in this fight can be found in my
Cave of Trials Boss Guide. You can modify what you want, but you should
keep most of those (Claude should have the Levantine Sword with the
Angel Armband and Atlas Ring equipped as accessories instead of
the Eternal Sphere). Wear what equipment you want.

Use the above strategy, but be warned, setting him up is even
difficulter. His spells will usually do 9999 damage to all enemies
unless your level is over 200, but even then, you will barely survive.
Stopping him early is yoru first priority. This time, you SHOULD use
Dead Triangle with Ashton to trap Indalecio while the other fighters
attack him with attacks. This way, he'll be trapped temporarily and can
lose quite a lot of HP. You will probably use up some of your items, but
not all of them. When any character is low on MP or HP, restore it as
soon as possible so you can stay in the fight. You can use a Fairy Glass
for a solution to MP usage (it temporarily halts the consumption of MP).
If you make a few mistakes, you will most likely die soon afterwards.
Try not to mess up and keep Indalecio trapped at all times and you'll be
sent in by Ryouga Hibiki

It's a must that everyone must have Reverse Dolls on. Claude should be
equipped with either an Atlas Ring or a Might Chain. Have Bunny shoes
(he only really needs them for this battle), a Duel Suit and the Eternal
Sphere. I suggest also having either Ernest and/or Dias in along with
Rena. Rena should have a Mirage Robe (made from blacksmithing Rune
Metal), and the Fallen Hope. Have Dias with the Cromlea Sword, a Might
Chain, and Bunny shoes (if you have any.) Ernest should have Cat o' Nine
Tails and anything else you want on him. As for Killer Moves, have
Claude with Dragon Howl and Mirror Slice, Dias should have Firebird
Shock Wave and Illusion, have Ernest with Broken Heart and Dimension
For when the start of the battle with Indalecio (Limiter Off), you are
going to need Cluade to get in there fast and hit him with either Mirror
Slice or Dragon howl. Dias (controlled by the CPU) will most likely
follow-up with Illusion and Ernest (when controlled by the CPU) will do
Broken Heart. Just have Claude switching between uses of Dragon Howl and
Mirror Slice. Remember to keep Rena alive at ALL COSTS. After Indalecio
fuses with Filia, ("I will erase you!") Claude will need full HP and
Rena will need full HP and MP. Ignore your other characters, they won't
be as much help now (and will most likely get killed off). Now just
attack normally with Claude and keep him away from Rena. Because the
Eternal Sphere lets off those stars when it connects, you can easily go
over 9000+ damage a slash and it makes Indalecio easy. Just as long as
he doesn't get to cast Star Flare (which will Heal Claude for about
3000+, and won't hurt Rena because of the Mirage Robe) or Southern Cross
(which will hurt both of them for about 5000) Just keep pummeling
Indalecio and he'll go down quickly.

My Comments on this Strategy:
It isn't as easy as you think if you're fighting against Indalecio
with his Limiter Off. Actually, what Killer Moves the AI uses for the
characters it's controlling is how strong the Killer Move is. If Claude
were to have a final changed Dragon Howl, and Mirror Slice wasn't even
used yet, the AI would use Dragon Howl most of the time.
Part 4: Frequently Asked Question
The items you have in your FAQ are Japanese! I have the American
Well, well, well, my, my, my, yea, okay, enough of that. Have you
checked your items/equipment? No, I mean it, have you really checked
your items and equipment? The items/equipment in all of my SO2 FAQs
are from the U.S. version, but some of the boss names as well as the
resistance/weaknesses are from the Japanese version.
Part 5: My Comments and Stuff
First of all, I'd like to say this: if you have any corrections for
me, such as the Weaknesses and Resistance, and Boss names, then e-mail
me at and correct me. This is because most of the
stuff is from the Japanese version, and I tried to put all of the US
names and stuff replacing the Japanese stuff.
Part 6: Special Thanks
Ian Kelley (
Allowing me to use the boss information (HP/Descriptions) from both of
his excellent SO2 Walkthroughs

Creating this game

Producing this game

Making most of the FMVs in the game

Publishing the game

My Most-Previous FAQs:
Got most of the layout from either of them
Part 7: Author Information
Name: Dan GC
E-mail: LB Dan
Web page: None
Under Construction
ICQ: None

"You're funny. But keep it up and you'll just piss me off." ~ Xenogears'
Don't plagiarize! It's bad! And always give credit where it is due!
This Document Copyright (c) 1999 Dan GC

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