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Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 8
17.10.2013 04:16:01
US Guide
~ Final Fantasy VIII FAQ ~
North American Version
by Prasetia Gunawan (AKA Squally Claude)
Mail :
Website :
I become a staff at Balamb Gardener (
as Zero Mercury
ICQ# 37661533
----------------------------------------I N T R O------------------------------------
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You should have known what is Final Fantasy, RPG created by Square Soft, now there
are 8 series of Final Fantasy plus Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics II.
Final Fantasy VIII is the greatest version of Final Fantasy, but we can't imagine
will Final Fantasy IX beat this game ? We just need to wait.....
August 1999 the English version has been launched in my country, Indonesia, and I
play it directly, and now writing the FAQ, you can find this FAQ at my website
( or Game FAQs (
This FAQ is shareware for free and may not be sold for money !!! Big warning !
If you use a word processor that uses ruler, please turn off the ruler limit !
Big warning again ! Don't use Quick Level Up gameshark code on this game if you
haven't got any strong weapons, because your enemies will build up to level 100, too !
----------------------------------------S T O R Y------------------------------------
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... ^_^; People can use magics ¶:Þ for
fighting and healing, and after centuries, the magics has been forgotten and never
been used, and at that time, some people can still use magics, but they use it for
crime, so some schools been built for teaching some youngsters magics, and add them
to a black magic basher team named SeeD. The schools are :
- Balamb Garden
A school colored blue that is the most popular school at Balamb Continent.
- Galbadia Garden
A school colored red with a hi-tech system at Galbadia Continent.
- Trabia Garden
A school that has been forgotten after been attacked by missiles, and the students
there are transferred to Balamb Garden.
The story starts at Balamb Garden, when two students are in training, they're Squall
Leonhart and Seifer Almasy, and you can see it at the opening FMV, where a Gunblade
falls to the ground, followed by a fight of Squall and Seifer, but a mysterious
sorceress possess Seifer and when Squall is charging to Seifer, Seifer launch a
fireball and then slashes Squall thus leaving scar on his face, and please see the
FMV yourself..........
----------------------------------------C H A R A C T E R S-------------------------
I sort the characters as the time you get that character !
Playable Characters :
1. Name : Squall Leonhart (Main Character)
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Weapon : Gunblade
Birthdate : August 23
Status : Permanent Character
2. Name : Quistis "Instructor" Trepe
Gender : Female
Age : 18
Weapon : Whip
Birthdate : October 4
Status : Permanent Character
3. Name : Zell "Chicken-Wuss" Dincht
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Weapon : Gloves
Birthdate : March 17
Status : Permanent Character
4. Name : Seifer Almasy
Gender : Male
Age : 18
Weapon : Dark Gunblade
Birthdate : December 22
Status : Non-Permanent Character
------------------------------Seifer's Party (Enemies)----------------------------
a. Name : Fujin
Gender : Female
Age : About 17+
Weapon : Whip
Birthdate : ??
Status : Enemy
b. Name : Raijin
Gender : Male
Age : About 17+
Weapon : Club/Stick
Birthdate : ??
Status : Enemy
7. Name : Selphie "Little Messenger Girl" Tilmitt
Gender : Female
Age : 17
Weapon : Nunchaku
Birthdate : July 16
Status : Permanent Character
6. Name : Laguna Loire
Gender : Male
Age : 27
Weapon : Machine Gun
Birthdate : January 3
Status : Flashback Character
-------------------Laguna's Party (Playable at Laguna's scenarios)----------------
a. Name : Ward Zabback
Gender : Male
Age : 25
Weapon : Harpoon
Birthdate : February 25
Status : Flashback Character
b. Name : Kiros Seagul
Gender : Male
Age : 23
Weapon : A pair of daggers (like Ashton's weapon at Star Ocean 2)
Birthdate : July 6
Status : Flashback Character
7. Name : Rinoa "Forest Owl Princess" Heartilly
Gender : Female
Age : 17
Weapon : Blaster Edge (The names are similar to Yuffie's weapon)
Birthdate : ??
Status : Permanent Character
8. Name : Irvine "Sharpshooter" Kinneas
Gender : Male
Age : 18
Weapon : Sniper Gun
Birthdate : Novemver 24
Status : Permanent Character
9. Name : Edea Kramer
Gender : Female
Age : +/- 30
Weapon : Magic
Birthdate : ??
Status : Non-Permanent character
Non-Playable Characters :
1. Name : Raine Loire
Description : Laguna's wife
2. Name : Ellone Loire/Elle
Description : Laguna's niece or daughter-in-law (after married Raine)
3. Name : Cid Kramer
Description : Balamb Garden headmaster, Edea's husband
4. Name : Julia
Description : A pianist at Galbadia Hotel
5. Name : Xu
Description : A SeeD Tour Guide
6. Name : Nida
Description : Balamb Garden pilot
7. Name : Biggs
Description : The Galbadian soldier who always wants to "slay" Squall and pals
8. Name : Wedge
Description : The Galbadian soldier who always wants to "slay" Squall and pals
---------------------------------------C O N T R O L----------------------------------
Analog : Available (Auto-Analog, if you use an analog stick, it will turn on
automaticcaly when you play
Dual Shock : Available
Field :
Square : Talk, Challenge Cards
Triangle : Cancel
Circle : Main Menu
X : Talk, OK, Action
L1 : N/A
L2 : N/A
R1 : N/A
R2 : N/A
Start : Pause
Select : N/A
Battle :
Square : Boost G.F.
Triangle : Cancel
Circle : N/A
X : Action, OK
L1 : N/A
L2 : N/A
R1 : Trigger
R2 : Auto-Trigger (Rough Divide)
Start : Pause
Select : Disable Menu
World Map :
Square : Vehicle Forward
Triangle : Vehicle Backward
Circle : Main Menu
X : Action, OK
L1/L2/R1/R2 : Change Camera View
Start : Pause
Select : N/A
-------------------------------G . F . M O N S T E R S------------------------------
You can summon a Guardian Force on fighting, here's a list of them :
Name of G.F: Quezacotl
Summon Attack: Thunder Storm
Elemental: Lightning-based elemental to all foes.
Getting It: This G.F. can be get in Disc 1. Just head for the
Tutorial menu from the Balamb Garden's Network.
Disc: 1 - 3
Status: Level 1 HP: 300
** A B I L I T I E S **
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ======================= | ====================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Vit-J [50] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Mag-J [Complete!]|
| Item [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [160] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Elem-Def-J [100] |
| Card [40] | Elem-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| | HP-J [50] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ========================= | ======================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Mag+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Mag+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| | |
| Menu [M] | Party (P) |
| ========================= | ========================= |
| T-Mag-RF [30] | |
| Mid Mag-RF [60] | N/A |
| Card Mod [80] | |
Name of G.F : Shiva
Summon Attack: Diamond Dust
Elemental: Ice-based elemental to all foes
Getting it: Can be obtained from the Tutorial Menu in Balamb Garden
Network, same way as the Quezacotl.
Disc: 1 - 3
Status: Level 1 HP: 298
** A B I L I T I E S **
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ====================== | ======================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Str-J [50] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Vit-J [50] |
| Item [Complete!] | Spr-J [Complete!]|
| Draw [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [160] |
| Doom [60] | Elem-Def-J [100] |
| | Elem-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| =========================== | ======================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Vit+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Vit+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Spr+20% [60] |
| Boost [10] | Spr+40% [120] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| | |
| Menu [M] | Party (P) |
| ========================== | =========================== |
| I-Mag-RF [30] | |
| | N/A |
Name of G.F: Ifrit
Summon Attack: Hell Fire
Elemental: Fire-based elemental against all foes.
Getting It: At the Cave of Fire, you will have to fight in him
during Disc 1.
Disc: 1
Status: Level 1 HP: 305
** A B I L I T I E S **
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| =========================== | ============================= |
| Magic [Complete!] | Str-J [Complete!]|
| G.F. [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [Complete!]|
| Draw [Complete!] | Elem-Def-J [100] |
| Item [Complete!] | Elem-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| Mad Rush [60] | HP-J [50] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| =============================== | ========================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Str+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Str+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Str Bonus [100] |
| Boost [10] | |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ========================= | =========================== |
| F-Mag-RF [30] | |
| Ammo-RF [30] | N/A |
| | |
Name of G.F: Siren
Summon Attack: Silent Voice
Elemental: Holy-based/Silent based attacks against all foes
Getting It: Draw from the Elvoret at Dollet's Radio Tower.
Disc: 1
Status: Level 3 HP: 391
** A B I L I T I E S **
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ========================= | ========================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Mag-J [Complete!] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | St-Atk-J [160] |
| Item [Complete!] | St-Def-J [Complete!] |
| Draw [Complete!] | St-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| Treatment [100] | |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================== | ============================ |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Mag+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Mag+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Mag Bonus [100] |
| Boost [10] | |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================ | ============================ |
| L-Mag-RF [30] | Move-Find [40] |
| ST-Med-RF [30] | |
| Tool-RF [30] | |
Name of G.F.: Diablos
Summon Attack: Dark Messenger
Elemental: Demi-based attacks against all foes.
Getting it: You will be given a Magic Lamp from Cid before
your depature to Balamb Town. Use it through the item
menu and you will have to fight it! [From Disc 1
Disc: 1 ~ 4
Status: Level 9, HP: 730
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ========================== | =========================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Mag-J [Complete!] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Hit-J [120] |
| Draw [Complete!] | HP-J [50] |
| Item [Complete!] | Abilityx3 [Complete!] |
| Darkside [100] | |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ========================= | ============================ |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Mag+20% [60] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | Mag+40% [120] |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | Mug [200] |
| | HP+20% [60] |
| | HP+40% [120] |
| | HP+80% [240] |
| | |
| Menu Abilities (M) | Party Abilities (P) |
| =========================== | ============================ |
| Time-Mag-RF [30] | Enc-Half [30] |
| ST-Mag RF [30] | Enc-None [100] |
Name of G.F: Brothers
Summon Attack: Brotherly Love
Elemental: Earth-based elemental attacks against all foes.
Useless against flying creatures.
Getting them: Defeat them at the Tomb of Unknown King [Disc 1].
Disc: 1 ~ 4
Status: Level 7 , HP: 650
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================ | ============================ |
| Magic [Complete!] | HP-J [Complete!]|
| G.F. [Complete!] | Str-J [50] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Spr-J [50] |
| Item [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [160] |
| Defend [100] | Elem-Def-J [100] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================ | ============================ |
| SumMag+10% [40] | HP+20% [Complete!] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | HP+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | HP+80% [240] |
| Boost [10] | Cover [100] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | HP Bonus [100] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================ | ============================= |
| N/A | N/A |
Name of G.F: Carbuncle
Summon Attack: Ruby Light
Elemental: Relfect magic being cast over your entire party.
Getting It: Draw from Iguion at the President's Mansion when you
have to save Rinoa.
Disc: 1
Status: Level 16 , HP: 1,220
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | HP-J [50] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Vit-J [Complete!] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Mag-J [50] |
| Item [Complete!] | St-Def-J [100] |
| | St-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| | St-Atk-J [160] |
| | Abilityx3 [Complete!] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================= | ============================== |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Vit+20% [60] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | Vit+40% [120] |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | Counter [200] |
| | Vit Bonus [100] |
| | Auto-Reflect [150] |
| | HP+20% [60] |
| | HP+40% [120] |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================== | ============================== |
| Recov-Med-RF [30] | N/A |
Name of G.F: Leviathan
Summon Attack: Tsunami
Elemental: Water-elemental based attack against all opponents.
Getting it: Draw it from the BOSS, NORG after you have succeeded
in operating MD system.
Disc: 2
Status: Level 17 , HP: 1,349
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================ |
| Magic [Complete!] | Mag-J [50] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Spr-J [Complete!]|
| Item [Complete!] | Elem-Def-Jx2 [Complete!]|
| Draw [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [Complete!]|
| Recover [200] | |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================= | ============================ |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Spr+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Spr+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Spr Bonous [100] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Auto Potion [150] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================= | ============================ |
| Supt-Mag-RF [30] | |
| GFRecov-Med-RF [60] | N/A |
Name of G.F: Pandemona
Summon Attack: Tornado Zone
Elemental: Wind-elemental based attack against all opponents
Getting It: Draw from Fujin when you battle against her at Balamb
Town in Disc 2.
Disc: 2
Status: Level 20 , HP: 1,506
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| Magic [Complete!] | Str-J [Complete!]|
| G.F. [Complete!] | Spd-J [120] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [160] |
| Item [Complete!] | Elem-Def-J [100] |
| Absorb [Complete!] | Elem-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Str+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Spd+20% [60] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Spd+40% [120] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Initiative [160] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| | |
| N/A | N/A |
Name of G.F: Cerberus
Summon Attack: Counter Rockets
Elemental: Double and Triple is being cast over the entire party
Getting It: You will meet this guy at the main hall of Galbadian
Garden and have to fight him, he's a tough cookie.
Disc: 2
Status: Level 24, HP: 1,545
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| Magic [Complete!] | Str-J [Complete!]|
| G.F. [Complete!] | Mag-J [50] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Spr-J [50] |
| Item [Complete!] | Spd-J [120] |
| | Hit-J [Complete!]|
| | St-Atk-J [160] |
| | St-Def-J [Complete!]|
| | St-Def-Jx2 [130] |
| | St-Def-Jx4 [180] |
| | Abilityx3 [Complete!]|
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Spd+20% [60] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | Spd+40% [120] |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | Auto-Haste [150] |
| | Expendx2-1 [250] |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| N/A | Alert [200] |
| | |
Name of G.F: Alexander
Summon Attack: Holy Judgement
Elemental: Holy-elemental based damage against all foes.
Getting It: You must draw it from Edea at the last battle of Disc 2.
Disc: 2
Status: Level 25 , HP: 1,925
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================ |
| Magic [Complete!] | Spr-J [Complete!]|
| G.F. [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [160] |
| Draw [Complete!] | El-Def-Jx2 [Complete!]|
| Item [Complete!] | El-Def-Jx4 [180] |
| Revive [200] | Abilityx3 [Complete!] |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================== | ============================ |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Spr+20% [60] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Spr+40% [120] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Med Data [Complete] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================== | ============================ |
| High-Mag-RF [60] | |
| Med LV Up [120] | N/A |
Name of G.F: Doomtrain
Summon Attack: Runaway Train
Elemental: Poison-based and Status attacks against all opponents.
Getting It: This is rather tough and EXPENSIVE. Firstly you must
have the following:
6x Malboro's Tentacles [steal from Malboro, get Mug
from Diablo. Malboro are found outside the Tears
Point]. Malboro can also be found at the place
closest to Hell/Heaven, applies after receiving
6x Stell Pipe [steal these from those yellow and green
Wendigos outside Galbadia area]. They can be found
at deserts only. Use Bundoru to do this.
6x Remedy Plus [have aleast 60 Remedies (purchased
from shop for 60,000 gil), and change them to
Remedy Plus, Alexander's Med LV Up Menu.]
You must get Alexander's Med Data before
you can learn Alexander's Med Lv Up.
1x Solomon's Ring: found at Tears Point [located
south-east from Esthar Captial,
Have getting the above requirements, use Solomon's
Ring and you will get the G.F!
Disc: 3 [must get the Solomon's Ring from Tear's Point before
your trip to outerspace and Alexander is a compulsory
G.F in order to get Doomtrain]. You can get this
on Disc 4 too.
Status: Level 28 HP: 2,521
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Elem-Atk-J [Complete!] |
| G.F [Complete!] | St-Atk-J [Complete!] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Elem-Def-Jx4 [180] |
| Item [Complete!] | St-Def-Jx4 [180] |
| Darkside [100] | |
| Absorb [80] | |
| | |
| Guardian Forces (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================== | ============================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Auto-Shell [250] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | |
| SumMag+30% [140] | |
| SumMag+40% [200] | |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| G.F. HP +40% [200] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================== | ================================ |
| Junk Shop [Complete!] | |
| Forbid-Med-RF [200] | N/A |
Name of G.F: Bahamut
Summon Attack: Mega Flare
Elemental: Non-elemental damage against all foes.
Getting It: Go to Warship Island, after you have received the
Ragnarok, it's is located in southwest region of the
World Map and it's on the west of Edea's House.
Once you enter, you will encounter a light column, do
NOT walk while the light is on, you will encounter
battles, next talk to the column and choose 1st option
for 1st question [fight vs. Ruby Dragon], 2nd option
for 2nd question [fight vs. another Ruby Dragon] and
the third option [hidden] for the last question and
you will have to fight it, a tough one.
Disc: 3 ~ 4
Status: Level 35 HP: 3,274
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================== | ================================ |
| Magic [Complete!] | Abilityx4 [Complete!] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | |
| Draw [Complete!] | |
| Item [Complete!] | |
| | |
| Guardian Forces (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================= | =============================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Str+60% [Complete!] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Mag+60% [Complete!] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Mug [200] |
| SumMag+40% [200] | Auto-Protect [250] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Expendx2-1 [250] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | Move-HP-Up [250] |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| G.F. HP +40% [200] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================== | =============================== |
| Forbid-Med-RF [Complete!]| Rare Item [250] |
| | |
Name of G.F : Cactuar
Summon Attack : 1,000 Needles
Getting It : Head for the Cactuar Island, it's located on the south
east area of Centra Area. [there is a green Cactuar
there (actually it's the Cactuar)] Make contact
with it and it's very tough. Note that it is a
huge and massive Cactuar and its about 4 times bigger
than the Cactuar.
How it works : The G.F Cactuar works like this. Let's says the
Cactuar's Level is between x0 to x9 then the damage
that the Sabotander inflicit will be x000. Let's says
if the Sabotander's Level is 73, the damage inflicit
will be 7000 exactly.
Disc: 3 ~ 4
Status: Level 23 HP: 2,594
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | =============================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Eva-J [200] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Luck-J [200] |
| Draw [Complete!] | |
| Item [Complete!] | |
| Defend [100] | |
| Kamikaze [100] | |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F.) | Character (C) |
| ============================== | ============================== |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Eva+30% [200] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | Luck+50% [200] |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | Initiative [160] |
| | Move-HP-Up [200] |
| | HP Bonus [Complete!]|
| | Str Bonus [Complete!]|
| | Mag Bonus [Complete!]|
| | Spr Bonus [Complete!]|
| | Vit Bonus [Complete!]|
| | Auto Potion [150] |
| | Expendx2-1 [250] |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================= | ============================= |
| | |
| N/A | N/A |
Name of G.F.: Tonberry
Summon Attack: Chef's Knife
Elemental: Non-elemental damage against all opponents.
Getting It: Head to Centra Ruins in the Centra Region. Head to
the main compound where you find a statue of a monster
and the Y-shaped ladder. Kill 20 Tonbery and one of
them will transform into the King Tonbery. Defeat it
and you will get it. The battle is continuous. You have
to get Odin before you can get this. Not necessary to
battle all 20 Tonberies at one go. You can go out to the
World Map and saved your game. Thanks to Pericval
Estacion for testing this.
Disc: 2 ~ 4 [must get Odin before you can get this G.F]
Status: Level 30 HP: 2,596
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================= | ============================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | |
| G.F. [Complete!] | N/A |
| Draw [Complete!] | |
| Item [Complete!] | |
| LV Down [Complete!] | |
| LV Up [Complete!] | |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================== | =============================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Eva+30% [Complete!] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Luck+50% [Complete!] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | Initiative [160] |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | Move-HP-Up [200] |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | Auto Potion [150] |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================= | ============================== |
| Haggle [150] | |
| Familiar [150] | N/A |
| Sell-High [200] | |
| Call Shop [200] | |
Name of G.F: Eden
Summon Attack: Eternal Breath
Elemental: Non-elemental damage against all opponents.
Getting It: After defeating the Bahamut, back to Ragnarok and talk
to everyone. Now re-enter the Warship Island. Now head
down the hole of the damaged light system. Now head
use the steam blocks in this order, 2-2-1-1 and have
Zell operate that huge machine [2nd option] and head
to basement and examine the machine. A huge monster
[Ultima Weapon] will appear and draw Eden from it.
It's going to be a tough battle! [Refer to Part I for
more details] This section is being contributed by
Steven Bruck. [] Note that the
Eden can do up to 40,000+ if you have accquired it to
high levels with "Boost" ability!
Disc: 3 ~ 4 [after getting Bahamut]
Status: Level 30, 4,786
| | |
| Command (!) | Junction (J) |
| ============================ | ============================== |
| Magic [Complete!] | Spd-J [Complete!] |
| G.F. [Complete!] | Eva-J [Complete!] |
| Draw [Complete!] | Hit-J [Complete!] |
| Item [Complete!] | |
| Nad Rush [60] | |
| Darkside [100] | |
| Devour [Complete!] | |
| | |
| Guardian Force (G.F) | Character (C) |
| ============================ | =============================== |
| SumMag+10% [40] | Luck+50% [200] |
| SumMag+20% [70] | Expendx3-1 [250] |
| SumMag+30% [140] | |
| SumMag+40% [200] | |
| G.F. HP +10% [40] | |
| G.F. HP +20% [70] | |
| G.F. HP +30% [140] | |
| G.F. HP +40% [200] | |
| Boost [10] | |
| | |
| Menu (M) | Party (P) |
| ============================= | ================================ |
| GFAbl-Med-RF [30] | |
| | N/A |
These are not actually G.Fs, they don't have any of the G.F's abilities
like Command, Junction, G.F, Character, Menu and Party. I listed them
down here as they have "summoning" animation same as G.Fs [green
bubbles appears from the character's body.]
Name: Phoenix
Summon Attack: Rebirth Flame
Elemental: Fire-elemental attack to all foes.
Life-elemental to all allies.
Getting It: Head to the Shumi Village from Disc 2
onwards. Head up and enter the elevator located at the
north. Now head left until you reach the pond. Now enter
the house on the extreme left. Next talk to the man
near the state of Laguna. After finished talking with
the man, head to the house where you find the Mumba.
Now enter and you will meet the Village's Head, talk to
him and left. Head back to the statue where you find the
statue of Laguna. Now talk to him and pick second option
Next you will be asked to find the stones in the village.
After you found one, return back to the man near the
statue of Laguna, giving it to him.
Disc: 2 ~ 3
0----------- Blue Stone: The room where you find the statue of Laguna
Search the wall where you find the huge blue
0----------- Wind Stone: The area where you will find the Shumi Hotel
[1st screen after you have exit from the
elevator]. Search the rock between the two
0----------- Life Stone: Before you ended up with the Village Head's
house, you will find a huge tree. Search the
middle of the trunk.
0----------- Shadow Stone: Head back to the first area where you find
the elevator. Right of the screen, there is
a container which cast a shadow. Search the
0----------- Water Stone: Head to Artisan's House [it is just next to
the building where you find Laguna's statue.
Walk up to the sink and search the extreme
left corner.
After finding all, head back to the man near the statue. Afterwards
head to the Village Head's house and you will get the Phoenix Pinion from
the assistant. Use in combat and you will summon the Phoenix!
Alternate methods: Refer to Tool-RF ability for more details.
NOTES: There is a probability of the Phoenix being summoned when all
characters are dead [make sure someone has equipped the item
Name: Odin
Summon Attack: Zantetsuken
Elemental: Non-elemental attack, instant dead attack. Pretty weak
against BOSSES.
Getting It: Refer to The Galbadian World Tour of Part I
Disc: 2 ~ 4
NOTES: The appearance of the Odin appears randomly in battles
and appears at the beginning of battles. The Odin's Iron
Cutting Sword is an instant death attack against all
opponents. It is pretty useless against BOSSES.
Name: Gilgamesh
Summon Attack: Random (Based on the weapon he choose)
Elemental: Non-elemental attack against all foes
Getting It: You will get this if you have gotten Odin before the
battle against the Seifer at Lunatic Pandora
Disc: 3
NOTES: The Gilagmesh can even appears in between battles. The
Gilmagesh have four cool attacks [all the swords except
for the Iron Cutting Sword (Zantetsuken) are based on
Final Fantasy V. Thanks to Heero Yuy for the valuable
information. It can also appears in BOSSES Fight.
Name: Boko (Chicobo)
Summon Attack: ChocoFire/ChocoFlare/ChocoMeteor/Chocobuckle
Elemental: Non-elemental attack against all foes.
Getting It: To get this, you need to find the Gisaal Vegetables.
One of them can through the Fragments of the Pot quest.
The summon
effect will improve if you have accquired certain levels
at your PDA [Pockestation]. You can summon this through
the item command [during battles only!] Make sure that
you have aleast summoned once the Chocobo from the
Chocobo Forest.
Disc: 2 ~ 4
Other G.Fs
* MiniMog and Mumba via Pocketstation [still unknown as I myself does
not owned a Pocketstation].
* Griever [This is not your G.F but the Final BOSS's personal G.F, very
powerful]. Actually this is Squall's ring. [remember the time
where Squall handles an item to Zell afterwards where you see Zell
giving it to Rinoa].
---------------------------------L I M I T B R E A K--------------------------------
In FF7, you use Limit Breaks everytime the Limit Gauge is full and can be used once,
but in FF8, when you're in danger, or you use Aura Magic, beside the "Attack" command
there will be a signal like this :
| |
|Attack > |
|G.F. |
|Draw |
|Magic |
And if you press right, every character is different
Squall :
Attack > Renzokuken
A box like this will appear :
|__|>>>|__________________| Hit the trigger (R1) when the light reaches the [>>>] bar,
If all the lights hit the trigger, you will get PERFECT, and if you're lucky, you will
use Limit Break.
Squall's Limit Break List
1. Rough Divide - Default
2. Fated Circle - use weapon "Shear Trigger"
3. Blasting Zone - use weapon "Flame Blade"
4. Lion Hearf - use weapon "Lionheart"
Quistis :
Attack > Blue Magic
You can get the Blue Magics by getting some items, you can learn such as Ultra Wave,
Micro Missiles, etc.
Getting ALL Blue Magics !
1. Laser Eye - Default
2. Ultra Wave - Get from item "Spider Web" (mug from Catherchipillar)
3. Electrocute - Get from item "Coral Fragment" (mug from Cockatrice)
4. Level?Death - Get from item "Curse Spike" (mug from Tri-Face)
5. Degenerator - Get from item "Black Hole" (mug from Gesper)
6. Aqua Breath - Get from item "Water Crystal" (mug from Fastitocalon)
7. Micro Missiles - Get from item "Missiles" (mug from GIM52A)
8. Acid - Get from item "Mystery Fluid" (mug from Gayla)
9. Gatling Gun - Get from item "Running Fire" (mug from SAMO8G)
10. Fire Breath - Get from item "Inferno Fang" (mug from Ruby Dragon)
11. Bad Breath - Get from item "Malboro Tentacle" (mug from Malboro)
12. Homing Laser - Get from item "Laser Cannon" (mug from Elastoid)
13. White Wind - Get from item "Whisper" (mug from Adamantoise)
14. Mighty Guard - Get from item "Barrier" (mug from Behemoths)
15. Shock Wave Pulser - Get from item "???" (I forgot)
16. Ray Bomb - Get from item "Power Generator" (I forgot)
Zell :
Attack > Duel
To do Zell's Duel, a box like this will appear :
|Booya > < |
|Rush Punch O X|
|______________| 06:52
You must push the buttons listed before the time ends, to get new skills, read the
Combat King Magazines!
Doing the Finishing Blows :
1. Burning Rave : Rush Punch, Mach Kick, Punch Rush, Heel Drop, BURNING RAVE
Zell charges his power, doing a burning charge, then hits the earth, similar to
the Earth Slash at FFT.
2. Meteor Barret : Rush Punch, Dolphin Blow, METEOR BARRET
Zell jumps in mid-air and charges an energy ball, then charges to the enemy,
similar to Gokou's Kame-Hame-Ha.
3. Different Beat : Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Heel Drop, Booya, DIFFERENT BEAT
Zell kicks the enemy RAPIDLY to the Mid-Air and kicks the enemy back to earth,
similar to Tifa's Somersault.
4. My Final Heaven : Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Rush Punch, MY FINAL HEAVEN
Zell charges a high output energy, and starts to ram the enemy but missed, the
enemy funny spins and then Zell runs on a lap of the Earth, and rams the enemy !
List of Zell's move from Combat King
1. Dolphin Blow - Combat King 001
2. Meteor Strike - Combat King 002
3. Meteor Barret - Combat King 003
4. Different Beat - Combat King 004
5. My Final Heaven - Combat King 005
The Armageddon Fist, contributed by Kaze Yagami
Have Zell with 255 STR, and Ehrgeiz equipped, and a VERY LOW HP (below 300 when
you're at level 100 !), do Zell's duel, but don't bother doing any Finishing Move,
Zell's time will go 12.00 if you have very low HP, and keep doing Rush Punch and
Booya QUICKLY ! until the time ends, you can hit about 36-108 hits with each 2000-
6000, and think for it, 108 X 6000...... !
Selphie :
Attack > Slots
A box like this will appear :
| Curaga 2 times | To change the magic, choose Do Over, to cast it, choose Cast,
| | don't worry, you need not the amount of the Magic ! Just need
| Do Over | the magic on the inventory, or there are 4 special magics,
| Cast | which need not any magic in the inventory, they're Full Cure,
|________________| Wall, Rapture, and The End.
Rinoa :
Attack > Combine > Angelo
> Angel Wing (Disc 3)
If you choose Angelo, Angelo will appear to do the ability you selected at status menu
such as Angelo Cannon, Angelo Strike, etc. To get Angelo's skills, read the Pet Pals
Magazines. If you choose Angel Wing, Rinoa will become an Angel and goes berserk.
Where did Rinoa got the Angel Wing ?
You can start using Angel Wing at Ragnarok when fighting the Propagator, but how ? it's
actually a spoiler. If you see, when you got back from space, Zell will tell you that
"Matron is not a sorceress anymore, she gave her power to someone else", "Matron" is
Edea, right ? She gave her power to Rinoa, and quit your party, then Rinoa can do a
sorcery skill named "Angel Wing" !
Irvine :
Attack > Shot
After choosing Shot, choose the ammo, and a time limit will appear, pull the trigger
(R1) to shoot before the time limit ends. You can buy the ammos at shops. There are
shots that hit one enemy, and there are shots that hit all enemies.
New ! New ! New !
List of Ammo and Attacks
1. Normal Shot - Normal Ammo
2. Scatter Shot - Shotgun Ammo
3. Dark Shot - Dark Ammo
4. Flame Shot - Fire Ammo
5. Canister Shot - Demolition Ammo
6. Quick Shot - Fast Ammo
7. Armor Shot - AP Ammo
8. Hyper Shot - Pulse Ammo
--------------------------------------M A G I C S-------------------------------------
You can get magics from Magic Stones, a purple crystal, or by drawing from enemies,
you can cast the magics by equipping the "Magic" command or by Draw > Cast from
enemies, some elemental magics have the next version of the magic, like Fire > Fira >
Firaga, Blizzard > Blizzara > Blizzaga, Thunder > Thundra > Thundaga.
---------------------------------S A V E P O I N T----------------------------------
The save points are a ball-like thing with Red, Blue, and Yellow colors, when you get
onto the point, a writing will appear, access the menu and select "Save".
----------------------------------C A R D G A M E-----------------------------------
To play the card game, I will explain it, okay !
~Battle Arena~
______ ______ ______
O | | | | Y
P | | | | O
P | | | | U
O | | | | R
N |______|______|______|
E | | | | C
N | | | | A
| | | | D
C |______|______|______| S
A | | | |
R | | | |
D | | | |
S | | | |
| 5 | This is just an example of a card, let's say this is the opponent's card.
| |
|A 7|
| |
______ ______
| 5 || 2 | If the right card is your card, 9 is higher than 7, right ? so you
| || | will get a point.
|A 7||9 9|
| || |
______ ______ ______
| 5 || 2 || A | However, A is higher than 9, so your point will be reduced
| || || | if opponent's card is higher. You can only win if the point
|A 7||9 9||A A| is 6-4 or 7-3 or 8-2 or 9-1 !
| || || |
The CC (Card Club) Group
Actually there is a group of card maniacs at Balamb Garden, to challenge
them, you must challenge Dr. Kadowaki first, then when Balamb Garden has become an
airship, you must challenge the CC Groups at the following orders :
_________ __________________________________________________________
| | |
|Jack |A male Garden Cadet who is walking at the lobby |
| |A male Garden Cadet who is walking at the entrance of the |
|Club |Cafetaria and the Dormitory |
| | |
|Diamond |Two girls who always walk together at the lobby |
| | |
|Joker |The man selling items at the Training Center |
| | |
|Spade |The person who gave you the first 7 cards |
| | |
|Heart |She is Xu, meet her at the controls |
| |Quistis may not be at your party, go to the Infirmary,talk|
|King |to doctor Kadowaki, then sleep at the dormitory, if you |
| |lose, just challenge Quistis at the controls |
The Rare Cards
1. Chubby Chocobo To get this card, win it from the Card Queen (the woman like Aeris
4 at the Balamb Train Station)
9 4
2. Angelo To get this card, win it from the Card Game against Watts at the Forest
9 Owl base or at the White SeeD Ship
3 6
3. Gilgamesh Win it from CC King (refer to the CC Groups section)
6 7
4. MiniMog Win it from the little boy dressed in blue whom always run on Balamb
9 Garden
2 3
5. Chicobo Go to all chocobo forest, dig for stones there, and then go to the
9 chocobo shrine, talk to a chicobo (little chocobo) there and you will
4 4 get a card.
6. Quezacotl Win it from Mayor Dobe at F.H. City
4 9
7. Shiva Get to Timber Maniacs, search for the books until you find an item called
6 "Girl Next Door", then at White SeeD Ship (at disc 3) talk to Zone
9 7 and exchange the magazine for that card.
8. Siren Go to Dollet, enter the Casino, go to 2nd floor, talk to the man at the
8 left, challenge him, win, and then follow him to the Private Room, then
2 9 challenge him again, win the Siren card.
9. Carbuncle Win it from CC Heart.
4 4
10. Leviathan Win it from CC Joker
7 A
11. Pandemona After defeating Fujin and Raijin at disc 2, talk to the man outside
A the hotel and challenge him.
7 1
12. Alexander Win it from Piet at the rocket (disc 3).
2 A
13. Phoenix Win it from Card Queen
A 2
14. Doomtrain Win it from Card Queen
A 1
15. Ward Zabback Win it from Professor Odine at Esthar Lab.
8 7
16. Kiros Seagul Win it from Card Queen
A 7
17. Laguna Loire Win it from Ellone on your space journey.
9 A
18. Selphie Tilmitt Talk to Selphie's friend at Trabia Garden.
4 8
19. Quistis Trepe Challenge Trepe Follower #02 at the classroom.
9 4
20. Irvine Kinneas Win it from Card Queen
A 6
21. Zell Dincht When Balamb Town is under Galbadian guard, challenge Ma Dincht.
6 5
22. Rinoa Heartilly Challenge Caraway at Deling City, use Ifrit card, lose the
4 Ifrit card, and the next fight he will use Rinoa's card. then
A A go to F.H. City and challenge the man at the right of the windmill
23. Sorceress Edea Challenge Edea at her house.
3 A
24. Seifer Almasy Challenge Headmaster Cid.
4 9
25. Squall Leonhart Challenge Laguna as President of Esthar.
9 4
26. PuPu Coming soon ! Long description for this RAREST card !
2 A
The list of Cards
Page 1 (Monster) : Page 2 {Monster) : Page 3 (Monster) :
-Geezard -Grat -Forbidden
-Funguar -Buel -Armadodo
-Bite Bug -Mesmerize -Tri-Face
-Red Bat -Glacial Eye -Fastitocalon
-Blobra -Behelmel -Snow Lion
-Gayla -Thrusthaevis -Ochu
-Gesper -Anacondaur -SAMO8G
-Fastitocalon-F -Creeps -Death Claw
-Blood Soul -Grendel -Cactuar
-Caterchipillar -Jelleye -Tonberry
-Cockatrice -Grand Mantis -Abbyss Worm
Page 4 (Monster) : Page 5 (Monster + 2 BOSSes) : Page 6 (Boss) :
-Turtapod -Iron Giant -Fujin, Raijin
-Vysage -Behemoth -Elvoret
-T-Rexaur -Chimera -X-ATM 092
-Bomb -PuPu -Granaldo
-Blitz -Elastoid -Gerogero
-Wendigo -GIM47N -Iguion
-Torama -Malboro -Abadon
-Imp -Ruby Dragon -Trauma
-Blue Dragon -Elnoyle -Oilboyle
-Adamantoise -Tonberry King -Shumi Tribe
-Hexdragon -Wedge, Biggs -Krysta
Page 7 (Boss) : Page 8 (G.F.) : Page 9 (G.F.) :
-Propagator -Chubby Chocobo -Carbuncle
-Jumbo Cactuar -Angelo -Diablos
-Tri-Point -Gilgamesh -Leviathan
-Gargantua -MiniMog -Odin
-Mobile Type 8 -Chicobo -Pandemona
-Sphinxara -Quezacotl -Cerberus
-Tiamat -Shiva -Alexander
-BGH251F2 -Ifrit -Phoenix
-Red Giant -Siren -Bahamut
-Catoblepas -Sacred -Doomtrain
-Ultima Weapon -Minotaur -Eden
Page 10 (Character) :
----------------------------------M A I N M E N U-----------------------------------
My main menu is like this at Disc 4 :
|Quistis Lv100 HP 9999/9999 |Junction |
|Squall Lv100 HP 9999/9999 |Item |
|Rinoa Lv100 HP 9999/9999 |Magic |
| |Status |
|___________________________|G.F. |
|Zell Lv 97 HP 9999/9999 |Ability |
|Irvine Lv 77 HP 8878/8878 |Switch |
|Selphie Lv 89 HP 9999/9999 |Card |
| |Tutorial |
|___________________________|Save |
| |Play 40:44|
|Ultimecia's Castle |SeeD A |
|___________________________|25622750 G|
1. Junction
You can set G.F.s, Magics, and so on.
2. Item
For viewing and using Items
3. Magic
For Arranging and Using Magics
4. Status
For setting Limit Breaks and viewing status
5. G.F.
Switching G.F.s Ability, seeing G.F. status
6. Ability
Using G.F. Abilities
7. Switch
Change Party Members
8. Card
Viewing cards
9. Tutorial
The game's tutorials, plus a written test.
10. Save
Save your game
11. **** G
Showing your amount of moneys (G=Gil)
12. SeeD **
Showing your SeeD Level, to get money, it's based on your SeeD level, everytime
you walk about 100 Miles, there will be a writing [S-Lv * ***** Gil] on the
Okay, for other tutorials, you will see it on the game.
------------------------------------J U N C T I O N----------------------------------
When you enter the junction menu, a box like this will appear :
| Junction Off Auto Ability | JUNCTION |
|______ _______|
| | Squall |Attack |
|Squall| |G.F. |
|Photo | Lv 100 |Draw |
| | |Magic |
|______| HP 9999/9999 |_______|
|[HP] Curaga 9999 [][][][]|
|[Str] Ultima 255 [Spd] Haste 144 |
|[Vit] Thundaga255 [Eva] ---- 22% |
|[Mag] Firaga 198 [Hit] ---- 255% |
|[Spr] Blizzaga 67 [Luck]---- 44 |
1. Junction
To equip G.F. and Magic Attributes
2. Off
To remove all magic attributes
3. Auto
To automaticcaly set magic attributes
4. Ability
To set the battle commands and character/party ability
Words :
HP = Hit Point Spd = Speed
Str = Strength Eva = Evade
Vit = Vitality Hit = Hit rate
Mag = Magic Luck = Luck
Spr = Spirit
Q: How to junction a magic to increase my ability ?
A: Firstly, you MUST junction a G.F. that have a Junction ability (HP-J,
Str-J, Vit-J, etc.), then click on JUNCTION then MAGIC and set the
magic you want, or just click AUTO then choose either ATK, DEF, or MAG.
------------------------------------S e e D T E S T--------------------------------
To increase your SeeD Level, you have to do the written test, you can access the test
from the "Tutorial" after you have got the Magical Lamp from Cid.
Answers (Y=YES N=NO) :
-------------------------------------F A V O R I T E---------------------------------
Umm, what do I like from the game ? The musics ? yes, my favorite music in the game
is "Eyes on Me", wanna the text ? Here it goes !
-------EYES ON ME-------
Whenever sang my songs
On the stage, on my own
Whenever said my words
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar
My last night here for you
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you ?
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh did you ever know
that I had mine on you
Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you never hurt
As if you never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you're no dreamer
So let me come to you
Close as I wannabe
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast
And stay there as I whisper
How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
Oh did you ever know
That I had mine on you
Darling, so share with me
Your love if you have enough
Or tears if you're holding back
Or pain if that's what it is
How can I let you know
I'm more than the dress and the voice
Just reach me out then
You will know that you're not dreaming
Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you never hurt
As if you never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you're no dreamer
--------------------------------------U P D A T E S----------------------------------
Version 1.0 : August 29, 1999 : Decided to write a Walktrough for this great game,
for Disc 1, disc 2 will be launched as fast as I can.
Version 1.1 : October 8, 1999 : Continued the walktrough, added some sections.
-----------------------------------W A L K T R O U G H-------------------------------
Disc 1 :
Part 1 : The Balamb Garden
After the Opening FMV, you will see the black-coated man at the infirmary,
and Dr. Kadowaki asks him his name, then you can choose the name, the default name is
"Squall", and after you choose confirm, he will say "Who is your Instructor... oh..
yeah... Quistis, I'll call her", and then he calls Instructor Trepe (Quistis), after
that, you will see a girl says "Squall, so we meet again", but who is she ? I'll tell
you later. ANf then you will see an FMV, Quistis enters the infirmary and talks to
Squall. Follow her, she will talk to you when you walk, after you reach the door, you
will see a great FMV of Balamb Garden. After that, the scene changes to the classroom
Squall's seat is next to Seifer's. Quistis will say that the field exam is starting,
and you have a free time until afternoon, and she yells to Seifer, "And Seifer !
Don't ever hurt your friend when training !" After that, the bell rings, and then you
ordered to be dismissed. Now don't get out first, press X on your seat, you will
access your laptop to Balamb Garden Network !
|Balamb Garden Network main index | Choose [Tutorial] and then login as
|----------------------------------------------| [Squall], and you will get G.F.
| [ Tutorial ] | Quezacotl and Shiva ! For others,
| [ The Basics ] | access yourself.
| [ About Garden ] |
| [ A message from Garden ] |
| ______ [ Garden Square ] |
|| | ============================ |
|| SeeD | \ School Festival Commitee \ |
||______| ============================ |
___________________________ ___________________________
|========================== | |========================== |
|------G.F. Monster 1------ | |------G.F. Monster 2------ |
|========================== | |========================== |
|Name : Quezacotl | |Name : Shiva |
|Level : 1 | |Level : 1 |
|HP : 300/300 | |HP : 298/298 |
|Elemental : Lightning | |Elemental : Ice |
|Attack : Thunder Storm | |Attack : Diamond Dust |
|___________________________| |___________________________|
Now equip the G.F., access main menu and choose [Junction], and then choose
[Junction] then [G.F.], euqip it on Squall, and then set the commands you want, I
set the commands G.F., Draw, Item. It's up to you if you want to set Magic as a
command. But Draw and G.F. are very important. If you need help because your HP
low, protect with your G.F. or draw then cast a magic from enemies. Now get out
from the class, on your way out, talk to Instructor Trepe... I mean... Quistis,
and then she will wait at the Front Gate and request you to get there when you're
ready. Now get out, and on your way to elevator, a girl will run and rammed on you,
then she will say that she just been transferred from other garden (Trabia Garden),
she doesn't quite know about the ways in Balamb Garden, and she wants you to take
her to the map, you can choose either to take her or not. Before you enter the
elevator, talk to the guy, and he will give you 7 cards you cna use to play card
games, to play card games, talk to a card player using Square button. To get cards,
you can use "Card" command from Quezacotl to enemies, or beat the card players. Now
go to the elevator and then go to first floor, and go to the map, Squall will
explain to Selp... I mean... the girl (can't tell who is she), here it is :
| |
| [Dormitory] |
| | |
| [Cafetaria]\ | /[Parking Lot] |
| \ | / |
| \ | / |
| \ | / |
| \|/ |
| [Quad]---------------[Elevator]-------------[Training Center] |
| /|\ |
| / | \ |
| / | \ |
| / | \ |
| [Infirmary]/ | \[Library] |
| [Lobby] |
| [Front Gate] |
1. Elevator
From Floor 1-2-3
2. Lobby
This is the room where you find the save point
3. Dormitory
The cadets' bedrooms
4. Parking Lot
The Car Parking area
5. Training Center
A training center at garden, be careful since there are T-Rexaurs
6. Library
You can gather infos from books here
7. Front Gate
The entrance of garden
8. Infirmary
Dr. Kadowaki is in charge in this place
9. Quad
Some new gossips
Famous with its hot dogs
Well, after Squall explains these, she will leave, and now you can explore
the garden, after you have finished, go to the Front Gate.
[Note 1] : Before you have finished Dollet mission, you can use this map to move to
parts of garden easily by pressing X !
At the Front Gate, you will see Instructor Trepe... I mean... Quistis there,
and she will join you and give you a tutorial. Now please equip Squall with
Quezacotl and Quistis with Shiva. You will be at the world map now. Go to the right
from Balamb Garden and enter Balamb Town, stock up items there, save your money
since you can't get money before you finish Dollet Mission. Now go until you see a
cliff with a hole, enter the hole to the Fire Cavern.
Part 2 : The Fire Cavern
When you enter the Fire Cavern, Quistis will give you more tutorials, just
see and do it if you wish. Now talk to the garden faculties, and then choose the
time limit you need, form 10 to 40 mins. choosing less time limit will give you more
points for the exams. When you enter the cavern, you need to rush, before the time
limit ends, so just ignore any magic stones, keep going until you reach a big rock,
then a monster will appear !!!
Name : Ifrit
Level : 6
HP : 1068/1068
Draw : Fire, Cure, Scan
Weakness : Ice elemental attacks (Shiva)
AP Gained : 20
Strategy :
First, have Quistis charges Shiva, and let Squall get hit by Ifrit, don't use
Quezacotl, just wait until Quistis casts Shiva, then charge it again, just let
Squall get hit, don't attack, until Squall's HP reached less than 150, push Circle
repeatedly until you see the sign > next to the attack, push right, do the
Renzokuken, see how many triggers are there, first, push R1 when the light reaches
the TRIGGER box, and see if it's the last light, press R2, and Squall will do Rough
Divide (or anything if Squall have got the next weapon), just repeat that until
Ifrit dies, and you can recruit him as a G.F. Monster.
|========================== |
|------G.F. Monster 3------ |
|========================== |
|Name : Ifrit |
|Level : 1 |
|HP : 305/305 |
|Elemental : Fire |
|Attack : Hell Fire |
After you get Ifrit, just get out without a time limit, and go back the
garden, at the Front Gate, Instructor.... oh.... Quistis will leave you and give
order to change at the Dormitory and then go to the lobby, just go to the Dormitory,
check the desk, and change to a uniform, then go to the lobby, you will see Quistis,
then after a short chit-chat, there is an FMV of a wrestler (I think ^_^), he is
Zell, Zell Dincht, and he will join you, after that, Seifer will come with Fujin and
Raijin, after a short chit-chat, the greatest person at Balamb Garden will come.....
he is....... Cid Krammer, the Headmaster !! He will explain something, and then go
follow Seifer, to the Parking Lot, and you will be brought to the world map with a
car, how to drive a car, see the CONTROL section. Just drive the car to Balamb Town,
and then to the harbour, and ride the vessel, and to the next part.
Part 3 : The Dollet Mission
In the ship, you will meet the guide, Xu, and she will explain your mission,
Seifer will join you this time, but not for later, here are the best equipped G.F. :
Squall-Ifrit, Zell-Quezacotl, Seifer-Shiva. After Xu finished explains that, you
will see an FMV, see it yourself since I don't want to spoil your game (maybe
sometimes I spoiled it without knowing it ^_^). After the FMV, you will get down at
Dollet shore, just follow Seifer anywhere, Seifer will help you in battle this time,
all the stocked magics to Seifer will be stocked to Selphie later when you get her.
Oooops.... overtalks.... but I think it's okay since you will get Selphie soon ^_^.
Now on every fight with the soldiers, use Quezacotl for quick victory, since all the
soldiers and mechs are weak to lightning (except some soldiers), keep following
Seifer and battling enemies you meet, wanna see Seifer's limit break ? Try it
yourself, I haven't tried it. When Seifer stops, take the road to upright, then you
will see a soldier comes, fight him, after that, talk to Seifer, then just wait
until Seifer has a business with a dog ^_^;. After that, some soldiers will go to
the bridge, Seifer will follow 'em, just follow Seifer, until you see some stairs,
you will see a soldier is on ground and he says that there is a monster, and then
you will hear a sound and you must fight a BOSS
Name : Anacondaur
Level : 7
HP : 1178/1178
Draw : Fire, Cure
Weakness : Ice elemental attacks
AP Gained : 4
Strategy :
Just use Shiva, and have Squall with the magic command, casts Blizzard/Blizzara
If you're in danger, use Cure, but not with Squall, just use Renzokuken and then
Rough Divide if you're in danger, Zell's duel moves will cause much damage to this
boss, too ! After you defeat it, it will appear at random battles, but not as tough
as this one.
After you defeated the Anacondaur, keep going up to the stairs, to the Radio
Tower, then there is a cliff, hide backwards the rocks and you will see two soldiers
going in, then after Seifer leaves, you will see an FMV, a girl (who rams you at the
Garden) is going down to the cliff where you're standing on, she says that she has a
message for Squad B captain from Quistis, but Seifer has ran off the tower, so she
will join you, yeah, she is Selphie, all the magics Seifer has stocked will be
stocked on Selphie, so if you think it's useless to stock magics to Seifer, you're
wrong ! Now after that, Selphie will jump down the cliff, you can choose either
jumps on the cliff or just follow Seifer's route (walking), now enter the tower,
stock the magic stone, save your game, and go up the elevator, and then you will see
the soldier named Biggs will talk to you and fight you ! time for boss !
Name : Biggs
Level : Biggs : 7
Wedge : 9
Elvoret : 7
HP : Biggs : 610/610
Wedge : 608/608
Elvoret : 2667/2667
Draw : Biggs : Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Esuna
Wedge : Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Cure
Elvoret : Thunder, Cure, Double, Siren (G.F.)
Weakness : Elvoret : Wind elemental attacks
AP Gained : 18
Strategy :
First you will only fight Biggs, then after a little time Wedge will come, and then
you must kill one of them or both of them, the fastest way is using G.F., after one
of the dies, a wave will appear and then Elvoret appears, Elvoret is weak to Wind
elemental, if ou have Aero magic, use it, if you don't have, just attack with G.F.s
Don't forget to acquire Siren !
|========================== |
|------G.F. Monster 4------ |
|========================== |
|Name : Siren |
|Level : 3 |
|HP : 391/391 |
|Elemental : Holy/Silent |
|Attack : Silent Voice |
After you have defeated Elvoret, Seifer will come and Selphie will say that Squad A
must go to the shore where Quistis is at 700 hour. So it means your time is only 30
minutes, now go down, and Biggs will call a mech, then on your way, a crab-like mech
ill be on your way, you must fight it !
Name : X-ATM 092
Level : 7
HP : ????/????
Draw : Fire, Blizzard, Cure, Protect
Weakness : Lightning elemental attacks
AP Gained : 50
Strategy :
This battle is an unique one, you must drop the BOSS HP about 1500 + and it will lost
consciousness, push L2+R2 to run away when it's unconsciousness, he will after you on
your way, so run away as fast as you can, if you fight it again, repeat the method.
After you reach the shore, you will see an FMV of Quistis shoots a gatling gun to the
mech thus destroying it. Now enter the ship and go back to Balamb Town, after you are
there, Seifer will leave first with the car, now take your time for shopping or
staying at the inn, now get out, it's better if you rent a car for 3500 Gil, whatever,
go back to the garden. At the lobby, you will see Instructor, Headmaster, and Guide...
I mean... Quistis, Cid, and Xu. Talk to Cid, then go to the entrance of the library,
talk to Seifer, and Cid will come, after a short chit-chat, go to the elevator, and
go to the 2nd floor, and wait for a Garden Faculty, and he will call they whom has
passed the exam, from Squad B, they're Zell Dincht and Squall Leonhart. Next you will
be at headmaster's office, and you will see the passed students, they're Squall, Zell,
Selphie, and Nida, after that he will explain what SeeD rules is, and after that, you
will be shown your report, and will be given your SeeD Level. Now go back to 2nd floor,
and you will see Seifer and the others, they will give an applause to Squall..........
Part 4 : The Lovely Party and The Mysterious Girl
You will be back at the dormitory, and you will find Selphie, she will tell you
to change for the SeeD uniform. Firstly save your game, and then change your clothes,
then get out to the Ballroom, Squall will be at the pillar, and then Zell approaches
him and chats with him, after that, Selphie will invite them to join the School Festival
Commitee. And after all finished, you will see an FMV, a girl will point her finger to
the ceilings, and pulls Squall, then goes into a dance, the greatest FMV on disc 1 ! And
when she sees Cid, she leaves Squall and talks to Cid. After that events, you will be at
the balcony with Quistis, then Quistis will tell you to change at the dormitory and meet
her at the entrance of the Training Center. Before we go to the Training Center, I want
to warn you that there are T-Rexaurs in this area, to easy-defeat T-Rex, you must have
acquired Siren's St-Atk-J and 100X Sleep magic (draw from Grats), Junction Sleep to
Squall's Status attack, equip Quistis with G.F. Shiva, when you encounter a T-Rexaur,
have Squall attack it with his Gunblade, then when it falls asleep, have Quistis casts
Shiva that will does about 4000+ damage !
At the training center, just go to the room near the save point, and you will
have a short event with Quistis there, after that, go out, and on your way out, you
will see a girl (the one who visited you at the first disc when Squall is injured)
being attacked by a monster, she will call you Squall and Quisty, help her !
Name : Granaldo
3X Raldo
Level : Granaldo : 8
Raldo : 8
HP : Granaldo : 1456/1456
Raldo : 223/223 each
Draw : Granaldo : Sleep, Blind, Shell
Raldo : Fire, Thunder, Protect
Weakness : Granaldo : Wind Elemental Attacks
AP Gained : 14
Strategy :
If you read carefully, you must have equipped Sleep as a Status-Attack, so, just
attack the Granaldo and ignnore the Raldos, then cast G.F.s. The Granaldo can
reproduce the Raldo, so kill them once. Squall's Renzokuken works well, too !
But you can't count on Quistis' Blue Magics since you haven't got a good one.
After you defeat Granaldo, two cadets will take the girl, then go out from the T.C.
and go back to the dormitory, you will see Zell there, he will say that Squall has
a new dormitory, now sleep at the dormitory, the morning, go to the Front Gate and
meet Cid and Quistis there, Zell will come with a cool T-Board, but a Garden Faculty
will take it. Now Cid will tell you to go to Timber Station, and if a man tells you
"The forests of Timber sure has changed a bit", then you must answer "But the owls
are still here", that's the password, after that, you will get a Magic Lamp from Cid,
now go outside, save your game, and then use the Magic Lamp...
Name : Diablos
Level : Based on your level
HP : Based on your level
Draw : Demi
Weakness : Demi
AP Gained : 20
Strategy :
Draw Demi and cast it on this boss, it will cause 9999 damage, keep casting Demi, and
if you're in danger, cast a G.F. to protect you. Be careful since after it casts
Gravija, it will kill the most weakest character once.
|******G.F. Monster 5******|
|Name : Diablos |
|Level : 9 |
|HP : 730/730 |
|Elemental : Demi |
|Attack : Dark Massenger |
Part 5 : The Dream World (Laguna's 1st Scenario)
Now go to Balamb Town, to the Train Station, pay 3000 G and, and board the
train, in the train, insert the ticket to let everyone in, and then talk to Selphie,
follow Zell, and you all will go to the 'Dream World' !
Now you're not playing as Squall anymore, but Laguna, Kiros, Ward in the dream
world, Laguna is a cool Galbadian Soldier with Machine Gun, Kiros with Dagger, and
Ward with Harpoon, their strength is, Squall = Laguna, and the other party as Ward and
Kiros, just follow the path until you reach the Deling City, on Deling City, just go
to the hotel. PS : Your money is different with Squall, since Laguna's not a SeeD, you
will get 3000 G when playing Laguna's scenario, so don't bother on shopping. Now go to
Galbadia Hotel, and go to the basement, talk to Ward and Kiros, and then a pianist
will come, yeah, she's Julia, after she plays a solo (You can download this MIDI file
at Final Fantasy : Worlds Apart (, after that, just keep talking
on all people including Julia, until you're requested by Julia to visit her room, now
talk to the Hotel Manager, and you will be brought to Julia's room, after that you will
have a long.. long event...
Part 6 : Assasination of the President
After you reach Timber Station, a man (Watts) will approach you and says "The
Forests at Timber sure have changed a bit", and answer, you know the password, right ?
If you forgot, the password is "But the owls are still here". After that he will take
you to the Forest Owl base, the train, and then you will meet Zone there. Oh yeah,
challenge Watts to play cards to win Angelo's card. Next go to the "princess"'s room,
yeah, she's the girl who danced with you at the party, after a short conversation, you
will have to name her (Rinoa) and her dog (Angelo), after you're ready, they'll explain
the situation, after a little training, you must get ready for the mini-game. This mini
game is kinda easy do I won't guide it. After you have finished it, talk to Watts and
then you will be at the President Deling's train, and after some chit-chat, you must
fight that "FAKE" President Deling !
Name : Fake President Deling
Level : F.P. Deling : 8
Gerogero : 8
HP : F.P. Deling : 458/458
Gerogero : 2450/2450
Draw : F.P. Deling : Cure
Gerogero : Esuna, Double, Berserk, Zombie
Weakness : Gerogero : Fire, Earth, Holy, Phoenix Down !!!
AP Gained : 20
Strategy :
Cast only ONE G.F. (except Diablos) on F.P. Deling, the fastest charge, the better,
after the president changes into Gerogero, then have the one with Item command uses
the Phoenix Down on Gerogero for quick victory, or else, keep casting Ifrit !
Part 7 : The Timber Town
Now you will encounter some soldiers at this town, just keep go shopping, but
don't go right from the Forest Owl Train Platform, exit to the main gate and fight some
soldiers, then go right from the train platform, and enter teh Timber Maniacs, check
the books at the floor until you find a magazine called "Girl Next Door", then go to
the room at the left and draw a hidden magic stone, then exit from that building, and
go to the house at the right, talk to the people at 1st floor, then go upstairs and
examine the window to see the backway. And the boy will cost you 10 G, but his mother
is mad and take him down ^_^. Now exit the house and head right, then go to the pub,
defeat 2 soldiers and then go shopping again, then enter the pub, after the chit-chat
talk to the drunken man and choose 2nd option and he will let you pass, then outside
you will see a save point and a magic stone (draw point), then keep going left, go
upstairs until you see a huge monitor, and watch it, the Rinoa will leave you, then
keep watching the president's talking, and then you will see Seifer at the TV and
tries to kill the president, now Quistis will approach and tell you to go to TV
Station and you will see Seifer keeps him as hostage, then you will see a sorceress
appears from the above and then he will talk to Seifer and tries to recruit Seifer,
and he releases President, then Quistis will try to stop them but injured.
After that, go back to the house at the right of the Timber Maniacs, then
try to exit, then after a short chit-chat, switch your party, and you will get
Phoenix Down, Potion, Soft, Antidote, and Remedy. Get out and go right, until you
see Zone sharing tickets with you, one for Rinoa, and one for Zone, but when he saw
Quistis, he decided to give the ticket to Quistis and he will try to run without a
train. Now enter the north area, find the train, board it, and go to East Academy
Station. You will be at the area named "Vaulny Canyon" right now, go north until
you reach the area named "Hasberry Plains", and you will see a forest, enter it,
and you will be brought to the forest, then three of your party will fell asleep
Part 8 : Laguna's 2nd Scenario
Laguna and party are surrounded by Esthar Soldiers after they go on a wrong
way, and trying to run to the Exvacation Site, junction GFs to Ward and Kiros, then
you will fight 4 Esthar Soldiers at the bridge. Now go to the right, then climb down,
then Laguna's leg will hurt, then walk until you find a big pipe. Walk up, and then
go up again until you find a missile thing, then examine it, turn on the detonator,
wait until it explodes, and then go up to the next area. Then you will find Esthar
Soldiers surrounding you and then fight it continuously, until the soldier attacks
Ward and Kiros with the Soul Crush, then you will win, however, Ward and kiros' HP
will be dropped to 1. Next they will jump to reach the Deling City and then report
to the commander.
After you have waken up, go north then use tent and save your
game. Now you will see a red garden, that's the Galbadian Garden, enter it !
Part 9 : Galbadia Garden
You will find a high-technology garden here. More greater than Balamb Garden
!!! Go to the central gate, and Quistis will go meet the headmaster, enter to the
main hall and then go upstairs, go to the room, and talk to everyone, until you can't
have a long talk with everyone, then get out, go to the main hall and you will see
Fujin and Raijin looking for Seifer, Squall says that Seifer may be has been executed
but Fujin says that's imposible, then they will go, go to the main gate, and you will
see the headmaster, Martine requests you to defeat the sorceress with a mission with
General Caraway, but you need a sniper, then he calls "Kinneas", then you will see an
FMV where a guy in a stupid cowboy costume is catching a butterfly on his finger,
then Martine introduces him as Irvine Kinneas, the greatest sniper at the garden,
next go out from the garden. At the world map, board the train, until you reach the
Deling City !
Part10 : Twin Guardian Force and The Assasination of the Sorceress
A long title, huh ? This is the last part of the Disc 1 FAQ ! After you reach
the Deling City, you will see a big city at night, you can board the bus, when a bus
stops at the Bus Stop, talk to the man in a green suit beside the bus and you will
board the bus. Firstly, go to the Caraway's mansion, talk to the man at the right,
after the explanation, he will say about the Tomb of the Unknown King and he will
give the map. Next choose "Talk" then rent a car, then go to the Tomb of The Unknown
King (east of Deling City, near the forest, do not leave the grassland because it's
located on the grassland), in there, you will see two girls running scared, enter
the tomb, you have a low encounter rate here, you can view the map here, to exit
from the tomb if you get lost, activate the map and push Triangle, you will be
brought to the entrance but your S-Lv down, inside the tomb, examine the Gunblade
and you will have two numbers, it's random, for example, let's just say it's 62,
memorize the number, now everytime you see a junction turn right, on the first
screen w/out junction, you will meet a statue, and it's..... ALIVE !!, it's name is
Sacred and the bad news is, you have to fight it !
Name : Sacred
Level : 15
HP : 2468/2468
Draw : Shell, Protect, Berserk, Life
Weakness : Poison or Wind elemental attack
AP Gained : 20
Strategy :
This is kinda easy because you don't need to finish Sacred off, but just about 2000
HP point, if you have magic Float, cast it on Sacred to prevent it from healing, and
he also loses his strength. Don't ever use Quake magic because it's useless, just
keep casting Diablos, and the other characters casting Aero.
After you defeated that junk, it will run off, then get out, keep going right
on junctions, then you will see a pool of water, examine the lever to drain the water
next go out and keep going right on junctions. Oh yeah ! Before I forgot, if you're
at low levels, actually it's not hard to defeat the Armadodo, just keep attacking it
w/ physical attacks until it fell down, then run, just like when you fight X-ATM 092.
On the next straight screen (the last one), you will find some gears, activate the
lever, then get out by keep going right on junctions, or for the quick out, activate
the map and press Triangle. Now re-enter the tomb, keep going straight no matter what
happens ^_^, until you find a coffin, then you must fight Sacred and Minotaur, the big
bro more smaller ? ^_^'
Name : Sacred
Level : Sacred : 15
Minotaur : 22
HP : Sacred : 2468/2468
Minotaur : 5370/5370
Draw : Sacred : Shell, Protect, Berserk, Life
Minotaur : Shell, Berserk, Protect, Double
Weakness : Poison or Wind elemental attack
AP Gained : 40
Strategy :
A hard battle. Don't forget to stock Double from Minotaur as it's good to junction to
your Str before you got Ultima. Other than that, good luck ! Cast Float, too !
After you have defeated you, you will get them as a G.F.
|******G.F. Monster 5******|
|Name : Brothers |
|Level : 7 |
|HP : 650/650 |
|Elemental : Earth |
|Attack : Brotherly Love |
After you got the GF, go back to Deling City, next go to Caraway's mansion,
tell him that you know the password, still remember the number of the Gunblade ?
Let's just say 62 for example, read it from the back and add 0 on the last digit, so
it means if it's 62, enter the number from the back, 2, then 6, then 0. You will be
able to enter the mansion now, talk to Rinoa, until you know that Caraway is
actually her father !. After a quite long event, you will divide into 2 teams,
Sniper Team, Squall and Irvine, will go inside the mansion, and find the rifle, then
shoot the Sorceress. The Gateway Team, must go to the Gateway, then trap the
sorceress inside the Gateway at 20:00. Then after the explanation, you will control
Quistis, exit and Rinoa will approach telling you something, but Quistis ignores her
and exit to the Gateway (sewer). Next, you will control Squall, just see that
Sorceress Edea is ready to parade then you will be at the President's Mansion. Now
you will be back at Quistis, Zell, and Selphie, Quistis will go apologize to Rinoa,
but when you gotten back, the auto-lock system is on and Quistis and pals are locked
(Rinoa... what a tricky girl...). Now you will control Rinoa, firstly if you want to
get a "Weapon Mon May" magazine, just go down the manhole, after that, just climb
until you reach the mansion, then go inside the mansion until you see Edea, and you
will have some sequence, Edea will talk via the microphone and Rinoa lost
consciousness but controled by Edea, then Edea kills President Deling. Why doesn't
the Gerogero saves him ?^_^' Irvine will notice that Rinoa is in there, next Irvine
will say that they must enter the mansion, and the screen switches to Quistis and
pals. Take a glass from the cupboard, then place it on the statue, a path will open,
you now will be at some stairs. Go down the stairs, you will find a platform near
the wheel, jump on it then you can see that the parade has started. The screen will
switch back to Sniper Team, you will control Squall, follow Irvine and next follow
Rinoa's suit to jump to the mansion, before that, junction GFs to Squall and Irvine
then enter the room, you will see Rinoa is attacked by a half Iguana and half Lion !
Name : Iguion (2x)
Level : 19 each
HP : 1747/1747 each
Draw : Cure, Esuna, Petrify, Carbuncle
Weakness : Earth or Holy elemental attack
AP Gained : 20
Strategy :
Firstly, don't forget to draw GF Carbuncle, or it's a goodbye for Carbuncle forever,
then if Squall's HP is yellow, it's easy, just unleash Renzokuken to one of them,
then if irvine is equipped with Brothers, cast Brothers. Otherwise, it's kinda hard,
you need to have Squall with GF Brothers, and irvine as a healer, if Irvine is
petrified 'cause of the Magma Breath, then it's a goodbye !
After that you will have some sequence with Rinoa, now go to a hatch you seen before
entering this room, open it, then go onto it, then take the rifle, then some FMV,
when Squall asks Irvine is he ready to shoot the sorceress or not, Irvine says that
he can't, he has a bad feeling, he says he's afraid he will miss. Then the screen
will switch back to the underground sewer, equip GFs to Quistis only, other
characters if you're at a low level (below 20), because Zell and Selphie can attack
strongly, so just Quistis needs to cast a GF, besides, you will need the GFs later
for fighting the final boss of disc 1. Oh... this sewer... my worst nightmare, I got
lost oftenly there, so I can't guide you here, just find the way yourself because I
myself confused, and find the way with my luck. I just want to tell you, don't ever
try to keep going if it's a wrong way. You can examine the gear to ride them and go
to the other side. Okay next after you have got out from the sewer, you will reach
the gateway, just activate the trap, and you will see the sequence. You will be back
to the Sniper Team, Irvine says that he can't shoot the sorceress. He is a little
nervous, besides, he has a reason why he doesn't want to shoot her, you will know
later at disc 2 when you're at Trabia Garden. Squall says just try to shoot, if
failed, Squall will go down and fight her, at last, Irvine shoots but missed because
of the barrier Edea forms. Then equip GFs to Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine, then Squall
will jump down, then you must face Seifer, a one-on-one battle.
Name : Seifer
Level : 20
HP : 1150/1150
Draw : Fire, Cure, Life
Weakness : Poison status attack
AP Gained : 0
Strategy :
Cast your best GFs to Seifer, if you have magic Bio, it's good to cast it on Seifer,
if Squall equips the Magic command, then draw Life from Seifer for the next battle
with Edea.
After the sequence, next you will fight Edea
Name : Edea
Level : 27
HP : 7000/7000
Draw : Cure, Dispel, Life, Double
Weakness : N/A
AP Gained : 20
Strategy :
Uh... huh... the hardest battle of disc 1. She keeps casts magic, that makes me very
tired on healing, but finally after reading Scott's FAQ for the japanese version, I
cast Carbuncle on my party, then the magics will be reflected to her, if she casts
Dispel to you, just wait until all three of your characters' reflect status
disspaear and cast Carbuncle again. When you're at reflect status, cast GFs, if you
want to heal HP, just use Hi-Potion, because if you cast Cure, Cura, or Curaga, it
will be reflected to her.
End of Disc 1, you will see the FMV, Squall hurts because of her skill "Ice
Strike", and fell down, save your game, insert disc 2 !
N E X T U P D A T E : W A L K T R O U G H F O R D I S C 2 : C O M I N G S O O N
---------------------------------C R E D I T S-----------------------------------------
1. Thanks to Pluto and Genius Bunny (My PSX and My PC).
2. Thanks to Scott Ong's walktrough for the Japanese version so that I can finish the
Japanese version, and I can easily beat the English version.
3. Thanks to Mr. X for repairing Pluto after been broken down.
4. Thanks to ysf for correcting some wrong words/names.
5. Thanks to CardMaster whom has told me some rare cards.
6. Thanks to Anime Theme for the FF8 Desktop Theme, it's great ! My pointer is a
Gunblade now !
7. Thanks to Kaze Yagami for telling me about Armageddon Fist.
~ T H E E N D ~
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