Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8

15.10.2013 16:47:09
Pocketstation Guide
Final Fantasy VIII PocketStation FAQ
Version 1.0

author: The Dark Eternal
( )

Author's Note:
This FAQ provides general information on the Sony PocketStation memory card
peripheral, as well as detailed information concerning the US Final Fantasy
VIII PocketStation mini-RPG, Chocobo World.

Subsequent revisions to this FAQ can be found at GameFAQs (
If you need more information on the PocketStation, I suggest you read Zane
Merritt's PocketStation FAQ, which can also be found at GameFAQs.

I hope this guide answers all your questions and helps you get the most out of
this interesting little mini-RPG. Enjoy!

Revision History

Version 1.0 - 10/13/99
First version of the FAQ, written primarily from memory during a slow work day.

Table of Contents
Part 1 : PocketStation FAQ
1.1 What is the PocketStation?
1.2 Where can I get a PocketStation?
1.3 What games work in conjunction with the PocketStation?
1.4 Should I buy a PocketStation? Is it worth it?

Part 2 : Chocobo World Walkthrough
2.1 Obtaining Chocobo World
2.2 Starting Up Chocobo World
2.3 Playing Chocobo World
2.3.1 Walking Screen
2.3.2 Menu Screen
2.3.3 Event Screen
2.3.4 Special Events
2.4 Finishing Chocobo World
2.5 PocketStation-Exclusive Items
2.6 Powering Up Chocobo GF in FFVIII

Part 3 : Credits

PART 1 - PocketStation FAQ

1.1 What is the PocketStation?

The PocketStation is a memory card device for the Sony PlayStation. It holds
the standard 15 blocks of saved game data and can be used as a normal memory

It has a 32x32 pixel LCD screen on the front, as well as 5 buttons (left,
right, up, down and enter). The section housing the buttons flips up so that
the device can be inserted into the memory card slot of the PlayStation.

The device comes with a strap that attaches to the unit, so that you can wear
it as a necklace (I guess?). It runs on a CR2032 lithium battery, a standard
watch battery.

1.2 Where can I get a PocketStation?

Sony released the PocketStation in Japan last December, but has officially
cancelled a US release. (Boo!) The only way to obtain one is to purchase it
through a console import shop.

If you're interested in purchasing a PocketStation, I suggest National Console
Support ( They've got excellent customer service and very fast
shipping. NCS sells PocketStations for $50 each, and they're available in
either white or crystal (transparent).

1.3 What games work in conjunction with the PocketStation?

There are a few US releases that work with the PocketStation. Final Fantasy
VIII contains a mini-RPG called Chocobo World that allows you to collect items
and power-up certain Guardian Forces. Street Fighter Alpha 3 contains a
PocketStation game that allows you to train your fighters and teach them new
skills (although this feature requires a GameShark to unlock). Ridge Racer
Type4 also uses the PocketStation, but only to transfer cars between
PocketStations (I believe).

New US releases probably won't support PocketStation mini-games, but there may
be solid support for it in Japan. For instance, the japanese version of MGS:
Integral supports the PocketStation, but don't expect that functionality in
the US release. :(

1.4 Should I buy a PocketStation? Is it worth it?

This is a tough one, but I'll try to help you out. The cheapest you can get a
PocketStation is $50 through NCS (see question #2 above). That's quite pricey
in my book, especially since future US games will likely not support it.

I bought one solely to use with FFVIII, and I don't regret it. With the
PocketStation, you can acquire all sorts of items for use by characters and
GFs. You can increase the strength of your Chocobo GF 2 times in the
PocketStation, making him a much more useful GF than he'd be otherwise. The
game has some cute graphics, and it gives you something FF-related to do on
your way to school or work. Personally, I found a lot of Blue Magic items for
Quistis in Chocobo World.

These points may or may not offset the cost in your mind. Chocobo World
doesn't have much depth. There are only a handful of events that can happen,
most of which are battles. The items you get aren't that rare, although a few
can only be obtained through Chocobo World. In all honesty, the whole thing
gets to be a little boring after a while.

If you've got the cash to spend, then pick one up. I can't really recommend
the PocketStation for casual gamers, but for hardcore fans who love FFVIII,
I'd say just buy the damned thing. ;)

PART 2 - Chocobo World Walkthrough

2.1 Obtaining Chocobo World

Final Fantasy VIII will not let you download Chocobo World onto your
PocketStation until you have visited a Chocobo Forest. You won't be able to
get to a Chocobo Forest until Disc 2, when you obtain a floating transport. (I
don't want to mention what that transport is, for those who want to be

Note: If you need help locating a Chocobo Forest or catching a chocobo, please
refer to Cephiroth's outstanding FFVIII FAQ, An Unofficial Final Fantasy VIII
Walkthrough, which can be found at GameFAQs.

Once you've captured your first large chocobo, you'll be able to ride it out
of the forest. Before that happens, the ChocoBoy will present you with a
chicobo (baby chocobo) as a present. Name him (Boko is the default name), and
you'll be able to download him to the PocketStation. Just follow the
instructions on the screen and you'll be fine.

2.2 Starting up Chocobo World

Once Chocobo World is downloaded onto the PocketStation, you need to start the
game. Do this by selecting from the main FFVIII menu, and choosing
in either Slot 1 or 2. You'll be shown the Chocobo World
interface menu, which has 4 options:

World: Sends Boko into Chocobo World on the PocketStation
Home: Brings Boko back into the FFVIII world
Do Over: Lets you send Boko to another PocketStation
How to Play: Gives you brief directions on playing the game

Whenever you want to send items and data to FFVIII from the PocketStation, you
must select . When you do this, you'll see the data for Boko and MiniMog
(if you've found him). You'll see Boko's attack power, level, HP and GF
bonuses (more on this later). An item window will appear listing all of the
items that Boko has acquired on his journey. Pressing will transfer those
items into your inventory.

Once you're through transferring items, you need to send Boko back into
Chocobo World. Do this by selecting . Boko then resumes his adventure
on the PocketStation.

When you attempt to exit the save screen, FFVIII recommends that you save your
data. I suggest you do so. Once that's taken care of, you can remove the
PocketStation from the memory card slot and start playing. WARK!!!

2.3 Playing Chocobo World

Your goal in Chocobo World is to venture to the top of Scary Mountain in
search of your lost friend, MiniMog. Your friends Cactuar and Moomba travel
with you and aide you in your search.

Playing Chocobo World is fairly straightforward, though there are a number of
different screens to become familiar with, each with different controls.

Note: You can exit Chocobo World at any time (excluding battles) by holding
down the enter button. After a few seconds you'll be given the option to
or . Choosing Continue, well, continues with the adventure.
Choosing Exit closes the game and returns you to the PocketStation system

2.3.1 Walking Screen
This is where Boko spends most of his adventure. He automatically walks around
a randomly-generated map in one of four directions. The controls are:

Left Button: makes Boko walk west (left)
Right Button: makes Boko walk east (right)
Up Button: makes Boko walk north (up)
Down Button: makes Boko walk south (down)
Enter Button: brings up Menu screen

Pressing one of the directional buttons will change the direction Boko is
walking. Holding down a directional button will make him run quickly in that
direction. Pressing the Enter button will bring up the Menu screen.

2.3.2 Menu Screen
There are a series of menus screens where you can check your stats, look at a
map and adjust gameplay parameters. Once you're on the first Menu Screen (the
map screen), you can press the left or right directional buttons to scroll
from screen to screen. Going in order to the right, the screens are:

[ Map Screen ]
The map screen displays a map of the current level in the upper-left corner.
Boko's location is indicated by a blinking dot, while the solid dots
represent events. The map layout changes after each level up.

The arrow to the right of the map indicates which direction Boko is
currently travelling. This can be changed here by pressing up or down.

| .. |
| . . | /|__
| . . .| / |
| | \ __|
| . . | \|
| . |

Below the map is the Map Level indicator, which simply tells you which map
you're on (1 - 100). Below that is the system time you've set in the

Each time you clear an event, a new event dot will appear on the map in some
random place.

[ Status Screen ]
Here you can check Boko's stats. The top element is a series of 4 boxes,
each containing a number (0 - 9). This is Boko's weapon.

___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | |
| 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 |

This represents Boko's attack power. In battle, the amount of damage you do
each turn is randomly selected from this series of numbers. Using the above
figure as an example, Boko can inflict either 2, 4, 0 or 1 points of damage
each attack turn.

Next you see Boko's current level. You start out at Level 1, and raise your
level (up to 100) by winning battles. Following that is Boko's Hit Points
(HP). Maximum HP increases by winning battles. The maximum is 31 HP.

At the very bottom of the screen is your Boko's unique ID number, which is
used in conjunction with the IR Link feature (discussed below).

[ Treasure Screen ]
This screen shows you the items you've collected on your adventure. You'll
see a treasure bag, and below it four letters:

A 0 B 2
C 5 D 27

The number after the letter indicates how much of each item you've
collected (0 - 99). These letters represent real items in FFVIII, but you
can't see what they are until you upload them back into FFVIII.

And no, there aren't just 4 items in the game. The letters correspond to the
value of the item. Item Class A is the best class to be found and usually
contains rare and valuable items. Item Class D is the least valuable, and
usually contains common items (like Potions). Expect to see Item D many,
many, many times. ;)

[ PocketStation IR Link Screen ]
This screen allows you to Link with another PocketStation. Pressing up or
down while there is no other pocketstation around causes and Error! message.

You can interface 2 PocketStations using the IR port on the top of the unit.
Using this function, you can battle your Boko against someone else's Boko,
provided they have a PocketStation. If you win, you can take their ID number
and choose it like a weapon. I will never be able to verify this, since I
don't know anyone with a PSX, FFVIII and a PocketStation. :( Also, it's not
clear what advantage this would have.

[ Event Wait Screen ]
This option lets you select whether the game waits for you when you
encounter an event. Selecting ensures that the game will wait for your
input when an event is triggered. Selecting will allow events to occur
even when you're not paying attention to the PocketStation. I always leave
mine on , since I like don't like to miss rare events.

[ MiniMog Status Screen ]
Once you've rescued MiniMog, he'll show up in his very own menu screen.
There's not much you can do here. You can set him to , where he's
awake and ready for action. If you die in a battle, MiniMog will attempt to
win for you by attacking once (with Boko's attack power). If he defeats the
monster, you win. If his attack isn't enough to win, then Boko will pass out
and MiniMog will be lost. You'll have to find him again, but it's usually
within the next few events.

You can also set him to , where he'll stay safe and sound, but will
be unable to help you. I always leave MiniMog awake, 'cuz he makes me laugh.

[ Move Screen ]
This screen lets you adjust the range of Boko's movement, since he moves on
his own. You can set the Move parameter from 1 - 6, with 6 being the
highest. At Move 1, Boko will move in a straight line and will not seek out
nearby events. With Move 6, Boko will go out of his way to fully explore the
map and find out-of-the-way events. I leave mine on Move 6.

2.3.3 Event Screen
While Boko is walking around, he may encounter events. These are represented by
solid dots on the map screen. When an event is triggered, a screen will pop up
saying "Event!". Pressing enter will then take you to the event. There are
several different events waiting for Boko on his journey.

[ Battle ]
The most common event is battle. Here you'll have to fight against any of 4
different enemies (Creeps, Red Bat, Blobra and Wendigo), whose HP increases
along with Boko's. Below the graphics of Boko and the enemy, you'll see a
bar with 4 sets of numbers.

| | | | |
| 27 | 7 | 5 | 15 |
| |___|___| |

a b c d

a: Enemy HP
b: Enemy ATB Timer
c: Boko's ATB Timer
d: Boko's HP

The battle system uses a variant of the ATB system from Final Fantasy.
Letters b and c represent the enemy's and Boko's ATB counter, respectively.
When the counter reaches 0, an attack is made. You can speed up the counter
by alternately tapping the left and right directional buttons rapidly. Only
one attack can be made by either character per round, so if your enemy
attacks Boko, your counter will reset and you'll have to wait until it
reaches 0 again to attempt an attack.

The Battle is lost if Boko's HP reaches 0. He'll then fall unconscious,
slowly regaining his HP. Battle is won when you reduce an enemy's HP to 0.
When that happens, you'll see a 3x3 grid with an orb moving rapidly among
them. This is a version of tic-tac-toe you can play. You can only level up
when 3 stones line up in a straight or diagonal line.

[ Sleep Screen ]
If Boko's HP falls to 0 in battle, or if he's just tired, then he'll enter
a sleep screen. Here he'll fall asleep (usually) in an effort to regain his
HP. You can wake him up by pressing the enter button, but you should let him
sleep until his HP is full.

There are other screens where Boko can recover his HP. Occasionally you may
see him watching his TV, fishing, eating a pie, huddling around a campfire
with Moomba, or gazing at the stars with Cactuar. In all these screens Boko
will regain HP just like if he was sleeping.

[ Moomba Screen ]
Occasionally Boko will encounter Moomba, one of his friends. Moomba finds
weapons for Boko to use, which are simply a string of attack numbers. When
Moomba appears, you'll be presented with a choice of 2 attack patterns.

___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | |
| 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 |

___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | |
| 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 |

Pressing up will select the upper choice (the new weapon Moomba just found),
while pressing down will select the lower choice (your current weapon).

It's generally better to have a well-balanced attack than a lopsided one.
Using the example above, I would choose to stick with the current weapon
(lower choice), since it's more balanced and doesn't have a 0.

Note: If you set the Event Wait to , then the game will automatically
pick the best weapon when presented with the Moomba screen.

You'll encounter Moomba an average of 1 time every other map level.

[ Cactuar Screen ]
Cactuar is another of Boko's friends. He randomly shows up and presents you
with an item that he's found. Most of the time you'll get item D, which is
the lowest class of item. I've occasionally gotten a few Bs and Cs, but
I've never received an A. >:<

You can't see what the items are, due to the PocketStation's limited
resolution (32x32 px). Once you upload them into FFVIII, you'll be able to
see what you've acquired. I've received lots of Ammo and Blue Magic items
(Barrier, Power Generator), as well as a few GF ability items.

You'll encounter Cactuar an average of 1.5 times per map level.

[ MiniMog Screen ]
Once you find MiniMog, he'll be able to help you in your adventure.
Occasionally he will find an orb to help you level up faster. He can also
fight for you in battle, as a sort of desperation attack (it's no
Renzokuken, though. ;P).

2.3.4 Special Events
On certain levels, Boko will trigger a special event not covered by the
preceeding sections.

[ Level 25 - Find MiniMog ]
Once you reach Level 25, you'll find MiniMog, and from then on he'll be able
to help you. Your quest is far from over though, so keep playing! Also,
finding MiniMog gives you the MogÕs Armlet.

[ Level 50 - Rescue Female Chocobo ]
A random event will occur on Level 50. You'll enter a screen to find that
someone is shouting for help. Boko pulls out his trusty fishing pole and
casts it into the pond next to him. He then rescues a female chocobo, who
rewards him with a power up for the Chocobo GF in FFVIII!!!

[ Level 75 - Hurry Up! ]
Upon reaching Level 75, you're treated to a nice little animation. It
features a zoom-in effect on Moomba, Cactuar and MiniMog, all telling you
to hurry up. Hurry up where???

[ Level 100 - The Demon King ]
Once you reach Level 100, you will stop leveling up. You'll also trigger an
event that depicts your female chocobo friend being abducted by an obviously
evil hooded wizard, the Demon King. Oh no!!!

2.4 Finishing Chocobo World

To be honest, I don't know how to finish Chocobo World. :/ Once I reached Level
100, I saw the scene where the Demon King abducts the female chocobo, and that
was it. I've played on Level 100 for many hours, encountering all the normal
events. I may need to win a certain number of battles before something new
happens. I'm sure that I will eventually meet the Demon King again and defeat
him/rescue the female chocobo.

Note: I will have an update on this in the next revision.

2.5 PocketStation-Exclusive Items

There are a few items in FFVIII that can only be acquired through playing the
Chocobo World mini-RPG. These items are:

Mog Armlet: Allows GF to learn MiniMog Ability
Friendship: Summons Moomba during battle

The MiniMog ability is a GF menu command that you must equip (like Draw or
Magic). It allows you to partially refill the HP of all Guardian Forces during
battle. This is more useful than using single-use items (like G-Potions), plus
MiniMog is really cute!

The Friendship is a one-shot item like the Phoenix Pinion. It summons Moomba
just like Chocobo or Phoenix.

Note: I will elaborate on both of these items in the next revision.

2.6 Powering Up Chocobo GF in FFVIII

Upon summoning the Chocobo GF (using the Gyshal Greens), you may notice that
his initial attack (ChocoFire) is rather weak, only inflicting 500-800 points
of damage. This is because he's only attacking at level 1.

Upgrading him to Level 2 allows him to cast ChocoFlare, a type-less attack
that inflicts 5000-9000 points of damage on all targets. It's very effective
and worth the trouble of powering up Boko.

Upgrading him to Level 3 allows him to use ChocoBuckle, a type-less attack
that... um... hurts real bad. I guess.

So how do you upgrade Chocobo's attack? By playing Chocobo World, off course!
(Yes, the misspelling is intentional. ;P) When Boko reaches Level 50, you will
see a scene where he rescues a drowning female chocobo. She rewards you with a
power up for Chocobo in FFVIII. Once this happens, you'll see a star next to
your attack rating on the Status Screen in Chocobo World.

___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | | *
| 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |

Once you upload this data into FFVIII, your Chocobo GF will be at attack level
2, and he'll be able to use ChocoFlare! How do you receive the second power up?
Not a clue! I'm assuming that once I find and defeat the Demon King and rescue
the female chocobo again, I'll receive the next power up. Then the Status
Screen will look like this:

___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | | *
| 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
|___|___|___|___| *

Let's hope that's the case!

Note: I will have more info on this in the next revision.

PART 3 - Credits

I would like to acknowledge the work of the following people. I have read their
FAQs and have used little bits of their information in writing this FAQ.

1. Zane Merritt (
Pocketstation FAQ v.99

2. Cephiroth (
An Unoffical Final Fantasy VIII Walkthrough v2.0

3. Vercingetorix (
Final Fantasy VIII (US) Items Guide v1.73

Contributions to this FAQ are welcomed and appreciated. You will receive the
appropriate recognition for your help in the completing this FAQ.

Copyright © 1999 Michael Johnson. You may use information from this FAQ as
long as you give explicit credit to Michael Johnson. Plagiarism of this FAQ
will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Pocketstation and Playstation are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment,
Inc. Final Fantasy VIII is a trademark of Squaresoft. Street Fighter Alpha 3
is a trademark of Capcom. Ridge Racer Type4 is a trademark of Namco. Metal
Gear Solid is a trademark of Konami.

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