

13.10.2013 09:12:43
Learning Mode FAQ
Learning Mode -- Rival Schools FAQ, Version 1.0

Written by Tenjou Utena (These schools seemed ripe for a Revolution.. ^_^).

Don't be a prick and call my stuff your own. Not to be used for profit. May be
reproduced/copied if credit if given to the original author.

General Rules:

In learning mode, Your teacher will take you through 30 lessons to teach you
various moves in the game. First you must select a lesson, then the teacher
will tell you what to do. Then the teacher will yell the move, and you're
expected to reproduce it. After you do the required number of exercises, The
game will rate your preformance in three areas, all on a 0 - 100 scale, 100
being 'perfect'.

Energy: This is how many buttons it took you to do themove. To get 100 here,
minimise the number of keystrokes.
NOTE: If you get 98 or 99 Energy instead of 100, Just try again, sometimes it
'thinks' there were too many moves, when there really were not.

Accuracy: You will have 10:00 (or 20:00 on some) To complete each move yelled.
If you fail to do so in that time period, this score will suffer.

Agility: This is how much time it took you. There is a target time for each
excersize, and if you're over it, this score will suffer.

You will also recieve a letter grade, similar to what you would recieve in
school. The Ratings are S, then A through E. S being all 100s. A, B, and C
are 'passing' grades. D and E (F) are 'failing' grades.

You will also see a 'Mastery Level' rating. This is what % of lessons you have
recieved a 'S' on.

Passing all of the trials doesn't seem to get you any extra bonuses. I don't
know about 100% mastery level. I haven't beated 5-2, 5-5, 6-2, 6-4 (Any of the
ones with Throw escapes in them).

Some of the moves will leave you 'facing' the wrong way, but, as soon as you
execute the move (i.e. after the big red circile appears over the screen) you
can keep entering keystrokes, and it doesn't seem to negativly effect your
score, so if you get yourself facing the right way for the next move during the
current move, you can save yourself a few tics.

The Jump command is.. fickle at times, I've found. If you execute it too
quickly, you'll jump, but it won't score it. You need to wait a few tics before
executing this move, in general.

Summary Lessons:

There are 9 lessons that are 'summary' lessons. That is, they are summaries of
past moves. The teacher will shout a seemingly rndom set of previously
executed moves out, and you are expected to execute them. In actuallity, each
Summary lesson has 3 'sequences' that The teacher will choose from. Knowing
what's coming is helpful (And, sometimes, vital) to gaining a 'S'. So, here are
The Sequences and estimated times:

Abreviations used:
F - Forward
B - Backward
J - Jump
C - Crouch
LP - Light Punch
HP - Heavy Punch
LK - Light Kick
HK - Heavy Kick
HJ - High Jump
ST - Standing Throw
CT - Crouching Throw
FS - Forward Step
BS - Backward Step
DO - Ditch Out of the Field
DI - Ditch Into the Field
SF - Safe Fall
TC2 - Textbook Combo 2 hits
TC3 - Textbook Combo 3 hits
TC4 - Textbook Combo 4 hits
TUT - Team Up Technique
FGU - Forward Get up
BGU - Backward Get up
SGU - Sideways Get up
RGU - Regular get up
FGA - Forward Get up Attack
BGA - Backward Get up Attack
SGA - Sideways Get up Attack
RGA - Regular Get up Attack
RL - Rival Launcher
TC - Tardy Counter
BVA - Burning Vigor Attack
TE - Throw Escape
LC - Lightning Crush
BVC - B.V. Attack Counter
DS - Ditch 'n Spin

Lesson 1-5 (Est. Time 5:00)

HK - B - LP - J - LK - HP - F - J - LK - C
C - HP - J - F - F - LK - B - LP - HP - C
F - J - HK - LP - C - B - HP - J - LK - HK

Lesson 2-5 (Est. Time 10:00)

HJ - BS - ST - DO - DI - DO - HJ - CT - FS - FS
BS - DI - DI - HJ - FS - ST - DO - HJ - CT - BS
FS - HJ - DO - BS - CT - DI - ST - HJ - BS - ST

Lesson 3-5 (Est. Time 15:00+)

SF - TC2 - TUT - SGU - SF - TC4 - TUT - SF - BGU - TC3
TC2 - TUT - BGU - SF - TC3 - RGU - TUT - SF - SGU - TC4
TC3 - BGU - SF - TUT - FGU - TC2 - RGU - TC2 - TC4 - SF

Lesson 4-5 (Est. Time 20:00+)

RL - FGA - TC - BVA - RGA - TC - RL - BVA - TC - RL
BGA - TC - RL - BVA - TC - BGA - RL - BVA - SGA - RL
BVA - RL - BGA - TC - SGA - BVA - RL - TC - BVA - TC

Lesson 5-5 (Est. Time ??????)

LS - TE - DS - BVC - DS - BVC - LC - DS - LC - BVC
BVC - LC - DS - BVC - LC - DS - LC - TE - BVC - LC
DS - BVC - LC - TE - BVC - LC - BVC - LC - DS - BVC

Lesson 6-1 (Est. Time 5:00)

B - C - LP - HP - F - LK - J - LP - C - B
F - B - HK - LP - J - C - B - J - HK - HP
LP - B - J - F - LK - C - HP - J - LK - C

Lesson 6-2 (Est. Time 10:00+?)

TUT - DO - CT - SF - DI - TC3 - BS - BGU - SF - FS
BS - ST - TC4 - DO - TUT - SF - DI - FS - HJ - TC2
ST - TUT - DI - SF - HJ - TC3 - BS - SF - SGU - CT

Lesson 6-3 (Est. Time ?????)

LC - BVA - BVC - BGA - FGA - TE - DS - DS - LC - BVC
BGA - TE - LC - RL - BVA - DS - BVC - LC - DS - LC
BVC - FGA - RL - BVA - LC - FGA - DS - RL - BVA - TE

Lesson 6-4 (Est. Time ?????)

TC3 - TUT - FGA - TC2 - BVA - DS - TE - F - TUT - C
BGA - TE - BVA - BVC - TUT - BS - TC3 - LK - TC2 - SF
F - HK - C - ST - DO - TUT - SF - BVA - TC2 - TE

Other Lessons:

Lesson ??? (THe Ditch Into/Out of one): The key to this one seems to be
Executing a ditch in then a ditch out, as soon as you can start doing so. If
you wait to find out Which one you need to do, you'll take too much time.

Lesson 5-1: The key to getting 100 Engery instead of 99 all the time seems to
be to forward step right *AFTER* The teacher has done his kick, and then
Ditching, and it will count as a ditch and spin, the be 'perfect' on all the
rest. Waiting for the forst kick, then positioning for the second seems to
yield 99 consistently.

Lesson 5-2: I can't seen to do A Throw Escape consistently. Can anyone help?

Lesson 6-5: I'm sorry. What a joke. The trick is to get 30 hits in what seems
to be under 20:00 (I won in it 15:10)? Well, you just pick a Sub that has a
Team Up Attack that is many hits. I picked Sakura.

Well, that's it. If you have any changes/corrections/questions/comments, E-Mail
me: kharn@cs.iastate.edu . Thank you, and Happy fighting ^_^.

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Learning Mode FAQ

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