Alundra 2

Alundra 2

12.10.2013 12:29:39
Boss FAQ
Alundra 2 BOSS Guide FAQ v. 1.1

by: Fiefo! (


A. Legal Stuff and Where to Find this FAQ
B. Revision History
C. Introduction
D. Bosses Guide
E. Help Me!
F. Thanks and Credits

A. Legal Stuff:

All the information here is for public viewing and should not be used for
profit and the expressed permission of the author. Please do not use the
information in here for any personal gain. This FAQ, being published in the
Internet is automatically is protected by international copyright laws.
In other words, this is mine! Don't remove my name and say, "This is my FAQ
and I'm taking all of the credit for it!" Got it?

This FAQ can only be found in this place for now...
1) (Lots of faqs here. Duh!)
2) (Video Game strategy site. What else?)

B. Revision History

1.0 May 28, 2000
First draft. All the Bosses have been done...
1.1 June 4, 2000
Minor addition on how to beat Red Fang. Haven't tested it yet...

C. Introduction

Hi! This is my third FAQ that I have written. Note that this is only a
guide and will not go in-depth on how to play, walkthrough, secrets, etc.
This is only to help on the big guys of the game, the BOSSES! This guide
tell the desription, attacks, and weaknesses of each of the big bad guys in the
that you will face in the course of the game.
Anyway, I hope this guide will be of some use to you, the game player.

D. Bosses Guide

1) Zeppo (Fat, Bald Pirate)

Description: The father of Ruby and Albert. Short, stubby, bald, fat, has a
eye and a hook for a hand. Your typical pirate.

Stage Look: Side-scrolling type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Power Wave
Zeppo punches the ground and a wave of fire starts rolling on the
Power Butt
Zeppo leaps high into the air and attepts to smash the hero with a
diving butt-smash.

Weakness/When to Attack:
To avoid the Power Wave, just leap over it.
To avoid the Power Wave, dash underneath Zeppo.
Attack Zeppo while jumping the Power Wave or after he lands from the
Power Butt.

2) Pandora (One, Mean Pussy)

Description: Mephisto's cat, after he sticks a magic key into it's back! Large,
blue kitty cat.

Stage Look: 3-D square Arena type. Has 4 pillars in each corner.

Attacks (in order):
a) Running in Circles
Well, do I have to explain this?
Meteor Dash
Pandora goes to the center of the screen and dashes towards the hero.
b) Kitty Flame
Pandora jumps on one of the pillar and blows a flame towards the
Meteor Dash
Pandora leaps from the pillar to the center of the screen and then
dashes towards the hero.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Avoid the Running in Circles move by either geting in the center of
the circle or just go in-between the pillars.
Avoid the Meteor Dash by going in-between the pillars and dash either left
to-right or right-to-left, depending where you are positioned.
Avoid the Kitty Flame by running to the opposite place where Pandora
(Ex. any left pillar, go to the right side of the screen)
Attack Pandora while it's recovering from the Meteor Dash.

3) Mutox (Raging Bull)

Description: A bull who has great boxing skills. It's true! It's true!

Stage Look: 3-D octagon Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Bull Combo
Mutox, when close, does a series of jabs on the hero.
Bull Straight
Mutox, when at a distance, does a powerful straight punch that
a short-range projectile attack.
Boulder Punch
Mutox punches the boulder and causes to roll around the room.
b) Bull Combo
Mutox, when close, does a series of jabs on the hero.
Bull Straight
Mutox, when at a distance, does a powerful straight punch that
a short-range projectile attack.
Rolling Bull
Mutox rolls into a ball and tries to smash into the hero.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
To avoid the Bull Combo and Bull Straight, simply run around the perimeter
the area.
To avoid the Boulder Punch, run and avoid the boulder. Just watch where
gonna be and not be there!
To avoid the Rolling Bull, look where he leaps to initially and go to the
opposite side. Then, run around the side (I mean, really hug the walls!)
until he gets dizzy from the rolling.
Attack Mutox after he gets dizzy from a) getting hit by his own Boulder
Punch and b) after the Rolling Bull.

4) Spider-Woman (No, not the Super-Hero!)

Description: The lady of the mansion... AFTER it changes into this icky thing.
Big giant spider. 'Nuff said!

Stage Look: 3-D square Arena type. Has railings around the perimeter.

Attacks (in random):
a) Spider Babies
The Spider-Woman releases small spiders that can attack. Killing them
can hurn you if you get hit by the flying body parts!
Spider Slash
Big slash with her forelegs when the hero is close.
Homing Ball
The Spider-Woman launches an energy ball which homes in on the hero.
Spider Web
The Spider-Woman shoots a web onto the floor. This will make the hero
move slower if it's stepped on.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Destroy the Spider Babies when they get close.
Avoid the Spider Slash and the Homing Ball by running around the perimeter
of the room. The Homing Ball will dissipate after some time.
Run around the room to avoid the Spider Web or jump over it.
Attack the Spider-Woman while attacking the Spider-Babies or jumping over
the Spider Web.
Keep on hitting the Spider-Woman to the railing of the elevator until the
railings are destroyed.
Afterwards, the next attack will knock the Spider-Woman over into the pit.

5) Croco-Mushroom (Half-Croc, Half Mushroom!)

Description: Guardian of Mileena's mansion. Big and loveable! Harmless! It won't
bite! Trust me (hehe!) Big, giant crocodile with a mushroom jutting
out of its back!

Stage Look: Overhead horizontal 3-D rectangular Arena type. Has a trench in the
left side of the stage.

Attacks (in order):
a) Croc Bite
Croco-Mushroom dashes in slowly and tries to bite the hero.
Mushroom Spew
Croco-Mushroom emits 4 or 8 clouds of purple gas when hit.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Avoid the Croc Bite by dashing from side to side.
Attack the mushroom part of Croco-Mushroom IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Croc
If you attack to soon or too late, you won't be able to damage it.
After successfully damaging it, run away to avoid the Mushroom Spew.

6a) Ring of Eyes (Eye within Eyes)

Description: Found in the south-east passage of the Underwater Cave.
Large, floating eye in the middle of a ring of small, floating

Stage Look: Overhead vertical 3-D rectangular Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Body Contact
If you touch any part of the creature/s, you get hurt.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Just flail on the smaller eyes until they die. Then go for the big eye.

6b) Eye Bombers (How the hell are the small ones throwing bombs?)

Description: Found in the north-east passage of the Underwater Cave.
Large floating eye, accompanied by 2 small floating eyes.

Stage Look: Overhead vertical 3-D rectangular Arena type.

Attacks (done simultaneously):
a) Fire Ball
The large eye throws a boucing ball of fire at the hero.
Bomb Ingite
The small eyes toss out unlit bombs. If the bouncing ball of fire
one of the unlit bombs, it explodes shortly.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Ordinary attacks do not harm any of the things here!
Pick up a bomb. If it's lit, throw it at the big eye to damage it. If not,
light it by using the bouncing ball of fire first before using it.
The large eye can only be hurt if the bomb explodes in mid-air and the
should be close enough!
Not difficult... just long and exasperating!

6c) Piercing Eyes (Their stare can burn you!)

Description: Found in the south-west passage of the Underwater Cave.
One large floating eye. Two small floating eyes.

Stage Look: Overhead vertical 3-D rectangular Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Optic Blast! (Sorry! Couldn't help it...)
Each of the eyes can shoot laser beams at the hero.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Avoid the Optic Blast! by running around the area.
Attack any of the eyes anytime!
Kill the smaller eyes first to make it easier to hit the large eye.

6d) Eye Bombers 2 (Again?)

Description: Found in the north-west passage of the Underwater Cave.
One large floating eye with an escort of two smaller floating eyes.

Stage Look: Overhead vertical 3-D rectangular Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Bomb Drop
Any of the 3 eyes can drop lighted bombs on the hero.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Try to get under the bombs as they fall. Then throw them at the large eye
before they explode.

7) Jaws (Everyone! Out of the Water!)

Description: It's a shark! What else can I say?

Stage Look: Side-scrolling type. Underwater.

Attacks (in order):
a) Big Bite
Jaws swims really fast horizontally, trying to take a big bite out of
the hero.
b) Whirlpool Vacuum
Jaws tries to suck in the hero with a vacuum.
Debris Fall
During the Whirlpool Vacuum, pieces of debris fall from the ceiling.
Big Bite
Jaws swims really fast horizontally, trying to take a big bite out of
the hero.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Swim to the upper part of the stage to avoid the Big Bite if you want.
Swim away from Jaws during the Whirlpoll Vacuum while avoiding the
falling debris.
Shoot at the blue statue in the bottom-middle part of the stage with your
Siren (blue) ring. A mine is released.
Place yourself so that the mine is in the middle of you and Jaws.
When Jaws goes for the Big Bite, he will instead bite on the mine. Ignite
the mine by shooting it with your Siren (blue) ring.

8) Anubus (Woof!)

Description: Large human statue with a dog head. Has a red gem on his forehead.

Stage Look: 3-D octagon Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Laser Blasts
Anubus shoots lasers at the hero which explode when it hits the
Big Punch
Anubus does a big swinging punch.
b) Laser Blasts
Anubus shoots lasers at the hero which explode when it hits the
Ground Pound
Anubus punches the floor. Parts of the ceiling starts to fall down.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Avoid the Laser Blasts by running around Anubus.
Jump during the Ground Pound to avoid being stunned.
Before Anubus performs either the Big Punch or the Ground Pound, do a
slide at his foot that he's standing on to trip him.
Attack his head while Anubus is lying on the ground after tripping him.

9) Horus (Kaw!)

Description: Large human statue with an eagle head. Has red gem on his forehead.

Stage Look: 3-D octagon Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Laser Blasts
Horus shoots lasers at the hero which explode when it hits the
Ground Pound
Horus punches the floor. Parts of the ceiling start to fall down.
3 pillars emerge from the floor.
b) Laser Blasts
Horus shoots lasers at the hero which explode when it hits the
Spread Eagle Flare
Horus shoots a straight green beam which split into two.
Ground Pound
Horus punches the floor. Parts of the ceiling start to fall down.
3 pillars emerge from the floor.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Avoid the Laser Blasts by running around Horus.
Avoid the Spread Eagle Flare by holding your ground. The beam will split
and miss you if you stay at the path of the beam, considering you're
at the edge of the screen.
Jump during the Ground Pound to avoid being stunned.
Jump on the switch at the front of the screen during the Ground Pound.
This will cause a platform to appear.
Jump to the platform via the pillars from the Ground Pound.
When the platform reaches the top, strike the head of Horus.
Leap down and attack Horus' head while he's lying on the ground.

10) Heart of Evil (Actually, the heart of the whale)

Description: Big 'ol mechanized heart found in the belly of the mechanincal

Stage Look: Revolving circular room.

Attacks (in order):
a) Artery Creature/Vein Creature
The Heart of Evil creates enemy creatures which go and try attack
the hero. The Artery (Red) Creature has a leaping attack, while
the Vein (Blue) Creature can shoot blue energy spheres.
Revolving Lasers
The Heart of Evil shoots 4 laser beams while spinning.
b) Heart Attack
A small ball of energy is shot into the pit underneath the heart.
The pit then errupts energy shots at various places.
Artery Creature/Vein Creature
The Heart of Evil creates enemy creatures which go and try attack
the hero. The Artery (Red) Creature has a leaping attack, while
the Vein (Blue) Creature can shoot blue energy spheres.
Revolving Lasers
The Heart of Evil shoots 4 laser beams while spinning.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Simply run away from the Artery and Vein Creatures.
The Heart Attack is pretty tough to avoid. Just jump a lot and look at
the shadows of the energy balls to avoid them.
Watch the small turrents located at the bottom of the Heart of Evil.
Position yourself in-between 2 of them before they fire. When they
start shooting, keep running and stay in-between the beams. Easier
said than done!
Attack the Heart of Evil after it lowers itself after the Revolving
Lasers. Take note that it will not lower itself if you get hit by
the Revolving Lasers attack.

11) Red Fang (Bigger, Meaner Pussy)

Description: A pet of the Church of the Key disiples. Humanoid tiger thing.
Has a big ball-and-chain and uses it, too!

Stage Look: 3-D octagon Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Running in Circles
Like Pandora's version, only much faster!
The Ol' Ball and Chain
Red Fang leaps to the center of the screen, spins the ball and chain
over his head and tries to smash the hero with it.
b) Running in Circles
Like Pandora's... well, you know...
Diving Meteor Smash
Red Fang leaps to one side of the screen and floats for a while.
He then dives down EXTREMELY FAST at the hero.
The Ol' Ball and Chain
Red Fang leaps to the center of the screen, spins the ball and chain
over his head and tries to smash the hero with it.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Pretty easy. Just seems tough.
Avoid the Running in Circle by being in the middle of the room.
Avoid the Ol' Ball and Chain by running around the perimeter of the room.
According to Louie Panayi, the Diving Meteor Smash can be avoided by
sliding into him in order to stop it. I haven't tested it yet...
I accidentally erased my save games of Alundra 2!
Attack Red Fang by timing your slashes when he's doing the Running
in Circles or try to dash attack after the Ol' Ball and Chain.

12) Mantis Diaz (Mutated Baron)

Description: This is what happens to the Baron after Mephisto screws him,
Think of a purple praying mantis with a human head... yucky, huh?

Stage Look: 3-D square Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) One-Two Mantis Slashes
Mantis Diaz does a 1-2 swings with his claws.
Mantis Boomerangs
Mantis Diaz leaps to one corner of the room. Mantis Diaz throws
one claw straight at the hero while he throws the other one in a
circular motion. They both return to him.
Mantis Spike
Mantis Diaz jumps to the center of the room then does an overhead
smash with his claws. If it misses, he gets them stuck on the floor!
b) One-Two Mantis Slashes
Mantis Diaz does a 1-2 swings with his claws.
Mantis Bomb
Mantis Diaz leaps to one corner of the room then unleashes a
ball of energy at the center off the room.
Mantis Boomerangs
Mantis Diaz throws one claw straight at the hero while he throws the
other one in a circular motion. They both return to him.
Mantis Spike
Mantis Diaz jumps to the center of the room then does an overhead
smash with his claws. If it misses, he gets them stuck on the floor!

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
You can only hurt Mantis Diaz by attacking the head.
Run around the perimeter of the room, preferrably the bottom of the
screen, to avoid the One-Two Mantis Slashes and the Mantis Bomb.
Avoid the Mantis Boomerangs by running to the opposite side where he
leaps to. Run from side to side to avoid the straight boomerang while
going to any corner will avoid the spinning one.
Run around the perimeter of the Mantis Spike.
Attack the head when he gets his claws after he misses the Mantis Spike.

13) Screwed Zeppo (VERY Ugly Zeppo!)

Description: This is what happens when you screw a fat, ugly pirate! Looks like
Zeppo, only more ape-like (if you can imagine that!)

Stage Look: 3-D square Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Power Wave
Zeppo punches the ground and a wave of fire starts rolling on the
Power Spark
Zeppo scratches the ground and a big 'ol spark hits the hero if he's
close enough.
Power Butt
Zeppo leaps high into the air and attepts to smash the hero with a
diving butt-smash.
Falling Debris
After the Power Butt, pieces on the ceiling, big and small come
from above.
b) Power Wave
Zeppo punches the ground and a wave of fire starts rolling on the
Power Spark
Zeppo scratches the ground and a big 'ol spark hits the hero if he's
close enough.
Power Charge
Zeppo does his best imitation of Pandora's Meteor Dash.
Falling Debris
After the Power Charge, pieces on the ceiling, big and small come
from above.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
You can only damage Screwed Zeppo when he gets hit by a large chunk of
Falling Debris.
Avoid the Power Wave, Power Butt and Power Charge by running around
Don't get close to Zeppo when he's not dizzy so that he won't attack
the Power Spark.
Look at the shadows on the floor in order to avoid the Falling Debris.
Lead Screwed Zeppo underneath a big shadow to make him get hit by a big
piece of Falling Debris and make him dizzy.
Attack Screwed Zeppo after he gets dizzy.

14a) Four Sides of Mephisto (Whussy Mephisto)

Description: Four pillars of light... one Mephisto only.

Stage Look: 3-D square Arena type. 4 pillars of light are in each corner of the

Attacks (in order):
a) Appear and Blast!
Mephisto materializes in one of the 4 pillars in the room and shoots
series of blue, tracking fireballs at the hero.
b) Appear and Blast!
Mephisto materializes in one of the 4 pillars in the room and shoots
series of blue, tracking fireballs at the hero.
Whussy Float
Mephisto tries to ram the hero.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Stay in the bottom of the screen so that all of the pillars are visible.
When he materializes for the Appear and Blast!, run up to him and combo
living daylights out of him before he gets to shoot!
If done properly, he won't even be able to hurt you!

14b) Hulking Mephisto (Big Whussy Mephisto)

Description: Think of a very big green pig with claws and fangs... and a very
small head of Mephisto on his back.

Stage Look: Revolving circular room.

Attacks (in order):
a) Big Foot Stomp
Hulking Mephisto stomps hard on the floor a 4 rolling fire waves move
away from the creature.
Big Bite
Hulking Mephisto tries to take a big chunk out of the hero!
b) Big Foot Stomp
Hulking Mephisto stomps hard on the floor a 4 rolling fire waves move
away from the creature.
Big Bite
Hulking Mephisto tries to take a big chunk out of the hero!
Big Fire
Hulking Mephisto burns up the floor.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Simply alternate attacking the left and right feet to avoid the Big Foot
fire attack. Jump to avoid being paralyzed.
Avoid the Big Bite simply by not going near the beast's mouth.
When you take out all the feet, stay on one of the round symbols on the
near the creatures head and a pillar will arise from the floor.
When on the pillar, do a jumping attack on Mephisto's head. (optional)
Destroy all the feet so that the Big Fire doesn't come out.

14c) Big Ol' Mephisto (A big tougher... but still a whuss)

Description: Mephisto gets a big head... and hands.

Stage Look: 3-D square Arena type.

Attacks (in order):
a) Big Slap
Big Ol' Mephisto uses his big ol' hands to slap the hero away.
Mephisto Beams
Big Ol' Mephisto fires a barrage of fast moving projectile beams from
his head.
Gravity Beam
A beam is shot at the middle of the room, forming a floating ball. It
then tracks down the hero. If it connects, the hero cannot move
he is hit by an attack, either a Big Slap or Mephisto Beams.
Mephisto Missiles
The head opens wide and 3 missiles are fired.

Weaknesses/When to Attack:
Avoid the Mephisto Beams by running from left to right in one smooth
motion, never stopping at the bottom of the screen.
Run underneath the hands from the sides of the room when the hand is in
the center of the room.
First, destroy the left, right and center screws one after the other.
When Big Ol' Mephisto gets damaged, he will either do the Gravity Beam
attack with Mephisto Missiles.
Avoid the Gravity Beam by running from bottom to the top of the room in
one smooth motion.
Avoid the Mephisto Missiles by staying in one of the top corners of
the room underneath the arms.
After the three screws are destroyed, you have to attack the head.
Follow the above pattern to avoid the attacks.
After he does the Mephisto Beams, run underneath the arm the same way
as above and move to the center of the room to wait for the head to
move to the center of the room.
While waiting, charge up the Sunburst Attack (hold down the attack
When the head is in the center, do the Sunburst Attack. You can also
combo it, but you can damage both hands with the Sunburst Attack as

E. Help Me!

Send me some comments or suggestions to make this FAQ a better one. They
are always welcome! Contact me at

F. Thanks and Credits - a great site for your faqs! Thanks for putting this one up!
get credit now for being the first one to do so!

Matrix - For making a great game worth the 30 hours I played!

Activision - for making the English version which I've waited for!

Louie Panayi - for giving me the info on stopping Red Fang's Diving Meteor

You - for reading this... Thanks!


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Guide to all items and secrets.

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