Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

12.10.2013 22:28:25
Create Skater FAQ
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1. What is FAQ
2. Version History
3. The DOs and DON'Ts
4. Roster Menu
5. Main Options Screen
6. Appearance Menu
7. Statistics Menu
8. Trick Setup
9. Skateshop
10. Secrets Characters
11 Celebrity Look-Alike
12. Notes
13. Thanks

What is this FAQ 1.3

First off I have gotten this idea when I saw how many people were
asking questions about different things about create a character mode,
and I noticed there was not a FAQ written that could help them so, I
figured that I could help all of those people since I knew basically
what that option was about, and have enough time to search and write
down every option in there If you have any questions or comments or
have found any mistakes or have found a way to make a celebrity look
alike, send me an e-mail at and I will try to fix the
mistake or add your character on the FAQ on my next update and I will
also be sure to give you full credit of it.

Version History

1.0- First started the FAQ, wrote down all the options in every menu.
1.1- Formatted these options to FAQ form and hopefully will get it all
1.2- Added the DO's and DON'Ts section; Changed Art at the top.
1.3- Added a couple of Celebrity Look Alikes

Last Updated- Saturday, December 01, 2001

The DOs and DON'Ts
There are many things that will either make your created skater either
really good or really bad. Some of the ideas may not be so abvious, and
others may be quite obvious.

The DON'Ts

- Never make the shirt color and the pants color the exact same, it
will not look as good.

- Do not make your skater too fat or too thin, it may look cool at
first, but eventually it does not work well when you are looking at

- Do not make you stats too heavy in just one catagory, all the others
will be real bad and will end up hurting you.

The DO's

- If you want a skater to have the same color shirt and pants, try to
find two colors that are close, but not the same.

- Try to make all of your stats somewhat even, (If you do not have any
idea of how to set them up I gave a few options in the Stats Menu

- Try to make a specific style of clothing for your skater ie. thug,
goth, skater, prep etc.
Roster Menu

When you first get into the Main Menu of the game, you should notice an
option called Create Skater. If you decide you want to make a skater
that resembles you or one of your friends, go into this option. The
first screen that appears is a Roster Menu. There is not much to do
here. All it shows is the names of all of your created skaters (up to
four) and some options at the bottom.

If you have made a created character but did not like it very much, go
to that skater and press the Square button, this should delete this

If you have a character on another memory card or save press the Circle
button, this should lead you to a screen resembling the one where you
load your career and the controls are all the same.

If you want to leave this menu press the Triangle button and this
should put you back to the Main Menu.

If you have found a character that you want to change or make a new
one, go to them and press the X button and you will go onto the next

Main Options Screen

Name- You can make your name anything that you want to using letters
numbers and some symbols, the default option is Skater A.

Hometown- You can enter the name that you want your skater to live in,
once again you have the options of numbers letters and some
symbols, the default option is Woodland Hills.

Age- You can choose the age of your skater, ages vary anywhere from 5
years old to 55 years old, and add up by one, so you can choose
any age within that range.

Style- There are three different styles that each skater can be. Vert,
Street and All Around. A vert skater should have better Air,
Hangtime, Ollie, Speed, and Spin, while a street skater should
have better Switch, Rail Balance, Lip Balance, Manuals, and
Speed, but an all around skater should have average of every

Stance- There are two options here, Regular and Goofy. A regular stance
is when your feet face the right, and a goofy stance is when
your feet face the left. These are both true if they are not in
switch and are looking at them from behind, like the camera
does when you skate.

Weight- There are many options here- 88, 101, 115, 130, 145, 162, 180,
198, 217, 238, 254, 281, 304, 328, 352, and 378. All of these
numbers are in pounds.

Once you have all of these option decided, go to where it says next and
you should go onto the Appearance Menu

Appearance Menu

In this menu you have to determine what you skater will look like and
wear. Activision defiantly left you plenty of options here.

Complexion- There are three different types of complexions, the first
one is African American, the second is White, and the third
is a darker toned white, more like a tanned person.

Head- Here you choose what your head looks like, each complexion has
its own options in there.

-Type 1- Afro Guy, Low Cut, Sunglasses, Spike, Bald, Bald and a goatee,
Bald and a beard, Cornrows, Headband, Mowhawk, Mowhawk 2,
Hairnet, Helmut, Cap Backwards, Cap Forwards, Beanie, Hey
Skipper, Shower Cap, and Rhasta Guy.

-Type 2- Mullet A, Mullet B, Low Cut, Sunglasses, Spike, Bald, Bald and
a goatee, Bald and a beard, Cornrows, Headband, Mowhawk,
Mowhawk 2, Hairnet, Helmut, Cap Backwards, Cap Forwards,
Beanie, Hey Skipper, Shower Cap, Bald and a headband, Brown
Hair, Black Hair, Blond Hair, Blue Hair, Slick Hair, Slick
Hair 2, White Fro, and White Fro with glasses.

-Type 3- Slick 1, Slick 2, Slick 3, Lowcut, Sunglasses, Spike, Bald,
Bald and a Goatee, Bald and a Beard, Headband, Mowhawk 1,
Mowhawk 2, Hairnet, Helmut, Cap worn Backwards, Cap worn
Forwards, Beanie, Hey Skipper, and Shower Cap.

Cap Color- This option is only available if you have chosen your
character to wear a cap of some sort. There are a total of
38 different colors to choose from, so take your pick.

Torso- Any one of the following torsos can be chosen for all three of
the Complexion Types, and they are....
Button Shirt, Button Shirt with Long Underwear, Long Sleeve
Button Shirt, Button Shirt with a Large Pad, Button Shirt with a
Small Pad, Striped Shirt, Long Sleeved Striped Shirt, Plaid
Shirt, Plaid Shirt with Long Underwear, Long Sleeved Plaid
Shirt, Cammo Shirt, Long Sleeve Commo Shirt, Shirtless,
Shirtless with Large Pads, Shirtless with Small Pads, Tank Top,
Jersey 1, Jersey 1 and a Sweatband, Jersey 2, Jersey 2 and a
Sweatband, Jersey 3, Jersey 3 and a Sweatband, Sweatshirt, T-
Shirt, T-shirt and Long Underwear, Long Sleeve T-shirt, Long
Sleeve T-shirt with a Large Pad, Long Sleeve T-shirt with a
Small Pad.

Logo- You can put any one of the following logos on any one of the
torsos except if you chose the "Shirtless" option....
None, Audio, Airwalk, Alphanumeric, Axion, Billa Bong, Birdhouse,
Brigade, Cab Dragon, Circa, City Stars, Darkstar, Emerica, ES,
Etnies, Flip, Four Star, Fury, Ghetto Child, Girl, Hawk Shoes,
Hurley, Innes, Independent, Krux, Matix, Monster, Oakley,
Quicksilver, Red Dragon, Ricta, Shortys, S.P.O.T., Tensor, Toy
Machine, TSA, Valcom, and Zero.

Shirt Color- You can choose any one of the 38 colors in this menu to be
your shirt color, except if you chose the "Shirtless"

Sleeve Color- You can choose any one of the 38 colors in this menu to
be your shirt color, except if you chose one of the
options where your shirt has no sleeves, or you have no
shirt all together.

Legs- Here you will have to choose what your skater wears on his legs,
this option does not change depending on the complexion type of
your skater.
Carpenter Pants, Cupped Pants, Ripped Pants, Baggy Pants, Baggy
Cargo Pants, Baggy Commo Pants, Baggy Carpenter Pants, Baggy
Cuffed Pants, Baggy Ripped Pants, Baggy Striped Pants, Bunched Up
Pants, Shorts, Cargo Shorts, Cammo Shorts, Ripped Shorts, Ripped
Shorts with White Pads, Ripped Shorts with Black Pads, Regular
Pants, Cargo Pants, and Cammo Pants.

Pants Color- You can choose any one of the 38 options for the color of
your pants.

Shins- This option will only work if you chose your character pants as
one of the shorts...
High Socks, Old School Socks, Long Underwear, No Socks, and
Ankle Socks.

Shoes- Choose any one of the many shoes for your skater to wear....
Audio Hawk 900, Audio Black Yellow, Airwalk Lasek, Axion
Glifberg, Axion Campel, Axion White, Circa Muska Red, Circa
Thomas, Emerica Reynolds, Emerica Black, ES Burnquist, ES
Kosten, Etnies Steamer, Mullen Pro, Caballero Pro, Rowley Pro,
NS Blue, NS Green, NS Green Red, NS Gray, NS Charcoal, and NS

Stats Menu

The only thing that you do when you enter this menu is give your skater
his statistics, you have 50 points to give him and 10 sections to give

If you have chosen your skater to be a vert skater you should probably
have set him up something close to this.

Hangtime- XXXXXX
Landing- XXXXXXX
Rail Bal- X
Lip Bal- XXXXX
Manuals- X

If you have chosen your skater to be a street skater you should
probably have set him up something close to this.

Air- XX
Hangtime- XX
Ollie- XXXX
Speed- XXXXX
Spin- XX
Landing- XXXXXX
Lip Bal- XX

If you have chosen your skater to be an all around skater you should
probably have set him up something close to this.

Hangtime- XXXXX
Ollie- XXXXX
Speed- XXXXX
Landing- XXXXX
Switch- XXXXX
Rail Bal- XXXXX
Lip Bal- XXXXX
Manuals- XXXXX

Note: These are just examples that I have made up they are not a direct
outline of what your skater should be, just an example of what a good
skater of that type would be.

Trick Setup

In this menu you can choose what all of your skaters moves and specials
will be. What I usually do since you don't get much money is leave
every thing as is. This way you do not waste any of your money on bad
specials, and do not worry you can get all of the sick score goals with
out using any specials, once you do get enough money, you can re-enter
this option from any of the game play modes except for 2 Player Mode
then buy good ones.

Skate Shop

Once you are though the other options you will get sent here, once you
are here you can get any board that you have already unlocked from any
character. You can re-enter this option from any of the game play modes
except for 2 Player Mode and change your board.

Secret Characters

There are more people that you can get by holding L1 at the Main Menu
screen and press U,S,S,T,R,U,C,T the screen will shake in confirmation,
then go to create a skater and enter these names and a pre made
character should appear...
01. Aaron Cammarata
02. Chris Rausch
03. Connor Jewett
04. Darren Thorne
05. Gary Jesdanun
06. Jason Uyeda
07. Joel Jewett
08. Johnny Ow
09. Junki Saita
10. Mick West
11. Noel Hines
12. Nolan Nelson
13. Ralph D'Amato
14. Ryan McMahon
15. Scott Pease
16. Edwin Fong
17. Jeremy Andersen
18. Hudson
19. Kage
20. Nggdynln
21. Robert Earl
22. The Pouncer
Other than that, there are none that I know of, if you know of any,
e-mail me and notify me.


In this area I will enter ways to make different Celebrities in the
create a character mode...

Name: Andy Macdonald
Complexion: 2
Head: Hey skipper
Cap Color: Black
Torso: T-Shirt
Color: White
Logo: Airwalk
Pants: Cargo shorts
Color: Light brown
Shins: Ankle socks
Shoes: Airwalk Lasek
Weight: 180

Name: Casey Bell
Complexion: 2
Head: Helmet
Helmut color: Light green
Torso: Long sleeve
Color: White
Logo: Quicksilver
Pants: Bunched
Color: White
Shins: No socks
Shoes: Vans Geoff Rowley
Weight: 180

Name: Clint Caruolo
Complexion: 2
Head: Cap forward
Cap color: any
Torso: Anything with Long underwear
Color: Any
Logo: Flip logo
Pants: Bunched
Color: White
Shins: n/a
Shoes: Burntwist
Wight: 88

Name: Colin McCay
Complexion: 2
Head: Helmet
Cap Color: Black
Torso: Anthing with Large Pad
Color: Any
Logo: Girl
Shorts: Pad Black
Color: Dark Blue
Shins: Any
Shoes: Koston
Weight: 180

Name: Daewon Song
Complexion: 3
Head: Spike
Cap color: n/a
Torso: Jersey
Color: n/a
Pants: Regular
Color: Light Blue
Shins: n/a
Shoes: N/S Black
Weight: 180

Name: DJ Lethal
Complexion: 2
Head: Forward hat
Color: Black
Torso: T-shirt
Color: Black
Pants: Carpenter
Color: Gray
Shins: n/a
Shoes: NS Black
Weight: 196

Name: Ed Templeton
Complexion: 2
Head: Slick or Lowcut
Cap Color: N/A
Torso: T-shirt
Color: Black
Sleeve Color: Black
Logo: Toy Machine
Legs: Regular Pants
Color: Brown
Shins: N/A
Shoes: Emerica Black
Weight: 180

Name: Fred Durst
Complexion: 2
Head: Beenie
Color: Red
Torso: T-shirt
Color: Black
Pants: Baggy carpenter
Color: Light brown
Shins: n/a
Shoes: Axion Campbell
Weight: 196

Name: Freddy Kreuger
Complexion: Type 2
Head: Hey Skipper
Hat Color: Black
Torso: Long Sleeve Striped
Color: Any
Shirt Color: Red
Sleeve Color: Red
Pants: Regular Pants
Pants Color: Dark Brown
Shoes: Circa Thomas
Weight: 180

Name: Gilligan
Complexion: Type 2
Head: Hey Skipper
Cap color: White
Torso: Long Sleeve
Logo: n/a
Shirt color: Red
Sleeve color: Red
Pants: Regular Pants
Pants color: Blue
Shins: n/a
Shoes: NS Blue

Name: Greg Graffin
Complexion: 2
Head: Blonde hair
Shirt: Sweatshirt
Color: black
Logo: None
Pants: Regular pants
Color: black
Shoes: NS Black shoes
Weight: 180 pounds

Name: John Cardiel
Complexion: 2
Head: Cap backwards
Cap color: Black
Torso: Plaid shirt
Color: Blue
Legs: Shorts
Shorts color: Light brown
Shins: High socks
Shoes: Emerica black
Weight: 198

Name: John Otto
Complexion: 2
Head: Low cut
Torso: T-shirt
Color: Gray
Pants: Baggy cargo
Color: Light brown
Shoes: Etnies steamer
Weight: 217

Name: Marc Johnson
Complexion: Type 2
Head: Beanie
Cap color: Gray or Dark gray
Torso: Button shirt
Logo: None
Shirt Color: Red
Sleeve Color: Red
Shins: None
Shoes: Emerica Black
Weight: 180

Name: Pat Channita
Complexion: 3
Head: Low cut
Torso: T-Shirt
Color: Red
Logo: Brigade
Pants: Baggy Pants
Color: Dark Blue
Shoes: Caballero Pro
Weight: 145

Name: Sam Rivers
Complexion: 2
Head: Bald
Torso: Button shirt
Color: Dark blue
Pants: Carpenter
Color: Black
Shoes: NS black
Weight: 196

Name: Stone Cold
Complexion: Type 2
Head: Bald Goatee
Torso: Shirtless
Legs: Cargo Pants
Pants Color: Brown
Shoes: NS Black.
Wight: 217

Name: Tom Green
Complexion: Type 2
Head: Brown Hair
Torso: Long Underwear
Shirt Color: Black
Logo: None
Pants: Baggy Cargo
Pants Color: Light Brown
Shoes: Airwalk Lasek
Weight: 145

Name: Will Santos
Complexion: 3
Head: Slick 2
Torso: T-shirt
Logo: Adio
Shirt color: White
Legs: Bunchedup
Pants color: Brown
Shins: Ankle socks
Shoes: Emerica black
Wight: 254

Coby Dick (From Papa Roach)
Complexion: 2
Head: Black Hair
Torso: T-Shirt
Color: Black
Logo: None
Pants: Regular
PantsColor: Black
Shoes: Caballero Pro
Weight: 217

Marshal Mathers (EMINEM)
Complexion: 2
Head: Beanie
Beanie Color: Black
Torso: Tank Top
Color: White
Pants: Baggy Cargo
Color: Darkish Blue
Shoes: Emerica Reynolds
Weight: 180

Use the code for Neversoft Pro Skaters (U,S,S,T,R,U,C,T), and make
"Connor Jewett", but change his name to either of the following:

Mini Me:
Weight: 44 LBS
Complexion: 2
Head: Bald
Torso: Long sleeve
Logo: None
Shirt color: grayish white or white
Legs: Cuffed Pants
Pants Color: Grayish white
Shoes: ES burnquist

Use the code for Neversoft Pro Skaters (U,S,S,T,R,U,C,T), and make
"Connor Jewett", but change his name to either of the following:

Riley Hawk:
Weight:44 LBS
Complexion: 2
Head: Helmet
Cap Color: Light Black
Torso: T shirt with Large Pad
Shirt Color: White
Logo: Brigade or Birdhouse
Legs: White Pads
Pants Color: light brown
Shins: Ankle Socks
Shoes: Adio Hawk 900

DR. Evil
Complexion: 2
Head: Bald
Torso: Long Sleeve
Logo: none
Shirt Color: light gray
Sleeve Color: Light Gray
Legs: Cuffed Pants
Pants color: Light Gray
Shoes: Axion White


First off, I would like to thank everyone who posted their ideas at (Mad Dogg Rulez 1221; Brian Aguigiu; Ryan Sawey; Power
Pete 50002; B Gosh 15; PSX1Game87; Porijmunky; Nathan Demers; Charlie;
Tony Hawk Jr,; RK Jones GW.) I would also like to thank CJayJ the
webmaster at for posting this The cheat was borrowed from Thanks to Stephen Bennett for two of the Celebrities.
Also a thanks goes to for the Dr. Evil, Mini Me, and
Riley Hawk look alikes.


This is a copyrighted work for Mike Truitt , any usage of this faq
not noted by its author is banned, if you want to have it on you site,
just e-mail me at and I'll be more than happy to allow
you to have it on your site, but you MUST ask. This Faq should only
be on if you see it on any other site, please notify me.
If you have any Celebrity Look Alikes just e mail them to me and I will
try to post them on my next update.
(c)2000-2001 Mike Truitt
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Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

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