Bust a Move

Bust A Move

13.10.2013 09:27:17
Dance Heaven
Bust-a-Move 2: Dance Heaven Mix FAQ v. 1.0

by: Fiefo!

A. Legal Stuff
B. Revision History
C. The Game Itself
D: How to Play
E. The Characters and Stages
F. The Secret Characters
G. Spoilers/Endings
H. Tips and Hints
I. Help me!
J. Thanks and Credits

A. Legal Stuff:
All the information here is for public viewing and should not be used for profit
and the expressed permission of the author. Please do not use the information in here
for any personal gain. This FAQ, being published in the Internet is automatically is
protected by copyright laws.
In other words, this is mine! Don't remove my name and say, "This is my FAQ and
I'm taking all of the credit for it!"

B. Revision History:

1.0 April 24, 1999
First draft. More to come?

C. The Game Itself:

The sequel to Bust-a-Move (called Bust-a-Groove in the USA) continues on the
dance games. The player must push the commands listed on the screen and push the final
command on the fouth beat of the music. Doing this successfully will cause your
character to dance. Eventually, the more completed dance moves done, the commands will
become more complicated.
You can also initiate attacks to knock the opponent down so the opponent will not
be able to dance for a certain amount of time. The opponent can also do this to you.
Each character can block, dodge or reverse these attacks. More information later in
this FAQ.
If you get a high enough score at the end of the music, the winning character
will do a solo dance called "Fever Time".

Start Screen

1P MODE = Dance competition against the CPU. You battle for either 8 or 9 stages. The
8 stage is always Robo-Z Gold. If you keep on getting "Fever Time" at the
end of each dance, you will access a hidden opponent after Robo-Z Gold,
Pander. Also, unlock hidden characters with each victory.
2P MODE = Dance compete against another person! Probably the most fun mode there is
if the two of you are really good, or really bad!
PRACTICE = Practice with any character. A small bar will show you when to press the
final command. Good for learning the basics of the game.
DANCE = At the start, this option is not accessable. Each character will enable you
VIEW to see the character dance by himself.
The right part of the screen will change the dance movement. Change this
with the directional pad.
The right side shows the dance "paths" you can go through in the game.
Below that is the camera control. And the last option on the right is the
option for manual camera.
OPTIONS = Sound will make you toggle from stereo or mono sound. You can also change the
volume of the music and sound effects. Also, you can just play the music or
the sound effects by themselves!
In the memory option, you can save or load the data from the memory card. Save
the instant you get a new character or finish someone! You can turn on the
Auto Save option if you're too lazy to do this manually. (Risky though. You
might accidentally overwrite more useful game data)

Character Select

First choose the character you want to play as. At the start, you only have acces to
10 characters. As you play, the squares at the bottom will fill up with some more
hidden characters. After you choose the character you want to play as, you'll have
to choose which play mode you want

EASY = All you have are directional commands to enter. The Attack Button is the
Circle button while the Block/Dodge button is the X button. Great for
equalizing the begginers and the Experts!
NORMAL = Just like Bust-A-Move 1. Input direction commands first before the fourth
beat, then enter either Circle or X as the final button, depending on the
last command needed. Attack Button is the R1 shoulder button and the Block/
Dodge Button is the R2 shoulder button.
MIX = Combination of all the face buttons and directions. This is hard mode.
Square, Circle, Triangle and X buttons can be part of the command before the
final button press in the fourth beat. Attack Button is the R1 shoulder button
and the Block/ Dodge Button is the R2 shoulder button.

Game Play

The command line is separated into two boxes. The long box on the left side should
be entered in the proper sequence before the fouth beat of the music. The small box
on the right side must be pressed exactly on the fourth beat. More points (around 30
more) can be achieved by pressing the final command at the exact middle of the fouth
beat (you can see it clearly in Practice mode) You'll know you did this successfully
if the final command sort of pulsates when you do the final press.

As you do successful more dance commands, the border around the player's score will
change (it starts at blue and will get more red) and the command inputs get more
complicated, but more points will be awarded for more complicated commands.

In the middle of the scores are bars of green, red and blue. This will increase for
each COOL (the green), CHILLIN' (the red) and FREEZE (the blue) either of the players
get. They all go back to one bar if one of them are in a level of three. If all of the
bars are aligned, the next player who gets a COOL, CHILLIN', or FREEZE will get more
points than usual, the border around the score of the one who gets it flash a rainbow
of colors and the bars dissapear.


Pressing the Attack button (X for EASY, R1 for NORMAL and MIX) at the fourth beat
will cause the character to deliver an attack the opponent. If it connects, the
opponent will not be able to enter any commands for a time. Also, if it connects just
before a dance solo, the opponent will not be able to his or her dance solo and you'll
be the one to do it!


Pressing the Block/Dodge button (Circle for EASY, R2 for NORMAL and MIX) at the fourth
beat will cause your character to do a backflip (to dodge) or block an opponent's
attack. Once you see the opponent initiate an attack, press this button at the next
fourth beat in the music to defend against the attack. You can also do this if you've
messed up and avoid a missed command. Also, the spheres on the side of your character's
score show the amount of times you can attack.


Press the Block/Dodge button (Circle for EASY, R2 for NORMAL and MIX) at the next
fourth beat when you see your opponent attacks and you will send the opponent's attack
back! You can keep on doing this until the attack connects or someone dodges. Take note
that this MUST be done JUST RIGHT AT THE MIDDLE OF THE FOURTH BEAT, making this more
difficult and more risky to do than just blocking/dodging! Reversals do not use up
your attacks...

E. Characters and Stages:

Note: you can choose the 2nd costume with the Triangle button

Age: 20
Symbol: Flames
Style: Break Dancing
1st Costume: Mostly white jumpsuit and red stripes with an "F" in the middle. He's got a
hat hanging on his back(?)
2nd Costume: Mostly red jumpsuit and white stripes with an "F" in the middle. No hat!
Attack: Throws a large fire at the opponent!
Stage: Dance on an elevator moving over molten metal!
Music: Hip-hop Rap. Slower than in Bust-A-Move 1, but just as good!
The hero of the first game is back! Actually, his moves have gotten better and visually
stimulating (especially the head spin at Level 5!).

Age: 16
Symbol: Cocktail glass
Style: Rollerblade Dance
1st Costume: Waitress costume. Note that the rear of her skirt is transparent!
2nd Costume: Black Bunny outfit! Think Playboy waitress...
Attack: Casts a spell and the opponent turns into various stuff (frog, rice bowl, etc.)
Stage: In front of the "Sushi Planet" drive in restaurant. (Drive in sushi?)
Music: Bouncy kind of music... don't really know the style. J-Pop perhaps?
Replacing Frieda from Bust-A-Move 1, apparently. The dancing isn't too great, though.

Age: 12
Icon: Sillouete of a girl
Style: Hip-Hop Street Dancing (?)
1st Costume: Extremely long sleeved white shirt and blue pants. Very Hip-hop! Her hair is
tied to her sides. Columbo (her pet rat!) sits upon her head wearing a small
baseball cap.
2nd Costume: Black Hip-hop costume with a white "S" in the middle of her shirt. Hair is tied
in loops(?). Columbo sits inside her backpack.
Attack: A large cake falls and flattens her opponent!
Stage: Riding on a raft, the dances tour the "Jungle Tour" fun park on a river.
Music: Cute kid like song. Not as good as her song in Bust-A-Move 1, though.
The cute kid from the first game. Her dance moves have sort of "matured". Still has some
of the cutest moves, though! Columbo still jumps out and dances with Shorty with you hit
the FREEZE command!

Age: 22
Symbol: a hand holding a bag of money
Style: Gangster Style
1st Costume: Black tanktop and bellbottom pants. Has an "S" in the middle of the shirt.
Wears bug-eyed sunglasses!
2nd Costume: Same as the 1st costume with a very loose yellow shirt over the tanktop.
Attack: Takes out his GAT and starts shooting. The screen "shatters" if the attack connects!
Stage: In front of a bank vault. Alarms and security systems go off as time moves on.
Music: Gangster Rap! Just a bit better than his music in Bust-A-Move 1.
The bad boy returns! His dancing seems to have gotten a bit more tame. He doesn't do the
hand plant move anymore!

Age: 11
Symbol: 10 yen coin
Style: Don't really know!
1st Costume: Blue school uniform with a backpack.
2nd Costume: Red school uniform with a backpack.
Attack: A door appears in front of the opponent. It opens and a load of bricks drop from
the window sill onto the opponent.
Stage: In front of a rich looking Japanese style house.
Music: Cute song. Don't really know the style. Doesn't sound J-pop...
The youngest kid to join the dance competition. He has probably the worst dance moves
in the game. He looks like they were trying to be adorable, but it just didn't work.
I hate this kid!

Age: ??
Symbol: Two intertwined lines
Style: Capoeira (isn't this supposed to be a fighting style not a dance style?)
1st Costume: Shiny silver skin.
2nd Costume: Shiny green skin.
Attack: A sattelite shines a beam on the opponent, shrinking the body, but not the head!
Stage: Inside their spaceship from their home planet to earth.
Music: Bit of techno-pop?
One of my favorite character(s) in the first game! They are extremely fun loving for
aliens who want to take over the world! Their dancing sure have improved with them not
always side by side.

Age: 47
Symbol: Skull
Style: Zombie/Robot Dance
1st Costume: Blue outfit and green face (actually skull!). Has an axe embedden in his head!
2nd Costume: Same blue outfit but with a green face (skull). Still has that axe there...
Attack: Throws his head at the opponent!
Stage: Pirate boat!
Music: Rock music! Almost Heavy Metal... Great drums here!
Bi-o's (from Bust-A-Move 1) dad has decided to join! Groovy dance moves!

Age: 21
Symbol: Burning cigarette
Style: 70's disco
1st Costume: White leisure suit. Think John Travolta in "Staying Alive"
2nd Costume: Weird sailor costume. (He still combs his hair with that silly captain's
cap still on!)
Attack: Tosses a picture at his opponent.
Stage: Disco dance floor, complete with disco ball and floor lighting!
Music: Disco! (what else?) "Dance like the Hiro" is definitely not as good as his theme
song in Bust-A-Move 1. But, how could they top "The Natural Playboy"?
Probably my favorite character in Bust-A-Move 1! He's still the Natural Playboy! His
dancing is still fun to watch! Go, Hiro-kun!

Age: 17
Symbol: A can of Tuna
Style: Broadway/Stage Dance
1st Costume: White cat costume. She's got these pants that are robotic sounds as she moves.
2nd Costume: Black cat costume. The black pants make those sounds still...
Attack: A giant claw grabs the opponent, lifts him or her up then drops them! Ow!
Stage: Television Studio
Music: J-pop! Very cool sounding!
The costumed dancer is back and seems to have gotten her moves to be more fluid!

Age: 24
Symbol: Policeman
Style: Bump-and-Grind/Lap Dancing? All I know... I LIKE!
1st Costume: Police uniform with VERY, VERY SHORT SHORTS! Carries a light baton! (I LIKE!)
2nd Costume: Rich Tycoon (like the guy in the Monopoly board game) suit and has a painted
on moustache (Gimme the police uniform all the time!)
Attack: Takes out a megaphone and screams at her opponent!
Stage: A scene of a traffic accident. (for God's sake, she's probably causing the traffic
with that delicious police costume with the VERY, VERY SHORT SHORTS! I LIKE!)
Music: Cool song... (better than her original song) Rhythm-and-Blues?
Doesn't dress like a baby anymore. That police uniform... I LIKE! Use her then wait for
the [Down, Down, Circle] command... Wow! Do it, baby! I LIKE!

F. Secret Characters

Age: ??
Symbol: Circle with question mark inside
Style: Hip-Hop Street Dancing (?)
1st Costume: Brown fur and baseball cap
2nd Costume: Light brown fur. That's it!
Attack: Haven't seen it yet...
Stage: Shorty's stage, I guess...
Music: Shorty's music, I guess...
The cute rat has been learing from his master. Hard to see the actual dance movements
because... he's soooo small!

Age: ??
Symbol: Electrical Plug
Style: New Age Dance
1st Costume: Gold plated robot with some silver parts on his arms and legs.
2nd Costume: Silver plated robot with some gold parts on his arms and legs.
Attack: Blasts a laser beam at his opponent.
Stage: Bridge leading to Tokyo. A giant Robo-Z is standing in the river while his opponent
is in a helicopter.
Music: Techno-pop
I guess he hasn't got his tune up since Bust-A-Move 1, since his face has the tendency to
blow up while dancing! Cool dance moves, especially his "Fever Time"!

Age: ??
Symbol: Looks like a box with some Japanese symbol inside.
Style: Some weird ballet of some kind. Freaky!
1st Costume: Think human panda!
2nd Costume: Think human panda with bluish fur and a flower on the head!
Attack: Sends a hundred hands to slap the opponent silly!
Stage: All I can say is... it looks like someone took a bunch of drugs and then "Hey! I've
got a great idea for a stage..."
Music: Alternative/New Age. Think Bjork!
Looks like some nightmarish freak! Reminds me of a dream I have when I feel sick! The
dancing is as freaky as he is!

Age: ??
Symbol: Circle with a question mark inside
Style: Rollerblade Dance (like Comet)
1st Costume: Silver Metal body. (He looks like a tiny Tin Man from OZ)
2nd Costume: Pink Metal body. (still looks like a mini Tin Man)
Attack: Haven't seen it yet...
Stage: Same as Comet, the Sushi Planet.
Music: Same as Comet.
What can I say? He's a little Tin Man on Rollerblades! Not as cute as Burger Dog...

Age: ??
Symbol: haven't released him yet...
Style: haven't released him yet...
1st Costume: haven't released him yet...
2nd costume: haven't released him yet...
Attack: haven't released him yet...
Stage: haven't released him yet...
Music: haven't released him yet...
Haven't released him yet...

Age: ??
Symbol: Circle with question mark inside
Style: Capoiera
1st Costume: One has a blue body and the other has a pink body. Both have light colored skin
one their stomach.
2nd Costume: One is green, the other is orange. Still has the light colored skin on the tummy.
Attack: haven't seen it yet...
Stage: Capoeira's UFO
Music: Capoeira's music
They stick their tongues out while dancing. They look like mindless drones...

Age: ??
Symbol: Circle with question mark inside
Style: New Age/Stage Dance
1st Costume: blue tied up shirt with tight white pants. What a gay!
2nd Costume: black jump suit and red tied up shirt with red trim. What a gay!
Attack: haven't seen it yet...
Stage: Television Studio of Kitty-N
Music: Kitty-N's!
Kitty-N's dance instructor. Kitty-N has a crush on him. Problem is, he doesn't like girls!
He likes guys!

Age: ??
Symbol: Circle with question mark inside
Style: 70's Disco (The era of the Hustle!)
1st Costume: Brown fur with boxer shorts
2nd Costume: Blue fur and boxers
Attack: Tosses a picture of himself at his opponent
Stage: Disco! Hiro-kun's stage
Music: Hiro-kun's music
Disco dancing gorilla. What else can I say?

G. Spoilers/Endings


All the endings have the character as a guest in "Dancing Heroes", a show much like "Soul
Train". The hose, James Suneoka, comes out and makes a lousy joke at the start and gets
bonked on the head by some object. He then introduces the character, then the ending
slide show is shown. Afterwards, the host seems to grieve about the hard life of the
character. Something funny happens to the host (most of the time) then the character gets
into a dance solo as the credits roll by. James Suneoka then says goodbye to the viewers.

Heat: He used to be a champion race car driver until he had an accident. His car crashed and
exploded. He had 3-degree burns all over his body and was not expected to survive, but,
miraculously, he did! Because of the fire, he now has the ability to throw fire and
the average body temperature is 43 degrees!

Comet: Kidnapped when she was a child, the kidnappers were going to kill her because the
ransom wasn't paid. But, before that happened, the kidnapper changed to a vegetable!
Comet found out that she has the ability to change anything into anything she wants!
(This doesn't explain why she's a waitress, though!)

Shorty: The daughter of very busy parents, Shorty was alone in a big house all the time. One
night, she found a present from her mother and father. Opening it, a giant jack-in-
the box poped out. But there was another box inside! Inside the smaller box was a
creature she had never seen before! She named this animal Columbo and they became
very attached to each other.

Strike: Arrested before, he changed a new leaf when he got out of the big house. Now, he
bacame a major rap superstar. Also, his gang would stage robberies with the rhythm
of his beat.

Tsutomu: Being very studious, other kids would make fun of of Tsutomu. But, this kid has a
short temper. Too bad he would wet his pants when he blows his top! His teacher
(Wow! What a bod!) would keep on encouraging him. Tsutomu plans to marry his
teacher when he reaches 18.

Capoeira: Planning to take over the world, they got sidetracked because they became avid
fans in collecting a certain poster series. They would save as much money as
they could to buy them. One day, they ordered a rare poster, but when they got
it, it turned out to be a fake!

Bi-o : His son, Gas-o went home one day. Bi-o ordered to take off the mask that Gas-o always
wears. Gas-o didn't want to. They had a fight. Bi-o got an axe and treatened to kill
his own son! Gas-o had no choice but to spray his father with his gas, causing the
skin of Bi-o to dissolve. To add injury to injury, Gas-o embedded the axe in his
father's skull. The neighbors saw the new Bi-o and named him that. Now, Bi-o wants
to reunite with his son and play catch! (What a family!)

Hiro-kun: Moving into Tokyo, the computer programmer named Hiro loves to go into clubs and
all the guys want to be like him and all the girls are just dazzled by Hiro-kun's
charm and dance moves! But, deep inside, Hiro-kun is just shy in front of girls!

Kitty-N: Formerly a member of the Magnificent 5, Kitty-N broke away from the group to dance
solo. After some time and hard work, she became even more successful now!

Kelly: Dressing up in a baby costume, Kelly would love going into clubs. One night, she saw
her office friend who she had a crush on. The office worker recognised Kelly and was
disgusted at what he saw. Now, Kelly changed and now dresses in a police uniform.
Because of this, she feels more confident and more guys make passes at her!

The secret characters don't seem to have endings...

H. Hints and Tips

The 9th stage (Pander) is reached by getting a "Fever Time" in all of the stages.

Release Columbo by finishing Shorty.

Release ChiChi and Sally by finishing Capoeira.

Release Robo-Z Gold by finishing the game in Mix Mode and reaching Pander.

Release Pander by finishing Robo-Z Gold and reaching Pander.

The other characters are released by reaching Pander for each of the original characters.

I'm not sure, but I think you have to finish a character before you can access the other
hidden characters or keep on getting a "Fever Time" in the stages. If you fight a hidden
character in the middle of the game, you'll release that character if you finish the game.

I released Sushi-Boy with Capoiera, Hustle Kong with Hiro-kun and Micheal Doi with Kitty-N.
You'll have to keep on getting "Fever Times" then you'll fight them by the fifth stage.

Dual Fever Times are possible! Make sure that the score doesn't have a difference of more
than 1000 points.

Time your attacks before the dance solo so's you'll get his or her dance solo and really
rack up the points.

If you can't get the fourth beat to pulsate constantly, forget about trying to reverse an
attack. You might get plastered! Just dodge!

If you mess up and the command line become black, dodge or attack instead so that you'll
avoid the miss and redo the input again! It's much better than going back to the start.

Heat, in Mix Mode, has only direction commands still! So, use him in Mix Mode competitions
if you're still not used to the other characters!

Shorty, in Normal Mode, has very short and simple command inputs!

In Bi-o's stage, when you drop down into the trapdoor, use an attack! Your opponent won't be
able to see it in the darkness until the last moment. This point, the opponent will also not
be able to do his or her solo! Cheap but effective!

Close matches are almost always determined by the extra "pulsating" points. Practice first
to get the rhythm of the music and get the "perfect middle" consistantly for that song.

If you can get the "perfect middle" of the beat consistantly, try to goad your opponent into
attacking then reverse it. Opponents usually don't check if the attack is reversed!

I. Help Me!


I'll also add the measurements of each of the characters and be more descriptive with the
endings next update.

I'll also try to add some of the patterns for the characters, selectable and hidden.

Send me some comments or suggestions to make this FAQ a better one. They are always

J. Thanks!

www.gamefaqs.com - a great site for your faqs! Thanks for putting this one up!

Enix - for making the game!

Mary Rose Yatco - for playing the game with me!
Butchoy Yatco - for playing the game with me! (Now, if he'd just stop choosing Kitty-n!
That's just plain annoying to see all the time!)

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