Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve 2

15.10.2013 22:54:11
Unofficial Guide


This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

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Parasite Eve II™
{Un-Official Guide}
Platform: PlayStation™
Version 1.01
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
My website:

Created: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 3:55:27 PM
Last Updated: 11/02/00 5:08:41 PM
Size: 140 KB (143,388 bytes)


01. Introduction
02. Legal Stuff
03. Updates/Revision History
04. Genetics 101
05. Character Bios
06. Walkthrough
07. Weapons
08. Ammo
09. Armor
10. Items
11. Price Lists
12. Parasite Energies List
13. Bestiary List
14. Credits
15. Contact Info


01. Introduction


Parasite Eve 2 is a kick-ass sequel to a sub-par game from Squaresoft.
It's a good sequel too, since it actually leaves off from where the first
game left, and has dropped most of the bad elements from the first game,
and replaced them with a Resident Evil-style game engine. This isn't a
bad thing, mind you, only different. It will be much different for those
who enjoyed the first Parasite Eve game, but the change is non-existant
for those of us who haven't played the first game. So, basically, if you
like the Resident Evil series from Capcom, you can do MUCH worse than
Parasite Eve 2.


02. Legal Stuff




This FAQ can only appear on the following sites (w/out having to ask me):

• GameFAQS • Cheat Code Central • GameSages • • • FAQ Domain


If anyone finds it on any other site or, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address:

© Copyright 2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered,
or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and
printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed
in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute
to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions,
comments, or corrections, to the address above.


03. Updates/Revision History


Version 1.02 (10/14/00)

• Added the Bestiary List

Version 1.01 (09/24/00)

• Updated the Item List. Added the Locations of the Key Items that I already
had listed. More updates to come...

Version 1.0 (09/13/00)

• First non-beta version of the FAQ, first released version. I have most
of the lists done, but I will update them if necessary


04. Genetics 101


{From the Game Manual:}


Mitochondria are organelles found within the cells of all living things.
Possessing DNA different from that in the cell's nucleus, mitochondria may
be the remains of a seperate organism that the nucleus absorbed into
the cell shortly after life on this planet began. Opposing theories state
that mitochondria deliberately entered the cell as a nucleic parasite.
mitochondria generate ATP, an important source of cell power.

Mitochondria Eve

Based on data taken from mitochondria DNA collected from people of various
ethnic backgrounds, a hypothesis was formed tracing all mitochondria to
a single source: a female human in ancient Africa, identified as
"Mitochondria Eve."

Aya's Mission

You, as FBI agent Aya Brea, will investigate the string of strange incidents
involving No-Mitochondria Creatures. Battle mysterious characters and
strange Neo-Mitochondria Creatures, and gather information and evidence to
crack the case. Whenever Aya's HP reach 0, the game is over.


05. Character Bios

Aya Brea
Age: 27
An FBI agent assigned to the Los Angeles division of MIST, the Mitochondrion
Investigation and Suppression Team. Codename: NMC (Neo-Mitochondrion
Creature) Hunter.

3 years ago, during the Mitochondria Eve revolution in New York, Aya, then
an NYPD officer, joined forces with the Navy and contributed to the
resolution of the incident. But at that same time, she was faced with the
dilemma of the mitochondria within her own body awakening. After the incident
in New York, Aya resigned from the police force out of consideration for
her colleagues. She was quickly recruited for the undercover MIST
organization and moved to LA to chase the NMCs (Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures),
which were spreading to the West. Due to the awakened mitochondria in her
cells, Aya appears younger than her actual biological age.

Kyle Madigan
Age: 29
A mysterious individual claiming to be a private detective.

He appears out of nowhere while Aya is conducting her NMC investigation and
offers to assist her. He appears to be competent, but his motives remain

Eric "Hal" Baldwin
Age: 50
The director in charge of MIST, and Aya's supervisor.

Always found back at headquarters, Baldwin relays his orders to agents in
the field by phone after gathering all possible information. People call
him "Hal" because of his cold, detached manner. Baldwin's agents have both
respect and disdain for their stoic boss.

Rupert Broderick
Age: 37
An investigator assigned to MIST, and another NMC Hunter like Aya.

Previously working for the FBI organized crime unit, Broderick was
known for his good-natured attitude. After losing his family during
the New York incident, he threw everything away and joined the MIST
organization. Now, Broderick has devoted his life to exterminating

Pierce D. Carradine
Age: 31
An investigator assigned to the intelligence division of MIST.

A master at information "retrieval", Carradine is not above using the
experience gained from his illegal hacking days to find what he needs.
He is a natural loner with few friends, but he enjoys talking to Aya,
who joined MIST at the same time as he.

Gary Douglas
Age: 56
Douglas is a decorated Vietnam War veteran who lost a leg in the minefield.

After returning stateside, he started a scrap yard business in the desert
town of Dryfield and has been living a quiet life with his dog. Douglas is
also an avid firearm collector and a strong advocate of gun rights.


06. Walkthrough


Uhm....hi. I don't really have much to say here...

*Points to the sky, then dashes off as you are distracted and look away*

___________________________/ \____________________________
{ D i s c 1 }

NOTE: For this walkthrough, I will tell you where to go, and, for the most
part, NOT how to get there. I am assuming that you know how to use
the Map function (hit select to view the map), and that you can
make your way to that specific local by yourself. I will only tell
you how to get somewhere if it is _truly_ needed.

| \
| September 4, 2000 8:56 pm \
| Akropolis Tower, L.A \
| \
At the beginning of the game, you will take control of Aya. You will have
a chance to practice your shooting skills at the firing range. Take this
time to do so to get acquainted with the firing system of PE 2. There
are several levels, each level getting increasingly more difficult than
the previous level. Whenever you feel ready to hit the scene, just
finish up your excersise, then head on through the only door available
to you at this time, then through the double doors to Aya's right on
the next screen.

Run forward, and you will enter a short cut-scene with Aya speaking
with Pierce. He'll tell you that wants Aya to head
up to the top of Akropolis Tower to check out some NMC disturbances.
Aya agrees, then you take control of Aya once more. Head through the
door behinde Pierce, then into the door just ahead of Aya, the
[Firearms Control] room.

Speak with Jodie to get some answers to some questions about weapons, armor
and attachments, as well as BP. You can also purchase items, weapons, etc.
here, but you only start off with 200 BP, so your options are limited.
After you are done browsing the shop, exit and head into the garage.
If you wish to save your game, use the phone past the yellow car, near
the large shutter gate. When you are done doing this, speak to Pierce
to head off into Akropolis Tower.

Make your way into the building, and after the cut-scenes end, you will
end up at the top of the tower, just outside of the elevator. Head to Aya's
left and through the double glass doors. Search the dead body to the left,
near the window to get a Recovery1. Check the rooftop map near the body,
and near the center statue to enter it into your GPS. Head down the
stairs near the statue, and check the bench to find a case of PB rounds.
This case holds an _unlimited_ amount of ammo, so remember this spot
for later usage. Run back up the stairs and towards the phone. It will
ring. Answer it, then save your game if you wish. Head through the door
near the phone.

Run forward, and speak with the downed SWAT Officer near the Coke machine.
He'll tell you to save the lady in the Cafeteria, and hand you the
Cafeteria Key. To get to the Cafeteria, go back into the room with the
statue, and head down the stairs near the entrance, and past the bench.
At the bottom of the stairs, go to Aya's right, and kill the NMC.
After talking with the SWAT officer, head into the next room, and into
the Cafeteria. Speak to the lady, then fight the boss.




To beat this easy boss, just fire-and-run. When you run low on ammo,
dodge the beast, then move further away from it, reload, then
continuously fire at it.

After the fight, search the table to find the Scientific Journal, and
then search the dead body of the monster to get the Metallic Implant.
After you get your ass saved, you will end up back outside of the Cafeteria.
Go back to the statue room, and use the phone to call for backup. Go down
the stairs that are near the phone you just used, and kill the NMC down
here, then search the dead SWAT officer for some Penicillin. Make your
way to the Fountain.

Run around the fountain, and through the blue-ish door near it. Take this
route to get to the back entrance of the Cafeteria. Search the yellow
container on the wall in here to get the Blue Key. Now head through the
door across from the yellow container. In here, use the Blue Key on the
control panel with the flashing yellow light (on the left keyhole). This
opens up the escalator for your access (the escalator is near the dead
soldier whom you got some Penicillin from). Check out the security cameras
if you wish to see some interesting things, then return to the escalator,
and ride it up.

At the top, fight the NMCs, and take the Tactical Vest from the dead
soldier. Equip it while you're at it. Take the next escalator down.
Kill the two large NMCs from afar, then enter the Sanctuary. Watch the
cool cut-scene, then grab the Red Key from the ground. Leave this room, and
check the dead SWAT guy to Aya's left for a MP5A5. Go back into the
Sanctuary, and use the door to the east of the entrance, and enter the
Roof Garden. Check behind the statue to see a bomb. Check the locked door,
then grab the Black Card.

Now remember that room where you put the Blue Key into? Good. Dash back
there, and place the Red Key into the slot on the right. This drains the
main fountain. Return to the Fountain to find another dead SWAT member, and
take his Grenade Pistol. Return to the statue room and stock up on 9mm PB
rounds if you need to, and check the dead body that is across from the
unlimited ammo case to find a Recovery2. Return to the Prominade, and
head through the door across from the Sanctuary.

Once here, you will need to raise the bridge. To do so, enter 5-6-1 as
the code, and the bridge will rise. Run across the bridge, and through
the next door. Make your way through the winding hallway, and use the
emergency phone to save your game. Head up the stairs here.

Run all the way around the catwalk to the other end. Check out the lift,
then head back. As you run back, you will encounter "another Hunter", who
is a boss.


"Another" Hunter:


This boss is sorta easy, but only if you have enough ammo, and use your
wits to beat him. As you run along the catwalk, you will find wires on
the walls. Lure him in front of these, then blast the wires to electricute
him. Do this until you reach the dead-end, then lure him in front of the
steam pipe, then blast the pipe to do some serious damage to him. This works
really well, and saves ammo at the same time. Use your Grenade Pistol at
first, then use your MP5A5 to finish him off. Try not to get very far
away either, since he shoots rockets at you (even though most of them miss
you by quite a margin.) When he escapes to the roof, take the lift up to
the roof when it comes down, then watch the cinemas.

| \
| September 5, 2000 1:44 am \
| MIST Office, L.A \
| \
After the cinemas, Aya will speak with her boss, and will recieve four new
Key Items to keep. Check these items out if you wish, then once you regain
control of Aya once more, store some stuff in the trunk of her car. Be
sure to make plenty of room for later. When this is finished, head into
the weapon storage room, and talk to Jodie. She'll ask you if you want to
trade BP for Weapons, so say yes. Buy up whatever you need or want from
the shop, then return to Pierce near Aya's car, and speak to him to head
off to Dryfield...

| \
| September 5, 2000 12:13 pm \
| Mojave Desert, Nevada \
| \
Welcome to the deserted town of Dryfield. Looks far. Load up
on 9mm PB rounds from the unlimited supply near the car, then run forward
and through the gates under the "Dryfield" sign. Kill the chargin NMC
bull-thing by blasting it, then letting it charg at you. Move out of it's
way as it gets near you, and it'll ram into something, causing it to damage
itself. LOL. Once this guy is done for, head through the small gate to
the north of here. It's tough to see unless you are right near it. Head
into the Garage.

Run into the main part of the garage near the car, and raise the circuit
breaker on the wall near the car. Go back past the car, and though the
open doorway, and approach the yellow-lighted control panel. First hit
"Up", then "Turn". Go past the car, and unlock the shutter door with the
red light, then unlock the other shutter door next to it, to Aya's right,
so you can access this area after putting the car in it's original position.
Run back to the yellow control panel, and press "Turn", then, "Down" to lower
the car once more. Go through the shutter door near the car.

In this part of the garage, you'll meet Douglas. After a talk, he'll give
you the Motel Key No. 6. Exit the garage, and head back into the Main Street
area, and kill the large group of scorpions. Go through the gate near Room
2, and kill the 2 NMC rammers here. Head up the stairs, and enter Room 6
(after killing the other NMCs here first). Go towards the back of the room,
and take the ladder down. Kill the 2 rammers here, then run around to the
other side, near the hole in the ground. Raise the lever here, then run
around to the opened gate quickly before it closes. Dodge the other 2
rammers, and get through the gate. Once inside, prepare for a battle with
over 5 rammers(!). Kill them all, then when they're all defeated, a ladder
will lower. Take the ladder up.

Up here you'll meet Kyle Madigan, a PI straight outta LA. When the
coversation ends, hit the nearby switch to open the gate, and then climb
the nearby ladder. Check the dead body for a Recovery1, and a Key labeled
"G&R". Leave the water tower, and pass through the newly opened gate.

Kill the scorpions down here, then head through the door near the hole in
the ground (where the rammers were digging earlier). Use the Saloon Key
to open it. Once inside, kill the flying NMCs to get a Combat Light. Now
check the locker to get an item, then check the back 'fridge to get a
Magnet to "borrow". Leave this place, and head through the gate near the
electric gate that lead to the water tower. Fight the rammer at the end,
then call Douglas. He'll tell you to get the key to your left. Use the
Magnet on it to get the Factory Key. Enter the door. Go left and head through
the next door, then follow the dog to find Douglas in his Trailer. He'll
sell you whatever you need/want too. Ask him about the Shelter, and he'll
tell you about it. Exit the Trailer when you are ready.

Once out here, the dog will lead you to a coil of rope. Take it, then fight
off the scorpions. Make your way back to the well near the garage, and use
the rope to enter the well. Kill the bats, then head through the gate at
the end of this area. Now in the next area, you will meet an invisible
spider thing. You can kill it rather easily, but you cannot aim at it when
it dissapears. To make it re-appear, use Plasma, or your Combat Light.
Do this over and over again until it dies. Be sure to turn on the 2 switches
in this area (1 near the entrance, the other near the next ladder). Now
climb the ladder at the end to enter the General Store.

Kill the red little critters in here, then search the fridge in the back
for a bottle. Go through the door near here, and kill the 2 rammers. Enter
the Dilapidated House, and check the chest in the back to find that it is
bolted to the floor. Crap, that sucks. Go back to see Douglass in the

Talk with Douglass, and tell him you "need information...", and he'll
tell you to use one of his tools from the garage to remove the bolts from
the chest in the house. Go to the Garage, and check the shelf near the other
side of the red truck, and take the Monkey Wrench. Return to the house,
and on your way back, in the Water Hole, check the hole in the wall to get
a healing item.

Use the Monkey Wrench on the bolted chest, then enter the hole in the wall.
Go into the next room to find a familiar enemy....


"Another" Hunter, part II:


This is another fight with that boss from the Akropolis Tower rooftop, and
this time, it's personal . Just wait until he tries to
attack you, then use Combustion on him over and over. You don't even need
to use any ammo, since he goes down pretty quickly. When the fight ends,
a series of cinemas and FMVs follow.

Once you regain control of Aya, you will be tagged along with Kyle. Don't
let him die, or the game will end. Make your way back to the car outside
of the General Store. Fight the flying NMCs out here, and make sure to
protect Kyle as well. When they have all been taken care of, you will see
that your car is completely wrecked. Go back to the Trailer once more.

Talk to Douglass, and ask him to borrow a car. He'll agree, but tell you
to search the motel for some gas, and he'll give you the Lobby Key.
Saving your game would be a good idea too. Make your way to the Parking
area (refer to your map), and enter the Lobby across from the stairs.
Once inside, check the cash register, and enter the "#" key first to turn
the register on, then enter: "3033" as the code. It'll open, and give up
a key. The Bronco Master Key. Exit the lobby, and go up the stairs, kill
the spider things, then use the Key on the double doors. Head to the back
of the room and take the Jerry Can. Kill the incoming spiders, then enter
this code into the fireproof safe: 4487. Take the Holy Water, then return
to your wrecked car.

Fill the Jerry Can at the pumps to get the Gasoline. Find Douglass in
the Garage, and he'll fill up the truck with it, and tell you to get some
rest. Head up to Room # 6 for now, and take a nap.

After the "provoking" scenes, a big-ass mutant type thing will come out
of nowhere, and will make his way into the Motel area. Time for a huge
ass boss fight, although not that hard.




First off, make sure you have a good weapon equipped, like the M4A1 Rifle
or the shotgun with R. Slug rounds. Run to the corner that is in between
Room # 6 and the Loft. He can't reach you from there, but his flame attacks
can. Just use Pyrokinesis and some firepower to kill him. It'll take a while,
but you can get it done soon enough. Don't worry if he picks you up,
because all he'll do is throw you back down, and won't kill you. After
the fight, enter your room again, and use the ladder in the back once more.
Go through the bar, and back out to the main area where Douglass is.

Talk to him, and he'll give you the Truck Key. Head to the Garage again
to get the Truck. Speak with Kyle in here to find out some
_shocking revelations!_ Heh. Now, when the conversation has ended, make
your way to the Trailer where Douglass is. If you saved his dog from the
monster (the boss fight; you must have beaten the boss pretty fast to save
his dog), then he'll give you a M950 (Large Handgun). This is one kick
ass gun, and since it uses the unlimited 9mm PB rounds, it makes the
deal even sweeter! I don't know what you get if you didn't save his dog
though... Anywho, when you are ready, go back to the Garage and talk with
Kyle to get going, and to finish this disc.

___________________________/ \____________________________
{ D i s c 2 }

| \
| September 6, 2000 12:06 am \
| Outskirts of the Mojave Desert, Nevada \
| \

First of all, you must protect Kyle at all costs (again...), and make sure
he doesn't take any damage. Also, there is a special way to kill all
of the oncoming rammers that keep on heading onto the screen. See that
cliff near the truck? Well, stand near the cliff, DO NOT AIM at the rammers,
then wait for them to start charging. When they are set and start running,
immediately run to the side, and they'll fall off the cliff and die. This
saves tons of ammo, but the downside is that if you aren't fast enough,
they can ram you off the cliff, therefore ending your game ASAP.

After taking care of the first rammer, Kyle escapes into the Mine. Now you
have to take care of the rest of the rammers. After the fight, head into
the mine itself. Head straight on through the first door ahead of you, then
through the next door and examine the bridge to find out that the rail has
been broken off at a point. Return back to the main area of the mine, and
enter the Forked Tunnel (once more, refer to your map).

Release the brake on the car here, and run forward and to the right to
find a large, sturdy board. Take it, and return to the broken bridge,
and use it here. Cross the board, fend off the bats, then head into the
Refuge to the right. Save your game while in here. Refill your ammo supply
if you need to in the box here, then turn around and check out the control
panel. You should see 4 small holes towards the upper-left part of the panel.
The bottom one has a Plug in it. Take it. Now place this plug into the
second hole, then lift the power switch. Watch the power supply run to
both Gates. Leave the Refuge, and head through the next door. Also, be
sure to equip your Grenade Pistol...


Large Rammer:


This fight is _extremely easy_ when you do the right thing. First, run away
from the rammer, then turn around towards it. Aim for the barrel near it,
and when it runs at you, and near the barrel, blast the barrel. This shot
from your Grenade Pistol will cause extra damage from both the shot, and
the barrel explosion. Now just pop a few more grenades into him, and
he's done for...

Or is he?! Right after the first fall, Aya will discover Kyle's handgun near
the body, and take the Jumper Plug. Now wait...he gets back up! Use the
same tactics as before, but this time, there's no barrel to use. Just
stay in one position, and blast him as he runs at you, with your Grenades
of course. Be sure to reload when he turns away from you, because this is
your only time to do so. After the fight REALLY ends, take the items,
which include Kyle's gun.

Return to the Refuge, and place the new Jumper Plug into the first hole in
the control panel, and move the other plug back into the last hole. Now
return to the area where you fought the large boss, and check the motorcycle
towards the back. Press the switch that says [Gate 2]. Enter the next
area, and fight off the spider in here. Go through the doorway at the end,
and take the lift down.

Head into the E-38 door, and avoid the lasers here, and enter the next door.
Enter the [Storeroom], and fight off the enemies in here. Load up on 9mm
PB ammo from the box, then go through the E-47 door (the one near the
entrance to this room), and either fight or avoid these monsters that
electicute you. Enter the Sleeping Quarters at the end of the hall. Leave
the room through the large doors with the green light above them, then
fight off the fat enemies and lasers in this area. Enter the Armory, the
door labeled "Weapon" with the red sign on it.

Use the BP Shop here to stock up on whatever you need, and if you have
the Black Card Key from Akropolis Tower, then you can use it on the inner
area for some kick ass goodies...

When you're ready, head back out to the main room, and enter the door with
the red light above it, the Sterilization Room. Check the control panel in
between the two doors, then enter the "In" door. Run in here, save your
game, then go through the next set of double doors. After the cut-scene,
run around the corodor and take the lift down. Follow the hall, and go through
the next door, then through the next one after that. In the next Main
Corridor, enter the [Breeding Room].

Grab the ammo from inside here, then head back to the Sterilization room.
Save your game, then head out of the "Out" door. As gas fills this room,
escape out of the [Dust Shoot] near the door you entered the area with.
Run forward to meet a boss...


Garbage Blob:


This guy is semi-tough, but you have to think for this one. First, blast him
with Grenades when his mouth opens, but make sure he doesn't suck you into
his mouth, or the game will end. Do this a few times over, and he'll
seemingly die off...anywho, enter the newly unlocked door. On the other side,
the blob will re-enter, and give chase. Run from him RIGHT AWAY, until you
reach a side area to the right. Step on the floor switch, and continue running
from the blob until the platform rises. When it does, wait for him to stop
sucking you in, then continue down the path. At the end, lure the Blob
onto the large area on the ground, the large floor plate. When he does reach
the area, step onto the second small floor plate to the right, and he'll
get crushed in the ground.

After the fight, you'll only have 5 minutes to escape. Return to where you
first met the boss, and open the chest to get the Woven Ring. Return to
where you killed the boss, and enter the door at the end. After the talk with
Kyle, save your game at the phone, and head down the stairs.

Go through the next door, then climb the ladder at the end of the path. Approach
the control panel for the Flood Gates, and enter "18" as the code. When the
water clears, head down the stairs, and through the newly discovered gate.
On the other side, go up the next set of stairs to Aya's left, and down the
ladder. Go to Aya's left again, and enter "15" as the code for the Full
Moon Gate control panel on the wall, which is blue. Go back up the ladder,
and head through the gate on the other side, and climb the rope after the
gate to end up back at Dryfield.

Follow the dog to the Water Tower, and get the SUV Key from Pierce, after
you've saved him of course. Go to the SUV near the gas station, and take the
bag of ice to Pierce quickly. Do this 3 times to get the Ofuda Charm.
At this time, you can either go to Douglass in the Trailer to stock up
on ammo, or you can just return to the Upper Sewer. Either way, when you
return to the Upper Sewer, go forward from the ladder, and enter the
red gate to the left.

Go through this area to the other side, and make your way to the elevator
in the Incinerator Control Room-area. Take the elevator to floor B1, after
getting the Card from Kyle. Enter the E-38 hallway near the elevator, and
go into the Storeroom, then through the next door across from the one you
just entered. Fight the weird ass NMC, and pick up his Card. Return to
the Elevator Hall, and take the elevator to floor B2.

Use the Card Key on the door to the right of the elevator when you get off
it, and enter the [Operating Room]. Head straight to the locked door, and
unlock this door to the Breeding Room. Now go into the Main part of the
Operating Room, and enter the Laboratory door.

Save your game at the phone, then use the laptop on the desk across from it.
Enter "A3EILM2S2Y" as the password in the computer, then select "Visitor
Program." Now answer the 3 easy questions they give you (I believe the
questions are random...), then watch the cut-scenes to discover some more of
the story. Answer the phone that rings later on, and then save your game
once more.

Check your map, and you'll see that you have to get to the Pod Service
Gantry area. Use your map to navigate your way back to the Sterilization
Room, then head northeast to the hall with a lift. Kill the 2 fat NMCs
here, blocking your way, then enter the door at the end of the hallway.

After the conversation with Kyle here, move on into the next area, go up
the small flight of stairs, and use the phone across from the stairs to
save your game.

Approach the large control panel across from the phone, and operate the
camera system. Activate the first, third, and fourth cameras, and hit
the Operate button after each one. This will activate the lift, open
a door, and such. Leave this area, and head to the lift you just

Take the lift down, then make your way to the next lift around the
next area, and go down to the Neo Ark. Use your map, and make your
way to the Shrine area in Neo Ark. Head to the back part, and check
out the writing on the wall, across from the locked door. Memorize
or write down the order of the figures for each color (Red, Blue, Yellow),
then go back and into the inner part of the Shrine, and examine the
puzzle on the wall. It's a game-type of puzzle, where you have to
place the order of each color in the correct order, only in
odd ways, and the lowest-right hand hole must be uncovered:

Red blocks:
__ __ __ __
|__|__|//|__| <--- The way the Blocks must go.
1st figure->|//|__|__|_o|

Blue blocks:
1 2 3 4
__ __ __ __
|__|__|__|__| <--- The way the Blocks must go.
1st figure->|__|__|__|__|

Yellow blocks:
__ __ __ __
4th figure->|//|__|__|__|
3rd figure->|//|__|__|__| <--- The way the Blocks must go.
2nd figure->|//|__|__|__|
1st figure->|//|__|__|__|

Each time you solve this puzzle, something will happen. Just remember that
you must solve the Red Puzzle to move on in the game, and unlock the other
locked door on the other side of the Shrine. Go into this door after
solving the Red Puzzle. You'll see a boss-type enemy, but you can't get
hurt from it at all. It's all hooked up to a generator, and when it's
hooked up to it, it can't take any damage from you. What do you do? Simple.
Run to the back and blow up the generator, then unload on the NMC to kill
it easily. When it's dead, exit the area, and dash to the North Promenade.

Head through the Forest Zone, and to the Pyramid. On the way, right before
the stairs that lead to the Pyramid, align the stone block so that all
of the symbols are straight and matching. Head up the stairs to the

At the top you will see a bunch of colored blocks on the ground, one in
each corner. Step on them in this order:

- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
- White
- Blue
- White
- Red
- Yellow
- White
- Blue
- Yellow
- Red

After doing this, you'll hear a sound in the distance. Now step on them
once more, in this order:

- Blue x 6
- White x 2
- Red x 3
- Yellow x 5

This will lower a switch on the statue here. Lower the switch, then head to
the Pavilion. Once here, kill off the water NMCs, then use the new path
to the Island. On the Island, head down the ladder, and fight off the
group of water NMCs, then fight the water boss...


King Water NMC:


This guy is hard at first, but all you have to do is load him up with
Grenades and Fire Parasite Energies (Like Combustion). Avoid him when
he attacks, and reload your weapon when he goes underwater, then blast
it when it comes back up.

When it dies, search the water to find the Skull Crystal item, then go
back to the Pyramid, and raise the lever on the statue to allow access
to the Garden. Head to the Pavillion and take the new route to the
Garden. Kill the enemies on the way, and enter the door to the left
of the Pavillion. Inside here, run past the stairs, and around to the
dead-end behind the stairs. You'll find a box filled with unlimited
9mm Hydra bullets! Nice. Anywho, go back to the stairs, and you'll
find another large boss-type NMC hooked up to a generator like the
last one. Defeat this boss the same way as you did the previous one,
then head all the way back to the Shelter.

Once at the Shelter, head to the Laboratory, and save your game. Now
go to the Armory if needed, and reload up on ammo and whatever else
you need. Also, unlock the doors that are to the south of each floor
that leads to the Elevator Hallway, because you'll need it later.

When you're ready, make your way to the lift to the east of the
Laboratory (check your map to see it marked by a Flashing Red Dot).
At the bottom, blast the giant speakers that gradually decrease your
MP, then enter the next elevator. Take it down to B6 floor.

Down here, kill the NMC and some of the giant speakers, and follow
the girl through the next door.


Tower NMC:


I call this guy the "Tower" NMC, because he is so tall. He'll attack you
with fire attacks, so be sure to avoid these at all costs. He takes
a lot of time to do these, so you can pretty much stop any of his
attacks just by blasting him before he attacks you. Use your M4A1 on
him, or your M11 grenade launcher.

After the fight, a cut-scene ensues. When all is over and ready, you
end up with Aya and the little girl, needing to escape fast. To do
this, check the tubes across from the girl, then talk to her a few
times. Now walk towards the lift in the room, making sure the girl
follows you. Be sure to do this quickly, because if she dies, then
your game ends. Take the lift up.

You'll end up back at the garden, and the girl runs off. Follow her
to the Submarine Tunnel, and watch as No. 9 (the "other" hunter from
earlier), kidnaps her, and sends his Golems to attack you no matter
what. The Golems are your only other enemies for the rest of the
game, and they are a pain in the ass. There are different types
of Golems, and they all do different attacks. Some shoot rockets,
some just slash you, and other stuff as well (fast Golems, slow
Golems, big ones, invisible ones, etc...). These guys suck big time
and they are annoying as hell to beat. I suggest that you avoid the
Golems at most times, unless you are brave enough to face them, and
risk dying (although you might need the Exp. and BP for later on...)

Head to the Pod Service Gentry, and use the camera system again. Shut
the security off of the last camera (last button down), then go to
Main Corridor on B1 level, and enter Underground Parking. Head into
the main room, and check the panel that is diagonally across from
the phone to get the Electric Car Key. Check it once more, and press
the yellow, blue, and Call buttons to gain access to the Electic

Use the Electric Car Key on the car to drive it out, then approach
the control panel to the right of the car. Use Bowman's Card on it,
then drive the car out. Once in the airlock area, go through the next
door into the next airlock region, through the next door, and kill
the Golems, and check the motorcycle to get the Teddy Bear. Enter
the Guardroom, and hit the switch at the end of the hallway. Go
into the Bulwark, kill the next two Golems, then open the large door
to enter the heliport, and watch the kick-ass FMV.

After all of the cut-scenes end, check the ammo box for some Grenades,
and the other box for some healing items. Use the phone in here if
you want to save your game, then leave the tent. Now, if you saved
Flint the dog earlier, then he'll be out here, and give you Mr.
Douglass' letter, and a MP Boost2. Rupert will also be out here, and
he'll give you the Mongoose Magnum, and some magnum rounds.

If you did not save Flint, then Jodie will be here, and she'll allow
you to buy items and such with your BP. Do so, then search the area
for some M4A1 rounds and some grenade rounds.

If Flint is here, give him the Teddy Bear, and he'll lead you to the
girl (Eve). Make your way back into the Underground Parking area,
then head to the Golem Freezer (you only have to do this sometime,
it depends on who you have been saving, Pierce or Kyle). If Pierce is
here, then save him. If not, then continue on to the Pod Service
Gentry, while saving your game in the Sterilization Room on the way.

At the door leading to the Pod Service Gentry, you will have a choice:

- Too Dangerous...think about it first
- Eve is in there!

Choose the second one, and enter. You will find out tons of stuff, but
in the end, No. 9 will shoot you, causing you to lose some HP that
equals around 50 HP. To save Eve, you have to take the elevator to B2,
then enter the door right next to the elevator (fight the red Golem if
you wish, but I just skipped him). Enter the door next to the elevator
to find a boss...


King NMC:


This guy is easy as hell, just as long as you either use your Grenades
or Magnum, but I reccommend that you wait until the next fight to use
your Magnum, so stash that away, and whip out your Grenade Launcher.
Stand near the boss, and blast him over and over again, until part
of his face melts away. When it does, a hole in his body will be
revealed. Blast this over and over until it closes up, then run to
another area to avoid the bosses' attacks. Repeat this tactic (shooting
his open area when it's revealed), until it dies off.

Run around the platform and approach the red switch. Use either Bowman's
Card or Yoshida's Card on it, and enter the door to fight the final


FINAL BOSS - Parasite Eve:


Wow, this boss fight is the hardest in the game, yet somewhat simple.
At first it may seem complicated, since Eve performs so many different
attacks and that you are just on a single path (a bridge), but it all
relies on one simple strategy: Run. Yup, just run. The only time you
should stand still is when she stops moving, and you are blasting
her with whatever you have. I strongly suggest that you start off
by pounding her with your Grenade Launcher for a bit, then end the
fight with your Magnum. Her attacks include: A shockwave on the bridge,
a diving attack towards you, shooting projectiles at you from afar,
attempting to clone you, latching onto Aya, then releasing her after
reducing her HP and MP, and a MP dropper attack, where the entire
screen gets fuzzy and shaky.

To counter this MP-dropper attack, simply blast her with your gun, and
the "spell" will be broken. She also casts some Status attacks, so be
ready with some healing items attached to your armor. One of her other
attacks involves Eve flying into the air, disappearing, then diving
into you (or the area you are at). This does a lot of damage, so when
she dives back down at you, make sure to wait until she gets close
(you can hear it), then dash across the bridge.

Also remember that there is time to attack her after each one of her
attacks, because she is momentarily stunned. Use this as an advantage. When
she starts bleeding everywhere, continue with multiple shots from your
magnum (the more shots in a row, the higher the damage each shot will do.)
Eventually, she'll die, and a cut-scene will follow...then the ending.

Congrats! You have just beaten Parasite Eve 2. You could have gotten one
of two endings: Bad and Good ending. I'm pretty sure you will know the
difference between the two...

M Y O F F I C I A L G A M E T I M E:



07. Weapons


{Database File Information}

| \
| M93R \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm |
| Capacity 20 rounds |
| Weight 117 |
| Range 50 |
| Rate 110 |
| |
| Semi-auto 9mm, fires 3-round bursts. |

| \
| Tonfa Baton \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Weight 68 |
| Range 1 |
| Rate 5 |
| |
| Based on an Okinawan design. Masters can attack continuously. |

| \
| PA3 \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Gauge 12 |
| Capacity 3 rounds |
| Weight 270 |
| Range 30 |
| Rate 2 |
| |
| Pump-action 12-gauge shotgun. |

| \
| M4A1 Rifle \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 5.56mm |
| Capacity 30 rounds |
| Weight 254 |
| Range 500 |
| Rate 85 |
| |
| 5.56mm assault rifle. Customizable with attachments. |

| \
| MP5A5 \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm/Flash |
| Capacity 30/50 rounds |
| Weight 288 |
| Range 55/5 |
| Rate 80/2 |
| |
| 9mm submachine gun. Flashlight attached. |

| \
| Grenade Pistol \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 40mm |
| Capacity 1 round |
| Weight 260 |
| Range 350 |
| Rate 1 |
| |
| Pistol-sized 40mm grenade launcher. |

| \
| M249 \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 5.56mm |
| Capacity 200 rounds |
| Weight 685 |
| Range 400 |
| Rate 100 |
| |
| Portable light machine gun. Heavy firepower and a large clip. |

| \
| MM1 \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 40mm |
| Capacity 12 rounds |
| Weight 900 |
| Range 350 |
| Rate 12 |
| |
| 40mm launcher w/revolving magazine. |

| \
| M950 \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm |
| Capacity 100 rounds |
| Weight 227 |
| Range 40 |
| Rate 90 |
| |
| Full-auto 9mm w/high ammo capacity. |

| \
| P229 \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm/Flash |
| Capacity 12/50 rounds |
| Weight 92 |
| Range 120/4 |
| Rate 90/3 |
| |
| Semi-auto 9mm w/silencer. Flashlight attachment. |

| \
| Mongoose \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber .44 mag |
| Capacity 6 rounds |
| Weight 168 |
| Range 60 |
| Rate 70 |
| |
| Large .44 caliber revolver. Slow reload, but it's worth it. |

| \
| Gunblade \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Gauge Blade/12 |
| Capacity -/6 rounds |
| Weight 579 |
| Range 1/100 |
| Rate 2/36 |
| |
| Ultra high frequency particle blade. Blade with shotgun attachment. |


08. Ammo


{Database File Information}

| \
| 9mm P.B. \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm |
| Power 10 |
| Capacity 500 |
| |
| 9mm caliber full metal jacket round. For handguns and submachine guns. |
| |
| |
| |
| M93R P08 |
| P229 MP5A5 |

| \
| 9mm Spartan \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm |
| Power 20 |
| Capacity 500 |
| |
| 9mm fragmentation round. Fragments rupture vital organs. |
| |
| |
| |
| M93R P08 |
| P229 MP5A5 |

| \
| Buckshot \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Gauge 12ga. |
| Power 40 |
| Capacity 500 |
| |
| 12-gauge shotgun scatter shot. Spreads 9 lead shots in a burst. |
| |
| |
| |
| PA3 SP12 |
| AS12 |

| \
| 5.56 Rifle \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 5.56mm |
| Power 22 |
| Capacity 800 |
| |
| 5.56mm full metal jacket round. For rifles and light machine guns. |
| |
| |
| |
| M4A1 |

| \
| Grenade \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 40mm |
| Power 270 |
| Capacity 100 |
| Special Burst |
| |
| 40mm fragmentation grenade. Shoots fragments over a wide area. |
| |
| |
| |
| Grenade Pistol |
| M4A1 Grenade |

| \
| Riot \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 40mm |
| Power 60 |
| Capacity 100 |
| Special Flash |
| |
| 40mm special acoustic round. Emits a glaring flash and loud noise. |
| |
| |
| |
| Grenade Pistol |
| M4A1 Grenade |

| \
| 9mm Hydra \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 9mm |
| Power 15 |
| Capacity 500 |
| |
| 9mm hollow-point round. Soft tip increases tissue damage. |
| |
| |
| |
| M93R P08 |
| P229 MP5A5 |

| \
| Firefly \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Gauge 12ga |
| Power 70 |
| Capacity 200 |
| Special Incendiary |
| |
| 12-gauge shotgun incendiary shot. Ignites flammable target. |
| |
| |
| |
| PA3 SP12 |
| AS12 |

| \
| Airburst \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber 40mm |
| Power 220 |
| Capacity 100 |
| Special Explosion |
| |
| 40mm aerial burst grenade. Arcs and explodes in the air. |
| |
| |
| |
| Grenade Pistol |
| M41A Grenade |

| \
| 44 Maeda SP \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Cailber .44 mag |
| Power 70 |
| Capacity 500 |
| Special Poison |
| |
| Anti-NMC .44 magnum round. Contains toxic mitochondria. |
| |
| |
| |
| Mongoose |


09. Armor


{Database File Information}

| \
| Shoulder Holdster \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP --- |
| Add MP + 20 |
| Attachments 4 |
| |
| Holster worn over a T-Shirt. |
| |
| |
| |
| Quick Fire. |

| \
| Turtle Vest \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP + 5 |
| Add MP + 20 |
| Attachments 3 |
| |
| NMC Hunter reinforced vest. Can be worn under regular clothing. |
| |
| |
| |
| MP recovery, Resist PARALYSIS |

| \
| Combat Armor \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP + 40 |
| Add MP + 10 |
| Attachments 5 |
| |
| Heavy police body armor. Helmet amplifier prevents Silence. |
| |
| |
| |
| High-sensitivity Motion Detector. Resist Silence. |

| \
| Tactical Vest \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP + 50 |
| Add MP + 10 |
| Attachments 7 |
| |
| Bullet-proof SWAT vest. Includes an emergency first aid kit. |
| |
| |
| |
| Quick Fire. |
| HP Recovery |

| \
| Assault Suit \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP --- |
| Add MP + 10 |
| Attachments 5 |
| |
| Good desert jacket. Has attactments, but poor protection. |
| |
| |
| |
| Resist POISON. |

| \
| PASGT Vest \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP + 20 |
| Add MP --- |
| Attachments 6 |
| |
| Body armor in current military use. Includes an emergency first aid kit. |
| |
| |
| |
| Resist POISON. |
| HP Recovery |

| \
| EUD Suit \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP + 100 |
| Add MP --- |
| Attachments 5 |
| |
| Explosive squad body armor. Resistant to explosions and heat. |
| |
| |
| |
| Resist IMPACT. |
| Resist PARALYSIS |

| \
| PsySuit \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP --- |
| Add MP + 50 |
| Attachments 4 |
| |
| Neo-mitochondria labsuit. Includes remote ANMC analyzer. |
| |
| |
| |
| Opponent HP display. |
| Resist CONFUSION |

| \
| NBC Suit \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Add HP + 20 |
| Add MP + 20 |
| Attachments 6 |
| |
| Environmental NBC protection suit. Suitible for long-term wear. |
| |
| |
| |
| Resist POISON. |
| Resist PARALYSIS |


10. Items


Here is the list of Key Items that I have found so far in the game. I'm
probably missing some, so please be patient while I find the ones that I
am missing. I'll update this whenever I find new Key Items.

| |
| |
| M.I.S.T Badge Badge used for MIST ID. Looks like those |
| used in the FBI. |
| |
| Recovery1 (100) Multi-vitamin tablet. Heals some HP. |
| |
| MP Boost1 (320) Spring Water. Restores some HP. |
| |
| Penicillin (80) Anti-bacterial medikit. Cures Darkness, |
| Paralysis, Poison. |
| |
| Stim (60) Restores nerve function. Cures Silence, |
| Berserker, Confusion. |
| |
| Combat Light (60) Disposable defense weapon. Blinds enemies |
| in front of you. |
| |
| Pepper Spray (100) Disposable self-defense weapon. Use to |
| stun surrounding enemies. |
| |
| Cafeteria Key Cafeteria Key from SWAT Officer. |
| |
| Scientific Journal Mendel--popular science journal. |
| |
| Metallic Implant Object implanted in NMC's skull. |
| |
| Blue Key Allows access to the escalator in the |
| Akropolis Tower. |
| |
| Red Key Drains the Fountain in the Akropolis |
| Tower. |
| |
| MIST Search Warrant Special FBI search warrant. Authorizes a |
| broad range of activities in anticipation |
| of MIST emergency procedures. |
| |
| UMA Photograph Photograph of an animal corpse over 15' |
| in length. A man holding a shotgun is |
| visible on the right. Out of focus |
| background makes location hard to |
| determine. Appears to be a desert region. |
| |
| Manual The existance of neo-mitochondria is |
| unknown to the public. MIST operations |
| are officially explained as criminal |
| hunts or natural gas explosions. The |
| current investigation is officially a |
| manhunt for a serial killer. |
| |
| Dryfield Map A map of our investigation area in the |
| Mojave Desert. The surrounding landscape |
| is hilly with a number of mesas. With the |
| exception of the town of Dryfield, the |
| area is empty and barren. |
| |
| Ringer's Solution Blood substitute. Restores HP and MP to |
| the max. |
| |
| Protein Capsule Protein compound medicine capsule. Full |
| HP recovery. Max HP + 5. |
| |
| Belt Pouch A large belt pack. Increases # of armor |
| attachments. |
| |
| Motel Key No.6 Key to a guest room in the Bronco Motel. |
| The tag has a big number "6" on it. |
| |
| Rifle Clip Holder M4A1 magazine clip holder. Increases |
| ammo capacity by 30. |
| |
| M9 Close combat bayonet. Custom M4A1 |
| attachment. |
| |
| Lobby Key An aluminum key. It has a Motel Bronco |
| tag, with a label that says "lobby." |
| |
| Monkey Wrench An adjustable wrench that fits any size |
| nut or bolt. |
| |
| Factory Key An iron key. It's covered with rust. |
| |
| Bottlecap Magnet A promotional item in the shape of a cola |
| bottlecap. There's a magnet on the back. |
| |
| Saloon Key An aluminum key with the engraving "G&R." |
| |
| Mendel (Sept. Issue) "Mendel"--science for the masses. Well- |
| known for its coverage of genetics. |
| There's a vocab list for general readers. |
| |
| Bronco Master Key An aluminum key. It has a Motel Bronco |
| tag, with a label that says "master." |
| |
| Jerry Can Use this to fill up with Gasoline. |
| |
| Gasoline Gasoline (2 gallons). This should get the |
| truck running. |
| |
| Truck Key A truck key with a tattered leather key |
| chain. It's been well used. |
| |
| Coiled Rope Allows access to the Well. |
| |
| Oak Board An oak board 8' in length. The corners |
| show excessive wear. |
| |
| Plug A plug for a wiring board. |
| |
| Skull Crystal Skull shaped S. American Crystal. Attach |
| this and see what happens. |
| |
| M203 40mm Grenade Launcher. Custom M41A |
| attachment. |
| |
| Eau de Toilette Disposable eau de toilette spray. Scent |
| releases latent powers. |
| |
| MD Player MD Player w/ "whale songs" disc. Prevents |
| Confusion, Berserker. |
| |
| Mr. Douglass' Letter The small tube that hung around Flint's |
| neck. There's a message inside. |
| |
| Teddy Bear Well-loved teddy bear. One of it's eyes |
| are missing. |
| |
| Electric Car Key The key to the electric car in the |
| shelter. |
| |
| Yoshida's Card This card belonged to a programmer. |
| |
| Bowman's Card This card belonged to a researcher. |
| |

| |
| |
| M.I.S.T Badge N/A. Aya has this at the start of the |
| game. |
| |
| Recovery1 (100) N/A |
| |
| MP Boost1 (320) N/A |
| |
| Penicillin (80) N/A |
| |
| Stim (60) N/A |
| |
| Combat Light (60) N/A |
| |
| Pepper Spray (100) N/A |
| |
| Cafeteria Key Elevator Hall (East), Akropolis Tower. |
| |
| Black Key Roof Garden, Akropolis Tower. |
| |
| Scientific Journal N/A |
| |
| Metallic Implant Cafeteria, Akropolis Tower. |
| |
| Blue Key Second room east of Cafeteria, Akropolis |
| Tower. |
| |
| Red Key Sanctuary, Akropolis Tower. |
| |
| MIST Search Warrant N/A |
| |
| UMA Photograph N/A |
| |
| Manual N/A |
| |
| Dryfield Map N/A |
| |
| Ringer's Solution N/A |
| |
| Protein Capsule N/A |
| |
| Belt Pouch N/A |
| |
| Motel Key No.6 From Douglas in Garage, Dryfield. |
| |
| Rifle Clip Holder N/A |
| |
| M9 N/A |
| |
| Lobby Key Gary Douglas, Trailer Coach. |
| |
| Monkey Wrench Garage, Dryfield. |
| |
| Factory Key Inside small grate, near Factory and Water|
| Tower. |
| |
| Bottlecap Magnet Small room south of the Water Tower. |
| |
| Saloon Key Dead Corpse, top of Water Tower, Dryfield.|
| |
| Mendel (Sept. Issue) N/A |
| |
| Bronco Master Key Lobby, Dryfield (inside the register) |
| |
| Jerry Can Loft, Dryfield. |
| |
| Gasoline Gas Station, Dryfield. |
| |
| Truck Key Gary Douglas, Main Street, Dryfield. |
| |
| Coiled Rope Junk Yard, Dryfield. |
| |
| Oak Board Forked Tunnel, Mine. |
| |
| Plug Refuge, Mine. |
| |
| Skull Crystal Island (Neo Ark, pool of blood) |
| |
| M203 N/A |
| |
| Eau de Toilette N/A |
| |
| MD Player Nursery, Shelter. |
| |
| Mr. Douglass' Letter Heliport, Shelter (from Flint) |
| |
| Teddy Bear Vehicular Airlock, Shelter. |
| |
| Electric Car Key Underground Parking, Shelter. |
| |
| Yoshida's Card Enemy in Shelter. |
| |
| Bowman's Card Enemy in Shelter. |
| |
| Woven Ring Dumping Hole, B3 Shelter. |
| |


11. Price List


Here are the BP "shops" in each area of the game, along with how much
everything is that can be purchased.


[1st Disc]:


MIST Center:
| | |
| | |
| PA3 | 1000 BP |
| | |
| MA41 Rifle | 2450 BP |
| | |
| Buckshot | 60 BP per box (10 in a box) |
| | |
| 5.56 Rifle | 100 BP per box (80 in a box) |
| | |
| Turtle Vest | 1680 BP |
| | |
| Combat Armor | 3250 BP |
| | |
| Recovery1 | 100 BP |
| | |
| MP Boost1 | 320 BP |
| | |
| Penicillin | 80 BP |
| | |
| Stim | 80 BP |
| | |
| Combat Spray | 60 BP |
| | |
| Pepper Spray | 100 BP |
| | |
| | |

Douglass' "Shop":
| | |
| | |
| PO8 | 680 BP |
| | |
| PA3 | 1000 BP |
| | |
| M4A1 Rifle | 2450 BP |
| | |
| Rifle Clip Holder | 1800 BP |
| | |
| M9 | 980 BP |
| | |
| Grenade Pistol | 1680 BP |
| | |
| 9mm P.B | 30 BP per box (50 per box) |
| | |
| Buckshot | 10 BP " " (10 " " ) |
| | |
| 5.56 Rifle | 100 " " " (80 " " ) |
| | |
| Grenade | 260 " " " (4 " " ) |
| | |
| Riot | 80 " " " (" " " ) |
| | |
| Shoulder Holster | 2580 BP |
| | |
| PASGT Vest | 2980 BP |
| | |
| EUD Suit | 4200 BP |
| | |
| Recovery1 | 100 BP |
| | |
| MP Boost1 | 320 BP |
| | |
| Penicillin | 80 BP |
| | |
| Stim | 80 BP |
| | |
| Combat Light | 60 BP |
| | |
| Pepper Spray | 100 BP |
| | |
| | |


[2nd Disc]:


Shelter Shop:
| | |
| | |
| P229 | 1880 BP |
| | |
| PA3 | 1000 BP |
| | |
| M4A1 Rifle | 2450 BP |
| | |
| Rifle Clip Holder | 1800 BP |
| | |
| M9 | 980 BP |
| | |
| Hammer | 3720 BP |
| | |
| Grenade Pistol | 1680 BP |
| | |
| 9mm P.B | 30 BP per box (50 per box) |
| | |
| Buckshot | 10 BP " " (10 " " ) |
| | |
| 5.56 Rifle | 100 " " " (80 " " ) |
| | |
| Grenade | 260 " " " (4 " " ) |
| | |
| Riot | 80 " " " (" " " ) |
| | |
| Combat Armor | 3250 BP |
| | |
| PsySuit | 4580 BP |
| | |
| NBC Suit | 3980 BP |
| | |
| Recovery1 | 100 BP |
| | |
| Recovery2 | 180 BP |
| | |
| MP Boost1 | 320 BP |
| | |
| Penicillin | 80 BP |
| | |
| Stim | 80 BP |
| | |
| Combat Light | 60 BP |
| | |
| Pepper Spray | 100 BP |
| | |
| Flare | 150 BP |
| | |
| | |


12. Parasite Energies List



F: Fire
WT: Water
E: Earth
W: Wind

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Pyrokinesis (F)| 08 (Lv 1) | 22 | None | None |
| | | | | |
| " " | 07 (Lv 2) | " | 500 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 06 (Lv 3) | 22 | 1200 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| Combustion (F) | 14 (Lv 1) | 38 | 300 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 14 (Lv 2) | 30 | 700 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 14 (Lv 3) | 22 | 1600 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| Inferno (F) | 30 (Lv 1) | 50 | 1200 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 30 (Lv 2) | 40 | 1600 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 30 (Lv 3) | 28 | 2000 | 04 |
| | | | | |
| Metabolism (WT)| 07 (Lv 1) | 36 | 200 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 05 (Lv 2) | 28 | 500 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 03 (Lv 3) | 18 | 1200 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| Healing (WT) | 12 (Lv 1) | 42 | 300 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 12 (Lv 2) | 30 | 700 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 12 (Lv 3) | 18 | 1600 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| Life Drain (WT)| 20 (Lv 1) | 44 | 1200 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 18 (Lv 2) | 36 | 1600 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 16 (Lv 3) | 28 | 2000 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| Antibody (E) | 06 (Lv 1) | 36 | 200 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 05 (Lv 2) | 28 | 500 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 04 (Lv 3) | 18 | 1200 | 04 |
| | | | | |
| Energy Shot (E)| 10 (Lv 1) | 36 | 300 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 09 (Lv 2) | 28 | 700 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 08 (Lv 3) | 18 | 1600 | 04 |
| | | | | |
| Energy Ball (E)| 15 (Lv 1) | 36 | 1200 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 15 (Lv 2) | 28 | 1600 | 04 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 15 (Lv 3) | 18 | 2000 | 09 |
| | | | | |
| Necrosis (W) | 07 (Lv 1) | 38 | 200 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 07 (Lv 2) | 20 | 500 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 07 (Lv 3) | 22 | 1200 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| Plasma (W) | 06 (Lv 1) | 18 | 300 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 05 (Lv 2) | 18 | 700 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 04 (Lv 3) | 22 | 1600 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| Apobiosis (W) | 18 (Lv 1) | 38 | 1200 | 01 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 18 (Lv 2) | 38 | 1600 | 02 |
| | | | | |
| " " | 18 (Lv 3) | 38 | 2000 | 04 |
| | | | | |


13. Bestiary List


HP-- Amount of damage the enemy can take before dying (i.e., health)
EXP- Amount of experience points an enemy will 'give' you after a fight.
These points add your experience level, and eventually add up and
level Aya up, therefore making her more potent in fights.
BP-- Amount of BP given off by each enemy/monster.
MP-- The amount of magic power an enemy has, and/or how much MP you can
gain from that enemy after a fight.

| | | |
| ENEMY NAME | HP (Hit Points) | EXP (Experience Points)|
| | | |
| Alien Creeper | 200 HP | 075 EXP |
| | | |
| Alien NMC (Desert) | 180 HP | 034 EXP |
| | | |
| Big NMC | 350 HP | 300 EXP |
| | | |
| Small NMC | 180 HP | 042 EXP |
| | | |
| Rat | 018 HP | 004 EXP |
| | | |
| Moth | 001 HP | 002 EXP |
| | | |
| FatBoy | 280 HP | 102 EXP |
| | | |
| Blob (Green) | 080 HP | 012 EXP |
| | | |
| Blob (Red) | 280 HP | 016 EXP |
| | | |
| Blood Sucker | 001 HP | 008 EXP |
| | | |
| Blood Sucker (Night) | 001 HP | 008 EXP |
| | | |
| Brain Sucker | 050 HP | 012 EXP |
| | | |
| Skinny NMC | 001 HP | 006 EXP |
| | | |
| Rat (Desert) | 018 HP | 004 EXP |
| | | |
| Creeping NMC | 450 HP | 500 EXP |
| | | |
| Brain Sucker (Desert) | 050 HP | 012 EXP |
| | | |
| Brain Sucker (M. Mine)| 400 HP | 105 EXP |
| | | |
| Cannon FatBoy (Boss) | 3000 HP | 500 EXP |
| | | |
| Cannon FatBoy (Boss) | 3000 HP | 700 EXP |
| | | |
| Sloth NMC | 120 HP | 012 EXP |
| | | |
| Caterpillar | 080 HP | 006 EXP |
| | | |
| Bat | 001 HP | 005 EXP |
| | | |
| Alien NMC | 180 HP | 034 EXP |
| | | |
| Chaser NMC (Desert) | 200 HP | 075 EXP |
| | | |
| Chaser NMC (Desert) | 200 HP | 075 EXP |
| | | |
| Desert Alien NMC | 180 HP | 034 EXP |
| | | |
| Small NMC (Desert) | 180 HP | 042 EXP |
| | | |
| Bat (Desert) | 001 HP | 005 EXP |
| | | |
| Scorpion | 068 HP | 020 EXP |
| | | |
| Eve (Part I) | 9000+ HP | 1500 EXP |
| | | |
| Eve (Part II) | 10000+ HP | 5000 EXP |
| | | |
| FatBoy (Desert) | 280 HP | 152 EXP |
| | | |
| Fish NMC | 001 HP | 006 EXP |
| | | |
| Number 9 | 1600 HP | 500 EXP |
| | | |
| Flamer (Boss) | 4650 HP | 2000 EXP |
| | | |
| Generator NMC (1st) | 500 HP | 200 EXP |
| | | |
| Generator NMC (2nd) | 750 HP | 400 EXP |
| | | |
| Swimming NMC (N. Ark) | 240 HP | 070 EXP |
| | | |
| Green NMC | 160 HP | 042 EXP |
| | | |
| Grenade Golem | 425 HP | 125 EXP |
| | | |
| Horse NMC | 180 HP | 106 EXP |
| | | |
| Horse NMC (Neo Ark) | 200 HP | 075 EXP |
| | | |
| Large NMC (Shelter) | 4000 HP | 1000 EXP |
| | | |
| Maggot (Shelter) | 160 HP | 016 EXP |
| | | |
| Moth (Desert) | 001 HP | 002 EXP |
| | | |
| Moth (Neo Ark) | 450 HP | 204 EXP |
| | | |
| Blob (Red, Neo Ark) | 280 HP | 016 EXP |
| | | |
| Moth (Shelter) | 450 HP | 204 EXP |
| | | |
| Night Stalker | 085 HP | 010 EXP |
| | | |
| Number 9 (Desert) | 1100 HP | 800 EXP |
| | | |
| Rat (Shelter) | 018 HP | 004 EXP |
| | | |
| Scorpion (Desert) | 068 HP | 020 EXP |
| | | |
| Scorpion (Neo Ark) | 068 HP | 020 EXP |
| | | |
| Bug NMC | 280 HP | 015 EXP |
| | | |
| Snow Dead NMC | 2500 HP | 500 EXP |
| | | |
| Snow Horse NMC | 500 HP | 300 EXP |
| | | |
| Stalker (Shelter) | 070 HP | 015 EXP |
| | | |
| Swimming NMC | 240 HP | 070 EXP |
| | | |
| Sword Golem | 425 HP | 125 EXP |
| | | |
| Sword Golem (Shelter) | 425 HP | 125 EXP |
| | | |
| Double Golem | 482 HP | 250 EXP |
| | | |
| Large Golem | 482 HP | 250 EXP |
| | | |

| | | |
| ENEMY NAME | BP | MP (Magic Points) |
| | | |
| Alien Creeper | 050 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Alien NMC (Desert) | 034 BP | 003 MP |
| | | |
| Big NMC | 200 BP | 030 MP |
| | | |
| Small NMC | 082 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Rat | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Moth | 018 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| FatBoy | 102 BP | 005 MP |
| | | |
| Blob (Green) | 028 BP | 008 MP |
| | | |
| Blob (Red) | 050 BP | 030 MP |
| | | |
| Blood Sucker | 042 BP | 003 MP |
| | | |
| Blood Sucker (Night) | 001 BP | 002 MP |
| | | |
| Brain Sucker | 036 BP | 002 MP |
| | | |
| Skinny NMC | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Rat (Desert) | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Creeping NMC | 450 BP | 030 MP |
| | | |
| Brain Sucker (Desert) | 036 BP | 002 MP |
| | | |
| Brain Sucker (M. Mine)| 400 BP | 008 MP |
| | | |
| Cannon FatBoy (Boss) | 200 BP | 100 MP |
| | | |
| Cannon FatBoy (Boss) | 200 BP | 100 MP |
| | | |
| Sloth NMC | 120 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Caterpillar | 028 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Bat | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Alien NMC | 082 BP | 003 MP |
| | | |
| Chaser NMC (Desert) | 050 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Desert Alien NMC | 082 BP | 003 MP |
| | | |
| Small NMC (Desert) | 082 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Bat (Desert) | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Scorpion | 008 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Eve (Part I) | 6500 BP | 200 MP |
| | | |
| Eve (Part II) | 10000 BP | 100 MP |
| | | |
| FatBoy (Desert) | 050 BP | 005 MP |
| | | |
| Fish NMC | 036 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Number 9 | 800 BP | 050 MP |
| | | |
| Flamer (Boss) | 1000 BP | 100 MP |
| | | |
| Generator NMC (1st) | 500 BP | 100 MP |
| | | |
| Generator NMC (2nd) | 750 BP | 100 MP |
| | | |
| Swimming NMC (N. Ark) | 240 BP | 003 MP |
| | | |
| Green NMC | 160 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Grenade Golem | 100 BP | 005 MP |
| | | |
| Horse NMC | 082 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Horse NMC (Neo Ark) | 050 BP | 004 MP |
| | | |
| Large NMC (Shelter) | 500 BP | 015 MP |
| | | |
| Maggot (Shelter) | 160 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Moth (Desert) | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Moth (Neo Ark) | 450 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Blob (Red, Neo Ark) | 050 BP | 030 MP |
| | | |
| Moth (Shelter) | 450 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Night Stalker | 085 BP | 005 MP |
| | | |
| Number 9 (Desert) | 300 BP | 050 MP |
| | | |
| Rat (Shelter) | 022 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Scorpion (Desert) | 008 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Scorpion (Neo Ark) | 008 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Bug NMC | 050 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Snow Dead NMC | 300 BP | 030 MP |
| | | |
| Snow Horse NMC | 500 BP | 010 MP |
| | | |
| Stalker (Shelter) | 070 BP | 001 MP |
| | | |
| Swimming NMC | 240 BP | 003 MP |
| | | |
| Sword Golem | 100 BP | 005 MP |
| | | |
| Sword Golem (Shelter) | 100 BP | 005 MP |
| | | |
| Double Golem | 400 BP | 008 MP |
| | | |
| Large Golem | 400 BP | 008 MP |
| | | |




CJayC- For accepting all of my FAQS, and for creating the best web site on
the net!

Me- For making this FAQ! :p

JL Lee- For his kick ass walkthrough (much better than mine, go read it NOW!)
for PE 2. I refered to his wonderful FAQ whenever I got stuck in
the game (which wasn't very often, mind you ^^;)




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One final word:

"Don't Do Drugs!"

Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™

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15.October 2013
Speed Guide FAQ

13.October 2013
Important Stuff

15.October 2013
End of the Game and all movies unlocked

16.October 2013
Nightmare Mode

14.October 2013
Speed Guide

17.October 2013
End of the Game Save. Start a new Game with the Gunblade equipped.

18.October 2013
Everything is unlocked.

17.October 2013
Spoiler Free

14.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version (KW).

17.October 2013
Unofficial Guide

15.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD).

11.October 2013
Spoiler Free FAQ

17.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version (PDX).

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2 Hours Speed Guide

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Speed FAQ

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Bouny Mode FAQ

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PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version (BAD).

16.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European Spanish PAL Version (PDX).

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PAL/NTSC Selector, Patch and +12 Trainer for the European German PAL Version (PDX).

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PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European Italian PAL Version.

15.October 2013
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PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version.

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