Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

13.10.2013 09:32:16

Final Fantasy IX -- Moogles FAQ

Author : Aya
E-mail :
This FAQ is best viewed on Notepad


- Contents
- Updates
- Disclaimer
- Introduction
- Moogle's description
- Mognet
- Mognet Central -- sidequest
- Moogles name, Moogles locations, Moogles service
- Items on Mogshop
- Credits

erased the spoiler
added Mogki's Mogshop
added Morrison's Mogshop
edited the Moogle's description
added the Stiltzkin items
added a Moogle, Artemicion
added Mimoza's Mogshop
added Kuppo's Mogshop
added some sentences on introduction section


Well, actually I dunno what's inside this 'disclaimer' thingy. But I want all
of you to know, that, this FAQ is made by myself, and it's copyright. If you
want to use this FAQ please e-mail me first. I'll give you permission. (Well I
think I'll always give a permission) So, don't just copy this FAQ Ok ? Just
LEMME KNOW that you wanna use my FAQ and I'll give you a permission to use it.


Welcome to the FAQ *KUPO* !
Say, this is my very FIRST FAQ ! Sorry for the awful lay-out and horrible
grammar-spelling (many people told me this). If you find any mistakes, just
send an e-mail to me. Credits will be given.
Well, I'm busy in my school again. SO MANY PEOPLE emailing me saying thanks or
give corrections, I think some of them very useful for my guide. But I don't
have enough time to update this FAQ. I'll try to put the corrections if I had
Why I made this moogles FAQ ? Well.. because :
- They're cute !! (yes, I'm a girl)
- A very important object on FF9 (Save points) -- hate the orbs and hidden save
on Memoria
- An exclusive place to use Tents -- hate the orbs and hidden save on Memoria
- Some of them selling rare weapons and items
- You can't play Chocobo's side quest without it
- Moogles have emotions and some of them dressed funny
- It doesn't appear on the 2 FF prequels (just consider it didn't appear in FF7
- You can complete the Mognet Central sidequest
- Have a mognet ability (huh ? It's cute, though.)
If you don't know where exactly the places the moogles are, please read other
FAQs for details.
I guess I made this FAQ a bit late.. ~_~
Well.. I was just so happy that Square bring them back on FF again.

Description of a Moogle

A moogle is a white animal (?) with a maroon bat-like wing and a pom-pom
(cherry-like thing on it's head), and they like to yell "Kupo ! kupo !". And
their favorite food is Kupo Nut. This creature enables you to save your games
and to use tent that can heal your entire party (you must have the tent,
though). These Moogles can be found almost in every town, just talk to them and
they'll service you as well. In Qu's Marsh the moogle can shows you directions
(you can't always ask him) and ask it about the basic of the game. In Chocobo's
Places, it'll be your guide to do everything with your chocobo. On world map,
press the square button to call the moogle, and don't ever call him if you
don't need him ! He'll be very angry !! So don't you *EVER* pissed him ! Well,
nothing will be happened though. Only a guilty feeling deep inside your heart
left behind.. My brother likes to piss him off and I noticed a funny thing, the
text is changed from "Don't call me if you don't need me, ku!
po !" to "You'll be sorry, kupo !" (or something like that, I kinda forget the
2nd text). I dunno if there's another text, maybe in every continent it


With this Mognet system you can help the Moogle by delivering letters from a
moogle to another moogle in other continent or town, or you can receive letter
from another people ( usually Ruby ) in other continent or town to tell you
what happened there. Please notice that you can carry only three letters, you
have to throw the old one if you want to receive the new one. And once again
please notice if you discarded one of the Moogle's letters nor undelivered some
of the letters, you can't get the Mognet Central sidequest.

Mognet Central -- sidequest

You can only do this sidequest if you didn't discard any of the letters and you
delivered all of it. I did this on disc 3 (Damn ! If I wasn't already in disc
4, I'll never repeat the game all over again !). You can't do this right before
you'll fight the last boss, because you can't enter some Moogles places because
of the crack on the front of the entrance. First, you MUST have a gold (flying)
chocobo. Go to the north of Outer Continent (Madain Sari), there should be an
island (big enough to be viewed on the map). Search for a crack on a mountain,
and use dead pepper on it. That's it ! You found the Mognet Central !! Ahem -
Inside, you'll notice that they're discussing about the broken mognet machine.
It seems that you need an item. Now go to the moogle in Alexandria, he'll give
you a clue about the item. And he'll give you a letter to Atla. Now, deliver
the rest.

Moogles name, Moogles location, Moogles services

I arranged it historically, as the game goes. Maybe you can't visit some of the
moogles on later discs because the place destroyed, or petrified. So I suggest
you to deliver the letters as soon as possible.

1. Kupo
Location : Alexandria
Mognet : To -- Monty
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

2. Mosco
Location : Prima Vista / Crash Site
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

3. Monty
Location : Evil Forest, Pinnacle Rock
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Kupo, Stiltzkin
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

4. Moguo
Location : World Map
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent

5. Mois
Location : Ice Cavern
Mognet : To -- Gumo
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

6. Gumo
Location : Dali
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Mois
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

7. Kumop
Location : Dali (underground)
Mognet : To -- Mogki
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

8. Mogki
Location : Lindblum Castle
Mognet : To -- Atla, Moodon
From -- Kumop
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

9. Moodon
Location : Lindblum Inn
Mognet : To -- Moonte
From -- Mogki, Serino
To Zidane -- Ruby #1, Ruby #2
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

10. Moonte
Location : Dragon's Gate
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Stiltzkin, Moodon
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

11. Moguta
Location : Gizamaluke's Grotto
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : none

12. Mogmi
Location : Gizamaluke's Grotto
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Moodon
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

13. Grimo
Location : South Gate Citadel
Mognet : To -- Nazna
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

14. Atla
Location : Burmecia
Mognet : To -- Monev
From -- Mogki
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop

15. Nazna
Location : Station
Mognet : To -- Mochos
From -- Grimo
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

17. Mogrich
Location : Treno
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Stiltzkin
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

18. Monev
Location : Cleyra's Trunk
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Atla
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

19. Mopli
Location : Cleyra
Mognet : To -- Serino
From -- Monev
To Zidane -- Ruby
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

20. Serino
Location : Red Rose
Mognet : To -- Moodon
From -- Mopli
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

21. Mosh
Location : Alexandria Chapel
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Kupo
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

22. Kuppo
Location : Fossil Roo
Mognet : To -- Kupo
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop

23. Mogmatt
Location : Conde Petie
Mognet : To -- Suzuna
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

24. Mogryo
Location : Black Mage Village
Mognet : To -- Mocchi
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

25. Suzuna
Location : Mountain Path
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Mogmatt
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

26. Mocchi
Location : Iifa Tree
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Mogryo
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

27. Momatose
Location : Madain Sari
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Rest

28. Mimoza
Location : Oeilvert
Mognet : To -- Mooel
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop

29. Mooel
Location : Oeilvert
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Mimoza
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

30. Mogsam
Location : Desert Palace
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

31. Mogrika
Location : Esto Gaza
Mognet : To -- Moolan
From -- Artemicion
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

32. Moolan
Location : Mount Gulug
Mognet : To -- Mogtaka
From -- Mogrika
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

33. Mogtaka
Location : Mt. Gulug
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Moolan
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop

34. Noggy
Location : Daguerreo
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet

35. Kumool
Location : Ipsen's Castle
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Mogki
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop

36. Moorock
Location : Bran Bal / Pandemonium
Mognet : To -- Mozme
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop

37. Mozme
Location : Pandemonium
Mognet : To -- none
From -- Moorock
To Zidane -- none
Services : Save, Tent, Mognet, Switch Party Member

38. Morrison
Location : Madain Sari
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Some kind of Mogshop

39. Mene
Location : Chocobo's Forest, Chocobo's Lagoon, Chocobo's Sky Garden
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Play Chocobo's Hot& Cold game, selling Gysaahl Greens,
Exchange digging points to items

40. Mogster
Location : Every Qu's Marsh and in ATE (Active Time Event)s.
Mognet : To -- none
From -- none
To Zidane -- none
Services : Give directions, give basic instructions about the game

There's another Moogle, Stiltzkin. This Moogle is a traveller type of a Moogle,
and almost every Moogle is waiting to be visited by him. He dressed in such a
funny way, some kind of a tiger skin-made costume. You'll meet him for the
first time in Alexandria, with Kupo.
Then, you'll meet him at these places and he offers you good items with
friendly and funny price :

Burmecia : Ether, Hi-Potion, Soft 333 gil
Cleyra : Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Pinion 444 gil
Fossil Roo : Phoenix Pinion, Remedy, Ether 555 gil
Mountain Path : Magic Tag, Tent, Ether 666 gil
Alexandria (disc 3) : Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Elixir 777 gil
Oeilvert : Hi-Potion, Emerald, Elixir 888 gil
Bran Bal : Diamond, Ether, Elixir 2222 gil
Alexandria (disc 4, press square button) : Moonstone, Ruby, Elixir 5555

*Thanx to ^Gangstar_Enforcer^ killakla ( for the info on
Stiltzkin items on Alexandria (disc4). ^^*

Be sure to buy these items, cause you'll need it ! Some of the items not selled
on shops in towns, so buy it !! Besides, he can't continue his journey if you
don't give him any money by buying the items. Pretty sad, isn't it ? *sob*.
Note : In Oeilvert, if you wanna meet Stiltzkin, you MUST enter the right room
in Oeilvert first. If you go to another place before you meet him, he'll not
there. When I first saw him, I leave him behind (I thought I can visit him
later) and when I came back, he's not there !! Fortunately, before I enter the
Oeilvert, I saved the game twice (for my bro) and continue my journey, tried to
meet him. Then, in Bran Bal, I meet him again. I wanna know if I'm not visiting
him before, he'll be on Bran Bal or not. So, I loaded the first saved-game
without visiting Stiltzkin, and that's it. He's not there !!

And another Moogle, Artemicion, the Mognet Mailman. His colour a bit funny,
purple ! And he ain't doing fine with his job.

Still, there's a moogle named Mog, the smallest Moogle. She's Eiko's

*Thanx to Dany for asking me to erase the spoiler*

And there's still lotsa Moogles in Madain Sari, Village of Summoner :
- Moco
- Morrison
- Momatose
- Mocha
- Chimomo
No services, though. Except Morrison and Momatose.

There's more moogles in Mognet Central !! *KUPO* :
- Mogliana
- Mogriffin
- Mogreg
- Mosh
- Artemicion
Still, no services.

There's another Moogle in Alexandria (I think when Alexandria reconstructed
after the chaos), Chesnut. He'll give you information about the jump rope
ranks. And you can see Stiltzkin there, too.

And yeah, there's another Moogle in Qu's Marsh, Moggy, standing beside Mogster.
This one's so cute !!!

Gosh, there's so many Moogles in FF9 ! I guess I would like to count it....

Items on Mogshop

1. Atla -- Burmecia

Needle Fork 3100 gil
Glass Armlet 250 gil
Mythril Gloves 980 gil
Steepled Hat 260 gil
Headgear 330 gil
Magus Hat 400 gil
Barbut 600 gil
Bronze Vest 670 gil
Linen Cuirass 800 gil
Potion 50 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Tent 800 gil

2. Mogki -- Fossil Roo

Potion 50 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Remedy 300 gil
Tent 800 gil

3. Kuppo -- Fossil Roo

Potion 50 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Remedy 300 gil
Tent 800 gil

*Thanks to Jason Huskey for remind me about Kuppo

4. Morrison -- Madain Sari

Dagger 320 gil
Mage Masher 500 gil
Mythril Dagger 950 gil
Gladius 2300 gil
Poison Knuckles 5000 gil
Multina Racket 750 gil
Golem's Flute 2700 gil
Pinwheel 200 gil
Magic Armlet 1000 gil
Lamia's Tiara 800 gil
Ritual Hat 1000 gil
Adaman Vest 1600 gil
Magician Cloak 1850 gil
Survival Vest 2900 gil
Potion 50 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Magic Tag 150 gil
Tent 800 gil

5. Mimoza -- Oeilvert (outside)

Diamond Sword 4700 gil
Trident 3580 gil
Mythril Claws 6500 gil
Magic Racket 1350 gil
Healing Rod 1770 gil
Fairy Flute 4500 gil
Cypress Pile 3200 gil
Silver Fork 7400 gil
Pinwheel 200 gil
Chimera Armlet 1200 gil
Egoist's Armlet 2000 gil
Thunder Gloves 1200 gil
Diamond Gloves 2000 gil
Mantra Band 1500 gil
Dark Hat 1800 gil
Green Beret 2180 gil
Gold Helm 1800 gil
Cross Helm 2200 gil
Brigandine 4300 gil
Judo Uniform 5000 gil
Plate Mail 2320 gil
Gold Armor 2950 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Remedy 300 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Magic Tag 150 gil
Tent 800 gil

*Thanks to for remind me I forgot Mimoza.. ~_~*

6. Mogtaka -- Mt. Gulug

Potion 50 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Magic Tag 150 gil
Tent 800 gil

7. Kumool -- Ipsen's Castle

Mage Masher 300 gil
Iron Sword 660 gil
Mythril Spear 1100 gil
Poison Knuckles 5000 gil
Multina Racket 750 gil
Mythril Rod 560 gil
Lamia's Flute 3800 gil
Oak Staff 2400 gil
Needle Fork 3100 gil
Rising Sun 500 gil
N-Kai Armlet 3000 gil
Jade Armlet 3400 gil
Venetia Shield 2800 gil
Red Hat 3000 gil
Golden Hairpin 3700 gil
Cross Helm 2200 gil
Diamond Helm 3000 gil
Power Vest 7200 gil
Gaia Gear 8700 gil
Demon's Mail 5900 gil
Potion 50 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Magic Tag 150 gil
Vaccine 100 gil
Tent 800 gil

8. Moorock -- Bran Bal

Dagger 320 gil
Mage Masher 500 gil
Mythril Dagger 950 gil
Gladius 2300 gil
Zorlin Shape 6000 gil
Orichalcon 17000 gil
Defender 9340 gil
Holy Lance 11000 gil
Avenger 16000 gil
Mythril Racket 2250 gil
Bistro Fork 10300 gil
Rising Sun 500 gil
Dragon Wrist 4800 gil
Defense Gloves 6000 gil
Coronet 4400 gil
Flash Hat 5200 gil
Adaman Hat 6200 gil
Platinum Helm 4600 gil
Demon's Vest 10250 gil
Minerva's Plate 12200 gil
Platina Armor 10500 gil
Hi-Potion 200 gil
Phoenix Down 150 gil
Echo Screen 50 gil
Soft 100 gil
Antidote 50 gil
Eye Drops 50 gil
Annoyntment 150 gil
Remedy 300 gil
Vaccine 100 gil
Tent 800 gil

Credits ^^

- Me
Write the whole FAQ and willing to repeat the game all over again ONLY for
the moogles !! *KUPO*
- My brother
For his disbelieving that a girl (esp. his sister) *CAN* wrote a FAQ, and for
his anti-moogle actions and for his Mognet Central help.
- ^Gangstar_Enforcer^ killakla For adding the Stiltzkin items on Alexandria
- Dany
For asking me to erase the spoiler
Remind me about Mimoza
- Jason Huskey Remind me about Kuppo
- Al Amaloo (
Asking my permission politely to use this FAQ
- Peter Judson (
Asking my permission politely to use this FAQ
- CjayC (
List my guide there
- Square
For the great Moogles
Remind me about Mimoza
- People who read this faq
Thank you for reading ! ^^

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