Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

17.10.2013 20:16:16
Final Fantasy IX - Chocobo Guide (Japanese and English)
Author: Crono228
Contact: e-mail:
AOL IM Crono229 [yes, 229, not 228]
Version 1.7

Note: This file is best viewed in NJStar ( , a Japanese word
processor, as it contains some Japanese characters. However, it can be viewed
just fine in most word proccessors and web browsers, all Japanese text will
appear as garbage. Since I do not know Kanji, some of them have been replaced
with All kanji in this file was provided by Jesse (
Thanks Jesse!

You may use this file for your own website without my permission as long as it
is kept in it's original form and you notify me that your are doing so along
with a link to your website. The contents of this document may *not* be used in
any printed publication without my written consent.

This guide provides the locations on the world map depicted by the
Chocographs (ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒOƒ‰ƒt) There's also tips on playing the digging game and
info on evolving your Chocobo.

--Table of Contents---------------------------------
0. General Progression of Chocobo raising
1. Playing the Digging Game
2. Chocographs (ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒOƒ‰ƒt)
3. Evolving your Chocobo
4. Locations of Key Places
5. Un-answered Questions
6. Credits

--Update History-----------------------------------
11/21/2000- Version 1.7
Made changes throughout the guide to match the English version of the game. It
still looks best in NJStar, but can be viewed in most word processors and web
browsers, just ignore the Japanese characters which will appear as garbage.
Also made various corrections, the most important being the location of the
Reef upgrade, which is in the 4th treasure, not the second. This now serves as
a guide to both the Japanese and English versions. There's still a few more
changes to make but those of you playing the English version should have no
trouble at all using the guide to get a Golden Chocobo. I'm looking for
feedback from people on anything that might make this guide more useful, I've
seen a few people on the message boards saying that the guide didn't really
help them.

7/24/2000- Version 1.0
Everything you could want to know about Chocobos!
(Well almost) All graph locations, and step by step instructions on getting a
gold chocobo and finding the Chocobo Sky Garden. I also added a section on the
locations of the places involved in Chocobo raising. Finally, more kanjis added
thanks again to Jesse. I won't be updating this file anymore until the U.S.
release unless a major error is found or an important piece of information was
accidently left out. I will still take e-mail.


--(0.) General Progression of Chocobo Raising---
Thanks to Porko for this info

This section does not go into details. See the rest of the guide for locations
of places and chocographs. Please note that the numbers I refer to the graphs
by are the position they are in on the list of graphs, not the order you find
them in.

1) Start out by playing the digging game in the Chocobo forest until you get
the forth Chocograph, or the moogle tells you there's no more graphs to be
found (your choice) When you acquire the forth graph, find the treasure and
get the Reef upgrade.

2) Once you have the Reef upgrade, go to the Chocobo Lagoon. Play the digging
game there until you get Chocograph #12 or the moogle tells you there's no more
graphs to be found(your choice. Find the treasure at the area in the 12th graph
to get the Mountain upgrade.

3) Go back to the forest and play the game some more. With the Mountain
upgrade, you can climb onto the rocky ledges in the area. Play until you get
the 14th graph. Then get the treasure for this graph to get the Sea upgrade.

4) Play the digging game at the Chocobo Lagoon until you get all 6 of the
Chocograph Pieces / ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒ{ƒOƒ‰ƒt‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç Once you have all 6, you will
receive Chocograph #20. Find the treasure for this graph to receive the Sky

5) Once you have the Sky Upgrade, travel to Chocobo Paradise. Talk to all the
chocobos. As far as I know, this is all there is to do here. This allows you to
find the Chocobo Sky Garden.

7) Find the Chocobo Sky Garden. Congratulations! You have a gold chocobo
and can access all the places to play the digging game! See any other FAQ for
all the neat things you can do now that you have accomplished this. (-_-)

--(1.) Playing the Digging Game----------------------
This guide assumes you already have a Chocobo and know where the Chocobo
Forest is and that you know how to play the digging game. If you don't, any of
FAQs on should be able to help you. With that said...

Note: These are the techniques that I have found work for me. If you have some
info that you'd like to share or think that something I say here is wrong,
please let me know. You will get credit.

General tips:

-If you have an analog controller, use the left stick to move, it makes you run
w/o holding the X button

-PRACTICE! Leveling up your Chocobo makes digging a LOT easier. Play the game
as much as you can stand ^_^

-Try to move in straight lines, combing the floor systematically. Walk about
2 lengths of the chocobo's body, and peck. If you come up empty (Kweh / ƒNƒG)
Keep moving and repeat the pattern until you get ƒNƒGƒb!?

-Once you've gotten very close to something (ƒNƒGƒGƒb!!?) Keep pecking in that
area, taking small steps and changes in direction. If you don't hit the item
the first couple of tries, come at the general area of the (ƒNƒGƒGƒb!!?) from
another angle and try again.

-After getting an item, it seems that the whole board is reset. Forget about
where you already looked, it's almost certain that there is an item somewhere
you already looked. (Can anyone confirm this?)

-Once you get 4 items, Mene ( ƒƒl ) will give you an extra 10 seconds on the
clock. There might be other ways to get more time. I am not sure if you get 10
more seconds after getting 4 more items.

-Once you get 8 items, the game will end and you get bonus points.

Thanks to Ng New Yam for this info

The following info on Bonus Points comes from Thanks!

The amount of bonus points you get depends on how much time is left on the
clock. These ranges are approximates only.

0-4 seconds left = 50pts
5-8 seconds left = 70pts
9-15 seconds left = 92 points
16-22 seconds left = 150points

-If you're in the game long enough (longer than 1:00 you get to start with) a
male voice comes in on the song and sings a very quick line in what I think may
be Spanish. No this doesn't help you at all, but it is kind of neat (^_-)

Tips for Chocobo Lagoon, before Sea Upgrade

-This area is very small, and the game only costs 30 gil, but you only get 30
seconds. It's a great place to build up your Chocobo's level.

-Start each game by quicking turning around, taking a step, and pecking. If
only get the (ƒNƒG) (not even close) message, there's nothing in that entryway.
But if you get ƒNƒGƒb!? (getting close) or ƒNƒGƒGƒb!!?(very close), you can
save valuable time by checking here right away.

Tips for Chocobo Forest, after the Mountain Upgrade

-You can now climb on the two ledges in the area. Just walk near them and an !
will appear over your Choco's head. Press the square button to climb up.

-In my experience, the item rarely comes up on the ledges, but ocasionally it
Every once in a while, if you happen to be near one, just head on up, and give
a quick peck. if you get (ƒNƒG) (not even close), head back down right away.

Tips for Chocobo Lagoon, after Sea Upgrade

-The board is now bigger and you get 1:00 instead of :30. Use the same
strategies as before.

Tips for Chocobo Sky Garden

-There are 2 areas here. To move between them, find the areas that look like
ramps, an "!" will appear, press the square button. In my experience, the items
are on the platform you start on more than 2/3 of the time.

-There's more to this place than meets the eye...

--Items you can find:---------------------------------
Note: "Dig Number" refers to the number that appears when you hit it and that
you must reduce to 0 by pressing the button.

Name: Choco Graph / ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒ{ƒOƒ‰ƒt
Desc: This is your main objetive in the whole Chocobo raising process.
Dig Number: (Forest - ~50-60) (Lagoon - 80)
Point value: (Forest - 10) (Lagoon - 20)

Name: Choco Graph Piece / ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒ{ƒOƒ‰ƒt‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
Desc: Tells you where the black shadow for the Chocobo Sky Garden may be.
These can be viewed from the items menu under rare items (the rightmost
option, ‚¾‚¢‚¶‚È‚à‚Ì )
Dig Number: (Forest - Not yet found) (Lagoon - ?)
Point value: (Forest - Not yet found) (Lagoon - ?)

Thanks to Etoh21 for this info

Name: ƒfƒbƒhƒyƒbƒp
Translation: Dead Pepper
Desc: Using one while riding your Chocobo (the second option when you
press the Triangle button) will cause it to do things like break cracks in
walls or fly up high (when flying)
Dig Number: ???
Point value: ???

Name: (This is the item that the "Special" enemies ask for, icon
is a black gem)
Dig Number: ???
Point value: (Forest - 1) (Lagoon - ?)

Name: ƒ`ƒ“
Dig Number: ???
Point value: (Forest - 1) (Lagoon - ?)

Name: ‚â‚Ü‚Ñ‚±
Dig Number: ???
Point value: (Forest - 1) (Lagoon - ?)

Name: 200 ƒMƒ‹
Translation: 200 Gil
Dig Number: (Forest - 25) (Lagoon - ?)
Point value: (Forest - 2) (Lagoon - ?)

More to come...

--Items you can buy from Mene (ƒƒl)--------------
Note that these items cost Points (ƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg) NOT Gil [ƒMƒ‹]

Name: ƒ[ƒuƒIƒuƒ[ƒh
Translation: Robe of Lords
Description: The best armor for magic users
Cost: 10,000

Thanks to Etoh21 for this info

Name: ‚Ü‚à‚è‚Ì
Cost: 85,000

Name: ƒEƒCƒ“ƒOƒGƒbƒW
Translation: Wing Edge
Cost: 3500

Name: ƒ”ƒBƒ‹ƒgƒKƒ“ƒX‚̃J[ƒh
Translation: Virutogansu (?) Card
Cost: 1800

Name: ƒG[ƒeƒ‹
Translation: Ether
Description: Restores 50 MP
Cost: 450

Description: "Special" enemies ask for it, icon is a black gem
Cost: 250

Name: ƒtƒBƒjƒbƒNƒX‚Ì
Translation: Phoenix Down (?)
Description: Revives one party member
Cost: 150

Name: ƒMƒT[ƒ‹‚Ì–ìØ
Description: The item used to call Chocobos on the world map
Cost: 10

--(2.) Chocographs(ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒOƒ‰ƒt)-------------

I have provided the Chocographs in the order they are listed in the Chocograph

1.)Streamside / ì‚Ì‚Ù‚Æ‚è
Location: Not far from the Chocobo Forest and the bridge that go over the river
on the Mist Continent. This one's easy to find.
Items acquired: I don't recall, I found it before writing this. It was just a
bunch of curing items, nothing spectacular.

2.)Between mountains / ŽR‚Ì‚Í‚´‚Ü
Location: Mountains in southwest Mist continent, just like the clue says
Items acquired: Potion x 5; Hi-Potion x 5; Tent x 2; Cotton Robe x 2;

3.)Uncultivated land / ‚Ý‚©‚¢‚Ì’n
Location: South of Alexandria / ƒAƒŒƒNƒTƒ“ƒhƒŠƒA, at the bottom of the hill,
along the river.
Items acquired: Antidote x 10; Jade Armlet x 1; Wing Edge x 3; Cargo Ship Card
x 1;

4.)Healing shore / ‚â‚·‚炬‚Ì•l
Location: Northwest beach on Mist Continent.
Items acquired: Reef Upgrade

5.)Abandoned beach / ‚©‚ꂽ»•l
Location: Southern-central part of the Outer Continent, south of Qu's Marsh /
‚­‚Ì , it's around the shore.
Items acquired: Phoenix Pinion x 9; Phoenix Down x 5; Peridot x 12; Diamond
Gloves x 1;

6.)Cold Field / ‚¢‚­‘å’n
Location: Lost Continent, just east of the beach at the south.
Items acquired: Echo Screen x 5; Hi-Potion x 7; Tent x 3;
Theater Ship Card x 1;

7.)Forgotton lagoon / –Y‚ê‚ç‚ꂽó—Š
Requires: Reef
Location: Northern part of the Forgotton Continent. To get there, get your
Choco at the south beach of the Lost continent, then walk on the shallow water,
which is also where the treasure is, in the water.
Items acquired: Gysahl Greens x 8; Ether x 5; Hi-Potion x 7; Dragon's Claws x

8.) Faraway lagoon / ‰“‚­‚̐ó—Š
Requires: Reef
Location: Forgotton continent, to the right of the long thin piece that sticks
out, there's a bulge. The treasure is in between those rocks depicted in the
Chocograph, in the water.
Items acquired: Potion x 37; Magic Tag x 6; Shield Armor x 1; Gaia Gear x 1;

9.) Abandoned Lagoon / ŒÍ‚ê‰Ê‚Ä‚ä‚­ó—Š
Location: Outer continent, find the beach just south-east of th Black Mage
Village, go west. When you see the view in the Chocograph, the treasure is in
the area that far away in the picture.
Items acquired: Soft x 6; Ether x 4; Feather boots x 1; N-Kai Armlet x 1;

10.) Bird's-eye lagoon / ‚Ó‚©‚ñ‚̐ó—Š
Requires: Reef
Location: Western part of the Mist continent, just off the U-shaped beach,
shouldn't be too hard to find.
Items acquired: Potion x 8; Phoenix Down x 4; Ether x 3; Magician Robe x 1;

11.)Small beach / ¬‚³‚È•l•Ó
Requires: Reef
Location: Mist continent, south shore, dead center. There's a small island off
the coast. As usual, it's in the water.
Items acquired:Remedy x 4; Elixer x 2; Rising Sun x 8; Oak Staff x 1;

12.) Dawn Lagoon / –é‚ž‚¯‚̐ó—Š
Requires: Reef
Location: Mist continent, south east shore. A small island off the coast.
Items acquired: Mountain Upgrade

13.) Forbidden forest / •Â‚´‚³‚ꂽX
Requires: Mountain Upgrade
Location: Mist continent, at the very top of the mountains, a little to the
south west of the center of the continent, you should see the forest within the
mountain crater, pretty easy to spot.
Items acquired: Ether x 7; Elixer x 2; Wing Edge x 10; High Mage Staff x 1;

14.)Green Plains / •É‚̍‚Œ´
Requires: Mountain Upgrade
Location: Mist continent, north-east beach (you can see it in the picture on
the graph) It's on the plateau above the beach.
Items acquired: Sea Upgrade

For #'s 15 & 16, you MUST have an airship or a golden chocobo to reach them.

15.)Dusk Plains / ƒ^‚®‚ê‚̍‚Œ´
Requires: Mountain Upgrade
Location: Southern shore of the western continent, just above the largest of
islands off the coast. It's in the center of the area pictured in the graph,
the low ledge.
Items acquired: ƒtƒBƒjƒNƒX‚Ì x 12; x 14;
ƒJƒCƒU[ƒiƒbƒNƒ‹ (Kaiser Knuckle) x 1; ‚«‚傶‚ñ‚̃J[ƒh x 1;

16.) Forgotton Plains / –Y‚ê‚ç‚ꂽ‚Œ´
Requires: Mountain Upgrade
Location: On the western continent, where that "hook" part on the west coast
begins, on the plateau, parallel to the top grass strip.
Items acquired: x 17; Ether x 5; ƒIƒp[ƒ‹ (Opal) x 14;
ƒfƒ‚ƒ“ƒYƒƒCƒ‹ (Demon's Mail) x 1;

17.) Sea at Dusk / ƒ^‚®‚ê‚ÌŠCŒ´
Requires: Sea Upgrade
Location: Western Continent, the east shore. The area is parallel to the tip of
the long thin part on the other side of the continent (You want to be on the
EAST side of it though. I just mention that part because it's very visible and
to give you an idea of where it is north/south) The treasure is somewhere in
that water, it's a bit of pain, good luck (^_^)
Items acquired: Phoenix Down x 15; “ú‚̃[ƒu (Sun(?) Robe) x 1;
ƒ_ƒCƒ‚ƒ“ƒh (Diamond) x 1; ƒ}ƒTƒ€ƒl‚̃J[ƒh (Masamune Card) x 1;

18.) Ocean / ŠC
Requires: Sea Upgrade
Location: This is probably THE hardest one to find On the western side
of the western continent, find the long, thin island that has long stretches
of beach on both sides. Just west of that island, you'll find the treasure,
*somewhere* in the water.
Items acquired: x 27; ‚̃[ƒu x 1; ‚Ì x 1;
ƒAƒŒƒNƒTƒ“ƒ_[‚̃J[ƒh(Alexander Card) x 1;

19.) Cold Lagoon / —₽‚¢ “ü‚è]
Requires: Sea Upgrade
Location: Northern continent, at the top part, there's a "C" shaped land mass.
It's in the top part of the picture in the graph, past the "C" shape, in the
Items acquired: ƒyƒŠƒhƒbƒg x 11; ƒIƒp[ƒ‹(Opal) x 9; ƒTƒtƒ@ƒCƒA(Saphire) x 15;
ƒgƒp[ƒY(Topaz) x 19;

20.) Mist ocean / –¶‚Ì •Ó”^
Requires: Sea Upgrade
Location: At the north eastern part of the Mist Continent, you see the small
islands in the graph, it's dead center of the area pictured.
Items acquired: Sky Upgrade

Requires:Sky Upgrade
Location: Off the north east coast of the Outer continent you'll see the
island in the graph. You'll find the treasure on the part of the island that's
at the bottom in the picture, to the left.
Items acquired: ƒAƒƒWƒXƒg(Amethyst) x 21; ƒK[ƒlƒg (Garnet) x 16;
‚Ì x 1; ƒ‰ƒOƒiƒƒN(Lagoon Rock) x 1;

22.) ŠO‘¤‚Ì“‡2
Requires:Sky Upgrade
Hint translation:
Location: Off the northern coast of the Outer continent, just east of the big
island there. the treasure is on the island shown in the pic (very tiny) at the
edge of the forest.
Items acquired: ƒTƒtƒ@ƒCƒA(Saphire) x 11; ƒT[ƒNƒŒƒbƒg X 1;
‚ӂ₤ ‚Ì ‚©‚¯‚ç x 1; ƒqƒ‹ƒ_ƒKƒ‹ƒf3 ‚̃J[ƒh x 1;

23.) ‚¹‚¢‚ê‚¢‚Ì“‡
Requires:Sky Upgrade
Hint translation:
Location: Just west of the outer continent you'll see the island in the graph.
The treasure is on the west side of the mountain, near the base.
Items acquired:Potion x 23; ƒ`ƒ“ x 15;
‚Ì x 1; ƒ_[ƒNƒ}ƒ^‚̃J[ƒh
(Dark Matter Card) x 1;

24.) –Y‚ê‚ç‚ꂽ“‡
Requires:Sky Upgrade
Hint translation:
Location: The island where treasure #7 was, but this time it's on the island,
not the water around it. It's in the plateau wast of the forest, near the edge
facing the water.
Items acquired: ƒŠƒ{ƒ“(Ribbon) x 1; ‚Ì x 1;
ƒAƒƒWƒXƒg(Amethyst) x 13; ƒA[ƒN‚̃J[ƒh (Arc Card) x 1;

--(3.) Evolving your Chocobo---------------------

Certain treasures will transport your Chocobo to the "Chocobo Dream World".
Here it will acquire one of the upgrades, which allow it more freedom in moving
around the map. Please note that these upgrades are cumilative, meaning that
once you acquire a new one, you keep the abilities from previous ones as well.

The upgrades:

Reef Upgrade: Chocobo becomes Light Blue. Allows your Chocobo to walk in
shallow water. (This is the lighter colored water) You can only enter and exit
shallow water from a beach. Acquired from the fourth treasure

Mountain Upgrade: Chocobo becomes Red. Allows your Chocobo to walk over
mountains and other high terrain. Note that even with this ability, you can't
go from shallow water to land unless you use the beach. Acquired from the 12th

Sea Upgrade: Chocobo becomes Dark Blue. Allows your Chocobo to walk on
Deep Water. You still can not go in or out of the water except at beaches.
Acquired from the 14th treasure

Sky Upgrade: Chocobo becomes Gold. Your Chocobo can now fly. To do so,
you have to be in any forest on the map and press the Circle button. The
controls while flying are similar to the Airship. You can only land in a forest
To do so, press the X button while over a forest. Acquired from the 20th

--(4.) Locations of Key Places--------------------

Chocobo Lagoon- Southwestern part of the map. You'll see an island with a
cave in it. To reach it, you have to get on the island north of it with Chocobo
tracks on it. Use your Chocobo with the Reef upgrade to walk along the
shallows to the cave entrance. It's a long, roundabout walk, but don't worry,
you can get there.

Chocobo Paradise- There's an island at the very corner of the map (any
corner, you can't see it on the mini-map but it's there) Find the crack in the
mountain and use a Dead Pepper while standing in front of it. This will allow
you to enter.

Chocobo Sky Garden- This one's tricky. It appears as a small, round shadow
in one of several set locations. The easiest of these to find is dead center
of the map. Simply go there with your flying chocobo, if you don't see the
shadow, save and reset. Check again. Repeat until you find it. When you do
find it, fly under the shadow and use a Dead Pepper. Once you enter it, it's
location will be visible on the world map (press select) from then on.

--(5.) Un-answered Questions--------------------

--(6.) Credits-------------------------------------

Thanks to everyone here for info they provided. If you're on here and you'd
like me to add you e-mail, let me know.

Porker -
Provided the basis for Section 0: General Progression of Chocobo Raising
The location of the Chocobo Lagoon and the trick for finding it.

Pronunciation and info on ƒ[ƒuƒIƒuƒ[ƒh ("Robe of Lords")
Info on ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒ{ƒOƒ‰ƒt‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç

Fanatic Crisis-
Provided me with the location of the Chocobo Lagoon.

Ng Yew Nam-
Provided info on scoring in the digging game.

Jesse (
Provided many, many Kanjis throughout the file.

Shreekant Date-
Translation of ƒ“ƒJƒC‚Ì (N-Kai Armlet)


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