Crash Bandicoot 3

Crash Bandicoot 3

14.10.2013 16:55:08
Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshu CREATED:22/10/00
--------------------------------------- UPDATED:06/01/01
Pocketstation FAQ Ver 1.0+
For the Sony Playstation (jp)
FAQ by Dr.Eggman (

A crazy, energetic character with a penchant for
"smashing things" it's Crash Bandicoot!

Just to start things off...
Crash Bandicoot, and all other Crash Bandicoot related
characters are trademarks of Universal Interactive
Entertainment. Playstation, Pocketstation and Dual Shock
are all trademarks of Sony. All other
copyrights that were not specifically written in this
FAQ are acknowledged now. This FAQ cannot be used for
any purpose other than private, non-commercial use.
It cannot be used for your own personal gain (even
if no money is made). It cannot be used as persuasion to
purchase something (game, book, video etc). And cannot
be reproduced in any way, shape or form without written
permission from the author. It also cannot be used by
any business, including (but not limited to) publishers
of books, magazines, game sites and any other medium
not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. It is a crime
to copy and/or illegally re-circulate work protected by
international copyright law. And don't go putting this
up on your site and say that it's yours!

The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at
Game FAQ

This work is (c) 2000-2001 Dr.Eggman
Phew! Now on with the FAQ...





-Finding a pocketstation
-Pocketstation 101
-Downloading Crash

-The aim of the game
-The virtual pet
-The main menu
-Go Go
-Aku Aku


-Key Pad Lock
-Sleep mode
-Low batteries



Crash Bandicoot for the Pocketstation is hardly going to
break any records for amazing graphics, or stun people
with its complex scores performed by a 200 man orchestra.
It certainly won't have sales that give Final Fantasy a
run for it's money, and isn't going to put a stop to the
Gameboy overnight. But what it does do is give us a
surprisingly solid and incredibly addictive game that's
good for any long trip! I really love playing this game,
and even thought it's simplistic, it is very fun to play,
and can take quite a while to get all the Crash photos.


You will have no doubt heard about the Sony SCPH-4000 PDA,
otherwise known as the Pocketstation. Similar to a
standard memory card, it is roughly the same dimensions
and has the same 15 blocks of memory. However, that's
where the similarities end. As well as moonlighting
as a perfectly functioning memory card, the
Pocketstation has a built in 32 x 32 pixel screen and
a set of buttons which allow it to function as a
portable console. While it's not going to but the Neo
Geo Pocket color to shame or anything, it has some
pretty cool features. The Pocketstation gets it power
from a normal CR2032 watch battery. Because of the
small battery size the 'console' is very light. But
because Crash is so graphics and sound heavy, compared
to a game like, say Choccobo world, the battery seems
to drain at a speed that would make Sonic blue with
envy! (if he wasn't already :) If you are REALLY
stingy about batteries then turning the sound off
will probably save more power, but I wouldn't recommend
it if you plan on plying the mini-games (especially
the dancing one).


The Japanese Crash is essentially the same as
the U.S/PAl versions of the game, but with a
hearty helping of cosmetic changes, such as a graphical
overhaul to the title screen, and characters.
Obviously all the voices are now in good old Nihon-Go
and some of the music has been changed to suit those
crazy Japanese folks. Like previous Japanese Crash games,
whenever you collect an Aku Aku mask you are treated
to some hints and tips. There is a new addition in
the form of FMV's that you can view. You earn one FMV
for every warp room you finish. Obviously there is
also the added Pocketstation support, and a full set
of Pocketstation instructions in-game. Unfortunately
I cannot really read Japanese, so I have no idea what
they say. All the names of the moves and items have
also changed. The flowing is a table showing those
changes: (this FAQ will use the Japanese names,
because A. This is for the Japanese game and
B. they are way cooler!)

Jet Sub | Deep Apple
Motorcycle | Iron Apple V2
Jet ski | Coco marine
Bi-Plane (Crash) | Orange Barron
Bi-Plane (Coco) | Coco wing
Pura the tiger | Pura
T-rex | Baby-T
Super belly flop | Super body press
Super double jump | Double jump
Death tornado spin | Tornado spin attack
Bazooka | Ringo(apple) bazooka
Crash Dash | Speed shoes
Crystal | Power Stone (what would Capcom say?)
Gem | Diamond
Crate | Box
Wumpa Fruit | Apple
1-UP | Crash Plate
Crouch | HiHi
Body Slam | Body Press


Everything you need to know to get set up!


First you need a Pocketstation, and a Japanese copy
of Crash 3. To find either of these I suggest an online
store or your local import shop. The Pocketstation usually
retails for about $50 U.S, but I don't know how much an
import Crash 3 will set you back, 'cause I bought mine in
Japan. So anyway, you've found a place to buy a
Pocketstation, now you need to make an important
decision: Do you get a white 'Station or a crystal
one? Don't panic, you can do this! I have a white one,
but only because I think translucent accessories
look stupid.


You are sitting at home with your brand spanking new
Pocketstation, now what? Good question! To start, pull
the slip of paper out of the back of the Pocketstation
and it will activate. You will be asked to set the
time and date. Use the up/down buttons to change the
numbers and use the left/right buttons to switch between
year, month etc. NOTE: The clock is in 24-hour time.
Now you will be in the main Pocketstation interface.
This interface consists of 2 screens. The first one
shows the time in the middle, with a speaker in the
top left corner and a memory card symbol down the
bottom. This memory card symbol shows how many of the
15 blocks of memory have been used. By holding the down
button the Pocketstation, you can scroll through the
games saved on to the memory, Each game is represented
by a picture much like those on the memory card manager
screen. By pressing the up button the Pocketstation,
you can switch between three volume settings: Sound
Off, Medium sound and Loud sound. A beep of the
corresponding volume will confirm the selection.
To switch to the second screen (and back), press the
enter button (the big round one on the right). The second
screen has the time in the middle much as the first
screen does, but also has the date (in order of Month/
Date/Year then Day of the week) at the top. And down
the bottom of the screen is a picture of a bell with
a time beside it. This bell is the alarm icon. If the
bell has a cross through it, the alarm is not turned on.
To activate the alarm press the down button, the
press right to change the alarm time.


First, you need to insert the Pocketstation into the
Playstation. To do this flip up the panel with the
buttons on it. You will be able to see the end
of the Pocketstation now resembles a normal memory
card. Plug this end into the Playstation's memory
card slot 1 (Plug it in with infrared light facing
you). Now put in the Crash 3 C.D. (I think it goes
without saying that if you don't have a Japanese
Playstation, you need a Mod chip, or some other way
to bypass the security check). Now turn the
Playstation on for details on the Japanese menus of
Crash 3, consult the Playstation menus section.
Crash will take up 12 of the 15 blocks of the
Pocketstation's memory. That's pretty steep, but
believe me when I say it's worth it, besides most
games take up all 15 blocks. Once Crash is downloaded,
press the left or right button at the main menu
screen to scroll across to an animated picture of Crash.
Now you have two options: Press either the up or down
button and you will scroll up/down to see a short
copyright notice (C & TM UIS), or press the enter button
to start the game (I know which one I would rather do!).
Once you press the enter button, you are presented
with a title screen which says 'Dokodemo Kurashi Kun',
which loosely translates to Crash that can go anywhere
(I think), this makes sense because you can take the
Pocketstation (almost) anywhere.



The aim of the game is to collect various Photos of
Crash's mad antics. These Photos can be collected in
several ways: From the virtual pet, completing the
minigames or trading with a friend. Each method will
be described in the corresponding section. All the
photos you have collected are stored in an album,
for viewing and trading (more on that later on).


This is the first screen you see once you have
been thrust into the game. The screen is bare,
except for a small (but detailed) Crash. There
are several things you can do here. Firstly,
Press the left button and a small clock will
appear in the to left corner. This clock will
stay there until you press left again. It runs
of the Pocketstation's main clock. So to adjust
it, simply adjust the main clock. Secondly you
can play with the Crash 'pet'. The Crash 'pet'
requires no input from you and will go about
his daily business as he sees fit. He changes
his behaviour and actions depending on what
time of the day it is. So if it is evening
he will read a book in bed, and when it is
night he will go to sleep. In the morning
he will get up and brush his teeth, then cook
and eat breakfast. There are ZILLIONS of
different things that he does, and he seems
to gain new actions as time progresses.
Whenever Crash performs a new action, a small
icon (a circle with an X over it) will flash
up in the bottom right corner of the screen.
If you press the enter button at this time,
Crash will call out, and a photo will
be taken, usually with a humours outcome.
The third, and final option is pressing
the down button. This will take you to the
games main menu. NOTE: To return to the
Pocketstation main menu at any time, press and
hold down the enter button. A menu will appear
asking you if you want to continue or exit.
Just choose exit to quit.


The main menu is where the mini games and the photo
album can be accessed. The options appear as large
katakana words. To access the game that the option
represents, press the enter button, to scroll to the
next option, press ether the left or right buttons,
and to return to the virtual pet, press the up button.
The following is a list of the options in order
they appear in the menu screen.

DOKODEMO DANSHIN (Go anywhere dancing)

Arguably the best minigame in the whole game.
The sound needs to be cranked up to full if
you want to play this game properly. You play as
Crash and Coco, Crash-Dancing (the dance Cash does
when he earns power stones, diamonds etc) to
various songs including the Crash 3 theme song
that plays on the title screen of the game. The idea
is that you need to make Crash or Coco dance by
pushing the enter button just as the little arrows
enter the square down at the bottom left of the screen.
You can tell when to push the button because the box
bulges just when you need to push it. The more accurate
your button push is the more points you earn. You can
see if you pushed the button at the right time, because
the little arrow will fly up in the air if you pushed
the button at exactly the right time. If you were a
little inaccurate, the button will only go up in
the air a little, but if your timing was really
off, the arrow hardly goes up at all! If you miss
several arrows in a row the game ends. At a certain
point in the dance (it is different for every level),
the squares change to triangles, making it harder to
push the button at the right time. Some levels even
start of with triangles! In some levels, if you do
particularly well a partner join you in dancing.
Once the game is over, either by completing the
game or by losing you will be taken to a screen with
two numbers. The top one reads Sukoru (score) and the
bottom HieSukoru (High Score). For every different
level there are two photos earned by dancing.
To get the first, win the game once. To get the second,
you need to finish the game and beat the CPU's high
score of for the level. To get different levels, you
need to play through the Playstation game. The more
levels you have completed in the Playstation game,
the more dances you open up. There is a total of 7
different dances to unlock. Only one dance can be
on the Pocketstation at a time. To see how to
download the different dances, consult the
Playstation menus section. Be warned: this game
can be VERY addictive!


NOTES: Listen out for the song, it's the Crash 3 theme!
Oh yeah, do well in this and Aku Aku will join you!

NOTES: Similar to the fist dance, but made slightly harder
with a higher score, and faster speed. The music is a remix
of the Crash 3 theme.

NOTES: Watch out for the polar bear from Crash 2!

NOTES: Coco has her turn in the spotlight. The high score
for this level is quite steep! The music that plays during
this dance is from Coco's FMV.

NOTES: The music from this dance plays during N.Cortex's FMV.

NOTES: Hey! It's biker Crash! The music from this dance
plays during Crash's FMV.

NOTES: I have yet to unlock this dance...(coming soon!)

DOKODEMO GO GO (Go anywhere Go Go??)

Ah, the classic Crash boulder chase sequence. The aim
of this game is to reach the end of the level by
running away from the boulder while avoiding obstacles
and collecting apples. The controls are simple, but
effective. Use the left and right buttons to move Crash
left and right, while pressing the enter button to jump.
When you collect apples an apple count appears down the
bottom left part of the screen. At several different
parts of the level, some Japanese writing will appear
prompting you to change paths. There are many different
paths to take, and there are five different ending points.
For every different ending point you get a different Crash
photo. So to collect all the photos, you need to finish it
five times. On each photo you will notice that there is a
diagram showing which end point the picture is from.
The game will end when you die by colliding with an
obstacle, or when you reach the finish. Once you reach
the finish line, a screen will appear showing you what
path you took. After that, another screen appears showing
you how many times you have completed the GoGo game.
My Special challenge: get to the end of the game using
only one hand for all the buttons. (It's not that hard
once you get the hang of it).

DOKODEMO 8 (Go anywhere 8)

The aim of this game is to put together a Crash related
picture. Once the picture is completed, you earn
that picture as a Crash Photo. The pictures are
comprised of several tiles which are scrambled, and must
be slid back into their correct positions. While in-game
use the up/down/left/right buttons to move the tiles around.
To view what the completed picture looks like, press the
enter button. While viewing the completed pictures, press
the enter button to return to the puzzle, or press the
up/down/left/right buttons to display the message yameru?
(quit?) then press the enter buttons to quit, or the up/
down/left/right buttons to take the message away. Once
you complete one picture another one opens up. To select
the different pictures press the left and right buttons.
One you have earned all the 3 x 3 pictures, press down to
go to the 4 x 4 set of pictures.

DOKODEMO ARUBAMU (Go anywhere album)

This is where all the Crash photos are stored. When
on the album option, press down to view the album.
While on the main album picture (the one of Crash with
a camera) press down again to view a screen that shows
you how many photos you have collected. While looking
at photos use the left and right buttons to view all the
different pictures. While viewing a picture, press the
down button to see the first owner of the picture. If you
have a Crash 3 save game, the owner is whatever you named
the file, but if you don't have a save game the owner is
Kurashiu kun (Crash).If you have a friend that has a
Pocketstation, you can send and receive photos.
To do this, link two Pocketsations together with the
infrared port. Then go into the gallery and select a
picture. When you have found the picture you want,
press the enter button. Two options will appear.
Now either press up to select the top option (Okuru-Give),
or down to select the bottom option (Moruu-Recieve).
I have not been able to test this out due to the fact that
the only friend I know who has a Pocketstation is
currently in another country.

PICTURE LIST (incomplete)

Missing: 36, 40, 54, 72, 73

NOTE: Photos 1-62 and 74 are from the virtual pet
Photos 63-67 are from the boulder chase game
Photos 68-63 are from the puzzle game
Photos 75-88 are from the dancing game

01 Giant apple!
02 Arrrgggghh! Crash Screaming
03 Crash eating apple
04 Crash going to the toilet
05 Crash on the toilet
06 Crash washing his boxers
07 Crash has an accident while washing
08 Crash has an apple stuck in his throat!
09 Crash washing
10 Crash in the bath
11 Crash burping?
12 Crash pulling down his pants?
13 Elvis Crash
14 Bad fur day
15 Sweeping accident
16 Crash asleep at his desk...(slacker)
17 But he still graduated!
18 Crash is heart broken over a phone call
19 But He's still lucky in love!
20 mmmmmm dinner!
21 Cooking didn't go so well...
22 Giant fly trap
23 Crash's apple tree!
24 Crash in bed
25 Body building Crash
26 Crash gets in a twist...
27 Crash can't take the pace
28 Crash weight lifting
29 Halo crash?
30 Liar, Liar, Pants on fire!
31 Scary face
32 Judo chop!
33 Crash does push ups!
34 Crash gets electrocuted!
35 looking out the window
36 -
37 Crash reading a manga
38 The yoyo gets the better of him!
39 Crash goes fishing for...gumboots?
40 -
41 Crash finds an apple
42 Crash washes his hands
43 Crash looking in the mirror
44 Arrrgghhh! Snake!
45 Crash DaVinchi
46 Body building Crash 2
47 The magic apple...
48 ...Explodes!
49 Karaoke Crash!
50 Karaoke Crash 2!
51 The baby polar bear's comeback!
52 Cause of Death: hoola hoop
53 Crash floating in a bubble
54 -
55 Crash in heaven!
56 Crash in love!
57 Super Crash!
58 Crash climbs a mountain
59 Treasure discovery!
60 Crash is cool!
62 D.J Crash
63 Course 1-Neo Cortex
64 Course 2-Unevolved Crash
65 Course 3-Baby-T
66 Course 4-The baby polar bear w/friend
67 Course 5-Crazy crash
68 Mote Mote on stage (from Crash's FMV)!
69 Aku Aku
70 Iron Apple V2
71 Coco
72 -
73 -
74 Crash has a successful fishing trip
75 Dance like you want to win!
76 Do the crash dance!
77 Crash dance-Yeah!
78 Crash dance-Strike a pose!
79 Crash dance-Bust a groove!
80 Crash dance-Polar Bear!
81 Crash dance-Girl Power!
82 Crash dance
83 Crash dance-Winners Apple
84 Crash dance
85 Crash dance-Born to ride!
86 Crash dance
87 Crash dance
88 Crash dance

DOKODEMO AKU AKU (Go anywhere Aku Aku)

Press down while on this menu to go to a screen that
shows your stats form the Playstation version of the game
(Your name, the percent of the way through the game you are,
how many power stones you have, how many diamonds you have
and how many relics you have). From here you can press left
and right to view the other save game files (four in total),
or press down to look at a screen for each level. This screen
shows the number of the level, if you have any power stones,
diamonds or relics and the Ichi Ban (number one) time for that
level. Press down in this screen to see the Ni ban and San ban
(second and third) best times for the level. Press left and
right to cycle through the levels you have completed. There is
also a diary feature included, that can be accessed by scrolling
left at the save files section. For more information on this
feature see the 'Playstation menus' section below.


When you get to the title screen you will be presented with
three options: (in order from top to bottom)

-Otarishiku sutato (start new game)

-Memorikado (memory card)

-Omake (extra). <-- Select this option

To download the Crash game to the Pocketstation, first go
to the Omake menu. You will see four options. Pick the top
one: Poketostation (Pocketstation), to access the Pocketstation
menu. In the Pocketstation menu there is also four options:
(once again in order from top to bottom)

- Atarashikudaun rodo (first option)
Select this option and you will be asked if you want to
download Crash to the Pocketstation. Select the RIGHT
HAND option (hai) to say yes, or the left hand option
(iie) to say no.

- Dansu No Sentashi (second option)
This option is for downloading the different dances that
you have earned by completing levels. There are seven
different dances to unlock When you choose a dance you will
be asked if you want to download it to the Pocketstation.
Select the RIGHT HAND option (hai) to say yes, or the left
hand option (iie) to say no.

- Kinenbi No Tooroshi (third option)
I am not 100% sure on this, but here's what I can make
out of it: This is a special 'diary' feature which you
can use to input special occasions and record them to the
Pocketstation. On that date, the virtual pet Crash will
wave two flags, and an ! icon will appear down the bottom
right part of the screen. Press the enter button and you
will be taken to the Aku Aku screen that tells you what
the important date is.

- OmakeMenu Ni Modoro (fourth option)
Like the title says, this option takes you back to the
Omake menu.


- Key pad lock
Similar to a cell phone, if you press all the buttons
on the Pocketstation at the same time, a padlock will
appear. In this mode all button presses will do nothing
until you press a five buttons again.

- Sleep mode
If you leave the Pocketstation alone for a minute, without
pressing any buttons. It goes into sleep mode and the
screen turns off to save power.

- Batteries
A bit of silly trivia here, the battery that comes with the
Pocketstation is an official Playstation battery (with a
little PSX logo and everything!)

- Reset
If you get the sudden urge to reset the Pocketstation, flip
up the top and there is a small reset button that can be
pressed with a pencil.

If anyone has information on anything I have left out, such
as missing photos, dances etc, PLEASE e-mail me! I would hate
to leave this incomplete!


06/01/01 - Gave the FAQ a small layout change
Too bad I lost the updated list of photos...

22/10/00 - The first version
This took ages to come out, 'cause I seem to keep
on finding new info! For a Pocketstation game, this
thing is huge!

Well, that's it for now! Feel free to e-mail me with questions,
suggestions, comments etc.

- Dr.Eggman

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