Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

14.10.2013 21:30:28
Soul Reaver
Written by Mordruk
Ver 1.0
Last updated 11/14/99
Copyright 1999, Mordruk

1-Contacting me
2-Version Info
3-Why this IS a walkthrough
4-Introduction to game
5-For those of you that just joined us
6-Cool skills and their uses
7-Know your foe
8-Gateway Listings
9-Game Walkthrough
Melchia's Castle
Melchia's Machine
Prepare Yourself
c-The Soul Reaver
Prepare Yourself
Village Hopping
Silenced Cathedral
Bell Puzzle
Glass Puzzle
Zephon's Puzzle
Prepare Yourself
Tomb of the Serafan
Water Sucks
Drowned Abbey
Prepare Yourself
Dumah's Castle
Dumah's Puzzle
The Furnace
The Drawbridge
Finding Dumah
Prepare Yourself
Oracle Caves
Mobieus' Room
Clock and Light Puzzle
Final Puzzle
Prepare Yourself
10-Glyph Walkthroughs
Stone Glyph
Sound Glyph
Fire Glyph
Light Glyph
Force Glyph
Water Glyph
11-Coming up!
12-Submissions from you!
13-Gameshark for Cheaters
14-Copyright and Thankyou Stuff

1-Contacting me
Well I haven't completed the FAQ yet but I wanted to give you some of my
stuff so I can get mistakes with this section cleared up. When I get
down with the next section or two I'll give it to you. Ver 1.0(the full
FAQ) will be done in about a week. If you have any mistakes with this
part of the FAQ e-mail me at Mordruk@hotmail.com:)

2-Version Info
Finally updated it after over a month of inactivity, maybe another month
and I'll finish it, he he.

3-Why this IS a walkthrough
Why did I make another walkthrough when there is already one up here you
ask??? Well, it is simple really. The walkthrough that was here was
made with an earlier copy by a company so they would obviously beat all
the other FAQ writers to it BUT the walkthrough truly isn't a
walkthrough because it is vague with it's info and sometimes VERY
confusing. Some of the info is incorrect and it hasn't seemed that they
have been updating it so I decided to write a more in-depth walkthrough
to help you more throughout the game:) I hope this helps more than the
other one for all of you that have been stuck. And by the way, be sure
to check your instruction manual to see how to use all the skills
because I've had many people e-mail me how to use Dumah's constricting
skills and it is right there in the manual. Thanks for reading this

4-Introduction to game
Ok, if you haven't even played the game this is for you to tell you
about the opening movie. It starts with Raziel, the "hero" of the
game,(since he does not fight for good but for revenge) he is walking
towards a circle with 5 other vampires with different color little
shoulder capes and a symbol. These guys are the leaders of different
vampire clans. They are also your brothers and the sons of Kain. You
walk up to Kain as you reveal that you have grown wings to fly upon.
Vampires have slowly changed over the centuries and since you are the
first of Kain's sons you got this "gift" first. Well Kain doesn't like
it that you have a new toy and he doesn't so he decides to break them
off. He then orders his other sons to throw you into a swirling vortex
of water. That is where all the weaklings and traitors go. Since you
are a vampire the water kills you. But, some strange being has given
you life once more. However if you've seen the picture of Raziel on the
cover he isn't too pretty looking. On top of that for having another
chance to "live" again you do not hunger for blood. Instead you hunger
for souls which means you must kill (a lot) to continue to feed and
live. But all this is a small price to pay to get revenge on Kain!

This next portion is taken from the Soul Reaver instruction manual and
is in no way my own work but is interesting:)


Dark Gods
A millenium has passed since Lord Kain set his capital in the ruins of
the Pillars of Nosgoth and began his conquest of the world. His first
act was to recruit a cadre. Dipping into the underworld, Kain snared
six souls and thus birthed his lieutenants, of which I, Raziel was one.
We, in turn, prowled the twilight of purgatory building six legions of
vampires to pillage Nosgoth
The destruction of the major human Kingdoms was inevitable. Within a
hundred years, humanity had been thoroughly domesticated. To be sure,
there remained some feral humans scattered across the hinterlands,
clinging to their hopeless holy war to rid Nosgoth of "the vampire
scourge." They were tolerated. They made existence for the fledglings
more challenging.
After the taming of the humans, our real work began: shaping Nosgoth to
our will. Around the pillars, slaves contructed a shrine worthy of our
new age, worthy of our dark renaissance. Huge furnaces were built to
belch smoke into teh sky, shielding the land from the poisoness effects
of the sun. Never had the world known a time of such beauty. However,
we grew bored.
We allowed the remains of the legions, the lesser vampires, to have
their intrigues. They provided amesement and spice to an increasingly
uninspired court. As faction fell against faction we bet upon the
outcome. We helped the foiled plots at our whim. We were the council
of Lord Kain, our only master.

The humans think it is a poison of the blood that makes us what we are.
Fools, the blood only feeds the bodies we live in. To create a vampire,
one must steal a soul from the abyss to reanimate the corpse. It is the
body that demands the blood sacrifice; our souls gain their advantage
from the powers of the underworld.
As we matured, our earthly bodes evolved into a higher form. We assumed
the powers and nobility of the Dark Gods. With each change, the trivial
affairs of vampire and man held less interest.
Always, it was Kain who would change first. After the master had
experianced a new gift, one of us would follow in a decade or so. That
is, until I had the audacity to evolve before my master. I was gifted
with wings. And for my impertinence I was damned.

The Elder
To us the touch of water is agony: it burns our flesh like acid. My
punishment was to be cast into The Lake of the Dead, our execution
ground for traitors and weaklings. As my brethren heaved me into the
air I could see the bemused expressions on their faces. The transitory
thrill of something new. Then the pain. Melting, twisting, burning,
falling. A new experience indeed. Time. I have no concept of how long
I fell. Only that there was an end to the fall and through the pain I
heard the voice. At first I thought it merely the echoes of my own
tortured mind, but I grew to understand that it was more. Something
primal. Something angry. Something righteous. Something ancient.
The Elder explained much to me. It told me of creation, of death, of
souls and of hunger. For eons the Elder fed upon the souls of Nosgoth.
Then Kain's vampire dynasty deprived the Elder of sustenance. For
centuries his hunger grew and festered in this place.
The Elder offered me a solution to my sorry existence-if I would stalk
the Material Plane, slaying my former brethren, then I would have the
chance to avenge myself against Kain.

How could one refuse such an offer?

Well I hoped that gave you a little bit more of story for you to think
about. Hope you like the rest of my FAQ:)

5-For those of you that just joined us
This section if for all of you that didn't recognize that Legacy of
Kain: Blood Omen was a good game and decided NOT to buy it. But that's
ok, I've forgiven you and I'll bring you up to speed with the characters
and stuff in the game.

First, in the opening movie you see Kain, master of all the vampires.
He is the guy you play as in the first game. Don't you feel you missed
out on some serious killin' with this guy? In the first game he starts
out as a human.(for about 5 seconds) He gets killed by some ugly guys
that were sent by somebody to kill him. He then makes a deal with
Mortanius the Necromancer to become a vampire to get his revenge.(why is
everything about revenge) He is now only one of two living vampires.
Well I don't want to ruin the game but in the end he gets to decide
whether to sacrifice himself to save Nosgoth or plumit it into death and
he become the king of all vampires. Uh...duh! He obviously picked to
rule over a damned world. This game takes place a millenia or so after
that. Well that's Kain explained except for later in the game you face
Kain and he has a waky sword. It is called the Soul Reaver and he got
it in the first game which is the master of all swords which(did I
mention) you get later in this game and get to kick some butt!

Also in the opening movie you see twisted and broken pillars where Kain
placed his thrown and stronghold. They are the pillars of Nosgoth.
In the first game all of the people that represented each pillar(i.e.
Pillar of Mind, Pillar of Balance) had become twisted and evil. They
directly changed Nosgoth and Kain had to kill each of the people that
represented the pillars and bring back a token to prove he did.(i.e. the
head of the person or the sword of the person) Later I guess he got
angry at all that useless work and destroyed them. Oh well!

Later in the game you'll meet a nice ghost called Ariel. She is a
character from the first game that was killed by the necromancer
Mortanius. Ariel represented the Pillar of Balance and that's what set
off the chain reaction that set Nosgoth from bad to worse to hell. In
the game she helped Kain and she is the one that let him choose his
destiny to either rule it as a vampire or be released of the curse and
save Nosgoth. Guess she isn't the favorite ghost of everyone. Now she
is still around and angrier than ever to get her own revenge on Kain.
Nobody can get along in this game!

I just remembered that somewhere in the game it mentions Vorador. He
was one of the first vampires and sorta the king of the vampires in the
game. He had a small part to do with starting the corruption of the
pillars which in the end he was executed in front of all the towns
people and Kain. In the beginning he defeated a knight called Malek
which was the protector of all the Serafan. For failing the
Serafan(which Vorador killed) Mortanius bounded Malek's spirit to his
armor so that he was immortal(kinda) and became the protector of the
Circle of Nine which represented all the pillars.

Later in the game you'll come to Nupraptor's castle(or what's left of
it) when you go for the stone glyph you'll see a huge fallen skull which
was the castle of Nupraptor which was the first boss in Blood Omen. I
guess Kain didn't like it. Nupraptor was also Ariel's husband but went
madly insane and sowed his eyes closed.(Ouch!) Well that's just a
little trivial bit of info but let's you understand the game a little

As for the vortex of water that you got thrown into I have no idea how
that was made. That is a totally new thing to Nosgoth and is most
likely on the brochures to take a vacation there. Anything else that I
overlooked for you guys that hasn't been explained please tell me.

6-Cool skills and their uses
NOTE-not all of these are availabe at the beginning of the game. Most
of the cool ones you get from beating bosses.

Beginning Skills-
Well Eidos just can't resist those ever-fun block puzzles. Yes, the
Tomb Raider Legacy lives on with this game. However you can flip these
blocks onto higher platforms and flip them to different sides which make
the puzzles more complicated but also more fun. Here are some basic
commands for the blocks as well for other things.

hold onto block-position yourself close to a block and face it then use
the attack button to dig your claws into it. Now you can move it by
pressing up, down, left, or right.

flip block or lift block-To flip a block which is needed for some
puzzles for blocks to be facing a certain way you must face a block then
hold L1 to duck then while holding L1 press the attack button and you'll
flip it. To lift it onto another platform just push the block next to
the platform then face the way you want to lift it forward to. Hold L1
then press the attack buton and you'll lift it to the platform above.
Lather, rinse, and repeat:)

fun with wings-well Kain broke your wings but you kinda still have them.
You can use them to glide to places that are farther away that you can't
jump to. Just press X and while still in the air hold the X button
again and you'll glide your way down.

super jump-to jump much higher to out of reach places hold L1 and press
X to jump. You can combine this with glide by holding L1, pressing X to
jump, then holding X. It works much better if you do that. For all
jumps if you can't reach the ledge but can almost reach it you can hold
while in the air and you'll grab the ledge and climb up.

Special Skills-
Here are the skills you get from beating bosses which are much cooler
than the normal ones. All of the bosses are vampires which have been
changed over the centuries and are your brothers that damned you to your
present state.(not to get you angry or anything)

Boss #-1(Melchia)
Skill-You can now walk through certain "walls". You can walk through
things that aren't solid walls like gates or prison bars and stuff like
Use-This can only be used in the twisted realm as I like to call it.
Just keep pressing against it and you'll float through.

Boss #-2(Zephon)
Skill-You can now climb up walls and crawl around like Spiderman. This
doesn't work in the twisted realm that you can goto at any time. This
helps a lot in the game but for the most part it's just plain cool!
Use-When in the material plane just jump up on a wall and you'll stick
to it. Crawl around for awhile and press X again and you'll fall off.

Boss #-3(Morlock)
Skill-hmmm...Morlock...Mordruk(brothers?) Anyways, you get a very dull
skill that lets you break stuff. "Oh wow, I can break stuff, woo hoo:("
However it is helpful so don't dismiss it like it was nothing:)
Use-Hold TRIANGLE and you'll see a little fireball appear. Let go of it
and you'll throw it. This can break windows and pots and stuff and push
back enemies. To aim with a force projectile hole R1 or L1 and then
move the cursor. When you found the spot hold TRIANGLE to start it and
JUST let go of TRIANGLE while holding L2 and R2 to fire it. Or you can
just read the instruction manual for all you people who e-mail me
wondering how to do this!!!!

Boss #-4(Rahab)
Skill-Woo hoo! No more getting hurt by water! You also find out that
you have a natural ability to swim??? "Never had a lesson in my life,
nope!" This skill is cool and fun AND useful!
Use-In the water just tap X or hold X depending on the speed you want to
go. Hold R1 and X to swim slowly and turn better. You can also press
L1 to go back in the water:)

Boss #-5(Dumah)
Skill-You can now crush your enemies and move stuff that was unmovable
before. "Totally awsome dude!" You won't get to fully enjoy this skill
though because all that is left is Kain!
Use-This one is complicated and can't usualy be figured out unless you
have the manual. You must run around the object or enemy your wish to
crush, break, move, etc 1 time. If you see a trail of magic then you
are able to do it. So run around it again and you'll do whatever it is
you desire to do with it.

I'm sorry to say you don't get a skill from Kain but then again you
don't need one since it's the end of the game. It would have been cool
if you could play some EX game after you beat it with a "Kain" skill or
something like that but then again Eidos is famous for boxes, not EX

7-Know your foe
Fledgling, pupating, and adult vampires-The main "garden variety"
vampire that die by fire, water, impaling, and sunlight. These guys are
easy and are pretty fun. The soul reaver is a great choice for these
guys as well as a staff or spear because you don't have to grab them and
throw them someplace.

Skaughs-these are the ugly guys with the huge teeth in the spectral
realm. No burning or impaling required with these guys! Just keep
hitting and they will turn into a ghost which you can suck in like a
soul. I've never died in the spectral realm so I don't know if you get
a game over or what but I would think so.

Vampire Wraiths-These guys are just stupid. They act very big and bad
but keep slashing away and they'll be toast with only 3 hits from the
soul reaver. I've never died by these guys either so I don't know what
happens when you do.

Villagers-Think of them as ants and you as a boot. You can smash them
and basically play around with them as much as you want. Too bad you
can't do that cool blood trick in the first game when they were chained
up. Have fun and enjoy the game with these guys.

Vampire Hunters-These guys actually think they can kill one of Kain's
sons! Well teach them a lesson and slice them with your soul reaver.
Then again I always like to throw them on spikes if I get a chance.(ok,
so I'm sick)

Worshippers-These guys are maybe a little smarter because they chose to
worship the "gods" instead being killed by them. Then again, they will
give their life for them so it really takes you to the same outcome.
These guys also will think of you as a traitor and will throw daggers or
use swords against you. One quick blow with the Soul Reaver will do
them in.

Spears, staffs, and other weapons alike-You can find these all over and
are my favorite even above the Soul Reaver because you get to impale
your victims. You'll find these on the ground or on the wall of
dungeons. You can also use these over again after you used them once
which I didn't know at the beginning. You can also use TRIANGLE to
lunge it against a wall or enemy

Pots and rocks-You can pick up heavy weapons like pots or rocks and even
eggs in one part. To use these just pount an enemy over the head and
they will become stunned to do whatever you want with them. You can
also throw these at an enemy with the TRIANGLE button.
Sticks and torches-If you find these there is a good chance there is a
fire near by which you can put a stick in to create a torch which you
can then use to burn your enemies. Pretty cool but I haven't used them
a lot.

SOUL REAVER-This is a one time weapon that you keep throughout the game
as long as you have full health. When you go down the sword vanishes
till you get full health again. It will sustain your life at full
health so it doesn't go down gradually. You get this after facing Kain
for the first time. This is the master of all swords and is really cool
looking as well. When you have a victim stunned press TRIANGLE and
you'll charge up the Soul Reaver and you'll basically make the enemy
explode! Try it out!:)

FIRE REAVER-This is another version that is just a little more powerful
than the Soul Reaver and instead of making enemies explode they bust
into flame. Pretty cool:)

8-Gateway Listings
I noticed one of the key confusing things in the other FAQ were how they
listed the gates for transportation to other dungeons and such. So I am
not going to describe the symbols for each portal but list what they are
if you keep hitting the right button. All of these are taken at the
Guardian portal. It will skip over the picture that you are on. So for
example if you are on Gateway 3 than skip over yours so that Gateway 4
would be Gateway 3. I know this is very confusing so just go to the
spectral plane then go to whichever gateway be clicking right. Note-
Gateway 1 is the one you start at in the spectral plane, do not go right
1 for Gateway 1.
Gateway 1-Lake of the Dead
Gateway 2-Raziel's Clan
Gateway 3-Melchia's Entrance
Gateway 4-
Gateway 5-Zephon's Cathedral
Gateway 6-Zephon
Gateway 7-Nupraptor's Castle
Gateway 8-Tomb of the Serafan
Gateway 9-Drowned Abbey
Gateway 10-Lighthouse
Gateway 11-Dumah's Castle
Gateway 12-Kain's Entrance
Gateway 13-Final Battle

When I refer to gateway 1 or gateway 13 this what I mean and simply
count how many times you go right:) Remember that it will skip over the
picture you are on so to avoid confusion goto the spectral realm then go
4 right or whatever so you make sure your at the right one:)

9-Game walkthrough
This is the main part of the walkthrough(duh) so it is broken up into
smaller parts for each boss that you fight. Please consider it took me
a LONG time to write all this so I'm sure there are some mistakes:) So
if you find one e-mail me at Mordruk@hotmail.com and I'll fix it and
give you credit in the thankyou section.

This is the very biginning of the game that shows you the basics of it.
I hope most people can beat this on their own but if you can't this is
what I'm here for so here is the beginning of the game explained:) That
voice you here is the Guardian of the Dead and he has chosen you as his
agent to destroy Kain and restore balance. He doesn't trick you like
Mortanius did in the other game so trust what he says. Go ahead out of
this room and into the tunnel that comes out to the first teleporter.
To activate every teleporter you must walk on the sun so that the
teleporter becomes blue at some parts. This is the only one that
becomes green. To activate the teleporter you must hit SQUARE but you
haven't activated any others so it is useless. Continue out of this
room to the next tunnel. This is where it shows you how to devour
souls. Souls are what feed you. Here are unlimited souls. Just hold
CIRCLE and they'll come to you to restore you. There is no way to truly
die in this game. You'll just goto the Guardian's room again if you die
completely so don't worry. Fill your life and proceed to the next
tunnel. Here you will learn the jump and super jump. Just follow the
directions on the screen and you'll climb to the top. Do the jump glide
and the force field will open to continue. Now you will find your
first enemies. Just keep wacking these guys and they'll die easily. Be
sure to hold R1 to concentrate on just one of them. Feed on their
ghosts to restore your life then go to the opposite end that you entered
and jump up to the next tunnel. When you come out of this one you'll
find a magic blue circle. This will be your gateway to the real world.
There are many of them all around Nosgoth so don't think this is your
only one. Go up to it and press SELECT and press SQUARE to cast your
only spell(for now). Continue ahead to a pool of water. Watch out!
Water will kill you and send you back to the spiritual realm so do a
jump/glide over and you'll be safe. Continue on to your first door.
Doors cannot be opened in the spectral realm so you must always be in
the real realm to do so. Press SQUARE to open it and continue. Now
here are the first vampires. Jump/glide across the water and keep
hitting one of them until they get knocked out. You can now hold
TRIANGLE to pick them up and either throw them in the water or throw
them on a spike OR in the sunlight. Water is the easiest so do so to
both of them and collect their souls. After you've done that you'll
notice the Eidos Curse-block puzzles. Look around and you'll find a
high entrance to the left of the water. You'll need to push the block
over their and jump on it to reach the path above. Contine on the path
to another door, open it and you'll find the Pillars of Nosgoth. You
cannot go here yet so here is the end of the one way path and the
beginning of running around and facing your brothers!

This part starts at the Pillars of Nosgoth where you come out of the
intro. Go down to the tunnel in the opposite direction of the pillars.
Run pass the vampire because there is nothing here to kill him with.
You'll see a bridge above. A little ahead and to the left is a door
with a blue sun on it. Go in and you'll find your first teleporter.
This is Gateway 1-Lake of The Dead. After you activate it exit and
contine your way to find the Vortex where you where killed. When you
cross the bridge there will be a scene where Raziel explains where to
go. Jump/glide to the left where your clan is.(or was) Continue down
the path and open the door to exit. Go to the left of this new place
and the door will close. Two vampires will come out. Grab one of the
weapons on the left or right of the stairs and kill the vampires to open
the gate. Continue ahead to enter Melchia's Domain. To the right is
another teleporter. Go in and activate it. This is Gateway 2-Raziel's
Clan. Exit here and enter the door to the left. Go to the right and
follow this to metal door. Open it and continue along the path till you
see some stairs going up a tower. Go up them and hit the switch to open
the drawbridge to Melchia's Dungeon. Go across the drawbridge and
follow the path down to a large space. Go up the stairs and a scene
will happen with a human being killed. Jump down and go right and open
the metal door. Jump up the cliffs ahead and you'll come to a graveyard
and another scene. Go through a hole to the right and push the box over
to the cliff so you can climb up it. Go to the left to another scene.
Go up one of the two sets of stairs on the right or left to enter the
temple. To the left is another door that leads down a spiral staircase
to another teleporter. This will be known as Gateway 3-Melchia's
Entrance. Continue down and out of the blue sun door. Here you will
come to a huge lake. This place will be revisited a lot so don't forget
about it. Go between the pillars in the middle and jump to the first
pillar. Continue across by jumping/gliding from pillar to pillar till
you reach the other side. If you fall in you'll switch to spectral.
Just climb up the cliff and return to the real realm and try again.
Once you reach the other side you'll come to the actual castle of

Melchia's Castle-Enter the door and go to the other side and enter the
wooden door that is there. Go down and keep going till you see a pillar
and a corpse in the room your in. Now select the spell to go back to
the spectral realm and you'll notice that it changes. This is a key to
beating most of the levels in the game. When your stuck someplace
always try to switch to spectral to see what happens. This also
introduces the vampire spirits. Just kill these guys and everything
will be fine. Jump up the pillars that came out when you switched and
onto the ledge. Switch back to the real realm via the blue circle and
jump/glide to the platform to the left. Now push the block against the
opposite wall then hold L1 and press SQUARE to flip it up to the next
ledge. Then push it into the open slot in the wall to open the gate.
Jump directly up to the raftor and then jump to the right where a
platform is. The platform will lower and the other one will raise. Now
you will need to find the block that is in the wall. By using the flip
trick you must push the block over to the opposite side into the other
slot. When this is done the other gate will raise. Now switch to
spectral and climb your way up to the raftor again. Now still in
spectral jump to the left platform that had been raised and then to the
next raftor. Then jump down to the blue circle. Switch back to the
real realm then find the two blocks on the left that are on top of each
other. To seperate them push them over to one of the ledges in the
corners. Jump on the ledge then push the top on off. Now that they are
seperated you can push them into each hole. But first look at the
picture in the holes. You must keep flipping the blocks until that
picture is on the outside of the hole. When you determine that push it
in. If the picture is still showing and you hear a clicking noise you
know you did it right. Have both of the blocks in the holes and the
gate will open. Go up and through the two wooden doors to the outside
again! Push the block that is on the right off the cliff. Now jump
down and flip this block onto the other. Now on the right is a ledge
above that you couldn't reach before. Push these two blocks over to
climb up on them to reach the ledge. Head through the passage to come
to a little lake. Follow the path around the lake to a door. Open the
door and head inside. Head all the way up to the machinery room.

Melchia's Machine-Go to the opposite end to a switch. Hit it to ride
the elevator down. Head to the left and kill the human guarding the
path upwards. Continue on up to a door. Open it and you'll find
yourself in a huge room. Head to the left where a switch is. Hit it to
move a drill closer. Now on the opposite side there is a crank which
you will need to turn to start the drills. Go back to the main large
room via the elevator. When there pull the lever to lower the room to
what was the room below. Go down to the square and look around for the
hole the leads downward more. Once in the large room jump up to the
blocks with a flame. You want to push the blocks to burn supports above
so that the floor comes down again. You'll see it catch on fire. Once
you've done that to all four you'll see the floor come down. Now you'll
see a track that leads to the corners of the block. Simply push each of
the blocks with flames into the corners and watch the scene. You'll
hear a click when you've done it right. Now the floor will drop a final
time to open the path to Melchia.

Prepare Yourself-Here comes the first boss, there are some things you
should know before you just rush in. First of all this guy is easy if
you just keep moving from him. I've never been hit by him and nothing
else can hurt you in this room so your pretty much safe. Make sure you
also know the strategy to kill the bosses before you go in so I would
read all of the mini-section below. In the end this boss is just
annoying if you can't get him trapped in the center cage long enough.
He is one of the easiest bosses though so if you have trouble with this
you'll hate Dumah.

Melchia-Go down the tunnel and you'll notice the spiked gates above.
Head into Melchia's thrown room and watch the scene. Melchia is a
shifter which means he can shift through the gates and into that cage in
the center. Go to one of the gates and do a super jump to one of the
open ledges on either side. Now go to the lever and position the camara
so you can see the gate. Now hold SQUARE to lift the gate and when
Melchia get's in the middle of the gate let go and it will crush him.
Do this with the other gate and then get on the other side of the cage.
Melchia will shift through to the cage then you must quickly operate the
crank at Melchia's thrown to kill him. Yuk!

Aftermath-With Melchia's soul you can now shift through gates like he
did. However this only works in the spectral realm:( But now you can
head to the Pillars of Nosgoth that were blocked and to the Soul Reaver!

d-the Soul Reaver
Remember where we first started the Melchia quest at that castle you
couldn't enter, well you can now and we're going back there to face Kain
and obtain the Soul Reaver. If you don't remember how to get back I'll
explain an easy route to go back. Go back to Gateway 2 and go up the
stairs and out the door. Go down to the left and all the way down to
the wooden door. Follow the path(watch out for the vampire) and back
out to the Lake of the Dead and jump across. Go down to the right and
keep going till you come to the entrance to the Pillars of Nosgoth.
Switch to spectral mode and run against the gate to the right. If you
start to see green magic around you then you will start to push through
the gate. Pretty cool huh? Here you will come to the first of 10 pieces
of life. Yes there are 10, 5 in the real realm and 5 in the spectral.
Contine now down and go left at the interesection to a bridge. Don't
bother using the blue portal and go across. Now use this blue portal
and a scene will happen. Kill the two idiots on the bridge and the door
will open. Go through the passage and go left or right, both are the
same. Switch to spectral and go through the gates to the other side.
Use the blue portal and open the door behind you to face Kain.

Prepare yourself-Unlike other games when you "die"(switch to spectral)
your hits still count. Kain takes 3 hits but it is almost impossible to
hit him all 3 times without dieing. So if you hit him once the first
and twice the second he will die:) This is VERY similar to the last
time you face him so if you can do this you'll have no trouble with him
at the end.

Kain-Kain teleports to different spots around the room and you must go
to Kain and hit him before he charges up the Soul Reaver and hits you
with it. If he does you will go into spectral and you must use the blue
portal there to go back. If you never reach him try to jump while your
running.(don't glide!) That will save some time and you'll hit him. 3
times and you will beat Kain(rather Kain will beat you) and you will
recieve the ultimate of ultimate weapons-the Soul Reaver!

Aftermath-Now you will watch a LONG scene and meet Ariel. Equiped with
the Soul Reaver you can now majorly kick some @$$ when your at full
health. And no more worrying about that stupid auto life draining if
you don't consume souls because the Soul Reaver will sustain you. You
can now open the special doors that show the Soul Reaver and move onto

Go back to the spectral realm where you first started and head towards
the spot with the columns and the blue portal to switch back which is
several rooms to the left of the teleporter. There should be a closed
gate there. With your newly found skill push through it to the other
side. Follow the path up to the Silenced Cathedral which is one of the
longest stages(in fact I think it is the longest)in the game. Head over
to the right to find the blue portal to switch back. Do so now and head
back to a path to the left and follow the path down. Jump up the ledges
and kill the vampire hunters then go through the triangle passage to a
blue door. Open it and jump on the teleporter to activate Gateway 5.
Go back now and head across the drawbridge you passed to the door that
shows a picture of the Soul Reaver. Just go ahead of this and slash at
it with the Soul Reaver and it will open. Switch to spectral and go
through the gate and head to the right where a blue portal is waiting.
Switch back and jump over the water to the other side to confront your
first insect zombie. These guys are by far the most annoying because
they tend to come in groups of 2-6. Best advice is to run from them.
With that in mind continue along the path, jump up, and go all the way
down until you come to two wooden doors. Open them and it will show a
scene of the village and where you are supposed to go.

Village Hopping-Head directly to the right and climb up all the ledges
to the first roof of a house. Now turn around to see another house
ahead and a little lower. Jump to it and look directly ahead again to
see a bunch of ledges. Jump over to them and climb up to the top of
them. Now jump over to teh cliff side and go up the cliff to the left.
Here is a nice spear to pick up if you don't have the Soul Reaver for
whatever reason. Now look over to the left for the house with the
spikes and the ledge sticking out of it. You want to jump over to that
ledge and climb up to the roof. Or if you can't make it jump to the
house below you and then to the ledge. Once on the house roof look to
the right to the ramp that the scene showed. Jump over to it and
continue along the path. When you come to the edge you'll see a vampire
rapping up a human in a cuccoon! Jump down and kill the vampire then
jump up to the left. Go to two very large doors to come to the Organ
Pipe Room.

Silenced Cathedral-Switch to spectral to see a cool scene with the pipes
twisting around. Now you can climb up the organ pipes to the top. Go
to the last pipe on the left and jump on it and continue along the pipes
to the top. Don't rush your way up because you can fall easily. Once
up there use the blue portal to switch back. Now jump up to the next
grated floor and then jump over to the next. Contine further and again
jump over to a wooden door. We'll go in this door later but for now
continue along the path and flip the switch. Now go over to the thing
that just came down and jump on it to make it click. Now contine along
this path to an alcove with a wooden door. Open this one and go down
the path to a gate. Switch to spectral and go through the gate. Go to
the right and switch to material. Now you will come to a puzzle. First
kill all the idiots that are here. Now you'll see one alcove that is
above the rest and the block to it right next to it. This will be the
first block you put in. To do this get 2 other blocks and put them in a
line leading to the alcove above. Now get the block you want to put in
the alcove and flip it onto the line of blocks. Now the tricky part is
to flip it on so it will show the picture right side up. Fool around
with it and when you get the block on just push it into the alcove.
Once this is done just push the other blocks to solve the puzzle. Now
you'll see a block come out in a room you've never seen before. That is
the room pass the wooden door that I told you to not go into. Just exit
this room and go to the right to the wooden door. Open it and follow
the path down to a large room with the switch. Throw the switch and it
will bring another one of those wooden platforms down. Go back and exit
out the door and jump on this platform as well to lower it. Now you
will see a fan start. Jump out onto the middle of the room and glide.
You will be lifted by the fan! It will tell you to use R1 to glide down
but you want to go up so just continue to glide up. You will
automatically jump into a little alcove. Now jump to the right and
follow the path. You'll find a room with some pillars. You are now
entering a larger puzzle in this level. Remember this is the longest
dungeon in the game.

Bell Puzzle-Go to the right to a wooden door set in some glass. Open it
and go in the door on the first left. Here will be some humans! These
are much easier to kill and take about 2 hits. Now continue to a large
red gate. Switch to spectral and go through it. Here will be a
different type of puzzle, go to the other end and switch back with the
blue portal in the alcove. Now kill the two spider vampires here and
push the column of blocks over to the alcove. Push the middle block off
then push the last two blocks off. This puzzle is randomized but you
have to look in the little alcoves around the room with the holes. Now
you have to line up a block by flipping it and pushing it in so all the
holes get channeled through the tubes in the block. Once you've done
this you'll hear a click. When you finish with all the blocks you'll
see a glass break from 1 of 4 levers. Now switch back to spectral and
go through the gate. Go back outside and go up the ramp to the next
door on the left. Kill the humans along the way and switch to spectral
to go through the gate. Now switch back and do another puzzle just
like the previous one only much harder. When you finish that you'll see
another glass case break. Switch to spectral, go through the gate,
switch back, and go through the door. Now go back to the ramp where a
bell is. Time this right and hit the bell and then turn around and
glide over to the other ramp and then hit that bell before the other's
tune stops and watch the window break. Now go back where the window
was and to the right where there is a lever. Pull it to open a wall and
then switch to spectral so it stays. The wall stays because time
freezes in the spectral realm. Go down to the ramp where the bell was
and to the right and go to the newly open room that the wall was
blocking. Go to the left and up to the blue portal so you can switch
back. Open the door and then superjump over to the other door. Go down
the hall killing the humans and go through the door.

Glass Puzzle-Kill the two spider vampires and go to the left down the
hall. Switch to spectral and go through the gate then switch back at the
blue portal. Align all the blocks so the pictures fit and more blocks
will come down so you can finish this small puzzle. Once your done the
glass will break so you can get the item inside. Switch to spectral to
get through the gate and collect the item on the way out. Use the blue
portal to switch back and go through the door. Go back to the place
where the wall had opened up and go right to a new room. Go up the
pipes to a path. Follow the path and take a left and follow that to
where the 2 remaining glass puzzles are. Switch to spectral and go
through the gate on the left then switch back. Take a right and open
the lids. Find the right combination of open lids and the glass
covering on one of the switches will break. Now head back and continue
forward until you run into another one of these steam thingies. Again
find the right combination to break the final covering. With all of the
switches uncovered go back to the gate and switch back to spectral and
go through it. Head to the right until you find a blue portal to switch
back. Head back to the switches and turn each of them once to turn on
another large fan.

Zephon's Puzzle-Float up with the air and land on the golden pipes and
push the two pieces of green piping so they complete the two pipes. Now
go forward and follow the path till you see a scene which shows you what
to do. Dodge the spiders and jump on the platform to the left so you
can make sense of your surrondings. Now jump down and kill the spiders
then move the two switches to seperate the columns. Jump on the left
platform again then jump across to the larger platform. Jump on the
green pipe that has three holes. You'll be coming back here so remember
it and jump to the left platform and then to the path between the two
columns. Switch to spectral to go through the gate. Go down to the
blue portal and switch back where a bunch of spider vampires await you.
Kill them and go up to the large pipes and turn the switch to start one
stream of air in the large pipe you were on. Now climb the pipes behind
you and jump to the path on the right. Switch to spectral to go through
this gate and then switch back. Follow the pipe up to a new path which
leads to a large open room. Kill the two spiders and then pull the
block that will release some of the rubble. Now pull the block over to
the pipe which has a wheel to turn. Climb on top of the block and turn
it to make another stream of air on the green pipe. Now go to the left
on the high walkway so you can jump on the rubble and down this path.
When you reach this next room you'll see a scene on how to reach the
final wheel. Jump up on the green pipe on the right and follow the path
up to the section which you can push to complete the path. Continue up
the pipe to the final wheel and turn it to complete the stream. Now
head back through all the rooms back to the green pipe. Climb up to the
green pipe and now glide up the jet stream of air to the final path of
Zephon. Follow it and go right and open the door to activate the portal
to Zephon. Now go back and continue and open the door to your insect

Prepare Yourself-Zephon is a huge insect-like creature and is very easy
when it comes to evading his attacks. He has no long range attacks so
the only danger is when you get close to him. When you go up to hit him
I would make sure you have the Soul Reaver since it does much more
damage than just hitting him with your claws. Good luck!

Zephon-After his speech go up until one of his claws comes and strikes
at you. It will become stuch which is now your time to hit it and cut
it off. Now grab one of the eggs that comes out and bring it to the
flame. It will come on fire and now bring it back and smash it into
Zephon. Do this 3 times and he will die. Once all of his claws are
destroyed you can hit his body for more eggs if you need them. To throw
a burning egg into him just press TRIANGLE when you are lined up with
his body so it goes right into him. Congrats on beating this foe and
enjoy the new climbing ability.

Aftermath-The climbing ability does not work in the spectral realm like
Melchia's ability does. Some of the walls look different than the
others and have lots of cracks in them. These are climable walls that
you can now climb by just jumping on them and you'll stick. To jump off
just press X.

With this neat new ability go back to the teleporter and teleport to the
Gateway 1-Lake of the Dead. From here switch back to the material realm
and go exit the door. Take a right and follow the path to the Pillars
of Nosgoth. Switch to spectral and go through the gate into the castle.
Continue to go through gates until you reach the center where Kain's
throne is and the pillars. Switch back to material by using the blue
portal outside and then go and look to the right where a climable wall
is. Go and stick to it and climb up. Now look over and notice the
pathway. Go in and follow it out to a huge gate and big open clearing.
Go right down the path killing whatever you want along the way. Keep
following this until you reach the tomb of the Serafan.

Tomb of the Serafan-Before entering go to the left and climb up the
cliff and follow the path to a teleporter. Activate it to open up
Gateway 8. Now goback and up to the entrance and switch to spectral to
get through the gate. Go forward after the Elder speaks and switch back
using the blue portal. Follow the path to the door and open it and
continue down. Pull out the center block and watch a scene which is a
huge chunk of the story.(and which I won't mention either for those of
you reading ahead) And in case your wondering who Turel is he is a
brother who WAS going to be in the game but for some reason they cut him
out. The game still has voice clips for when you fight Turel but you
never do for some reason????? Anyways, switch to spectral and you'll
fall down a newly opened hole. Go through the gate ahead and then jump
to the left to the blue portal and switch.

Morlock-Yes, you are actually fighting the boss now. Not only is this
early in the quest but he is by far the dumbest of the brothers. You'll
fight other creatures EXACTLY like him all throughout the game from now
on, that is how easy he is. Now he'll throw force projectiles at you
and hit you down. You'll notice there is water below so don't fall!
Just keep wacking him with your Soul Reaver and use TRIANGLE to blow him
up, he should be ashamed to be called a boss.

Aftermath-This is a dull but very useful ability in the game. You can
now charge up a force projectile to break things. To do this just hold
TRIANGLE and one will appear. You can also aim this by holding L2 and
R2 and moving the camara around. Then hold TRIANGLE and just release
TRIANGLE to fire while still holding L2 and R2.

Under the Tomb-Now after you kill him go to the block that you pushed
with you force projectile and push it again. Now go through the newly
opened path and go down in the water to switch to spectral. Now follow
the path down and then up. Go pass the first blue portal and up
further. Kill the monsters and then go the block with the blue portal.
Switch back here and continue across. Climb up the wall and then turn
around to see large columns you must jump across. Jump to the one on
the left and then look at the one further across with the block on top
of it. Hit it off with your force projectile and you can now jump to
the other side. Go up the steps and open the door. Follow the path to
the right and switch to spectral to get through the gate. Now go to the
blue portal and jump as soon as you reappear so these nasty Morlock
duplicates don't kill you. After you kill them hit the block in the
cage over to the wall using your force projectile. Then switch to
spectral to go through the cage and stand on the block. Do a super jump
by holding L1 and jump up to the path. Continue down the path and take
a left to the blue portal to switch back. Continue ahead and go left to
the entrance to a large boat.

Water Sucks-An appropriate title since this entire section will be
anoying because of the water all around. If you do fall in you can
follow the path back to the gate you can go through to the blue portal
and try again. Just jump/glide over to the boat or superjump/glide
over. Now get up on the highest part of the ship and then switch to
spectral to watch the ship warp. Now go over to the cliff and folow the
path to the blue portal. Now take a right and open the door and
activate the portal to Gateway 9. Now go back out and contine ahead to
a door with a blue center. Hit the center with a force projectile to
open it and hear about the Drowned Abbey.

Drowned Abbey-Look over to the right and glide over to the first
pedestal. You will amost definetly fall somewhere around here but just
go back up to the cliff and change back at the blue portal and try
again. Now superjump/glide over to the next pedestal and then do the
same for the last which is the hardest to reach. Then jump over to the
ledge on the building and then go around and jump on the other building.
Go forward to the end and get on the broken pillar and watch out for the
snake-like vampire that will spit some nasty stuff at you. Try to jump
across and kill the vampire before he hits you. Then go forward and
open the wooden door. Follow the path killing anything you want along
the way till you come to a 4 way path with a giant screw in the middle.
Go forward from here and open the door. Go down the path and open the
next door to a hall and a large room. Here jump to the left pillar then
turn right and jump to the next. Then jump to the next right pillar and
to the last pillar ahead and to the other side. If you fall in just go
back and try again. Continue down the green hallway and open the metal
door to the next area. You most likely have noticed by now that these
vampires take a lot of your life and have some nasty attack so it is
best to avoid these guys. With that said watch out for the next two
vampires and go down the path and into the water to switch to spectral.
Go down and into a HUGE room and go right. Right next to the fake door
at the end do a super jump onto the ledge. Then do another superjump up
to a blue portal. Switch back and climb on the wall before a serpent
vampire jumps up and hits you. Climb up and go left to climb up on the
ledge. Look out to see a bunch of wooden beams. Jump from one to the
other and then at the last one go to the path on the left. If you fall
in just keep trying until you get to the path. Follow it and use a
force projectile to break the glass. DO NOT fall in here because you
will have to go all the way back to the large room with the beams and do
it all over again. Keep jumping to the pedestals to the right to a
larger ledge. From there jump to the roof of the large building. Go
around to the other side until you see a tower with a golden roof. Jump
in it through one of the windows and then grab the chain to ring the
bell wiich will open the door down the stairs. Go down the stairs and
enter the water and then down to a little room. From here jump to the
smallest pillar and then jump your way around till you reach the pillar
at the top with the blue portal. READ AHEAD before you change back.

Prepare Yourself-Be sure that you can aim with your force projectile and
do it fast! Everything relies on speed and practice jumping to the
pillars because you usually have to do that and if you fall down it is a
big pain to get back up again. Good luck!

Rahab-When you switch back Rahab will appear and start throwing that
stuff again that will knock you into the water. See all the stained
glass windows, well you have to hit those with your force projectile.
For all you people who e-mail me that don't read instructions you have
to hold R2 and L2 to aim and then JUST let go of TRIANGLE to shoot. You
have to do this quickly and will most likely be hit after you do it.
Just keep hitting the windows until all are destroyed and Rahab will
die. Now you will get the most useful skill in the game,(in my
oppinion) the ability to swim! No more dying by water. Congrats on
beating this boss.

Aftermath-To swim with this great ability just jump in the water and
start pressing X. You can hold X to swim but at a slower speed than if
you were just pressing X. Practice moving in the water and practice the
superjump which lets you shoot out of the water onto high platforms.
Just hold L1 and let go of it as you press X and you will shoot a great
distance in the water.

Head back to any teleporter and goto Gateway 1-Lake of the Dead and
switch back at the blue portal. Go down the path and out of the door
with the blue sun and then head towards the left path. Walk across the
bridge ahead and jump/glide across the gap to the other side of the Lake
of the Dead. Continue ahead and jump down in the water where the bridge
is broken. Now do a super jump out of the water by pressing L1 and X
while aimed to the surface and you will grab hold of the ledge and climb
up. Go down the path and jump into the pool of water. Go to the other
end and jump out and then continue down the tunnel.

Dumah's Castle-You'll notice as you come out castle walls and torches
all around. Take a right when you see the pillar with the climable
surface and follow this path to the blue door. Jump on the
teleportation to activate Gatway 11-Dumah's Castle. Now head back out
the door and out to the castle again. Go forward and climb the pillar
ahead to the top and then glide over to the next pillar and jump down to
the entrance of Dumah's fortress. Open the double doors and watch the
scene. After that switch to spectral and then go through the gate.
Continue down ignoring the side path for now. Go through this gate and
the around the other side of the gated room to a blue portal and switch
back. Go up to the gate and keep hitting the block with your blue
fireball until it is against the wall. Now switch back to spectral and
go through the gate. Go up to the block and jump on top of it then
superjump up to a higher level. Go forward to the blue portal to switch
back to the material plane. Drop down the hole now and you'll find
yourself at the path to the castle. Go ahead and take a left down the
side path I told you to ignore earlier and find the differnt colored
block that is in the corner. Pull it 2 or 3 times and then jump on it
and then superjump up to a ledge. Jump/glide over to the path on the
opposite side and follow the tunnel down. Watch the scene and save your
game before you do this puzzle.

Dumah's Puzzle-This is the main annoying puzzle and if you screw up on
this one than you MUST restart because the blocks won't return to their
original positions. So don't save again till you have this puzzle done.
Now with that said jump on the center platform and go to the right
alcove and use the crank to lower the water. Now go the right part and
notice the two blocks in the corners. Stack the two blocks on top of
each other and then move them to the wall of the middle platform. w go
back to the other pit with 4 blocks. You will want to allign them like
this so they look like steps-
|block| |wall
RAZIEL |block| |block| |

So you can now flip the top block onto the middle platform and then
across to the two blocks to make a row of 3. Now pull the base of the 3
blocks over to the high platform and then go back to the other pit and
put the last block in the stair formation and push it over to the middle
platform. Now push it over so it looks like this-
|block| |
|block| |wall
RAZIEL |block| |block| |

Now jump on the first block and then on top of the 3 blocks and then
super jump up to the alcove and outta that annoying puzzle.

The Furnace-Go down the path and then glide down to a large room and
then go up one of the paths where the wheel is and turn it to make green
gas come out. Now go to the other side and flip the lever to make a
huge explosion. This is how you will kill Dumah and the explosion also
opened up a door directly behind you. Follow this out to a ledge with a
block, push the block off of the ledge and down to the caged area. Now
pile this block on top of the other one and move it over to the opposite
ledge and then jump on top and superjump up to this new path. Follow
this down to a large drawbridge.

The Drawbridge-Jump over to the right or left alcove and then switch to
spectral. You'll notice that the walls rise up so you can now jump over
to the middle path. From here jump to the left or right higher
platforms. Now jump over to the platform with the lever and you'll
notice you can't reach it but go to the platform right below it. Now
superjump up to the platform with the lever and then jump/glide over to
the opposite platform with the blue portal. Switch back and now jump
back and pull the lever to lower the drawbridge.

Finding Dumah-Go down the newly opened path from the drawbridge and
follow it and go right to a block and a gate. Pull the block out of the
wall and push it over to the beam of light. Jump on it and superjump up
to a higher level. Go to the smallest pillar and jump on it and then
switch to spectral to make the pillar higher. Jump over to the pillar
with the blue portal and switch back to the material plane. Jump to the
now level pillar and again switch to spectral to reach the final pillar
with the blue portal. Switch back and then go down the slope and jump
into the gate with the pillar. If you miss then you have to do that
pillar thing all over again so don't miss. Once inside look for the
gate that is blocking another path. Push the pillar over to the side of
the wall. This will break the gate and open the path to Dumah. Follow
it and open the door to his throne room.

Prepare Yourself-Before you go up to Dumah you should know that it is
IMPOSSIBLE to kill him with your Soul Reaver or hands or any other
weapon. He is the strongest of the vampires so there is only one way to
kill him-burn him. This means you have to lead him all the way back to
the furnace which(needless to say) is a long way. And you can't just
run and he will follow, you have to keep him on your screen and run a
little, let him catch up, run a little, let him catch up, etc till you
lead him to the furnace. I would go back and see the path to lead him
to the furnace and then go back and pull the spears from his chest to
fight Dumah.

Dumah-Start running and put the camara angle so you see Dumah running
after you. After awhile he will do a ground shaker that you must jump
before he does it or you get a little paralyzed and gives him time to
hurt you. If Dumah stops chasing you just hit him and then start
running again. Just keep running till your back with the huge pillar
and go down the tunnel and out to the drawbridge. From here go around
the cage to the left path that leads to the furnace. Here turn on the
gas then keep Dumah close to the center and pull the lever to the fire
and KABOOM! Congrats on beating Dumah and now onto Kain!

Aftermath-Dumah's skill is the trickiest to use, you have to make a
circle around an object such as an enemy and you'll see a trail of blue
magic follow you. Make a full circle with this and the enemy will get
hurt or you can turn some objects such as that sundial in the snow
region! This constricting skill is completely useless for fighting and
you just use it for some puzzles.

From Gateway 11 go out to the snow wastelands and go right down a small
path between two pillars. Continue following this path ignoring the
vampires or killing them if you want until you reach a large clearing
with a huge sundial. Look on the sundial and look at the bronze symbol.
You want the sundial to point to that and the only way to do that is by
moving it with Dumah's constricting ability. So go left or right in a
circle around the small part of the sundial(not the whole thing) and it
will start to move. Just keep moving it until it clicks and the doors
to Kain open up. Go through the large doors and down the path to a
cave. Continue forward and open the metal door to the next area. Go
right up a hill and find the blue door. Open it and go on the
teleporter to activate Gateway 12-Kain's Entrance.

Oracle Caves-Leave the teleporter room and go back down and right to
find a Morlock monster. There are a lot of these in the Oracle Caves
and they act JUST like Morlock so be careful around them. You can kill
the monster if you want but just look at a crack in the wall to the
left. Now switch to spectral and watch the crack widen so you can now
go through it. Go ahead and switch back to the material plane at the
blue portal. Run around the pole to constrict it to open up the left
door. Follow this path and switch to spectral at the gate to go through
it. Once you're then switch back at the blue portal. You'll notice a
bunch of symols here. Go pass these and into the center room with a
huge door. Continue forward to two more symbols with blocks in them.
Pull the block out of the hole with the green symbol above it and then
push it down to the center room. You'll notice that doors close when
you push and pull blocks in the holes. With the block in the center
room take the block out from the red symbol across from the green one
and put that block in the green hole to open the door back up. Now that
door is open but yours is closed. So go to the gate and switch to
spectral to go through it. Go to the left path again and go through
this gate then switch back to the material plane at the blue portal.
Now go to the center room and push the block up to the ledge you were on
with the 3 holes. Push the block into the hole with the black symbol
above it now. Now switch to spectral and go back to the other side by
going through the gates and switch back at the blue portal. Take the
block that is in the hole under the green symbol and put this one in the
black symbol to open the main door. All the doors are now open so you
can proceed through the large doors. Pretty easy puzzle, eh?:p

Mobieus' Room-Mobieus is of course the Time Streamer and was in the
first game. Kain killed him later because he started saying stuff like
"I see your future, it it you die!" but his caves have still stood here.
Anyways, go up the path and take a right between the columns and kill
the bad guy here. Ignore the pole here and continue up the path and
change to spectral to go through the gate. Go up to a gap between the
bridge. Jump/glide over it and look to the right at the ledge. Jump
over to the ledge and change back to the material realm at the blue
portal. Jump back on the bridge and go up the path to another puzzle.
This is easy, just pull the two blocks so they are over the holes then
jump back across the gap and look at the blocks. There is obviously no
way to push them, or is there? Use your force projectile and aim it at
the blocks to push them in the holes. Remember the symbol has to be
showing or the blocks won't work. When both are pushed in the huge door
will open. Go through and kill the Morlock creature. Go forward and
notice the four pillars and the symbol in the middle. Contrict each
pole so the gold part is facing the symbol. When all 4 are facing the
symbol you will see that door in the very beginning of the Oracle Caves
open. So now backtrack all the way there and remember to change to
spectral to open up the crack in the wall. Once your there switch to
material and go through to Mobieus' Room with a cauldren bubbling.

Clock and Light Puzzle-Contrict the bubbling cauldren(just the cauldren,
not the entire thing) and notice the wall moving. Turn around and go
down this secret passage. Go all the way down into a large room with a
huge clock. If you look at the levers you'll notice one controls the
hour while the other controls the minute. Keep pulling the levers till
one is on the top and the other ison the bottom to make a straight line
of light so it looks like it is in the 12:30 position. This will open
up the passage below so jump down to it. You'll see a bunch of symbols
now and different colors projecting light. The object of this puzzle is
to mix the colors so 3 beams of light are shown. The colors of the
beams that need to be showns are what the color of the symbol is. So
look at the one that is showing a white beam. The symbol in the back is
purple so keep fooling around till the light makes a purple beam instead
of a white one. To do this make the two switches change to be blue and
red. Do this by using Dumah's constricting ability. When this is done
it will project a purple beam of light onto the symbol and will flash.
Now go to the center and move the mirror over to the next symbol. To
fix the red symbol just make the light switch to red, easy enough. And
for the last one switch that one to blue. Once they have all been
switched the door will open up. Follow the new path down all the way to
two wooden doors. Open the doors to find yourself in a huge room with
lots of color barrels. This is how you move the clock to open the
doors. Just contrict one of the barrels and notice the clock move and
the doors open a little. You actually don't need to see what to do,
just do trial and error to see which ones open the path open up more.
Start with the red one until you see that circular block have a gap at
the bottom. Then do the blue then the yellow until the path opens up
between the blocks. Now go through the path once it opens up and your
done with those annoying clock puzzles.

Final Puzzle-Keep running down the path and jump up on the ledge and run
off into a large room with two wheel cogs. Kill the monster in here and
then go over to the cog that is blocked by three blocks. Push the first
two then pull the last one out to start the cogs up. Jump up on the
left cog's top and then jump over to the raised platform. Jump over to
the ledge now and follow it to the moving platform. Jump on it when it
comes close to you and then jump up to the entrance above when it passes
by. Glide down the hole and then follow this tunnel down. A monster
will spring out and after you kill it notice a gate and a block on a
platform. Hit the block off with your force projectile and continue
down till you see another gate with a block on a ledge. Push this one
off with your force projectile and go down to the main room and kill the
Morlock creature. Now you'll notice blocks with pictures on them that
look like the design on the floor. With all 4 blocks that you have you
can recreate that image. You will have to do some flipping to get the
picture right though. Once the puzzle is complete go through the door
and fall down the hole. Go towards a room with three smaller rooms. Go
to the left and notice a block with a symbol and 3 other symbols next to
it. Go back to the large wooden door that you saw on your way in and
look at the three symbols. Write them down somewhere and then go back
and align all three symbols in each room so they look like the three on
the wall. Once all are aligned a swinging platform will start. Jump on
that platform and then jump up to the ledge with a switch and push it.
Do that in all 3 rooms and the large wooden door will open up to Kain.

Prepare Yourself-Go through the new path and keep going down watching
all the scenes. Kain is beyond all these. If you had trouble beating
Kain the first time you will definetly have trouble facing him this
time. He does the exact same thing so be careful. (By the way, that
one scene where you kill Ariel and get a yellow Soul Reaver seems to not
be in the game. I have not goten that anywhere in the game and can't
seem to kill Ariel. If you know how to please e-mail me.) Once you
watch all the scenes go down this new tunnel and go left and open the
blue door. Go on the teleporter to activate Gateway 13-Final Battle.
Exit and continue down the path and open the doors.

Kain!-Kain will charge up his magic and then hit you with electricity
that will almost kill you. In the center of the room is a healing thing
so just keep standing on that. After he hits you with electricity he
will teleport. You must hit him with the Soul Reaver before he hits you
with electricity so go after him right when he teleports. After you hit
him once he will start to powerup the machine and go to the higher
level. I would just watch one part and keep getting hit by electricity
until he teleported to that part then superjump up and hit him. After
you hit him the second time he will start to operate the machine and now
will only transport to the highest ledge. Do the same thing and just
watch one part till he teleports then rush up the first ledge and then
the second and you'll just hit him in time. Once you hit him the third
and final time you'll see the ending. I hope you enjoy it and NO, there
isn't an alternate ending. You just have to wait for a sequal to come
out:( Congrats on beating the game!

10-Glyph Walkthroughs
NOTE-you should not do these until you beat Dumah to insure you have all
the skills needed to finisht them.

Stone Glyph
Goto Gateway 3 and switch back at the blue portal. Go down the path and
out of the blue door to your side. Jump in the lake and switch to
spectral. Go to the left side and follow a tunnel up. Kill the two
monsters then jump up on the platform and up again. Change back at the
blue portal and then climb the wall just ahead. Follow this tunnel up
to Nupraptor's castle.(or what is left of it) Continue forward and
climb up the skull's left eye to find a tunnel. Follow this tunnel and
kill the monsters on the way till you find another climable wall. Stick
to it and climb it up and then climb on the next one to the right. Here
you'll see a wooden platform above you. Jump on it and then jump on the
ledge to the left. Switch to spectral to see the wooden beams twist.
Press L2 and R2 and look up to see the end of one. Jump up on it and
follow it to a ledge. Now go to the next beam on the right and follow
that one to a blue portal on the ledge below. Drop down and switch back
to the material realm. Press L2 and R2 again and look up at the beam.
Jump on it and then look up to see another beam directly above.
Superjump onto that one and follow that to a pillar with stairs. Go up
the stairs and then jump across the bridge to another ledge. Go to the
right and jump up to another path. Follow the tunnel to the right that
will lead out to the base of the skull and a gap. Look over to the left
to see a torch and a path. Now jump/glide all the way down to it. If
you miss it then you'll have to go all the way back through the skull so
don't miss. Follow this ledge to another cave that you have to follow.
Your now in the Stone Glyph puzzle.

Stone Glyph Puzzle-Before you even enter the room with the statue look
up before the entrance and notice two ledges. Jump to the right one and
you'll find a block. This is the whole trick to the puzzle since it
doesn't give you enough blocks to finish it. Push this one off the
ledge and then drag it to the hole that goes with the picture on the
right side of the room. Now go to the right corner and notice another
block. Drag and flip this one so it goes with the picture on the left
side of the room. Now that the bottom of this floor is done jump up to
the ledge of this room. Go in the back room to notice 2 blocks on the
floor and one in a corner ledge. Use the two blocks to get the one down
from the corner. Put all 3 blocks in their holes that match(you'll know
they match by hearing a clicking sound) and you'll notice your still
missing one. Go to the back room and jump on a higher ledge in the
middle and push the last block down. Finally when all the pictures
match you'll hear a scene and watch the statue smash the block in front
of him. Go down and get the Stone Glyph to obtain it's power. Exit
back to the ledge high above the ground and jump/glide over to the
opposited side where there is part of the castle and a blue door. Enter
the blue door and jump on the teleporter to activate Gateway 7-
Nupraptor's Castle.

Sound Glyph
Go through Gateway 5, change back at the blue portal, and exit through
the blue door. Exit from the passage and jump over the two vampire
hunters and lide down to the bottom. Head outside and then go up to the
gate of Zephon's Cathedral. Change to spectral and go through the gate
then go right to switch back at the blue portal. You can refer back to
the Zephon section of the guide if you want but get passed the village
into the first large room with all the pipes and the air shooting up.
Once there jump in the center pit with the air shooting up but do NOT
glide up. Instead fall down and look for a triangular tunnel and follow
that down to an insect vampire to kill and a glass window. Aim using L2
and R2 and hit the window with your force projectile and then climb up
the wall to the new path. Follow this greenish path to a gate which you
can pass by switching to spectral and using Melchia's ability. Pass the
large pillars and go to the blue portal to change back. Now go forward
to the golden stick looking thing and pick it up. Go back to the gate
and notice the climable walls. Climb them up to a ledge with a purple

Sound Glyph Puzzle-Notice that one of the pillars has a platform on top
but you can't reach it. Now look that there are two alcoves next to the
pillar. Go to the farthest end of the ledge you are on and then aim and
throw the drum thingy in one of the alcoves. Make sure it gets in there
and if it does then switch to spectral. If it doesn't then "try, try
again". Once you got that and your in spectral you can now jump to the
nearest pillar and then change back at the blue portal. Jump into
whichever alcove you threw the stick into and then throw it into the
square that is diagnal from you. If you miss you have to start all over
again:( Anyways, when you get it in jump on the pillar then jump to the
next and repeat the throwing the stick into the diagnal alcove until you
are on the 3rd platform. Before you get the stick hit the window with
your force projectile then get the stick and throw it in there. Now
change to spectral and jump into the path that the window was blocking
and change at the blue portal. Grab the drum and go up and hit the huge
metal bell that will release the Sound Glyph. Congrats!

Fire Glyph(and Fire Reaver)
Go through Gateway 9 which is Rahab's level. You can refer to the Rahab
part of this guide if you want but find your way back to the huge
underwater room that you had to jump from rafter to rafter and had a
checkerboard floor. Once there go around the tower to the front where a
stained glass window is set in it. Hit it with your force projectile to
break it and open up a new passageway. Swim down the tunnel when you
come out to a larger room and then go left down a small set of spiral
stairs. Here you can break another stained glass window and follow it
up to a bowl of fire at the end of a room. Wave your Soul Reaver in
front of the fire to now have access to the Fire Reaver. If you don't
have your Soul Reaver because you got hit there is a circle to replenish
your life in the lower left corner.

Fire Glyph-With your new Fire Reaver power go back underwater and swim
back up the small set of spiral stairs you went up to a larger room with
little floating balls. These are eggs that will hatch into those
reptile vampires. Go around the room until you see a path next to a
gate that is filled with sunlight. Go up it and keep following the set
of tunnels and large room still you get to one with a set of stairs at
the bottom and pillars on the walls. Go to the opposite end of the
stairs and in the right passageway and follow this strange looking
tunnel. You'll find yourself in a huge room, jump out and look for the
red fire glyph symbol. That is how you know you went to the right spot.
Go around and down a long path and through a wooden door at the end.
Here walk forward and watch the sequence that shows you what to do.
Switch to the spectral plane so you can now jump from pillar to pillar
all the way up. Jump from the highest pillar to the higher path and
change back at the blue portal. Go up to a fire and wave your Soul
Reaver in front of it to make the Soul Reaver. Now the next part is
crucial that you DO NOT get hit and lose the Fire Reaver's power. If
you do you have to go back and activate the Fire Reaver again at the
flame. Anyways, exit this room and go around the pool again and enter
the other wooden door. Kill these two vampires that are very hostile
and make sure you still have the Fire Reaver. Go up to the lever and
start to turn it to open the doors then switch to spectral so it doesn't
close. Go through it and switch back at the blue portal and jump down
to the room. Go forward to the fire god statue with a bowl in it's
hands. Wave the Fire Reaver in front of the bowl to start a sequence
(which I won't tell you for those of you reading ahead) and then run up
and get the Fire Glyph. Congrats, now lets see if you can leave this
maze of underwater passageways by yourself:p

Light Glyph
Go through Gateway 5 and exit through the blue door. Kill the two
vampire hunters and go down the cave entrance to the left and out to
Zephon's Cathedral. Jump in the moat and swim to the right side where a
gate is. Switch to spectral and go through the gate. Jump down and
switch back at the portal then swim down the tunnel. You'll come out
into a large cave where you can now go up a higher tunnel. Follow this
tunnel out to a huge cave where a sequence shows a lighthouse. Find a
passage to the right and follow it to a teleporter. Step on it to
activate Gateway 10 then go back. Shoot out of the water onto the ledge
next to the base of the lighthouse. Jump up to the sloped platform on
the lighthouse and then run around to the other side. Jump on the high
ledge here and then jump on the ledge with a fire and Morlock vampire on
it. Kill it and wave your Soul Reaver in front of the fire. If you
shoot a force projectile while having a Fire Reaver it will shoot a
fireball that will kill vampires if it hits them. Kinda like a sniper
rifle for vampires I guess:p Anyways, jump over to the ledge directly
to the right of you and then superjump up to a higher ledge. Go to the
left side of this ledge and superjump up to another ledge and the mouth
of a cave. Follow the tunnel up to another ledge and hit the Morlock
vampire with your fire projectile from your Fire Reaver. Look to the
left and see the top of the lighthouse with a vampire on it. Shoot it
down with your Fire Reaver and then glide over there. Go left and hit
another one with your Fire Reaver and continue down the tunnel. Go
through the wooden door at the end to come out to the other end of the

Light Glyph Puzzle-Go down the path like it told you and kill all the
vampires along the way with your fire projectiles:) After the first
vampire is a side path with a door. Enter it and follow the path to a
large room with a vampire and gear. Kill the vampire and then jump on
top of the gear. Jump on the vantalation and again on a higher one to
see a block at the end of it. Push the block off and then go back down
and look for a lever. Turn the lever which will make the gear start
moving. Push the block into the gear so it jams it and it can't move
anymore. Exit this room and look down at some platforms in the water
and a rock with green stuff on it. Jump/glide down to the rock and jump
in the lighthouse and kill the vampire in it. Open the door and go
through it and follow the path to a cylinder room. Watch the scene and
simply jump down to the bottom. Kill the vampire and follow the tunnel
to another scene. Switch to spectral to raise the fans up and allow you
to walk forward. Go to the end and switch back at the blue portal then
go through the wooden door ahead. Follow this long tunnel down to two
wooden doors and open them. Go to the right and fall down the pit.
Here are two incomplete pipes with some blocks with pipes in them. You
have to connect all the blocks so it forms one solid pipe. Once you do
so jump out of the pit and follow the side path to the left to the pipe
and a wheel. Turn the wheel to let the water flow which will turn the
wheel and start the fan going. Go to the far right of the room to see
air coming from the pipes. Now glide from one pipe to the next till you
reach the top. It is MUCH MUCH harder than it looks:p Once there jump
on the fan and then jump on the side walkway and follow it up to a new
tunnel. Open the wooden door ahead, follow the path to a large
machanical room. Fall down one of the holes to the side and go through
the fans and out to the cylinder room again. Follow the walkways back
up and out of the lighthouse. Now you'll see the lighthoue rotating and
sometimes hitting a prism. Go back up the ledge on the left and follow
it down to a door with two torches beside it. Follow the tunnel and up
the stairs to a symbol on the wall. When the sunlight hits the symbol
quickly change to spectral to see the Light Glyph appear. Congrats and
wasn't that a loooooong Glyph quest:p

Force Glyph
This is by far the easiest glyph to get but hard to describe where you
start. Go through Gateway 3 and down the path and out the blue door to
the lake. Jump in it and take the path to the right and switch to
spectral. Follow it around a pillar and go through the gate and up to
the blue portal. Switch back and look at the three pillars. Push them
all towards the center, watch the scene, and pick up the Force Glyph.
Can we say "EZ":p

Water Glyph
Go to Gateway 1 and head towards the Lake of the Dead. Jump over to the
last pillar like you were going to Dumah but instead jump to the left
cave entrance. Follow this to a underwater tunnel and follow that to a
huge structure of some kind. Shoot out of the water and kill the
vampire hunter. Go through the wooden door with the light flickering on
and off. Kill the pyro human and continue up the stairs. Pull out the
block and push it to the upper left corner and jump up to the path.
Jump on the ramp and hear that this is the Human Citadel, where all the
humans live and keep out the vampires. Too bad they didn't expect
flying(well, at least gliding) vampires to attack. Glide over to the
open window and watch another scene. Inside the human citadel it is
like shooting fish in a barrel, they can't run so you can kill anyone
you want. Navigate through the turns and humans to two wooden doors.
Go through them and dive into the water below the bridge. Hit the gate
with a force projectile then swim up the pipe. You'll end up in a huge
room, go through the new tunnel just to the left. Keep following the
network of pipes till you get to a platform with stairs. Jump out of
the water and follow the stairs up. Go through the right side door and
up the stairs and pull a block out of the wall. Push it in the stream
then push it in the large square room and in the center drain. Now go
back to the statue and receive your prize for penetrating the Human
Citadel. There are a ton more things to do in the Human Citadel
including getting one of the 5 emblems so I suggest you go back and
explore some more:)

11-Coming Up!
Well I'm done so I won't be updating unless it is to fix something, hope
you like the final product of my FAQ:)

12-Submissions from you!
This section is all info I've received from other people and is in no
way my work. I've given all the people credit at the buttom. For your
info, most of these are not tested out to make sure they work so if they
don't please e-mail me and I'll fix it.

Villages/Vampire Hunters - If you don't kill ANY of these (even the ones
not in the village, although 'sipping' human souls is allowed), theywill
kneel before you and worship you as a god. The hunters will even do this
instead of attacking you. I found this to be very cool, andquite the ego

Don't consume souls - only consume the random floating ones once
you'rein the spectral plane. If you 'final death' a vampire and release
it'ssoul, consuming the soul causes the body to disappear AND for
thevampire to return when you next visit the area. Since the game
requiresyou to revisit the areas, this can get annoying. A better tactic
is toleave the corpse where it is. By not consuming the souls, the
vampirewon't return and you'll have an easier time on your next visit to
thearea - the corpse will be there instead of an attacking vampire.

Flipping blocks - you can apparently flip blocks onto vampires to
killthem, but I haven't tried this.

The demo - In case anyone's played it, the Soul Reaver Demo from
TheOfficial US Playstation Magazine #13 (October 1998) is actually
thebeginning of the Sun Glyph quest, with some differences: you can
swim,but don't have the Soul Reaver, the consuming souls animation
isdifferent, and the enemies are weaker vampires

Hidden dialogue - using XaPlay (available at
XaPlay allows you to hear the *.xa files used in the game on your
PC.There are 29 Voice##.xa files in the Voices folder, and each one has
16one channel dialogue tracks ranging from 1 second to a minute in

13-Gameshark for Cheaters
I NEVER used gameshark codes for this game and to be perfectly honest I
don't think they are needed one bit. Since dying has NO penalty
whatsoever since the hits on bosses are still recorded even if you
switch to the spectral plane they really aren't needed. I can
understand to get all the glyphs if you don't want to take the time but
it really adds to the story and much more fun then some other stuff in
the game so I would take the time to get them. Anyways, if you argue
with everything I said I prepared for that so here are the gameshark


Infinite Health(Spirit Plane ONLY!)
800D5674 86A0
800D5676 0001

Infinite Health(Material Plane ONLY!)
800D5674 A120
800D5676 0007

Infinite Health(Both Planes)
D00D56B0 0002
800D5674 86A0
D00D56B0 0002
800D5676 0001
D00D56B0 0001
800D5674 A120
D00D56B0 0001
800D5676 0007

Always High Jump
800D55D8 0020

Have All Forged and Special Abilities
800D5680 FFBF

Have All Glyph Abilities
800D5682 03FF

All Five Emblem Pieces
800D492A 0005
800D492C 0005

Infinite Glyph Power
800D5688 0063
800D568A 0063

Max Stamina Level
800D5670 0004

Shift Almost Anywhere(read NOTE 1)
800A5A7E 2400
800B00C4 FFD0
800B00C6 1000

Hyper Mode
800D123E 0021

Skip Intro Movie(read NOTE 2)
800CDD88 0000
800D10E0 000A
800D1150 0000
800D1154 0000
800D1156 0000
800D2A78 0000

Have All Abilities(Including Shift Anywhere)

Have All Glyphs
800CFDC6 03FF

Have Kain Reaver
800CFDC2 0001

Have Purple Reaver
800CFDC2 0002

Have Spectral Reaver
800CFDC0 0400

Have Material Reaver
800CFDC0 0800

Have Ariel(yellow) Reaver
800CFDC0 1000

Have Fire Reaver
800CFDC0 8000

Moon Jump(read NOTE 3)
D00D1080 0080
801F418C 0090

Note 1-With this code, its almost anywhere, because if you shift
somewhere that doesnt exist in the other world, (i.e. wall, cavern,
etc.) then it will re-shift you back instantly.

Note 2-With this code, it must be saved as soon as you start a new
game.. turn off the code and reload the game save.

Note 3-With this code, if you jump & hit 'X' in mid-air, then you will
find yourself outside the level. It's really hard to find your way back

14-Copyright and Thankyou Stuff
I haven't included any of the other sections but this is still my work
so I must copyright it and so here is the copyright. But first I would
like to thank Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, and S.C.E.A. for making a great
game that I loved and still play.(mostly for the walkthrough though)

Special Thanks-These people are all from the other FAQ:)
-necronius@home.com and lord_sammael_666@yahoo.com and
Ryan266199@aol.com for pointing out a mistake somewhere in this FAQ
- jcpetersen@home.com for submitting all the stuff in the "submissions
from you!" section

This FAQ is mine and cannot be copied and sold for profit or promotional
purposes in any way. I do not want this published in books, magazines,
guides, etc without my permission. It can be printed(please 1 copy per
person) If you want to post this on a site please contact me first. I
would be more than happy to have it on another site but I would like to
know about it first. If you are going to use my FAQ as a premise for
yours please give credit to me because I did work hard on this. Thank
you for following these simple rules and give me credit where it is
Copyright 1999, Mordruk

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End of the game

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